Jun 2016 - Vol. 20 - Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary


Jun 2016 - Vol. 20 - Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
JUNE 2016
Sharing a Catholic perspective on today’s events and issues in the Diocese of Calgary
Giving support, especially moral or emotional support.*
...”I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me.**
A strongly held set of beliefs or principles.*
“The opportunity to serve” is the highest compliment
* Encarta Dictionary ** 23rd Psalm
ONE ROCK 2016 • August 12 - 14
Bishop Frederick Henry’s Message..............................4
Thank You from “A Song for Rachel”..........................5
Women Religious Jubilee Anniversaries.....................7
~ Peace,
Monique and Myron Achtman
Doreen Coffey
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A Light Emerges – re: Human Trafficking..................9
Bishop’s Dinner: “Create in Me a Clean Heart”......... 11
Catholic Health Provider Releases Policy.................. 11
Walk for One Rock.....................................................12
One Rock: Experience God’s Mercy...........................13
The Labyrinth at St. Mary’s, Cochrane.....................15
Diocesan Financial Report........................................ 16
Diocesan Dates...........................................................20
International Meeting of Ecumenists.......................22
St. Mary’s University..................................................23
Jubilee of Mercy • World Refugee Day......................24
The Carillon*
Publisher: Bishop Frederick Henry • (403) 218-5500
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
120 - 17th Avenue SW • Calgary, AB T2S 2T2
Editor-In-Chief • (403) 295-8124
Monique Achtman, monique@adita.com
Design & Production • (403) 295-8124
Myron Achtman, adita@shaw.ca
Advertising Rates (Payable to Target Advertising)
1/8 page: $110 • 1/6 page: $137.50 • 1/4 page: $220
1/3 page: $275 • 1/2 page: $385
Diocesan Dates Listings: $25 (GST not included in rates)
Articles & Advertising
Deadline: August 4, 2016 for the September edition.
The Carillon is not published in January, July or August.
11, 5080 - 12A Street SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5K9
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
ocial Media is not new technology anymore. How do you communicate with your friends and family? Do you use email, FaceBook,
Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ or Instagram? For the past few years,
Catholic leaders from the Pope, to cardinals, bishops, and diocesan
workers — whether religious or lay — have been actively engaged in communicating the Catholic faith using all of the communication tools available.
They have courageously led the way for us to share our faith with everyone
we meet in person, and online. The “leaders” reach their “followers;” but
they do not necessarily reach your family, and your “followers,” so now we
encourage you to celebrate your faith and share Calgary diocesan events with
your family and friends through your daily online communications with them.
The Diocese of Calgary has a website, and a social media presence on the
platforms listed above. But only you can share our faith with your unique
circle of family and friends.
In Evangelii Gaudium 3, Pope Francis says,“I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus
Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you
to do this unfailingly each day.” Being engaged in online communication with
your friends and family everyday, allows a great opportunity to share your
prayer intentions to send an invitation to join you at mass; or to meet up at
One Rock, or the Feed the Hungry golf tournament or any of the upcoming
fundraiser walks, and bike rides. Share about the spiritual exercises such
as walking a labyrinth, or making a retreat during an evening, weekend or
week with your friends.
The article and advertising deadline for the September edition of The
Carillon is August 4. Please contact us by phone, (403) 295-8124 or
email monique@adita.com as soon as possible.
Bishop Frederick Henry
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
n May 14, in Edmonton and
Calgary, there were Parents
for Choice in Education rallies
protesting against Bill 10 and Minister David Eggen’s Gender Diversity:
Guidelines for Best Practices. There
were also much smaller LGBT counter
Despite the differing signage,
ranging from “Flush Bill 10” to
“Everyone Can Pee,” the issues are not
just about bathrooms, plumbing and
urination, parental rights, safety of
children, how people feel, GSAs and
an imperfect Bill 10. What is at stake
is the very order of creation.
Mr. Eggen’s guiding principle for
best practices is: “self-identification
is the sole measure of an individual’s
sexual orientation, gender identity or
gender expression.” This foundational
statement is simply assumed to be
true and no evidence is offered to
substantiate the claim.
Such subjectivity is ever expansive
and morally problematic. LGBT has
now swelled to LGBTTQQIAAP2S.
The two Ts stand for transgender and
transsexual and the double Qs represent both “queer” and “questioning.”
The I is for intersex; the twin As
for “asexual” and “ally” – the latter
meaning you’re hetero but down with
the cause. P is for pansexual, the
In Alberta – Part IV
catch-all for being up for pretty much
anything depending on the situation. The newest addition is the “2S”
which denotes being two-spirited, a
term used for one who does not fit
into the male/female binary. Some
have even added “BDSM” for those
into bondage, dominance, sadism
and masochism.
However, facts, not ideolog y,
determine reality. On April 6, 2016
more than 100 American pediatricians issued a joint letter stating:
1. Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY”
and “XX” are genetic markers of
health – not genetic markers of a
disorder. The norm for human design is to be conceived either male
or female. Human sexuality is
binary by design with the obvious
purpose being the reproduction
and flourishing of our species.
2. No one is born with a gender.
Everyone is born with a biological
sex. Gender (awareness and sense
of oneself as male or female) is
a sociological and psychological
concept; not an objective
biological one. No one is born
with an awareness of themselves
as male or female; this awareness
develops over time and, like all
developmental processes, may be
derailed by a child’s subjective
perceptions, relationships, and
adverse experiences from infancy
forward. People who identify
as “feeling like the opposite
sex” or “somewhere in between”
do not comprise a third sex.
They remain biological men or
biological women.
3. A person’s belief that he or she
is something they are not is, at
best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy
biological boy believes he is a girl,
or an otherwise healthy biological
girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists
that lies in the mind not the body,
and it should be treated as such.
These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria
(GD), formerly listed as Gender
Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most
recent edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSMV). The psychodynamic and social
learning theories of GD/GID have
never been disproved.
The statement in this joint letter
meshes perfectly with biblical and
theological truths.
The primordial divine plan was
spoken of clearly by Christ himself:
“Have you not read that he who made
them from the beginning made them
male and female?” [Mt. 19:4]. At the
core we see the father and the mother,
a couple with their personal story of
love: “Therefore a man shall leave his
father and mother and cleave to his
wife, and they shall become one flesh”
[Gen. 2:24]. The result of this union is
that, both physically and in the union
of their hearts and lives, and eventually, in a child who will share not only
genetically but also spiritually in the
“flesh” of both parents. The family is
thus the place where parents become
their children’s first teachers.
Pope Francis, the “who am I to
judge” pope, has not minced his
R.C. Diocese of Calgary
Career Opportunity
Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Ministry Assistant (Part Time)
he RC Diocese of Calgary invites applications for a part time Ministry
Assistant working in the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at
the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Calgary.
The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry provides consulting, training
and resources in order to start and sustain parish youth ministry. Forming
secondary partnership with the school boards, and other lay formations
and offering events/programs (One Rock, Youth Rally, World Youth Day,
Diocesan Youth Ministry Retreat Team DYRT and diocesan Youth Ministry
Commission DYMC).
The Ministry Assistant provides administrative assistance to this fastpaced, multi-faceted office which requires professionalism; accuracy and
attention to detail; exceptional organizational and communication skills;
intermediate proficiency in computer and internet technical functions;
positive interpersonal skills; ability to multi-task and problem solve;
compliance with Ministry and Diocesan Policies and relevant legislation;
diplomacy, discretion and confidentiality.
For more information about this position, qualifications and application
details see the Diocesan website at http://www.calgarydiocese.ca/articles/
employment-opportunities.html. The employment opportunity will be
posted until the competition closes on June 16, 2016.
Thank you from the Song for Rachel Team!
The Song for Rachel Team thanks all those who contributed to making our
annual fundraiser event what it has become, an enjoyable family evening
raising funds for a ministry of great importance – Project Rachel.
We are grateful to our faithful audience, and will be happy to see you
again next year!
Project Rachel is a ministry of reconciliation and healing for those who
suffer from the post-abortion syndrome. For more information, visit www.
projectrachelsa.ca or call (403) 218-5506 or 1-877-597-3223.
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
words: “the gender ideology is demonic.” He includes gender theory
among the fundamental dangers of
our era, with the same threatening
potential as nuclear weapons and
gene manipulation and describes it as
an attitude with which man creates a
new sin that is directed against God
the Creator.
In his long awaited Apostolic Exhortation on the Family, the Joy of
Love, Pope Francis renews his criticism of gender theory:
“Yet another challenge is posed
by the various forms of an ideology
of gender that denies the difference
and reciprocity in nature of a man
and a woman and envisages a society
without sexual differences, thereby
eliminating the anthropological basis
of the family. This ideology leads to
educational programmes and legislative enactments that promote a personal identity and emotional intimacy
radically separated from the biological
difference between male and female.
Consequently, human identity becomes the choice of the individual,
one which can also change over time.”
“It is a source of concern that
some ideologies of this sort, which
seek to respond to what are at times
understandable aspirations, manage
to assert themselves as absolute and
unquestionable, even dictating how
children should be raised. It needs
to be emphasized that biological sex
and the socio-cultural role of sex
(gender) can be distinguished but not
separated” [56].
“Beyond the understandable difficulties which individuals may experience, the young need to be helped
to accept their own body as it was
created, for thinking that we enjoy
absolute power over our own bodies
turns, often subtly, into thinking
that we enjoy absolute power over
creation. ... Sex education should
help young people to accept their
own bodies and to avoid the pretension to cancel out sexual differences
because one no longer knows how to
deal with it” [285].
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The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
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Women Religious Celebrating Jubilee Anniversaries in 2016
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
[Psalm 23:6]
Sr. Marie Thérèse Rouiller, fcJ
~ Celebrating 65 Years ~
Sr. Helen Kampel, fcJ
~ Celebrating 60 Years ~
“For all that has been, thanks be to
God. And for all that will be, thanks
be to God.”
Sr. Darlene Madore, fcJ
~ Celebrating 60 Years ~
“Thanks be to God!”
Sr. Mary Anne Mulvihill, SCSL
~ Celebrating 50 Years ~
“This is what is asked of you: only this,
to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk
humbly with your God.” [Micah 6:8]
Sr. Theresa Smith, fcJ
~ Celebrating 50 Years ~
“Finding God in all things
is a great joy!”
Sr. Gerardine Curran, fcJ
~ Celebrating 40 Years! ~
Joined the FCJ Christian Life Centre
resource team in 2015
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Sr. Elizabeth Fitzgerald, fcJ
~ Celebrating 65 Years ~
33nd Annual Novena,
Rosary, and Mass to
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Saturday, June 18 - Sunday, June 26
DateTime Church
Honouring Faith & Family - Forever.
The Good Shepherd
Catholic Cemetery
Blessed and officially opened by The Most
Rev. Paul J. O'Byrne, Oct. 28, 1992.
Discover the convenience of a cemetery,
funeral home and cremation centre all at one location. Tours available.
June 18
4:30 p.m.
St. Mary’s Cathedral 219 - 18th Avenue SW
June 19
4:45 p.m.
St. Luke’s Church
1566 Northmount Dr. NW
June 20
6:30 p.m.
St. Mark’s Parish
5552 Madigan Drive NE
June 21
6:30 p.m.
Canadian Martyrs 835 Northmount Dr. NW
June 22
6:30 p.m.
Sacred Heart
1307 - 14th Street SW
June 23
6:30 p.m.
Corpus Christi
404 Northmount Place NW
June 24
6:30 p.m.
Ascension Parish
1100 Berkshire Blvd. NW
June 25
4:45 p.m.
St. Thomas More
15 Templebow Road NE
17th Avenue SE & Garden Road (100th Street)
Ninth Day of the Novena
June 26
Holy Trinity
1525 - 45th Street SE
5:00 p.m. Novena Prayer
5:00 p.m. Mass: Presider and Homolist • Most Rev. Bishop Frederick Henry
6:45 p.m. Outdoor Procession: Rosary prayed during the procession. Upon
return to church, offering of flowers to our Blessed Mother.
Concluding with potluck supper at Holy Trinity Activity Centre.
Contact: Ofie, 226-1972
Free Information Kit. Call 272-9824
Stampede Parking
St. Mary’s Cathedral
Ad size: 3.25"w x 3"h (1/6 page)
Publication: The Carillon th
Contact name & #: Monique Achtman 403-295-8124
Format: PDF 300dpi
E-mail address: monique@adita.com
219 – 18 Avenue SW
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Deadline date: November 22, 2005
To learn more about this
that’s making dreams come true,
read Mike MacDonald’s blog
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Per Day
July 8 – 17
Proceeds Go To Charity
A Light Emerges Against the Darkness of Human Trafficking
by Marilou LeGeyt, Social Justice Coordinator, with Cliff Wiebe, Strategy Offices, Next Step Ministries
to learn more about human trafficking, everyone is welcome to attend the next meeting of Restore YYC. The 2016
Bishop’s Dinner also aims to raise awareness and funds
to fight human trafficking and pornography. Please help
us to bring the light of love and forgiveness to everyone
affected by human trafficking. For more information,
please contact marilou.legeyt@calgarydiocese.ca or call
(403) 218-5519.
