MicroStation GEOPAK Tips and Tricks


MicroStation GEOPAK Tips and Tricks
MicroStation / GEOPAK Tips, Tricks
and Frequently Asked Questions
Esther Barwick
CADD Design Support Coordinator
Selecting a Project
When a project is selected it sets
the variable
which resolves to set the variable
This is a system variable
which is used by both
MicroStation and GEOPAK
Passing Arguments At Start-up of
C:\bentley\program\microstation\ustation.exe –Sfile.txt
n Executes a script file when starting MicroStation. The file can
include macros, mdl programs, key-ins etc.
C:\bentley\program\microstation\ustation.exe –WS(variable)
Defines a specific variable at startup
C:\bentley\program\microstation\ustation.exe –WRd:\worksp
Defines the workspace directory
C:\bentley\program\microstation\ustation.exe –debug
Runs MicroStation in debug mode
C:\bentley\program\microstation\ustation.exe –WUsitefdoteng
Defines the user interface at startup
Default User Config File
The dfltuser.cfg file should contain the 2 lines shown below.
The _USTN_USERNAME variable should be set equal to the last
workspace that MicroStation properly exited.
%level 0
_USTN_USERNAME = sitefdoteng
Note: If MicroStation is not opening correctly change the workspace
back to examples.
The MicroStation User Preference File
Note: At times this file
becomes unstable due to
size or corruption & must
be deleted.
A binary file
Stores the Saved Settings of the workspace which
includes the dialog boxes open status, working
directory of last session, previously selected
project in MicroStation Manager, etc.
Resource Files
The Location Variable for Resource Files is MS_RSRCPATH.
This variable can be set to Create & Locate an
MDL’s Resource File in the current working directory.
The Advantage:(locating the Resource Files in the working directory)
the Settings for each project is remembered.
The Disadvantage: (if the Resource Files must be deleted, for
example, when the program is updated)
the Resource Files must be located in several directories.
At times Resource Files are corrupted and should be
deleted, if its corresponding MDL file consistently
aborts. Also when new versions of an MDL are installed
its corresponding resource file should be deleted.
Note: Never delete the Resource Files in the Bentley directory.
Modifying User Configuration Files
Always leave a carriage return at the
bottom of the file.
Graphics Accelerator
If the computers’ Graphic Accelerator is
OpenGL, then set the MicroStation
variable to qvisgl (the default).
If the computers’ Graphic Accelerator is
Direct Draw, then set the MicroStation
variable to Quickvis.
Disable Direct Draw from the
Display Adapter for Quantities Manager
Finding Dialog Box Resource Numbers
To find the Resource ID for a dialog box or tool box key-in:
To activate it: dmsg dialogdebug toggle OR dmsg dialogdebug on
To turn it off: dmsg dialogdebug toggle OR dmsg dialogdebug off
Below shows resulting messages when dialogdebug is
ON & the Polygon Tool Box is torn away from the Main
Tool Frame. (Note the tool box ID Number)
Resolving Conflicts Between Dialog Box
Resource Numbers
Inability to load the Dialog box or Application & the error
“Unable to load dialog ID number ????” displays
indicates a conflict between applications.
MDL files store Dialog IDs Statically or Dynamically.
Note: Application ‘A’ assigns dialog ID#9001 Statically.
If Application ‘B’ loads prior to ‘A’ & grabs the
ID#9001 Dynamically, then ‘A’ will not load.
To Resolve: Find the Dialog Box/Aapplication conflicting
& change the order of load.
To Avoid Conflicts(with user customized tool boxes/frames):
Set the variable _USTN_CUSTOMIZEBASEID to a
high number (Ex: 50000 for a starting number)
Problems Customizing Toolboxes
Deactivate GEOPAK
Create the Tool
Boxes/Frames locally
Create a Tool Frame
(necessary for easy
transfer of Tool Boxes
to other interfaces)
A Tool Box created under
fdoteng & added to the
sitefdoteng interface
may need the
Resource Number
changed using the
MDL uimgr .
User Interface Manager
Provides a mechanism to copy/modify/delete tool boxes or
frames between different user interface files.
Pasting Text in a Dialog Box
Many dialog boxes in MicroStation and
GEOPAK do not support the keystroke of
<cntrl>V to copy text. Instead you must
use the key stroke <Shift><Insert>
Increasing MicroStation Undo Buffer
When do I need to
increase the undo buffer?
Example: A user ran a set
of xsections, a few days
later the xsection program
aborted using the same
input & criteria files.
Answer: For some reason
the design files exceeded
memory allocation due to
Complex Elements.
Note: the Undo Buffer
should be in increments
of 1024.
Reference File Problems
The MDL FDOT Config must find the _meta_info directory
under the Project Number. (run PEDDS when the
Project is initialized to resolve problem)
To prevent full paths being saved for Reference Files:
To remove hard-coded reference file paths:
use the Giffels refutil program
select SiteMenu>Utils>Reference File Utilities>
Remove Reference File Path
Note: GEOPAK clipping strips off all
Reference File logical paths set by
TIMS Attach Reference File dialog.
ECSO is working with GEOPAK to get this resolved.
Making Solid Filled Shapes Transparent
Make shapes transparent by applying a "glass" material to the
shapes and then render the view (Constant, Smooth, or Phong).
The steps are:
n Select Tools > Visualization Tools > Rendering Tools
n Select the Apply Material tool
Making Solid Filled Shapes Transparent
Set the Method to Attach Attribute,
and Mode to Apply Material. The
name of the material file appears
in the Table field.
Click on the Open button to open
the Glass palette and navigate to
the ..\Workspace\system\materials\
Select the Palette called "Glass".
Select the desired material from the pick list - Glass - Element.
The color of the 'glass' will pick up the element's color.
In other words, yellow element = yellow glass and so forth.
It will prompt you to identify the element.
Select & Accept each shape needing to be transparent, or pre-select
elements with the Element Selection tool & accept the Selection Set.
To view the effects of the glass material:
render the view in either Constant, Ssmooth or Phong.
Raster Manager & Cal files
Install any updated versions of Raster Manager
Change the Foreground and Background color
Use a Plot Driver specifically set up for Raster
Note: In MSJ, Raster plot files plotted with Raster Manger are much
larger than Raster files plotted with Image Manger.
Plotting Settings for Raster Manager
The following options control Raster Plotting of images by Raster
= implot
= 300
; For Image Manager
; Plots the raster image, 1=On 0=Off Default=1
; Resolution of pixels on output (dpi) Default=80
;Raster Manager uses PIXEL_RESOLUTION to
; Contrast in percent, between 0-100 Default=50
; Brightness in percent, between 0-100
; Clip the raster to fence, 1=On 0=Off Default=0
; MS plot of 87/88, 1=Don't plot 0=Plot Default=0
; MS plot of 90's,1=Don't plot 0=Plot Default=0
; Plot in gray scale, 1=On 0=Off Default=0
Monochrome Raster background color is specified by the following
parameter in Raster Manager, but is ignored by Image Manager.
; 0=white,1=black,2=color Default=0
For BACKGROUND = 0 or 1 (white or black), the raster foreground
is inverted if identical to the Monochrome Raster background.
For BACKGROUND = 2 (color), no change is made to the
Plotting Grayscale to a Laser Printer
To Plot Grayscale to a laser printer, the printer must have PostScript
Add the following PEN lines after the “change_pen=“ statement to the
PLT file to control the Grayscaling.
Make sure that the "change_pen=“ statement is set to "color" or "both“
Where (n) is the pen number, (a-b) is a single or a range of element
color(s), (x,y,z) are the Red Green Blue values.
To control the Degree of Grayscale, set the "RGB=" statement inside
the parentheses as shown:
10% screen - (233,233,233)
20% screen - (204,204,204)
30% screen - (178,178,178)
40% screen - (153,153,153)
50% screen - (127,127,127)
60% screen
70% screen
80% screen
- (102,102,102)
- (77,77,77)
- (26,26,26)
- (0,0,0)
Plotting Grayscale to a Laser Printer
Example: Pen Statement that will set color 0 to a 30% screen:
Example: Pen Statements that will map colors 0 - 8 to black &
colors 9 - 16 to a 40% screen:
Note: The PEN(number) should not be set less than 1.
Some printers/plotters have a PEN(0), but MicroStation does not
recognized it & will reject the plot configuration file.
One useful grayscale is 0%(white). When placing an opaque shape
with CO=200 between text elements & an aerial photo,
this setting, pen(200)=(200)/RGB=(254,254,254),
whitewashes the text background making it more readable.
Creating an Image in MicroStation for
PowerPoint or Word
Create an EMF image file using these settings in
a PLT file:
= 255
; defines pens used
= sysprnmetafile
default_extension = 'emf‘ ; default extension
Insert the image file into Power Point or Word
Adding Hotboxes to SiteMenu
# Automatically load GuidSign and AutoTurn
MS_MDL > C:/AutoTURN 4/
MS_MDL > C:/GuidSign/
MS_MDLAPPS > C:/GuidSign/
SM_HOTBOX3_TOOLS = 9001@gsv7
SM_HOTBOX3_POSITION = 890,6,12,12
SM_HOTBOX4_TOOLS = 40@atv7
SM_HOTBOX4_POSITION = 858,6,12,12
Disabling Fly-Over Activation of HotBoxes
Modify the HotBox Flyover configuration
variable to be set equal to zero.
The user will then have to click on the box
to activate it.
D&C Manager Tips & Work-Arounds
D&C problem with Construction Mgr & MR1
n “MR1 for GEOPAK 2001 Updates” for the D&C Manager
creates a problem when importing data into the
Construction Manager. (A patch is now available)
n To Retain the use of Construction Manager:
Replace 2 files (acbook.ma & cmp.ma) in the
GEOPAK/bin directory installed by the MR1 with the
previous version.
n To Replace Files:
Once MR1 is installed, rename the NEW files
(acbook.ma & cmp.ma) to (acbook.new & cmp.new).
Copy the OLD files (acbook.ma & cmp.ma) into the bin
directory. This allows the older version of D&C Manager
to remain with all of the updates in the MR.
Setting the Scale when Placing
Custom Linestyles from D&C Manager
The Scale Factor for Linestyles is set globally.
From D&C select Settings > Design
All FDOT Custom Linestyles are created at
True Size or placed at the file’s Plot Scale.
Checking D&C Attributes
GEOPAK provides an
Attribute Viewer & an
Adhoc Attribute Manager
This allows the user to
easily see if the correct
Pay Item or Adhoc
Information is attached.
GEOPAK 98 criteria files ran in GEOPAK 2000 or
GEOPAK 2001 gave the following syntax error:
%XS-E-INVIEI. Invalid sequence of ‘IF/ELSE IF’
statements. ‘IF’ statement must precede an ‘ELSE
IF’ statement for a sequence of ‘IF/ELSE IF’
The Reason:
GEOPAK 98 would allow a bracket out of place or
perhaps an incorrect ‘IF/ELSE’ statement.
GEOPAK 2000 & GEOPAK 2001
tightened up the syntax checking so these type
errors are now caught.
Coordinate Geometry
GPK files become corrupt, sometimes,
for no apparent reason. Using the
Key-in “Rebuild Database” is the only
Coordinate Geometry
Used when there is a “shift” or offset
in the Alignment
SHIFT S2 CUR AC32 A51 STA 0+00
Coordinate Geometry
NEXT Available
Allows a Multiple User Environment
Each user has individual
Next Available Element Preferences
Next Available Element Settings are
maintained between MicroStation
Coordinate Geometry
NEXT Available
Coordinate Geometry
Store NEXT Available &
SET NEXT Element
Via Key-in:
n STORE POINT ? 10000 20000
n LOCATE ? P76 245 S 45 23 34.56 E
n STORE CHAIN ? P101 CUR 4021 CUR 107
Coordinate Geometry
Make Input File to Create
Required ASCII Data
The GEOPAK Make Input File command
produces a GEOPAK Format Input File
containing Coordinate Geometry Commands for
previously stored Coordinate Geometry Elements.
Key-in COGO:
Coordinate Geometry
Merging 2 GPK Files
n Open 1st job number (ex: job001)
n Make Input File ALL <filename>
Where <filename> includes job number
to be merged into (ex: merge002.iop)
n Open 2nd job number (ex: job 002)
n Load and Read Input File
Caution: Open Input File before reading &
adjusting the point numbers. If both
Databases have the same point numbers &
Redefine is on, they will be overwritten.
Coordinate Geometry
ID Element works only with
COGO Visualized Elements,
not with D&C Manager drawn Elements
n Selector can create a Selection Set.
n $SEL can be used to substitute
the Selection Set in any COGO command
Contact Information
n Esther Barwick
n (850) 245-1600
n esther.barwick@dot.state.fl.us