Fish -
Fish -
NIREUS AQUACULTURE S.A. October 2007 Contents Vision of Company …… 3 The Aquaculture Industry …… 4 Greece & Nireus …… 5 Business Units …… 10 Strategy …… 17 Competitive Advantages …… 21 Key Financials …… 22 Stock Market Data …… 24 CSR Policy & Corporate Governance …… 26 Organization Chart …… 27 Management …… 28 Communication …… 29 Appendix - 1st Half 2007 Financial Data …… 30 2 Vision of Company ‘‘ To maintain its leading position and operate worldwide in the sector of fish farming, processed fisheries and fish feed, satisfying the needs of customers and shareholders. ’’ Aristeides Belles Chairman & CEO We have established a long term horizon for our customers, shareholders and personnel, by communicating and implementing an integrated business plan. 3 Aquaculture Industry Worldwide : Facts & Trends Exciting, fast paced, highly skilled and professional Remarkable demand and growth rates, fastest growing sector of global food industry ‘‘ BLUE REVOLUTION ’’ CAGR exceeded 10% during last decade ( 5% for livestock, 2.5% for poultry). a New Era in Worldwide Fish-farming Industry Demand for fish rose by 12% in y’06- 2nd biggest after liquid yogurt, 16% (ACNielsen – Worldwide Survey February ’07) Almost half of worldwide fish production comes from fish farming industry (FAO’s Convention 2006 reports): - 105,5 mil. tons of fish consumed in y 2004: 45.5 mil. tons came form fish farming (43%). - wild fish livestock remains stable reaching probably its peak in last decade. Fish farming companies develop into capital intensive enterprises Healthy Food Warnings for depletion of wild stock by 2/3 by 2060, Stanford University Nov. 2006 Next decade, fish farms will provide 80% of consumed fish (FAO 2006) : a consumer mega trend // Farmed Seafood: the future winner in this trend Success Factors : a Sustainable Industry, Traceability , Taste & Convenience 4 GREECE & NIREUS Greece: Leading Position in Mediterranean Fish Farming Mediterranean fish farming refers mainly to juveniles and market size fish of seabream and sea-bass. For 2006: - Mediterranean fish juvenile world production : approx. 780 mil. pieces - Mediterranean market size fish world production : approx. 230 thous. tons Greek production accounts for about 43% of both categories of products, worldwide Fish farming companies in Greece amounted to approx. 100 in y ’06 employing more than 10.000 people. 7 out of 10 largest Greek Fish Farming companies, hold approx. 80% of production in Greece, estimated at approx. 90 th. tons of which 85% is exported. Mediterranean aquaculture products hold the 2nd position in total Greek exports Greek fish farming is a profitable and dynamic sector Greek Exports - Agricultural Products (in th. tons) +13,8% 400 +22,3% +18.4% 300 -18.3% 200 A cycle of mergers and acquisitions since 2000, brought the sector into a dynamic growth track while there is still room for further consolidation. 100 0 2005 2006 Gr eek Exports - Agr icultural Product s Oliv e Oil Sea Bass & Sea Bream in th.t ons Cotton 400 300 200 100 0 2003 Olive Oil 2004 2005 Se a Bass & Sea Br eam 2006 Cott on Toba cco Tobacco Source : Union of Greek Aquaculture - 2007 5 NIREUS : the Largest Producer of Mediterranean Fish 28% and 48% of Greek market size fish and fish juveniles production, respectively. Its relevant figures for worldwide production,approx. 11% and 21% respectively. Ranks in the top 10% in terms of Revenues, and in top 5% in EBITDA and EBT, among the Top 500 Greek industrial companies (2006). 