Do you sign? Would you be willing to
sign at the Mass you attend?
Please contact Simone at the
Office of Liturgy if you might be able
to share this talent with the Diocese.
(403) 218-5524
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
t the eighth station of the Annual Good Friday
Outdoor Way of the Cross, we pray and walk in solidarity with victims of the sex trade and world-wide
human trafficking. Last month, Sr. Ger Curran,
fcJ said a prayer and reflection as part of a presentation
on human trafficking. We have joined the coalition of
Christian churches and agencies – Restore YYC, to learn
about, and address, the problem of human trafficking.
According to Action Coalition on Human Trafficking
Alberta, persons are trafficked for the purposes of labour
exploitation, sexual exploitation, and for harvesting of
organs. Human trafficking attacks human dignity, and
reduces each trapped person to a mere product to be sold
and discarded. The issue is dark and painful to talk about,
but with the recent activities to raise awareness of human
trafficking, a light is emerging.
One of the agencies involved with Restore YYC is Next
Step Ministries. They represent a light for women who
are exiting sexual exploitation. Just like the new space
they have move into, Next Step Ministries offers a lease
on a new life for the women they serve. We understand
that, ‘They come to us broken in many ways. Most have
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and various mental
health issues, almost all of them are working at recovering from addictions, they are physically unhealthy, they
have criminal records, no clothes, no ID, no income, few
life skills, and a long history of broken relationships and
pain. In spite of the layers of complex issues and brokenness when they come to us, we see hope in their eyes, a
fighting spirit, and a desire to heal from their past and
create a new future for themselves.’
All of the women need support to address their issues
and challenges; help with life skills, housing and getting
a job; and there is something much deeper that they long
for … that we all long for, and that is to discover their
identity in the God who created them – “giving thanks
with joy to the Father who has made you able to share
the lot of God’s holy people and with them to inherit the
light. It is he who has rescued us from the ruling force
of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the
Son that he loves, and in him we enjoy our freedom, the
forgiveness of sin” [Colossians 1:12-14]. It’s a long road
to healing for those that have suffered from human trafficking but amazing transformation can take place when
they begin to comprehend how much God loves them
and to know that they have worth. Once this happens,
they discover dignity and the rebuilding of their lives
truly begins.
With this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis
calls on all of us to bring the experience of the love of God
who consoles, pardons and instills hope. If you would like
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The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
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Bishop’s Dinner 2016
Create in Me a Clean Heart
Create in Me a Clean Heart
by Samantha Jones, Associate Director
Charities and Development Office
creaA clean
te fo
r meeart
lm 5
1:12 God”
From the
beginning of
creation, God’s
beautiful plan for
human love was inscribed
on the human heart and in the
human body, “Male and female
he created them.” Gen 1:27
October 22, 2015
Cocktails: 5:30 Dinner: 6:30
$ 175 / person
$ 1400 / table of 8
Commonwealth Centre - 1177 - 3961 52 Avenue NE
arlier this year Marilou LeGeyt, Social Justice Coordinator for the Diocese of Calgary, and I began
attending meetings of a coalition of Christian
churches and agencies called Restore YYC. The focus
of this group is to become educated about, and then
join, the fight against human trafficking in our city.
When I broached this
idea with Bishop Henry
as the theme for the 2016
Bishop’s Dinner, our social justice warrior Bishop embraced it and he
added the fight against
pornography to the mix.
These topics are dark and hard to face. But we, as
Christians, have the brightest light possible to shine into
that darkness. We have the incredible love of Christ to
wash away the stigma of sexual brokenness. In that love
is freedom and healing. Will you help us shine that light
and pour the cleansing water of forgiveness on our broken
brothers and sisters by supporting this event?
ovenant Health and Covenant Care have released
a new policy: Responding to Requests for Medical
Assistance in Dying. It has been two years in development, involving extensive stakeholder engagement,
locally and nationally, and was informed by clinical experience and the Catholic moral tradition and teaching.
Catholic health organizations will not
participate in medical assistance in dying because it is not in keeping with our
fundamental values or ethical guidelines.
Catholic health care has a long-standing
moral tradition of compassionate care that
neither prolongs dying nor hastens death.
Catholic health care is rooted in the belief that all life is
sacred and in the dignity of the person.
Covenant Health and Covenant Care — Canada’s largest Catholic providers of health care in Canada — provide
health care services in Banff, Calgary, Lethbridge and
Medicine Hat and have 16 other Alberta sites.
The policy gives physicians and staff the guidance they
need to provide a consistent, ethical and compassionate
approach, reflective of the Health Ethics Guide and Catholic teaching, when responding to a patient’s request for
hastened death within Covenant.
As a Catholic health care provider, Covenant is committed to the inherent dignity of every human being
throughout the entire continuum of life from conception to natural death and will continue to respond with
compassion to persons who verbalize a desire to end their
lives. This response seeks to understand the nature of the
person’s request and to ensure that their
pain and symptom management needs
are addressed, including their emotional,
spiritual and psychosocial needs.
Catholic providers have demonstrated
the ability to respond with respect to the
person in care, while also respecting the
values of health professionals and organizations. The
policy outlines a response that ensures the person in care
is not abandoned and that provider conscience rights
and institutional identity are protected. This response
includes safe and timely transfer of a patient’s care to
another provider for further exploratory discussion
around options, which may or may not include provision
of therapies not provided by Catholic facilities.
For more information, visit the Covenant Health
or Covenant Care websites at covenanthealth.ca or
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Catholic Health Provider Releases Policy
Walk for One Rock
by Ryan Factura, for One Rock
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
ne aspect of our Catholic
life where the beauty of the
Church shines through is our
sense of being a community. And in
this community, everyone pushes
each other and helps them grow in
their conviction in living the Christian life. Sometimes, we do this intentionally, such as when we provide
mentorship to people through the
different parish ministries. But just as
often, we also do them unintentionally. It often comes to us as a surprise
when something that we’ve done in
the past — something we thought was
seemingly small — has tremendously
inspired others, and we just did not
know it. Something similar to that
happened last year.
Enter Fr. Joseph Nagothu of St.
Rita’s Parish in Rockyford, Alberta.
Responding to Bishop Henry’s call
to encourage the youth in different
parishes to participate in One Rock,
Fr. Joseph said, “that’s why I was
thinking: how can I contribute to One
Rock as a priest of the Diocese?” That
was when he decided to walk from
Rockyford to Calgary, with the hopes
of raising awareness for One Rock.
After months of meticulous logistical planning, the walk began after
Sunday Mass at St. Rita’s parish,
where Fr. Joseph was joined by his
parishioners who pledged to walk
with him for the first few kilometers
– the young and old alike, some with
baby strollers with them. Along the
way, parishioners from Chestermere
and from the different parishes of the
Diocese joined him. What touched
me the most was when a young man
living in one of the houses along
the route, went out to see what was
happening and ended up joining us
in the walk for a few hours, all the
while talking about One Rock and our
Catholic faith.
This year, Walk for One Rock will
once again bring together people from
the different parishes of our diocese
to raise awareness for this festival
that has brought so many closer to
Christ. On July 10, 2016 everyone is
invited to join in the Sunday Mass at
St. Rita’s for the send-off to everyone
participating in the walk. Or, better
yet, join in the walk! Wouldn’t it be
wonderful if every single parish in
Calgary would have a representing
team in this journey? Pledge a kilometer or two (or more) and share with
people along the way the purpose
behind it. It is always a great privilege
to walk the road God has set before us,
and in sharing the Gospel with those
whom we meet.
July 10 - 11, 2016
• Begins after Sunday Mass at St. Rita’s
Parish, Rockyford, AB
• Ends on Monday at St. Thomas More
Parish, Calgary, AB
• Priests and parishioners are invited.
For more information, visit www.
onerock.ca or email info@onerock.ca
One Rock:
An Opportunity to Experience God’s Mercy
lessed are the merciful, for they
shall obtain mercy” [Mt. 5.7] is
the theme of this year’s One
Rock Festival as well as the theme
of WYD Krakow 2016. Why is mercy
so important that the Holy Father is
drawing so much attention to it by
naming this year an Extraordinary
Jubilee Year of Mercy? With the rise
of moral relativism, we can often forget our need for mercy. We can ignore
sin or, even worse, we can mistake sin
for something good. Alternatively, we
can think that our sin is too big and
God’s mercy is too small which St.
John Vianney tells us is, “an outright
blasphemy which sets a limit to God’s
mercy. But it has none: it is infinite.
Nothing offends our dear Lord so
much as to doubt his mercy.”
In this Jubilee Year, the theme of
mercy calls us to identify our sin and
to trust in Gods’ infinite mercy for us.
We are drawn to accept God’s gift of
mercy, to repent, to be forgiven, to be
freed, and then, to share God’s mercy
with others. At the One Rock Festival,
youth will be given the opportunity
to not only learn about God’s infinite
mercy for them, but also to experience
God’s mercy, forgiveness, and healing
in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
I first attended One Rock in June
of 2011. I had gone to meet and get
to know some of the people that I
would be travelling with to WYD
Madrid later in the summer. Our
WYD group was volunteering with
the recycling at One Rock and we took
shifts throughout the weekend. At
One Rock, I ended up meeting one of
my best friends and even though we
barely knew each other at the time, we
camped in the same tent that weekend. Later, on our WYD pilgrimage,
we became good friends and stayed in
touch. Two years ago at my wedding,
she was a bridesmaid. For me, the
biggest fruit of One Rock and WYD
“I have been attending
One Rock for three years
now and ever since then,
my relationship with God
has never been stronger.”
in my life was Christian fellowship.
It was because of these events that I
met so many amazing fervent young
Catholics, including my husband,
who helped me on the path of healing
and re-conversion. Their fire helped
re-ignite my fire. Their continuing
friendship has kept my fire going.
Being in a faith centered environment
helped all of us to share our faith and
love of Christ openly.
Many other young people have also
been transformed from attending
One Rock. For example, Chelsea Ruy,
a student at the University of Calgary,
shared her experience of One Rock
with me: “I have been attending One
Rock for three years now and ever
since then, my relationship with God
has never been stronger. One Rock
is truly a faith-fulfilling experience
that will inspire you to bring forth
the Word of God to the people around
you. Not only is there great music, but
there are also many fellow Catholics,
volunteers, priests, and bishops that
make you feel that sense of belonging
This event has really opened up
many doors and revealed many pathways that brought me closer to my
faith. Many of the talks that you hear
and the music that you sing will give
you that feeling of jubilance and joy
which is given from the love of God,
through One Rock. This is an opportunity that you won’t want to miss
as it has helped me not only deepen
my faith, but other people’s as well.”
Joi n u s a s a pa r t ic ipa nt or
volunteer in our WYD at home One
Rock Festival. The Festival shares
many of the same activities as World
Youth Day including: catechesis
s e s s i o n s , s a c r a m e nt s , mu s i c ,
Eucharistic Adoration, camping,
and much more. Come to One Rock
to learn about God’s mercy and love
for you and for the whole world. Then,
go out and share God’s mercy as a
missionary disciple.
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
by Janelle Andrusiak, Member of DYRT, the Diocesan Youth Retreat Team
Here is my gift of:  $20  $50  $100
 $200  $_________
 Cheque (made payable to Catholic Missions in Canada)
 Visa  Mastercard  AMEX
Credit Card No.___________________________________
The Good News of Our Lord is shared with our brothers and sisters
in remote and isolated missions across our vast land.
—ISAIAH 57:14
Your support will help provide funding for the repair of
church wall at St. Gertrude mission in Pelican Narrows,
Northern Saskatchewan.
Province__________________ Postal Code____________
Email _________________________________________
Mail to: Catholic Missions In Canada
201 – 1155 Yonge Street,
Toronto ON M4T 1W2
Tel: 416-934-3424
Toll-free: 1-866-YES-CMIC (937-2642)
Website: www.cmic.info
John Bosco
Child & Family Services Foundation
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
The John Bosco Child and Family Services Foundation
(Bosco Foundation) is a public foundation dedicated to
the provision of buildings and facilities used for the
treatment, education and housing of children, adolescents
and adults who are in need of support.
NOVEM BER 12 TO 24, 2016
Join Fr. John Schuster, V.G.
Fr. Avinash Colaco
for an experience of a lifetime!
Included in this pilgrimage is daily Holy Mass,
round trip flights from Calgary, all airport taxes,
hotels, two meals daily, all entrance fees to sights on
itinerary, all transfers in pilgrimage, gratuities to tour
guide & bus driver and cost of Jordan visa.
$4,295.00 Canadian Funds per person
based on double occupancy.
To book call (403) 218-5520
Bosco Foundation believes in assisting non-profit and
charitable organizations who provide vital services
which aid vulnerable people in our society. We do this by
providing our facilities to various non-profit and
charitable agencies at below market level rental rates.
Our facilities are used for social services group
care , foster care, adult mental health care, the St.
Francis Food Bank, two AA groups and a NE
Edmonton cadet core among others.
In addition, we provide volunteer services to assist two
small non-profit organizations working with low income
seniors and victims of stroke with fundraising and
volunteer recruitment assistance.
The Bosco Foundation is currently working with a
large service organization on a joint project with the
aim of providing affordable housing for low income
100% of Donations go towards Charitable purposes.
Administrative expenses are covered by other sources.
Please forward your donation to:
Bosco Foundation
#315, 6770 129 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB
T5C 1V7
Tel: (780) 809-8585 Œ Fax: (780) 809-8586
* Charitable Tax Number: 85985 8664 RT0001*
Your Sacred Journey
The Labyrinth at St. Mary’s, Cochrane
by Warren Harbeck, St. Mary’s Parish, Cochrane
he labyrinth at St. Mary’s
Church, Cochrane, is completed now and open to visitors from throughout the Diocese.
The centerpiece of the parish’s Sacred
Garden invites all who enter to experience inner transformation in the
beauty of God’s self-revelation in the
naturescaped environment.
“The labyrinth is an ancient and
non-denominationa l archet y pe
found in various forms around the
world,” parishioner Leslie Davies, a
specialist in the use of labyrinths,
says. St. Mary’s follows the St. Paul
Seven-Circuit style, for simplicity
and ease of use.
This is a valuable resource “for
reflection, healing and peace,” Davies
says. “It is used as a way to quiet the
mind, recover our balance in life,
and encourage meditation and celebration. As a metaphor for our life’s
journey, the labyrinth touches our
sorrows and releases our joys.”
Visitors can walk the labyrinth
at their own pace as they follow the
journey’s three-stages: releasing,
receiving and returning.
The start of the journey “is a time
to open the hearts and quiet the
minds,” Davies says. Reaching its centre, the pilgrim can pause for meditation and prayer. The journey back
from the centre provides a time of
reflection on God’s presence with the
pilgrim. “The labyrinth is a spiritual
tool that can help you find your way.”
At St. Mary’s that way is guided
by the garden’s motto, a quote from
Mother Teresa, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta: “Let us do something beautiful
for God.”
To view videos of the Sacred Garden and Labyrinth at St. Mary’s
Church, Cochrane, visit the parish’s
website (www.stmaryscochrane.ca/
SacredGarden.php). They are also
available on Facebook (st marys
catholic church cochrane). The garden
is open 24/7 to all who are seeking a
few minutes of quiet contemplation.
For more information, contact
Charlene Gale, Parish secretary, at
(403) 932-2944.
[ Photo by Warren Harbeck ]
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
The labyrinth in the Sacred Garden at St. Mary’s Church, Cochrane, invites pilgrims
to experience reflection, healing and peace in the spirit of sacred beauty.
Report by the Diocesan Finance Office for the Year Ending December 31, 2015
Extracts from the audited financial statements of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary, Finance Office • (403) 218-5536
The complete Audited Diocesan Pastoral Centre Financial Statements can be viewed, on request, at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre.
The common mission of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada is carried out by individual parishes under the guidance
of the Bishop in each Diocese/Archdiocese. The following table provides for an accounting of the funds used to meet the
operating requirements of the Calgary Catholic Diocese in fiscal year 2015.
Parish assessments
Together in Action*
Pastoral services
Interest from all sources
$ 3,442,458
Pastoral services
Administration – pastoral and temporal
Clergy placement and parish support
Building rent, maintenance and repair
Interest and bank charges
Office and automotive equipment
Operating surplus (loss) before Other
$ 192,093
$ (377,954)
$ 148,716
$ (447,198)
Unrealized gain (loss) on investments
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
$ 3,497,642
*Together in Action total collection in 2015 was $2,201,284. The amount of $382,000 indicated here is the allocation for
Ministries in Support of Parish Life programs that are part of the Diocesan Operating budget.
Parish Assessments, Together in Action and Pastoral Services
Our main sources of revenue are derived from an assessed levy to the parishes, supplemented by fees charged for workshops and the
contribution from Together in Action. In 2012 the assessed levy was increased by 1% to 14.5% after 16 years of either holding firm or
reductions in assessed levy since 1996. Every effort has been made to keep the assessed levy as low as possible, while still meeting the
increasing needs of the Catholic community. A big thank you is extended to all our parishioners for meaningful partnerships that keep the
Catholic Churches vibrant in Southern Alberta.
We are truly grateful for the generosity of our parishioners year after year.
In this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, it is an honor to partner with you in corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Pastoral Services • $2,435,992
Due to your generous financial gifts we are able to provide a full range of Pastoral Services. The Family Life office ministers in the areas of
marriages and related Christian life issues throughout the Diocese. The offices of Liturgy, Social Justice, Missions, Ecumenism, Resource
Library and Youth Ministry serve as resources where required to our parishes as well as all Catholic Institutions. The Health Care Apostolate
provides training and spiritual support services in pastoral, palliative and Alzheimer’s cares. The Religious Education Secretariat facilitates
the effective implementation of the Religious Education programs in Catholic schools and parishes.
Administration – Pastoral and Temporal • $1,498,909
The offices of the Bishop and Curia provide leadership and services to all parishes, in parish administration, diocesan records, sacramental
life and other matters. The Finance office manages Diocesan temporal affairs, providing assistance to parishes in financial, legal, business,
human resources and real estate matters, as well as building construction and maintenance.
Clergy Placement and Parish Support • $364,507
These funds serve the Diocesan community by bringing new priests to the Diocese, supporting clergy pension contributions and responding
to parish and national church needs.
Tribunal – Receipts • $43,191 & Disbursements • $268,154
The Tribunal office offers assistance, at the request of divorcees, to ascertain whether there are reasonable grounds in Canon Law for an
official declaration of nullity. Approximately 16% of 2015 costs were recovered from voluntary contributions.
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments • ($43,377)
In following the GAAP practice of presenting investments at fair market value, the Diocese recognizes unrealized gain/losses on investments
in its current year’s operation.
Benefiting the vulnerable not only in our local community but also global communities.
Diocesan Charitable Programs • $1,094,133
Your donations enabled the Charities & Development office to conduct the following charitable programs: Elizabeth House provides a safe
and caring residence for single, pregnant and parenting teens. Feed the Hungry provides nutritious food to those in need through our
weekly Sunday dinner for approximately 500 people. Our Diocesan Mission Council supports Alberta First Nations peoples and also works
with agents in developing countries to help alleviate poverty and address social concerns.
Seminary and Education of Priests • $634,792
Donations to this fund are used to provide education of seminarians, the continuing education and sabbaticals to our priests and to conduct
our Vocations office. We currently have ten seminarians and several individuals in the discernment program for identification as suitable
seminarian candidates. In 2015, donations of $319,565 helped to partially offset these costs. A special collection held on the fourth Sunday
in Easter demonstrates the generosity of our parishioners and ensures a sustainable future for those called to the priesthood.
Clergy Pension Plan • $120,000
The government requires that pension assets in a Defined Benefit Plan be sufficient to cover future pension liabilities. Each priest and
his parish make monthly contributions to the Clergy Pension Plan. In addition, the Diocese makes a yearly supplementary contribution
of $40,000. In 2015, the Diocese made a further contribution of $120,000 (2014 $ nil) to reduce the “Solvency Deficiency” of the Plan.
Clergy Retirement Residences • $100,000
The Diocese also contributed approximately $100,000 to support retirement residences for the clergy. Most of retired clergy, even in their
time of “rest”, continue to bring comfort to us in difficult moments of our lives. We are grateful that we have the opportunity to provide
for all of them in their retirement years.
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Donations to Registered Charities, Papal Programs and Catholic Education • $1,222,440
The Canadian Organization for Development and Peace received generous donations from our parishioners of approximately $370,720
to respond to floods, earthquake, and hurricane disasters as well as to help international communities find viable, long-term solutions to
ongoing poverty and social justice matters. Development and Peace is the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis, a global movement
working in solidarity for a fairer world, with a network of 165 Catholic relief, development and social service organizations working in over
200 countries and territories.
Grants were made to other charities that exemplify Catholic values and serve the vulnerable citizens of Southern Alberta. These
organizations and agencies serve the terminally ill, elderly and homebound, the abused, the refugee and the hungry, the discriminated
and the exploited, the addicted and the homeless, the unborn and unwanted, and the lonely and bereaved. A list can be found at www.
Approximately $428,770 were received in collections for Catholic Missions, Holy Childhood, Holy Land and the Pope’s Pastoral Works,
enabling these organizations to spread the Word of God, help young children in need, support the pastoral works in the Holy Land, and
enable the Pope to respond with emergency assistance to those who suffer.
Our Catholic Education Sunday collection raised $131,640 to support Catholic education within our diocese, namely the 4 Separate
School Districts, St. Mary’s University and St. Joseph’s Seminary in Edmonton.
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The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
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To all who supported Calgary Pro-Life Association’s
Respect Life Program by taking part in the Hike For Life
and Mother’s Day Rose Sale
You Walked, You Pledged, You Volunteered & You Purchased Mother’s Day Roses
Because of You, we can continue to work
towards a greater understanding and
respect of the greatest gift God has given us.
~ the gift of Life ~
Position Available
Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting
respect for life is accepting applications for an
Educational Resource Consultant. Our primary
responsibility is presenting the program within
the school system. Presentations pertain to the
development of the unborn child and respect for
self and others. Candidates must have a commitment to young people and an understanding and
conviction regarding pro-life.
Please submit your resume to
fax: (403) 287-0882 or
email: pro-life@shaw.ca
2nd Annual Trails to the Mount
Walk, Bike, Celebrate!
You, your family and your pets
are invited to come and join
us at the Mount to celebrate
Trails to the Mount on Sunday,
September 18 from 1:30 p.m. to
4:30 p.m.
You can walk or run from the
Mount St. Francis Retreat Sign off of the 1A Highway
(5 km), or cycle from RockPointe Church (10 km) or just
take a drive to Mount St. Francis to join us in supporting
palliative care (Order of St. Lazarus) and the Retreat
Ministry at Mount St. Francis.
This Family Event/Open House at Mount St. Francis
will include an Ecumenical Prayer Service with Roman
Catholic Bishop Fred Henry and Anglican Archbishop
Greg Kerr-Wilson; the Blessing of the animals; and
Refreshments for all!
Mount St. Francis
41160 Retreat Road
Cochrane, AB
Or phone (403) 932-2012
for more information.
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Covenant Living is a part of a family
of organizations that draws on a rich
Catholic tradition of service.
Thursdays, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Twilight Musings • Shane Claiborne’s Book “The
Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical”
With: Sr. Ger Curran, fcJ and Denise DeNeve
Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 19th Avenue SW
Time: 5:15 (supper); Twilight Musings, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $30/session with supper or $15/session without supper
Contact: FCJ Centre, (403) 228-4215
Friday, June 10
Taizé Prayer Night for Women Considering Religious Life
Place: Ave Maria House of Discernment
Time: 5:00 p.m. arrival; 5:30 p.m. supper; 7:00 p.m. prayer.
Contact: (403) 461-1094; lucille.field@calgarydiocese.ca
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Friday, June 10
Catholic Speed Dating Event
Age Range: Women 33 to 41 and Men 36 to 44
Place: Canadian Martyrs Church, 835 Northmount Dr. NW
Time: Doors open for sign in at 7:00 p.m.; Event 7:30 p.m.
Register:(578) 333-1099; www.CatholicSpeedDating.ca
Saturday, June 11
Calgary Catholic Medical Assn. Committee Meeting
Health care professionals are welcome to attend.
Place: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17th Avenue SW
Time: 9:45 a.m.
Contact: Gabriele, (403) 218-5504 or gabriele.kalincak@
Sunday, June 12
Session V: The Church Listens • Dei Verbum and
Responding to Divine Revelation
Speaker: Dr. S. Saulnier, Professor of Scripture, NTC
Place: Sacred Heart Parish, 1307 - 14th Street SW
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Contact: (403) 218-5519
Sunday, June 19
Ecumenism Pontifical Council for Christian Unity
Mass and Presentation
St. Mary’s Cathedral, 219 - 18th Avenue SW
Time: 10:00 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Presentation and light lunch
Note: See Monday, June 20 for evening event.
Contact: Caroline, (403) 218-5523 or email
Monday, June 20
Ecumenism Pontifical Council for Christian Unity
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper, Disciples of Christ tradition
Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 19th Avenue SW
Time: 6:30 p.m., followed by informal reception
Contact: Caroline, (403) 218-5523
Monday, June 20
World Migrant and Refugee Day Celebration
Celebrant: Bishop Henry
Place: St. Mary’s Cathedral, 219 - 18th Avenue SW
Time: 7:00 p.m.; International Potluck reception to follow.
Contact: (403) 218-5519; See back cover for article.
Monday, June 20 - Sunday, June 26
Summer Retreat for Men and Women
Preached Retreat • “Understanding Mercy”
With: Fr. Bob Mitchell, OFM
Place: Mount St. Francis, Cochrane
Time: Beginning Monday supper at 6:30 p.m.; Cost: $600
Contact: (403) 932-2012 or mtfrancis@shaw.ca
Friday, June 29
Fireside Prayer for Women Considering Religious Life
Place: Sacred Heart Convent/FCJ Centre, 219 - 19th Ave. SW
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Contact: Sr. Terry Smith, fcJ, (403) 228-3623
Tuesday, July 5 - Monday, July 11
6-Day Summer Retreat • Growing into Tomorrow
With: Margaret Silf
Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 19th Avenue SW
Time: Beginning with Tuesday supper at 5:30 p.m.
Cost: $620 live in; $545 commute
Contact: FCJ Centre (403) 228-4215
Friday, July 15 - Thursday, July 21
Silent Directed Summer Retreat
With: Sr. Ann Marie Walsh fcJ
Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 19th Avenue SW
Option 1: Friday, 7:00 p.m. - Sunday lunch (Weekend only)
Cost: $285/live in
Option 2: Friday, 7:00 p.m. - Thursday lunch (6-day retreat)
Cost: $620/live in or $545/commute
Contact: FCJ Centre, (403) 228-4215
Sunday, July 24 - Sunday, July 31
Summer Retreat for Men and Women
Directed Retreat • “Humility”
Spiritual directors: Mount St. Francis Retreat Team
Place: Mount St. Francis, 41160 Retreat Road, Cochrane
Time: Beginning, Sunday supper at 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $600
Contact: (403) 932-2012 or mtfrancis@shaw.ca
Sunday, September 11
Session VI: The Church in her Ministers: Presbyterorum
Ordinis and the Mission of the Ordained
Speaker: Fr. Stefano Penna, Professor of Theology, NTC
Place: St. Peter’s Parish, 541 Silvergrove Drive NW
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Contact: (403) 218-5519
Monday, August 8 - Friday, August 12
4 Day Retreat • Getting Serious About Humor: Levity for
Down-to-Earth Christians with Fr. Philip Chircop, SJ
Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 19th Avenue SW
Time: Beginning with Monday supper, 5:30 p.m.;
Cost: $415 live in; $375 commute
Contact: FCJ Centre (403) 228-4215
Sunday, September 18
Secular Franciscan Order Information Session
Place: Canadian Martyrs Parish, 835 Northmount Dr. NW
Time: 12:30 - 1:15 p.m.; Visit: www.ofscalgary.com
Contact: Linda Schultz (403) 245-8549, linsch@telus.net
Friday, August 12 - Sunday, August 14
One Rock Festival of Faith/World Youth Day at Home
A Full Roster of Catholic/Christian Speakers & Musicians
Place: Redwood Meadows Fair Grounds, Bragg Creek
Contact: Youth Ministry Office, (403) 218-5516
Website: www.onerock.ca
Sunday, September 18
Annual Trails to the Mount • Open House/Family Event
Ecumenical Prayer Service with Bishop Henry and
Anglican Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson; Blessing of the
animals; Refreshments
Place: Mount St. Francis Retreat, Cochrane
Time: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Contact: (403) 932-2012; Visit: www.mtfrancis.ca
Monday, Aug. 22 and Friday, Sept. 9 & Sat., Sept. 10
Marriage Preparation “For Better and Forever”
For couples preparing for marriage, including those in special
circumstances (living together; previously married; beginning
marriage with children; couples 45+; or those seeking to have
their marriage blessed in the Catholic Church).
Place: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17th Avenue SW
Times: Monday and Friday, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.; and
Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Contact: (403) 218-5505 to register; more dates available
Tuesday, August 23 - Thursday, August 25
Teen Leadership Camp
With: Sr. Madeleine Gregg, fcJ
Place: FCJ Centre, 219 - 19th Avenue SW
Time: 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Cost: $310/camper
Contact: FCJ Centre, (403) 228-4215
Friday, September 9 - Sunday, September 11
Retrouvaille Weekend
For couples experiencing difficulty in their marriage.
Contact: Tom and Sherri, (403) 879-7893 and visit
Saturday, September 10
Calgary Catholic Medical Assn. Committee Meeting
Health care professionals are welcome to attend.
Place: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17th Avenue SW
Time: 9:45 a.m.
Contact: Gabriele, (403) 218-5504 or email
Beginning of October
Transitions, a 15-week support program for those newly
separated or divorced.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Information or registration: (403) 218-5505
Saturday, October 1
Ride for Refuge • Supporting Elizabeth House
Entry: $50 fundraised; 11 yrs. and older
Visit: www.rideforrefuge.org/location/calgary
Contact: Samantha, (403) 218-5531
Thursday, October 20
Bishop’s Dinner 2016 • “Create in Me a Clean Heart”
Beneficiaries: Agencies fighting against human trafficking
and pornography
Place: Commonwealth Centre, 1177, 3961 - 52nd Avenue NE
Cost: $175/person; $1400/table
Contact: Samantha, (403) 218-5531
7:30 P.M.
Rain or Shine
Tuesday, June 14 – St. Mary’s Cemetery
Wednesday, June 15 – Holy Family Cemetery
Tuesday, August 9 – St. Joseph’s Cemetery
Wednesday, August 10 – Good Shepherd Cemetery
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Monday, August 8
Feed the Hungry Golf Tournament
Place: Silvertip Resort, Canmore
Time: Shot Gun Start, 11:00 a.m.
Cost: $350/golfer, ($100 tax receipt)
Contact: Samantha, (403) 218-5531
International Meeting of Ecumenists in Calgary
by Julien Hammond, Member of DOC-RC International Commission for Dialogue
The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
his month Calgary will be hosting a rare and prestigious ecumenical gathering: the annual meeting of
the International Dialogue Commission between
the Roman Catholic Church and the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ). We are excited that Calgary was
chosen to host this year’s meeting. The Commission is
one of several international dialogue groups conducted
by the Holy See’s ecumenical department (the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity) in conjunction
with an ecumenical partner here, the Council for Christian Unity of The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Members of the Commission are from Canada, the United
States, England, Australia, Puerto Rico and Italy (Rome).
For more than 25 years, Disciples of Christ and Roman
Catholics have been in dialogue, looking to the hope of
realizing full visible unity in Christ. In that time, they
have produced four Agreed Statements exploring various
facets of the Christian tradition:
• Catholicity and Apostolicity (1977 - 1982)
• The Church as Communion in Christ (1982 - 1992)
• Receiving and Handing on the Faith: the Mission and
Responsibility of the Church (1993 - 2002)
• The Presence of Christ in the Church, with special
reference to the Eucharist (2003 - 2009)
Those engaged in the current phase of the dialogue that
began in 2013 are exploring the theme, Christians Formed
and Transformed by the Eucharist.
In addition to the dialogue meeting times, the Commission hopes to learn about the local Roman Catholic
and Disciples of Christ institutions/ministries and to
share the work of the Commission with local churches.
Please see Diocesan Dates, June 19 and 20, on page 20.
The Flame of Compassion
by Dr. Gerry Turcotte, President, St. Mary’s University, Calgary
“See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!”
~ James 3:5 ~
the fire; the Syrian refugees who raised almost $4000 for
fire relief even though they themselves had recently lost
everything they owned.
It is always difficult to put tragedies into context. At St.
Mary’s University I looked at a photo of a staff member’s
street in Fort McMurray. Five houses with For Sale signs
stood untouched by fire; hers, not for sale, was aflame.
Who can say why bad things happen to good people. What
is clear is that how we respond to tragedy is what defines
the human spirit, and it is what helps a community to
heal. In that sense it’s true to say that Fort McMurray
will be stronger when it is rebuilt, not just because new
infrastructure will be developed, but because every resident will know that the hearts of many are behind the
reconstruction. This is the flame of compassion that will
rebuild the town.
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The Carillon / 06.2016 ~ Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
he fires of Fort McMurray have catalyzed the
world, and they have proven once again how large
the heart of Albertans are at all times, but especially in moments of crisis. Over the coming months commentators will speculate on what could have been done
better and on how to prevent future such catastrophes.
They will inevitably draw comparisons to other fires: the
Great Fire of London, 1666, where 70,000 out of the city’s
80,000 residents were left homeless; or the 2011 Great
Slave Lake Fire in Alberta where the entire community
of 7,000 residents were evacuated. In the end, however,
what will be remembered are the tales of courage and
compassion, celebrating the many who fought the fire,
fled the inferno, assisted in housing the displaced, or who
raised money and supplies to help.
We will remember the educators, like the principal at
Father Turcotte School, who loaded a bus full of stranded
students and fled the inferno all while liaising with anxious parents and guardians. We will remember the fire
chief who led a campaign against “the Beast,” leading a
team of gallant and exhausted firefighters, many of whom
had themselves lost their homes. We will also remember
the politician who called for unity rather than partisan
politics, even as his home burned, and that only a year
after he had lost his son.
Seneca the Younger, one of early Rome’s most famous
philosophers, once said that “Fire tests gold, suffering
tests brave men,” and his words are proven true in the
aftermath of this tragedy. Possessions are lost, but courage prevails. The scale of the tragedy is enormous, but the
relief effort is bigger. The churches are filled with prayer
and compassion; the volunteers are opening their hearts
and giving of their time. Many of the post-secondary
institutions have made their residences available to
help the displaced. And charity is plentiful and moving:
the eight-year-old girl who donated a $100 of her own
money; the runner who undertook a charity marathon
even though he had never heard of Fort McMurray until
World Refugee Day • June 20
orld refugee day is celebrated every year on
June 20 to support millions of families all over
the world who have lost their homes and dear
ones as a result of violence or war. The day was established
by the General Assembly of United Nations to honour the
refugees for their courage in facing immense challenges
after losing their homes, and often, family members, due
to conflict or violence. On this day we also recognize the
subsequent contributions to the communities where the
refugees eventually settle.
The refugees are survivors and should get proper help
and timely support. It is very important to draw people’s
attention toward their conditions, to honor their courage,
and to try and address their problems.
It takes courage to be a refugee: As people who
have faced persecution because of “who” they are (their
race, nationality or membership of a persecuted group)
or “what” they believe (their religion or political opinion),
refugees need courage:
• The courage not to deny identity or beliefs in the
face of persecution.
• The courage to leave all that is familiar and step
into the unknown in search of peace.
• The courage to keep going in the face of devastating
loss, difficulty and despair.
• The courage to begin again, to work hard and to
maintain hope in an unfamiliar land.
The Diocese of Calgary has a long and honoured history of working in close collaboration with the Calgary
Catholic Immigration Society to welcome, support, and
to settle refugees and migrants.
The RC Diocese of Calgary became a Sponsorship
Agreement Holder (SAH) in 1979 in response to the Vietnamese Boat Crisis when thousands of Vietnamese refugees were resettled by Citizenship & Immigration Canada
and churches working together. Since becoming a SAH in
1979, our diocese has sponsored 6000 refugees from 33
countries. The ten largest countries where refugees have
come from include Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Vietnam,
Sudan, Tibet, Hungary, Poland and Afghanistan.
The most recent flow of thousands of refugees from
Syria has once again demonstrated the need to be sensitive to the issue of refugees, and to be open to welcoming
them in a spirit of true charity and genuine hospitality.
Our parishes, religious institutions and private
citizens have proven once again that we are capable of
meeting the challenges in this endeavor.
Our Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis,
showed us a great example when he
brought 12 highly vulnerable refugees,
who were facing deportation from the
Greek island of Lesbos, to Rome and gave
them refuge.
A spokesman for the Holy See said: “The Pope has desired to make a gesture of welcome regarding refugees,
accompanying on his plane to Rome three families of
refugees from Syria, 12 people in all, including six children. Two families come from Damascus, and one from
Deir Azzor (in the area occupied by ISIS). Their homes
had been bombed. The Vatican will take responsibility for
bringing in and maintaining the three families.”
The plight of the refugees fits so well with the theme
of the year of Mercy, Merciful like the Father. In the true
spirit of the Jubilee of Mercy, and to encourage parishes
to adopt refugee families, the Diocese of Calgary, with
direction from Bishop Henry, will donate up to $10,000
to parishes willing to sponsor.
Following are the parishes and institutions
who have sponsored refugee families to date:
St. Mary’s Cathedral
Holy Family, Medicine Hat
St. Anthony’s, Calgary
Holy Name
St. Bonaventure
Holy Spirit
St. Gerard’s
St. Francis deSales, High River
St. Joseph’s
St. James
St. Mary’s, Cochrane
St. Luke’s
St. Patrick’s, Calgary
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Peter’s
St. Patrick’s, Medicine Hat
St. Thomas More
St. Pius X
St. Basil’s Melkite Greek Catholic Parish
Our Lady of Peace Maronite Catholic Parish
FCJ Christian Life Center
Franciscan Friars, Mount St. Francis Retreat
Center and the Cochrane Syrian Refugee
Sponsorship Group
We invite you to join us for the World Migrant & Refugee
Day Mass to be celebrated with Bishop Henry on Monday,
June 20 at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 7:00 p.m. Please join
the Diocesan Jubilee of Mercy Committee and CCIS in
recognizing the lives of refugees and the many people
who help them. Reception to follow.
On behalf of all of the sponsored refugees, we express
our profound appreciation to Catholic Charities, the
above Calgary RC Diocese parishes and organizations,
and to all the volunteers for their support of refugees.
“… Bring good news to the poor… release to the captives… sight to the blind... let the oppressed go free.” ~ [Luke 4:16-21]