Club Presidents Guide to Success
Club Presidents Guide to Success
Club Presidents Guide to Success Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 TABLE OF CONTENT I.C.C Contact Information ……………………………………………………………………….. 3 Greetings from yours truly ……………………………………………………………………... 4 Registering a New Club or Organization………………………………………………….. 5 Re-charting/Updating a Club or Organization …………………………………………. 6 Checking Club Account Balance ……………………………………………………………… 7 Filling out Club Purchase Request Form …………………………………………………. 8 Merit Money: Hard Work Pays Off …………………………………………………………. 9 Writing a Club Bill Request Form ……………………………………………………………. 11 Service Project Approval & Service Project Report Forms ………………………. 12 How to be a Self-Sufficient Power House ………………………………………………. 13 Event Scheduling Policies ………………………………………………………………………. 14 Thurs “Ds” Event Proposal……………………………………………………………………….15 Travel Authorization Form ……………………………………………………………………. .16 Adviser Responsibilities ………………………………………………………………………… 20 2 I.C.C Contact Information Gregory Noel V.P. of Clubs & Organizations Office #: 435-652-7517 Personal #: 702-834-1196 Email: Stacy Avalos Admin Assistant Personal #: 702-659-2525 Email: Jared Broad Academic Rep Personal #: 435-229-4678 Email: McKell Price Health Science Rep Personal #: 435-720-0064 Email: Thomas Ramage Athletic Rep Personal #: 801-602-4908 Email: Shanelle Seegmiller Student Organization Rep Personal #: 435-619-3600 Email: Nathan Porter Non-Traditional Rep Personal #: 801-589-7156 Email: Brandon Lewis Service Rep Personal #: 435-640-0552 Email: Briahna Jones Multi-Cultural Rep Email: Personal#: 702-771-2844 3 Letter to the People Greetings from yours truly! As we step forth into a new school year I would like to formally welcome all of you returning and new club presidents. I earnestly hope you guys had an exciting and revitalizing break and are ready to tackle this beast that is higher education. My personal goal for this school year is to ensure that all of you have a proactive and overall successful school year as club presidents. The first step to achieving this goal is this handy dandy guide that you are perusing this very moment. Within this guide also referred to as the Club Presidents Guide to Success, you will find wisdom, advice, and various tools that will aid you in getting your club off the ground and sky rocketing to the moon. The second step rest on your very shoulders as club presidents, I entrust that you will utilize this guide, your club reps, and myself as you embark on this new found journey of growth and self-actualization. I invite you to envision this analogy with me, consider this guide to be your training wheels and your club as your brand spanking new bicycle. Similar to mom and dad, we as the Inter Club Council embody the role of proud parents here to guide, aid, and pick you back up if you happen to fall, but our ultimate goal is to see your clubs cultivate to the point where our supervision is no longer wanted or needed and where you no longer need the training wheels as your clubs excel making strides towards the future. In closing I would like to leave you with an old Latin doctrine that says “there is more to life than being alive”. I hope these words resonate within you all and possibly lead you to greater realization that there is more to being a club president then just being present. It is truly an honor to embark on this journey of collective growth and self-actualization with all of you, and I anticipate witnessing you all attain your goals. Sincerely yours, that guy, Greg Noel VP of Clubs & Organizations 4 Registering a New Club or Organization Step 1 Decide on a name for your club or organization; write a mission statement or a constitution briefly describing your clubs objective, purpose, rules, and regulation. Step 2 Find an advisor for your club or organization. The advisor must be a Dixie State College faculty, staff, or administration. Step 3 Find a minimum of 10 members consisting of: the club Presidency: President, V.P., Secretary, and Treasurer (all 4 officers must be full-time student). Remaining 6 members must take a minimum of 4 credits Step 4 Now you are ready to set up a time to present your potential club to the ICC. You can contact the V.P. of Clubs & Orgs Greg Noel at or visit the student government office room 200 upstairs in the Gardner Center. Step 5 Upon approval your club is required to set up an Orgsync account to be fully established and recognized as a club or organization on campus: o Login to Orgsync in order to register a New Club or Organization, (if you don’t have an account you must create one before you are able to proceed with this process). o Once you’re logged into Orgsync, click on the “Organization” tab at the top of the screen. o Click on the green “Register New Organization” tab, then select the DSC Student Association umbrella and then press submit query o Input all the information from your proposal, also club meetings with day and time, and generate a logo. o Agree to abide by ICC Requirements, official bylaws, and DSC Campus policies, and procedures o Ensure that you are an Administrator over your page o Must input contact information both phone # and email o Required to join/be a member of the (ICC Portal) Step 6 Allow at least 24 hours for Orgsync webpage assessment and final approval from the V.P. of Clubs & Organizations or Director of Student Involvement & Leadership. 5 Re-charting/Updating a Club or Organization Step 1 Login to Orgsync in order to Re-charter/Update a Club or Organization, (if you don’t have an account you must create one before you are able to proceed with this process). Step 2 Ensure that you are an administrator of the club or organization that you are wanting to re-charter/update. If you are not, please contact Gregory Noel the V.P. of Clubs & Organizations at “” or Jordan Sharp the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership at “” to invite you to be an administrator over the club account updates. Step 3 Go to your clubs homepage, and click on the “blue banner” at the top of the screen directing you to update your profile. Follow the instructions to update the account. Make sure that your club has relevant information listed such as; phone number, email, and that you are a member of the I.C.C Portal. Step 4 Now you are ready to invite new members to your club, in order to do so click on the green box “Invite Members” on the top right hand corner of your club/organizations webpage. Step 5 Allow at least 24 hours for Orgsync webpage assessment and final approval from the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership. 6 Instructions for Checking Club Account Balance Step 1 Login to Orgsync in order to check your DSCSA Club Account Balance, (if you don’t have an account you must create one before u are able to proceed with this process). Step 2 Click on the “Organizations” tab at the top of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select “ICC”. If you do not see the ICC’s page, click “Add Organizations”. Find the ICC, and request to become a member. You will be added shortly. Step 3 Once on the ICC’s home page, click on the “Files” tab on the left of the screen. Step 4 You should now see a list of files available for download. Download the “Club Account Balances” file. The file is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Step 5 Enter your club’s password (that you have received from the ICC). This password is unique to your club, and will remain the same throughout the semester. Once you have entered your password, press enter. Your club name and account balance will appear in the indicated cells. Make sure that you do not type in any of the other cells. The only cell that should be typed in should be the cell you type your password in. If you make a mistake, close the file without saving, then re-open the file, and try again. If your club does not have a password, or you do not remember it, or have any other comments or concerns, email the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership Jordan Sharp at or Contact the V.P. of Clubs & Organizations Gregory Noel at 7 Instructions for Filling out Club Purchase Order Request Form This form allows clubs to access their club funds. Clubs must use a Purchase Order for any and all expenditures. Not all businesses except purchase orders, so make sure to check before you arrive. An individual PO cannot exceed $300. An advisor's approval is necessary before a PO can be issued. This form will automatically email your advisor but you must input their email. Upon approval from the advisor and Jordon Sharp, and email will inform you that you may pick up your PO at Jordon Sharp's office, Gardner Center 208. Step 1 Type “” into a search engine in order to fill out a DSCSA Club Purchase Order Request Form. Step 2 Click on the “DSCSA Forms” tab in the top right corner of the screen. This will lead you to the “DSCSA forms page”. You will find that all the club related forms have their own section at the top of this webpage. From the DSCSA forms page you will be able to click the “Fill Out” option for the P.O. Request Form. Step 3 Make sure to fill out all the required fields in order for your form to be fully processed and received for assessment by the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership before final approval. Step 4 Final approval will not be possible without an advisors approval. Make sure you know your advisors email and, if necessary, make them aware of the approval requirement ahead of time. Step 5 Allow at least 24 hours for form assessment and final approval by the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership. Please note that not every store accepts Purchase Orders, but here are a few stores that do: Wal-Mart, Harmon’s, Costco, and Lowes. 