What is Zakat Fitrah?
What is Zakat Fitrah?
FAQ Zakat Fitrah What is Zakat Fitrah? Zakat fitrah is a fixed amount of money that all Muslims who are mukallaf are obliged to pay for themselves, and those are their care. When are we obliged to pay zakat fitrah? The allocated time for paying zakat fitrah is from first of Ramadan, to the time right before the eid prayers are performed. For those who have forgotten to pay zakat fitrah within the allocated time, it is compulsory for them to them to still pay the same amount. However, this money will not be considered as zakat fitrah, but as donation to charity. The Messenger of ALLAH has made the zakat fitrah obligatory to purify those who fast from useless acts and bad utterances and to help the poor. Whoever pays it before the Eid prayers, then it is an accepted zakat, while whoever pays it after the prayers, it becomes a normal act of charity”. Is it compulsory to pay zakat fitrah for a baby born in the month of Ramadan? It is compulsory to pay zakat fitrah for babies who are born before maghrib on the last day of Ramadan. If the baby is born after maghrib on the last day of Ramadan, then there is no need for the guardian to pay zakat fitrah for the baby. Is it compulsory to pay zakat fitrah for someone who passed away during Ramadan? For those who pass away before the end of Ramadan, then there is no obligation upon the family members to pay the zakat fitrah on their behalf. However, if the person were to pass away after maghrib of the last day of Ramadan, then it is compulsory for the family members to pay it on the person’s behalf.