inostrana kongresna ponuda 2015.
inostrana kongresna ponuda 2015.
INOSTRANA KONGRESNA PONUDA 2015. SMART Travel će na Vaš zahtev kreirati posebnu ponudu za učešće na događajima širom sveta. Neke od usluga koje možemo da Vam ponudimo su: registracija hoteli svih kategorija avio karte transferi rent-a-car U nastavku je pregled događaja u 2015. godini po tematskim oblastima. Za sva pitanja, stojimo Vam na raspolaganju. Srdačno, SMART Travel Negica Ćulafić Marina Stojanović Martina Laskač general manager project manager event manager SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel .43/I Svetog Save, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia .t: +381 (11) 308 66 94 .f: +381 (11) 308 66 95 .m:+381 (63) 824 48 26 ; / SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel 43/I Svetog Save, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia t: +381 (11) 308 66 94 f: +381 (11) 308 66 95 m:+381 (63) 366 070 / SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel 43/I Svetog Save, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia t: +381 (11) 308 66 94 f: +381 (11) 308 66 95 m:+381 (69) 199 17 37 / MEDICINE NURSING ALLERGOLOGY ............................................ 3 GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING ........................ 21 ANESTHESIOLOGY ....................................... 3 LABOR NURSING....................................... 22 CARDIOLOGY .............................................. 4 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NURSING ............. 22 CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY ........................ 6 CLINICAL ANALYSES .................................... 6 CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY ............................. 7 OTHER CLINICAL NEUROFISIOLOGIA........................ 7 BIOLOGY.................................................. 25 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ........................... 8 CHEMISTRY .............................................. 25 GENERAL SURGERY ..................................... 8 CLINICAL PSICOLOGY ................................ 25 DERMATOLOGY ........................................... 9 GENETICS AND BIOENGINEERING............... 26 EMERGENCY MEDICINE ................................ 9 HUMAN NUTRITION AND DIETETICS............ 27 ENDOCRINOLOGY AND NUTRITION.............. 11 MANAGEMENT AND HOSPITABLE ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 27 FAMILY MEDICINE ..................................... 12 GASTROENTEROLOGY ................................ 14 GERIATRICS ............................................. 14 HEMATOLOGY AND HEMOTERAPIA ............... 15 INMUNOLOGY ........................................... 15 INTENSIVE MEDICINE ................................ 16 INTERNAL MEDICINE ................................. 17 PHARMACY CLINICAL ANALYSES .................................. 18 COMMUNITY PHARMACY ............................. 18 HOSPITABLE PHARMACY ............................ 18 INDUSTRY PHARMACY ................................ 19 PHARMACEUTICAL CARE ............................ 20 RADIOHARMACY ........................................ 21 MEDICAL-SANITARY COMPUTER SCIENCE .... 29 PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ..................... 29 PHYSIOTHERAPY ....................................... 32 MEDICINE ALLERGOLOGY AAAAI Virtual Annual Meeting 2015 Houston. Texas, (United States) Februrary 20-24, 2015 XVIII Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Buenos Aires, (Argentina) March 14-16, 2015 Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 Asthma and COPD London, (United Kingdom) April 13-14, 2015 XV International Symposium on Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy Cartagena, (Colombia) April 24-25, 2015 IV Ibero-American Meeting and the VIII National Congress of Allergy “Cuba Alergia 2015” La Habana, (Cuba) May 25-27, 2015 2015 EAACI congress Barcelona, (Spain) June 06-10, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 IMMUNOCOLOMBIA2015 11 Congress of the Latin American Association of Immunology - ALAI and 10 Colombian Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology - ACAAI Medellín, (Colombia) October 13-16, 2015 ANESTHESIOLOGY Commemorative symposium Pain Clinic HUSVF Medellin MEDELLIN, (Colombia) Februrary 20-21, 2015 Improving Quality in your Critical Care Unit Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 26, 2015 ESRA Cadaver Workshop Innsbruck, (Austria) Februrary 27-28, 2015 Primary Trauma Care Caracas, (Venezuela) from Februrary 28 to March 01, 2015 16th World Congress of Pain Clinicians - WSPC 2015 Miami, (United States) March 05-07, 2015 6th Association of South-East Asian Pain Societies Congress (ASEAPS 2015) Manila, (Philippines) March 15-17, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 Principles of Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Boston, (United States) May 08-10, 2015 40TH ANNUAL REGIONAL ANESTHESIOLOGY AND ACUTE PAIN MEDICINE MEETING Las Vegas, Nevada, (United States) May 14-16, 2015 5th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG 2015) Nice, (France) May 14-17, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 22st ESRA Cadaver Workshop 2015 Innsbruck, (Austria) May 22-23, 2015 EUROANAESTHESIA 2015 Berlin, (Germany) from May 30 to June 02, 2015 6th International Evidence-based Interventional Pain Medicine Symposium - WIP Benelux 2015 Maastricht, (Netherlands) June 03-05, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation, EFIC® (EFIC 2015) Viena, (Austria) September 02-05, 2015 34th Annual ESRA Congress 2015 Ljubljana, (Eslovenia) September 02-05, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Echocardiography: Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) Februrary 16-21, 2015 The 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy) Istanbul, (Turkey) March 12-14, 2015 HKSTENT - Cardiovascular Intervention Complication Forum 2015 Hong Kong, (Hong Kong) March 13-15, 2015 Echocardiography: Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) March 16-21, 2015 European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS 2015) Glasgow, (United Kingdom) March 22-25, 2015 The 6th International Conference on Fixed Combination in the Treatment of Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Diabetes Mellitus Berlin, (Germany) March 26-29, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 CLASA 2015 LIMA, (Perú) September 21-24, 2015 CARDIOLOGY 15th Annual International Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease St. Petersburg, (United States) Februrary 06-09, 2015 IMCO - International Meeting on Cardioncology - Towards a Comprehensive Cardiac - Cancer Care Tel Aviv, (Israel) Februrary 12-13, 2015 The 62nd Annual conference of the Israel Heart Society in association with the Israel Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ISH & ISCS 2015) Tel-Aviv , (Israel) April 13-14, 2015 Echocardiography: Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) April 13-18, 2015 35 th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions ISHLT 2015 Nice, (France) April 15-18, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: The 2nd Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension Shanghai, (China) April 16-18, 2015 VIII FOCUS CREU BLANCA - Imagen cardiaca avanzada Cardio RM y Cardio TC en la toma de decisiones clínicas BARCELONA, (Spain) April 17, 2015 XXXVI Congress of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology Salgados. Albufeira, (Portugal) April 18-21, 2015 XXV CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CARDIOLOGIA PUNTA CANA, (Dominican Republic) June 04-07, 2015 25th Europan Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection Milano, (Italy) June 12-15, 2015 EuroHeartCare 2015 Dubrovnik, (Croatia) June 14-15, 2015 APSC 2015 Abu Dhabi, (United Arab Emirates) from April 29 to May 02, 2015 Echocardiography: Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) June 15-20, 2015 ICNC12 Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT Madrid, (Spainl) May 3-5, 2015 EHRA EUROPACE – CARDIOSTIM 2015 Milano, (Italy) June 21-24, 2015 Echocardiography: Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) May 11-16, 2015 Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) July 13-18, 2015 EuroPRevent 2015 Lisabon, (Portugal) May 14-16, 2015 Heart Failure 2015 / 2 Failure 2015 Sveille, (Spain) May 23-26, 2015 nd World Congress on Acute Heart Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF CARDIOLOGY ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 2015 20th WORLD CONGRESS ON HEART DISEASE Vancouver, BC, (Canadá) July 25-27, 2015 XVII International Symposium on Atherosclerosis ISA2015 Amsterdam, (Netherlands) May 23-26, 2015 Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) August 10-15, 2015 Paris-Echo 2015 - Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging Paris, (France) May 27-29, 2015 3rd Annual International Conference on Advances in Medical Research (CAMR 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) August 17-18, 2015 ISHNE International Society of Holter and Non-Invasive Electrocardiography Lyon, (France) June 04-06, 2015 Congress of the Asian Society for Transplantation (CAST 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) August 23-26, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: ESC CONGRESS 2015 London, (United Kingdom) from August 29 to September 2, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) September 14-19, 2015 3D-echo 360° (European edition) - From innovation to practice Padua, (Italia) September 25-27, 2015 Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) October 12-17, 2015 The 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension Istanbul, (Turkey) November 05-07, 2015 Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) November 09-14, 2015 Hands-On Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) December 07-12, 2015 CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY HKSTENT - Cardiovascular Intervention Complication Forum 2015 Hong Kong, (Hong Kong) March 13-15, 2015 European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS 2015) Glasgow, (United Kingdom) March 22-25, 2015 The 62nd Annual conference of the Israel Heart Society in association with the Israel Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ISH & ISCS 2015) Tel-Aviv , (Israel) April 13-14, 2015 VIII FOCUS CREU BLANCA - Imagen cardiaca avanzada Cardio RM y Cardio TC en la toma de decisiones clínicas BARCELONA, (Spain) April 17, 2015 EuroELSO 2015 - 4th International Congress Regensburg, (Germany) May 07-10, 2015 Paris-Echo 2015 - Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging Paris, (France) May 27-29, 2015 SFCTCV 68e Congrès de la Société Française de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire Marseille, (France) June 11-14, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Congress of the Asian Society for Transplantation (CAST 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) August 23-26, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 CLINICAL ANALYSES Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015 London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 17-18, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 201 XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la AEGH - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA HUMANA PAlma de Mallorca, (Spain) May 13-15, 2015 CONGRESO CENTROAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PARASITOLOGIA Y MEDICINA TROPICAL BAVARO , (Dominican Republic) June 12-13, 2015 PAlma de Mallorca, (Spain) May 13-15, 201 3rd Annual Next Generation Sequencing Data Congress London, (United Kingdom) June 15-16, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 CLINICAL NEUROFISIOLOGIA Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015 London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 17-18, 2015 2nd Annual Peptides Congress 2015 London, (United Kingdom) April 20-21, 2015 Biotechnology for the Non-Biotechnologist Nice, (France) April 22-24, 2015 Abu Dhabi Neuro Rehabilitation Conference March 2015 UAE Abu Dhabi, (United Arab Emirates) March 05-07, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 ASEAN Neuroscience 2015 Singapore, (Singapur) July 30-31, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 2nd World Congress on NeuroTherapeutics (DDDN)Dilemmas, Debates, Discussion Prague, (Czech Republic) September 03-06, 2015 2nd Peptides Seminar London, (United Kingdom) April 22, 2015 The 1st Asia-Oceanian Congress for NeuroRehabilitation (AOCNR2015) Seoul, (South Korea) September 03-05, 2015 XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la AEGH - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA HUMANA XLIV REUNIÓN ANUAL DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE NEURORRADIOLOGÍA SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: ESSO Advanced Course on the Management of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) after Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) Hamburg, (Germany) March 19-21, 2015 Pamplona, (Spain) October 22-24, 201 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Missing Data in Clinical Trials Philadelphia, (United States) March 16-17, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 Superbugs and Superdrugs London, (United Kingdom) March 25-26, 2015 Fourth International Congress of Psychology and Education Bogota, (Colombia) August 12-16, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 GENERAL SURGERY 12th Annual Meeting on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Madrid, (Spain) Februrary 06, 2015 ESSO-EYSAC Surgical Anatomy Course on Pancreatic Cancer Heidelberg, (Germany) Februrary 23-24, 2015 3rd ESO-ESSO Masterclass on Colorectal Cancer Surgery Warsaw, (Polonia) March 07-12, 2015 2nd Vienna Breast Surgery Day Viena, (Austria) March 17, 2015 Society of Surgical Oncology Annual Cancer Symposium SSO 2015 Houston, (United States) March 25-28, 201 ESSO Course on Robotic Surgical Oncology Hamburg, (Germany) May 07-09, 2015 2nd International Emirates Conference on Minimally Invasive Surgery & NOTES Abu Dhabi, (United Arab Emirates) May 21-22, 2015 CARS 2015 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 29th International Congress and Exhibition Joint Congress of CAR / ISCAS / EuSoMII / CAD / CMI Barcelona, (Spain) June 24-27, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Congress of the Asian Society for Transplantation (CAST 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) August 23-26, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: Munich, (Germany) from July 28 to August 01, 2015 DERMATOLOGY Managing Demand in your Dermatology Service Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 10, 2015 VI Mexico City A4M Antiaging Congress Ciudad de Mexico, (Mexico) Februrary 13-15, 2015 Skin Disease Education Foundation\\\'s 39th Annual Hawaii Dermatology Seminar Kaua\\\'i, (United States) March 01-06, 2015 XVIII Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Buenos Aires, (Argentina) March 14-16, 2015 IMCAS China 2015 - Shanghai Shanghai, (China) April 10-12, 2015 XXXV MEXICAN CONGRESS ASSOCIATION OF BURNS A.C. Tijuana, Baja California, (Mexico) April 15-18, 2015 4th World Congress Of Dermoscopy 2015 Viena, (Austria) April 16-18, 2015 IV Ibero-American Meeting and the VIII National Congress of Allergy “Cuba Alergia 2015” La Habana, (Cuba) May 25-27, 2015 23rd World Congress of Dermatology Vancouver, (Canadá) June 08-13, 2015 4th Munich International Summer Academy of Practical Dermatology Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 in-cosmetics Brasil 2015 Sao Paulo, (Brasil) from September 30 to October 01, 2015 in-cosmetics Brasil 2015 Sao Paulo, (Brasil) from September 30 to October 01, 2015 7th Trends in Medical Mycology Lisbon, (Portugal) October 09-12, 2015 EMERGENCY MEDICINE Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) Februrary 14-15, 2015 Set Up An Acute Ambulatory Unit Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 24, 2015 Transformational Solutions for Urgent and Emergency Care Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 25, 2015 Developing your Emergency Therapy Assessment Team Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 26, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) March 14-15, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 III Emergency Medicine Symposium Medellín, (Colombia) April 10-11, 2015 9th Annual Update in Paediatric Emergencies Noosa Heads, (Australia) April 10-12, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) April 11-12, 2015 XXXV MEXICAN CONGRESS ASSOCIATION OF BURNS A.C. Tijuana, Baja California, (Mexico) April 15-18, 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON PUBLIC HEALTH La Habana, (Cuba) April 20-24, 2015 Set Up An Acute Ambulatory Unit Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 Developing your Emergency Therapy Assessment Team Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 30, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) May 09-10, 2015 CONGRESO CENTROAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PARASITOLOGIA Y MEDICINA TROPICAL BAVARO , (Dominican Republic) June 12-13, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) June 13-14, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) July 11-12, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) August 08-09, 2015 Vital EM 2015 Course Singapore, (Singapur) August 19-21, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) September 12-13, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) October 10-11, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) November 07-08, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) December 05-06, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: ENDOCRINOLOGY AND NUTRITION 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2015) Paris, (France) Februrary 18-21, 2015 Symposium diabetes and kidney Pereira, (Colombia) Februrary 28, 2015 The 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy) Istanbul, (Turkey) March 12-14, 2015 Advances in Diabetes and Insulin Therapy 2015 - ADIT 2015 Budapest, (Hungary) March 19-21, 2015 ARAB DIABETES CONGRESS Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) April 05-07, 2015 8th International DIP Symposium on Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome & Pregnancy Berlin, (Germany) April 15-18, 2015 The 2nd Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension Shanghai, (China) April 16-18, 2015 Arab Diabetes Medical Congress Doha, (Qatar) April 23-25, 2015 How to Develop and Deliver your Insulin Pump Service Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 2nd Annual Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Genomics Congress London, (United Kingdom) April 29-30, 2015 Best Practice Continuity of Care in Transitional Diabetes Services Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 30, 2015 17th European Congress of Endocrinology Dublin , (Ireland) May 16-20, 2015 7th International Symposium on The Diabetic Foot The Hague, (Netherlands) May 20-23, 201 Metabolism and Cancer Bellevue, (United States) June 07-10, 2015 Metabolic & Endocrine Disease Summit MEDS West Las Vegas, (United States) July 15-18, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 SEGUNDO CONGRESO LATINO DE ENDOCRINOLOGÍA GINECOLÓGICA Buenos Aires, (Argentina) September 10-12, 2015 World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes & DSS II London, (United Kingdom) September 28-30, 2015 Metabolic & Endocrine Disease Summit MEDS East Orlando, (United States) October 07-10, 2015 Society for Endocrinology BES 2015 Edinburgh, (United Kingdom) November 02-04, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: The 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension Istanbul, (Turkey) November 05-07, 2015 FAMILY MEDICINE The IVth FORUM OF SEXUAL HEALTH Gandía. Valencia, (Spain) March 13-14, 2015 5th Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific HepatoPancreatro-Biliary Association Singapur, (Singapur) March 18-21, 2015 17th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine ESSM Copenague, (Dinamarca) Februrary 05-07, 2015 4th International Conference on Vitamin D Deficiency Abu Dhabi, (United Arab Emirates) March 19-20, 2015 Saturdays Hospital - Neuropsychiatric Diseases Medellín, (Colombia) Februrary 14, 201 Advances in Diabetes and Insulin Therapy 2015 - ADIT 2015 Budapest, (Hungary) March 19-21, 2015 3rd Annual Primary Care Winter CME Conference Maui Hawaii Lahaina Maui, (United States) Februrary 16-20, 2015 Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 Commemorative symposium Pain Clinic HUSVF Medellin MEDELLIN, (Colombia) Februrary 20-21, 2015 Symposium diabetes and kidney Pereira, (Colombia) Februrary 28, 2015 The 6th International Conference on Fixed Combination in the Treatment of Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Diabetes Mellitus Berlin, (Germany) March 26-29, 2015 9th Annual Primary Care Spring CME Conference Session 1 Palm Coast Florida Palm Coast, (United States) from March 30 to April 03, 2015 22 Symposium Internacional sobre Actualizaciones y controversias en Psiquiatría ::: Targets in Clinical Practice: Symptoms or Disorders? Barcelona, (Spain) March 06-07, 2015 The 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy) Istanbul, (Turkey) March 12-14, 2015 ARAB DIABETES CONGRESS Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) April 05-07, 2015 9th Annual Primary Care Spring CME Conference Session 2 Palm Coast Florida Palm Coast, (United States) April 06-10, 2015 8th International DIP Symposium on Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome & Pregnancy Berlin, (Germany) April 15-18, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: The 2nd Asia Pacific Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension Shanghai, (China) April 16-18, 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON PUBLIC HEALTH La Habana, (Cuba) April 20-24, 2015 Arab Diabetes Medical Congress Doha, (Qatar) April 23-25, 2015 British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting Nottingham, (United Kingdom) from April 29 to May 01, 2015 How to Develop and Deliver your Insulin Pump Service Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 Best Practice Continuity of Care in Transitional Diabetes Services Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 30, 2015 14th World Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care Copenague, (Dinamarca) May 08-10, 2015 Symposium on Women Images - SIIM 2015 Buenos aires, (Argentina) May 13-15, 2015 IV Ibero-American Meeting and the VIII National Congress of Allergy “Cuba Alergia 2015” La Habana, (Cuba) May 25-27, 2015 Interpretation & Reporting of Echocardiography for Primary Care Physicians 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) June 