The GreyGhost - Weimaraner Association of Canada


The GreyGhost - Weimaraner Association of Canada
Official Publication of the Weimaraner Association of Canada
August 2003/September 2003
#1 Weimaraner (Conformation) 2002
Bis/Bpis Ch. Sveorice Iron Man Gunner CD
Table of Contents
From The President .................................................................................. 3
Advertising................................................................................................ 3
Longhaired Weimaraners – an update ....................................................... 4
WAC 2003 Nationals Report................................................................. 5
2004 WAC National Specialty ............................................................. 11
Future WAC Specialties....................................................................... 11
Dogs with Jobs........................................................................................ 12
Brags....................................................................................................... 12
Comic Relief ........................................................................................... 12
Rescue..................................................................................................... 13
Rescue Contacts: ................................................................................. 13
Field........................................................................................................ 13
Agility...................................................................................................... 14
Obedience............................................................................................... 14
Conformation ......................................................................................... 15
The Versatile Weimaraner....................................................................... 15
The Wondering Weim (New Products)................................................... 16
From the Net
................... 17
Membership Applications ....................................................................... 18
Membership Address Changes ................................................................ 19
Newsletter Information........................................................................... 19
E- Newsletter...................................................................................... 19
Next Deadline is October 15, 2003 ..................................................... 19
THE WAC HOMEPAGE!!!! Note that membership
applications and the WAC constitution can be printed from this
From The President
The 2003 National Specialty is now over and the results are published elsewhere in this
newsletter. The show committee, in what was their first crack at it, did a great job in
putting together a first rate specialty with lots of prizes and fun for everyone.
This year's national specialty saw the first presentation of special plaques donated by the
Association to honour two families who were instrumental in the formation and operation
of the club many years ago when Weimaraners were not the popular and numerous breed
they are today. The Arokat Trophy will be awarded to the Best Dog in Specialty in honour
of John and Diane Archibald and their top-winning and producing dog, Am. & Can. Ch.
Arokat's Legionnaire ("Walter"). The Roschel Trophy will be awarded for Best Bitch in
Specialty and honours Mike and Rosemary Shoreman and their beautiful multiple Best-InShow winning bitch, Am. & Can. Ch. Roschel's Fashion Impact ("Imp").
Thank you, Mike and Rose, John and Diane, for your years of hard work in getting this
club going and keeping it going when it sometimes seemed like there were few others
willing to step up to the plate and relieve you. I would like you to know we are very
grateful for your vision and perseverance.
Barb Williams
Full page photo ads at $20.00 a page (2 photos)
½ page photo ads at $10.00 a page (1 photo)
Longhaired Weimaraners – an update
Shortly, the regular Canadian members of the WAC will be receiving a voting
package on proposed changes to the CKC breed standard.
A few years ago educational information was printed in the newsletter about
longhaired Weims. It included a 4 part series by Jacki Isabell, originally
published in the Weimaraner Club of America’s magazine. Also inluced were
reviews of standards of both Canada and the FCI.
Comments from members on the idea changing the standard to include the
longhairs were invited and published as well as clarification of some of the
points brought up in the comments.
Since then, a proposed revision to the standard has been presented to the
WAC directors who will now present it to the general WAC membership for
voting. A majority vote of 66% by Regular Canadian members is required
before the Directors can present the revision to the CKC for their approval.
It would then be published for voting by the general CKC membership.
Since it has been awhile since the educational material and comments have
been published everyone should take the opportunity to review the material
again before making a voting decision. The entire group of articles and
comments have been consolidated into one document. I’d be happy to
email or snail mail the document to anyone who wishes to review it. I can
be reached at: 250-560-5519 or
A recent CKC rule change means that only Canadian members can vote on
Canadian standard changes.
Denise McLean
The Following was received from Elio Furlan of the Canadian Kennel Club
when we asked if the longhair variety and shorthair variety would compete
against each other in the classes.
The club must provide classes for each variety as each
will compete for BOB in its variety, using Dachshunds as
an example if all specimens from all varieties were
entered there would be a BOB for each variety and the BOB
winners would go into the group judging.
I trust this answers your question.
Elio Furlan
Nani’s Leith Kodak Moment Breeder: Chris
Grisell & Dana Massy, (Ch. Seabreeze Colsidex
Good Timing x Ch. Nani's Shutterbug) b/Chris
Grisell & Dana Massey o/Norma Jeanne Pohl &
Denise Gordeyko
WAC 2003 Nationals Report
This year’s Alberta Kennel Club show weekend
of August 1-4th turned out to be extremely warm
(26+degrees) compared to 2002’s rain & snow,
which definitely made for happy spectators and
54 dogs were entered for the Specialty on
Saturday BUT we had over 30 Weims entered in
the other shows that weekend. All the judges
from the weekend commented on what a nice
display of Weimaraners!
Following the morning show, the National Host
Committee invited all the exhibitors to the
hospitality tent for pastries, muffins, fruit, water
& juices. At this time, exhibitors also received
‘goody bags’ which had treats for dogs along with
other goodies.
As some exhibitors and dogs took a break before
the National Specialty show that started at noon,
other exhibitors were going into the obedience
We had 9 Weimaraners entered in
obedience classes ranging from Novice A to
Utility. Exhibitors & spectators alike commented
on the nice display of working Weims.
Unfortunately, the heat (& excitement of the
weekend) took its toll on some of the Weims and
a few were seen ‘gawking at the crowd’ during
their off leash and other ‘more experienced’ boys
were found lying down on the return from the out
of site stays.
On Friday, August 1st the judge was Edd Biven
and the following is his judging results of the 27
Weims present:
Best of Breed & Group 4th:
CH. Ansons Mr Millenium CD (Ch. Valmars
Unanimous Decision x Ch. Rudolphs Anson
Summer Symphony) b/Jan Lowe o/ Patricia
Dehart & Jan Lowe
Best of Opposite:
CH. Gramayre’s Water Colours NA
(Ch. Nani's Water Off A Ducks Back NRD CGC
x Ch. Champagne Agassiz Desnabels, FDJ NSD
NRD CGC b/ Shelly Shorrock & Mary S. Furth
o/ Shelly Shorrock
Best of Winners/Winners Male:
Regens’s Rip Roaring Good T imes
(NAFTCh. Northern Lights This Budsforu1x
AFTCh. Regan's Summer Blaze, UD,TDX,SH) b/
Judith Voris & Shirley Nilsson o/ Noel
SABOURET Winners Female:
Zeitgeist’s Extra Artemis Ch. Valmar's
Unanimous Decision x Ch . Zeitgeist's Zoetrope V
Morrmu) b/Sarah Stulken o/Fiona & Greg Moore
& Sarah Stulken
Best Puppy:
Koping’s Horse Whisperer (Ch. Nani's Smart
Aleck x Ch. Koping's Tale Of Good Deeds)
b/Patricia Kopec o/Jan Foore & Dave Riley &
Patricia Kopec
The qualifying scores for obedience were:
High in Trial Weimaraner
Ch. Gramayre’s Spice Up The Hardrock NA (Ch.
Nani's Water Off A Ducks Back NRD CGC x Ch.
Gramayre's Ice Sculpture NRD) b/Shelly
Shorrock & Troy Pongracz o/ S. Shorrock & T.
Pongracz & D. & J. LeVangie
On Saturday morning, August 2 nd the judge was
Carol Esterkin and following is her judging
results of the 29 Weims present:
Best of Breed & Group 4th
CH. Silverseas’s Northern Lights (Ch. Valmars
Apache Rebel x Ch. Nike's Lady Of The Lake)
b/o Tereen Zimmerman
Best of Opposite
CH. Gramayre’s Water Colours (given)
Best of Winners/Winners Dog/Best Puppy
Koping’s Horse Whisperer (given)
Winners Bitch :
HIT Obedience
Ch. Gramayre Spice up the Hardrock NA
Novice A 2 in Class:
CH. Minalt Live Wire (Ch Picalex Aisling
A'lainn x Ch. Minalt Silver Star) b/Kim Parish
o/Christy Spratlin
The excitement of the day was building around
noon as the host committee started decorating the
ring with prizes and ribbons…The Specialty show
began at 1pm with Juvenile and Veterans
The judge was James Knudsen.
