In recent years the Politecnico di Milano has defined a hospitality policy with the priority objective of ensuring, in a higher-education context, adequate accommodation solutions for as many away-from-home students as possible, highlighting aspects of socialization and inclusion in the academic and urban background. Accepting this challenge has resulted in planning a multitude of activities for strengthening and diversifying hospitality services. This publication illustrates Residence Halls with available accommodations in the city of Milano. On the website www.residenze.polimi.it you can find detailed information about each residence, procedures of admission and payments of rents. Moreover, from the website it is possible to connect for booking accommodation online. Allocation is according to chronological order of date of confirmation of online booking till the exhaustion of available places. A portion of the available accommodation is reserved for students satisfying certain merit and economic requirements for student benefits and grants. To qualify for this accommodation students must apply via the procedure published annually by the Undergraduate and PhD Student Services Area - Student Benefits and Grants and International Mobility Section (www.polimi.it - Sezione Studenti - Sostieni i tuoi studi). For information please contact: Residential Services Area Via Golgi, 42 - Milano Monday - Friday 9.30 - 12.30 e-mail: residenze@polimi.it Tel.: 800022399 CAMPUS LEONARDO – MILANO - COURSES on t e ial on M Via nz e on pi m Se Vialee C rirris isp pi LOTTO LOTTO T P A P.TA VENEZIA V ENEZIA E EN NEZIA A PA STR PALESTRO RO MONTENAPOLEONE MONT MON O T TENAPOLEONE NA N AP PO OLEONE LE EO E EO CAIROLI CA C AIR IR ROL RO LI L Via 20 2 Se S ttem bre eM Viale PORTA VITTORIA ya l Tro Viaale Viale Filippetti PT P.TA TA ROMANA R ANA lise olise o Mo Molise le M Vialle Viale Vi o an ni pi Pa le Via ata iisura CROCETTA Viale Puglie monti Via Ripa Viale Toscana Viale Tibaldi Viale Corsica Viale Co o "Viscontea" Vi U University ve y College - RUII Foundation C Fo ou oun un nda o Viaale lee Gaallea e zzzo ea o ROMOLO o o XXII Marzo arz r Corso M SS MISSORI MIS SSOR SO S O OR S. A S AGO AGOSTINO GOS OST ST TINO O Via le C ass ala “Martinitt” Campus ia Campaaaniia C i l Campania iale Viale V Vi “Galileo lile le eo G eo Ga Galilei” lliil ile ei” Resid Residence d cce Hall alll P.TA A GENOVA ENO OVA Campus “Martinitt” "Dateo" "D a o Residence e e c Hall H Ha alll i Piceno ia P Viale DUOMO a ia Mar Biancca M V e Bi Vial SAN S A B BABILA ABILA L LA CORDUSIO C O O pa Fop Via CAMPUS LEONARDO Residenza “Camplus Rubattino”, Fondazione Falciola DATEO D ATE E C CADORNA A S. AMBROGIO RO O LAMBRATE CAMPUS PIOLA LEONARDO "Torrescalla" College, Collegio “Torrescalla”, Fondazione RUI Residenza “O. Khayyam” “O. Khayyam" Residence Hall RUI Foundation Viaa lee U mb ria Via PPaga no o LA LANZA "Camplus Rubattino" Residence Hall - Falciola Foundation Viale Romagna Via lle V en eto TURATI T ATI AT C CONCILIAZIONE CI E GAMBARA GA RE REPUBBLICA R EPUBBL BLIIC C CA LAMBRATE Casa dello Studente “Leonardo da Vinci” g a mag m RRomagn Rom Romag iaal Mille ViDei Viale VialeV WAGNER W N NER PIOLA LIMA a Majno Viale P GA PAGANO AN DE AN D A ANGELI N EL E I LORETO V Viale Dei Mille n ro By le Via BUONARROTTI NARROTT TT TI UDINE "Leonardo L a do o da Vinci" Hall Residence Re R id de en e n eH nc Ha a VViaale M on o te Sa ntto o MOSCOVA M OV va no Ca Via AMENDOLA FIERA CENTRALE CE CENTRAL C E T AL LE GIIO GIOIA OIA A GARIBALDI G ARIBALDI AR RIIB RIBALDI BALD A Vialle Reg in i a Marg ghe rita QT QT8 Q T8 T 8 a CAIAZZO V Farin Via FFarin rini ni e S Bria Viale Abruzzi rso Co a pr So ta le ra er PASTEUR Viale Lombardia URYGUAY URYG U RY YG YG GUAY GU UAY Y LAMPUGNANO L LAM AMP AMP AM PUGNANO P NO O a lev Pa lm an ov a LORETO ORETO OR ORE O ET SONDRIO S ND N DRIO Via Vi V Viale iale l Abruzzi Ab u i BONOLA BO B O ONOLA ON LA A ggioo rente Lore Via Viiaa le Lu nig igi an a ZAR ZARA V S. LEONARDO DO O UDINE ROVERETO Bo dio PASTEUR Via a le Viiaale eM arch e CIMIANO CIM CI C IMIA MIANO Via Co sta ah ec Via Viale LLombardia d en M rr a L (Bachelor of Science) LM (Master of Science) LODI TIBB Viale Isonzo Politecnico di Milano Residence Hall BRENTA CORVETTO FAMAGOSTA Il Collegio di Milano 2 i er ac le aM ae LANCETTI Vi pr Viale Jenner ltellin on So MO MOLINO DORINO INO NO O dio ri ne ce Piazzale MACIACHINI Lugano Via Va ah M PERO PE RO t va e aS Bo TURRO TUR T URRO RO “C.F. Gauss” “C Residence Ha Hall Via Co sta Via VILLA PIZZONE le ti Piazzale Lugano "Campus Certosa"onte M Residence HallViale RHO FIERA F ona Imb BOVISA VILLA PIZZONE Via i lee Ce rto sa i rm Fe Via BOVISA "Campus Certosa Certosa" rto osa sa" Residence Hall GO A GORLA Via CAMPUS BOVISA CAMPUS DURANDO LA MASA Viaale l Z ara ra CAMPUS BOVISA LA MASA zi Bez Viale Architecture (LM) Architecture - Architecture and Building Construction (LM) Building Architecture (L) Design & Engineering (LM) Product Design (L) Product Design for Innovation (LM) Interior Design (L) Communication Design (L, LM) Fashion Design (L) Design for the Fashion System (LM) Aeronautical Engineering (LM) Aerospace Engineering (L) Energy Engineering (L, LM) Management and product Engineering (L, LM) Mechanical Engineering (L, LM) Space Engineering (LM) Interior Design (LM) Product Service System Design (LM) Architecture Science (L) CAMPUS BOVISA DURANDO CERTOSA C CERTOSA C A lo lllo rir llo le Mu ale VViiaal CAMPUS BOVISA – MILANO – COURSES PRECOTTO EC CO CO OT TTO TTO ac aM Vi Architecture (LM) Environmental Architecture (L) Architecture and Building Constructions (L) Building Architecture (LM) Biomedical Engineering (L, LM) Civil Engineering (L, LM) Chemical Engineering (,LM) Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (L) Building Engineering (L, LM) Automation Engineering (L, LM) Civile Engineering for Risk Mitigation (LM) Telecommunication Engineering (L, LM) Electrical Engineering (L, LM) Electronic Engineering (L, LM) Physics Engineering (L, LM) Engineering of Computing Systems (L, LM) Mathematical Engineering (L, LM) Nuclear Engineering (LM) Environmental and Land Planning Engineering (LM) Materials Engineering and Nanotechology (LM) Urban Planning and Policy Design (LM) Architecture Science (L) Urban Planning (L) Affiliated Residence Hall 3 politecnico di milano Residence Hall Casa dello Studente Leonardo da Vinci Viale Romagna, 62 Milano 4 5 The residence hall is situated only a few metres away from Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, just five minutes walk from Piola M2 green line station. Designed and built in 1934 by Italo Azimonti, it has welcomed generations of engineers and architects. The residence hall has five floors, one of these is entirely dedicated to common areas. There are several study rooms, some of which have been designated by the University as reading and computerized rooms. Common areas Public transport study rooms shared kitchen on each floor music room TV room drawing room auditorium gym Piola M2 green line underground station bus routes 23, 33, 90, 91 Passante Ferroviario (Porta Venezia): S1, S2, S10 PLACES 293 furnished single and double rooms with private or shared bathroom mini apartments for guests with disabilities ServiCES library Internet telephone refrigerator bed linen and towels weekly linen change daily cleaning of common areas 6 Laundromat bicycle storage room vending machines for hot and cold drinks and snacks reception 24-hour guest service bar - cafeteria 7 politecnico di milano Residence Hall Galileo Galilei Via Corridoni, 22 Milano 8 9 The residence hall, recently renovated, is situated in the heart of Milano. The complex, built between 1947 and 1950 by the architect Luigi Moretti, consists of two, thirteen-storey towers and the building known as the “Casa della Laureata”. The structure is considered of particular artistic-historical interest both due to the reputation of its designer as well as its architectural features; indeed, it is a Ministry of Culture and Environment listed building. 10 PLACES Services 406 furnished single rooms with shared bathroom Internet laundromat telephone refrigerator in each room weekly linen change daily cleaning of common areas vending machines for hot and cold drinks and snacks virtual library self service restaurant reception 24-hour Common areas Public transport games room video room music room gym shared kitchen on each floor M1 San Babila bus routes 12, 23, 27, 60, 73, 84 FNM (Cadorna) S3, S4 Passante Ferroviario (Porta Venezia): S1, S2, S10 11 politecnico di milano Residence Hall DATEO Piazzale Dateo, 5 Milano 12 13 Accommodation is in a prestigious liberty-style building owned by the Municipality of Milano. Built in 1905, designed by engineer Bonomi, it has been completely renovated. The building stands out for its uncommon grandeur for a residential building and is designed as a quadrangle, which occupies an entire block, with a central courtyard. The Politecnico di Milano is experimenting a solidarity initiatives with the neighbourhood in which students are engaged in support of elderly self-sufficient people and primary and secondary school pupils resident in the building itself. The building houses the UNI Agency - Agency for university students (www.agenziauni.comune.milano.it), sponsored by the Municipality of Milano with the agreement of all universities in the Lombardy region. 14 PLACES SERVICES Public transport 90 single and double rooms in one and two room furnished apartments with kitchen and bathroom Internet washing machine bed linen and towels of the apartment Passante Ferroviario (Dateo): S1, S2, S10 bus routes 54, 61, 92, 73 15 politecnico di milano RESIDENCE HALL C.F. Gauss Via L. Zuccoli, 19 Milano 16 17 The building, mostly renovated, is situated close to the Milano Central Station. The thirty-one apartments, with two or three rooms, all very bright and with balcony, are spread over the eight floors of a residential complex with three staircases. Each can accommodate from two to four people. 18 PLACES SERVICES Public transport 110 single and double rooms in furnished apartments with one and two rooms, with kitchen and bathroom Internet washing machine microwave oven bed linen and towels M2 Gioia, Centrale bus routes 5, 42, 43, 81, 82, 91, 92 Passante Ferroviario (Porta Garibaldi): S1, S2, S10 19 politecnico di milano RESIDENCE HALL O. Khayyam Via S. Botticelli, 2-6 Milano 20 21 All of sixteen flats are on the fifth floor of the building: they are distributed in five staircases and they are placed around a wide inner courtyard. Public transport M2 Piola, Lambrate bus routes 5, 23, 61, 91, 93 Passante Ferroviario (Dateo, Porta Venezia): S1, S2, S10 22 PLACES SERVICES 34 double rooms in furnished apartments with kitchen and bathroom washing machine microwave bed linen and towels 23 Affiliated Residence Hall The property, located in the Ortica district and completely renovated in 2008, consists of five pavilions arranged around a large courtyard with garden. Cafeteria, meeting and social areas, study rooms, a gym and sports facilities are available to guests. “Martinitt” Campus Via Pitteri, 56 Milano 24 PLACES SERVICES 350 furnished single and double rooms with private bathroom and two and three person mini apartments Internet laundromat telephone bed linen and towels weekly linen change daily cleaning of common areas reception 24-hour 25 26 Common areas Public transport study rooms gym sports facilities M2 Lambrate bus routes 54, 75, 39 27 The Residence Hall, built with the financial support of the Regione Lombardia and dedicated to the architect Andrea Balzani, consists of two towers, each with ten floors, connected by an intermediate threefloor building. Through a special agreement, the Politecnico di Milano has several rooms, at a special rate, reserved for its students. Affiliated Residence Hall “CERTOSA” CAMPUS Via M. del Monaco, 1 Milano 28 29 PLACES SERVICES 293 of which 100 affiliated furnished double rooms with bathroom Internet laundromat telephone bed linen and towels weekly linen change daily cleaning of common areas reception 24-hour refreshment area on each floor with vending machines and microwave ovens Public transport Passante ferroviario (Milano Certosa) bus routes 12, 19, 40 and 57 Common areas study rooms with wireless connection TV room shared kitchen 30 gym underground parking (with fee) 31 Camplus Rubattino is situated ten minutes from Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, the Politecnico main campus, and Lambrate railway station. The property is in the heart of the Rubattino shopping district between the Parco Lambro and the Idroscalo di Milano. The residence hall consists of 9 floors, 77 apartments and 176 beds, mainly in single rooms, divided into fully furnished apartments with lounge/kitchen and bathroom. The Politecnico di Milano, through a specific agreement with the Falciola Foundation, provides accommodation for its students in 65 double rooms. Affiliated Residence Hall CampLus “Rubattino” Via Caduti di Marcinelle, 2 Milano 32 33 Common areas study rooms cafeteria newspaper room music room and auditorium 34 PLACES SERVICES 176 of which 65 affiliated furnished double rooms with bathroom Internet air conditioning laundromat telephone satellite TV socket canteen bed linen and towels fortnightly linen change daily cleaning of common Public transport cinema room gym M2 Lambrate bus routes 54, 75, 39 areas reception (Mon-Fri 9.0013.00, 14.00-18.00) surveillance 24-hour refreshment area on each floor with vending machines and microwave ovens 35 University residence halls, cultural activities and sports SPORTS The Politecnico di Milano considers sport as a value and growth opportunity as well as recreation and important socialisation for its students. The focus is on students away from home for whom the opportunity to practice sport represents a significant element of hospitality. Tournaments and competitions, individual sporting activity in affiliated sport grounds (including the famous Giurati, historic centre for athletics and rugby, located on the Leonardo Campus), courses, organised trips and meetings with top athletes, sports-related educational opportunities: these are the cornerstones of our commitment around which the various options revolve. Sports activities are organized by CUS (University Sports Committee) Milano. CUS enrolment includes insurance and requires a health certificate for non-competitive activity (free appointment with CUS Milano doctors). Further information on enrolment, affiliations, activities and competitions are available at: www.cusmilano.it The Politecnico, in cooperation with CUS, organises a series of competitions for its students (ski races, five-a-side football tournaments, beach volley tournaments) in which representatives of the various Campuses compete. Similarly, tournaments are held with the participation of the hosts of Politecnico residences. AgenziaUni è unACTIVITIES progetto avviato dall’Assessorato alla Casa del Comune di Milano, CULTURAL realizzato in collaborazione con l’Associazione MeglioMilano condiviso, sin dall’iniThe Politecnico di Milan provides funds every year for thee realization of cultural zio, dalle Università milanesi, dalla Fondazione Cariplo e dalla Regione Lombardia. and social initiatives on topics of general interest to students, to be carried out by groups and student associations. Trovare casa a Milano, soprattutto per gli studenti fuori sede, non è un impresa faThe Politecnico encourage the establishment of student associations, with own cile. L’obiettivo di questa Agenzia è quello di mettere in comunicazione gli studenti statutes, which aim to promote the involvement and cooperation of members in the che un alloggio e i proprietari affittano, ma anche consentire agli life ofcercano the university and organize culturalche andlorecreational activities. studenti di trovare facilmente coinquilini con cui condividere casa e spese. Incontra Among the einitiatives are included conferences, exhibitions, concerts, gli studenti i proprietari di casa, offre a entrambi informazioni legali emagazines, fiscali, astheater workshops, movies, cultural trips, etc. sistenza nella stesura dei contratti e assicura supporto durante la coabitazione. Tra i sevizi dall’Agenzia vi èOctober. anche un servizio di assistenza e orientamento Calls areofferti usually published Uni in late alla città in modo che lo studente impari a muoversi in una metropoli a lui ancora Proposals may be submitted by: sconosciuta. - associations and lists of students registered in university; - groups of students composed of at least 50 students enrolled at Politecnico di Milano (this number is reduced to 20 students if enrolled at regional university centres and local offices) Per maggiori informazioni: Agenzia Uni Further information are available at: www.eventistudenti.polimi.it Viale dei Mille,1 angolo P.le Dateo Telefono 02-45400451 Fax 02-45450454 Contacts: e-mail : CD.AgenziaUni@comune.milano.it Students General Services sito web: www.agenziauni.comune.milano.it Tel. 02.2399.4623/2283 Fax 02.2399.2470 Ground Floor – North Hall Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 – 20133 Milano eventistudenti@polimi.it Monday – Friday 9.30 – 12.30 36 37 REGIONAL CAMPUSES Uni Agency COMO p For information: Lecco Campus via Marco D’Oggiono 18/a - 23900 Lecco Monday - Friday 8:30 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 17:30 tel. 0341 488804 welcome.lecco@polimi.it “WK Heisenberg” Residence Hall “Sago” Residence Hall A “Il Borghetto” “San Marco” Real Estate For information: Campus management via Anzani, 42 – 22100 Como (second floor) Monday - Friday 14:00 - 16:00 Silvia Lanfranconi tel. 031 3327659 residenzeuniversitarie@como.polimi.it Uni Agency is a project initiated by the Department of Housing of the Municipality of Milano with the agreement of all the universities of Milan, the Cariplo Foundation and the Regione Lombardia. Uni Agency was founded with the aim of developing accommodation of students away from home, bringing together supply and demand for housing. It connects students and homeowners and provides both with support and advice in the steps of administrative and bureaucratic iter. Among the services offered by Uni Agency there are support and orientation service to the city, transportations and possibility for the free time. 38 P “A. Palladio” Residence Hall A “Ca’ Bassa” Residence Hall For information: Residential Services Area via Golgi, 42 – 20100 Milano Monday - Friday 9.30 - 12.30 residenze@polimi.it www.residenze.polimi.it CREMONA p “Casa Sperlari” Residence Hall For information: Campus Secretary via Sesto, 41 - 26100 Cremona (mezzanine floor) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 to 12:00 and Wednesday 9:00 to 16:30 Luisa Staurenghi tel. 0372 567704 Giovanna Tino tel. 0372 567703 segreteria@cremona.polimi.it Services offered by Uni Agency are totally free. For information: Uni Agency Viale dei Mille, 1 Corner P.le Dateo Tel. +39 02-45400451 Fax. +39 02-45450454 e-mail: CD.AgenziaUni@comune.milano.it Website: www.agenziauni.comune.milano.it MANTOVA LECCO “San Giuseppe” Residence Hall PIACENZA p “JBJ Fourier” Residence Hall “Neighbourhood Solidarity” Project A “Morigi” College For information: Piacenza Campus via Scalabrini 76 - 29100 Piacenza Anna Maria Conti tel. 0523 356873 annamaria.conti@polimi.it “Ferrhotel” Residence Hall A “Gorizia” Residence Hall “A. Volta” College Parish of Malgrate Porto p Politecnico di Milano Residence Hall A Affiliated Residence Hall 39 1 2 Presentation Complete map of Milano Residence Halls Politecnico di Milano Residence Halls 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 38 39 “Leonardo da Vinci” Residence Hall “Galileo Galilei” Residence Hall “Dateo” Campus “C.F.Gauss” Residence Hall “O.Khayyam” Residence Hall “Martinitt” Campus (Affiliated Residence Hall) “Certosa” Campus (Affiliated Residence Hall) “Camplus Rubattino” (Affiliated Residence Hall) University residence halls, cultural activities and sports Uni Agency Como, Cremona, Lecco, Mantova and Piacenza Residence Halls
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Below is a list of post offices that have the “Sportello
Amico” where it is possible to present the application for
a residence permit:
Milano 84 - Corso Italia, 16
Milano Centro - Via Cordusio, 4