26-27, 2015 4th Annual Global Healthcare Conference (GHC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) June 29-30, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 XIV Conference Urgent Learn Emergency Medellín, (Colombia) July 16-17, 2015 Pain Care for Primary Care (PCPC) Orlando, (United States) July 23-25, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes & DSS II London, (United Kingdom) September 28-30, 2015 14th CONGRESS OF THE PAN-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS 16th CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN NURSING SOCIETY 1st SYMPOSIUM OF NURSING ON NEONATAL ALLIANCE 3rd SYMPOSIUM ON NURSING EDUCATION 3rd MEETING ON NURSING NETWORKS La Habana, (Cuba) October 05-09, 2015 British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting Brighton, (United Kingdom) October 14-16, 2015 5th Annual Primary Care Fall CME Conference Lahaina Maui, (United States) October 19-23, 2015 The 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension Istanbul, (Turkey) November 05-07, 2015 Interpretation & Reporting of Echocardiography for Primary Care Physicians 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) November 20-21, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: BIT\\\\\\\'s 5th Annual World Congress of Endobolism / BIT\\\\\\\'s 4th Annual World Congress of Diabetes (WCE&WCD-2015) Kaohsiung, (Taiwán) November 26-28, 2015 BIT\\\\\\\'s 5th Annual World Congress of Endobolism / BIT\\\\\\\'s 4th Annual World Congress of Diabetes (WCE&WCD-2015) Kaohsiung, (Taiwán) November 26-28, 2015 GASTROENTEROLOGY 12th Annual Meeting on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Madrid, (Spain) Februrary 06, 2015 Canadian Digestive Diseases Week Banff, Alberta, (Canadá) from Februrary 27 to March 02, 2015 5th Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific HepatoPancreatro-Biliary Association Singapur, (Singapur) March 18-21, 2015 Advanced Colonoscopy Techniques Downers Grove, (United States) March 27-28, 2015 ASGE Postgraduate Course at Digestive Disease Week -Best Endoscopic Practices in 2015: Understanding the Evidence & Enhancing Your Skills Washington, D.C. , (United States) May 18, 2015 VIII Congress of the Venezuelan Society of Digestive Endoscopy.SOVED Caracas, (Venezuela) June 17-19, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 LASPGHAN 2015 Ibero-Latino de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutricion Lima, (Perú) November 18-21, 2015 GERIATRICS BGS Trainees Weekend 2015 Nottingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 07-08, 2015 VI Mexico City A4M Antiaging Congress Ciudad de Mexico, (Mexico) Februrary 13-15, 2015 XVIII Jornada sobre el Cáncer de Mama - Cáncer de mama en la mujer ancianaBarcelona, (Spain) Februrary 20, 2015 Commemorative symposium Pain Clinic HUSVF Medellin MEDELLIN, (Colombia) Februrary 20-21, 2015 POPs – Preoperative Assessment and Optimisation of the Older Surgical Patient London, (United Kingdom) March 11-12, 2015 British Geriatrics Society Spring Meeting Nottingham, (United Kingdom) from April 29 to May 01, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting Brighton, (United Kingdom) October 14-16, 2015 HEMATOLOGY AND HEMOTERAPIA Australian Hematology Meeting Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), (Argentina) April 16-17, 2015 The 10th International Society for Apheresis Congress (ISFA 2015) Cancun , (Mexico) May 13-16, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 INMUNOLOGY Buenos Aires, (Argentina) March 14-16, 2015 Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 XV International Symposium on Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy Cartagena, (Colombia) April 24-25, 2015 IV Ibero-American Meeting and the VIII National Congress of Allergy “Cuba Alergia 2015” La Habana, (Cuba) May 25-27, 2015 2015 EAACI congress Barcelona, (Spain) June 06-10, 2015 CONGRESO CENTROAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PARASITOLOGIA Y MEDICINA TROPICAL BAVARO , (Dominican Republic) June 12-13, 2015 AAAAI Virtual Annual Meeting 2015 Houston. Texas, (United States) Februrary 20-24, 2015 6th Congress of the Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia Oceania (FIMSA2015) Singapore, (Singapur) from June 30 to July 03, 2015 3rd International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology & Autoimmunity CORA 2015 Sorrento, (Italia) March 12-14, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Controversies in Rheumatology & Autoimmunity, CORA 2015 Sorrento, (Italia) March 12-14, 2015 IMMUNOCOLOMBIA2015 11 Congress of the Latin American Association of Immunology - ALAI and 10 Colombian Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology - ACAAI Medellín, (Colombia) October 13-16, 2015 XVIII Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: INTENSIVE MEDICINE Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) Februrary 14-15, 2015 Improving Quality in your Critical Care Unit Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 26, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) March 14-15, 2015 Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) April 11-12, 2015 3rd European Congress for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology ECBIP 2015 Barcelona, (Spain) April 23-25, 2015 Mayo Multidisciplinary Update in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 2015 Scottsdale, (United States) April 23-26, 2015 14th World Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care Copenague, (Dinamarca) May 08-10, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) May 09-10, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) June 13-14, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) July 11-12, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) August 08-09, 2015 12th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. WFSICCM 2015 Seoul, (South Korea) from August 29 to September 02, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) September 12-13, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) October 10-11, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) November 07-08, 2015 Introduction to Ultrasound for Intensivists, Emergency Room Staff, and New Technologists 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: Irving (Dallas), TX, (United States) December 05-06, 2015 INTERNAL MEDICINE 3rd Annual Primary Care Winter CME Conference Maui Hawaii Lahaina Maui, (United States) Februrary 16-20, 2015 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2015) Paris, (France) Februrary 18-21, 2015 Symposium diabetes and kidney Pereira, (Colombia) Februrary 28, 2015 Courage Fund Infectious Disease Conference 2015 (CFIDC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) March 11-13, 2015 5th Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific HepatoPancreatro-Biliary Association Singapur, (Singapur) March 18-21, 2015 4th International Conference on Vitamin D Deficiency Abu Dhabi, (United Arab Emirates) March 19-20, 2015 The 6th International Conference on Fixed Combination in the Treatment of Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Diabetes Mellitus Berlin, (Germany) March 26-29, 2015 9th Annual Primary Care Spring CME Conference Session 1 Palm Coast Florida Palm Coast, (United States) from March 30 to April 03, 2015 9th Annual Primary Care Spring CME Conference Session 2 Palm Coast Florida Palm Coast, (United States) April 06-10, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 HIV Drug Therapy in the Americas 2015 Mexico City, (Mexico) April 16-18, 2015 Arab Diabetes Medical Congress Doha, (Qatar) April 23-25, 2015 How to