Cabin crew expected safety behaviours
Cabin crew expected safety behaviours
Human Factors and Aerospace Safety 4(3) 153-167 © 2004, Ashgate Publishing FORMAL PAPERS Cabin crew expected safety behaviours Peter Simpson, Christina Owens* and Graham Edkins** Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd, Hong Kong * Qantas Airways Ltd, Australia ** Victorian Department of Infrastructure, Australia Abstract Expected Safety Behaviours (ESBs) or non-technical skills are becoming an accepted aspect of pilot training, however, the concept has not been widely applied to cabin crew. This situation is changing, as regulatory authorities start to require the assessment of cabin crew CRM and safety behaviours. Qantas has developed a set of expected safety behaviours for the training and assessment of cabin crew. Unlike previous sets of behavioural markers, the cabin markers were developed using a valid scientific methodology. The ESBs were derived from 80 interviews conducted with experienced cabin crew using the critical decision method protocol, which uses probing questions to explore critical decision events. Seven ESB categories were derived; situation awareness, passenger management, crew management, workplace safety, operational understanding, negotiation and influencing skills, and information and resource management. Introduction Crew Resource Management (CRM) has been considered an integral aspect of pilot training since the early 1980's, and of cabin crew training since the early 1990's. It is only in the last few years that CRM skills and competencies have begun to be assessed as a regular part of pilot check and training. The concept of CRM competency assessment may be relatively new to the cockpit, but it is even Correspondence: Christina Owens. Qantas Airways Ltd. QCC4, Bourke Rd, Mascot, NSW 2020 AUSTRALIA, or e-mail: 154 Peter Simpson. Christina Owens and Graham Edkins newer in the cabin. This paper describes the method that Qantas has used to develop CRM competencies (also known as non-technical skills or expected safety behaviours - ESBs) for cabin crew, and the process Qantas is developing for their use and assessment. Expected safety behaviours (ESBs) and CRM competencies CRM and human factors training have been required by regulatory authorities (e.g., CASA, FAA, JAA) as part of pilot licensing for several years. Cabin crew in Australia do not require licensing, but most have been exposed to CRM and human factors training via company training programs. However, until now, the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) had not required the development or assessment of CRM competencies (ESBs) for cockpit or cabin crew; Civil Aviation Safety Regulation 121A will require this. CRM is finally starting to be recognised as being as important as technical skills for the safe and efficient management of a flight. Expected safety behaviours (ESBs) are generally thought of as observable, nontechnical behaviours that contribute to effective performance within a specific work environment. They are usually structured into categories, and the categories are constructed of several elements or behaviours. A behavioural marker should describe a specific, observable behaviour, not an attitude or personality trait. These elements or behavioural markers can enable CRM performance measurement and assessment, and can also be used to build performance databases to identify norms and prioritise training needs, including the evaluation of training (Klampfer et aI., 2001). In 2001, Qantas started a two-year research project to develop ESBs for cabin crew. Like other airlines, Qantas already had some experience in observing and scoring pilot CRM for check and training purposes, although this was not jeopardy assessment. Methodological guidelines for the development of behavioural markers and CRM competencies are lacking. Programs such as NOTECHS (van Avermeate and Krujisen, 1998; Flin et aI., 2003), LOSA (HeImreich, Klinect and Wilhelm, in press), and GIHRE (Klampfer et aI., 2001) have developed their lists of pilot CRM skills and behaviours from training workshops and meetings, and they are based on opinion and experience, using a variety of informal methods and techniques, such as amalgamating existing marker systems. A number of airlines have developed their own behavioural markers systems based on these programs (Flin and Martin, 2001), or using their methods and processes (e.g., Qantas). Furthermore, there does not appear to be any published research into the development of behavioural markers for cabin crew, despite cabin crew CRM training being mandated in many countries. Numerous investigation reports reinforce the need for cabin crew to take appropriate action to manage threats and errors (for example, Air Ontario at Dryden, American Airlines AA132 at Nashville, British Air Tours runway fire at Manchester, Qantas QFl at Bangkok, Cabin crew expected safety behaviours 155 Singapore Airlines SQ6 at Taipei). Handling many of these threats and errors calls for knowledge, skills and abilities quite different from those associated with the provision of normal service duties, yet there is no consensus on which skills are needed for effective cabin crew CRM (lCAO, 2002). The cabin crew ESB project aimed to develop a valid and reliable method of identifying and developing ESBs, based on established human factors and behavioural science methods, the primary method being the Critical Decision Method (CDM) (Klein, Calderwood and McGregor, 1989). The CDM is a retrospective interview strategy that applies a set of cognitive probes (see table 1) to non-routine incidents that requires expert judgement or decision making (Klein et aI., 1989). A semi-structured interview format is used to probe different aspects of the decision process and situation assessment. The CDM is a variant of Flanagan's (1954) critical incident technique. The critical incident technique can be applied for a variety of situations and uses in aviation, including: developing critical requirements for evaluating the typical performance and safety behaviour of an operator, evaluating operator proficiency in a check and training situation, and providing an indication of the effectiveness of training programs (Flanagan, 1954). These are three areas that the ESB project will cover at Qantas, and all three areas are useful in meeting the up coming Australian regulatory requirements. The CDM is effective in revealing experts' knowledge, especially tacit knowledge, reasoning and decision strategies. Compared to other methods of knowledge elicitation, the CDM yields more information, including a wider variety of specific cognitive details, more information about underlying causal linkages among core subjects, and the revelation of tacit knowledge (Hoffman, Shadbolt, Burton and Klein, 1995). The reliability of the procedure is based on the idea that experts have clear memories of salient or unusual safety-related incidents (Hoffman et aI., 1995). This method of knowledge elicitation has been used successfully in naturalistic environments such as fire fighting, para-medicine, nursing, helicopter flying, and military command and control (see Simpson, 2001 for a review). The CDM is now established as a valid and reliable method of cognitive task analysis and knowledge elicitation (Hoffman, Crandall and Shadbolt, 1998; Taynor, Crandall and Wiggins, 1987). However, the limitations of this method are discussed by O'Hare, Wiggins, Batt and Morrison (1994), and Hamm (2004). Method for developing the ESBs Participants The participants for the critical decision interviews consisted of eighty Customer Service Managers (CSMs) (known as Pursers or Cabin Supervisors in some airlines). The CSMs were a mixture of short haul (54%) and long haul (46%) from 156 Peter Simpsoll. Christilla Owells alld Graham Edkills various bases across Australia. They had spent an average of 7.5 years operating as a CSM (range = 1-25yrs, sd = 6.2yrs), and their mean age was 42 years (sd = 7.0yrs). The criteria for participation were that the person must be a CSM, and that they could discuss, in detail, a recent (within 18 months) safety-related event that was challenging. CS Ms were paid for the ground duty time they spent being interviewed (usually 1.5 - 2 hours). Six people, who were also CSMs, conducted the interviews. Although their main role was interviewing, these six team members also helped with data analysis and development of the safety behaviours because they are subject matter experts, with the domain knowledge area of cabin safety. Desigll The variables of home base location (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth) and operation type (short or long haul) were controlled to ensure the CSMs proportionally represented the Qantas operation. The interview process was based on the Critical Decision Method (CDM) described in the Introduction. Procedure (stage J) - critical decisioll method (CDM) The procedure for employing CDM is well documented (Klein et aI., 1989; Hoffman et aI., 1998), but the basic steps used in the interviewing process included: 1. Incident selection - CS Ms select a recent, non-routine incident that was challenging; 2. The interviewer obtains an unstructured free recall of the event; 3. Both participant and the interviewer establishes the sequence of decision events and constructs a time line; 4. Decision point identification - the interviewer identifies specific decisions that were made; 5. Decision point probing - probing/questioning techniques are used to identify effective decisions and resultant behaviours (see Table 1 for examples of the probes); 6. Hypotheticals