6th position in EBT among the Greek Food Industry companies, 1st position in Greek Aquaculture sector well ahead of its peers. Exports to more than 30 countries, 1.360 employees. Strategy is focused on delivering high quality products, always rationalizing costs and intensifying efforts to remain a worldwide profitable producer. Sound Vertical Integration Aquaculture Processed Fish-Feed Equipment Revenues Brkdwn Confectionary Breeding Stock …................... Sea Bass Fish Juvenilles Sea Bass Fish Fillets Sea Bream ................. .......................... Gutted Fish Market Size Fish ...................... Sea Bass Sea Bream Sheeps Head Bream Fruits in Heavy .................. Fish Cages Syrup Sea Bream .................... .................... ..................... Nets Chewing Gum Trout ................... with unique ..................... Other natural Chios Other Mastic 2005 Greece E.U. Other Total 58.6 71.4 8.2 2006 % 58.5 89.7 13.3 42.4% 51.7% % 36.2% 37% 36% 55.5% 8.2% Other 138.1 100.0% 161.5 100.0% 6% 8% 5.9% 1st Half 2006 % NIREUS Group Greece 1st Half 2007 E.U. 57% 56% ∆% % 1st H '06 Greece 30.64 39.2% 43.51 1st H '07 41.6% 42% E.U. 40.66 52.0% 53.21 50.9% 31% Other 6.92 8.8% 7.82 7.5% 13% Total 78.22 100.0% 34% 100.0% 104.54 Blue Fin Tuna 6 NIREUS : the Largest Exporter of Mediterranean Fish Volume and value of our Group Exports, reflect the international competitiveness in quality and price of NIREUS products. Nireus Group Exports as of 31-12-2006 ITALY 31.41 30.5% FRANCE 13.07 12.7% SPAIN 11.77 11.4% PORTUGAL 9.20 8.9% UK 8.59 8.3% GERMANY 7.45 7.2% TURKEY 4.62 4.5% HOLLAND 4.54 4.4% U.S.A. 2.18 2.1% IRELAND 1.73 1.7% CANADA 1.16 1.1% SWITZERLAND Rest (26 countries) 0.94 0.9% 6.31 6.1% 102.96 100.0% Total Exports sales to Japan: 12.7 mil € through Blue Fin Tuna SA - Nireus share: 25% 90% of Group exports goes to the E.U. nireus Profitable efFISHciency 7 NIREUS – Corporate Structure NIREUS S.A. GREECE TURKEY PROTEUS S.A. 50% BLUE FIN TUNA S.A. 25% KEGO S.A. 28% U.K. ILKNAK S.A. 47,276% SPAIN NIREUS INTERNATIONAL S.A. 100% 100% MIRAMAR TURKEY S.A. PREDOMAR S.A. MIRAMAR U.K. S.A. 100% SEA FARM IONIAN S.A. 19,8% ILKNAK S.A. 65,22% 8 NIREUS - Business Activities NIREUS INTERNATIONAL SA TURKEY fish juvenile * sea bream iLKNAK SA * fish juvenille * sea bass * market size fish MIRAMAR SA * fish-feed market size fish * sea bream * market size fish * sea bass fish feed * sea bream * sea bass * other SPAIN * sheepshead bream PREDOMAR SA * fish juvenille * other NIREUS SA Business Units of 10gr size Group Greece confectionary * chewing gum natural mastic products * spoonful sweets PROTEUS SA * fishfarming cages * cage nets KEGO SA * breeding stock * fish-feed * animal feed BLUE FIN TUNA HELLAS SA SEAFARM IONIAN S.A. Undertaking of Management. Participation of NIREUS as strategic investor for the next 15 years, in cooperation with major credit institutions * blue fin tuna 9 NIREUS - Production Breakdown F.Y.R.O.M. T u r k e y G r e e c e S p a i n 2007: Increase of sales, and production expansion to more countries worldwide • Hatcheries • Pre-Growing Units • On - Growing Units • Packaging Centers • Fish - Feed Factory 10 Main Business Units Fish Farming Spain, Greece (Western, Central, Eastern -Aegean Sea) - Turkey Group Data Market Size Fish Sales ‘04–’07 : Juvenile Production between 2007(e) : 213,5 mil. pieces 2007(e) : 28.0 thous. tons sizes Increased 2006 2005 2004 : 164,4 mil. pieces : 129,2 mil. pieces : 75,4 mil. pieces chng ’04-’07: + 183.0% 1 Genetics Center 2006 2005 : 22.7 thous. tons : 16.9 thous. tons 2004 : 12.0 thous. tons chng ’04-’07: + 133.0% 16 packaging centers 2 processing units 2 pre-growing farms 8 hathery units 61 on- growing farms 2007: Further increase in production capacity - Expansion of sales in new markets 11 production cycle Sea Bream Spawning Sea Bass Sheapshead Bream Reduction of Production Cycle Know-How Utilization Reduction of Production Cost Improved FCR Ratio Reduction of Working Capital Fish Farming requires adequate capital due to the longevity of the production cycle, varying from 15 to 18 months. Other 12 Main Business Units (cont’d) Fish-Feed 2 state of the art Fish-feed factories: FEEDUS - Patras KEGO S.A. - Evia Island Patra Industrial Zone & Harbor Evia Island in Central Greece in W. Greece Production Capacity: 40 thous. tons p.a. & Production Capacity: 40 thous. tons p.a. Production: 40 thousand tons in ’04, 59 thousand tons in ’05 and 69 thousand tons in ‘06 - 15 product codes for normal, medium and high energy fish-feed, for fish juveniles, fish farming (sea bass, sea bream), and other species ‘’gmo-free‘’- excellent quality fish meal. Special care has been taken for supplying our company only with certified raw materials, according to E.C. legislation. 2007: Increase of production due to rising demand 13 Main Business Units (cont’d) Confectionary Chios island Eastern Aegean Sea trade mark: life drops Sarandis Factory in Chios isl. famous traditional fruit preserves in syrup (spoonful sweets) – over 25 products * mastiha-vanilla chewing gum * mastiha chewing gum * juices * honey, lokoums, candies, coconut sweets 2005: A new factory – 2,5 mil. Euro investment – commenced operations in Chios isl., producing chewing gum products, based on the unique and famous Chios natural mastic, aiming at the world market. life drops 14 NIREUS Products processed SEA-BASS fish eggs breeding stock SEA-BREAM bluefin tuna fish cages fish-fillet fish juveniles special nets fish-feed 15 Branded Fish AB Vassilopoulos is a member of the DELHAIZE Group-Belgium, since July 1992 ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9002, ISO 14001 & ISO 22000:2005 certification Environmental Management (EMS) and Traceability Systems, complying with multi-demanding official standards 16 Investment Strategy ¾ Improved Production Cycle ¾ New Value Added Products - Genetical Selection - Fish Juvenile of 10gr. Size - FCR Rapid Improvement - Fish Eggs - Fish Juvenile of 10gr. Size - Branded Fish - Fish Fillets ¾ New Value Added Global Species - Blue Fin Tuna - Flat Fish - Cobia - Pre-on Growing Fish Farms - New fish farm /feed factories ¾ New Value Added Investments, Deals, - Management Undertakings - Facon Type Production , Participations - Expansion to other countries Superior Quality – Full Traceability Know-How Utilization Reduction of Production Cycle Reduction of Production Costs Improved Cash Conversion Cycle Reduction of Working Capital More Synergies Revenue & Profit Increase 17 Realization of Strategy Greece : • Investments to expand and reinforce vertical structure Expansions and new installations, pre-on growing units , distribution systems, MIS New Strategic Partnerships & Agreements, Boosting Business: KEGO S.A., listed in ATHEX, develops, and supplies innovative products for aquaculture and livestock production: • selected breeding stock • fish–feed • nutritional products for all species • animal-feed NIREUS benefits from rising production capacity, enrichment of products, curtailment of production cycle and reduction of production costs. I. The Breeding Selection Program in Sea Bream & Sea Bass Aims for improvement: • Growth rate • Color • • II. Economic Benefits Stemming from use of selected eggs for NIREUS Group • • FCR • Deformities • Disease resistance • Body shape • Flesh quality • • Increase of harvest volume Smaller production cycle Smaller FCR Less risk disease Smaller cash conversion cycle – Less working capital needs III. Economic Benefits from 10gr Size Fish Juveniles • Smaller production cycle • Smaller FCR • Smaller cash conversion cycle – Less working capital needs 18 The Breeding Selection Program Breading of Families Pre growing Unit 10 gr. Size juveniles 19 Realization of Strategy Turkey: Significant expansion program to reach capacity of 25 mil. pieces p.a. of fish juvenile by 2008 and 5 thous. tons p.a. of market size fish by 2009, to proceed to company acquisitions, to create a packaging center and build a fish-feed factory of capacity 45 thous. tons p.a. by 2008, fostering vertical integration in Turkey. To develop commercial network in the Turkish market. Spain: 100% acquisition of PREDOMAR S.A., a juvenile pre-growing unit (juveniles of 10 gr. size), capacity of 20 mil. pieces, annually. Increase of Group juvenile production capacity by 10%, contributing € 5 mil. and € 1 mil. to Nireus Revenues and Pre-Tax Profits. Carboneras region – S.Spain Caribbean: Plans are underway, for establishing presence in the Caribbean area, to produce Cobia fish for the American and Asian markets. 20 NIREUS – Competitive Advantages Vertical Integration, creating synergies in production and boosting revenues and profits Valuable Know-How contributing to cost reduction through genetical selection of breeding stock, juvenile units of large size (10gr/p), and improved food conversion ratios –FCR Large size of NIREUS production, able to supply continuously throughout the year, even the biggest retail chains in Europe Direct sales to retailers, replacing wholesalers, and efficient sales distribution system NIREUS production internationalization Product diversification Guaranteed supreme quality products (i.e. Gmo free fish feed, fully certified production, traceability, MIS systems) Facon , type cooperation and undertaking of management of other fish farming companies World advantage of fish as opposed to other products e.g. electronics Very positive prospects for the growth of the fishfarming industry, worldwide 21 Key Financials / Business Division for FY 2006 P & L in mil. € Net Sales Operational Profits Pre Tax Profits Fish Fish Farming Feed Food & Confecti Other Total -onary 119.80 24.42 11.60 5.66 161.48 16.10 4.70 -1.34 1.46 20.92 12.24 3.63 -1.97 1.40 15.30 in mil.€ Revenues % chng EBITDA % chng EBT % chng 2006 161 17% 28 32% 15 34% 22 1st Half 2007 vs. 1st Half 2006 by Business Division : Net Sales, Operational Profits & Pre Tax Profits 1st Half 2007 in mil. € Net Sales Operational Profits Pre Tax Profits Fish Farming Food & Fish Feed Confecti Poultry & Other -onary Live Total Stock 77.05 14.03 4.50 3.62 5.35 104.54 12.57 2.41 0.32 1.22 0.61 17.13 8.93 1.76 -0.33 1.2 0.5 12.06 1st Half 2006 in mil. € Net Sales Operational Profits Pre Tax Profits Fish Farming Food & Fish Feed Confecti Poultry & Other -onary Live ∆% 1st Half '06 1st Half '07 Net Sales + 34% Operational Profits + 57% Pre Tax Profits + 44% Total Stock 57.92 9.08 8.43 2.79 - 78.22 9.48 1.41 -0.73 0.72 - 10.88 7.62 1.10 -1.04 0.7 - 8.40 23 Stock Market Data Listed in ATHEX since 1995, it is included in the category of High Capitalization Companies, in the ASE General, the FTSE/ASE International and the FTSE/ASE.140 indices. Also Classified to the ‘‘Agriculture & Fisheries’’ Sector of the Athens Exchange. Market Cap (3.96 €/share Sept. 30, 2007) @ € 202,6 mil. Bid – Ask spread: 0.593 p.υ. (April. 1, 2007, to Sept. 14, 2007) Athens Exchange Stock Symbol: ΝΗΡ NIREUS vs' FTSE ASE 140 & ASE General Index June 2005 (=100) - Sept, 2007 400 399 343 370 Foreign Institutional Investors 17,097,731 33.42% Domestic Institutional Investors 7,097,309 13.87% Other, Public 287 280 216 200 0 Sept. 2007 16,180,663 31.62% 308 300 100 NIREUS S.A. Basic Shareholders 177 173 Other, Public 18% 21% 96 Ιουν- Ιουλ- Αυγ- Σεπ- Νοε- ∆εκ- Ιαν- Φεβ- Μαρ- Μαϊ- Ιουν- Ιουλ- Σεπ- Οκτ- Νοε- ∆εκ- Ιαν- Μαρ- Απρ- Μαϊ- Ιουλ- Αυγ- Σεπ05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 NIREUS ASE GENERAL INDEX Domestic Institutional Inv estors 14% 10,790,070 21.09% 51,165,773 100.00% Basic Shareholders 31% 32% Foreign Institutional Inv estors 37% 33% FTSEA 140 ATHEX: Foreign institutional investors own 50.67% of local listed firms on June. Their participation in FTSE/ASE 20 constituents rose to 57.24% from 54.63%, while in FTSE/ASE Mid 40 their participation rose to 44.89% from 41.25%. quotations Reuters: NIRr.AT Bloomberg: NIR GA 24 NIREUS Group Figures, Ratios & Multiples I.F.R.S. reporting * in million € NIREUS * GROUP ASSETS * Gross Group Profit Sales margin * EBITDA * * EBT EAT after after minorities minorities EBITDA margin EBT EAT margin margin after after minorities minorities EPS P/E pre tax pre tax & after & after minorities minorities ROE Net Debt/ after tax Equity (avg Equity Funds) 2005 261.25 138.12 25% 19.65 10.89 7.46 14% 7.9% 5.4% 0.38 5.89 0.71 7.1% 2006 300.53 161.50 28% 28.03 15.40 9.05 17% 9.5% 5.6% 0.38 8.96 0.94 9.3% 44.40 21.70 16.45 18% 8.9% 6.7% 0.53 8.45 - - 2007 (e) P/E , EV , P/BV based on avg. prices € 1,59 for ‘05 € 3,42 for ‘06 Investor Goals 244.00 9 Continuous communication with the investment community 9 Consistent dividend policy 9 Increased participation of institutional investors 9 Increase of share’s daily traded volume and Company’s market capitalization 25 Environment & Corporate Social Responsibility In extend of its operation, NIREUS embraces a parallel social mission : ‘‘ to develop with respect to society, the environment, and investors ’’ Implements strict standards for labor and environmental safety, in all operating processes : storage, packing and distribution of our products. Recycles a significant range of used materials : (scrap metal, old nets, paper, batteries, used tires, ink bands, paper,fish crates, electronic and electrical equipment) and uses recyclable raw material with Respect to Society and the Environment Employs EMS traceability systems and procedures in production and logistics chain. Is an equal opportunity employer, providing a variety of social benefits for its employees and their families (blood bank, fringe benefits etc.) Promotes various social/cultural events and funding support mainly in local societies where its production facilities reside. ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9002, ISO 14001, ISO 22000:2005, Environmental Management (EMS) & Traceability Systems Corporate Governance Nireus Group has adapted modern Corporate Governance (C/G) practices, rules and policies, all included in its internal rule book. C/G practices are mainly focused on: protection and equal treatment of company shareholders constant effort for time equal, accurate information release effective monitoring of Management from the BoD responsibility of the BoD against Company and shareholders 26 Organizational Chart BOARD OF DIRECTORS Internal Audit Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Ar. Belles Executive Committee Legal Affairs Board of Management Corporate Governance Special Advisors R&D Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer N. Chaviaras Executive Director D. Loubounis Deputy Chief Executive Officer A. Chachlakis General Manager Aquaculture C. Triantafillou Licensing & Implementation of Group Investments Executive Vice Chairman P. Alexakis General Financial Manager D. Papanikolaou Investment & Development Dpt. Business Planning & Control Subsidiaries Abroad Investor Relations 27 Management Aristides Belles ,53 Chairman & CEO Long business experience. Company founding member (1988), Chairman of the Hellenic Aquaculture Association. B.Sc., University of Piraeus. Dr. Panayotis Alexakis ,53 Executive Vice Chairman, Board Member Served in various companies. Former Chairman & CEO of Athens Exchange S.A. Assoc. Prof. of Mgmt Econ. & Finance University of Athens (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.d). Joined the Company in 2005. Antonios Chachlakis ,49 Deputy CEO, Executive Member Long managerial experience in Industry Automation. B.Sc., M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic Institute N.Y. - USA. Joined the Company in 1996. Dimitrios Loubounis ,52 Executive Director, Executive Member Formerly, Ministry of National Economy (1983 & 1988). Business consulting firm 1988 - 1995. B.Sc. Athens Technical University, Certified Electrical & Mechanical Engineer. Joined the Company in 1995. Dimitrios Papanikolaou ,53 Chief Financial Officer Served in managerial positions in multinational and Greek companies. Graduate of Business .Administration, Economics University of Piraeus and Toronto. Joined the Company in 2001. Christos Triandafillou ,47 Group General Manager Involved professionally with fish farming since .1983. Graduate, of the University of Athens, .Department of Biology. Joined the Company in 2000. we grow and flourish, together with our Company, our people and their families with pride and honor Served as sales executive in multinational Theodoros Alexakos ,43 companies in Greece and abroad. Graduate in Group Sales Manager of Fish Farming Dpt. administration, University of Charleston ..Carolina, USA. Joined the Company in 1998. Gerasimos Balomenos ,40 Production Manager Aquaculture Dpt. Elias Skoulikaritis ,50 Marketing Manager Professional experience as Accounting Manager. Involved professionally with fish farming since 1994. B.Sc. Economics Dpt.Athens University. Joined the Company in 1995. Business experience in Greek and multinational .companies. Graduate of the Economic University of Athens, post-graduate studies in Marketing. .Joined the Company in 2006. 28 Thank you very much Please, Communicate with us Investor Relations Tel: (+30 210) 66 98 373 Fax: (+30 210) 66 26 998 Disclaimer This presentation belongs to NIREUS S.A. and it might contain certain “forward-looking” statements/comments. Unless stated otherwise, these statements are based on management’s current expectations and are naturally subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may vary materially from the expectations that might be contained herein and listeners/viewers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements/comments. NIREUS S.A. undertakes no obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements/comments, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. This presentation serves only informative purposes and it does not form or can either be referred as a buy, sell or hold encouragement for shares or any other derivative or fixed income instruments. Investors must decide upon their investments, based on their own investing preferences, profile, financial status and advice from registered investment advisors. 29 Appendix Summary Data – 1st Half 2007 30 Profit & Loss Summary - mil. € Group 1st H 2007 Revenues 1st H 2006 % 104.5 78.2 33.6% EBITDA 20.9 14.4 44.9% EBIT 17.1 10.9 57.3% EBT 12.1 8.4 43.6% Taxes 3.5 3.2 9.2% EAT 8.6 5.2 64.7% Company Shareholders 5.32 4.92 8% Minority interest 3.25 0.29 1025% Total 8.6 5.2 40,932,619 40,368,514 0.130 0.122 Attributable to : Shares Outstanding @ 30/6/07 EPS after tax & minorities in € 7% 31 Balance Sheet Summary - mil. € Group 1st H 2007 2006 % Total Non-Current Assets 210.64 150.52 40% Total Current Assets 232.69 188.30 24% Total Assets 443.32 338.82 31% 139.71 122.19 14% Long Term Bank Loans 92.39 83.22 11% Short Term Bank Loans 91.31 28.43 221% Total Bank Loans 183.71 111.65 65% Long Term Liabilities 113.54 101.29 12% Short Term Liabilities 190.07 115.34 65% Total Liabilities 303.61 216.63 40% Total Equity & Liabilities 443.32 338.82 31% ASSETS EQUITY & LIABILITIES Equity Total Equity 32 Cash Flow Summary - mil. € Group 1st H 2007 1st H 2006 Profit before taxes 12.07 8.40 Net cash generated from operating activities (a) -2.72 0.64 Net cash generated from investing activities (b) -49.92 -0.14 Net cash generated from financing activities (c) 47.86 -0.18 Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents for period (a) + (b) + (c) -4.77 0.32 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 12.50 2.70 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 7.73 3.02 33