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Volume 3 Issue 10 The Intentional Humor Publication of the University of Chicago May 25, 2007 The Chicago Shady Dealer CIA outsources Sino intelligence gathering to China STAND rapes, kills enemies of divestment from Sudan By Derrick Lanson Controversy flared in Washington last week after the New York Post learned that for the past three years, the Central Intelligence Agency has been hiring Chinese citizens to carry out intelligence gathering services in their home country. “This is a terrible idea,” the Post said in an editorial. “These people aren’t even Americans and they’re being trusted with a task that is vital to our national security. We call on the CIA to end this program immediately and find some Americans--some straight, white, Christian men who are Americans--to do the job.” The intelligence community, however, was united in its support for the outsourcing. “Once we started outsourcing intelligence gathering to China, everything got better,” argued Harry Weston, Director of the CIA. “We were so worried before about them building up their military, violating human rights, and threatening to invade Taiwan. But now we know that their entire military has been disbanded except for one man, a General Tso, who spends his entire day preparing chicken for every Chinese restaurant in the United States as part continued on page 7... LAST ISSUE... of this year Goodbye, cruel world... 2 To Have and Have Not...3 Summer Spectacular...4-5 I have the Vapors...6 Flaccid penises... 7 Throwaway Literature...8 HANDSTAND leaks this flyer that STAND created to showcase the group’s true intentions By Carl Wheeler Members of the University RSO Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (STAND) have begun to round up and kill members of a break off group, University of Chicago Campaign for Immediate Divestment. The UCCID broke off from STAND in April to try to use more extremist (and annoying) techniques to force the administration to divest from the Sudanese government, as well as piss off everyone with divestment protests and speeches. Almost instantly, paramilitar y members of STAND descended on the dorms and apartments of UCCID members, taking them to their secret headquarters somewhere in Hyde Park. News reports from the region are sketchy at best, but it appears that most UCCID members have been separated from the roommates and, in some cases, their laptops. There are also darker rumors – some sources indicate that Gen Chem midterms have also been circulated to the captives, a move the UN has declared “completely against all possible human morality.” In response to the random killings and terrifying raids, some U of C students have started a campaign to stop the University’s continued funding of STAND. Officially known as “Helping Achieve Nothing in Darfur: STAND,” or HANDSTAND, the group is dedicated to stopping all ORCSA funding of the genocidal RSO. University President Robert Zimmer, in a joyous impromptu speech from his office said: “I am cautiously optimistic that I will be able to work with HANDSTAND to stop the reign of terror that is STAND.” He paused to clap with glee, spin in his chair, and laugh like a hyena. “I can easily envision a world where STAND doesn’t bother me every fucking minute. Oh, also, it’ll be good if they, you know, stop killing people and shit.” The general student body has overwhelmingly been supporting HANDSTAND, with over 95% of students actively in the group. “What are you saying about STAND killing people? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said one student in an interview. “I just want STAND to stop being so damn annoying all the time.” Volume 3 Issue 10 Polonius, whatchu doin’ behind them cur’ains? Page 2 What’s the new Editor’s real name? The Chicago Shady Dealer Crescat Rumor Vitia Excolantur Left to Die in a Ditch Somewhere Ryan Uricks Glorious New Leader Connor O’Steen Poisoned Patrick Lange Whereabouts Unknown Zachary Binney Spared...For Now Adam Petterson Senators Megan Wells Priya Dugad Formed the Band Grizzled Thorn Katharine Bierce Michael Kramer Harry Nangle Michael Stevens Tired of this Shit Robert Prag Meetings Sundays @ 7pm Harper 141 Website shadydealer.uchicago,edu Listhost DISCLAIMER If you are offended or otherwise provoked to hunt us down like the dogs we are in retribution for what is printed here, please stop, count to 10, and remember the guiding principle of our staff: the Chicago Shady Dealer is not a reliable news