and 'what ifs?' The interviewer chooses several decision points, and asks hypothetical questions based upon different event outcomes (eg., what would you do if the Captain didn't take your request seriously?). These queries serve to identify potential errors, alternative decision-action paths, and expert/novice differences (Hoffman et aI., 1998); and 7. Standard case study - CSMs are provided with a standard case studyl and repeat steps 3 to 6 as if they were the CSM onboard that aircraft. I The standard case study was a real Qantas incident on-board a B737. It involved smpke and fumes in the cabin. with many CRM issues and problems. Cabin crew expected safety behaviours 157 Table 1 A sample of CDM probe questions 1998) Probe type Cues (adapted from Hoffman et aI., Probe content What were you seeing, hearing, smelling? Knowledge What info did you use in decision making and how was it obtained? Analogues Were you reminded of any previous experience? Standard scenarios Does this case reflect a typical scenario or a scenario you were trained in? Goals What were your specific goals and objectives at the time? Options What other courses available? Mental models Did you imagine the possible consequences of your action? Experience What specific necessary? Decision Was there time pressure? How long did it take to make the decision? making of action were considered training, experience or or were knowledge was Aiding What training, knowledge or experience could have helped you? Errors What mistakes novice act? are common at this point? How might a Participants were informed that the interviews were anonymous. Interviews were conducted in a quiet office and tape-recorded (if permission was granted). Most interviews lasted for 1.5-2 hours; requiring at least one hour for the first critical incident, and half to one hour for the repeated case-study incident. Verbatim transcripts were made from the tapes. Procedure (stage 2) - development of expected safety behaviours (ESBs) The second stage of the study involved the coding of the interviews and development of the ESBs. The procedure consisted of a number of steps: 1. Initial review and coding of the transcripts to develop behavioural markers. This was conducted by the research team in a workshop situation. Ten interviews were used to develop the initial ESB list. This critical step is expanded in Appendix A. 158 Peter Simpson, Christina Owens and Graham Edkins 2. Improve code structure and markers with feedback from cabin crew subject matter experts (the six CSMs within the project team). 3. Test the improved ESB list by coding a further 10 interviews for refinement. The aim of this step was to determine whether the list of ESBs was able to cover a multitude of cabin situations that required both technical and nontechnical skills. 4. Analysis of behavioural markers by general CSM population, including written feedback requested from the entire CSM population to gain general comment and feedback on the list of ESBs, and brief interviews (20 mins) with random CSMs (n=20) in crew lounges to attain more detailed responses. Both methods included rating the relative importance of each behavioural marker to the safe, efficient conduct of the flight. 5. Produce a master list of ESBs. 6. Code remainder of interviews (approximately 60). 7. Attain a frequency count of behavioural marker elements occurring in each critical incident. 8. Construct a 'training focus matrix' (frequency ESB occurring versus perceived importance ESB) for the training of expected safety behaviours (see figure I). This is based upon the results from steps 4 and 7 and allows objective prioritisation of training. High I M P o R T A N C E Low Priority Low High FREQUENCY Figure 1 Expected safety behaviour Low training focus matrix Achieving a high degree of inter-rater reliability is one of the challenges of coding transcripts. To avoid this problem completely, once this final ESB coding structure was developed, a single person coded all the remaining interviews. Cabin crew expected safety behaviours 159 Results and discussion Critical decision method The majority of critical incidents recalled by CSMs could be categorised under seven headings (see figure 2). Almost half of the. incidents were related to disruptive or drunk passengers (20%), in-flight medical emergencies (17%), or security/terrorism threats (12%). The large number of security/terrorism threats has only occurred since Sept I I th terrorist attack. It is interesting to note that many safety issues involve the aircraft door and slides (10%). Aircraft technical issues (8%) refer to problems such as aborted take-offs, engine problems, and cockpit and cabin equipment malfunctions. The break down of all Qantas reported cabin safety incidents for the 13 month period Jan 200 I to Feb 2002 is proportionally