Develop and Deliver your Insulin Pump Service Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 Best Practice Continuity of Care in Transitional Diabetes Services Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 30, 2015 CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE MEDICINA INTERNA SOLAMI 2015 Punta Cana, (Dominican Republic) May 20-24, 2015 McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine - MIRCIM 2015 Kraków, (Polonia) June 05-06, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 5 Latinoamerican Congress on Rickettsial Diseases MERIDA, (Mexico) September 23-25, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: World Congress on Interventional Therapies for Type 2 Diabetes & DSS II London, (United Kingdom) September 28-30, 201 7th Trends in Medical Mycology Lisbon, (Portugal) October 09-12, 2015 5th Annual Primary Care Fall CME Conference Lahaina Maui, (United States) October 19-23, 2015 BIT\\\\\\\'s 5th Annual World Congress of Endobolism / BIT\\\\\\\'s 4th Annual World Congress of Diabetes (WCE&WCD-2015) Kaohsiung, (Taiwán) November 26-28, 2015 COMMUNITY PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Commercial Excellence MENA Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) Februrary 16-19, 2015 4th Annual Pharma Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Summit Amsterdam, (Netherlands) March 03-05, 2015 GCC Pharmaceutical Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) May 03-05, 2015 Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management London, (United Kingdom) May 11-12, 2015 PharmaVenue – networking, licensing and partnering event Madrid, (Spain) May 18-19, 2015 PHARMACY CLINICAL ANALYSES Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015 London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 17-18, 2015 XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la AEGH - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA HUMANA PAlma de Mallorca, (Spain) May 13-15, 2015 CONGRESO CENTROAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PARASITOLOGIA Y MEDICINA TROPICAL BAVARO , (Dominican Republic) June 12-13, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Biosimilars Berlin, (Germany) May 18-20, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 in-cosmetics Brasil 2015 Sao Paulo, (Brasil) from September 30 to October 01, 2015 HOSPITABLE PHARMACY Managing Demand in your Pharmacy Service Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 11, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: Pharmaceutical Commercial Excellence MENA Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) Februrary 16-19, 2015 4th Annual Pharma Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Summit Amsterdam, (Netherlands) March 03-05, 2015 20th Congress of the EAHP Hamburg, (Germany) March 25-27, 2015 VI Congreso de la Sociedad Valenciana de Farmacia Hospitalaria Valencia, (Spain) April 23-25, 2015 GCC Pharmaceutical Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) May 03-05, 2015 5th Traceability and the Drug Quality and Security Act Conference Morristown, (United States) May 05-06, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 60 NATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY OF HOSPITALPHARMACY Valencia, (Spain) November 10-13, 2015 INDUSTRY PHARMACY Cell Line Development & Engineering 2015 Dublin, (Ireland) Februrary 09-12, 2015 R&D of Disinfectants, Detergents and Cleaning Products Berlin, (Germany) Februrary 10-11, 2015 Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015 London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 17-18, 2015 European Pharma Summit Berlin, (Germany) May 05-08, 2015 Disposable Solutions for Biomanufacturing Summit Munich, (Germany) Februrary 18-19, 2015 Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management London, (United Kingdom) May 11-12, 2015 Regulatory Filing Strategies Summit Philadelphia, (United States) Februrary 23-24, 2015 Biosimilars Berlin, (Germany) May 18-20, 2015 Clinical Development of Orphan Drugs London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 24-25, 2015 PharmaVenue – networking, licensing and partnering event Madrid, (Spain) May 18-19, 2015 Drug Discovery Innovations Berlin, (Germany) March 17-18, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 2nd Annual Peptides Congress 2015 London, (United Kingdom) April 20-21, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 2nd annual Pre-Filled Syringes America Iselin, (United States) April 27-28, 2015 Lyophilisation & Freeze Drying USA Iselin, (United States) April 29-30, 2015 5th Traceability and the Drug Quality and Security Act Conference Morristown, (United States) May 05-06, 2015 9th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry Conference Berlin, (Germany) May 05-06, 2015 European Pharma Summit Berlin, (Germany) May 05-08, 2015 FT US Healthcare and Life Sciences New York, (United States) May 06, 2015 10th Protein Kinases in Drug Discovery Conference Berlin, (Germany) May 07-08, 2015 Formulation and Drug Delivery Congress London, (United Kingdom) May 18-19, 2015 PHARMACEUTICAL CARE Pharmaceutical Commercial Excellence MENA Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) Februrary 16-19, 2015 Symposium diabetes and kidney Pereira, (Colombia) Februrary 28, 2015 4th Annual Pharma Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Summit Amsterdam, (Netherlands) March 03-05, 2015 GCC Pharmaceutical Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) May 03-05, 2015 Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety and Risk Management London, (United Kingdom) May 11-12, 2015 PharmaVenue – networking, licensing and partnering event Madrid, (Spain) May 18-19, 2015 Biosimilars Berlin, (Germany) May 18-20, 2015 Biosimilars Berlin, (Germany) May 18-20, 2015 IV Ibero-American Meeting and the VIII National Congress of Allergy “Cuba Alergia 2015” La Habana, (Cuba) May 25-27, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: in-cosmetics Brasil 2015 Sao Paulo, (Brasil) from September 30 to October 01, 2015 National Congress on Women\\\'s Health Madrid, (Spain) Februrary 18-20, 2015 in-cosmetics Brasil 2015 Sao Paulo, (Brasil) from September 30 to October 01, 2015 I International ecancer Symposium on Breast Cancer Lima, (Perú) March 05-07, 2015 60 NATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY OF HOSPITALPHARMACY Valencia, (Spain) November 10-13, 2015 RADIOHARMACY Managing Demand in your Pharmacy Service Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 11, 2015 Pharmaceutical Commercial Excellence MENA Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) Februrary 16-19, 2015 Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015 London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 17-18, 2015 Disposable Solutions for Biomanufacturing Summit Munich, (Germany) Februrary 18-19, 2015 Regulatory Filing Strategies Summit Philadelphia, (United States) Februrary 23-24, 2015 Birth Clinical Challenges in Labor and Delivery Fortaleza, (Brasil) March 05-07, 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PATIENT SAFETY Cali, (Colombia) March 11-13, 2015 The IVth FORUM OF SEXUAL HEALTH Gandía. Valencia, (Spain) March 13-14, 2015 XXII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE GINECOLOGIA AVANCES EN LA SALUD INTEGRAL DE LA MUJER BAVARO , (Dominican Republic) April 16-20, 2015 30th Anual Reunion of the National Institute of Perinatology Ciudad de Mexico, (Mexico) April 20-24, 2015 Developing your Gynaecology Outpatient Services Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 Symposium on Women Images - SIIM 2015 Buenos aires, (Argentina) May 13-15, 