9-12 months Male
1. Koping’s Horse Whisperer (given)
2. Koping’s Bossa (Ch. Nani's Smart Aleck x
Ch. Koping's Tale Of Good Deeds) b/ Patricia
Kopec o/Leslie Nesbitt & Chris Lof & P. Kopec
3. Gramayre’s Hunt For Red Oct (Ch. Nani's
Smart Aleck, JH x Ch. Gramayre's Water Colours
NA) b/o/Shelly Shorrock
12-18 months Male
1. Regens’s Rip Roaring Good Times (given)
6-9 months Female
1. Nani’s Leith Kodak Moment (given)
9-12 months Female
1. Koping’s Wild At (Ch. Nani's Smart Aleck x
Ch. Koping's Tale Of Good Deeds) b/Patricia
Kopec o/Terri & Mike Hall & P. Kopec
2. Minalt Porsche (Ch. Larkol's Rumba With
Gust O x Ch. Minalt Fewston Dam) b/Kim Parish
o/Alison Gunn & K. Parish, Michel LeClerc
3. Koping’s Sense And Sensibility (same as #1)
o/Roy Roth & P. Kopec
4. Gramayre Hrdrck Cot Red Handed (Ch. Nani's
Smart Aleck, JH x Ch. Gramayre's Water Colours
NA) b/o/Shelly Shorrock
12-18 months Female
1. Zeitgeist’s Extra Artemis (given)
Best In Sweepstakes:
Zeitgeist’s Extra Artemis (given)
Best of Opposite In Sweepstakes:
Koping’s Horse Whisperer (given)
Best In Sweepstakes
Zeitgeist’s Extra Artemis
Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes
Koping’s Horse Whisperer
7-9 years male
1. CH. Macknifiscent Shadow CDX FDJ AGI
(Ch. Daroca's Outrageous Kid JH x Ellie Von
Phunt) b/Janice & Robert Hanson o/Patricia
7-9 years Female
1. CH. Daroca’s Tale To Tell CD FDJ AGN (Ch.
Daroca's Outrageous Kid JH x Ch. Daroca's
Sterling Silver) b/Constance Welch o/Patricia
9 years & older Female
1. CH. Arokat’s Echobar Take Me Dancing
(Arokat's Ascrof Green Hornet x Ch. Arokat's
Tutu Tango) b/ Barbara Heuman, John & Dianne
Archibald o/Jan McKim-Lowe
Best Veteran in Sweepstakes:
CH. Arokat’s Echobar Take Me Dancing
Best of Opposite Veteran in Sweepstakes:
CH. Macknifiscent Shadow CDX FDJ AGI
Best Veteran In Sweepstakes/
Best Veteran Female in Specialty
Ch. Arokats Echobar Take Me Dancing
1. Gramayre Hrdrck Cot Red Handed (given)
2. Minalt Porsche (given)
3. Koping’s Sense and Sensibility (given)
Juve nile, Bitches (12-18 months)
1. Zeitgeist’s Extra Artemis (given)
Reichof’s Ruby Breccia V Cairo (Ch.
Reichof's Bada Bing Bado Boom x Turian's Silver
Maiden) b/Tamara Robins o/Paul & Charissa
Schroeder & T. Robins
Bred by Exhibitor, Bitches
1 . Ansons Quicksilver (Ch. Echoar Arokats
Ashcrof Touche x Ch. Rudolphs Anson Summer
Symphony) b/Jan Lowe o/Jan & Roger Lowe
2. Koping’s Wild At Heart (given)
Open, Bitches
Minalts Carmannah Rainforest CD (Ch.
Bartland Gustav Von Valmar x Ch. Picalex
Baroness Of Minalt ) b/Kim Parish o/Alison Gunn
& K. Parish
2. Reichof’s Emerald Mist V Danube (Ch.
Badabing Badaboom x Turian's Silver Maiden)
b/Tamara Robins
o/Stacey Brown, Mark
Gillespie & T. Robins
Veteran, Bitches (7-9 years)
1. CH. Daroca’s Tale To Tell CD FDJ AGN
Veteran, Bitches (9 years & older)
1. CH. Arokat’s Echobar Take Me Dancing
Winners Bitch
Nani’s Leith Kodak Moment
Best of Opposite Veteran in Sweepstakes
CH. Macknifiscent Shadow CDX FDJ AGI
At 2:15pm, Robert Stein began the judging
of the 2003 WAC National Specialty and the
following are his judging results:
Regular Classes
Puppy, Dogs (9-12 months) 1. Koping’s Bossa
Nova (given)
2. Gramayre’s Hunt For Red Oct (given)
Bred by Exhibitor, Dogs
1. Koping’s Horse Whisperer (given)
Open, Dogs
1. Regen’s Rip Roaring Good Times (given)
Veteran, Dogs (7-9 years)
1. CH. Nani’s Water Off A Ducks Back NRD
CGC (Ch. Baht n' Greywind Playn' The Game x
Ch. Nani's Perfect Cadence, CD,JH) b/Christine
Medeiros-Grisell & Kari Chaney
2. CH. Macknifiscent Shadow CDX FDJ AGI
Winners Dog
Regen’s Rip Roaring Good Times
Reserve Winners Bitch
Ansons Quicksilver
After judging the classes and picking Winners
Male & Female the crowd got excited as the13
male and 10 female Specials entered the ring.
After looking at the whole group, Judge Stein
then separated the males from the females for a
more detailed look. A round of applause was
given to this lovely display of Weimaraners.
Reserve Winners Dog
Koping’s Bossa Nova
Puppy, Bitches (6-9 months)
1. Nani’s Leith Kodak Moment (given)
Puppy, Bitches (9-12 months)
Upon reviewing the 13 males, Judge Stein
narrowed the field to the following 3 males (there
was also a 4th dog but the armband was not noted
in the paperwork--sorry):
CH. Anson’s Mr Millenium CD (given)
CH. Valmar’s Unanimous Decision (Ch.
Valmar's Apache Rebel x Ch. Valmar's Night N
Gale) b/Joan Valdez o/Gregory J. McLogan
CH. Bartland’s Inferno Of Dante (Ch. Orion's
Jaeger V Reiteralm, CD,TD,MH x Ch. Bartland's
Pic-A-Star) b/Margaret Lehmann & Cynthia
Picha o/Art & Margaret Lehmann
Best of Breed
CH. Anson’s Mr Millenium CD
The 9 female Specials were brought back into the
ring for review and then Judge Stein narrowed
this group down to the following 4 females:
CH. Gramayre’s In Living Colour (Ch.
Ashmore's Win Weim Royal Flush JH x Ch.
Gramayre's Water Colours NA) b/Shelly Shorrock
o/Barbara Williams & S. Shorrock
CH. Nani’s Leith Future Impact (Ch. Asmore’s
WinWeim Royal Flush JH x Ch. Nani’s Glitter
Bug JH) b/Chris Grisell & Shelley Proudfit
o/Norma Jeanne Pohl & Denise
CH. Juscani’s Mater Ad Colsidex (Ch. Colsidex
The Farm Top Of The Mark MTS x Ch. Juscanis)
b/Jose Santoro Paulo, Jr. o/Vera Lucia Kathleen
P. Schwab Oliviera
CH. Koping’s Book Worm FDJ (Ch.
Gramayre's Slush Puppy NRD x Ch. Daroca's
Tale To Tell, CD FDJ) b/o/Patricia Kopec
Best of Opposite
CH. Gramayre’s In Living Colour
This remaining group of Weims received a large
round of applause as they moved around the ring
and then Judge Stein made his final selection.
Here are the results:
Best of Breed
CH. Anson’s Mr Millenium CD
Best of Opposite
CH. Gramayre’s In Living Colour
Best of Winners/Best Puppy
Nani’s Leith Kodak Moment
Judges Award of Merit
CH. Bartland’s Inferno Of Dante
CH. Juscani’s Mater Ad Colsidex
Best Veteran Dog
CH. Nani’s Water Off A Ducks Back NRD CGC
Best Veteran Bitch
CH. Arokat’s Echobar Take Me Dancing
Best of Winners/Best Puppy
Nani’s Leith Kodak Moment
Judges Award of Merit
CH. Bartland’s Inferno Of Dante
2. CH. Koping’s Tale of Good Deeds (Ch.
Gramayre's Slush Puppy NRD x Ch. Daroca's
Tale To Tell CD FDJ AGN) b/Patricia Kopec,
o/Angela Kopec & P . Kopec
Koping’s Horse Whisperer
Koping’s Bossa Nova
3. CH. Daroca’s Tale To Tell CD FDJ AGN
CH. Kopings Tale OF Stryking Rich CD
CH. Koping’s Book Worm FDJ
Sexually Altered Male
1. Bartland’s Victor of Dibley CDX (Valmar's
Sage V. Wusterwind x Ch. Bartland's Pic-A-Star)
b/Margaret Lehmann & Cynthia Picha o/Amalie
& Kathryn Bush & M. Lehmann
2. Minalt Christmas Cracker (Ch. Larkols Rumba
With Gust O CD) x Ch. Picalex Baroness Of
Minalt ) b/Kim Parish o/Geraldine Farrelly & Ross
Judges Award of Merit
CH. Juscani’s Mater Ad Colsidex
Best Veteran Dog
CH. Nani’s Water Off A Ducks Back NRD CGC
Sire & Get
1. CH. Valmar’s Unanimous Decision
CH. Ansons Mr. Millenium CD)
Zeitgeist’s Extra Artemis (given)
2. CH. Nani’s Water Off A Ducks Back NRD
CH. Gramayre Spice Up The Hardrock
CH. Gramayre’s Water Colours NA
Best Brood Bitch
CH. Gramayre’s Water Colours NA
Sexually Altered Female
1. CH. Koping’s Tale of Good Deeds (given)
2. Zeitgeist’s Madame Butterfly CD (Ch. Waltz's
Baron Von Bretta x Ch. Zeiteist's Zoetrope V.
Morrall) b/Sarah Stulken o/Paul Heer & Miriam
Best Stud Dog
CH. Valmar’s Unanimous Decision
Dam & Progeny
1. CH. Gramayre’s Water Colours NA
CH. Gramayre’s In Living Colour
CH. Gramayre WinWeim ColorEnhanced
Best Altered In Breed
CH. Koping’s Tale of Good Deeds
‘hot spots’ in Calgary ---- likely forgetting that the
Weims were in the ring first thing Sunday
Best of Opposite Sex Altered In Breed
Bartland’s Victor of Dibley CDX
Best Overall Picture In PhotoContest
by Kathy Iluk
Jane Harvey judged the Weimaraners on Sunday,
August 3rd and the following are her results of the
27 Weims present:
Best of Breed:
CH. Ansons On The Rocks (Ch. Echobar Arokats
Ashcrof Touche x Ch. Rudolphs Anson Summer
Symphony) b/Jan Lowe o/Donna Alaire & J.
Best of Opposite:
CH. Juscani’s Mater Ad Colsidex
Winners dog:
Regen’s Rip Roaring Good Times
BOW/Best Puppy:
Minalt Porsche (given)
Field Dog Class
1. CH. Koping’s Book Worm FDJ (given)
2. CH. Macknifiscent Shadow CDX FDJ AGI
3. CH. Daroca’s Tale To Tell CD FDJ AGN
Best Field Dog
CH. Koping’s Book
Worm FDJ
Also on Sunday, there were 9 Weims that
participated in CKC agility trials from Novice to
Excellent. Again, many of the exhibitors &
spectators commented on their ‘surprise’ to see
such nice working agility Weims. Unfortunately,
some of these Weims ‘acted like Weims do’ and
found small ways to ‘just miss’ getting Q’s.
Prizes were offered for Trial 1 & 2 along with
HIT combined scores.
Lorne McGee was the agility judge and the
following are his judging results:
1. Minalt Chrismas Cracker (given)
CH. P icales Aisling A’lainn b/Edis & Pattie
Ozker (Nani's Dawn First Shadow x Ch. Bremar
Freedom Hill EZ Seven) o/Ross MacDonald &
Geraldine Farrelly
2. CH. Macknifiscent Shadow CDX FDJ AGI
CH. Koping’s Book Worm FDJ
A social evening including good food &
beverages along with door prizes and
conversation took place at Moose McGuire’s pub
Saturday evening. A Weim photo contest was
held and prizes were awarded at this time. The
‘big’ winner was a photo taken by Kathy Iluk of
her Weim Pete standing in water with a beautiful
reflection. Some exhibitors used Moose’s as a
good ‘starting place’ and continued on at other
A special thank you goes out to the
following WAC 2003 National Specialty
Committee along with the many friends
and family members that helped out to
make the event a huge success by
donating their time and talents!
Chairperson: Lori Hawrychuk
Show Organization Chairperson: Norma
Jeanne Pohl
Fundraising Chairperson: Pat Kopec
Awards and Prizes Chairperson: Denise
Hospitality Co-Chairpeople: Pat Norsworthy
and Kathy Iluk
Secretary/Treasurer: Julia Wilson
HIT Combined Agility
Ch. Koping’s Book Worm FDJ
(photo by Takara Designs)
Qualifying 1 st in Trial 1 from the 24” class of
Novice A with 90pts and a time of 65.96 secs:
CH. Minalt Live Wire (given)
Thanks also goes out again to the numerous
WAC trophy fund donators and sponsors of
this event!!
Qualifying 3 rd in Trial 2 from the 24” class of
Novice B with 95pts and a time of 64.82 secs:
CH. Koping’s Book Worm FDJ (given)
2004 WAC National Specialty
Weimaraners continued to compete in Agility
trials 3 & 4 on Monday, August 4 th under judge
Michelle Ooms and here are her results:
The 2004 National Specialty will be held
in conjunction with the Ottawa Kennel
Club near the last weekend of May,
2004. Rosemary Shoreman will be our
Judge (pending approval).
Qualifying in Trial 3
from the 24” Novice B class with 100pts
and a time of 54.85sCH. Koping’s Book
Worm FDJ (given)
from the 24” Intermediate class with 90pts
and a time of 68.2s CH. Daroca’s Tale To
Tell CD FDJ AgN (given)
Qualifying in Trial 4
From the 24” Novice B class with 95pts in
60.33 secs CH. Gramayre’s Water Colours
From the 24” Novice B class with 95pts in
65.61 secs CH. Koping’s Book Worm FDJ
The 2004 Specialty Chairperson will be
Laura Ritchie. More details will follow
in follow in later editions.
Future WAC Specialties
Interested in hosting a Regional or
National Specialty? We are looking for
proposals for upcoming events.
Contact anyone on the WAC Executive
for information on what your proposal
should contain.
We are looking for:
2004 Regional Specialty in the
West, proposal deadline is past
due, will be extended until
September 30, 2003
2005 National Specialty in the
West. Proposals are required
to be in by June 1, 2004
2005 Regional Specialty in the
East. Proposals are required
to be in by Aug 1, 2004
Also on Monday, the Weimaraners were judged
by Charlotte McGowan and the following are her
results of the 22 Weims present:
Best of Breed:
CH. Anson’s Mr Millenium CD (given)
Best of Opp/BOW
Zeitgeist’s Extra Artemis (given)
Winners Dog:
Regen’s Rip Roaring Good Times (given)
Best Puppy:
Nani’s Leith Kodak Moment (given)
Dogs with Jobs
Seen driving through Calgary….
Paige- Ch. Koping's Book Worm FDJ, CGC, owned by Patricia Kopec
Christie (Ch. Greyghost M Christie YMG Oreos, ADC, AADC, MSDC, MGDC)
completed her Masters Jumpers Dog Canada in July 2003. Owned by Denise &
Doug McLean
Comic Relief
Dog Qualities
Three St. Bernard breeders were on their way home from a specialty show. As dog breeders
often do, they spent much of the drive arguing about which was most important -- type or
soundness. They took a shortcut through a mountain pass, got lost & became low on gas. They
then skidded off the road and found themselves trapped in a ditch. A snowstorm moved in and
next thing they knew, they were stranded in the van with just a little water, no food and no
gasoline to provide heat. Night was closing in and the breeders feared they would freeze to
death before the road was plowed and anyone found them.
The breeder who advocated that type was most important said, "let's send my St.
Bernard for help -- he is a true St. Bernard type." Bounding out of the van, the big-bodied,
magnificently coated and headed dog began leaping through the drifts. He made it a quarter of
a mile and then collapsed, in too much pain to go on from his dysplastic hips.
Watching through the window the second breeder exclaimed, "AHA! See, soundness
is most important -- my dog is OFA excellent. He'll bring us some help!" Letting her dog out of
his crate, his strong powerful leaps through the snow were magnificent to see. Unfortunately he
only, made it half a mile before freezing to death because his coat was incorrect.
The third breeder watched this smugly, for she knew her dog had both type and
soundness. She released her dog, the BOB winner from the specialty. On his sturdy limbs and
with his perfect coat, her dog was a lovely sight to behold as he powered through the snow
tirelessly. Mile after mile until he finally spotted a forest ranger, ..... and promptly attacked and
ate him, for breeder number three had forgotten about breeding for temperament.
Jazz (Can/Am CH Zara's Jazzmataz V Hochessen, JH, CD, NA, SD,
NRD, VX, Can Ag N, Can National BISS 2000).
Three months after having her second litter, she went to Rhode Island for the All Breed
Agility trial at the Weim. Club of America Nationals. She was the only weimaraner, out
of about 20 I think, that qualified in Standard Agility. She not only qualified, but went
away with a second placement in her Open run. Her run ended with cheers by a very
happy weim crowd. We are so thankful for everyones support and good wishes.
Owner: Jean Harper Dean Creekside Weimaraners
Rescue Contacts:
Rescue Director Claire Durivage
Holly Palmer &
Shirley Nilsson
Barb Williams
Claire Durivage
Annette Brennan &
Kimberly McCormick
Bruce Turnbull
We are currently without a Field Director. Everyone is welcome to make
Agility Assoc. of Canada Regional Championships, June 7 & 8, 2003
We had an excellent weekend at the Regional Agility Championships held
in Abbotsford, British Columbia. You must compete and qualify at a
regional in order to enter the National event (which just happens to be in
my home town this year.) 3 Weims were entered in the event. Christie
and Echo in 26" Open and Faith in 22" Specials.
The weather was blistering hot with not much of a breeze. One of the
judges was unable to judge the last class of the day on Saturday due to
heat stroke. She was fine on Sunday. They provided pools and hoses to
wet the dogs down. The weekend started off with a warmup game (Power
and Speed). Good thing is was a warmup. Missed weave pole entries,
had refusals and missed up contacts - all in 12 obstacles! That put the
nerves to rest. After that, Christie got all of her weave entries - even
nasty ones. She missed a few up contacts. The courses on Saturday were
reasonable - most thought that they were easy Masters level.
Sunday courses were UGLY. Christie missed the gamble thus loosing 35
points (ouch!) long story - lets just say that Left and Get (out) probably
sound too much alike :-(. The jumpers course was nice if you had a small
dog or a velcro dog - neither apply to Christie. Someone counted 8 major
challenges on the course - rules say that there should be 4. We got
through it with one off -course and one refusal. The last course of the day
for us was a standard round with 23 obstacles. Very complicated. Many
people got lost. It actually ran better than it looked on paper, if you could
stay on course. We nailed it. Clear and pretty run. I was very pleased.
At the end we ended up in 5th place out of 44 dogs!
required to qualify for the Nationals. We got 462.
300 points were
Echo didn't qualify, green dog, next year she'll do fine. Faith qualified and
did very well which is especially pleasing since she suffered from a slipped
disc 2 years ago and they didn't think that she would ever do agility again.
Moral of the story… yes you can train at home by yourself and do well.
If you're interested in seeing the courses, I brought them home.
Denise McLean at Greyghost Weimaraners
We hope to have a report from our Obedience Director in the next edition. Everyone
is welcome to make submissions!
Barb Turnbull has compiled standings for our Weimaraners. They can be found on
our website As of July 2003 CKC results:
Rank Name of Dog
Ch Sveorice Iron Man Gunner
Ch SmokeyCity Lucky Silver Sabre
Ch Bowbent High Rollin Carouser
Ch Minalt All Wraped In Misletoe
Liberty's All Inclusive
The Versatile Weimaraner
A few mistakes were picked up on the point allocation for the Versatile awards.
Here is the corrected version.
D. Schedule of Versatile Points
FD or 1st place in All Age Stake
FDJ or Four Field Points
One Field Point
Five Bench Points
Bench Pointed
The Wondering Weim (New Products)
The Urban Puppy Toolkit
By Stuart Antonenko
The Urban Puppy Toolkit is a box containing a series of books, carry-along
pocket books and a chart of dog growth. The Toolkit was designed to fill
the void between when a new owner brings home their puppy and when
they get into a good class. The Toolkit specifically addresses normal puppy
problems and, how to ensure proper socialization, how to prevent the
development of problem behaviors , what resources are available, etc.
We received our female purebred chocolate Labrador puppy on May 18th
and she is a real sweetheart. We originally had 2 female Weims but due
to old age we have been without a dog for just over a year now. It has
been almost 14 years now since we’ve had a puppy in our home and my
family and I have read and gone over the Urban Puppy Toolkit. The
following is my summary on what we all thought about the kit and it’s
“After reading the kit’s contents, it did not take long to understand a few
of our shortcomings and behavior issues we had with our past dogs. The
stick-up chart is an excellent idea as it can fit on a fridge and has the
“What to expect and watch for’s” listed in the correct sequence on it.
I had my son (age 11 years old) read the kit and he now understood why
we did and did not want him to do certain things with our new puppy! We
especially liked the format of the small carry-along pocket booklets and we
have been referring to them consistently to assist in the guidance training
of our puppy. Once again my son enjoys the games booklet and he has
tried and succeeded at most of them, which gives him the encouragement
from someone other than ourselves (his parents) that correct behavior
training of the new puppy is important and fun.
I made an effort to try to find the section in the kit regarding any
questionable or confusing behavior that our new puppy has been showing.
It was really great at how easy the kit was formatted to allow very easyquick reference when a question or issue was raised with regards to our
new puppy.
Each booklet defines and is simple to understand, from good play, to bad
play, biting and chewing, etc., etc. I highly recommend this kit to anyone,
or any family that has never had a puppy before as well as to those that
have had one, but not for a long time. It was great and fast reading with
little or no grey areas and has enabled us, a family that had 2 dogs over
and 18 year period, to get re -prepared for the new puppy, especially my
son who has never experienced his own puppy.
Even though the kit was for us to have as a sample, we are very pleased
with it and not only plan to use it regularly, but will also promote it with
other new puppy owners we may know.
From Denise McLean – I looked over the Toolkit before giving it to Stuart
to review and use. I was impressed in that it provided a positive approach
to training, had great references and was easy to read and use. Not only
did it cover everything that I would want a new puppy owner to know,
there was nothing in the kit that I didn’t agree with!
From Peggy van Dam, President, Urban Puppy
“We sell our Toolkit exclusively through breeders, vet clinics and dog
trainers, so that a dog professional is available who can explain the
importance of the issues covered in the Toolkit to new owners. We are
happy to offer the Toolkit to you and your members at the wholesale
Phone: 416-465-1992
From the Net
Training and Trialing: Early Success by Fred Brattain
This was brought up by Cindy B (Hi Cindy) in the "Entering too early" thread. First time
success can be a really bad thing for some people and dogs. Boy can it upset your
A not too brief story about what this taught me personally about the sport of agility.
