June 2013 - Weed of the Month Information about River Lily. Published
June 2013 - Weed of the Month Information about River Lily. Published
weed of the month For more information email: weeds@ecan.govt.nz or visit: www.ecan.govt.nz/weeds June 2013 River lily (old name: Kaffir lily) Hesperantha coccinea (old name: Schizostylis coccinea) Why is it a problem? Identification • Attractive iris with upright flower stalks up to 90 cm high. •Up to 15 alternating flowers per stem in autumn. • Flowers with six petals and colours ranging from red to pink to white. • Slender sword-like leaves up to 30 cm long. Where is it found? River lily likes damp ground in gardens and paddocks, on roadsides, and along drains, water races and streams. Hesperantha coccinea flower and leaves. Photo: M. von Tippelskirch (ECan) River lily propagates from rhizomes and small corms (bulbs) growing on stems. Likely methods of spread are via seeds and dislodged rhizomes and corms in waterways (beware of spreading them with drain cleaning machinery). River lily tends to invade stream, water race and drain margins and can form almost continuous clumps that exclude native stream margin plants. Similar species When not in flower, river lily resembles many other iris species with its sword-like leaves. Hesperantha coccinea red and pink varieties and infestation. Hesperantha coccinea leaf closeup. Photo: M. von Tippelskirch (ECan) Photo: M. von Tippelskirch (ECan) Control While there is no specific information in the literature on control methods for river lily, the following recommendations could be tried as they are successful on similar species: Montbretia: Yellow flag: 2. Spray with glyphosate (10 ml/L) + metsulfuronmethyl 600 g/kg (4 g/10L) + penetrant. http://www.weedbusters.org.nz/weed_info/detail.asp?WeedID=13 http://www.weedbusters.org.nz/weed_info/detail.asp?WeedID=38 1. Weed wipe with 1 g metsulfuron-methyl 600 g/kg + 100 ml glyphosate + 20 ml penetrant/L. 1. Spray (spring–autumn) with metsulfuron-methyl 600 g/kg (5 g/10L). Work from upstream to downstream to avoid reinvasion. 2. Spray (spring–autumn) with glyphosate (100 ml/L + penetrant). REMEMBER – use all herbicides in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure no herbicide comes into contact with other plants, the soil or waterways. 3. Weed wipe (spring–autumn) with glyphosate (333 ml/L + penetrant). 4. Stem injection (all year round) of 5 ml undiluted glyphosate into each stem at the base. Scan this QR code to get more information on Weed of the Month.