Hummingbirds at Presque Isle Library OUTSIDE
Hummingbirds at Presque Isle Library OUTSIDE
PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Ironwood, MI Permit No. 85 September 6, 2012 free Serving communities surrounding Land O' Lakes • 715-547-3745 • OUTSIDE•Autumn Muskies by Matt Ebert Hummingbirds at Presque Isle Library The Presque Isle Library's September Artist of the month is Linda Christensen, a wildlife photographer from Marinesco, MI. The exhibit will showcase her dazzling close up photographs of Hummingbirds going about life in the northwoods. The exhibit will be available for viewing through September 30th, Mon/Weds/Fri: 10 to 4, Tues/ Thurs: 4 to 9, and Sat: 10 to noon. The Presque Isle Library will host a presentation on September 12th at 1:30 p.m. by Licia Johnson, a naturalist at the North Lakeland Discovery Center in Manitowish Waters, if you'd like to learn more about these amazing birds. Licia will do a presentation on how hummingbirds take extraordinary to another level. From their dazzling, iridescent colors to their needlelike bills and extraordinary flight, hummingbirds are among the most fascinating birds in the world. They have wings that beat up to 200 times every second, making them one of nature’s most accomplished athletes. They are the only birds able to hover, fly backwards, and even upside down. Join naturalist Licia Johnson as we discuss their amazing biology, ecology and fascinating adaptations that allow them to flourish as the world's smallest warm blooded animal! For more information call the Presque Isle Library at 715-686-7613. Naturalist Licia Johnson. Conover Oktoberfest The Conover Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring "Oktoberfest" on Saturday, September 15. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Oktoberfest will be held in the Conover Community Center on Hwy K East. The Spotlight Polka Band will be playing German music. The cost is $5.00 per person. There will be raffles along with traditional German food for purchase. For more information contact Sharon at 715-479-5757. Outside–cover • Border Happenings–pg 3 Pastor's Window–pg 9 • Palate Pleasers–pg 10 • • The leaves are starting to get a little color, and the nights are getting shorter and cooler, fall is in the air. Even though it's a bit early to start musky fishing with live bait, it's not too early to start gearing up for it. After the lakes complete their turn over process, which is when the warm water sinks to the bottom and the cooler water arrives at the top, muskies start to really strap on the feed bag. When this happens it makes them an easier catch and this is when they are hitting their peak weights of the year. Fall is truly the best time to catch yourself a trophy musky. The first thing we need to talk about is timing. A lot of musky fishermen will start with the live bait tactics around mid-September and will have some success. I prefer to wait a little longer, generally somewhere around the second week of October fishing really starts heating up. Weather is the key factor which controls water temperature. So a little give and take is always in order. I will continue to fish until either the lakes freeze up or the musky season comes to an end on November 30th. The bait of choice for this type of fishing is the good ol’ live sucker. Author and guide, Matt Ebert, about to release Every musky fisherman a 32 pound Fall musky, taken using a live sucker. has their own perfect size suckers that they prefer to use and if you ask 5 different fishermen what size, you will get 5 different answers. I prefer mine in the middle size which run 14-16 inches. Locating musky this time of year is a key component to making this type of fishing a success. I prefer to drift down steep dropping breaklines adjacent to deep water with good green weeds up shallower. Musky are hanging on these edges looking for an easy meal. Now it's time to set up the equipment and I start with a quality 8ft musky baitcasting rod which has a heavy to extra heavy action. Any type of baitcasting musky rod will work fine as long as its equipped with a bait clicker. For line I run superbraid in the 80-100lb test range. Anything less can snap on a hard hook set, especially in colder weather. In order to rig the sucker you will need a quick set harness and there are lots of different types to choose from at your local tackle shop. The old style, single hook rig that you let the musky swallow down before setting the hook is almost certain death for any musky intended to be released and should not be used. As a matContinued on page 4 >> ter of fact the State of Wisconsin has out- In 'Da Woods–pg 6 • Nature Notes–pg 8 Health & Wellness–pg 11 • Classifieds–pg 12 Page 2 September 6, 2012 Border Bulletin Phelps Scarecrow Fest The Third Annual Scarecrow Fest sponsored by the Phelps Women's Club will be held in downtown Phelps on Saturday, September 15 from 9am to 4pm. Walk through the Scarecrows and Decorated Pumpkins. Even bring your own scarecrow or pumpkin to enter in the individual contests. If you have grown your own pumpkins, bring one to enter in the Largest Pumpkin contest. Then browse the Craft Fair and Fine Arts Display. Several local artists and quilters will be displaying their works. There will be music through out the day presented by The Band and Robert Wiley Deal. Bring your appetite for Burgers/Brats and Hamburgers, the Pig Roast and Corn on the Cob, Taffy Apples, or try the free Chili and Deep Fried Pickles. Beer and Soda, Coffee and Apple Cider will be available. Try your hand at Pumpkin Chuckin'. Watch the Sea Planes land and take off of North Twin Lake. Wander through the Antique Tractors, and Street Rods. See the excitement of the sanctioned Lawn Mower Races. Have the kids try Trout Fishing and other games. Learn from a honey extraction demonstration. See the cute animals from the Vilas County Humane Society. Watch wood carving by both chainsaw and hand carvers. Plan for the whole day to enjoy the Fest! Since 1989 Dave’s Tree service 10% OFF Mention this Ad • German Forestry • Lot clearing • Difficult Take-Downs • cabling • select-cut Logging • clean-up of Firewood, stump Grinding, & chipping and... • Light excavation • Bulldozing • rock retaining Walls • Bobcat services Dave Kimball Owner/Operator - Fully Insured Free estimates Written Proposals 715-686-2407 Presque Isle, WI Emergency Jobs Call 715-490-2140 While September finds most feathered songbirds gathering for a long flight south, the Northwoods Singers are flocking to the group’s first fall, 2012, gathering, a potluck supper and “get-to-knowyou” sing-fest at 6 p.m. at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Eagle River Tuesday, Sept. 11. All returning and potential Singers are welcome. The Northwoods Singers is a well-known community wide choral group directed by Dr. Pamalyn Lee of Land O’ Lakes. The group’s first regular rehearsal for fall, 2012, will be Tuesday, Sept. 18, at 6:30 p.m. at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Eagle River. Regular rehearsals will run from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. throughout the season. The group is open to all interested singers throughout the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Northwoods area. Carpooling can be arranged from local outlying communities. The initial holiday concert schedule is: Concert # 1 (Venue to be announced)—Dress Rehearsal, Saturday, Dec. 8, 1 p.m. Concert, Sunday Dec. 9, 4 p.m. Concert #2; First Congregational United Church of Christ, Eagle River, WI. Dress Rehearsal Saturday, Dec. 15, 1 p.m. Concert, Sunday, Dec. 16, 4 p.m. Singers are expected to contribute toward their music. Scholarships are available to all potential singers. High school age songsters will be accepted upon permission of the conductor. Singers are asked to make all possible rehearsals. However, excused absences will be allowed, and methods for providing temporary absentee music rehearsal aids are becontinued on page 7>> ing discussed. ’ O L Ak D n E A L 10% Recreation Co. 10% Off Off GET READY! Ride on the Border Perfect riding weather greeted approximately 250 riders for the Saturday, August 11, Ride with Leinie in Land O’ Lakes. The great ride, along with brats and Leinenkugel beer served after the ride, plus a raffle of a canoe and bike, and other items donated by local merchants, made for a hugely successful event. Organizers report a total of over $7200 realized from the ride will support the continuing development of the Wilderness Lakes Trails. Construction of the Agonikak section of the trail running between Watersmeet and Land O' Lakes was to begin this week. S Prompt Professional & environmentally Friendly service Northwoods Singers Return Snow will be flying Soon! SAvE10% 3rd al u n An expires october 31, 2012 1702 Hwy 45, land o’ lakes, wi 54540 • 906-544-2040 Mon-Sat 8:30am-5pm, Sun by Appt • The Conover Chamber of Commerce invites you to OKTOBERFEST 2012 Saturday, September 15 at the Conover Community Center 5:30pm keg-tapping – toe-tapping soon to follow! Live german music by the SpOtLigHt pOLka BanD Raffle • traditional geRman fOOD available Contact Sharon Olander at 715-479-5757 for more info. ani PHE LP SCA REC S R FES OW T SATURDAY, SEPT 15 9am - 4pm Downtown Phelps ma ls see article in this issue Scarecrow & De mo ts d es s Pumpkin Cont foo d n usic a raft Fair & much Fine Arts Dis ! play more C M s race Visit online, ad & classified order forms, archived issues, ad portfolio, facebook, and more. Border Happenings Conover • • • AWANA youth program Kick Off Bar-B-Que: Conover Free Church, Oct 3, 6pm. AWANA’s meetings: every Wed, 6-7:30pm. More info call Ann Smits 715-479-7742. Conover Transfer Station: Sat, Sun, & Wed, 9am-3pm; Wed 6-8pm. Closed Tues & Thurs. Compost Site Hours Only: Thurs 10am-2pm until Oct 31. Conover Post Office Window: Mon-Fri 9am–12:30 & 1:15–4pm; Sat 9–11am. Land O’ Lakes • • • 74th Annual Fall Classic Trapshoot: Gateway Lodge, Sept 12-16. 80’s Party with DJ: Bent’s Camp, Sept 22. Art in the Yard: Fir Tree Cottage, Sept 22, 10am-4pm 715-493-5361 Colorama Celebration: Sept 22. Colorama Dinner: St. Alberts Church, Sept 23, 11:30-2pm. 906544-2448 Colorama Bike Tour: Sept 23. LOLA ART CENTER PROGRAMS: Quilting Course with Sandra Hodgman: Sept 12-14, 10am-3pm. Beginning Watercolors-Landscape Painting: Sept 27, 10am-3pm. Reg. by 9/20. Rug Twining: Sept 29, 10am-2pm. Reg. by 9/22. Contact Wendy 715-493-5361 or 715-547-3950 for more info. LIBRARY PROGRAMS: Afternoon Movie-The Hunger Games: Sept 14, 1pm. Kids Program: every Wed, 10am. Computer Training: Thurs, 1pm. One on One Computer Train:Fri. Hours: M, T, TH, F: 10am-4pm; W: 10am-6pm; Sat: 10am -1pm. A.A.: LOL Town Hall, Sun, 2pm. LOL Tennis Jesters: Mon & Thurs, 9am, LOL tennis courts. All levels of play, everyone welcome. Yoga Classes: Town Hall, weekly. Mon, 5:30-6:45pm (All levels); Tue, 8:30-9:45am (Begin/Foundation); Thur, 8:30-10am (Inter/Continue). 715-547-3480. Line Dancing: St. Alberts Church, every Tues, 10am-12pm. Fish & Game Club: Ely Church, second Tues (May-October), 7pm. Refreshments 6:30pm. "Wolves of Wisconsin": Sept 11, 6pm. LOL VFW Post 8400: VFW Hall, last Tue, 7pm. Headwaters Food Pantry: Meeting: Olympic 76 St, 3rd Tue in Mar, Jun, Sept & Dec, 12:30pm. Food Pantry Pick-up: Olympic 76 St, 1st & 3rd Wed, 8:30–11:30am. Drop Stitch Group: knit & crochet group, LOL Library, Wed, 1–3pm. Headwaters Ecumenical Lunch Program: Ely Church, 1st & 3rd Wed, 10:30am-12:30pm. LOL Planning & Beautification Meeting: LOL Town Hall, 2nd Wed, 8:30am. Public welcome. Wilderness Lakes Trails: LOL Chamber building, 4th Wed, 5pm. Public welcome. VFW Post 8400 Ladies Auxillary: LOL VFW Hall, last Wed, 2pm. Farmers Market: Dwntn LOL, Thursdays, 9am-12pm. New-U Club: Watch your weight with friends. Hope Lutheran, Thu, 8:45–10am. More info 906-544-2554. Frosty Snowmobile Club: LOL Town Hall, 1st Thurs, 6pm. Airport Commission: Land O’ Lakes Airport, 2nd Thu, 5:30pm. Veterans Helping Veterans OutReach Group: LOL Bible Church, 2nd Thurs, 6pm. LOL Chamber Meeting: 3rd Thu, 7:30am. Public welcome. Border Bulletin ©2012 General Manager: Sheila Bernier Design & Editing: Nicolé & Jason Lanius 6074 Highway 45 Land O' Lakes, WI 54540 715-547-3745 find us on The Border Bulletin relies on submissions of articles, photos, and other information. Please contact us with your submissions. Our advertisers make this publication possible—we ask that you support our advertisers. Thank you. Next issue: September 20, 2012 Submissions by: September 8, 2012 LOL Transfer Station:Tue 8-3; Thurs 12-6; Sat 8-4. LOL Post Office Window: Mon-Fri, 9:30am–1pm & 2–4pm; Sat 9:30–11am. phelps • • • Women’s Club Scarecrow Gathering: Downtown, Sept 15, 11am4pm. Colorama “Try-athlon”: Phelps School, Sept 15, 7am. Northern Exposure Golf Tournament: Sept 22, 10:30am. Call Doug (715) 545-3555. Library Programs: Phelps Library Story Hour: Begins Sept 14, 12:15pm. Laura the Story Lady reading. 2nd Fri every month 12:15pm. Hours: M, T, TH, F: 10am-4pm; W: 2pm-6pm; Sat: 10am – noon. Check us out at or call 715-545-2887. Phelps Town Board Meeting: 2nd Mon, 7pm. Weight Watchers Mtg: SchoolConsumer Ed Rm, every Wed, weigh-in 4:30pm, meeting 5pm. Watersmeet Post Office Window: Mon-Fri, 9:30am–12:30pm & 1:30–4pm; Sat 9:15–10:45am. Beyond the Border • • • boulder junction • 53rd Annual Colorama Dinner: Camp Manitowish YMCA’s historic Nash Lodge on Hwy K west, Sept 22, 6pm. Classic Car Show: Downtown, Sept 22, 8am-3pm. 715-479-7656. ER Farmers Market: every Wed. Vilas Cty Master Gardener’s Mtg: Prince of Peace Church, 2nd Thurs, 7pm. Public invited, has a speaker. Artist Linda Christensen-wildlife photographer from Marinesco, MI exhibit: Presque Isle Library, through Sept 30. Phelps Transfer Station: Sat, 9am–2pm. Phelps Post Office Window: Mon-Fri, 8:30am–12:45 & 2–4pm; Sat 9–11am. 35th Annual World Championship Musky Classic: Sept 8-10. 715-5432657. Power Point Presentation on Hummingbirds: PI Library, Sept 12, 1:30pm. St. germain • Summer's End Run & Paddle: Community Park, Sept 18. 715-4772205. upper michigan • Annual Ontonagon Valley Sportmen’s Club Turkey Shoot: Sucker Creek Ranage-Paulding, Sept 8, 10am-? Land O' Lakes Northwoods Quilters: Watersmeet Bible Church, Tue, 10am–9pm. Garage Door Invasive Species Control Coalition of Watersmeet (ISCCW): Ranger District Headquarters in Watersmeet, 3rd Tues, 9am. Garage Doors ~ Springs cables ~ Remote Controls Parts & Accessories Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting: Spiritual Center on Transfer Station Rd. Tues 7pm-Open Topic and Fri 2pm-Closed Step. * 80’s paRty * prizes for best dressed! Dress the decade or your favorite 80’s rock star, tv, or movie star... DJ spInnIng 80’s musIC all nIgHt lOng! septemBeR 22 Be There or Be Square! * BReakFast * saturdays & sundays 8:00-11am Kick start your day with a Bent’s Breakfast and Bloody Mary! Known for our Famous FRIDay FIsH FRy Serving the very best pRIme RIB Bent’s Camp Watersmeet • • • Watersmeet Township Board of Education Meeting: 3rd Mon, 6:30pm, unless otherwise noted. on the famous cisco chain of lakes Eagle River • Phelps Senior Center Meeting: last Mon, 1pm. Call (715) 545-3983 for lunch res. 24 hours prior to mtg. Phelps Historical Museum: Hwy 17 Downtown. Open weekends, 10am-2pm. Call Pauline Nystrom for more info 715-545-3012. lodge&restaurant Paul's Pro Am Memorial Musky Classic: Wild Eagle Lodge, Sept 15. 715-477-2913. presque isle • Farmers Market: every Sat. Jun 30-Sept 29, 9am-1pm. Est. 1896 Watersmeet Dump: Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri, Sat – 8am-4pm. Phelp’s Women’s Club Meeting: 3rd Mon, Phelps Fire Barn, 1pm. Call Sharon Gifford for more info 715-545-4008. Phelps Lions Club: 3rd Thu, 6pm. Call Dick Martin at 715-891-2296. September 6, 2012 Page 3 Service Insured Free Estimates Paul Conway, Owner 715-617-5820 6882 Helen Creek Road 10 miles west of Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin off of Scenic Cty Road B Open 7 Days a Week Closed on tuesdays mon-Fri at 11am sat & sun 8am Breakfast 715-547-3487 Your hosts, Craig & Amy Kusick Page 4 September 6, 2012 OUTSIDE continued from the cover >> lawed these rigs earlier this year and they are illegal to use. The fish hits the bait, now what? The most important thing to remember is not to waste any time. Quickly clear any other lines you may have in the water and proceed to set the hook only if the fish is running away from you. If the fish is not, quickly reposition the boat so he is. If the fish still isn’t moving away, apply a little pressure on the rod until he starts moving. As the musky is swimming away, reel down and set the hook HARD, like your trying to break the rod in half. Hopefully shortly you will be photographing your trophy fish. Good luck this fall! For more information please contact Matt Ebert Guide Service. 715-891-3927. Brian Blettner Guide & Outfitter 715-891-3260 Border Bulletin Phelps Public Library 33rd Annual Cranberry Fest Our Summer Reading Program was a great success this year with 48 participants. Our grand prize readers are Colyn Drenth and Jordyn Franzen both winning portable DVD players and Nicolas Haapala, winning a $50.00 gift certificate for Book World. We would like to give special thanks to Barry Mohr of the Phelps Convenience Center for donating worms for our worm races again this year. Story Hour for September is scheduled for Friday, September 14 at 12:15pm. Kids will enjoy Laura the Story Lady reading some of her favorites. All ages are welcome. Story hour is held the 2nd Friday of every month at 12:15pm , throughout the school year. New Adult Fiction: Dream Lake by Klepas, Line of Fire by White, Far North by Ridpath, City of Women by Gillham, Return to Willow Lake by Wiggs, Judgement Call by Jance, Fireproof by Kava, Rise of 9 by Lore, Blue Skies by Carr, Death of a Neighborhood Witch by Levine, Look of Love by Clark, Hostage by Wiesel, Survivor by Hurwitz, Unfinished Garden by Claypole, When Lightning Strikes by Novak, One Mountain Way by Richards, Third Gate by Child, Angle of the Cove by Robbins and Bloodline by Rollins. New Movies: Five Year Engagement, Renegade, Lucky One, Darling Companion, You’ve got a Friend, Think like a Man, The Pirates! A Band of Misfits, Battleship, Hunger Games, Bernie, Dictator, Hijacked, Hatfields & McCoys, Redemption Road, The Lorax and Casa De Mi Padre. 33rd Annual Cranberry Fest is slated for October 6th & 7th in Eagle River, WI. The Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center would like to invite you to display your handmade arts and crafts for sale at Cranberry Fest from 9:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday. This event is held rain or shine and over 40,000 people attend. For more information on how to participate in the 33rd Annual Cranberry Fest Arts and Crafts Show, please call Kim Emerson, Events Coordinator at (715) 479-6400 or (800) 3596315 or visit or go to and click on Area Events. Cranberry Fest is a fun filled day with activities happening throughout the Eagle River Community. Everyone will enjoy over 300 arts and crafts booths, delicious foods, fresh locally grown cranberries, marsh and winery tours, antique show and sale, Lake Country Weaver & Fiber Artists show and sale, fitness events for the Ministry Eagle River Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Program, flea market, farmers market, World’s largest cheesecake for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, musical entertainment and much more. Matt Ebert Guide Service 715-891-3927 Colin Crawford Guide Service 715-891-2715 Outside Library Hours: M,T,TH, F: 10am-4pm, W: 2pm-6pm, Sat: 10am – noon. Check us out at or call 715-545-2887. contributors Cranberry Fest Cook-Off The Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center is looking for you to enter the Cranberry Fest Cook-Off. This contest is open to the general public and will take place on Saturday, September 29th at the Masonic Lodge, 610 E. Division St., Eagle River, WI prior to Cranberry Fest held on October 6th & 7th. The Cranberry Fest Cook-Off is an annual Cranberry Fest tradition. This contest will feature 6 categories: Breads/Muffins, Large Desserts (cakes, pies and tortes), Small Desserts (cookies, candies and snacks), Meat/Main Dishes/Side Dishes, Salad/Sauces/Jellos and Etceteras (appetizers, soups, beverages, jellies, jams, etc). First place in each category will receive $25, second place $15 and third place $10. Ribbons will also be awarded to the first 3 places in each category. Your recipe must accompany each entry on an 8 ½” x 11” white piece of paper and will become the property of the Eagle Great food and a whole lot more River Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center for future events and/or publication. If published, continued on page 5 >> BaCk to l! o o H C S CRAFT BEER!! Junior & young men'S SportSwear Kids 1 month–12 yrs • Mon–Fri 6:30am–5:15pm 715.547.3078 • Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin After Labor Day Hours: Friday & Saturday 8 AM - 8 PM Sun, Mon, Weds, Thurs 8 AM - 2 PM Closed Tuesdays Sat, Sept 8 & Sat, Sept 15 we will close at 2pm Large Selection Silver JeanS Fox~alpine StarS~DC~volCom~BillaBong~Hurley 327 S. Sophie Street, Bessmer, MI 49911 A short scenic drive on US Hwy 2, west of Watersmeet. Left at the caution light in Bessemer. (906)663-4411 or (800)313-4776 • We have beer from great brewers like Leinenkugel’s, Sprecher, Sierra Nevada, Bells, Lakefront, New Glarus,Tyranena, New Belgium, Southern Tier, Founders, Ommegang, Lagunitas, Oskar Blues, Left Hand, Duvel, and so many more. Stop and check out over 130 different craft beers. Open 7 days-a-week ~ Cocktails at 4pm with Fine Dining starting at 5pm 6366 Hwy 45 N • Land O’ Lakes • 715-547-3344 September 6, 2012 Page 5 Visit online, ad & classified order forms, archived issues, ad portfolio, facebook, and more. Colorama Weekend in Land O’ Lakes Cranberry Fest continued from page 4 >> the chef will receive credit for the recipe. In addition, each entry must include a completed entry form. All entries must be checked in at the Masonic Lodge, 610 E. Division St., in Eagle River between 11:30 am - 12:15 pm on Saturday, September 29, 2012. Judging will begin at 12:30 pm. For more information and a complete set of rules with an entry form, contact Kim Emerson – Events Coordinator at the Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center – (715) 479-6400 or(800) 359-6315 or print an application at The leaves are beginning to change color and by the end of September should be at the peak for Colorama time in the Northwoods. The Land O’ Lakes Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Land O’ Lakes would like to invite everyone to enjoy the Colorama Weekend. Kick off the celebrating on Saturday, the 22nd, enjoy the “Fall" appearance as many of the downtown businesses have been dolled up in their Autumn finery. Take a stroll or drive down the main street (Highway B) and check it out. Watch for the scarecrows that will decked out in “Patriotic” finery this year. The decorations and the scarecrows will be judged at 1 p.m. Many of the participating shops will have Colorama sales with “Falling” down prices. Saturday will be a busy day with Art in the Yard happening on the grounds of a local shop directly across from the post office on Highway B from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A “Fall Harvest” Farmers Market will be going on from 10-2 at the Lumber Yard lot across from the library. Enjoy the relaxing feeling of being in Land O’ Lakes on a lovely Fall day. Sunday morning, the 23rd of September, representatives of the Wilderness Lakes Trails will be at the Land O’ Lakes Town Pavilion in Memorial Park from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to help you map your Colorama bike ride and discuss exciting trail expansion plans. Ample parking and restrooms are available Everyone is invited to the annual Chamber of Commerce Colorama Dinner which will be held on Sunday, Sept. 23rd from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St Albert’s Catholic Church Parish Hall. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 years old and younger. Join your friends and neighbors for an enjoyable afternoon and a delicious meal of ham, chicken, and home made side dishes, salads and deserts. Carryouts are available, so those of you who want to be home for the football games – stop by – fill up a plate – and be on your way. Tickets are available at the door and at the Chamber office. Enjoy Colorama in Land O’ Lakes! EAGLE RIVER AUTO SHOW Saturday, September 25, Saturday, 22, 2011 2012 8:00am - 3:00pm, Downtown Eagle River Beer tasting atBeer Butch's Pizza 2pm • Pig & Corn Tasting at Butch’s PizzaRoast at BBT's Free Fries with Lunch at Smuggler’s • Music by Kenny K Music by Kenny K Eagle River Historical Society’s Rootbeer Floats Trophies • Prizes • Raffles • Goodie Bags $10 Entry Registration Classes - First & Second Prize Specialty Awards - First Prize • Best Stock: • People’s Choice 1900-1959, 1960-1969 • Best in show 1970-1980, 1981-1990 • Best Street Rod • Best Street Machine • Best Paint • Best Street Rod • Best Interior • Nostalgia / Hot Rod / Custom1920-1959 • Best Engine • Best Custom Truck • Best Truck Stock • Best 4x4 Model Car Contest for Children & Adults! • Best Mustang - All Prizes to be awarded, no charge. • Best Camaro - All • Best Corvette - All • Best Convertible • Best Modern Muscle Car, 1991-Present 2011 Best in Show • Best Special Interest Questions, please call Gail Newitt at (715) 479-7656 or e-mail, Brought to you by The Eagle River Business Assoication, in partnership with Eagle Collision Sponsors: Eagle Collision, Eagle Transmission, RiverService, Service, Business, First Sponsors: Eagle Collision, Eagle Transmission,Eagle Eagle River CWCW Business, National Bank of Eagle River, Barry’s Parson’s of Eagle Parson’s River, WRJO, Quest, First National Bank of Eagle River, Barry’sAuto AutoBody, Body, Smuggler’s Lounge, of EagleCar River, Car Car Shop, Scharf Automotive, West Body Shop, Trig’s of Eagle River, Dairy Queen, WRJO, Quest, Car Shop, Moccasin70 Shop, Don Scharf Automotive, Red’s Auto, 70 West Body Shop, BBT’s, Auto TireBBT’s, Clinic Trig’s of Eagle River, Dairy Queen, Auto Tire Clinic Please help support these fine businesses! as seen on Discover Wisconsin! The Tackle Box LLC Gifts, Clothing n' Gear WI Archery & Small Game Season WI/ M License I OpenS SAt. Sept 15th s HunTing SuppLieS Targets, Releases, Scents Broadheads, Ammo, and More! and remember... ...fall fishing FaLL hOurS: Mon–Fri 8am-5pm Sat 7am-5pm Sun 8am-2pm (715) 547-3434 Downtown Land O' Lakes Live BAIt MEGA RACK Mineral Vitamin Supplement Block Now in Stock! Page 6 September 6, 2012 Border Bulletin IN 'DA WOODS•Mark Twain Musings by Melanie B. Fullman, USFS Melanie Fullman works for the U.S. Forest Service, Ottawa National Forest, Bessemer, MI; and has also been stationed in Alaska, Idaho, and Washington State. Tale of T wo Tails In previous columns over the past few years, I have mentioned the great work done by the US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, specifically in regards to bald eagles. Working in partnership with Clemson University, these researchers climb trees bearing eagle nests, capture the young (and still flightless) chicks, lower them to another researcher on the ground for measuring, etc., then return them to the nest. The data provides a better understanding of the health of the ecosystem in which the eagles live. A typical day involves hiking into a handful of remote sites, with an average of about 2 chicks per nest. The tree climber stays in each nest – often the size of a small room – the entire time, scooping up each eaglet in turn and enjoying the view. Nests are usually littered with the bones of various “dinner guests”. While climbing to the tippy-top of a swaying old tree is certainly not risk free, like all jobs, the work develops a certain pattern. For the most experienced tree climbing biologists, the next nest is about the same as the previous hundred. Except for one… U gly D uckling The tree in Lower Michigan was unremarkable in both its location and species; most are within a quarter mile of a stream, river, or large lake. From the ground, the stick nest also seemed quite normal. A research plane had spotted chicks there a month or so earlier and whitewash (bird poo) around the base of the tree indicated it was still occupied. But when the researcher reached the three occupants, he was stunned. Two were eaglets, the third was a healthy, thriving red tail hawk chick. None of them seemed to notice, or care, that a, uh, brother, looked quite different. Although quite a bit smaller, the hawk was obviously being fed and tended by eagle parents. For the record, eagles are not Good Samaritans. They EAT anything they can grab. J. Grizzlies HOmemaDe Pizza, Pasta, & sanDwicHes Dine-in or Carry-out thursday thru Saturday 11am–9pm Sunday 3–8pm Downtown Land O’ Lakes - 715-547-3700 Eagle researcher, Teryl Grubb, at an eagle's nest with a juvenile eagle. M ystery M ate So how did a red tailed hawk babe end up in an eagle nest??? • Eagles nest a month or so before hawks, so they didn’t take over an occupied hawk nest and not notice (consume) one of the existing inhabitants. • An adult hawk didn’t accidentally drop an egg into an eagle nest: 1) Hawks don’t parasitize other nests, and 2) Asking eagles to baby-sit would be like asking an alligator to watch your kids. • Eagles don’t usually (ever?) take eggs from other nests. They do take chicks however… After considerable debate amongst several researchers one evening, our best hypothesis is that the red tailed hawk chick was swiped from its nest as FOOD. It was brought in alive and apparently, undamaged, perhaps with a much more unlucky twin. The adult then left, as they usually do, to find more morsels. If the eagle chicks weren’t particularly hungry, they might leave a “meal” to serve as an afternoon snack. Plus, depending on the age of the eaglets, they might have only been accustomed to eating dead things. RegisteRed NuRse Foot & Nail CaRe Monday, sept. 10 in land o’lakes, Wi iN your oWN hoMe continued on page 7 >> oR at... all in the Family hair Care 6520 airport Road land o’ lakes, Wi Carol l. Miles, RN, BsN For appt. Call 715-479-7612 Visit online, ad & classified order forms, archived issues, ad portfolio, facebook, and more. In'Da Woods continued from page 6 >> For its part, the hawk chick was probably a bit ruffled and perhaps scared, although this nest would have looked similar (albeit much bigger) to its own and the eaglets might have seemed like large, rather ugly relations. So the hawk did what baby hawks do – it sat there and waited to be fed. E agles C an ’t C ount Raising a nest full of baby eagles is a tough, thankless job. Flying back and forth with food, watching out for predators (and tree climbing biologists), shielding chicks from rain, wind, and often snow. Trying to provide shade when needed as well. Making sure everyone gets Banded eagle chick on a nest. hole Pictur W e ThPhotography e *Bring this AD in for 13% off your Portraits! Affordable • Unique Personal Portraits • In-Studio/On-Location 334 Hwy 51 North, Arbor Vitae, WI 54568 • (715) 358-3227 “The goal is not for the photographer to change the subject but for the subject to change the photographer.” – TWP Stephen’s Barber Shop food and water. And while nearly all successful eagle nests have 2 parents, most of the communication between them is limited to “keep an eye on that bear” or “hey, there’s decent fishing in that river”. ‘Date night’ only happens once or twice a year (some readers are nodding with great empathy by now…). During the nesting season, adult eagles stuff food into whatever squawks. They haven’t time to count; they’re not likely to remember how many chicks they had to begin with. And they’re not particularly adept at noticing minor differences, like color, shape, and size, between chicks. So the next time an adult eagle returned to the nest, now occupied by THREE chicks, it had no reason to exhibit any ill will to the one that looked a bit odd. After all, you don’t hunt food in your own house. Three mouths simply meant more fish or mice to obtain. Except for the bewildered researcher sitting (temporarily) in the nest, it didn’t appear anyone other than him even noticed that there was a red tailed hawk there!!!! R est of the S tory … We will never know what eventually happened to any of the mis-matched nestlings. 715-547-3900 Call or drop-in 6074 Hwy 45 Land O’ Lakes, WI A mile south of Cty B on Hwy 45 Chances are quite good that all 3 continued to thrive, learned to fly, and eventually fledged (left the nest). The hawk would probably have been a week or so behind its ‘siblings’ in this regard but its eagle ‘parents’ would not have abandoned it because, well, they clearly thought it was one of their own. Eagle diets are close enough to hawk diets that there was probably no nutrition issues either, although the hawk may have had an unusually strong preference for fish. Learning to fly is about the same for all raptors, as is learning to hunt. While the human debate continued about how the hawk chick got there, one of the long-time Forest Service eagle researchers mentioned this was actually the second time in his career that this situation had occurred. I couldn’t help but wonder - would humans be this generous with aliens? After all, we fight wars with our own species. Hope to see YOU in the woods; you just never know what you might find! September 6, 2012 Page 7 Northwoods Singers continued from page 2 >> Following the two holiday concerts, the group will take a brief break and then begin rehearsals Tuesday, January 15, 2013, for the spring concert season. For each concert venue, the Northwoods Singers will be joined by the Northwoods Youth Choir. The Northwoods Youth Choir is a high school age choral group also conducted by Dr. Lee. A separate rehearsal schedule will be announced for this group. Scholarships are also available through the Northwoods Singers for young people aspiring to sing with the Youth Choir. Application guidelines and rehearsal schedules will be announced. For more information on the Northwoods Singers and the Northwoods Youth Choir, please contact Barbara Nehring at (715) 547-3525 (Trading Post Internationale in Land O’ Lakes)) or (715) 547-3474 (home) or e-mail Restaurant closed Saturday, Sept. 8 Est.1938 Come Back to Tradition© Restaurant • Lounge • Lodging Happy Hour • Friday FisH • saturday prime rib Unlimited sHrimp boil Weds & senior Discounts tHurs restaurant open tuesday-saturday, 5:00-9:00pm South side of hwy b in land O’ lakeS, wiScOnSin 715-547-3321 • AMERICA’S BEST TREE SERVICE , INC 715-477-2900 ON STAFF 545 Hwy 45 S . PO Box 1808 . Eagle River tree trimming . tree removal . stump grinding . storm clean up . 75’ aerial bucket free estimates . certified arborist on staff . fully insured . prompt, reliable service photo by Sarah McD Page 8 September 6, 2012 Border Bulletin NATURE NOTEs•Daddy-Longlegs by Peter Dring Peter Dring is a naturalist, photographer, and was Director of the world renowned Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center for nearly four decades. They seem to be everywhere climbing over bushes and woodpiles, loping along woodland paths or resting on cabin walls. With each trip outdoors we are likely to encounter these creatures that resemble a split pea supported on eight long stilts. These gangly, fast moving things are instantly recognized as daddy longlegs. Although they resemble spiders, daddy long-legs, more correctly called harvestmen, are neither insects nor spiders. Taxonomically, they are arthropods, in the same class as spiders but in a different order, Phalangida. Anatomically daddy long-legs differ from spiders in that their three body segments, head, thorax and abdomen are joined as one compact body segment. Spiders have two body segments - the head and thorax are joined as one unit called the cephalothorax with the abdomen as the second body segment. Insects on the other hand have three distinct body segments, the head, thorax and abdomen. Try letting the daddy long-legs crawl onto your hand. It won’t bite you and you probably won’t even feel it unless the second pair of legs may be gently exploring and touching your hand. Now take a closer look. The raised black dot on the top of the body is a raised knob or tubercle containing two tiny black eyes peering out. The body has six pairs of appendages, the chelicerae, pedipalps and four pairs of legs. The chelierae or jaws and the short leg like pedipalps are used for sensing, capturing and holding food until it is eaten. The daddy long-legs' most impressive feature is its four pairs of long slender legs, which may be up to 30 times as long as its body. Each leg has seven segments and curves out at the tip. If the daddy long-legs is in danger of being caught, it can break off a portion of its legs and then escape while the detached legs continue to quiver in front of a confounded predator. Daddy long-legs can grow new legs to replace the broken ones. Those seven-jointed legs are unique. The Indian name for Grandfather Gray- beard, as some call it, meant "Feet of Hairs". If we had legs in proportion they would be 40 feet long! The second pair is the longest, about 2 inches in our common kinds and their extremely sensitive tips are used to explore its path, search for food and warn of danger. The fourth pair is next in length and the first pair is shortest, unless "Daddy" has lost a leg and is growing a new one. Recently, while examining a harvest man she suddenly scurried away, leaving a leg between our fingers. It continued to twitch spasmodically for 21 minutes. That's not to diminish the value of those magnificent legs. They are so important that daddy long-legs spends considerable time fastidiously cleaning them. Each leg is gingerly held in its jaws and nibbled to clean the leg as it is carefully pulled through the chelicerae. Adults ordinarily hide during the day and become active at twilight when they wander in search of food such as dead insects, plant juices and possibly living insects. When they walk, their bodies are always held a little distance above ground. As they move, seemingly on tiptoe, the second pair of legs, the longest, touch the surface sensing food. If something edible is detected, the daddy long-legs begins a teetering motion and tilts the body forward, enabling it to see over its legs and explore the intended object with its pedipalps. If the detected item is acceptable, the daddy long-legs grabs it with its pedipalps and eats it. The more brilliantly colored males are smaller than females, but may have longer legs. During the summer mating season, there is no formal courtship. The male simply climbs on the body of the female and transfers his spermatozoa into her gonopore. In autumn, the female uses a long, reversible ovipositor to deposit eggs into soil or crevices in wood. In Wisconsin, the adults most likely die in autumn, thus the species overwinters in the egg stage. The young hatch the following spring and grow by splitting and shedding their “skins." Next time you are startled by a daddy long-legs scurrying across the woodpile, spare its life, for it is a beneficial and graceful creature in the complex web of life. Daddy long-legs frequently play host to a small bright red mite, which is visible to the naked eye, usually on the body of this arthropod. GARY & NANCY VOLD NORTHERN CARPETS CARPET • VINYL • TILE • EXPERT INSTALLATION • (715) 547-6063 S Land O’ Lakes, WI 54540 O utfitte a i n a v l y since 1974 rs inc. Explore Crooked Lake in the Sylvania Wilderness... For rent... 14 foot aluminum boats with electric motors Details online at... 906-358-4766 September 6, 2012 Page 9 Visit online, ad & classified order forms, archived issues, ad portfolio, facebook, and more. From the Pastor's Window Skip Pullen is a pastor with Village Missions, serving two churches in the Upper Penisula of Michigan—the Watersmeet and Bruce Crossing Bible Churches. As I write this, we have experienced the first hints of fall. We have had some cooler nights. Some of the trees are already beginning to change. For those of us who are part of the hunting tradition, this is one of our favorite times of the year. We will soon be getting ready to hit the woods. Before we do this, most of us will Hope Lutheran Church Bible Study Sundays 8:30am & Weds 10:00am Divine Service Sundays 9:30am hwy 45 - Land o’ Lakes 1/4 mile north of Hwy B (906)544-2259 or (715)384-2855 Land O’ Lakes Bible Church Sunday School–9am Sunday Worship–10am Sunday Evening–6pm 715-547-3183 2 miles south of Cty B, 5937 Hwy 45, LOL The Catholic Communities of St. Albert in LO’L SAturdAy - 6:00 pm Mass SundAy - 10:00 am Liturgy of the Word and Communion take time to check our gear and make time to target practice. One of my sons recently purchased a bow. After he had it set up, he was out in the back yard shooting at the target. He wants to be familiar with his bow and ready when he gets an opportunity to shoot. He will be able to better hit the target, even in the pressure of the hunt. This makes me think about how much do you and I practice with our spiritual tools? In the Old Testament when David went to fight Goliath, the king gave David his armor. It was uncomfortable for the young shepherd because he had not worked with it or “tested them”. Paul wrote to Timothy to, “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” (2 Tim 4:2-4) Today there are those who need to hear sound teaching and the truth. Someone needs to share this. Christ has called us to be His ambassadors and tell others about Him and His gift of salvation. Many times in the Christian life, opportunities come along for us to share our faith or take a stand for Christ and we miss them. We feel uncomfortable, inadequate, and full of doubts. “Who am I to share this?” This is due, in part, to the fact that we haven’t tested and become familiar with God’s Word of Truth and what we say we believe. Maybe you have had one of those times, as I have had, when you wished you had said something, but only thought of it in hindsight. This often happens because we neglect our spiritual disciplines. Some may be thinking, “Wait a minute. Isn’t the LAND O’ LAKES LUTHERAN Holy Spirit supposed to give us the words to say?” Where we don’t need to worry or be anxious about those times God calls us to witness for Him, this isn’t suggesting we forego our preparation. We need to be diligent. Paul also wrote to Timothy in the same letter, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2:15) Each of us who have come to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ needs to be diligent and work at being able to rightly divide God’s Word. We will be better prepared to share our faith or to distinguish the truth from a lie if we practice St. Mary in Phelps 715-547-3558 (715) 479-8307 or (715) 547-6292 11 a.m. Sunday Service Christian disciplines, such as, Bible study and memorization, prayer, church attendance, and fellowship, to name a few. Like shooting the bow, we get better as we practice with these. As we prepare for the coming hunting season, take some time to think about your faithfulness to practice the disciplines of your Christian faith. If you are not a hunter, then as you prepare for the colder days of winter ahead, ask yourself, “Do I prepare as well for my service to the Lord Jesus Christ?” As God’s workmanship, are we prepared to serve Him? Let’s be ready and make an effort to hit the target! Know I’m praying for you. s Black Oak Inn JannyS’portS Bar & Grill 4 mileS weSt of land o’lakeS on hwy B 715-547-3705 Summer Speciality nightS Open Daily 11am wedS: mexican fieSta fri: ayce fiSh fry & Salad Bar homemade SoupS & deSSertS Sat: italian niGht & Salad Bar Sizzling Summer Deals... Charlie Jackson 1-866-995-8220 & Taxidermy ce of “In Remembran eahan” Sh k ic tr Pa nd Our Frie For the Sportsman Seeking the Best Quality Rustic Lodge with Wildlife Display • Children’s Outside Play Area side l l i H esort R LUNCH & DINNER Fri, Sat & Sun only Lunch starts at 11:30am Dinner from 5:00-9:30pm BAR OPEN MON - THU 4:00pm Homemade Pizza: Eat-In & To-Go DAILY SPECIALS “Best keptsecret in the Northwoods” OUTREACH W.E.L.S. Worhsip with us at Land O’ Lakes Fire Station, now through Labor Day. SundAy - 8:00 am Mass by Pastor Skip Pullen 5455 Hwy 45 Conover, WI 715-547-3710 East of 45 off County E, 2474 South Shore Road 715.547.3646 All Specials While They Last (no salad bar on Friday) FriDay: Fish & Chicken (All-You-Can-Eat) Poorman’s Lobster Saturday: Prime Rib USDA Choice Black Angus Generous Thick Cut Sunday: Chicken (All-You-Can-Eat) Page 10 September 6, 2012 Border Bulletin palate Pleasers Popcorn, The Timeless Treat by Kris & Mark Gostisha Kris and Mark Gostisha, of the Forest Lake Country Store, share their passion for the gourmet and the unique. Let's start with a little history, like about 3600 B.C.! Maybe even 1,000 years before that, depending on which archeologist is right! Evidence has been found that Native Americans were using popcorn that long ago. How does popcorn go from a staple food source maybe 6,000 years ago to a delicacy that is spilled on sofas and movie seats everywhere? Start with the simple science of popcorn. Each kernel of corn is a sealed chamber. The hard outer shell with a small amount of starchy, oily, nut inside. When the kernel is heated, the oil inside expands and eventually is larger than the hard outer shell can contain. POP. The starch and meat is now exposed for your dining delight. The ever present and troublesome “old maid” seeds are easily explained. The hard outer shell on the kernel has a small breach allowing the steam to escape and inside never gets hot enough to pop! When the first settlers arrived in America, they learned the value of popcorn as a light snack or small meal. During the Depression popcorn became a valuable food source for many people. It was very inexpensive, and when not drenched in butter, popcorn offers great fiber and has no natural sugar or sodium! Years ago it was a family tradition to gather around the stove and slowly shake a kettle over a burner with oil and kernels inside. The first pop was a pleasant surprise for all, then the frantic pace of all the kernels popping at once. A favorite childhood memory was the making of popcorn, then settling in for the annual playing of the Wizard of Oz. Remember the moment when Dorothy opened the door in OZ and the magic of Color TV came to life? The next big innovation was Jiffy Pop. Popcorn, kettle and cover all in one package. Then microwave popcorn revolutionized mass production of popcorn. Instead of popcorn being the food of just movie theaters, popcorn became a snack of offices, dorm rooms and pretty much anywhere a microwave was Watersmeet Lakeguards available. Now popcorn has taken a giant leap, backwards. We need to go back to the stove top. Quality gourmet popcorns are available that offer health benefits and easier popping and a “hullless” finished treat. You know those hulls that get stuck between your teeth, or even worse, behind braces? Thanks to the science of genetics, you can pop hull-less popcorn in a kettle at home. Now the Hullless popcorn actually starts with a hull. Remember, the hull is needed to create the pressure for the ultimate POP. The hulls on these delicacies are very thin and brittle and pretty much separate from the kernel when popped. One of the most popular hull-less popcorns is Baby Rice. You can find either a White Baby rice or Lady Finger baby rice popcorn. White Baby rice is our family favorite. The kernels are very small, and well, shaped like rice. When it is popped, it is a delicate, tasty treat. The Lady Finger baby rice popcorn has the smallest kernel used for hull-less popcorn. You will need to go back to a kettle and oil for the best of this delicate taste treat. A little coconut oil makes a great batch for an evening treat. If you want a special treat, add some strawberries, a bottle of Prosecco, a good movie and better friend for a wonderful popcorn evening! Remember to toast the first person sitting in a cave 6,000 years ago, that had some dried maize in a fire and was bold enough to eat it after it popped! Bon appétit, The annual membership meeting of Watersmeet Lakeguards, also known as Invasive Species Control Coalition of Watersmeet (ISCCW), was held on Saturday, August 4th at the outdoor pavilion in Watersmeet. Ninety-three memberships were in attendance or represented by proxy submission. Watersmeet Lakeguards president Dudley Pierce opened the meeting with a summary of the past year’s activities. Items of business included ratification of the director-approved 2012 Operating Plan and Budget, 2013 dues schedule, as well as reports from the Membership, Education and Finance Committees. Arny Domanus, Jim Floriano, Joe LoMastro, Jeff Pytlarz, Renee Shurr, Ken Wendt and BobZelinski were re-elected, all for two year terms. They join incumbent directors Ruth Bozdech, Will Buergey, Fred Duerkop, Margaret Marrs, Dudley Pierce, Bill Rehling, Bob Turnquist and Steve Wilkinson. The 15 member board appointed the following officers: Dudley Pierce (President), Ken Wendt (Vice President), Steve Wilkinson (Treasurer) and Ruth Bozdech (Secretary). Watersmeet Lakeguards is a 400 plus membership driven organization established in 2007. The purpose of the organization is to protect the environment of WatersmeetTownship from invasive species. It is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. To learn more, go to their website at 2012/2013 Board of Directors – Front row: Joe LoMastro, Jim Floriano, Bill Rehling, and Dudley Pierce (President). Middle row: Margaret Marrs, Ruth Bozdech (Secretary), and Will Buergey. Back row: Arny Domanus, Steve Wilkinson (Treasurer), Fred Duerkop, Bob Turnquist, and Ken Wendt (Vice President). Missing from the photo are Jeff Pytlarz, Renee Shurr, and Bob Zelinski Robert Hagen New Homes / Remodeling All of your construction needs The Buzz on B A Fun & Unique Gift & Coffee Shop What’s the Buzzzzz??? We have added more tables, expanded our kitchen and menu….also a new boutique room with apparel, gifts galore, ee antiques and uniques! fr IFI W Serving coffee, tea, smoothies, breakfast, fresh baked bakery items, & afternoon delights On Land O’ Lakes’ West Side 4496 County Road B 715-547-3746 Daily from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. closed on Sundays Check our website for specials & events! P.O. Box 685 Land O’ Lakes, WI 54540 (715) 617-6121 on Lac Vieux Desert Daily Breakfast 7:30–10 lunch Dinner **11:30–2 5–7:30 SunDay 7:30–11 6:30 Cookout 12-2 Licensed in Michigan and Wisconsin **unique Soup/Sandwich/Salad Bar Home Cooking & Bakery, GlutenFree items, lodging, air Conditioned Fishing Boat, Pontoon, & Motor Rentals m A de i n m e r i c A A when you’re ready to buy products built in America, come to Jensen-Akins Hardware, Rental, & Appliance Nobody Nobody 5894 West Shore Road Knows Appliances Better HARDWARE 715-479-4530 • APPLIANCE 715-479-8427 156 HWY. 45 N, CONOVER, WI • 715 • 547 • 3684 Services Them Better September 6, 2012 Page 11 Visit online, ad & classified order forms, archived issues, ad portfolio, facebook, and more. Health & Wellness•Ancient Whole Food Epicures by Dr. Ida Allen Bergman, DC I recently had the amazing opportunity to interview one of my favorite people in the health, wellness, and fitness industry, Don Tolman. He enlightened my husband and I for well over an hour on the amazing gifts we were given on our planet as far as natural resources we can use to boost our immune systems, help fight infections, increase longevity, and much more. He spoke extensively on something he called SelfCare and SelfEducation. He shows how if we can educate ourselves and start to take our health into our own hands (instead of constantly relying on others to figure out our issues), that we can truly make a big difference for the better. I wanted to share with you a couple of his great Ancient Epicures for you to add to your health arsenal! The Cardio Cocktail: 2oz wheat grass juice 3 oz celery juice 2 oz kale or collard green juice 2 oz spinach juice 1oz lemon juice 1tbsp tamari 1 pinch of cayenne (chili) pepper Take all ingredients and blend into the juice form. If you ingest this regularly, you are drinking chlorophyll-rich, high energy greens which is one of the best things you can do for your cardiovascular system. Drink it on an empty stomach and sip it slowly. If you don’t have every ingredient, don’t let that deter you from using the others on the list! Clean Sweep (for acne issues or to ensure great looking, youthful skin): 2-3 ripe organic berries of your choice ½ c Apple Cider Vinegar Mash up the berries and vinegar and set aside overnight. Strain and pour into a spray bottle. Mist your face and neck. The acid and antioxidants will help cleanse and tighten your pores. If you have acne prone skin, DRINK MORE WATER (at least ½ your weight in ounces), avoid mineral oil based cosmetics, and use aluminum free baking soda as a facial cleanser and scrub. “Come See All That Nature Has To Offer” Visit The Bears Den Gift Shop Environmental Books, T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Hats, Gift Items & Much More! Ottawa Interpretive Association at the OTTAWA VISITOR CENTER OPEN SEVEN DAYS-A-WEEK 9am-5pm CST Hwy. 45 & US 2 in Watersmeet Entrance on US 2 East Poison Ivy Relief: Mix 1 tbsp of turmeric spice with roughly equal parts of lime or lemon juice to form a thick paste. Carefully apply to the afflicted skin. This remedy will stain and may sting a bit, so be advised-but as you will see it works like a miracle! Let it sit on your skin for 15 mins. It's best to sit in the tub to keep the mess to a minimum. Rinse off (some stain will remain on your skin). By morning you'll be amazed. Dia-Beet-Ease: 1 slice of an organic beet 1 bag or tsp Ginseng tea 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon Boil 8-16 oz of water (depending on how strong you want it), add the ingredients and steep for 10 minutes. The active insulin enhancing compounds in cinnamon are found in the watersoluble portion and not the oil. Not only have these compounds been found to increase glucose metabolism by up to 20-fold, but they are also full of antioxidants. It's really time to come back to nature and look at the amazing natural gifts we have been given to not only be 'sick-free' but to enhance our lives and take us to the next level. Just recently I went on a quest to see how many things I could find in my backyard that my family and I could eat and use in other ways. I was truly shocked at the abundance of miracles sitting right in front of my face all this time. For some learning and fun, grab the kids and a smart phone (for identification) and explore for yourself! Support Your Community! The Advertisers In Border bulletin are your friends & Neighbors. keep it local. lve pines north e w t New owners Conover, WI * Open daily at 11:30am CLOSED TUESDAYS Happy Hour 3-5pm, Daily Specials, $4 Bloody Marys/Sundays, Full Menu, Sandwiches, Broasted Chicken, Steaks, Seafood, and our Famous Friday Fish Fry & Broil 306 Hwy 45, Conover, WI ~ 715-477-1516 A Comfortable Approach ... to Affordable Dentistry. ...not your average dental office. 