USDA Re-opens Border to Live Cattle Imports Destined for Harvest
USDA Re-opens Border to Live Cattle Imports Destined for Harvest
TM The Largest Privately Owned Hereford Newspaper in North America Visit us on the web at: Vol. 9, No. 4 • Serving Commercial Cattlemen & Registered Hereford Breeders • Published by: Hereford America, Inc. • HC 3, Box 38 • Reva, SD 57651 2 Sections January 2005 Montana Office: P.O. Box 410, Twin Bridges, MT 59754 • SD Office: HC 3, Box 38, Reva, SD 57651 Editors’ Comments Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had a nice Christmas and holiday season. Congratulations are in order for several of our friends. First, Mike Stahly from Cavour, SD, was selected as the new president of SD Cattlemens. He and Jill Hotchkiss his wife Judy, son Doug and daughter-in-law Chris have a commercial cattle operation by Cavour which is just east of Huron, SD. Mike is a past president of the SD Hereford Association and is a current board member of Ridgefield Farms-SD. He is a very deserving and capable individual. Congratulations, Mike! Congratulations also go out to Steve and Amy Nuhsbaumer of Zell, SD on the birth of their baby girl Charley in November. Amy is our USDA Re-opens Border to Live Cattle Imports Destined for Harvest by Pete Hisey 12/29/04 for March 7, 2005, will mark the end of the 19-month-old ban on the importation A new year is upon us and we hope that 2005 will bring us peace, prosperity and further advancement in the Hereford industry. Pauline and I had the opportunity to visit daughter Kathy and her husband, Randy in Mississippi for Thanksgiving. We took the big bird Byron Bayers this trip as the weather was not good. We were routed through Dallas and the weather was so bad that the field was closed for a short while as the thunderstorms passed. That meant that we had to travel through them on our way to Memphis. We were running about two hours late and the young pilot was anxious to get on his way knowing it would be a demanding trip. It was the roughest airline flight that I have ever made and I have been at this for over a (continued on page 16) United States provided they are clearly branded with a large “CN,” denoting Canada; are shipped by sealed conveyance to only one feedlot; and are then sent directly to slaughter at a USDAcertified plant. “USDA is confident that the animal and public health measures that Canada has in place to prevent BSE, combined with existing domestic safeguards and additional safeguards provided in the final rule, provide the utmost protections to U.S. consumers and livestock,” the agency said in a published statement. Requirements for minimal-risk status under the final rule are: • prohibition of specified risk materials in human food. • stringent import restrictions to keep BSE out of the region. (cont. on page 22) Long-time Hereford Breeders Honored The American Hereford Association (AHA) recently rolled out the red carpet to honor families who have stood the test of time and are dedicated to the Hereford breed. Golden and Century honorees have been breeding registered Hereford cattle for more than 50 and 100 years. Honorees, family and friends were treated to an open house and reception at the AHA headquarters on October 24 and were recognized at the AHA Annual Membership meeting on (cont. on page 6) Montana Hereford breeders in the business for 50 or more years were recognized at the MHA banquet last month. Pictured are back row, left: Jean Landers, Don Jones, Laurence Hess, Cory Dutton, Doug Sidwell, Marvin Feddes, Mark Cooper, Jack Holden, Larry Descheemaeker. Middle row, left, Cloris Zimmerman, Liz Jones, Loren Brooks, Lorrie & Jeannie Peterson, Nell Feddes and Molly Descheemaeker. Front row, Byron and Pauline Bayers. PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Bismarck, ND Permit 280 (continued on page 4) of live Canadian cattle into the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday afternoon, December 29th. Under the rule, to be published in the Federal Register on Jan. 4, Canada is recognized as the first minimal-risk region due to its “effective bovine spongiform encephalopathy prevention and detection measures.” Beginning in March, cattle under 30 months of age may be imported to the 2 • HEREFORD AMERICA January 2005 3 Sales & Events 4 5 5 5 7 8 10 January 13-15 National Western Stock Show Hereford Events Denver, CO 13th - Pens and Carloads 14th - Heifers, Juniors and Open Show 15th - Bull Show & Mile High Nights Hereford Sale 17 Van Newkirk Bull Sale Oshkosh, NE 27 Sioux Empire Farm Show Hereford Show & Sale Sioux Falls, SD 2 3 12 15 16 17 19 19 21 February 1 2 11 4-U Bull Sale, Dickinson, ND Black Hills Stock Show Hereford Show and Sale Rapid City, SD Shaw Bull Sale Caldwell, ID Frank Rodgers & Sons Polled Hereford Production Sale, Buhl, ID 21 25 25 26 Ochsner Herefords Bull Sale St. Francis, KS Elkington Polled Hereford Sale Idaho Falls, ID Sale of Distinction Whitewood, Sask. Upstream Ranch Sale Taylor, NE Isaacs Cattle Co. Polled Hereford and Angus Sale Callaway, NE Topp Herefords Bull Sale Bismarck, ND Watertown Winter Farm Show Hereford Show and Sale Watertown, SD Ridder Herefords Bull Sale Callaway, NE Mrnak Herefords Sale St. Onge, SD Ken Baker & Sons Bull Sale Rapid City, SD Baumgarten-Perman Bull Sale Dickinson, ND Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Kearney, NE Red Power Sale, Olson Herefords & Red Angus, Valley City, ND Carmichael Herefords Bull Sale Meadow, SD Curtis Polled Herefords Sale Huron, SD Rausch Herefords Bull & Female Sale, Hoven, SD Westwind Polled Hereford & Angus Sale, Valier, MT Gant Polled Hereford and Angus Platte, SD Cranston Herefords Bull Sale St. Onge, SD Kreth Hereford & Angus Sale Mt. Vernon, SD — Don’t Miss an Issue — Subscribe Now! Canadian & Foreign subscriptions — U.S. subscriptions — ____ $15 - one year ____ $25 - one year, first class ____ $25 U.S. funds, one year ____ $50 U.S. funds, two years ____ $30 - two years ____ $50 - two years 1st class (Advertisers placing $125 or more in advertising will receive a free subscription, bulk rate mail. (Commercial cattlemen may receive the paper free of charge for one year.) Please let us know if we need to correct your address or if your local post office has started using “911 Locator” addresses. Note: When submitting an address we need to have 3 lines including a PO Box, Route or Street for the second line. Thanks! Send new or corrected address to : Hereford America, HC 3, Box 38, Reva, SD 57651 Name___________________________________________________________ State _______________________________ Zip _________________________ Phone _______________________ E-mail _____________________________ ____ Registered Breeder, Other Breed ___ Polled ___ Horned ___ Both ___ Other____________________ Signature_______________________________________________________ (Required for Post Office Regulations) 21 23 March 1 7 7 9 12 15 S&S Polled Hereford Sale Guide Rock, NE Hoffman Herefords Sale Leola, SD Harrell Hereford & Quarter Horse Sale Baker City, Oregon D Bar Herefords Bull Sale Melvin, TX Tegtmeier Polled Herefords Sale Burchard, NE Holden Herefords Sale Valier, MT 29 31 Cooper Herefords Sale Willow Creek, MT Shaw’s Northwest Bull Sale, Idaho Washington Cattleman Assn. All Breed Bull Test Sale, Prosser, WA “Young Guns Sale” , Glendive, MT Dwight Logterman & Family Hereford and Angus Sale, Valentine, NE April 9 18 26 Indianhead Polled Hereford Assn. Sale, River Falls, WI K&B Herefords Sale Onida, SD Bar JZ Ranches Sale Highmore, SD — Advertiser’s Index — 4-U Sale Alexander Farms Atkins Polled Herefords Baker Hereford Ranch Baumgarten-Perman Bayers, BySand, Ehlke Big Sioux Cattle Co. Black Hills Stock Show Churchill Cattle Co. Cooper Hereford Ranch Curtis Polled Herefords DV Auctions Double Heart Diamond Dvorak Herefords Eggers Southview Farms Elkington Polled Herefords Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch Feddes, Marvin & Sons Friedt Herefords Gant Polled Herefords. Hillsview Farms Harrell Ranch Hoffman Herefords Isaacs Cattle Co. JB Ranch JBN Herefords 5 16 B-12 15 9 B-1 B-11 B-5 10 B-3 18 B-2 B-4 5 B-12 6 B-6 B-7 4 14 B-11 B-16 B-9 12-13 20 B-10 Johnson Herefords Koehn Marketing Knippling Bros. Kreth Herefords & Angus Lazy JS Ranch Leddy Hereford & Red Angus McIver’s Happy Acres Mohican Polled Herefords Mrnak Herefords National Hereford Sale Nuhsbaumer Herefords Ochsner Herefords (KS) Olson Hereford Ranch Olthoff Polled Herefords Rausch Herefords Ridder Herefords Rodgers, Frank Sale of Distinction Sioux Empire Farm Show Stangle Herefords Stroh Herefords Topp Herefords Upstream Ranch Van Newkirk Herefords Watertown Winter Farm Show West, S.E. & Son Westwind Polled Herefords B-10 Insert 8 B-15 14 B-8 B-12 B-24 19 8 B-15 11 14 B-13 3 11 17 20 B-13 B-7 22 24 21 7 B-11 B-6 23 HEREFORD AMERICA Visit Our Website at: The official Hereford publication for the states of South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming & Minnesota Published seven times per year by Hereford America, Inc. a family owned & operated business. ISSUES: September, October, Nov./Dec., January, February, March, April/May Advertising Deadlines: 5th of the month preceding the date of publication with the exception of the January issue which is December 1. If an ad proof is requested materials must be in by the 1st of the month preceding date of publication. MONTANA OFFICE: SOUTH DAKOTA OFFICE: Byron and Pauline Bayers P.O. Box 410 248 Bayers Lane Twin Bridges, MT 59754 Jill and Marc Hotchkiss Taylor Vroman HC 3, Box 38 Reva, SD 57651 Phone: 406/684-5465 Phone: 605/866-4495 Fax: 406/684-5499 Fax: 605/866-4494 Commercial Ad Sales: Amy Nuhsbaumer • 605/472-352 Proofreaders: June Hotchkiss, Marc Hotchkiss and Taylor Vroman Website Development: Taylor Vroman Ad Design: Jill Hotchkiss, Rox McFarland and Robin Koffler City_____________________________________________________________ ____ Registered Hereford Breeder Colyer Herefords & Angus Sale, Bruneau, ID Address _________________________________________________________ ____ Commercial Breeder 28 17 January 2005 Opinions expressed by our editors, columnists, letters to the editor or other writers or news sources are not necessarily those of the management. We welcome your comments, ideas, suggestions and letters to the editor (must be signed). Hereford America shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that lessen the value of an advertisement. Hereford America’s liability for errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Advertising placed after deadline must be approved by the Editors. All materials for such advertising must be in by date specified by Editor. Late charges may apply. If an ad is placed and all materials are not received by date needed all attempts will be made to compile the ad from available materials. Some late charges may apply. Any cancellations after deadline are subject to full charges for the ad. Breeder advertisement accepted only for Hereford cattle operations selling Herefords or Herefords along with another breed. Advertising for cattle breeds other than Herefords and not including Herefords will not be accepted. Hereford America reserves the right to refuse advertising to anyone. All editorial materials copyrighted by Hereford America 2004 unless otherwise noted. HEREFORD AMERICA • 3 January 2005 377 head of Rausch co ws ha ve no w made the Dams of Distinction List cows hav now SELLING 90 Bulls • 24 yearlings • 66 coming 2-yr olds 180 Open Heifers 20 head from the reg. replacement pen & 160 head from the top end of commercial pen (most can be registered) Free lunch at 11:00 Sale Time 1:00 CST Auctioneer: Joe Goggins Lot 43 • HR N AVIGA TOR 358 NA VIGAT Sir e: N AVIGA TOR / Dam: PERKINS Sire: NA VIGAT BW 92 Lbs. • BW 4.1 WW 49 YW 79 M 15 FT .01 REA .40 IMF .07 Lot 100 • R Miss HUNTER 1334 polled SIRE: HUNTER / D AM: WRANGLER DAM: BW 88 lbs. • BW 3.5 WW 50 YW 80 M 13 FT. -.01 REA .12 IMF -.01 Lot 105 Lot 61 • R WRANGLER 4623 Sire:WRANGLER / Dam:COMET BW 80 lbs. • BW 2.4 WW 44 YW 70 M 20 FT -.01 REA .20 IMF -.14 Lots 18 • R P PA ATHFINDER 2914 polled SIRE: P ATHFINDER / D AM: WRANGLER PA DAM: BW 90 lbs. • BW 4.5 WW 51 YW 87 M 16 FT .01 REA .58 IMF -.14 1-800 ( 6-HEREFORD ) or 605/948-2146 643-7336 E-mail: Website: www .Rausc hHer ef or www.Rausc .RauschHer hHeref efor Offering includes a top set of Polled Bulls The Nation’s Number One Dams of Distinction Herd for the 24th Year AVIGA TOR 5644 Lot 20 • R N NA VIGAT vigator / Dam: Adv ance Navigator Advance SIRE: Na BW 88 Lbs. BW 2.5 WW 39 YW 69 M 18 FT .02 REA .20 IMF .1 Lot 102• R MISS N NA VIGATE AVIGA TE 244 SIRE: N AVIGA TOR / D AM: MAJOR NA VIGAT DAM: BW 82 lbs. • BW 3.3 WW 34 YW 67 M 16 FT. .01 REA .05 IMF -.08 Live video and audio available sale day on your computer. Bidding on internet or phone available sale day. Call prior to sale Over 50 Years in the Registered Business 14831 Hereford Road • Hoven, SD 57450 Located 2 miles West of Ho ven on Hwy 20 & 47 Hov for bidding procedure. Check our homepage for more information. Check out our home page: 4 • HEREFORD AMERICA Jill’s Editorial... (continued from page 1) commercial ad salesmen and the Nuhsbaumers also raise Herefords in eastern South Dakota. Steve is a director on the SD Hereford Association board. Congratulations! (See their clever ad on page B-15.) What a year it has been for the Here- January 2005 ford industry especially in the Midwest. In our general area, including about 4 other states, we have seen increased demand for Hereford cattle and I expect it to continue growing. Some breeders are completely sold out of bulls and we have seen some really good bull sales this fall. The Canadian sales have been good too with some high dollar cattle selling to breeders in the U.S. While a lot of this optimism for the breed is fueled by recordlevel cattle prices in the U.S., I believe the new Ridgefield Farms packing plant in Huron, SD, has helped our industry already. For those of you who haven’t followed Ridgefield Farms Premium Hereford Beef or are reading this newspaper for the first time, Ridgefield is a company with a premium branded Hereford beef product line. The company has been in operation for Culotte steak at the Cross Roads restaurant in Huron. The Cross Roads and Ryan’s Hangar Restaurant both serve Ridgefield beef exclusively. Tues., Feb. 1, 2005 - Stockmen’s Livestock, Dickinson, ND BW WW YW Milk M&G BW WW YW Milk M&G +3.8 +41 +80 +19 +40 -1.3 +33 +66 +36 +53 FH 026K L1 Domino 418 Reg. #: 42519169 BD: 3/16/04 • BW: 95 lbs. • WW: 748 lbs. Sire: HH Advance 026K 1ET • Sire of Dam: UU Yampa Dom 6016 This calf is super thick from end to end. His mother is Van Newkirk bred and is very feminine and efficient. She weaned off 55% of her body weight. Another 026K calf that pushes down the scales. FH L1 Domino 403 Reg. #: 42521083 BD: 1/20/04 • Birth Weight: 72 lbs. • WWt: 736 lbs. Sire: HH Advance 767G • Sire of Dam: JV General 660 Sired by calving ease specialist 767G. 403 is more than a heifer bull with his performance and proven genetics he can easily star in any herd. Red eyes and great carcass traits. Retained semen interest. LOT 2 — FH L1 Domino 425 AF Reg. #: 42519160 • BD: 3/20/04 BW: 94 lbs. • WW: 728 lbs. Sire: RCH Big Sky 2044 • Sire of Dam: ST Star Mark 988 BW 4.0 WW 40 YW 69 M 19 M&G 39 A long sided, trim made calf out of an excellent uddered mother. BW WW YW Milk M&G +4.0 +40 +82 +21 +41 FH L1 Domino 405 Reg. #: 42519185 BD: 1/22/04 • Birth Weight: 97 lbs. • WW: 724 lbs. Sire: JA L1 Domino 9213 • Sire of Dam: FH Master Plan 504 This is one of the stoutest bulls we have raised. His sire, JA L1 Domino 9213, a CL1 Domino 484 son, excells in all performance and carcass traits. Plenty of pigment here. LOT 7 — IH Sandmand 3848 LF LOT 4 — FH 026K L1 Domino 414 Reg. #: 42519175 • BD: 2/25/04 BW: 94 lbs. • WW: 723 lbs. Sire: HH Advance 026K 1ET Sire of Dam: BP Master Plan ET BW 3.6 WW 38 YW 70 M 13 M&G 32 An HH Advance 026K calf out of an 11 year old cow. Clean made with a lot of muscle through his rear quarter. LOT 6 — FH L1 Domino 429 Reg. #: 42519154 • BD: 3/23/04 BW: 96 lbs. • WW: 719 lbs. Sire: KB L1 Domino 1135 • Sire of Dam: UU Yampa Dom 6016 BW 4.3 WW 36 YW 72 M 26 M&G 44 His sire has produced excellent IMF data. 1135’s IMF EPD is +.23. His dam is another top Van Newkirk bred cow. She weaned off 53% of her body weight. For more information contact: Reg. #: 42437144 • BD: 9/9/03 Sire: SR Sandman 521 • Sire of Dam: JA L1 Domino 503 2ET BW 4.9 WW 52 YW 87 M 19 M&G 45 A fall calf purchased at Imig’s fall dispersal. The dam has a ton of milk and he is really thick. LOT 8 — FH 7358 L1 Domino 347 Reg. #: 42413759 • BD: 5/6/03 Sire: OXH 5125 Domino 7358 • Sire of Dam: CL 1 Domino 5131E BW 5.8 WW 39 YW 66 M 18 M&G 37 Super trim made yearling. His sire has sired previous 4-U sale toppers. Gary, Kirsten, Megan, Lindsey and Aaron Friedt Rt. 3, Box 31 • Mott, ND 58646 701/824-2300 e-mail: about five years and is doing very well with their product. While the product is similar to Certified Hereford Beef don’t confuse the two companies—there are some major differences. Ridgefield’s clientele is primarily the high-end restaurant trade along with country clubs and small niche market grocery stores. (See page 5 for a few photos.) After a whirlwind equity drive within the state of South Dakota this summer $19 million dollars was raised to fund construction of its own state-of the art, beef processing facility in Huron, SD. Yes, building! Not only has this increased the awareness of the Hereford breed, its benefits in a crossbreeding program and the absolutely fabulous beef our breed produces, it is giving cattle producers in South Dakota and the surrounding states another avenue to market their beef. If you or anyone you know would like back issues of our paper in which we ran news features on this project please contact us. We would be glad to send the articles to you. You can also access information and construction photos on the company’s website at Everywhere we go people are asking us questions about the new packing plant. I’d like to address some of the more frequently asked questions here. First of all, construction is on schedule. At the present time all of the site preparation has been finished and closed up for the winter. Concrete will be poured in early spring. Another frequently asked question is about out of state cattle. They will be taking out of state cattle. I think there is some confusion on this point due to the SD Certified Program which I will address later. At 600+ head per day Ridgefield will be procuring cattle from outside the state of South Dakota. The breed requirements for their Premium Hereford Beef line, which is estimated to make up 40% of their daily harvest, is at least 50% Hereford with the remainder being another English breed such as Angus, Red Angus, South Devon or Shorthorn. The proposed South Dakota Certified program which is a state-endorsed program is primarily a marketing system for beef from South Dakota. In a nutshell the program stamps its South Dakota Certified label on beef from cattle that are born, raised, fed and processed in the state of South Dakota. The idea of cattle being (continued on page 6) HEREFORD AMERICA • 5 January 2005 2004 Private Treaty Sale Offering beginning Feb. 1 • Buyers encouraged to inspect and place bids before Feb. 1 • Offering 13 coming 2-year old bulls 32 bred heifers 25 Hereford heifers bred Angus 7 F1 Baldy Heifers bred Angus Sires Represented: KB L1 Domino 935, DVOR L1 Domiono 0203, F 915 Star 142, F Bonanza 112, CL 1 Domino 1172L Todd Manolis (left) and Gus Marcus of Manolis Grocery in Huron, SD, sell Ridgefield Farms Premium Hereford Beef like it’s going out of style! Manolis sold 6,000 lbs. of meat in 8 days prior to the holidays. Primarily Ribeyes, Tenderloins, and Strips were sold with 80% of that being Ribeyes. The past 2 months they have averaged about 3,000 lbs a week. Sounds like good beef is popular in Huron! (More on Manolis Grocery with its rich history, tiny square footage and great people, in next month’s paper.) DVOR DOMINO 3172 DVOR DOMINO 317 3172 — Sire: KB 935 • WR 124 • YR 114 BW 3.8 WW 42 YW 74 MM 24 M&G 45 317 — Sire: 1176L • WR 98 • YR 99 BW 2.8 WW 31 YW 53 MM 20 M&G 36 For a catalog or more information call: DVORAK HEREFORDS Richard, Jeff or Boyd Dvorak 605-487-7090 or 605-491-7090 Lake Andes, SD The Ridgefield in-state beef truck coincidentally parked on “Hereford Road” near Sturgis, SD. For those of you local to that area Grocery Mart in Sturgis is currently carrying the Ridgefield product. d n 2 4 ual Ann 4-U BULL SALE sponsored by North Dakota Hereford Assn. Roger Jacobs, Auctioneer DVOR DOMINO 371 371 — Sire: F142 • WR 112 • YR 104 BW 6.9 WW 45 YW 70 MM 20 M&G 42 Tues., Feb. 1st. 2005 1 PM (MST) Stockmen’s Livestock Exchange Dickinson, ND 32 HEAD SELL 19 - Horned Herefords 13 - Polled Herefords These Hereford bulls come from some of the most prominent Hereford breeders in the state of North Dakota. They are the top of the line and will produce excellent females and add extra pounds to your crossbreeding program. For more information or catalog contact: North Dakota Hereford Association SALE STAFF: Chris Effling, Hereford World 605/852-3500 605/769-0142 (cell) SALE DAY PHONE 701-225-8156 • View catalog online at after Jan. 7 or click on the private treaty tab under Hereford seedstock listed in the toolbar at Malynda Carter, Secretary Catalog can be viewed at 1211 111/2 St. N. #10 Fargo, ND 58102 Phone/Fax: 701-266-5468 Cell phone: 701-351-4758 E-mail: 6 • HEREFORD AMERICA Jill’s Editorial... (continued from page 4) raised in a pristine Midwestern state is an appealing concept to many people especially those in metropolitan areas. In other words it is a giant marketing tool. Any beef processor in the state meeting these requirements can use the SD Certified label which would fit in nicely with the Ridgefield program. At the present time the state has no breed requirements for this program, however, in my opinion, Herefords and baldies are still the breeds of choice within the Ridgefield system. The SD Certified program is in its infancy so many details are bound to change by the time it is implemented.But don’t confuse Ridgefield with the SD Certified Program. They are separate. Oh Canada — not again. Is it my imagination or have the last two years ended with some form of North American BSE event and subsequent announcement from the USDA in regard to the US/Canada border? At press time we received the news of the border reopening in March, followed just hours later by an announcement of a possible new Canadian BSE case in a 10year-old dairy cow. In this issue we have compiled several news articles on these subjects. In all of this it baffles me that USDA would let cattle for slaughter cross the border but not breeding cattle. In my logic it should be the other way around if the issue really is BSE-related. But as usual, money and politics are the governing powers and the big 3 seem to be getting their way once again. We’ll see how it shakes out. Happy New Year everyone! — JBH January 2005 ELKINGTON’S POLLED HEREFORD & SOUTH DEVONS Presents Our 25th Annual Range Raised Production Sale _ FRI., FEBRUARY 4, 2005 _ 12:30 p.m. at the Ranch 7 miles east of Idaho Falls on Sunnyside Rd. SELLING: 75 range raised, fertility tested, thick, easy keeping, sound, longevity bulls 50 Polled Hereford performance money maker bulls 12 Poundmaker Bulls (Polled Hereford/South Devon) 12 South Devon Bulls 10-15 Registered Polled Hereford Foundation Type bred heifers 3-5 Registered South Devon bred heifers 5 Registered open heifer calves (club or show prospects) ~ Fancy Fancy — from the kids’ top end 15-20 non-registered commercial Black Baldy and Poundmaker heifer calves. 705N - EPHR PROFESER 705N 777N - EPHR DEDICATION 777N Here is a bull we are all looking for. He has all the thickness and depth a bull can have without being over conditioned. His mother is a great cow with great EPDs. He could guide your program into the future. Look at his perfect feet, legs, and wonderful head. BWT 80 lbs. Sire: LCG Master Duty 51J Sire of Dam: ALLG 452M Remington 219U WW YW Milk M&G BW Super EPDs -0.3 +31 +53 +23 +38 Here is a powerful bull that you are sure to appreciate. He is very thick, smooth and complete from end to end. We think this is as good a bull as we have seen. His mother is a very good red eyed cow. We considered keeping him for ourselves. BWT 87 lbs. Sire: BE Ribeye 185H Sire of Dam: BE Performer 152B BW WW YW Milk M&G +2.6 +43 +68 +9 +30 Long-time Hereford Breeders Honored (continued from page 1) October 25 in Kansas City. More than 400 Hereford families were honored as either an American Hereford Association Golden or Century Award Recipient. Each honoree has maintained an interest in the Hereford breed from 50 - 100 years and continues to remain active within the association. “The Hereford cattle, and the families who believe in them, have been an influential part of the development of the beef industry and especially the Hereford breed,” said Jack Ward, American Hereford Association’s Chief Operating Officer and Director of Breed Improvement. “The Golden and Century Awards represent a tremendous milestone that very few families who are involved in production agriculture rarely see and we commend the dedication and longevity of these families. ” --------------------------- (Editor’s note: The list provided by the AHA starts on page 8. If we have missed someone who should be on the list, kindly notify us. Thanks — Hereford America) (continued on page 8) 726N - EPHR RANGER 726N Look at this beast. He has it all. Lots of meat and muscle along with style and soundness. He is sure attractive. He has red eyes and balance. He could be your next herd sire. His mother is an exceptionally thick easy keeping cow. You can’t do better. BWT 80 lbs. Sire: EPHR Power Play 14L Sire of Dam: BE Super Domino 855F BW WW YW Milk M&G +1.2 +40 +64 +19 +39 POUNDMAKER BULL This is one of our good Poundmaker Bulls. Look at the money making ability of this fine bull. Have you seen more beef and style in a commercial bull? Calves from our Poundmaker Bulls have been weaned and sold making their owners more money than any other cross. BWT 87 lbs. Elkington stands for Integrity, Uniformity and Reliability! Traits you can count on at Elkington • Calving Ease • Birthweight • Pedigrees • Disposition • Fleshing Ability • Gainability • Competitive • Thickness • Fertility • Udder Quality • Soundness • Longevity: Several buyers tell us our bulls last many years longer than any others due to their range conditioning and sound feet and legs. For more information contact: Elkington5080Polled Herefords E. Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, ID 83406 Keith (208) 523-2286 • Brent (208) 523-6461 • Summer (208) 523-6478 Free Delivery: West of Mississippi on $3000 purchases. We will pay 1/2: East of Miss. on $3000 purchases. View catalog on the web at Look for these Idaho sales the same week: Shaw Herefords, Caldwell, Feb. 2 • Frank Rodgers, Buhl, Feb. 3 HEREFORD AMERICA • 7 January 2005 LOT 1 - UU YAMPA 3013 LOT 3 - UU G ENERAL 3037 LOT 9 - UU SPECIAL 3071 LOT 2 - UU G ENERAL 3018 BW 4.9 WW 42 YW 85 MM 29 M&G 51 Fat 0.01 REA 0.01 IMF +0.09 BW 2.5 WW 35 YW 73 MM 43 M&G 60 Fat 0.02 REA 0.29 IMF -0.01 BW 5.2 WW 54 YW 91 MM 24 M&G 51 Fat 0.01 REA 0.24 IMF -0.02 BW 3.8 WW 39 YW 73 MM 42 M&G 62 Fat 0.01 REA 0.21 IMF -0.06 LOT 5 - UU GENERAL 3048 BW WW YW MM M&G Fat REA IMF 4.2 42 62 38 59 0.02 0.21 0.05 LOT 10 - UU GENERAL 3058 BW WW YW MM M&G Fat REA IMF 3.0 38 74 42 61 0.02 0.13 0.02 View catalog online at Joe Van Newkirk 308-772-3081 or 308-778-6049 18302 Hwy 26, Oshkosh, Nebraska 69154 8 • HEREFORD AMERICA Golden & Century Hereford Breeder Award As compiled by the American Hereford Association (bold listings indicate a Century breeder, one who has been in the business 100 or more years) Arkansas Hudson Bros., Harrison, Arkansas Martin Hereford Farm, Judsonia, Arkansas H.H. Simmons, Fayetteville, Arkansas Walter Y. Hudson II, Stamps, Arkansas California Alvernaz Polled Herefords, Williams, California Arthur S. Nyland Estate, San Juan Bautista, California Orvis Cattle Co. – Bruce Orvis, Farmington, California Siskiyou Herefords, Etna, California Jim Orvis & Sons, Farmington, California Jackie or Christie Davis, Lincoln, California Floyd Slocum, Exeter, California Gino Pedretti, El Nido, California Tom Fee, Fort Bidwell, California Colorado Mount Sopris Hereford Ranch, Carbondale, Colorado Orcutt Ranch, Rush, Colorado Sidwell Herefords, Carr, Colorado Franklin Nash, Canon City, Colorado Opal H. Roderick, Lindon, Colorado San Isabel Ranch, Westcliffe, Colorado TV Hereford Ranch, Trinidad, Colorado Connecticut Myron D. Avery, Somers, Connecticut University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut Georgia Greenview Polled Hereford Farm Inc., Screven, Georgia Leonard Polled Herefords. Chatsworth, Georgia University of Georgia, Rayle, Georgia J.W. McCallum, Ambrose, Georgia Jim L. Gillis, Soperton, Georgia January 2005 Idaho Diamond 5 Herefords, Bliss, Idaho Shaw Hereford Ranch Inc., Caldwell, Idaho Zollinger Brothers, Malta, Idaho Frank A. Rodgers & Sons, Buhl, Idaho Jay F. Pearson, Moore, Idaho Sherman W. Clyde, Moscow, Idaho Illinois Blaser Hereford Farm, Reynolds, Illinois Ellis Farms, Chrisman, Illinois Maple Lawn Farms, Wheeler, Illinois Mar-Bar Farms, Avon, Illinois OXO Hereford Ranches, Mokena, Illinois Reeser Herefords, Monticello, Illinois Sweatman Hereford Farm, Beardstown, Illinois Swigart Herefords, Farmer City, Illinois Weger Polled Herefords, Flat Rock, Illinois West Wind Hereford Farm, Edinburg, Illinois Bergschneider Stock Farm, New Berlin, Illinois Fred & Barbara Rawe, Carrollton, Illinois James & Lee Ann Roll, Brocton, Illinois James E. Harms & Sons, Forest City, Illinois John E. Kline & Sons, Le Roy, Illinois John M. Cerny & Sons, Cobden, Illinois Knott Farms, Ellisville, Illinois Randy McCaskill, Clayton, Illinois Thos G. Pearse & Sons, Ottawa, Illinois Milligan Herefords, Kings, Illinois Tjardes Farms, Gibson City, Illinois Wesley G. Broers, Tampico, Illinois This elite offering will include: • • • • • • • • • Buyer’s pick of Holden Herefords’ 2005 heifer calf crop Right to flush any dam in the Holden Herefords herd Right to flush the 2004 American Royal Senior Heifer Calf Champion 2004 American Royal Spring Bull Calf Champion 2004 American Royal Reserve Spring Heifer Calf Champion First bull calf sired by Colyer’s $54,000 “212” bull, a son of the 2004 Denver Champion Female 2004 World Beef Expo Grand Champion Bull 2004 California State Fair Junior Champion Bull Flushes from three great Grandview Plantation donors Right to flush the 2004 NAILE Junior Show Grand Champion Female Right to flush the 2004 New Mexico and Colorado State Fairs Grand Champion Female Right to flush the immortal Queen D12 A top heifer prospect from Tennessee River Music sired by Remitall Judge Daughters of National Champion Remitall Online Plus other highly regarded seedstock lots! (continued on page 8) 45 Coming 2-Year-Old Bulls for sale at private treaty -- Also For Sale -Black Baldy Heifers bred to Angus bulls 60 B.M. Cows bred Angus Indiana Sky Point Farm, Elberfeld, Indiana Able Acres, Wingate, Indiana Beck-Powell Polled Herefords, Bainbridge, Indiana Dorrell Polled Hereford Farms Martinsville, Indiana Edwin Kottkamp & Son, Clayton, Indiana Floyd Timberlake & Son,Mauckport, Indiana Glenn Cosgray, Idaville, Indiana Ralph & Barbara Sherman, Laconia, Indiana Ron E Denhart & Family, Lafayette, Indiana Robert & Marilyn Prince Poseyville, Indiana (continued on page10) • • • • • • Knippling Bros. KB For more information contact: Jerry Knippling 605/293-3484 Donald Knippling 605/293-3472 2005 Denver Hereford Schedule of Events THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 . . . 12 NOON — Hereford Pen & Carload Show, In the Yards FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 . . . 8 am — Junior Hereford Show, followed by Open Female Show, On the Hill SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 . . . 8:30 am — Open Hereford Bull Show, On the Hill 5:30 pm — Pre-Sale Social, Beef Palace 7:30 pm — “Mile High Night” National Hereford Sale, Beef Palace Auction Arena Real-time bidding is available via the internet for this sale. Live audio and live video will allow buyers to bid on animals just as if they were present at the sale. Buyer account must be created prior to the sale. Go to, contact Brad Fahrmeier. Tell Brad you wish to register for the “Mile High Night” Sale. Web Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Brad Fahrmeier . . .(816) 392-9241, e-mail address . . Buyers who would like to bid via internet must register with Brad Fahrmeier by January 10, 2005. Sale sponsored by the American Hereford Association See sale catalog in the December Hereford World, online at, or contact the Sale Managers: NATIONAL CATTLE SERVICES, INC. EDDIE C. & RUTH SIMS P. O. Box 170, Elgin, OK 73538 • (580) 492-4590, office • (580) 595-1626, cell STANLEY E. STOUT AUCTION SERVICE STANLEY STOUT P. O. Box 476, Bonner Springs, KS 66012 (913) 634-7610 HEREFORD AMERICA • 9 January 2005 Baumgarten-Perman Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005 1:00 p.m. MST PRODUCTION SALE Stockmen's Livestock Exchange, Dickinson ND SELLING 50 HEREFORD BULLS: 26 Coming 2 Year Olds 24 Yearlings ** Calves fed free of charge until April 1. ** 2 year old bulls were run on grass with no supplement over summer. BW WW YW M M&G BW WW YW M M&G 3.3 38 60 20 39 3.8 48 88 22 47 PH 3007 Advance 4040 CP Saturn 4058 BCC Little Joe 410 Sire: 3007 BW: 94 205: 643 Sire: 9736 BW: 92 205: 672 Sire: 01K BW: 68 205: 687 BW WW YW M M&G 3.2 41 72 18 39 BW WW YW M M&G 1.0 41 68 21 41 BCC Keystone 312 BCC L1 Domino 317 BCC L1 Domino 412 Sire: 107 BW: 85 205: 694 365: 1201 Sire: 767G BW: 72 205: 676 365: 1103 Sire: 116 BW: 100 205: 664 BW WW YW M M&G -1.0 45 75 13 35 BW WW YW M M&G 5.2 42 84 25 46 FEATURING SIRES: BW WW YW M M&G BW WW YW M M&G 5.3 51 98 12 37 4.7 48 76 25 49 PH Rennovator 3096 PH Stingray 3093 Sire: Reform BW: 97 205: 796 365: 1305 Sire: 1904 BW: 96 205: 765 365: 1185 OXH Domino 9287 KB L1 Domino 116 BCC Keystone 107 HH Advance 767G 1ET OXH Mark Donald 8020 OXH Advance 3007 PH Signature 9736 MHF X160 Reform 77H For catalogs and info contact: Perman Herefords Troy & Peg Perman 6192 Hwy 30 • Streeter, ND 58483 701-424-3412 OR Baumgarten Cattle Co. Rollie & Tama Baumgarten 4260 127th Ave. SW • Belfield, ND 58622 701-575-8292 Check out our catalog on the internet at 10 • HEREFORD AMERICA Iowa BB Cattle Enterprises, Clarinda, Iowa Curran Cattle Farm, Nora Springs, Iowa Johnson Hereford Farm, Milford, Iowa Kozik Brothers, Belle Plaine, Iowa Leonard Jacobs White Faced Acres, Saint Charles, Iowa MM Herefords, Coin, Iowa Ohnemus Hereford Farms, Milo, Iowa Sheriff Polled Herefords, Orient, Iowa Wiese & Sons, Manning, Iowa Carl Wagner & Sons, West Union, Iowa Donald W. Richardson, Storm Lake, Iowa Ray Dittmer, Lacona, Iowa Norbert Dittmer & Sons, Lacona, Iowa Buell F. Jackson & Sons, Mechanicsville, Iowa Charles Amos & Sons, Indianola, Iowa January 2005 Melvin Underwood, Campbellsville, Kentucky Riffe Brothers, Webbville, Kentucky Youngs Polled Herefords, Kuttawa, Kentucky Avalon Farm, Winchester, Kentucky Louisiana Lewis Hereford Farm, Angie, Louisiana Maine Old Homestead Farm, Hirm, Maine Mississippi Circle M Ranch, Senatobia, Mississippi Mississippi State Univ, Mississippi State, Mississippi Triple H Ranch, Louisville, Mississippi Bill Darnell, Caledonia, Mississippi Joe Waggoner, Jackson, Mississippi Missouri Bonebrake Hereford Farm, Springfield, Missouri Dobbs Hereford Ranch, Columbia, Missouri Duvall Polled Herefords, Lockwood, Missouri Keithley Hereford Farms, Frankford, Missouri Middle Creek Farm, Inc., West Plains, Missouri Reeds Farms, Green Ridge, Missouri Sidwell Ranch, Columbus, Montana Storey Hereford Ranch, Bozeman, Montana Vescovi Polled Herefords, Roundup, Montana L.A. & J.R. Peterson, Livingston, Montana Herbert D. Landers, Wilsall, Montana Nelson Polled Herefords, Plains, Montana Fort Keogh Livestock & Range Research Station, Miles City, Montana Nebraska Alexander Farms, Lyons, Nebraska Alfred Schutte & Sons, Guide Rock, Nebraska Cain Land & Livestock, Broken Bow, Nebraska Churchill Hereford Ranch, Valentine, Nebraska Diamond Ring Herefords, Taylor, Nebraska Double Heart Diamond Cattle, Berwyn, Kansas Nebraska Brooks Ranch – Loren Engelhaupt Herefords, Brooks Vicki Bishop & Butte, Nebraska Family, Basehor, Kansas Estermann Herefords, C&M Hereford Farms, Wellfleet, Nebraska Stockton, Kansas Frenzen Polled CK Ranch, Salina, Kansas Herefords, Fullerton, Conway Herefords, Topeka, Nebraska Kansas Grabenstein Herefords, Coyote Creek Ranch, Burr Eustis, Nebraska Oak, Kansas Helms Polled Herefords, Double J Herefords, Churchill Hummer is a young bull with that rare Holbrook, Nebraska Phillipsburg, Kansas Hirschman Herefords, combination of power and style! He is thick quartered, deep Eulert Ranch, Paradise, Saint Paul, Nebraska ribbed, athletic and pigmented. His sire, MVP, breeds as much Kansas Huwaldts Herefords, G&R Polled Herefords, thickness, ribeye, and fleshing ability as any bull I’ve ever Randolph, Nebraska Marysville, Kansas Imig Herefords, seen. Hummer has this same power with loads of eye Gustafson Herefords. Lakeside, Nebraska appeal. His total performance from birth to Junction City, Kansas JB Ranch, Wayne, Jamison Herefords, Quinter, yearling to carcass is terrific! Nebraska Kansas M&W Hereford Ranch Jessray Hereford Farm, Inc., Imperial, Nebraska Topeka, Kansas Melchers Herefords Mader Farms, Jennings, Inc., Page, Nebraska Kansas Monahan Cattle Co., Mills Ranch, Saint Francis, Hyannis, Nebraska Kansas CL 1 DOMINO 5131E Mrs. Elsie Sukovatz & CL 1 DOMINO 986J CL 1 DOMINET 496 1ET Rogers Hereford Farm, Mr. & Mrs. Stan CHURCHILL MVP 188 CHURCHILL EAGLE 504 Garnett, Kansas Buckow, Plymouth, CHURCHILL LADY 792 [DOD] CHURCH LADY 126 2ET Spring Hill Hereford Farms, Nebraska CHURCHILL EZ 208 Blue Rapids, Kansas Nelson Herefords, CHURCHILL BLAZE 6110 CHURCH LADY 207 2ET Towns Herefords, Palco, Burwell, Nebraska CHURCHILL LADY 882 CHURCHILL HUGO 105 Kansas CHURCHILL LADY 343 Pine Ridge Polled BB MS HI TEC 875 2ET Umberger Polled Herefords, Hereford Ranch, Rozel, Kansas Whiteclay, Nebraska Hummer’s dam, 882, has had 5 calves with an average BW B.L. Roy Williams, Lincoln, Priefert Herefords, Kansas ratio of 99, WW ratio of 102 and YW ratio of 105. His Fairmont, Nebraska Walnut Grove Farm, Psota Herefords, North grandmother will have her 11th calf this spring. Both cows Agenda, Kansas Loup, Nebraska have sound feet, udders, and eyes! Alfalfa Lawn Farms, Larned, Ridder Hereford Ranch, Kansas Callaway, Nebraska Semen will be available on Hummer Brannan & Reinhardt, Sellman Ranch, in packages; call or email for details. Bison, Kansas Crawford, Nebraska Donald Riffel & Sons, Spencer Herefords, Enterprise, Kansas Brewster, Nebraska BW 4.1 WW 50 YW 85 Milk 21 M&G 46 Dwight H. Williams, Sylvan Stutheit Hereford Farm, SC 1.5 Fat .01 REA .46 IMF -.13 Grove, Kansas Johnson, Nebraska Michael Deewall Family, BW 88# WW 790# Ratio 110 YW 1261# TKR Herefords, Coldwater, Kansas Waverly, Nebraska Ratio 108 SC 40 cm Fat .29 REA 14.2 in. Jeff Reichart, Valley Falls, Upstream Ranch, IMF 2.36 Frame 7.0 Kansas Taylor, Nebraska John Bradley, Lawrence, Van Newkirk Herefords, Kansas Oshkosh, Nebraska Richard & Denise L Vernon Yost & Sons, Dale & Nancy Venhuizen Swenson, Concordia, Geneva, Nebraska 1862 Yadon Rd. For natural service bulls that are bred like, perform Kansas Albert Moeller, Grand Manhattan, MT 59741-8019 E.J. Long, Norcatur, Kansas Island, Nebraska like and look like Hummer; give us a call. (406) 406-284-6421 (office and home) Gene Meitler, Lucas, Clarence Tegtmeier & 40 Bulls for sale — they are going quickly! Kansas Sons, Burchard 406-284-3715 (fax) 406-580-6421 (cell) Geo Schlickau, Haven, Deichmann Herefords, E-mail: Kansas Central City, Nebraska Gilbert Ochsner, St Francis Earl Henderson & Sons, Alliance, Nebraska Maryland Valley View Farms, Morrison, Missouri Harold Carswell, Osborne, Kansas Hervale Farms, Carrollton, Nebraska Church View Farm Inc., Millersville, Maryland Gregory Polled Herefords, Houstonia, Missouri Jim Douthit, Saint Francis, Kansas Lehman & Sons, Farnam, Nebraska Mullinix Brothers, Woodbine, Maryland Jones & Benoist, Bonne Terre, Missouri Paul Mudd, Gorham, Kansas Jarvis & Maxine Miller, Oxford, Nebraska Massachusetts McCalment Farms, Unionville, Missouri Robert D. Faler, Elk City, Kansas Eugene Henkel, Fairbury, Nebraska Norfolk Co. Agricultural High School, Walpole, 156 Albert Bray Jr., Belle, Missouri Titus & Stout Hereford Ranch, Cottonwood Falls, Joe B. Westover, Ashby, Nebraska Massachusetts Gary L. Clarkson, La Plata, Missouri Kansas John H. Sukraw, Maxwell, Nebraska Twin Elm Farm, Mendon, Massachusetts PV & EE Kinkead, Farmington, Missouri Sutor Hereford Farm, Zurich, Kansas Keith Lapp, Hayes Center, Nebraska Frank Hug & Sons, Scranton, Kansas Larry Gibson, Wallace, Nebraska Minnesota Montana Lowell Fisher, Spencer, Nebraska Albert Blomgren & Son, Winnebago, Minnesota Anchor Polled Herefords, Vaughn, Montana Kentucky Kenneth L. Larson, Decatur, Nebraska Bush Herefords, Pipestone, Minnesota Bayers Hereford Ranch, Twin Bridges, Montana Boyd Beef Cattle, Mays Lick, Kentucky Rod & Brett Gierau, Springview, Nebraska John W. Schmidt & Son, Pipestone, Minnesota Beery Land & Cattle, Vida, Montana Chambliss Hereford Farm, Hardinsburg, Kentucky Schroeder Brothers, Arapahoe, Nebraska Krogstad Polled Herefords, Fertile, Minnesota Brooks Ranch, Hardin, Montana Clifford Farms, Cynthiana, Kentucky Stanley J. McMahon & Sons, Ayr, Nebraska Nelson Polled Herefords, Tracy, Minnesota Cooper Herefords, Willow Creek, Montana Goodman Farms, Fountain Run, Kentucky Sterling Hespen, Syracuse, Nebraska Ray L. Johnson Herefords, Lake Bronson, Minnesota Descheemaeker Herefords, Lewistown, Montana Hansell Pile & Sons, Cecilia, Kentucky Van De Walle Polled Herefords, Cedar Rapids Werk Herefords, Herman, Minnesota Eggen’s J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood, Montana Tucker Stock Farm, Hudson, Kentucky Nevada Delaney Herefords Inc., Lake Benton, Minnesota Marvin Feddes & Sons, Manhattan, Montana Botkin Polled Herefords, Lexington, Kentucky Lee Livestock Co., Spring Creek, Nevada Erdmann Hereford Farm, Rice, Minnesota Holden Herefords, Valier, Montana LeRoyce Burks & Son, Smiths Grove, Kentucky Jess Sustacha, Lamoille, Nevada Lester J. Schafer, Buffalo Lake, Minnesota Schock Polled Herefords, Vida, Montana Dale Stith, Guston, Kentucky Introducing Churchill Hummer 3126 Churchill Hummer 3126 Churchill Hummer 3126 BULLS FOR SALE HEREFORD AMERICA • 11 January 2005 New Mexico Harvey Hereford Ranches, Mesilla, New Mexico Henard Ranches, Tatum, New Mexico E.N. Jeffers Jr., Springer, New Mexico Jack Copeland & Sons, Nara Visa, New Mexico North Carolina H&C Hereford Farm, Lexington, North Carolina Will-Via Polled Hereford Farm, Mooresville, North Carolina Clifton & Roger Moss, Kittrell, North Carolina Bill Kirkman, Greensboro, North Carolina North Dakota Baumgarten Cattle Co., Belfield, North Dakota Baumgarten Hereford Acres, Durbin, North Dakota Mrnak Herefords, Bowman, North Dakota Myran Herefords, Taylor, North Dakota Olson Hereford Ranch, Argusville, North Dakota Stroh Hereford Ranch, Killdeer, North Dakota Stuber Herefords, Bowman, North Dakota Wolff’s Polled Herefords, Oakes, North Dakota Merlin E. & Eunice Fornes, Kathryn, North Dakota Kevin Nelson, Mandan, North Dakota Raymond Nelson, Doyon, North Dakota Robert Slavick, New Salem, North Dakota Silha Brothers, Bowman, North Dakota Ohio Adams Hereford Farm, Woodstock, Ohio B.J. Herman & Sons, Edgerton, Ohio Flatter Hereford Farm, Yellow Springs, Ohio R.B. Kinney, Belmont-Pleasant Hill, Ohio Millstone Valley Farm, Oxford, Ohio Pine Hill Farm, Washington Court House, Ohio The Hugh M. Lynch Farms, Columbus, Ohio Harold E. Conrad & Son, Newark, Ohio Ralph E. Ullman & Son, Graysville, Ohio Taylor & Taylor, Willow Wood, Ohio Merry Farms, Caldwell, Ohio Oklahoma Bowling Herefords, Blackwell, Oklahoma Charles Spencer Hereford Farm, Elgin, Oklahoma Don Dennis Ranch, Grady, Oklahoma Henricks Cattle Co., Anadarko, Oklahoma HVH Farms, Waukomis, Oklahoma Jordan Hereford Ranch, Fairview, Oklahoma Langford Herefords, Okmulgee, Oklahoma Trimm Hereford Ranch, Warner, Oklahoma Since 1907, Turner Brothers, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Wild Horse Hill Ranch, Boynton, Oklahoma Flying G Ranch, Sand Springs, Oklahoma Gary M. Day & Family, Ada, Oklahoma Graft Britton Ranch, Leedey, Oklahoma Gus D. Martin, Coalgate, Oklahoma J.H. Lents, Indiahoma, Oklahoma Messner Herefords, Laverne, Oklahoma Elmo G. Barnes & Sons, Hulbert, Oklahoma Richard C. Day, Roff, Oklahoma G.T. Easley, Sulphur, Oklahoma Yolande C. Fuchs Jr., Sweetwater, Oklahoma Merry Farms, Caldwell, Ohio LOCATED 10 MILES SOUTH OF HAIGLER, NE. on Hwy 27 & 3/4 mile East at Rd. V; 14 miles NW of St. Francis, KS on Hwy 27 & 3/4 mile east at Rd. V. Oregon Carman Ranch, Wallowa, Oregon Hibberds Hornless Herefords, Imbler, Oregon Chandler Herefords Inc., Baker City, Oregon SELLING: 50 — Two and Coming Two Year Old Bulls! All bulls will be fertility tested with EPD’s and weights, scrotal and pelvic measurements. Big, strong, well developed, sound herd bull prospects; and top range bulls South Carolina Forrest Polled Herefords, Saluda, South Carolina Fowken Farm, Jonesville, South Carolina Keese Hereford Farm, Seneca, South Carolina South Dakota Ken Baker & Sons, Rapid City, South Dakota Bar JZ Polled Herefords, Holabird, South Dakota Black Hills Hereford Ranch, Piedmont, SD Leddy Herefords, Twin Brooks, South Dakota Bartling Herefords, Herrick, South Dakota Carlson Hereford Ranch, Colome, South Dakota Carmichael Herefords, Meadow, South Dakota W.E. Chamberlain & Sons, White River, South Dakota Dean Hereford Farm, Wessington Springs Fawcetts Elm Creek Ranch Ree Heights, South Dakota Flatten Herefords, Madison, South Dakota Ford Mountain Ranch, Hill City, South Dakota Gant Polled Herefords, Geddes, South Dakota Larry & Carol Gildemaster, Virgil, South Dakota Hawks Herefords, Howes, South Dakota Hoffman Herefords, Leola, South Dakota Holstein Brothers, Chamberlain, South Dakota K&B Herefords, Onida, South Dakota Kreth Herefords, Mount Vernon, South Dakota Longwood Ranch, Lemmon, SD Lounsbery Hereford Farm, Centerville, South Dakota Mettler Polled Herefords, Menno, South Dakota David D. Olson, Astoria, South Dakota 30-35 - 2004 replacement type registered and commercial heifers. SNS 156G Gunsmoke Lad 17J SNS 3G Prince Dandy 105L Your dependable source of Canadian genetics! Herd Sires: SNS Silver Dom 40F LCI Dexter 182 FE 154E Ribstone 164H SNS 3G Prince Dandy 105L SNS 156G Gunsmoke Lad 17J SNS Big Sky Prince 132H For catalogs contact: Gilbert Ochsner Rt. 1 Box 324 • St. Francis, KS 67756 785/332-3030; E-mail: View Catalog at website: (continued on page 14) Ridder Hereford Ranch has worked to produce the breed’s top Bulls and Females. We raise Moderate BW’s, Top Maternals, and Outstanding Carcass Traits from preeminent Hereford Herd Sires. Mark your calendar for Feb. 10th and buy your K 64H Ribstone Lad 157K Call now to order your Ridder Sale Catalog. reputation Herefords from Ridders. Ridder Hereford Ranch Thurs. Feb. 10 1 p.m. central time. Annual Bull & Heifer Sale – Leading Hereford Genetics since 1907 – RR 1, Box 95, Callaway, NE 68825 308.836.4430 www.callaway– 50 2–yr–old Bulls + 40 yearling Heifers 12 • HEREFORD AMERICA January 2005 1 P.M. Central Time 5 miles W. of Callaway, NE Sat., Feb. 5th, 2005 Link son 85 Bulls Sell Baldridge Link 36 Heifer Bulls ery v i l De p e e r F Kee e e Fr Act. BW 85 Adj. WW 703 EPDs BW 2.1 WW 36 MM 24 YW 71 2056 Razzi son 2004 calves avg. BW 82 lbs. Avg. WW 723 Act. BW 90 Adj. WW 723 EPDs BW 1.1 WW 38 MM 27 YW 85 EPDs BW 4.2 WW 38 MM 14 YW 71 Future Direction son Link son Link son BW 3.6 WW 40 MM 24 YW 71 EPDs 4291 2811 7188 Act. BW 90 Adj. WW 799 19913 Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 696 BW 3.1 WW 34 Act. BW 50 Adj. WW 740 MM 20 YW 68 EPDs Future Direction BW -1.1 WW44 MM 21 YW 61 EPDs Razzi son Act. BW 85 Adj. WW 754 EPDs BW 3.2 WW 41 MM 15 YW 75 EPDs BW 0.8 WW 36 MM 21 YW 72 0312 New Location — 5 miles W. of Callaway, NE HEREFORD AMERICA • 13 January 2005 Sat., February 5th, 2005 ry e v i el D F r e e Keep Free 85 Bulls Sell • 36 Heifer Bulls 1 P.M. Central Time 5 miles W. of n! o i t oca NE L New way, a Call Callaway, NE A Star is Born! EPDs BW 2.5 WW 44 YW 67 MM 27 SC 0.8 Isaacs Belzer 5M Act. BW 72 • Act. WW 951 • YR Wt. 1450 • YR Scr 40 cm 253F Isaacs Belzer 253F BD: 3/11 • Sire: Belzer • 11/15 Wt. 784 Dam’s NR: 1/101 Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 682 BW 2.0 WW 41 MM 25 YW 63 EPDs Bull 31E 24F 2053 3647 031 12 20988 253F 0620 1667 Sire Belzer Belzer Belzer Belzer Belzer Belzer Belzer Belzer Belzer Belzer BD 3/27 3/11 3/25 3/20 3/4 3/8 3/30 3/11 3/2 3/14 85 Bulls Sell • 36 Heifer Bulls GOALS BW ADJ WW Milk YW Dam’s BW EPD WW EPD EPD EPD NR 95 49 74 8/108 3.6 763 22 80 35 52 6/103 1.4 654 26 80 39 60 1/104 1.2 642 23 80 39 61 7/102 2.0 667 18 90 38 58 2/94 2.3 613 22 88 39 65 2/103 1.4 722 25 85 38 61 1/93 3.3 629 19 80 41 63 1/101 2.0 682 25 82 39 58 2/102 1.7 635 23 92 39 64 2/101 3.6 691 24 11/15 WT 892 810 700 724 810 810 644 784 822 810 31E Isaacs Belzer 31E BD: 3/27 • Sire: Belzer • 11/15 Wt. 892 Dam’s NR: 8/108 Act. BW 95 Adj. WW 763 SIRES: Baldridge Link, PAPA Razzi, Sitz Alliance 182L, Isaacs Vision, Future Direction, Isaacs Belzer Breeding Cattle That will Enhance Customer Profitability 1 - Moderate Birth Weights: 2004 Bull Calves Avg. BW 79 lbs. 2 - Fertility and Mothering Ability: 2004 Preg. Test 98% Bred 3 - Efficient Cows: 2004 all cows weaned 48% of their weight. 2004 All Angus Cows Avg. Wt 1248 lbs. 2004 All bull calves Avg. Wt. 9/2/04 599 lbs. 4 - Trouble free cows: No C-Sections or vet visits in 16 years 5 - Quiet disposition and longevity: Cows over 10 years in production 6 - Satisfied customers: 91% repeat customers 7 - Cattle that will finish in 12-14 months 8 - Functional udder and teat structure 9 - Uniform frame score 6-6-1/2 and phenotype: A high % of our customers sell their steers in one or two drafts 10 - Predictable Performance BW 3.6 WW 49 MM 22 YW 74 EPDs ca’s i r e m A ENT I C I F F E erd H w o C Nick & Elaine Isaacs 308-836-4445 (fax/phone) HC 67 Box 8 Callaway, NE 68825 Email: 14 • HEREFORD AMERICA Polled Herefords January 2005 Red Angus Olson’s Red Power Performance Tested Bull Sale ND Winter Show Building - Valley City, ND - 1:00 PM Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005 Sponsored by these Performance Breeders OHR Red Angus, Gerner Red Angus, Lloyd Red Angus, & Olson Hereford Ranch 50 Red Angus Bulls - 15 Red Angus Heifers - 12 Polled Hereford Bulls Featuring sons of these great sires! Want MORE? - Superior Carcass Traits - Increased Performance - Moderate Birth Weights - Higher Fertility Levels - Wonderful Mothers - Good Dispositions - More Ending Profit! Kodiak Contact OHR for est more info or to requ g! lo ta ca a sale Divide Edward & Jeanne Olson 701-484-5779 Carl & Carla Olson 701-484-5068 2713 166 Ave SE - Argusville, ND 58005 Dakota Copper Lot 1 - Gant Online 114 Lot 2 - Gant Online 111 Remitall Online x BT Mohican Tradition 530 BW 4.7 WW 42 YW 78 MM 14 M&G 35 Remitall Online x MSU Optimum Z03 BW 4.0 WW 45 YW 82 MM 16 M&G 39 Lot 3 - Gant Wrangler 116 Lot 22 - Gant Dateline 257 JDF 16D Wrangler 15 x Tradition BW 4.0 WW 34 YW 60 MM 14 M&G 31 Vermillion Dateline x Gold Nugget BW 2.3 WW 39 M 18 YW 77 Hereford Service Sires: Angus Service Sires: Remitall Online • Timber JDF 16D Wrangler 15 New Dimension • Isaacs Hollywood VRD • 878 • Alliance Venture • Bon View Bando 215 Bon View EXT 473 • Greens Deputy Long-time Breeders... (continued from page 11) Rausch Herefords, Hoven, South Dakota Ravine Creek Ranch, Huron, South Dakota Redlin Herefords, Summit, South Dakota Squaw Creek Farms, Colman, South Dakota Thorstenson Hereford Ranch, Selby, South Dakota Trails End Ranch, Avon, South Dakota Willow Creek Farms, Watertown, South Dakota Woodcrest Farms, Cresbard, South Dakota Wilmer Wuertzer, Parkston, South Dakota Harley Zens, Canova, South Dakota Tennessee Buddy Herefords, Pulaski, Tennessee Burns Farms, Pikeville, Tennessee Candy Meadow Farms Inc., Lexington, Tennessee EBS Polled Herefords, Covington, Tennessee Four L Hereford Farm, Murfreesboro, Tennessee Moores Polled Herefords, Williamsport, Tennessee University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee H.E. Doan & Sons, Blountsville, Tennessee Dean A Thompson, Nashville, Tennessee Billy Ashe, Selmer, Tennessee J.G. Walker, Somerville, Tennessee Jim Coley. Castalian Springs, Tennessee Robert B. Coley, New Market, Tennessee Tommy Coley, Tennessee Rogers Hereford Farm, Centerville, Tennessee William Woodard & Sons, Springfield, Tennessee ABB Polled Hereford Ranch, Del Valle, Texas Texas Barber Ranch, Channing, Texas Bonn Ranch, Fredricksburg, Texas Born Herefords, Follett, Texas Brown Ranches, Beeville, Texas Curtis Younts & Son, Belton, Texas Dudley Brothers, Comanche, Texas Hamman Brothers, Jacksboro, Texas Heard Ranch, San Antonio, Texas Justiss Ranch LLP, Omaha, Texas Kuykendall Ranch, Cherokee, Texas Longbotham Cattle Co., Clyde, Texas Murpheys Circle M Ranch Ltd., Meridian, Texas Noack Family Partnership, Ltd., Rockdale, Texas Schmidt Hereford Ranch Inc., Mason, Texas Spillman & Sons Ranch, Jewett, Texas Storm Ranch, Dripping Springs, Texas Summerour Ranch, Dalhart, Texas Walker Herefords, La Grange, Texas Warren Petsch Ranch, Fredricksburg, Texas Wied Hereford Farms, Brenham, Texas Youngblood Ranch, Lamesa, Texas Coates Ranch Co., Mertzon, Texas CT McClatchy & Sons, Bangs, Texas Dennis Gant 37195 - 285th Street Geddes, SD 57342 Home: (605) 337-2340 Cell: (605) 680-1540 37214 - 285th Street Geddes, SD 57342 Home: (605) 337-2564 Cell: (605) 680-1542 Virginia Bundoran Farm, North Garden, Virginia Cobbler Mountain Herefords, Delaplane, Virginia Dunrovin Farm, Crozet, Virginia Fauquier Farm, Warrenton, Virginia Knoll Crest Farm, Red House, Virginia LaFayette Farm, Orange, Virginia Rolling Hills, Winchester, Virginia Harry A. Knabe Jr., Dillwyn, Virginia Virgil E. Ewing, Manakin Sabot, Virginia Washington Mr. Arthur Schuster, Goldendale, Washington West Virginia David Law & Sons, Harrisville, West Virginia Grandview Hereford Farm, Beaver, West Virginia Kidd Hereford Farm, Napier, West Virginia A. Goff & Sons, Harrisville, West Virginia Wisconsin Larson Hereford Farm, Spring Valley, Wisconsin Warren Brown Family, Hartland, Wisconsin Owens Brothers, Baldwin, Wisconsin W.M. Hanley, Madison, Wisconsin Wyoming Holmes Herefords, Cheyenne, Wyoming Middleswarth Herefords, Torrington, Wyoming The Berry’s, Cheyenne, Wyoming The von Forell Herefords, Wheatland, Wyoming Lloyd L. Brown, Powell, Wyoming Alan L. Siggins, Cody, Wyoming S.E. West & Sons, Lusk, Wyoming Largent & Sons, Kaycee, Wyoming Wyoming Hereford Ranch, Cheyenne, Wyoming One of the “Golden Breeders” in the previous list, Jess Southard of Jessray Hereford Farm, Topeka, KS shared several photographs with us from a rodeo held at the J.O. Southard Ranch, Comiskey, KS in 1925. This caption says, “Chief (owned by Leonard Stroud) jumping over loaded automobile. Opportunity is Knocking... Outcross Herd Sire for Sale at Private Treaty Bulls kept free until April 1 or deduct $25 if you haul Sale Day. Free Delivery. All bulls have a first breeding season guarantee. Mark Gant Fields Polled Herefords, Pampa, Texas Ira F. Lee, Willow City, Texas James L. Powel, Ft. McKavett, Texas Jim G. Bell Farms, Pollok, Texas John Paul Dauer, Panhandle, Texas McKnight Ranch Co., Odessa, Texas David Howard, Sabinal, Texas George W. Knox, Tarzan, Texas Jack J. Ebeling, Round Mountain, Texas Jeffery A. Mezger, Marble Falls, Texas Joseph J. Skrivanek Jr., Caldwell, Texas L C Whitehead, Dallas, Texas Thomas S. Riebe, Bergheim, Texas Walter Camp, Wellington, Texas The Chastain Family, Fort Worth, Texas Yarling Herefords, Schulenburg, Texas McInnis Cattle Co., May, Texas Trammell Swanson Muleshoe, Breckenridge, Texas Swenson Land & Cattle Co., Stamford, Texas Pronger Brothers, Stratford, Texas LJSR Explorer 849H WCCR MR. MOTION W75 LJSR PLAINSMAN LJSR PIPPA VESCOVI X761 LJSR VIOLA LJSR VINZENNES A son of LJSR Plainsman BW: -.4 WW: 17 YW: 28 Milk: 8 Also for sale by private treaty... Coming 2 year olds and a good selection of bull calves. Lazy JS Ranch Logan Silha • 701/523-5605 14104 83rd St. SW Bowman, ND 58623 HEREFORD AMERICA • 15 January 2005 “The Premier Performance Sale” • 1946-2005 • 59 Years of Dedication to Breed Improvement Baker Bred Bulls A breeding program with Focus Focused on birth weights . . . live calves are a must here Focused on maternal traits . . . a cow herd that milks and rebreeds Focused on payweights . . . weaning, yearling weights & EPD’s right for today’s markets Focused on meat and muscle . . . something you will appreciate in this offering An entire herd line-bred for predictability Saturday Feb. 12th 2005 SELLING 75 BULLS 1 p.m. at the ranch Rapid City, SD EPD’s: BW 2.1 WW 40 YW 68 M 21 MG 41 412 Sire: 7745 BW 89 • 205 wt. 682 Sire: 218 BW 80 • 205 wt. 736 Sire: 965 BW 90 • 205 wt. 724 450 Sire: 218M BW 90 • 205 wt. 860 477 Sire: 9126 BW 92 • 205 wt. 780 BW 86 • 205 wt. 820 Sire: 484 BW 74 • 205 wt. 732 454 Sire: 9126 BW 79 • 205 wt. 740 Sire: 921 BW 93 • 205 wt. 815 Sire: 0453 BW 87 • 205 wt. 740 EPD’s: BW 3.8 WW 45 YW 80 M 19 MG 42 Sire: 484 BW 76 • 205 wt. 714 P.O. Box 2769 • Rapid City, SD 57709 Sire: 1127 426 EPD’s: BW 1.9 WW 33 YW 68 M 27 MG 44 EPD’s: BW 1.2 WW 36 YW 69 M 22 MG 40 EPD’s: BW 3.3 WW 40 YW 80 M 17 MG 37 4111 416 EPD’s: BW -0.1 WW 36 YW 71 M 23 MG 41 EPD’s: BW 3.5 WW 35 YW 73 M 23 MG 40 EPD’s: BW 3.5 WW 36 YW 71 M 26 MG 44 460 Also selling 2 Proven 3-Year-Old Herd Bulls: KB L1 Domino 272 • RCH L1 Domino 2139 EPD’s: BW 3.5 WW 36 YW 70 M 17 MG 35 EPD’s: BW 1.2 WW 35 YW 66 M 17 MG 35 428 Over 1/2 of bulls will work on heifers. Ken — (218) 784-4499 Jim — (605) 923-2925 or 381-9519 (cell) Jeff — (605) 923-5632 or 381-2444 (cell) Website: E-mail: 496 EPD’s: BW 4.9 WW 36 YW 63 M 21 MG 39 3164 16 • HEREFORD AMERICA January 2005 Byron’s Editorial... (continued from page 1) half century. Pauline held on to me most of the way but our pilot maneuvered his way through the band of T-storms extremely well. When we arrived in Memphis I went up to the Captain and told him, “As a pilot of 50 years I really appreciated the way your crew handled the difficult weather and turbulence.” He put his hand out to shake my hand and said, “I really appreciate that coming from you” and both pilots gave us a big smile.” Nice young men doing a difficult job, don’t forget your crew when they get you to your destination after a rough trip. Kathy offered to drive us to TN to visit Billy Ashe of Ashwood Farms near Selmer, TN. Billy is the current President of the TN Polled Hereford Assn and a very learned person in the cattle industry. A HAVRE KING DOMINO 38G graduate of Oklahoma State and a friend of the late Wayne Haygood, who went to OSU at the same time. Billy runs a registered Angus herd as well as a registered polled Hereford herd and several calls while we were there indicated that his bull business was active. Billy is building his good polled herd, as well as his Angus herd, on genetics that are rich in carcass characteristics. Kathy drove us from Oxford to Selmer, and what a beautiful country drive that is, for us mountain natives, to view. Billy lives in an area that was an important location for one of the Civil War battles and only a few miles from Shiloh National Park. I could not believe the water everywhere we went. It has been raining heavily in the south all fall and I believe these people can get more rain in a day that we get in MT in a couple of months. Near a lot of the highways were actually lakes of water [ HAVRE KING DOMINO 1 [ HL 1K DOMINO 24 DES HL1 LADY KD23 5/4/99 • Reg. # P41120199 DES MISS KD LADY B207 DES HL1 LADY KD23 1 KING DOM 71183 [ HL DES MISS KD LADY B207 HL1 KING DOM 8 [ KPHR HL 1 LADY K DOM 2 1 RIGHT DOM [ HL HL 1 MISS HD DOM 15 HL1 KING DOM 8 [ KPHR HL 1 LADY K DOM 2 flooding the areas. Billy took us to lunch at the famous Henco Furniture House, owned by Tom Hendrix, who we were fortunate to meet. This firm is reputed to sell nearly one million dollars worth of furniture a month. The store is acres big and has a beautiful selection that would make anyone interested. A wonderful, full day trip and we arrived back at Kathy and Randy’s after dark. Remi Monforton, an ex Hereford breeder, and I attended the Largent sale at Kaycee, WY. Largent’s are one of the few herds in the U.S. that are still active in the business after 102 years. The sixth generation of the Largent family was in attendance at the sale. I missed Dave, who passed away last year, and it seemed like a big gap at the sale without him. Freda, who now lives in NM, was not able to be at the sale either so we missed this gracious lady too. Largent’s have been 71J is the result of 51 years of closed inbreeding within the Havre King Domino line. He is fully pigmented and conservatively marked. To date, all of his calves have been polled. His calves have moderate birth weights, good calving ease, very good conformation, good thickness and growth. In the GeneStar Tenderness test he earned two stars (T1-1; T2-1) and in the Frontier Beef Systems’ TenderGene DNA test he earned a score of 3 (GC/GG). CED BW WW YW Milk M&G +3.1 +0.2 +28 +37 +4 +18 OUR HERD IS LINEBRED FOR FERTILITY, SOUNDNESS AND THE EFFICIENT PRODUCTION OF HIGH QUALITY BEEF. AF KING MIXER 402 AF KING MIXER 410 AF TRIPLE MIX 404 EPDs: BW -0.8; WW +23; YW +32; Milk +4; M&G +16 EPDs: BW -2.8; WW +28; YW +46; Milk +5; M&G +19 EPDs: BW +1.0; WW +26; YW +37; Milk +9; M&G +22 HAVRE KING DOMINO 38G HAVRE KING DOMINO 71J DES MISS KD LADY B207 2/25/04 L1 DOMINO 93415 EEH DORANNA 40 EEH DORANNA 50 HAVRE KING DOMINO 1 DES HL1 LADY KD23 HL 1K DOMINO 24 DES HL1 LADY KD23 L1 DOMINO 910402 L1 DOMINETTE 910167 EEH LAMPLIGHTER 11 EEH DORANNA 33 phone (402) 687-2301 HAVRE KING DOMINO 38G HAVRE KING DOMINO 71J DES MISS KD LADY B207 3/8/04 L1 DOMINO 98324 L1 DOMINETTE 00531 L1 DOMINETTE 93505 HAVRE KING DOMINO 1 DES HL1 LADY KD23 HL 1K DOMINO 24 DES HL1 LADY KD23 L1 DOMINO 95430 L1 DOMINETTE 93426 L1 DOMINO 900308 L1 DOMINETTE 870128 1858 County Road 3 Lyons, NE 68038 HAVRE KING DOMINO 38G HAVRE KING DOMINO 71J DES MISS KD LADY B207 3/4/04 CL 1 DOMINO 230 NPH HENRIETTA 632 BBH HENRIETTA S289 HAVRE KING DOMINO 1 DES HL1 LADY KD23 HL 1K DOMINO 24 DES HL1 LADY KD23 HH ADVANCE 011Z CL 1 DOMINETTE 9042 BANNER DOMINO 352 N HENRIETTA 405 M [DOD] e-mail: working hard on the carcass characteristics for several years and the ranchers are taking notice. 105 bulls averaged over $2,400 and they all went to commercial breeders with no big toppers. This is one ranch location people don’t come to for the free lunch, they come for business. This is a cowboy ranch location, high desert, chilling wind, a ways from town, and the scenery is different. This is one of the hardest working families that I have ever known, they deserve a good sale. December brought on our Montana Hereford Association annual meeting which is held at the same time and location as the MT Stockgrowers Association convention. This year Phil Friend, President and CEO of Ridgefield Farms, was invited to speak on the new packing plant that is being built in Huron, SD, and which will feature Premium Hereford Beef. Phil flew in from Huron with several of his staff and picked up Marc and Jill Hotchkiss in Buffalo, SD on their way to Billings. Phil also provided the Premium Hereford Beef for the banquet that night. Phil, during his talk, showed pictures of the progress of the plant and gave the crowd details of the planning. A very interested crowd listened intently to the presentation. The MT Hereford Assn. paid tribute to all the Hereford breeders in MT that have been in the business over 50 years. Fourteen were honored but I am sure some were missed as the AHA missed some very important breeders in their recognition at the annual meeting this year. Honored by the MHA this year were Anchor (Hinderager’s), Bayers, Brooks, Cooper, Feddes, Fort Keogh, Holden, Isbell, Landers, Nelson Polled, Schock, Sidwell, and Story. Those that were missed should notify Hereford America so we can mention your firm. We did not make the list up but we can correct an oversight. Our ranch was one of those honored and this makes the 86th year of our operation. It seems like many ranchers are also good football fans and in all of our area of the country teams from the cattle countries have done well. Montana played for the Division 1AA championship, Wyoming won their bowl game, Oklahoma plays for the big championship, Boise State is undefeated as is Utah, and both in bowl games, Texas and Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Texas EP, OK State, and New Mexico, are all in bowl games. I am sure the Nebraska fans will look forward to their return to power. Colorado is in the big show and our smaller Carroll College was national champion in their division. I have missed some of your favorite teams playing but the point is that most ranchers like football and follow their teams. I am one of them, being an old Grizzly who played way back in the 40’s, I can relive the dreams. I hope to see many of you readers in Denver this January for the big National Western. So long until then. — BB HEREFORD AMERICA • 17 January 2005 Western Nugget National Hereford Show Attracts Record Numbers KANSAS CITY, Mo. -The Western Nugget National Hereford show has grown to become a must attend for western Hereford breeders and draws exhibitors from across the county. This year record numbers were exhibited with 247 total head and 139 horned entries showing in Reno, Nev., December 3-4. Dan Hoge, Kewanee, Ill., judged the show with great enthusiasm. He was sincere when he said in the final drive of the day, “The future of the Hereford breed has never been in a better position.” Grand Champion Horned Heifer — Upstream Ranch, Taylor, Neb. with UPS Miss Venus 1ET, sired by Remitall Kootenay 9K. Reserve Champion Horned Heifer — C 026 MS Dom 3121 Shown By Katy Forester, Redmond, OR and La Grand Hereford Ranch, and Kade Patton, Freeman, SD Grand Champion Horned Bull — Brady Jensen, Courtland, Kan., and Kyle Perez, Nara Visa, N.M., took the grand champion spotlight with KJ BJ Bounty Hunter 741P, sired by KJ 520E Victor 417L. Champion Polled Heifer — CRR D03 Honey 451 by SHF Interstate 20X D03 shown By Kari Brumley, Farmington, CA Reserve Horned Bull — KP Gold Plus 302 Shown By Acasa Farms, Sunse, LA and Kyle Perez, Nara Visa, NM. Reserve Champion Polled Heifer— UPS MISS Kootenay 3915 Shown By Upstream Ranch, Taylor, NE, Kade Patton, Freeman, SD and La Grand Hereford Ranch, Freeman, SD. Grand Polled Bull — AA PRF Wideload by AA Boomer 611 shown by La Grand Hereford Ranch, Freeman, SD and Able Acres, Wingate, IN. Frank Rodgers & Sons Polled Herefords Annual Production Sale 1:00 pm, Feb. 3, 2005 • At the Ranch • Buhl, ID 82 Reserve Polled Bull —NJW 79F Boulder 36M Shown By Ned and Jan Ward, Sheridan, WY, Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Olsen, Raymond, WA and Mike Olsen, South Bend, WA. Nugget Junior Show Champions Registered Polled Herefords We welcome & encourage you to view the sale offering anytime prior to the sale! • All 2003 bulls and females will have ultrasound carcass data available. • Free delivery within 300 miles! • Discount program for juniors! • Bulls are eligible for our low cost feed program and April 1 delivery! 26N 2 yr. old Jake Son – 72 lb. BW EPDs: B +4.5, W +38, M +12, Y +63 36N Big, thick 2 yr. old son of Right Time EPDs: B +3.3, W +40, M +11, Y +63 Progeny From These Great Sires KJ SPH Revolution 872G KJ 241 D Masterplay 926H KJ SPH 520E Right Time 192K Mohican Jake 176J SHF Marshal 236G M33 Grand Champion Bull — Ashley Berkram, Park City, MT with ASH Prime Design 5P. 51P 2P 2004 son of Marshal – Herdsire potential EPDs: B +5.2, W +46, M +16, Y +81 A 2004 show heifer by Marshal EPDs: B +4.0, W +45, M +17, Y +72 Frank Rodgers & Sons Grand Champion Female — C 026 MS DOM 3121 Shown By Katy Forester, Redmond, OR * 52 - Two Year Old Bulls * 5 - 2004 Bull Calves * 20 - 2003 Bred Heifers * 5 - 2004 Open Heifers 19741 US Highway 30 Buhl, Idaho 83316 (208) 543-4055 Auctioneer: Butch Booker Colfax, WA Sale managed by: Kendall Cattle Sales 1040 Kendall Road Potlatch, ID 83855 Also...Attend Elkington Polled Hereford Sale • February 4th Gary Kendall (208) 858-2163 Cell (509) 994-5627 18 • HEREFORD AMERICA January 2005 1 p.m. CST Bales Continental Commission Co. • Huron, SD SELLING - 50 Big, Thick, Durable Two-Year-0ld Bulls - 4 Fancy 2004 Heifers from the Gildemaster herd Accelerated Genetics TM Bulls in this sale are from the top 25% of our 2003 calf crop. 10H 253 BW WW YW MM M&G 4.7 43 70 16 37 All bulls scanned for carcass data as yearlings. DH WEST FORT 253 This bull sold in our 2004 sale to Lind Polled Herefords, Rushford, MN, and Williams Hilltop Polled Herefords, Blue Earth, MN. Bar JZ Polled Herefords, Holabird, SD, owns a semen interest. West Fort was Grand Champion Bull at the 2004 Minnesota State Fair. 253 BW WW YW MM M&G 4.2 41 59 16 36 DH BANNER ECLIPSE 253 This bull sold to Jake Rabehl of Rabehl Polled Herefords, Rochester, MN. He is sired by Bar JZ Eclipse 930H and is out of the same dam as the West Fort Bull. BW WW YW MM M&G DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H 10H is ranked No. 2 in the Fall 2004 Top 200 Active Sire List as a Multiple Trait Leader with 7 trait leading EPDs. We will be selling several sons and a daughter in our sale. World Class has been leased to Accelerated Genetics. They have semen available at 800451-9275. Sample EPDs of bulls in the sale. ID 55N 86N 114N 141N 204N 234 251 415 737 739 BW +2.1 +2.0 +2.2 -0.1 +1.6 +5.3 +4.6 +1.9 +4.1 +4.1 WW +45 +51 +46 +42 +45 +50 +45 +41 +41 +45 YW +76 +81 +68 +70 +80 +83 +70 +67 +66 +74 1.8 54 88 24 51 MM +23 +19 +25 +20 +18 +16 +16 +16 +20 +16 M&G +45 +45 +48 +41 +40 +41 +38 +37 +41 +39 11G BW WW YW MM M&G 0.9 56 89 20 48 AH HEAVY DUTY 11G 11G is ranked No. 6 in the Fall 2004 Top 200 Active Sire List as a Multiple Trait Leader with 7 trait leading EPDs. We will be selling several sons and a daughter in our sale. Two of his daughters raised the top adjusted weaning weight bull and heifer calves in the 2004 Gildemaster calf crop. We had 60 Dams of Distinction in the 2004 listing. Heifer 201 BW WW YW MM M&G 4.6 46 81 17 40 143N Buy dehorners from this herd that has been straight Polled for 88 years. DH ROYAL DANCE 201 Birth weight 92 lbs. Adj. weaning weight 742 lbs. Weight ratio 112. He is sired by Bar JZ Fortress 127J which makes him a paternal brother to the West Fort bull. This bull SELLS in our Feb. 19 sale. Donald & Kurt Dubois 38321 209th St. Wolsey, SD 57384 (605) 883-4525 For Catalog, Write or Call: BW WW YW MM M&G 3.8 54 86 19 45 LLL LCG LYDA FRANKLIN 143N This heifer sold in our 2004 sale to Jessica Lee, Franklin, TN, and went on to be undefeated in class including the Junior National in Tunica, Mississippi. CONGRATULATIONS JESSICA!! 143N is sired by LLL Spade 106K. We will be selling a few sons and two daughters by 106K (including a full sister to 143N) in our sale. Larry Gildemaster 38230 214th St. Virgil, SD 57379 (605) 883-4566 e-mail: HEREFORD AMERICA • 19 January 2005 38TH ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE 1:00 pm MST at St. Onge Livestock Auction St. Onge, South Dakota SELLING: 85 Coming 2 Year Old Horned Hereford Bulls 25 Registered Hereford Heifers Bid online at.... 40 Commercial Hereford Heifers DVAuction Broadcasting 50 Black Baldy Heifers Real Time Auction Auctioneer: Jim Birdwell MH Star Lad 3100 MH Dakota 3146 MH Dakota Lad 3164 DOB: 3-25-03 Sire: 447 BW 4.1 WW 57 YW 94 MM 17 M&G 45 Adj. 205 day wt. 802 lbs. DOB:3-30-03 Sire: 0230K BW 4.9 WW 54 YW 94 MM 26 M&G 53 Adj. 205 day wt. 748 lbs. DOB: 4-1-03 Sire: 0230K BW 3.1 WW 41 YW 74 MM 28 M&G 48 Adj. 205 day wt. 658 lbs. MH 53 Domino 3339 MH Star Lad 378 MH Star Lad 388 DOB: 4-26-03 Sire: 7053 BW 4.8 WW 50 YW 79 MM 13 M&G 38 Adj. 205 day wt. 746 lbs. DOB: 3-22-03 Sire: 447 BW 3.6 WW 53 YW 88 MM 17 M&G 44 Adj. 205 day wt. 728 lbs. DOB: 3-24-03 Sire: 9216 BW 4.5 WW 51 YW 88 MM 26 M&G 52 Adj. 205 day wt. 716 lbs. • 60 Years of Hereford Production • MRNAK Wayne, Jill & Robyn Mrnak Home: 701-574-3172 Cell: 701-523-6368 Terry, Debby, Brent & Andy Mrnak Home: 701-574-3193 Cell: 701-523-6386 Jim & Marlene Mrnak 701-574-3124 HEREFORD RANCH 14503 91st St. SW BOWMAN, ND 58623 Fax: (701) 574-3126 Visit our website at: SIRES: SR Lad 447 MH Dakota 0230 JC Advance 9790 MH Lad 9216 CH 233 G Kinsman 5K BP Debonair 205D RB L1 Domino 7053 20 • HEREFORD AMERICA January 2005 Sir ed b y “HERMAN” Sired by Sired by “VOO DOO” Sired by “BRAXTON” Obituaries AHA President, Richard Hudson, Passes Away Richard Hudson, president of the American Hereford Association, passed away suddenly Monday evening, December 20. Richard suffered a fatal heart attack while attending a University of Arkansas basketball game in Fayetteville, Ark., with three of his grandchildren. TOP SELLER Sioux Empire TOP SELLER Nebraska Futurity TOP SELLER Sioux Empire 24 Young Females for Sale — Bred to the Producers of these Sale Toppers! Herman, Voo Doo and Braxton all descendants of Keynote 20X. Top of herd and replacement heifers so we can cut down. Watch for our bull consignments this winter 85663 - 579th Ave. Wayne, NE 68787 402-375-3404 • 402-375-9027 Located 3 mi. East and 3/4 mi. North of Wayne, NE S.O.D. Richard and his son, Wes, were partners in Hudson Herefords, which was founded by Richard’s father in 1939. He graduated from the University of Arkansas with a major in animal science. A very successful businessman, Richard later became involved in his own real estate and construction business. He was also involved in banking and hotel development in conjunction with establishing one of the premier Hereford herds in North America. A pillar of the Harrison, Ark., community, Richard served on several boards, including North Arkansas College Public School board, North Arkansas Medical Center, two bank boards and one savings and loan board. Richard was a deacon and treasurer of his church and all of those who knew him were touched by the way he lived and his sound and thoughtful judgment. Richard is survived by his wife, Freida, their four children, Sharon and Jerry Smith, Ralph and Lisa Hudson, Wes and Shellie Hudson and Sarah and James Breedlove, thirteen grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. We welcome you to the 26th annual SALE OF DISTINCTION Saturday, February 5th, 2005 Funeral services were Thursday, December 23, at the First Baptist Church in Harrison, Ark. WHITEWOOD AUCTION MART WHITEWOOD, SASK. Mary Catherine Southard Mary Catherine Southard, 88, of Topeka, KS, formerly of Hoyt, KS, died Sept. 12, 2004, at a Topeka care facility. She was born Nov. 2, 1915, in Davenport, Iowa, the daughter of Joseph and Victoria Fliss Chanoux. ~ Parade of Cattle ~ 11:00 a.m. Sale to start at 1:00 p.m. High selling heifer calf: ANL 103K Paige 26N - selling to Nancy Mitchell, Ontario High selling bred heifer: XLP 175K Maxine B 636M - selling to Roland Schueler 56 Head of cattle sell High selling bull calf: ANL 122L Levi 83N - selling to Bar-H Land and Cattle Selling are a select group of show heifers, herd bull prospects and bred heifers. For information contact: Karen Lischka • 306-487-2670 Box 14 ~ Steelman, Sask. S0C 2J0 ~ Canada • Fax 306-487-2793 View catalogue online at 2005 She graduated from high school in Davenport. She lived with her husband, Jesse, in Springfield, Ill., during World War II and moved to Topeka in 1946. They moved to a farm northeast of Hoyt in 1958, where they owned a cattle ranch for many years. Mary also worked for the state of Kansas as an executive secretary for probation and paroles, and later for health and welfare. She served as clerk for sales for the NE Kansas Hereford Association. She was married to Jesse Michael Southard on September 13, 1941, in Chicago. He survives. Other survivors include two daughters, Marilyn Rowland, Topeka and Janet Gartner, Spring, Texas; a brother, Eugene Chanoux, of Chicago; seven grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. Memorials may be given to the Shriner’s Crippled Children’s Fund c/o Mercer Funeral Home, Box 270, Holton, 66436. HEREFORD AMERICA • 21 January 2005 UPS BOOMER 3189 BW WW YW M M&G +4.9 +54 +99 +19 +46 +3.9 +46 +74 +12 +35 at the ranch, Taylor, NE 170 Bulls Sire: CS Boomer 29F +3.9 +52 +86 +20 +46 +4.2 +42 +80 +19 +41 BW WW YW M M&G Sire: BCD 721G Knight 4K 8/14/03 3/13/03 Sire: CL 1 Domino 9126 1ET +3.9 +45 +71 +14 +37 +5.7 +51 +90 +17 +43 +2.9 +41 +81 +20 +40 3/12/03 9/25/03 Sire: Remitall Kootenay 9K UPS DOMINO 3007 BW WW YW M M&G 30 Bred Heifers Sire: BCD 721G Knight 4K UPS KOOTENAY 3251 1ET BW WW YW M M&G Sire: CJH L1 Domino 552 UPS DOMINO 3059 BW WW YW M M&G UPS KNIGHT 3038 8/17/03 UPS DOMINO 3155 BW WW YW M M&G UPSTREAM RANCH Annual Production Sale Saturday, February 5, 2005 UPS KNIGHT 3172 BW WW YW M M&G 8/25/03 3/03/03 UPS DIAMOND 3223 BW WW YW M M&G +4.3 +45 +69 +24 +46 9/14/03 Sire: SH Diamond 881 UPS KOOTENAY 3228 1ET BW +5.7 WW +51 YW +90 M +17 M&G +43 Sire: Remitall Kootenay 9K 2004 American Royal Reserve Champion Fall Bull Our No. 1 priority has always been the production of outstanding range bulls for the most discriminating commercial cattleman. All bulls are guaranteed for one breeding season, range developed, performance, fertility and carcass evaluated, as well as free delivery. Sire: CL 1 Domino 9126 1ET For more information contact: HC 65 Box 20 • Taylor, NE 68879 Visit our website at Brent & Robin Meeks (308) 942-3195 Cody Helms (308) 942-6242 Mildred Meeks 22 • HEREFORD AMERICA Border... (continued from page 1) • surveillance programs to detect BSE that meet or exceed international guidelines. January 2005 • a ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban must in place and effectively enforced. • appropriate epidemiological investigations, risk assessment and risk mitigation measures must be imposed as necessary. USDA expects about 2 million live cattle to enter the United States in the first 12 months following adoption of the rule, a slight surge over the peak 1.7 million imported in 2000. However, a USDA spokesman said that due to a slight decline in the national herd brought to slaughter — to about 32.5 million from a level of about 35 to 36 million over the past five years — the American beef industry can easily absorb that number. With increased slaughter capabilities in Canada, as well as an eventual leveling of prices in Canada and the United States, USDA expects imports of Canadian cattle to decline thereafter. Not enough and too much: industry reacts to Canadian border rule change Over 50 Years in the Business Auctioneer Scott Weishaar The heifers will start calving April 1st. -------------The sale bulls are out of these sires: F Bonanza 027 F Explorer 953 KB L1 Domino 661 F Bonanza 027 by LPG Bonanza 52G A tremendous herd bull purchased from Feddes at the Black Hills Stock Show. If pigment and growth are what you’re searching for take a look at this bull’s sons. BW + 4.5 WW +52 YW +92 Scr. +1.6 Milk +15 M&G +41 -------------- F Explorer 953 CH 82B Explorer 122E We feel this is the by Another bull we purchased from Feddes in Montana. best set of bulls we He continues to prove himself in our herd. Top seller at Midland. have ever raised. WW +54 YW +87 Scr +1.5 Milk +17 M&G +44 They are the ranchers’ kind with balanced EPD’s. Our bulls are not highly fitted and are pasture raised. These bulls have a lot of pigment and good EPDs. HH Robin Hood L130 KB L1 Domino 661 by SR Robin Hood 249 by HH Advance 492D First calves out of this herd sire purchased at Hoffman’s. Check out his carcass figures: Fat.00; REA .24; IMF .04 BW +3.6 WW +56 YW +96 Scr. +1.5 Milk +25 M&G +53 A 492D son we purchased from Ken Baker & Sons. A super calving-ease sire with lots of beef. BW +1.7 WW +27 YW +28 Scr. -0.4 Milk +10 M&G +23 Please call or write for catalog: Tony Stroh 701-764-5217 or Mike Stroh 701-573-4373 10550 Hwy 200, Killdeer, ND 58640 by Pete Hisey on 12/30/04 for USDA’s decision to adopt a final rule reopening the Canadian border to live Canadian cattle seems to have made no one happy. Proponents of keeping the border closed, like R-CALF USA, charge that USDA has been sloppy, unscientific and premature in adopting the rule. Proponents of opening the border say there are still too many limitations, such as the 30-month age maximum, placed on trade. J. Patrick Boyle, president of the American Meat Institute, said in reaction, “Science and international beef and cattle trading guidelines set by the Office of International Epizootics (OIE) both say that the United States should permit imports of Canadian cattle regardless of age.” Bill Bullard, chief executive of R-CALF, also cited OIE, noting that while we have now classified Canada as a minimal-risk region, the OIE, essentially the international standards-setting body for disease regulation, has not classified Canada as such. He also said that the 30month limit is far too high, and that for safety’s sake, the acceptable age should be much lower, closer to the Japanese standard of 20 months. Rosemary Mucklow, executive director of the National Meat Association, called the decision tantamount to “outsourcing our cattle slaughter industry. They will allow the meat from a 30-month old animal into the country, but not the actual animal.” She says that once NMA digests the entire rule, it may appeal to USDA to issue an emergency regulation allowing for import of cattle of all ages. Both sides will have 60 days after the rule is published on Jan. 4 to lobby Congress to overturn or modify it, and given the degree of unhappiness evident in the industry on Wednesday afternoon, there may be some bitter battles in Congress, as members with varying constituencies and interests battle it out. The rule will go into effect on March 7 unless Congress takes explicit action to stop it. One implication of the rule is that other countries could quickly apply for minimalrisk status, and would have to live up to the same set of rules the USDA applied to Canada. While this rule is specific to Canada, other nations meeting the criteria could apply for their own rule. The rule is also set up to prohibit breeding cattle from being imported. All cattle imported must go directly by sealed conveyance directly to one, and only one, feedlot, and from there to a USDA- HEREFORD AMERICA • 23 January 2005 certified slaughterhouse. That specification, along with clear, permanent branding of the cattle to make it clear that they are of Canadian origination, is meant to keep the two national herds from merging. R-CALF’s Bullard, however, noted that USDA is allowing a loophole. Although he had not had time to read the entire rule, he said that the indication is that rules about the removal and disposal of specified risk materials (SRMs) such as brains and the spinal column would be similar to those applicable to American cattle. That means that unless such a loophole is closed, some SRMs, in addition to blood, which is not an SRM, could be rendered into feed for poultry and the resultant poultry litter, possibly infected with prions from infected Canadian cattle. Litter could then be introduced to feed given to U.S. cattle. That in effect circumvents the ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban, Bullard said. Bullard also charged that “it is irresponsible of the agency to relax food safety guidelines” just as the United States is entering the final stages of negotiations with countries such as South Korea and Japan to open their markets to American beef again. As for USDA’s contention that the 2 million Canadian cattle expected to cross the border in the first 12 months after the rule takes effect will be easy for the American market to absorb, Bullard noted that the previous record was 1.7 million. That was in 2000, when the U.S. export market was virtually unlimited. Today, dozens of countries refuse to allow American beef over their borders, and Bullard asked, “Where is all this beef going to go?” AMI launches suit against USDA by Pete Hisey on 12/30/04 for The American Meat Institute has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia demanding an end to the ban on the importation from Canada of cattle 30 months of age or older. In the complaint, the association charges that the ban on older cattle is “scientifically insupportable and is therefore arbitrary and capricious.” AMI is making a fine distinction. It is not opposing the new rule on importation of cattle announced Wednesday; rather, it is challenging enforcement of the original May 2003 ban, which underlies the qualification in the newly published rule that only cattle under 30 months of age may be imported alive. Products from older cattle may be imported, however. That is leading to financial stress on American processors, according to Mark Canadian BSE case a positive by Pete Hisey on 1/3/05 for The Canadian Food Inspection Agency confirmed on Sunday, Jan. 2, that the suspected case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy found in an Alberta dairy cow has tested positive for the disease. The animal was about 8 years old and was born before the ban on bovine products in cattle feed was instituted. The discovery is not expected to endanger the recent decision by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to reopen the border to cattle under 30 months of age. In a statement released Monday morning, Ron DeHaven of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service said, “USDA remains confident that the animal and public health measures that Canada has in place, including the removal of specified risk material (SRMs) from the human food chain, a ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban, a national surveillance program and import restrictions, combined with existing U.S. domestic safeguards and additional safeguards announced as part of USDA’s BSE minimal-risk rule … provide the utmost protections to U.S. consumers and livestock.” He added that under the minimal-risk rule, Canada could have as many as 11 confirmed cases of BSE and still be considered a minimal-risk country. Dopp, AMI senior vice president for regulatory affairs and general counsel. While he can’t quantify the damage with a hard number, Dopp charged that slaughter plants are “going dark” all over the country and that the government’s ban on older live cattle is forcing Canada to develop a slaughter industry that will compete with that of the United States. “The May 2003 border closing has caused Canada to expand its slaughtering capacity by building new plants and adding shifts to existing plants,” AMI said in a statement released to coincide with its press conference Thursday afternoon. “Meanwhile, many U.S. packers have been hit hard economically by short cattle supplies and high prices for lean beef and cows. And ultimately, the consumer has paid the price in the form of higher prices for beef and products made from beef.” AMI is asking the court to allow the importation of live cattle born after Canada instituted a ban on including ruminant parts in feed fed to its cattle in 1997. Dopp said that the potential BSE case announced by the Canadian government Thursday would have no effect on either the rule or AMI’s lawsuit. 5 SONS SELL! C7 Westwind Warrior 17L GV HHH Victoria U81 G41 Mother of our new Victor Domino herd bull, Grandview Victor 2542. Notice the udder attachment and teat placement on this cow. 4 GRANDSONS SELL! 7 generations of “Old Line” Westwind breeding. Dates back to when we started in 1965. MC Ranger 9615 One of the top carcass and tenderness sires of the breed. Sires females with good volume and sound udders. 3 SONS SELL! PGF Beau Victor 579 F2 One of the “Bell Wether” sires of the breed. Sires good pigment, feet and female productivity. 540 Westwind Rd. • Valier, Montana 59486 Website: John & Linda Holden 406-279-3326 or 279-3354 24 • HEREFORD AMERICA January 2005 Lot 27 Lot 1 Lot 4 Act. BW 83 lbs. • Sire: SHF Interstate 20X D03 Dam’s Sire: Davis 81W Top Cat ET 125Y BW 5.0 WW 47 YW 76 M 16 M&G 40 Act. BW 93 lbs. • Sire: TH 908 57G Gavel 32M ET Dam’s Sire: ANL 530 Trad Victor 31A 11C BW 4.4 WW 35 YW 60 M 17 M&G 34 Act. BW 90 lbs. • Sire: S&S Rock Solid 3L Dam’s Sire: Klondike 28U 707B BW 4.0 WW 38 YW 64 M 13 M&G 32 Farmers Livestock, Bismarck, ND 1:00 PM (CST) Lot 10 Act. BW 81 lbs. • Sire: 4K FFF Kazz Dam’s Sire: Klondike 28U 707B BW 7.0 WW 43 YW 73 M 8 M&G 30 Lot 19 Act. BW 78 lbs. • Sire: RST ROF Centennial 1H Dam’s Sire: Big T Princeton C141 BW 1.6 WW 41 YW 66 M 19 M&G 40 SELLING 54 Polled Yearlings 5 Red Angus Yearlings Lot 6 Act. BW 98 lbs. • Sire: S&S Rock Solid 3L Dam’s Sire: Kilmorlie Deliverance ET 80U BW 4.4 WW 33 YW 60 M 19 M&G 35 Lot 2 Ask about our off the farm feedlot alliance with SB&B, Casselton, ND. (off farm bids) Act. BW 90 lbs. • Sire: RU Duster 60D Dam’s Sire: RLOA R271 Dynasty ET 37U BW 3.7 WW 39 YW 67 M 17 M&G 36 Act. BW 93 lbs. • Sire: TH 707B Concept 53L Dam’s Sire: RLOA R271 Dynasty ET37U BW 4.4 WW 42 YW 63 M 12 M&G 33 Lot 8 Act. BW 82 lbs. • Sire: SSF 8619 Embracer 043 Dam’s Sire: NJW 1Y Wrangler 19D BW 2.8 WW 36 YW 65 M 14 M&G 32 Lot 56 Act. BW 78 lbs. All Red Angus bulls suitable for heifers. Sale Representatives: (All staff have seen sale offering) Monte Lowderman - 309/836-7355 (home) or 309/255-0110 (cell) Chris Effling, AHA - 605/852-3500 or 605/769-0142 (cell) Art Handel, Handel Mktg. - 605/399-9278 or 605/391-8233 (cell) Terry Robinson, Farm & Ranch Guide - 701/471-5153 Marc Hotchkiss, Hereford America - 605/490-1513 Lot 7 View catalog online at Ryan and Prairie Topp Paul and Holly Topp 8337 12th St. NE • Grace City, ND 58445 Phone: (701) 674-3152 Fax: (701) 674-3692 E-mail: