Greater Lexington Newcomers - Newcomers Club Lexington, Virginia


Greater Lexington Newcomers - Newcomers Club Lexington, Virginia
Greater Lexington Newcomers
Volume 14, Issue 1 • January 2002
EDITORS: Jan and Mike White - 261-2119
WEB SITE: Dorothy Coker
Meetings are held at 10:00 am on the first Wednesday of the month. June meeting is at the Wingate Inn
President’s Message
Hello Newcomers,
It’s hard to believe that the year 2007-8 in Newcomer’s
has almost come and gone. I have enjoyed my role as
your President so very much and I appreciate each one
of you for helping me in so many ways. Your presence
at the meetings, your committment in acting as an officer, committee chairman or member of a committee
has meant so much to me and to the club. It is your
involvement that makes Newcomers the success that it
is. I’m also grateful to those of you who have invited guests to the meetings and
most of those have become members. I look forward to seeing many of you at our
July meeting, and our July 6 picnic, and also at some of the summer activities.
Bluegrass in the Bowl at Limekiln in Lexington
On Saturday, June 14th at 6:00 PM we hope you will join us for a tailgate picnic
and concert by Larry Keel and Natural Bridge. Tickets are $12 (seniors 60+)
/ $15 (other adults). Call Jim Slack by June 8th for details on tickets and
picnic 463-5071.
Saturday July 19th & Sunday, July 20th
Travel to Fishersville to the annual Daylily & Wine Festival at Andre
Viette Farm & Nursery Call Susan Bauer 463-2018 if you need a ride or
can provide a ride.
Susan & Ed Bauer
[Editor’s note: Please support our Newcomers’ activities! The committee
puts lots of time and effort into planning these events. We have been
getting poor responses from the members. Do we want to have activities
or not?]
On May 29th, Newcomers enjoyed a beautiful day here at
the D-Day Memorial in
Bedford, followed by lunch at
the Olde Liberty Station and
a tour of Poplar Forest, Thomas Jefferson’s retirement
See Activities or Interest Groups
for details.
4 General meeting @ 10:00 am
6 Hiking
6 New Member Coffee @ 2:00 pm
10 Bridge #2 @ 12:00 pm
11 Couples’ Bridge @ 7:00 pm
12 Bridge #1 @ 1:00 pm
13 Hiking
14 Activity: Bluegrass in the Bowl
at Limekiln
16 Book Group #2 @1:30 pm
24 Canasta @ 12:00
26 Book Club #3 @1:00 pm
20 Hiking
27 Hiking
2 General meeting @ 10:00 am
6 Annual Newcomers Picnic
10 Bridge #1 @1:00 pm
9 Hiking
12 Couples Bridege @ 7:00 pm
13 Bridge #2 @ 12:00 pm
16 Couples’ Bridge @ 7:00 pm
16 Hiking
19 Activity: Daylily & Wine
19 Book Group #2 @10:00 am
22 Book Club #3 no meeting
23 Hiking
27 Canasta @ 12:00 pm
Vol 16 Issue 9 • June 2008
Annual Picnic, Sunday July 6
Club Officers
Mary Brooks
Vice President
Shelley Undercoffer
Corresponding Secretary
Sandy Harrelson
Margaret Skovira
Past President
Glenda Grasse
Our annual summer picnic will be held at the hilltop pavilion in Glen Maury Park on Sunday
at 2:00 PM (one hour later than last year). Directions from Rt. 501 (Sycamore Ave.) and 10th
St. in Buena Vista: go into the park and follow the signs
to the top. The cost per person will be $5.00. Fried chicken
and pork barbecue with cole slaw, potato salad, and baked
beans will be provided. Bring your own beverage(s) of
choice and a dish to share. Those with last names beginning with A-L will bring a dessert and M-Z will bring
appetizer or nibbles. There should be enough picnic
benches for everyone, but if you prefer you may bring
your own chairs. Send your check, payable to Greater Lexington Newcomers Club, to Jane
Auciello at 105 Tem Lane Raphine, Va. 24472. The deadline is June 25. Last year we had
over 100 attendees, so don’t delay. Your picnic committee: Jane Auciello, Cathy Broach,
Mary Quarles, Jim Slack, Cynthia Tucker, Nancy Valance, and Kathy Kvach.
Committee Chairs
Susan and Ed Bauer
Jan and Mike White
Carole Elmore
Jane Auciello
Nancy Vallance
Frank Harrelson
Please welcome new member Donna Garnett who has moved here from Lynchburg to be
near her daughter Cindy & Joe Irby and grandchildren. Donna can be contacted at…..50
Trackers Ridge Lane, Lexington 24450, (540) 463-5885, and her email is Donna brings the Newcomers’ total memberships to177 and a total
of 315 members. Membership is being turned over on June 4th to Jim Slack, our new membership chairperson, so that he can prepare for the 2008/2009 membership campaign. Please
support Jim in his new two-year term. Send him any changes in your address, telephone
number, or email address. It is important to keep our master membership as up-to-date and as
accurate as possible. Jim Slack’s address, telephone number and email address are as
follows: 305 New Cameron Drive, Lexington, VA 24450, telephone (540) 463-5071, email Frank Harrelson, outgoing membership chairperson, wants
to thank each and every member of the Newcomer’s Club for their cooperation over the past
two years. You have made a difficult job much easier.
