New and Backlist Titles


New and Backlist Titles
New and Backlist Titles
NortHeastern Series on Gender, Crime, and Law
Women, Violence, and the Media
Readings in Feminist Criminology
Edited by Drew Humphries
“This book offers a much needed documentation of the variety of ways that
women and violence are framed in a broad range of both fictional and
non-fictional media accounts. Women are analyzed as both the victims and
perpetrators of violence through a gendered, raced, classed and global lens.”
—Joanne Belknap, sociology,
University of Colorado at Boulder
Paper, 296 pp., 13 tables, 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-703-6 • $24.95
Out in the Storm
Drug-Addicted Women Living as Shoplifters and Sex Workers
Gail A. Caputo
“Gail Caputo has helped fill a major research gap and provides us with rich,
new insight into one of society’s most compelling social problems. I am also
deeply impressed by her methodology. Her qualitative approach is unique
and it generated data that cannot possibly be uncovered by mainstream
survey research. The voices of the women she interviewed need to be heard.”
—Walter DeKeseredy, professor of criminology,
justice, and policy studies, University
of Ontario Institute of Technology
Paper, 240 pp., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-696-1 • $24.95
A Typology of Domestic Violence
Intimate Terrorism, Violent Resistance, and Situational
Couple Violence
Michael P. Johnson
“This excellent book brings so much to the discourse on intimate partner
violence and paves the way for more nuanced, theoretically-driven
research, practice, and advocacy. The book is a must read for researchers in
the field, and it also can serve as an essential guide for beginning scholars
and graduate students on how to be critical consumers of domestic
violence research. Overall, the book makes a significant contribution
to the violence field.”
—Journal of Marriage and Family
Paper, 168 pp., 6 figs., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-694-7 • $22.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
NortHeastern Series on Gender, Crime, and Law
Neither Angels nor Demons
Women, Crime, and Victimization
Kathleen Ferraro
“A more complete picture of intimate partner violence, helping to shed light
on not only the private or the public, but also on how the two are
so deeply interconnected. If you want a good analysis and discussion of
the contextual, structural, and social forces that underlie domestic violence,
then this book is an important one to read.”
—The Law and Politics Book Review
Paper, 344 pp., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-696-1 • $24.95
Listening to Olivia
Violence, Poverty, and Prostitution
Jody Raphael
“Raphael's accounts of women in lower levels and exploited forms of
prostitution complements what researchers conducting street-level
prostitution research have been saying for more than a decade. To her credit,
Raphael is able to put a human face on what has been a hidden tragedy in
the country and abroad. I applaud her efforts and hope that many more
books and articles will be written on this subject. In order to intimately
understand the tragedy of prostituted women, this book is well worth
reading for anyone.”
—National Women’s Studies Association Journal
Paper, 312 pp., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-596-4 • $25.95
Criminal Justice Research and Practice
Diverse Voices from the Field
Edited by Susan L. Miller
Foreword by Claire M. Renzetti
“Susan L. Miller's edited volume is a well-written text that could be used
at both the undergraduate and graduate level of instruction. The author,
Susan Miller, provided a candid view of the field of criminal justice
essential to adequately prepare students for future employment . . . ”
—Teaching Sociology
Paper, 248 pp., 2 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-685-5 • $26.00
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
Death Penalty
Anatomy of an Execution
The Life and Death of Douglas Christopher Thomas
Todd C. Peppers, Laura Trevvett Anderson
“This is truly extraordinary work. Anatomy of an Execution combines
excellent scholarship and legal analysis with a compelling and tragic life
story. As such, it is accessible to lay readers and true crime buffs, as well
as instructive to criminologists and lawyers. Very few if any books of this
genre are its match.”
—Victor Streib, professor of law and former dean,
Ohio Northern University of Law
Cloth, 288 pp., 17 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-713-5 • $29.95
Execution’s Doorstep
True Stories of the Innocent and Near Damned
Leslie Lytle
“Journalist Lytle brings the capital punishment debate into sharp focus with
her account of five men wrongly convicted and sentenced to death but later
freed. The men, Lytle shows, were victims of false testimony and police
coercion, among other ills of the justice system, and served up to 17 years
in prison—much of it on death row. ”
—Publishers Weekly
Cloth, 300 pp., 26 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-678-7 • $29.95
One Man’s Battle Against the Death Penalty
Robert Badinter
Translated by Jeremy Mercer
Foreword by Kenneth Roth
Part legal drama, part political procedural, Abolition is above all a passionate
argument against the death penalty and the rare story of politicians’
willingness to fight for their principles, even against the popular will.
Cloth, 244 pp., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-692-3 • $29.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
African-American Studies / women’s studies
Check It While I Wreck It
Black Womanhood, Hip-Hop Culture, and
the Public Sphere
Gwendolyn D. Pough
Examines how young black women who came of age during
the hip-hop era are grappling with the gender politics of a
predominately masculine space
“Pough has written an important and inspiring book. It is important
because Pough takes hip-hop seriously and offers a framework for
considering its various roles in the lives of those who hear it. It
is inspiring because Pough blends the best of both academic and
popular writing in a book that not only points out problems but
also offers answers and ways of seeing (and hearing) that push past
simple denouncements and move toward understanding and depth
. . . Check It While I Wreck It is a must read for anyone who hopes
to assist young black women as they traverse the rocky terrain from youth to adulthood.”
—Women & Music
Paper, 256 pp., 8 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-607-7 • $22.95
Women and Sports in the United States
A Documentary Reader
Edited by Jean O’Reilly and Susan K. Cahn
The only anthology available documenting 100 years
of women in American sports
“O’Reilly and Cahn have compiled an extrordinary
historical anthology of women’s sports in the U.S.
Their inclusion of original documents from each era
and careful selection of knowledgeable writers make this
book an absorbing and authoritative read for anyone
interested in women’s journey toward sports equality.”
—Pat Griffin, professor emerita,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Paper, 406 pp., 6 x 9"• 978-1-55553-671-8 • $27.00
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
African-American Studies
Northeastern Library of Black Literature
RECENT titles
At the Dusk of Dawn
Selected Poetry and Prose of Albery Allson Whitman
Albery Allson Whitman; Edited by Ivy G. Wilson
“In addition to offering an expert introduction to Whitman’s life and work,
Wilson also presents a compelling case for attending to the aesthetic
conflicts and aspirations so central to a neglected period in African
American literary, cultural, and political history.”
—John Ernest, Eberly Family Distinguished
Professor of American Literature,
West Virginia University
Cloth, 368 pp., 6¹/8 x 9¼" • 978-1-55553-707-4 • $55.00
Love and Marriage in Early African America
Edited by Frances Smith Foster
“The volume’s breadth provides ample evidence that African Americans
imagined and discussed love, marriage, and family in a variety of genres
and mediums. The texts that address power relations between men
and women are especially fascinating . . . . Foster’s project is a moving
testament to the importance of historical recovery.”
“Unique and unprecedented, this anthology will change the way readers and
critics understand courtship, marriage, and family in African American
literature and culture. The range, both historical and emotional, of the
selections in this volume is extraordinarily revealing. Based on decades of
research by a leading scholar, Love and Marriage in Early African America
will open our minds and hearts in ways that will engage general and
professional readers alike.
—William L. Andrews, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Paper, 360 pp., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-677-0 • $27.95
Alien Land
Willard Savoy
Introduction by Robert Burns Stepto
Action-packed and absorbing, a grim but sensitive picture of race and
identity in America
Robert Burns Stepto’s keen introduction firmly situates Alien Land in the
line of African American novels that treat the issue of identity through the
motif of passing. Originally published in cloth in 1949 to national acclaim,
the full text of this remarkable novel is finally available in paperback.
Paper, 336 pp., 1 illus., 5½ x 8" • 978-1-55553-657-2 • $19.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
African-American Studies
Northeastern Library of Black Literature
best of the backlist
Trumbull Park
Frank London Brown
"How, in the end, determination and decency seem about to triumph,
is the theme of this story, unfolded in terms of characters terribly alive
and real."
—Langston Hughes, New York Herald
Tribune Book Review
“Brown has probed the psychology of people under fire . . . The real drama
in this novel is not found in what white people tried to do to their Negro
neighbors; it comes from the self-restraining heroism in the Negroes.”
—R. L. Duffus, New York Times Book Review
Paper, 456 pp., 5½ x 8¼" • 978-1-55553-628-2 • $19.95
Home To Harlem
Claude McKay
Foreword by Wayne F. Cooper
A novel that gives voice to the alienation and frustration of urban
blacks during an era when Harlem was in vogue
With sensual, often brutal accuracy, Claude McKay traces the parallel paths
of two very different young men struggling to find their way through the
suspicion and prejudice of American society. At the same time, this stark
but moving story touches on the central themes of the Harlem Renaissance,
including the urgent need for unity and identity among blacks.
Paper, 360 pp., 5 x 8" • 978-1-55553-024-2 • $19.95
Fran Ross
Foreword by Harryette Mullen
This uproariously funny satire about relations between African
Americans and Jews is as fresh and outrageous today as when it was
first published in 1974
“Fran Ross has a witty way with words-Yiddish, black dialect, puns-and
she strews them exuberantly throughout her episodic story, along
with lists, tables, drawings, equations, menus (‘Gefüllte Melonen’)
and Q-and-A exams.”
—Publishers Weekly
Paper, 224 pp., 6 figs., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-464-6 • $22.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
La Nilsson
My Life in Opera
Birgit Nilsson
Translated by Doris Jung Popper,
Foreword by Georg Solti; Afterword by Peggy Tuller
“This is an engaging book. We come to know this formidable but warmhearted woman so well that on next playing a record of hers we are sure to
be ‘on her side’ as never before . . . it may not be reading for the objective
professional critic, but it can be highly recommended to everyone else.”
—John Stearne, Gramophone
Cloth, 356 pp., 56 illus., disc, 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-707-4 • $35.00
Hans Hotter
Hans Hotter
Translated by Donald Arthur
Foreword by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Zubin Mehta
“ . . . [J]ust the kind of thing we want to find in a singer’s autobiography
. . .These are the memoirs, and the memories are vivid.”
Cloth, 324 pp.,75 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-661-9 • $35.00
The Autumn of Italian Opera
From Verismo to Modernism, 1890-1915
Alan Mallach
“The most valuable aspect of this book is the way Mallach brings to life
a group of once-popular composers who—Puccini excepted—have been
consigned to the fringes of today’s repertory.”
—Opera News
“This carefully researched and well-organized study sheds light on a critical
transition period in the history of Italian opera.”
—Mary Jane Phillips-Matz, author of
Puccini: A Biography (NUP, 2002)
Cloth, 508 pp., 35 illus., 3 tables, 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-683-1 • $55.00
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
Best of the backlist
Jon Vickers
A Hero’s Life
Jeannie Williams
Foreword by Birgit Nilsson
The first biography of a legendary tenor
“. . . Jon Vickers: A Hero's Life paints a fascinating, comprehensive, and
colorful picture of a spellbinding and irreplaceable artist.”
—The Opera Quarterly
Paper, 424 pp., 31 illus., 6 x 9¼" • 978-1-55553-674-9 • $29.95
55 Years In Five Acts
My Life in Opera
Astrid Varnay and Donald Arthur
One of the world’s greatest Wagnerian sopranos talks about an illustrious
career that flourished for over five decades
“Varnay had less of an American career than Nilsson, and Varnay’s relationship with Metropolitan Opera director Rudolf Bing was often less than
cordial. Both singers were strong-willed, but Varnay comes off as the
tougher, more intense of the two.”
—American Record Guide
Paper, 392 pp., 23 illus., 6 x 9¼" • 978-1-55553-675-6 • $29.95
On Playing the Flute
Johann Joachim Quantz
Translated by Edward R. Reilly
Second edition
Originally published in 1752, this is a new paperback edition of
the classic treatise on 18th-century musical thought, performance
practice, and style
Johann Joachim Quantz’s On Playing the Flute has long been recognized
as one of the most significant and in-depth treatises on eighteenth-century
musical thought, performance practice, and style. This classic text of Baroque music instruction goes far beyond an introduction to flute methods
by offering a comprehensive program of studies that is equally applicable to
other instruments and singers.
Paper, 423 pp., 4 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-473-8 • $33.00
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
Best of the backlist
No Vivaldi in the Garage
A Requiem for Classical Music in North America
Sheldon Morgenstern
A memoir of a lifetime in the performing arts—and a forthright
commentary on the rapidly deteriorating state of the performing arts in
North America
“Whether or not you agree with his words, Sheldon Morgenstern offers an
entertaining view of his professional experience in classical music. He is
not afraid to offer his provocative, seldom-heard perspective on the music
world today.”
—Wynton Marsalis
Paper, 208 pp., 6 x 9¼" • 978-1-55553-641-1 • $22.95
The Rise and Fall of the Broadway Musical
Mark Grant
A highly original, incisive, and spirited examination of the rise, heyday,
and decline of American musical theatre
“In scholarly yet readable prose, studded with revealing examples, Grant
treats changes in singing, lyrics, music, and dance, and the introduction
of microphones and sound enhancement. Grant’s documentation
demonstrates a find command of the literature, and he furnishes an
excellent bibliography. Essential.”
Paper, 380 pp., 23 illus., 6¹/8 x 9¼" • 978-1-55553-206-2 • $25.95
The Sounds of Place
Music and the American Cultural Landscape
Denise Von Glahn
Looks at the ways in which America’s places have inspired American
composers from the nation’s beginnings to the present
“The Sounds of Place teaches us extraordinary new things about pieces that
we thought we knew (or perhaps thought we knew all that was important
to know about them). The chapter on Ives above all is a must-read for
anyone with a serious interest in this composer. For these and for many
other reasons, The Sounds of Place is an enlightening and enriching book.”
—Journal of Musicological Research
Paper, 376 pp., 6 illus., 6 x 9¼" • 978-1-55553-709-8 • $45.00
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
Best of the backlist
Boston’s Back Bay
The Story of America’s Greatest Nineteenth-Century
Landfill Project
William Newman, Wilfred E. Holton
A fascinating look at the people, politics, and technology behind the massive
landfill project that filled Boston’s Back Bay
Paper, 252 pp., 71 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-680-0 • $19.95
Hot Shots and Heavy Hits
Tales of an Undercover Drug Agent
Paul Doyle
“[A] great read. The story is full of cinematic action, but is also filled with
the heart and soul that most action movies can't come close to capturing on
celluloid. And for a guy who never thought of himself as a writer, Doyle has
a style that is clear and concise—and as honestly lyrical—as Hemingway’s
best prose.”
—The Boston Irish Emigrant
Paper, 240 pp., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-649-7 • $22.95
The Olmsted National Historic Site and the Growth of
Historic Landscape Preservation
David Grayson Allen
“Allen’s conclusions are insightful, and the appendices, notes, bibliography,
and index testify to the depth of the research and attention given to the book.
Allen’s style is accessible and engaging, ensuring that this well-written book
will have a place among the canon of historic preservation philosophy as a
valuable, in-depth look . . . ”
—Preservation Education and Research
Cloth, 332 pp., 38 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-679-4 • $50.00
When in Boston
A Time Line & Almanac
Jim Vrabel, Bostonian Society
Foreword by Thomas H. O’Connor
A long overdue, single-volume chronicle of Boston over the centuries
provides a unique descriptive history of the city organized as a time line
Paper, 320 pp., 75 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-620-6 • $29.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
Best-selling backlist books
Peyton Place
Grace Metalious
Introduction by Ardis Cameron
A new paperback edition of the infamous novel that shocked the nation
“[A] rip-roaring good yarn. If the term ‘page turner’ has any complimentary
meaning, it applies here . . . [Grace] Metalious has lasted as a force in
American life.”
—Washington Times
Paper, 384 pp., 5V x 8V" • 978-1-55553-400-4 • $17.95
Return to Peyton Place
Grace Metalious
Introduction by Ardis Cameron
The continuing story of Peyton Place is once again available in paperback
This sizzling sequel picks up where Peyton Place left off: Allison MacKenzie,
now the author of America’s #1 bestseller, is thrown into the glamorous whirl
of the smart set of New York and Hollywood. At home, the rest of the most
controversial characters in 1950s American fiction continue to create a stir
in this ongoing exposé of sex, hypocrisy, social inequity, and class privilege in
contemporary America.
Paper, 272 pp., 5V x 8V" • 978-1-55553-669-5 • $15.95
Russians in Hollywood, Hollywood’s Russians
Biography of an Image
Harlow Robinson
“Robinson fell in love with Russia watching ‘Doctor Zhivago’ at the
little theater in Elmwood, Conn., in 1965. For him, Russia would be
forever after associated with ‘waltzes, wars, gigantic hydroelectric dams,
endless train trips, ice palaces, flowering Siberian fields and humorless
revolutionaries equipped with dramatic facial scars.’ Affectionately and in
great detail, Robinson describes the careers of several Russian filmmakers,
as well as Hollywood’s changing portrayal of Russians, in all their poorly
accented, grossly caricatured glory. . . ”
—New York Times Book Review
Cloth, 304 pp., 28 illus., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-686-2 • $29.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
Sports books
Boston’s Ballparks and Arenas
Alan E. Foulds
“Foulds looks at the grounds and edifices, past and present, whose histories
make up a crucial part of the stories of the Boston teams who tenanted
them . . . In addition to a wealth of local and sports history, the book is
supplied with terrific photographs.”
—Boston Globe
Cloth, 244 pp., 62 illus., 6³/8 x 9½" • 978-1-58465-409-4 • $18.95
The First World Series and
the Baseball Fanatics of 1903
Roger I. Abrams
“A fascinating portrait of an era when baseball fever first gripped the
U.S. and the World Series became an American obsession . . . Highly
Paper, 208 pp., 19 b&w illus., 5¾ x 8½" 978-1-55553-644-2 • $16.95
Dynasty’s End
Bill Russell and the
1968-69 World Champion Boston Celtics
Thomas J. Whalen
“A complete portrait of one of the great success stories in team sports
. . . compelling portraits of both the players and the era that brim with
colorful detail.”
—Sports Illustrated
“[Whalen] scores big in his examination of the pride, determination,
and mutual respect that propelled these nearly middle-age men to
one more title.”
Paper, 304 pp., 24 illus., 55/8 x 9" • 978-1-55553-643-5 • $19.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
Award-Winning poetry &
Forthcoming 2010 Titles
recent winners of the samuel french morse poetry prize
Tulips, Water, Ash
Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet
“Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet’s poems move with a wonderfully alive, actively thinking
attentiveness. Her language is eager and inquisitive, darting this way and that
toward meaning, opening our eyes and ears, our minds, to continual change—
personal, communal and cosmic. Keenly aware of the potential ‘heat in the flint,
light in the twig,’ she shows us how to see the very flux of life.”
—Reginald Gibbons, author of Creatures of a Day
Paper, 88 pp., 6 x 8W" • 978-1-55553-708-1 • $16.95
Nest of Thistles
Annie Boutelle
“Line by line, her ‘articulate relishing and mastery of phenomena in general’ make
a corporeal and tangible world out of the strata of yesterdays . . .”
—From the introduction by Eric Pankey
Paper, 96 pp.,6 x 8¼" • 978-1-55553-648-0 • $14.95
A Form of Optimism
Roy Jacobstein
Introduction by Lucia Perillo
“ . . . He shows himself capable of some truly fresh and vivid writing.”
—New York Times Book Review
Paper, 80 pp., 6 x 9" • 978-1-55553-665-7 • $15.95
forthcoming Titles
African Americans in
Hard Lives, Mean Streets
Global Affairs
Violence in the Lives of
Contemporary Perspectives Homeless Women
Edited by Michael L. Clemons
Cloth, 384 pp., 6¹/8 x 9¼"
978-1-55553-719-7 • $85.00
Lotfi Mansouri
An Operatic Journey
Jana L. Jasinski, Jennifer K.
Wesely, James D. Wright, and
Elizabeth E. Wright
Paper, 256 pp., 6 x 9"
978-1-55553-721-0 • $24.95
Lotfi Mansouri
with Donald Arthur
Sviatoslav Richter
Cloth, 320 pp., 40 illus., 6 x 9"
978-1-55553-706-7 • $39.95
Karl Aage Rasmussen
Paper, 312 pp., 44 illus.,
6¹/8 x 9¼"
978-1-55553-710-4 • $39.95
Women on Probation and Parole
A Feminist Critique of
Community Programs
and Services
Merry Morash
Paper, 208 pp., 6 x 9"
978-1-55553-720-3 • $24.95
The Inner Voices of a Musical
Genius (Expanded Edition)
Peter Ostwald and
Lise Deschamps Ostwald
Paper, 416 pp., 6 x 9"
978-1-55553-724-1 • $29.95
ORDER NOW: (800) 421-1561 •
The Northeastern University Press, founded in 1977, publishes a broad
list of scholarly, textbook, and general interest titles in the fields of
criminology, African American literature and history, music, sports,
and regional history and culture, with particular emphasis on Boston
topics. In 2004, NUP became a member of the University Press of New
England Consortium. NUP continues to thrive as UPNE’s Urban Publisher.
For queries regarding proposals or manuscripts, please contact:
Dr. Phyllis Deutsch, Editor in Chief
University Press of New England,
• One Court Street, Suite 250 • Lebanon, NH 03766 •
(603) 448-1533, ext. 222