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PAST GATEWAYS FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE May 23. – 27., 2016 (Trondheim, Norway) 1st Circular We are pleased to welcome you to the 4th PAST Gateways (Palaeo‐Arctic Spatial and Temporal Gateways) International Conference which will take place in Trondheim, Norway on May 23‐27, 2016. The conference is hosted by the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU). For more information please visit the conference website. There are four main themes for the conference. We invite abstracts on studies addressing problems within the four themes, in the period preceding instrumental records across decadal to millennial scales, in the formerly glaciated areas of North America, Russia and northern Europe. The themes for the conference are: 1. Growth and decay of Arctic Ice Sheets 2. Arctic sea‐ice and ocean changes 3. Non‐glaciated Arctic environments including permafrost change 4. Sea level change in the Arctic PAST Gateways (Palaeo‐Arctic Spatial and Temporal Gateways) is an IASC endorsed network research programme, the scientific goal of which is to understand Arctic environmental change during the period preceding instrumental records and across decadal to millennial timescales. The focus of the six year programme is on the nature and significance of Arctic gateways, both spatial and temporal, with an emphasis on the transitions between major Late Cenozoic climate events such as interglacials to full glacials and full glacial to deglacial states, as well as more recent Holocene fluctuations. There are three major themes to the programme: (1) Growth and decay of Arctic Ice Sheets; (2) Arctic sea‐ice and ocean changes, and (3) Non‐glaciated Arctic environments. PAST Gateways follows on from the previous network programmes of 'PONAM' (Polar North Atlantic Margins), 'QUEEN' (Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North) and, most recently, 'APEX' (Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes). It is interdisciplinary in nature and seeks to bring together field scientists and numerical modellers to advance understanding about Arctic climate change. The network involves scientists from across Europe, Russia, Canada and the USA. Organising committee: Lilja R. Bjarnadóttir (Geological Survey of Norway) Tove Aune (Geological Survey of Norway) Jochen Knies (Geological Survey of Norway) Kari Grøsfjeld (Geological Survey of Norway) Anders Romundset (Geological Survey of Norway) Louise Hansen (Geological Survey of Norway) Thomas Lakeman (Geological Survey of Norway) Astrid Lyså (Geological Survey of Norway) Eiliv Larsen (Geological Survey of Norway) Dag Ottesen (Geological Survey of Norway) Mona Henriksen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) Colm Ó Cofaigh. (Durham University) PAST‐Gateways Steering Committee H. Alexanderson, C. Andresen, L. R. Bjarnadóttir, J. Briner, A. de Vernal, G. Fedorov, M. Henriksen, N. Kirchner, R. Lucchi, H. Meyer, C. O’Cofaigh (Chairman), R. Noormets, K. Strand, and R. Urgeles. Website:
TRAVEL INFO Information about Trondheim Trondheim can be easily reached by plane, train or bus. Detailed information on how to travel to Trondheim is found under: The airport bus to the city centre (130 NOK) runs every 10 minutes and stops at many of the central hotels and central connection points. Airport taxi costs 390 NOK (preordered, tel: +47 07373), while a regular taxi from the airport to Trondheim costs around 550 NOK. The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) is situated in Leiv Eirikssons vei 39, Trondheim, c. 4 km from the city centre. It can be reached from Trondheim city centre by public buses number 3 and 4 (both destination LADE). Please leave the bus at the bus stop called RINGVE SKOLE from where you can see a sign showing the direction to NGU (8‐12 minutes walking distance). Estimated price from the city centre to NGU by taxi is 150‐200 NOK. A bus ticket costs 50 NOK. Source: View map online PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Monday 23 May 18:00‐20:00 Registration and icebreaker. The icebreaker will be held at the Geological Survey of Norway. Light food and beverages will be served. Tuesday 24 May Presentation and poster sessions. The sessions will start in the morning and finish late afternoon (more detailed information will be added later). Wednesday 25 May One‐day field excursion (including lunch). Thursday 26 May Presentation and poster sessions. The sessions will start in the morning and finish late afternoon (more detailed information will be added later). The conference dinner will take