Wheeling the A - Wisconsin Chapter, Model A Ford Club of America
Wheeling the A - Wisconsin Chapter, Model A Ford Club of America
Wheeling the A The official newsletter of the Wisconsin Chapter Model A Ford Club of America Volume LVI Issue 4 PO Box 26006 Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006 April 2015 GOODBYE Winter…….. HELLO Spring For more information log on to www.model-a-wis.com 1 Volunteers for 2015: Board of Directors 2015: President: Mike Quam 414-491-3191 president@model-a-wis.com Editor: Sue Quam 414-491-3260 wheelingthea@yahoo.com Webmaster: Carl Doro 414-259-9692 webmaster@model-a-wis.com Vice President & Awards: Randy Kind 262-308-6036 vicepresident@model-a-wis.com Club Property: Al Downs 414-762-3731 Tool Keeper: Bill Storey 262-338-0452 Secretary: Dave Huenink 262-378-4216 secretary@model-a-wis.com Distribution: Marilyn Brojanac 262-252-4340 marilyn@rodrian.com Treasurer: Steve Lewis 262-573-9821 treasurer@model-a-wis.com Distribution: Lorraine Schultz 262-251-3043 Club Photographer: Jo Lene Jannsen, Peter Stauber and Steve Cloyd Indoor: Karry Kultgen 262-284-6592 indoor@model-a-wis.com Video Librarian: Ron Smith 262-628-3688 Outdoor: Neil Besougloff 262-408-1479 outdoor@model-a-wis.com Club Historians: Bob & Karen Schmiechen 262-544-5005 robert_06@att.net Fashion Articles: Diane Smith 262-628-3688 beadqueen09@gmail.com Please send all Wisconsin Chapter Correspondence to: WI Chapter MAFCA PO Box 26006 Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006 Paid Advertising: Steve & Debbie Lewis 262-573-9821 steve-n-deb@charter.net Swap Meet Committee: Dave Boucher, Bob & Kitty Schaefer, Sue Quam Sunshine: Julie Larson 615-521-6811 jule64bug@gmail.com Technical: Roger & Jan Olsen 262-554-7058 Jeff Bezotte 262-552-7715 It is the intent of the Wisconsin Chapter to serve as a medium of exchange of ideas, information, and materials for admirers of the Model A Ford and Model A era fashions; to help those admirers become better acquainted; and to maintain among its members the spirit of good fellowship and sociality through sponsored activities including the use of the Model A and family participation. 2 Advanced Timing Scheduled Events for 2015 April 19 Spring start-up tour - The Larsons and the Engels May 17 May Tour - Steve & Deb Lewis May 23-25 Memorial Day Overnighter to Baraboo - Dave & Donna Boucher and Mark Ackermann May 25 Memorial Day Parade - Bob & Barb Sonnen June 7 Sharon Model A Day - Bob & Sandi Davisson June 14 June Tour - Ed Schultz & Mark Ackermann July 4 Fourth of July Greendale Parade - Dave Huenink July 19 July Tour - Gene & Betsy Taurman Family Dentistry Robert G. Saur, D.D.S., S.C. 12690 North Avenue July 24-26 WI Rapids Reunion - Karry Kultgen August Annual Picnic - Chris & Kate Rozman Sept. 13 September Tour - Dave & Linda Huenink Brookfield, WI 53005 262-785-1499 Fax 262-785-0282 Sept 19/20 Richfield Thresheree - The Blazeks and The Flynns Oct. 11 Fall Foliage Tour - Gene & Betsy Taurman Nov. 8 Veterans Day Parade - Neil Besougloff Nov. 22 Waukesha Christmas Parade - Dave & Linda Huenink Senior Discount 3 Join us on Sunday, April 19th 2015 McDonald’s Restaurant. Hwy 164 & Cty. Hwy VV Sussex, WI Departing time is 1:00 p.m. It’s the SPRING, ICE BREAKER, BLOW OUT THE CARBON, BRAKE CHECKING, BACK ROAD & LAID BACK SCENIC DRIVING TOUR We will travel the scenic back roads of the Holy Hill and Big Cedar Lake area. I can only hope that the trees will be starting to bud. Regardless it will still be a scenic tour. Hitching Post Bar & Grill in Kohlsville is our destination. Pizza, beer, and soda will be furnished. Their Food is very good, other items available on your own. Plans are in the making for a road tour quiz. Winners will select from Model A Parts donated by an ex-member. Your Tour guides will be the Engel’s and the Larson’s Gene & Joan Engel Stan & Pat Larson 262-255-6134 262-251-1655 May Tour Sunday, May 17, 1:00 p.m. Please join us for a tour through the lake country area. We’ll drive around some area lakes and follow some of Wisconsin’s rustic roads. Don’t forget to grab your poker cards at the beginning and end of the tour for some friendly “Texas hold’em” style poker competition. Meet at McDonalds in Pewaukee. 621 Ryan St, Pewaukee, WI 53072 (Corner of Hwy 16 and Ryan Rd (KF)) Hosts: Steve and Deb Lewis 4 BARABOO, WISCONSIN MEMORIAL DAY OVERNITER MAY 23rd, 24th, 25th, 2015 Hosted by Dave & Donna Boucher & Mark Ackermann This year our overniter is to Baraboo, Wisconsin. We will be staying at the Best Western 725 W. Pine St. Baraboo, WI. You must register under the Model A Ford Club. We have 25 rooms on hold. The rate is $82.49 average plus tax per night including a hot continental breakfast. To register call 1-608-356-1100 by 5/10/15. We will have a pizza party at the motel on Saturday night. The banquet will be Sunday night at the Pump House Restaurant and will consist of a salad bar, rolls and butter, country fried chicken, Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. The total cost for the pizza party and the banquet is $20.00 per person. Mail your registration by 5/10/15 to: Dave and Donna Boucher S77 W22620 Sunset Glen Dr. Big Bend, WI 53103 Make checks payable to Wisconsin Chapter MAFCA Some of the things to see and do in the Baraboo area are the International Crane Foundation, Circus World Museum, Maggie Mae Barn Dance, antique shops, Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue, Ho -Chunk Casino and many more. We will meet at McDonald’s on Capitol Dr. just west of Hwy 164 in Pewaukee. Driver’s meeting at 8:45 a.m. and leaving on tour at 9:00 a.m. We will tour to Columbus for a two hour stop for lunch and sightseeing. Then it’s on to Baraboo. Any questions call Dave & Donna @262-662-2273. 5 Memorial Day Parade - May 25th We are pleased to invite you to join us on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th, 2015 to participate in the 150th annual Memorial Day parade. The parade is to remember our veterans who gave their lives while in service of their country, so we can enjoy the freedoms and securities we have today. The parade will gather at 1:00 p.m. at the corner of North 4th Street and Michigan Street at the Carl Zeidler park downtown Milwaukee. It will then proceed to Veterans Park on Milwaukee’s lake front. The parade will begin promptly at 2:00 p.m. Lets make this a great tribute to our veterans who have given so much of themselves for our country. It’s a day to honor the dead by serving the living. Bob & Barb Sonnen 414-771-1692 6 19th Annual Model A Day – Sharon, Wisconsin First Sunday in June 2015 Every year on the first Sunday in June, the spirit of the 1920s and 1930s is brought to life in the small town of Sharon, WI as Model A’s line the main street. People dressed as gangsters and flappers from the period promenade in front of the well preserved facades of local businesses, displaying architecture of a different time. With these historic buildings, the Model A’s and people in period attire look quite at home. Model A Day is an event put forth by the Historic Downtown Sharon Association and the Rockford, Illinois RockFord A's Model A Club to bring to life the history that surrounds us and to get in touch with our past. The illusion of stepping back in time is aided by costumed residents of the town, time-period entertainments, and of course, those delicious foods we have been eating for as long as we can remember. Whether you're a new face or an old friend, we look forward to seeing you! Date & Time: Sunday June 7th, 2015 between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. See the May issue of Wheeling the A for more details of the tour. Bob and Sandi Davisson, Tour Hosts (414-543-2424) 4th of July Parade Mark your calendars to join Dave and Linda Huenink along with Morgan the wonder dog at the Greendale, 4th of July parade. It will be a spectacular event. More details will follow. Mail Truck Model A Providing all of your Model A needs 8509 S. Howell Ave Oak Creek, WI 53154 414-762-7288 Owner—Tony Baudo We now offer shipping and Model A Service 7 Presidents Notes………… Spring Greetings, I hope you all enjoyed our brief taste of spring, I’m hoping the real thing is here soon so we can enjoy all the great tours we have set in place for this year. Please watch the newsletter for all the upcoming events and club information. Thank you to all our swap meet volunteers, we had a successful swap meet again this year. Happy to report our door count was up this year. We had a great turn out at New Berlin Ale House for our swap meet thank you luncheon, conversation and pizza was great. We finished off our indoor meeting season with a guest speaker on honey bees. It was very informative and interesting. The tour season has filled with interesting events for this year. Thanks to the Engels and Larsons for stepping forward and planning the April tour. It sounds like a great tour. That’s all for this month I hope to see you all soon at our outdoor tours. -Mike Welcome New Member Steve Krantz Steves British Connection 1358 W Church ST Sandwich, IL 60548 1929 Model A, 1930 Model A Truck E Mail Sbcinc@aol.com Closed OPEN Sunday’s MondaySaturday 10:30 am 3146 S. 27th St 414-491-3191 sonic05gt@yahoo.com 8 Sunshine Report…………. Long time member Sally Kaufman passed away February 15th, our thoughts and prayers are with the Kaufman family. To all the wonderful friends that Sally and I have made in the last 40 years, a very heartfelt thank you for all the cards, prayers and thoughts over the last few months. Its been a tough couple of months, but our Model A club has been like family and we really appreciate the help. Wally & Chuck Kaufman To the Wisconsin Chapter Model A Ford Club, One of the last requests that Sally asked me to do was to publicly thank Gene & Betsy Taurman for the help on our one and only breakdown in our Model A. Coming back from last years fall tour we broke an axle shaft in downtown Burlington, in the middle of a busy intersection. After pushing the car out of the intersection, but still facing the wrong way in the traffic lane. We thought here’s our first try using our AAA membership. After waiting 30 minutes, Gene & Betsy Taurman showed up and insisted that they wait with us, after about an hour and a half, it became apparent AAA was not going to show up anytime soon. Gene got out his magic phone and started to call around town for help. He soon got hold of the police department and they gave him the name and number of a local towing service. We made one call and in 30 minutes we were on our way home. It turns out the tow truck driver owned a Model A and I wound up selling him some parts. Now you ask why I’m telling you this now, Sally did not want this known before the banquet for fear that we’d get the bent wheel award! Thank you again Gene & Betsy Taurman. -Wally Kaufman Please notify Julie Larson with all sunshine needs. Call 615-521-6811 or email jule64bug@gmail.com ROSTER COVER Many of you asked, so here it is, the names to the faces on the 2015 roster. Top row from left to right: Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, Myra Loy, 30’s Flapper girl, John Wayne Middle row from left to right: Duck Midwick (left) and Dizzy Dean (right), Grace Bradley, John F Kennedy, William Powell and Carol Lombard. Bottom row from left to right: Babe Ruth & Clare Ruth, Lupe Velez, Mary Miles, Carole Lombard. 9 MAFCA Wisconsin Chapter General Meeting Minutes March 8, 2015 Indoor – Topics and hosts are needed for the indoor events this fall. Mike proposed for November’s indoor meet Mike Quam called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. that the clubs old picPresident –Mike – Mike thanked everyone for coming. tures be laid out and maybe a trivia contest to identify the members. The club received the reciprocating newsletters. The membership can then take the remaining pictures and the balance will be thrown out, unless Vice President – Randy – The club received one new membership application from Steve Krantz. A motion someone wants them all. No one stepped forward was made by Dave Boucher and seconded by Jim Kum- to host the 2016 banquet. Dave Huenink will book the date and time at Meyers Restaurant so we can mer to accept the new member. The motion was put secure a banquet location. to a vote and it carried. Board Members Present: Mike Quam, Steve Lewis, Randy Kind, Dave Huenink, Neil Besougloff Absent: Karry Kultgen Old Business – The CD was moved for Bank Mutual to Associated Bank. The CD will earn 1.3% interest for 5 years. March 19th will be the last technical seminar and the topic will be a transmission repair. Secretary – Dave – A motion was made by Paul Piotrowski and seconded by Stan Larsen to accept the February 8th meeting minutes as written. The motion was put to a vote and it carried. Two hundred and twenty-five members renewed their membership. Treasurer – Steve – A report of the revenue and expenses from last month was given. A motion was made by Linda Huenink and seconded by Mike Brojanic to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was put to a vote and it carried. Several bills were turned in. Stan Larson made a motion and seconded by Paul Piotrowski to pay the bills. The motion was put to a vote and it carried. There will be a swap meet report in the next issue of “Wheeling the A” and also brought up at the November general membership meeting. The swap meet committee tentatively booked the dates for the 2017 and 2018 swap meets. The date for the 2016 swap meet is February 28. Outdoor – Neil – The outdoor events for 2015 where reviewed and all of the tours have hosts. Stan Larson talked about his tour in April which will be through the Holy Hill and Big Cedar Lake area. Dave Boucher talked about the overnighter on Memorial Day weekend. Dave reviewed the routes and events planned for the tour. The tour dates are May 23rd though May 25th. 10 New Business – The board decided to purchase a money counting machine for the swap meet. The unit has a lot of nice features which are advantageous to the club. Mark Ackerman reviewed the tour he is hosting to Johnson Wax. Fred Fischer, a previous club member, passed away. Mike Brojanic made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Roger Olsen. The motion was put to a vote and it carried. The meeting was adjourned at 1:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dave Huenink MAFCA – Wisconsin Chapter Secretary ’A’ Trip Back to April 1983 Officers: President – Jack Grundman Vice President – Ron Smith Secretary – Gary Koser Treasurer – Dawn Dohmeyer Apr 9 – Board meeting, hosts are the Kummers. Apr 10 – Indoor meet/ ice cream social – As in the past, our custard comes from Leon’s custard, 3131 South 27th street. There will be a Dixie land band there to entertain you as you enjoy your custard. I wonder how long Leon’s has been donating custard to our custard social, looks to be at least 21+ years. Remember the old Palomar Roller Rink? It was also located on 27th street near Leon’s. Apr 14 – Technical meeting, to be held at the Avenue Brake Shop for part two of a three part program on engine rebuilding. Valves, pistons, piston rings and connecting rods will be assembled into the block as well as other engine parts. Apr 24 – Spring start tour meet at 1:00 p.m. at the Brookfield Square shopping center. May 15 – Tour – Diane Dohmeyer and Mike Grundman are the hosts. We will meet at Jack’s Automotive in Waukesha at 12:30. Details to follow. Mar 19 – Technical meeting – vehicle inspection. Sunshine Report – Pam Pfeil was in the hospital the past month and is now home and doing well. New Members: Wilbur/Marian Smith 1930 Tudor; Julian/Patricia Potisk 1931 Deluxe Coupe; Donald Porte; Gilbert Wehr 1928 Roadster Pickup; Jerome Tatro 1929 Roadster. Cars are so small these days that a pedestrian has to look left, right and down! ‘A’ Tip – with driving starting at the end of this month, here is a spring checklist for your ‘A’: CHASSIS – lube grease fittings every 500 miles SHOCK ABSORBER LINES - lube grease fittings every 500 miles SHOCK ABSORBERS – replenish with glycerin every 5000 miles SPEEDOMETER CABLE – lube every 10,000 miles DISTRIBUTOR OIL CUP – fill with motor oil every 500 miles DISTRIBUTOR CAM – clean and lube with Vaseline every 2000 miles CRANKCASE OIL – change oil every 500 miles CARBURATOR PLUG – drain and clean filter every 500 miles CLUTCH RELEASE BEARING – lube grease fitting every 2000 miles TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL – replenish with 600w gear lube every 500 miles U JOINT HOUSING – lube grease fittings every 500 miles GENERATOR – lube oilers with engine oil every 500 miles STEERING COLUMN GEAR HOUSING – replenish with gear lube every 500 miles IGNITION POINTS – clean and set points every 500 miles, replace every 5000 miles, set points .018 to .022 SPARK PLUGS – clean and gap every 500 miles, replace every 5000 miles, gap set to .035 WHEEL BEARINGS – wash bearings with kerosene and dry with compressed air. Lube with fibrous wheel packing grease GASOLINE SETLING BOWL – drain out water and debris every 500 miles TIRES – pressure should be kept at 35 pounds, check once a week Continued on next page…………... 11 Continued from prior page………. On December 2, 1927, the 1928 Ford Model ‘A’ was introduced nation-wide for the first time. In the first two days 10,000,000 people viewed the ‘A’. The April 1983 newsletter also contained a ‘Ladies Page’ written by Pam Pfiel which contained a recipe for ‘Herman Coffee Cake’ as well as an article on Cross Stitching. Sign on a Volkswagen dealership – “Our store has bugs!” Remember these? (these items go back way further than 1983, but interesting none the less) Broken cookies at Johnston Bakery on National Avenue ($1 a bag) Boston Store's restaurant and daily fashion shows Marquette University football team Wair's Bridal Shop on Mitchell Street "Ask your Neighbor" Dutchland Dairy Joe Shott and the Hot Shots The North Shore Line, the Inter Urban and other passenger trains Wadham's pagoda style gas station "Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Chevrolet (come in today!)!!" "I'm from Milwaukee and I oughta know...that BLATZ BEER TASTES GREAT...where ever you go..." Santa's Secret Gift Shop at Gimbels Dr.Cadaverino U.S. Army NIKE missile base in Lake Park The '57 World Series Nickel Beer nights at County Stadium Red Carpet Lanes The "old" Billy Mitchell Field Airport Mrs. Howe's potato chips "Be Wiser Buy Geiser's" Phil Token & His Singing Pontiac (PONTI) “Ask Andy” Relish trays with every dinner, everywhere Gertie the Duck Historical Events for April 1983: 1st - Anti-nuclear demonstrators link arms in 14-mile human chain in England 1st - Iraq increases missile attacks on Iran 4th - 45th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: NC State beats Houston 54-52 4th - 6th space shuttle mission, Challenger 1 launched 5th - France throws out 47 Soviet diplomats 7th - Oldest human skeleton, aged 80,000 years, discovered in Egypt – no this was not Dave Boucher, though he does turn 70 this year! 10th - Jordan King Hussein ceases negotiations with PLO 11th - 47th Golf Masters Championship: Seve Ballesteros wins, shooting a 280 11th - 55th Academy Awards - "Gandhi", Ben Kingsley & Meryl Streep win 12th - Harold Washington elected Chicago's 1st black mayor 12th - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR 13th - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 13th - Undefeated middleweight boxer Tony Ayala gets 35 years on sex assault 15th - Tokyo Disneyland opens 16th - Steve Garvey sets NL record by playing in 1,118 consecutive games 17th - In Warsaw, police route 1,000 Solidarity supporters 17th - India entered space age launching SLV-3 rocket 17th - Nolan Ryan strikes out his 3,500th batter 12 18th - 12th Boston Women's Marathon won by Joan Benoit Samuelson in 2:22:43 18th - 87th Boston Marathon won by Greg Meyer of Mass in 2:09:00 18th - A lone suicide bomber kills 63, at US Embassy in Lebanon 20th - Soyuz T-8 launched; mission aborted when capsule fails to dock 22nd - Great Britain performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 22nd - Stern mag announces major historical find-discovery of 60 volume personal diaries written by Adolf Hitler (turned out to be a hoax) 25th - "Nightline" expands from ½ hour to a full hour 25th - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island 25th - Yuri Andropov invites US schoolgirl Samantha Smith to USSR 25th - Pioneer 10 travels beyond Pluto's orbit. April 4, 1888 Henry and Clara were married. April 7, 1947 Henry Ford dies at Fairlane Estate Won’t be long – get them cars out! Bob/Karen 13 14 Looking Back in the Rearview Mirror Thursday, February 19th was a bitterly cold night. However, we had a great group of Model A enthusiasts come down to Oak Creek for our seminar on this freezing night. During the last driving season Steve & Ele Gapko had problems with the high compression head on their Model A. They took the head in to have it checked and found out the head was .008 (8 thousands) out. This would definitely make the engine blow a gasket. The engine was milled to make it perfect again. Steve brought his engine to our seminar and we put a new head gasket on the engine. Since this is a high compression head, we put the crown moly stud and nut kit in. The reason we did this was to make sure that we did not have any stretching in the stud as far as the high compression head once it was torqued to 60 ft. lbs. in the CORRECT SEQUENCE. This was done instead of the 50 ft. lbs. as described in Les Andrew's book for a standard head. Our next project for the evening was adjusting the king pins on Jeff & Kathie Bezotte's front axle assembly for their Roadster Pick Up. We installed the EZ steering kit with all the new steering balls. MAN! Does that work smooth now! Kathie will think she is driving a new pick up down the road! A Thank You To All Who Participate In Our Seminars. Jeff and Roger Washington, D.C., 1925. "Snow removal -- Ford tractor." A teaspoon at a time. 15 Looking Back in the Rearview Mirror Swap Meet 2015 After midnight on February 22, Bob & Kitty Schaefer, Art & Sue Blazek, and Mike Brojanac arrived to mark the floor for our 226 vendor spots. Before long our 113 vendors were arriving and starting to set up for the swap meet. This year all vendor spots were sold out 2 weeks prior to the show. By 7:00 a.m. we had spectators coming to the door wanting to get in. We had Pat Piotrowski, Steve & Ele Gapko, Steve & Deb Lewis, Gary Schwabe and Sue Quam cashiering and putting on wrist bands. As fast as we could go, they kept on coming, that line seemed endless. By the days end we had 2,163 paid admissions come thru the doors, which is up from last year. The swap meet committee is comprised of; Dave & Donna Boucher who head up advertising, Bob &Kitty Schaefer who head up volunteers and Mike & Sue Quam who handles all vendor correspondence. We all do a large array of things and help where ever needed. BIG THANK YOU’s to all the volunteers who helped out, we had a very successful swap meet. Dennis Cooper Mike Clinnin Joe Schwark Mark Jodarski Robert DuKatz Ron Neuman Steve Blundon Gary Schwabe Tim Buege Chris Stauersbol Ruth & Julia Stauersbol Randy Kind Dennis Wagner Jeff & Kathie Bezotte Gene Taurman Pat Piotrowski Ron & Jane Bezotte Dave Rozman Stan Larson Neil Besougloff Bob & Barb Sonnen Dennis Maier Mike Yokofich Lee Paulus Steve & Ele Gapko Mike Brojanac Art & Sue Blazek Bob Schmiechen Steve & Deb Lewis Thank you again!!! The Swap Meet Committee Volunteers ready for the day. Thank you to Neil Besougloff who sat at our club table to promote the club. Photos by Peter Stauber 16 Looking Back in the Rearview Mirror Pictures from March 9th bee keeping indoor meeting. Board of directors, Randy kind, Neil Besougloff, Mike Quam, Steve Lewis and Dave Huenink. Bob & Kitty Schaefer with bee keeping guest speaker Gene and Betsy Taurman Photos by Peter Stauber Peter Stauber and Jim Stegner More pictures on next page... 17 Crowd listening to speaker on bee keeping. Steve & Deb Lewis OUTDOOR MEET ADVISORY TEAM NEED HELP WITH YOUR “A”? QUESTIONS THAT YOU NEED ANSWERS TO?? For help in running an event call: Call our technical advisers : Jim Kummer 262-895-2897 Roger Olsen 262-554-7058 Stan Larson 262-251-1655 Please remember: · To contact the club secretary if you have change of address, email address or phone number! · To submit an article before and after your event. · Deadline to submit articles and ads is the 15th of each month · Check out www.model-a-wis.com for more pictures of club events. 18 CLASSIFIED ADS: Classified ads, such as the ones seen here are free. To place your ad please contact the editor, Sue Quam at 414-491-3260 or by emailing your ad to: wheelingthea@yahoo.com Ads run for one month unless notified to run them again. Ads are due by the 15th of the month. FOR SALE: Repro seat riser for a 30-31 Roadster $75 call John Secord 262-375-0249 WANTED: 30-31 radiator, running boards, rear bumper brackets and 31 front fenders. Call John Secord 262-375-0249 FOR SALE: Set of five Tacoma cream 16” Ford wire wheels with like new Cooker white wall tires mounted. Includes hubcaps (after market Ford). Asking $200 for each wheel, tire, tube and hubcap. Call John at 262 723-5058 or 414 510-4682 Elkhorn, WI. FOR SALE: Beautiful 1930 Ford Model A for sale. Light blue body with camel interior. Car runs and has had work done. Needs new tires and tender loving care. Contact Patricia at the Washington County Historical Society 262-335-4678 or director@historyisfun.com with your best offer. FOR SALE: 2 brand new 1928-29 fiberglass fenders with wheel wells. $400.00 Call Jerry Flynn 262-628-1421 New Membership Application Name____________________________________________________________________Date______________________ Address________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ City___________________________________________ State______________________ Zip_______________________ Phone(_____)_____________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________ Model A’s___________________________________________________________________________________ Send my newsletter via email________ or US MAIL__________ Send To: Dues for 2015 for the Wisconsin Chapter, MAFCA: Receiving the newsletter & roster via the internet is $20.00 To receive the newsletter and the roster via the US Mail (first class) the dues are $30.00 New member applications are approved at the monthly Board of Directors meeting, which is the second Saturday of the month. You will receive a welcome letter upon approval. Dues include membership only in the Wis. Chapter MAFCA until the end of the current calendar year. 19 Randy Kind Vice President/New Member Chairperson Wisconsin Chapter, MAFCA PO Box 26006 Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006 ** 2015 ** Wheeling the “A” Wisconsin Chapter MAFCA Marilyn Brojanac, Distribution N61 W15975 Beechwood Dr. Menomonee Falls. WI 53051 Address Service Requested MAIL TO: For more information log on to www.model-a-wis.com 20
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