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Harbord Club Newsletter
Willie Zimmerman (Mr. Harbord Club) was
an Extraordinary Man! (1916 - 2011)
My father was an extraordinary man; aside
from being a printer and
a father, he was an
archivist and collector.
His collections were
organized and carefully
stamps, the war years,
photos, celebratory
events, art books, fine
papers, jokes and letters
to family and friends.
He had a love of the
historical and archived
anything that grabbed
his interest…Palestine/
Israel, Castle Loma,
renowned families, high
school yearbooks, poetry, and, of course,
Harbord Collegiate.
His interest in Harbord
occupied many happy
hours for my father,
from the weekly meetings and lunches, to organizing reunions, to
the inception of the archival museums, to the
printing of the Harbordite.
I would hear him on the
phone, like a detective
involved in a global
search, finding one
more lost Harbord
graduate…. My father
would seek out other
Harbord alumni who
might in turn provide
him with yet another
name or address to
Continued on page 3
Highlights of The Harbord’s First Ever
Homecoming on Nov 24, 2010!
The Harbord Club Directorate worked hard
planning for Harbord
C.I‘s First Homecoming
which was celebrated in
style on Wednesday
November 24th, 2010.
Current and former students and staff were
invited to attend and
celebrate in the schools‘
main gym and Club
Museum. What an opportunity it was to celebrate all Harbordites!
Continued on Page 4
Issue 64
Spring 2011
Inside this issue:
The Principal’s
NEW Poetry
NEW You Said 12
Photos Highlighting the
NEW Harbord
Club BLOG !
Harbord C.I.
120th Birthday
Bash Celebration!
April 26 & 27,
See page 32 for
more details.
Editorial: Message from the New Co-Editors
- Belinda Medeiros-Felix (‘81) & Ben Lee (‘78)
Dear Harbordite Readers:
As we are well into 2011, we
welcome you all back and present you with our Spring issue,
#64, of the Harbordite!
We, Belinda Medeiros-Felix
(class of '81 and Harbord C.I.
Staff) and Ben Lee (class of
'78), as co-editors, hope you will
enjoy this edition of the Harbord
Club newsletter. We hope it will
help you connect or reconnect
with your wonderful high
school, friends and experiences!
In this edition, we will highlight
current happenings relating to the
school and its Alumni, as well as
fabulous stories of past alumni
accomplishments and tales. We
will also introduce to you 2 new
members of the Harbord Club
Board of Directors! And of
course, Syd Moscoe is back with
his Museum Musings!
We would like to take this opportunity to dedicate this issue to
Willie Zimmerman, who without
him there would be no Harbordite!
It's our pleasure to continue Willie‘s trend in keeping the alumni
of Harbord Collegiate Institute
connected as a community.
One of our biggest highlights this
issue is letting you know that
HCI is reaching its 120th year in
Page 2
existence, and so, we will be
commemorating Harbord‘s
Birthday with a special 2-day
Celebration! See more details on
page 32. Please let us know if
you can help us out in anyway.
We encourage you to submit
articles about yourself or other
alumni or Harbord related stories
to the Harbordite. It can be stories
of your post secondary school
experiences, accomplishments,
reunions with other alumni or future events.
Thank you for your continued
support and we extend an open
invitation for you to visit the
school any time.
We hope you enjoy reading this
issue. Onward Harbord!
Ben Lee & Belinda MedeirosFelix
The Harbordite Co-Editors
Please also visit
www.harbordclub.com to see and
write on our new and exciting
blog! See more details on page
If you haven't done so already,
send your name (as you were enrolled as a student), address, ph.
#, email address and year you
graduated. This info will be
added to the current alumni roster and will be kept confidential
in the school Museum archives.
Please submit all articles and info
to harbordcelebration@live.ca
You can also find us on
Facebook by searching
Harbord C.I. Grads/Alumni and
add yourself to this group. You
will be updated with any important club information.
Willie Zimmerman (Mr. Harbord Club) was an
Extraordinary Man! (1916 - 2011) - Continued...
search and find. But that wasn‘t
all; he would ask if they had any
photos or old Harbord memorabilia that they would be willing
to part with for the museum,
along with their generous donation. Monies raised provided
scholarships, a World War II
monument dedicated to those
Harbordites who lost their lives
and, funds for the creation of the
only high school archival museum in Toronto.
My father, creative man that he
was, had a fine line-drawing of
Harbord printed into posters and
cards and bright orange bags
with the Harbord insignia – all
for sale. When Harbord‘s original wood flooring was being replaced (“Why waste a good
floor?”), he had it cut up into
small pieces; each piece stamped
with the Harbord crest and inscribed with ‗I walked this floor‘
and given to those who joined
the club as a keepsake.
When my parents had to leave
their home of over 50 years, the
Harbord files and memorabilia
were picked up by Murray
Rubin, who could hardly believe
the size of the collection and
how well organized it was. It
filled the back of his SUV and
then some.
My father touched many hearts at
Harbord with his gregarious spirit,
his nimble mind, his sense of humour and his generosity of time
and commitment to both the past
and the future of Harbord Collegiate. As time passes, one often
forgets the past, the history we
build upon, and so my father may
become a mere memory at Harbord, but today, Willie Zimmerman, through the Harbordite dedication, is a remembered and celebrated light.
Thank you.
By Willie’s daughter Sarilyn
Toronto High School Flag at Half Mast to Honour Willie
Willie Zimmerman, born in
Toronto in 1916, once part
owner of Maple Leaf Press, collector of books on Toronto, died
peacefully in his sleep at Baycrest February 11.
Willie attended.
In 1927 he wrote for the Clinton
Clarion which, born collector
that he was, he kept in his possession. He entered Harbord in the fall of 1928
and as classes were asHis father came to CanHe was
fascinated with signed in alphabetical
ada from Russia in
the history of order Willie ended up in
1907. For some time
1K, the last class. EveryHarbord
the family lived on
thing at Harbord, the
Bellevue Avenue in
school, and the teachers
what was then a preleft a lasting impression
dominantly Jewish area
He was fascinated
where many early immigrants
with the history of Harbord and
learned their first words of Engliked to recall that it was the seclish. The family moved from
ond high school to be built in Tothere to Manning Avenue not far
ronto after Jarvis Collegiate
from Clinton St. School which
Issue 64
which by 1890 had become overcrowded.
He recalled that "Harbord St. was
then a dirt road that became a sea
of mud in bad weather and wood
planks served as a sidewalk.
Across the road from the school
was a farm where cows were
raised. One of our centenarians
used to remind us that cows occasionally came into the school
grounds. A slaughter house was
located somewhere in the vicinity of Palmerston Avenue."
At Harbord, Willie was very imContinued on page 6…
Page 3
Highlights of The Harbord Collegiate Homecoming on Nov
24, 2010! - Continued...
We honoured and dedicated this
day to those who graduated in
the 60‘s. We were able to celebrate by taking a nostalgic look
through the music, dress and
technology of that decade.
Thanks to all the students and
staff who dressed in sixties attire
and to everyone else who wore
their Harbord orange and black
to honour our long standing tradition of school spirit.
We recruited decorating assistance
from our current Student Activity
Council and Prom Committee
members who arrived as early as
7 am to work together with the
Directorate to bring nostalgia to
this event. An array of Black
and Orange balloons were flying
high and 1960‘s pop culture displays showcased the eras fashion,
sports, staff, music and technology.
Thanks to the Yearbook students
who were able to capture the essence of the moment by taking a
multitude of photos, many of
which we are now sharing with
you in this edition. Yearbooks
and other Harbord memorabilia
were on display and available for
Entertainment was provided
throughout the day. We had the
student choir and band performers sing and play hits from the
60‘s repectively.
Current student, Julian Lee, sang
and played his guitar to the
Beatles hits. Graduate and Harbord Idol, Sierra Medeiros-Felix
sang Nancy Sinatra‘s hit, ―These
Boots are made for Walking‖.
Making several appearances was
our very own Harbord Tiger
mascot while former HCI cheerleaders got together and led us
through some awesome cheers
and the Harbord school song.
There were a whole lot of hugs,
food, drink and birthday cake to
help celebrate the Homecoming.
Everywhere you looked, you
could see guests reconnecting,
sharing in merriment and laughter at the memories from the
good ol‘ days.
While all this was occurring in
the main gymnasium, various
alumni wandered the hallowed
halls and made themselves available to answer questions posed
by current students about what it
was like attending Harbord.
Many popped in to browse the
many artifacts in our Museum
and to sign Harbord‘s guestbook.
A special Thank you to alumni
from Caldense Bakery, the Harbord Bakery and Paris Bakery
who were kind enough to donate
baked goods to the event, and to
all those in attendance, for making our First ever Harbord
Homecoming an afternoon to remember!
By Belinda Medeiros-Felix
Message from the Principal - Mr. Rodrigo Fuentes
Dear Harbordites:
We near the end of another successful year at Harbord. The
staff, students of Harbord C.I.
and I extend heartfelt condolences to the family and friends
of Willie Zimmerman. What an
institution he was to our school.
The Harbord Club, Museum and
Page 4
Harbordite are all fruits of his
labour. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Willie, but I feel I
know him
through all the
stories I have
heard about him.
He truly was
Mr. Harbord.
We look for-
ward to formally honouring his
memory at next fall‘s Commencement.
We close a very busy year again.
Thanks to Mrs. Martins, Ms. Koo
and the cast and crew of Parfumerie and Mr. Probst and the cast
and crew of The Worker, earned
Continued on page 8…
Museum Musings – Syd Moscoe
We mentioned in the last
―Musings‖ about the photos of the
original unveiling of ―Our Soldier‖ Harbord‘s First World War
monument honouring those who
served and died in the First World
War. The photos of that day, November 11, 1921 , have now been
obtained , printed and
framed and will be hung
The Museum has had
some visitors from outside the immediate Harbord family. We welcomed Mr. & Mrs. Hessel Pape , of Sutton , Ontario.
They were looking for information concerning Mrs. Pape‘s uncle, Laurence Barclay Ramsay.
He attended Harbord between the
years 1911 and 1916 when he
enlisted in the Canadian Army.
planning to use the information at
the Remembrance Day service
this year.
We were visited by Mr. Gary
Miedema of Heritage Toronto. He
is researching the background of
Johnny Wayne and
Frank Shuster with a
view of erecting a
plaque on the grounds
of Harbord. They were
Canada‘s leading comedians in the1960‘s
through to the 1990‘s.
We found their beginning efforts as a comedy team writing in the 1938 Harbord Review and acting in various
Harbord musicals.
They really did get their start here
at Harbord, went on to hone their
craft at the University of Toronto
and then were headliner‘s on
CBC Radio and Television for
many years. They appeared on the
Ed Sullivan television variety
show more often than any other
comedy team or single comedian.
He was killed in action in France
on August 22, 1918. As well,
Mrs. Pape‘s father, Robert Edison
Johnston, attended Harbord before he went off to university ,
becoming a dentist and serving in
the Canadian Army Dental Corps
We have also received letters
in the First World War.
from many persons looking for
former Harbordites and their hisHer mother, Roberta attended
tory at the school. Some we were
Harbord until Grade 12, her aunt
able to solve with the help of our
Mary , Roberta‘s sister attended
records and others with the help
Harbord between 1921 and 1926 other grads but in some cases we
(the same time as my father!).
drew blanks. The Harbordite is
Mrs. Pape gave the Museum
the way we hope to keep all formuch information about her uncle mer Harbord students and staff in
and family. Mr. Daniel Leblanc is touch.
Issue 64
The Museum Volunteers, led by
India Annamanthadoo and including Claire Shenstone-Harris
(whose great grandfather attended
Harbord and served in the First
World War), Rachel Fabbri and
Emily Brown have been busy
scanning the photos of those veterans whose photos are in Harbord‘s Hall of Memories. When
all is completed they will be
added to the Harbord website.
This work will be followed up
with the addition of a short biography of each.
The Museum Volunteers have
also started working on preparing
materials to be displayed in Decade Rooms at Harbord‘s 120th
birthday celebration next year. By
checking the year books for the
1990‘s and the early 2000‘s they
will put together a visual overview of Harbord life in those
years. Fortunately for the years
before 1990 , the work was done
for Harbord‘s Centennial in 1992.
And its all in chronological order
in your Museum.
If you have any items of your
years at Harbord that you wish to
have preserved and enjoyed by
Harbord‘s students, staff and
graduates please forward them to
the Museum here at Harbord.
As always the Museum is open
during the school year on
Wednesdays , from 1pm to 5pm .
Page 5
Toronto High School Flag at Half Mast to Honor Willie
Zimmerman - Continued...
pressed with Major Brian S.
McCool. In his opinion, McCool
was: ―quite an individual, a very
athletic individual, strong as an
ox and the boys didn't give him
any trouble either, because they
were afraid to. He taught us English... and he wasn't a bad
teacher...he started the first Harbord orchestra ...the year after
the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas
were started."
house and we sat and talked for
three or four hours. I suddenly
said: ‗You know, this is ridiculous. If we can talk for three or
four hours about Harbord, we
ought to form an alumni organization.‖
Ken agreed and the idea of a
Harbord Club was born. Ken
Prentice, a scholarship student in
Classics, who later taught Latin
and Greek to prospective teachWillie was especially fond of
ers at the Ontario College of
Elsie Affleck, his teacher of
Education, played a key role in
Latin and Greek, who
establishing the Harprofoundly touched the If we can talk for bord Club.
hearts and minds of
three or four
It was not long before
hundreds of students in
the Harbord Charitable
Harbord, we
her 24 years at Harbord.
Foundation was estabought
Willie was so fond of
lished and initiated a
her, he would check the
series of prizes, awards
new telephone book
and scholarships in all
every year to make sure
grades that has grown
she was still around.
to 66 named after forOne year, Willie was shocked to
mer students, staff and graduates
find that she was no longer listed. totaling approximately $300,000.
After much searching Willie discovered that she had moved to
A newsletter, the Harbordite,
Vancouver. Willie wrote to her
helped to bring together former
and she was delighted to hear
students in Canada, the United
from him. As he found out she
States and abroad.
had maintained close contact
from her retirement home in
Vancouver with other students
Willie's reputation as an organincluding Ken Prentice.
izer grew and soon attracted the
attention of graduates of other
high schools in Toronto who
Miss Affleck suggested that
asked for advice on how to do
since they spoke to her so much
about Harbord, they would enjoy what he did.
meeting one another. Willie recalls: ―He came over to my
Page 6
A printer by trade, Willie in-
spired the publication in 1992 of
a centennial volume on the history of Harbord called The
Happy Ghosts of Harbord.
A major event of that year was
the establishment of the Harbord
Museum made possible principally by a grant of $25,000 in
1989 from the W. Garfield Weston Foundation. Garfield Weston
who graduated from Harbord
Collegiate in 1915 lived on
Palmerston Avenue next door to
the Zimmerman's.
Former room 106 at the school
was transformed into an elegant
Museum with fifteen glass front
cabinets, four storage cabinets, a
wall panel and a wall alcove for
the 1992 time capsule. Special
lighting was installed.
The Museum was the first architecturally designed high school
museum in Canada. The Museum
was formally inaugurated by the
then Premier of Ontario, Bob
Rae. The Harbord Club was
awarded the Toronto Historical
Board's Certificate of Commendation for establishing the Harbord Museum and Archives and
the publication of The Happy
Ghosts of Harbord at an official
ceremony held June 3, 1993 at
City Hall. The citation recognized that ―Since its founding in
1892 Harbord Collegiate has
made an outstanding contribution
to the history of Toronto.‖
Continued on page 7...
In 1994 the Sesquicentennial
Museum and Archives of the Toronto Board of Education held a
special exhibition of photographs
featuring the contribution of the
Jewish community to education
in Toronto and of Harbord Collegiate which played a significant
role in its development from the
1920s to the 1950s. Willie was
honored by the Board for helping
to organize the exhibit and for
providing old photographs and
other historical material from the
Harbord Museum.
was a small committee meeting
or a large convocation, Willie
always enhanced it with his unfailing sense of humor.
active part in its activities. His
library included a large collection of books on all aspects of
Jewish life.
He was proud of his service with
the Royal Canadian Air Force
during World War II stationed in
North Africa as a radar expert
from 1941 to the end of hostilities.
Willie Zimmerman leaves his
wife Gertrude. He was the father
and father-in-law of Michael and
Colette, Sarilyn Zimmerman and
John Glennon and Eliot Zimmerman, brother and brother-in-law
of Frida and late George Jolson,
and David and the late Anne
Zimmerman. He also leaves 5
A well respected member of the
Jewish community, he took an
Willie did not seek personal honour, he always allowed others to
take credit for work done - he
simply made sure that the work
was done leading in such a way
that his colleagues were happy to
take his suggestions. Whether it
By Julius Molinaro who served
as Treasurer, President and Past
President of the Harbord Club
as well as editor of the newsletter, the Harbordite, from 1978 to
Poetry Corner: from ”The Flash”- an English class
student newspaper, 1980
The Rain
What happened to us?
Strangers now to each other,
The rain dripped and dropped
That‟s what we are!
And kissed the windowpane.
It rained all day.
In the morning, the water sparkled
like you used to.
Swept away by the rain, I think of
you, my friend with diamonds.....
Me on my bed, gazing at the ceiling,
In my eyes!
I think of you, my friend.
Of all the good times we used to share,
The secrets, the joys, the sorrow and the
Issue 64
by Pat Wong (class of 1981)
Continued on page 10...
Page 7
Message from the Principal - Mr. Rodrigo Fuentes Continued...
Peter Del Mastro and Laura Gallagher-Doucette, the leads, two
awards at the Sears Drama Festival. Both plays were very well
done and entertaining. Ms. Todros, Mrs. Martins, and Mr. Alberts and the music students once
again have showcased our music
very well at various events
throughout the city.
Our Physical and Health Education Department with the help of
volunteer teacher coaches have
organized another complete
cadre of athletics for our students. Congratulations to
coaches West and Kunz and the
badminton team for winning the
overall Regional Championship.
Good luck to the team at the City
Championships and at OFSAA.
We continue our work toward
social justice by once again,
among other initiatives, raising
over $5 000 for War Child to
help build a school in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We are half way to meeting our
$30 000 goal.
Museum or come and see any of
our many performances and
events. Harbord is always glad to
see our alumni!
I would like to thank Syd Moscoe
and the new executive of the Harbord Club for re-energizing and
re-invigorating our alumni base. I
look forward to the many events
that they have planned.
Our Eco-team continues to strive
for a Platinum rating as an ecoschool. The robotics team had
Thanks again for staying in touch
another good competition at the
Canada First Robotic competiand I wish you a fantastic summer!
tion. I would like to thank all the
teachers that make it possible for
our school to offer so many
Rodrigo Fuentes
As always I would like to extend Principal
an open invitation for you to visit
your school. Come and visit our
Harbord Students impress Alumni Crime Writer…
Generation Gap disappears!
At some point in adulthood everyone grasps the full meaning of
the expression ―generation gap.‖
I partially got it when my kids
were teenagers.
Communism made Cuba different in many ways. For example, only an insignificant minority of privileged people had
video games, cell phones, portable music players and other gadPage 8
gets that entertain the majority of
many adults in numerous
when I went into self
imposed exile in
clothes, hair styles,
piercing, and tattoos
were scarce too.
So when I emi-
grated, first to Spain and then to
Canada, and saw
young adults with
their hair dyed in five
pierced tongues and,
in the case of boys,
pants worn so low you
wonder how they
don‘t fall to their ankles, the full meaning
of generation gap
Continued on page 9
Generation Gap disappears! Continued...
Discounting Peter and library
staff, this was the first time I had
My grandparents, parents, un- the privilege of reading and talkcles and aunts experienced a less ing to an audience of around 40
severe trauma. They made fun of teenagers. I read a couple of
how I and my male
pages, and blah-blahed
cousins and friends
(sorry, it‘s not a verb,
imitated the clothing,
I know, but I couldn‘t
hairstyles and even
resist) for a while
The much
walk of Elvis Presley,
about my life and travTony Curtis or James mentioned gap els.
Dean. I suppose the had closed. A 70girls copied Natalie year old man and The reason I‘m writing this, however, is
Wood, Sandra Dee and
a group of
my amazement at the
Debbie Reynolds.
teenagers had questions the stuTechnological de- been on the same dents asked.
velopments aside, the page for an hour.
Not one was trivial,
difference with present
dumb or easy to anday mores seems to be
swer. They asked
that in those years ceabout essential aspects
lebrities were (how
should I put this) less flamboy- of the creative process in literaant? Less absurd? Rebels like ture. I wondered how they could
Dean and Brando wore jeans – at such tender age. One young
waist-high and without holes. Off woman, for example, asked
-stage actors wore sport coats, whether I got emotional when
suits and ties. Popular singers I‘m writing (and made me get
such as Sinatra, Perry Como, emotional while I tried to reDoris Day and the great Ella spond). Another student wanted
Fitzgerald didn‘t go on stage in- to know if I relent when publishers demand to delete a passage
side plastic eggs.
The above digression is neces- (I don‘t).
sary to explain what I felt on
February 14. As part of the SpeIn all the interviews, readings
cial Weeks Event program, Peter and Q&As that I‘ve done in ten
Roffman, English teacher at Har- countries nobody, ever, had
bord Collegiate Institute, invited asked such vital questions.
me to read a pas-sage from my
And so I suddenly realized last
novel Havana Best Friends and
then answer ques-tions posed by Valentine‘s Day, in a highschool
library in Toronto, that these kids
sank in.
Issue 64
could instinctively perceive what
is truly important in literature.
They are as mature as many
adults – some even more mature
than certain adults.
I can‘t say for the life of me if
some of them had tattoos or
pierced tongues or if any wore
baggy pants that hung below
their butts. The much mentioned
gap had closed. A 70-year old
man and a group of teenagers had
been on the same page for
an hour.
Any time, dudes. Anytime.
Taken From: (http://
By José Latour, Crime writer
Page 9
Poetry Corner: from ”The Flash”- an English class student
newspaper, 1980 Continued...
taken from ”The Flash”- an English class student newspaper, 1980 taken from ”The Flash”- an English class student newspaper, 1980
Recycled Memory
to plead,
I‟m just a box, oh how true,
and when he saw me ripped and torn,
His words were, “just what I need!”.
But I‟ve something to say,
It happened in the sea so blue,
Where I was thrown away.
Into a workshop I went with this boy,
He worked hard „til he had a blister,
He turned me into a little toy,
I wasn‟t clean, but was alone,
A present for his sister.
And both my flaps were stuck,
And for the sake of a bright clean town, His sister loved her toy alot,
Her brother‟s smile was tall,
I was thrown into a garbage truck.
From junk I was brought back,
They threw me right into the sea,
Where I was cruelly fated,
Recycled Memory…
I wasn‟t garbage at all!
Just then my life came back to me,
„cause I became reincarnated!
by Belinda Medeiros (class of 1981)
A child, later in the morn, at once began
Stepping Back in Time: Creating a Memoir for Faygie Buchman
I first stepped foot into Harbord
Collegiate when, to celebrate her
80th birthday, we took my mother
-in-law, Faygie Buchman, on a
tour of the important locations of
her life in Toronto. Harbord was
an obvious choice. Without giving away her age I can tell you
that that was in 2008. She is a
graduate of the class of 1944-45.
Harbord Collegiate always appeared larger than life to me.
Page 10
Perhaps because it was the alma
mater of so many of my friends‘
parents. Or because it was the
high school of Wayne and Shuster at whose comedy I laughed,
or Sam Shopsowitz whose
corned beef I ate; Perhaps it was
because I recognize so many
names when I look at the lists of
alumnae: politicians, musicians,
broadcasters, business people,
doctors, lawyers, and even a few
moyels. And in a deeply personal
way, perhaps it was because
members of my own family went
there. That neighbourhood was
their stomping ground in the
‗20‘s and 30‘s. My grandfather
owned the butcher shop at the
corner of College and Grace.
And maybe because I am a north
Bathurst boy, a product of the
first generation of downtown
high school graduates to move
―north,‖ stories about that time
Continued on page 11…
and place became like stories of
the old country – both misty and
foundational at the same time.
And finally perhaps it was because, in this memoir business in
which I have partnered with my
son, touching Harbord Collegiate
makes life in the first half of the
20th century come alive for my
own child in a tangible way.
So on that day in July of 2008,
with my wife Ellen Buchman,
her parents Faygie and Murray
Buchman (an alumnus), Faygie‘s
brother (another alumnus) Sheldon Weingarten, and Faygie‘s
grandson David Courtade, we
ventured together into the hallowed halls. That the school was
open on a hot summer day was
blessing number one. That the
staff in the school office was so
welcoming and helpful was
blessing number two. They answered questions, looked for
―ancient‖ academic records and
then directed us to the treasure
―We have a museum. Let me
show you.‖ We trundled down
the hall from the office to the
museum. The door was unlocked
for us. And the treasures began to
appear. Faygie quickly found her
photo as part of the cast of the
1944 Gilbert and Sullivan production of The Three Gondoliers.
We explored. Faygie and Murray
searched in drawers and cabinets
and showcases and they peered at
the faces peering back from the
photos on the wall. They remi-
Issue 64
―Would you like to see the auditorium?‖
Down another hall to the auditorium, dimly lit on a summer afternoon. Up to the stage went the
―Maid‖ where she spontaneously
danced and sang, ―reprising‖ her
role as one of the Maids from
Gilbert and Sullivan‘s The Three
Gondoliers; an encore that was
64 years overdue.
Above - Faygie Buchman
When we began to edit the memoir earlier this year I searched the
Harbord website for information
on how to access the museum.
Another discovery: documentary
filmmaker Karen Shopsowitz had
given to The Harbord Club her
father Izzy Shopsowitz‘s home
movies of events at Harbord
from the 1930‘s. And there on
the website was a film of a Gilbert and Sullivan production. I
contacted Karen by phone and,
after a discussion about mutual
contacts and about producing
memoirs as a form of documentary and oral history, Karen graciously gave us permission to use
this footage in our client‘s mem-
And then there was Syd. When I
contacted Harbord in 2011 to try
to get material from the museum
for Faygie‘s memoir, I was put in
touch with Syd Moscoe. Syd
gave me a tour, he told me the
history, and he did everything he
could do to make it possible for
me to find and copy what I
needed. And we had a good talk,
I don‘t know how many high
schools have their own museum.
I doubt that there are many. But
for those of us who help people
tell the stories of their life, a
place like the Harbord Museum
is a repository of material that
helps to bring memoir and oral
history alive. And it tells its own
story. The fact that Harbord
alumnae are passionate enough
about their experience at Harbord
to support and maintain its museum speaks volumes about both
the institution and the people it
helped produce.
We invite you to have a look at a
clip from Faygie Buchman‘s
memoir as she talks about her
―idyllic‖ time at Harbord.
By Stephen Albert
Lifetime Memoirs
Page 11
A Poem by Willie Zimmerman
The magic whisper of Sussurus seems
A hissing snake that slithers through the grass,
Her soothing, silken sound redeems
The solemn air from grating words that pass.
The gentle swaying chant assists fond sleep,
In songs and lags Sussurus reigns supreme,
A common word, with encompassing sweep,
She places in fair Beaclty‘s silver stream.
No lips can voice, nor flowing pen portray
The feeling of serenity and bliss
That steals upon the soul, a parting ray
Left by Sussurus with a tender kiss.
When soft Sussurus gaily meets the ear
No sweeter sound pervades the atmosphere.
By Willie Zimmerman at age 16, Harbord Review 1933
You Said It!
Welcome to the
Harbordite‘s new
―You Said It!‖ section where we post
your comments &
feedback on past
issues of the newsletter.
Above: Plaque on Harbord Museum
Wed. Nov 24, 2010
Hi, Ben, Sid, Belin
da and the other org
anizers of the Homecoming,
Appreciate all the wor
k you put into mak
ing the day nostalg
and fun. We especi
ally enjoyed talkin
g to the Grade 9 Fre
class and seeing th
e auditorium again
, and even though w
didn’t see any alum
ni from our year, th
eres’s always next
Thank you again, O
nward Harbord!
Elaine Chin (nee m
ark) Class of ‘74
Sandra Brawley (n
ee Panza) Class of ‘7
Continued on page 13...
Page 12
A Terrific Day!
To harbordcelebration
i McFarlane
From: Harriet Szonyh
Dec 31, 2010
e Open House,
To: Organizers of th
s to organize this even
d I, attended together
hifman) Sadows
the open house, and th
MY classmate Lucy (S
with the work you
were very impressed
we spoke to.
own by every student
could conwelcoming attitude sh
e, who told us how we
th former
we had not
Lucy and I chatted wi
classmates were sorry
to say we will be
tact one of our old te
ion. But I am thrilled
in tim
been able to find her
in the new year.
meeting Miss Bienosz
Dear Harbordite editor
I just received the latest
issue of the Harbordite
(Fall 2010) and want to
for keeping me in touch.
thank yo
It was an interesting is
sue insofar as it featured
my graduating year reun
union which I attended
ion, a re. That reunion gave me
much pause for reflection
wrote a short essay abou
and I
t it a few days later. I su
spect that it is too long
the Harbordite and if it
for use in
can't be used, that's all
right; I really just wan
off my chest, to give an
ted to get it
other Harbordian point
of view, so to speak.
Harold Strom, 1950
Please see Harold‘s essay on page 14.
Issue 64
Page 13
How Harbord Collegiate Made Me - Harold Strom
A few days ago, I had occasion
to attend the 60th anniversary reunion of my high school graduating class. I have attended other
reunions before, notably the 50th
reunion of my university graduating class and both the 50th of
my high school class and the
100th of my school, Harbord Collegiate Institute. None of those
earlier occasions had the same
impact on my consciousness as
this one did, however. Maybe it
was the product of being in the
company of so many 80-year
olds who, for at least one brief
moment of time, shared a common experience, or the natural
increase of sentimentality that
accompanies the aging process,
but this particular event sparked
a huge spasm of reflection and
introspection in me.
As luck would have it, I
sat next to a classmate, Jerry Rotenberg, of whom I had no recollection whatsoever. I‘m also certain he didn‘t remember me.
However, as we chatted, reminiscing a little about Harbord but
mostly talking of what we had
become since our high school
days, I was struck by how much
we were affected by our early
education. He told me a fairly
compelling story of his professional life as a pharmacist and
the success he had had in writing
several important texts on drug
reactions as well as editing the
Canadian Pharmaceutical ComPage 14
pendium. I was impressed, but
when he mentioned how a
teacher at Harbord (whose name
I don‘t remember) had, extracurricularly, encouraged him in
his writing, I was somewhat saddened and envious, for my experience at Harbord was entirely
devoid of such scholastic experiences.
Unlike many of my fellow graduates who remember
their time under the copper roofs
of HCI as perhaps the best and
most fulfilling time of their lives,
I only look at those years as
something to have been gotten
through before my life was to
begin in earnest. I don‘t think it
was Harbord‘s fault that I didn‘t
have such a good time there because Harbord certainly gave us
all an equal opportunity to participate in all its activities, but
somehow I fell through its
I entered Harbord as a
just-turned 13-year old in 1945,
the result of having been advanced a grade in my public
school. I was never told the reasons for my advancement — it
was certainly neither in my nor
my family‘s temperament to
push for such a thing — but perhaps it had to do with my stellar
performance in Mr. Shunk‘s
grade 6 class. I was very small of
stature since I had probably not
yet entered puberty. I don‘t think
I was ever bullied because of my
size but I do remember being
teased, although that teasing was
neither cruel nor long-lasting.
Being small meant that I
was not encouraged to enter
sports, an avoidance which persisted throughout my time as a
high school student. I was also
extraordinarily shy and felt the
safest position to assume was to
keep my head down and avoid
calling undue attention to myself.
Harbord was a beehive of
extra-curricular activities; in addition to the usual sports of football and basketball, there were
debating clubs, stamp clubs,
chess, fencing, shooting, writing
for the school magazine, and
many other such after-school activities. And of course, there was
the honoured Harbord tradition
of presenting Gilbert and Sullivan operettas which involved the
entire theatrical panoply of acting, orchestra, costumes, staging,
make-up, front-of-house, etc.,
etc. I avoided them all.
One would think, therefore, that because I avoided almost all extra-curricular activity,
I probably excelled scholastically. Alas, that was not the case.
I was an OK student but certainly
well south of outstanding. I made
Continued on page 15…
it a matter of policy (whether
consciously or not — I have no
idea) to remain as inconspicuous
in class as I was on the playing
field. At this I succeeded.
Teachers did not notice
me; they did not give me any extra attention or offer any additional help. I dutifully did my
homework, answered a sufficient
number of questions in class, did
well enough in my tests and exams and never made a nuisance
of myself.
So, did my school fail me
by ignoring me? I don‘t think so.
One cannot put the blame on an
institution that deals with hundreds of students with multiple
needs in a never-ending flow of
individuals through its doors. I
am willing to admit that almost
all the blame lies with me: I was
not exceptional; I was retiring; I
did not take advantage of the opportunities presented by my environment; I did not seek teachers‘
help when something was bothering me or when I didn‘t understand something. How could they
be expected to take note when I
deliberately avoided being noticed?
I got enough intellectual
nurture, I think, by being in the
pervasive atmosphere of learning
that was fostered by the institution‘s attempt to instill academic
excellence in its student body.
The teachers were, by and large,
good; some were excellent and
Issue 64
many were eccentric enough to
make them interesting. I think I got
a good education although, when I
came to do a little writing later in
life, I found that I was sadly deficient in knowledge of grammatical
But — I guess you expected a ―but‖, didn‘t you? — in
one important aspect of my early
life, Harbord completely failed me:
For reasons I do not understand
(since there were plenty of girls
around), I was placed in all-boys‘
classes from grade IX to grade XII.
As a consequence, I was deprived
of the immediate, basic social
benefits that mixing genders
brings. Since I was already socially
inept and did nothing much outside
the classroom, my chances for social interaction with girls were seriously curtailed. I believe this
situation somewhat retarded my
social development. Although it
didn‘t ultimately cripple my social
life, it did delay it at a critical developmental stage in my life. I did
not have any acquaintance with
girls in high school; I did not have
a girl friend; I did not enjoy the
socializing effect that girls have on
a group. Of course, once again,
most of the blame for not getting
more involved must devolve upon
me, but I think that the reduced
presence of girls played an important role in that retardation.
As I said, while not stellar,
I was still a pretty good student. I
did not fail a single test or examination during my entire time at
high school through Grade XII. For
the most part, I avoided having to
write any examinations in June
since my Christmas and Easter
marks were sufficient to exempt
me. I was even good enough to be
promoted to an A class in grade
XIII (girls at last!). But in grade
XIII, things suddenly changed.
It must be remembered that
in the 1940s and 50s, no marks
achieved during the entire 13 or so
years of education mattered a damn
when it came to applying for admission to university. The only thing
that mattered were the results obtained from a standardized set of
Departmental Examinations that
were provided by the province.
One‘s marks from these exams
were the sole criterion upon which
one‘s entire future depended, provided one was determined to be accepted at university. I knew I
wanted to go to university but I had
no real idea what I wanted to do
there; in the event, my choice of
career was to be totally dependent
on the level of achievement in those
cursed Examinations.
I did well up to grade XIII.
In that year, I encountered senior
Physics, a discipline that was to me
then a complete and total mystery
and remains so to this day. I simply
did not understand the concepts and
I had a teacher who paid absolutely
no attention to the lesser lights in
his class. Dr. Charles G. Fraser was
the consummate elitist; he liked and
Continued on page 16…
Page 15
How Harbord Collegiate Made Me - Harold Strom
helped only those who were brilliant enough not to need his help.
Dr. Charles G. Fraser, after all,
had written the textbook on
Physics, the one that was on the
syllabus of high schools throughout the province. On my Christmas exam, I got a mark of 40
(out of 100); at Easter, I improved to 41. Needless to say, I
was staring at the complete failure of my future, for failing the
Departmental Physics exam
meant that I could not enter any
professional faculty and might
not even qualify for university
Every grade XIII student
in the province in those days
spent the months of May and
June preparing for and writing
those examinations. I had to
write nine of them: three maths,
two sciences and two languages
(which were divided into grammar and composition). Under the
circumstances, I was forced to
spend an inordinate time studying Physics, to the detriment of
some of the other subjects. There
were two textbooks in Physics
which I only remember as being
red and green. As my only hope
of passing the Physics exam and
ultimately being accepted into
university, I sat down in early
June and memorized both the
green and the red book.
Page 16
In the event, I did all right
in those exams. In those days before the inflation of marks, I got
three As, five Bs, and one C,
probably a B+ average. One of
those Bs, to my delight and perhaps the everlasting chagrin of
Dr. Charles G. Fraser (if he noticed at all), was in Senior Physics.
The exams were over by
mid-June and the marks set to
appear in mid-August. In those
days, quaintly, the results were
first printed in the Globe and
Mail so it is easy to imagine excited and unruly groups of 18year old students lining up at 10
pm outside some newspaper kiosk awaiting the early edition of
the G&M in which their future
prospects would be on show for
the entire world to see.
Then the scramble
started; there were only three
weeks between receipt of the
marks and the deadline for submission of applications to the
various faculties at the University of Toronto. Imagine if you
can, the pressure of determining
to which faculties to apply; their
only criterion of acceptance were
the marks you obtained in the
exams. You had no idea what
level of achievement was required for what faculty, so you
had to send out your applications
based upon presumed acceptability, not necessarily on what you
wanted to study or what you
might want to be after graduation.
In the event, I applied for
Dentistry and Pharmacy. I didn‘t
want to be a doctor, and I knew,
in any case, that my marks would
not have been sufficient to get
into Medicine. As it turned out, I
was accepted at both and
plumped for Dentistry as being
the more prestigious.
I was one of 60 students
accepted into the Faculty of Dentistry in 1950. I was also one of
ten Jews accepted in that year:
there was an unpublicized quota
on Jewish students set each year
— they knew who was Jewish
because the application form demanded your religious affiliation.
So, clearly a B+ average was
good enough to be accepted. But
most startlingly, to be one of
only ten people of my faith in the
entire province (I think Toronto
was the only Dental Faculty in
the province at that time) to be
accepted was pretty heady stuff,
although I didn‘t think of it in
those terms at that time.
So, who do I have to
thank for that success? Why,
Harbord, of course. Clearly, Har
Continued on page 17…
bord made me, although I didn‘t
realize until several years into
my dental course work that I
should probably have opted for a
different path; since I was barely
18 years old and a total innocent,
I probably would have profited
more from a General Arts education and then, when I was a little
older, more experienced and perhaps wiser, I could have made a
more informed decision as to
what I wanted to be.
I doubt that I shall be going to any more reunions; I lack
the requisite rah-rah, sentimental
spirit that is necessary to fully
enjoy them, but I am grateful for
this one. I needed to put my Harbord experiences into perspective
and while they weren‘t all positive experiences, at least I can
conclude that Harbord served me
By Harold Strom ,
Class of 1950
Willie Zimmerman - One of a Kind!
Harbord Collegiate is the Harbord Club and the Harbord Club
is Willie Zimmerman. No person has ever, or will ever, personify the love for his high
school that was found in the
personality of Willie.
I met Willie originally through
my connection with the York
Racquets tennis club of which
Willie was also a member.
When he found out that I had
attended Harbord he quickly
asked me to join his newly
founded club which he started
with fellow graduates Ken Prentice and Julius Molinaro. I was
like most of the other members,
not very active.
The Harbord Club was responsible for putting out ―The Harbordite‖, an alumni magazine
following the careers and activities of the graduates, as well as
starting a school museum which
was completely unique for a
Canadian high school .
Issue 64
The three graduates had a great
influence on the 75th and the
100th re-unions of the school.
Starting the Harbord Foundation
was a brilliant piece of work
which allows the Harbord club
the ability to give out up to
$15,000 in scholarships to the
students every year.
The legacy of Willie Zimmerman will live on forever in what
he accomplished for the students
of Harbord Collegiate and for the
Collegiate itself.
By Murray Rubin, Class of ‘50
I became more involved with the
club because it helped me to organize the 50 year re-union for
our class, the class of 1950.
When our re-union was over
Willie asked me to get more involved.. He was getting old and
was unable to come down to the
Collegiate. As I recall, Julius
used to pick up Willie and bring
him to the school. When even
that was not possible, he insisted
I come to his house regularly to
fill him in with all the Harbord
news. No detail was too small.
He wanted to be in the know on
Page 17
Photo Highlights from the First Ever Harbord
Homecoming on Nov 24,2010!
Left - Harbord Homecoming
Welcome banner in the main
Right - Alumni signing the Homecoming
Left - 60‘s memories of Harbord
sports teams.
Page 18
Right - Alumni
group photo at
Cake cutting
Left & Below - Celebrating the 60‘s
Flower Power and Fashions.
Issue 64
Page 19
Left - 60‘s
Alumni at the
Cake cutting
Right - 1960‘s Wall of Fame!
Left - Current Harbord student,
Alexcia checking out the 60‘s Grad
Page 20
Left - Alumna
Sierra MedeirosFelix singing
Nancy Sinatra‘s
hit, ―These boots
are made for
Right - Current
student Julian
Lee, sang and
played his guitar
to the Beatles hits.
Above - Harbord Cheerleaders of past years, Sierra, Sofia & Diana and current Harbord
Tiger mascot Ishmael performed Cheers and lead the singing of Harbord‘s School song,
―Onward Harbord!‖
Issue 64
Page 21
Above - the Harbord
Senior Band played
some awesome 60‘s
Right - V.P.Gladstone
with Harbordites
Julian, Will & Sierra
who showed us their
musical talents.
Page 22
Left - Alumni visiting the
Harbord Museum
Right - Sydney Moscoe, Harbord Club Director
and Currator of the Harbord Museum.
(See Museum Musings on page 5)
Left - Alum James Lam
talking to current students
in one of the many Alumni
Class visits.
Issue 64
Page 23
Left - Current Teacher and Alumna Belinda
Medeiros-Felix dressed up for the day in original 60‘s
Left & Above - Students Deneisha & Eartha
joined the occasion by dressing up in 60‘s
Page 24
Left - Students Stephanie & Sura visited
the First Ever Harbord Homecoming!
Above - Alumni reconnect at the
Left - 60‘s Alumni couple cutting
the Homecoming 1960‘s cake at
the closing ceremony.
Issue 64
Issue 64
Page 25
Page 25
Left - Class of 1978 Alumni:
Left to right, Sid Ingham,
Walter Low, Ben Lee and
Joe Woo
Right - Friends reconnecting at the
Below - Schedule of Homecoming
day‘s events.
Bottom Right - 1960 ―Please Don‘t
Eat the Daisies‖ movie poster.
Page 26
Left - Memories of
past Harbord
Sports Teams &
Below - 1960‘s
Harbord Staff
Page 27
Willie Zimmerman’s Collage of Cards
Above photo - Left front: Zack (Willie‘s Grandson), Left middle: Michael (Willie‘s Son), Left
rear: John(Willie‘s Son in law), Middle: Willie Zimmerman, Right: Kaili (Willie;s Granddaughter) enjoying a family dinner! Willie would hand these Cards to friends and customers alike.
Page 28
Top Left Photo - Willie and Wife to be Gerry, Top Right - Willie, Gerry & Grandchildren: Kaili,
Karina and Zack.
Middle Photo - Willie and daughter Sarilyn
Bottom Photo - Gerry. Mama Bidnowitz (mother in law) and Willie
Issue 64
Page 29
In Memoriam...
Dr. Winnifred (Winnie) Alston, died in England on Dec 27, 2010 at the age of 96.
She was a Greek & Latin teacher at Harbord C.I. from 1945-1968.
Sydney Faibish, died on February 27, 2011. He graduated from Harbord C.I. in 1925.
Willie Zimmerman, 1916 - 2011 (Please see Cover Story), Class of 1933.
Willie was one of the founders of the Harbord Charitable Foundation, the Harbord Club,
the Harbordite newsletter, and the Harbord Museum. He was the original “Mr. Harbord”.
Introducing Two NEW Harbord Club Board of Directors and a
Student Contact,,,
Vasan Persad, Class of 1994. Vasan is currently on staff at Harbord as a teacher of Science and
Mathematics. After he graduated
from Harbord, he went on to the
University of Toronto where he
obtained his Hons. B.Sc., B.Ed.,
M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Neuroscience.
Vasan is a proud Director of the
Harbord Club and a true Harbordite at heart. He thinks of Harbord
as a very special place and always
refers to it as his second home.
Page 30
Sierra Medeiros-Felix , Class of
2010. Sierra is currently taking
a year off from Brock U. to pursue her musical endeavours.
She is working towards getting
a demo completed in hopes of
being signed by a record company. She is very happy to be a
part of the Harbord Club directorate.
India Annamanthadoo is the current Student Rep. for the Harbord
Club. As a grade 10 student, India
is passionate about the history of
Harbord and enjoys volunteering
weekly at the Harbord Museum.
She hopes to remain actively involved in the Harbord Club for
the rest of her life.
Introducing the NEW Harbord Club
The Harbord Club website interface is getting a makeover. The
original content has not changed
but the face of the opening page
now begins with the blog. Our
goal was not to perform any reconstructive surgery to an already comprehensive catalogue
of information but to tweak it in
a way that provides a interactive
platform for the students, staff
and alumni of our
cherished school.
The blog is still in the beta form
and is not the finished product.
The current picture and graphics
will be changed and upgraded as
well as the layout of the blog,
which of course will depend on
regular content and contributions. The original web page is
now listed under the tab labeled
Harbord Club. To get back to the
home page from the original web
page, click on the blog/news tab.
The blog will serve as a means
of becoming a forum for greater
connectedness for the extended
Harbord C.I. community. Disconnectedness is a fact of life,
which may explain in part the
extensive popularity of current
social networking sites.
This blog is not to recreate a social networking site but a forum
for the Harbord C.I. community.
The issues that we face are complex and diverse. When we share
struggles, doubts and anxieties
Issue 64
and celebrations, the more we
connect with those who share
our joys and our pains. In other
words, we need the counsel and
wisdom of those who have
walked the walk and now share
in the talk..
The Homecoming last year gave
us a glimpse of what shared
community is like. Guidance
counsellor Sue Lang Wong along
with the help of numerous Harbord teachers organized and
staged informal in-class student/
alumni question and answer sessions. Despite the turnout, the
encounters between the current
students and the alumni provided
a forum of dialogue and engagement for the alumni, teachers and
It is our hope that the blog will
serve as a forum for more frequent and up to date information
about what is going on in the
school as well as issues confronting our staff, students and
We are looking for enthusiastic
contributors and partners with a
passion to serve the greater Harbord community in print. Ideally
to write for and share news and
people stories that inspire, intrigue and captivate the mind
and heart of our readers and followers. Our contributors would
be, but not limited to the executive of the Harbord Club, the stu-
! - Sid Ingham
dent council president, the
leader of the Boys Athletic Association/ Girls Athletic Association, a representative from
each grade level, a rotation of a
series of staff members and a
diverse cross section of our
alumni. This proposed cross
section of our membership
would serve to broaden the
overall scope, personality and
direction of the blog and reflect
the diverse interests of the
greater Harbord community.
The benefit of the Harbord blog
is that it is easier to use and
manage without needing to
learn HTML, which is web
based programming language.
You will be updated on issues
and events on a much more frequent basis than was the case
for the original Harbord Club
website as well as having an
immediate forum to post your
Onward Harbord!
Sid Ingham
Page 31
Harbord C. I. 120th Birthday Bash
April 26 & 27, 2012
APRIL 26TH AND 27TH, 2012...
The Harbord Club is hosting an event and wants you to
come celebrate with your Highschool classmates at...
***HCI's 120th Birthday Bash!!! ***
Here's a Sneak Peek:
Thursday April 26th, 2012
5:30- close
Dinner, Dance and Silent Auction
at Ambiance Catering and Banquet Hall
501 Alliance Ave.
Toronto, ON
$65. p.p. or $600. for a reserved table of 10
Tickets are limited
Friday April 27th, 2012
Harbord C.I. Open House
Time and Events TBA
**Invitations will be sent to your email address**
Page 32
club.co m
For those of you who don’t live in the city, province or even the country, we are giving you plenty of time to organize your schedule and make
yourselves available for this extravagant event which can’t be missed.
Many of you attended the June 1981 event celebrating Harbord’s 90 th
and many of you attended the May 1992 event celebrating Harbord’s
Centennial and now, twenty years later, we want you to be a part of
History; Come celebrate Harbord’s 120th! Invitations to follow if we
have your updated email address. (P.S. If you are in receipt of this
Harbordite via email, we have your updated info. Thanks!)
If you know of any Harbord grad who hasn’t yet submitted to us their
name, email address and grad year, tell them to let us know at
harbordcelebration@live.ca This way, they will be added to the alumni
roster and not miss out on hearing of future events.
Issue 64
Page 33
Harbord C. I. - Looking Forward To...
In this section, we will highlight school events that are upcoming
~May 26th-Athletic Banquet held at Revival
~May 31st- Multicultural Luncheon at HCI
~June 8th –Farewell Assembly and BBQ at HCI
~June 27th- Grade 12 Prom at Atlantis
~Fall of 2011- Unveiling of Plaque
~Commencement 2011 – Formally honouring Willie Zimmerman
Harbord Club Meets With Future Alumni !
Around noon hour on May 17th, some of the Harbord Club Directors met with the class of 2011 in
the school‘s auditorium to inform them of their
very important roles. As future HCI alumni, they
were informed about how valuable an asset the
Harbord Club would be to them and how they too
could be a part of history by lending a hand.
Thank you to all the students who attended and
submitted their email addresses. Once again, our
numbers are growing. These email addresses will
be added to the Harbord Club alumni roster and
these alumni will begin to receive their Harbordites asap and all info on any important events!
Page 34
Harbord Club Executive
President Emeritus - Murray Rubin -HCI-1950
President Pro-Tem - Syd Moscoe -HCI-1952
Harbordite Co-editors - Ben-1978 & Belinda-1981 -Staff
Director - Ben Lee -HCI-1978
Director - Sidney Ingham -HCI-1978
Director - Belinda Medeiros-Felix -HCI-1981 –Staff
Director - Helder Frizado -HCI-2009
Director - Diana Da Silva -HCI-2009
Director - Vasan Persad HCI-1994 - Staff
Director - Sierra Medeiros-Felix -HCI-2010
Student Representative - India Annamanthadoo - HCI-2013
Please donate to the Harbord Club.
Charitable receipts are only issued for donations of
$50.00 and over. All cheques of $50.00 and over for
which a charitable receipt is required should be made
payable to "Harbord Charitable Foundation" and on
the face of the cheque in the Memo line insert the
words"For the Harbord Club" .
For any amount less than $50.00 or if a receipt is not
required please make cheque payable to "Harbord
Thank You.
Issue 64
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