Welcome to the Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014


Welcome to the Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
The Arcati Mainframe
Yearbook 2014
The independent annual guide for users of
IBM mainframe systems
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
Welcome to the Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014............................................................. 3
Research Report – Software Diversified Services’ E- Business Server: Encryption,
Compression, Key Creation and Management?........................................................... 4
The Challenge: Actively Control MLC Costs for IBM’s System z....................................11
Mainframe meets mobile................................................................................................... 14
Your Business is Dynamic – Are You? Empowering the Dynamic Data Center .......... 22
The 2014 Mainframe User Survey..................................................................................... 31
An analysis of the profile, plans, and priorities of mainframe users
Vendor Directory................................................................................................................ 46
Vendors, consultants, and service providers in the z/OS environment
A media guide for IBM mainframers .............................................................................. 125
Information resources, publications, social media, and user groups for the z/OS
Glossary of Terminology................................................................................................. 129
Definitions of some mainframe-related terms
Technical information...................................................................................................... 157
Hardware tables – zEC12, z114, and z196; mainframe hardware timeline 1952-2013;
mainframe operating system development
Action Software
CA Technologies
23, 61
Software AG
14, 106
Software Diversified Services
Type80 Security Software
William Data Systems zIT Consulting
4, 106
22, 118
11, 122
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
by Mark Lillycrop,
Welcome to the Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
We are very grateful – as always – to all those who have contributed this year by writing articles, taking part in our
annual user survey, or updating their company profiles. In particular I must thank the sponsors and advertisers,
without whose support this Yearbook would not be possible.
2013 was again a difficult year for businesses, with the cold wind of recession still
blowing and organizations still trying to get more for less. IBM’s third-quarter earnings
included a $1 billion revenue miss, which resulted in its shares losing 7%. Much of
the blame for the revenue shortfall was IBM’s hardware business, which is going
through choppy water and saw a 40% drop in sales in China. In fact, IBM missed not
just revenue but profit for two of its last three quarters. Chief Executive, Virginia ‘Ginni’
Rometty, e-mailed staff stating that the company needed to “do better”. And followed
that with some executive changes.
IBM’s cloud strategy seems to be picking up with its recent acquisition of SoftLayer.
But there have been questions about IBM’s accounting. We found out in July that the
US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating its cloud-revenue figures.
On the bright side, with 12 research laboratories across the globe, IBM still holds the record for the most patents
generated by a company, and has done so for 20 consecutive years.
Apart from SoftLayer Technologies, 2013 saw IBM acquire Star Analytics and The Now Factory for their
analytics business; UrbanCode for automation; Trusteer for cyber security; Daeja Image Systems for document
management; and Xtify and Fibrelink Communications for mobile skills.
In terms of hardware, the big story of 2013 was the announcement of the zEnterprise BC12 (zBC12), which
features a 4.2GHz processor, and, for cloud computing, it can consolidate up to 40 virtual servers per core or up
to 520 in a single footprint. It offers similar capabilities to the IBM zEC12, including specialty processors. There’s
the Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) engine for running Linux applications, and the System z Application Assist
Processor (zAAP) and System z Integrated Information Process (zIIP) for off-core workload processing. The big
difference is that the zBC12 has a maximum memory of 496GB compared to the zEC12’s maximum of 3TB, and
it has more limited connectivity options. A new zBC12
starts at $75,000. IBM also claims that it can help
customers save up to 55% over their x86 distributed
The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Publisher: Mark Lillycrop
Editorial Director: Trevor Eddolls
Contributors: Guido Falkenberg, zIT Consulting
Clabby Analytics, CA Technologies
© 2014, Arcati Limited.
All company and product names mentioned in this
publication remain the property of their respective
This Yearbook is the copyright of Arcati Limited, and
may not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part
without the permission of the owner. A licence for internal
e-mail or intranet distribution may be obtained from the
publisher. Please contact Arcati for details.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
In terms of software, this year we’ve had Version 13 of
IMS. There have been ‘45 years of IMS’ celebrations,
and celebrations about the speeds achievable with this
new version. Also announced was Version 10.5 of DB2
(code-named Kepler). And perhaps the most important
was z/OS Version 2.1.
What can we expect from 2014? It looks like Big Data
and Hadoop are going to become much more familiar.
We’ll see far more going on in the cloud – there will
be more people using more things ‘as a Service’. And,
mobile computing, rather than being new and different,
will become a natural part of every IT infrastructure.
As always, in 2014 the mainframe will continue to offer
outstanding performance and reliability at the heart of
the world’s business-critical applications.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
Research Report –
Software Diversified
Services’ E-Business
Server: Encryption,
Compression, Key Creation
and Management?
Clabby Analytics takes an in-depth look at SDS
and at the new “SDS E-Business Server” – and
then poses some critical questions.
Software Diversified Services (SDS), a wellestablished independent software vendor (ISV) and
technical services provider, recently announced
that it has acquired the rights to sell, support,
and maintain McAfee’s former E-Business Server
Our initial take on this acquisition is that this is
a “good strategic move” for SDS. It provides
the company with an advanced, multivendor
encryption and compression security environment
that complements the company’s other security
and management offerings (including Net’Q and
Net-Examine, its VitalSigns monitoring offerings,
and VFTP-SSH) and squarely positions SDS
as a leader in the PGP (pretty good privacy)
What we like most about the new SDS E-Business
Server is that it offers:
• Rich Encryption – the SDS E-Business Server
is a rich encryption environment that offers
support of the following security algorithms:
Triple-DES (3DES), CAST5, IDEA, Twofish,
AES (128-, 192-, and 256-bit encryption),
Blowfish, RSA v3 and v4 (up to 4096 bits),
DSA, ElGamal, SHA-1, SHA-2, MD5 and
• Excellent Compression – in some cases, up
to 50% compression rates. Compression
improves security by eliminating recurring
patterns in the data before it is encrypted.
Compression not only saves file space, it also
lightens the load on the network (thus reducing
latency) and it can lead to reduced processing
Application Program Interfaces (APIs) –
that allow encryption to be integrated with
applications and processes using the provided
Key Creation/Management – SDS’ E-Business
Server can generate, disable, re-enable, and/or
revoke keys – as well as change trust criteria
using advanced key management;
Multivendor Support – multiple platforms are
supported including Windows, Linux, AIX,
Solaris, HP-UX, and z/OS); and
Non-repudiation – non-repudiation is a
means of using electronic signatures so a
sender cannot deny that a file was sent (this
is especially useful when conducting internal
security audits).
In this Research Report, Clabby Analytics takes
a closer look at SDS and at the new “SDS
E-Business Server” – and we ask the following
critical question: “how will SDS grow the base of
its new SDS E-Business Server?”
First Things First: About SDS
SDS (founded in 1982) is an independent software
vendor as well as technical services provider. The
company’s software portfolio includes over 20
mainframe security and management products –
and now, a cross-platform encryption/compression
product with the addition of McAfee E-Business
security software.
Strategically, the company’s current foci are
data security and compression, performance
monitoring, report distribution, and client-server
applications. This includes PC software related to
the mainframe industry. The current SDS portfolio
contains systems and network monitoring, security
and encryption, index and search, report and
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
backup, session and print management, file
transfer and compression, and CICS utilities.
It is important to note that SDS is known for
providing high quality software, documentation,
and technical support. SDS technical support
works hand-in-hand with SDS software developers
and has been rated number 1 by the prestigious
IBEX Bulletin.
SDS’ Target Market: The PGP Marketplace
The target market for the SDS E-Business Server
is the PGP marketplace – a market that provides
cryptographic privacy and authentication services
for data-at-rest (stored data) as well as data-onthe-fly (data communicated over networks). The
way that PGP encryption works is that it uses a
combination of technologies (including hashing,
data compression, symmetric-key cryptography,
and public-key cryptography) to safeguard data.
Keys are created and bound to users – and
these keys are managed using automated key
management services.
The reason that IT executives use PGP services
is that they are looking to protect their data from
both external as well as internal threats:
• External Threats
o IBM recently published its mid-year 2013
X-Force security report (known simply as
the “Trend and Risk Report”). This annual
report shows that Chief Information Security
Officers need to increase their knowledge
of the evolving vulnerability and attack
landscape (including the use of mobile
and social technologies) in order to more
effectively combat security threats.
o This report emphasizes that known
vulnerabilities (such as unpatched Web
applications and endpoint software
vulnerabilities) create opportunities for
breaches – but also notes that attackers are
improving their skills and now capitalizing
on user trust coming from new approach
vectors such as social media, mobile
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
technologies and waterhole attacks.
o This report also highlighted that DistributedDenial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks are being
used as a diversionary technique, allowing
attackers to breach other systems.
To protect stored as well as networked data from
these external threats it is wise to securely encrypt
that data. This is why IT executives purchase PGP
• Internal Threats
o Dishonest and disgruntled employees
continue to represent a huge threat to
internal information systems security
(including fraud, theft of intellectual property,
and sabotage). The CERT Insider Threat
Center now uses a database with over
700 insider threat cases in order to track
and remediate internal threats. But some
estimates show that internal threats may
account for up to 80% of all security
The SDS E-Business Server uses some of the
industry’s most advanced algorithms to encrypt
and decrypt data. It uses a key-based approach to
encrypt/decrypt data – and it uses straightforward
APIs to overlay security over applications and
processes. These algorithms and related keybased approach help protect data on-the-fly or
at-rest. As for internal threats, the SDS E-Business
Server uses unbreakable signature creation and
authentication that provides non-repudiation
services using electronic signatures (so a sender
cannot deny that a file was sent). This feature is
particularly useful when doing internal security
A Closer Look: The SDS E-Business Server
Product Offering
SDS E-Business Server is a multi-platform
software tool that encrypts, authenticates and
compresses data. Further, it can create and verify
digital signatures in order to prove the origin of
data and ensure message integrity.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
The way that security works within the SDS
E-Business Server environment is that it generates,
disables, re-enables, and revokes encryption
keys – and allows changes in trust criteria. These
keys can work across various platforms including
Windows, AIX, HP-UX, Linux (both SUSE and
RedHat), Solaris, and IBM z/OS – thus enabling
multiplatform support. The SDS E-Business
Server also provides key-management services,
allowing users to create, find and store keys. The
SDS E-Business Server also generates X.509
certificates that allow enterprises to create inhouse certificate authorities.
From an implementation perspective, security
services are built into applications and processes
using application program interfaces (interface
instructions) that allow IT administrators and
developers to embed encryption, digital signing
and authentication into application and batch
processes. As for application/process integration,
the SDS E-Business Server is a command-line
application that can easily be integrated with
existing processes and scripts including z/OS JCL,
batch processes, the TSO environment, and REXX
(SYSREXX) during system startup and in system
operator commands. Further, SDS E-Business
Server security can be easily integrated into C
and Java applications, and into scripts on Linux,
Unix, Solaris, and z/OS USS.
Particularly noteworthy are the encryption
algorithms that are available on the SDS
E-Business Server. These algorithms include
symmetric Triple-DES (3DES), CAST5, IDEA,
Twofish, AES (128-, 192-, and 256-bit encryption)
and Blowfish support. Asymmetric algorithm
support includes RSA v3 and v4 (up to 4096 bits),
DSA and EIGamal (Diffie Hellman). Hash support
includes SHA-1, SHA-2, MD5 and RIPEMD-160.
Notice that these are core to McAfee’s security
business – and that SDS E-Business Server
benefits from algorithms implemented by one
of the strongest security software makers in the
It is also important to note that SDS E-Business
Server compression is very strong. It can reduce
Source: Software Diversified Services, September, 2013
Figure 1: SDS Worldwide Sales and Support Coverage
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
file sizes (sometimes up to an impressive 50%).
And file size reduction can lead to decreases in
consumption of bandwidth, processing time, and
disk space. The SDS E-Business Server can also
encrypt/decrypt files of 4GB and larger. Further,
EBCDIC-ASCII conversions can be handled on
the fly.
Also, the SDS E-Business Server offers
unbreakable signature creation and authentication
that provides non-repudiation services using
electronic signatures. We think that this feature
is particularly important for enterprises that wish
to conduct internal audits.
The Big Question: How Will SDS Grow Its SDS
E-Business Server Base?
SDS is an independent software vendor that
has a strong focus on security and management
software development. The company makes its
money by developing security and management
software – as well as by providing technical
services related to its software offerings. To
understand how SDS will grow its E-Business
Server base it is necessary to look more closely
at the company’s sales, support and development
Sales and Support
From a sales and support perspective, the
company already has a worldwide network of
distributors in North and South America, Europe,
Africa, the Near and Far East, as well as in
Australia and New Zealand (see Figure 1). With
this broad expanse of sales and support coverage,
SDS already has the resources that it needs in
place to support the existing installed base while
driving new sales in various geographies.
A more important question is: “how will SDS make
its SDS E-Business Server a more compelling
offering such that the company can grow the
E-Business Server base?” The answer to this
question can be found in the following subsection
(Research and Development).
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Research and Development
From a research and development perspective it
is important to note that SDS already has a wealth
of security developers who currently build, support
and enhance several other SDS security products.
These resources can also be used to help support
and enhance the new SDS E-Business Server
environment (and other resources can be added
as needed to support the expected growth of the
What is involved in supporting and enhancing
the SDS E-Business Server over the long
run? As SDS sees it, much of the support and
enhancement activity for its E-Business Server
centers on keeping current with the numerous
algorithms involved in encrypting and decrypting
data. Standards organizations control these
algorithms – so it is important for SDS to monitor
each standard’s RFC (request for comment)
activities in order to stay current with planned
changes to the standard algorithms. SDS has
added development staff to support ongoing
development of E-Business Server. If the need
arises, SDS will promptly employ additional
E-Business developers.
As for product enhancements, SDS is very
customer centric when it comes to enhancing its
software portfolio. The company is confident that
it can port or write the necessary code to address
customer change requests. Remember, SDS
is a 30 year old vendor with a stellar reputation
for keeping its offering current and thriving – so
there is historical precedent that shows that SDS
knows how to keep its products up-to-date from a
features/function perspective as well as from an
enhancements perspective.
Should We Stay or Should We Go?
Given that customers originally purchased their
E-Business Servers from McAfee, a logical
question from the installed base should be “should
we stay or should we go?” From our perspective,
existing customers of McAfee’s E-Business Server
need to weigh the benefits of continuing to use the
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
E-Business Server under the auspices of SDS,
versus moving to another PGP offering.
The key arguments for staying with an installed
E-Business Server environment are:
1. Moving costs can include design and test
migration, data backup, the actual migration
and retest – and then application recertification
(where auditors approve the PGP product and
related processes). SDS E-Business Server
can save customers from a migration process
of indefinite length and expense, and uncertain
2. Removing an installed environment can be
difficult because E-Business encryption and
decryption services have been integrated into
customers’ batch and online environments.
Pulling and replacing that encryption can be
3. Remember, existing customers have already
invested in process integration, personnel
training, and supporting infrastructure. Moving
to another platform means re-investing in
training and infrastructure – potentially for little
or no gain.
4. SDS plans to actively invest in the development
of new SDS E-Business Server features and
functions. Staying current or leap-frogging
ahead of competitors is core to the SDS
strategy for its E-Business Server. So, again,
moving to another platform buys little in terms
of new features and functions.
Another important consideration for existing
customers who are considering a migration to
another PGP offering has to do with compliance.
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards council
has announced that systems no longer supported
by their vendors will fail PCI compliance. This
shows that the PCI standards council understands
that systems without regular maintenance cycles
are at increased risk for compromise and attack,
thus risking credit card compromise. SDS plans
to regularly update and maintain its E-Business
Server, thus ensuring that it will remain a viable
security platform in the eyes of security auditors
and standards organizations.
From our perspective: given the cost of migration
(including new licensing, new training, replacing
the currently integrated processes with new ones,
and more) – and given SDS’ intent to continually
add new enhancements to its SDS E-Business
Server – it makes little sense for installed-base
users to move to another PGP environment.
Why Most Existing Customers Will Stay with SDS
E-Business Server
On October 4th, 2013, Adobe Systems Inc.
reported that up to 2.9 million of its customers
may have been affected by a data breach. After
sophisticated attacks on its network Adobe found
that its source code had been accessed – and that
customer information such as names, encrypted
credit card or debit card information, and “other
information related to customer orders” may have
also been accessed. The key word in the previous
sentence is “encrypted”.
SDS E-Business Server users know that they
have to do their utmost to protect corporate and
customer data – which is why they invest in PGP
products. But some of the reasons that they have
chosen the SDS E-Business Server include:
• Small insurance company – “E-Business
just runs and we don’t really have to worry
about it. But having SDS take over the
support, maintenance and more importantly
enhancements, makes the product even more
foundational for us”.
• Large bank – “We’ve been using E-Business
for about ten years and it’s tightly integrated
within our applications. We’re glad SDS will be
looking at enhancing the product and listening
to our future requirements”.
• Large insurance company – “It just runs and
you almost don’t know it’s there. We’re happy
with the function”.
• State government – “I wish all software vendors
had support like SDS provides; you’re always
responsive and you know your stuff!”
• Manufacturer – “I would like to say how much
I appreciated the expert support I received
during our SFTP project. I could not have
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
completed it without the SDS support and
technical services team”.
• Insurance – “When I call SDS, I always know
I’ll get a live person who answers my questions
the first time, every time”.
The necessity for encryption services, plus ease
of deployment and operation, plus outstanding
service and support all ensure that likelihood
that existing customers will stay with the SDS
E-Business Server is very high.
Summary Observations
McAfee positions the acquisition of its E-Business
Server product as a “strategic partnership” with
SDS – a way to better serve the McAfee customer
base through a third-party relationship. We,
however, see this acquisition differently.
With the acquisition of McAfee’s E-Business
Server environment, SDS is expanding its existing
security software portfolio, adding new encryption/
decryption, key management and non-repudiation
functions to its suite of security products. This is a
good strategic move by SDS because it expands
the company’s security portfolio and positions the
company to offer broader security services to its
As is the case during many acquisitions, IT buyers
should be asking: “should we stay with the new
vendor or move to another platform?” The place to
look for the answer to this question is at the new
vendor’s sales/support/development organization.
From a sales and support perspective SDS has
a broad, worldwide distribution network that is
prepared to aggressively market and support
its new SDS E-Business Server. We believe
that SDS is strategically committed to growing
its E-Business Server base – and, accordingly,
we expect that field sales organizations will
be chartered with aggressively driving sales of
this new product. Flat sales were the reason
why McAfee chose to pass over the reins of its
E-Business Server to SDS. We think that SDS will
be far more aggressive in promoting this product.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
As for the SDS development organization, it is
important to note that SDS already offers several
other security products – so it knows how to
build and support products that encrypt/decrypt
and compress data. It is also important to note
that SDS development sees the task of keeping
the product current as an exercise in keeping
up with encryption standards (so it should be
straightforward to keep-up with algorithmic
changes in the industry). As for enhancements, we
have noticed several SDS customer testimonials
that laud the company for great support and for its
responsiveness. This shows us that the company
is very customer-centric. And we expect that it will
be this customer-centric focus that will drive future
enhancements of SDS’ E-Business Server.
After evaluating both the E-Business Server and
SDS, we conclude that given the company’s
broad, worldwide distribution network, its strong
reputation for service and support, and its
deep security developmental expertise, SDS
has the resources needed to support existing
customers while opening new opportunities for
its SDS E-Business Server. We recommend that
existing customers stay with SDS for encryption/
decryption/compression and non-repudiation
services – and we recommend that new prospects
consider SDS’ new E-Business Server to protect
data-in-flight as well as data-at-rest.
Clabby Analytics is an independent technology
research and analysis organization. Unlike
many other research firms, we advocate certain
positions – and encourage our readers to find
counter opinions – then balance both points-ofview in order to decide on a course of action.
Other research and analysis conducted by Clabby
Analytics can be found at:
Telephone: 001 (207) 846-6662
Software Diversified Services (SDS) can be found
at www.sdsusa.com, 763-571-9000.
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10/8/13 1:56 PM
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
The Challenge: Actively
Control MLC Costs for
IBM’s System z
zIT explains more about getting the most out
of workload balancing at peak times and the
issues around that.
The introduction of Workload License Charges
(vWLC and aWLC) in data centers brings up
the questions of how the available peak time
capacity can be balanced optimally in such a
way that high priority workload is prioritized
across LPAR boundaries and how defined
capacity settings can be optimized, while at the
same time minimizing the MLC costs.
Two central issues are of interest:
• Making sure that during cost relevant peak time
only time critical workload runs, thus avoiding
that workload that is not time critical does add
more MSU to the MLC invoice.
• Making sure that active capping really leads to
savings, as limitations without savings reduce
the productivity and the acceptance of capping
Both issues require 24/7 monitoring and
management, which cannot be done manually.
Our two products zDynaCap and zPrice Manager
are unique and provide the necessary functionality
to flexibly monitor and manage MSU capacity
automatically in real time. They focus on different
customer situations: while zDynaCap is the easy,
fast and ‘plug and play’ product, zPrice Manager is
the very detailed and sophisticated MSU capacity
control product for customers with complex
environments that want to manage their capacity
on a very granular level, also across CECs.
We suggest our customers to start with zDynaCap
in order to get a very fast and easy payback with
minimum effort and a first feeling of the possible
savings. If necessary and effective, the second
step can be to switch from zDynaCap to the more
powerful product zPrice Manager.
Figure 1: Example DynaCap screen
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
zDynaCap®: Automated Capacity Balancing
and Optimized DefCaps
• Plug and play product delivered with a first
user-specific set up.
• Automatically balances the capacity within
user-defined groups of LPARs, based upon the
user-specific parameter information.
• Automatically sets a Defined Capacity value
when the current usage goes down, while the
R4HA value still goes up: “savings without
• Enables its users to flexibly control WLC costs:
o Total costs
o Costs per product by grouping LPARs based
upon product usage.
• Enables its users to define nested groups
(groups within groups) for higher granularity.
• Allows complete insight and control of MSU
usage, and with that, the MLC costs.
• Offers an extended browser-based reporting
o The cockpit view shows current usage
information and many important usage
o Extended reports allow you to check the subcapacity usage and IBM’s monthly license
charge MSU levels: real time and historical.
An example of the output is shown in Figure 1.
For more information ask us: info@zitconsulting.com or refer to our website: http://
zPrice Manager®: Automated Real-Time
Capacity Monitoring
• Delivers the information you need to control
WLC through real-time monitoring
• Enables you to take appropriate action to avoid
unplanned peaks in usage and costs
• Shows when products are activated and how
many MSUs are required and creates alerts if
• Helps avoid unexpected capping situations –
also automatically
• Offers reports that can be used to check the
subcapity reports and IBM’s monthly license
charge invoice
• Enables you to predict when thresholds will be
reached, such as for OTC products
• Helps you plan your new ESSO contract in an
optimal way
zPrice Manager creates budget stability and
helps you achieve substantial cost reductions.
It supports you in areas where other products
or methods (such as IBM Workload Manager
or Group Capping) fail to provide an effective
For more information ask us: info@zit-consulting.
com or refer to our website: http://www.zitconsulting.com/zprice-manager-3/zpricemanager-details?lang=en.
zIT Consulting is the leading provider of powerful
and efficient tools to control Software costs on
IBM’s System z Mainframes (MLC and OTC).
Our Mission is to reduce the Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) making the zSeries platform
even more attractive for end users.
We currently have a solid customer base in various
industries: our clients can be found in Banking,
Insurance, Retail, Transport, Outsourcing. Their
environments range from 100 MSUs to many
thousands with great satisfaction and substantial
Our team has a full understanding, deep knowledge
and long experience in all matters related to
Software costs: Contract calculations, System
Architecture, WLM Settings, Capping Issues and
Application Tuning.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
Capacity Balancing and Optimized Capping Reduces the Monthly IBM Software Invoice
zDynaCap: Same Service at Lower MLC Costs thru Capacity Balancing and Optimized Capping
Many different factors impact how Workload License Charges (WLC) calculates the monthly IBM
mainframe software invoice, often the largest single invoice in a data centre.
The savings strategy sounds simple; allocate the MSU’s only where they are needed.
The problem; due to the magnitude of factors that have an influence, the sensitivity of the matter where small mistakes can cause outages - and the complexity of pricing rules on System z, it is
necessary to constantly monitor and manage the MSU usage, 24*7. That is a task that simply cannot
be done manually!
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zDynaCap is a registered trademark of zIT Consulting GmbH, patent pending.
IBM and z/OS are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp.
All otherLtd,
2014are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
Mainframe meets mobile
By Guido Falkenberg, Senior Vice President,
Product Marketing, Software AG, explains
that mobile technology is one of the major
forces affecting the information industry
today. Find out more about how Software AG
helps customers with core applications on the
mainframe extend their reach to mobile apps.
Mobile technology is rapidly changing how we do
business and engage with government, business,
institutions and each other. Consumers expect to
shop, get quotes, apply for goods and services,
and receive real-time updates on scheduled
flights, deliveries and service calls. Business users
(employees and partners) expect perpetual access
to resources that support them in accomplishing
their jobs throughout the day. Mobile has the
potential to transform employee productivity,
accelerate processes and improve the customer
experience. How much has your organization
embraced mobile technology? Have you looked
beyond the customer experience to see where
mobile could transform how you operate your
business? What will be the impact on your future
if you delay entering the mobile foray?
Pervasive access
Mobile computing enables “pervasive access”—
the ability to access information at any time, from
any place. Today, the widespread adoption of
mobile technology has created savvy users who
demand that personal and business functions be
available at their fingertips when they are in the
Figure 1: When mainframe meets mobile, your users benefit from the native UI
design and navigation
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Mainframe strategy
office, at home, traveling and even on vacation.
The need for pervasive access is a reality—a
reality that presents opportunities and challenges
for those who maintain “bet your business” core
applications (in COBOL, Natural, etc.) on the
These considerations cannot be addressed in a
silo. In order to set up a successful enterpriseclass mobile platform, you must plan and execute
your mobile strategy against these concerns
holistically. Let’s get started.
Before you embark on extending your mainframe
applications to mobile devices, consider how you
• Securely connect your core applications to the
mobile world?
• Provide a consistent user experience across a
variety of mobile devices?
• Manage and control how mobile apps interact
with your core applications?
Secure access to mainframe applications
The most efficient way to make core application
information and functions available on a mobile
device is to expose them as services and events.
Web services offer a standardized method for
communicating between mobile apps and core
applications. Typically, as shown in Figure 2,
mission-critical core applications can communicate
with mobile apps from one of three access areas:
Figure 2: Unlock your core applications by creating services that can be re-used
in mobile apps
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Mainframe strategy
• User interface
• Business logic
• Data
and conversational communication. Its powerful
and easy-to-use wrapping technology and flexible
programming interfaces turn existing application
functions into business services.
User interface access
User interface access, communicating directly with
terminal screens (e.g., 3270), is a good approach
when the information or transactions needed by
the mobile app already exist in a core application.
With true bi-directional service wrapping, mobile
apps can access and update information in the
core application and database. This level of
inbound and outbound access offers advantages
over other levels of access as business logic, and
security functions can be applied to information
before it is supplied to a mobile app and before
information from the mobile app is applied to the
target (core) database.
Using webMethods mainframe integration
technologies (e.g., ApplinX), you can expose
the core application-screen functionality and
external data as services. You can also combine
information from different screens and data
sources to improve the users’ interaction with
the mainframe application, improving processes
while you are at it. This non-invasive approach
to bringing core applications to mobile devices
has no impact on the core application itself as it
requires no code understanding and no changes
or addition to the code.
Imagine taking your green-screen interface for
existing functions like customer look up, inventory
status, or flight details and turning them into an
eye-pleasing, user-friendly mobile app as shown
back in figure 1.
Business logic access
When you need to deliver complex business logic
functions to your mobile app, business-logiclevel access is your most optimal approach. With
webMethods mainframe integration technologies
(e.g., EntireX), developers can quickly and easily
generate services (e.g., .NET, Java®, REST or
SOAP) from a number of different programming
environments (e.g., Natural, COBOL, C, PL/I,
RPG, IBM® Assembler) and make them available
for use by mobile apps.
webMethods is a secure, high-performance
communication infrastructure that uniquely
combines message-queuing capabilities with
built-in support for synchronous request/reply
This approach is ideal for managing interactions
for tightly coupled, time-critical user applications.
Imagine a sales representative wanting to check
a buyer’s credit or a consumer looking for an
insurance quote for his auto. Any activity that
requires the mobile user to enter information that
is sent back to the core application for processing
then returns a result is a candidate.
Data access
Data access is ideal for mobile apps requesting
information from the target database of a
mainframe application. By enabling mobile
apps to use standard SQL to access and/or
update non-relational and relational databases,
webMethods opens up many mainframe database
environments (e.g., Adabas, DB2®, VSAM,
IMS™) to share information with mobile devices.
Using this technology, a single SQL request made
from a mobile app can simultaneously access (or
pull) data across any number of databases.
If you wish to push data from your core application
databases to a mobile app, look at replication
as an option. A replication solution proactively
transforms and delivers select Adabas data based
on pre-defined “subscriptions” to mobile apps in
A mobile user looking up customer account
information, product information or service terms
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
meets Mobile
Mainframe strategy
Enable mission-critical Mainframe and Adabas
Natural applications for mobile access across all
mobile platforms–anytime and anywhere.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Get There Faster
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
are good examples of “pull” apps. Examples of
a “push” app include a mobile user receiving
notifications of account transactions, schedule
changes, or package/service delivery.
Through the gateway, you can also monitor where,
when, how and by whom your applications are
used—thus eliminating many of the concerns that
accompany providing your users pervasive access
to your vital mainframe applications.
Connect and manage application services
Now that you have prepared mainframe-based
services, where will you store and manage the
life cycle of these elements?
While providing secure integration between your
mobile app and mainframe applications, you can
also provide responsive interactions by leveraging
in-memory data stores. webMethods Integration
Platform (e.g., Terracotta BigMemory) uniquely
stores data in-memory to deliver ultra-fast access
to your data. This ensures responsive interactions
occur even faster between your mobile app users
and your core data.
Software AG’s best-in-class webMethods
Integration Platform enables secure connectivity to
your back-end applications and provides a servicebased Application Programming Interface (API) to
your mobile apps. With an integrated infrastructure
such as this, you can manage the entire process
of planning, designing and developing APIs and
securely expose your APIs to mobile apps.
Along with mainframe integration and API
management, the webMethods Integration
Platform also covers SOA, BPM, B2B, managed
file transfer and cloud SaaS integration.
Enterprises betting on a mobile-first strategy can
securely provide and holistically manage the life
cycle of services with the webMethods Integration
Secure and responsive mobile app integration
Now that your mainframe applications are
unlocked through secure access points, how
will you integrate your mobile apps? Pervasive
access, as we mentioned earlier, also presents
pervasive issues related to securing your data,
transactions and business.
webMethods provides a secure gateway between
your mainframe applications and mobile apps.
Because mobile apps access your core applications
using Web services, the gateway provides an
environment where you secure your services. This
ensures that only designated users, applications
and/or devices can gain access to your missioncritical applications.
Design and develop cross-platform mobile
Now that your core applications are ready for
mobile apps, how do you provide a consistent user
experience across a variety of mobile devices?
It could be a daunting task as there is an ever
increasing array of mobile devices on the market,
each using one of a number of different operating
systems (i.e., Android®, iOS®, Windows® Phone
OS, BlackBerry® OS). To compound matters,
each different device utilizes its own programming
language (i.e., Objective C/C++ for iOS; C#, C+
and Visual Basic for Windows Phone OS; Java
for Android).
Luckily, webMethods provides you with an
invaluable suite of tools for developing, testing,
deploying and managing mobile apps across
multiple platforms. Figure 3 shows how
webMethods Mobile Suite supports the full
mobile app life cycle with a well-integrated suite
of products. This proven solution offers best-inclass secure integration, mobile app development,
deployment and management, as well as device
management functionality.
Mobile Suite provides developers a single
Eclipse™-based development environment to
visually build and test mobile apps for a wide array
of devices and operating systems. The end-result
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Mainframe strategy
Figure 3: Develop and deploy your mobile apps to many devices with webMethods
Mobile Suite
is a native app with a familiar user interface and
user experience, access to native functionality and
a consistent performance across all smartphones
and tablets as shown in Figure 4.
enterprise data. In a Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) environment, companies are beginning
to look to mobile app level controls to handle the
most pressing security problems associated with
mobile devices.
Deploy, manage and monitor enterprise mobile
Mobile Suite comes with enhanced mobile
application management and mobile device
management capabilities to simplify the task of
deploying and managing mobile apps for the
public or for a selected group (e.g., employees,
freelancers, etc.).
With Mobile Suite, you can:
• Apply enterprise policies to mobile apps and
• Distribute internal mobile apps to employees
via an enterprise app store
• Manage the increasing number of personally
owned devices (BYOD) by controlling which
devices have access to your applications
• Ensure the security of services and data
delivered to mobile devices
• Govern employee use of consumer app stores
• Monitor the distribution and usage of enterprise
• Automatically collect and analyze crash reports/
system logs
With webMethods Mobile Suite, enterprises can
apply device policies to restrict camera usage,
screen capture, in-app purchase and enforce
password rules. If a device is lost or stolen,
the device can be locked or wiped to protect
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Mainframe strategy
Figure 4: The mobile suite delivers a native UI design and navigation for each
function, as shown here for Apple and Android devices, which provides
a consistent and familiar experience for each mobile user
Never feel locked in by your core applications.
With innovative service-enablement technologies
available today, there are many ways to unlock your
mainframe assets and bring them to the mobile
world. With Software AG’s webMethods Mobile
Suite and mainframe integration technologies,
it is easy to move your core business functions
to mobile devices and into the hands of your
employees or customers.
It’s time for your mainframe to meet mobile.
Consider Software AG’s webMethods Mobile Suite
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
Figure 5: Imagine what is possible when mainframe meets mobile
and mainframe integration technologies when you
wish to:
• Maximize mobile opportunities across your
business applications
• Ensure secure service integration from a variety
of back-end applications
• Develop mobile apps using a common Java
code base for all mobile platforms
• Manage the full app life cycle throughout
development, deployment and production
• Centrally manage mobile devices and the
usage of mobile apps
So now imagine how your mainframe can
meet mobile to add value to your business by
streamlining processes. For example, a U.S.
college saves $1 million annually by providing a
student portal accessible by mobile devices that
leverages data housed in its ERP systems built on
Adabas-Natural. Now students can manage their
entire educational experience from their mobile
devices, from enrolling and selecting courses to
measuring their success against goals.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Or consider how a major airline can improve
employee productivity by deploying a crossplatform mobile app for flight crew members that
integrates to their mainframe back-end. Crew
members can now access their schedules and
receive notifications on delays or cancelations on
their mobile devices anywhere, anytime. They also
can trade their slots with colleagues in real-time
as shown in Figure 5.
What could you accomplish if your mainframe
met mobile?
Software AG has more than 5,500 employees in
70 countries and had revenues of €1.1 billion in
2011. The company is headquartered in Germany
and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FRA:
SOW). Learn more at www.softwareag.com.
Software AG - Get There Faster
Software AG | Uhlandstraße 12 | 64297 Darmstadt
| Germany
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
Your Business is Dynamic
– Are You?
Empowering the Dynamic
Data Center
Understanding how disruptive technologies
impact your business is critical to defining IT
priorities and strategies to drive innovation
and deliver business results. 80% of IT
executives say consumerization is increasing
IT workloads1.
Consumer-driven IT Changes Everything
Organizations everywhere are under increasing
pressure to innovate to gain competitive
advantage and promote business growth. The
consumerization of IT – and the need to employ
new business models and technologies to meet
related demands – is largely responsible. To
address this changing IT landscape, you may be
involved in multiple initiatives, including:
• Supporting large-volumes of Big Data and
related analytics
• Implementing a cloud strategy to gain flexibility
and efficiency for quick delivery of cloud
• Embracing mobility by instituting a BYOD
program, ramping up mobile app development
efforts and enabling mobile management of
your IT infrastructure
• Engaging customers through social media and
encouraging social networking
Implementing these initiatives calls for maximizing
your IT resources, enabling you to make the most
of your limited IT staff and budget and deliver real
value to your business. With the right strategy
and tools, you can reduce IT costs and boost
productivity – re-allocating resources to drive
2012 Consumerization of IT Survey, InfoWeek, February 2012.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Data Center Disruption is Already Underway
The role of the data center is rapidly evolving from
simply supporting established business processes
to continuously driving innovation through the
optimal alignment of IT resources. Moving forward,
the most effective organizations will progress to a
fully integrated and dynamic data center where:
• Information systems management is highly
automated. IT staff is empowered to perform
tasks and access relevant information quickly
to accelerate service delivery and problem
• Applications execute across heterogeneous
architectures and are managed as a whole,
not within silos, allowing greater visibility into
operations and performance.
• Workloads are assigned to the best-suited
server, enabling improved service quality to
the business.
Undeniably Strategic
System z continues to be the most reliable and
cost-effective platform to provide these
capabilities and will retain its place as one of
the most critical components of the dynamic
data center.
80% of global IT decision makers confirm the
mainframe will play a strategic role in their IT
Avanade 2011 Cloud Global Survey, “Mainframe as a Mainstay
of the Enterprise 2012 Survey,” August 2012, Decipher Research.
Innovation and the Dynamic Data Center
The key to successful innovation is an efficient,
dynamic data center that provides a holistic view of
your enterprise IT infrastructure, while simplifying
and automating your underlying business
processes. Operating in a dynamic data center
helps you:
• Optimize performance in real-time
• Accelerate your response to business
• Drive down costs
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
Closing the Gap
Given the volume of today’s workloads, maintaining
a high-performance IT environment 24/7 is a
growing challenge. The gap between business
demands for innovation and IT capacity is
management disciplines – ranging from network
and system infrastructure management, to
database, storage, security and compliance
management. Using an innovative role-based
management workspace, CA Chorus™ helps
empower IT staff to maximize productivity and
reduce operational costs by providing decisionmaking, management and planning services from
a single location.
With features that facilitate collaboration and
knowledge sharing among expert and novice
System z staff, customers have the tools to help
solve today’s immediate challenges while laying
the groundwork for the dynamic data center.
With IT resources already stretched thin, your
team won’t be able to take on additional initiatives
without making sacrifices somewhere else.
Leverage the power of the System z within your
dynamic data center to drive innovation and close
the productivity gap. Implement solutions that will
allow you to simplify and automate IT processes,
streamline your efforts and accelerate IT service
delivery and related business results.
Innovation Takes Flight at EL AL Airlines
Ranked by the International Air Transport
Association as one of the world’s three most
efficient air carriers, Israel’s EL AL Airlines
demonstrates an equal commitment to the
efficiency of its System z environment. Using
CA Chorus™, the
company expects to:
• Shorten the on-ramp for novice System z
users and administrators
• Help DBAs visualize EL AL’s complex DB2
• Detect and troubleshoot problems faster
What is CA Technologies doing to help you
close the gap?
Empowering your dynamic data center to
help meet business demands - see Figure 1.
With CA Chorus™:
• Everyday IT tasks become easier, more
efficient and less costly to perform, whether
completed by more experienced or novice IT
staff – so everyone works more productively.
• Your IT resources and budget go farther thanks
to these efficiencies, so you can move fullsteam ahead with strategic business initiatives.
Transform Management for Greater Productivity
CA Chorus™ is the “one and only” platform
of its kind, and has revolutionized System z
management in the dynamic data center. A
rich visual environment integrates multiple
Simplify IT Management for Optimized
CA Chorus™ is designed to improve the user
experience by providing a simplified, consolidated,
discipline-based view of your dynamic data center
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
Figure 1: What is CA Technologies doing to close the gap
through a visual workspace (see Figure 2) for
easier completion of daily tasks. This uniform
approach combined with extensive monitoring and
drill-down capabilities helps administrators solve
problems more quickly and optimize performance.
Innovate Through Cross-enterprise Visibility
You need to make sure your critical applications
are running optimally to deliver maximum value
to your business and meet growing demands.
This requires full visibility into the performance
of customer-facing applications across your
enterprise. CA Cross-Enterprise Application
Performance Management (Cross-Enterprise
APM) provides a unified view of both distributed
and mainframe transaction health, helping you to:
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
• Monitor real-time performance, 24/7, from a
single pane of glass
• Proactively detect performance problems, and
analyze and resolve them faster leveraging
easy-to-understand triage maps and dynamic
• More predictably meet SLAs and business
demands for high-quality service delivery
This improved visibility promotes enhanced
collaboration among your siloed support teams. In
turn, their increased information sharing can help
boost the efficiency and responsiveness essential
to consistent application performance and greater
customer satisfaction.
CA Cross-Enterprise APM (see Figure 3) helps
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
Figure 2: Visual dashboard
reduce complexity by presenting your IT staff
with a single, end-to-end view of all distributed
and System z transactions – with links to their
underlying infrastructure components. This
empowers users to more rapidly trace, identify and
address the cause of any performance problems.
Figure 3: End-to-end visibility
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Mainframe strategy
Enable Powerful Workload Automation Across
the Enterprise
Set a new standard for the delivery of business
services by unifying and automating complex
workloads across your enterprise. CA Technologies
Cross-Enterprise Workload Automation delivers
pure business octane for today’s business that is
looking to exceed customer expectations.
CA Cross-Enterprise Workload Automation helps
you to reduce the complexity and cost of managing
application workloads across physical, virtual and
cloud resources. Specifically, it helps you to:
• Improve the availability of business services
and meet SLAs through automated multiplatform job scheduling and management and
intelligent resource utilization
• Respond to business events in real-time by
employing policy-, priority- and trigger-based
workload processing and through alerts that
enable authorized users to initiate swift,
corrective action from their mobile devices
• More effectively handle processing spikes
by dynamically provisioning and processing
workloads from a physical infrastructure to a
virtualized private or public cloud
• Increase enterprise visibility and improve
regulatory compliance through a consolidated,
dashboard view of service operations and rolebased administration and reporting
Customers Benefit from CA CrossEnterprise Workload Automation
Innovation is alive and well in HDFC Bank’s data
center. By using CA Cross-Enterprise Workload
Automation to streamline key processes, the
company eliminated 600 operational tasks and
saved 40 operational hours daily.
The result? Better customer service and
improved product quality.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
More Responsive, Less Costly Workload
Reduce cost to manage workloads by up to
“We run several thousand jobs each day, and
perform critical work nightly. The number of
jobs under CA Workload Automation grows
monthly. We have a tiny operations staff, and
we would not be able to maintain our SLAs
without the automation and reliability offered
by CA Workload Automation.”1
— Senior IT Vice President, Large Enterprise Financial
Services Company
* Based on companies interviewed in The Total Economic Impact
of CA Workload Automation. Orchestrating Mainframe and
Distributed Workloads In A Single Solution, Forrester Consulting,
April 2012.
(This a commissioned study by CA Technologies.)
TechValidate Survey of a Large Enterprise Financial Services
Company, www.techvalidate.com/product-research/ca-workloadautomation, TVID: 5CC-59D-8BD.
Accelerating Innovation in the Cloud
Many leading companies are leveraging System z
as part of their cloud infrastructure to reduce costs,
increase service levels and provide unparalleled
levels of security. Whatever your stage of cloud
adoption, CA AppLogic for System z can help
you reduce provisioning and de-provisioning
tasks from weeks to minutes and more efficiently
manage your entire application lifecycle to
ultimately speed your response to business needs.
This turnkey platform helps you to more rapidly
deliver critical Linux-based applications on System
z and gain greater visibility into their operation by:
1 Simplifying the process of designing, testing,
deploying and scaling complex cloud
applications. This includes the ability to:
• Remotely create and configure a business
service using a drag-and-drop approach and
have it running in minutes
• Manage applications throughout their entire
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
lifecycle, including centralized management
of patching
• More quickly and easily replicate similar
applications or multiple instances of an
• More readily access (and incorporate)
back-end System z assets such as CICS
transactions and DB2, IDMS and Datacom
2 Managing Linux-based apps on System z
as part of a hybrid cloud infrastructure –
with activities such as tracking, changing
and decommissioning apps accomplished
from a single user interface.
Rapidly Deploy and Manage Linux on System
z Applications
Virtualize Linux on System z application and its
CA AppLogic for System z is designed to enable
users to visually and rapidly assemble a virtual
appliance along with its related hardware and
software components, and then manage it as a
single unit. Since a single IBM z Enterprise server
can host multiple grids, each with thousands of
virtual appliances, real efficiencies and savings
are possible. See Figure 4.
Significantly Reduce Hardware Storage Costs
by Leveraging Cloud
Harness and unite the full capabilities of System
z and cloud storage across your dynamic data
center. Move data storage into the cloud to
improve your delivery of business services and
take advantage of great efficiencies offered by
cloud technology. CA Cloud Storage for System z
is designed to help you to:
• Lower cost. Reduce your dependency on
expensive, proprietary hardware solutions and
help shrink your cost of acquiring and managing
storage data.
• Access capacity on demand. Avoid investing
in unutilized capacity for future growth by
tapping into the cloud to provide fast and
flexible access to endless capacity on demand
when you need it.
• Raise velocity. Access, store, retrieve and
recover storage data more quickly and easily
via the cloud, instead of waiting hours or days.
• Reduce complexity. Reduce the time and
effort required to manage and optimize your
growing storage data environment.
• Increase flexibility. Enable greater productivity
to more quickly deploy and manage new and
efficient storage data solutions across public,
private or hybrid clouds.
Figure 4: Linux deployment
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Mainframe strategy
Figure 5: Being in control
Why CA Technologies?
CA Technologies offers a comprehensive suite of
solutions designed to empower you to optimize
efficiency, reduce risks and transform your crossenterprise IT environment into a dynamic data
By implementing our best-in-class solutions to
simplify and automate your IT infrastructure, you
can begin to reap real costs savings and improve
effectiveness – increasing IT’s ability to drive
business value and innovation (see Figure 6).
To learn more about our market-leading technology
solutions — and how they can help accelerate
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
your path to real innovation via dynamic service
delivery, contact us today.
CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) is an IT
management software and solutions company
with expertise across all IT environments — from
mainframe and distributed, to virtual and cloud.
CA Technologies manages and secures IT
environments and enables customers to deliver
more flexible IT services. CA Technologies
innovative products and services provide the
insight and control essential for IT organizations
to power business agility. The majority of the
Global Fortune 500 relies on CA Technologies to
manage evolving IT ecosystems.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Mainframe strategy
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
by Mark Lillycrop and
The 2014 Mainframe User Survey
An analysis of the profile, plans, and priorities of mainframe users.
Many thanks to all those who took part.
As usual our annual mainframe survey provides
a snapshot of the System z user community’s
existing hardware and software configuration, and
also their plans and concerns for 2013.
cloud computing, and Linux applications are
changing the face of mainframe computing. In
addition, we have continued to explore relative
cost in more details, asking respondents how fast
their distributed server costs are growing relative
to the mainframe. And we have investigated how
important “green” issues are to the mainframe
This year we have continued to track the growth
of mainframe integration with Web services, cloud
computing, and other areas of new development,
as well as gauging the extent to whichChart
Middle East/Africa
North America
Chart 1: Distribution of respondents
Profile of respondents
The mainframe user survey was completed by
100 individuals between the 1 November 2013
and the 6 December 2013. Survey respondents
were either contacted directly by e-mail or other
Web-based means and invited to complete the
mainframe user survey on the Arcati Web site.
Responses from large mainframe vendors and
multiple entries from different people at the same
site were excluded from the survey.
Again this year, there were no respondents from
South America. The distribution of all respondents
is shown in Chart 1. Just over half (51 percent)
were from North America and about a third (33
© Arcati Limited, 2014
percent) were from Europe, with six percent from
the Asia/Pacific region, and ten percent from the
Middle East/Africa.
As usual, a wide range of industry types are
represented in our sample (Chart 2). Banking
and insurance, both accounted for 38 percent of
respondents, with IT accounting for another 20
percent. Government had 8 percent, retail six
percent each, health, manufacturing, and telecom
had five percent, transport had two percent,
and education only one percent. That left other
categories with 10 percent.
A third way to categorize respondents is to look at
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
2014 user survey
1% 2%
Chart 2: Industry sector of respondents
business size. As shown in Chart 3, exactly half
(50 percent) of the companies have in excess of
10,000 employees worldwide, Below that, with 24
percent of respondents, are staff sizes of 10015000. With 10 percent of responses are staff sizes
of 0-200. And with nine percent are staff sizes of
201 to 1000, and only seven percent have staff
sizes of 5001 to 10,000.
73 percent of our respondents were involved in
running in-house data centres, which was down
from last year’s 84 percent. 14 percent (up from
last year’s six percent) of respondents said they
were working in an outsourced operation with a
further six percent saying that they were partially
Installed MIPS and capacity growth
As in previous surveys we have used MIPS as
the principal measure of capacity size. We asked
respondents to indicate the total mainframe MIPS
installed on their systems, and the result is shown
in Chart 4. 28 percent had 1000-10,000 MIPS,
down again from last year’s figure of 36 percent.
Chart 3: Number of employees woldwide in organizations surveyed
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
2014 user survey
Under 500
Over 25,000
Not specified
Chart 4: Total mainframe MIPS installed
16 percent had under 500 MIPS, which is down
from last year’s figure of 22 percent. Only 15
percent had 500-1000 MIPS (up from last year’s
six percent). 13 percent had 10,000 to 25,000
MIPS, and 17 percent had over 25,000 MIPS
installed (both similar values to the previous year).
As in previous years, we use installed MIPS later
in the survey to identify differences between small,
mid-sized, and larger users.
Chart 5 shows the annual MIPS growth of
respondents. 71 percent of sites (similar to
last year’s figure) of mainframe installations
are experiencing some growth, with three sites
claiming growth in the region of 26-50 percent.
Only eight percent (up slightly from last year’s
6 percent) of sites are reporting a decline in
mainframe capacity growth. 11 percent of sites
(down from last year’s 18 percent) are not
expecting any kind of change in their MIPS this
year. Looking at Chart 6, however, we can see
that the picture varies considerably depending on
the size of the system. Small sites (32 percent)
are most likely to have seen some kind of decline
or to have stayed the same, and yet, in complete
contrast, they were more likely to see growth in
0 to 10
10 to 25
26 to 50
Not sure
Chart 5: Annual MIPS growth of respondents
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
2014 user survey
26 to 50 percent per year
10 to 25 percent per year
0 to 10 percent per year
Less than 1000
1000 to
10,000 MIPS
Over 10,000
Chart 6: MIPS growth by installation size
the 26-50 percent range. While some larger sites
(above 10,000 MIPS) did report a decline or no
growth, the majority were anticipating some kind
of growth possibly up to 50 percent per year. Midrange respondents were typically expecting some
kind of growth (89 percent of site). It is a confusing
picture with nearly a third of small sites, 10 percent
of medium sites, and 17 percent of larger sites
showing no growth or a decline. Perhaps sites
have been holding off on growth until the global
economic climate brightens up.
Over 50 percent
Over 50 percent
to 50 percent
26 to 50 percent
10 to 25 percent
10 to 25 percent
0 to 10 percent
No growth
to 10 percent
No growth
0% Chart 7: Mainframe capacity growth compared with other platforms
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
2014 user survey
We also compared the rate of growth of the
mainframe with that of other IT platforms within
the enterprise. As shown in Chart 7, the System
z looks relatively strong in the slow-to-medium
growth range. For the first time, we are seeing
sites expecting Windows and Linux use to
decline. When the “don’t know” results have been
excluded, we find 76 percent of mainframes are
experiencing a growth of 1-25 percent per year.
Just one Unix site reported growth greater than 50
percent per year. 13 percent of Windows sites are
expecting over 50 percent growth, with the majority
of sites in the 11-25 percent growth range. Apart
from a few mainframe sites expecting a decline,
we find around seven percent of IBM i sites are
expecting a decline, while six percent of other
mainframe sites are. In fact, only 42 percent of
respondent now have IBM i and just under a third
(32 percent) have other types of mainframe.
Hardware currency
The IBM mainframe hardware range continues to
receive a regular makeover, with new high-end
and low-end systems generally being announced
on alternate years 2010 saw the new zEnterprise
z196 processors, 2011 saw the z114 arrive, in
2012 it was the zEC12, and this year the z12BC.
Delivery dates for each range are provided in the
Technical Information section of the Yearbook.
Our research suggests that, traditionally, users
upgrade on a regular basis to the most recent
hardware to take advantage of capacity increases
and cost benefits. Bearing in mind that the new
zBC12 machines are only just being delivered,
Chart 8 shows that 9 percent of respondents
are using the new machines with 22 percent
using the z12EC. 16 percent have z114s and 20
percent have z196s. That leaves 12 percent of
respondents using z10s and the rest using older
“z” mainframes. It is perhaps worth pointing out
here that many respondents had more than one
processor in use at their site with quite a few
having three or more different processor models
in use.
With the greater availability of Intel-based
machines such as z Personal Development Tool
Adapter or the Secure Enterprise Desktop, we
wanted to know whether anyone was actually
1% 1% 1% 1%
Other IBM
Chart 8: Mainframe processors installed (all responses)
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
2014 user survey
using them to run mainframe applications. We
found that six percent of sites were using them
for development and three percent of sites were
using them for production!
Mainframe strategy
We asked respondents what, in their opinion,
are the main benefits for their organization of
the mainframe over other platforms. 86 percent
highlighted the benefit of availability, with 71
percent identifying both security and scalability
as benefits. Manageability last with 58 percent.
We then went on to find out what are the main
obstacles to mainframe acceptance within the
enterprise. 66 percent (down from last year’s 82
percent) thought mainframes are too expensive
(or appear to be). 49 percent (also down from
last year’s 58 percent) thought that there are
cultural barriers between mainframers and other
IT professionals. 28 percent identified concerns
about future availability/support for mainframe
applications, 40 percent (way up from last year’s
18 percent) said difficulty in obtaining or retaining
the necessary skills, and 20 percent thought
mainframes are too complex (or appear to be).
Seven percent thought there were no obstacles
to mainframe acceptance – which is nice. Clearly
this part of the survey is highlighting the issue of
a skills shortage.
Within the industry as a whole, opinion is clearly
divided over the role of the mainframe in new
applications. For some companies the mainframe
remains a separate legacy environment while
others are leveraging the strengths of large
systems by using them to deploy new workloads
and technologies. We found that 46 percent of
sites viewed their mainframe as a legacy system.
That’s nearly half of all the sites surveyed. Happily,
21 percent viewed mainframes as strategic, and
22 percent viewed them as strategic and legacy.
We asked respondents whether their z/OS
systems participate in Web services and SOA
environments, and the results are shown in
Chart 9. 67 percent of organizations said that
their mainframes participate partly or fully in Web
services, up from last year’s 58 percent. It may well
be that SOA and Web services has now reached
maturity because the number of sites planning to
integrate them in the future was only 2 percent
(down from 6 percent the previous year).
47 percent (up from last year’s 36 percent) went on
to say that they run Java-based applications on the
mainframe, with only five percent planning to do so
in the future (well down on last year’s 20 percent).
Again this is a sign of maturity in the technology.
36 percent of respondents (similar to last year’s
34 percent) said that they run Linux on the System
Not sure
Not yet
Chart 9: Do your mainframe applications participate in your Web services/SOA?
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
2014 user survey
Don't know
Chart 10: Which middleware have you, or do you plan to enable, with Web services?
z (with another 15 percent, again similar to last
year’s 16 percent, at the planning stage). There
are considerable cost and management benefits
of consolidating distributed Linux workloads onto
the mainframe, and IBM made the IFL (Integrated
Facility for Linux) specialty processor available in
2001. Running Linux on a mainframe seems well
on its way to becoming a mainstream technology.
figure probably reflects the smaller number of sites
using the product on a mainframe rather than a
reluctance to consider Web-service enabling it.
And while we were thinking about Linux on
mainframes, we asked how many sites were
running Oracle under Linux on System z. 15
percent of sites surveyed said that they currently
run Oracle on zLinux, which is up from last year’s
figure of 8 percent. Last year, eight percent of
respondents planned to use it, this year, no-one
We asked whether respondents currently used
their mainframe for cloud computing. Only seven
percent of respondents said they did (up from
last year’s four percent). 84 percent said they
didn’t (down from 90 percent). We also asked
whether respondents were planning to adopt cloud
computing as a strategy. 50 percent (up from last
year’s 40 percent) said they weren’t at present.
16 percent (down from last year’s 22 percent)
thought some mainframe applications would be
cloud enabled in the future. 15 percent (much
the same as last year) claimed that some of their
applications are using the cloud model.
73 percent of organizations said that they are Webenabling their CICS subsystems (Chart 10), which
is the same as last year. 67 percent of sites are
Web-enabling DB2, which is just down from last
year’s 72 percent. 29 percent of sites are Webenabling IMS, slightly down from last year’s 32
percent, and WebSphere Application Server rated
32 percent (down from last year’s 38 percent. 7
percent of sites are Web-enabling SAP. This low
As for the future of legacy systems, once again
the answer depends to a degree on the size and
maturity of the installation. As shown in Chart 11,
54 percent of the largest sites see integration as
the way forward and predict a positive strategic
direction – well down from last year’s figure of
75 percent. In the mid-range (between 1000 and
10,000 MIPS), the pro-integration contingent
drops to 39 percent (down from 50 percent last
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
2014 user survey
A mixture of strategies
Mostly outsourced
Mostly ported to Windows
Mostly ported to Unix/Linux
Maintained and actively
Maintain but not integrate
Less than
1000 MIPS
1000 to
Over 10,000
10,000 MIPS
Chart 11: Legacy application plans over the next three years
year) with 14 percent (last year it was 5 percent)
considering porting to Unix or Linux. 27 percent
of larger sites and 25 percent of medium-sized
ones see outsourcing as a way forward. Below
1000 MIPS, 61 percent of sites (well up from last
year’s 21 percent plan to integrate, with 16 percent
looking at porting to Unix or Linux.
Relative cost
There are many ways of comparing the costs of
mainframe systems with those of other platforms,
but none of them are straightforward and few are
meaningful. CIOs and finance directors all too
often have little experience of the factors that
contribute to mainframe total cost of ownership
and there is still little published data available
to help them make informed comparisons. It is
beyond the scope of this short survey to go into
detail on cost, but the following questions explore
some areas where financial comparisons can be
made between large centralized systems and
distributed servers.
We asked respondents how fast their System
z-related expenditure is increasing, in terms of
the technology itself and the people needed to
support it. In Chart 12, we compare these results
with the growth in mainframe capacity. The vast
majority of respondents said that their people and
technology costs were seeing single-digit growth
at the most (with 22.5 percent of sites seeing a
decline in technology costs and 21 percent of
sites seeing a decline in people costs). A third (up
slightly from 30 percent last year) of respondents
reported capacity growth higher than 10 percent,
whereas only six percent (down from 10 last year)
reported technology costs increasing by that
amount, and only six percent (up from two percent
last year) reported people costs increasing above
10 percent. Perhaps these sites are expecting to
make savings on head count through the use of
more modern technology.
We went on to ask what proportion of the total IT
budget is absorbed by mainframe-related costs,
and what proportion of enterprise data resides
on the mainframe (Chart 13). As has been the
norm for the past few years, more than half of
our respondents use other platforms to manage
the lion’s share of the corporate data. 45 percent
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
2014 user survey
26 to 50 percent per year
11 to 25 percent per year
Less than 10 percent per
No growth
People costs
Chart 12: How fast is your System z-related expenditure growing annually, on the
technology itself and on the people required to manage the technology?
of sites have more data on mainframes, and 55
percent have more on other platforms. Their
spend on the mainframe and distributed systems
are disproportionate to the data split, with over
three-quarters (78 percent) of budgets going off
mainframe. The figures absolutely dismiss the
100% mainframe: 0% nonmainframe
80% mainframe: 20% nonmainframe
60% mainframe: 40% nonmainframe
40% mainframe: 60% nonmainframe
20% mainframe: 80% nonmainframe
IT budget spend
Enterprise data location
Chart 13: IT budget and corporate data: mainframe and distributed systems compared
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
2014 user survey
view that System z soaks up financial resources
without providing a good return on investment.
Again this year, we asked how fast respondents
believed their acquisition/maintenance and support
costs for distributed platforms were growing
relative to the mainframe, for an equivalent amount
of capacity or size of user population respectively
(Chart 14). In other words, did they think that their
mainframe costs were increasing faster or more
slowly than their Unix, Linux, Windows, and IBM
i costs. Of course, these numbers have to be
treated with great caution because we are asking
respondents to make direct comparisons, which,
as we have just stated, are very complex. Once
again, this chart can be used only as an indication
of a general trend, but it’s a very interesting trend
nevertheless! Anything above the green block in
each column suggests higher costs for alternative
platforms. Again this year, a substantial number
of respondents felt that their Unix, Linux, and
Windows user-support costs were increasing
faster than the mainframe for an equivalent
amount of capacity or support.
With the environment and environmental issues
getting so much coverage in the media these days,
we wanted to know whether IBM’s green initiatives
on things like power consumption and cooling
had made the mainframe more or less attractive
to our respondents. 57 percent of respondents
(down from 78 percent last year) said that IBM’s
green initiatives made no difference at all. No-one
Unixsaid that the
initiative made
the mainframe
attractive. 25 percent felt it made the mainframe
a little more attractive (up from last year’s 20
percent), and no-one felt it made the mainframe
a lot more attractive. Clearly “greenness” isn’t
much of a selling point for mainframes. Or perhaps
our target audience would have a mainframe
IBM versus the ISVs
The mainframe independent software vendor
(ISV) business is continually evolving, and there
have been a number of small companies acquired
by larger organizations, but, on the whole, not any
Much slower
A little slower
About the same
A little faster
Much faster
Are your distributed acquisition/maintenance costs
growing faster or slower than mainframe?
Much slower
A little slower
About the same
A little faster
Much faster
Much slower
A little slower
About the same
A little faster
Much faster
Are your distributed user support costs growing
faster or slower than mainframe?
Chart 14: Relative growth of expenditure:
mainframe versus distributed
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
2014 user survey
obvious shifts in the landscape. BMC Software
agreed to be taken private in a $6.9 billion deal by
Bain Capital LLC and Golden Gate Capital in May.
IBM regularly argues that some ISVs are too
inflexible and need to change their software pricing
strategies, while the third-party suppliers respond
that IBM is placing excessive pressure on them
by using its size and influence to win over their
customers. Mainframe management is now sold as
a way of allowing customers to maintain the quality
of the service they get from the mainframe without
the reliance on experienced mainframers. In other
words, the software will identify a problem and,
as well as informing a less-qualified human, will
take the necessary steps to negate the problem.
In addition, vendors are beginning to use GUItype screens, which younger IT people are more
familiar with, to display important information.
And much mainframe monitoring data can now
be accessed from a browser.
We asked respondents what makes them consider
a change of vendor for their mainframe tools and
utilities. It’s clear from Chart 15 that cost is by far
the biggest driver, even though cheaper tools often
offer limited functionality. ISVs will be pleased to
know that although 14 percent of sites said they
rarely if ever change their software, this figure is
down from last year’s 20 percent – and the trend
over the past few years has been downwards for
this figure.
We also asked how much of users’ mainframe
software budget is spent on IBM/Tivoli software,
and how much on products from other vendors.
This year (see Chart 16) we found that 58 percent
of respondents pay more to IBM/Tivoli for software
than to other vendors. This is a decrease from last
year’s 72 percent. Does this mean that third-party
software is becoming cheaper or more appealing
to purchasers over the past year?
Other issues
We asked about IBM’s ‘specialty’ processors
such as the Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL), the
Application Assist Processor (zAAP) intended for
Java applications, and the Integrated Information
Processor (zIIP) intended primarily for DB2. We
asked respondents which specialty processors
Reduce costs
Reduce the
number of
Obtain better
from vendor
Rarely (if ever)
Chart 15: What are the most important reasons for
replacing mainframe tools and applications?
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
2014 user survey
100% IBM
80% IBM
60% IBM
40% IBM
20% IBM
0% IBM
Chart 16: How much software budget goes to IBM and how much to ISVs?
they had. 11 percent of sites had all three (similar
to last year’s value of 12 percent) and a further
26 percent of sites had two of the three specialty
processors (up from last year’s 22 percent). More
sites had zIIP processors (68 percent – up from 52)
than any other. 28 percent (down from last year’s
36 percent) had IFL processors, and 22 percent
had zAAP specialty processors. 22 percent of sites
don’t have a specialty processor installed. The full
results are shown in Chart 17.
In the USA, regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley
Act (SOX), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act), and BASEL II, plus what’s
estimated to be over 150 state and federal laws
dictate the length of time that ElectronicallyStored Information (ESI) needs to be retained.
These regulations, and they do depend on the
industry, have greatly increased data retention
periods. Similarly, outside the USA there has
been a growth in regulation affecting the length of
time that data needs to be archived. 45 percent
of sites were compliant, with a further 17 percent
nearly compliant, with these new regulations. The
figure for sites not having an archiving strategy
is 25percent, slightly lower than last year’s 27
percent. Clearly, compliance is an important issue
and one that many organizations are making sure
that they are (or will be) fully compliant. The full
results are shown in Figure 18.
According to the IBM Web site: “PureSystems
combine the flexibility of a general purpose
system, the elasticity of cloud and the simplicity of
an appliance. They are integrated by design and
come with built in expertise gained from decades
of experience to deliver a simplified IT experience.”
We were interested to see whether sites were
taking advantage of this new technology. Only
eight percent (up from last year’s two percent) of
respondents said they were. But no sites this year
said that they planned to use PureSystems (last
year the figure was two percent). We were also
curious about the take up of business analytics
(IBM’s Smarter Analytics). Here just four percent
of sites are currently using the technology and
another five percent plan to.
There’s been a huge growth in the use of social
media in recent years, and we wondered whether
those people “using their dad’s technology” found
social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc)
useful for their work on the mainframe. 18 percent
said that they did, with 13 percent not sure, and the
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
2014 user survey
Chart 17: Specialty processors installed
rest not using it at all. IBM has Facebook pages
dedicated to IMS, CICS, and DB2, it seems a
shame if they’re not being used.
With the growth in number of software products
that allow users to monitor the mainframe from
a browser on a tablet/iPad or smartphone, we
thought it would be interesting to see whether
our survey respondents were using these devices
to monitor or control their mainframe. Only nine
percent said that they were.
Much has been made in the media about IPV4
addresses running out and the need for everyone
to migrate to IPv6, which has many more
addresses available. The change would require
a lot of effort for manframers, but we wondered
users had any plans to introduce IPv6 in 2014. Two
percent of sites already have IPv6, with a further
13 percent planning to implement it in 2014.
Another hot topic through 2013 has been Big Data
and all the things associated with that (such as
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Hadoop). We asked whether sites had any plans to
use Big Data. Again, two percent of sites said that
they were already using Big Data, and a further
12 percent said that they plan to.
Finally we asked about that current IT bête noire
– BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). We wanted to
know how important sites thought it was to make
mainframe data available to other platforms. 78
percent of sites said that it was very important to
the way they work at the moment. Three percent
are in the planning stage, and nine percent expect
to do some work on this in the future. When it
comes to how important is the idea of people using
their own devices (BYOD) to access mainframes,
15 percent (up from last year’s 10 percent) of sites
said it was very important to the way they work now
– but 47 percent (up from last year’s 30 percent)
said it wasn’t important. Only four percent (down
from last year’s 18 percent) are in the planning
stages, and 19 percent expect to be in the future.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
2014 user survey
Yes, our data archiving
strategy is fully compliant
No, not at present
Not yet, but we are
implementing a compliance
We are almost fully
compliant with the latest
Chart 18: Data archiving strategies that comply with the latest regulations
I have a theory about how to tell how good
business has been in the past year. When you
go to trade shows, you look at what companies
are giving away on their stands. A few T-shirts,
and some memory sticks means it’s been a fairly
ordinary year without too many big wins, but at
least business has been done. If there are a whole
range of goodies that you quite like the look of,
I’m thinking model racing cars and things like that,
then you know it’s been a bumper year with sales
targets clearly exceeded. My impression this past
year was that people were mainly giving away
pens – not a good sign.
Having said that, many sites are clearly spending
money. We found that 13 percent of respondents
already owned the new z12BC processor. What
was disappointing was the view about whether
the mainframe was a strategic machine that
would move the business forward, or whether it
was a legacy box that simply ran the old software
until something better came along. Nearly half
(46 percent) of sites see the mainframe as a
legacy system, with only 21 percent viewing it as
strategic. 22 percent thought it was both and there
were a few don’t knows.
This more people view the mainframe as a
legacy system, the less likely they are to use it
for developing more modern applications. And
again, that’s what we found – although there is
always a lag between things appearing on slides
in presentations and actually being used on
the ground. Having said that, we found that the
adoption of Big Data was only in use at two percent
of sites with 12 percent planning to adopt it. Only
18 percent of sites use social media. And only
none percent of sites were using tablet devices
to monitor their mainframe. Similarly, only seven
percent of respondents said that they currently
use the mainframe for cloud computing and just
16 percent thinking they might in the foreseeable
And yet, there is plenty of evidence that mainframes
should be used to support new development.
Despite the complexity of mainframe pricing, the
majority of respondents believe that their Unix
and Windows user-support costs were increasing
faster than the mainframe. Similarly, most sites
felt their maintenance and acquisition costs were
higher on Windows and Unix than on System
z. But, yet again this year, we found that sites
no longer use the mainframe as their principal
repository for corporate data.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
2014 user survey
It seems that integrating mainframe applications
with Web services and service-oriented
architecture is a project that is in people’s minds
with the figure for mainframes participating partly
or fully in Web services up this year. In terms of
specialty processors, over three quarters of sites
had them installed and were making use of the
obvious benefits associated with them. 11 percent
of sites had all three in use.
For sites with smaller mainframes, particularly
below 500 MIPS, there is always the option, or
perhaps threat, of migrating off the mainframe
to some other platform. Again this year,
disappointingly, our survey showed this to be a
strong possibility.
The bottom line is that the mainframe continues
to offer a cost-effective, secure, and powerful
platform for organizations with the necessary
background and expertise in place to support it.
Moreover, there are strong indications that
mainframe and non-mainframe professionals
are still culturally divided within the enterprise. It
seems that many sites using the hybrid machines
are not making the most of them in terms of
integration. Vendors are realizing that younger
people moving into the mainframe environment
aren’t happy with green screens and expect to use
GUI-based systems with a similar look-and-feel to
Windows or Mac environments. It won’t be long
before the Android-style interface (or iPad) with
its touch screen and hand gestures will become
the interface of choice – even for experienced
mainframe professionals.
Most importantly, non-mainframe IT staff and
managers need to see the multitude of advantages
that using a mainframe can bring to an organization
– in terms of security, reliability, availability,
flexibility, as well as understanding the true total
cost of ownership figures for the platform.
Cost Reduction.
Why choose only one?
Some say you can only have one: mainframe performance or
mainframe capacity or mainframe cost control.
We say that you can have all three.
+1 800 267 0730
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Vendor Directory
Vendors, consultants, and service providers working
in the z/OS environment
Details in this section are provided by the individual vendors and service providers, and Arcati
accepts no responsibility for their accuracy. We urge readers to contact the companies directly
for the latest information. Please assume that all product and company names are the registered
property of their owners.
If your company is not listed here and you would like a free entry in next year’s edition, visit
Action Software
Advanced Software Products Group, Inc.
Alebra Technologies
Applied Software
Arcis Services
ASG Software Solutions
Atos Information Technology
Axios Products
B & M Europe Ltd
Baer Consulting
Barra Systems
Beta Systems Software
Big Iron Associates
Blenheim Software
Blenheim Software International Ltd
Blue Sea Technology
BluePhoenix Solutions
BMC Software
BOB Tech Solutions
Bsecure – The Mainframe & Security
CA Technologies
Canam Software
CASI Software
CDB Software
Cobbs Mill Consulting
Cole Software
Compu Management
Compute (Bridgend)
Computer Management Sciences
Computer Measurement Group
Compuware Corporation
Conexus Technologies
Connectivity Systems
CONNX Solutions, Inc
CPT Global Ltd
CSL International
Data Kinetics
DDV technologies
DINO Software
DataVantage – Direct Computer Resources
DPI Software
DTS Software
Edge Information Group
Enterprise Systems Associates, Inc.
Epoka Group
EPV Technologies
European Mainframe Academy
Exspans Systems
EZ Legacy
Fitz Software & Co
Gary Bergman Associates
GT Software
H&W Computer Systems
Heitech Managed Services Sdn Bhd
Hexaware Technologies
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Higobi Systems
I/S Management Strategies
i3 Business Solutions
Illustro Systems International
InfoSec, Inc
Innovation DP
Inspired Solutions (Software) Ltd
Interskill Learning
ISI Pty Ltd
Levi Ray & Shoup
Logicalis UK
Longpela Expertise
MacKinney Systems
Macro 4
Mainframe Co Ltd
Maintec Technologies
Marist College
Matter of Fact Software
Micro Focus
MOST Technologies
NewEra Software
OGS Consulting
PDFlib GmbH
Phoenix Software Int
PIR Group
PKS Software
Progress | DataDirect
ProTech Consulting & Training
QMSI-Quintessential Mailing
Software Incorporated
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Relational Architects International
Rocket Software
RSM Partners
RSM Technology
SAS Institute
Serena Software
Softlib Software
Software AG
Software Diversified Services
Software Engineering GmbH
Software (Europe) Ltd
Software on Z
Solimar Systems
Sosa Cousins
SQData Corporation
SV Group
Syspertec Communication
T3 Technologies
TechMaint, LLC
Techsys Software Services
The Source Recovery Co
TONE Software
Top Gun Technology
Trident Services
Triton Consulting
Type80 Security Software
Value-4IT Limited
Verhoef Training
Web Age Solutions
William Data Systems
Xbridge Systems
zIT Consulting
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Action Software GmbH
P.O. Box 220, Diestsevest 32, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
Phone: +32-16-245610
Email: training@abis.be
Web: http://www.abis.be
Alte Steinhauserstr. 1, CH-6330 Cham, Switzerland
Phone: +41 41 748 6266
Email: Marketing@ActionSoftware.ch
Web: http://www.actionsoftware.ch
Activity: Education.
Specialist areas: Data management; programming/
testing; Web integration and legacy reengineering tools.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Linux, Windows
Sales contacts:
America +1 905 470 7113, e-mail: Marketing@
EMEA +41 41 748 6266, e-mail: Marketing@
AsiaPac +1 905 470 7113, e-mail: Marketing@
Portugal, Spain, Mexico, South and Central America
+34 911845930, e-mail: Info@suasum.com
Italy and Italian speaking countries +39 039 999 2101,
e-mail: Sales@dpcssrl.com
Company profile
ABIS Training & Consulting provides high-level
technological ICT services for large and medium-sized
enterprises. The activities are based on specialized ICT
knowledge, which is offered as training and consulting.
ABIS was founded in 1984 in Belgium but it is also very
active in the Netherlands (with a separate subsidiary in
Woerden near Utrecht). Also active in other countries
around the world.
Product/service information
IABIS has invested heavily in mainframe related
expertise: z/OS, DB2, CICS, WebSphere and application
Courses and consulting services can be grouped into three
main categories:
• z/OS Host Based Technology, with particular
emphasis on z/OS Enterprise Server as an application
development platform. The main focus is on z/OS and
DB2, as well as the application development process
on this platform. More specific courses and services
are offered on z/OS, TSO, DB2, CICS, traditional
application development (COBOL and PL/I) and RDz.
• Database consolidation: training in the use and
integration of different databases. ABIS provides
training and expertise on DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for LUW,
Oracle, MySQL, and Big Data.
• Re-use and integration. The focus here is traditional
functional analysis and design on the one hand, and
Agile & Scrum on the other hand. Key to our approach
is the development of reusable components for
applications and web servers. Courses are offered on
WebSphere MQ, WebSphere Application Server, XML,
Scrum, DevOps, Java, Eclipse, Rational, TWS, ...
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; storage
management; asset and change management; security;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, other
Company profile
We are an established software company based in Cham,
Switzerland, specialising in mainframe z/OS solutions
in the areas of security, availability, auditability, risk
management, continuity of business, system governance
and change management. These unique offerings are
designed for both MVS and USS (Unix System Services).
Our company supports the whole of Europe and our
personnel speak both fluent English and German.
Our business objectives are to help customers improve
their system’s availability, to optimize their control of
system changes and to provide accurate auditing.
Product/service information
Our products are:
• eventACTION (Change Tracker, Change Manager,
Reference Tracker and Command Manager)
• ussACTION (Change Tracker, Change Manager and
Reference Tracker).
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
z/OS - Don't reinvent the wheel, just realign it.
Anthony J. D'Angelo
Let us help you manage your
systems more efficiently
eventACTION and ussACTION
are event tracking products for z/OS
that reduce system problems, speed
up resolution of remaining
problems, prevent unauthorised and
undocumented changes, provide
flexible real-time non-bypassable
Change Management, reduce risks,
enforce asset management, improve
security, provide an accurate and
complete audit trail, plus a host of
additional functions and
For Europe
Action Software GmbH
Alte Steinhauserstr. 1,
CH-6330 Cham, Switzerland
Tel: +41 41 748 6266
E-mail: Marketing(at)actionsoftware.ch
For North America
Action Software Intl.
Valleywood Drive, Suite 107, Markham,
Ontario, Canada, L3R 6G1
Tel: +1 905 470 7113
E-mail: Marketing(at)actionsoftware.com
These have been implemented and used effectively for
many years by organizations such as the major banks,
insurance, and manufacturing companies. eventACTION
is the ideal solution for those corporations where
security, controls, auditing, and availability are the top
priority. eventACTION and ussACTION are essential for
organizations wishing to enforce Sarbanes Oxley and
COBIT requirements on z/OS systems.
Advanced Software Products Group Inc
3185 Horseshoe Drive South Naples, FL 34104, USA.
Phone: 239 649 1548 or (800) 662-6090
Email: aspgsales@aspg.com.
Web: www.aspg.com.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; storage
management; security; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license
Company profile
Headquartered in Naples, Florida since 1986, Advanced
Software Products Group, Inc. has provided the IT
community with cutting edge software solutions, support
and services. With a worldwide network of support,
including active roles as an IBM Partner In Development
and Microsoft Certified Partner, ASPG remains a leader in
the optimization of data center performance. ASPG offers
innovative software solutions for Data Security, Storage
Administration, Capacity Planning, System Productivity
and CICS Productivity. Data centers worldwide have
made ASPG software solutions their products of choice to
increase productivity, protect data, and solve critical issues
in their IT environments.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Product/service information.
• Mainframe Data Encryption [MegaCryption]
• Password Reset & Synchronization [ReACT]
• RACF Administration & Reporting [ERQ]
• DB2 Encryption [MegaCryption DB]
• ICSF Analysis [CryptoMon]
• SMF Data Management [SMFUTIL]
• Performance & Utilization Reporting [InfoDASD,
InfoTAPE, InfoCPU]
• HSM Reporting [HSCAN]
• Macro to Command [Command CICS]
• DASD & VSAM Modeling [SpaceCalc]
• ICF Catalog Management [CIM]
• On-line CICS Help [Help/Key].
Alebra Technologies Inc
550 Main Street, Suite 250, New Brighton, MN 55112 USA
Phone: +1 651 366 6140
Email: pdmsales@alebra.com
Web: http://www.alebra.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; storage
management; web integration and legacy reengineering
tools; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix.
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge
Company profile
Alebra Technologies develops and markets proprietary
enterprise integration software to businesses worldwide.
Alebra’s software portfolio includes data sharing and
communications solutions that integrate mainframe
and open system environments. Alebra’s solutions
are marketed to mid-market and enterprise customers
worldwide through direct, partner, and OEM arrangements.
Alebra has over 200 Global 2000 accounts for its products
and services. Its products are installed worldwide.
Product/service information
Alebra offers enterprise software that provides host
connectivity and cross-platform data moving. Alebra’s
products are classified into the following families:
• Parallel Data Mover (PDM) is a cross platform
application that allows users to reliably transfer
large volumes of data using parallel data movement.
Connectivity options include a new world-first FICONFCP Gateway appliance as well as GbE.
• The Brixton PU2.1 SNA Server is the networking
software equivalent to the SunLink SNA 3270 Gateway,
enabling communications between your TCP/IP
networked clients and IBM mainframe and mid-range
systems using SNA and other protocols.
• EXPRESS is the industry’s foremost host connectivity
software on an open platform. It brings together all
advanced SNA capabilities into one highly integrated
software package, unparalleled in the industry.
Applied Software Inc
737 Sandy Point Lane, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410,
Phone: +1 215-297-9441
Email: janis@appliedsoftware.com
Web: www.appliedsoftware.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Data management; security;
programming/testing; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based.
Company profile
Providing solutions for data transfer and data security in
the z/OS environment is our mission. The integrity and
security of the data is critical whether data is stored on the
network, during the file transfer process, or off-site. We
provide solutions which include user-friendly tools for file
transfer and data encryption using AES 128 encryption,
DES, Triple DES and DESX.
Product/service information
SSR Client/Server: superset replacement for IBM’s
IND$FILE. Unlike IND$FILE, SSR is fully supported,
improves file transfer performance up to 50% or more, and
is available for TSO and VTAM, CICS MVS Services, and
Data Encryption Facility: Applied Software’s mainframe
encryption application that supports AES 128 encryption,
DES, Triple DES (3DES) and DESX encryption and
provides for management of encryption keys. DEF
supports IBM and plug-compatible CPUs with the z/OS
operating systems. CICS currently supported.
VTAM Multi-User Platform (VTAM MUP) supports SSR
and FSE+. VTAM MUP provides program services for
multiple users per address space and multiple address
spaces in a native MVS VTAM environment. Automatic
SAF calls provide security processing at the same level as
TSO. Provides TSO-like environment without TSO’s high
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
FSE+ a high performance editor, data set manager, and
job output previewer. Supports sequential files, PDS, and
PDS/E members with LRECLs up to 32760 all while using
up to 50% less overhead than ISPF/PDF. Operates under
TSO Superset Utilities: group of nine TSO commands
providing functions unavailable in the standard TSO
environment. Commands include COMPARE, COPY,
and TSOSORT. Commands written in re-entrant Assembler
Arcis Services
Zwedenstraat 4 bus 9, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 534 4977
Email: arcis@advalvas.be
Web: www.arcis-services.net
Activity: Education/research.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Company profile
Michel Castelein has more than 30 years experience in
developing and teaching ICT courses.
He also conducts course sessions in behalf of IBM.
Product/service information
Product_info Currently available:
• 3-day course z/OS Introduction
• 5-day course z/OS Job Control Language & TSO/ISPF
• 2-day course z/OS MVS & JES2 Operations
• 3-day course z/OS VSAM Fundamentals
• 2-day course z/OS ICF Fundamentals
• 5-day course (multi-platform) REXX Programming
• 2-day course z/OS CLIST Programming
• 5-day course z/OS ISPF Dialog Development
• 5-day course COBOL Programming in z/OS
• 7-day course z/OS Assembler Programming
• 5-day course C Programming in z/OS
• 5-day course (multi-platform) Java Programming
• 2-month mainframe academy to train people “from
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
ASG Software Solutions
1333 3rd Avenue S. Naples, FL 34102, USA.
Phone: 1.800.932.5536.
Email: sales@asg.com.
Web: www.asg.com.
Sales contacts:
EMEA +44 (0) 1.727.736.300, emea.north@asg.com.
AsiaPac +65.6332.2922, apac.central@asg.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security, programming/testing; Web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, Linux,
windows, other.
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, other
Company profile
A recognized innovator in Enterprise IT and business
software solutions, ASG Software Solutions has been
optimizing 85 percent of the world’s most complex IT
organizations for over 25 years. We create and deploy
unique software solutions that reduce cost, mitigate risk
and improve service delivery throughout the IT lifecycle.
ASG’s comprehensive solutions help you solve today’s
challenges, such as Cloud Computing and Big Data,
while driving your business forward by providing insight
and control across Cloud, Distributed and Mainframe
For the z/OS Mainframe environment ASG offers a
comprehensive suite of well established and respected z/
OS products used in Mainframe sites across the globe.
ASG offers to help z/OS customers by delivering excellent
z/OS products and services and also by offering to replace
competitive vendors and delivering a cost saving to help
lower the cost of z/OS based computing.
Product/ service information
ASG offerings for the z/OS platform include:
ASG TMON Suite for z/OS Systems Monitoring
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
TMON CICS for Management of CICS Transaction Server
TMON DB2 for Complete Performance Management of
TMON IMS for Complete IMS TM/DB Management
TMON z/OS for Detailed Monitoring of IBM’s z/OS
Operating System
ASG Smart Suite for Application Development/Testing
SmartTest for z/OS Interactive Code Testing and
SmartScope for Fault Diagnosis and Dump Management
SmartFile for z/OS File and Data Management
Tritune to pinpoint z/OS Application performance
Z-Series products for z/OS Systems Management
Zeke for z/OS Enterprise Event Scheduling
Zebb for Automated Job Restart/Rerun System
Zack for Automated Systems and Event Management
Zara for Automated Tape Management
Life Cycle Manager (LCM) for Application Change Control
PerfMan for z/OS based Capacity Planning and Modelling
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, distributed
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge.
Company Profile
ATERAS has supported global enterprises for 25 years
offering value-driven legacy modernization solutions that
enable companies to leverage their IT assets for increased
business value and improved competitive advantage.
Global enterprises benefit from a comprehensive suite of
automated tools and services, from IT global assessments,
impact analysis, COBOL workbenches, automated
documentation to automated database and application
Product/service information
ATERAS designed and developed an unique patentpending automation technology called DB-Shuttle, which
allows modernization with 100% conversion automation,
functional equivalency, and equal or better performance
at execution. ATERAS teams use DB-Shuttle to convert
legacy databases (ADABAS, VSAM, IDMS, IMS) to
relational technologies (such as IBM’s DB2) and legacy
applications (ADS/Online to Java or COBOL) to newer
more open languages. The technology is proven and
have several clients who have successfully migrated to
DB2 such as Progressive Insurance, University of Miami,
Edward Jones, State of NJ Office of Administrative Courts.
View Direct for Archiving and Storage of z/OS Business &
Systems Information
Becubic for z/OS Application Code Analysis and
Comprehensive z/OS JCL Management through JobScan,
JCLPrep, and ProJCL
Please see a full product list at www.asg.com .
For further information please contact Peter Shkurko at
6600 LBJ Freeway Suite 210, Dallas, TX 75240, USA.
Phone: 972 664 9005.
Email: info@ateras.com.
Web: http://www.ateras.com.
Activity: Systems integrator/VAR.
Specialist areas: Data management and other areas
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Atos Information Technology
Luxemburger Straße 3, 45131 Essen, Germany..
Phone: +49 (0)201-4305-9095
Email: mainframe.services@atos.net.
Web: www.atos.net.
Sales contacts:
USA: +1 (914) 881-3000 / info.na@atos.net
AsiaPac: +65 6496 3888 / enquire.hongkong@atos.net
Activity: Outsourcer.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
performance/management; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Company Profile
Atos is an international information technology services
company with annual 2011 pro forma revenue of EUR 8.5
billion and 74,000 employees in 48 countries. Serving a
global client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional services,
consulting and technology services, systems integration
and managed services. With its deep technology expertise
and industry knowledge, it works with clients across the
following market sectors: Manufacturing, Retail, Services;
Public, Health & Transports; Financial Services; Telecoms,
Media & Technology; Energy & Utilities.
Atos is focused on business technology that powers
progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the
future. It is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner
for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and is quoted
on the Paris Eurolist Market. Atos operates under the
brands Atos, Atos Consulting & Technology Services, Atos
Worldline and Atos Worldgrid. For more information, visit:
Product/service information
Atos is a leading supplier of innovative and flexible IBM
Mainframe Services at market competitive prices. The
service portfolio includes the whole spectrum of mainframe
services “as a cloud offering” scaling from “support at the
customer’s site” (Secondment) via “Infrastructure as a
Service” (IaaS) to “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) and up to
fully exploiting the capabilities of mainframes: the offering
“Mainframe as a Service (MaaS)”.
Our infrastructure portfolio is centered around twin
mainframe data centers with state-off-the-art fully resilient
processing, disk and tape technology and network
connections, offering the building blocks for flexible and
agile service offerings.
Our application portfolio spans the full application life
cycle management including application modernization,
transformation and new development (e.g. based on Java
/ XML).
1500 Dexter Ave N., Seattle, WA 98109, USA.
Phone: +1 800 872 2829
Email: salesrecept@attachmate.com.
Web: http://www.attachmate.com
Sales contacts:
EMEA: uksales@attachmate.com
AsiaPac: aus-info@attachmate.com
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management; storage
management; security; web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge.
Company profile
Attachmate, owned by an investment group led by
Francisco Partners, Golden Gate Capital, and Thoma
Cressey Equity Partners, enables IT organizations to
extend mission-critical services and assure they are
managed, secure and compliant. Attachmate’s leading
solutions include host connectivity, systems and security
management, and PC lifecycle management. Our goal is
to empower IT organizations to deliver trusted applications,
manage service levels, and ensure compliance by
leveraging knowledge, automation and secured
Product/service information
Attachmate’s Reflection, EXTRA!, and INFOConnect
terminal emulation solutions provide reliable connections
from any Windows desktop or web browser to applications
on IBM Mainframe, IBM AS/400, UNIX, Linux, HP,
OpenVMS, Unisys, and Tandem systems. Advanced
features are designed to strengthen host security, improve
user productivity, and support existing and emerging
technologies (including Windows Vista).
Attachmate also offers legacy integration for IBM
mainframe platforms with Verastream. The Verastream
integration suite provides a complete range of mainframe,
web, and desktop modernization tools that speed the reuse
of legacy applications in service-oriented architectures.
40 Audubon Road, Wakefield, MA, 1880, USA.
Phone: 781-213-5200.
Email: attunity@attunity.com.
Web: http://www.attunity.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas; Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VMVSE,
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Linux, Windows, other.
Pricing options: One-time charge
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Processor/capacity-based
Company profile
Attunity is a leading provider of enterprise data integration
software. Using Attunity’s products, companies can
seamlessly connect to mainframe data sources, stream
data changes across the enterprise, and federate
heterogeneous information to achieve a single view of
their business. Attunity Mainframe Integration Products
enable companies to accelerate the integration initiatives
that require interaction with mainframe systems, while
dramatically reducing the cost of building and maintaining
such solutions.
Company profile
Axios Products develops, distributes, and supports
mainframe performance enhancement and management
software for z/OS, OS/390, and MVS environments. For
over 30 years, we have dedicated ourselves to providing
customers with useful, reliable, and cost-effective software
along with responsive technical support. Our strong
customer commitment to providing quality software
products and service is the driving force behind the
continuing growth of our mainframe customer base.
Product/service information
Attunity provides remote access, open interfaces, secure
and highly reliable integration to all the major mainframe
information systems including CICS, IMS/TM, IMS-DB,
VSAM, DB2, Adabas and Natural:
• Attunity Connect allows seamless access to relational
and non-relational legacy data for business intelligence
and enterprise portals, and helps users to build .NET
and J2EE applications that interoperate with legacy
systems and accelerate EAI initiatives with certified
• Attunity Stream, allows users to move mainframe
and enterprise operational data in real-time to data
warehouses and data marts, dramatically improving
the efficiency of ETL processes, synchronizing data
sources, and enabling event-driven business activity
monitoring and processing.
• Attunity Federate allows heterogeneous data sources
to be joined, to make them available as a virtual
data layer. The product employs distributed query
optimization and processing engines that reside
natively on enterprise data servers. Federate provides
superior performance, security, and transaction
management, and leverages Attunity Connect adapters
to access any data source in the enterprise.
Axios Products Inc
353 Veterans Highway, Suite 204, Commack, NY 11725,
Phone: 800-877-0990.
Email: info@axiosproducts.com
Web: www.axios.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data management
Product/service information
RefWiz is a powerful analysis and documentation tool
that provides, in one place, comprehensive data about
application element interrelationships for mainframe
batch and CICS applications, including whether or
not the element is being used. This information is
available for immediate access in a variety of standard
or customized forms to suit your specific needs. RefWiz
is used for conversions, upgrades, audits, migrations,
daily maintenance, documentation, mergers, operations
management (including failure analysis), disaster recovery,
change scope analysis, and much more.
ROPES (Remote Online Print Executive System) is a
comprehensive CICS print spooling and transmission
software for IBM mainframe-based systems. ROPES
provides complete facilities for generating, retrieving,
browsing, distributing and printing reports from online
transactions, batch jobs, or the operating system spool.
Its versatile set of capabilities allows you to place report
data on the ROPES queue concurrent with online printing
operations. A comprehensive command structure allows
any authorized terminal operator to effectively control
ROPES, eliminating the need for dedicated control
The SPI-TAB+ table management system provides one
simple product that will manage your tables using the same
standards for all applications, eliminating the need to write
programs for this process. SPI-TAB+ lets you quickly and
easily update, customize and maintain your tables, and get
your new applications on line faster, with less effort. Plus,
the same tool can be used on line or in batch. In addition,
the new SPI-TAB+ web interface component allows you
to list and update SPI-TAB+ tables via a web browser,
eliminating the need for traditional mainframe access and
ultimately expanding your user base by providing access
for less technical end users who may not have CICS
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
B & M Europe Ltd
Whitehouse Farm, Silchester Road, Tadley RG26 3PY, UK.
Phone: 0118 981 1880
Email: info@bmeurope.com
Web: http://www.bmeurope.com/itservices.html
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; network performance/management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i, AIX,
other Unix, Linux
Company profile
B & M enables business-critical IT systems for large,
complex enterprises by delivering a tailored blend of
technical expertise, project management and efficient
administration. The company has delivered technical
support and consultancy services since 1992, working
exclusively on systems software and network connectivity
for z/OS, UNIX and Linux enterprise platforms. B & M is
completely vendor-independent and provides services to
Europe’s major organisations.
Product/service information
B & M offers a portfolio of technical services to meet
customers’ needs:
B & M ProTech delivers technical projects, fully managed
by B & M or managed by the customer
B & M Assure services provide contingency cover for
planned or unplanned shortages in key resources
B & M ProSupport second and third tier technical support
services can be delivered either on-site or remotely
B & M TechConsult offers consultancy for short-term,
bespoke projects
B & M ProLegacy is an enduring legacy support service
that ensures that systems software supports vital but
stabilised application systems
B & M SkillSource delivers contract support services,
notably for technical systems software on large enterprise
B & M Permanent offers a specialist search and placement
service to fill permanent technical roles.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Baer Consulting
28154 Meadow Trail, Conifer, CO 80433, USA
Phone: +1 303 838-3374
Email: contactbci@baer-consulting.com
Web: http://www.baer-consulting.com
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; security;
programming/testing; web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; network performance/management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Linux,
Pricing options: One-time charge, other
Company profile
Founded in 1982, Baer Consulting Inc. (BCI) provides
mainframe systems software administration and
management. BCI’s primary business is to assist our
national client base with selection, implementation, and
administration of IBM compatible operating environments.
Our clients range from small/medium businesses to
Fortune 500 corporations.
BCI’s project-based solutions include z/OS rollout projects,
data center implementations, migrations, upgrades,
business recovery, maintenance to third-party operating
systems and software, or server consolidations. BCI
project management, planning, and status reporting
procedures ensure all services are completed on schedule
and within budget throughout the project lifecycle.
Our services range from short-term, peak-load project
support to complete facilities management. Baer
Consulting offers individualized Mainframe Support
Services from T&M to 24x7 Support.
BCI consistently delivers high quality solutions to our
clients, while dramatically increasing the effectiveness
of their information systems management teams, project
management for Enterprise strategies, and Enterprise
systems support.
Product/service information
BCI draws on years of experience and training to provide
responsive and quality answers in core areas such as:
Operating Systems
Linux, etc.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
IBM Transaction Server (CICS), IBM DB2/UDB, IBM
Security Server, IBM MQSeries, IBM Tivoli Storage
Management, WebSphere, and ISV Installation/Upgrade/
Conversion, etc.
TCP/IP, OSA Configuration, TN3270, NCP, SNA
Configuration, and Host-On-Demand, etc.
Storage Management
For longer-term solutions, BCI also provides a wide range
of expert services such as:
Storage Management Assessment through Implementation
Facilities/Outsource Management
Data Center Relocation/Consolidation
Project Management
Capacity/Performance Planning
Business Recovery
Barra Systems
25480 Halsey Rd, Brooksville, Florida 34601, USA
Phone: +1 (352) 799 7126.
Email: nigel.barrable@barrasystems.com
Web: www.barrasystems.com
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: Programming/testing; web integration
and legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, z/Linux.
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i, AIX,
other Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: one-time charge, monthly/annual license.
Company profile
Consulting services for all Enterprise Application
Integration projects.
Let us integrate all your applications across your enterprise
in an efficient, reliable, and simple manner, using your
existing tools and infrastructure.
Specializing in Websphere MQ, CICS, web services, Soap,
Java and Linux.
Product/service information
Specializing in the following areas :
• Application integration
• Cloud arhitecture
• Web services, Soap
• Websphere MQ
• Enterprise level QA / CM.
Beta Systems Software Ltd
Alt-Moabit 90d, D-10559, Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 726 1180.
Email: info@betasystems.com
Web: www.betasystems.com
Sales contacts:
America +1 301 486 4600
EMEA +44 01189 769224
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; storage
management; job scheduling; document management;
security; web integration and re-engineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux.
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: one-time charge, monthly/annual license,
processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based.
Company profile
Beta Systems develops high quality software products
and services for secure and efficient processing of large
quantities of data. Beta software products and solutions
support users in the automation, safeguarding and
traceability of their business processes within the three
core areas of user management, document management
and information management in data processing centres.
Beta Systems’ 1,300 customers worldwide include seven
of the ten largest European insurance groups and 50% of
the largest European banks.
Since 1997, Beta has been listed on the Stock Exchange
and currently employs around 700 staff, mainly in
competence centres in Berlin (Business Headquarters),
Cologne, Augsburg and Calgary. In addition, the company
is internationally active through 18 subsidiaries and
numerous partner organizations.
Product/service information
The Beta portfolio encompasses software products and
solutions in three core fields: identity management,
document management and information management in
data processing centres.
ECM – Document Management
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) offers industryspecific products for processing, preparing, distributing
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
and archiving documents and data. FrontCollect covers
every station in document processing from scanning,
capturing and archiving to case processing, and allows
businesses to capture their entire inbox and transfer it to
downstream applications such as ERP or postbox systems.
The VIDiDOC-Suite connects output management with
solution-oriented document post-processing, handling
the distribution, display and processing of documents
generated in business applications.
IDM – User Management
Beta Systems’ Identity Management (IDM) and security
administration solutions provide optimal data security
through constant monitoring and implementation of security
standards. SAM Jupiter offers policy-based management
of IT users and their rights across entire businesses and
platforms, with single sign-on and user provisioning.
DCI – Information management in data centres
The Data Centre Infrastructure (DCI) business area offers
solutions for secure and efficient information management.
This includes the control, monitoring, processing and
documentation of complex, IT -supported business
processes. Beta offers cross-industry products for storage,
scheduling and auditing, with comprehensive tools for
backup, recovery and data transfer.
Big Iron Associates
356 Rankin Drive, Burlington, ON, Canada L7N 2B4.
Phone: +1 905-637-5146
Email: john@bigironassociates.ca
Web: bigironassociates.ca
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: Asset and change management
Mainframe Platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Company Profile
Big Iron Associates provides software asset management
consulting services primarily for mainframe clients who are
trying to better manage their software costs and licenses.
John Anderson has over 30 years experience in the
industry. He has been a regular presenter in the SAM track
at the annual Guide/Share UK conference.
Blenheim Software
6 Forest Mews, Horsham, Sussex, RH12 4GG, UK
Phone: 0870 240 6771
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Email: info@blenheim-sw.co.uk
Web: www.blenheim.sw.co.uk
Activity: Software Vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non- mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company Profile
We supply companies with the ideal solution to their
mainframe and non-mainframe technical software
requirements. As such we have extensive experience of
supplying and implementing software to all the major sites.
Contact us for more information on how we can help your
business grow. Also, if you are a software developer who
wants products distributing in the UK and Ireland, please
don’t hesitate to call us.
We have more than 100 licences with customers including:
• Banks: Barclays, Chase Manhattan & AIB Bank (Allied
Irish Bank)
• Financial Institutions: Allied Dunbar, International
Factors, and CIS
• Utilities: Thames Water
• Building: Blue Circle
• Telecoms: British Telecom & Telecom Eireann
• Manufacturers: Nissan & Sony.
Product/service information
Out tools help users with improving the capacity and
performance of z/OS, UNIX, DB2, etc. And a wide range of
products to help operations departments (JCL checks, addons to TWS, dataset renaming and much more).
Blenheim Software International Ltd
11 Hollycombe, Englefield Green, Surrey TW20 0LQ, UK
Phone: +44-1784-437404
Email: blenheim@blenheimintl.co.uk
Web: www.blenheimintl.co.uk
Activity: Software Vendor
Specialist areas: Data management; storage
management; security; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Non- mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company Profile
Blenheim, based near Heathrow in the Thames Valley, was
established over 15 years ago with a focus on the ADABAS
market in the UK mainframe community. Today almost all
active UK ADABAS sites use our software services.
We are also World-Wide distributors for “PEEK” our
ADABAS File Browser/Editor from ByteZone, Australia for
which we boast customers across Europe, The Americas
and elsewhere.
In addition, we are the UK Agent for Advanced Software
Products Group, Inc. who have provided the z/OS &
OS/390 Mainframe community with cutting edge Enterprise
Cryptography and Security Management software
solutions, support and services since 1986.
Product/service information
ADABAS/Natural Database Utilities:
ADAMAGIC - ADABAS C Files to UNIX Conversion
ADAREORG - ADABAS File Restructuring with minimum
risk and computer resource usage
ADASTRIP - ADABAS File Data Extraction Utility
DBAUDIT - ADABAS Database Logical Integrity
PEEK - ADABAS File Browser & Editor in use at over 60
sites world-wide
NIM - Purpose built TP Monitor for the Natural and
ADABAS environments as an alternative to CICS
Enterprise Cryptography and Security Management:
MEGACRYPTION - Enterprise Cryptography for z/OS,
CRYPTOMON - ISPF Cryptographic Key Manager
ReACT - Enterprise Password Reset & Synchronization
ERQ - Easy RACF Query, Automated RACF Administration
and Reporting
Generic Systems Management Software Offerings:
Providing a global view of your resource performance and
SMFUTIL / SMFVIEW — SMF Data Management can
reduce the dump & clear time by up to 70%
The Info Suite: Info/CPU - Info/DASD – InfoTAPE
As a suite or individually, the Info products provide a global
view of your resource performance and utilization.
Blue Sea Technology
Beckumer Str. 152, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2382 966225
Email: helpdesk@blueseasoft.de
Web: www.blueseasoft.de
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; network
Mainframe Platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non- mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based
Company Profile
Blue Sea Technology is privately held software
development, technical support, consulting and training
company. Company supports over 30 multiplatform, MVS
and VSE mainframe systems products, which are used by
data centers of all sizes and configurations worldwide. With
our security solutions, large companies can manage their
security infrastructure. We are proudly distributing software
solutions from our Partners. Software Sales, Licensing,
and Technical Support are our priority. Our loyalty and
100% dedication to our Customers and Partners are well
known .
The philosophy of Blue Sea Technology is based on the
following: the simple ideology that Information Technology
must be developed and delivered for the end user. This
must serve both the company concerned and its staff.
The goals of this specialist company are to bring to the
users, software of the highest quality, coupled closely with
its professionally supported technical department and
As would be expected this dependable consultancy unit is
well placed to assist its customer base, to attain maximum
ease of use of its preferred software packages.
Our company has gained invaluable close support contact
with its customer base. It can assist in your technical and
IT based needs. This will enable its customers to make
clear and concise decisions based on the highly sort after
software it supplies.
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Product/service information
Our mainframe solutions for the areas of Performance
Monitoring Software, CICS Utilities, Report & Backup,
Session & Print Management, File Transfer &
Compression, Multiplatform Scheduling, and Remote Print
Management are known for the highest quality software,
documentation and technical support in the business.
Our customers can rely on the quality software from
our partner, like Software Diversified Services (SDS), a
leading provider of enterprise software. We are proud to
present this high quality Software like VIP - VitalSigns for
IP the complete monitoring, alerting, diagnosis, and repair
for IP Networks on z/OS, or VitalSigns for FTP, Snap-in
security and encryption for FTP file transfer jobs on z/
OS. With Vanguard Security Solutions large companies
can manage their security infrastructure. The software
products are designed to meet today’s unprecedented
security challenges. The products bring together formerly
separate functions of security administration, access
and authentication, reporting and analysis, and policy
Our professionals assist our clients through consultancy,
development, project delivery and training. By out-tasking
to our company our clients not only saving time and
money, but they get top technologies delivery and still
continuing its overall control. By that way of working, we
do not replace the customer’s teams and work places,
but helping them to be more competitive on the market, to
be able to react faster for the real time technological and
business development demands.
BluePhoenix Solutions
8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 300, Cary, NC 27518, USA
Phone: +1 919 380 5100
Email: usa@bphx.com
Web: www.bphx.com
Activity: Software Vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe Platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non- mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual license
Company Profile
BluePhoenix Solutions (NASDAQ: BPHX) is a leading
provider of value-driven legacy IT modernization solutions.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
BluePhoenix offerings include a comprehensive suite of
tools and services from global IT asset assessment and
impact analysis to automated database and application
migration, rehosting, and renewal. Leveraging over 20
years of best practice domain expertise, BluePhoenix
works closely with its customers to ascertain which assets
should be migrated, redeveloped, or wrapped for reuse as
services or business processes, to protect and increase
the value of their business applications and legacy systems
with minimized risk and downtime.
BluePhoenix provides modernization solutions to
companies from diverse industries and vertical markets
such as automotive, banking and financial services,
insurance, manufacturing, and retail. Among its prestigious
customers are: Aflac, DaimlerChrysler, Danish Commerce
and Companies Agency, Europe Assistance, Lawson
Products, Los Angeles County, Employees Retirement
Association, Merrill Lynch, SDC, Udvikling, and
TEMENOS. BluePhoenix has 15 offices in
the USA, UK, Denmark, Germany, Italy, France, The
Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Cyprus, South Korea,
Australia, and Israel.
Product/service information
BluePhoenix provides a wide range of legacy
modernization services:
Language Migration to C#, Java, COBOL, and Visual RPG
To migrate legacy language applications, our language
migration solution cleanly compiles programs, including
source code, copybooks, and comments documenting
program modifications. Our highly efficiency tools migrate
a range of languages, generating easy-to-read code with
no residual runtimes. The resultant code is typically
cleaner, more reliable than hand-generated code, and
contains fewer errors.
Database Migration to DB2, SQL Server, or Oracle
Reasons for database migrations include shrinking support
frameworks, multiple database systems,
connectivity, growing maintenance fees, and scarcity of
trained personnel.
Migrating from a non-relational database to an industry
standard relational database increases business agility
and ROI.
Platform Migration and Rehosting
Migrating or rehosting systems on new hardware
and operating system environments such as Linux,
Unix, J2EE, and .NET reduces the ongoing costs of
existing applications and increases the pool of available
development and support professionals.
Enterprise IT Remediation
Automated solutions that enable companies to extend the
life of their existing IT systems by rapidly adapting to new
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
regulatory changes and business requirements. These
tools include data field adjustment, IT standardization,
and system consolidation. Products include FieldEnabler,
StandardsEnabler, COBOL/LE-Enabler, EuroEnabler, and
BMC Software
2101 Citywest Blvd, Houston, TX 77042, USA.
Phone: +1 713 918 8800 or +1 800 793-4262
Email: www.bmc.com/contacts-locations/worldwide.
Web: http://www.bmc.com
Sales contacts:
America: 1-877-945-6325
EMEA: 00800 44444 262
AsiaPac: +61 3 96574443
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; network performance/management.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, workload/usage based, other.
Company profile
For more than 30 years, BMC has helped thousands of
companies around the world master tough IT challenges.
From mainframe to cloud to mobile, from the back room to
the boardroom, BMC delivers the automation, integration,
and sophistication that enable the business and IT to
perform like never before. It’s amazing what IT was meant
to be.
Product/service information
BMC Software offers a broad set of mainframe solutions
designed to help you optimize and control IT costs, while
ensuring the business remains available 24x7. Regardless
of the environment, customers rely on our expertise
and solutions to manage their IT infrastructure. BMC
enables customers to align IT systems and services with
their business objectives. We provide comprehensive
mainframe solutions in these key areas: systems
monitoring, management, and automation; enterprise data
management; dynamic batch scheduling management;
middleware management, application performance;
storage resource management; cost analysis; and
performance and capacity planning.
BOB Tech Solutions
Madiwala, Bangalore, India
Phone: 08040016000
Email: rvphani@bob-technologies.com.
Web: www.bob-technologies.com
Activity: Consultancy
Specialist areas: Other.
Company profile
BOB Tech Solutions is a Bangalore-based software
development company with staff augmentation vertical.
We are working partners with above 60 clients in INDIA.
We have about 200+ professionals working with us. 100+
consultants in mainframes with different clients like MBT,
Patni, SPI, etc.
Product/service information
We are into consulting services. We have around 100+
consultants in Mainframe with skills like COBOL, JCL,
DB2, CICS, IDMS, IMSDB/DC, CSL with different kind of
tools like Endeavor, Xpeditor, panvalet, changeman, etc.
Bsecure – The Mainframe & Security
c/ Isaac Newton, 1, office 42, Parque Tecnológico
de Madrid, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain.
Phone: +34 902 104 934.
Email: angel.gomez@go2bsecure.com.
Web: http://www.go2bsecure.com.
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; security; network performance/management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390.
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Linux; Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Bsecure - The Mainframe & Security Company is a
Spanish company that works in Spain and South America.
We provide mainframe services and software distribution to
the Spanish and Latin-America marketplace. We specialize in security services and mainframe products.
In security we produce special services like hacking,
security assessment, RACF administration and Top Secret
to RACF conversions.
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Product/service information
We support and work with particular expertise in the
following areas:
• Vanguard Integrity Professionals, covering all aspects
of mainframe security
• Host Systems products to address IBM Catalogs
integrity. The main product is CIM (Catalog Information
• EPV Products. Performance and Capacity
Planning products for all sizes of mainframe customers.
• Time Machine Products. Batch Performance products
to measure and improve all kinds of productions
executions doing more with less resources.
• Professional services and consulting for production
CA Technologies
One CA Plaza, Islandia, NY 11749, USA.
Phone: +1 800 225-5224
Email: info@ca.com
Web: www.ca.com.
Sales contacts:
America: +1 800 225 5224.
EMEA: + 44 1753 577733.
AsiaPac: singaporesales@ca.com;
Singapore: 65 6337 2822.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux.
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, workload/usage based, other
Company profile
CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) provides IT management
solutions that help customers manage and secure complex
IT environments to support agile business services.
Organizations leverage CA Technologies software and
SaaS solutions to accelerate innovation, transform
infrastructure and secure data and identities, from the data
center to the cloud.
Solutions from CA Technologies are the critical
foundation for helping customers gain deep insight into
and exceptional control over their complex, mixed IT
environments. Our solutions enable customers to support
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
changing business models at the right time, the right place,
and from the best sources, and flexibly deliver IT services
in the manner that best serves business needs.
Our solutions and services are the foundational elements
for the deep insight and exceptional control necessary to
make the promise of flexible IT and agile business a reality.
Product/service information
Businesses are constantly challenged to find new ways
to lower costs, sustain critical skills, and increase agility.
Mainframe 2.0 from CA Technology is a revolutionary
mainframe management strategy that can increase
platform value and performance, and dramatically simplify
mainframe management.
Mainframe 2.0 is designed to provide practical innovation
to ensure that mainframe can always be an effective and
integral part of your evolving IT infrastructure. It includes
practical innovations including mainframe automation to
help you increase the value, performance, and agility of
your mainframe platform.
By dramatically simplifying mainframe management,
increasing productivity and effectiveness, and lowering IT
costs, you can ultimately deliver more agility with less.
Canam Software Labs, Inc
5770 Hurontario Street Suite 310, Mississauga, ON
LR 3G5 Canada
Phone: +1 905 712 3840
Email: info@canamsoftware.com
Web: www.canamsoftware.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Programming/testing; web integration
and legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe Platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux, Other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Canam Software Labs, Inc. is a Canadian global supplier
of automated software development and integration
solutions in the areas of XML, SOAP, JSON proicessing
with COBOL or C. With customers in over 50 countries
the company has a history of understanding and
satisfying technology needs and gaps for the Global 2000
community. With extreme customer focus, aggressive
execution and a dynamic work force Canam has enjoyed
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
long term successful relationships with its customers in
the areas of banking and finance, transportation, retail,
defense, telecommunications and other fields.
Product/service information
Canam Software Labs, Inc. (Canam) is the developer and
manufacturer of XML Thunder, an automated XML, SOAP
and JSON software integration solution for COBOL and C
language applications.
CASI Software
10231 Slater Avenue, Suite 117 Fountain Valley, CA 92708,
Phone: +1 800 378 1109.
Email: info@casisoft.com
Web: www.casisoft.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
CASI Software is a provider of software solutions to
transform and deliver z/OS print content.
Product/service information
CASI Software has three main product lines:
JES2Mail/JES2FTP – transforms z/OS report content
into PDF, HTML, RTF, .CSV, and XML, files and securely
delivers results to users via email, FTP, and RSS web
feeds. JES2Mail/JES2FTP’s report content processing
and PDF overlay capabilities enable creation of advanced,
final-form PDF output to replace printing and other
information delivery methods.
CICS2PDF/zOS2PDF – transforms real-time CICS
information into PDFs and delivers that information to
users via email or directly to users via web-enabled CICS
Mail2ZOS / FTPSweeper – is mainframe software that
receives email contents and attachments or retrieves files
from designated servers or FTP sites; decodes, processes
and stores these emails, attachments and files into MVS
datasets; dynamically composes job streams for execution;
and sends e-mail or text message notifications regarding
mainframe processing status.
CDB Software Inc
11200 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77082, USA
Phone: +1 800 627 6561
Email: info@cdbsoftware.com
Web: www.cdbsoftware.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, other
Company profile
CDB Software is an innovative leader in data management
solutions for DB2 z/OS. CDB focuses its business on
DB2 for z/OS to provide unique and innovative solutions
that enable companies to expand their DB2 system to
meet business needs while controlling the overall cost
of the mainframe. Founded in 1985, CDB is a privately
held corporation based in Houston, Texas with offices
For more information visit: www.cdbsoftware.com.
Product/service information
CDB Software streamlines data management processes
so that enterprises can discover more performance and
availability from their z/Series DB2 environments to meet
the changing demands of business. Including solutions for
all facets of DB2 data management, the CDB Intelligent
Data Management (IDM) Suite features flexible, intelligent
automation and advanced processing techniques to reduce
overall management costs while improving DB2 reliability,
efficiency and staff productivity. So, no matter how much
data you manage, you remain flexible and in control.
CDB provides the solutions to improving your business’s
data management process through:
• Built-in intelligent decision making for data
management automation to streamline tedious
processes so that you can focus on those tasks that
are more complex.
• Intelligent processing techniques have been specifically
designed to uncover new levels of performance and
availability from your DB2 enterprise.
• Flexible new products provide the flexibility you want to
meet the specific requirements of your business.
CDB’s Intelligent Data Management Solutions deliver
dramatic benefits for every DB2 z/OS data management
• Database utilities
• Data backup and recovery
• Data replication
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Data propagation
Partition management
Compliance and auditing
Data conversion to DB2
Database statistics
Storage reporting.
Cobbs Mill Consulting
129 Coachmans Trail, Asheville, NC 28803, USA.
Phone: +1 828 299 4649
Email: johnm@cobbsmill.com
Web: www.cobbsmill.com
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: Data management; asset and change
management; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Company profile
Cobbs Mill Consulting specializes in support for Phoenix
Software’s Key/101 data entry software (formerly Key/
Master from Mercator and TSI). We provide training
courses, implementation and conversion services for
Key/101. We have extensive experience with the Aperture
range of data center documentation tools. Our COBOL
dump debugging courses are popular with programmers
as they teach a lot of shortcuts in solving COBOL dumps.
We also work closely with Fantom Systems, CSI and DPI
Software to help develop their software in Assembler.
Cole Software LLC
736 Fox Hollow Road, Afton, VA 22920, USA
Phone: +1 540 456 8210
Email: bshimizu@colesoft.com.
Web: www.colesoft.com.
Sales Contacts
America: 1 800 XDC 5150
EMEA +1-928-771-2003.
AsiaPac +1-928-771-2003.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Programming/testing.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS.
Pricing options: Workload/usage based.
Company profile
Cole Software is dedicated to the continued development
of powerful software for sophisticated mainframe
programmers. Many of the industry’s foremost
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
programmers use Cole Software’s core product, z/XDC,
the indispensable debugging tool for Assembler programs.
Cole Software is an Advanced Business Partner in the IBM
PartnerWorld program.
Product/service information
Cole Software announced the availability of a beta test
program for z/XDC release z1.10 in August 2008. This
latest beta version of z/XDC includes support for IBM
System z10 processor machine instructions and “A La
Carte” configuration options. A major enhancement
available with z/XDC z1.10 is the support for displaying
and debugging IBM C/C++ programs with the new c/XDC
Feature. This feature is seamlessly integrated into the
existing z/XDC technology.
Compu Management
3010 Grand Concourse, New York, NY 10458, USA
Phone: +1 718-733-1861
Email: jcmcgil@attglobal.net.
Activity: Consultant.
Specialist areas: Programming/testing; web integration
and legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
Company profile
We provide full life-cycle support to legacy IS systems. To
accomplish this objective, we will upgrade, renovate, or reengineer your current IS system to better integrate to your
current Enteprise Architecture across multiple-platforms.
We will can also provide you with a migration plan to
renovate your current Architecture to new Enterprise
Compute (Bridgend)
8, Merthyr Mawr Road, Bridgend CF31 3NH, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1656 652222.
E-mail: admin@cbl.com
Web: www.cbl.com
Activity : Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; programming/testing;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/LInux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i, AIX,
Unix, Linux, Windows, other
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, other
Company profile
Since its inception in 1970, Compute (Bridgend) Ltd has
become respected internationally for its commitment to the
production of system software, mainly for IBM Mainframe
CBL’s objective is to continue to produce software for the
user which is easy to use yet provides fast and powerful
data handling.
Product/service information
The SELCOPY Product Suite includes the powerful
SELCOPY batch utility language in which new applications
can be developed more easily than using compiled
languages such as Cobol but executing at comparable
Complementing the SELCOPY batch utility programming
tool is SELCOPYi which offers a modern windows style
interface providing multiple edit sessions supporting both
ISPF and Xedit features.
SELCOPYi takes advantage of large 3270 screen
sizes and provides an integrated structured data editor
supporting displays of multiple record types, COBOL and
PL/1 copybook record mapping and sophisticated VSAM
support. There is also an FSU (file, search and update)
feature which makes it easy for a developer to identify
global changes that would occur before actioning them.
SELCOPYi allows for DB/2 table editing using multiple
views. SQL-style SELECT/WHERE commands are
supported also.
To aid debugging of the batch SELCOPY, it can be run
interactively under SELCOPYi where breakpoints can be
applied to the SELCOPY control statements and changes
in the values of defined fields can be seen.
Also available is the CBLVCAT tool which allows the
user to generate reports of VTOC/Catalog contents and
IDCAMS tuning recommendations for VSAM data sets.
Computer Management Sciences, Inc
634 Lakeview Drive, Hartfield, VA 23071, USA.
Phone: +1 703 922 7027.
E-mail: Don_Deese@cpexpert.com
Web: www.cpexpert.org
Activity : Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license.
Company profile
CMS was incorporated in 1986, and initially provided
consulting services in the IBM mainframe environment.
In 1991, CMS delivered its CPExpert software product.
Since 1991, CPExpert has been installed in over 200 sites
Product/service information
CMS offers CPExpert to help analyze performance
problems with z/OS environments. CPExpert automates
computer performance evaluation by detecting system
performance problems, identifying the causes of the
problems, and suggesting ways to improve performance.
Different components of CPExpert analyze performance
problems with WebSphere MQ, DB2, PR/SM, Workload
Manager, CICS, and DASD. CPExpert is written in SAS
and is composed of hundreds of expert system rules,
analysis modules, and queuing models. CPExpert
executes as a batch job, and analyzes standard SMF/
RMF data contained in either MXG, SAS/ITSV, or MICS
performance database. CPExpert’s low fee is affordable for
all sites!
Computer Measurement Group (CMG)
151 Fries Mill Road, Suite 104, Turnersville, NJ 08012,
Phone: +1 800 436 7264
E-mail: cmghq@cmg.org
Web (US): www.cmg.org
Activity: Education.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; programming/testing;
network performance/management.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Company profile
The Computer Measurement Group, commonly called
CMG, is a not for profit, worldwide organization of data
processing professionals committed to the measurement
and management of computer systems.
Product/service information
CMG in the USA hosts an annual conference the first
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
week of December every year. This conference provides
approximately 120 educational sessions covering all
aspects of computer measurement, performance and
capacity planning. All computing platforms are included.
CMG also supports many regional groups which meet
throughout the year, providing an opportunity for the
computer performance professional to gain knowledge
and share experiences. Information on the international
network of CMG groups can be found on the CMG website.
support. With our solutions, you can:
• manage and align the entire IT portfolio, including
projects, applications and infrastructure
• build applications that capture competitive advantage
• deliver enterprise-wide application quality
• provide comprehensive insight to deliver superior
application service
• meet the growing demand for improved IT cost control
and client satisfaction.
Compuware Corporation
Product/service information
The enterprise product line includes Xpediter, QACenter,
Abend-AID, Strobe and File-AID.
Compuware Corporation, One Campus Martius, Detroit, MI
48226, USA
Phone: +1 313 227 7300.
Web: www.compuware.com
Develop quality code with Xpediter: analyze the execution,
logic and data flow of business functions; manage risk
by determining what percentage of an application was
exercised and how often; identify and resolve logic and
data problems quickly.
Sales contacts
America: 1-800-COMPUWARE
EMEA: +44 1753 444000 / info@uk.compuware.com.
Verify application quality with QACenter: build tests that
represent all conditions of a program or application by
capturing actual transactions; execute repeatable tests in
a simulated production environment; capture and replicate
TCP/IP, LU6.2 and WebSphere MQ messages easily.
Activity : Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; asset and change management;
web integration and legacy reengineering tools: network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Pricing options: Processor/capacity-based.
Company profile
Compuware provides software and IT services that help
to maximize the value of your technology investments. We
can help you to:
• govern your IT operations and infrastructure as a whole
• increase efficiency, cost control and employee
• improve time-to-market and software quality in
application development and delivery
• maximize availability and performance of critical
business systems.
Founded in 1973, Compuware serves the world’s leading
IT organizations, including more than 90 per cent of the
Fortune 100 companies.
Compuware products focus on business-critical
applications throughout their life-cycle. We offer you
the most complete set of solutions in the industry today,
including IT governance and management, application,
development, quality assurance, service management and
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Determine program abend details with Abend-AID. This
product allows viewing of all application errors from a
central location, lists code configuration at the exact time
an error occurs, and specifies corrective action. It supports
WebSphere MQ and CICS web interface.
Measure application performance with Strobe. This
measures the activity of S/390 and zSeries online and
batch processing applications, and pinpoints the precise
lines of code, database calls or system services causing
application inefficiencies.
Manage data effectively with File-AID: analyze, edit and
view data regardless of where it is stored. The product
creates manageable test data, reducing the test cycle and
producing more reliable applications.
Conexus Technologies Inc
8081 Twin Creek Trace, West Chester, OH 45069, USA
Phone: +1 513 779 5448.
Email: info@conexus-technologies.com.
Web: www.conexus-technologies.com.
Activity: Consultant.
Specialist areas: Asset and change management; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Company profile
Conexus provides structured cabling solutions for the
raised-floor, data center environment. The company’s
core competency is in the design, provisioning,
installation, testing and documentation of physical cabling
infrastructure for the ESCON, FICON and Fibre Channel
architectures. Our services are available to Fortune 1000
corporations throughout North America.
Product/service information
Conexus provides fiber-optic trunk cabling, jumper cables,
patch panels, distribution cabinetry and conveyance/tray
systems for the raised-floor environment. The company
provides turnkey cabling solutions to provide physical
connectivity for data center moves, consolidations, new
data center construction, push-pull project initiatives and
technology refresh projects.
20 Ben Gurion St, Givat shmuel, Israel
Phone: +972 3 7341327.
Email: info@conicit.biz.
Web: www.conicit.biz.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Systems management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Processor/capacity-based
Company profile
ConicIT was founded by Yoram Kariv (the founder of
Precise software). The company has a seasoned executive
team with years of experience in Enterprise and Systems
software. The Chairman of the company is Sam Somech
President, CTO and co-founder of Level 8
Inventor of MQSeries technology
Product/service information
ConicIT is an out of band, Linux-based production solution
that constantly analyzes mainframe system and application
performance information provided by existing mainframe
monitors. By utilizing proprietary mathematical models
and self-learning algorithms, ConicIT provides real-time
tracking of critical resource behavioural patterns and
predicts abnormal behavior of these resources before
it occurs. Based on this information, ConicIT provides
meaningful pre-event alerts aimed at reducing reoccurrence of performance-related malfunctions.
Now IT managers and performance administrators have
all the information needed to enable detection of the root
cause of problems, enabling IT staff to solve the actual
cause of the incident and not spend valuable time and
resources trying to battle the symptoms.
By quickly getting to the root of the problem after its first
occurrence, IT staff can now provide first fault problem
Connectivity Systems Inc
8120 State Route 138, Williamsport, OH 43164, USA
Phone: +1 740 420 5400.
Email: sales@CSI-International.com.
Web: www.csi-international.com.
Sales contacts:
America 740 420 5400.
EMEA 1 800 795 4914.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Systems management; data
management; storage management; security;
web integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, VM/VSE
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based.
Company profile
CSI International was founded in 1995 to provide TCP/
IP connectivity for the VSE environment. From a single
employee and a $20,000 capitalization, CSI has grown to
a $12 million per year company, employing more than 40
people, and serving more than 2000 VSE sites worldwide.
CSI products are sold directly in North America and
through distributors and IBM to the rest of the world. In
early 2002, CSI acquired B I Moyle Associates in a cash
transaction. Contrary to modern acquisition processes,
all BIM offices remain open, and all BIM employees have
been retained. Three additional senior product developers
have been hired and a number of high-profile products are
under development. It is the CSI mission to ensure a long
and successful experience for those who select and use
the VSE operating environment.
Product/service information
CSI International is the major provider of TCP/IP products
for the VSE platform. Additionally CSI provides a wide
range of VSE system and security products through our
subsidiary company, BI Moyle Associates. We are certain
that if you have a VSE communications or systems
requirement, we have a solution for you. TCP/IP for VSE
provides a complete solution for connecting the mainframe
to the Internet.
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
CONNX Solutions Inc
2039 152nd Ave. NE, Redmond, WA 98052, USA.
Phone: +1 425 519 6600.
Email: sales@connx.com.
Web: www.connx.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, z/Linux,
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: Processor/capacity-based, workload/
usage based.
Company profile
CONNX Solutions, Inc is a leading provider of simplified
data access, management, and integration software
solutions. CONNX Solutions’ products allow companies to:
• Access mainframe data sources (IMS, VSAM, DB2 and
Adabas), using modern reporting and data analysis
• Integrate multiple relational and non-relational data
sources in order to create one business view of the
• Web enable mainframe data utilizing its choice of
development tools for direct user access.
• Develop tactical and strategic applications that
have access to all of the data needed by end users,
while preserving its options with open architectural
• Move a company’s mainframe changed data to virtually
any data warehouse or data mart in a fraction of the
time required by full extracts.
CONNX Solutions’ products, CONNX, CONNX DataSync,
and InfoNaut Professional, have been implemented by
over 3,000 organizations worldwide. Government and
business entities use CONNX and CONNX DataSync in a
wide range of industries, including manufacturing,
education, healthcare, financial services,
telecommunications, aerospace, and information
Product/service information
CONNX for IMS, VSAM, DB2 and Adabas
CONNX provides real-time, read/write, SQL access
to mainframe data source, using open data access
standards (ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC and .NET). With
CONNX, companies can connect to various enterprise
or departmental mainframe databases using any
standards-based compliant tool/application. CONNX
allows companies to integrate multiple relational and nonrelational data sources, no matter where they reside. As
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
a result, a single SQL view of the data is presented as if it
exists in a single relational database.
CONNX DataSync
CONNX DataSync is a change data capture tool that
captures incremental changes from mainframe source
databases (IMS, VSAM, DB2 and Adabas) and delivers
them at user-defined intervals to single or multiple
database targets. This is done in a fraction of the
time required by full extracts. Several functions can
be performed with CONNX DataSync: Data extracts,
transformation and scheduled or on-demand full reloads
and incremental updates. CONNX DataSync can be used
to support Business Intelligence or event-driven business
process management applications.
CopperEye Ltd
Suite 47, Aztec Center, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4TD,
Phone: +44 (0) 1454 203610
Email: contact@coppereye.com
Web: www.coppereye.com
Sales contacts:
America: 001 203-245-0611
EMEA: +44 (0) 1225 745500
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management
Mainframe platforms supported: Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Pricing options: Processor/capacity-based, workload/
usage based.
Company profile
CopperEye is a provider of enterprise search software
for business transaction data that allows companies to
quickly retrieve exactly the records they need from months
or years of history and billions of business transactions
stored on low-cost file systems. Unlike other enterprise
search solutions that focus on unstructured data such as
web pages and word processing documents and return
ambiguous results, CopperEye specifically addresses the
needs of business transaction data that would otherwise
require a costly and complex database solution to provide
rapid retrieval of specific records.
CopperEye’s products are appropriate for use across all
industries and are intended for customers that have large
volumes of data – often held on a mainframe. Systems
integrators and consultancies are a central element
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
of CopperEye’s sales and marketing strategy, as are
software vendors who embed CopperEye’s technology
within their solutions. CopperEye has relationships with
industry-leading vendors including IBM and Logica. The
product is available through CopperEye’s flagship product
– Greenwich – an enterprise search solution; or through
the CopperEye Software Developer’s Kit (SDK), intended
for use by developers creating high-performance bespoke
Product/service information
CopperEye’s underlying technology innovation is a
patented type of data indexing that represents a quantum
leap in performance over all other industry-standard
indexes. Where traditional approaches to improving
database performance have focused on data caching,
parallelism and specialist hardware, CopperEye attacks
the core of the problem by dramatically improving indexing
efficiency. The CopperEye technology is a general-purpose
scalar disk-optimized index technology. It eliminates
the traditional design compromises between real-time
application performance and prolific indexing for fast query
performance. It is applicable across virtually all data types.
Benefits include:
• greater performance: CopperEye’s indexing technology
breaks the disk I/O bottleneck, improving performance
a hundred-fold on that basis alone. This means that
large volumes of data can be loaded in a fraction of the
usual time.
• data center optimization: business event data can be
moved off an expensive relational database and into
flat files, dramtically reducing hardware requirements
while simultaneously enhancing access to the data
• lower cost: data can be handled and accessed more
rapidly, optimizing hardware investment.
CPT Global Ltd
Level 1, 4 Riverside Quay, Southbank VIC 3006, Australia.
Phone +61 3 9690 3911 .
Email info@cptglobal.com.
Web: www.cptglobal.com.
Sales contacts:
America +1-917-210-8668.
EMEA +44 20 8334 8085, infoUK@cptglobal.com.
Activity: Consultant.
Specialist areas: System management; data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, Unix,
Company profile
CPT Global was founded in Melbourne in 1993 by Gerry
Tuddenham, who remains the CEO today. The company
has been listed on the ASX since 2000. The name ‘CPT
Global’ came from the abbreviation of Capacity Planning,
Performance Tuning and Testing. The focus of the
business remains specialist capacity and performance
management services although, in Australia, CPT offers a
wide range of additional services related to IT efficiencies.
Operations were extended into Europe in 1998, with offices
now in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany, as well as
further engagements in Ireland, Austria and Switzerland.
CPT expanded into the USA in 2003, setting up an office
in New York to service Tier One clients such as General
Motors and American Express.
CPT has over 120 clients worldwide, including many large
and well-known businesses such as ABN AMRO, AIB,
Audi, Bank of Ireland, Credit Swiss, Deutsche Bahn, ING,
Lloyds TSB, Lufthansa, Prudential, and UBS. CPT draws
on a network of over 200 specialist consultants, many
of whom are worldleaders in their fields. The depth of
experience offered and the range of clients allows CPT to
quickly identify performance and capacity problems, and
to design and implement practical cost-effective solutions
based on best practice.
Product/service information
CPT aims to reduce mainframe processing power
requirements by 10 to 30% at most clients. This allows
the clients to make substantial savings through deferred
processor upgrades, reduced MIPS usage, reduced
software costs and pre-outsourcing CPU reductions.
CPT understands that many clients are unsure whether
such savings can be achieved on their sites, and so offers
a number of models to suit different companies. These
models range from Risk/Reward, where fees are based
upon savings achieved, to Fixed Price, which caps the total
cost to the client.
In Europe, CPT Global’s assignments are mostly focused
on mainframe performance tuning, but CPT also provides
expertise in IT management as well as Open Systems and
Windows technical services.
Royal Pavillion, Wellesley Road, Aldershot, Hants GU11
1PZ, UK.
Phone: +44 (0) 1257 236017.
Email: dmcmahon@csc.com.
Web: www.csc.com.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Activity: Outsourcer.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, VM/VSE, Linux,
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
CSC is a global leader in providing technology-enabled
solutions and services through three primary lines of
business. These include Business Solutions and Services,
the Managed Services Sector, and the North American
Public Sector. CSC’s advanced capabilities include
systems design and integration, information technology
and business process outsourcing, applications software
development, Web and application hosting, mission
support, and management consulting. Headquartered
in Falls Church, Va., CSC has approximately 92,000
employees and reported revenue of $16.2 billion for the 12
months ended July 3, 2009.
Product/service information
CSC provide outsourced Managed Services for clients
Mainframe Systems. CSC support over 100,000 IBM
Mips world-wide and have expertise in z-OS, VM/VSE,
zLinux operating systemsm as well as Unisys Mainframe
systems. CSC have strategic Mainframe Data Centres in
Asia, Australia, Europe Middle East and Africa and North
America regions.
CSL International
22 Maskit St, POB 12897, Hertzelia 46733, Israel.
Phone: +972 9 9540470
Email: sales@csl-int.com.
Web: www.csl-int.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, VM/VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Linux
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, other
Company profile
CSL International provides software services to the
enterprise market for the last 5 years. Our engineers
combine zSeries (z/VM and z/OS) internals skills as well
as very strong Linux abilities. These combined skill set
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
allowed us to respond to the industry need for a simple yet
powerful virtualization management solution that makes
the zSeries the perfect infrastructure for virtual Linux server
farms - We call this solution: CSL-WAVE.
Product/service information
CSL-WAVE is a best-of-breed simplification, provisioning,
and management solution for zSeries- based virtual
server farms running Linux. CSL-WAVE answers
all the expressed needs of our customers in terms
of simplification and effective management. CSLWAVE targets the emerging need for management of
sophisticated virtual server environments such as Clouds
and large consolidation projects. Our solution provides
a graphical representation of the virtual data center with
advanced expert system abilities.
CSL-WAVE enables management of every virtual object
and operation procedure of the virtual server farms: server
attributes and server cloning, network switches, disk
storage and storage quotas, script management and much
One of the most important value points CSL-WAVE
provides our customers is freedom from the need that
Linux sys-admins must have z/VM skills. Using CSL-WAVE
enables full autonomy for the Linux sys-admins. They are
able to carry out any task in the server farm that without
our solution would have required assistance from the z/
VM system programming team. The Linux sys-admins’
scopes and action permissions throughout the server farm
are easily managed via CSL-WAVE user management and
security subsystem.
CSL-WAVE allows your sys-admins to “Get z power,
without the need for z skills!”.
DataVantage – Direct Computer
Resources Inc
120 Birch Road, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417-2718, USA
Phone: +1 201 848 0018
Email: dataprivacy@datavantage.com
Web: www.DataVantage.com
Sales contacts:
America: +1 800 878 4211
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management, security,
programming/testing, other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux,
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, other
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, workload/usage based, other
Company profile
Direct Computer Resources’ family of DataVantage
software products has served hundreds of Fortune 1000
companies in more than 20 countries for over 25 years.
During the late 1970s the company’s principals helped
define the data management and application development
testing market with their flagship DataVantage for IMS.
DCR has now applied long-term experience in the market
to the rapidly growing field of data privacy through
DataVantage Global, a data privacy, testing and data
management solution for mainframe, client/server and
personal platforms. Companies worldwide that use and
depend on DataVantage products include American
Express, IBM, EDS, Verizon, Computer Sciences
Corporation, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company,
Lockheed Martin, FreddieMac, Avon, and SunGard, among
Product/service information
In the midst of application testing or in the unfortunate
situation when data has been stolen, DataVantage
Global protects confidential health, financial, personnel
and other data. As a single, scalable enterprise solution,
DataVantage Global effectively obfuscates, tests, migrates,
and manages data across multiple platforms to aid
compliance with stringent data privacy requirements. A
recent Gartner Group research report, “Security and Data
Management for Privacy,” named DataVantage Global as a
leading solution in the category.
Mainframe solutions (DataVantage for DB2 and
DataVantage for IMS) include functionality for DB2,
IMS, VSAM, flat and PDS files that resolve production
challenges quickly and permit table editing, data masking
and test database management. In the DB2 environment,
users will enjoy additional performance assurance such
as SQL automated quality assurance, index analysis, and
workload detection.
Company profile
DataKinetics® is a leader in data access optimization,
has been in business for 35 years, and their trademarked
tableBASE in-memory accelerator is widely deployed
at the heart of mission-critical business applications for
several Fortune 500 global companies who are sector
leaders. tableBASE in-memory accelerator enables
mainframe transaction processing faster than any other
software option while simultaneously delivering attractive
financial benefits. With recent partnerships with SQData
Corporation and InnovizeIT, DataKinetics offers products
to optimize other aspects of data access, including data
replication, data integration, and DB2 optimization.
For 30 years, DataKinetics products have been enhancing
hundreds of thousands of mission-critical transactions
per second every day for banking, insurance, credit card,
brokerage house, and retail industries—without fail. Visit
www.dkl.com for more information.
Product/service information
tableBASE provides the shortest possible path to the data.
Data is copied into in-memory tables (from DB2, VSAM,
etc.).\, and I/Os are replaced with in-memory fetches.
tableBASE was designed for performance – where data
buffering simply eliminates I/Os, tableBASE keeps the
code path as short as possible. This makes data access
using tableBASE 10-100x faster than is possible using
buffered database access. This is applied only to certain
types of regularly accessed reference data – most of your
data is access from DASD in the normal manner – but the
resulting performance improvements are dramatic.
To obtain the benefits of tableBASE, organizations must
make small changes to their application code to change
some database access statements to tableBASE API
calls. SQLKinetics provides the benefits of tableBASE to
organizations that are unable or unwilling to make any
changes to their legacy application code. Data access
using tableBASE with SQLKinetics is still 7x faster than is
possible using buffered database access.
50 Hines Rd, Ottawa, K2K-2M5, Canada.
Phone: 613-523-5500
Email: kallingham@dkl.com
Web: www.dkl.com.
If you need to share in-memory table data between
multiple applications, our VTS product provides the ability
to share data, and to preserve it after the application has
completed. This ensures that all applications have identical
data, and enables tables to be used as a message queue
or to overcome bottlenecks between applications.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
VTS Manager
VTS Manager allows for the sharing of tables across
LPARs (logical partitions on a mainframe CPU) and across
a Sysplex. It also enables the ability to switch the data that
all the applications access in a synchronized manner.
Data Kinetics Ltd
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Java to DB2 Optimizer
Java to DB2 Optimizer provides for efficient access of Java
applications to DB2 data on the mainframe to address
the surprise that our customers have experienced of
increased CPU requirements when they enable a new
Java application.
DDV technologies
17B / 818 Pittwater Road (PO Box 1155), Dee Why, NSW
2099, Australia.
Phone: +61 (0)2 8213 9207
Email: sales@ddvtechnologies.com
Web: www.ddvtechnologies.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Programming/testing; web integration
and legacy reengineering tools; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: One-time charge; monthly/annual
license; processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
DDV is a privately owned company developing an
Australian z/OS-based product SoftDate and marketing
overseas solutions that directly resolve your often
troublesome and expensive overheads in IT, business
development and crisis management. Our solutions span
the IBM mainframe through Internet platforms and are
targeted primarily at speeding your business development
Product/service information
SoftDate is a z/OS-based product for Date & Time
Simulation (DTS) Testing of applications, prior to
Production and Global Time Zone Virtualization of
Production applications (to reduce LPARs that are
dedicated to single Time Zones).
SoftDate is an SOA DTS product with many unique and
exclusive features not found in other DTS products such
as Parallel Sysplex, CICS MRO (multiregion operations),
64-bit support (for data above the 2-gig bar), WebSphere
Application Server & Java Language for z support for all
execution environments (e.g. batch, CICS, IMS).
Dignus LLC
8372-203 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27615, USA.
Phone: +1 919 676 0847.
Email: sales@dignus.com.
Web: www.dignus.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: other
Company profile
Dignus, LLC is an innovative company, located in Raleigh,
North Carolina, committed to providing the best compilers,
Assemblers and development tools for the IBM mainframe,
including 370, ESA, 390, and the latest z/Architecture
Dignus, LLC provides unique mainframe programming
and development solutions that offer savings in time and
effort, while streamlining development costs. Our solutions
are applicable to programming for a wide range of IBM
mainframe operating systems, including z/OS, z/TPF, z/
VM, z/Linux, and others.
Product/service information
Systems/C and Systems/C++ are compilers for the IBM
mainframe, with unique features that make development
of OS/390, z/OS, z/TPF, Linux/390, CMS and VSE system
code easier and faster.
Systems/C and Systems/C++ are validated and supported
by the IBM TPF labs for use with z/TPF.
Systems/ASM is the Dignus assembler, used for
assembling IBM mainframe assembler source. Systems/
ASM is compatible with IBM’s HLASM, supporting the
complete HLASM macro processing language.
All Dignus tools can operate in a cross-platform
environment, moving your development to your local
desktop to dramatically reduce mainframe development
Softdate contains every feature of every other DTS
product, is fully backward compliant, and can reside in the
same LPAR to make exchange easy.
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
DINO Software LLC
1912 Earldale Ct, S-200, Alexandria, VA 22306, USA.
Phone: +1 703 768 2610
E-mail: sales@dino-software.com
Web: www.dino-software.com
Sales contacts:
America sales@dino-software.com
EMEA terry.heath@dino-software.co.uk, tel: +44 (0)20
7549 3657
AsiaPac sales@dino-software.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; network performance/
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Linux, Windows
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, other.
Company profile
DINO Software came into existence after Softworks
was acquired by EMC in 2000. All of the original
product authors as well as many of the sales reps and
management subsequently reconstituted as DINO, and set
about the task of re-engaging our customers with better,
actively supported products. DINO’s vanguard product,
T-REX, incorporates over two decades of experience
gained from the development and support of Catalog
Solution and rapidly became the fastest selling ICF catalog
management and recovery tool ever released. The product
is in daily use by hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies and
is continually augmented and improved.
DINO products are distributed and sold via the website,
through direct sales and a network of qualified distributors
worldwide. The company is based in the Washington DC
metropolitan area and maintains offices in the UK and
Germany. DINO is privately held and develops enterprisewide multi-platform solutions and services for the
optimization of complex IT environments.
Product/service information
T-REX is the newest, fastest and most comprehensive
catalog management tool on the market today. It contains
the functionality of six separate products in the market
place in a purpose-built, integrated framework. All of the
utilities needed to simplify management of catalogs and
tape subsystems are provided, as well as the critical
backup and recovery to protect data in the event of minor
problems or major disasters. T-REX ensures the health of
a user’s catalogs and TMC in five key areas:
• maintenance
• diagnostics
• reporting
• SMF management
• backup and recovery.
In addition to VSAM cluster support, TMC synchronization
and HSM validation, T-REX can repair any VSAM object
(BCS, KSDS, and Variable RRDS) with a broken index
within minutes. It can also REORG a catalog (or move a
catalog to a new volume) while it is OPEN and allocated
to CAS on any number of connected systems. T-REX
multi-tasks all major functions (not just back-up) and is
approximately nine times faster than Catalog Solution.
Released in 2006 were RAPTOR, an extended tape toolset
to simplify and facilitate tape drive and robotic/virtual
library capacity planning, and TERADON, a dynamic HSM
DINO has a full range of training and professional
services packages related to catalog maintenance and
DPI Software
P.O Box 14613, Lenexa, KS 66215, USA.
Phone: +1 919 426 6518
Email: ronp@filemarvel.com
Web: www.filemarvel.com
Sales contacts:
America +1 913-599-7987; dpisoft@kc.rr.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Data management; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: n/a
Pricing options: One-time charge; monthly/annual
license; processor/capacity-based
Company profile
DPI Software is a software development company
dedicated to making z/OS and the IBM mainframe a usable
platform for many years to come. We focus solely on
developing system software for z/OS. Our tools have been
available for many years, especially FileMarvel which has
over a hundred Fortune 500 users around the world. We
believe that mainframe software should be affordable and
that maintenance fees should include automatic upgrades
to new versions of the software.
Product/service information
Use FileMarvel to look at and maintain any kind of dataset
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
– VSAM, SAM, BDAM or source, JCL etc in a PDS.
Even tape. Things you can do to your datasets using
FileMarvel include browsing, editing, changing the layout,
copying, sorting/merging, printing and allocating datasets.
Displays can be formated in a number of ways including
hex, character and (of particular interest to application
programmers) laid out to match a copy member.
DumpMarvel is an ISPF-based abend dump formatter
and analyzer that helps you analyze a z/OS application
or system program abend quickly. z/OS or MVS dump
analysis becomes a breeze because you can find your
way around the dump more quickly, locate storage areas,
and skip irrelevant control blocks. For new programmers,
it provides a more logical and less daunting view of a
program dump. For experienced programmers, it increases
the amount of information that can be obtained from a
complex application or system software dump.
DTS Software
4350 Lassiter at North Hills Ave, Suite 235, Raleigh, NC
27609, USA
Phone: +1 919 833 8426
Email: info@DTSsoftware.com
Web: www.DTSsoftware.com
Sales contacts:
America +1 770 922 2444
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Storage management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Other
Company profile
DTS Software is recognized as a worldwide leader in
enterprise storage management technology. From the
original industry-standard Space Recovery System (SRS)
that eliminates storage-related production failures, to the
advanced Virtual Tape interface of the DLm Control Center
(DCC), DTS products are noted for their sophistication,
reliability, and ease-of-use.
Our integrated suite of products help organizations to
monitor, manage and control your storage subsystems.
For over 20 years, we have specialized in these storage
solutions and have developed them for the IBM z/OS,
Hitachi VOS3, and Fujitsu MSP operating systems.
Our corporate headquarters are located in Raleigh, NC
and our products are sold in the US and Canada through
our sales office in Conyers, GA. We distribute our products
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
worldwide through a network of international distributors
who cover all the major international markets.
We are dedicated to providing reliable designs, technical
innovations and a commitment to excellence.
Product/service information
DTS Software is recognized as a worldwide leader in
enterprise storage management technology. Our family
of products provides an integrated suite of storage
management programs that allow you to get the most
out of your storage dollars. Our products improve disk
space utilization, prevent storage-related errors, allow
installations to monitor the storage subsystem in real time,
and proactively control the use of storage space.
From the original industry-standard Space Recovery
System (SRS) that eliminates storage-related production
failures, to the advanced allocation of ACC, to the
modernization of assembler exits via EASY/Exit, to the
innovative storage monitoring using MONitor and Explorer
GUI, to the advanced debugging and tracing of SMS/
Debug, to the Predictive Recall of migrated data, to the
advanced Virtual Tape interface of the DLm Control Center
(DCC), DTS products are noted for their sophistication,
reliability, and ease-of-use.
Our integrated suite of products help organizations to
monitor, manage and control your storage subsystems.
For over 20 years, we continue to demonstrate reliable
designs, a history of innovation and a commitment to
Edge Information Group, Inc
479 E Business Center Drive, Suite 115, Mt. Prospect, IL
60056-6037, USA
Phone: +1 847-297-2020.
Email: mhaupt@edge-information.com.
Web: www.edge-information.com
Sales contacts:
America: cgehr@edge-information.com.
EMEA: cgehr@edge-information.com.
AsiaPac: cgehr@edge-information.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Asset and change management;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: One-time charge, other.
Company profile
Edge Information Group, Inc. is the premier provider
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
of Language Environment (LE) management solutions
for upgrading to the latest levels of the IBM mainframe
operating systems, z/OS and related compiler and run-time
We offer a unique LE and portfolio management tool – the
Edge Portfolio Analyzer – as well as consulting on LE,
compilers and other IT areas.
Let our experts help you get an Edge on LE management.
Product/service information
The Edge Portfolio Analyzer (EPA) provides z/OS users
with the means to understand and control the contents
of their application portfolios. With the Edge Portfolio
Analyzer, you can reduce problems – and speed
implementation – when migrating to new compilers and
new Language Environment (LE) run-time environments.
You can also use the EPA to improve the performance
of your production environment and to assist in problem
source identification and problem determination.
Enterprise Systems Associates, Inc
3259 Progress Drive, Suite 165 UCF Research Park
Orlando, Fl 32826, USA
Phone: +1-866-GO-4-ESAI (866-464-3724)
Email: sales@esaigroup.com
Web: www.ESAIGroup.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; asset and change management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Unix, Linux,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
ESAi is a vendor that provides mainframe productivity
tools and professional services for enterprise customers.
Our mission is to help IT get the job done while realizing
operational savings. Qualified database and IT staff
resources are in short supply, workloads are increasing,
and there are still only 24 hours in a day. The economic
pressures of today are forcing IT to do more with less.
ESAi can help with innovative solutions that save time,
money, CPU and staff resources.
The company is based in Orlando’s UCF Research Park
and is affiliated with the Florida High Technology Corridor
Council. Partnerships include: IBM Partner in
Development, IBM Business Partner, UBS-Hainer,
Inside Products and Enterprise Performance Visio.
Product/service information
Our products are designed to help DBAs, QA, and
Applications staff with fast delivery and refreshing of
application data for testing, QA, batch, warehousing, and
other critical needs. For example:
• BCV4 is a DB2 subsystem cloning tool that reduces
DB2 clones from hours/days down to minutes. SAP and
PeopleSoft users can have clones and system copies
in record time.
• BCV5 is a fast copy/migrate/refresh tool that
checks, automates and copies/refreshes DB2 target
environments faster than Unload/Load or other ISV
solution BCV5 delivers on average 90% savings in
CPU, job elapsed time, and manual efforts.
In addition, DBAs and Performance Specialists can more
productively manage performance as well as automate
tedious DB2 data maintenance tasks like Buffer Pools,
REORG, statistics, and DB2 admin tasks:
• The Total Utility Control product uses Real Time
Statistics, user policies, and automation to save
resources and help lean DBA staffs maintain critical
service level agreements.
• Buffer Pool Analysis product has replaced the old,
dated solutions with a new level of expert analysis and
performance proposals. The sister product Exception
Master for DB2 expands on performance by monitoring
for potential DB2 problems anywhere in any DB2 z/OS
system. Intelligent problem detection/handling, dynamic
SQL issues, performance problems are tracked and
reported upon so DBA staff can find problems before
they impact users.
• UBS Log Tracker/Analyzer answers the question “Why
is a good, reasonably priced log analyzer so hard to
find?” Undo/Redo, identify, audit, or propagate. A log
analyzer that is the faster, better, more economical
• EPV for Z/OS, Unix, & Windows brings a new level
of capability and ease to Performance and Capacity
Planning. Utilizing SMF and other data to truly give a
fast and complete understanding of your systems and
Epoka Group A/S
Hjulmagervej 21, DK-9490 Pandrup, Denmark
Phone: +45 96 730 800.
Email: epoka@epoka.com.
Web: www.epoka.com.
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Vendor Directory
Activity: Hardware vendor.
Specialist areas: Other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX
Pricing options: Other
many years for Boole & Babbage, BMC Software, SAS
Institute, and then as independent consultants.
Company profile
Epoka Group A/S is an innovative supplier of pre-owned,
high-performance enterprise computer solutions. Our
extensive range of blue-chip brands extends from
mainframes, NAS and SAN solutions to best-of-breed
networking equipment.
EPV Technologies partners:
• Benny Tal Marketing Software Solutions in Israel and
• ddk-software in Northern Europe
• ESAi in USA
• Inspired Solutions in UK and Ireland
• JVL in France
• Senmesoft in Canada
• SoftPlex Inc. in Japan
• TPS-DATA in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
• ECCOX in Brazil and other SA countries.
Epoka is a reliable, triple-A rated company that offers
customers around the world quick access to quality
solutions at competitive prices. Based in Denmark since
1991, Epoka is committed to providing real value, worldclass service and continued expansion. Please browse
through our website to learn more about our products,
services and job opportunities.
Product/service information
IBM: zSeries 800, 890, 900, 990 • CMOS(9672) G2 - G6 •
Storage & Peripherals.
EPV Technologies
Viale Luigi Mancinelli 106, Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 0686399398.
Email: epv.info@epvtech.com.
Web: www.epvtech.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge
Company profile
It was founded in June 2003 with the goal of developing
and selling the EPV line of products.
EPV Technologies’ mission is to develop products that
provide high-quality and ready-to-use information to
customers allowing them to give a better service and
save money by improving their Capacity Management
EPV Technologies founders have more than 25 years
experience mostly in Capacity Management projects.
They built a very strong technical background working for
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Since the beginning, EPV Technologies sponsors and
presents at major technical conferences in Europe
such as CMG and GSE in Austria, Germany, Italy, and UK.
Product/service information
EPV products have been designed to help system analysts
in Performance and Capacity Planning activities. EPV for
z/OS, EPV zParser, EPV for DB2, EPV for WMQ, EPV for
zLINUX, EPV for Unix (including Linux), EPV for VMware
and EPV for Windows are the main products. Same
products in two lines: SAS-based and PERL/SQL-based.
EPV zParser is written in PERL; it parses SMF, IMS, z/VM
monitor records, etc loading them in a SQL DB. It provides
input to EPV for z/OS, EPV for DB2, EPV for WMQ and
Free agents provide input data to EPV for Unix and EPV
for VMware.
European Mainframe Academy
Obergass 23, Switzerland
Phone: +41-52-5582040
Email: wolfram.greis@mainframe-academy.de
Web: www.mainframe-academy.de.
Activity: Education
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Pricing options: other
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Company profile
Education of new mainframers. Targed groups are system
people, operation stuff and developers.
Product/service information
Basic blended learning course for system administrator (24
Basic blended learning course for operator (12 month)
Basic blended learning course for developer (12 month).
EZ Legacy Limited
Missenden Abbey Management Centre, London Road,
Great Missenden, Bucks HP16 0BO, UK
Phone: +44 1494 867981
Email: info@ezlegacy.com.
Web: www.ezlegacy.com.
Sales contacts:
America usinfo@ezlegacy.com
EMEA emeainfo@ezlegacy.com
Exspans Systems Inc
PO Box 20082, Perth Mews, Perth, Ontario K7H 3M6,
Phone: +1 613 268 2057.
Email: info@exspans.com.
Web: www.exspans.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: monthly/annual license
Company profile
Established in 1989. IBM business partner. Specializing
in automation products. Exspans is dedicated to the
continued success of z/OS systems, by providing high
performance automation, scheduling and systems
management tools, that reduce the total cost of ownership.
Product/service information
• AutoMan is a family of event automation and
scheduling products, that enables the user to select the
functionality they need. There is a version of AutoMan
that meets every need and budget.
• Matrix is an application programming interface that
provides high performance cross-memory and crosssystems control and data sharing. It makes dataspace
technology and cross-systems services available to the
high-level language programmers, without any need for
them to use Assembler.
• TapeMan is a cross-systems tape device sharing
technology for OS/390 and z/OS systems that are not
sysplex enabled. TapeMan V1.0 is provided free of
charge to the MVS systems community. TapeMan V2.0
is a low-cost alternative tape sharing solution.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Asset and change management;
programming/testing; web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, VM/VSE, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, Unix,
Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
Established in 2003 and now with more than 50 customers
worldwide, EZLegacy is a market leader in application
understanding and measurement addresings 95% of
mainframe systems users globally. We have a proven
track record of value delivery with high profile clients such
as Standard Bank, Maybank, Thomson Reuters, JAL and
CA plus strategic partnerships with large software and
services providers such as CA, SAP, Serena, IBM, CSC
and Axiomme
EZSource is a unique, fully integrated product suite
which provides robust, automated analysis and metrics
for the end to end application lifecycle. This enables our
customers to deliver tangible business value by reducing
costs, improving quality and prioritising future IT spend.
Product/service information
Using EZSource, our customers have delivered cost
savings in the order of :
• Planning and Assessment, 50 to 80%
• Design, Development and Testing, 30 to 50%
• Support and Maintenance, 30 to 40%
• Documentation, 60 to 90%.
EZSource:Analyze automates source code analysis to
deliver a deep, accurate and context driven analysis,
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Vendor Directory
integrated through a common repository to give you the
right information at the right point in the lifecycle.
EZSource:Report delivers automated, objective, metric
driven reporting (both standard and customer defined) to
help you on the road to best in class.
EZSource:Dashboard allows you to see the value of your
application portfolio at a glance and drill down to gain in
depth information for chosen elements.
Fitz Software & Co
Kilcolta House, Crosshaven, Cork, Ireland
Phone: +353-21-4832131
Email: sales@fitzsoftware.com.
Web: www.fitzsoftware.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management;
asset and change management; programming/testing;
network performance/management; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, VM/VSE
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Fitz Software & Co., established in 1991, provides z/OS
users with innovative and niche products that benefit their
evolving systems at justifiable prices.
From our offices located in Crosshaven in Ireland we
distribute and support (1st and 2nd level) products across
EMEA with remote and onsite support and training to our
customers. Our suppliers and partners include NewEra
Software, UBS Hainer, Data21, Astrom Software, and
Product/service information
Our primary expertise lies in:
• z/OS Availability, Change Management, Audit &
- Change management, audit and security
improvement with system integrity in z/OS, JES,
the risks to availability while also ensuring secure
change management and notifications across
administration functions (Operator commands, Edit
sessions, ..).
• z/OS Database Productivity
- Reduce CPU service costs and service delivery
times: Fastest cloning of pre-production and test
DB2 (and other relational) sub-systems, databases
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
and tables with also masking & data reduction;
Automated DB maintenance enhancing existing
utilities; Bufferpool optimization; Exception Master to
determine problems before they hit the systems; …
• z/OS Application Life-Cycle
- File encryption and archiving, test data generation,
naming standards and audit; identifying the
business-critical files; integrated recovery
management solution designed to deliver a global
view of your critical data-as well as that data’s
backups at the application level
• z/OS Software Asset Management
- Who’s using what and when in the z/OS software
portfolio – IBM and ISV products and inhouse
applications including also 4GL, Interpreter
languages, ISPF, JCL.
Flynet Limited
King William House, Burwell, Cambs CB25 0DU, UK
Phone: +44 1638 611111
Email: Sales@FlynetViewer.com.
Web: www.FlynetViewer.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, zLinux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
Is your strategy in place when it comes to web, cloud,
BYOD …etc.?
Are you torn between creating new feature-rich web-based
applications and continuing with writing new, fast, low cost,
green- screen applications?
Are you faced with a diminishing pool of mainframe
application expertise?
Is there a constant demand for new mainframe services?
FlynetViewer is the leading solution for modernising and
integrating mainframe applications with web and internet
based technologies. It allows you to do far more with less
mainframe expertise and IT budget.
As pioneers of integrating new technologies with
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
mainframe and legacy screen based applications, Flynet
developers were responsible for creating the first dial-up
terminal emulator, the first mainframe to internet gateway,
and most recently the world’s first ‘cloud-ready’ terminal
Since 1994 Flynet has been supporting a global and varied
customer base supporting solutions with 10 to 10,000
Product/service information
FlynetViewer integrates seamlessly with existing
conventional screen-based applications. Web services and
new graphical Interfaces can be easily sliced into existing
applications replacing commonly used screens to improve
both user experience and performance.
FlynetViewer is incredibly fast and can usually replace ALL
client-side traditional terminal emulators like Attachmate
Extra, Rumba or IBM etc…. FlynetViewer can be used in
association with existing terminal emulation deployments
providing additional functionality or integration with web
based applications as and when required.
FlynetViewer is a server-side, cross-browser, BYOD
compliant, zero client install, pure html and JavaScript
terminal emulation-based solution for 3270, 5250 and
VTxxx applications.
FlynetViewer provides rapid definition and generation of
ASP.NET web services and web pages integrating screenbased applications using minimal proprietary content.
Developers can enhance and extend the generated
applications using ASP.NET and .NET frameworks. Serverside logic provides navigation throughout the application
allowing the use of modern menu systems, i.e. hierarchical
drop-down, to replace clumsy single-screen menus.
FlynetViewer can generate web services to automate data
entry and other processes can share sessions with users
of the web terminal emulator to enable powerful synergies
between server-side automation and human intervention/
access whenever desired.
Most importantly FlynetViewer can increase the return
associated with mainframe applications whilst reducing
user costs such as maintenance, training and support.
Mies-van-der-Rohe Str. 4-10, 80807 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 62060 1970.
Email: hans-joachim.dewor@ts.fujitsu.com.
Web: www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/
Activity: Hardware vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; security
Mainframe platforms supported: Other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: other
Company profile
Company profile:
Fujitsu is the leading Japanese information and
communication technology (ICT) company offering a full
range of technology products, solutions and services.
Approximately 170,000 Fujitsu people support customers
in more than 100 countries. We use our experience
and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with
our customers. Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported
consolidated revenues of 4.4 trillion yen (US$47 billion) for
the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013.
Fujitsu CEMEA&I:
In Continental Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India,
Fujitsu is the leading IT infrastructure provider with a
presence in all key markets serving large, medium-sized
and small businesses. The company offers a full portfolio
of IT products, business solutions and services, ranging
from workplace systems to datacenter solutions, managed
services, and cloud-based software and solutions. In
CEMEA&I Fujitsu employs approximately 13,000 people
and is part of the global Fujitsu Group..
Product/service information
BS2000/OSD is the mainframe OS offered by Fujitsu
The BS2000/OSD mainframes (S- and SQ-Series)
are more than just servers: they represent a complete,
autonomous and dynamic IT infrastructure for different
kinds of applications. With his fully mainframe offering
Fujitsu Technology Solutions is committed and responsible
for the seamless and efficient interaction of all the BS2000/
OSD infrastructure components. BS2000/OSD guarantees
efficient, risk-free data center operation – 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year, today, tomorrow, whenever you
want. On-going innovations in hardware and software,
based on proven technologies, will continue to make it
the most reliable and costeffectivplatform for many
largescale applications ensuring security of investment and
data today as well as in future. BS2000/OSD has been
the subject of continuous innovation for forty years
and has been adapted to take account of constantly
changing market requirements. For instance, BS2000/
OSD is a mainframe OS that can run on servers based on
classic mainframe architecture and on industry standard
processors. And with its open interfaces it offers futureproof integration into modern application architectures.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Gary Bergman Associates
14 Hickory Lane, North Brunswick, NJ 08902, USA
Phone: +1 732 247 2727
Email: Info@debugcics.com
Web: www.debugcics.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual license
Company profile
Established in 1974 to provide debugging services for
Product/service information
Advanced Debugging System (“ADS”) for the CICS
GT Software
6255 Barfield Rd, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30328, USA
Phone: +1 404-253-1300
Email: sales@gtsoftware.com
Web: www.gtsoftware.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: Other
Company profile
GT Software serves the largest mainframe organizations’
over half of Fortune 1000 companies are customers
delivering the most productive and comprehensive toolset
on the market. GT Software’s longstanding positive
customer relationships demonstrate the quality of our
products and people, and our ongoing ability to deliver
real, usable solutions to meet customer needs.
GT Software’s product strategy is to continue to provide
unparalleled capability to leverage the mainframe’s proven
functionality, power, stability, and performance to its fullest
represented in the U.S., Canada, Asia, Europe, Australia,
Africa and South America.
Product/service information
GT Software serves the largest mainframe organizations’
over half of Fortune 1000 companies are customers
delivering the most productive and comprehensive toolset
on the market. GT Software’s longstanding positive
customer relationships demonstrate the quality of our
products and people, and our ongoing ability to deliver
real, usable solutions to meet customer needs.
GT Software’s product strategy is to continue to provide
unparalleled capability to leverage the mainframe’s proven
functionality, power, stability, and performance to its fullest
Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Atlanta, GT
Software is a privately held company that is currently
represented in the U.S., Canada, Asia, Europe, Australia,
Africa and South America.
H&W Computer Systems
6154 N Meeker Place, Suite 100, Boise, ID 83713, USA
Phone: +1 800 338 6692
Email: webtrack@hwcs.com
Web: www.hwcs.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based.
Company profile
Headquartered in Boise, Idaho, H&W Computer Systems
has been a leading provider of quality business-tobusiness software since 1979. H&W creates reliable,
technically sound solutions that provide long-term value.
Today, hundreds of corporations worldwide, including many
Global 500 companies, trust H&W for their IT software and
services needs.
Product/service information
H&W’s industry-leading SYSB-II is a cost-effective
way to use existing VSAM-reliant CICS applications to
accommodate business growth without downtime due
to batch. The software allows CICS and batch to have
concurrent access to VSAM files any time, which provides
two advantages.
Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Atlanta, GT
Software is a privately held company that is currently
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
First, users have full read/write access to CICS
applications 24/7, even while batch runs, so they have
more time to use the system. This allows customers and
employess to be productive more hours of the day and
for CICS applications to be available in new ways, such
as part of web or mobile apps, without batch-related
downtime. Second, users have access to VSAM data that
is being updated closer to real time, so they don’t have to
wait for overnight changes or rely on “point in time” data.
Completing services like cutting checks, making payments,
or submitting claims becomes a faster process.
Simple and quick to implement, SYSB-II doesn’t require
application source-code changes, additional
hardware, data migration, or rearchitecting the existing IT
infrastructure. Gain a competitive edge while enhancing
customer satisfaction, improving user productivity, and
empowering employees and customers to make better
decisions based on better data.
Heitech Managed Services Sdn Bhd
HeiTech Village 2,No 1, Jalan Astaka U8/81, Section U8,
40150 Shah Alam, Selngor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Phone: 60193106462
Email: johanaa@heitech.com.my
Web: www.heitech.com.my
Activity: System integrator
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; programming/testing;
web integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, zLinux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, processor/capacitybased, workload/usage based.
Company profile
HeiTech Managed Services, a subsidiary of a HeiTech
Padu Berhad (public listed), is providing services in area
of Data Centre, Network, Disaster Recovery and Cloud
Computing. We have a Call Centre that complement our
offering. HeiTech Padu itself (parent company) is focusing
on System Integration business, developing applications
on COBOL, C/C++, Java, on mainframe and nonmainframe platform.
We have been the IBM Mainframe market leader since
the 80’s. Our major customers ranges from Financial and
Government such as National Unit Trust Board, Inland
Revenue Board, Immigration, Road Transport, National
We are also a Strategic and Authorized Service Partner to
most mainframe vendors such as EMC, Hitachi, Oracle,
IBM, Novell, CA Technologies and Red Hat.
Product/service information
We have established a pool of experienced engineers to
support the mainframe. We provide services is areas of:
• Sizing and Designing a Mainframe setup
• Operating System upgrades and maintenance (z/OS, z/
VM, zLinux, OS/390)
• Storage Managament
• Disaster Recovery
• Database Management
• Operation and Workload Automation
• L1 & L2 Mainframe support.
Hexaware Technologies
H5, Sipcot IT Park, Navallur Post, Kancheepuram District
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 603103, India
Phone: 044 4745 1000
Web: www.hexaware.com
Activity: Consultancy
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; programming/testing; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Pricing options: Other
Company profile
Hexaware is a global provider of IT and Process
outsourcing services. We focus exclusively on maximizing
client returns from outsourcing and off-shoring. We have
extensive experience in managing large IT applications
in real time as well as in providing high value services
around packaged enterprise applications such as SAP and
Higobi Systems
17 Smoke Lane, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7HJ, UK
Phone: +44 (0)788 757 1953
Email: info@higobi.com
Web: http://www.higobi.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management; programming/
testing; web integration and legacy reengineering tools
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual license
Company profile
Higobi is a network of highly-motivated and experienced
consultants that along with our partners, provides
consultancy services, software products, education, and
combined offerings for the relational database, CRM, and
SAP markets. We concentrate our efforts on large systems
with high-availability requirements across multiple industry
sectors worldwide.
Product/service information
We have developed two unique DB2 for z/OS tools :
• zSQLMON – Dynamic SQL monitoring made easy
• DB2CPI – Advanced productivity toolkit (www.db2cpi.
Both these tools have been “Designed by DBAs for DBAs”
,and all of our consultants have exclusive use of these
productivity tools when you engage us.
Garmischer Str. 8, 80339 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 540 162 0
Email: info@horizont.it.com
Web: www.horizont-it.com
Sales contacts:
America info@segus.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; storage
management; asset and change management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, other
Company profile
HORIZONT is a software development company located
in Munich, Germany. The company was founded in 1993
as R.O.S.E. by three OPC (TWS) consultants. Due to legal
conflicts, the name was changed to HORIZONT in 1997.
The company’s first product was OPC/Graph (now TWS/
Graph), net plan display software for TWS, which was
developed together with IBM Germany. With more than
150 customers worldwide, it has become the de facto
standard for TWS compatible software. Additional products
include TWS/BatchAD, TWS/BatchCP and TWS/Audit,
rounding off the TWS product line.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
With the introduction of XINFO in 1997 (SmartIS in the
US in 1999), HORIZONT took a big step into a much
wider market. XINFO (SmartIS in USA) integrates with
schedulers other than TWS, for example CA-7, CAScheduler, APM, Control-M or ZEKE. In 2002 HORIZONT
released DSN/Change and SmartJCL, which are
completing the product line. And since 2003 HORIZONT
has a new ground-breaking product: TWS/WebAdmin
Product/service information
XINFO - The IT Information System (also known as
XINFO is the information system for batch production. It
enables you to access and cross-reference all data from
various IT systems like JCL, TWS, CA-7, CA-Scheduler,
Control-M, ZEKE, SMF, RMM, CA-1, COBOL, PL/I and
much more. 100 satisfied customers worldwide!
SmartJCL - The Easy Way to Faultless JCL.
SmartJCL is a new JCL checker. It offers an integrated
scheduler interfaces, reformat functions, batch mode and
much more.
DSN/Change - The Dataset Renaming System
If you want to carry out file name migration under z/OS
automatically, reliably and at low cost, DSN/Change is the
right tool for your data center.
TWS Products - especially designed for TWS (Tivoli
Workload Scheduler).
These products are especially designed for TWS, you
cannot not use them if you are running schedulers other
than IBM’s TWS.
TWS/WebAdmin, TWS/Graph, TWS/Audit, TWS/BatchAD,
and TWS/BatchCP.
I/S Management Strategies
4942 N Hollywood Avenue, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217, USA
Phone: +1 414 332-3062
Email: al@sherkow.com
Web: http://www.sherkow.com
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, other
Company profile
Al Sherkow is a capacity planning and performance
consultant at I/S Management Strategies and author of
the LPAR Capacity and Software Usage Analysis Tool
(LCS). Al is a recognized industry expert regarding the
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
configuration and planning of processors and PR/SM
and IBM mainframe Workload License Charges, and has
worked with many companies around the globe to help
them reduce mainframe costs through efficient capacity
and licensing strategies. As principal of I/S Management
Strategies, Al has been helping clients since 1988 and is a
regular presenter at industry conferences. I/S Management
Strategies is a System z Development Partner of IBM and
we are also affiliated with IBM’s IT Analyst Relations.
OS/390, z/VM, and VSE/ESA system programming
services including version and release upgrades, day-today operating systems support, performance and tuning,
and on-site or remote 7x24 operating system support.
Product/service information
The LPAR Capacity and Software Usage Analysis (LCS)
Software is the only tool available to assist installations
in planning for, implementing, monitoring and leveraging
IBM’s Workload License Charges (WLC). LCS reads your
SMF data and prepares interactive reports that can help
you decrease your IBM software charges month after
month. LCS is truly unique. No other tool is available
that combines information about your licensed software
products, analysis of utilization data, and prices to provide
near real-time estimates of your software charges. LCS
allows sites to “tune” their IBM monthly software invoices!
Route 100 Somers NY 10589, USA
Phone: +1-914-766-4589
Web: www.ibm.com
Large and small sites have licensed LCS throughout the
USA and the world (Australia, Canada, the Netherlands,
Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom).
i3 Business Solutions LLC
5005-B Cascade RD SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, USA
Phone: +1 616 956 6888.
Email: RHoekstra@i3BusinessSolutions.com.
Web: www.i3bus.com/
Activity: Consultant.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Company profile
i3 Business Solutions accelerates business results by
integrating information solutions. We are an IBM and
Microsoft Business Partner offering products and solutions
for iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, and zSeries. We also offer
consulting services in the manufacturing and distribution
sectors and planning, installation, and implementation
support for PM, EMR, ERP and CRM software.
Sales contacts (hardware):
America Ernie Fernandez +1 914 642 3713
EMEA Martina Koederitz +33 1 41885653
AsiaPac Sheddrick Harrison +81 3 5572 2728
Sales contacts (software):
America Dot Alexander +1 914 642 4952
EMEA David Wilson +44 1256 344682
AsiaPac Erik Elzerman +65 6418 2230
Activity: Hardware and Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge; monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
Originator of mainframe technology.
Identity Forge
5885 Cumming Hwy, Suite 108-350, Atlanta GA 30518,
Phone: +1 678 266 3399 x201.
Email: info@identityforge.com
Web: www.identityforge.com
Product/service information
i3 Business Solutions provides a full-range of z/OS,
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual license
Company profile
Identity Forge (IdF) is a leading provider of identity
and access management solutions for mainframe,
midrange and/or other legacy systems. Our solutions
securely provide real-time bi-directional password and
identity synchronization and communication between
mainframe, midrange and legacy systems with identity
management systems, web services or enterprise
IdF has been providing Identity and Access Management
solutions and services for mainframe, midrange and
legacy systems since 2001. Building upon IdF’s core
technology Pioneer & Voyager Agents and the LDAP
Gateway. Identity Forge has recently released its vendor
editions. The new vendor editions provide “out of the box”
integration along with a complete set of enterprise class
features for most of today’s leading identity management
Identity Forge’s solutions and services are used worldwide.
Our solutions are being used by Norfolk Southern
Corporation, GE Healthcare, The Boeing Company, HBOS
PLC, Charles Schwab, ING House, KK Bank, Country
Wide, Scott Trade, JM Family Enterprises, Inc., Embarq and many others.
Product/service information
The Advance Adapter provides native real-time collection
of identity events and bi-directional issuance of
commands between the host target system and identity
management or external application. The IdF advanced
adapter suite comprises of adapters supporting IBM-RACF,
CA-ACF2, CA-Top Secret, and IBM-i5 target systems.
IdF LDAP Gateway
Advanced Adapter Suite
IdF Advanced Adapter for RACF
IdF Advanced Adapter for ACF2
IdF Advanced Adapter for Top Secret
IdF Advanced Adapter for System i
Vendor Editions names and listing:
IBM Tivoli Edition
Oracle Edition
Ping Identity Edition
Radiant Logic Edition
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
SAP NetWeaver Edition
Sentillion Edition
Sun Edition
SymLabs Edition.
Illustro Systems International
1950 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 5001, Dallas, Texas
75207, USA.
Phone: +1 214 800 8900
Email: info@illustro.com
Web: www.illustro.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, workload/usage-based
Company profile
illustro Systems focus on delivering software solutions that
empower today’s mainframe customer to lead the way with
We believe that web-enabling mainframe applications
should mean return on investment in hours, not months.
And our z/Web-Host product provides just that. And with
the rapidly emerging standard of SOA and using Web
Services and XML as the method of exchanging data
between computers, our z/XML-Host product delivers a
powerful yet simple solution. Our customers have their
Internet-enabling projects in production in the same time it
takes just to evaluate competitive solutions.
Product/service information
illustro’s z/Ware family of products have earned the
reputation of being easy. The z/Web-Host product
transforms any 3270 application, whether CICS or nonCICS, directly into a fully functional, web-based interface
that anyone can use – all without touching the original
application. And with z/XML-Host, mainframe data can
be automatically converted into XML documents and
accessed via Web Services using SOAP, meaning your
data and business-critical logic can be shared with any
platform or application. This includes languages like Java
and .Net, or Web-Services-enabled platforms including
IBM’s WebSphere and Microsoft Office.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
What’s more, both z/Web-Host and z/XML-Host run directly
on either z/OS (OS/390) or z/VSE (VSE/ESA), so there’s
no need to add cost and complexity to the process by
using a different, less reliable platform just to Internetenable your mainframe.
And now that your mainframe data can easily be made
available on the ‘Net, security is an important issue. That’s
where our iCYA network appliance comes in. The iCYA
delivers full Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protection so your
data is encrypted until it reaches a trusted source.
Informatica Corporation
2100 Seaport Blvd, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA.
Phone: +1 650 385 5000 (800-970-1179 in the USA).
Email: ukinfo@informatica.com
Web: www.informatica.com
Sales contacts:
America: +1 (888) 635-0899
EMEA: +44 (0)1628 511311
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Data Integration; web integration and
legacy reengineering tools; Data Privacy; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, IBM i
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual license
Company profile
Informatica Corporation (NASDAQ: INFA) is the world’s
number one independent provider of data integration
software. With over 3,000 employees distributed in over
28 countries around the globe, Organisations can rely
on Informatica to realise their information potential and
drive top business imperatives. Worldwide over 5,000
Enterprises already depend on Informatica to fully leverage
their information assets from devices to mobile to social
to big data residing on-premise, in the Cloud and across
social networks.
Product/service information
Informatica’s PowerExchange products enable data
connectivity to many of the commonly used mainframe
(z/OS & i/Series) data sources e.g. DB2, IMS, Adabas
etc.. Data can be delivered according to the demands of
the consuming applications; offering data extractions in
either complete batch-type accesses or “delta” updates
from previous extractions delivered in Real-Time. Couple
the connectivity to Informatica’s world renowned data
integration products and Enterprises will quickly see
reward from any Informatica deployments.
With Informatica’s PowerCenter ability to run on the IBM
mainframe z/Linux platform Enterprises can, if required,
build fully centric, mainframe based data integration
environments, on possibly the world’s most resilient and
reliable data processing architecture. PowerCenter for z/
Linux leverages the business-critical aspects of mainframe
computing while providing the same time-to-value and
cost-of-ownership advantages that PowerCenter brings to
non-mainframe environments via its inherent “Map-Once
deploy anywhere” Vibe powered architecture. Informatica
also integrally supports the needs of the modern Enterprise
by providing other industry recognised (Forrester,
Gartner etc.) technology products used for Data Masking,
Application Life Cycle Data Management, Data Quality,
Data Replication as well as a complete and comprehensive
Master Data Management capability. Using Informatica
can help enterprises extend the value of their mainframe
investments with near-universal mainframe access and a
holistic view of enterprise information, while maximizing
the reliability and reducing the costs of data integration
Informatica not only enables a performing and cost
effective data integration platform but can also help
architect and implement an Enterprises solution by
providing skilled resources either via its own highly skilled
and trained Professional Services network or via its ECO
system of Systems Integrators and Partners. Whatever
the need for Data Integration, Informatica has both the
solution and the skill to help Enterprises succeed. For
more information around the Informatica products portfolio
please refer to the Informatica Website.
InfoSec Inc
14001-C St. Germain Drive, Suite 809, Centreville, VA
20121, USA.
Phone: +1 703 825 1202
Email: sales@infosecinc.com
Web: www.infosecinc.com
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; security;
programming/testing; network performance/management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390 ,VM/
VSE, Linux
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Company profile
InfoSec Inc provides high-quality software and services to
mainframe customers resulting in increased operational
efficiencies, improved compliance and decreased costs.
Our goal is to help you to leverage your mainframe
Product/service information
InfoSec provides mainframe consulting resources to
help our customers continue to leverage their mainframe
investment. Our specialty is mainframe security and
compliance, but we can perform any mainframe-related
services including systems programming, database
management, workload management, output management
and more. With all of the regulation and legislation in place
today for compliance related initiatives, organizations need
support to help them achieve that compliance.
INNOVATION Data Processing
275 Paterson Ave, Little Falls, NJ 07424. USA.
Phone: +1 973 890 7300
Email: sales@fdrinnovation.com
Web: http://www.innovationdp.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management; storage
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390 ,VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, other
Company profile
INNOVATION Data Processing has over 33 years
experience of providing backup/restore, non-disruptive
protection and storage management solutions for
enterprise-scale z/OS and OS/390 mainframe and open
systems (SAN/LAN/Unix, Windows, Novell, and Linux)
installations. INNOVATION partners with BMC, Compaq,
Computer Associates, EMC, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi,
IBM, Informix, Lotus, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, Red Hat,
StorageTek, Sun, SuSE Linux, Sybase, Turbo Linux and
INNOVATION’s prime objective in partnering with
software companies is interoperability and co-existence
with operating system platforms and databases; while
partnering with storage vendors allows the creation of
unique solutions that provide customers with the benefits
of advanced storage management.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Product/service information
Best recognized as the provider of the Fast Dump Restore
(FDR) suite, INNOVATION solutions offer enterprise
storage management and non-disruptive business
protection. FDRINSTANT supports Timefinder, FlashCopy,
ShadowImage and SnapShot Copy for non-disruptive
backup of off-line volumes.
IAM allows users to achieve performance enhancements
and system resource savings for most applications that
utilize VSAM datasets. FDRPAS provides non-disruptive
volume relocation of z/OS disk volumes from one device
to another, while FDRERASE provides safe, secure, fast
erasure of z/OS data volumes. FDR/UPSTREAM allows
users to position the OS/390 or z/OS mainframe as a
backup server, with additional support for zLinux.
Sites with EMC Symmetrix arrays rely on FDRSOS for
high-speed network-free volume-level backup/restore
extends this protection with logical file granularity, central
administration and policy-based management.
Inspired Solutions (Software) Ltd
208, Moor Lane, Salford M7 3PZ, UK.
Phone:+44 (0) 161 7926540
Email: info@inspired-solutions.co.uk
Web: www.inspired-solutions.co.uk
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; asset and change management; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390 ,VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Other Unix, Linux,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
Save Money on the Mainframe
Inspired Solutions and Blenheim Software work together to
distribute software in the UK and Ireland. Our cost-effective
software covers many of the most important areas in the
data centre for both mainframe and distributed platforms.
Several of the tools and software we supply are either the
de facto standard for their area, or soon will be.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Product/service information
As well as performance management and capacity
planning tools, we also provide XINFO, the data centre
repository; tools for TWS for zOS (OPC) and Distributed ;
JCL Checking; CICS, VSAM, VTAM, and developers’ tools,
DB2 tools, utilities and tuning for zOS & distributed.
More details at our partners websites:
Enterprise Performance Vision for Performance & Capacity
Planning - www.epvtech.com
Horizont GmbH for TWS Products - www.horizont-it.com
MacKinney for CICS, VSAM, VTAM Products - www.
Responsive Systems for DB2 Buffer Pool Tuning - www.
Relational Architects International and Insoft Software for
DB2 tools - www.relarc.com
ITGain for UDB DB2 products - www.itgain.de
InSoft for DB2 tools - www.insoft-software.de.
Elektrastrasse 6, 81925, Germany.
Phone: +49 89 9914 990
Email: info@interchip.de
Web: www.interchip-software.com/.
Sales contacts:
America: +1 800 225 5224.
EMEA: + 44 1753 577733.
AsiaPac: singaporesales@ca.com;
Singapore: 65 6337 2822.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Storage management.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390.
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
INTERCHIP AG with international headquarters based in
Munich, Germany, was founded in 1987.
The company is privately held and provides enterprisewide, multi-platform solutions for the optimization of
complex IT environments.
In addition to representing selected software companies
in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, INTERCHIP AG
develops its own market-leading products. INTERCHIP
AG’ s flagship product, RealTime Defrag (RTD), is currently
in daily use at some of the largest banks, insurance
companies and government agencies worldwide.
Product/service information
RealTime Defrag (RTD) is a proven product in use since
1995 that eliminates DASD fragmentation and the need for
over-allocation of disk space thereby avoiding x37 abends
and out-of-space conditions. Running continuously and
efficiently in the background, RTD quickly reorganizes disk
files, recovering available storage space and eliminating
file and DASD fragmentation. Unlike standard operating
system utilities, no batch or weekend maintenance jobs are
Disk storage waste caused by over-allocation is eliminated,
since files are continuously and automatically groomed.
RTD can be customized to meet your defragmentation
needs through a variety of parameters that take effect
immediately. RTD includes full support for the latest level of
the operating system (z/OS) and EAVs. Additional options
are available to support FlashCopy Version 2 and Preserve
Mirror (Remote Pair FlashCopy).
Interskill Learning
11770 Haynes Bridge Road, Suite 205 PMB 526,
Alpharetta, GA 30009-1970, USA.
Phone: +1 770-872-4278
Email: info@interskill.com
Web: www.interskill.com
Sales contacts:
America: 770 872 4278.
EMEA: +44 1625 441120.
AsiaPac: +61 3 8796 8400.
Activity: Education
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
performance/management; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390 ,VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Other
Unix, Linux
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license
Company profile
Interskill Learning is the global leader in the provision of
technology-based training solutions for the IBM Mainframe
Computing industry. Interskill’s mainframe e-learning is
currently the ONLY up-to-date, comprehensive e-learning
curriculum available to the mainframe computing industry!
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Product/service information
With over 1,000 hours of instantly deliverable System z
and System p courses, mainframe skills assessments,
unlimited in-house mainframe classes and webinars, plus
the learning services to bring it all together and manage it
for you, this out of the box mainframe training program is
an ideal fit for your mainframe computing group.
ISAM (Information Systems
Asset Management)
4152 North River Run, Minneapolis, MN 55378, USA
Phone: +1 952 953 4090
Email: mike@isamgroup.com
Web: www.isamgroup.com
Activity: Consultant.
Specialist areas: Other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i, AIX,
distributed Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: Other,
Company profile
ISAM has been in business since in 1996 helping
corporate and government data centers manage their
software assets, optimize software usage, and reduce
software expenses. The key to ISAM’s success is its
proprietary Software Intelligence Database containing over
100 million data points of software usage, pricing, and
licensing information from over 1000 companies of every
size, industry, and location. The result is an exhaustive
database that provides insights into the best practices
of data centers throughout the world and how they have
reduced their software costs.
Product/service information
ISAM’s services include Software Benchmarking, IBM
Audit Analysis, SAS Usage Analysis, Data Center
Optimization, and Vendor Negotiation.
ISI Pty Ltd
Level 1, 645 Harris Street, Ultimo, New South Wales 2007,
Phone: +61 2 8905 8900
Email: info@isi.com.au
Web: www.isi.com.au
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Activity: Integrator
Specialist areas: System management; storage
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, distributed
Linux, Windows
Company profile
ISI is one of the most successful and enduring IT players in
the Australian business sector. With a focus on outcomes,
our success stems from a company-wide commitment to
fulfilling customer needs and leveraging new technologies.
In 1995, ISI became the first IBM zSeries reseller in
Australia and New Zealand. Today we remain the only IBM
Premier Partner operating in the System z market and is
at the forefront of the next wave of ‘Large Scale Server
Deployments’ utilising Open Systems on System z – the
most reliable, scalable and cost effective ‘Business Class’
computing platform in the world. ISI also sells and supports
the complete range of IBM products including Power and
System x Servers, software, storage and support services.
iTech-Ed Ltd
iTech-Ed House, 16 Brinkworth Close, Chippenham, Wilts
SN14 0TL, UK
Phone: +44 1249 443256.
Email: trevor@itech-ed.com.
Web: www.itech-ed.com.
Activity: Consultant.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; network performance/management;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, Windows
Company profile
iTech-Ed Ltd provides a source of highly technical
information and expertise for people using IBM
mainframes, servers, the Internet, mid-range computers,
PCs, and tablet devices. iTech-Ed provides consultancy
on a wide variety of mainframe-related areas, produces
technical articles and White Papers on current trends
in computing, performs software reviews, writes up
research in technical areas, and edits marketing copy
to avoid ambiguities and eliminate any technical errors.
The company can also provide in-house training (with
documentation) in a variety of mainframe-related areas,
as well as Microsoft Office training. iTech-Ed also designs
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
and creates modern-looking Web sites using, for example,
JQuery, that fit W3C standards.
More recently, iTech-Ed has been helping organizations
with their social media policies and a very hands-on
approach has seen companies produce Facebook fan
pages, produce well-supported Twitter feeds, and make the
best use of Youtube.
CEO Trevor Eddolls’ work in the mainframe community has
been recognized and he has been awarded the prestigious
title of IBM Champion every year since 2009.
Popular blogs can be found at mainframeupdate.blogspot.
com and the Destination Z Web site. Articles have
appeared regularly in technical journals and on Web sites.
Since 2004 iTech-Ed Ltd has offered motivational training
for staff as well as help with personal development and life
Levi Ray & Shoup Inc
2401 West Monroe Street, Springfield, Illinois. USA
Phone: 217 793 3800.
Email: asklrs@lrs.com
Web: www.lrs.com
Sales contacts:
EMEA: +44 1242 537500, lrsuk@lrs.com, Regent House,
Rodney Road, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 1HX, UK.
AsiaPac: lrsjapan@lrs.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: OS/400, AIX,
other Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Since 1981, Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc. has been providing
software solutions that help customers save money,
improve business productivity, and provide assured
delivery of business-critical documents. Ninety-five percent
of the Fortune 100 companies trust LRS solutions to
deliver their most critical documents.
Product/service information
VPS and VPS/TCPIP. The VPS software suite manages,
monitors and delivers documents to network destinations
through the organization. Originally designed for VTAMcontrolled SNA networks, LRS added TCP/IP functionality
and pioneered the migration of enterprise printing to the
TCP/IP network protocol. The VPS solution offers webbased monitoring and control, enabling administrators,
operators and end users to control production printing.
VPS/Secure. VPS/Secure offer encrypted distribution
of confidential documents from host to printer or host to
host. It uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES),
supporting the exchange of encrypted data between
Windows, Unix, OS/390 and z/OS mainframes.
VPS/E Mail. This expands the print distribution channel to
include direct e-mail delivery from the host.
VPS/PDF. VPS/PDF provides dynamic conversion of
AFP documents to Portable Document Format (PDF) for
delivery via e-mail, web or file.
DRS captures, manages and controls documents
originating from any platform via the LRS Enterprise Output
DRS/Output Manager. With DRS/Output Manager, SAP
R/3 users gain full control over document printing, along
with feedback on print status, without leaving the SAP app.
PageCenter. PageCenter archives documents received
from VPS for secure viewing with web browsers on multiple
Logicalis UK
110 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berks SL1 4PF, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 01753 777200
Email: info@logicalis.com
Web: www.logicalis.com
Activity: Hardware vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; network performance/management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i, AIX,
other Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
licence, processor/capacity based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Logicalis is an international IT solutions and managed
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Vendor Directory
services provider with a breadth of knowledge and
expertise in communications and collaboration; data centre
and cloud services; and managed services.
With its international headquarters in the UK, Logicalis
Group employs nearly 2,500 people worldwide, including
highly trained service specialists who design, specify,
deploy and manage complex ICT infrastructures and data
centre solutions to meet the needs of over 5,000 corporate
and public sector customers.
Logicalis partners with Cisco, HP, IBM, and Microsoft on
an international basis and has specialised solutions for
enterprise and medium sized companies in the financial
services, retail, manufacturing, and professional service
sectors helping these companies benefit from cutting-edge
technologies in a cost effective way. We also work with
Service Providers and many public sector organisations in
local government, education and healthcare.
The Logicalis Group has annualised revenues of over
$1 billion, from operations in the UK, US, Germany,
Latin America and Asia Pacific, and is fast establishing
itself as one of the leading IT and Communications
service providers, specialising in the areas of advanced
technologies and services.
Product/service information
Logicalis are skilled in infrastructure and new workload
planning, Linux and Websphere implementations, software
migrations, performance and capacity assessments,
systems programming, security audits and sub-capacity
Workload License Charge (WLC) management.
We also provide customised briefings for System z clients.
Our pro-active approach to managing risk improves the
efficiency of any deployment. Post-implementation, we
continue our involvement with customised lifecycle and
managed services support.
We assist you in procuring the best in class IBM mainframe
hardware and software solutions, and then provide
the integration services to roll these into your existing
environments and provide insight for future IT planning.
Longpela Expertise
1 Lilly Street, South Fremantle WA 6162, Australia
Phone: +61 404 757 821
Email: info@longpelaexpertise.com.au
Web: www.longpelaexpertise.com.au
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; programming/
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Other
Company profile
We have provided mainframe technical and systems
programming services since 1992. We help companies
with mainframe problems, projects and plans throughout
Australia and South Asia. We have over 20 years
experience in System z mainframes and related systems
software including z/OS, CICS, and IMS.
We also contribute to the mainframe community with free
articles on our website, our book “What On Earth is a
Mainframe”, and the mainframe software website http://
Product/service information
Longpela Expertise offer three service ‘streams’:
1 Systems services. Our consultants can cover for
systems programmers on leave, perform Assembler
programming projects, assist with skills such as dump
reading and performance analysis, or simply add an
extra resource to get a project moving.
2 Mainframe Consulting. General Mainframe technical
advice to groups such as auditors, managers, and
non-mainframe technical people. We can answer your
Mainframe questions, provide advice on the mainframe
sector, and help you control your project. From a one
hour phone call to longer term on-site projects, we can
provide an expert to use when and where you need.
3 Training. We can provide a mentor for junior
systems programmers, perform fast ‘Mainframes for
Beginners’briefings, or provide other training and
assistance you require.
9/622 Ferntree Gullu Road, Wheeler’s Hill, Melbourne,
Phone: 61 3 9535 4444.
Email: info@looksoftware.com
Web: www.looksoftware.com
Sales contacts:
America: 678-354-1094, toddf@looksoftware.com
EMEA: 61 3 9535 4444, kimf@looksoftware.com
AsiaPac: 61 3 9535 4444, kimf@looksoftware.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX,
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Dynamic application modernization and integration
solutions for customers and application vendors. Our
on-the-fly architecture automates the modernization
process, requiring no changes to your back-end System z
applications. Front-end modernization supporting: • Rich, thin and mobile multi-channel GUIs • Integration with virtually any desktop, web and backend application • Delivery of core applications in popular UIs like Outlook
and Google • Integration with most portals • Offline support.
Back-end modernization supporting:
• Creation of SOA compliant Web services from
unchanged back-end applications • Two-way Web services support • DDM, ADO, RPC, 5250, 3270 support. Composite Solutions Environment:
• Supports on-the-fly delivery of new solutions
• Assemble composite application components with
external applications and services.
Product/service information
*Developer Product Suite*
newlook Dynamic generation of smart, thin and mobile user
interfaces (UIs). Use newlook to rapidly webface and
create new UI’s. Access 5250/3270 applications from
virtually any front-end including: Outlook, SharePoint,
Notes, WebSphere, Google, Apple iPhone, PDAs, rich
clients, AJAX, .Net, and Java, etc. soarchitect Creates web services from modules of code within existing
applications. Provides a complete solution for re-using,
extending and integrating your existing applications.
Heterogeneous database access and web services
consumption make multi-platform integration easy.
*Deployment Product Suite*
lookserver It enables customers to access iSeries applications
from any device that supports a browser, or from mobile
devices including PDAs.
Zero deployment UIs are best suited to external users
like partners and customers. Support for most popular
browsers running Linux, Mac or Windows makes thin
clients an easy option for instant global access. 90
More and more employees are on the road using wireless
devices such as web pads, PDAs, and phones. smartclient Suits knowledge workers needing smart/rich client support
including high performance, advanced UI support (such as
datagrids, tree controls and many more), offline support,
desktop integration, web services consumption and
database access. No touch deployment and automated
updates make smartclient deployment a breeze.
Luminex Software Inc
871 Marlborough Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507, USA
Phone: +1 951 781 4100.
Email: info@luminex.com
Web: www.luminex.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Storage management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, workload/usage based
Company profile
Founded in 1994, LUMINEX is a leading developer and
provider of disk-based mainframe virtual tape products
and technologies. LUMINEX Channel Gateways allow
mainframe enterprise users around the world to take full
advantage of the benefits of Modern Mainframe Virtual
Tape to eliminate or reduce physical tape, improve RTO
and RPO, lower capital and operating costs and improve
data security. With the LUMINEX Channel Gateways,
enterprises can now have a single backup and recovery
program for their mainframe and open systems data.
Product/service information
The Channel Gateway enables mainframe customers to
channel attach industry leading and proven open systems
enterprise storage solutions. The Channel Gateway
supports both FICON, up to 8Gb/s, and ESCON channel
connectivity. Existing mainframe backup software simply
sees the Channel Gateway as a recognized mainframe
tape device. No software changes are required.
Channel Gateway Enhancement Options:
• LTMON brings mainframe console integration to
Channel Gateway Modern Mainframe Virtual Tape
• RepMon provides real-time monitoring of virtual
tape data writes and replication to a remote disaster
recovery site.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Vendor Directory
• SyncCopy enforces tape data consistency across
Channel Gateway-attached replicated storage
systems and provides remote status monitoring of tape
availability and integrity.
• HA-Grid provides fully redundant local storage of virtual
tape data, with automated failover for high-availability
operations, leveraging the capabilities of both
SyncCopy and LTMON.
LUMINEX also offers non-disruptive tape and data
migration service. Migration from your aging tape and
backup infrastructure to the modern LUMINEX solution is
easy and automated.
MacKinney Systems Inc
4411 East State Highway D, Suite F, Springfield, MO
65809, USA
Phone: +1 417 882 8012
Email: sales@mackinney.com.
Web: www.mackinney.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; storage
management; asset and change management; security
management; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based,
Company profile
MacKinney Systems, a member of IBM PartnerWorld,
SHARE, and NaSPA, has been developing and marketing
mainframe software for 30 years and has over 50 products
to help meet mainframe software needs.
Product/service information
CICS upgrade assistance:
• VS/Cobol Interpreter allows programs written and
compiled with OS/VS COBOL to execute in CICS
Transaction Server V3.1 and V3.2.
• Macro Level Interpreter allows running macrolevel code in z/OS or VSE versions of CICS TS
environments without any coding changes.
Cost-effective printing solutions:
• JES Report Broker manages the access, distribution
and archival of reports. Archive reports for viewing via
web browser. E-mail and FTP reports securely.
• MacKinney Print Transform is a server product that
provides document transformation services for client
• JES Queue for Printers prints any report from the
system spool to printers defined to VTAM or TCP/
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
IP. Supports LPD and Direct Socket. Interfaces with
Solimar Systems and Xerox.
• VTAM Virtual Printer captures existing VTAM
application (CICS, IMS, etc) print and creates a report
in the system spool without any programming changes.
Simplified program testing and debugging:
• Track is an online testing and debugging product for
CICS application programs. Detects and corrects
multiple errors in a single debugging session.
• XRAY provides the same capabilities for batch
• Dump Detective solves program abends by
automatically formatting and analyzing CICS dumps.
Productivity-enhancing tools:
• MacKinney Batch to CICS gets your batch processing
on the fast track! Close and open files, dynamically
allocate and unallocate files, send CEMT commands.
• SimpList is a powerful and highly productive mainframe
interface that makes ISPF much easier to learn and
• VTAM/Switch allows users to switch between VTAM
applications without logging on and off, and provides
single sign-on to applications.
Macro 4
The Orangery, Turners Hill Road, Worth, Crawley, West
Sussex, RH10 4SS, UK
Phone: +44 1293 872000
Email: market@macro4.com
Web: www.macro4.com
Sales contacts:
America: +1 800 766 6224 market.usa@macro4.com
AsiaPac: as UK
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
For your critical business applications, Macro 4 is
the software specilaist that enables performance
improvement by making the complex simple.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Organizations are often hindered by the unnecessary
IT complexity which results from business growth and
technology evolution. Our philosophy is to derive enhanced
performance by making the complex simple.
This approach has come about through a dedication to
understanding user needs developed during the 40 years
we have been serving our customers.
Macro 4 solutions:
• Assist IT operations to analyze and fix failures in
mission critical applications, quickly and efficiently.
• Allow developers to interactively develop, troubleshoot
and resolve program errors with unprecedented speed.
• Deliver files and test data to developers, allowing a
precise and secure testing and debugging environment.
• Measure and report on application performance, quickly
identifying opportunities for performance improvement.
Product/service information
Macro 4’s solutions are a world-leading range of
software tools that increase operational efficiency in
IBM’s mainframe environments. Today, these solutions
are delivering significant cost savings and efficiency
improvements as well as assuring the reliability of missioncritical applications in thousands of IT departments
Fault Analysis:
• DumpMaster high performance fault diagnosis of
mainframe application failures.
• TraceMaster source level interactive program testing
and debugging.
• M4Explorer Unique web interface for DumpMaster and
TraceMaster which improves productivity by up to 20%.
Application Integrity:
• TraceMaster CodeTrack CICS codepath analysis and
pre-emptive storage violation detection.
Application Performance:
• FreezeFrame comprehensive, yet easy-to-use
application performance measurement.
• ExpeTune automated application performance
management and analysis partner for FreezeFrame.
• ExpeTune DB focused on helping users manage DB2
performance, especially dynamic DB2 workloads.
Data Manipulation:
• InSync simplifies the process of data management by
providing fast and easy access to the business data
used by key applications.
Mainframe Co Ltd
ul. Zielona 18, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
Phone: +48 22 7156950
Email: info@mainframe.pl
Web: http://www.mainframe.pl
Activity: Integrator
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual license
Company profile
Independent software vendor, professional services,
outsourcing of mainframe enviroment
generally everything about your mainframe environment.
Product/service information
Replacement of RACF (security server)
Database engine
z/OS documentation (auditing z/os enviroment).
Maintec Technologies
8311 Brier Creek Pkwy, Suite 105 – 513, Raleigh, NC
27617, USA
Phone: +1 919 424 6323
Email: sgupta@maintec.com.
Web: www.maintec.com.
Activity: Outsourcer
Specialist areas: System management; data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX
Company profile
Maintec Technologies provides a range of services such as
data center management, IT staffing, including the popular
Hire Train Deploy solution; corporate training services and
on-site/off-shore project management. Maintec is also
uniquely positioned to service customer requirements by
leveraging services in future technologies such as big
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Vendor Directory
data, business intelligence, social media, cloud and mobile
As the generation that began the mainframe retires,
the need to train the next generation of mainframe
developers and systems programmers is becoming critical.
Therefore, Maintec helps businesses with large mainframe
installations reduce data center management total cost
of operation and overcome resourcing challenges by
providing well-trained talent.
Maintec’s ability to train employees with “skills on demand”
is a key value Maintec offers its clients. Maintec coined
the term “Hire Train Deploy”, a concept solution bridging
the gap between industry needs and skills available
in the general market. Maintec’s four service offerings
complement each other thus providing a comprehensive
solution to its clients.
Product/service information
Data Center Management: Maintec’s Mainframe
industry knowledge is a perfect blend of on-site and
offshore resources, offering comprehensive datacenter
management services on IBM mainframe and midrange
platforms. The company’s datacenter management
services help IT organizations securely, remotely
and proactively manage their datacenter for optimum
performance in a 24/7 environment.
IT Staffing Services: Maintec’s IT staffing services offer
the hassle free way of recruiting qualified and trained
offshore resources in IBM Mainframe platforms through
its Hire Train Deploy (HTD) solution. HTD is a turnkey,
no-obligation solution for clients that develops employees
deeply educated in niche skills not readily available in most
Corporate Training Services: Maintec offers training
across the verticals with programs exclusively designed
for corporate clientele; their training program covers IBM
mainframe, midrange, Microsoft and web technologies.
Customized training solutions and tools enhance corporate
associates’ core competencies and skill sets. The training
program boosts the overall productivity of the corporate
courtesy the ProEd-trained workforce that easily diagnoses
any problem.
On-site & Off-Shore Projects: With worldwide locations in
the U.S., UK, Philippines and an off-shore development
center in Bangalore, India, and offices in Noida, Pune,
and Chennai, Maintec offers comprehensive on-site
and off-shore project solutions. Maintec couples data
center management services and IT staffing solutions to
give clients an unparalleled advantage. With over 600+
consultants, Maintec has capabilities to provide project
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
support on various technologies: SAP, Oracle, Peoplesoft,
Java and .net technologies.
Marist College
3399 North Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, USA
Phone: 845-575-3588
Email: susan.scanlon@marist.edu
Web: http://idcp.marist.edu/learnzos
Activity: Education.
Specialist areas: other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other
Company profile
The Institute for Data Center Professionals (IDCP) at
Marist College offers convenient, affordable, 100% online,
asynchronous certificate programs covering topics that are
relevant to professionals working in data center operations
and/or enterprise computing environments. Courses are
taught by academic professionals and industry experts,
some of whom have had a hand in developing the
technology. Full curriculum for z/OS system and application
Product/service information
We offer three levels of education for the z/OS systems
z/OS Associate, Professional and Expert Tracks - each
comprised of three courses delivered fully online
For the application programmer, we offer COBOL, IMS,
Assembler and DB2 tracks each comprised of three
courses delivered fully online. We also offer a 2-course
certificate covering AIX on Power.
Matter of Fact Software
12 Abbotsford Road, Galashiels TD1 1RA, UK
Phone: +44 (0)845 833 5610
Email: enquiries@matteroffactsoftware.com
Web: www.plexspy.co.uk
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Systems management; web integration
and legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Company profile
Founded in 2008, Matter of Fact Software writes and
markets innovative software in the CICS arena.
Our Directors have many decades of experience in
managing CICS, upgrading it, implementing large scale
application infrastructures, and supporting day-to-day
operations. This has led to a deep understanding of the
challenges faced by businesses that depend upon CICS
and a burning desire to help them to improve the quality of
services they deliver to their customers.
Product/service information
Our PlexSpy solution provides real-time status monitoring
information about named business applications that run on
CICS on systemZ.
Simple to use, it can be easily adopted by support staff.
Access is via a Web browser. There is no off-host
installation required.
Using PlexSpy will: shorten the time it takes to understand
the nature of problems affecting CICS applications;
allow you to visualize the entire CICS footprint of your
application; plan and monitor change implementations.
Our CICS JS/Server software exploits the power of
the mainframe to serve several popular Open Source
javascript libraries to web applications. These include:
JQuery; Dojo Toolkit; YUI Library; MooTools and others.
Modern web applications need sophisticated user
interfaces and Open Source javascript libraries facilitate
the creation of them. However, given that executing
javascript can alter basic browser functionality, it is
essential to take control over these resources for security
CICS JS/Server allows these resources to be served from
CICS on z/OS. An environment that can be trusted to have
proper management and control processes in place.
Bespoke content can also be served and novel new
CICS web applications can be constructed, managed and
operated using the software.
Micro Focus
22-30 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1QN, UK
Phone: +44 1635 32646.
Web: www.microfocus.com.
Sales contacts:
America: Sales.US@microfocus.com.
EMEA: UKSales@microfocus.com.
AsiaPac: UKSales@microfocus.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management; asset and change
management; programming/testing; web integration and
legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
Company profile
Micro Focus International plc provides innovative software
that allows companies to dramatically improve the
business value of their enterprise applications. Micro Focus
Enterprise Application Modernization and Management
software enables customers’ business applications to
respond rapidly to market changes and embrace modern
architectures with reduced cost and risk.
Micro Focus has more than 30 years of expertise and
more than 15,000 customers and one million licensed
users, including more than 70 of the Fortune Global 100
By exploiting the latest technologies and leveraging the
strength of our business partners worldwide, Micro Focus
enables customers to make sense of their application
portfolios, improve the productivity of application
developers, take advantage of Web services to modernize
core applications and exploit low-cost contemporary
platforms, such as Windows, Unix or Linux.
Micro Focus has over 500 employees worldwide, with
principal offices in the United Kingdom, United States,
Germany and Japan.
Product/service information
Micro Focus Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition
A mainframe development and testing environment hosted
on your PC:
• Reduces mainframe overheads
• Analysis, compilation, debugging and testing of
applications on your PC
• Support for all major mainframe languages and
subsystems (including COBOL, Assembler, JCL, CICS,
IMS, DB2…)
• Flexibility to extend business transactions to new
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Micro Focus Revolve Enterprise Edition
Reduces the costs and risks associated with large scale
change initiatives and regular maintenance:
• Impact analysis and documentation of mainframe
• Saves up to 90% of the time spent on major analysis
Micro Focus SOA Express
Unlocks embedded business processes in existing
mainframe applications and delivers them to Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA) through Web services.
• Uses your existing mainframe skills and processes
• No proprietary middleware infrastructure
• Integration with all major platforms, including
• IBM ‘Ready for SOA’ certified.
Micro Focus Data Express
Manages test data to allow you to meet data privacy and
performance needs.
• Automatically extracts a representative and anonymous
subset of data
• Respects referential integrity for high quality testing
• Supports compliance with international regulatory
standards and laws such as Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA
and EU Data Privacy.
MOST Technologies
4, Haharash str., Hod-Hasharon 45244, Israel
Phone: +972-3-9115511.
Email: info@mosttechnologies.com.
Web: www.mosttechnologies.com.
Sales contacts:
America: MOST Technologies, Inc, 400 Northridge Road,
Suite 250, Atlanta, GA 30350, USA, Tel: (678) 420-7470.
AsiaPac: MOST Technologies Japan K.K.#301 1-1416 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 106-0031, Tel:
(81) 3 5412-8662, Fax: (81) 3 5412-8664, Email: info@
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Programming/testing; web integration
and legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Company profile
MOST Technologies, a global leader in legacy
modernization, is in a unique position to address the needs
of organizations with investment in mainframe application
MOST’s legacy modernization offering provide the
customer with following benefits:
• Reduction in total cost of ownership related to the
operation of legacy applications
• Renew the value of legacy applications and data in new
• Improve accessibility to these application assets
real time so as to support business intelligence and
customer service initiatives
• Increased flexibility and interoperability with internal
and external services
• Tighter control over budget through reducing scope of
MOST Technologies offering to mainframe customers with
investment in Legacy Applications include:
• Solutions
• Expertise
• Services.
Product/service information
MF-Test is a leading testing solution from MOST
Technologies that was developed specifically for testing
mainframe applications, databases and their supporting
environments. It provides automatic execution of the
application testing scenarios as well as advanced reporting
mechanism to allow multiple tests on parallel testing
MF-Test is a mature technology that is helping various
mainframe customers around the world to test their
mainframe applications in a low risk, low cost environment.
Using MF-Test can reduce the burden out of the testing
phase, so resources can focus on keep developing the
MF-Test capabilities:
• Multiple isolated test environments – Enable parallel
testing for a larger number of testing scenarios
• Smart and flexible pre/post change comparisons –
Ensuring that the application outcome remains exactly
the same after the application modifications, unless a
change is expected
• Test results collection – All results are collected and
kept in a central location, for comparison and tracking
• Test auditing, control and security – For management
of larger testing teams, located in different locations
and testing different applications
• Central user interface – Windows based graphical user
interface for tests’ creation, execution and track
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
• Ease of use and scalability – Using standards
languages for external funcationality additions.
detected by the Supplemental Detectors. Stand Alone
Environment (SAE) and its Fast DASD Erase tool are the
industry standard for repair, recovery and data erasure of
z/OS systems.
NewEra Software Inc
155 East Main Avenue, Suite 130 Morgan Hill, CA 9503,
Phone: +1 408 201 7000 (or 800 421 5035 toll-free in
North America).
Email: info@newera.com.
Web: http://www.newera.com.
Sales contacts:
EMEA: Fitz Software +353 21 4832131/sales@
AsiaPac: Serus Software Zolutions +61 2 6234 8014/
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; asset and change
management; security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based
Company profile
NewEra Software, Inc. was founded in 1989 with the
specific goal of developing, marketing and supporting
innovative system management software tools and
services. Thanks to the continued support of thousands
of systems professionals worldwide that have come to
depend on NewEra, the company has become an industry
leader and its products the industry standard for repair,
recovery, data erasure and integrity of large systems.
Learn more at www.newera.com.
Product/service information
Image Control Environment (ICE) automatically discovers,
extracts, blueprints and inspects the z/OS configuration
components that comprise a Sysplex and its Images.
Process findings are shared with other ICE applications
including the ICE Viewer. Systematic monitoring of an
entire Sysplex and all of its’ Images is achieved using the
Production View while the effort required for technical staff
to advance to a new release of the operating system or a
subsystem is mitigated through the use of New Release
Analysis. The Control Editor (TCE) is a “Compensating
Control” that provides a layer of non-invasive security over
the z/OS configuration components housed in defined
sets of partitioned datasets. TCE significantly enhances
the level of security generally provided by the site’s
External Security Manager (ESM). In addition, TCE can be
customized to identify the occurrence of specific System
and Health Checker Messages and record change events
OGS Consulting
Suite 885, 279 Balestier Road, #01-01 Balestier Point,
Singapore 329727
Phone: +65 9626-7045
Email: peter@ogsconsult.com
Web: www.ogsconsult.com
Activity: Systems integrator
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based , workload/usage based, other
Company profile
OGS Consulting Pte Ltd covers Singapore, Malaysia,
Thailand, and China supporting mainframe sites to provide
training, consultancy, and legacy migration services
related to the z/OS, z/VSE and iSeries platforms. OGS
also partners with principals for software distribution of
database, performance, utility tools, network and storage
Product/service information
OGS provides training in the mainframe environment
including z/OS, JCL, VSAM, CICS, DB2, Security Audits
and COBOL. Legacy migrations include migrations
between databases and/or platforms (one of which is the
mainframe). Software tools include DB2 z/OS database
tools for performance, CICS, administration, backup/
recovery, sorting, printing and reporting. Other tools include
storage management, tuning, and productivity add-ons and
competitive replacements.
500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA, USA
Phone: +1 603-502-7635
Web: http://www.oracle.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Vendor Directory
management; programming/testing; web integration and
legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux,
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Unix, Linux,
Windows, other
Pricing options: Workload/usage based, other
Company profile
Oracle has a worldwide team dedicated to modernization
and migration projects – the Platform Migrations Group.
This team is part of Oracle Server Technologies (Oracle
Development) and has over 300 resources worldwide.
These resources are knowledgable in legacy systems
and modernization, Oracle Grid Database, Oracle Fusion
Middleware, Oracle Development tools and Oracle
Modernization Alliance partners’ tools and products. Each
modernization project is assigned an Oracle lead from
the Oracle Modernization Solutions team. The team has
direct linkage into Oracle development, and has close
relationships with Oracle Product Managers.
Oracle’s PTS Modernization Solutions team has been a
key member for hundreds of modernization project over
the past four years. The team has engaged at a number of
levels including: architecture design, modernization tools
selection, modernization assessments, evaluation and
portfolio analysis, project scoping and estimating, proof of
concepts, project advisor, hands on technical enablement,
and trusted technical advisor. The projects have been for
oth Oracle customers, Oracle System Integrator partners,
Oracle Independent Software Vendor partners, and Oracle
modernization partners.
The projects have spanned many industries and utilized
a variety of modernization approaches. The projects have
also encompassed many source technologies from DB2,
IMS, COBOL, RPG, Adabas to PL/I, Sybase, Informix,
Powerbuilder and Assembler.
Oracle has also been involved with 150 customer
mainframe modernization projects where Oracle BEA
Tuxedo is the application serer and transaction processing
platform for legacy COBOL, CICS and JCL/batch systems.
Product/service information
Oracle offers the only open systems active/active grid
database platform. Oracle’s Database Real Application
Clusters (RAC) running on clusters provides Oracle’s
highest level of capability in terms of availability, scalability,
and low-cost computing. Oracle Database RAC supports
the transparent deployment of a single database across a
cluster of servers, providing fault tolerance from hardware
failures or planned outages. RAC provides scalability using
any hardware, regardless if you prefer small systems or
large boxes.
For application relability, scalability and availability, Oracle
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
offers the Oracle WebLogic Application Grid. Oracle
WebLogic Application Grid works with any application
server – including Oracle WebLogic Server, IBM
WebSphere Application Server, and JBoss Application
Server – or in a pure grid environment without an
application server
PDFlib GmbH
Franziska-Bilek-Weg 9, 80339 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 452 33 84-0
Email: info@pdflib.com
Web: www.pdflib.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management; storage
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, others
Pricing options: One-time charge, processor/capacitybased
Company profile
PDFlib GmbH is completely focused on PDF technology.
Customers worldwide use PDFlib products since 1997. The
company closely follows development and market trends,
such as ISO standards for PDF. PDFlib GmbH products
are distributed in 100 countries all over the world with
major markets in North America, Europe, and Japan.
Customers of PDFlib GmbH are using the software for
automated and high volume generation and processing of
PDF documents in business and prepress workflows or for
online billing systems. The development tools of PDFlib
GmbH are readily available for all common environments
of operating systems and programming languages.
Product/service information
The PDFlib Product Family
PDFlib is the leading developer toolbox for generating and
manipulating files in the Portable Document Format (PDF).
PDFlib’s main targets are dynamic PDF creation on a Web
server or any other server system, and to implement “Save
as PDF” in existing applications. The PDFlib product family
is available in three different flavors: PDFlib, PDFlib+PDI
(PDF Import), and PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS).
PDFlib+PDI includes all PDFlib functions plus the PDF
Import Library (PDI). With PDI you can open existing PDF
documents and incorporate some pages into the PDFlib
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS) includes PDFlib+PDI
plus additional functions for variable data processing using
PDFlib blocks.
PDFlib PLOP (PDF Linearization, Optimization, Protection)
offers a straightforward way to linearize and optimize your
PDF files for fast Web delivery, and to apply or remove
Acrobat security features.
The extended version PLOP DS offers all features of
PLOP plus the ability to apply digital signatures to PDF
The PDFlib Text Extraction Toolkit (TET) is a developer
product for reliably extracting text, images and metatdata
from PDF documents.
One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.
Phone: +1 617-374-9600
Web: www.pega.com.
Sales contacts:
America: +1 617-374-9600.
EMEA: +44 (0) 118 9591150.
AsiaPac: +61 2 9581 7000.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, z/Linux.
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, workload/usage
based, other.
Company profile
Pegasystems is the only BPM company consistently
ranked by analysts as the industry leader for the past five
years, including both Forrester and Gartner.
Pegasystems is furthermore a recognized leader in CRM
by both Forrester and Gartner.
Product/service information
Pega BPM, Pega CRM, Pega Healthcare Solutions,
Pega Decision Management, Pega Financial Services
Solutions, Pega Life Sciences Solutions, Pega Insurance
Solutions, Pega Energy & Utilities Solutions, Pega
Manufacturing Solutions, Pega Government Solutions,
Pega Communications Solutions.
4071 Heather Court, Northampton, PA 18067, USA.
Phone: +1 855 737 3832
Email: info@PerfTechPro.com
Web: www.PerfTechPro.com.
Sales contacts:
America: info@PerfTechPro.com.
EMEA: info@value-4it.com.
AsiaPac: info@PerfTechPro.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS.
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license.
Company profile
PerfTechPro is a 21st-century IT Capacity and
Performance Management company offering solutions
designed for busy, cost-conscious IT professionals who
want maximum value and performance.
PerfTechPro was borne out of decades of experience
designing and selling IT capacity management solutions
for organizations of all sizes. Our company was specifically
formed to provide solutions to meet the affordability and
flexibility needs of today’s IT management professionals.
PerfTechPro provides business value by ensuring
enterprise server resources are sized correctly for
maximum performance and cost-savings. We also take
great pride in making sure that we are easy to do business
with, and simplify rather than complicate, our customers’
PerfTechPro delivers all the insight you need to maximize
the value and performance of your enterprise servers,
and does it for a fraction of the cost of other Capacity and
Performance Management tools.
As a company focused only on IT capacity management
tools, we can offer personal service and extremely
competitive pricing.
Product/service information
PerfTechPro for z/OS is a software solution to provide
automated data collection, analysis, reporting and
modeling. It is a Capacity Planning and Performance
Measurement tool specifically designed for the cost
conscious and savvy 21st Century data center.
PerfTechPro for z/OS is the next evolution in Mainframe
Capacity Planning tools, having been architected from
ground zero using the latest techniques. PerfTechPro for
z/OS provides sophisticated capacity and performance
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
management capabilities, affordable by any sized data
PerfTechPro is one of the first capacity management tools
that provide automated collection, analysis and reporting of
the SMF 113 Records produced by the CPU Measurement
Facility of IBM Mainframes.
One of IBM’s most sophisticated advances, the CPU
Measurement Facility can provide detailed information on
how its hardware is interacting with specific workloads.
Capacity management professionals can use this
Information to see how data and instructions are moving
within processor cache and memory areas.
PerfTechPro for z/OS is designed to deliver sophisticated,
affordable, easy-to-use solutions for IT management
professionals looking for fast, insightful help without highcost, complex and time-consuming licensing requirements.
Phoenix Software International
831 Parkview Drive North, El Segundo, CA 90245, USA.
Phone: +1 310 338 0400
Email: sales@phoenixsoftware.com
Web: www.phoenixsoftware.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; programming/
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/VSE
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based
Company profile
Phoenix Software International, Inc. is a major systems
software development company providing advanced
software solutions to enterprises around the world. Our
diverse products support IBM and compatible mainframes,
personal computers, and local and wide area networks.
Phoenix customers range from small entrepreneurial
companies to major federal and state agencies to Fortune
500 leaders. Phoenix has been providing software
solutions since 1979 and is a privately held corporation.
Corporate headquarters are located in El Segundo,
California with satellite offices in Raleigh, North Carolina
and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Complete corporate information can
be found on our website at www.phoenixsoftware.com.
Product/service information
(E)JES: A systems management tool that provides all the
information you need to monitor and manage your z/OS
JESplex—whether you are running JES2 or JES3. (E)JES
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
panels provide up-to-date information on jobs, printers,
queues, and resources in a z/OS JESplex. You can enter
(E)JES commands directly from these panels to control
job processes and the operation of system resources. (E)
JES can also be accessed interactively from the (E)JES
desktop application or a web browser. (E)JES functionality
is available to programs via the Application Programming
Interface (API) and companion REXX and Java APIs.
zHISR: A z/OS utility for generating hot spot analysis
reports of customer, vendor or operating system program
execution. zHISR lets you quickly pinpoint areas of a
software application that needlessly use large amounts
of CPU resources by analyzing program output. This z/
OS utility is a useful tool for software programmers,
performance analysts and systems programmers.
CONDOR: A comprehensive library management and
program development system designed for use in all z/
VSE and z/OS environments.
FALCON: An efficient, easy-to-use, on-line data entry
system that is fully functional in IBM environments.
PIR Group, Inc
345 North Canal, Ste C202, Chicago, IL 60606, USA.
Phone: +1 312 756 1000
Email: info@pirgroupinc.com
Web: www.pirgroupinc.com
Activity: Integrator
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5
Pricing options: One-time charge
Company profile
PIR Group specializes in the development of automated
migration utilities. These tools assist companies in
modernizing their applications by allowing them to move
off the mainframe. PIR Group has partnered with multiple
IBM business partners to provide customers with a total
computing solution.
Product/service information
COBOL KeePIR for the AS/400 automates the conversion
of legacy applications. Mainframe CICS online / batch
programs are converted into native AS/400 COBOL, DDS
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
and CLP. MVS/VSE JCL is converted into AS/400 CL. The
mainframe database is duplicated under DB2/400.
COBOL KeePIR’s use of native COBOL screen handlers
guarantees identical functioning of the interactive screen
and online processes. Automated conversion options can
enhance the look of screens. Batch program processing
time is reduced. The batch programs/reports function and
look the same. The JCL is converted one for one while
customization/flexibility has been built into the tool-set.
Product/service information
Optimizing Application Development
Eclipse based IDEs (RDz); application understanding;
improving code quality
Adabas / Natural migration
Adabas to RDBMS migration; Natural and Java
coexistence; Web 2.0 for Natural MAPs
Application transformation
consolidation from 4GL to Cobol; zIIP Enablement - Cobol
to Java; custom-made transformation solution.
PKS Software
Georgstraße 15, 88214 Ravensburg, Germany.
Phone: 0049 751/56140 229
Email: sales@pks.de
Web: www.pks.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
We are passionately committed to the maintenance and
improvement of valuable legacy applications. We preserve
investments in applications and staff. In doing so, we make
an important contribution to the corporate success and
continuity of our customers.PKS stands for:
• Intelligent Tools “Made in Germany”: We achieve a
high degree of automation with custom-tailored tools
of the highest quality. This guarantees optimal costeffectiveness at minimal risk for customers around the
• Implementation Expertise: We have a high degree of
specialized knowledge, traction, and are true gogetters. We not only look for solutions, but we also
implement them.
• Mutual collaboration: From our experience, we know
that 1 + 1 = 3: The combination of application and
technological know-how is what makes our projects so
• Accountability: Our customers trust us when it comes to
the future of their most important applications. Both the
owners and staff of PKS are aware of this responsibility
and are personally dedicated to the success of
648 N. Plankinton Ave, Suite 220, Milwaukee, WI 53203,
Phone: +1 414 289 9788
Web: http://www.pkware.com
Sales contacts:
America: 1 888 4 PKWARE.
EMEA: +44 (0) 207 470 2420
AsiaPac: +81 3 5456 5599
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i, AIX,
other Unix, Linux, Windows, others
Pricing options: Other
Company profile
PKWARE, Inc. is the leading provider of enterprise
solutions for secure and efficient data transfer and
storage. As the inventor and continuing innovator of the
ZIP standard, PKWARE leverages the cross-platform
compatibility of ZIP. Using advanced encryption and
compression, PKWARE products provide secure and
efficient file exchange both internally and with external
partners, across all major platforms including windows,
server, midrange, and mainframe systems.
Over 30,000 companies world-wide use PKWARE
Solutions, including many Fortune 100 and 23 of the top 25
financial institutions, health care, retail, and manufacturing
companies. Additionally, over 200 federal agencies and
state governments utilize PKWARE.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
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Vendor Directory
Product/service information
The PKWARE SecureZIP Solution is supported on the IBM
z/OS mainframe, providing industry-leading data reduction
and security. With SecureZIP for IBM z/OS, enterprises:
• Decrypt data and stream it directly to the application
without staging decrypted data to disk
• Write directly to, and read from, UNIX/Linux and
Windows servers, eliminating extra steps when moving
files across systems
• Leverage IBM System z Integrated Cryptographic
Services Facility (ICSF), gaining significant cost
savings as a result of reduced resource requirements
• Utilize IBM System z Hardware compression to
significantly reduce the cpu and elapsed time required
to compress files
• Significantly reduce the time needed to write zip
archives to, and extract files from zip archives on tape
media with Enhanced Tape Processing
• Secure data using passphrase, OpenPGP and X.509
digital certificate-based encryption, allowing for
flexibility depending on an organization’s infrastructure.
Progress | DataDirect
3005 Carrington Mill Boulevard, Suite 400, Morrisville, NC
27560, USA
Phone: +1 800 876 3101
E-mail: insidesales@datadirect.com
Web: www.datadirect.com
Sales contacts:
America: 800 876 3101
EMEA: 0800 169 1907
AsiaPac: 0120 209 613
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Linux, Windows
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license
Company profile
Progress DataDirect is a leader in data connectivity and
mainframe integration software for corporate enterprises
and independent software vendors, including IBM.
Progress DataDirect Shadow is the industry’s only unified
integration platform for mainframe data access and SOA
enablement. Shadow delivers secure, high performance
and scalable access to a broad range of mainframe data
and application environments – with unique capabilities to
extend System z specialty engine exploitation beyond DB2
for dramatically lower mainframe TCO.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Progress Software Corporation (Nasdaq: PRGS) is a
global software company that enables enterprises to
be operationally responsive to changing conditions and
customer interactions as they occur – to capitalize on new
opportunities, drive greater efficiencies and reduce risk.
The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of bestin-class infrastructure software spanning event-driven
visibility and real-time response, open integration, data
access and integration, and application development and
deployment – all supporting on-premises and SaaS/Cloud
Product/service information
Shadow is the industry’s only single, unified platform for
mainframe SOA enablement and data connectivity. From
this single integration architecture, Shadow supports a full
range of standards-based mainframe integration products:
• Shadow z/Services comprehensive, bi-directional
mainframe Web services to support SOA and
Orchestration, including transformation ofbusiness
logic and/or 3270 screens into reusable Web services,
or data via SOAP interface, as well as support for
mainframe consumption of external, distributed Web
• Shadow z/Events - a comprehensive facility for realtime mainframe data change capture, transformation,
and publishing in support of event driven integration,
BI and data warehousing.
• Shadow z/Direct - high performance data connectivity
APIs (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET) to enable direct, SQL
access and transactional support to a broad range of
mainframe datasources.
• Shadow z/Presentation - supports automatic
presentation layer generation for extending screenbased applications to the Web.
Shadow’s unique exploitation of IBM’s new mainframe
specialty engines allows customers who have purchased
the System z Integration Information Processor (zIIP)
and System z Application Assist Processor (zAAP), the
added benefit of diverting workloads to these unmeasured
environments, which has the proven ability to dramatically
lower Total Cost of Ownership by up to 99% and improve
ProTech Professional Technical Services
610 Beatty Road, Bldg B, Pittsburgh, PA 15146, USA.
Phone: 800-373-9188 (international +1 412 810 8855).
Email: info@protechpts.com
Web: www.protechpts.com
Activity: Education
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: one-time charge
Company profile
ProTech is an expert professional services firm specializing
in Enterprise Systems Management, IT Service
Management (ITSM/ITIL), and Data Center Automation. As an IBM Business Partner and CA Consulting Partner,
our company specializes in providing consulting, training
and software products for IBM Mainframe and Enterprise
UNIX/Linux systems. Our training division, ProTechTraining.com trains over
10,000 IT professionals each year from a curriculum
of over 500 instructor-led courses in traditional and
virtual classroom, as well as a library of self-paced
elearning offerings. ProTech provides public classes
throughout North America and onsite training Worldwide.
Product/service information
RMF Redux - Analyzes WLM data for better policy
management implementation by creating real-time reports
of actual SMF 70/72 records of system behavior.
EZChange for OPS/MVS - aids in change control for OPS/
MVS data center rules and REXX applications.
QuickREXX - a set of productivity tools and functions
developed by literally thousands of hours working in the
ESM & DCA field. Let our experience help you!
Please call for more information or product sheets on any
of these software solutions.
QMSI-Quintessential Mailing Software
5800 Ager Beswick Road
Montague, CA 96064-9423, USA
Phone: +1.866.284.1001
Email: info@quintmail.com
Web: www.quintmail.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Other.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Pricing options: Workload/usage based
Company profile
QMSI’s charter is to significantly reduce the cost of postal
processing for mainframe mailers. We have accomplished
that goal with every customer. QMSI’s principals,
developers - and customers - are accessible to anyone
who sees the value in - and wants to learn about - lowering
CPU overhead, I/O resource utilization and overall
processing time ... with the guarantee of saving money!
With a combined experience level of more than 80 years
in systems architecture design, and over 50 years in the
mailing industry, QMSI brings a very unique perspective to
new product development.
“Customers want to run more work - concurrently - allowing
production to be completed on time or early!” That’s our
major design criteria! We also want installing and using
QMSI products to be quick, easy - and intuitive.
As a result, converting to QMSI software has been easy
- and our customers have, in return, provided insightful
suggestions to make great products even better and time
for those who change.
Product information
QCODE, our premier USPS CASS-Certified product, is
the only modern postal software that takes full advantage
of IBM’s System z hardware and software architecture.
QCODE can run on a zIIP (IBM’s Integrated Information
Processor) and QCODE’s unique DataSpaceDataBase
(DSDB) is a significant reason for QCODE’s amazing
performance, yet by placing your page datasets on SSD
(Solid State DASD) devices, QCODE’s performance is
even better! All while utilizing less CPU and I/O resources,
and running faster than other CASS products.
Our customers welcome inquiries to dispel any disbelief!
QSORT is the only single-purpose presort for First Class
Mail (cards, letters and flats) that does not contain all the
extra code and overhead found in other multi-purpose
products. It’s the perfect complement to QCODE and
ready for the USPS Full Service requirements beginning in
January 2014.
QVIEW is a sub-second response time, online query
tool for look-ups in the USPS Zip4 database. It is a
complementary component of QCODE, and runs under
Together, these products provide the most cost-effective,
resource-efficient Postal Processing software available.
How is this possible? Because this entire software
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
application suite was designed by system-level software
QCHANGE, an NCOA product, is next!
Relational Architects International
33 Newark St, Hoboken, NJ 07030 , USA
Phone: +1 201 420-0400
Email : sales@relarc.com
Web: www.relarc.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Relational Architects provides best-of-breed point products
for z/OS and DB2 for z/OS.
reengineering tools; network performance/management;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
Rocket Software is a leading global developer of software
products that help corporations, government agencies and
other organizations reach their technology and business
goals. 1,100 Rocketeers on five continents are focused
on building and delivering solutions for more than 10,000
customers and partners – and five million end users – in
five key areas. These solutions are focused on Intelligent
Infrastructure, Mobile, Cloud, and Big Data. Rocket is
engaged in business and technology partnerships with
IBM, EMC, Fujitsu, HP Enterprise Services, Hitachi Data
Systems, Avaya, Motorola, Epicor, and many others. Visit
us at www.rocketsoftware.com.
An Advanced IBM Business Partner, founded in 1987 and
runs its own zBC12. Relational Architects develops z/OS
system software ‘extensions’ for our enterprise customers.
Product/service information
Rocket Mainframe Solutions provide software and
professional service solutions that ensure effective
utilization of System z environments. Our mainframe
Product/service information
Smart/RESTART enables z/OS batch applications to run
restartably - often without changes to source code. Smart/
RESTART is a robust, reliable, and proven solution that
Global 2000 organizations worldwide use to run their
mission-critical z/OS batch applications.
• Provide swift ROI - lower “per computing unit” cost than
x86 servers and reduce management overhead
• Optimize transaction processing, delivering millions of
reliable, secure transactions per day
• Meet demanding SLAs for performance/response
times, uptime/availability and back-up/disaster recovery
RLX designates a family of REXX Language Xtensions
that endow REXX with additional capabilities for DB2/z,
VSAM, and z/OS .
We help you maximize the value of your existing
mainframe investments through our ongoing technology
evolution and expertise. You can count on Rocket
Mainframe Solutions to enable you to:
Launch Express provides a complete solution and
methodology for Dynamic ISPF.
Rocket Software
77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham, MA 02451, USA
Phone: +1 781 577 4321
Web: www.rocketsoftware.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; web integration and legacy
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
• Achieve high availability and data protection from
storage-aware data management
• Access and modernize System z applications
• Make your private cloud work for you
And we can help you get even more out of your mainframe
with newer technologies like zBX, IDAA, and zIIP. A full
listing of all of our products that can help make the most of
your mainframe investment can be found here: http://bit.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
RSM Partners
The Courtyard, Buntsford Drive,Stoke Pound, Bromsgrove,
Worcs B60 3DJ, UK
Phone: +44 (0)0870 050 1004
Email : info@rsmpartners.com
Web: www.rsmpartners.com
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; security;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Pricing options: Time and Materials or Fixed Price
Company profile
With a sole focus on mainframe systems infrastructure,
RSM Partners are widely acknowledged as the leading
independent specialists in this area.
A 40 strong team, the most junior having 22 years
experience, indicates the unrivalled wealth of expertise and
knowledge that RSM Partners brings to any client issue.
Operating their own mainframes, from high tech offices
in Birmingham, RSM is a trusted ally to many in the
mainframe industry.
Product/service information
RSM Partners offers a range of services under 3 key
pillars: Skills; Services; and Support.
Skills: offers reliable, skilled resources and consultancy –
either individually, or as a team – assisting; backfilling; or
taking full responsibility for project delivery.
Services spans 3 main areas: Security; Migrations; &
Cost Reduction. Security includes Audit preparation,
Remediation, Risk & Compliance. Migrations covers
software, storage & hardware migrations. Cost Reduction
delivers best-in-class optimisation, license cost reduction &
workload consolidation.
Support provides 24/7 support & managed services, to
match customer requirements.
RSM Technology
Dralda House, 24-28 Crendon Street, High Wycombe,
Bucks HP13 6LS, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1494 45 13 13
Email : courses@rsm.co.uk
Web: http://www.rsm.co.uk
Activity: Training
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, Linux
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license
Company profile
Founded in 1980, RSM is the UK’s leading independent
provider of technical education & training for users of IBM
mainframe systems. Working in partnership with the British
Computer Society (BCS), RSM has been instrumental
in developing and launching the Mainframe Technology
Professional series of examinations and qualifications.
Product/service information
Publicly presented and customised, one-company training
and education courses covering such areas as: z/OS,
CICS Transaction Server, DB2 for z/OS, WebSphere MQ,
IMS TM & DB, WebSphere Application Server, TCP/IP for
SAS Institute
SAS Institute Inc, 100 SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC
27513-2414, USA
Phone: +1 919 677 8000
International Headquarters:
SAS Institute GmbH, PO.Box 105340, Neuenheimer
Landstr. 28-30, 69043 Heidelberg, GERMANY
Phone : +49 6221 4160
Web: www.sas.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management
Company profile
• Business intelligence. With SAS business intelligence,
you can integrate data from across your enterprise,
and deliver fast access to self-service reporting and
analysis to all levels of user. Easy-to-use interfaces
make it simple for decision makers to get the answers
they need – saving you time while driving better
• Analytics. With SAS, you can deliver analytic results
to all users to share insights and drive fact-based
• Data integration & ETL. With SAS, you gain an
integrated approach for managing your increasing
volumes of enterprise data. You can simplify the
process of data extraction, transformation and loading
while improving data quality and achieving true data
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Serena Software Inc
1850 Gateway Road, 4th Floor, San Mateo, CA 94404,
Phone: +11-650-481-3400
Email: info@serena.com.
Web: www.serena.com.
Sales contacts:
America Brasil: +55 11 2787 6308.
EMEA: +44 (0) 1727 812812.
AsiaPac: +61 2 9333 6703.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Asset and change management;
programming/testing, web integration and legacy
reengineering tools; other.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
licence, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Company profile
Serena Software provides Orchestrated IT solutions to
the Global 2000. Serena’s core purpose is to advance
the business value of IT. Our 4,000 active enterprise
customers, encompassing almost one million users
worldwide, have made Serena the largest independent
ALM vendor and the only one that orchestrates DevOps,
the processes that bring together application development
and operations.
Product/service information
ChangeMan ZMF is the industry’s leading mainframe
software change management solution. It supports
mainframe modernization though an Eclipse plug-in, web
user interface, JAVA development, and integration with
Serena Dashboard, Serena Development Manager, and
Serena Release Manager.
Serena Dashboard works with ChangeMan ZMF to provide
KPIs and dashboards that are specifically designed for
ChangeMan ZMF’s Application Lifecycle Management
(ALM) processes.
Serena Development Manager is integrated with
ChangeMan ZMF and helps global development
organizations orchestrate application development
across disparate platforms, departmental processes, and
development tools.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Serena Release Manager combines ChangeMan ZMF
with innovative workflow capabilities to provide a powerful,
efficient way of managing application releases.
COMPAREX is the only mainframe comparison tool that
supports data, text, and directory files in a single product.
Available on z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE platforms, Comparex
is accessible via both ISPF and batch interfaces.
Dimensions z/OS provides a single SCM solution for
distributed platforms plus z/OS and z/Linux.
StarTool DA provides intelligent dump analysis and
debugging for mainframes. It helps diagnose the cause of
ABEND conditions through automated dump diagnostics,
interactive call tracing support, and dump archiving.
StarTool FDM provides a comprehensive environment for
editing and managing PDS, PDSE, sequential, extended
sequential, direct, DB2, and VSAM files. FDM simplifies
file management tasks and eliminates the need for multiple
tools, batch utilities, and homegrown routines.
Softlib Software
65th Yigal Alon St. Tel Aviv, Israel
Phone: +972 3 5615190.
Email: info@softlibsw.com.
Web: www.softlibsw.com.
Sales contacts:
America: +1 551 226 6069 .
EMEA: +32 477 202 911 .
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux, other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: System i, AIX,
Other Unix, Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
licence, other
Company profile
Softlib is a pioneer and leading provider of Knowledge
Delivery and Management software, helping our customers
accelerate time to resolution in their IT, support and
helpdesk organizations. Our customers include financial
organizations, insurance companies, government
agencies, manufacturing companies, High Tech, Medical
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
equipment, Telecom etc. Our intelligent software products
help mainframe experts get to the right knowledge quickly
and easily, thus improving productivity.
Product/service information
iSolve is the only technical reference covering all possible
information sources - vendor technical information, Web
news groups, Web forums and internal/corporate sources.
iSolve for Mainframe covers abend codes, commands
and all other essential information Mainframe experts
need to get their job done. Built for system and application
programmers, iSolve is delivered as a Cloud or Onpremise software. For more information see http://www.
Software AG
Uhlandstrasse 12, 64297 Darmstadt, Germany
Phone: +49 6151 92 0 (Germany)
Email: webinfo@softwareag.com
Web: www.softwareag.com
Sales contacts:
America: 1 703-860-5050 (USA) or www.softwareag.com/
EMEA: www.softwareag.com/Corporate/contact_us
AsiaPac: www.softwareag.com/Corporate/contact_us.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; other.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, VM/VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, processor/
capacity-based, other
Company profile
The Software AG Group consists of four business
divisions: Business Processes, Integration, Big Data and
Adabas-Natural. Software AG’s Adabas-Natural business
division provides software solutions for mainframes and
modernizes mainframe-based IT systems. In this way, we
ensure the long-term protection of customers’ investments.
Adabas offers our customers an enterprise class database
that is known for its ultra-high performance, scalability and
iron-clad reliability. For decades, the Natural development
environment has been the foundation of hundreds of
thousands of software applications that make up the
technical backbone of core processes at large companies
and government agencies. Today, customers modernize
their application infrastructures with Software AG’s help
by optimizing their performance and opening up their
business-critical systems to new environments such as the
Internet and digital business. The Adabas-Natural business
line includes technologies such as database management,
application development, and application modernization.
Adabas and Natural
Software AG is a member of zSeries® Partner in
Development and actively adopts IBM® mainframe
hardware and software innovations. In November 2012,
Software AG tested the latest version of Adabas, v8.2.5,
and its add-on products on new IBM mainframe hardware
and operating system software at the IBM System z®
Benchmark Center in Poughkeepsie, NY. Adabas attained
incredible transaction speeds of more than 1 Million
commands per second – a record speed on a commercial
mainframe system. This new performance benchmark
is more than triple the speed of a previously recorded
benchmark from 2006. Software AG achieved unmatched
performance for OLTP environments, benefiting customers
with large mission critical applications that access huge
Adabas databases. Software AG and IBM’s joint customers
with ultra high-end performance requirements, processing
ever increasing volumes of data, now have no limits on the
growth of their business and virtually unlimited throughput
and scalability. During the testing, Adabas 8.2.5 also
took advantage of new IBM z/OS functionality, such as
new support for zHPF I/O. zHPF facilitates support for
IBM z/OS users, providing performance improvements in
I/O activity. To dive into the detailed test results, please
read the Adabas Performance Test white paper at www.
softwareag.com/adabasperformance. Software Diversified Services (SDS)
1322 - 81st Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432-2116, USA
Phone: 763 571 9000
Email: info@sdsusa.com
Web: www.sdsusa.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; security; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Other Unix, Linux,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Company profile
Software Diversified Services (SDS) has been developing
first-rate tools for IBM mainframes for 30 years. SDS
products run at hundreds of institutions worldwide,
including governments and Global 500 companies in
banking, finance, insurance, and retail.
We are noted for the highest quality software,
documentation, and technical support. For technical
support, SDS was rated number 1 several years ago by
Xephon’s prestigious IBEX Bulletin.
Our specialty is helping z/OS shops worldwide deliver
the fastest, most reliable, most secure network service
Our VitalSigns family of software for z/OS has been built
from the ground up as low-overhead, easy-to-use suite
that employs web browsers to provide a modern graphic
interface to z/OS.
VitalSigns for FTP (VFTP) secures, monitors, automates,
and audits FTP traffic through z/OS servers and clients.
Coupled with Tectia(TM) software, VFTP automatically
converts FTP to secure SFTP without re-writing batch jobs.
Software Engineering GmbH
Robert-Stolz-Strasse 5, 40470 Dusseldorf, Germany.
Phone: +49 (0)211 96149 0
Fax: +49 (0)211 96149-32
Email: se.info@seg.de
Web: http://www.seg.de
Our software provides security and encryption for data in
transit, management and automation for SNA applications,
real-time and historical monitoring for IP networks, and
performance monitoring with the power to PREDICT
trouble so you can prevent it.
Sales contacts:
America: SEGUS Inc
14151 Park Meadow Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
Email: info@segus.com
Phone: +1-800-327-9650
Web: www.segus.com
EMEA: se.info@seg.de
AsiaPac: se.info@seg.de
Product/service information
VitalSigns for Network Automation and Control (VNAC) is
an ideal replacement for NetView(TM) or NetMaster(TM)-applications bloated with features you seldom use, but
always pay for.
Activity: Software vendor and consulting
Specialist areas: Database performance, maintenance,
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Processor/capacity based, other
VNAC provides network and system automation, panel
applications, and immediate, customizable response to
performance alerts and system messages.
Company profile
Software Engineering GMBH has been developing
standardized DB2 software and providing DB2 consulting
services for more than 25 years. By combining intensive
research with target-oriented development of new DB2
software products, we have established powerful skills
in DB2 solutions. Driven by customers, consultants, and
other highly skilled DB2 users at our Design Councils,
we develop practical innovations to keep DB2 in the best
VNAC makes it easy to issue console commands to
any system in a sysplex, and to watch responses and
messages as they arrive. VNAC can handily search
datasets and historical logs. VNAC provides direct links
from IBM messages to IBM documentation. VNAC also
provides versatile support for REXX execs.
VitalSigns for IP (VIP) provides real-time, browser-based
management of TCP/IP networks on z/OS. VIP is noted
for breadth of monitoring scope, for ease of use, and for
minimal demands on CPU resources.
VIP fully supports IPv6 and ICMPv6 protocols. It provides a
batch tool for monitoring OSA traffic. It fully monitors z/OS
interfaces, including details regarding OSAs, DVIPAs, and
data link control. It fully monitors z/OS HPR connections,
including details regarding control points and transmission
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Product/service information
RealTime DBAExpert insures high data availability, as
well as fast and secure recoverability, 24x7. RealTime
DBAExpert automates the management of DB2 for z/OS
databases. Using real-time statistics and user-defined
thresholds, combined with continuous monitoring of DB2
objects, RealTime DBAExpert detects and responds to
database problems immediately. Seamless integration
with all job schedulers and existing IT procedures
secures existing investments and the exploitation of latest
technologies saves valuable resources.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Bind ImpactExpert completely automates the evaluation
of access paths for static and dynamic SQL. Integration
into all existing rebind and bind procedures automatically
determines the rebinds and binds necessary to insure
consistent or improved performing access paths, as well as
to avoid those that are unnecessary. Used as a migration
aid, Bind ImpactExpert predicts the access paths that
will result under a new DB2 version and categorizes the
changes into version-specific results.
SQL PerformanceExpert for DB2 z/OS insures well-tuned
SQL statements, which translates to efficient CPU usage,
improved reponse time, reduced I/O activity and reduced
resource locking. SQL PerformanceExpert automates the
analysis of SQL performance (both static and dynamic)
and identifies tuning changes that improve application
performance, pinpointing problem areas and saving time
and money associated with inefficient applications. It also
automates package management and catalog change
management, as well as the optimization of performance
PiT Recovery for DB2 z/OS automates, controls, and
speeds up all the necessary actions needed for a point
in time (PIT) recovery of ERP and CRM systems like
Peoplesoft, SAP, and Siebel. Pit Recovery not only
generates, executes, and controls the necessary jobs,
it even weighs different scenarios like using DB2 image
copies, flashcopies, or even the new DB2 V8 RESTORE
SYSTEM feature. Additionally, it provides all the required
information necessary to forecast how long a specific
outage will last.
Recovery HealthCheck for DB2 z/OS verifies all Recovery/
Restart relevant prerequisites of a production database.
It also provides recovery time objectives for each object,
pinpointing the period of time that is required for a
recovery. Recovery HealthCheck for DB2 z/OS makes the
prerequisites for a critical recovery scenario transparent
and enables proactive adjustments and optimization before
an outage occurs.
Software (Europe) Ltd
Nibley House, Low Moor Road, Doddington Road, Lincoln,
Lincolnshire LN6 3JY, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1522 881300
Email: marketing-info@software-europe.co.uk
Web: www.software-europe.co.uk
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, other.
Company profile
Software Europe was formed in April 1989 to market and
support mainframe systems software. We have exclusive
contracts to distribute supplier products in the UK and
Eire and market a variety of business solutions developed
at our Lincoln Office. Our client list includes many of the
best-known UK blue-chip and FTSE 100 companies. We
provide frequent training courses and run product user
groups and regular seminars for all clients, ensuring an
unrivalled service 24/7.
Product/service information
Products marketed and supported by Software Europe
• Consul zSecure Suite: consists of modular components
that enable customers to easily administer their
mainframe, monitor for threats, audit usage and
configuration, and enforce policy compliance.
• ETF/A: a set of very powerful utilities to assist ACF2
security administrators.
• Catalog Information Manager (CIM): covers all aspects
of catalog management from maintenance and backup
to diagnosis and complete recovery.
• Cross Sysplex Manager: synchronous and remote data
• RMF Magic: zSeries disk subsystem analysis &
reporting, consolidates information from all hosts
• SmartProduction: reduces the CPU resources required
to run your batch workload, by identifying all your
product inefficiencies.
• Smart TS XL: an intuitive browser-based search engine
for the mainframe/mini environment.
• E-SRF: a comprehensive security reporting facility
designed specifically for information security and audit
• Capacity Magic: calculate the effective storage capacity
of your current and future disk subsystems through an
easy-to-use graphical dialog.
• Batch Magic: a powerful application for tape and batch
window tuning and capacity planning.
• Disk Magic: provides users with a thorough
understanding of current disk subsystem performance
and enables them to make better purchase and
configuration decisions.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security, programming/testing, web
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Software on Z
15714 SE 25th Street, Bellevue, WA 98008-5410, USA
Phone: +1-425-351-2316.
Email: Brian.Hoare@softwareonz.com.
Web: www.softwareonz.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; network performance/management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, other
Company profile
SoftwareOnZ specializes in optimizing your usage of
System z. Our software solutions will help your reduce
the amount of time, effort, and human error involved in
implementing and maintaining a cost-effective mainframe
computing environment. Whether you are a DBA, a
capacity manager, a systems programmer, an application
developer, or a development manager, SoftwareOnZ has
a solution for improving your workload and reducing your
computing costs.
Our solutions can help you to reduce the cost of mainframe
computing while more effectively managing vWLC,
improving the administration and performance of your DB2
databases and applications, enhancing the visibility of
the impact of application and system changes, as well as
improving your overall system operations.
At SoftwareOnZ we really do offer a better way on z.
Product/service information
SoftwareOnZ offers mainframe software solutions for
capacity planning and management, change management
and compliance, DB2 administration, and systems and
application management.
For capacity management, SoftwareOnZ offers
AutoSoftCapping (ASC). This solution maximizes
software cost efficiencies for IBM zSeries platforms. ASC
automatically adjusts defined capacity by LPAR based
upon you actual workload, while maintaining a consistent
overall defined capacity for your CPC. In this way, ASC can
reduce the monthly software bill for customers using vWLC
For DB2 environment, SoftwareOnZ offers solutions for
improving performance by automating access path control
(zAPX), more effectively managing storage (zSPM),
automating DB2 utilities (DB-Genie), and improving
application development (RDBA).
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Managing change is a constant battle, even more so in
this day and age of regulatory compliance. SoftwareOnZ
offers solutions for tracking and managing the changes you
make to your system software (SYSchange) and to your
applications (Ripple-Trac).
SoftwareOnZ also offers solutions for improving mainframe
systems and applications management. RealTime Defrag
provides automated storage defragmentation, enabling
you to continuously and reliably recover disk space while
your systems remain operational. Additional solutions offer
automated ISPF screen painting capabilities (PADEST)
and mainframe sort automation (Express Sortware).
Solimar Systems
1515 Second Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101, USA
Phone: +1 619 849 2800.
Email: sales@solimarsystems.com.
Web: www.solimarsystems.com
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux, Other
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Windows, i5, AIX,
other Unix, Linux
Pricing options: One-time charge, Monthly/annual license
Company profile
Founded in 1991, Solimar Systems Inc is a leading
developer of enterprise output management solutions
for digital document creation, production and distribution
environments. Installed in thousands of sites around the
world, including nearly 40% of the Fortune 100, Solimar
solutions satisfy a wide range of customer requirements by
combining integrated connectivity, data stream transforms,
print optimization, document re-engineering/repurposing
and sophisticated print queue management with secure
web-based document presentation, distribution and
Experts in legacy and modern data streams, Solimar
solutions provide essential infrastructure to organizations
in a variety of industries including insurance, financial
services, banking, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications,
healthcare, government, education, retail, manufacturing,
utilities, distribution and print service bureaux.
Product/service information
Products include:
• Solimar Print/Director Enterprise – Client/server
based enterprise output management solution that
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
provides multi-level security, remote administrator and
operator access, email alerts, powerful job routing/
tracking capabilities, and industry leading data stream
• iCONVERT – Stand-alone powerful transform engine
for AFP environments that automatically routes
mainframe and AS/400 print reports directly to
networked desktop and production PostScript printers,
viewing stations and archive systems. Files are parsed
and renamed with job events module.
• SOLscript – PostScript preamble that emulates
and optimizes Xerox VIPP software by generating
DSC compliant PostScript, extending the reach of
VIPP applications to virtually all types and brands of
workgroup and production printers, as well as ERM/
COLD and archive systems.
• SOLsearcher – Highly scalable and secure electronic
document delivery and web presentation solution
that enables organizations to effectively index, store,
search and retrieve large collections of transactional
and/or scannned documents. Ideal for B2B and B2C
Sosa Cousins
Phone: +1 770-671-9392.
Email: support@sosacousins.com
Web: www.sosacousins.com
Specialist areas: Data management; asset and change
management; programming/testing;
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Other Unix, Linux
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license
Company profile
Sosa-Cousins, Inc is a hand- on InformationTechnology
consulting firm with over 35 years of global experience
in consulting and systems development for the financial,
insurance, and travel industry. Our belief is that by
using teamwork we can achieve the best load control
management system tailored to your application.
Expertise lies in:
zTPF and TPF 4.1 systems
Implementation and Solution Services
Project and Product Management
Development tools
Sosa-Cousins, Inc has developed the first commercially
available TPF Load Control Management (LCM) System,
automating the management of promotion and staging
processes for all programs deployed onto any test and
production host environments.
Product/service information
Development lifecycle management for testing and
Single button application builds.
Automatic and coordinated deployment to mixed platforms
Audit trail compliance
Auditing facilities track source version.
Automatic on-line fallback notification
Flexible deployment dates
Concurrent Development support
Leverages extensive metadata to ensure quality
Sosa-Cousins is proud of its ability to create realistic
project implementations that will minimize the change
management process. Project plans are created jointly with
prospective customers with realistic milestones agreed to
ensure fail safe implementations.
SQData Corporation
4620 Sunbelt Drive Suite 202, Addison, TX 75001, USA
Phone: 214.695.6484
Email: sales@sqdata.com.
Web: www.sqdata.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, Other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity based
Company profile
SQData is a leading provider of high-performance,
near-real-time changed data capture, replication and
data integration software for mainframe and distributed
databases. SQData’s software allows customers to
address a variety of business needs ranging from data
conversions/migrations to active/active data replication to
near-real-time population of data warehouses.
Product/service information
A leading enterprise-class data integration offering that
provides a cost-effective solution to multiple business
needs out-of-the-box.
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Companies use SQData for:
• Continuous Availability of Critical Applications
Keeping multiple databases synchronized in an active/
active or active/stand-by mode to ensure that critical
applications remain operational in the event of an
• Eliminating / Reducing Costly ETL Processes
Leveraging changed data capture (CDC) to collect
only the data that has changed. Existing ETL can be
enhanced to process the data changes or eliminated
• Real-Time Business Event Detection
Detecting key business events as soon as they occur
enables quick reaction while maintaining a competitive
• Real-Time Business Intelligence
Ensuring key business decisions are being made
based on current data vs. data that is days, weeks or
months old.
• Data Conversions / Migrations
Utilizing SQData’s ETL & CDC to perform data
migrations for legacy modernization, data warehouse
population, etc.
SSH Communications Security
Secure Shell protocol. The company’s SSH Tectia solution
addresses the most critical needs of large enterprises,
financial institutions, and government agencies. With
SSH Tectia, organizations can cost-effectively secure
their system administration, file transfers and application
connectivity against both internal and external security
risks. As the original developer of the Secure Shell protocol
and other key network security technologies, SSH has
for ten years developed end-to-end communications
security solutions specifically for the enterprise. Currently
more than 100 of Fortune 500 companies are using SSH
security solutions. SSH shares are quoted on the Helsinki
Exchanges Main List.
Product/service information
SSH Tectia is the leading end-to-end communications
security solution for the enterprise. SSH Tectia is based on
the SSH Secure Shell and SSH’s other industry leading
technologies, used by millions worldwide. SSH Tectia
enables secure system administration, secure file transfer
and secure application connectivity with centralized
management throughout the internal and external network.
SSH Tectia provides transparent strong encryption and
authentication and easily integrates into heterogeneous,
multi-platform environments.
Secure System Administration offers system administrators
the ability to remotely manage servers in a heterogeneous
operating system environment. SSH Tectia replaces
legacy login (eg Telnet and Rlogin) and remote command
execution methods with enterprise-class administator tools
based on the SSH2 standard.
SSH Communications Security Corp, Valimotie 17,
FI-00380 Helsinki, Finland.
Phone: +358 205007000.
Email: info@ssh.com.
Web: www.ssh.com.
Secure File Transfer enables secure automated and
interactive file transfers throughout the network, both for
internal and external file sharing. SSH Tectia provides
secure drop-in replacements for FTP and additional APIs
that facilitate effortless transition from legacy file transfers
to strong file transfer security.
Sales contacts:
America: +1 781 247 2100 / sales.americas@ssh.com.
EMEA: +358 20 500 7000 /ssh.sales@ssh.com.
AsiaPac: +81 3 3459 6830 / sales.jp@ssh.com.
Secure Application Connectivity offers end-to-end
confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for application
connections between workstations and servers. SSH
Tectia protects transparently both in-house developed
and commercial business applications without the need to
modify the applications or the supporting IT infrastructure.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, Other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, processor/capacity
based, workload/usage based
Company profile
SSH Communications Security is a world-leading
provider of enterprise security solutions and end-to-end
communications security, and the original developer of the
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Stonesoft Inc
1050 Crown Pointe Parkway Suite 900, Atlanta, GA 30338,
Phone: +1 770 668 1125.
Email: sales@stonesoft.com.
Web: www.stonesoft.com
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Sales contacts:
America: info.americas@stonesoft.com.
EMEA: info.emea@stonesoft.com.
AsiaPac: info.asiapacific@stonesoft.com.
Activity : Software vendor
Specialist areas: Security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms: i5, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge
Company profile
Stonesoft Corporation (HEX: SFT1V) is a worldwide
company focused on enterprise-level network protection
and business continuity assurance. Its StoneGate security
platform unifies firewall, VPN and IPS to deliver defense
agility combined with high availability for business-critical
applications. StoneGate incorporates the award-winning
load-balancing technology of StoneBeat. Enterprises that
require advanced network security and always-on business
connectivity can choose StoneGate for the lowest up-front
costs, best price-to-performance ratio, and highest ROI of
any high-end firewall, VPN and IPS solution.
Founded in 1990, Stonesoft Corporation has international
headquarters in Helsinki, Finland; Americas headquarters
in Atlanta, Georgia; and Asia Pacific regional headquarters
in Singapore.
Product/service information
StoneGate Firewall and VPN protects against unwanted
visitors, illegal access, and unauthorized connections to
customers’ networks and data. It is a perimeter firewall
as well as an internal enterprise firewall and VPN, which
means that the mainframe is protected from the outside
and from within. Traffic inside the mainframe is monitored
as well as the traffic to and from the mainframe –
regardless of operating system used.
The centralized management system of StoneGate allows
administrators to monitor, upgrade, and control firewall
and VPN instances remotely, through a graphical user
interface, which eases the administrative task and lowers
the total cost of ownership. With its built-in patented
Multi-Link technology, StoneGate provides Internet
communication high availability. StoneGate for zSeries
removes the need for external firewall servers, and offers
security right up to the mainframe.
SV Group
Albrechtova 32, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Phone: +385 1 2958740.
Email: info@svgroup.hr.
Web: www.svgroup.hr/
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, Unix, Linux,
Pricing options: One-time charge, processor/capacitybased, workload/usage based
Company profile
SV Group d.o.o. is a project-oriented IT company founded
in 1995.
Customers of SV Group solutions and services are
companies whose activities have for years been dependent
on IT technologies and solutions that directly support their
business. This is why our customers seek a reliable and
proven partner to realize their IT projects
Product/service information
SV Group d.o.o. provides you with:
• Application development,
• Innovative, reliable IT solutions based on proven
technologies and concepts adjusted to your specific
business needs,
• Supervision of information projects and solutions
design and implementation (‘Software Quality
Assurance – SQA’),
• Sale of hardware, software and services:
• Hardware (IBM System z, IBM Power Systems, IBM
System Storage),
• IBM Software (B2B Integration, Information
Management software, Lotus software, Rational
software, Tivoli software, WebSphere software, System
z software, SPSS software),
• VMware software
• Microsoft software
• RedHat software
• Services provided by our certified experts, IBM services
and services provided by our partners,
• Enterprise content management (ECM),
• IT asset management,
• IT infrastructure virtualisation,
• Secure data back up,
• Proactive IT system and application monitoring,
• Proactive and reactive support and maintenance
of SV Group applications (Life Insurance, Office
Management, Call Centre, New Croatian Personal
Identity Card, Personal Identity Card for Foreigners,
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Croatian Passport, National Border Management
Information System – NBMIS), Statistical Monitoring
of Visits to Web Sites – S3a, and other application and
system solutions .
Syspertec Communication
196 Bureaux de la Colline, 92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex,
Phone: +33 (0)1 46 02 60 42
Email: cominfo@syspertec.com
Web: www.virtelweb.com
Sales contacts:
America: (925) 937-5816 / info@syspertec.us.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Web integration and legacy
reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
Pricing options: Monthly/annual license, workload/usage
Company profile
SysperTec is an international software publisher with over
20 years’ experience of on-the-fly protocol conversion
between mainframe and heterogeneous servers and
The company helps perpetuate the life and value
of legacy enterprise applications by integrating new
technologies (TCP/IP, HTML, XML...) that raise productivity
and modernize ergonomics. SysperTec relies upon
experts with 20 years’ experience in the development of
software products to simplify the integration of enterprise
applications and networks. These solutions facilitate
interactive communication from/to mainframe applications
and data. SysperTec‘s objective is to provide customized
solutions that allow the seamless evolution of enterprise
information systems including cost reduction, user comfort,
high performance and simplicity of implementation.
SysperTec has licensed over 300 products world-wide in
banking, service, insurance, government, manufacturing,
and distribution.
Product/service information
Extend legacy systems through web-enablement:
Virtel is a comprehensive web-enablement middleware
that serves legacy host applications such as CICS, IMS,
Natural or TSO as web pages or web services over TCP/
IP connections. Web-enabling extends the relevance and
investment of critical legacy systems. It is simpler, faster,
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
and more cost effective than redeveloping, replacing, or
Web Access Modernization:
Virtel extends host applications to thin-client web
browsers over secure IP connections while retaining
their familiar 3270 screen user interface. This thin-client
architecture allows VIRTEL to be “client agnostic”, i.e.
it works automatically with any web client whatever the
OS, browser or platform, even with Smartphones, PDAs,
tablets. This architecture facilitates BYOD, mobile access
and other such modernization initiatives.
User Interface Modernization:
Virtel serves host transactions as user-friendly web pages
(GUIs) that provide a genuine web experience: assisted
data entry, new mashup (Ajax) services, redesigned
workflow, graphical and ergonomic interface... It serves
multiple presentations (green screen, mobile accordion,
etc.) of the same application or transaction concurrently to
different users.
Application Interface Modernization:
Virtel allows creating interactive bidirectional dialogs
across the Internet between host (CICS, IMS, Ideal,
Natural, etc) and server-based applications using XML/
HTML web services or other communication procedures
PO Box 1195, Bedford, MK42 8WY, UK
Phone: +44 207 0606601.
Email: sales@systemwerx.co.uk.
Web: www.systemwerx.co.uk.
Activity: Software vendor and consultancy.
Specialist areas: System management, security, web
integration and legacy reengineering tools.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Linux, Windows.
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Company profile
Systemwerx has, for over 10 years, provided our
customers with solutions to their business needs.
Our system specialists provide our customers with pratical
experience in the development of business applications
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
and exploiting operating system, networking, database,
and cryptography across multiple platforms.
Product/service Information
We provide a number of products to help z/OS users:
PassGen: a solution to generate one-time RACF
passwords ( Passtickets ) – this allows applications off
host to securely communicate with z/OS applications and
databases. Passgen is available in a native Windows
version and a Java version that executes on any system
with a JRE.
Mimic: a solution to assist users migrating from
Connect:Direct and CA-XCOM to another managed file
transfer system. Mimic allows removal of existing products
by providing an emulation of existing products and
converts existing systems to the users chosen replacement
DR/VFI: a product that identifies critical files for Disaster
recovery and compliance.
Megacryption: a z/OS encryption and PGP suite for
complaince and easy to use encryption.
DataExhange: a publishing system to make z/OS data
available to any user with a browser independent of its
T3 Technologies Inc
1408 Westshore Blvd, Tampa, Florida 33607, USA
Phone: +1 813 288 9800.
Email: info@t3t.com.
Web: www.t3t.com
Sales contacts:
EMEA: Concorde House, Trinity Park, Solihull, Birmingham
B37 7UQ UK. Phone +44 (0) 121 635 5571
Activity: Integrator
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS,OS/390, VM/VSE,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual license
Company profile
Since our inception in 1992, T3 has been dedicated
to providing the mainframe community with more cost
effective solutions than traditional systems. Our tServer is
now the world’s best selling mainframe under 80 MIPS and
has helped over 600 clients maintain and modernize their
data centers.
Product/service infromation
Now T3 will be offering even greater choice as we
introduce a new generation of plug-compatible mainframes
(PCMs), capable of handling larger and more complex
environments, and based on technology originally
developed by Amdahl Corporation. With models ranging
to 300 MIPS and supporting 64-bit architecture, “Liberty”
brings back freedom of choice to mainframe data centers.
TeamQuest Corporation
One TeamQuest Way, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428, USA
Phone: +1 641-357-2700
E-mail: info@teamquest.com
Web: www.teamquest.com
Sales contacts
America: sales@teamquest.com
EMEA: emea@teamquest.com
AsiaPac: asiapacific@teamquest.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS., OS/390, Linux,
Non-mainframe platforms supported: i5, AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing Options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, other
Company profile
TeamQuest Corporation is the global leader in IT Service
Optimization (ITSO). Specializing in software that helps
IT organizations consistently meet service levels while
minimizing costs, TeamQuest provides quick and accurate
capacity modelling and performance solutions.
Companies around the world trust TeamQuest to help them
improve IT service delivery while mitigating risks, allowing
them to proactively optimize IT resources while minimizing
infrastructure costs. TeamQuest software is especially wellsuited for use in heterogeneous and virtualized computing
environments. Complementing and supporting ITIL best
practices, SOA and BSM goals, TeamQuest software can
help organizations manage IT from both the business and
IT perspectives.
Product/service Information
TeamQuest Performance Software is made up of a suite of
four integrated products that help organizations optimize
IT services, from performance management and reporting
to event monitoring and capacity modelling. Products can
be used individually or in combination to address various
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Techsys Software Services Inc
needs, and they scale to thousands of servers in complex,
heterogeneous and virtualized environments.
TeamQuest Performance Software uses a client/server
architecture. Connections are made between the client and
the server via TCP or HTTP for TeamQuest On the Web.
The client portion – TeamQuest Model, TeamQuest View,
TeamQuest Alert, and TeamQuest On the Web – runs on
your workstation or wherever you want to analyze the data.
The server portion – TeamQuest Manager, which includes
data collection agents and a performance database –
is installed on each server you want to manage. (One
exception is that, for IBM System z and i, TeamQuest
Manager is installed on a separate system and retrieves
performance data from the server being managed.)
TechMaint, LLC
4360 Hanover Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27127, USA
Phone: +1 336-724-1638
E-mail: techmaint@techmaint.com
Web: www.techmaint.com
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; security; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, Linux, Windows
Company profile
TechMaint has a team of consultants that work in the z/
OS operating system space. Most consultants have
over 30 years experience as system programmers.
TechMaint is partners with major IT vendors that provide
staff augmentation and also work on system type
projects. MVS, OS/390, and z/OS maintenance and
migrations including disaster recovery, security, and
network. TechMaint has a group of Unix, AIX, Solaris, and
application developers on the mainframe.
Product/service Information
TechMaint services consists of many years experience in
the mainframe space including most third-party products.
Security, disaster recovery, hardware installations, and
most z/OS services.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
PO Box 1070, Coppell, TX 75019, USA
Phone: +1 972-725-9315.
Email: sales@techsyssoftware.com.
Web: www.techsyssoftware.com.
Activity: Consultant.
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Company profile
Techsys Software Services LLC helps mainframe
technology providers who have a part-time, short-term, or
on-demand need for mainframe expertise. Our mission
is to provide our customers with an affordable alternative
to hiring or outsourcing their systems management and
technical support staff, while saving them up to 80% on
staffing costs. If you can’t afford, or don’t want, a full-time
mainframe systems programing or technical applications
development staff, let us customize a support package
to meet your needs. Give us a call at 877-390-4878 to
Product/service information
We provide the following types of services for our
Mainframe Product Management Strategy
Mainframe Problem Diagnosis
Mainframe Solutions Development
Mainframe Installation, Customization, & Administration
Remote Technical Support of z/OS, Z/VSE, Z/VM, and
Z/Linux Systems
• Mainframe Staff Mentoring.
The Source Recovery Company
1070 Applecross Drive, Roswell, GA 30075, USA
Phone: +1 770 667 5043.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Email: jrahm@source-recovery.com.
Web: www.source-recovery.com.
Activity: Service provider
Specialist areas: COBOL or Assembler Source Recovery
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: per program or engagement timeframe.
Company profile
Source Recovery is the sole provider of the recovery of
COBOL or Assembler source code from IBM MVS or VSE
executable programs. Our company is an IBM Developer
Business Partner. We have recovered over 10 million
lines of source code utilizing our patented ReSource™
Product/service information
The Source Recovery’s primary service is to recover
Cobol or Assembler source code. We support any version
of COBOL running on an IBM mainframe. Through our
validation process, we are able to compare the recovered
source to the original executable to guarantee the
accuracy of our recoveries. Our recoveries are guaranteed
to produce 100% functionally equivalent source code.
Additional services include the recovery of copybooks and
reconciling existing source to production executables.
TONE Software Corporation
1735 S. Brookhurst Street, Anaheim, CA 92804, USA
Phone: +1 714 991 9460
Email: info@tonesoft.com.
Web: www.tonesoft.com.
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; data management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Other Unix, Linux
Pricing options: One-time charge; monthly license charge
Company profile
TONE Software is a software development firm
specializing in business computing solutions for IBM
mainframe platforms and several distributed platforms.
Based in Anaheim CA, TONE is a privately held firm that
answers to customers, not shareholders. TONE has built
a reputation for delivering premier solutions, exceptional
expertise, and unparalleled customer service and support
TONE’s commitment to technology advancement is
apparent, devoting over 25% of annual revenues to
research and development. TONE enjoys strategic
alliances with industry leaders such as IBM, Sun, Hewlett
Packard, and AT&T. These relationships, together with
TONE’s progressive development culture, ensure that our
products deliver maximum benefit to each user.
Product/service information
TONE’s mainframe-based product line includes powerful
solutions to manage the corporate IT infrastructure, and
increase system and human productivity to meet the
overall business objectives of the client. TONE’s solutions
include OMC-FLASH JES2 and JES3 spool viewing and
management; OMC-PRINT host and TCP/IP output routing
and print management; DYNA-STEP dynamic STEPLIB
and library management; ACC host console automation
and management; SyBridge VTAM interface to NetView;
and VTAM application automation. TONE products are
marketed and supported throughout North America directly
from the Anaheim headquarters, and across Europe,
Australia, Asia, and South America through authorized
Top Gun Technology
5500 Cottonwood Lane SE, #106, Prior Lake, MN 55372,
Phone: +1 952 226 9700
Email: sales@topgun-tech.com.
Web: www.topgun-tech.com.
Activity: Hardware vendor.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Linux
Company profile
We buy and sell used IBM processors (zSeries
mainframes) and servers (pSeries and iSeries), IBM
storage, IBM connectivity, Hewlett Packard (HP) servers,
Hewlett Packard storage, EMC and Hitachi (HDS) storage
products. We also can provide OS support services for IBM
system z, system p, and system i environments.
Product/service information
Multi-platform refurbished hardware options
• Hardware leasing
• Pre-sales consultation
• Environment planning and trending consultation
• OS support for systems z, p, and i
• Multi-platform hardware maintenance. © Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Trident Services
Triton Consulting
1260 41st Ave Suite K, Capitola Ca 95010, USA.
Phone: +1 831 465 7661
Email: sales@triserv.com.
Web: www. triserv.com.
The Royal, 25 Bank Plain, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4SF, UK.
Phone: +44 870 2411 550
Email: marketing@triton.co.uk.
Web: www.triton.co.uk.
Sales contacts:
America: 800-887-4336
EMEA: 800-887-4336.
AsiaPac: 800-887-4336
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Unix, Linux,
Windows, other
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, other
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: System management; storage
management; programming/testing
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, other
Company profile
Since founding in 1978, Trident Services has established
a solid reputation for the excellence of our software, the
responsiveness of our support team, and the expertise of
our consulting staff.
Trident Services, Inc is a committed member of the
mainframe community and an IBM Business Partner for
over 20 years. Since launching our first software solution
in 1988, we have continued to develop and enhance our
software products and services to keep pace with industry
changes, emerging technologies, and client-driven needs.
Our flagship product, zOSEM (zOperating System
Environment Manager) is a powerful software tool of
strategic importance in the System Z environment. zOSEM
is enabling customers to reduce & control ISV costs,
eliminate exit migration issues, and provides an easy to
use DFSMShsm Optimizer which can dramatically improve
HSM performance.
Product/service information
Our flagship product, zOSEM (z Operating System
Environment Manager), is a powerful software tool of
strategic importance in the System Z environment. Driven
by a simple ISPF interface, zOSEM encompasses a
multitude of features for improved control, throughput,
and processing efficiency in a z/OS environment. zOSEM
is enabling customers to reduce and control ISV costs,
eliminate exit migration issues, and provides an easy to
use DFSMShsm Optimizer that can dramatically improve
HSM performance.
Company profile
Triton Consulting is a highly focused, independent data
management services provider. Renowned in the industry
for our levels of DB2 expertise, we are proud to be the
home of an IBM Gold Consultant, two IBM Champions and
some of the most highly qualified DB2 experts in the world.
Product/service information
Triton can help you to regain control of your software
charges by running an audit of your current environment
and identifying when and where the workload peaks occur.
Initial Analysis – Typically customers can reduce their peak
CPU charges by a minimum of 3% with no performance
impacts whatsoever and many customers can reduce their
peak by 5% from this initial analysis.
Performance Tuning – The majority of mainframe users
have significant potential for further reducing resource
consumption (and therefore costs) through performance
tuning of key workloads. This is especially true for
those with older applications that haven’t been actively
maintained for a while or who have lost some of their deep
middleware skills through retirement or redundancy.
By tuning these workloads, ongoing software costs can
be reduced and mainframe upgrades potentially deferred.
In addition, application performance will be enhanced and
overall Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) reduced.
Our unique zTune service will identify potential mainframe
workload management improvements and could
immediately reduce your IT spend. zOperating System Environment Manager is one solution
for total system management of z/OS, the goal is to
simplify and modernize how we manage z/OS. © Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Type80 Security Software
211 North Union Street, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22314,
Phone: (877) 320-0477 (Toll Free) or (703) 717-6574
Email: info@type80.com
Web: www.type80.com
Sales contacts
EMEA: Jaques Gabay, GroovySoft, +33 4 67 69 74 25,
AsiaPac: Tim Davoren, Evercom Networks, +61 2 62 43
48 16, sales@evercom.net.au
Activity: Software vendor.
Specialist areas: Security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS
Pricing options: One-time charge, Optional annual
support and maintenance agreement.
(perhaps those with credit card data for PCI compliance,
or those related to patient data for HIPAA compliance),
and capture all relevant data whenever those items are
accessed – even by authorized users!
The SMA_RT product was designed for easy installation
by any mainframe systems programmer. It is dynamically
installed, with no IPL needed for full operation. SMA_RT
has a very small memory footprint, and extremely low
impact processor utilization. Once installed, SMA_RT’s
monitoring rules are very simple, and easily entered
through our TSO interface.
Value-4IT Limited
7 Wright Road, Long Buckby, Northampton NN6 7GG, UK.
Phone: +44 (0) 845 0579386
Email: info@value-4it.com.
Web: www.value-4it.com
Company profile
Type80 is a privately owned IBM “Software in Development
Partner”. Type80 Security Software was founded by
experts in the areas of Systems Programming and
information security. Our founders draw from a diverse
background, from providing security training to NATO
counter intelligence, conducting enterprise-wide security
assessments for companies maintaining the nation’s
critical infrastructure, and developing high-level mainframe
applications for major financial institutions. Type-80’s
flagship product, SMA_RT, is a revolutionary host-based
security monitoring and compliance reporting product for
the z/OS mainframe system. Using a combination of both
signature-based and anomaly-based attack detection,
SMA_RT notifies administrators of malicious activity in
real-time. SMA_RT can easily integrate with a variety of
security management products including many leading
SIM/SEM products.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
performance/management; other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, z/Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, distributed
Unix, Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based,
Product/service information
Type80 Security Software’s SMA_RT product makes
mainframe security to be state-of-the-art. By analyzing
data from both Operator (WTO) messages and the
Systems Management Facility (SMF), Type80 gathers
detailed information about potential security events on
the mainframe. This data is then interpreted, normalized
in standard syslog format and delivered in real-time to
those responsible for enterprise security. This gives an
organization an enterprise-wide view of all the events they
need to capture to stay abreast of attacks against their
Our experienced personnel provide our valued customers
with a wide range of business, process & technical skills
for maximizing the business value for IT resources within
your organization.
Further, the SMA_RT product allows administrators to
designate specific items of interest for deeper monitoring
than normally provided in the mainframe environment.
For example, an administrator can specify files of interest
Company profile
Value-4IT are an independent software & professional
services company offering diverse and in-depth business
facing experience for IBM Mainframe (MVS), UNIX, Linux
and Windows platforms.
Therefore our philosophy is a combination of pragmatic
and structured delivery via TCA, TCO, & ROI
methodologies, safeguarding the timely implementation
of cost efficient IT solutions for business improvement
Product/service information
Value-4IT are focused on delivering cost efficient and
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
strategic IT solutions that meet or exceed business
requirements. Our customer-facing personnel all have
many years experience working with leading IHVs, ISVs
and Professional Services organisations, designing and
integrating value-added solutions for many global Blue
Chip customers.
Detection, Vanguard automates processes necessary to
identify and mitigate the risks customers face. Vanguard’s
customers receive a rapid return on investment and are
able to focus on other critical business needs thereby
becoming more productive and more secure. For more
information, visit www.go2vanguard.com.
Through a combination of innovative and evolving
processes, the raison d’être of Value-4IT is to collaborate in
long-term and rewarding partnerships with our customers,
becoming their trusted advisor, by consistently delivering
timely and cost-efficient solutions.
Product/service information
Security Management Solutions
Vanguard Administrator - Automated security administration
Vanguard Advisor - Event detection, analysis, and reporting
Vanguard SecurityCenter - Windows-based security
administration of RACF
Vanguard Enforcer - Intrusion detection and management
system for z/OS and OS/390 mainframe systems
Vanguard Policy Manager- A “Best Practices” enforcer for
z/OS Security Server RACF Commands
Value-4IT also maintains an independent viewpoint of
the IT market place and are ideally placed to provide
pragmatic third-party input into technology selection and
IT portfolio review for our customer base. Of course we
also are honoured to have been chosen to be the UK
territory distribution channel for a modicum of best-of
breed software solutions, while we do so with a Software
Asset Management (SAM) focus, using straight-forward,
competitive and no-small-print caveat pricing regimes.
Value-4IT are UK partners for ConicIT, Dino-Software,
INTERCHIP, PerfTechPro, Phoenix Software International,
Softlib,Vanguard Integrity Professionals, and zIT
Consulting, supplying high-function Mainframe Systems
Management solutions, with short-term ROI and optimized
TCO, when compared with similar products.
Vanguard Integrity Professionals, Inc.
6625 S. Eastern Avenue, Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89119, USA.
Phone: 702-794-0014
Email: marketing@go2vanguard.com.
Web: www.go2vanguard.com
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS.
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, workload/usage based, other
Company profile
Vanguard Integrity Professionals provides enterprise
security software and services that solve complex
security and regulatory compliance challenges for large
enterprises and government agencies around the world.
With solutions for Identity and Access Management, Audit
and Compliance, Security Administration and Intrusion
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Compliance and Audit Solutions
Vanguard Analyzer - System integrity and analysis
Vanguard inCompliance - Continuous system compliance
Vanguard Enforcer - Intrusion detection and management
system for z/OS and S/390 mainframe systems
Vanguard Policy Manager - A “Best Practices” enforcer for
z/OS Security Server - RACF Commands
Access Management Solutions
Vanguard Authenticator - Scalable, modular, and integrated
authentication solution for entire enterprise
Vanguard ez/SignOn - Enterprise identity management and
intrusion detection
Vanguard ez/Token - A two-factor authentication solution
integrated with RACF for users logging on to the
Vanguard Tokenless Authentication - Delivers strong
authentication capabilities by generating and sending a
one-time use, time-sensitive passcode to a communication
device the user already possesses: the user’s cell phone,
PDA, Blackberry and more
Vanguard ez/Integrator - Security programming tools that
allow your applications to inherit the enhanced security of
Vanguard ez/AccessControl - Extending RACF access and
identity management to desktops and servers
Vanguard PasswordReset - User reset of forgotten
Intrusion Detection Solutions
Vanguard Enforcer - Intrusion detection and management
system for z/OS and S/390 mainframe systems
Vanguard Advisor - Event detection, analysis and reporting
Vanguard ez/SignOn - Enterprise identity management and
intrusion detection.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Verhoef Training Ltd
11 Kingsmead Square, Bath BA1 2AB, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1225 339705.
Email: info@verhoef-training.co.uk.
Web: http://www.verhoef-training.co.uk
Sales contacts:
America: bmiller@verhoef.com.
EMEA: info@verhoef-training.co.uk.
AsiaPac: info@verhoef-training.co.uk
Activity: Education
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, other
Unix, distributed Linux, Windows, other
Pricing options: Public schedule and one company onsite options.
Company profile
Verhoef-Training.co.uk - is a 17 year old company
delivering Technical Training for IT Professionals. With
its roots in the Enterprise Server field, Verhoef is now an
independent, multi-platform training vendor with courses
for Applications, Operations, Systems, Projects, and
Networking staff.
Product/service information
Training for zSeries, iSeries and pSeries with all
subsystems and additional products.
Park Lodge, 60 London Road, Horsham, West Sussex,
RH12 1AY, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1403 268251.
Email: info@wdr.co.uk.
Web: www.wdr.co.uk
Activity: Consultant
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; asset and change
management; security; programming/testing; web
integration and legacy reengineering tools; network
performance/management, other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390, VM/
VSE, Linux
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, AIX, Unix,
Linux, Windows
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based, workload/usage based
Product/service information
Established nearly 40 years ago by two senior ex-IBM
Executives, WDR is one of the UK’s leading IT specialists.
The early years, through hands-on consultancy, training
courses, seminars and systems development, were
dedicated to improving performance and management
predominately in the IBM mainframe market. Always the
niche company, WDR remains attracted to the difficult
challenges that others may miss.
WDR has since broadened its focus from mainframes to
mid-range systems to networks and distributed systems to
the desk-top and server-based systems of today.
Throughout, we have remained current in all these
WDR have an attractive office and training centre at
Horsham, an old market town in West Sussex in the South
of England, and maintain facilities to give seamless support
to our many prestigious clients.
Web Age Solutions
Suite 1, 436 York Road, Jenkintown, Montgomery County,
PA 19046, USA
Phone: +1 215 517 6540.
Email: gwagner@webagesolutions.com.
Web: www.webagesolutions.com
Activity: Education
Specialist areas: System management; data
management; storage management; programming/testing;
web integration and legacy reengineering tools
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: Unix, Linux,
Pricing options: Other
Company profile
Web Age Solutions supports the following technology
and methodology areas through training, mentoring and
Mainframe – DB2 – WebSphere – WebLogic – Linux –
UNIX – Python – Java EE – OOAD – Spring – Hibernate –
Oracle – Big Data – Service Oriented Architecture – Cloud
– Enterprise Architecture – Mobile Computing (Android
and i/OS) – JBoss – HTML5 – Open Source–- Microsoft –
Web services – AJAX – Data Warehousing – XML/XSLT –
Virtualization – ITIL – Web 2.0.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
Product/service information
Specific to our mainframe curriculum, we provide training in
subjects as diverse as MVS Concepts and Utilities,CICS,
management and others. Our courses are developed by
industry experts and run using IBM mainframe computers.
William Data Systems Ltd
210 Wirt Street, SW, Suite 202, Leesburg, VA 20175, USA
Phone: +1 703-674-2200
Email: info@willdata.com
Web: www.willdata.com.
Sales contacts:
America: +1 703-674-2200
EMEA: +44 (0)1342 321234
AsiaPac: +44 (0)1342 321234.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Network performance management,
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, Linux
Pricing options: Other
Company profile
Founded 20 years ago, William Data Systems (WDS)
is the pioneering developer of ZEN, the integrated suite
of cost saving z/OS network management and security
solutions. ZEN products are trusted and relied upon for
enterprise wide, mission critical systems owned by major
Government, Financial and Commercial organisations,
WDS creates original, leading edge solutions for better
z/OS network management. Based on delivering more
functionality for less cost, ZEN solutions reduce annual
z/OS budgets and costs for many within the z/OS
community. Evolving customer requirements are matched
by ZEN’s evolutionary development with cellphone and
tablet devices now supported.
WDS’s ZEN products and support services are available
from its offices and distributors in the USA, Europe, Middle
East, Africa, Asia, Australasia and South America. All ZEN
products can be downloaded for free evaluation from the
WDS website. ZEN products are easy to install, fast to use
and automatically generate management information.
Product/service information
ZEN, the integrated suite of pioneering, cost saving z/OS
network management products includes:
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
• ZEN AUTOMATION: For NetView® & NetMaster®
replacement, allowing delivery of customer specific
network management solutions with lower annual
• ZEN IP MONITOR: Providing better IP visibility to locate
potential disruption faster, with easy, real-time, detailed
monitoring of IP stacks across LPARs, CPUs and entire
Sysplex configurations.
• ZEN OSA MONITOR: Provides immediate, intelligent and
unique monitoring capabilities of the most important
mainframe network device.
• ZEN LINUX MONITOR: Monitor the performance of Linux
systems from a single z/OS display.
• ZEN APPLICATION GATEWAY: Implement both IPv6 and
IPv4 under z/OS while minimizing costs and changes to
applications, hardware or networks.
• ZEN EE MONITOR: Eliminates poor APPN/HPR and/or
Enterprise Extender (EE) routing for maximum network
• ZEN EE SECURITY: Recycles SNA investments with
secure, encrypted IP technology by adding SSL/TLS
encryption and digital certificate authentication to
Enterprise Extender (EE).
• ZEN TRACE & SOLVE: Minimizes disruption to business
operations via expedient problem diagnosis with
intelligent network tracing offering faster problem
analysis and resolution.
• ZEN FTP CONTROL: Overcome FTP’s weaknesses with
secure, audited use of FTP to automate processes,
minimize risk and maximize compliance.
Xbridge Systems
1941 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA. 940430, USA
Phone: +1 866 356 1515
Email: sales@xbridgesystems.com
Web: www.xbridgesystems.com.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: Security
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Non-mainframe platforms supported: IBM i, Windows,
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based,
Company profile
Xbridge Systems is committed to providing businesscritical mainframe data access, query, delivery, discovery,
and loss-protection solutions to companies that aspire to
know their data.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Your gateway to cost saving z/OS Network Management
Reduce time, effort and annual costs
Simplify your network management
One ZEN suite, many network solutions
Product/service information
Xbridge’s DataSniff software product is the first step in
PCI compliance - and is the world’s FIRST and ONLY
automated data discovery solution for the mainframe.
DataSniff helps you understand the extent of your PCI
exposure and automatically defines the scope of your PCI
DataSniff’s unique capabilities allow clients to quickly and
easily comply with data security regulations (PCI, HIPAA,
SOX, HiTech Act, etc.) by searching for, discovering, and
mapping the location of potentially sensitive data at rest
throughout the enterprise, then providing that data map as
a template for a pinpointed implementation of encryption,
tokenization, or deletion services.
DataSniff allows you to automate the mainframe data
discovery process, immediately define and manage
risk exposure, and finally bring your mainframes into
compliance, once and for all.
zIT Consulting
Moorstrich 38, 26349 Jade, Germany
Phone: +49 4454 206 9897
Email: info@zit-consulting.com
Web: www.zit-consulting.com
Sales contacts:
America: +1-866-464-3724
EMEA: +49 4454 206 9897
AsiaPac: +61 2 62348014.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management.
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS.
Pricing options: One-time charge, monthly/annual
license, processor/capacity-based
Company profile
zIT Consulting GmbH specializes in MLC optimization:
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2007
Vendor Directory
reduce your monthly license cost while - often - even
improving your service level agreements by optimizing the
WLM settings.
immediate reduction of the MLC invoice ranging from 3%
to 20%!
Our products are and always have been a direct result of
our consulting assignments and are therefore very much
based upon practicaly experiences.
Contact us for more information and for a first analysis,
giving you an idea about the possible savings in your
environment: info@zit-consulting.com. Visit our Website at:
Our consultants and developers have many years of
experience in IBM’s z/OS area, zIT consulting itself is
an IBM certified ISV and IBM Development Partner. Our
solutions can also be found on IBM’s Global Solutions
Product/service information
Reduce your MLC charges, fast and easy: In many data
centers the largest single monthly invoice is the IBM’s z/
OS Monthly License Charge. With our products zDynaCap
and zPrice Manager and our consulting services we are
specialized in automated capacity optimization. The new,
very clear and very straightforward approach focusses on
balancing capacity over LPARs and on optimized defined
capacity settings.
MSU savings range from 5% to 25%, which often implies
Kloosterwei 320, 2361 XR Warmond, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 71 3011178.
Email: info@zsoftware.nl.
Web: www.zsoftware.nl.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: asset and change management, other
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, VM/VSE
Non-mainframe platforms supported: AIX, other Unix,
Linux, Windows
Virtual IMS user group
Virtual CICS user group
The Virtual IMS user group can be found at at www.fundi.com/virtualims. The
Virtual CICS user group can be found at at www.fundi.com/virtualcics. They are
independently-operated vendor-neutral sites run by and for their user communities.
Look out for their regular webinars and newsletters.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Vendor Directory
Company profile
zSoftware specializes in analysing your Software Portfolio,
the workload, Software licenses and Software contracts.
Based on the outcome of a health check, zSoftware
advises you on saving software software costs and therefor
optimizing the value of you Software Assets.
This service is not limited to your IBM-zEnterprise platform,
but can be executed cross platform.
Zosterops Ltd
9 Borelli Yard, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7NU, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 845 121 8335.
Email: info@zosterops.co.uk
Web: www.zosterops.co.uk.
Activity: Software vendor
Specialist areas: System management
Mainframe platforms supported: z/OS, OS/390
Pricing options: Monthly license charge; workload-based
Company profile
Zosterops is the UK distributor for German developer
APS|ENTERprise and US company, Javelina Software.
Founded in 2005 by ISV veteran Colin Reardon, Zosterops’
aim is to bring best-of-breed operating system and network
software products to UK customers.
Product/service information
Zosterops provides tools to assist with the design,
development, documentation, management and monitoring
of mainframe batch schedulers, Tivoli Workload Scheduler
(TWS – previously OPCA) and BMC’s Control-M.
With the ability to download complete schedules and
calendars from the mainframe to a desktop/server,
VISUAL|job allows the user a complete view of the most
complex scheduling environment, as well as enabling the
user to define new schedules and test existing flows.
Your finger on
the pulse of
the mainframe
Mainframe Market Bulletin
brings you the very latest market
intelligence every month, alerting
you to new opportunities - and new
pitfalls. It also includes a selection
of target prices derived from recent
deals, and (where appropriate)
analysis of the cost implications of
recent announcements. Get a free
sample issue at:
Mainframe Market
Barry Graham 124
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe
Mainframe Yearbook
Yearbook 2007
by Mark
A media guide for IBM mainframers
Newsletters, magazines, user groups, and social networking information resources
for the z/OS environment
Although there are now relatively few publications focusing specifically on the mainframe,
there are plenty of ways to gather information and comment on large systems. Apart from
traditional magazines, there are numerous e-zines, blogs, discussion groups, and other online
resources, and this media guide offers a personal selection for readers to sample. A list of the
main mainframe user groups is also included, which, though not exactly ‘media’, are one of the
best sources of information available. Please feel free to suggest other sites/titles for inclusion
in the next edition of the Yearbook (email mainframe@arcati.com).
Enterprise Tech Journal
Whereas its predecessor, zJournal,
was purely mainframe focused,
this new journal describes itself
as being for IT technicians in the
world’s largest multi-platform
enterprises. The associated Web
site at enterprisesystemsmedia.
com contains articles, news, jobs,
events, and a store.
Enterprise Executive
Formerly Mainframe Executive,
this is the sister publication to
Enterprise Tech Journal, and is
aimed at IT managers in the world’s
largest multi-platform enterprises.
It is a less technical, but no less
informative, than ETJ.
Enterprise Systems
Based on the once-celebrated Enterprise Systems
Journal, the Enterprise Systems website and
newsletter did provide some very interesting
articles and discussions on mainframes and other
platforms. Sadly, nothing seems to have been
published during 2013.
© Arcati Limited, 2014
IBM-MAIN listserv
The IBM Mainframe discussion list has been
maintained for many years by the University of
Alabama, and continues to be well supported.
Unlike the high-level blogs, this is the place for very
specific technical discussions. Subscribers can
sign up to receive useful summaries of message
IBM Systems Magazine, Mainframe Edition
IBM Systems Magazine also comes in AIX, IBM i,
Power, and Linux on Power versions. The content
is online with regular e-mail newsletters.
IBM Data Magazine
IBM Data Magazine covers Big Data and
Warehousing, Databases, Information Strategy,
Integration and Governance.
Mainframe Market Information Service (MMIS)
Through Arcati’s MMIS
subscription service, Barry
Graham keeps users up
to date with mainframe
hardware and software
pricing trends and helps
them to negotiate the best
deals. The full MMIS service includes the detailed
quarterly Mainframe Market Monitor as well
as phone/e-mail support. The monthly e-mail
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Media Guide
Mainframe Market Bulletin is also available
TechTarget publishes a
range of Web-based
newsletters, and its data
center title provides plenty
of interesting and relevant
mainframe coverage.
SHARE’s Five Minute Briefing: Data Center
Database Trends and Applications publishes a
number of Five Minute Briefing newsletters, but
the Data Center title should appeal directly to
mainframers. Published in conjunction with user
group SHARE, the newsletter provides an excellent
weekly round-up of relevant announcements.
Wikipedia is a great online encyclopaedia that is
written and maintained by its readers. The editors
work hard to make sure that valuable content is
not vandalized, and the site contains a surprisingly
up-to-date range of mainframe-related definitions.
Mainframe social media
In addition to the ever-growing number of blogs
focusing on mainframe-related topics, it’s now
possible to interact with mainframe-minded people
on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social
IBM has its IBM Mainframe Insights blog at: www.
IBM Destination z hosts a variety of bloggers, who
write on different topics each week. It also hosts a
variety of articles. You can find the blog at www.
There’s the new Millennial Mainframer blog,
which they describe as a fresh look at all things
mainframe. That’s at www.millennialmainframer.
Also worth a look is Marc Wambeke’s Mainframe
Watch Belgium at mainframe-watch-belgium.
And don’t miss the Mainframe Update blog at
mainframeupdate.blogspot.com, written by Arcati
associate Trevor Eddolls.
There’s always something interesting in the blog
by CA’s Marcel Hartog and Michael Madden at
default.aspx. They seem to cover quite a wide
range of topics.
Willie Favero’s Getting the Most from DB2 for
z/OS and System z blog is at it.toolbox.com/
blogs/db2zos. Other DB2-related blogs are:
DB2utor by Troy Coleman at ibmsystemsmag.
blogs.com/db2utor/; and An Expert’s Guide to
DB2 Technology by Chris Eaton at it.toolbox.
com/blogs/db2luw/. And, not to be missed, Craig
Mullins’ DB2 Portal blog at db2portal.blogspot.
Alan Radding describes himself as a 20-year
IT industry analyst and journalist covering
mainframe, midrange, PC, web, and cloud
computing. His DancingDinosaur blog –
Mainframe computing in the 21st century – can
be found at dancingdinosaur.wordpress.com.
There’s a group of techie/creative people working
in and around IBM’s Hursley Park Lab in the UK.
They produce an interesting blog at eightbar.co.uk/
– although not that frequently.
There are a number of very insightful blogs at
IBM’s My developerWorks. You can click on
the links from www.ibm.com/developerworks/
Other interesting blogs are: Drunken Data by
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe
Mainframe Yearbook
Yearbook 2007
Media Guide
Jon Toigo at www.drunkendata.com/; Jeff Jonas
by Jeff Jonas at jeffjonas.typepad.com/; Irving
Wladawsky-Berger by Irving Wladawsky-Berger
at blog.irvingwb.com/blog/; and Mainframe
World by Trevor Eddolls at it.toolbox.com/blogs/
mainframe-world/. Another interesting blog is
James Governor’s Monkchips site (www.redmonk.
com/jgovernor). And there’s Dinesh Dattani’s blog
at mainframesecuritymatters.wordpress.com/.
For the latest data center news and trends,
t h e r e ’s t h e I T K n o w l e d g e E x c h a n g e a t
IBM pages can be found on Facebook at www.
facebook.com/pages/IBM/16859753656387 for
just IBM: at www.facebook.com/DB2community
for DB2; at www.facebook.com/IMSFans for IMS;
and www.facebook.com/IBMCICS for CICS.
The Virtual CICS user group is on Facebook
at www.facebook.com/VirtualCICS. And the
Virtual IMS user group is at www.facebook.com/
There are mainframe-related discussions
on LinkedIn. For example, there’s the IBM
MAINFRAME - Unofficial Group at www.linkedin.
com/groups?gid=670987; Mainframe (COBOL,
Experts at www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=910927;
Mainframe Experts Network at www.linkedin.com/
groups?gid=55779; and System z Advocates
a t w w w. l i n k e d i n . c o m / g r o u p s / S y s t e m - z Advocates-155723; for mainframers.
If you’re interested in DB2 there’s DB2 Professionals
at www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=45375;
IDUG: International DB2 Users Group at www.
linkedin.com/groups?gid=46747; DB2 for z/
OS at www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1171547;
and DB2 for z/OS DBAs at www.linkedin.com/
groups?gid=2008475; amongst many others.
There’s the CICS Special Interest Group at www.
linkedin.com/groups?gid=1534227; IBM CICS at
© Arcati Limited, 2014
www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4304249; and the
Virtual CICS user group at www.linkedin.com/
For IMS there’s IBM IMS at www.linkedin.com/
groups/IBM-IMS-1949922; and the Virtual IMS user
group at www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=379256.
In future, LinkedIn might consider using logical
names like Facebook does.
If you go to YouTube (www.youtube.com) there
are numerous short videos about mainframes and
mainframe-related topics.
O n Tw i t t e r, h e r e ’ s a f a i r l y r a n d o m
assortment of good tweeters to follow:
@IBM_CICS, @IBM_DB2, @IBM_Informix,
@IBM_InfoSphere, @ibm_iod, @IBMdatamag,
@IBMDB2, @IBMSTG, @_PeUR, @ARCserve_
Europe, @Attachmate, @BarrySchrager1,
@Bcrusso, @bethflood, @BigData_paulz,
@BMCMainframe, @BMCSoftware,
@BobThomas_ESM, @bosnews,
@ B r i l l Te c h n o l o g y, @ B T R G _ M i k e M a r t i n ,
@CAmainframe, @CAUKI, @CenSoft,
@craigmullins, @cristianmolaro, @crshnburn,
@DaniSchererBMC, @dianegjohnson,
@ D Tu r n e r B l o g s , @ G l o b a l K n o w l e d g e ,
@ G r e e r J P,
@ h e r b p a y n e ,
@ I D U G D B 2 ,
@ i i x p e e r i n g ,
@ironarchitect, @Isaac_Yassin, @jodiraquel,
@jondbray, @KCandLoveData, @kennethfogarty,
@Macro_4, @Maintec_Inc, @martinpacker,
@MattBullamore, @MichaelDag,
@microfocus, @mitzihunter, @MSFTBusinessUK,
@mwambeke, @myzcommunity, @pablocabra,
@PlexSpy, @robinreddick, @rochanet2,
@ r u s s e l l b o n n e r, @ S h e e n a _ S e g u i n ,
@simonbu, @simonjcooper, @susvis, @Syncsort,
@sysprog101, @t_eddolls, @Tanglewould,
@TeamARIN, @termalabs, @ThFalissard,
@ToolboxforIT, @tweet2thousif, @vidierre,
@VirtualCICS, @VirtualIMS, @wcfink, @wfavero,
@WilliamDataSyst, and @zOShelpForums.
It may not be a definitive list, but it’s a good place
to start!
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Media Guide
Mainframe user groups
The IBM mainframe world has attracted numerous
user organizations and special interest groups
(SIGs). Most hold regular meetings and
conferences, often with satellite groups and
chapters throughout the world. Here are a few
of them:
• SHARE. The oldest (1955) and probably most
influential IBM user organization with SIGs
focusing on various aspects of IBM software,
hardware and security. Known as GUIDE/
SHARE in Europe and Interaction in Australia.
• CMG. The Computer Measurement Group is
widely supported and specializes in capacity
planning and performance issues (mainframe
and increasingly distributed). There is a large
network of CMG organizations worldwide.
• IDUG – International DB2 User Group.
• WAVV – World Alliance of VSE, VM (and now
Linux apparently).
• TPFUG – TPF User Group (yes, it’s still out
there, handling 5000 transactions per second).
• Global WebSphere Community.
• International zSeries Oracle SIG for companies
licensed for Oracle on z/Linux and/or z/OS.
There are also two large user organizations
for data center managers with a focus on
infrastructure (including mainframe):
• AFCOM (http://www.afcom.com)
• 7x24 Exchange
Apart from the Virtual IMS user group (www.fundi.
com/virtualims), regional IMS user groups include
the long-established Dallas/Fort Worth group and
a number of newer ones.
Canada has CIPS, Canada’s Association of IT
Professionals, which has been in existence since
1958 and can be found at http://www.cips.ca/.
Scotland has the Scottish Mainframe Users’
Group, which formed in 2009 and can be found
at http://smugsite.co.uk.
© Arcati Ltd, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Compiled by Trevor Eddolls of Glossary
Glossary of Terminology
Definitions of some mainframe-related terms
This glossary is intended as an aide memoire for experienced
mainframers and a useful reference for those new to the z/OS world.
If you would like to suggest any new entries for the next edition,
please send them to mainframe@arcati.com (we will even list you as a
IBM’s family of dumb, block-mode synchronous screen
and printer terminals, which became the standard for
terminal/mainframe connectivity.
3270 data stream
Format used by 3270 devices for communication, and
much used for emulation to make PCs look like dumb
Terminal standard for the iSeries/400, System/3x etc.
Aggregate Backup And Recovery Support. A disaster
recovery feature within DFSMShsm for automatically
creating files containing back-ups of critical data. The
main use of ABARS is to group all the datasets relating
to a particular application together.
ABnormal ENDing. IBMspeak for an unexpected
termination to a program run, eg a crash.
Above the line
In z/OS, z/VM, and VSE/ESA, above the line refers to
virtual/real memory locations with an address greater
than 16MB. The 16MB limit resulted from earlier
operating systems supporting 24-bit addressing.
Access method
IBM-specific jargon for software that moves data
between main storage and I/O devices.
Advanced Communications Function / Virtual
Telecommunications Access Method is IBM’s proprietary
telecommunications software.
This acronym describes the properties of a transaction.
Atomicity refers to a transaction’s changes to the state
– either it all happens or nothing happens. Consistency
refers to the state of a transaction. It must not violate
any of the integrity constraints associated with the state.
Isolation refers to the transaction not being affected by
others. Durability refers to the survival of changes to
state after a transaction completes.
ACL (1)
Access Control Lists control which users or groups of
users can access which files and programs. They are
part of the security system and are checked by RACF.
ACL (2)
Automated Cartridge Library. Synonymous with ATL
(Automated Tape Library).
Access Control Block. The control block used to tie an
application program to a VSAM dataset.
Automated Console Operations. Automated procedures
that replace or reduce the number of actions an
operator takes from a console in response to system
or network activities.
Access control
Enforcing rules governing use of computer resources
by restricting both the use and type of use to authorized
individuals and the computer resources they are
responsible for.
Programming language much loved by the military
(ADA is a US government standard), which uses it for
writing systems for controlling guided missiles and the
like. Withdrawn August 1994.
© Arcati Limited, 2014
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Address Resolution Protocol
The Internet Protocol (IP) used to dynamically map IP
addresses to physical hardware Media Access Control
(MAC) addresses.
Address space
The virtual storage allocated to an executing task in a
mainframe. Generally used within z/OS to mean the
space used by one of batch job, system task, or TSO
Advanced Interactive eXecutive. IBM’s version of
Unix for mid-range systems (System p). It is one of
four commercial operating systems that are certified
to The Open Group’s UNIX 03 standard. It is currently supported on IBM Power Systems alongside
IBM i and Linux.
Asynchronous Javascript And XML is a way of
creating interactive Web applications using a group
of technologies together. These technologies include
XHTML (or HTML) and CSS; the Document Object
Model; and the XMLHttpRequest object.
z/OS batch utility to apply a fix directly to object code in
situ. Often protected against unauthorized use because
of its additional ability to make direct changes to disk.
Addressing MODE. Attribute of z/OS programs
indicating the length (in bits) of the addresses used
in the program. Introduced in MVS/XA to differentiate
between the then new 31-bit addressing that expanded
the addressable space from 16MB (24 bit) to 2GB. z/
OS introduced 64-bit addressing.
Access Method Services. z/OS and VSE subsystem
for performing various data-related actions on VSAM
and ICF catalogs, including defining VSAM datasets,
and deleting and copying most dataset types. In short,
a multi-purpose utility. Also known as IDCAMS because
that is the program name.
Authorized Program Analysis Report. An official report
of a software error to IBM. Also used to refer to the patch
supplied by IBM to fix the error (PTF is the correct term).
Application Program(ming) Interface. Documented
programming procedures to access a given piece of
software; typically an entry point name and parameter
A Programming Language, conceived within IBM by K E
Iverson, and popular on the mainframe in the late ’70s
and early ’80s to support end-user activities.
Application Performance Management monitors and
manages the performance and availability of software
applications in order to meet business needs.
This usually refers to a mobile application found
on Android and Apple smartphones and tablets.
A small application program written in the Java that
can be retrieved from a Web server and executed in
a browser.
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking architecture is
an enhancement to SNA architecture. It can handle
dynamic multipath routing.
Automatic Restart Management is a sysplex-wide
integrated restart mechanism that can restart MVS
subsystems after an abend, restart workloads on
another MVS image after an MVS failure, and restart
a failed MVS image.
Application System/400. IBM’s mid-range processor,
announced in June 1988. It was replaced by the IBM
Power Systems in April 2008.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
A modification of the international code which has
become a de facto standard (except for IBM which also
uses the EBCDIC code) for transmitting data. Uses
seven bits plus a parity bit, and includes alphanumeric
and control characters. ASCII must be converted to
EBCDIC for uploading to IBM mainframes.
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Auxiliary Storage Manager. The part of z/OS that looks
after the I/O operations relating to paging – specifically
the pages and page slots on external storage (typically
Programming language that allows the user to get
close to the hardware on IBM mainframes. Assembler
statements correspond one-to-one with mainframe,
machine-level instructions.
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
Universal interactive programming language.
An accumulation of data brought together for processing
or transmission, usually unattended. Less formally,
the processing of such data, as opposed to online
processing where a user is present to respond
Automated Tape Library (also known as Automated
Cartridge System – ACS, tape silo, or silo). Type of
mass storage system (MSS) in which industry standard
tapes are loaded by a robotic arm.
Binary-Coded Decimal. A binary-coded notation in
which each of the decimal digits is represented by
a binary numeral. This differs from the pure binary
notation, where the entire number is represented as a
single binary numeral.
Augmented reality
Using a device, such as a smartphone or tablet, to
view an object, such as server, and see on that device
additional information about the object – such as
performance information.
The Basic Catalog Structure and the VVDS are the two
parts of the ICF catalog. The BCS contains dataset and
alias names and volume serial numbers.
Auxiliary storage
All storage needing a channel I/O to access it (basically
cache, SSD, disk, tape, mass storage).
Advanced Workload License Charges is a new monthly
licence pricing metric from IBM and applies to z196s.
A process that removes all database updates performed
by an application that has abended (qv).
Basic Assembler Language. The machine language on
the original S/360 from which the modern Assembler
languages are derived.
A measure of how fast a network can transfer
information, originally measured in Hertz (Hz), but now
used for any measure of network throughput. The more
precise definition: frequency range within a radiation
band required to transmit a particular signal. Measures
the difference between the highest and lowest signal
frequencies in millions of cycles per second.
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A Balanced Configuration Unit comprises processor
memory, I/O, storage, and DB2 resources. It is the
smallest combination of these that work together
efficiently. As more work is added to the system,
so more BCUs can be added. This avoids any one
component being too big in terms of the others.
Basic Direct Access Method allows programmers to
access specific blocks of data on DASD.
An agreed workload used as a standard against which
to compare the performance of different hardware/
software. For a benchmark to be useful it needs to be
a public standard.
Big Data
The SNA/APPN command used to activate an LU-LU
session following the successful completion of the SNA/
APPN session initiation processing.
This allows users to access Hadoop-based data
using familiar SQL statements. It utilizes InfoSphere
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
The SNA/APPN command used to activate an LU-LU
session following the successful completion of the SNA/
APPN session initiation processing.
Generic term in data communications to describe a
wiring topology (such as that used in Ethernet) in which
devices are connected along a single linear medium.
Basic Input/Output System. The I/O component of a
simple operating system defining the interface between
the operating system and the outside world.
Bring your own device is the policy many companies
are adopting to allow employees to bring their own
mobile devices (laptops, tablets, and smartphones) to
their workplace, and to use those devices to access
privileged company information and applications.
Bitcoins originated in a 2008 concept paper by Satoshi
Nakamoto. Bitcoins are a virtual currency that are
‘mined’ by solving complex algorithms and are usually
stored in a digital wallet. Bitcoin exchanges are
completely private, which makes them popular with
criminals! Many legitimate companies offer products
for sale using bitcoins.
Binary Large OBject. A generic term for a file containing
some kind of binary data (text, image, document,
sound, etc). Typically BLOBs can be transferred and
manipulated across a wide range of platforms.
A string of data elements, such as characters, words,
or physical records, that are recorded or transmitted
as a unit.
Basic Mapping Support. An interface between CICS
and an application to control the movement and
presentation of datastreams to and from a dumb
terminal. BMS allows data to be displayed without
allowing for display-dependent formatting characters.
An operation that follows the rules of Boolean algebra.
To prepare a computer system for operation by loading
an operating system.
Basic Partitioned Access Method is a low-level access
method used to access Partitioned DataSets (PDSs).
Bring Your Own Identity is the growing practice of taking
a validated identity with you and so not needing to
remember different user-ids and passwords for different
environments. There are security issues.
A string of 8 bits that represents one EBCDIC character.
The IBM mainframe architecture is organized around
the concept of the byte.
A programming language developed at Bell Labs in
1972, so named because its predecessor was named
B. Unix was written in C.
An optional, separately priced feature of z/OS, available
with or without Debug Tool. The C/C++ IBM Open Class
Library is included with z/OS, but is only enabled when
C/C++ is licensed.
High-speed buffer between a fast device and a slow
device. In large IBM systems cacheing may take
place in the CPU (in main or expanded storage), the
controller, device head-of-string, or the device itself
(eg in a track buffer). It is used to reduce access time.
Capacity on Demand
Processors can be purchased with extra capacity
already on-board but not functioning. When extra
capacity is required at a site, it is turned on. This is
non-disruptive and customers don’t pay for the extra
capacity until they start using it.
Basic Sequential Access Method, along with QSAM, is
an access method used to access sequential datasets.
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A dataset that contains information about other
datasets, eg type, location, size, format. The z/OS
master catalog usually also contains entries for user
Customer Information Control System. General
purpose TP monitor for terminal-oriented and intersystem transaction processing in z/OS and VSE/ESA
environments. Now with added SOA.
Communication Controller for Linux (CCL) on zSeries
runs the Network Control Program (NCP) software
product in Linux, enabling users to get rid of their legacy
3745 communication controllers running NCP-based
SNA workloads to zSeries servers.
A CICS complex (CICSplex) is a group of intercommunicating CICS systems.
Configuration DataSet.
Common Gateway Interface. A mechanism used
by HTTP servers to invoke arbitrary programs for
additional processing of certain requests; typically,
those involving database access.
Change management
The methodology for planning and controlling software
A specialized computer used in the IBM mainframe
architecture to control transfers between devices and
the processor unit. The channel offloads some of the
processing associated with I/O from the main CPU.
Channel adapter
Hardware unit to attach a channel to a processor.
Channel attached
Devices that are directly attached to the processor by
cable rather than over a communications link.
CICS TS 3.1 introduced a replacement for sizerestricted COMMAREAs – they are channels and
containers. Any number of containers can be passed
between programs and they are grouped together in
CHannel Path IDentifier. A single byte binary value used
to uniquely identify each channel path on an eServer
zSeries and previous mainframe systems.
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Count Key Data is a way to format disk drive using
cylinder number, track number, and physical record.
Generic term for systems (also known as server/
requester) in which one machine provides a range of
services to one or more other machines.
Control language used to manage interactive
applications in the z/OS TSO environment. Largely
superseded by REXX.
Cloud computing
A new name for something similar to client/server
computing. A user launches a browser and clicks a link.
Somewhere else an application launches and work is
done. The mainframe seems to have always worked
in this way. Organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, and
Google are trying to become big players in this ‘new’
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. A chip
technology used widely by IBM in its processors,
superseding the water-cooled ECL chips on the
Conversational (originally Cambridge – the lab where
it was built) Monitor System. Operating system running
under VM, and providing timesharing and program
development facilities.
Programming language, very widely used for
commercial applications on the mainframe. Some
sources suggest that CICS and COBOL account for
85% of all transactions processed.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Communication Server
IBM’s all inclusive, multi-platform, software bundle that
provides a plethora of terminal emulation, Web-to-host,
and networking capabilities.
The translation of a high-level programming language
(source program) into a machine language program
(an executable program).
A program that translates high-level programming
languages into machine language programs.
Composite applications
A composite application is an application built by
combining multiple services. This tends to mean
taking part of a really useful mainframe application
and combining it with some other code so that the
mainframe application becomes available over the Web
Generic term for a method of reducing the amount of
space needed to store data, by encoding the data. This
is achieved through the elimination of empty fields,
gaps, redundancies, and unnecessary data to shorten
the length of records or blocks.
One way of integrating CICS applications as Web
services is to use connectors on the mainframe and
use native interfaces to permit tight integration with the
target application.
CICS TS 3.1 introduced a replacement for sizerestricted COMMAREAs – they are channels and
containers. Any number of containers can be passed
between programs and they are grouped together in
channels. Channels are deleted when no programs
are using them.
Control Point
SNA/APPN/HPR functionality that performs
authorization, directory services and configuration
Common Object Request Broker Architecture. Set of
standards for distributed object management from the
Object Management Group (OMG).
Generic term used to mean connecting of processors
together into a more or less tightly-knit computing
complex. Used specifically by IBM to mean the
connection of multiple eServer zSeries processors in
a Sysplex.
Coupling Facility
Hardware from IBM, where common tables can be
shared in a Sysplex, for high-speed cacheing, update
locking of shared data, list processing and workload
balancing between multiple processors.
Central Processor Complex.
Central Processing Unit. Processor. The part of a
computer that executes instructions.
Customer Relationship Management refers to the
way organizations manage their relationships with
customers - including finding, marketing to, selling to,
and servicing these customers.
CICS Transaction Gateway provides J2EE standardsbased access to CICS applications, which means it’s
an easy way to make existing CICS applications part
of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).
Channel-To-Channel connections would link two
mainframes and provide high-speed communication.
The tracks, in an assembly of magnetic disks, that
can be accessed without repositioning the access
Direct Access Storage Device. IBMspeak for disk.
Dynamic Address Translation. The process by which
virtual addresses are converted into real addresses
during instruction execution.
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Data dictionary
A data dictionary (DD) is a database containing
information about the way items of data are used.
Typically a DD contains details of data names, data
usage, data structures, data models, and so on.
Data mining
The practice of using a data warehouse for highly
complex, ad hoc queries.
Data warehouse
General term for a collection of database, middleware,
and query tools that allow fast, flexible access to nearoperational corporate data.
A unit of data storage and retrieval consisting of one
or more data records. Outside of the IBM mainframe
environment, people call them files.
Database/2. Relational database management system
first announced for mainframe environments in 1983.
Originally promoted as an end-user tool, but is now
IBM’s preferred DBMS for just about everything and
runs on all platforms.
The human problem determination process for
software. Literally, to remove bugs.
Data Entry DataBases are one of two types of IMS fast
path database. These databases do not have indexes
and are stored in VSAM files.
The use of a software utility to improve access
and retrieval time by rewriting fragmented data to
contiguous sectors of a computer storage medium.
Denial of Service
An insidious, carefully-orchestrated attack on computer
systems or networks to overload their resources with a
barrage of requests in the hope of discovering overloadinduced vulnerabilities within the targets or to just
disrupt the mission-critical activities of an enterprise.
Any computer peripheral, such as tape or DASD, or
any object that appears to be a peripheral.
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Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem. An
element of z/OS and also available for z/VM, as
DFSMS/VM. The idea is that you simply tell the system
about your storage, back-up, performance, and other
requirements of the data, and the system does the rest
for you. Of course, it’s not really that simple.
DFSMS Data Facility Product. A component of DFSMS
that provides functions for storage, data, program, and
device management, in conjunction with distributed
data access. Enables the definition of the services
to be assigned to new datasets. Handles catalog
management and access methods.
DFSMS DataSet Services. An optional, separately
priced feature of DFSMS that handles device migration,
copy, space management, and dump/restore. It
also converts existing data between non-SMS and
SMS volumes, and provides an interface for storage
administrators (ISMF).
DFSMS Hierarchical Storage Manager. An optional,
separately priced feature of DFSMS. It is a sophisticated
automated system for both back-up and hierarchical
storage management. It includes an ISPF interface
for end users who wish to migrate, recall, back-up, or
recover individual datasets, or to override the default
migration and/or back-up parameters.
DFSMS Removable Media Manager. Its goal was to
integrate the system managed storage principles of
DFSMS into all removable media, most notably tape
and optical.
Data Language/I. The I is the Roman numeral One. The
data manipulation language within IMS DB. DL/I is also
the product name for IBM’s VSE/ESA implementation
of IMS DB.
Widely-used SNA/APPN(/NetBIOS)-over-TCP/IP
transport mechanism which, however, unlike EE, does
not support SNA COS or routing.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
A De-Militarized Zone is used in the on-going war
against viruses and malware etc. Typically, one
computer accepts incoming data and send outgoing
data. Behind it is a firewall, and behind that is the
protected LAN.
Web server technology from Lotus (June 1996), which
allows browsers to interact with Notes and access Notes
databases. Now closely integrated with WebSphere.
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.
Coded 8-bit character set (giving 256 characters) used
by IBM mainframes.
Used to refer to business transactions that use the
The External Call Interface is used by CICS to allow
non-CICS programs to invoke programs under CICS.
Eclipse is an Open Source IDE. IBM’s version is sold
as WebSphere Studio Workbench. The Eclipse platform
comprises the platform run-time, the workspace, the
workbench, the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), the
Version and Configuration Management (VCM), and
the help system. Eclipse comes with a large number
of plug-ins. The user interface for Eclipse is known as
the workbench.
A not very secret IBM project to use many of the same
components on its different server lines (i, p, and z) and
thereby save huge amounts of money on development
costs. It was also suggested that the plan was to thwart
Sun Microsystems’ server plans – as in “total eclipse
of the sun”.
HPR-over-UDP/IP, created by committee and codified
in RFC 2353 in 1998, which permits SNA/APPN
networking, replete with native COS and routing, across
IP networks.
Enterprise JavaBeans. A server-side, transactionoriented extension to the JavaBeans component model
specification published by Sun. EJB are JavaBeans, but
have no user interface and are designed to run within a
special EJB container. In principle, any properly coded
EJB should run within any fully compliant EJB container.
The z/OS expression (often abbreviated to ENQ) for
requesting resource serialization. ENQ can be used to
put a user-named entry in the system resource queue
in order to prevent another program using a serially
usable resource.
Enterprise Extender
Enterprise Extender (EE) is a combination of SNA
encapsulated in IP packets, so it can be thought of as
a kind of protocol.
A CICS External Presentation Interface service is an
implementation of a service that can be created from a
3270 terminal. EPI provides communication with 3270
terminal-based CICS applications.
Enterprise Resource Planning systems try to integrate
all the data and processes that exist within an
organization into a single unified system.
Error log
A dataset or file that contains a record of machine
checks on device errors, which are stored for later
An Enterprise Service Bus is a software architecture
construct that is standards-based and flexible. It is an
attempt to separate the service being called and the
required transport medium.
Enterprise System Connectivity. The high-speed
fibre-optic channel architecture (using a serial, packetswitched protocol) first available on ES/9000 and
3090Js and many peripherals. Replaced by FICON in
May 1998, though still available.
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Entry Sequenced DataSet is a VSAM sequential
The Fixed Link Pack Area is an area of storage
containing modules loaded at IPL time.
An External Security Manager is software that controls
access to applications and data externally. RACF is an
External Security Manager.
FORmula TRANslation. A programming language best
suited for engineering, scientific, and mathematical
The Total Storage Enterprise Storage Server, codenamed shark, is a high-speed data storage product.
When an operating system writes data to disk or other
storage media, and there is insufficient contiguous
space, the data is then written to discontiguous
sectors. The result is fragmented data. Fragmentation
can cause increased data access times because the
operating system must search different tracks for
Entry Workload Licence Charges allow customers only
pay for peak z/OS usage, not for full machine capacity.
Fixed Block Architecture is a way of formatting disk
drives where space is allocated in fixed-length blocks
rather than cylinders.
Fibre optic channel
Channel technology which replaced copper bus-andtag channel cables with fibre-optic links.
FIbre CONnection. Mainframe channel that implements
the ANSI FCS transport. Each FICON channel
can handle over 4,000 I/O operations per second,
equivalent to eight ESCON(qv) channels. The FICON
channel link speed is 100MB/sec full duplex, compared
with 17MB/sec simplex with ESCON links.
Specialized software designed to prevent unauthorized
access to a computer system while permitting validated,
non-harmful interactions to get through.
Flat file
Any file (dataset, mainframe parlance) stored in a file
access method without an index which, of course,
eliminates all relational DBMSs.
Floating point
One of several methods of storing numbers on an
IBM mainframe and most other computers. Similar to
scientific notation, such as 3.75 times 10 to the 25th
power, only it is 2 or 16 that is taken to some power.
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File Transfer Protocol is an application layer protocol
that uses TCP and Telnet services to transfer bulk data
files between machines or hosts.
Flat Workload License Charge. A flat monthly charge
for a software product, no matter what size of zSeries
server it is being run on.
A way of making using the software more fun – like
in a game – and so people are more likely to do it. It
has applications in mundane tasks such as updating
a knowledgebase.
One way of integrating CICS applications as Web
services is to use gateways, which run off the
mainframe on middle tier servers and may well use
traditional methods, such as screen scraping.
Generation Data Group. Collection of (z/OS non-VSAM)
datasets all with the same logical name (GDG Base
Entry); the individual datasets are uniquely identified
by the generation number which is stored as part of
the dataset name.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex is an
application to manage z/OS remote copy configuration
and storage subsystems, to automate various tasks,
and perform failure recovery for a sysplex located at
two sites.
Generalized Trace Facility. An optional z/OS utility that
records system events, which can be used for problem
Hierarchical File System comes with Linux and refers
to the way files are stored.
A way of running batch jobs in hyperspace, so there
was far less I/O and things ran faster.
Hardware Management Console used to manage
Guidance for Users of Integrated Data processing
Equipment. For many years, an international user
group for users of large IBM equipment. Main GUIDE
interests were in applications and the commercial world.
Depending on the area of the world you live in, it either
stepped aside for SHARE or merged with SHARE (now
GUIDE/SHARE in Europe, for example).
A computer system that is a server and/or serves
attached terminals. Often used to refer to mainframe.
An open-source software framework for storage and
large scale processing of data-sets. On a mainframe,
it runs in a Linux partition (Linux on System z).
High-Speed Adapter is the name for subchannels on
some servers.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
A filesystem used to store Big Data.
High-Availability Large Databases are the newest
(since V7) IMS databases. They are like souped-up
very big full-function databases.
This is a non-relational, distributed database, written
in Java that is used to store Big Data.
Hardware Configuration Definition is an interactive tool
used to define the hardware configuration.
Head/Disk Assembly. The read/write head and
associated bits and pieces that read data from disks.
The implication is also of a sealed unit, at least from
the customer perspective, as opposed to a removable
disk pack.
High-Performance Routing is an extension to APPN
networking providing improved routing performance
and reliability.
HyperText Mark-up Language is a “mark-up language”
for defining the structure of a document – eg Web
HyperText Transfer Protocol is the protocol used to
request, transfer, and display hypertext documents.
A generic term for a device that has a single connection
to the host and many connections for other devices to
connect to it.
Input/output. Refers to the transmission of data into
or out of a processor’s memory. This would include
communication lines and peripherals such as disk
An enhanced DFSORT utility that includes the OUTFIL
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An operating system running on IBM Power Systems.
It was originally named OS/400 and ran on AS/400s.
z/OS List System Data utility for listing a VTOC or the
directory of a PDS.
Integrated Catalog Facility contains catalog information
about datasets. It is made up BCS and VVDS.
z/OS Move System Data utility for moving or copying
logical collections of operating system data. Replaced
by DFSMSdss.
Integrated Coupling Facility is a component of a Parallel
Sysplex. It allows multiple processors to share, cache,
update, and balance data access.
Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility is part of MVS
security, protecting data on the mainframe.
Access Method Services. Multi-purpose batch VSAM
utility program.
Integrated Development Environment. Salesmen say it
stands for “It Does Everything”, and unlucky customers
as “I Do Everything”! An IDE could be a glorified text
editor right up to all-singing all-dancing software like
Eclipse and Visual Studio.
z/OS Compare Datasets utility does a logical compare
of datasets. Replaced by SuperC in ISPF/PDF.
z/OS Library Copy utility for copying members of
a partitioned dataset (PDS), unloading a PDS into
a sequential dataset and back again. Unloading is
especially useful for copying a PDS to tape.
z/OS Sequential Copy/Generate Dataset utility.
Replaced by ICEGENER in DFSORT and several
non-IBM products.
z/OS Print-Punch utility for producing a hard copy of
datasets and library members. Replaced by ISPF/
PDF’s hardcopy capabilities.
z/OS Update Dataset utility. Can only be used for PDS
members and sequential datasets with fixed-length
records no greater than 80 bytes in length.
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Internet Engineering Task Force. An open community
of network designers, operators, vendors, and
researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet
architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.
Integrated Facility for Linux. Dedicated Linux processor
on the zSeries.
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol is an object-oriented
protocol that makes it possible for distributed programs
written in different programming languages to
communicate over the Internet.
Initial Microcode (sometimes Machine) Load. The
first step in starting up a mainframe, during which the
firmware is automatically copied into the machine.
Information Management System. Vintage but
extremely powerful system for transactional workloads,
still underpinning many of the world’s business-critical
applications. Composed of two systems: Database
Manager (IMS DB) and a Transaction Manager (IMS
Mainframe file transfer program.
IBM Information/Management. Software problem,
change and configuration management software. Now
called Tivoli Information Management for z/OS.
Internet of Things
This refers to devices such a remote sensors, CCTV,
weather satellites, etc that will be monitoring thrughout
the day, and producing data that can be captured and
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Input/Output Configuration DataSet. The dataset
specifying the I/O devices that can be connected to a
Input/Output Configuration Program. The program
describing the I/O configuration to the channel
Internet Protocol. An Internet protocol that routes data
through networks. IP acts as an intermediary between
the higher protocol layers and the physical network. It
does not provide error recovery or flow control.
IP address
The numerical Internet Protocol (IP) address of an
Internet computer. Every computer has a unique
numerical IP address. IPv6, which offers 64-bit
addressing, is meant to replace IPv4, which only offers
32-bit addressing. One day, all the addresses available
with 32-bit addressing are meant to be used up!
Initial Program Load. The first part of the process of
loading an operating system into a machine.
Inter-Region Communication is a CICS facility providing
communication between CICS regions using functions
such as Multiregion Operation (MRO) and Distributed
Program Link (DPL).
Intelligent Resource Director. z/OS feature for
redistributing workloads on the fly.
ISHELL (ISPF Shell) is the name of the panel displayed
after issuing the ISH command. It can be used to view
files and directories.
Interactive System Productivity Facility. Menu and
screen management system.
ISPF/Program Development Facility. ISPF facility
providing access to application development services
for end users and programmers. Incorporates C and
REXX programming support, and some support for
programmable workstations.
Independent Software Vendor. A software vendor
which isn’t part of and/or doesn’t belong to a hardware
Information Technology Infrastructure Library. ITIL
provides a framework of best practice guidance for IT
service managers. The actual ITIL publications cover
areas such as service strategy, service design, service
transition, service operation, and continual service
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. The Java Software
Development Kit (SDK) tools, APIs, and run-time (ie
execution) environment targeted at Java developers
building enterprise-class, server-side applications.
An object-oriented programming environment
developed by Sun towards the end of 1995. Java
creates applets which can be downloaded across the
Internet, and which will allow clients to interact with
objects on the Web and intranet servers.
Java Virtual Machine
The facility allowing Java applets/source code to run
on a computer.
A platform-independent, software component
technology for building reusable Java components
called Beans. The JavaBeans component model
specifies how to build reusable software components,
how the resulting Beans describe their properties to
visual rapid application development tools, and how
they communicate with each other. Beans can be
combined to create applications or applets.
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An interpreted scripting language.
J2EE Connector Architecture is used to connect CICS
with a J2EE platform.
Job Control Language. The language used on the
mainframe to describe the steps of a batch job (files
to be used, programs to be run, etc).
Java DataBase Connectivity. An API that is designed
for use by Java database applications, and has the
same characteristics as Open Database Connectivity
Java Development Kit. Software development kit from
Sun consisting of a Java compiler, a debugger, standard
Java classes, and a Java run-time (ie JVM) for Unix.
JES2 and JES3
Job Entry Subsystem 2. One of two batch processing
subsystems available for z/OS, both developed in the
1960s and with a different heritage and different control
statements. Each reads batch jobs in, schedules their
execution and spools their output. JES2 is by far the
more popular.
The Java Message Service is a Java API to messageoriented middleware (MOM).
Java Naming and Directory Interface is really two APIs
used to keep track of, and access, dispersed data.
The Java Native Interface is a programming interface
for writing Java native methods and embedding the
Java virtual machine into native applications.
JavaScript Object Notation is an open standard format
using human-readable text to send data objects as an
alternative to XML.
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JavaServer Pages. Uses XML-like tags and scriptlets
to encapsulate logic that fills out the dynamic content
of HTML pages.
see Java Virtual Machine.
Kantara Initiative
This is an organization dedicated to advancing
technical and legal innovation related to digital identity
management. It isn’t a standards body, buts make
recommendations to standards bodies about digital
identity management.
Security system for Unix environments derived from
MIT’s Project Athena. Uses a trusted server to ensure
that there are no unwanted systems in the network.
The core of an operating system that performs basic
functions such as allocating hardware resources.
1024 bits, or 2 to the 10th power, when referring to
processor storage, real and virtual storage, and channel
volume. However, when referring to disk storage
capacity it is 1000 bits. Abbreviated as Kb.
1024 bytes, or 2 to the 10th power, when referring to
processor storage, real and virtual storage, and channel
volume. However, when referring to disk storage
capacity it is 1000 bytes. Abbreviated as KB.
Key Sequenced DataSet is a type of VSAM dataset in
which the physical location of records is controlled by
the key used.
Local Area Network. A generic term for the transport
mechanism for a local (eg site or building) network. The
thing that makes current LANs special is their intimacy
with the connected machines; effectively the LAN acts
as an extension to the internal bus of the attached
system, and allows a single system to be built from
physically dispersed components.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Language Environment
LE provides a common run-time environment for major
programming languages. The common library of runtime services includes message handling, condition
handling, storage management routines and time/date
A measure of response time. On a disk drive, how long
it takes for the first bit of requested data to rotate under
the head. In a network, the minimum elapsed time for a
message to be transmitted, consisting of the aggregate
delay contributed by the communications links and
devices along the way.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. An Internet
directory management standard that provides a
consistent way to manage user access to network
resources, such as information, applications and
Linear DataSet is a type of VSAM dataset that can
be kept permanently in memory thus improving
Legacy system
The description given to any system that’s been around
longer than the programmer who wants to change it.
Some ‘legacy systems’ can be comparatively recent
and, despite popular perceptions, they are certainly
not exclusive to the mainframe.
Last In, First Out. A queuing technique where the most
recent addition to the queue is processed first. Also
known as a push-down stack.
Linear Dataset
A VSAM dataset type, similar to an ESDS, but which
always has 4096 byte blocks, and which can be kept
permanently in memory for enhanced performance.
An Open Source Unix variant that seems to run on
everything from workstations (where Microsoft haters
insist it will replace Windows) to mainframes (where
IBM has spent bags of money making it run well).
An application that ‘listens’ for input on a line and then
acts on it.
Load module
A program in a form that can be loaded into memory
for immediate execution.
Logical Partitioning
A way of dividing up a processor’s capacity under PR/
SM into physically separate areas (LPARs or Logical
PARtitions) for resilience, performance or security
Link Pack Area. The z/OS area used for resident
programs, eg those programs which are most frequently
used and (usually for performance reasons) should not
be loaded by each application program from libraries
stored on disk.
Logical PARtitioning is a way of dividing up a
processor’s capacity.
Local Shared Resources. A technique for improving
CICS performance by the sharing of a common buffer
pool for VSAM datasets.
SNA’s software interface (or ‘port’) through which end
users gain access to the SNA network.
LU 6.2
SNA’s protocol suite for program-to-program
Logical Unit of Work is the amount of work that will be
backed out in the event of a failure. For example, a
CICS transaction is processing away happily and then
something goes wrong. The LUW defines how much
of what has been processed will be backed out and
how much that occurred previously can be left. Large
LUWs are efficient providing that failures are rare. Small
LUW use processing power, but are more efficient for
recovery after a failure.
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Media Access Control. Generic term for the way in
which workstations gain access to transmission media.
A preprocessor (precompiler), and the statements
it processes, for Assembler. Generates Assembler
instructions and machine instruction mnemonics as well
as allowing assembly time conditional logic.
A high-performance computer serving many people
at once and running many different applications
Data siphoning scheme where fraudulent software
manages to insert itself, undetected, between two
network partners by actively emulating the two partners
being deceived.
A process used on Big Data at runtime that maps the
data and reduces it.
Master catalog
The z/OS catalog where the search begins for a
The MultiChip Module (MCM) contains the Central
Electronic Complex (CEC) of a S/390 system.
Measured usage
The method of charging for software based on the
monthly usage. Same as Usage-based pricing.
1,048,576 bits. Abbreviated as Mb.
Roughly one million bytes – actually 1,048,576 bytes.
Abbreviated as MB.
MegaFLOPS. One MFLOPS is one million floating
point operations per second – a common measure of
numerically intensive compute power.
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Management Information Base. Generic term (often
used specifically in relation to the SNMP management
protocol) for the database of the objects managed in a
network – usually a LAN.
Although it can have very specific alternative meanings,
its most common usage is as a synonym for firmware.
1/1,000,000 of a second.
The company that made the shrewd move of persuading
IBM to use its DOS operating system for the IBM PC.
The rest is history.
Though it defies definition, its primary role is to provide
connectivity and other shared services between
platforms. There are numerous types.
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. An encoding
format allowing e-mail messages containing a variety
of media forms (audio, video, image, and text) to be
sent across the Internet.
Million Instructions Per Second (or Meaningless
Indicator of Processor Speed). A crude and not very
meaningful way of expressing raw computer power,
widely used for comparing the power of different
mainframe models and for demonstrating the futility of
comparing the mainframe with other platforms.
The technique of constantly maintaining a parallel copy
of critical datasets, so that the duplicate data can be
used if there is a problem with the main data.
The Modified Link Pack Area is an area of storage used
to contain re-enterable routines from APF-authorized
Message Oriented Middleware. For example,
WebSphere MQ.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
This is an Open Source NoSQL database that uses
JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas for speed.
Message Processing Facility. A utility in z/OS that
controls message display and message processing,
typically to suppress unnecessary system messages.
A first step towards automated operations.
Messaging and Queueing Series – see WebSphere
Multi-Region Operation is a function of the CICS InterRegion Communication facility enabling communication
between CICS regions.
Main Storage DataBases are one of two types of IMS
fast path database. These databases do not have
indexes and are stored in VSAM files.
Mass Storage System is hardware for storing large
amounts of archive data, typically involving the use of a
jukebox mechanism to retrieve discrete data cartridges.
Millions of Service Units. Measure of mainframe
compute power, used selectively by IBM as an
alternative to MIPS. Opinions vary as to how the two
metrics compare.
Mean Time Between Failures. The average value of
the length of time between consecutive failures under
stated conditions of a system.
Master Terminal Operator. Software enabling a terminal
to control a subsystem, eg CICS.
Mean Time To Recovery or Repair. The average time
required for corrective maintenance. See also MTBF.
A generic device (also known as a mux) that combines
data from two or more devices, transmits the data as a
single datastream over a high-speed communications
medium, and disentangles (de-multiplexes) the data
at the other end.
Communications configuration in which a single primary
node communicates with two or more secondary nodes
(which cannot communicate with one another, except
through the primary). Also known as multi-drop.
Multiple Virtual Storage. In z/OS’s long history, MVS
has the honour of being its name for the longest
period (about 20 years), and the operating system is
still referred to as MVS by many mainframe technical
specialists. Popularly believed to stand for Man Versus
1/1,000,000,000 of a second.
Network Attached Storage.
.NET is a Microsoft strategy for creating Web services.
In essence, a Windows user should be able to run
applications locally or over the Web without noticing
the difference. Visual Studio .NET is a development
environment that is currently available.
SNA network management product. Announced
mid-1986. Although it started off life as a rather halfhearted bundling of various mainframe-centric network
management products (including NCCF, NLDM,
NPDA, VNCA, and NMPF), by mid-1995 it had turned
into a fully-fledged distributed network management
system, with a strong focus on distributed Unix boxes
as network management workstations. Replaced by
Tivoli NetView and other products.
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Network File System. Set of Unix protocols (originally
developed by Sun Microsystems) for file sharing across
a LAN. Built on top of Ethernet and TCP/IP.
Object Linking and Embedding. Microsoft-sponsored
standard for moving and linking data and other objects
between applications and systems in Windows.
Network Job Entry. JES facility enabling multiple hosts
to share job queues and system spools.
On-Line Test and Execution Program. IBM engineer’s
tool for analysis of hardware problems.
In SNA, a total unit of network-attachable functionality,
realized in software, that gets implemented within a
device or runs on a computer.
On-Line Transaction Processing. Generic term for highthroughput, very resilient transaction systems. OLTP
tends to be used to refer to systems with some degree
of fault tolerance.
NoSQL databases don’t have to use SQL, but may.
They are different from traditional relational databases..
Lotus groupware product that IBM took on in June ’91.
This is an open standard for authorization. It allows
people to access third-party Web sites using their
validated Facebook or Twitter IDs.
Optical Character Recognition. OCR software is used
to convert scanned documents into machine-readable
text files.
Open DataBase Connectivity. An API created by
Microsoft that allows Windows applications to access
relational databases, such as DB2 and Oracle, and
other data sources using SQL statements.
Original Equipment Manufacturer. An OEM is a
manufacturer who makes a product and sells it to
another company, which puts its own badge on it and
sells it to the end user.
On-Line Analytical Processing. A term coined by
database guru Ted Codd and used to refer to multidimensional analysis and reporting applications of the
EIS and Information Warehouse type.
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Object Management Group. A group of vendors
responsible for standards for object management and
interoperability including CORBA, UML, MOF and
CWM. IBM joined in 1991.
The OMVS command is used to invoke the z/OS Unix
shell.From here you can use shell commands or utilities
requesting services from the system. You could also
write shell scripts and run shell scripts or programs
written in C.
Open Systems
Computer systems that provide either interoperability,
portability, of freedom from proprietary standards,
depending on your perspective.
‘Open’ version of MVS that was replaced by Unix
System Services in z/OS and OpenEdition Shell and
Utilities in z/VM.
This provides a way for users to consolidate their digital
identities by having a single OpenID when connecting
to different Web sites.
Object Request Broker. A specialized object that allows
other objects to communicate with each other to make
and receive requests and responses.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Replacement for MVS, announced in 1995. Now
superseded by z/OS, but still used in some mainframe
Open Systems Adapter is an integrated hardware
feature allowing zSeries 900 platforms to provide
connectivity directly to clients on LANs.
OSA Express
Open Systems Adapter-Express are an IBM adapter
family consisting of integrated hardware features that
are designed to provide direct connection for zSeries
and S/390 Parallel Enterprise Servers G5 and G6 to
high speed routers and switches, to other high speed
servers, and to clients on LANs.
One Time Charge. An initial license charge. Caused a
furore when the concept was introduced, but people
seem to have got used to it now. At the beginning
of 1999, OTC was dropped from any mainframe
software product for which a monthly charge option
was available.
Open Transaction Environment was introduced with
CICS TS 1.3. Its aim is to open up the CICS application
execution environment, allowing applications to be
defined to execute under their own TCBs within CICS
and allowing CICS to better exploit multiple processors.
The notion of contracting out part or all of your IS
function to an outside organization. Used to be often
used synonymously with facilities management,
although strictly speaking facilities management
involves delegating responsibility for the whole service
rather than just part of it.
An essential process within virtual storage technology.
Fixed sized blocks (typically 4096 bytes) of memory are
freed up by writing their contents to a paging device
until any virtual address within that block is referenced.
Parallel Sysplex
See Sysplex.
Parity bit
A binary digit check bit appended to a group of binary
digits to make the sum of all the digits, including the
appended binary digit, even or odd, depending on
whether Even or Odd Parity is being used.
Parameter Library. A dataset in z/OS containing
parameter settings. The most important is SYS1.
PARMLIB which contains parameter settings for z/OS
and many key subsystems.
The analysis of the operands entered with a command
in addition to the creation of a parameter list for the
command processor. It can also refer to the initial
processing of source code by a compiler, when it
divides up each program statement into its component
parts, also known as tokens.
Programming language, mainly used in academia,
though even there it is rarely seen these days.
A code modification to correct a reported problem that
is sent to software product users after the release of
a product.
Parallel Access Volumes are used to eliminate I/O
supervisor queueing against DASD. Thus improving the
performance of anything accessing the disk devices.
Peripheral Component Interconnect. Extremely popular
PC bus standard originally promoted by Intel and soon
supported by IBM, even though it meant dropping its
beloved MCA.
Personal Computer Memory Card International
Association. Industry-standard interface (not just for
memory, but for modems, network interfaces, etc) for
laptop and notebook computers.
Portable Document Format. File definition format used
by Adobe Acrobat.
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Partitioned DataSet. A z/OS feature that is really made
up of datasets within a dataset. Each PDS is made
up of zero or more members. Each member has all
the characteristics of a standard sequential dataset,
though all members share the same attributes: those
that were defined for the PDS when it was allocated.
Each member has a one to eight character name that
follows the same rules as a level of a standard z/OS
dataset name (DSN). Each PDS has a directory of its
members, which can also (optionally) contain other
information, known as Statistics, which are maintained
by software such as the ISPF/PDF editor.
Partitioned DataSet Extended. Software which enables
the space freed by expired or deleted PDSs to be
reused. Introduced in 1989 in an attempt to address
the limitations of the PDS.
A form of distributed system in which all participating
nodes can function as both client and server.
Practical Extraction and Reporting Language. A
general-purpose Unix scripting language, which
is popular for writing CGI programs. Its speed and
flexibility make it well suited for form processing and
on-the-fly page creation.
1024 terabytes (TB) – 2 to the fiftieth power, or
1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes. Abbreviated as PB.
PF key
Program Function key. A single keystroke can be used
to perform a specific command.
Pretty Good Privacy. Encryption technology which uses
the public key approach. Messages are encrypted using
a public key, but can only be decoded using a private
key kept by the intended recipient of the message.
A malicious scheme to obtain the credentials necessary
to access a secure system by masquerading as that
system and fooling people into entering the sought
after credentials.
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1/1,000,000,000,000 of a second. A time span during
which even <insert your least-liked company name
here> would not be able to put up prices.
Packet INternet Groper. A test of reachability in TCP/IP
networks. A PING is a program used to test the ability
to reach destinations by sending an echo request and
waiting for a reply.
In Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, a
pipeline is a set of processes chained together. Output
from one process is then input for the next process until
all the processes have executed.
Programming Language/One. Language developed by
IBM. A sort of love-child of COBOL and FORTRAN, it
was widely used on the mainframe for many years but
never quite achieved the ‘universal standard’ status
that IBM had hoped.
Plain text
Data that is not encrypted. Typically refers to data while
it is being transmitted across a network.
Pageable Link Pack Area is part of memory containing
system-level programs that may be run by multiple
address spaces.
Generic name for a method for controlling devices
(eg networked workstations or terminals), in which
a computer calls (polls) each device in turn to see
whether it wants to communicate.
Principles of Operation. The name of the manual
that defined the S/360 and subsequently the S/370
Generic noun and/or verb. As a noun, it means a point
at which data can enter or leave a data network or
individual device; as a verb it means to convert a piece
of software written for one environment so that it runs
in another.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Portable Operating System Interface Standard.
Operating system interface standard from the IEEE,
designed as a procurement reference standard for
ensuring source-level application code portability.
Language/protocol cum page description language
developed by Adobe Systems for driving high-resolution
page printers.
Power Systems
Originally, IBM had the System i running IBM i (OS/400)
and the System p series running AIX or Linux. In 2008,
IBM merged the two lines of servers and workstations
under the same name, Power Systems, with identical
hardware and a choice of operating systems, software,
and service contracts.
Purchasing Power Parity is Gustav Cassel’s theory
(1920) that, in an efficient market, identical goods must
have only one price.
Processor Resource/Systems Manager. Logical
partitioning hardware technology that makes a single
system, even if it has only one processor, look like
multiple systems each of which is a Logical PARtition
Private area
Area within z/OS which contains the user’s own data/
Private key
A key known only to the sender or receiver of an
encrypted message.
Problem State
A term used in performance measurement to indicate
when the machine is performing end-user work. The
opposite is Supervisor State, when the machine is
spending time generally managing itself.
PROgramming in LOGic. Language mainly used for
developing artificial intelligence and expert systems.
PRogrammable OPerator. A facility in z/VM that allows
remote control of a virtual machine, enabling limited
automation of routine operator activities.
Proprietary is used to refer to architectures and
standards owned by a hardware or software vendor.
The term is usually used in opposition to ‘open’.
Proxy server
A server that receives and fulfils requests intended for
another server.
Programming Request for Price Quotation. IBM
terminology for a customer request for a price quotation
on alterations or additions to the functional capabilities
of system control programming or licensed programs.
Parallel Sysplex License Charge, a monthly license
charge designed to support the design of a Parallel
Sysplex cluster. In a fully qualified Sysplex environment,
PSLC software charges are based on the total MSU
value for only those machines where the products
Program Status Word. A hardware register (double
word) in the mainframe. The PSW contains the address
of the next instruction to be executed and, when an
application or system software error occurs, why it
happened and other status information.
Program Temporary Fix. An official IBM temporary
patch to a program – often less temporary than IBM
and its users would wish. PTFs are distributed on PUTs.
Sometimes the term APAR is used instead of PTF.
Public key
A published key value used as one of the two keys in
public key encryption.
Query Management Facility. Query and report-writing
system for DB2 with some analysis and graphics
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Queued Sequential Access Method is an access
method for communicating with sequential datasets.
Resource Access Control Facility. Security and
access control system under z/OS and z/VM. The z/
OS version is a component of SecureWay Security
Server, but is also available as a stand-alone product.
RACF authorizes access to resources (datasets,
mini-disks, TSO/CMS/CICS/IMS TM log-on, etc) and
logs unauthorized access attempts and accesses to
protected datasets.
Red/Amber/Green status lights used to indicate in an
easily interpretable way the status of a system, with
red indicating poor system health.
Set of redundancy standards for disk subsystems
(RAID 0-6), developed by the University of Berkeley
and adopted by the RAID Advisory Board.
Random Access Memory, also known as system
memory, is the amount of physical memory that is
addressable by and directly accessible to the processor
chips on the motherboard.
Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability – the three
most desirable properties for IBM computers.
Relational DataBase Management System. Database
system based on relational principles. DB2 is IBM’s
preferred RDBMS for just about every platform.
Read-only mode
A mode that does not allow updates to the data being
Real storage
The combination of central and expanded storage. Also
known as processor storage.
Red teaming
This refers to the practice of viewing a problem from
an adversary or competitor’s perspective – and that
usually means looking at issues with security.
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A more readable version of an IBM manual
Relational database
A type of database that allows information in one set
of database tables to be connected to information in
another set of tables without requiring duplication of
Restructured EXtended eXecutor language. A widely
used job control language, REXX has become a
replacement for existing procedural languages such as
CLIST. REXX is an effective programming language in
its own right with powerful string processing facilities.
Remote Job Entry. Dedicated RJE terminals include
2780/3780 or 3770.
Resource Measurement Facility. On-line performance
and resource monitor for z/OS. Also includes a
formatter for printing performance reports. An optional,
separately priced feature of z/OS.
Report Program Generator. Programming language
widely used on the eServer iSeries 400 and its
predecessors, AS/400 and System/3x. As its name
implies, originally used mostly for report generation
and very strong sort/merge facilities, where it can be
used completely non-procedurally.
Relative Record DataSet is a type of VSAM file. Each
record is accessed directly by its record number.
Real Storage Manager. The part of z/OS that controls
real memory.
Security Authorization Facility can be used for example
with CICS to divert requests to an ESM (External
Security Manager – such as RACF). In this way, security
can be added to an operating system of subsystem.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Security Assertion Mark-up Language addresses the
issue of Single Sign-On (SSO). The SAML specification
defines three roles: the principal (typically a user), the
identity provider (IdP), and the service provider (SP).
Storage Area Network.
SAP (System Assist Processor)
A System Assist Processor is a specialized processor
that assists a central processor on a mainframe.
Supply Chain Event Management examines all possible
events and factors that might disrupt a supply chain.
Supply Chain Management applies to all movement
and storage of raw materials, work-in-process
inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to
point-of-consumption. It is the process of planning,
implementing, and controlling the operations of the
supply chain as efficiently as possible.
Screen scraping
A programming technique for interacting with online
host applications that generate text-only display output.
The display output is read (scraped) right off a virtual
screen by the workstation-based software and input
generated on a virtual keyboard. What the user sees
is quite different, and usually includes a GUI.
System Display and Search Facility. Online tool for
programmers and operators monitoring jobs awaiting
execution in the JES2 input spool queues and, most
commonly, viewing the printed output of batch jobs in
the Held output spool queues, to save printing it on
Serial number
Term used to denote the machine which you own
today, which may be very different from the one you
originally bought.
A device providing database information, or Web pages,
any other information. It usually has a number of clients
or users of this data.
Service Level Agreement
Generic term for an agreement between a user and the
people providing a computer service. The SLA specifies
such things as response time, availability, etc.
Service Unit
The basic charging unit in usage-based pricing.
A Java applet, without a user interface, that is executed
on a Web server. Often used to replace CGI routines,
because they support dynamic HTTP requests.
Sysplex Failure Manager is used when one of the
systems in a parallel sysplex fails. It is responsible for
recovery of the system and subsystem.
Standard Generalized Mark-up Language. The
canonical mark-up language from which HTML and
XML are derived.
SIGnal Processor.
is making one thing look like something else, eg making
the digital interface look like a paper one - you often see
it with calendar applications that look like desktop paper
calendars. The GUI emulates real physical objects that
the user will be familiar with. Including skeuomorphism
in a UI design is a good idea because it makes an
unfamiliar interface look like something familiar - and,
therefore, its use becomes more intuitive.
A Service Level Agreement is a formally negotiated
agreement between two parties (the IT department
usually being one of them) where the level of service
is formally defined.
System Management Facilities. Function within z/OS
which collects data on all system activities for use in
accounting, performance monitoring, capacity planning,
etc. SMF creates log entries (SMF records) of this data.
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System Modification Program / Extended is used to
install most software products.
System Managed Storage. The philosophy of letting the
computer system manage the storage of data rather
than having it done by a human data administrator.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The protocol allowing the
transmission of e-mail messages across the Internet.
Systems Network Architecture. IBM’s extremely
powerful but complex data communications architecture
defining levels of protocols for communications between
terminals and applications, and between programs.
While SNA-only networks have all but disappeared,
SNA applications are still very much in evidence in the
large enterprise.
Simple Network Management Protocol. Unix protocol
originally developed for management of TCP/IP
A Service-Oriented Architecture is a collection of
services that communicate with each other. The
services are self-contained and do not depend on
the context or state of the other service. Mainframe
applications become available to Web browsers
and now mainframe applications can call other Web
Simple Object Access Protocol. A lightweight form of
middleware for accessing services, objects, and servers
in a platform-independent manner.
Software interfaces that allow two Unix application
programs to talk to one another using TCP/IP protocols.
Simultaneous/Shared Peripheral Operation On-Line.
DASD storage used as a temporary storage area
between devices – eg printer and processor.
Structured Query Language. IBM and ANSI standard
(they diverge and converge regularly with the passage
of time) for access to relational databases.
Service Request Blocks are requests to execute a
service routine and they are usually initiated by system
code executing from one address space to perform an
action affecting another address space.
System Resources Manager. Software which is meant
to improve throughput by optimizing the use of system
SNA’s System Services Control Point, in an hierarchical
network, typically implemented on a mainframe within
VTAM, that is responsible for directory services and
configuration management. Now superseded by the
peer-to-peer oriented functionality of APPN/HPR
control points.
The Secure Sockets Layer is a much-used protocol
for managing the security of messages sent over the
Stand-alone dump
A display of all used memory locations, typically stored
on DASD or tape, created with a program that does
not required the operating system to be functioning
A user ID with minimal security restrictions.
Supervisor State
A term used in performance measurement to indicate
when the machine is spending time generally managing
itself. The opposite is Problem State, when the machine
is performing end-user work.
A SupportPac is supplied by IBM and contains
complementary software, which may be new utilities,
or class libraries, or things that IBM thinks will make
the product more usable or work better.
System Queue Area. Storage area in z/OS.
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SuperVisor Call. An interface to operating system
functions that is used to protect the operating system
from inappropriate user entry. It can also refer to the
SVC Assembler mnemonic or machine language
instruction it represents.
For many executives, the must-have device is an iPad
from Apple or an Android device from Samsung and
other suppliers. As a consequence, these now need to
be connected to corporate data, with all the concomitant
security issues.
The process of transferring a complete program
between main memory and auxiliary storage (usually
Task Control Blocks represent tasks executing within
an address space. There are usually several TCBs
associated with each address space, so more than one
task could be running in any one address space at any
one time. TCBs are created when a program issues the
ATTACH macro to initiate a new task.
A point in a transaction’s life when updates are
committed. In a distributed environment, where the
transactions may be across several databases, the
syncpoint enables the commit to be delayed until all
the participants can commit simultaneously.
System Generation. The process of creating a
customized version of an operating system. In the IBM
environment this was a complex, error-prone and timeconsuming process.
System i
Formerly iSeries and now called just i – a later
incarnation of the AS/400 family of hardware that runs
on Power hardware.
System p
Formerly pSeries – this is the latest incarnation of the
RS/6000 family of hardware.
System z
Formerly zSeries – this is the name for mainframes
running z/OS and/or z/VM and/or other operating
z/OS output intended for a printer. The name
comes from the JCL DD parameter SYSOUT, where
SYSOUT=A means send the output to the JESx Class
A spool queue.
SYStem comPLEX. A processor complex which is
formed by loosely coupling System/390 processors
together into a single unit (using channel-to-channel
adapters or ESCON/FICON fibre-optic links); the
processors are synchronized using the Sysplex Timer,
and can be managed as a single system image.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Set
of protocols for the network and transport layers of
a packet-switched data network, most notably the
Internet. Developed in the US for the Department of
Defense ARPAnet system and has become the de
facto standard for most forms of data communication.
The remote, or virtual, terminal protocol for the Internet.
Allows users to log-in to their home machine from any
other machine, or vice versa.
1024 gigabytes or 1,099,511,627,776 bytes. Abbreviated
as TB.
1000 GigaFLOPS, a measure of supercomputer
Third platform
This is meant to represent the next phase of the IT
revolution. The first platform is the mainframe; the
second is the PC; and the third comprises cloud
services, mobile computing, social networking, and
big data analytics.
Originally introduced with CICS 3.2, threadsafe refers
to the ability of an application to process multi-threaded
programs at the same time safely.
Refers to tn3270, tn3270e and tn5250 collectively or
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Specialized TCP/IP telnet protocol which provides
compatibility with a 3270 datastream by emulation of
the screen buffer. Used for mainframe host access
across the Internet and internally within organizations
to replace SNA terminal-to-host access with TCP/IP.
Unified Resource Manager
The Unified Resource Manager is an integrated
System z management facility responsible for platform
management on z196s. This tool set enables clients
to install, monitor, manage, optimize, diagnose, and
service resources and workloads from a single point.
Improved version of tn3270 that supports colour, the
3270 System Request key and other capabilities not
present in tn3270.
Unit of work
The statements executed between one commit point
and the next – usually a group of SQL statements which
would need to be rolled back as a group if any single
statement in the group could not be executed. It’s the
basic recovery unit.
Transaction Processing Facility. Low-function but high
performance mainframe TP monitor for very large
communications systems. Derived from ACP (Airline
Control Program), which was derived from PARS
(Programmed Airline Reservation System).
A misspelling of UNICS (UNiplexed Information
and Computing Service). A hardware-independent
operating system originally for minicomputers.
Transport layer
The network layer responsible for quality of service
and accurate delivery of information, ie error detection/
correction occurs here.
Unix System Services
A full function Unix implementation under z/OS
that complies with the POSIX standard. Originally
introduced as OpenEdition.
Time Sharing Option. These days, everyone just says
TSO when they mean TSO/E.
Usage pricing
The principle of charging for software on the basis of
the amount of work done, eg the number of transactions
or the amount of batch data processed.
Time Sharing Option/Extensions. An element of z/OS
that provides an on-line interactive environment for
programmers and users. Best known for the ISPF/PDF
environment that runs on TSO/E. Can also be used to
test batch programs.
A merging of CICS, Encina and IBM Transaction Server.
Unit Control Block is used to control access to devices.
Universal Description Discovery and Integration
is a directory model for Web services. UDDI is a
specification for maintaining standardized directories
of information about Web services, recording their
capabilities, location, and requirements.
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User catalog
In z/OS, an ICF catalog created to reduce the number
of entries in the Master Catalog, thereby improving
Virtual I/O. Hyper-efficient z/OS paging technique.
Simulates DASD using real storage and so avoids the
overhead of channel activity.
Virtual storage
A technique for giving programs the illusion that they
have massive quantities of main storage to themselves.
The technique works by allowing programs to address
lots of virtual memory, but making the operating system
page the required data in and out of real main store
and to and from a paging device at the appropriate
time. The technique enables cheap DASD to be used
instead of expensive main storage.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
A way of dividing up a computer’s components and
sharing them in order to maximize their usefulness.
Virtual Machine. Mainframe operating system which
can act as a hypervisor, enabling users to run multiple
OSs on a single machine. There are two components
to VM – the hypervisor itself, which provides resources
to the virtual machines; and CMS, which provides
conversational and timesharing facilities. VM was
on the way out when IBM discovered a new role for
the software: z/VM can host hundreds (technically
thousands) of Linux images on the mainframe at a
fraction of the cost of distributed hardware.
Volume Serial Number. The key identifying a tape or
other storage volume. Maximum six characters. Most
installations use a six-digit VOLSER for in-house tapes
to easily differentiate them from DASD volumes.
The unit of physical storage. Originally the volume
equated to a single disk or tape, but logical volumes
are more the norm today, especially with most current
DASD devices emulating previous products and VTS
doing volume stacking on tape.
Virtual Storage Access Method (aka Very Slow And
Mysterious). IBM mainframe proprietary software for
direct (by key or by record number) or sequential
processing of fixed and variable length records on
Virtual Storage Extended. For many years, VSE was
IBM’s principal operating system for small to mediumsize mainframes. A few years back it looked as if VSE
support would slowly be withdrawn, but customer
support is strong and the re-dubbed z/VSE now looks
set to continue for some time.
Virtual Telecommunication Access Method. The main
SNA subsystem resident in the mainframe, which
manages session establishment and data flow between
terminals and application programs, or between
application programs.
Volume Table Of Contents. The area of a disk used to
store the directory of components, including datasets,
held on that volume. Anything that takes DASD space
is listed in the VTOC. For example, the index and data
components of a VSAM KSDS file are listed in the
VTOC, but not the cluster name, which is only listed
in the catalog.
The VSAM Volume DataSet along with the BCS make
up the ICF catalog structure. The VVDS is a special
type of ESDS. It is created automatically whenever a
VSAM component (including a BCS) is allocated on a
volume which does not yet have a VVDS. The VVDS
is always called SYS1.VVDS.Vvolser.
Variable Workload License Charge. IBM software
pricing scheme that allows users to license a product
for a capacity less than the total capacity of the system.
Replaced by AWLC on zEnterprise mainframes.
WebSphere Application Server. IBM’s Java application
server. WAS for z/OS version 6.0.1 supports J2EE 1.4
and many mainframe-specific functions.
Web 2.0
A practically meaningless term in itself (the Web is
not software with version and release numbers) that
can be used as a way of highlighting some of the new
technologies that are available over the Internet and
identifying the companies that are using them, like
Google Earth, Flickr, etc.
An IBM Internet-focused software platform that supports
e-business applications and sits at the heart of IBM’s
middleware strategy. The foundational products are
WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ.
WebSphere MQ (WMQ)
Originally MQSeries. IBM software/middleware that
provides a message queuing infrastructure; it sits on
various systems in a heterogeneous environment,
providing integration between disparate systems and
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Web service
Web services are essentially “mini” applications that
include a description of what another application does,
how to accesses it, and what data it requires. They are
often utilized in integration projects where disparate
systems may have difficulty interacting with each other
without the use of the common standards.
A type of terminal developed in the Unix world that
provides a GUI type environment (usually X-Windows)
without the need for a programmable workstation.
Workload Manager. Feature within SRM for simplifying
the management of system resources such as CPU
and storage. eWLM reportedly adds the ability to define
business performance objectives across disparate
The latest incarnation of MVS, the principal operating
system for the IBM mainframe. Announced in October
2000, it brought with it support for 64-bit addressing
and a broad range of technical innovations. As well
as running on zSeries machines, it also runs on
System/390 G5 and G6 processors and Multiprise
3000 systems.
Workload License Charges
An IBM software licensing scheme which charges
according to required software capacity, not hardware
Web Services Atomic Transaction is now supported
in CICS TS 3.1. Web services can be configured to
take part in an extended or global unit of work. This is
known as an atomic transaction. Recoverable updates
are not committed or backed out until instructed to do
so by the Web service.
Web Services Description Language is the standard
format for describing a Web service. A WSDL definition
describes how to access a Web service and what
operations it will perform. WSDL (along with SOAP
and UDDI) is one of the three foundation standards of
Web services.
WebSphere Service Registry and Repository is used
with WebSphere in SOA environments.
Write To Operator. A message sent to the mainframe
operator console from JCL or an application program.
eXtensible Mark-up Language is a W3C recommendation
and provides a standard approach for describing,
capturing, processing, and publishing information.
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IBM’s latest architecture for mainframes and peripherals.
The latest version of the Transaction Processing
Facility, a low-function but high-performance TP monitor
for very large data communications systems.
The latest version of the much-loved Virtual Machine, a
hypervisor that enabled users to run multiple operating
systems on a single machine.
A Java co-processor for the z890 and z990, which
allows customers to offload Java application processing
without paying software costs for the additional capacity.
Affectionate name for various utilities (AMASPZAP,
aka SUPERZAP in z/OS), which can be used to apply
a fix directly to object code in situ. Zapping is a bad
thing – it creates programs in which the object code
does not agree with the source, and which are hence
totally unmaintainable.
The zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension (zBX) on
operates as a tightly-coupled extension to the z196
and z114 mainframes through a high-performance
private network. Users then add POWER7 or System
x blades to four racks.
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Zero day vulnerability
This is a hole in a piece of software that is unknown
to the vendor.
Zombie computers
These are used to spread e-mail spam and launch
distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks.
zSeries File System is a Unix file system that can be
used in addition to HFS. zIIP
z9 Integrated Information Processor. A co-processor
similar to zAAP (the idea is that you pronounce them
ZIP and ZAP), but designed to off-load DB2 work and
integrate data across the enterprise. Like zAAP, you pay
for the hardware but do not incur IBM software charges
for the additional capacity. Minimum requirement: z9109 with z/OS 1.6 or later and DB2 V8.
Zombie data
This is old forgotten data that you thought you’d deleted,
but hadn’t.
z9 Integrated Information Processor. A co-processor
similar to zAAP (the idea is that you pronounce them
ZIP and ZAP), but designed to off-load DB2 work and
integrate data across the enterprise. Like zAAP, you pay
for the hardware but do not incur IBM software charges
for the additional capacity. Minimum requirement: z9109 with z/OS 1.6 or later and DB2 V8.
Zombie programs
These are the programs that hackers use to gain
access to your computer. They are often called ‘bots’.
This glossary is based on the former Xephon
publication, the Handbook of IBM Terminology.
Trevor Eddolls of iTech-Ed Ltd
is an independent mainframe
consultant and writer.
Courtesy of wordle.net
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Technical information
Technical information
Hardware tables:
zEnterprise EC12 – 2827
System z z114 – 2818
System z z196 – 2817
Mainframe hardware timeline 1952-2013
Mainframe operating system development
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Technical information
2827-401240 30
2827-402459 58
2827-403670 85
2827-404876 110
2827-4051,078 135
2827-4061,276 160
2827-4071,470 183
2827-4081,661 206
2827-4091,848 229
2827-4102,032 251
2827-4112,212 273
2827-4122,389 295
2827-4132,563 317
2827-4142,734 338
2827-4152,901 358
2827-4163,065 378
2827-4173,227 398
2827-4183,385 417
2827-4193,540 436
2827-4203,693 455
2827-501631 80
2827-5021,199 150
2827-5031,751 217
2827-5042,286 283
2827-5052,809 347
2827-5063,320 409
2827-5073,820 470
2827-5084,308 530
2827-5094,784 588
2827-5105,250 644
2827-5115,705 699
2827-5126,150 754
2827-5136,584 808
2827-5147,008 859
2827-5157,423 910
2827-5167,828 959
2827-5178,224 1,006
2827-5188,610 1,052
2827-5198,988 1,096
2827-5209,357 1,140
2827-601947 119
2827-6021,790 222
2827-6032,609 322
2827-6043,403 419
2827-6054,178 514
2827-6064,934 606
2827-6075,670 695
2827-6086,389 783
2827-6097,089 869
2827-6107,772 952
2827-6118,437 1,031
2827-6129,086 1,108
2827-6139,719 1,184
2827-61410,336 1,256
2827-61510,938 1,327
2827-61611,524 1,397
2827-61712,096 1,464
2827-61812,654 1,530
2827-61913,197 1,594
2827-62013,728 1,656
2827-7011,514 188
2827-7022,853 352
2827-7034,151 511
2827-7045,409 664
2827-7056,628 813
2827-7067,809 957
2827-7078,954 1,092
2827-70810,063 1,224
2827-70911,137 1,350
2827-71012,179 1,473
2827-71113,188 1,593
2827-71214,166 1,709
2827-71315,126 1,822
2827-71416,069 1,934
2827-71516,994 2,043
2827-71617,904 2,149
2827-71718,797 2,254
2827-71819,673 2,359
2827-71920,534 2,462
2827-72021,380 2,564
2827-72122,222 2,661
2827-72223,061 2,755
2827-72323,896 2,848
2827-72424,728 2,940
2827-72525,557 3,032
2827-72626,382 3,122
2827-72727,205 3,212
2827-72828,023 3,301
2827-72928,839 3,389
2827-73029,651 3,480
2827-73130,460 3,571
2827-73231,266 3,665
2827-73332,069 3,760
2827-73432,868 3,853
2827-73533,664 3,947
2827-73634,457 4,040
2827-73735,247 4,132
2827-73836,034 4,224
2827-73936,817 4,316
2827-74037,598 4,408
2827-74138,375 4,499
2827-74239,149 4,590
2827-74339,920 4,680
2827-74440,687 4,770
2827-74541,451 4,859
2827-74642,210 4,948
2827-74742,966 5,037
2827-74843,718 5,125
2827-74944,466 5,213
2827-75045,211 5,300
IBM zEnterprise EC12 – 2827 (continues)
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Technical information
2827-75145,951 5,387
2827-75246,688 5,473
2827-75347,422 5,559
2827-75448,151 5,646
2827-75548,877 5,731
2827-75649,600 5,817
2827-75750,319 5,901
2827-75851,034 5,986
2827-75951,745 6,069
2827-76052,454 6,152
2827-76153,158 6,233
2827-76253,859 6,314
2827-76354,557 6,396
2827-76455,251 6,477
2827-76555,941 6,558
2827-76656,628 6,639
2827-76757,312 6,719
2827-76857,992 6,799
2827-76958,669 6,878
2827-77059,342 6,957
2827-77160,013 7,036
2827-77260,679 7,114
2827-77361,343 7,191
2827-77462,003 7,269
2827-77562,660 7,346
2827-77663,313 7,422
2827-77763,963 7,499
2827-77864,610 7,574
2827-77965,254 7,650
2827-78065,895 7,725
2827-78166,532 7,800
2827-78267,166 7,874
2827-78367,797 7,948
2827-78468,425 8,022
2827-78569,049 8,095
2827-78669,671 8,168
2827-78770,289 8,240
2827-78870,905 8,312
2827-78971,517 8,384
2827-79072,124 8,455
2827-79172,724 8,526
2827-79273,319 8,595
2827-79373,909 8,665
2827-79474,492 8,733
2827-79575,070 8,801
2827-79675,643 8,868
2827-79776,210 8,934
2827-79876,772 9,000
2827-79977,329 9,066
2827-7A077,880 9,130
2827-7A178,426 9,194
IBM zEnterprise EC12 – 2827 (continued)
2818-A0126 3
2818-B0129 4
2818-C0138 5
2818-D0146 6
2818-A0247 6
2818-E0151 7
2818-B0253 7
2818-F0159 7
2818-A0367 9
2818-C0269 9
2818-G0170 9
2818-B0375 10
2818-H0180 10
2818-D0284 11
2818-A0486 11
2818-I0188 11
2818-E0293 12
2818-B0496 12
2818-J0198 12
2818-C0398 12
2818-A05104 13
2818-F02107 13
2818-K01110 14
2818-B05116 15
2818-D03119 15
2818-C04126 16
2818-G02127 16
2818-L01130 16
2818-E03132 16
2818-H02145 18
2818-M01150 19
2818-F03153 19
2818-D04153 19
2818-C05153 19
2818-I02160 20
2818-E04170 21
2818-N01172 21
2818-J02178 22
2818-G03181 23
2818-D05185 23
2818-O01193 24
2818-F04196 25
IBM System z z114 – 2818 (continues)
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Technical information
2818-K02200 25
2818-E05205 26
2818-H03207 26
2818-P01216 27
2818-I03228 29
2818-G04233 29
2818-L02236 30
2818-F05237 30
2818-Q01247 31
2818-J03254 32
2818-H04266 33
2818-R01272 34
2818-M02273 34
2818-G05281 35
2818-K03285 36
2818-I04293 37
2818-S01303 38
2818-N02313 40
2818-H05321 40
2818-J04326 41
2818-L03337 42
2818-T01340 42
2818-O02351 44
2818-I05353 44
2818-K04366 46
2818-U01389 49
2818-M03389 49
2818-P02393 49
2818-J05394 49
2818-V01429 53
2818-L04432 54
2818-K05442 55
2818-N03446 56
2818-Q02449 56
2818-W01480 60
2818-R02494 62
2818-M04499 62
2818-O03500 62
2818-L05522 65
2818-S02551 69
2818-P03560 70
2818-N04572 71
2818-X01584 73
2818-M05602 75
2818-T02618 77
2818-Q03640 80
2818-O04642 80
2818-Y01690 86
2818-N05691 86
2818-R03705 88
2818-U02707 88
2818-P04718 90
2818-O05775 97
2818-V02780 98
2818-Z01782 98
2818-S03785 98
2818-Q04821 102
2818-P05868 108
2818-W02873 109
2818-T03881 110
2818-R04904 113
2818-Q05992 123
2818-S041007 125
2818-U031008 125
2818-X021062 132
2818-R051092 136
2818-V031112 138
2818-T041130 140
2818-S051217 151
2818-W031244 155
2818-Y021254 156
2818-U041293 161
2818-T051366 170
2818-Z021421 177
2818-V041426 177
2818-X031514 188
2818-U051562 194
2818-W041595 198
2818-V051723 214
2818-Y031788 221
2818-W051928 239
2818-X041941 240
2818-Z032026 251
2818-Y042293 283
2818-X052346 290
2818-Z042598 321
2818-Y052771 343
2818-Z053139 388
IBM System z z114 – 2818 (continued)
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Technical information
2817-405 1,082
2817-406 1,280
2817-407 1,476
2817-408 1,667
2817-409 1,855
2817-410 2,039
2817-411 2,220
2817-412 2,397
2817-413 2,571
2817-414 2,742
2817-415 2,909
2817-502 1,123
2817-503 1,642
2817-504 2,147
2817-505 2,639
2817-506 3,118
2817-507 3,586
2817-508 4,042
2817-509 4,486
2817-510 4,919
2817-511 5,342
2817-512 5,754
2817-513 6,156
2817-514 6,547
2817-515 6,929
2817-602 1,460
2817-603 2,131
2817-604 2,783
2817-605 3,417
2817-606 4,035
2817-607 4,635
2817-608 5,219
2817-609 5,788
2817-610 6,341
IBM System z z196 – 2817 (continues)
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Technical information
2817-611 6,879
2817-612 7,403
2817-613 7,913
2817-614 8,409
2817-615 8,891
2817-701 1,202
2817-702 2,272
2817-703 3,311
2817-704 4,320
2817-705 5,300
2817-706 6,251
2817-707 7,175
2817-708 8,072
2817-709 8,943
2817-710 9,788
2817-711 10,609
2817-712 11,407
2817-713 12,181
2817-714 12,932
2817-715 13,662
2817-716 14,371
2817-717 15,076
IBM System z z196 – 2817 (continued)
Please note: we do not have information for the z12BC processors.
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Technical information
Mainframe hardware timeline 1952-79
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Source: Mark Wilson and Staffan Tylen
Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Technical information
Mainframe hardware timeline 1980-2013
Source: Mark Wilson and Staffan Tylen
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Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2014
Technical information
Mainframe operating system
Source: Mark Wilson
and Staffan Tylen
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