similar to those of this study (Qantas, 2002). This validates that the ESBs were developed from critical incidents that reflected the real cabin incidents and events during that time period. drunk/disruptive pax 20% turbulence 4% ---- aircraft technical is smoke/fumes Figure 2 medical 17% 9% / / security/terrorism door/slide issue 10% 12% Type of critical incidents recalled in the CSM interviews A final list of seven ESBs was derived (see table 2). The behavioural markers (or elements) are the CRM competencies that can be used for training and checking, and they can also be used to satisfy Australian regulatory requirements. The ESB list is similar to other existing, 'workshop-derived' lists. However, this research appears to be the only published work on the topic, and it now validates some of the CRM competencies that are being trained. It should be stressed that the ESBs are specifically for Qantas international and domestic cabin crew, and they may not necessarily transfer to other airlines or cultures without modification. Other Australian carriers have started to modify the Qantas ESBs to suit their own operations. 160 Peter Simpson, Christina Dwens and Graham Edkins Table 2 Expected safety behaviour categories and elements Expected safety Expected safety behaviour element/behaviour behaviour category Situation • Demonstrates awareness of flight phase or situation awareness • Considers political and cultural context • Considers time constraint • Recognises higher safety goals and priorities • Anticipates decision consequences • Develops contingency plans Passenger management • Assesses passengers (boarding or in-flight) • Monitors potentially threatening pax behaviour/condition • Acts decisively to modifY passenger behaviours/condition • • • • Considers passengers well-being Presents a calm, controlled image to passengers Diffuses situation in a non-confronting manner Minimises cabin disruption Workplace safety • • • • • Pro actively manages OHandS situations Reactively manages OHandS situations Follows-up OHandS situations Communicates OH andS importance Displays role model OHandS behaviours Crew • Assesses crew management • • • • Operational understanding • Demonstrates Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) • Understands authority/duty of CSM • Understands authority/duty of others Negotiation and influencing skills • • • • • Information and resource • Identifies and utilises all resources • Gathers information management • • • • Provides onboard coaching and training to modifY behaviour Considers crew well-being Considers impact of non-routine events on crew performance Allows and provides crew debrief Consults Manages Manages Manages Manages with others to develop a common strategy upwards 1 - identifies problem upwards 2 - expresses concern upwards 3 - provides options upwards 4 - uses emergency language Confirms common understanding of information Critically analyses information Provides timely feedback to those who need to know Prioritises tasks Cabin crew expected safety behaviours 161 As a learning point from the study, other airlines would be advised to carefully select their interviewers. Although senior cabin supervisors are experienced in cabin safety, they are not necessarily experienced in interviewing. Several interviews were not as detailed as they could have been, due to a focus on physical events rather than decisions, and many were 'war stories' rather than cognitive analysis. However, all the interviews were useful and have proven highly valuable as examples and support for training development. The frequency of ESB elements was summed for the 80 critical incidents, yielding over 1,500 discrete occurrences of the elements. This allowed the determination of the safety behaviours most frequently used by CSMs in normal operational events and incidents. Figure 3 shows a selection of the frequency results. The category of Information and Resource Management was the most frequently occurring safety behaviour. It is thought that the high frequency of this behaviour is unique to CSMs, because they are the cabin manager, and are responsible for the control of information and resources within the cabin, and between the cockpit and cabin. The CSM is also the cabin member most often making decisions and solving problems for all the cabin crew. The second most frequently displayed safety behaviour was the category of Situation Awareness. Again, as the cabin manager, it is not surprising that the CSMs behaviour and decisions were very closely related with aspects of being situationally aware. All three levels or stages of situation awareness - perception, comprehension, and projection (Endsley, 1995) - were represented in the safety behaviour elements. Projection was evident when the CSMs determined the consequences of their decisions