New Member Coffee
Jan & Mike White
Lynne Sullivan
Web Site
Dorothy Coker
The last new member coffee for this year will take place on June 6th at the home of Bob and
Gladie Hopkins, 317 So. Main St., Lexington at 2:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to get to
know the area and one another in a cordial, less structured setting. We would encourage all
new members to attend this coffee. These gatherings are always fun and informative.
Cathy Broach
Vol 16 Issue 9 • June 2008
Interest Groups
Interest group participants must be members of Newcomers. To join an interest group, call or email the contact person.
Fine Dining Group
Contact Linda or Bob Textor (348-1919),, or refer to the website
The Fine Dining groups for the 07/08 club year
have all taken place. We hope that everyone enjoyed their experiences as much as we did. Fine Dining will resume in the fall with
Ron and Nancy Patrick as the coordinators. All interested members must sign up whether or not you participated this year. For
details as to how the group operates, please read the guidelines on
the website under Interest Groups or contact Linda or Bob Textor.
You may sign up anytime between now and September to be included in the first dining round for the 08-09 club year. There will
be a sign-up sheet at the monthly meetings or you may email
Dining Out
Contact Lynne & Gary Sullivan, 261-2826, or
Dining Out in April was quite succesful. About
50 people signed up for the various restaurants
and by all accounts, a good time was had by everybody. The
food was also given high marks. At this point, we have one
more event for this year which is planned for June. We are
hoping for people to volunteer who have not done so up to now,
but understand that many of you have obligations which would
prohibit this. If you are able, please contact us.
Also, many thanks to all of you who have so graciously taken
on this task throughout the year and offered to do so again in
June. Folks have been great about letting us know when their emails are changing. If you don’t hear from us on a regular basis,
please phone as we are having the usual computer problems that
we all share!
If you are interested in hiking and not on the email list contact Lucy Thornburgh, 434-922-7544
or We try to hike on
most Friday mornings throughout the year, weather
Bridge #1 - Faye Welch (463-5320) - call to
substitute. 2nd Thurs of the month at 1 PM.
Bridge #2 - Ellen Charske (463-7971), 2nd
Tue of the month at Lexington Golf & Country
Club. 12 Noon, Lunch (optional) .
Couples Bridge #2 - Cathy Broach (261-3141) - 3rd Wed of the
month at 7:00 PM - Substitutes welcome. 6/11 at Cathy & Bill
Broach’s, 7/16 at Carole Elmore’s, 8/20 at Karen Hyde’s.
Vol 16 Issue 9 • June 2008
Contact: Shirley Dent (348-1048). Call to join or
substitute. Meets 12 noon, 4th Tuesday of every month.
Canasta will be at Aline McKenna’s house on June 24.
Canasta will start again in September.
Wine Tasting Group
Contact Kate Jenks at 463-4722 or email her: with all your comments and
The Wine Club will be celebrating the coming of summer with
parties planned around wines that pair well with grilled foods.
Eight parties will take place over the month of June. If you
would like to get on the wait list please contact Kate. If a few
more couples get on the list we may be able to add another party.
Note to all Newcomer members; the wine club will be holding
its annual party on Sunday September 21, 2008. This annual
event is open to all members of the Lexingon Newcomer’s club.
We are planning an Oktoberfest theme with German wine,
German beer and German food. Reservations will not be taken
until August but please mark your calendars if you are interesting
in joining us.
Book Clubs
Book Club #2 - Norma Combs (463-2745, 3rd Mon of the month at 1:30
June 16, Einstein by Walter Isaacson at Pat Rafferty’s.
July 21, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
at Karen Hyde’s.
August 18, A History of the World in 6 Glasses at Diane Smith’s.
Book Club #3 - Evelyn Caldwell (464-5571, ebcaldwell@ - filled for now, 4th Thurs. of the month, 1 pm.
June 26, at Nancy Vallance, Moonlight Hotel.
July- no meeting
August 28. A Thousand Splendid Suns at Kathy Kvach’s
Scrabble #1 - Ellen Charske (463-7971), 3rd or 4th
Thursday at 1 pm.
Scrabble #3 - Will not meet during the summer. Play
will resume in September. If you are interested in
playing on a regular basis, or in being a sub, contact Frank
Harrelson at or call him at (540)
Contact Jerry Plante, or 463-4032
to get on the email list. We attend Salem Avalanche
games. Two will be scheduled for June.
Treasurer’s Report
Thinking of You
9/1/07 through 5/27/08
The following cards were sent in May and early
June by Sandy Harrelson, our outgoing Corresponding Secretary:
Kathy Kvach - Get Well after surgery.
Holiday Party
TOTAL Income
Lynn Jones - Get Well after surgery.
Door Prize
Gifts & Memorials
Holiday Party 2007
Holiday Party 2008
New Member Coffee
Office Supplies
Special Events
Art Show Reception
TOTAL Expenses
William Docekal - Sympathy on the loss of his
Members are requested to please keep Terry
Scholl, our new corresponding secretary, informed
of any member to whom a card should be sent.
Terry can be reached by email at, or by phone at 348-2402.
Sandy thanks all Newcomer members for keeping
her informed regarding illnesses, accidents and
deaths of members and member’s loved ones.
[Editors’ note: Please remember to take pictures at your
interest group meetings and send them to us so we can share
them with our other members!]
Margaret Skovira
On May 30th, the hiking group traveled to Crabtree Falls for a wonderful outing. The 4-mile hike was invigorating to say the
least, but the constant views of the waterfalls made it all worthwhile. Not pictured here are Sandy and Frank Harrelson, Deb
Arnn and Dick Rathmell. (Photos by Debbie Mauer)
Vol 16 Issue 9 • June 2008