November/December, 2015 - the Hagerstown Roundhouse


November/December, 2015 - the Hagerstown Roundhouse
The Wild Mary
Published by the Hagerstown
Roundhouse Museum
November/December 2015
Volume 2 * Issue 6
20152015 2015
Season’s Greetings to our Members and Friends
December Meeting,
Christmas Party &
25th Anniversary.
2015 Christmas at
the Roundhouse.
November 6, 2015 – February
14, 2016.
The attendance thus far is in
line with the past two years.
The meeting was
attended by 26
members and guests
in the freight room
on Tuesday
December 8, 2015.
The two new display rooms
have been well received by
our guests with many positive
Tables were set with
the pot luck dinner
and deserts and for
Trains of Christmas layout
has been performing well to
the delight of our guests.
After everyone had
completed dinner,
there was a short
business meeting
with a discussion
about the first 25
years and about the
potential of another
great 25 years.
Children’s 0-27 Layout
The Children’s layout was
replaced by a 6.5 X 10 ft. two
level layout during the
Christmas season. It is now in
the scenery stage. There have
not been any issues with the
Freight room photo by: Gerry Smith
Feedback received
was that a grand time
was had by all.
Member Activities.
HRM member Tony Puzzilla has written a book published by Arcadia Publishing Co. entitled The Western
Maryland Railway. Copies are available for sale in the HRM Gift Shop for $21.95 plus tax.
Editor: Gerry Smith
November/December 2015
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President’s Corner – Linda Houck
Hello again!
A huge Thank you to all our supporting membership! Thanksgiving is a time of year to be grateful and
thankful. I would like to extend that to our membership for the continued support, donations and all the
volunteer hours that you have unselfishly been giving over the last 25 years. I would also like to take this
time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Successful New Year 2016! HRM is lining up for the next
25 years to be outstanding with all of your help. Please remember our members that cannot join us this
year in your thoughts and prayers. See Member News for the latest updates.
- Linda
Late Member News:
Joyce and Frank Stanley were involved in a multi vehicle accident on September 12. Thankfully they
have both recovered and have returned to service with HRM.
J. R. Moore 1932 - 2015
We lost member J.R. Moore on Wednesday 12/23/2015.
JR was a member that supported every open house faithfully and was
the HO layout operator 3 days per week. He had been ill for some time
and had been in a local Hagerstown nursing home.
The viewing and service info is in the following obituary from
Minnich’s Funeral Home.
Edgel Luther Moore Jr.
Member News.
Denny Masters is located in Emeritus at Hagerstown, 20009 Rosebank Way, Hagerstown, MD 21742.
Bob Tracey is located at Canterbury Center, Room 107, 80 Maddex Dr., Shepherdstown, WV 25443
W. Bernard Randolph (Bernie) called and said that he was leaving Alexander House at the end of September
and had no idea where he would be moving to.
These gentlemen would appreciate visits from HRM members and other acquaintances.
We wish them well.
Editor: Gerry Smith
November/December 2015
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Reminder: HRM 2016 Membership Dues are Now Due.
2016 Dues were due January 1, 2016 and must be paid by February 28 to maintain your membership.
You can mail your check to P.O. Box 2858 Hagerstown, MD. 21741 or pay at the ticket counter.
A letter was mailed to all current members as a reminder, with an addressed return envelope included.
Credit cards are accepted. Include your credit card info along with the 3 digit code from the back of your
card. Dues are $25 for individuals or $30 for families. If you have already paid, we thank you for your
continued support. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the continued operation of the Museum. If
you have any questions, please contact the Membership Chairman; Linda Houck.
Display Track News and Activities. By: Gerry Smith
There has been on going activity on the display track cars. The Derby Club has new Lexan windows
installed and the vestibule doors have been installed / repaired and for the first time in many years, the
car is now secure.
The Pennsylvania Railroad B-60 Baggage car has all exterior restoration work and painting completed
and is waiting for the lettering to be installed. This car was completed with nearly all costs covered from
donations. There will be additional updates / details in the next newsletter.
Officer and Director updates
The current officers and directors listings are located on Pg 4.
HRM Newsletter
We are now distributing primarily by email. If you receive a hardcopy and have email, please send your
email address to the editor. If any member has an article for publication, please place it in my HRM
mailbox or email to me at
Running the Polar Express, photo by: Gerry Smith
Editor: Gerry Smith
November/December 2015
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Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum
296 S. Burhans Blvd. (US Rt. 11)
P.O. Box 2858
Hagerstown, MD 21741
Contact Information
Museum Officers
Board of Directors
Street Address:
296 S. Burhans Blvd. (US Rt. 11)
Gerry Smith – Chairman
Steve Ashby
Linda Houck – President
Mike Collins
Mike Collins – V.P.
Rick E. Eyler
Mail Address:
P.O. Box 2858
Hagerstown, MD 21741
Joyce Stanley – Secretary
Hezz Foster
Robert McCown – Rec. Sec
Alex Haines
Jan Smith – Treasurer
Linda Houck
Paul Houck
Walter Jackson
Email Inquiry
Tim Kalbflesh
Membership Meetings
7:30 PM 2 Tuesday
Monthly 12/08/2015
Monthly 01/12/2016
Monthly 02/09/2016
Editor: Gerry Smith
November/December 2015
Dan McAuliffe
Robert McCown
Gerry Smith
Joyce Stanley
Robert R. Tracey, Jr.
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