place Thursday evening. Friday 27 May Presentation session. The session will start in the morning and finish around lunchtime. Conference participants will enjoy lunch before heading home. Questions? If you have any questions please contact The Nidaros cathedral FIELD TRIP A field excursion (including lunch) will be arranged in the vicinity of Trondheim. A bus will pick up the participants at Gildevangen hotel in the morning and return in the late afternoon. Fieldtrip highlights will include sites and information related to: * LGM and deglaciation history of the Mid‐Norwegian shelf * Onshore deglaciation and Younger Dryas ice‐marginal deposits * Sea level changes and isostasy * Raised marine deposits and quick clay slides Further information about the fieldtrip will be added later. Photo: Gudmund Løvø REGISTRATION The registration fee is 4200 NOK per person. The fee includes: ‐ shared accommodation in double rooms during 23 – 27 May (four nights, incl. breakfast; for single accommodation there will be an additional costs of 495 NOK per night). ‐ icebreaker 23rd May ‐ lunch 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th May ‐ conference dinner 26th May ‐ field excursion ‐ conference abstract volume, excursion guide and conference programme The registration deadline is 1st March 2016. Please visit the registration page for further details. Accommodation: Rooms have been reserved at discounted rates at Thon Hotel Gildevangen (Please see‐hotel‐gildevangen/ for more information about the hotel). Included in the registration fee are 4 nights in a shared double room. In the online registration form it is possible to specify who you wish to share with and we will do our best to accommodate your wishes. There will also be a limited number of single rooms available at an additional cost of 495 NOK per night. This may also be specified in the online registration form. We have booked a limited number of rooms at discounted rates the weekend before and after the conference (not included in the registration fee). Please indicate if you want to use this option in the online registration form and you will receive further information and instructions. If you have any questions regarding the registration, please contact: or ABSTRACT There are four main themes for the conference. We invite abstracts on studies addressing problems within the four themes, in the period preceding instrumental records across decadal to millennial time scales, and in the formerly glaciated areas of North America, Russia and northern Europe. The language of the conference will be English. 1. Growth and decay of Arctic Ice Sheets 2. Arctic sea‐ice and ocean changes 3. Non‐glaciated Arctic environments including permafrost change 4. Sea level change in the Arctic Abstracts will be published in a conference abstract volume and should not exceed 2 A4 pages (12 pt, single line spacing), including figures and references. It is important that the abstract be formatted according to the template below. Deadline for abstract submission is March 1st 2016. Please send abstracts (in .doc or .rtf format) via e‐mail to and indicate which presentation format you prefer (poster/oral) in the e‐mail. The poster format will be A0 ´Portrait´ (85 cm wide and 120 cm high). Further information regarding oral presentations will be provided when the final programme is finalised. Abstract Template Title
First-name Last-name1, First-name of second author Last-name second author2, etc
Affiliation first author;
Affiliation second author; etc.
Abstract text in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font and justified. Abstract length max
two A4 pages. Figures and tables should be submitted as separate files, and NOT inserted in
the text. Figures as separate files in jpeg, pdf or tiff format with at least 300 dpi.
Lastname, Initials. & Lastname, Initials., year. Paper title. Journal, volume (issue), pages.
Lastname, Initials., Lastname, Initials. & Lastname, Initials., year. Paper title. Journal, volume (issue), pages.
PAYMENT Payment should be made not later than March 1st 2016 by bank transfer, and must be received by NGU no later than March 8th 2016. Registration fee: 4200 NOK (Additional cost for single room: 4200 NOK + 1980 NOK) Bank payment details: Account name: NORGES GEOLOGISKE UNDERSØKELSE Bank name: DNB Bank ASA Bank adress: Dronning Eufemiasgate 30 P.O.Box 1600 Sentrum N‐0021 Oslo NORWAY SWIFT code: DNBANOKK IBAN: NO31 7694 0505 891 Please write the following in comment: "Project 366700, Last name, PAST GATEWAYS 2016" For Norwegian participants: Org.number: NO 970 188 290 VAT Account number: 7694 05 05891