before implementing them, and their development of contingency plans in case situations and circumstances changed. With the frequency count of the ESBs, and the rating of perceived importance by the CSM population, Qantas now has information on what the most commonly displayed cabin safety behaviours were, as well as which were perceived to be the most important. It is interesting to note that the most frequent category, Information and Resource Management, was considered to be the least important category. Situation Awareness was ranked highly both in frequency and perceived importance. This indicates that what crew perceive to be important safety behaviours, may not reflect reality. This may have an impact on the validity of behavioural marker lists derived from workshop and 'round-table' discussions that are based on experience and perception, rather than valid and reliable scientific methodology. Application of the ESBs Use in training Qantas now has 80 real, recent, and highly detailed safety events that can be used as case studies and examples. They all detail actual threats encountered and errors 162 Peter SimpSOll, Clzristilla QwellS alld Gralzam Edkins made on Qantas aircraft, and most are very good examples of threat and error management. This is an excellent resource the company can use for many years. CREW debrief CREW impact CREW coaching' CREW assess wellbe.;ng F:"~"";' ,-' , ." ,'" I ;:: PAX disruption PAX diffuse PAXcalm f.:.:.:~ PAX wellbe;ng ~ f .-~ ~:~ ::~~~:~ ~t~: ~~:: f,:::t;:;:::.J. r:+~--:: ~~~i.~;:~:~~ ~l:::'E:d~=:~ SA time, political ~~:=-~"~:.',m'-~. .,~:. . ~_ ·I ;i~~~~~el r--'''' ",.".,..-=,~=.".~-.".....,.,..=~ .. ! _.="'"'~'-~'=====~ :~~~ ~~~o~~:~k r~::~': ':,:~.:.,:::::.~.-~,.._-=.J INFO INFO INFO INFO analyse common gather resources .~ I "".,.~"""'.""'"" o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 frequency Figure 3 Frequency count of selected expected safety behaviours The ESBs are currently being used in cabin crew training as part of the annual Procedures refresher training (a two-day course that all cabin CRM/Emergency Cabin crew expected safety behaviours 163 crew undergo annually). During a classroom session, cabin crew listened to three of the original incident summaries that had been recorded onto audio file. Each was a few minutes long, and was recorded in the first person, as if the voice on the recording was that of the CSM recalling his/her own safety event. At the end of each incident summary, the cabin crew were asked to assess a specific category of CRM from the ESB list (e.g., 'assess the passenger management competencies'). A mock-up CRM assessment form was used along with the ESBs in table I. The purpose of this exercise was to introduce cabin crew to the concept of CRM assessment, and to give them some experience of the forms and categories that may be used to train and assess them in the future. Unlike pilots, CRM assessment and CRM competencies are a new concept for cabin crew. Currently the ESBs are not being used for assessment purposes in the cabin. Although, this situation will change in the next few years. It is expected that initially, the ESBs will be used for training and checking, but not necessarily for jeopardy assessment. This type of assessment will not occur until a level of acceptance amongst crew and checker/trainer skill has been attained in assessing CRM competencies. Development of ESB application guidelines Broad guidelines for the appropriate application and use of ESBs and their assessment are being developed across the Qantas group (i.e., international, domestic and regional operations) for both cockpit and cabin crew. These guidelines are based on the NOTECHS guidelines (van Avermaete and Krujisen, 1998) and have been adapted to suit the operational and regulatory requirements faced by Qantas. The guidelines have been developed in conjunction with stakeholders (mainly Human Factors representatives) from the various flight and cabin operations areas of the Qantas group. The guidelines describe such issues as; 1. Introduction and definitions of ESB (e.g., categories, elements, behaviours). 2. Philosophy behind the use of the ESBs (e.g., 'to train, reinforce and support the skills and behaviours considered necessary to provide safe, effective outcomes'). 3. Preferred methods of assessment (e.g., 'Ratings should be done at the 'category' level. An overall rating is given for the category, rather than for individual components, but that category rating is based upon the performance outcomes of the elementslbehaviours. '). 4. Process for failed competencies (e.g., Ineffective behaviour should be observed repeatedly to conclude that it is ineffective. It is not the goal to fail someone for failing to discuss a decision on a single occasion ... '). 5. Recommended evaluator training and qualifications (e.g., 'Complete initial training on ESB system, Formal assessment as competent and calibrated following ESB training in classroom, Calibration in operational environment, and Periodic re-calibration'). 164 Peter Simpson, Christina Owens and Graham Edkins Cabin crew LOSA While behavioural marker systems can provide a focus for training goals and needs, they are limited in that they cannot capture every aspect of normal performance because of the infrequent occurrence of some behaviours (e.g., sporadic behaviours such as aggression), especially during an assessment situation, such as a check flight. Hence, the University of Texas has developed a method of normal operations, non-jeopardy, Line Operations Safety Audits (LOSA) in the cockpit. LOSA enable the collection of data on threats and errors and their management (Helmreich, Klinect and Wilhelm, in press). LOSA utilises trained observers to collect data about flight crew behaviour on normal flights under non-jeopardy conditions. Observers record information based on three worksheets. The first worksheet records a description of external threats (e.g., weather or ATC) that may influence crew performance and how these threats are managed. The second worksheet describes the errors made by the flight crew and what strategies were used to detect and recover from these errors. The final worksheet records the behavioural markers based on three categories; Planning, Execution and Review/Modify Plans. The behavioural markers are used repeatedly for every flight phase and rated on a four-point scale (poor outstanding) (Helmreich, Klinect and Wilhelm, in press). LOSA is currently used only in cockpit situations. In the longer term, the cabin crew ESBs can be used in a similar manner to the way in which they are used for cockpit crew; the evaluation of CRM and non-technical skills in training and normal operations. This could feedback into the training system, allowing the refinement and development of ESBs and the training program. The greatest challenge is moving the evaluation and observation of safety behaviours out of the training environment and into normal line operations, in the form of a cabin crew LOSA program. There are many issues and problems to overcome before in-flight cabin observations can take place. Such problems include: • Cabin environment is not as contained as a cockpit. • Double deck aircraft (B747 and A380). • All information goes through CSM. • Observers are more obtrusive in cabin. • Errors tend to be less consequential in the cabin. • Impact on customers and service. • Multiple crew to observe, who cannot all be observed at once. • Less external threats to inflight safety in the cabin. Check and training for technical skills has been an accepted practice for decades. Further, CRM and non-technical skills audit and evaluation is gaining acceptance in the cockpit, and a cockpit LOSA program is running at Qantas. As yet, no airline has committed to a LOSA-style program for cabin crew. Qantas is considering incorporating LOSA style threat and error management within its Cabin crew expected safety behaviours 165 inflight cabin observation program, which is currently being developed and due for implementation mid-2004. The observation protocol has been developed in line with general LOSA principles, as far as possible taking into account the issues above. The protocol is currently under review, and the final version should be available January 2004. To our knowledge, the proposed Qantas project is the first attempt to apply this program within the cabin environment. Summary As far as is known, the Qantas Cabin Crew ESB study is the first attempt to develop behavioural markers in aviation using a robust, scientific method. The CDM was a practical method for this purpose, as has been demonstrated in other naturalistic environments. It is hoped that other authors will use similar, formal methods for developing behavioural markers, rather than using the traditional, informal process of workshops and round-table discussions. The behavioural markers developed from these informal processes are based on experience, opinion and perception, and as this current study indicated, the behaviours that experienced operators perceive to be important to safety may not reflect operational reality. Hence, any of the current lists of safety behaviours and behavioural markers being used in aviation and other industries require scientific validation. The study has also provided a useful and extensive database of positiveoutcome safety scenarios for use in cabin crew training. The case studies are specific to the operating environments of Qantas, and are a good resource for the current CRM focus of threat and error management. For these reasons, it is highly recommended that other airlines implement a similar program. The LOSA program has proven successful in the cockpit, and its use in the cabin and other environments (e.g., ATC) appears to be a good concept in theory, yet logistical issues and other challenges continue to impede its implementation. No conclusion can be drawn from this current study regarding the use of the cabin crew LOSA. However, some form of non-jeopardy, normal operations observation is required to further understand the nature of threat and error management, and effective safety behaviours in the cabin. Implementing such a program is now a major challenge facing the aviation industry. References van Amermaete, J. and Krujisen, E. (Eds) (1998). NOTECHS: The evaluation of non-technical skills ofmulti-pilot aircrew in relation to JAR-FCL requirements. National Aerospace Laboratory NLR. 166 Peter Simpson. Christina Owens and Graham Edkins Endsley, M. (1995). Towards a theory of SA in dynamic systems. Human Factors, 37, 32-64. Flanagan, J. (1954). The critical incident technique. Psychological Bulletin, 51, 327-358. Flin, R. and Martin, L. (2001). Behavioural markers for Crew Resource Management: A survey of current practice. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 11,95-118. Flin, R., Martin, L., Goeters, K., Hormann, H., Amalberti, R., Valot, C. and Nijhuis, H. (2003). Development of the NOTECHS (non-technical skills) for assessing pilots' CRM skills. Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 3,97-119. Hamm, R. (2004). Protocol analysis: The emperor needs a shave. Medical Decision Making, 24, 681-686. Helmreich, R., Klinect, J. and Wilhelm, J. (in press). System safety and threat and error management: The Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA). In, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium in Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University. Hoffman, R., Crandall, B. and Shadbolt, N. (1998). Use of the CDM to elicit expert knowledge: A case study in the methodology of cognitive task analysis. Human Factors, 40,254-276. Hoffman, R., Shadbolt, N., Burton, A. and Klein, G. (1995). Eliciting knowledge from experts: A methodological analysis. Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. 62,129-158. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). (2002). Draft Human factors digest: Humanfactors in cabin safety. Montreal,9anada. Klampfer, et al. (2001). Behavioural markers workshop. Swissair Training Centre, Zurich, 5-6 July. Klein, G., Calderwood, R. and McGregor, D. (1989). Critical decision method for eliciting knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 19, 462-467. O'Hare, D., Wiggins, M., Batt, R. and Morrison, D. (1994) Cognitive failure analysis for aircraft accident investigation. Ergonomics. 37, 1855-1869. Qantas (2002). Safety analysis paper: Cabin safety incidents - causal factors (SAP 06/1). Sydney, Australia: Qantas, Corporate Safety Dept. Simpson, P. (2001). Naturalistic decision making in aviation environments. DSTO-GD-0279. Melbourne, Australia: DSTO, AMRL. Taynor, J., Crandall, B. and Wiggins, S. (1987). The reliability of the critical decision method. KA-TR-863(b)-8707F. Yellow Springs, OH: Klein Associates. Cabin crew expected safety behaviours 167 Appendix A A list of safety behaviours and non-technical skills could be very lengthy. Developing the list is a compromise between having a practical, useable list for operational purposes (training, assessing, checking, auditing, etc) and having a long, exhaustive list to cover every behaviour and situation. The goal was to account for the majority of safety-related behaviours, not every individual behaviour. Despite the body of literature on verbal protocol analysis and CDM, there is very little information explaining the practical aspects of coding the transcripts. The procedure developed for this project used a team of two psychologists, a human factors specialist and a cabin safety specialist to develop the ESB codes. The process was: 1. Ten interviews were selected that covered ten different situations. 2. All team members read each transcript, focussing on the decision points. The actions and behaviours surrounding the decisions were noted, and an attempt made to attach a recognised human factors / psychological term to describe the behaviour. 3. After each transcript was worked on in isolation, the team met to discuss their ideas and findings. As a group, they developed relevant descriptors for the behavioural elements. 4. This process of coding in isolation then meeting together as a team occurred for each interview transcript until the initial 10 transcripts were complete. 5. 'Diminishing returns' occurred, where the initial interviews yielded the largest array of behaviours and elements, and by the tenth transcript, the codes were being refined rather than new behaviours being uncovered.