Binder - Maricopa Integrated Health System
Binder - Maricopa Integrated Health System
Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 4:00 p.m. Agenda Committee Members Gary Tenney, Treasurer, Committee Chair Liz McCarty, Committee Vice Chair Melissa Kotrys, Member Simon Thomas, Member Gino Turrubiartes, Member Wyatt Howell, Chief Executive Officer, Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council, Non-Voting member Kathy Benaquista, Chief Finance Officer, MIHS, NonVoting member AGENDA Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting Mission Statement: Serve the population of Maricopa County with excellent, comprehensive health and wellness in a culturally respectful environment. Welcome We welcome your interest and hope you will often attend Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meetings. Democracy cannot endure without an informed and involved electorate. The Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council (MHCGC) is the governing body for Maricopa Integrated Health System’s Federally Qualified Health Centers Look Alike Clinics. Members are represented in each of the five districts in Maricopa County. Members of the Committee are volunteers. The Governing Council sets policy and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the MHCGC, who is hired by the Maricopa Integrated Health Systems (MIHS) and the Governing Council, directs staff to carry out the policies. Meetings The Finance Committee generally holds meetings at 4:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month. Please visit or call the Assistant to the CEO, MHCGC, MHC Governing Councils Office, at 602-344-1637 to confirm the date of the next regular meeting. The meeting may appear to proceed quickly, with important decisions reached with little discussion. However, the agenda and meeting material is available to the Finance Committee prior to the meeting, giving them the opportunity to study every item and to ask questions of MIHS staff members. If no additional facts are presented at the meeting, action may be taken without further discussion. How Citizens Can Participate The Finance Committee values citizen comments and input. Citizens may appear before the Finance Committee to express their views. Any member of the public will be given three minutes to address the Finance Committee on issues of interest or concern to them. If you wish to address the Finance Committee, please complete a Speaker’s Slip and deliver it to the Assistant to the CEO, MHCGC. If you have anything that you wish distributed to the Committee and included in the official record, please hand it to the Assistant who will distribute the information to the Committee Members and MIHS Senior Staff. Speakers will be called in the order in which requests to speak are received. Your name will be called when the Call to Public has been opened or when the Committee reaches the agenda item which you wish to speak. As mandated by the Arizona Open Meeting Law, officials may not discuss items not on the agenda, but may direct staff to follow-up with the citizen. Agendas are available within 24 hours of each meeting in the Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Office (MHCGC), Comprehensive Health Center, 1st Floor, 2525 E. Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ 85008, Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Accommodations for individuals with disabilities, alternative format materials, sign language interpretation, and assistive listening devices are available upon 72 hours advance notice through the Assistant to the CEO, MHCGC, Comprehensive Health Center, 1st Floor 2525 E. Roosevelt, Phoenix, Arizona 85008, (602) 344-1637. To the extent possible, additional reasonable accommodations will be made available within the time constraints of the request. 4/29/2016 10:50 AM When Speaking at the Podium Please state your name and the city in which you reside. If you reside in Maricopa County, please state the District you live in. If you have an individual concern involving the Finance Committee, you are encouraged to contact the Finance Committee Member at 602-344-1637. We will do everything possible to be responsive to your individual requests. Public Rules of Conduct The Finance Committee Chair shall keep control of the meeting and require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests, or other conduct which disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Finance Committee Members, staff, or members of the public are not allowed. It is inappropriate to utilize the Call to Public or other agenda item for purposes of making political speeches, including threats of political action. Engaging in such conduct, and failing to cease such conduct upon request of the Finance Committee will be grounds for ending a speaker’s time at the podium or for removal of any disruptive person from the meeting room, at the direction of the Finance Committee Chair. If you wish to address the Committee, please complete a speaker’s slip and deliver it to the Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, MHCGC. If you have anything you wish distributed to the Committee and included in the official record, please hand it to the Assistant who will distribute the information to the Committee Members and MIHS Staff. Speakers are limited to (3) three minutes. (NOTE: One or more of the members of the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee will attend either in person or by telephone conference call or video communications.) Governing Council Members: District Board: Elbert Bicknell Governing Council Members: Melissa Kotrys District Board: Susan Gerard Governing Council Members: Gary Tenney, Liz McCarty, Julie Roberts District Board: Mark Dewane Governing Council Members: Gino Turrubiartes, Simon Thomas, Christine Hammond April L. Jordan-Kramer, Daniel Mattison Ryan Winkle District Board: Mary A. Harden, R.N Governing Council Members: Rosalba Rubio District Board: Terence McMahon 2 Maricopa Medical Center Administration Building Auditorium 1 2601 E Roosevelt St. Phoenix, AZ 85008 Assistant’s Office 602-344-1637 Fax 602-344-0937 Wednesday, May 4, 2016 4:00 p.m. One or more of the members of the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee may attend telephonically. Committee members attending telephonically will be announced at the meeting. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3), or any applicable and relevant state or federal law, the Finance Committee may vote to recess into an Executive Session for the purpose of obtaining legal advice from the Committee’s attorney or attorneys on any matter listed on the agenda. The Committee also may wish to discuss any items listed for Executive Session discussion in General Session, or the Committee may wish to take action in General Session on any items listed for discussion in Executive Session. To do so, the Committee will recess Executive Session on any particular item and reconvene General Session to discuss that item or to take action on such item. Call to Order Roll Call Call to the Public This is the time for the public to comment. The Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism or scheduling a matter for further consideration and decision at a later date. ITEMS MAY BE DISCUSSED IN A DIFFERENT SEQUENCE Discussion, Presentation and Recommendations by the Committee: 1. Approve the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s (MHCGC) Finance Committee Meeting Minutes dated April 6, 2016: 5 min Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Finance Committee Members 2. Discuss and Review Downstream Revenue Report and Quarterly Referral Report, Possible Action or Recommendations to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council: 15 min Kathy Benaquista, Chief Financial Officer Wyatt Howell, Chief Executive Officer, Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council 3. Discuss, Review and Approve the Addition of Radiology/Ultrasound Services at the El Mirage Family Health Center and Make Recommendations to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council: 20 min Wyatt Howell, Chief Executive Officer, Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Kathy Benaquista, Chief Financial Officer 3 Discussion, Presentation and Recommendations by the Committee (cont.): 4. Discuss and Review the Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO) Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Report: 10 min Wyatt Howell, Chief Executive Officer, Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council 5. Discuss and Review the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Reports, Possible Action, or Recommendations to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council: 25 min Wyatt Howell, Chief Executive Officer, Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Kathy Benaquista, Chief Financial Officer a. Visits Summary b. Governing Council Expenditures and Budget c. FQHC LA Financials and Payer Mix d. Uncovered Sessions Report e. Proposition 480 Capital Purchases Report 6. Review of Finance Committee and Staff Assignments 5 min Pam Hjerpe, Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council 7. Future Agenda Item Requests and Chair Closing Comments 5 min Gary Tenney, Committee Chair Adjourn 4 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 1 Minutes Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council – Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – General Session – April 6, 2016 DRAFT Minutes Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee General Meeting Maricopa Medical Center Administration Building, Auditorium 1 April 6, 2016 3:30 p.m. Voting Members Present: Gary Tenney, Committee Chair Liz McCarty, Committee Vice Chair Simon Thomas, Member Gino Turrubiartes, Member Melissa Kotrys, Member (Arrived at 3:47 p.m.) Non-Voting Members Present: Wyatt Howell, Chief Executive Officer Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Kathy Benaquista, Chief Financial Officer (Arrived at 3:32 p.m.) Others/Guest Presenters: Kris Gaw, Chief Operations Officer Christie Markos, Manager, Budgeting and Financial Reporting Melanie Talbot, Executive Director District Board Kathleen Rhodes, Executive Director of Nursing Ambulatory & Physician Services Lito Landas, Hospital Controller Recorded by: Pamela Hjerpe, Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Call to Order Chair Tenney called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Roll Call Ms. Hjerpe called roll. Following roll call, Ms. Hjerpe announced that four of the five voting members of the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Finance Committee were present, which represented a quorum. Ms. Kotrys arrived shortly after roll call. Call to the Public Chair Tenney asked if any speaker’s slips were turned in or if anyone from the public wished to address the Committee. There were no comments from the public. 1 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council – Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – General Session – April 6, 2016 Discussion, Presentation and Recommendations by the Committee: 1. Approve the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s (MHCGC) Finance Committee Meeting Minutes dated March 2, 2016 MOTION: 2. Ms. McCarty moved to approve the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting Minutes dated March 2, 2016. Mr. Thomas. Motion passed by voice vote. Discuss and Review Monthly Proposition 480 Capital Purchases Report: Ms. Benaquista report was on the accounting of the Proposition 480 funds for ambulatory services. The list of items is a starting point and can be amended and changed as needed. These are capital expenses which are approved and what had been paid. So far, there are very few Capital Expenditure Requests (CER) issued against the allocated dollars for ambulatory. Mr. Howell stated that he will review the previous requests and discuss with his staff. He inquired if the items were not purchased this fiscal year if they would be dropped off. Ms. Benaquista answered no; the list of items is to cover capital expenses through fiscal year 2018. The funds can be spent at any time and are not locked into the items either. Chair Tenney stated that he specifically recalls FY2014 the items were prioritized however the FY2015 capital budget was not line itemed. 3. Discuss and Review the Federally Qualified Health Centers Look Alike Clinics Fiscal Year 2017 Proposed Budget Volumes, Possible Action or Recommendations to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council: Ms. Benaquista stated the preliminary ambulatory volumes will be incorporated in the report that will be presented to the District Board at its April meeting. Mr. Howell stated that cost reductions and the introduction of the new sliding fee scale will impact the budget for the future. Mr. Thomas stated that the expanded hours are not included in the volumes. In his opinion, the money spent on marketing and outreach has had no impact on the volumes. Chair Tenney commented that there will be a closure of two Whole Health Home Clinics (WHHC) that will impact the fiscal year 2017 numbers; WHHC Choices Midtown and WHHC POCN Capitol. He also stated the proposed volumes for the Comprehensive Health Center (CHC) are disappointing. Mr. Howell stated that he believes there is a lot of “leakage” with referrals. From the patients’ perspective, the number of miles driven can make a difference on where they go for referred care. As an example, a patient living in the Chandler area may not want to travel to Phoenix for specialty care. Ms. Benaquista stated two WHHC providers went bankrupt and other Provider Network Operations (PNO) assumed operations. However, once the leases expired the new PNO’s moved the clinics. This model of care is changing and co-locating is no longer the norm. 2 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council – Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – General Session – April 6, 2016 Discussion, Presentation and Recommendations by the Committee cont.: 3. Discuss and Review the Federally Qualified Health Centers Look Alike Clinics Fiscal Year 2017 Proposed Budget Volumes, Possible Action or Recommendations to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council cont.: MOTION: 4. Mr. Thomas moved to recommend to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council to Approve the Federally Qualified Health Centers Look Alike Clinics (FQHC-LA) Fiscal Year 2017 Proposed Budget Volumes. Ms. Kotrys second. Motion passed by voice vote. Discuss and Review the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Financial Reports, Possible Action and or Recommendations to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council: a. Visits Summary b. Governing Council Expenditures and Budget c. FQHC LA Financials and Payer Mix d. Uncovered Sessions Report Mr. Howell stated the February volumes were strong at 4 percent above budget. Fifty-two percent of the patients seen had Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) coverage, which is an 11% increase from January. The number of self-paying patients dropped to 25%, or a 4% decrease. The number of self-paying patients seen in the dental clinics was down to 35%. He is working on standardizing the providers’ schedules to prevent providers from creating his/her own schedule. There is a push for Open Access appointments and same day appointments, which is decreasing the no-show rate. The extension of hours along with weekend hours at some of the clinics is pending commitments from the providers. Mr. Howell also commented that he is spending time at all of the Family Health Centers (FHCs) so he can get to know the staff as well as to have a better understanding of how each FHC flows. He is working on a call center for improved call management for better customer service. The abandoned call rate is up to 10 percent, which is unacceptable. He also noted the completion of the 2015 Adjudication of the Uniform Data System (UDS) submission to Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). Mr. Howell gave an update on the HRSA designation, which has been extended to December 31, 2016 to allow for HRSA to repair the online portal access for EHB. Mr. Howell noted the My Chart enrollment was up to 33% year to date with the goal being 35 percent. Ms. Benaquista reported financially, it was a good month. MIHS lost the Meritus insurance patients, however, picked up Medicaid (AHCCCS) patients. In February, the new sliding fee scale schedule was implemented, which increased the collection of payments from self-paying patients. The payer mix had a positive impact on the operating margin. 3 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council – Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – General Session – April 6, 2016 Discussion, Presentation and Recommendations by the Committee cont.: 4. Discuss and Review the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Financial Reports, Possible Action and or Recommendations to the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council cont.: Mr. Howell noted that when he reviewed Primary Service Area (PSA) demographic information for each of the FHCs, only 5-15% of the Medicaid population who live within a five-mile radius from the clinic are using MIHS for their care. The remaining 80-95% of Medicaid patients within the PSA are getting their care elsewhere. Therefore, there is a huge potential for growth of the Medicaid patient population. Chair Tenney asked Mr. Howell how staff was targeting the Medicaid population in order to replace the lost patient volumes from the loss of Meritus. Mr. Howell responded that staff at the FHCs is proactively calling patient with AHCCCS coverage and reestablishing a connection with the patient. Mr. Howell reported on the sessions are picking back up and tracking consistently in February. He also commented on questions from Chair Tenney in regards to the provider’s schedules and the extended clinic hours. The amendment to the District Medical Group contract was in the process of being drafted and should be going to the District Board for approval at its next meeting. He added that it will be a challenge to find providers willing to work the extended hours and weekends. 5. Announcements and Closing Comments: Chair Tenney asked Mr. Howell to elaborate on the phone call process and his thoughts on how to correct the issues. Mr. Howell explained that the phone calls are not doing the patient a service; even with the new phone system all that is happening is toggling the patient’s call from one FHC to the next. Ten percent call abandonment rate is unacceptable. Mr. Turrubiartes said that it is a challenge when you call one clinic and you get another. As a patient, he feels that he dialed the wrong number, would hang up, and try again. A call center is a better idea. Mr. Howell stated that he is in the process of gathering information and will present more details on the phone center at a future date. 6. Review Staff Assignments: Ms. Hjerpe stated the following were for follow up: 1. Review previous meeting minutes and supporting documents for Fiscal Year 2015 and Fiscal Year 2016 Capital Budget requests 2. Check on quarterly reports for downstream revenue 4 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council – Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – General Session – April 6, 2016 Adjourn MOTION: Mr. Turrubiartes moved to adjourn the April 6, 2016 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting. Mr. Thomas seconded. Motion passed by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 4.47 p.m. Approved by the Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council’s Finance Committee on May 4, 2016. ________________________________________________ Pamela Hjerpe, Assistant to the Executive Director, Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council 5 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 2 Downstream Revenue Report and Quarterly Referral Report MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM REFERRALS ANALYSIS FQHC-LA Designated Clinics1 SOURCE: EPIC referrals data SCOPE: Referrals entered into Epic during the period July 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016. Inpatient, Outpatient, and Medication Auth/Certs have been filtered out. 1 The CHC is included in total; a sub-report would be needed to filter down to just the Primary Care clinics SUMMARY BY REFERRAL CLASS Referral Type Referring Location or Place of Service (Multiple Items) (Multiple Items) Count of Referral ID FY QTR Grand Total 2016 Referral Class Q1 Incoming Internal Outgoing (blank) Grand Total Referral Type Q2 99 28,738 11,660 6 40,503 Q3 84 25,312 11,059 5 36,460 108 26,291 13,036 9 39,444 291 80,341 35,755 20 116,407 (Multiple Items) Count of Referral ID QTR FY Grand Total 2016 Referring Location or Place of Service 7TH AVENUE FHC 7TH AVENUE FHC Total AVONDALE FAMILY HEALTHCARE CLINIC (FHC) AVONDALE FAMILY HEALTHCARE CLINIC (FHC) Total CHANDLER FHC CHANDLER FHC Total CHOICES SOUTH CENTRAL IHH CHOICES SOUTH CENTRAL IHH Total COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE CENTER (CHC) COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE CENTER (CHC) Total EL MIRAGE FHC EL MIRAGE FHC Total Referral Class Incoming Internal Outgoing (blank) Incoming Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing (blank) Incoming Internal Outgoing Q1 Q2 Q3 3 1,875 658 2 1,824 581 2,536 2 1,707 964 2,673 5 1,398 1,576 2,979 95 40 135 60 10,750 1,730 3 12,543 2 874 1,849 2,725 2,407 3 1,362 854 2,219 6 1,136 1,583 2,725 29 48 77 37 10,322 1,715 4 12,078 5 588 1,492 2,085 3 1,876 758 1 2,638 4 1,160 1,289 2,453 12 883 1,723 2,618 83 40 123 44 11,380 1,728 7 13,159 2 347 1,765 2,114 8 5,575 1,997 1 7,581 9 4,229 3,107 7,345 23 3,417 4,882 8,322 207 128 335 141 32,452 5,173 14 37,780 9 1,809 5,106 6,924 13 MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM REFERRALS ANALYSIS FQHC-LA Designated Clinics1 SOURCE: EPIC referrals data SCOPE: Referrals entered into Epic during the period July 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016. Inpatient, Outpatient, and Medication Auth/Certs have been filtered out. 1 The CHC is included in total; a sub-report would be needed to filter down to just the Primary Care clinics GLENDALE FHC GLENDALE FHC Total GUADALUPE FHC GUADALUPE FHC Total MARYVALE FHC MARYVALE FHC Total MCDOWELL FHC MCDOWELL FHC Total MESA FHC MESA FHC Total PIR METRO IHH PIR METRO IHH Total POCN COMUNIDAD IHH POCN COMUNIDAD IHH Total SEVENTH AVE WALK IN CLINIC SEVENTH AVE WALK IN CLINIC Total SOUTH CENTRAL FHC SOUTH CENTRAL FHC Total SUNNYSLOPE FHC SUNNYSLOPE FHC Total SWN SAN TAN IHH SWN SAN TAN IHH Total EAST VALLEY IHH Incoming Internal Outgoing (blank) Incoming Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing (blank) Incoming Internal Outgoing Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing Internal Outgoing Incoming Internal Outgoing 2 1,504 893 2 2,401 4 961 564 1,529 1 1,105 134 1,240 3 802 385 1,190 3 1,921 754 1 2,679 1 23 111 135 63 32 95 4 1,475 1,085 1 2,565 2 865 468 1,335 2 895 158 1,055 1 681 404 1,086 6 1,408 663 2,077 189 3 192 3 2,436 503 2,942 9 2,230 647 2,886 18 157 175 50 154 204 56 26 82 1 197 3 201 7 2,306 479 2,792 8 1,549 588 2,145 12 143 155 45 433 25 410 1,791 1,263 3,054 1 688 469 1,158 1 945 172 1,118 2 693 523 1,218 4 1,572 820 1 2,397 1 31 127 159 43 30 73 2 182 7 191 15 2,430 654 3,099 8 1,716 884 2,608 18 110 128 4 28 426 6 4,770 3,241 3 8,020 7 2,514 1,501 4,022 4 2,945 464 3,413 6 2,176 1,312 3,494 13 4,901 2,237 2 7,153 2 104 392 498 162 88 250 3 568 13 584 25 7,172 1,636 8,833 25 5,495 2,119 7,639 48 410 458 4 98 1,269 14 MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM REFERRALS ANALYSIS FQHC-LA Designated Clinics1 SOURCE: EPIC referrals data SCOPE: Referrals entered into Epic during the period July 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016. Inpatient, Outpatient, and Medication Auth/Certs have been filtered out. 1 The CHC is included in total; a sub-report would be needed to filter down to just the Primary Care clinics EAST VALLEY IHH Total CAPITAL IHH Incoming Internal Outgoing CAPITAL IHH Total MIDTOWN IHH Internal Outgoing MIDTOWN IHH Total HIGHLAND IHH Internal Outgoing HIGHLAND IHH Total PENDERGAST FAMILY HEALTH CENTER Incoming Internal Outgoing PENDERGAST FAMILY HEALTH CENTER Total Grand Total Referral Type (Multiple Items) Count of Referral ID FY 478 1 125 53 179 12 38 50 49 51 100 435 458 54 26 80 21 8 29 64 44 108 556 85 641 40,503 393 127 520 36,460 45 22 67 38 10 48 45 50 95 5 297 166 468 39,444 Referral Class Grand Total 2015 Referring Location or Place of Service 7TH AVENUE FHC AVONDALE FAMILY HEALTHCARE CLINIC (FHC) CHANDLER FHC CHOICES SOUTH CENTRAL IHH COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE CENTER (CHC) EL MIRAGE FHC GLENDALE FHC GUADALUPE FHC MARYVALE FHC MCDOWELL FHC MESA FHC PIR METRO IHH POCN COMUNIDAD IHH SEVENTH AVE WALK IN CLINIC SOUTH CENTRAL FHC SUNNYSLOPE FHC SWN SAN TAN IHH EAST VALLEY IHH CAPITAL IHH MIDTOWN IHH HIGHLAND IHH EAST VALLEY IHH (PIR) Grand Total 1,371 1 224 101 326 71 56 127 158 145 303 5 1,246 378 1,629 116,407 Internal 72.02% 60.28% 42.38% 68.20% 86.55% 30.15% 62.41% 60.60% 84.11% 68.90% 66.63% 20.39% 66.73% 98.49% 84.10% 72.07% 16.17% 7.86% 68.67% 37.50% 58.72% 100.00% 69.27% Outgoing 27.98% 39.72% 57.62% 31.80% 13.45% 69.85% 37.59% 39.40% 15.89% 31.10% 33.37% 79.61% 33.27% 1.51% 15.90% 27.93% 83.83% 92.14% 31.33% 62.50% 41.28% 0.00% 30.73% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 15 MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM REFERRALS ANALYSIS FQHC-LA Designated Clinics1 SOURCE: EPIC referrals data SCOPE: Referrals entered into Epic during the period July 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016. Inpatient, Outpatient, and Medication Auth/Certs have been filtered out. 1 The CHC is included in total; a sub-report would be needed to filter down to just the Primary Care clinics Referral Type (Multiple Items) Count of Referral ID FY Referral Class Grand Total 2016 Referring Location or Place of Service 7TH AVENUE FHC AVONDALE FAMILY HEALTHCARE CLINIC (FHC) CHANDLER FHC CHOICES SOUTH CENTRAL IHH COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE CENTER (CHC) EL MIRAGE FHC GLENDALE FHC GUADALUPE FHC MARYVALE FHC MCDOWELL FHC MESA FHC PIR METRO IHH POCN COMUNIDAD IHH SEVENTH AVE WALK IN CLINIC SOUTH CENTRAL FHC SUNNYSLOPE FHC SWN SAN TAN IHH EAST VALLEY IHH CAPITAL IHH MIDTOWN IHH HIGHLAND IHH PENDERGAST FAMILY HEALTH CENTER Grand Total Internal Outgoing 73.63% 57.65% 41.17% 61.79% 86.25% 26.16% 59.54% 62.62% 86.39% 62.39% 68.66% 20.97% 64.80% 97.76% 81.43% 72.17% 10.48% 7.17% 68.92% 55.91% 52.15% 76.72% 69.20% 26.37% 42.35% 58.83% 38.21% 13.75% 73.84% 40.46% 37.38% 13.61% 37.61% 31.34% 79.03% 35.20% 2.24% 18.57% 27.83% 89.52% 92.83% 31.08% 44.09% 47.85% 23.28% 30.80% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 16 MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM DOWNSTREAM REVENUE FROM FQHC DESIGNATED DEPARTMENTS PURPOSE To quantify the downstream revenue generated by FQHC designated departments. SOURCE Epic Resolute Billing and G/L for FHC retail pharmacy. SCOPE The base population is all patients who had a qualified visit to a designated FQHC clinic during the period Oct 1, 2014 ‐ Sep 30, 2015. ‐ Downstream revenue from this base population includes payments on all non‐primary care setting encounters that occurred within 6 months subsequent to the FQHC clinic visit. All data for the FHC Retail Pharmacies is based on the past 12 months. "Downstream Revenue" is defined as total payments. DOWNSTREAM REVENUE FROM FQHC DESIGNATED CLINICS ORIGINATING CLINIC NAME 7TH AVENUE FHC 7TH AVENUE WALK IN CLINIC ADULT WALK‐IN CLINIC ANTEPARTUM TESTING ‐ CHC AVONDALE DENTAL AVONDALE FHC CHANDLER DENTAL CHANDLER FHC CHC DENTAL DIABETES OUTREACH CLINIC EL MIRAGE FHC FCH WHH SWN SAN TAN FME WHH PIR EAST VALLEY FSA WHH PCON CAPITAL FSA WHH POCN COMUNIDAD FSC WHH CHOICES SO. CENTRAL FSU WHH CHOICES MIDTOWN FSU WHH PIR METRO FSU WHH SWN HIGHLAND GLENDALE DENTAL GLENDALE FHC GUADALUPE FHC MARICOPA WOMENS CARE NS12 MARYVALE FHC MCDOWELL DENTAL MCDOWELL FHC MEDICINE CLINIC (PRIMARY CARE) MESA DENTAL MESA FHC PEDIATRIC CLINIC (PRIMARY CARE) PENDERGAST DENTAL PENDERGAST FHC SOUTH CENTAL FHC SOUTH CENTRAL DENTAL SUNNYSLOPE FHC TOTAL ENCOUNTERS TOTAL CHARGES 6,233 26,997,583.79 6,126 29,954,232.00 3,399 18,504,217.50 248 3,032,670.12 111 239,232.32 3,459 13,542,044.63 95 244,861.71 3,092 12,871,391.11 2,203 12,882,905.42 172 525,723.44 1,775 6,472,173.42 25 1,052,297.45 27 922,332.27 220 1,330,300.72 268 2,596,525.28 266 1,077,728.82 114 1,143,153.32 105 1,356,071.15 196 1,021,350.79 219 879,991.53 6,091 24,264,445.23 2,770 8,832,301.45 7,800 65,013,265.23 3,280 18,869,634.66 253 1,845,539.90 2,240 14,118,981.60 7,610 29,436,534.88 157 948,408.51 4,126 21,641,517.46 6,200 16,204,192.97 1 160.14 833 2,052,844.16 7,138 25,731,651.37 198 565,207.03 6,849 22,369,112.34 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS (21,829,938.41) (24,525,767.15) (14,976,194.26) (2,550,385.03) (214,549.36) (11,738,768.64) (195,770.63) (10,849,263.23) (10,675,042.82) (443,410.80) (5,153,341.03) (453,474.00) (652,766.11) (1,036,428.05) (2,203,415.77) (765,947.04) (990,690.28) (961,124.50) (812,936.24) (720,427.88) (19,817,812.62) (7,434,773.45) (54,368,207.83) (15,871,502.34) (1,517,866.33) (11,393,033.38) (23,652,006.36) (759,528.07) (18,219,049.22) (13,583,644.56) (125.72) (1,524,406.73) (20,999,018.60) (483,759.91) (17,974,094.43) TOTAL PAYMENTS 3,542,557.57 4,101,806.40 2,323,001.11 373,262.59 18,340.15 1,578,876.41 37,056.41 1,457,258.62 1,850,554.26 50,873.09 952,772.99 239,710.91 266,327.41 296,163.29 294,812.21 243,172.10 237,618.62 369,752.87 207,283.35 126,104.66 3,168,140.76 1,154,045.17 7,224,082.69 2,257,643.82 294,753.74 2,433,641.68 4,743,853.62 178,354.28 2,545,961.07 2,220,795.13 34.42 203,146.00 4,128,089.20 70,231.85 3,198,625.01 TOTAL BALANCE‐ EXPECTED REIMBURSMENT 252,578.08 310,756.75 142,832.38 45,210.67 2,268.39 182,177.87 4,059.74 146,614.82 61,918.60 17,232.07 62,430.38 82,133.35 709.88 1,446.10 67.88 629.93 5,097.28 ‐ 3,527.24 6,899.88 254,176.69 143,240.88 824,205.42 208,779.79 256.91 170,968.34 297,288.29 7,070.11 242,705.12 107,340.12 ‐ 86,978.04 171,556.88 256.61 303,000.99 TOTAL 83,899 $ 388,540,584 $ (319,348,471) $ 52,388,703 $ 4,146,415 FQHC Downstream Revenue for Base Period Oct 1 2014 ‐ Sep 30 2015.xlsx 17 MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM DOWNSTREAM REVENUE FROM FQHC DESIGNATED DEPARTMENTS RETAIL PHARMACY REVENUE PHARMACY LOCATION GLENDALE AVONDALE SOUTH CENTRAL 7TH AVENUE MESA SUNNYSLOPE CHANDLER TOTAL TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 923,685 477,096 444,627 993,926 605,900 578,874 507,598 $ 4,531,706 # SCRIPTS FILLED 52,552 26,855 30,175 52,019 35,061 35,231 31,238 263,131 Avg $/Script $ 17.58 17.77 14.73 19.11 17.28 16.43 16.25 $ 17.22 DOWNTREAM REVENUE BY MIHS SERVICE SERVICE CHC Breast CHC CARDIO CHC ENT CHC EYE CHC ONCOLOGY CHC ORTHO CHC Peds Specialty CHC PROC CHC SPECIALTY CHC SURGERY DIALYSIS EMERGENCY INPATIENT ACUTE OBSERVATION OUTPATIENT OP SURGERY INPATIENT PSYCH RETAIL PHARMACY TOTAL DOWNSTREAM REVENUE TOTAL ENCOUNTERS/SCRIPTS TOTAL CHARGES 953 492,317.88 3,640 1,247,766.47 2,335 871,224.41 6,422 2,331,998.69 3,314 13,271,537.23 3,658 3,236,200.88 2,410 960,106.92 25 39,065.23 9,432 4,893,622.25 5,651 3,076,442.44 356 9,814,120.27 12,722 43,740,571.62 4,996 186,072,159.55 858 24,385,623.49 25,768 51,096,372.30 1,192 31,574,912.11 168 11,436,541.98 263,131 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS (401,885.57) (969,967.37) (601,163.84) (1,530,463.34) (10,366,332.47) (2,609,666.97) (771,127.54) (27,561.96) (4,030,377.59) (2,574,751.34) (7,913,807.49) (37,610,670.93) (150,918,925.79) (21,368,818.83) (43,015,307.79) (27,068,741.37) (7,568,900.59) TOTAL PAYMENTS 85,274.77 246,977.74 255,847.92 718,796.38 2,640,160.60 545,127.23 166,395.74 9,994.44 768,578.77 421,415.14 1,278,997.70 4,152,659.89 25,684,007.05 2,031,585.01 6,595,492.54 3,477,836.60 3,309,555.94 4,531,706.46 TOTAL BALANCE‐ EXPECTED REIMBURSMENT 1,540.74 3,960.05 3,727.73 4,986.32 53,771.03 26,877.21 4,579.97 ‐ 26,749.31 6,420.59 149,145.45 461,491.33 2,263,948.01 212,806.38 397,849.52 418,256.58 110,305.26 347,031 $ 388,540,584 $ (319,348,471) $ 56,920,410 $ 4,146,415 FQHC Downstream Revenue for Base Period Oct 1 2014 ‐ Sep 30 2015.xlsx 18 19 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 3 Radiology/Ultrasound at El Mirage FHC Add Ultrasound Services to El Mirage FHC Ultrasound services are currently available at the Avondale, Chandler and Maryvale FHCs. The MIHS Hospital radiology department is getting new ultrasound equipment and the existing equipment will be available at no cost. The El Mirage FHC outsourced 1,036 ultrasound procedures in 2015. There is a room available at the El Mirage FHC where ultrasound services can be offered. The only expense will be the ultrasound sonographer, as the front desk at El Mirage can handle the registration of patients and the main campus Radiology department will handle scheduling. There will be minimal supply costs for probe covers, disinfectant and linen. The attached pro forma shows that starting with two half-day sessions per week and working up to two full day sessions per week, with conservative assumptions about capacity, will yield a contribution margin of $80,000 in the first year. After ramp-up, two full days per week at full capacity will net a contribution margin of $108,000 per year. Add Ultrasound Services to El Mirage FHC Two half days per week @90% capacity Visits Two full days per week at 80% capacity Two full days per week at 90% capacity Two full days per week at 100% capacity Total April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Year 1 36 36 36 64 64 64 72 72 72 80 80 80 756 Expense Staffing Supplies $ 1,504 $ 72 $ 1,504 $ 72 $ 1,504 $ 72 $ $ 3,008 128 $ 3,008 $ 128 $ 3,008 $ 128 $ 3,008 $ 144 $ 3,008 $ 144 $ 3,008 $ 144 $ 3,008 $ 160 $ 3,008 $ 160 $ 3,008 $ 160 $ 31,584 $ 1,512 Revenue $ 5,652 $ 5,652 $ 5,652 $ 10,048 $ 10,048 $ 10,048 $ 11,304 $ 11,304 $ 11,304 $ 12,560 $ 12,560 $ 12,560 $ 118,692 Contribution Margin $ 4,076 $ 4,076 $ 4,076 $ $ 6,912 $ 6,912 $ 8,152 $ 8,152 $ 8,152 $ 9,392 $ 9,392 $ 9,392 $ 85,596 100% Capacity Half Day Visits 6,912 Full Day 5 10 Expense Staffing Supplies $ $ 188 $ 10 $ Revenue $ 785 $ 1,570 Contribution Margin $ 597 376 20 $ 1,194 Assumptions No equipment charges Staffing expense per hour Average reimbursement per service Supplies per procedure Visits outsoruced in 2015 Estimate based upon 4 weeks per month $ 47.00 $ 157.00 $ 2.00 1,036 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 4 MHCGC CEO Report (No Handout Verbal Report) Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 5a MHCGC Financial Reports Visit Summary MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTERS LOOK-ALIKE FINANCIAL STATEMENT HIGHLIGHTS For the month ending March 31, 2016 OPERATING REVENUE (a) Visits Actual 30,069 259,137 Month-to-Date Year-to-Date Budget 31,193 256,941 Variance (1,124) 2,196 %Variance -3.6% 0.9% Visits were below budget for the month by 1,124 but remain above budget for the year by 2,196. For the month, South Central; McDowell; CHC Womens; and CHC Antepartum exceeded their budgets. Dental continues to be down (20%) due to changes in the Copa Care Policy. (b) Net Patient Service Revenue Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ 6,225,812 47,094,699 $ $ Budget 4,674,259 38,572,898 $ $ Variance 1,551,553 8,521,801 %Variance 33.2% 22.1% While visits are below budget, Net patient service revenue is better than budget for both MTD of $1.5M and YTD of $8.5M. The additional revenue related to the Lab and Radiology only accounts was not budgeted. Additionally, Ambulatory Management has been making a concerted effort to replace the Meritus volumes lost. Heavy focus has been to work on gaps in care of AHCCCS patients. Also, AHCCCS volumes as a percent of the Total made up 52% in March and February (see the Payor Mix Graphs). Self-Pay is down to an overall 23%. (c) PMPM Revenue Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ Budget 5,078 1,524,554 $ $ Variance 40,587 365,286 $ $ (35,509) 1,159,268 %Variance -87.5% 317.4% Per Member Per Month revenue is below budget on a MTD basis by $35.5K but remains better than budget on a YTD basis by $1.2M. The large positive variance on a year-to-date basis was due to receiving $3 per member per month from Meritus Health Partners from July through December, which was not budgeted. Also, a year-to-date true-up payment was received from Southwest Catholic Health Centers of $115K. OPERATING EXPENSES (e) Salaries and Wages Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date Month-to-Date FTEs Year-to-Date FTEs $ $ 1,651,684 14,866,060 372 375 $ $ Budget 1,834,059 15,266,700 340 363 Variance $ $ 182,375 400,640 (32) (12) %Variance 9.9% 2.6% -9.5% -3.2% 53,037 68,228 %Variance 9.3% 1.3% Salaries and wages were below budget by $182K for the month and $400.6K YTD. (g) Employee Benefits Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ Budget 516,928 5,021,952 569,965 5,090,179 Variance $ $ Employee Benefits were below budget by $53.0K MTD and $68.2K YTD. Benefits as a % of Salaries Month-to-Date Year-to-Date Actual 31.3% 33.8% Budget 31.1% 33.3% Variance -0.2% -0.4% %Variance -0.7% -1.3% MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTERS LOOK-ALIKE FINANCIAL STATEMENT HIGHLIGHTS For the month ending March 31, 2016 OPERATING EXPENSES (continued) (h) Medical Service Fees Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ 1,543,089 13,720,406 $ $ Budget 1,494,945 13,453,537 Variance $ $ (48,144) (266,869) %Variance -3.2% -2.0% 87,571 316,860 2.59 1.30 %Variance 32.3% 14.0% 29.7% 14.8% Medical Service Fees were above budget by $48.1K for the month and by $266.9K YTD. (i) Supplies Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date Month-to-Date Supplies per Visi Year-to-Date Supplies per Visit $ $ $ $ Budget 183,962 1,940,729 6.12 7.49 $ $ $ $ Variance 271,532 2,257,589 8.70 8.79 $ $ $ $ Supplies expense is better than budget by $87.6K MTD and by $316.9K YTD. The Clinics have been able to meet pharmaceutical needs (primarily vaccines) with current stocks without the need to order additional stock. This trend should continue as we move out of flu season. (j) Purchased Services Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ Budget 20,556 174,990 $ $ Variance 20,391 183,466 (165) 8,475 %Variance -0.8% 4.6% (3,017) 111,859 %Variance -1.8% 7.2% (69) - %Variance -3.1% 0.0% $ $ Purchased services were better than budget for the month by less than $1.0K and better than budget YTD by $8.5K. (k) Other Expenses Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ Budget 171,646 1,451,924 $ $ Variance 168,629 1,563,783 $ $ For the month other expenses were over budget by $3.0K MTD but remain below budget by $111.9K YTD. (l) Interest Expenses Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ Budget 2,326 22,775 $ $ 405,135 4,021,644 $ $ Variance 2,257 22,775 $ $ 534,590 4,436,922 $ $ Interest Expenses are on track with budget. (m) Allocated Ancillary Expense Actual Month-to-Date Year-to-Date $ $ Budget Allocated ancillary expenses were $129.5K under budget for the month and $415.3K YTD. Variance 129,455 415,278 %Variance 24.2% 9.4% FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTERS LOOK-ALIKE MAR FY 2016 VISITS SUMMARY Productive Days #NAME? Prior Year #NAME? Prior Month MTD Analysis #NAME? #NAME? Month To Date FY 2016 MAR FY 2015 FEB FY 2016 MAR FY 2016 Actual Actual Budget Actual FHC Clinics SOUTH CENTRAL FHC 7TH AVENUE FHC AVONDALE FHC MARYVALE FHC GLENDALE FHC EL MIRAGE FHC MESA FHC CHANDLER FHC GUADALUPE FHC PENDERGAST FHC SUNNYSLOPE FHC MCDOWELL FHC Total WHH Clinics FSA WHH POCN COMUNIDAD FCH WHH SWN SAN TAN FSU WHH PIR METRO FME WHH PIR EAST VALLEY FSU WHH SWN HIGHLAND FSA WHH POCN CAPITOL FSU WHH CHOICES MIDTOWN FSC WHH CHOICES SO. CENTRAL Total CHC Clinics MARICOPA WOMENS CARE NS 12 ANTEPARTUM TESTING - CHC ADULT WALK-IN CLINIC DIABETES OUTREACH CLINIC PEDIATRIC CLINIC (PRIMARY CARE) MEDICINE CLINIC (PRIMARY CARE) Total 7th Avenue Walk-In Clinic 7TH AVENUE WALK-IN CLINIC Dental Clinics CHC DENTAL CHANDLER DENTAL SOUTH CENTRAL DENTAL AVONDALE DENTAL MESA DENTAL GLENDALE DENTAL MCDOWELL DENTAL CLINIC PENDERGAST DENTAL Total Grand Totals (Unfavorable) YTD Analysis FY 2014 % Year To Date FY 2016 FY 2015 Actual - YTD Actual - YTD Actual Budget (Unfavorable) % 1,454 1,499 1,769 1,593 1,719 1,839 2,047 1,725 1,723 1,537 1,290 1,174 1,469 1,485 1,965 1,867 870 751 377 372 1,910 1,681 1,320 1,274 17,913 16,797 Prior Month Variance 1,646 1,760 1,865 1,914 1,800 1,134 1,637 1,791 855 384 1,981 1,322 18,089 8% 1,395 1,702 1,893 2,063 1,829 1,409 1,611 2,180 994 412 1,902 1,197 18,587 251 58 (28) (149) (29) (275) 26 (389) (139) (28) 79 125 (498) 18% 3% (1%) (7%) (2%) (20%) 2% (18%) (14%) (7%) 4% 10% (3%) 11,116 13,036 12,969 13,889 12,959 15,742 15,938 16,038 14,939 14,549 10,635 10,753 13,987 13,573 15,854 17,338 7,683 7,904 617 15,336 15,882 8,991 10,183 140,407 149,504 Prior Year Variance 13,441 14,925 16,758 16,301 13,676 11,020 12,720 17,945 7,804 3,605 15,493 11,188 154,876 4% 11,406 13,912 15,473 16,867 14,949 11,514 13,169 17,818 8,126 3,369 15,549 9,785 151,937 2,035 1,013 1,285 (566) (1,273) (494) (449) 127 (322) 236 (56) 1,403 2,939 18% 7% 8% (3%) (9%) (4%) (3%) 1% (4%) 7% (0%) 14% 2% 162 135 123 78 153 139 381 345 87 66 99 61 52 33 126 70 1,183 927 Prior Month Variance 133 105 128 376 48 74 47 77 988 7% 126 107 162 358 95 82 59 98 1,087 7 (2) (34) 18 (47) (8) (12) (21) (99) 6% (2%) (21%) 5% (49%) (10%) (20%) (21%) (9%) 925 1,119 1,413 1,003 968 1,198 1,835 3,026 386 726 668 694 229 416 697 744 7,121 8,926 Prior Year Variance 882 837 1,121 3,196 509 680 297 687 8,209 -8% 1,028 878 1,325 2,929 779 673 485 800 8,897 (146) (41) (204) 267 (270) 7 (188) (113) (688) (14%) (5%) (15%) 9% (35%) 1% (39%) (14%) (8%) 2,132 1,982 840 796 425 286 208 217 1,960 1,855 836 816 6,401 5,952 Prior Month Variance 2,180 889 406 257 1,847 910 6,489 9% 2,055 814 444 235 2,014 874 6,436 125 75 (38) 22 (167) 36 53 6% 9% (9%) 9% (8%) 4% 1% 16,514 17,509 7,880 6,866 2,775 3,447 1,650 1,873 13,945 15,945 7,742 7,232 50,506 52,872 Prior Year Variance 19,065 7,317 2,836 1,993 15,747 7,937 54,895 4% 16,798 6,655 3,627 1,919 16,465 7,229 52,693 2,267 662 (791) 74 (718) 708 2,202 13% 10% (22%) 4% (4%) 10% 4% 2,656 2,759 Prior Month Variance 2,482 -10% 2,509 (27) (1%) 19,920 20,598 Prior Year Variance 21,871 6% 22,176 (305) (1%) 918 705 197 144 134 122 211 137 218 166 169 105 331 353 26 33 2,204 1,765 Prior Month Variance 880 184 124 160 171 126 338 38 2,021 15% 1,115 195 122 227 250 181 359 126 2,575 (235) (11) 2 (67) (79) (55) (21) (88) (554) (21%) (6%) 2% (30%) (32%) (30%) (6%) (70%) (22%) 8,052 8,771 1,665 1,892 1,341 1,398 2,155 2,006 1,891 2,040 1,580 1,592 2,199 2,916 30 18,883 20,645 Prior Year Variance 8,460 1,647 1,304 1,526 1,681 1,330 3,091 247 19,286 -7% 9,115 1,780 993 1,855 2,044 1,485 2,935 1,031 21,238 (655) (133) 311 (329) (363) (155) 156 (784) (1,952) (7%) (7%) 31% (18%) (18%) (10%) 5% (76%) (9%) 30,357 28,200 Prior Month Variance 30,069 7% 31,193 (1,124) (4%) 236,837 252,545 Prior Year Variance 259,137 3% 256,941 2,196 1% Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 5b MHCGC Financial Reports Governing Council Expenditures & Budget FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTERS LOOK-ALIKE Governing Council Expenditures and Budget FY 2016 Contract Labor Salaries OT Salaries Benefits JUL AUG $ $ 4,509 4,369 (7) 220 2,127 1,291 Sub-Total Salaries and Benefits 6,629 5,881 SEP $ 4,368 134 2,196 6,697 OCT $ 4,521 96 2,221 6,838 FY 2016 Actual NOV DEC JAN $ $ $ 4,557 5,771 4,586 (10) 20 1,880 2,339 2,006 6,427 8,111 6,613 880010 - AIRLINE 880020 - TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 880030 - MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 880090 - PRINTING_BINDING_DUPLICATING 880150 - SEMINAR FEES 880110 - ORG MEMBERSHIPS/CERT/LICENSE 880080 - BOOK_PAMPHLETS_SUBSCRIPTIONS 880200 - EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION REWARDS 880680 - OTHER MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Sub-Total Other Operating Expenses 101 24 125 47 47 11 11 33 33 - 730070 - FOOD - NON PATIENT NOURISHMENTS 730090 - FOOD - CATERING & SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 760010 - SOFTWARE 760020 - OFFICE SUPPLIES Sub-Total Supplies 91 91 207 207 183 183 500 26 526 (44) (44) 870070 - COMMUNICATION SERVICES Sub-Total Utilities - - - - Contract Labor Salaries OT Salaries Benefits 5 5 FEB $ 4,362 9 2,093 6,465 MAR $ 4,665 1,813 6,477 APR $ - MAY $ - JUN $ - Actual MAR YTD $ 41,707 463 17,967 60,137 Budget Variance MAR YTD $ $ 42,289 582 (463) 12,688 (5,279) 54,978 (5,159) 200 344 544 13 79 92 124 124 - - - - 101 47 233 47 547 975 432 3,155 219 18 3,692 4,861 12,376 432 3,155 118 (29) 3,459 (47) 4,314 11,401 2,534 2,534 169 169 282 58 340 35 218 82 335 - - - 35 4,139 166 4,339 77 77 (35) (4,139) (88) (4,262) - - 1,456 1,456 - - - 1,462 1,462 537 537 (924) (924) 66,913 $ 67,968 - Grand Total $ 6,845 $ 6,139 $ 6,891 $ 7,396 $ 6,383 $ 11,188 $ 6,873 JUL $ 4,636 1,343 Sub-Total Salaries and Benefits 5,978 AUG $ 4,639 1,588 6,227 SEP $ 4,494 1,317 5,810 OCT $ 4,647 1,345 5,992 NOV $ 4,636 1,344 5,979 FY 2016 Budget DEC JAN $ $ 5,147 4,793 1,443 1,617 6,591 6,410 $ 6,929 $ 8,268 $ - $ - $ - $ FEB $ 4,496 1,318 5,814 MAR $ 4,801 1,374 6,175 APR $ 4,654 1,347 6,002 MAY $ 4,809 1,376 6,185 JUN $ 4,662 1,349 6,010 Actual MAR YTD $ 41,707 463 17,967 60,137 $ 1,056 Budget Budget FY 2016 Remaining $ $ 56,414 14,707 (463) 16,760 (1,207) 73,174 13,037 880010 - AIRLINE 880020 - TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 880030 - MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 880090 - PRINTING_BINDING_DUPLICATING 880150 - SEMINAR FEES 880110 - ORG MEMBERSHIPS/CERT/LICENSE 880080 - BOOK_PAMPHLETS_SUBSCRIPTIONS 880680 - OTHER MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Sub-Total Other Operating Expenses 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 15,000 540 16,375 48 351 24 2 410 540 1,375 48 351 24 2 410 10,000 540 11,375 101 47 233 47 547 975 576 4,207 292 24 4,923 25,000 6,481 41,502 576 4,207 191 (23) 4,690 25,000 (47) 5,934 40,527 730070 - FOOD - NON PATIENT NOURISHMENTS 730090 - FOOD - CATERING & SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 760010 - SOFTWARE 760020 - OFFICE SUPPLIES Sub-Total Supplies 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 208 9 216 35 4,139 166 4,339 2,491 103 2,594 (35) (1,647) (63) (1,745) 870070 - COMMUNICATION SERVICES Sub-Total Utilities 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 1,462 1,462 716 716 (745) (745) Grand Total $ 7,629 $ 7,878 $ 7,461 $ 7,643 $ 7,630 $ 8,242 $ 8,061 7,465 $ 7,826 $ 22,653 $ 7,836 $ 17,661 66,913 $ 117,986 $ $ $ 51,074 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 5c MHCGC Financial Reports FQHC LA Financials & Payer Mix Maricopa Integrated Health System FQHC - LA MTD Summary vs Budget With Ancillary Services MAR FY 2016 FHC and WHH MAR Month to Date Actual (a) Visits Budget 19,077 Operating Revenues Net patient service revenue Actual (3%) Budget 6,489 2,021 3% 29% 6,186 828,829 (100%) 28% 393,156 380,975 Operating Expenses (e) Salaries and wages (f) Contract labor (g) Employee benefits (h) Medical service fees (i) Supplies (j) Purchased services (k) Other expenses (l) Interest expense (m) Allocated ancillary expense (n) Total operating expenses 828,494 119 267,255 1,145,737 109,312 4,786 113,998 2,326 304,939 2,776,968 906,701 292,165 1,106,357 184,112 4,936 109,036 2,257 445,586 3,051,150 9% 100% 9% (4%) 41% 3% (5%) (3%) 32% 9% 388,994 122,790 255,428 39,153 2,350 79,948 888,663 461,491 143,094 261,491 47,475 161 4,999 64,757 983,468 16% 308,766 96,007 28,932 15,309 6,035 455,049 279,228 84,153 28,929 14,692 4,973 411,974 (61,893) $ (16%) (30,999) (8%) (34,464) (1%) $ 174,500 $ 16% (23%) 10% (154,639) (19%) $ $ Actual 380,975 822,643 1,063,163 14% 2% 18% 100% 53% 393,156 % (22%) 44% 1,527,865 $ 35% $ 7th Ave Walk-in Clinic MAR Month to Date 2,575 (85%) 43% $ $ 1% Budget 34,401 3,016,686 Percent Margin 1,063,163 Actual 2,982,285 (o) Margin (before overhead allocation) (p) $ 6,436 % 5,078 4,304,833 4,299,755 $ % Dental MAR Month to Date (c) PMPM Revenue (d) Total operating revenues (b) $ 19,674 CHC MAR Month to Date Budget 2,482 $ 3% (11%) (14%) (0%) (4%) (21%) (10%) $ 469,738 $ 2,509 (1%) 488,356 (4%) 469,738 488,356 125,431 30,877 141,924 6,564 461 49,263 20,248 374,768 186,639 50,553 127,097 11,017 602 49,622 24,247 449,777 94,971 $ 20% Actual 30,069 $ (4%) 33% 39% (12%) 40% 23% 1% 16% 17% 38,578 8% $ $ 4,674,259 (1,124) $ 1,551,553 (4%) 33% 5,078 6,230,890 40,587 4,714,846 (35,509) 1,516,044 (87%) 32% 1,651,684 119 516,928 1,543,089 183,962 20,556 171,646 2,326 405,135 4,495,447 1,834,059 569,965 1,494,945 271,532 20,391 168,629 2,257 534,590 4,896,370 182,375 (119) 53,037 (48,144) 87,571 (165) (3,017) (69) 129,455 400,923 10% 100% 9% (3%) 32% (1%) (2%) (3%) 24% 8% 1,735,443 $ 28% 1,916,967 126% 865,700 951,175 349,294 386,557 145,782 131,983 662,165 15% (985,639) (33%) (174,794) (16%) (541,197) (65%) (207,675) (53%) (162,982) (43%) $225.39 $0.27 $225.66 $151.59 $1.75 $153.33 47% $163.84 $0.00 $163.84 $127.83 $0.96 $128.79 27% $194.54 $0.00 $194.54 $147.97 $0.00 $147.97 31% $189.26 $0.00 $189.26 $194.64 $0.00 $194.64 (3%) $207.05 $0.17 $207.22 $149.85 $1.30 $151.15 $57.20 ($1.13) $56.07 $145.57 $155.09 6% $136.95 $152.82 10% $225.16 $160.01 (41%) $150.99 $179.27 16% $149.50 $156.97 $7.46 5% (4,672%) $26.89 ($24.03) ($30.63) ($12.04) 154% $38.26 $15.38 149% $57.72 $63.53 (1,092%) (w) Total operating expenses (x) Margin (before overhead allocation) $80.09 ($1.75) (y) Overhead Allocation $45.38 $48.35 (z) Margin After Overhead Allocation $34.71 ($50.10) 6% 169% (212%) 1,455,918 (181,524) $ (4%) (r) Margin After Overhead Allocation (s) Per Visit Analysis ($/Visit) (t) Net patient service revenue (u) PMPM Revenue (v) Total operating revenues (171) (0%) 114,185 6,225,812 31,193 % (q) Overhead Allocation Percent Margin 95,142 % All Clinics Combined MAR Month to Date Variance Favorable Budget (Unfavorable) (75,606) (15%) 279,524 4% 1,583,899 127,981 (1,765,424) (37%) 1,788,986 118% ($5.82) 37% $53.83 $60.07 10% $72.13 $51.26 (41%) $38.33 $45.51 16% $48.42 $50.78 $2.36 5% ($26.94) ($84.09) 68% ($102.76) ($63.30) (62%) ($0.07) ($30.13) 100% $9.30 ($56.60) $65.89 (116%) Maricopa Integrated Health System FQHC - LA YTD Summary vs Budget With Ancillary Services MAR FY 2016 FHC and WHH MAR Year to Date Actual (a) Visits 163,085 Operating Revenues Net patient service revenue Budget 160,834 CHC MAR Year to Date % Actual 1% Budget 54,895 4% Budget 19,286 (15%) 6,735,626 22% 392% 38% 8,208,506 55,673 6,791,299 (100%) 21% 2,671,245 3,140,015 Operating Expenses (e) Salaries and wages (f) Contract labor (g) Employee benefits (h) Medical service fees (i) Supplies (j) Purchased services (k) Other expenses (l) Interest expense (m) Allocated ancillary expense (n) Total operating expenses 7,503,095 390 2,643,095 10,231,138 1,259,480 29,266 948,631 22,775 3,196,180 25,834,050 7,321,968 2,594,962 9,957,211 1,527,929 44,255 1,040,465 22,775 3,684,129 26,193,693 (2%) 100% (2%) (3%) 18% 34% 9% 0% 13% 1% 3,654,180 (14) 1,244,122 2,313,220 390,471 657 31,749 610,294 8,244,679 3,856,109 1,258,771 2,352,451 392,206 1,428 44,269 536,208 8,441,443 5% 100% 1% 2% 0% 54% 28% 2,503,305 779,795 211,988 141,732 26,761 3,663,581 2,456,691 774,911 239,602 132,218 30,676 3,634,099 $ (q) Overhead Allocation (r) Margin After Overhead Allocation (s) Per Visit Analysis ($/Visit) (t) Net patient service revenue (u) PMPM Revenue (v) Total operating revenues (w) Total operating expenses 8,182,365 $ 24% 8,053,585 Percent Margin 128,780 0% (1,503,195) (6%) (36,173) $ (0%) (1,650,144) (24%) $ (992,336) $ (37%) Actual 21,871 $ (15%) (2%) (1%) 12% (7%) 13% (1%) (494,083) (16%) Budget $ 3,723,087 $ Actual (1%) 4,316,373 (14%) 3,723,087 4,316,373 1,205,481 (6) 354,940 1,176,047 78,789 3,335 444,783 215,170 3,478,540 1,631,931 461,536 1,143,876 97,852 5,564 448,372 216,585 4,005,716 244,548 $ 7% % 22,176 8,165,701 3,240,616 3,317,955 1,173,687 1,164,242 883,093 (3,276,788) (40%) (4,968,099) (73%) (2,166,024) (81%) (1,658,325) (53%) (638,546) (17%) (706,270) (16%) $ (14%) 26% 100% 23% (3%) 19% 40% 1% 1% 13% 310,657 7% (9,668,897) (39%) $ 1,016,927 All Clinics Combined MAR Year to Date Variance Favorable Budget (Unfavorable) 259,137 256,941 47,094,699 $ 38,572,898 $ 8,521,801 22% 1,524,554 48,619,253 365,286 38,938,184 1,159,268 9,681,069 317% 25% 14,866,060 370 5,021,952 13,720,406 1,940,729 174,990 1,451,924 22,775 4,021,644 41,220,850 15,266,700 5,090,179 13,453,537 2,257,589 183,466 1,563,783 22,775 4,436,922 42,274,950 400,640 (370) 68,228 (266,869) 316,860 8,475 111,859 415,278 1,054,101 3% 100% 1% (2%) 14% 5% 7% 0% 9% 2% 7,398,404 $ 15% (3,336,766) $ (9%) 13,350,981 13,664,825 (5,952,578) (12%) (17,001,591) (44%) 2,196 % 1% 10,735,169 111% 313,844 10,421,326 108% $199.23 $9.35 $208.58 $151.59 $1.93 $153.52 36% $149.53 $0.00 $149.53 $127.83 $1.06 $128.88 16% $138.51 $0.00 $138.51 $147.85 $0.00 $147.85 (6%) $170.23 $0.00 $170.23 $194.64 $0.00 $194.64 (13%) $181.74 $5.88 $187.62 $150.12 $1.42 $151.55 $31.61 $4.46 $36.07 $158.41 $162.86 3% $150.19 $160.20 6% $189.96 $171.11 (11%) $159.05 $180.63 12% $159.07 $164.53 $5.46 3% ($51.45) ($23.26) 121% $11.18 $14.01 (20%) $28.55 ($12.98) $41.53 (320%) (x) Margin (before overhead allocation) $50.17 ($9.34) (y) Overhead Allocation $49.38 $50.77 $0.79 ($60.12) (z) Margin After Overhead Allocation $ $ 3,140,015 33% 309,613 24,690,498 (14%) 2% 2,671,245 % (9%) 24,380,885 Percent Margin $ 7th Ave Walk-in Clinic MAR Year to Date 21,238 1,524,554 34,016,415 (o) Margin (before overhead allocation) (p) $ Actual 32,491,861 $ $ 8,208,506 % (c) PMPM Revenue (d) Total operating revenues (b) $ 52,693 Dental MAR Year to Date (637%) 3% 101% (98%) 24% ($0.66) ($31.32) $59.03 $62.97 6% $60.86 $54.82 (11%) $40.38 $45.86 12% $51.52 $53.18 $1.66 3% ($59.69) ($94.28) 37% ($112.31) ($78.08) (44%) ($29.20) ($31.85) 8% ($22.97) ($66.17) $43.20 (65%) Maricopa Integrated Health System FQHC - LA With Ancillary Services MAR FY 2016 (a) Visits The number of times patients were seen at the clinics Operating Revenues (b) (c) (d) Net patient service revenue PMPM Revenue Total operating revenues This amount reflects the estimated amount of revenue we expect to collect as cash from regular operations Per Member Per Month payments, which represent capitation agreements with Mercy Care and Care1st. Net patient service revenue (b) + PMPM revenue (c) = (d) Operating Expenses (e) Salaries and wages Salaries and wages paid to MIHS employees via payroll (f) Contract labor Temporary staff and contractors (g) Employee benefits Benefits paid to MIHS employees (Ex :health insurance) (h) Medical service fees Fees paid per the contract with District Medical Group (DMG) for providing physician/provider services (i) Supplies Expenses related to items consumed (Ex: medical and office supplies) (j) Purchased services Expenses related to consulting, dental lab services, lab courier services, and uniform/laundry cleaning (k) Other expenses All other expenses not listed in another category (Ex: equipment or facility maintenance agreements, utilities, etc.) (l) Interest expense Interest paid that is related to a capital lease Allocated ancillary expense Expense amounts from the following departments are allocated to the individual FQHC cost centers: radiology, pharmacy, and laboratory because those services were done at the clinics. This is done in order to match revenue with expenses. (m) (n) Total operating expenses Sum of all Operational Expenses, lines (e) through (m) = (n) (o) Margin (before overhead allocation) Total operating revenue (d) less total operating expense (n) = (o) (p) Percent Margin Margin (before overhead allocation) (o) divided by Total operating revenue (d) = (p) (q) Overhead Allocation Expense amounts from departments that provide indirect services to the FQHC departments (such as: Human Resources, Accounting, Payroll, Security, Information Technology). This is done in order to match revenue with expenses. (r) Margin after Overhead Allocation Margin (before overhead allocation) (o) less Overhead Allocation (q) = (r) (s) Percent Margin Margin after overhead allocation (r) divided by Total operating revenue (d) = (s) (t) Per Visit Analysis ($/Visit) Net patient service revenue Net patient service revenue line (b) divided by Visits line (a) = (t) (u) PMPM Revenue PMPM Revenue line (c) divided by Visits line (a) = (u) (v) Total operating revenues Total operating revenues line (d) divided by Visits line (a) = (v) (w) Total operating expenses Total operating expenses line (n) divided by Visits line (a) = (w) (x) Margin (before overhead allocation) Margin (before overhead allocation) line (o) divided by Visits line (a) = (x) (y) Overhead Allocation Overhead allocation line (q) divided by Visits line (a) = (y) (z) Margin after Overhead Allocation Margin after overhead allocation line (r) divided by Visits line (a) = (z) Note: Reports do not include overhead allocations (i.e. additional expenses related to Financial Services (including: Payroll, Accounts Payable, Billing), Human Resources, Facilities and Maintenance, etc.) MIHS - Federally Qualified Health Centers Look-Alike Comparison ALL FQHC Visits by Payer - 6 Month Trend Payer AHCCCS Medicare FAP - Self-Pay Grants Commercial Other Total October November December January 12,063 2,608 9,100 464 2,116 258 26,609 13,275 2,850 8,968 667 2,753 312 28,825 11,795 2,505 8,801 626 3,709 277 27,713 12,808 2,677 8,934 626 5,009 303 30,357 February March 12,488 2,651 8,761 659 5,526 306 30,391 15,666 3,041 6,987 695 3,199 481 30,069 October November December January Payer AHCCCS Medicare FAP - Self-Pay Grants Commercial Other Total 45% 10% 34% 2% 8% 1% 100% 46% 10% 31% 2% 10% 1% 100% 43% 9% 32% 2% 13% 1% 100% 42% 9% 29% 2% 17% 1% 100% February 41% 9% 29% 2% 18% 1% 100% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AHCCCS October Medicare November FAP - Self-Pay December January Grants February March Commercial Other March 52% 10% 23% 2% 11% 2% 100% MIHS - Federally Qualified Health Centers Look-Alike Comparison ALL FQHC Visits by Payer - 4 Year Trend Payer AHCCCS Medicare FAP - Self-Pay Grants Commercial Other Total FY 13 FY 14 122,914 28,956 119,855 7,829 19,348 1,750 300,652 FY 15 127,137 30,144 133,140 7,542 20,479 2,463 320,905 148,465 31,562 109,451 6,889 40,332 3,188 339,887 YTD FY 16 116,892 23,920 73,966 4,604 36,544 3,507 259,433 Payer AHCCCS Medicare FAP - Self-Pay Grants Commercial Other Total FY 13 FY 14 41% 10% 40% 3% 6% 1% 100% 40% 9% 41% 2% 6% 1% 100% FY 15 44% 9% 32% 2% 12% 1% 100% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AHCCCS Medicare FY 13 FY 14 FAP - Self-Pay FY 15 Grants YTD FY 16 Commercial Other YTD FY 16 45% 9% 29% 2% 14% 1% 100% Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 5d MHCGC Financial Reports Uncovered Sessions Report Kevin Lopez, M.D. - Center Medical Director Goshtasb Javdan, M.D. Jessica Holmes MD Danso, Laura, PA-C Rachel Curry NP Rachel Finegan, FNP Helm, Tara, NP Claire Veltkamp, NP Azar Mehizadeh Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice/Float Family Practice Family Practice/Float Family Practice/Float CARDIOLOGY Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Azar Mehizadeh CARDIOLOGY * Required EL MIRAGE Total possible sessions John Prieve, D.O.--Interim Center Medical Director Raji Cheruvu, M.D. Gera Barnard, NP Emily Brewton, PA Peggy Ernster, NP Heather O'Connell, PA Rachel Curry NP Christian S. Breburda * Required GLENDALE Total possible sessions Lenore Encinas, MD Kim Arnold, NP Warren Kuipers, MD Lindsey Panbechi, PA Yvonne Lamos, CNM 0.0 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice CARDIOLOGY Total % Uncovered Volume Restriction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice OB/GYN #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Guadalupe Total * Required GUADALUPE Total possible sessions #DIV/0! Internal Medicine Family Practice Family Practice Glendale Total Guadalupe 0.0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! El Mirage Total Glendale 0.0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Chandler Total El Mirage FMLA #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! * Required AVONDALE Total possible sessions Kathryn Donesa-Zuzak, M.D. - Center Medical Directo Family Practice Laila Sajwani, M.D. Family Practice Rose Vutien, M.D. Internal Med/Pediatrics Shannon Skinner, M.D. Internal Med/Pediatrics Thomas Zheng, M.D. OB/GYN Michael Peters, MD OB/GYN Mott, Joseph MD OB/GYN Suzanne Hanson, CNM OB/GYN Habak, MD OB/GYN Jessica Kappes, P.A. Family Practice April Estes, D.O. Family Practice Yvonne Lamos, CNM OB/GYN Raina Roy, MD CARDIOLOGY * Required CHANDLER Total possible sessions Mason Roy, D.O - Center Medical Director Wendy Byers, NP (float) Tonia Graham, NP Melinda Baehr NP Kimberly Keene, NP (float) Comments ** Required** #DIV/0! Avondale Total Chandler Average # of Total # of Patients Sessions Patients per Session Missed Sessions due to Vacancy Specialty Unplanned Absence Provider CME FHC Avondale FQHC Uncovered Provider Sessions / Productivity - APRIL 2016 (WHH Total Possible Sessions RED tab) Provider PTO * Total Possible Sessions Per clinic is required 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! Hope Kurk, M.D. - Center Medical Director Michael Dobbs, MD Mona Khurana, M.D Kim T. Long, M.D. Patricia Halpe, M.D. Nyima Ali, MD Bidisha Ray, MD Suzanne Hanson, CNM Arlene Karlin, CNM Edward Nash, MD Lisa Stahr Amanda Scott MD various OB/GYN providers Pediatrics Pediatrics/Adol Med. Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN Pediatrics/Adol Med. OB/GYN #DIV/0! Debra Wasson. NP Family Practice #DIV/0! Claire Veltkamp, NP Laura Danso, PA Kimberly Keene, PA Jamie Bohannon NP Wendy Byers, NP (float) Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice #DIV/0! Family Practice #DIV/0! * Required MCDOWELL Total possible sessions Sunitha Bandalamuri, M.D. - Center Medical Director Dr. Roy, MD Nirmala Narla, M.D. Lindsey Panbechi, PA Katherine Davis, NP Sararian, Shahraz, MD Renuka Nigam, M.D. Soheil Taghavi Zargar, MD Filler, Angela, MD Total % Uncovered Volume Restriction FMLA 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 Family Practice - HIV Internal Medicine- HIV Internal Medicine- HIV Internal Medicine- HIV Internal Medicine- HIV Psychiatry Obstetric-HIV #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.00% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 Internal Medicine Cardiology OB/GYN Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice PEDs Family Practice PEDS #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Mesa Total * Required MESA Total possible sessions 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! McDowell Total Mesa 0 #DIV/0! Pendergast Total McDowell 0 * Required MARYVALE Total possible sessions Jessica Holmes MD - Center Medical Director Family Practice Tanya Giorgio-Sarkisan, F.N.P. Family Practive * Required Pendergast Total possible sessions Ana Khalsa, M.D. - Center Medical Director John Post, M.D. Yvonne Patterson, MD Brian Arey, NP Carol Williams, NP Zhanna Shpitalnik, MD Obstertic various providers Comments ** Required** #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Maryvale Total Pendergast Missed Sessions due to Vacancy Average # of Total # of Patients Sessions Patients per Session Specialty Unplanned Absence Provider CME FHC Maryvale FQHC Uncovered Provider Sessions / Productivity - APRIL 2016 (WHH Total Possible Sessions RED tab) Provider PTO * Total Possible Sessions Per clinic is required 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Christina Smarik, M.D. - Center Medical Director Elizabeth Jerome, MD Heather Burzinski PA Nikolina Elez, NP Jenna Snyder, NP Anita Martinez CNM Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice OB/GYN Pamela Parker, M.D. OB/GYN #DIV/0! Douglas Nelson, M.D. Internal Medicine #DIV/0! Susan Geren, M.D. Pediatrics #DIV/0! Wendi Carlton, M.D. Michelle Buenafe, M.D. Open .06 FTE Position Tara Begay, F.N.P. Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Family Practice #DIV/0! Jamie Bohannon, F.N.P Family Practice #DIV/0! Jennifer Poethke, PAC Open .06 FTE Position Family Practice Internal Medicine #DIV/0! *Required SUNNYSLOPE Total possible sessions Dr. Sandra Yuh, MD Medical Director Dr. Tequa Salehi-Rad, MD Dr. Carlo Guerrero, MD Dr. Anthony Dunnigan, MD Dr. Llaura Beach, MD Sarah Raleigh, NP Cassandra Altamirano, PA Total % Uncovered Volume Restriction FMLA 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME 0.00% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 Family Practice Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 * Required INTERNAL MEDS Total possible sessions Nancy McNeill,NP Same Day Andrea Brock,NP Same Day #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Same Day Total * Required SAME DAY Total possible sessions 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Internal Meds Total Same Day #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Sunnyslope Total Internal Meds 0 #DIV/0! South Central Total Sunnyslope 0 *Required 7TH AVE FHC Total possible sessions Shaghayegh Abdollahi, M.D. Internal Med/Pediatrics Center Medical Director Dale Collins, M.D. OB/GYN * Required SOUTH CENTRAL Total possible sessions Bhargavi Joshi, DO - Center Medical Director Suhair N. Stipho-Majeed, M.D. Jeffrey Parker, MD Tabarsi. Baharak, MD Kristyn Wendelschafer, DO Lucas Gruwell, FNP Debbie Wasson, FNP Scott Sabish, FNP Suzanne Hanson, CNM Peters, Michael MD Thomas Zheng, M.D. Graham, Patricia MD Habak,Patricia MD Barkley, Joel MD Zuschke, Walter MD Comments ** Required** #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 7th Ave Total South Central Missed Sessions due to Vacancy Average # of Total # of Patients Sessions Patients per Session Specialty Unplanned Absence Provider CME FHC 7th Ave FHC FQHC Uncovered Provider Sessions / Productivity - APRIL 2016 (WHH Total Possible Sessions RED tab) Provider PTO * Total Possible Sessions Per clinic is required 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! Women's Balducci, James MD Barkley, Joel MD Collins, Dale MD Coonrod, Dean MD Graham, Patricia MD Greenspan, David MD Habak,Patricia MD Johnson-Agbakwu, Crista MD Manriquez, Maria MD Marshburn, Paul MD Mott, Joseph MD Nelson, Linda MD Onibokun, Adedayo MD Peters, Michael MD Ray, Bidisha MD Schendel-Dittmann, Megan MD Videla, Felipe MD Willmott, Linday MD Willmott, Lindsay MD Zuschke, Walter MD Hayashi, Sylvia NP Keller, Colleen NP Hosmer, Lucy, CNM Kenworthey, Mary Ellen NP Liebherr, Susan NP Martinez, Anita CNM Stahr, Lisa CNM Bambulas, Tammalynn CNM Sarsam, Sue Ellen, NP OB Comp OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN Colposcopy OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN Urogynecology OB/GYN Infertility OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN Urogynecology Advanced Gynecology Gynecology Oncology OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN OB/GYN Women's Total PEDs Primary Care * Required WOMEN'S Total possible sessions Julia Kelly MD Med Director Renuka Nigam MD Shawn McMahon MD Sarada Panchanathan MD Aseema Pani MD Salil Pradhan MD Michael Dobbs, MD Wendy Carlton MD Kamala Vallabhaneni MD Zachary Robbins MD Avondale Dental Chandler Dental CHC Adult Dental CHC Peds Dental Glendale Dental McDowell Dental Mesa Dental South Central Dental Pendergast Dental *Required ALL DENTAL Total possible sessions 0 0 Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care Primary Care #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total % Uncovered Volume Restriction FMLA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Comments ** Required** Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! PEDs Primary Care Total * Required PEDs Primary Care Total possible Sessions Melissa Villamor Roscoe Williams Craig Pool Randall Taylor John Mann - 3 days/wk John Chen Kirk Speicher Gene Garsha Christopher Brendemuhl Michael Wahbah Sonya Carl Dr. Rao and Resident Average # of Total # of Patients Sessions Patients per Session Missed Sessions due to Vacancy Specialty Unplanned Absence Provider CME FHC FQHC Uncovered Provider Sessions / Productivity - APRIL 2016 (WHH Total Possible Sessions RED tab) Provider PTO * Total Possible Sessions Per clinic is required General Dentist General Dentist Walk-in Clinic for Dental Emergencies General Dentist General Dentist Pedodontist Pedodontist General Dentist General Dentist General Dentist General Dentist Pedodontist DENTAL GRAND TOTAL 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Total Percentage of Uncovered Sessions not including PTO or CME #DIV/0! Whole Health Home Clinic PIR East Valley Whole Health Home Clinic SWN San Tan Whole Health Home Clinic POCN Capitol Whole Health Home Clinic POCN Comunidad Dawn LaPrade FNP Jamie Bohannan Scott Sabish, FNP Dedra Wadsworth Byers, Wendy NP Kim Arnold, NP Natalie Tejada Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Rachel Curry NP Evette Campos, NP Family Practice Family Practice #DIV/0! Dedra Wadsworth NP Family Medicine #DIV/0! Family Medicine Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Practice Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Family Medicine Whole Health Home Clinic GRAND TOTAL * Required All WHH Total Possible Sessions 0 Total FQHC possible sessions 0.00 Uncovered sessions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total % Uncovered Volume Restriction #DIV/0! Rachel Finegan, NP Whole Health Home Clinic Choices South Central Adriana Vulic FNP Jamie Bohannon, FNP Kimberly Keene, FNP Wendy Byers, NP Dawn Maldonado, FNP Whole Health Home Clinic Choices Midtown Kimberly Arnold, NP Kimberly Keene, FNP Adriana Vulic, FNP Wendy Byers, NP Evette Campos NP Whole Health Home Clinic PIR Metro Scott Sabish, NP Dedra Wadsworth NP Whole Health Home Clinic SWN Highland Wendy Byers, NP Tara Helm, NP Total Provider PTO Total Povider CME Total Unplanned Absence Total Missed Sessions Due to Vacancy Total FMLA Total Volume Restriction Grand Total Medical Total Provider PTO Total Povider CME Total Unplanned Absence Total Missed Sessions Due to Vacancy Total FMLA Total Volume Restriction Grand Total Dental FMLA Average # of Total # of Patients Sessions Patients per Session Specialty Missed Sessions due to Vacancy Provider Unplanned Absence FHC CME FQHC Uncovered Provider Sessions / Productivity - APRIL 2016 (WHH Total Possible Sessions RED tab) Provider PTO * Total Possible Sessions Per clinic is required Uncovered % #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Comments ** Required** Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 5e MHCGC Financial Reports Proposition 480 Capital Purchases Report MARICOPA INTEGRATED HEALTH SYSTEM PROPOSITION 480 - 1st offering Note: Current month activity highlighted in 'YELLOW' Department Grouping Description Budgeted Amount CER Number CER Amount Responsible owner - Wyatt Howell (CAO) 107702 416604 416603 416604 496205 456503 456405 416604 476101 416608 416601 416601 476101 476102 416604 416604 436301 456406 456407 458100 416601 416613 456503 456407 456503 456401 Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Ambulatory Facility upkeep Maryvale-patient bathroom Avondale FHC Centralized Referral/Appointment Call center Maryvale - Pediatric Medical Assistants Back office Cannon CR2 Fundus Camera Nomad digital x-ray Nomad digital x-ray Maryvale-exam room conversion Colposcopes Chandler-Modular work stations S. Central Renovate VFC -Pharmacy room East Valley WHH EKG Machine Construction -Refugee Interpreter Resource Room Renovation of antepartum testing clinic ultrasound reading room Maryvale-exam room conversion Maryvale-Vaccine room Dinemap Electronic Blood Pressure Machine Portable nitrous unit Portable nitrous unit (Glendale) Cavitron Plus Package So. Central Portable Audiometer Hyfrecator Chandler ADA Doors Glendale Digital X-Ray unit and Sensors (Panoramic Digital AND Nomad digital) Avondale Digital X-Ray unit and Sensors Chandler Dental Digital Radiology - Panoramic x-ray CHC - Digital Panoramic x-ray Chandler Dental Replace Chairs Lights, Compressor and Deliverey Units CHC Dental Replace Chairs Lights, Compressor and Deliverey Units CHC Cost for new equipment and cost of moving existing to Avondale X-Ray Avondale- Conversion of area presently leased to WIC. Convert eight offices to exam rooms by adding plumbing and sinks. Avondale- Replace all lobby and back office furniture Avondale- Replace all flooring. Temperature Monitoring - FQHC Depts FQHC Contingency McDowell Dental $ $ $ $ 65,593 100,000 1,227,083 19,390 Total Budgeted Amount $ Allocated Bond Funding $ (Over) / Under $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 600,000 137,000 77,975 40,000 33,292 32,224 32,224 30,000 21,000 19,000 12,500 12,500 12,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 7,200 3,050 3,050 2,749 2,700 2,700 15,000 53,789 13,520 65,264 63,819 85,736 127,642 50,000 Amount Paid Amount Paid Amount Paid Amount Paid Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 52,089 63,564 60,419 - TBD $ - TBD $ $ $ $ $ 15,990 $ 192,062 16-917 $ 57,074 $ 52,089 16-915 16-916 $ $ 65,264 63,819 $ $ 63,564 15,990 16-921 $ 70,276 15,990 3,000,000 $ 272,423 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,727,577 $ 2,807,938 $ - $ 15,990 $ 147,633 44,429 $ - 16-918 $ $ 44,429 Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 6 Review Staff Assignments Maricopa Health Centers Governing Council Finance Committee Meeting May 4, 2016 Item 7 Announcements & Closing Comments (Verbal Report No handout) Note Page _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
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