source Meta-Disclaimer If you object hunting down dogs please replace “dog” with another animal or inanimate object of choice. Thank you. Editor’s Farewell: The Day Laughter Died: Now with briefs! My tenure as Editor of this venerable publication (commonly known as “the Dark Ages” by the rest of the staff) has come to a close. I reminisce about all the new comrades I have made: the kid who sat in the corner all the time, the bitchy one, and, last but not least, the one who knew things. They will forever be etched in my memory until the next time I lapse into a coma. My accomplishments have been vast and have been graciously recognized with Time magazine’s Person of the Year 2006. This year we expanded our range of distribution: well into the frontier regions of the BSLC and the Shoreland. We were awarded the Canadian Order of Merit for traversing the treacherous Shield of Manitoba and vanquishing the evil Saskatchewanese of Flin Flon. Finally, we were bestowed with the great honor of being adopted by Angelina Jolie, but were quickly emancipated. Fortunately, I leave you now in the hands of [Insert name here] who will guide you into what the rest of the staff call “better times.” [Insert name here] will lead this publication into a new and uncharted area of publicationdom. With an increased budget we plan on getting drunk, having a pig roast on the quads…on a yacht, and maybe improving the Dealer; it’s too early to know. What I do know is that [Insert name here] will make the Dealer just as good as this year, perhaps even worse, but [Insert name here] has big shoes to fill on that front. I now retire to concentrate on my family whom I care so deeply about and my cherished hobby of hunting hobos for sport. Keep on Truckin’, Ryan Uricks P.S. I’m f ree! FREE! SEE YOU IN HELL, ASSHOLES! I’M TAKING ALL THE MONEY FOR NEXT YEAR AND GOING TO VEGAS! A Look Back: Letters to the Editor: The Day Mail Wept: A Memoriam Dear Mr. Uricks, We would like to thank you for renewing your subscription to Horny Grandmas. At $49.95 a month, this is the web’s best bargain for hot elderly lesbian action! Customers who bought this product also enjoyed: Bondage Goats and Octogenarian Midget Hermaphrodites. We hope you’ll consider these wonderful produxxx! Warm regards, Omniglobalamalgaplex Online Adult Industries P.S. Don’t forget, WE OWN YOU! And your mom. Dear Mr. Yuricks, My name is Abeer and I am finance minister for the Duke of Nigeria, Earl Kaftu. He has millions of dollars tied up in offshore accounts and needs your help to get it out! Thank you for sending inital 10,000 dollars needed to get your hard earned cash. The next step needed is one-time processing fee of 50,000 dollars to the bank account attached and the final step to your cut, unles other bad things should happen post-haste. Please send over your credit and bank account numbers number posthaste! Try to git your families too so that they too cam share in riches. The Dook needs your help!! Yours in Christ Bless, Abeer Dear Ryan, My name is Crystal and I’m writing from the “Jerry Springer Show”. We got your name from a coworker of yours (we’ll just call him Poel Jutnam) as a possible guest for our June 12th show “My Baby Daddy is Bigfoot”. We hope you’ll join us next month. Please email me and let me know if you’re available. You’ll be compensated with $200 plus airfare and hotel, as well as a lovely gift basket. In addition, a full body wax will be provided for your neonate’s pater familias. Sincerely, Crystal Volume 3 Issue 10 Sorry, but we’re coming back next year Page 3 We are the Champions Shady Dealer receives Outstanding Publication Award No, rea'y. By The Dealer Editorial Staff The editors and staff of the Dealer would first and foremost like to take a moment to thank ORCSA for naming them best campus publication for 2007. We would also like to ask them: what the hell were they thinking? Seriously, guys, you bought that garbage we wrote in our application? About our staff being 15 dedicated hard-working writers who just want to bring happiness to an incredibly dreary and depressing campus? It’s really just 3 of us sitting around shotgunning Old Style and snorting blow for an hour every week while writing streams of consciousness to fill up 8 pages. There are so many more deserving publications. Vita Excolatur, Sliced Bread, The Worker’s Vanguard...actually, the list stops there. But our point stands. You chose us? Well, thanks for the hundred simoleons, at any rate. We could get 100 one-dollar hookers, or one $100 hooker. OOH! Or 1,000 tencent hookers! Or we could get the Golden Girls DVD box set. But really we’re just going to squander it all on Harold’s Chicken. You kids ever wonder where your student activities fee is going? Once again the editorial staff would like to express our sincere disappointment in ORCSA’s decision this year. We hope they will never (er, always) repeat this mistake in the future. We take your questions! This week: Hunting for subletters with Hemingway I lived in an apartment this school year and loved it, but now I’m having subletting problems. I thought I had someone lined up to take the apartment off my hands for the summer, but he cance'ed on me at the last minute. Do you have any advice for attracting subletters? Can I sti' get a good deal on rent this late? -Harried Estudiante Lacks Planning Dear HELP, In the fall, winter, and spring of that year I lived in a small wooden house overlooking the corner of 54th and Woodlawn. The sun was bright when it came out, and it shone down on the bleached white rocks in the dried river bed on the downward slope of the mountain, and the wind picked up dust and coated the leaves a shade of grey, and the wood of the house was pleasant except sometimes not because of the splinters and their sharp ends. There wasn’t much there in that small space, but it was cool resting in the shade of the oak trees with three of four bottles of grappa in hand, except when the #6 went by and filled the air with its exhaust. It came time to move on from the shade and the trees and I had to find a subletter so that I would not lose money for the time I was away. The night before, I had discussed this with my landlord who came suddenly. “May I enter?” he said. “You may enter,” I said. “I have Pernod. It is cheap imitation absinthe. When you add water it turns milky. Would you like some? It tastes like licorice.” “That’s fine. I have a bottle of grappa. I carry it with me. I carry it with me always.” “I see you are an aficionado.” “You are Spanish?” “No. I want to go fishing. In San Sebastian. I must practice my español.” “That’s fine.” “That is fine.” “Yes.” “Are you staying here for the summer?” “No. I’m going to Paris. Chicago has nothing for me.” “That’s fine. I’m impotent. It’s from the war…I think.” “That’s more than I wanted to know, but it’s fine.” “Is it fine?” “Yes. It’s fine.” “Don’t be ironical.” “I’m not being ironical, but get out.” “Fine.” Shortly after, I found a subletter. Her name was Katherine Barkley. She was British and had lost her husband in the war. “I am British. I have lost my husband in the war,” she said. “Yes. I know, you have told me,” I said. “Do you love me?” “Yes.” “Really?” “Yes.” “Really?” “Yes.” “Really?” “Yes.” “Really?” “No.” “I knew it. But you don’t have to darling, sometimes I’m a bit crazy and I lose my head, but you don’t have to, I’m more myself now.” “It’s fine.” Katherine had agreed to sublet, but before long she was pregnant. When we went to the hospital, she died of hemorrhaging. After I had gotten the doctors to leave and shut the door and turned off the light it wasn’t any good. It was like saying good-by to a statue. After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the house in the rain. I thought about finding another subletter, but I knew that it was too late. I drank some grappa. It tasted like licorice. Volume 3 Issue 10 In the library with the candlestick Page 4 Summer Spectacular! Community voices: Why can’t I just have a wol1oy? By Shawn Burlap Who doesn’t want their children to be raised by wolves? I know I always wanted to be raised in the wild, y’ know, like maybe this bear would come along some time and be all “RARRR!” and then I could get down on my hands and do this creeping growly thing, and the bear would run away. The newspapers would all want to interview me, and then maybe, who knows, some hot girl with good NASCAR tickets might be impressed. And who wouldn’t want that? So when my first son Branson was born, I knew he was going to go far…as a chewed! I dropped him off by the abandoned train station and waited to be famous. Two weeks, three lawsuits, and one baby chewed to death by rats later, I was ready to give it another try. When Devon was born, I went out 150 miles to the forest by the state line, and I dropped him off there. But he kept following me back to the car, almost like he didn’t want to be raised by wolves. Like he didn’t want to be famous. I let his uncle raise him. It was close enough. When Lexxus was born I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want a girl raised by wolves. I want a wol1oy! History books don’t care about people if they aren’t boys raised by wolves. I ended up forgetting where I put her anyway, so I guess it worked out. Then came Cody, and I really thought I was going to get it right this time. I flew us both up to Alaska, where they got them some real wolves. It took a while to find some big wolves, and then when we found them, it was like the wolves didn’t even want to raise my boy. I covered him in bacon grease, and the wolves did start nibbling at his face, but I left before anything happened. Maybe I’ll never know for sure, but I don’t think Cody will be my world famous wolf boy. With Bobby Jim, I just tried the zoo in town. All I got were some fines, plus they made all the fences at the zoo higher. I got a few other kids, but I don’t really know what happened to them. I don’t think any of ‘em worked, though. One day I’ll get my wolf baby. And then I’ll be famous. Graduates: Tips for Surviving Homeless Life after You Graduate Build a shack out of your old Core books- Oh fuck we don t do engineering do we? CENSORED Correct the grammar of local graffiti artists If you’ve taken O-Chem, synthesize meth under a bridge. Stab Someone Volume 3 Issue 10 Hoagie, hero, or grinder? Now, you decide! Page 5 Tremble Before Obama! Dennis Kucinich: Too cute! By Lauren Levine isfied, murder his family and get off by hiring the ghost of Johnny Cochran. But it’s an adorable thought anyway, and that’s what counts. Dennis Kucinich is utterly adorable! I just saw him on the ”I envision an America which has the capacity to reconnect Democratic candidates’ debates and the first thing that popped into my with the heart of the world; an America which proceeds in the world mind was Frodo! I mean, look at him, with optimistically and courageously. An his rosy little cheeks and bright cheery eyes; America which understands that the it’s as if he had just come out of the Shire! world is interdependent, that it is inter Mr. Kucinich’s hobbit connection connected, and that what we do today became even clearer when he stepped down impacts future generations.” from his podium to shake hands with the Awwwwwwww!!!! other candidates, revealing his furry little I also think that it’s so sweet that feet, and the fact that he only came up to ickle Kucinich wants to decriminalize their waists! I just wanted to pick him up marijuana. It makes perfect sense that, and cuddle him like a widdle puppy! Just given his hobbitish nature, he wishes to when I thought the man couldn’t be any share his passion for pipeweed with the more precious, he opened his mouth. rest of the world. I can just imagine Pulling out of Iraq? Establishing a him now, sitting around his little grassy Department of Peace? Universal Healthknoll of a home with all of his friends care?! I couldn’t believe my ears! I have blowing smoke circles and eating never heard something so utterly delightful! mushrooms, saying, “I wanna do you, Mr. Kucinich, I hate to inform you of this, Sam.” but things don’t work in exactly the same But the cutest thing of all of this Don’t look directly at him: he can sense fear way as they do in the Shire. I know that when is that widdle Kucinich actually thinks he you get into an argument with Patty Bolger has a chance to win! It’s so endearing that down at the Green Dragon Inn during your eleventy-first birthday pubhe has the sense of purpose and delusion to believe that he can comcrawl, you can just shake hands, comment on how “bodikins will be plete his quest to defeat the Dark Lord Obama and challenge Shelob bodikins,” and make peace over a pint. In the United States, you give Clinton, whose many legs each take a different stance to suit the occathe bastard a black eye, haul his ass to court, and if you’re still not satsion! Godspeed, you adorable little man! Doc Films announces plans to fuck-up projection on yet another 70 classic movies By: Matt Johnston Continuing its long-standing tradition of ruining the experience of seeing a classic or recent movie on the big screen, Doc Films proudly announced last week that it will continue to poorly project and otherwise interfere with the film-going experience next year. “We have a really exciting calendar lined up for next year,” Doc Chairman Andrew Sanders stated in a phone interview. “Not only are we showing some of the most obscure, boring titles in film history, but we are doing so with even more incompetent, unobservant, and absentee projectionists than ever before. Spring quarter should see an increase in our already high rate of show interruptions.” Doc board member Samantha Stickney echoed the sentiment. “It should be one of the worst years ever in terms of framing alone. While last year, you may have occasionally noticed boom mikes that are supposed to be eliminated by projectionist framing, this quarter you can expect to see studio lighting equipment in almost every single frame. This will also assist you in ignoring subtitles, as they will frequently be cut off, thanks to the same innovative framing techniques.” Doc has also been pushing other efforts to decrease the audience’s pleasure. “We are really keeping all options open,” said Doc Volunteer Coordinator Erica Hoberman. “We are especially proud of past successes, including screening Casablanca with the volume down so low that older patrons could not hear a word of dialogue. I am particularly happy with projectionists who ignore simple projection procedure and load films upside-down, causing five- to ten-minute delays in the movie. But, really, we can’t rest on laurels. We continue to explore other options for calling attention to our own incompetence.” “It is a real shame, though,” said Sanders, “that so many of our fiascos get blamed on bad prints. Every quarter when the Hyde Park Herald publishes its little summary of the new calendar, it says that we don’t always get the cleanest prints. That’s like a slap in the face. Dirty prints account for 15, maybe 20 percent of our problems. It’s really the solid lack of effort that ruins the experience on most nights. I mean, how else could you account for the weekend shows having any problems? “ “Our biggest asset, I think,” concluded Stickney, “is projectionists who never, never look at the screen and are even so audacious as to read a book throughout the show rather than checking their work now and then. That is what other theaters are missing and that’s why Doc Films can expect to continue operations for decades to come.” Volume 3 Issue 10 Burn in hell, Apple Pages Page 6 Still Spectacular! Unaccompanied Women kidnapped by Men in Drag By Patrick Lange A trio of Unaccompanied Women on the way home from an a cappella concert were accosted by several armed Men in Drag at 57th and Kenwood. Two of the women are still being held captive in an unknown location, but Chicago Police believe it to be somewhere in Hyde Park, judging from a Ransom Note left at the scene. According to one woman who escaped, the flamboyantly-dressed assailants were brandishing a variety of blunt instruments with which they did not appear to be familiar. Detective Ernest McGrackle, who is working the case, suggests, “from their strange demeanor and awkward attack, we surmise that these men are unstable, possibly suffering from schizophrenia, Voices in Their Heads, or the like,” and adds that if the attackers had acted in harmony, they might have been much more successful. “We’ll correct this grave imbalance of the Scales of Justice as soon as we can. We won’t rest until they’re behind bars. I wouldn’t mind throwing them off a clef if I could.” Since the nearest cliff is several hundred miles from Chicago, this was likely an idle threat. Despite this zeal, several students have voiced concern that the incident represents an unacceptable lapse in security, and have asked the university to take more drastic measures. Friends and family of the kidnapped women will surely Make a Joyful Noise when they are heard from again, but according to McGrackle, “They’ll think twice about going unaccompanied again.” The assailants’ were last seen at the local saloon before they made their getaway on their horseless carriage Does Nature Make You Pay For Both? Why Choose When You Can Have it All? BDSM keeps its presence on UC campus By Katharine Bierce A new RSO has been formed at the University of Chicago which is so secret that, until now, the Dealer has been prohibited from investigating it. “I thought we were going to read the writings of Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch and the Marquis de Sade!” exclaimed novice firstyear Mike Rotch at the last meeting. “But in fact, we just sit around reading Hobbes and critiquing each other’s Sosc papers. I mean, I knew the U of C meant intellectual masochism, but what about something more physical? Come on.” Third-year Lyff Sabich disagreed: “In my Hume class – Media Aesthetics – we not only read the Marquis de Sade, we had to read all his books for the first day of class. Like, not just after the syllabus has been passed out, but we were expected to have looked up the class website on Chalk and figured everything out before it was explained by the professor, who was really an arcane bastard anyway. Quite frankly, I used to be into hardcore S&M when I first came here, but after all this damn reading, I don’t have the stomach for physical spanking.” According to Slappy McAssington, the president of the club, only those who have passed the rite of passage may progress to the real meat: reading the History of Sexuality, by Michel Foucault – also a BDSM enthusiast. However, his writings are harder to withstand than any ball and chain. Not surprisingly, the BDSM club is having difficulty attracting new students because many have found that the pain of wading through the mire of terrifyingly thick tomes is worse than being paddled. In comparison, physical violence is too softcore and simply unsatisfying. When approached for comment, a randomly selected fourthyear, not in the club, agreed that the BDSM club was unnecessary. “Who needs to be sodomized by a broomstick when I have a quantum set due tomorrow? Besides, intellectual BDSM is just fucked up.” Volume 3 Issue 10 This Space Intentionally Left Blank Page 7 You can’t play on the swing either ORCSA ruins Scav, everything By Daniel Green The recent Scav party, held Friday night of 7th week, has been declared by most students “the worst Scav party of all time” in addition to “godawful,” “criminally lame,” and “drier than a mummified Mormon in the middle of the desert on a cloudless summer day.” One student even went to far as to draw comparisons to elementary school: “When I turned 6, we had cupcakes in school. On Saturday, my friends and I went to the Planetarium and then made mobiles of the solar system. I accidentally sniffed some glue, and you know what? That got me more wasted than the damn Scav party. And those cupcakes I made wouldn’t even have been allowed at Scav. So thank you ORCSA. Thank you for making a party worse than when I turned six. Fuckers.” But the Shady Dealer’s investigative reporting has discovered that ORCSA has recently been responsible for worse things than just utterly destroying a beloved campus tradition. A relatively harmless example has been ORCSA’s arbitrary censorship of Vita, demanding that only pictures of sufficiently flaccid penises be printed. When asked for a reason, Dean of Student Life Greg Hopkins replied, “Flaccid cocks ain’t good enough for you? Cuz, they’re sure good enough for me! I’m sick and tired with all those bitchy ass erection perverts; I gotta feed my craving for 19 year old limp bizkits.” Memos obtained from sources within ORCSA lead to slightly more troubling images. In one memo O-Aides are referred to as “pygmy The Dealer Advice: What do I do with my Degree? East Asian Languages and Civilizations– Become a Samurai Comparative Human Development – Finally know what has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs at night. English Literature – Cashier Slavic Languages and Literature – Ethnic Cleanser Public Policy – Keep kickin’ Coke off campus, Mother Theresa! Gender Studies – Become a gay rights activist Latin American Studies – Become a drug mule. HIPS - Know a shitload about the philosophy of medicine. Needless to say, the chicks love it. Germanic Studies – Today Hyde Park…tomorrow, the WORLD! Econ – Enjoy your yacht, fuckers! midget slaves.” In the same memo, ideas are circulated as to how to “reduce pre O-week food costs without getting caught.” There was also much discussion of “banning yeast from campus” in order to prevent moonshining in the dorms. One memo, from Dean Hopkins goes so far as to demand that all leavening be banned from campus, and that all male babies born at the University Hospital be thrown into Botany Pond. Many other problems on campus have recently been tied to ORCSA, including the campaign to end the Uncommon Application, the burning of hundred dollar bills for energy, and the dog carcasses that began turning up in the Reynold’s Club every full moon. Sunspots, UFOs, cancer, crack cocaine, the international communist conspiracy, and “fucking lame parties” all bear that ORCSA signature. The most worrying revelations, however, were found in the file marked “Community Service.” Contained within it were plans to progressively reject more and more Scav items until all the items eventually promote social responsibility. The document contained the statement “we must do away with Scav for Scav’s sake. All work must be directed at furthering the peoples plan in accordance with the party.” Also suggested in the folder was a community service program whose public purpose was to improve the lives of the homeless of Hyde Park but was in fact a plan to “drown the homeless in vats of glue for personal amusement.” It also contained a plan to cut down on noise pollution by strictly regulating laughter. Filler™ Omniglobalamalgamplex We Still Own You...Blah,Blah,Blah...Evil® continued +om page 1... of ‘Operation Stir Fry.’ There are no human rights violations. In fact, anyone who criticizes the government gets a happy pet pony. And apparently Taiwan’s been part of China this whole time. Who knew?” Other revelations have been that a suspected nuclear weapons facility is actually a giant chopsticks factory, that democratic elections have been held in China at least once a month ever since October 1975, and that the infamous Tiananmen Square incident was in fact the filming of a music video for the punk rock band Chairman Cow. It is also estimated that the CIA will save taxpayers $2.8 billion by hiring the cheaper Chinese laborers. A few national security experts, however, have questioned the quality of information produced by the new CIA recruits. “The information that we’re getting from China breaks too easily,” claimed Marcus Wetherford of the Occidental Defense Group. “Sure, it’s cheaper to buy Chinese intelligence reports, but they don’t last nearly as long as American-manufactured ones. And then you have to go to Wal-Mart and buy a whole new set.” Danielle Sensby, of the State Department, disagreed, calling the move a “great leap forward” for the United States. “Now that we know China isn’t a threat, we can really open up to them diplomatically,” she added. “Maybe we can get them to finance some of our national debt, or something. Who knows? One day they might even be our second-largest trading partner!” Volume 3 Issue 10 See you Next Year! Page 8 Waste of Trees Professor Brainstorms Book Nobody Will Read By Nick Tichy As Professor Daniel Mildred stares blankly in front of him, the creative juices in his head are being concocted into the next unreadable tome he’ll publish. Mildred, the Michael G. Scott Distinguished Service Professor in the Comparative Medieval Feudal and Agricultural Studies Department, ponders in his mind how to avoid core violations and other grammatical nemeses that “will inevitably plague my process.” Mildred has authored over 12 books, none of which have broken sales records. His most bestselling book, The Potato and 14th Century Topsoil: A Historical Record, managed to sell a respectable 33 copies and forced the University Press to quickly print an additional five copies to meet demand. “It was a validation of my work of 14 years that I was greatly surprised by,” beamed Mildred, “and I thoroughly intend to write another 6 volumes on this fascinating subject.” For now, though, Mildred is intent on tackling what he sees as the most pressing question of his field. “What I’m positing is that cows, between the 10th and 14th centuries, farted more than Probable: Patrick Augustine today’s cows and consequently led to the medieval warm period which caused warmer temperatures across Europe.” Mildred intends to spend months on research before typing the manuscript, and in the meantime the University press will be waiting in the wings. “Given the subject matter, this may be his most popular book yet,” beamed Press Director Janet Nasler, “we are planning a first printing of 40 copies so that we can keep up with sufficient demand.” Mildred’s colleagues believe that this is indeed his magnum opus, but don’t think his book will have a lasting impact on their field. “Dan is a tremendous guy, a terrific teacher,” said colleague Professor Margaret Sloane, “but I don’t think his book will have the gusto of such masterworks as Queefing in the Middle Ages or Blood Thirsty Pirate Knights, which had tremendous implications for the field. We never look at those subjects in the same light as we used to.” Regardless, Mildred doesn’t write the books for entertainment value or accessibility to the general public, but rather for dense academic research. “Why would I write a book just to entice people to read it? It makes absolutely no sense. You write books so you can write down what you think so that other people can read it, not want to read it. It’s so simple.” Plausible: Bill Volk