4453 Hwy B, Land O’ Lakes, WI • 715-547-3541 • 4495 Highway B Evergreen Condos Hurry!...Only TWO left Best COndO deal Around! one has a 3-season Room a 55+ community Call Dan at 715-547-6222 or 715-891-6282 ( 906 ) 358-4127 Proceeds fund interpretive projects in the OTTAWA NATIONAL FOREST Big Rob’s Loose Moose open ThuRsday, fRiday, & saTuRday Bar opens at 4pm • serving from 5pm Friday Fish Fry • Nightly Specials reservations accepted! NEW Dinner Salads, Sandwich and Dinner Items... our famous BBQ Ribs - Chewy or Fall-Off-The-Bone fish fry Or Shrimp Boil (All-You-Can-Eat) Every Night!! Full Menu, Kids menu & Nightly Specials! House Specialty: We do Take-out and Catering (Any day or night) Corner of Hwy 45 N & Cty E, Land O’ Lakes, WI 715.547.8500 Store Hours Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm Saturday: 8am-Noon Closed Sunday 5813 Hwy 45 Land O’ Lakes, WI 715-547-3030 Other Locations Caspian, MI 906-265-1047 Ironwood, MI 906-932-2311 Give Cluster Flies... ...The Buzz Off! Border Pest Control Bat, Insect, & rodent Control 906-366-0366 or 715-479-3433 Page 12 September 6, 2012 Classifieds To place a Classified please e-mail, call 715-547-3745, or fill out our online form at The cost is $6.75 for 25 words. Add a picture for $5 more. To be paid prior to publishing date. Free Stuff GIVING SOMETHING AWAY? Place an ad here for no charge for the first issue it’s published in. For RenT 3 BEDROOM, ON BIG LAKE. Dock. Fireplace. $900 per month utilities and deposit. Call Gary 815-347-1712. APARTMENT, downtown Land O’ Lakes. Deluxe upstairs apartment in beautiful house. Walk to everything, large, paneled living (or living/sleeping) room, bedroom, kitchen/dinette, with walk-in pantry, huge walk-in cedar closet, basement storage area. Big yards, beautiful trees. Children welcome, next to elementary school-no streets to cross. Pets negotiable. Shared washer/dryer. No Smoking. Available now. Month-to-month. $350.00/month plus utilities. Security deposit and references required 715-547-3638 Available Now! LAND O’ LAKES HWY B, one bedroom upper apartment. All new appliances. Quiet. Very nicely decorated. $380/month. 414-4601695 or 262-661-4266. help wanted BENT’S CAMP RESORT in Land O’ Lakes is now hiring a part time Cook 15-25 hours per week. For consideration, please stop by and fill out application, or e-mail resume to 1+ years Experience preferred. Willing to train the right candidate. 6882 Helen Creek Rd. BENT'S CAMP RESORT in Land 0' Lakes is now accepting applica- tions for bartenders for year round employment. Please stop in for an application. 6882 Helen Creek Rd. 715-547-3487. Lost & Found LOSE OR FIND SOMETHING? Place a free ad in our classifieds to get those items back where they belong. LOST: SMALL WHITE CROCHET SAK handbag in Land O’ Lakes area. Contents have sentimental value. Please call 715-547-3779 or 847-612-6464. Reward!! miscellanous ANTIQUE DINING TABLE 44"x 60" w/ 5 chairs. Beautiful spindle legs. $195 Call 715-547-3745. ARMOIRE-LIGHT PINE. 4 doors. 72"H x 39"W x 20"D. Adjustable shelves. 1/2 price-$350. Call 715547-3745. ICE CREAM FREEZER-holds 8 flavors. Like new $1800. Everything to start serving ice cream also available. Call 715-547-3745. NEW BIKE Automatic shift. 3 person hot tub. Call to see 715-547-1157. #092012 NIKKO “Happy Holidays” Dishes. Service for 8. Just like new but only ½ the price! $150 or best offer. 715-547-1141. #090612 SET OF WROUGHT IRON lawn furniture. 4 chairs and love seat. Appraised $1000, asking $150. 715-547-1157 #090612 SMALL 7.3CU FT Haier chest freezer, new inside, works well $150. Whirlpool clothes washer & dryer (been stored in garage)---pair $399. Cash & carry only. Cell 715-891-6208.#090612 Wanted-WINCHESTER 30-30 Lever Action. Will consider 32-20 or 45-50. Good condition/working order only. Firearm age not important. Leave message @ 317-727-4016 #111512 Ants, Bats, Cockroaches, Fleas, Bees, Spiders, Mice ABC Your pest control needs are as easy as...A.B.C. Pest Control Free Estimates 715-547-3098 Border Bulletin Printed in the Northwoods at The Daily Globe press in Ironwood, Michigan Terry Ritzer - Owner Licensed Exterminator All Work Guaranteed WOOD SLATTED dog pen $10 with free large dog house. 715547-1157#090612 Real estate "Sept" is Latin for 7 ... in the Roman Calendar September was the 7th month. HOUSE IN WATERSMEET, MI. Fully furnished. 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath, 2 ½ car garage on 1 acre. Fenced yard. Shed. Doghouse. New room addition. Deeded access to Lac Vieux Desert, pier, shore station. $150,000. Also 24 acres on Hwy 45 & Cty Rd 210 with pond & building site. $60,000. 219-696-6941. #090612 6078 Hwy 45, Land O' Lakes, WI 715-547-6169 LAKE LOT IN CONOVER on private 16 acre Chamberlain Lake. 400 feet of frontage and 2.3 acres of cozy serenity. Located on Rummels Rd 1.5 miles off of HWY 45. Asking $59,900. Call 715.547.3926. r a T p Inn r a e B Services Borderline R.V. Park 2 miles west of LOL 4703 Hwy. B, Land O’ Lakes, WI • 715-547-3422 Steaks & Chops • Sandwiches • Seafood CUSTOM SEWING: Alterations and clothing repair. Reasonable prices. Please call for other sewing questions. 715-479-8915 #041913. YES, I CAN REPAIR storm windows and screens, patio and porch screens, thermopanes, glass cut-to-size. Drop off at NAPA, Land O’ Lakes. Also do interior and exterior painting. Call Joe Giese at 715-547-3291#122712 storage Open 7 Days a Week 4:00pm Cocktails 4:30pm Dinner Reservations Accepted Find us on Facebook Big Valley Ewen, Michigan STORAGE UNIT - You lock and keep the key. 10’ x 24’ concrete, fully insulated. Security gate. One year lease-$35 per month. 6 month-$45. Month to Month-$65. Call 715-479-9232. #101812 Need to stay in the northwoods know? Subscribe to the Border Bulletin—only $35 715-547-3745 2008 Ford esCape XlT 3.0L V6 FI, Auto, 4x4 Silver Metallic, 41,208 miles. #L184 $15,900 2010 Chrysler Town & CounTry lX 3.3L V6 SFI OHV 12V, Auto, Stone White, 53,022 miles. #L144 $15,900 Hwy M-28, Ewen, Michigan • 800-562-7112 • 906-988-2323 HOurS: Mon-Fri 8-6:30, Sat 8-4:30 see our inventory at HOOTENANNY success! I'd like to say "THANKS" to everyone that attended this street dance event outside The Tackle Box, as it would not have happened otherwise. Also a big thank you to the following for their involvement: Jo Anne Schelgell, Kirk Weaver, Steve/Pat/ Talor Drake, Chad Hosey, Ben Parling, Scott Samuels, "2 Miles South," Trig's Bakery, Holiday Wholesale, Bernier Taxidermy & Wood Carving, Gateway Lodge & Restaurant, Northern Edge Sport & Marine, Subway, T&M Lanes, Pine Cone Cafe, Vicki's, Dari Maid, Buzz On B, The Black Oak Bar & Restaurant, Bent's Camp, T.J. Grizzlies, Bear Trap Restaurant, Rob's Loose Moose, Betty Boop's, and Brew's Pub. Also thanks to the nearly 100 businesses and places that allowed me to put up posters. And the LOL town crew for assisting with the detour around town. I apologize if I missed anyone. The computer is only as good as the inputer. Until the next time —Karen
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