Kelsey and I trained for 6 months, 3-5 nights a week and entered our first ever trial
(several years ago). It was a USDAA event. We got the gamble, having never played
gamblers before, placed first and Q'd in our first standard run, took second in jumpers,
first in snooker, ran with a friend in pairs and took second, got busted for a flyoff on the
teeter (MARGINAL CALL (grin)) on our second standard run. We went home at the end of
the weekend pretty full of ourselves (at least I was).
About three months later we entered a NADAC trial that was 4 days long across two
weekends. 4 regular on Saturday, 4 Gamblers on Sunday, 4 Regular the next Saturday and
then 4 Jumpers the final day. I figured we had this pretty well knocked.
The first day we got 1.5 Q's (no biggie "we're just getting used to NADAC style courses")
The second day Kelsey took 4 first in Gamblers, Q'd 4 times, set high points for every dog
in NOVICE and OPEN in all four events.
Now we are REALLY flying high.
The next Saturday (4 regular runs), the first run was bad, the second was worse, the
third was a REAL MESS. I remember leaving Kelsey sitting by the ring to go walk the 4th
course. I am down, WAY down, I am depressed, I am close to tears, I don't want to be
there, I am just going through the motions, I paid for the damn run so I am going to do it,
but I am beyond just despair. It is cold, it is night time I have NO clue why I am there, it
just STINKS.
Then, as I turned through one segment of the course I looked at my dog. There she is,
ears up, looking at me through the wire of the ring. At 80 feet, she is so jazzed I can see
her fur quivering with anticipation. She is completely focused on me and what we are about
to do. It hit me like a hammer right between my eyes "You DUMMY. That dog is ready to
come out here and run her heart out for you. She DOESN'T CARE about the last run, she
DOESN'T CARE about the Q's, she DOESN'T CARE about the ribbons. She will DIE
before she quits on you. Now get off your butt and RUN because she is your team mate
and you OWE HER."
It changed FOREVER how I view this sport.
As I say to anyone who will listen (and hopefully some do), in the final analysis, this is just a
game we play with our dogs. No title, no championship can ever hope to compare with the
look of joy in the eyes of your pup when you cross that finish line and they turn to you with
that look that says "THAT WAS FUN, CAN WE DO IT AGAIN?"
Membership Applications
Patricia DeHart and Brian Burgess,11928 72A Ave., Delta, B.C. V4C 1B5, A,C,O,T.
Sp: Jan Lowe
Alison Gunn and Michel Leclerc, 9150 Jura Rod., North Saanich, B.C. V8L A,C,F,O,T
Sp: Kim Parish
Danielle Levangie, # 101, 6-6855 Airport Rd., Mississauga, ON L4V 1Y9 A,C,F,O,T
Sp: Shelly Shorrock
Gisela tundis and Gaston Battiato, 2436 Hemmford Drive, Oakville, ON L6M 4R5 A,C,F,O
Sp: Bruce Turnbull
Kerry McGonegal has offered to do the Membership and he lives in Eastern Ontario so
transition should go well. Thank-you Kerry!
Membership Address Changes
Jan Lowe’s new website address is:
Newsletter Information
E- Newsletter
If you are conscious of the environment and would prefer not to receive a paper copy
of the newsletter, the newsletter may be accessed via email. For more information:
Shelly Shorrock
I invite any member to submit articles for the newsletter. I think that it is important
to hear from members all across Canada about their exploits with their Weims .
Next Deadline is October 15, 2003
Articles can be submitted on paper, on disk (Word) or by e-mail. Activity Directors, please
submit your reports by October 15, 2003.
I can be reached at:
Denise McLean
17735 Rondeview Rd.
Prince George, BC V2N 6K3 (250) 560-5519
Back Issues of the Newsletter are available from Wendy McKay
WAC at Your Service
Barbara Williams
Debby Lynch
Treasurer & Membership
Wendy McKay
Shelly Shorrock
Past President
Katherine Erickson
Regional Directors
Western Director
Kathy Iluk
Quebec Director
Claire Durivage
Prairie Director
Barbara Williams
Atlantic Director
Annette Brennan
Ontario Director
Barbara Turnbull
Activity Directors
Rescue Co-ordinator &
Athletics Director & GrayGhost
Event Co-ordinator &
Conformation Director
Obedience Director
Claire Durivage
Denise McLean
Barbara Turnbull
Holly Palmer