2015 2nd European Congress on Intrapartum Care. Making Birth Safer Porto, (Portugal) May 21-23, 2015 NURSING GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING Structuring your Outpatient Nursing Team Manchester, (United Kingdom) Februrary 05, 2015 XIV Latin American Congress of Child and Adolescent Gynecology Alogia 2015 Escazú, San José, (Costa Rica) May 25-29, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 31st Edition Fetus as a Patient Saint Petersburg, (Russia) June 11-13, 2015 Set Up An Acute Ambulatory Unit Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 International Council of Nurses ICN 2015 Conference Seoul, (South Korea) June 19-23, 2015 How to Develop and Deliver your Insulin Pump Service Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 3rd Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference (WNC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) June 29-30, 2015 International Council of Nurses ICN 2015 Conference Seoul, (South Korea) June 19-23, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 3rd Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference (WNC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) June 29-30, 2015 5th International BACCN Conference London, (United Kingdom) September 07-08, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 201 1st Congress on Joint Euopean Neonatal Societies (jENS); 56th ESPR/ESN Annual Meeting; 5th International Congress of UENPS; Budapest, (Italia) September 16-20, 2015 5th International BACCN Conference London, (United Kingdom) September 07-08, 2015 14th CONGRESS OF THE PAN-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS 16th CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN NURSING SOCIETY 1st SYMPOSIUM OF NURSING ON NEONATAL ALLIANCE 3rd SYMPOSIUM ON NURSING EDUCATION 3rd MEETING ON NURSING NETWORKS La Habana, (Cuba) October 05-09, 2015 LABOR NURSING Structuring your Outpatient Nursing Team Manchester, (United Kingdom) Februrary 05, 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PATIENT SAFETY Cali, (Colombia) March 11-13, 2015 Progressing your Nurse-led Ophthalmology Services London, (United Kingdom) April 22, 2015 14th CONGRESS OF THE PAN-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS 16th CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN NURSING SOCIETY 1st SYMPOSIUM OF NURSING ON NEONATAL ALLIANCE 3rd SYMPOSIUM ON NURSING EDUCATION 3rd MEETING ON NURSING NETWORKS La Habana, (Cuba) October 05-09, 2015 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NURSING Structuring your Outpatient Nursing Team Manchester, (United Kingdom) Februrary 05, 2015 Symposium diabetes and kidney Pereira, (Colombia) Februrary 28, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 12th Mexican Scientific Congress of Aesthetic Medicine Distrito Federal, (Mexico) March 06-07, 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PATIENT SAFETY Cali, (Colombia) March 11-13, 2015 XXXV MEXICAN CONGRESS ASSOCIATION OF BURNS A.C. Tijuana, Baja California, (Mexico) April 15-18, 2015 Progressing your Nurse-led Ophthalmology Services London, (United Kingdom) April 22, 2015 EDUCATION 3rd MEETING ON NURSING NETWORKS La Habana, (Cuba) October 05-09, 2015 NURSING IN MENTAL HEALTH Structuring your Outpatient Nursing Team Manchester, (United Kingdom) Februrary 05, 2015 Dementias 2015. 17th national conference Londres, (United Kingdom) Februrary 05-06, 2015 Saturdays Hospital - Neuropsychiatric Diseases Medellín, (Colombia) Februrary 14, 2015 Set Up An Acute Ambulatory Unit Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 One-Stop Nurse-Led Hysteroscopy Service Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 30, 2015 2nd International Emirates Conference on Minimally Invasive Surgery & NOTES Abu Dhabi, (United Arab Emirates) May 21-22, 2015 International Council of Nurses ICN 2015 Conference Seoul, (South Korea) June 19-23, 2015 3rd Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference (WNC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) June 29-30, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 22 Symposium Internacional sobre Actualizaciones y controversias en Psiquiatría ::: Targets in Clinical Practice: Symptoms or Disorders? Barcelona, (Spain) March 06-07, 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PATIENT SAFETY Cali, (Colombia) March 11-13, 2015 6th World Congress on Women\\\'s Mental Health Tokyo, (Japan) March 22-25, 2015 23rd European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2015) Viena, (Austria) March 28-31, 2015 International Council of Nurses ICN 2015 Conference Seoul, (South Korea) June 19-23, 2015 5th International BACCN Conference London, (United Kingdom) September 07-08, 2015 14th CONGRESS OF THE PAN-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS 16th CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN NURSING SOCIETY 1st SYMPOSIUM OF NURSING ON NEONATAL ALLIANCE 3rd SYMPOSIUM ON NURSING 3rd Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference (WNC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) June 29-30, 2015 5th International BACCN Conference London, (United Kingdom) September 07-08, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 9th Annual Update in Paediatric Emergencies Noosa Heads, (Australia) April 10-12, 2015 14th CONGRESS OF THE PAN-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS 16th CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN NURSING SOCIETY 1st SYMPOSIUM OF NURSING ON NEONATAL ALLIANCE 3rd SYMPOSIUM ON NURSING EDUCATION 3rd MEETING ON NURSING NETWORKS La Habana, (Cuba) October 05-09, 2015 PEDIATRICS NURSING Structuring your Outpatient Nursing Team Manchester, (United Kingdom) Februrary 05, 2015 Pediatric Potpourri®: State of the Art 2015 Maui, Hawaii, (United States) Februrary 07-13, 2015 Quality Improvement Initiatives for Neonatal Services Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 10, 2015 How to Implement an Innovative Children’s Community Nursing Service Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 11, 2015 Neonatal Workforce Planning Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 11, 2015 3rd Annual Practical Topics in Pediatric Emergency Medicine St. Petersburg, (United States) April 11-12, 2015 Best Practice Continuity of Care in Transitional Diabetes Services Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 30, 2015 XIV Latin American Congress of Child and Adolescent Gynecology Alogia 2015 Escazú, San José, (Costa Rica) May 25-29, 2015 39th Annual Florida Suncoast Pediatric Conference Sarasota. Florida, (United States) June 11-14, 2015 International Council of Nurses ICN 2015 Conference Seoul, (South Korea) June 19-23, 2015 3rd Annual Worldwide Nursing Conference (WNC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) June 29-30, 2015 Pediatrics in the Islands … Clinical Pearls 2015 Maui, Hawaii, (United States) July 04-10, 2015 5th International BACCN Conference London, (United Kingdom) September 07-08, 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PATIENT SAFETY Cali, (Colombia) March 11-13, 2015 Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 European Academy of Paediatrics, congress and Mastercourse 2015 (EAP 2015) Oslo, (Norway) September 17-20, 2015 Paediatric Clinical Trials London, (United Kingdom) March 25-26, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 14th CONGRESS OF THE PAN-AMERICAN FEDERATION OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS 16th CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN NURSING SOCIETY 1st SYMPOSIUM OF NURSING ON NEONATAL ALLIANCE 3rd SYMPOSIUM ON NURSING EDUCATION 3rd MEETING ON NURSING NETWORKS La Habana, (Cuba) October 05-09, 2015 2nd Peptides Seminar London, (United Kingdom) April 22, 2015 XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la AEGH - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA HUMANA PAlma de Mallorca, (Spain) May 13-15, 2015 The A to Z\\\'s of Microbial Control, Monitoring and Validation of Water Systems for Pharmaceuticals, Biologics, Medical Devices, Cosmetics, and Personal Care Products Newark, (United States) May 28-29, 2015 OTHER BIOLOGY Computational and Systems Biology of Cancer San Francisco, (United States) Februrary 08-11, 2015 RNA Therapeutics London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 16-17, 2015 CONGRESO CENTROAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PARASITOLOGIA Y MEDICINA TROPICAL BAVARO , (Dominican Republic) June 12-13, 2015 3rd Annual Next Generation Sequencing Data Congress London, (United Kingdom) June 15-16, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 Human Genome Meeting 2015 Kuala Lumpur, (Malaysia) March 14-17, 2015 The 8th Annual World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cells 2015- Korea Busan, (South Korea) March 19-21, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 3rd Annual Biosimilars & Biobetters Congress London, (United Kingdom) April 20-21, 2015 Biotechnology for the Non-Biotechnologist Nice, (France) April 22-24, 2015 CHEMISTRY Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 CLINICAL PSICOLOGY Veterans\\\' Mental Health – Facts Fiction and Future London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 11, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: Alcohol: balancing risks and benefits London, (United Kingdom) March 04, 2015 22 Symposium Internacional sobre Actualizaciones y controversias en Psiquiatría ::: Targets in Clinical Practice: Symptoms or Disorders? Barcelona, (Spain) March 06-07, 2015 The IVth FORUM OF SEXUAL HEALTH Gandía. Valencia, (Spain) March 13-14, 2015 5th ASEAN Regional Union of Psychologists (ARUPS) Congress Singapore, (Singapur) March 25-27, 2015 IV International Congress of Dual Pathology Barcelona, (Spain) April 17-20, 2015 7th International Congresss of Psychology Puebla, (Mexico) April 23-25, 2015 VI Simposio sobre Trastorno Límite de la PersonalidadActualizaciones TerapeuticasSant Cugat del Valles, (Spain) April 24-25, 2015 Conference IV Clinical Psychology and Health Medellín, (Colombia) April 24, 2015 Recent Advances in Neuropsychiatric, Psychological and Social Sciences Athens, (Grecia) May 19-22, 201 II Social Work Conference Medellín, (Colombia) June 04-05, 2015 Physiology 2015 Cardiff, (United Kingdom) July 06-08, 2015 Fourth International Congress of Psychology and Education Bogota, (Colombia) August 12-16, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 IV International Congress of Psychology and Education 2015 Current: needs therapeutic approaches against Ibagué, (Colombia) October 07-11, 2015 GENETICS AND BIOENGINEERING Translation of the Cancer Genome San Francisco, (United States) Februrary 07-09, 2015 RNA Therapeutics London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 16-17, 2015 Human Genome Meeting 2015 Kuala Lumpur, (Malaysia) March 14-17, 2015 The 8th Annual World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cells 2015- Korea Busan, (South Korea) March 19-21, 2015 IV Curso de técnicas avanzada en experimentación animal - Hospital de Getafe (On-line y semi-presencial) Getafe, Madrid, (Spain) April 09-10, 2015 I International Congress on Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counselling in Rare Diseases Sevilla, (Spain) April 16-17, 2015 Biotechnology for the Non-Biotechnologist Nice, (France) April 22-24, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 2nd Annual Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Genomics Congress London, (United Kingdom) April 29-30, 2015 XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la AEGH - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA HUMANA PAlma de Mallorca, (Spain) May 13-15, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 HUMAN NUTRITION AND DIETETICS 2nd Annual Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Genomics Congress London, (United Kingdom) April 29-30, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 MANAGEMENT AND HOSPITABLE ADMINISTRATION Optimising Provider Relationships Manchester, (United Kingdom) Februrary 04, 2015 Outpatient Efficiency Action Plan Manchester, (United Kingdom) Februrary 04, 2015 Effective Complaint Handling, Medical Device Reporting and Recalls -- Avoiding Costly Errors: One and a Half-day In-person Seminar Tampa, (United States) Februrary 05-06, 2015 9th Annual Clinical Trial Billing and Research Compliance Conference San Antonio, (United States) Februrary 08-11, 2015 Dpharm: Disruptive Innovations Europe London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 10-11, 2015 Effective and Efficient Internal and Supplier Quality System Auditing for Medical Devices: 2-day In-person Seminar San Diego, (United States) Februrary 12-13, 2015 Coupon and Co-Pay Strategy, Tracking, and Compliance Philadelphia, (United States) Februrary 23-24, 2015 Frail Older People Pathway Birmingham, (United Kingdom) Februrary 24, 201 Measuring to meet NSQHS Standards Melbourne, (Australia) Februrary 25-26, 2015 Costing NHS Commercial Clinical Research London, (United Kingdom) March 03, 2015 Structuring and Reviewing Clinical Research Contracts London, (United Kingdom) March 04, 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PATIENT SAFETY Cali, (Colombia) March 11-13, 2015 Successful Tendering for Sexual Health Services London, (United Kingdom) March 11, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 9th Forecasting and Optimization of the Clinical Supply Chain Summit Philadelphia, (United States) March 16-17, 2015 6th Annual National Disability Summit 2015 Melbourne, (Australia) March 18-19, 2015 Collaboration in Health & Medical Research Melbourne, (Australia) March 18-19, 2015 ComplianceOnline Medical Device Summit - 2015 San Diego, (United States) March 19-20, 2015 Reducing Restrictive Practices Manchester, (United Kingdom) March 25, 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON PUBLIC HEALTH La Habana, (Cuba) April 20-24, 2015 CPhI Japan 2015 Tokyo, (Japan) April 22-24, 2015 4th Digital Marketing for Medical Devices West San Francisco, (United States) April 27-29, 2015 2nd Annual Activity Based Funding Conference Toronto, (Canadá) April 29-30, 2015 Set Up An Acute Ambulatory Unit Manchester, (United Kingdom) April 29, 2015 GCC Healthcare Innovation Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) May 10-13, 2015 Patient Data Improvement Forum Melbourne, (Australia) March 30-31, 2015 Supplier Management for Medical Device Manufacturers Tampa, (United States) April 09-10, 2015 2015 Medical Affairs Strategic Summit East (MASS) Morristown, (United States) April 15-17, 2015 Navigating through Maze of In-vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Regulations: A systematic approach from Regulatory Strategy to Regulatory Approvals in U.S./Europe/Canada: 2-day In-Person Seminar Philadelphia, (United States) April 16-17, 2015 Healthcare Week Asia 2015 Kuala Lumpur, (Malaysia) May 11-14, 2015 Clinical Audit NICE Guidance London, (United Kingdom) May 14, 2015 The 73rd China International Medical Equipment Fair Shanghai, (China) May 16-19, 2015 Mortality Audit Manchester, (United Kingdom) May 19, 2015 Burjeel Medicine Update Conference Abu Dhabi, (United Arab Emirates) April 16-17, 2015 Progressive Clinical Coding Manchester, (United Kingdom) May 20, 2015 High Quality and Affordable Care through Accountability Houston, (United States) April 17, 2015 Understanding and Implementing the Medical Device Directive San Diego, (United States) June 25-26, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 4th Annual Global Healthcare Conference (GHC 2015) Singapore, (Singapur) June 29-30, 2015 R&D of Disinfectants, Detergents and Cleaning Products Berlin, (Germany) Februrary 10-11, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 Dpharm: Disruptive Innovations Europe London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 10-11, 2015 The 7th Annual Operating Theatre Management Conference Melbourne, (Australia) August 04-05, 2015 Stability Program to Support Shipping and Distribution of Drug Products Palo Alto, (United States) Februrary 11, 2015 Pharmaceutical Commercial Excellence MENA Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) Februrary 16-19, 2015 MEDICAL-SANITARY COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON PUBLIC HEALTH La Habana, (Cuba) April 20-24, 2015 CARS 2015 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 29th International Congress and Exhibition Joint Congress of CAR / ISCAS / EuSoMII / CAD / CMI Barcelona, (Spain) June 24-27, 2015 Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015 London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 17-18, 2015 Disposable Solutions for Biomanufacturing Summit Munich, (Germany) Februrary 18-19, 2015 FDA\\\'s Medical Device Software Regulation Strategy: 2Day In-Person Seminar by Ex-FDA Official San Francisco, (United States) Februrary 19-20, 2015 6th Patient Adherence and Advocacy Summit Philadelphia, (United States) Februrary 23-24, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Effective Complaint Handling, Medical Device Reporting and Recalls -- Avoiding Costly Errors: One and a Half-day In-person Seminar Tampa, (United States) Februrary 05-06, 2015 Cell Line Development & Engineering 2015 Dublin, (Ireland) Februrary 09-12, 2015 Coupon and Co-Pay Strategy, Tracking, and Compliance Philadelphia, (United States) Februrary 23-24, 2015 Regulatory Filing Strategies Summit Philadelphia, (United States) Februrary 23-24, 2015 Clinical Development of Orphan Drugs London, (United Kingdom) Februrary 24-25, 2015 Costing NHS Commercial Clinical Research London, (United Kingdom) March 03, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: Structuring and Reviewing Clinical Research Contracts London, (United Kingdom) March 04, 2015 Superbugs and Superdrugs London, (United Kingdom) March 25-26, 2015 Monitoring Impurities in Pharmaceutical Products - ICH Q3 requirements Palo Alto, (United States) March 04, 2015 27th DIA Annual EuroMeeting Paris, (France) April 13-15, 2015 I International ecancer Symposium on Breast Cancer Lima, (Perú) March 05-07, 2015 MUSCULOSKELETAL ULTRASOUND AND ELASTOSONOGRAPHY, 2015 LEON, (Mexico) March 13-14, 2015 Drug Discovery Innovations Berlin, (Germany) March 17-18, 2015 Lifecycle Approach to Analytical Methods for Drug Products: Incorporating QbD Concepts into Method Development, Validation, Verification and Transfer Washington DC, (United States) March 19-20, 2015 ComplianceOnline Medical Device Summit - 2015 San Diego, (United States) March 19-20, 2015 Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 MENA Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) March 23-25, 2015 Injectable Drug Delivery London, (United Kingdom) March 24-25, 2015 6th Proactive GCP Compliance Forum Philadelphia, (United States) March 24-25, 2015 8th Annual Clinical Forum Paris, (France) April 14-15, 2015 BioProcess International European Summit 2015 Neuss, (Germany) April 14-15, 2015 Meeting Regulatory Requirements (ICH, GMP, USP, FDA) for Analytical Procedures for Pharmaceutical Products Madison, (United States) April 16-17, 2015 Change Control Best Practices - Avoiding Unintended Consequences of Changes Boston, (United States) April 16-17, 2015 2nd Annual Peptides Congress 2015 London, (United Kingdom) April 20-21, 2015 3rd Annual Biosimilars & Biobetters Congress London, (United Kingdom) April 20-21, 2015 The 20th MedTech Investing Europe Conference Lausanne, (Switzerland) April 21-22, 2015 CPhI Japan 2015 Tokyo, (Japan) April 22-24, 2015 European Clinical Trials Inspection Readiness Summit London, (United Kingdom) April 23-24, 2015 2nd annual Pre-Filled Syringes America Iselin, (United States) April 27-28, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: 4th Digital Marketing for Medical Devices West San Francisco, (United States) April 27-29, 2015 the 73rd PHARMCHINA Shanghai, (China) May 15-17, 2015 Lyophilisation & Freeze Drying USA Iselin, (United States) April 29-30, 2015 The 73rd China International Medical Equipment Fair Shanghai, (China) May 16-19, 2015 GCC Pharmaceutical Congress Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) May 03-05, 2015 Biosimilars Berlin, (Germany) May 18-20, 2015 European Pharma Summit Berlin, (Germany) May 05-08, 2015 Formulation and Drug Delivery Congress London, (United Kingdom) May 18-19, 2015 9th Drug Design & Medicinal Chemistry Conference Berlin, (Germany) May 05-06, 2015 PharmaVenue – networking, licensing and partnering event Madrid, (Spain) May 18-19, 2015 5th Traceability and the Drug Quality and Security Act Conference Morristown, (United States) May 05-06, 2015 FT US Healthcare and Life Sciences New York, (United States) May 06, 2015 10th Protein Kinases in Drug Discovery Conference Berlin, (Germany) May 07-08, 2015 Medical Device UDIs and Traceability Forum Europe London, (United Kingdom) May 26-28, 2015 The A to Z\\\'s of Microbial Control, Monitoring and Validation of Water Systems for Pharmaceuticals, Biologics, Medical Devices, Cosmetics, and Personal Care Products Newark, (United States) May 28-29, 2015 CPhI Istanbul Istanbul, (Turkey) June 03-05, 2015 7th Digital Pharma Europe Roma, (Italia) May 12-14, 201 XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la AEGH - ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GENÉTICA HUMANA PAlma de Mallorca, (Spain) May 13-15, 2015 The Health Industry Summit(tHIS) Shanghai, (China) May 15-18, 2015 74th API China and PHARMPACK and SINOPHEX Shanghai, (China) May 15-17, 2015 16th Annual Drug Discovery Summit 2015 Berlin, (Germany) June 08-09, 2015 Understanding and Implementing the Medical Device Directive San Diego, (United States) June 25-26, 2015 Expomedical Care 2015 Cali, (Colombia) July 15-17, 2015 SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 2015 10TH INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF RHEUMATOLOGY AND REHABILITATION OF PACIFIC MANTA 2015 MANTA, (Ecuador) from April 30 to May 02, 2015 in-cosmetics Brasil 2015 Sao Paulo, (Brasil) from September 30 to October 01, 2015 1rst EUROPEAN MEDICAL FITNESS CONGRESS Madrid, (Spain) May 29-31, 2015 in-cosmetics Brasil 2015 Sao Paulo, (Brasil) from September 30 to October 01, 2015 9th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Berlin, (Germany) June 19-23, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, (Spain) September 03-04, 201 PHYSIOTHERAPY 2nd Paris International Shoulder Course Paris, (France) Februrary 12-14, 2015 The 1st Asia-Oceanian Congress for NeuroRehabilitation (AOCNR2015) Seoul, (South Korea) September 03-05, 2015 MUSCULOSKELETAL ULTRASOUND AND ELASTOSONOGRAPHY, 2015 LEON, (Mexico) March 13-14, 2015 Anaphylaxis: epidemy on XXIst century El Puerto de Santa Maria, (Spain) March 21, 2015 SMART Travel 10 godina sa Vama SMART International doo PJ Agencija SMART Travel Svetog Save 43/I, 11000 Beograd Licenca OTP 43/2013 PIB 100153946 matični broj: 17377736 t:+381 (11) 308 66 94 f:+381 (11) 308 66 95 e-mail: web: