Garderie de Bambins Co
Garderie de Bambins Co
REGIONAL COMMUNITY BULLETIN BULLETIN COMMUNAUTAIRE RÉGIONAL Box 328 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 November / novembre 2008 Community Business Profile: Garderie de Bambins Co-op Inc. Helene Lafantaisie, Director The Garderie de Bambins Co-op was started in 1977 to fill a need for daycare in the St. Malo area. A building was constructed exclusively for the daycare. Since then, two additions to that building have been needed to accommodate the growing number of children and staff members. The much-needed additions include a locker room entrance, staff room and office. Another addition to the building is currently being considered in order to meet the daycare needs of our growing community! The Garderie de Bambins Co-op is a licensed child care centre for children aged 12 weeks to 12 years. The centre is bilingual, offering service in both French and English. The daycare also offers its young charges interaction with other children in a safe and caring environment. The day is structured and children learn through play, music, a variety of crafts and interaction with other children at the centre and staff members. The Garderie serves two snacks and one meal to children each day, and follows healthy, nutritional guideline standards. All children are cared for by a fully qualified staff in age group settings. 54 days! Judith’s Books Can you believe it? There are only 54 shopping days left until Christmas! It seems like just yesterday, I was handing out goodies to little ghosties on Halloween. Oh, wait, that was just yesterday..... With Christmas being so close, it makes sense to have a look around to see if you can pick up some or all of your gifts locally. There are several fundraisers happening and our local merchants will be happy to show you some fantastic gift ideas. If you can’t decide, a gift certificate is always a sure bet. Try to support our local causes and our local businesses. It’s our local businesses that keep our town vibrant! You can also check out the craft and bake sale happening on December 6 at the Chalet Malouin. I have it on good authority that there will be something for everyone on your list and for your bakery tray. From crafts to candles and from Avon to apple pie, it’s definitely worth a look! If you are a fan of the fall supper you’ll want to mark November 2 on your calendar. That’s the date of the St. Malo fall supper, happening at the Chalet Malouin from 4-6:30 p.m. Please feel free to call me with your news, advertising and events information. I can be reached most evenings by phone at 347-5198 or by email at -Christina Lambert 23 East Lakeshore Road St. Malo, MB 1-204-347-5014 Open 10 AM to 8 PM Daily Over 3000 English & French Titles M.G. CABINETS - Made to measure since 1984 Custom Cabinets & Millwork For Home or Office Variety of hardwoods, laminate & melamine - 3-D Computer Imaging - Marc Goulet, President PO Box 347 Toll free: (877)493-6172 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Bus: (204)347-5532 Email: Fax: (204)347-5339 Owner Operator: Marc Maynard Box 247 182 Macaire St-Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Phone: 204-347-5643 Marc Cell: 204-746-5548 Pat Cell: 204-746-4233 Thought for the month: “You can no more win a war, than you can win an earthquake.” —Jeannette Rankin For All Your Travel Needs! ector 0 ie, Dir R0A 1T antaisMalo, MB 7-5927 f a L 4 t. ne Hele 55 Eglise S Fax: (204) 95, 691 onex Box 2 04)347-5 bamb@c Ph: (2 mail: gard E Corporate or Holiday Call Kim Forest 989-9344 Office Hours: M-F 9:005:00 8 Oak Lane St. Malo, MB Fax: 204-347-5982 Email: St. Malo & Region Chamber of Commerce Members: April, 2008-March, 2009 Les members à la Chambre de Commerce de St-Malo et region avril 2008-mars 2009 Business Memberships BSI Insurance Brokers Ltd. Boucherie Gélinas et Fils Meat Store Ltée C. Laroche Hauling Ltd. Caisse Populaire Provencher Chaboillé CDC Chalet Malouin Chicken Chef Continental Travel Group Coulombe’s Shop Easy Foods Dave’s Painting & Decorating Debonair Campground Denis G. Fillion CMA Diagnostic Imaging Specialists Corporation Dufrost Curling Club Eastman Regional Development East-Man Seal Coating EPIC de St-Malo Inc. / SMILE of St. Malo Inc. Friends of the Park Garderie De Bambins Golden Meadow International Inc. Judith’s Books La Paroisse St. Malo Les P’tits Papillons M.G. Cabinets Manitoba Hydro Marc Maynard’s Backhoe Ser- vice Morin Transfer Nestin’ on Lakeview Bed and Breakfast Norbert Collette-Provencher Insurance & Financial Services O Roseau Patricia Pidlaski, CMA P.H. Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Physique Plus Place Hébert Prudential Riverbend Realty— Doug Wiens RE/MAX—Al Bernier Restaurant du Lapin Bleu R. M. of De Salaberry St. Malo Arena / Club Sportif St. Malo Co-op St. Malo Golf & Cabins St. Malo Hotel St. Malo Metis Federation Local Chapter St. Malo Summer Festival Taylor-McCaffrey—A. Laurencelle TPI Up ‘N Away Travel Travel Professionals International —Michelle Dubois-Rogers Upstream Development Voyageur Communications Coop Ltd. Farm Memberships Catellier Seed Service Inc. Dan Di Alpacas Individual Memberships: Florence Collette Marcel Collette Ralph Collette Henri & Yvonne Coulombe Jean & Edith Desrosiers Joel Fouasse J. P. & Agnes Gosselin Leo & Michelle Gosselin Jesse Hamonic Marc Hamonic Gilles Hébert Jocelyne Hébert Christina Lambert Leo & Gisele Marion Anna Maynard Gilles Maynard Marie Maynard Albert Morin Thérèse Morin Aline Pilotte George Pilotte Léo Roch Léonne Trudel Lina Vermette Marcel Vermette Patricia Pidlaski CMA Certified Management Accountant 140 St. Malo St Box 590 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Phone/fax: (204) 347-5994 email: The next newsletter will be published in December, 2008 Deadline to advertise is November 15, 2008 Email: Phone: 204-347-5198 Le prochain bulletin sera pour le mois de decembre 2008. La date limite pour remettre vos annonces sera le 15 novembre 2008 Courriel: Téléphone: 204-347-5198 R.M. OF DE SALABERRY SERVICES TO SENIORS CONTACT PERSON: Claudette Remillard – 347-5652 Email: All Resource Coordinator activities are open to persons 55+ from the R.M. of De Salaberry November 2: November 3: November 4: November 4: November 4: November 5: November 11: November 11: November 20: November 25: November 26: Fall Supper: Chalet Malouin Flu Shots: at the Chalet Malouin, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Shopping Trip: Handi Transit with St. Pierre Manor residents. Please call to reserve your trans portation. We have nine seats reserved for St. Malo. Van leaves at 9 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic: 9 a.m. to noon Diabetic Clinic: 1-4 p.m. Please call for an appointment. Doll Show: 1:45 p.m. Hosted by Agatha Reimer. Everyone welcome! Remembrance Day: Offices will be closed. Regular Bingo: Chalet Malouin—7:00 p.m. Birthday Party of the Month: 2 p.m. Entertainment to be announced. Regular Bingo: Chalet Malouin—7:00 p.m. Monthly Residents’ Meeting: 2 p.m. followed by a tea party. For up to date information, please check my article in The Carillon every week under St. Malo News. Foot Care Clinic every Thursday at the Chalet. Please call 347-5652 for an appointment. Exercise program every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m. Town residents welcome! Tai Chi every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. Town residents are welcome to join in. Mass in the Chalet Malouin Chapel every Wednesday & Friday at 11:00 a.m. for anyone. Anyone still needing an ERIK (Emergency Response Information Kit) please give me a call. Videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Town residents invited to join us. I am a Regal Representative. Regal orders to be sent out every Friday. Call me if you’d like a catalogue. Les Amis / Friends of the Park is currently organizing the second annual Festival of Friends winter festival. The festival will be held February 13-15, 2009 and volunteers are needed. Please call Léo Roch at 347-5869 if you can help! C. Laroche Hauling Ltd. & Excavation Box 592 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Claude Laroche (204) 347-5802 (204) 746-5926 cell. (204) 347-5316 fax Upcoming Events November 2: St. Malo Fall Supper, Chalet Malouin. November 8: St. Pierre Christmas Craft Sale, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., St. Pierre Recreation Centre. November 11: Remembrance Day Dufrost Curling Club registration will take place in early November. Start stretching now to be ready for the new curling season! St. Malo Co-op René Robidoux General Manager Box 130 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Store: 347-5472 Lumberyard: 347-5879 Fax: 347-5817 December 6: Annual Christmas Craft Sale, Chalet Malouin, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. DAVE GOSSELIN OWNER DAVE’S PAINTING TAPING TEXTURE PAINTING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Cell: 371-7514 Phone: 347-5493 219 Dubois Street St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 St. Malo Meat & Deli BSI INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. in St. Malo is seeking a motivated individual to sell Autopac, sell home insurance, and perform general office duties. Must be available and willing to take required licensing courses. Must be bilingual. Submit your resume by November 7, 2008 to: BSI INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. BOX 549 ST. MALO MB R0A 1T0 FAX: 204-347-5552 Specializing in Canadian and French cuts A-1 Inspected meats for sale Specializing in domestic and wild meat cutting Custom smoked Meats Gilles & Gisele Gratton PH/FAX: 347-5786 Box 40, 110-PR 218 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Danielle Chartier Sharon Martel Ron Courcelles 97 Ave. De La Grotte—Box 549 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 P: (204) 347-5368 F: (204) 347-5552 W: New Municipal Economic Development Officer has Several Projects Underway Meet the new Economic Development Oficer Hello from the desk of the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry Economic Development office. My name is Lesley Gaudry and I started working in June, 2008 as the municipality’s economic development officer. My education background includes two under-graduate degrees from the University of Winnipeg and a Master’s degree in Local Economic Development from the University of Waterloo. I was born and raised in rural Manitoba, worked and lived in Alberta and southwestern Ontario, before re-locating back to Manitoba in December, 2005. It has proven to be a great decision: I am a firm believer that Manitoba is a great place to come home to. I enjoy spending my free time with my husband and wee one, Kieran, exploring the great outdoors in a canoe, cross country and skate skiing, and reading. ED office offers diverse services The Economic Development (ED) Office at the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry is managed by a committee which comprises of four members of municipal council. Building on past momentum and proficient economic development activities, the ED office offers a variety of services to municipal residents such as technical support (to business clients, community organizations, service providers, and individuals), information and research functions, planning for community economic development initiatives, and communication strategies. A full description of the ED office’s services, memberships, committee work, and example projects can be found online at Numerous community economic development links, business links, fact sheets for business start up, funding options, youth resources, and business plan templates are also available on the website. The ED office has an open door policy and can be contacted through telephone at 204-433-7406 or via email at Community vision project well underway A variety of community economic development projects are currently underway. On October 7th 2008, and October 9th 2008, the municipality hosted two community vision sessions in St. Malo and Otterburne, respectively. A total of 84 participants contributed which included a representation from local politicians, education leaders, service providers, community organizations and business, farmers, and individual residents. A great big thank you is extended to all who helped make the evenings such a great learning experience and success. Based on the recommendation to revise vision plans, all of the information captured at the vision sessions, along with written submissions, will be compared with the 2002 CDC Chaboille Vision Plan (http://, as well as the Eastman Regional Plan, to develop a Community Economic Development (CED) Action Plan for the R.M. of De Salaberry. A draft of the CED Action Plan will be presented to the public in late November 2008, at which time we would like to engage with community members for suggestions and feedback. Heritage inventory project proposed In conjunction with the 125th Anniversary celebrations, the municipality has also put forth a proposal to partake in a local heritage inventory project to document the municipality’s special built and social heritage resources. Once complete, this Heritage Inventory can be used for development, planning, and education purposes and will be available for residents through the municipal website and in print copy. Anyone interested in local history/heritage, acting as a “tour guide” for the municipality, or to hear more about the project, please contact Lesley at 433-7406. In closing, I have met many wonderful folks since I have began working for the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry and look forward to meeting and working with many more. Best wishes to all for the rest of the autumn season. St. Malo Chamber of Commerce Co-Presidents’ Report Rapport des Co-presidents Des visions Le mardi 7 octobre, certains directeurs de la chambre de commerce ont assisté à la session de vision communautaire animée par Leslie Gaudry, agente de développement économique pour la municipalité De Salaberry. La session a soulevé des discussions d’une variété de sujets; des façons de créer plus de marketing, comment attirer plus de commerces dans la région, des possibilités récréatives et l’éducation de nos jeunes pour en nommer quelques-uns. Une discussion particulièrement pertinente pour la Chambre de Commerce était de comment nous pourrions mieux réunir les efforts de tous les comités de la municipalité pour réaliser plus de projets et mieux identifier le(s) rôles des différents comités. Cette discussion continuera auprès de nous. Parlant de vision, l’une de nos visions comme directeurs a vu le jour ce mois ci. Nos lampadaires sont maintenant montés. Passez les voir entre la caisse et le 59! Nous remercions les volontaires qui ont consacré un samedi matin à aider à les monter. La prochaine étape sera de les brancher et de rattacher les enseignes! Un autre groupe qui cherche toujours des volontaires est celui des Amis du Parc. Le comité travaille fort en ce moment afin de préparer le festival des amis au mois de février. Que ce soient une petite tâche ou une grosse, toute aide serait bien apprécié. Si vous pouvez vous porter volontaire et aider à rendre notre festival d’hiver un succès, n’hésitez pas de rejoindre Léo Roch au 3475869 ou Lucy Fouasse au 347-5455. À la prochaine! Visions On Tuesday, October 7, some Chamber of Commerce directors attended the Community Vision Session put on by Leslie Gaudry, economic development officer for the De Salaberry municipality. The session brought on discussion about a variety of topics; how to better market the area, how to attract more business, recreational facilities and education for our children to name a few. One discussion of particular interest for the chamber was of how we could better unite the efforts of all the committees in the municipality to accomplish more and better identify the roles of different committees. This discussion will continue on our part. Speaking of visions, one of our visions has become a reality this month. The lampposts are up! Check them out between highway 59 and the Caisse. Thanks to those who sacrificed a Saturday morning to help put them up. The next step will be to connect them to hydro and put up the signage. Another group looking for volunteers is the Friends of the Park. The committee is working hard to prepare the Festival of Friends to be held in February again this year. If you can do a small task or a large one, all help will be appreciated. If you can volunteer and help make our festival a success again, please contact Léo Roch at 347-5869 or Lucy Fouasse at 347-5455. Joël Fouasse et Gilles Maynard Your local Chamber of Commerce works for you! Is your Chamber Membership up to date? Family Restaurant Box 605 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Seul à Faire Compétition avec Grand Mère! Grandma’s Only Competition! 347-5885 1-866-347-5885 Fax: 347-5381 St. Malo Co-op René Robidoux General Manager Box 130 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Store: 347-5472 Lumberyard: 347-5879 Fax: 347-5817 Chalet Malouin Inc. C.P./Box 1010, 14 rue St. Hilaire Street St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0 Email: Red River Workshop / La Residence de St. Malo Inc. Recycling / Woodworking / Packaging / Sewing Residential Care Housing Aline Sveinson Administrator — Administratrice (204) 347-5753 f ax: (204) 347-5107 Box 280 112 St. Malo St. St. Malo, MB Helene Lariviere Manager P: (204)347-5418 F: (204)347-5378 Alain (Al) L. J. Laurencelle Direct Line: 204 988-0304 E-mail: 9th Floor, 400 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4K5 St. Malo Community Bulletin Advertising Rates Full Page ad: 1/2 Page ad: 1/4 Page Ad: $130 member $65 member $30 member $160 non-member $80 non-member $50 non-member 10 business card size ads, April, 2007-March, 2008: $110 for members, $160 for non-members. The community bulletin is distributed to St. Malo, St. Pierre Jolys, Dufrost, Carlowrie, and Otterburne. Please email your ad information to Christina at or mail it with your membership renewal to Box 328 St. Malo, MB R0A 1T0. Deadline is the 15th of the month for next month’s issue. Call Christina at 347-5198 for more information.
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