

The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
is a nonprofit organization dedicated to identifying
and developing the talents of the most promising
K-12 students worldwide.
As part of Johns Hopkins, CTY helps fulfill the
university’s mission of preparing students to make
significant future contributions to our world.
McAuley Hall, Suite 400
5801 Smith Avenue, Baltimore MD 21209
+1.410.735.4100 | ctyinfo@jhu.edu
Hong Kong
833 Cheung Sha Wan Road
Room 608, Plaza Tower I, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Johns Hopkins University
Center for Talented Youth—
CTY International
a world leader in gifted education.
CTY International
Johns Hopkins University
Center for Talented Youth—
a world leader in gifted education.
Founded in 1979 by Johns Hopkins University, the Center for Talented Youth
(CTY) today is a leader in recognizing and developing the world’s brightest
young minds.
The Center grew from the groundbreaking work of Johns Hopkins University
professor Julian Stanley, who demonstrated that special tests—such as the
U.S. college SAT given to students 12 and 13 years old—could identify students
able to do high-level academic work.
Today, through summer programs, online courses, and other services, CTY
provides bright students with what they need to grow and thrive intellectually.
CTY offers advanced learners worldwide the chance to enroll in summer
programs in Hong Kong* or the United States** and enjoy studying and
living together in a fast-paced academic environment. Challenging courses
through CTYOnline*** are available anytime, anywhere.
The Center’s advanced courses, well adapted pedagogy, and supportive
learning communities encourage achievement, creativity, and
innovative thinking.
* ages 11 to 16
** ages 7 to 18
*** ages 5 to 18
CTY offers qualifying
• S
ummer Academic Programs
• CTYOnline courses
• Family Academic Programs
• M
embership into the Study of
Exceptional Talent
• M
ore services to develop top talent
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Talent Search
New to CTY?
Start here
The CTY Talent Search is the entrance point to all U.S. CTY programs, services, and courses.
After enrollment into the CTY Talent Search (cty.jhu.edu/ts), students proceed to take a
special academic test in math and reading designed for older students. The above-gradelevel test the students take through the Talent Search helps remove the ceiling effect that
happens when bright students top out on grade-level tests that are often too easy for them.
After testing, parents receive statistical data that helps them to understand a child’s test
scores compared to an international landscape of their true academic peers.
Students may qualify at different levels and for some or all courses based on their
Talent Search test results.
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
CTY International
About CTY
Summer Programs
CTY offers a qualifying student the chance
to join a community of some of the brightest
young minds in the world.
Together, top students enter CTY and find
that learning side-by-side with students like
them produces great benefits. CTY students
challenge and encourage one another to
greater heights of academic achievement
and discovery. For three weeks and five to
seven hours a day, they live and breathe
the one academic subject of their choosing.
Subject areas span the academic catalog from
math, writing, science, history, philosophy,
and engineering and include titles ranging
from Number Theory and Cryptology to
Macroeconomics and Geopolitics. After class
and on weekends, CTY students join fun, wellplanned activities while living in a university
atmosphere under the careful supervision of
our residential staff.
CTY International
About Family
Academic Programs More CTY
About CTYOnline
Great courses for advanced learners
around the world are just a connection
away through CTYOnline. Innovative
technology, challenging courses,
and personalized help from expert
faculty are hallmarks of a student’s
CTYOnline experience. Courses
include Cryptography, Inventions in
Engineering, Honors Math Sequence,
Young Readers’ Series, the CTY
Writing Series, and dozens more. CTY
faculty lead every course, providing
guidance, encouragement, and
evaluations through email, phone,
interactive whiteboard, and virtual
online classrooms. Course materials
may include multimedia resources,
texts, workbooks, and even chemistry
kits for doing hands-on experiments.
Students can work from home or
school in this CTY learning experience
that goes beyond traditional limits of
time and place.
CTY’s Family Academic Programs’
events are designed as one-day
programs, weekend events, or
longer learning experiences, that
CTY students share with parents
and even other family members.
Family Academic Programs help
introduce talented students to
the exciting range of possibilities
included in a broad-based
education and lifelong learning
curriculum. Attending one of our
programs is an excellent way
for CTY students to meet other
talented peers and for parents to
share in their child’s educational
experience. Extended educational
travel adventures take students and
families to great destinations the
world over.
CTY’s Imagine magazine
offers student-written
feature stories five times
in a resource-filled format.
Cogito.org is a math and
science web site free to
interested students
worldwide. CTY’s Diagnostic
and Counseling Center provides
specialized educational
testing that can help pinpoint
learning strengths and needs.
Top students attend CTY to prepare to become extraordinary in their
future educational attainment and life opportunities. Over three
decades ago CTY dedicated itself to developing and offering courses
and services specifically for young people of great academic promise.
We were the first of our kind to do so, and today we continue to carry
the banner forward for the academic development of the world’s
brightest young minds.
Fo r i n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t s a n d Fa m i l i e s
Open the door to CTY
Step 1:
Step 2:
Enroll in the
CTY Talent Search.
(2nd – 8th graders)
Read information for international applicants:
Sign up for a
CTY test, then test.
CTY will guide you in this process after you enroll in the Talent Search.
Preview the process at cty.jhu.edu/intl.
Apply online (fee $55 US).
Test at a designated testing center in your country (test fees apply).
Step 3:
Receive test results,
then confirm CTY
Step 4:
Apply to a CTY
Summer Programs,
CTYOnline course, or
other service.
Students who qualify for CTY open up the door to become eligible for
Summer Programs, online courses, and other services
uniquely available through CTY.
Information on CTY Summer Programs in the U.S. (Grades 2 – 12):
Information on international (Hong Kong) CTY Summer Programs
(Grades 5 – 10): cty.jhu.edu/intl.
Information on CTYOnline courses (Grades K – 12):
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth