ch 20 essential review
ch 20 essential review
:l l:l ii completethe foilowingreviewof chapter20, chemicarTexture Services,by circlingthe correctanswer. 1' .-.----.----*----.-------rods have a sma, diameterin the center area and graduallyincreaseto their largestdiameter at the ends,resurtingin a tightercurrat hairends,with a roose,wider currat the scaro. a) Convex c) concave h\ e+"^;^r_+ :l ::il:J 2. A methodof wrappinga permanentwave that is suitablefor very longhairis the a) doublehalomethod c) singlehalomethod b) double-rodwrap d) straightback method 3. A '-----.----.----..---.----.---is an exampleof a physicalchangethat results from breakingand re-formingthe hydrogen bondswithinthe hair. a) blowdryservice b) wet set c) haircolorservice d) comb-out 4' All permwrapsbeginby sectioning the hairintopanelswhichare furtherdividedinto subsections called a) panels b) basesections c) base panels d) base control 5. Alwaysrinseperm solutionfrom the hair for at least minutesbeforeapplyingthe neutralizer. a )2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 6. Nan liquidproteinconditioner can be appliedto the hairand driedundera warmdryerfor five minutesor morepriorto neutralization if hairis damaged. a) alkaline c) neutral b) emulsified d) acidic 7' when hair has beensufficienfly straightened, the hair is rinsed rapidlyand thoroughly with a) hot b) cold c) cool d) warm 2O Chemical Texture Services H 8. Basecontrolrefersto the positionof the tool in relationto its and is determined by the angleat whichthe hairis wrappeo. a) panel c) base panel b) basesection d) scalpposition 9. End wraps are absorbentpapersusedto whenwrappingand windinghairon the permtools. a) decreasemoisture c) controlelasticity of the hair b) controlends d) decreaseelasticity 10. Hairtexturedescribesthe of a singlestrandof hair as fine.medium.or coarse. and is classified a) length c) curl b) color d) diameter , the hydrogenperoxidein the 1 1 . l f th e h a i ri s n o t neutralizer can reactwith wavinglotionand causethe haircolorto l i g h te n . a) thoroughlyshampooed c) lightlyshampooed b) rinsedproperly d) lightlyrinsed 12. I'ttoo many bondsarebrokenin the perming process.the hairwill be too weakto holda firm curl. a) disulfide c) salt b) hydrogen d) polypeptide is completefor a soft curl permanent, 13. Whenprocessing what is rinsing the hair thoroughly done after with warmwater? a) each curl is blotted with towel c) clientis place underdryer b) conditioner is applied d) test curl is taken 14. lf hairbreaksunderveryslightstrain,it has a) excellentelasticity c) averageelasticity b) very good elasticity d) littleor no elasticity Ghapter 2O Chemical Texture Serv ices f,,, :l:ir:':'' : : 'r:rii::'i::r ... j . ii' : . . i': : i .:lil r.:.:i,.. ,,ii 11. ri!i.:::, , j:.iiiii, i,.l ' it i: i... : ]: 15. ln orderto makea smoothtransitionfrom the roiled sectionof the headto an unroiledsection,use a rargertoor for the tasttoor nextto an unrolledsectionwhengivinga a) curyatureperm b) partialperm c) spiralperm d) full perm t. ,::'' " " 16. In neutralization, the bondsin the hairare re-formed_ a) immediately b) slowly c) sporadically d) randomly 17.ln permanent waving,mostof the processing takespraceas soon as the solutionpenetrates the hair,withinthe first_ minutes. a ) 1 to 2 c) 3 to 4 b) 2to3 d) 5 to 10 18. Manymaleclientsare lookingfor added , fullness, style,and low maintenance that only a perm can provide. a) color c) texture b) shine d) length 19. Metallicsartsreavea coatingon the hairthat mav cause , S€Ver€discoloration,or hair breakaqe. a) mildodor c) calcification b) unevencurls d) smoothcurls 20' Neutralization rebuildsthe by removingthe extra hydrogenbonds createdby- the wavingsolution. a) salt bonds b) hydrogenbonds c) disulfidebonds d) polypetidechains 21' Permingonrya sectionof a whorehead of hair a) sectionperming c) partialperming is cated b) spotmaticperming d) limitedperming 22. Some manufacturers recommendthe applicationof a afterblottingand beforeapprication of the neutrarizer. pre-neutrarizing a) conditioner b) pre-neutrafizingshampoo c) post-processingmoisturizer d) post-processingshampoo Ghapter 20 Chemical Texture Servrces 23. The wrap useszigzagpartingsto dividebaseareas. a) curvatureperm c) bricklayperm b) weavetechnique d) straightperm 24.fhe wrao createsa movementthat curveswithin sectioned-out oanels. a) curvatureperm b) bricklayperm c) weavetechnique d) straightperm 25. The basicpermwrao is alsocalleda a) curvatureperm c) weavetechnique 26. The chemicalactionof and softensthe hair. a) ammonia c) wavinglotion wrap. b) bricklayperm d) straightset breaksthe disulfidebonds b) hydrogenperoxide d) neutralizer 27. The chemicalcomposition of hairconsistsalmostentirelyof a proteinmaterialcalled a) polypeptides c) cysteine b) keratin d) melanin 28. Bondsthat are formedbetweentwo cvsteineaminoacidslocated polypeptide on neighboring chainsare a) salt c) hydrogen b) chemical d) disulfide 29. The polypeptidechains of this layerof hair are connectedby end bonds and cross-linkedbv side bonds that form the fibers and structureof hair a) medulla c) cofiex b) cuticle d) follicle 30. The permthat is activatedby heatcreatedchemically withinthe productis knownas a) endothermic c) exothermic b) alkaline d) sodium hydroxide Chapter 2O Chemical Texture Services T,-' $t: ,ii',.' $=. i:=... 31. The actionof wavinglotionis to a) discolorthe hair c) expandthe hair b) shrinkthe hair d) conditionthe halr 32. The degreeto which hairabsorbsthe wavinglotionis relatedto its a) texture c) elasticity b) length d) porosity 33. The lengthof time requiredfor the hairstrandsto absorbthe wavinglotionand for the hairto re-curlis called a) applicationtime c) rinsingtime b) processing time d) development time 34. The mainactiveingredient in acid-balanced wavinglotionsis a) glycerolmonothioglycolate b) ammoniumthioglycolate c) hydrogenperoxide d) sodiumhydroxide 35' The mainactiveingredient or reducingagentin alkalinepermsis a) glycerolmonothioglycolate b) ammoniumthioglycolate c) hydrogenperoxide d) sodiumhydroxide 36' The wrap is usedto preventnoticeabrespritsand to blendthe flow of the hair. a) curvatureperm c) spiralperm b) bricklayperm d) basicperm 37. The wrap is doneat an anglethat causesthe hairto spiralalongthe lengthof the tool,likethe grip on a tennisracquet. a) spiral c) bricklay b) croquignole d) barberpole 38' The hydrogenatomsin the disulfidebondsare so stronglyattracted to the oxygenin the neutrarizer that they releasetheirbond withthe sulfuratomsand join with the a) salt bond b) nitrogen c) hydrogen d) oxygen Chapter 20 Chemical Texture Services 39. Underprocessing is causedby wavinglotion. a) excessive c) insufficient processing time of the b) increasing d) exact 40. wavesthat processmorequicklyand producefirmercurlsthantrue acid wavesare consideredto be a) alkaline b) acid-balanced c) a mmo n i u mth i oglycolate d) sodium hydroxide 41. what can be usedto determine the actualprocessing time needed to achieveoptimumcurl resultswhengivinga permfor the first ti meo n a cl i e n t? a) patch test c) porositytest b) strandtest d) preliminary test curl 42. Whattype of hairis morefragile,easierto process,and more susceptible to damagefrom permservices? a) coarsetexture c) non-elastic b) mediumtexture d) fine texture 43. Whattype of hairrequiresmoreprocessing than mediumor fine hair and may also be more resistantto processing? a) coarsetexture c) non-elastic b) mediumtexture d) fine texture 44. Whenthe strandof hairis wrappedat an angle45 degreesbeyond perpendicular to its basesection,it will resultin a) half-off base placement c) on-base placement b) off-baseplacement d) on-stemplacement 45. Whenone end paperis foldedin halfoverthe hairendslikean envelope,it is calledthe a) doubleend paperwrap c) singleend paperwrap b) bookendwrap d) top-handwrap 46. Whenthe strandof hair is wrappedat an angle90 degrees (perpendicular) to its basesection,it will resultin a) half-offbase placement b) off-baseplacement placement c) on-base d) on-stemplacement Ghapter 20 Chemical Texture Serv ices for a preliminary test curl,wrap one 47. Whenperforming a procedure tool in eachdifferentareaof the headincludinqthe top, the side, and the a) bang c) nape b) temple d) occipital 48. Whenhairhas assumedthe desiredshape,the brokendisulfide rebonded. bondsmust be a) chemically c) temporarily b) physically d) semi-permanently 49. Whenyou placeone end wrap on top of the hairstrandand hold It flat, it is calledthe a) doubleflat wrap c) singleflat wrap b) bookendwrap d) top-handwrap 50. A hairrelaxingtreatmentshouldbe avoidedwhenan examination showsthe presenceof a) scalpabrasions oils c) excessive b) strongcurl d) pityriasissteadoides in a soft curl oermanent. 51. After saturatinqthe rods with neutralizer the next step is to a) rinsewith hot water c) completelydry hair b) removerods carefully d) applyprotectivebase 52. Afterthe hair has beenprocessedwith a sodiumhydroxide relaxerand beforethe shampoo,the hairshouldbe thoroughly a) oiled c) dried b) rinsed d) conditioned 53. Beforegivinga relaxingtreatmentto overlycurlyhair,the cosmetologistmustjudge its texture,porosity,and : , a) lengthand elasticity _1elasticity _.,-_',. _, ^,_:-^,: - -- extent c) and ot damage,if any t ,, :, :.: : t' ,' ',t ' ' :, t. :.- .:. '' ,:'. :: a, - -: t = .-..- _.. '. ,., ::., , _._ 356 Chapter 2O Chemical Texture Services b) elasticityand silkiness d) softnessand extentof damage,if any 54. lf usinga no-baserelaxer,it is recommended that a protective creambe applied a) at the napeof the neck c) the frontalhairline b) overthe earlobes d) on the hairlineand aroundears 55. Inspectingthe actionof the relaxerby stretchingthe strandsto see how fast the naturalcurlsare beinqremovedis called a) periodicpatchtesting b) periodicrelaxertesting c) periodicstrandtesting d) periodicelasticity testing 56. Of the generaltypes of hair relaxerswhich one does not require pre-shampooing? a) sodiumhydroxide c) ammoniumthioglycolate b) sodiumthioglycolate d) acid-basedrelaxers 57. One safetyprecautionfor hairrelaxingis to avoid sca l pw i thth e co mbor finger nails. a) massaging c) smoothing the b) scratching d) stimulating 58. Relaxers whichare ioniccompoundsformedbv a metalwhichis combinedwith oxygenand hydrogenare knownas a) guanidinehydroxide b) metalhydroxiderelaxers relaxers c) low-pHrelaxers d) no-baserelaxers 59. Sodiumhydroxiderelaxersarecommonlycalled a) guanidinehydroxiderelaxers b) low pH relaxers c) lithiumhydroxiderelaxers d) lye relaxers 60. The actionof a sodiumhvdroxiderelaxercausesthe hairto a) swell c) harden b) shrink d) set 61. The process of breakingthe hair'sdisulfidebonds during processingand convertingthem to lanthioninebonds when the relaxeris rinsedfrom the hairis knownas a) lanolination c) neutralization b) lanthionization d) normalization Chapter 20 Chemical Texture Servrces 1': rI.' ; i;i::::,1.-r: .1,.r :-:: ! r:l .:.:::: i i:'' :'::j ;!, r:1! : ,i i. t, :'., j. 62. The scalpand skin are protectedfrom possibleburnswhen usinga hairrelaxerby applying i , t .,., '::.I ,':..:. ..,.'.,1.l a) cotton c) base :-, ::. ::: ' :,i :: b) stabilizer d) shampoo 63. The processingtime of a chemicalrelaxeris affectedby a: -, a) stylingproductsused c) the hair'sporosity b) the client'sage d) brandof relaxer 64. The relaxercreamis appliednearihe scalp.lastbecauseprocessing is acceleratedin this areabv a) body heat c) body perspiration b) applicationspeed d) sebaceousglands 65. The chemicalrequiredto stop the actionof the chemicalrelaxer rsa a) petroleumcream c) conditioner b) neutralizer d) wavinglotion 66. The besttype.ofshampooto use afterthe chemicalrelaxeris q an organrcsnampoo c) a neutralizing shampoo b) an antibacterial shampoo d) a dry shampoo 67. The strengthof relaxeris determinedby the strandtest. General guidelines suggestthat for coarsevirginhair,the followingstrength i s u se d : a) extramild c) mi l d b) regular d) strongor super 68. The strengthof relaxeris determinedby the strandtest. General guidelines suggestthat for fine,tinted,or lightenedhair,the followingstrengthis used: a) extramild c) mi l d '., 358 Ghapter 20 Chemical Texture Services b) regular d) strongor super 69. The processof permanently rearranging the basicstructureof overlycurlyhairintoa straightform is called a) thermalstraightening c) permanentwaving b) chemicalhairrelaxing d) chemicalhairsoftening 70. The combination of a thio relaxerand a thio permanent wrappedon largetoolsis calleda a) soft curl permanent b) thioglycolatereconstructer permanent c) relaxercurl d) hardcurl permanent 71. The most commonlyusedmethodsof hairrelaxingarethe sodium hydroxidemethodand the method. a) thermal c) a mmo n i a b) thio d) peroxide 72. To check relaxerprocessing,smoothand pressa strandto the scalpusingthe backof the comb or yourfinger.lf curlreturns, a) rinseimmediately c) continueprocessing b) add neutralizer d) add conditioner 73. Whatis usedto restorethe hairand scalpto theirnormal a ci d i cp H ? a) creamconditioner c) conditioning filler b) medicatedshampoo d) normalizing lotion 74. WhaI stopsthe actionof any chemicalrelaxerthat may remainin the hairafterrinsing? a) softener c) sw e l l i n gco mp o u n d b) breakdowncream d) neutralizer 75. what arethe two typesof formulasfor sodiumhydroxidechemicar hairrelaxers? a) baseand no-base c) stabilizer and no stabilizer b) lye and no lye d) creamand no cream Ghapter 20 Chemical Texture Servrc es '.,.,,r''.-s 76. What is one safetyprecautionthat must be followedwith all chemicalhairrelaxingservices? the client'shair b) preconditioning a) shampooing the hair c) advisingthe clientregarding d) wearingprotectivegloves processing time 77. Whatarethe threebasicstepsusedin chemicalhairrelaxino? a) wrapping,application, ri n si n g c) shampooing, application, co n d i ti o n i n g b) processing,neutralizing, conditioning d) processing, neutralizing, stabilizino 78. Wh e na p p l yi n gsodiumhydroxiderelaxer,the processingcreamis appliedlastto the ano a) scalparea,middleof hairshaft c) middleof hairshaft, h a i re n d s b) scalparea,hairends d) napearea,hairends 79. Whenperforming a sodiumhydroxideretouch,whereis the product appliedfirst? a) to the hairends c) to middleof the hairshaft b) to the new growthonly d) to the scalpareaonly 80. Whenusingthe comb methodof application, how is the relaxing creamapplied? a) with the backof the comb c) with the applicatorbrush l i- , , ., ;!:,=' . ' 360 Gh a p ter 2O ChemicalTextureS e rv ic e s b) withthe fingers d) withthe teethof the comb