Manual Virtual 3D Galleries
Manual Virtual 3D Galleries
3D STELL m a nWERK.COM ual CONTENTS MY ACCOUNT03 LOGIN03 PASSWORD FORGOTTEN03 START | SUMMARY03 UPDATE TO ANOTHER PACKAGE04 CHANGE PASSWORD AND REGISTRATION DATA 04 CANCEL CONTRACT06 IMAGES07 SUMMARY07 UPLOAD IMAGES 07 EDIT IMAGE DATA 08 DELETE IMAGE09 VIDEOS10 SUMMARY 10 UPLOAD VIDEOS 10 EDIT VIDEO DATA 11 DELETE VIDEO11 EXHIBITIONS12 SUMMARY12 CREATE EXHIBITION13 EMBEDDING SETTINGS13 EXHIBITION REQUESTS15 SHOWROOM15 INTEGRATE AN EXHIBITION INTO A WEBSITE 16 EDIT EXHIBITION16 ASSIGN IMAGES AND VIDEOS TO AN EXHIBITION 16 INSERT EXTERNAL LINK16 DELETE EXHIBITION16 3D-EDITOR17 LOAD 3D-EXHIBITION17 3D-EXHIBITION-SETTINGS18 POSITION IMAGES AND VIDEOS 19 REMOVE IMAGES/ VIDEOS20 IMAGE FRAMES AND PASSEPARTOUTS21 INVOICES 22 MESSAGES23 READ AND DELETE MESSAGES23 TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS24 IMAGES24 VIDEOS24 EXHIBITIONS AND 3D-EDITOR24 MY ACCOUNT LOGIN To access your account/login click the link “MY ACCOUNT”. Log in using your email-address and your password. You were sent your password by email during the ordering process. PASSWORD FORGOTTEN Have you forgotten your password? No problem. Enter the email address which you used to order you bundle and then click “REQUEST NEW PASSWORD”. A new password will be sent to this email address within minutes. START | SUMMARY After successfully logging in, you arrive at your account‘s homepage. Here is a summary of all your account‘s important information. MANUAL PAGE 03 | 25 UPDATE TO ANOTHER PACKAGE If an update to another bundle is available, it will be displayed directly on your account‘s homepage. Click “UPDATE NOW” to order this bundle. The ordering process is started. Note: If you have already booked a bundle that requires a payment, when up- dating you will be invoiced for the price difference between the bundles. CHANGE PASSWORD AND REGISTRATION DATA Click “PROFILE” to load your registration data. If you want to change your profile information, click the “EDIT” button. MANUAL PAGE 04 | 25 In this screen you can make changes to your personal data. To confirm, click the “SAVE” button. If you would like to change your password, enter the desired password in the field “New password” and click “SAVE”. MANUAL PAGE 05 | 25 CANCEL CONTRACT In „PROFILE“ scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click “CANCEL ACCOUNT” and confirm that you want to cancel your contract by clicking the “YES” button. Your contract will be ended on the next possible cancellation date. You will automatically receive an email confirmation of the successful cancellation of your contract. MANUAL PAGE 06 | 25 IMAGES In this screen you manage your uploaded images. SUMMARY Click the “IMAGES” button to view a summary of all your uploaded images. A search field is available to search for images. The search filters by pictures and also by artists. To display the summary to its optimum, the standard setting shows 10 images per page. If you want to change an image‘s properties, click the „EDIT“ button which is located on the left side of each image, or click on the image. To use an image in your 3D-Exhibition you have to activate it. Click the button „ACTIV“ | „INACTIVE“ which is located on the right side of each image. All uploaded images are activated by default. UPLOAD IMAGE To upload pictures, click the “IMAGES” button and then the link “UPLOAD IMAGES”. Choose the image you want by clicking the “CHOOSE IMAGE” link and confirm the upload by clicking the “START UPLOAD” button . MANUAL PAGE 07 | 25 Note: The upper text will show you which image formats are supported and the maximum size an image may be. If an image is too big or in an incompatib- le format, you will receive a corresponding error message. Tip: Your 3D-Exhibition has a zoom function. Upload your images with as high a resolution as possible. We recommend a resolution of: 2048 x 2048 Pixels. EDIT IMAGE DATA After uploading an image, click the “EDIT” symbol to go to the following pages: Fill out the form and save your entries by clicking the “SAVE” button. All fields marked * are mandatory. MANUAL PAGE 08 | 25 IMPORTANT! Always enter the original size of your images in centimet- res. This entry determines the appearance of your images in your 3D-Exhibition. Tip: An image‘s height is automatically entered when you enter an image‘s width and then click the “height” field. This also works vice versa. The as- pect ratio of an image is used as a basis for calculation. DELETE IMAGES If you want to delete an image, click the „DELETE“ button and confirm deletion by clicking „OK“. Note: If you have already hung an image in your 3D-Exhibition, the image will also automatically be deleted from there. MANUAL PAGE 09 | 25 VIDEOS In this screen you manage your uploaded videos. SUMMARY Click the “VIDEOS” button to view a summary of all your uploaded videos. If you want to change a video‘s properties, click the „EDIT“ button on the left hand side, or click on the thumbnail. To use a video in your 3D-Exhibition you have to activate it. Click the button „ACTIV“ | „INACTIVE“ which is located on the right side. All uploaded videos are activated by default. UPLOAD VIDEO To upload videos, click the “VIDEOS” button and then the link “CHOOSE VIDEO”. Choose the video you want by clicking the “scan” link and confirm the upload by clicking the “START UPLOAD” button. Note: The upper text will show you which video formats are supported and the maximum size a video may be. If a video is too big or in an incompatible format, you will receive a corresponding error message. MANUAL PAGE 10 | 25 EDIT VIDEO DATA After uploading a video, click the “EDIT” symbol to go to the following pages: Fill out the form and save your entries by clicking the “SAVE” button. All fields marked * are mandatory. IMPORTANT! Always enter the original size of your videos in centimetres. This entry determines the appearance of your videos in your 3D-Exhibition. DELETE VIDEO If you want to delete a video, click the „DELETE“ button and confirm deletion by clicking „OK“. Note: If you have already placed a video in your 3D-Exhibition, the video will also automatically be deleted from there. MANUAL PAGE 11 | 25 EXHIBITIONS In this screen you manage your exhibitions. SUMMARY Click the “EXHIBITION” button to view a summary of all your uploaded galleries. Using the button „ACTIVE“ | „INACTIVE“ you can decide whether the exhibition will be seen on the internet and edited in the Editor. If you want to change a gallery‘s properties, click the „EDIT“ button. If you want to assign a picture to the gallery, click „EXHIBIT MEDIA“. If you want to open the editor to hang pictures or change the image position click „3D-EDITOR“. If you want to open a preview of the 3D-Exhibition in a new browser window, click „PREVIEW“. Note: A preview will only be loaded if pictures or videos have been assigned to the 3D-Exhibition. MANUAL PAGE 12 | 25 Important! If the gallery model is changed, all previously assigned picture positions will be lost. This means that all pictures and videos will have to be repositioned with the assistance of the 3D-Editor. Frame and passepartout properties will remain unchanged if a new gallery model is selected. On the right side of the thumbnail you will find the relevant informations to your exhibition. In the column “Clicks” you will see the number of times the corresponding exhibition has been visited. The number of images assigned to the exhibition is displayed in the “Images” column. If this says 0/10 it means no images of 10 have been assigned to that exhibition. CREATE EXHIBITION If you would like to create a new exhibition, under the menu item “EXHIBITIONS” click the link “ADD NEW EXHIBITION”. Then select a gallery model and fill in all fields marked *. Note: If the „ACTIVE“ button is not marked, this exhibition is not visible and can not be edited in the Editor. EMBEDDING SETTINGS If you would like to integrate a 3D-Exhibition into your website, you can proceed as follows: 1. Set the pixel width and height of the 3D-Exhibition on your website. The sizes of 1024 (width) and 576 (height) in the provided spaces are default settings. We recommend a minimum width of 500 pixels. 2. Choose the background color of the text box for image information. You can also choose between different font colours. 3. When loading a 3D-Exhibition, the 3D STELLWERK logo is used as a default setting. You can replace this with your own logo/picture. To do this, enter the complete path to your logo in the field “Logo URL (PNG)” using the fol- lowing format: “”. Note: Use a logo (256 x 256 Pixels) in PNG format with a transparent back- ground. A logo in JPG format is also supported. MANUAL PAGE 13 | 25 MANUAL PAGE 14 | 25 EXHIBITION REQUESTS If you check the box „ALLOW CONTACT REQUESTS FOR IMAGES“, requests to your pictures will be forwarded to you via e-mail. SHOWROOM When activating the box „SHOWROOM“ you allow 3D STELLWERK to publish your 3D-Gallery in the Showroom as a reference object. Whether your 3D-Gallery will finally be published decides 3D STELLWERK. Click the “SAVE” button to save your settings. MANUAL PAGE 15 | 25 INTEGRATE AN EXHIBITION INTO A WEBSITE Copy the “code snippet” automatically generated at the bottom of the page in the menu „EDIT“, and insert it into your website. Underneath the „code snippet“ you will find the link that points to your 3D-Exhibition. EDIT EXHIBITION If you want to customize a gallery‘s properties, click “EDIT EXHIBITION”. After you have done all settings click the „SAVE“ button. ASSIGN IMAGES AND VIDEOS TO AN EXHIBITION Images and videos must be chosen and assigned to a gallery before you are able to hang them with the help of the 3D-Editor. To do this, from the “EXHIBITION” menu choose the “EXHIBIT MEDIA” button. On the right side mark all the pictures and videos that you want to assign to the gallery and confirm your selection by clicking the “SAVE” button. Note: Only the pictures and videos chosen here will be available to you in the 3D-Editor. INSERT EXTERNAL LINK If you want to link an image or a video to a shop or a website, insert the corresponding destination URL in the column on the right side of the image or video. Please ensure that the links are complete and correctly written. A maximum of 255 characters are available when entering a link. Correct: Correct: Correct: Correct: Wrong: DELETE EXHIBITION If you would like to delete an exhibition, click „DELETE“ and confirm deletion by clicking “OK”. Note: This will only delete the exhibition. Images and videos will remain in the system. MANUAL PAGE 16 | 25 3D-EDITOR The 3D-Editor assists you in positioning images and videos in your 3D-Exhibition. Additionally, you can assign frames and passepartouts to images and videos. Texts can also be included in your 3D-Exhibition. To open the Gallery editor click the „3D-EDITOR“ button in the menu „EXHIBITION“. LOAD 3D-EXHIBITION To load your 3D-Gallery, click the “EXHIBITION” tab in the menu „EDITOR“ and then the name of the exhibition you want to load. If you want to switch between the editor mode and the preview mode, use the link “EDITOR OFF”/ “EDITOR ON” in the upper right part of the page. Using the editor mode, you make modifications (appearance, pictures, videos, etc.). This mode is designed for the composition of the whole 3D-Exhibition. In the preview mode, all the editor functions are disabled. The preview mode gives you an idea how your gallery will look like on your website. Now you can move freely around your 3D-Exhibition. To be automatically taken to an image in this mode, click on one of the already positioned images. MANUAL PAGE 17 | 25 3D-EXHIBITION-SETTINGS When a 3D-Exhibition is loaded, you can customize the look of the gallery using the “SETTINGS” tab. Grid: A grid (guidelines) offers you assistance in positioning images and videos on the walls. You can set the size of the grid using the “GRID” option. Grid colour: You can also select a colour for your grid. Note: There is no “Save” button in the editor. All changes take effect im- mediately. Depending on the gallery-model, you can make the following adjustments: Wall texture: You can choose from different textures. With one click, the chosen texture will be applied to all the walls in the gallery. Wall colour: You have the possibility to apply a colour to your chosen texture. Floor texture: You can choose from different textures. With one click, the chosen texture will be applied to your gallery‘s floor. Floor colour: Choose a colour to apply to your floor texture. MANUAL PAGE 18 | 25 Floor reflection: Choose the level to which the walls and objects will be reflected in the floor. Tiling: Select the degree of texture repetition (e.g. how the floor tiles will be lined up). Controller-colour: Choose the controller‘s colour (Navigation aid). Speed: Adjust the speed which you have navigating through the gallery. Focal length: Allows you to adjust different perspectives of the exhibition room. Restore original settings: With one click, all the original texture and colour settings will be restored. POSITION IMAGES AND VIDEOS Under the “MEDIA” tab, all the images and videos assigned to the exhibition are listed on the right. To place an image or a video on a wall, click the “ADD” button. After positioning the picture or video on the wall the button „ADD“ will change its meaning to „CHOOSE“. This button can be used to change the position of an image or video on a wall. MANUAL PAGE 19 | 25 The image then sticks to your mouse. To position the image or video, move the mouse and click the desired position on the wall. The gallery‘s walls act like an invisible magnet, so that your pictures can never be positioned too far away from the wall. In the editor mode, on every image there is a three-coloured arrow and also a yellow dot in the middle of the image. After a gallery has been created, to position an image, or to move it, you have three possibilities. 1 Move the image or video by clicking on the coloured arrow and dragging the image in the direction you want, whilst holding down the left mouse button. green arrow: vertikal blue arrow: horizontal red arrow: lateral 2 Move the image or video by clicking on the yellow dot and dragging. Holding down the left mouse button whilst doing so. This option is recommended for coarse settings. The advantage of this option is that you can simultaneously move the image around all three of its axes. This allows the image to be perfectly repositioned on the wall. 3 To exactly define the image‘s and video‘s position, you can also use the lower coordination task bar. This allows you to set the image‘s position (x,y,z) as well as its angle (x,y,z). After entering the coordinates, press the “ENTER” key to apply the settings and save them. When clicking the button „REMOVE ALL ATTACHED IMAGES/ VIDEOS FROM THE EXHIBITION“ all assigned images and videos will be deleted from the gallery. REMOVE IMAGES/ VIDEOS If you have already placed an image or video on the wall, you will see that the “ADD” button has been replaced by two new buttons. With one click on the „DELETE“ button, you remove the image or video from the wall. If you click on the „CHOOSE“ button or on the image/ video, you are taken to the image‘s position in the gallery. Note: Only by clicking on the image directly in the 3D-Exhibition of the Editor it is highlighted and can be edited and configured. MANUAL PAGE 20 | 25 IMAGE FRAMES & PASSEPARTOUTS There is a choice of frames and passepartouts available for each picture and video. Frames, frame colours, passepartouts and passepartout colours that have already been assigned are framed in red or marked with red lettering. Frame: If you want to assign a frame to an image or video, choose the re quired element and click one of the frame designs available. The transfer of the chosen frame to the picture is instant and is automati- cally saved. The frame you chose is now marked red. If you want to choose another frame, simply click another frame design. To remove the frame, click the last frame design on the list. Frame colour/brightness: If you want to add a colour to your frame, click the box displaying your chosen colour. If you choose white, the frame will return to its original tone (without colouring). Passepartout: If you want to assign a passepartout to a picture or video, select a picture and click one of the passepartout designs available. The transfer of the chosen passepartout to the picture is instant and is automatically saved. The passepar- tout you chose is now marked red. If you want to assign another passepartout, click another of the chosen passepartout designs. To remove the passepa- tout, click the last passepartout design on the list. Passepartout colour/brightness: Passepartout thickness: If you want to add a colour to your passepar- tout, click the box displaying your chosen co- lour. If you choose white, the passepartout will return to its original tone (without colouring). Choose the passepartout‘s thickness with one click. MANUAL PAGE 21 | 25 INVOICES If you want to view your invoices, click the “INVOICES” button. Here all invoices (invoice number, bundle, duration, method of payment, status, etc.) are listed in detail. The status of the invoice specifies whether it has already been paid or the payment is still pending. If you want to download an invoice as a PDF, in the invoice overview click the “PDF” link. The PDF is generated immediately. By clicking the button „SAVE“ the invoice can be downloaded and saved locally or be printed. MANUAL PAGE 22 | 25 MESSAGES In this screen you manage all messages in your inbox. 3D STELLWERK regularly informs all its users about new developments, for example, the availability of new frames, passepartouts or other new functions. READ AND DELETE MESSAGES If you want to read a message, click on the linked subject-title. To delete a message, click the trash symbol. If you want to delete more than one message mark the box on the left side of the relevant message. Then click „DELETE MARKED“ in the selection menu „ACTION“. If you want to delete all your messages, select “DELETE ALL” from the options displayed top right. Note: Deleted messages can not be regenerated. MANUAL PAGE 23 | 25 TIPS & RECOMMENDATIONS IMAGES For optimum image quality, you should not use pictures with a resolution below 1024 x 1024 pixels. The smaller the file size, the faster your image will be loaded to your 3D-Exhibition – so, especially in zoom mode – compress your pictures in advance using, for example, Adobe photoshop. At a compression level of 60% you will achieve a good picture quality for presentation on the internet. Compression will also reduce the size of the file. Black and white pictures can be compressed to a higher level. At a compression level of 75%, no obvious reduction in picture quality is visible on a computer screen. We recommend that you use a JPG format at a compression level between 60%80% and a picture resolution of at least 2048 x 2048 pixels. VIDEOS For the presentation of videos we recommend the free OGV Format. Convert your videos in advance in order to save conversion time. Depending on the size of the video and the speed of the connection, online-conversion can use up a lot of time. For optimum video quality, you should not use any videos with a picture resolution below 720 x 720 pixels. EXHIBITION AND 3D-EDITOR Never operate two 3D-Editors simultaneously (e.g. in multiple browser windows). Depending on your computer‘s hardware, this can diminish your computer‘s performance (speed). For the same reason we recommend not to run the 3D-Exhibition on your website and the 3D-Editor simultaneously (in the same or in multiple browser windows). HARD- UND SOFTWARE 3D STELLWERK recommends using Apple-Computers (e.g. G5, iMac or MacBookPro) with at least 4 GB RAM and a good graphic card with a minimum of 512 MB memory capacity. 3D STELLWERK recommends using Mozilla Firefox on Windows-Systems and Apple Safari on Mac OS X. MANUAL PAGE 24 | 25 We hope you have much joy with this product. Sincerely yours, the GRAPHTWERK-Team. GRAPHTWERK Bornaische Str. 136 04279 Leipzig Germany MANUAL PAGE 25 | 25