8 Merit Money: Hard Work Pays Off Step 1 Your club must be a fully functioning and active in order to receive Merit Money, (meaning your club must have met all the requirements on (page.) of this guide). Step 2 Your club must participate and be present at various activities throughout the fall and spring semesters such as: ICC meetings, the Week of Welcome carnival, Club Rush, and the various other club related activities. Step 3 There will be a sign in sheet at every club related activity, it will be your responsibility as a club president to approach your club representative to ensure that your club is acknowledged and is eligible to receive “Merit Money” for attending an activity. Step 4 Merit Money will be allocated at the end of each semester and will be based on the activities that each club has attended and (their updated orgsync page). If a club has failed to meet these guidelines then NO MERIT MONEY will be allocated, until these guidelines are met. Step 5 In the case that there are any discrepancies about attendance at a club related activity, the club representative is obligated to go by the recorded information on the sign in sheet. If you as a club president find this to be unfair than a meeting may be held with the V.P. of Clubs and the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership. Merit Money Opportunities: Fall Semester: o $70 for ICC meeting attendance ($10 per meeting) o $50 for each of the following events: 1). Homecoming Parade 2). Mandatory training/luncheon o $40 for each of the following events: 1). Welcome Back Carnival 2). Fall Club Rush 9 3). Club sponsored service project 4). Campus to Community o $30 for the following events: 1). Special Olympics Carnival o $20 for the following events: 1). Freshman Day 2). Rock the Mall o $100 Club of the Mouth o $150 Club of the Semester o $200 for Special Events: (Thurs D’s) Spring Semester: o $ 100 for a team in the Great Race. o $ 70 for ICC meeting attendance ($10 per meeting) o $ 40 for each of the following events: 1). Spring Club Rush 2). Campus to Community 3). D Week Carnival o 4). Club sponsored service project o $20 allotted for a DSCSA activity decided upon by the ICC: “Chalk the fountain” o $100 Club of the Mouth o $150 Club of the Semester o $200 for Special Events: (Thurs D’s) o $50 for mandatory training/luncheon with new club president and adviser 10 Writing a Club Bill Request Form Step 1 Type “” into a search engine in order to fill out a DSCSA Club Bill Request Form. Step 2 Click on the “DSCSA Forms” tab in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will lead you to the “DSCSA Forms page”. You will find that all the club related forms have their own section at the top of this webpage. From this section you will be able to click the “Fill Out” option for the Club Bill Request Form. Step 3 Make sure to fill out all the required fields in order for your form to be fully processed and received for assessment by the Director of Student Involvement & Leadership. Step 4 Allow at least 24 hours for form assessment (possible further investigation) and deliberation by the ICC. 11 Service Project Approval & Service Project Report Forms Step 1 All merit money service projects must be cleared with Mary Nell Lundquist, Service Coordinator at DSC before the event in order to receive merit money. To receive approval type “” into a search engine Step 2 Click on the “DSCSA Forms” tab in the top right corner of the screen. This will lead you to the “DSCSA Forms page”. You will find that all the club related forms have their own section at the top of this webpage. From this section you will be able to click the “Fill Out” option for the Club Service Project Approval before the event, and the Service Project Report Form after the event. Step 3 When filling out the Club Service Project Approval Form you must keep a few things in mind o All club service projects have to be approved by the DSC Service Coordinator to receive merit money o A minimum of 5 members have to be present at the service project in order for it to count for merit money o The service project must last a minimum of 1 hour for it to count for merit money o Also if you need service ideas please feel free to contact the DSC Service Coordinator at 435-652-7738 or on the second floor of the Gardner Center across from Student Government. Step 4 After completing a service project you are required to fill out the Club Service Project Report Form in order to reflect on the service project outcome and to also have documented evidence. Step 5 Allow at least 24 hours for Orgsync webpage assessment and final approval from the DSC Service Coordinator & the VP of Clubs & Organizations. 12 How to Be a Self-Sufficient Power House Step 1 As a club, your best asset is the diverse group that you have assemble, utilize each other’s unique talents and traits in order to further your clubs initiatives. Step 2 Think “outside the box!” Although you have the support of the ICC, you yourselves have a responsibility for your club or organizations success. Step 3 When Merit Money is not enough, it is time to branch out into other avenues for financial support such as: fundraising, reaching out to local businesses and/or organizations for sponsorship, and any other dynamic ideas that will perpetuate selfsustaining growth. Step 4 The ICC will always be there as a resource (such as for bills and P.O. request), but we encourage you as clubs or organizations to be independent and self-sufficient entities. 13 Event Scheduling Policies Step 1 Clubs and Organizations are allowed to host activities on and off campus. In order to do so please follow these requirements and guidelines precisely. Step 2 First complete the appropriate Activity Approval Guide at least 2 weeks prior to the event date based on whether the event is on or off campus. The form can be found at:, then click on DSCSA Forms, and underneath the clubs section click on the Activity Approval Guide or Off-Campus Activity Approval Guide. Step 3 Follow the instructions closely. The Activity Form requires signatures, so please fill out what you can, print off the form, and collect the appropriate signatures. Step 4 Any advertising for your event that is going to be put up on campus must be approved by the Dean of Students Del Beatty, or the Director of Student Involvement Jordon Sharp on the second floor of the Gardner Building. Also 91.3 the Storm is willing to advertise your event on-air for free just fill out the form on, which can be found in DSCSA Forms underneath the club section. Important People to Know for Scheduling Events: Corey Reeves Campus services/department helps schedule space in Gardner Center 435-652-7677 Jackie Freeman Business services/department deals with purchasing & risk management (important for clubs who may engage in high risk activities) 435-652-7612 Emily Clark Academic Scheduling 435-879-4350 14 Thurs “Ds” Event Proposal Thurs "Ds" are a weekly event that DSCSA sponsors each Thursday. This event might include an entertainer, game, or party. DSCSA has set apart 2 Thurs "Ds" each semester for clubs to sponsor. Your club will have access to the DSCSA Communication departments, which means your event will be advertised through all facets of social media; posters can be made and distributed by this department. If you would like to sponsor a Thurs "Ds" event please fill out the following form and the Club Council will vote and select 2 clubs each semester to host the Thurs "Ds". The club chosen will receive $200 to use for the event. Criteria that the Club Council is looking for is: Clubs which are active on campus, including personal club events, merit money opportunities, and any DSCSA sponsored event. A detailed event plan, with a breakdown of exactly how the event will be executed. The more details the better. An event that the student body will enjoy as a whole. Remember this is not an event for just your club, but will be advertised to the entire student body. Step 1 Type “” into a search engine in order to fill out a DSCSA Thurs “Ds” Event Proposal. Step 2 Click on the “DSCSA Forms” tab in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will lead you to the “DSCSA Forms page”. You will find that all the club related forms have their own section at the top of this webpage. From this section you will be able to click the “Fill Out” option for the Thurs “Ds” Event Proposal. Step 3 Make sure to fill out all the required fields in order for your form to be fully processed and received for assessment by the ICC & the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. Travel Authorization Form (see notes on the next page) 1 Notes for Travel Authorization Form: 1. This number is extremely important to remember. It will be used later on the Travel Claim Form. The date field below is today’s date, not the dates of travel 2. The name and Dixie ID of the Student who will be traveling and receiving a reimbursement later. 3. Write in where they will be traveling. 4. Write in a brief summary of what they will be traveling for (i.e. “To attend the 2012 USITT Conference”) 5. Self-explanatory, write in the date they are leaving and the date they are returning 6. Check the appropriate box for their mode of transportation. If a shuttle is included, list that under the “other” checkbox. 7. The numbers under the estimated cost of trip will equal the numbers on the cost breakdown of the bill. Simply transfer the numbers from the cost breakdown on the last page of the bill. 8. Obtain the signature of the student traveling 9. The Dean of Students must approve and sign this form. The amount after the index code will be equal to the amount passed on the bill with the words “max” written after it (i.e. $356.00 MAX). This will prevent future problems with the travel claim later. 10. The DSCSA member will keep the last copy of this form (dark yellow) in a file (located in the Student Government Office) until the travel claim has been paid out. The other four copies are to be turned into the purchasing office IMMEDIATELY. DSCSA Policy requires that this form be turned in no later than one week prior to departure, however; in most cases it will be turned in well before departure in order to avoid problems and confusion. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION A budget administrator WILL NOT SIGN this form after a bill has been voted on and passed. The signed bill must be shown at the time of obtaining these signatures. If there are any questions about proper procedure for filling out this form, contact your VP or your advisor immediately. If you don’t know, please do not guess; that could cause complications later on down the road which will be frustrating for you and the students involved. Only a student being reimbursed needs to fill out a travel authorization/claim. So, if a group of students are traveling together, but one student booked the hotel on their card for the entire group, only the student who booked the hotel needs to fill out a travel authorization/claim. However, you will need to attach a memo to the travel authorization with the names and student ID numbers of any additional students who will be traveling and sharing these accommodations. 17 Travel Claim Form (See notes on the next page) 18 Notes for Travel Claim Form: 1. This number is the red number located in the top-right hand side of the travel authorization which was turned in BEFORE they left on their trip. 2. The dates listed here must match that which was approved on the bill and on the travel authorization (i.e. November 14-17 2012). 3. The index code used by the ICC is “VPS 324” 4. A short description of the activity should be placed here. (i.e. Attend the National Conference on Undergraduate Research) 5. Where the activity will be held (i.e. Ogden, Utah) 6. The information in this section must match EXACTLY what was approved and voted on in the bill. Receipts for each amount MUST be provided, or they cannot be refunded. a. If travel was booked using a website such as Orbitz or Priceline, the travel confirmation must show proof of payment. Usually it will look something like this image to the right: b. The amounts for airfare or vehicle travel will be found in the cost breakdown for the bill, and must match the amounts which were passed in the bill 7. According to the DSCSA ICC funding policy, meals cannot be funded in a travel claim. Accordingly, no amount should be claimed under “Meals”. For lodging, simply write in the date for the first night and for the amount, write in the amount for lodging which was approved in the bill. DO NOT write the total cost of lodging, as it will most likely exceed what we can fund. (i.e. if the bill was passed for $250.00 for lodging, write in that amount. 8. If there are other costs (such as registration fees), you can write them here. Remember that anything being refunded MUST have a receipt or we will not be able to refund it. 9. This is the total amount that will be refunded. This amount must match the amount stated in the last sentence of the bill. 10. This is where the student receiving reimbursement will sign. Before they sign, make sure of the following: a. That they have provided a valid mailing address where their check can be mailed. b. That they have reported about their trip/activity to the I.C.C c. That they understand the exact amount that they will be receiving. 11. No signature is required here. The amount claimed must never exceed that which was approved in the bill and travel authorization. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your VP or your advisor. It is imperative that these forms be filled out in a timely and accurate manner. It will save many headaches down the road 19 Responsibilities of Advisors 1. Every club must have an on-campus advisor a. An advisor must be a current member of the faculty and/or staff at Dixie State College b. When more than one advisor is named, one must be designated as the Principal advisor to whom primary responsibility is assigned c. All advisors will be approved by both the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations and the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. 2. Each advisor must be a member of the Inter-Club Council portal on Orgsync. Orgsync is a program specifically designed to help college clubs communicate and maintain their club. As a member of the ICC portal you will be notified of pertinent information concerning your club. Here is how to become a member: a. Log into your Orgsync account. If you are not a member Orgsync, please create an account at b. Once on the Dixie State College Community Home Page click Browse Organizations c. Type Inter Club Council into the search bar d. Click Join Now 3. Advisors should also be members and administrators of their specific club’s Orgsync portal. If you need help joining your club portal and becoming an administrator please, contact Jordon Sharp at or at 652-7513. As an administrator you can send emails and texts to each member of the club, manage timesheets, change the Join Club settings, etc. 4. Assure that the club Orgsync portal is updated. Orgsync is how students join clubs and find meeting information. If is not up-to-date the club will find it difficult to grow. 5. Club Advisors must be present at all overnights and/or out-of-state trips. It is against DSC policy to conduct an activity without the advisor present. If it is discovered that an advisor is not in attendance at a club function, DSC reserves the right to terminate the activity and take disciplinary action 6. Advisors provide assistance in filling out club forms and making sure all indemnity agreements are signed and turned in. All club forms can be found at, and then click on DSCSA Forms 7. Club advisors must approve all club purchases. This process has been simplified through Orgsync. You will receive an email asking you to approve a Purchase Order (PO) Request. The PO will not be filled out without your approval 8. The advisor is required to attend the first Club meeting of each term with their club president 9. The advisor is required to attend a Club/Advisor Training Meeting each semester 20