Imbolc 2011 - Pagan Alliance SA


Imbolc 2011 - Pagan Alliance SA
he P
olc 2011
W el
Au s t ra l i a i n c
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
Our Vision
Silver Wheel aims to provide a forum through which the South
Australian Pagan community may express its creativity, share news and
distribute information about various Pagan paths. Spirituality seems
barren if it does not reinforce our connections to the Earth and to each
other, touching all facets of our lives. Through Silver Wheel we hope to
weave the strands that will link us more intimately to each other and
inspire us to manifest our own personal visions through music, poetry,
art, ritual, tree planting, environmental activism, mythology, recycling,
celebration – the affirmation of our common passion for life.
The Pagan Alliance Ethic
As Pagans we sincerely affirm the following principles:
Reverence for the life force and its ever-renewing cycles of life and
death. Each individual is responsible for discovering and developing
his/her own true nature in harmony with the greater world and takes
full responsibility for his/her own actions. We accept that divinity exists
in many forms and can be worshipped as male, female, androgynous,
or in a form beyond definition.
Disclaimer & Content Policy
Silver Wheel is the official magazine of the Pagan Alliance South
Australia Inc. There are eight publications annually, distributed at the
times of the Sabbats on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. All articles and
images in this newsletter are covered by copyright and may not be
reproduced without permission of the author. Opinions expressed in
this newsletter may not be that of Pagan Alliance SA Inc.
Articles & Images
Written articles of 900 words or less are very welcome. To fit space
and content requirements, these may be edited. Please keep Letters to
the Editor to 300 words or less. Photos and artwork are also welcome.
Please send by disk, or reduce (Hi-res jpgs to approx. 2.5 mb at 300
dpi) before emailing.
Send your creative efforts by e-mail to, or post
to Silver Wheel, PO Box 301 Goodwood 5034. If you would like your
original returned, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
If you would like to advertise any Pagan related events, goods or
services in an edition of this newsletter, please send payment if
required (see back page for details) and a copy of your advertisement
to: Silver Wheel, PO Box 301, Goodwood, SA, 5034. Please make your
cheque payable to PA SA Inc.
All enquiries - email:
Silver Wheel
Pagan Alliance
SA Inc
Coor dinator
Vice Coor dinator
Secr etary
Tr easur er
Darryn, Amethyst, Deb R
SW Editor
SW Designer
Cover Photo
Darryn Scott
Subscr iptions
You can subscribe to the Silver Wheel newsletter by becoming a
member of Pagan Alliance SA Inc. Membership forms are available
on the web at or can be obtained by
forwarding a request, together with a stamped, self addressed envelope
to: Secretary, PO Box 301, GOODWOOD, SA 5034.
Mater ial Deadline
Material and advertising due date for the NEXT EDITION is September
Inter net Group
Please send all article and images to:
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
ditor ial
Imbolc 2011
Greetings All
Imbolc blessings. So here we are in the thick of winter
and brrrrrr hasn’t it been icy!! It feels like the coldest
winter we have had in a long time.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to
the Silver Wheel this month. It has been great to get
some new people participating. I will do my best to get
everyone’s articles in the very next edition however
sometimes they will need to go to the following edition.
So if it is something you specifically want in the very next
issue please state that when you send the article.
All you poets out there please send us your poems. It
would be great if every issue we had a page full of poems
from the very talented poets we have in our community.
So don’t be shy, send them in. You can remain anonymous
if you prefer. I promise I will never reveal your identity
if you prefer not to be known for your brilliant work.
No : 5
Same goes for can of worms; we need some interesting
articles for can of worms. Once again you have my word
that you identity will never be revealed if you chose not
to be known.
Also any photos you would like to share with us for photo
gallery would be awesome. As well as pictures of your
drawings, painting, sculptures and any other products
from your creativity would be great to see in here. It
would be inspiring to see what beautiful creations are
manifesting out there. So please consider sending them
in to share. I would love to create a page called Pagan
creations. I know that there are many very talented and
crafty people within our community, so please send us
some pictures of your art.
Nature observances folk thank you for your contributions
each issue, I really appreciate your efforts and value your
Please remember that Articles, Ads, Photos, Nature
Observances, Poems, Artwork etc for the next
edition, MUST be in by the 5th September. So please
get them into me by then.. My email is angepasa@
Bright Blessings
Raffle Prizes for PASA
Donations of candles, incense,
jewellery, books, trinkets, soaps
or anything you think appropriate
Contact Ange:
The PASA committee has decided to update the prices and protocol for advertising in the Silver
Wheel, to simplify it and give the most advantages to PASA members.
So, from the Spring Equinox edition of the Silver Wheel, each PASA member can have one free
quarter-page advert each edition, after which they will be charged $10 per quarter page.
Non members will pay $20 for any quarter page ads.
PASA member’s price for a half page will be $20 – non-member $40
PASA member price for a full page per edition will be $40 – non- member $80
Classified ads on the back page remain the same price
Please email any adverts, or new classified ads to our Editor Ange You will then be invoiced for
the advert, and once payment is received your ad will be included in the next Edition.
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
an of
Imbolc 2011
we have no can of worms
for this edition
Please send your can of worms to
Silver Wheel
Co-ordinator’s Report
Imbolc 2011
The Wheel begins to turn to Spring...
Imbolc brings the first stirrings of activity on all levels.
The committee has been “hibernating” a bit over the
cold months, and is now emerging to get down to work
– finalisation of the updated PASA constitution. It has
been in the hands of our friend Stephen Basset, who is
checking it over with a lawyer’s eye. Thanks so much for
that Stephen!
Some valuable information has also come from Nan,
who attended a business Conference, and has sent on
her notes – some interesting ideas about simplifying the
Constitution. A big thanks to Nan too.
While in hibernation, I have been busy with the Silver
Wheel archives – all the copies of the Silver Wheel ever
published have previously been stored in a big box
together, so to keep them more organised and safer,
some large folders were purchased and now they are all
now labelled and ordered in the new system. It made
for some interesting reading, looking through all the old
The new venue, Pagans in the Pizza bar has begun
to attract an increasing number of attendees, as we
discover that parking isn’t as difficult as we first thought.
There is usually a jolly party of meal-eaters from about
6.30ish, so please come along and have dinner before
the speaker. Phone Marcellina’s on 8211 7560 and make
a booking with the “Pagan Alliance” table.
Memberships are coming in steadily - thanks to all who
have already renewed their membership.
Stirrings of Spring are welcome, but boy it’s still COLD!
The Can of Worms is not just for contentious issues, but for
any matter which members want to give an airing. Tell us if you
like an article, disagree with it, have a better idea. Tell us what
bugs you or what makes you purr. And if your letter gets too
lengthy, then turn it in as an article for the Silver Wheel!
Send your letters to Can of Worms to the Editor: email: or send to PO Box 301, Goodwood,
SA 5034.
PASA Coordinator
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
No : 5
ponsor's wall
For your Magical garment needs
Custom made clothing
Enquiries Phone Kym
Ph 8284 8021
10% off on presentation of your PASA members card
Enchanted Dreams
Fishermans Wharf Market
Port Adelaide
Upstairs on the River side
For all your Pagan and
spiritual wares
Trish 0410 821 904
10% off on presentation of your PASA members card
Marriage Celebrant
15% off the cost of your wedding,
hand fasting or vow renewal.
Amethyst is a registered marriage celebrant and experianced
in helping you create your special pagan ritual or celebration.
15% off on presentation of your PASA members card
May Moon Madness
May 2012
2 nights accommodation, fully catered, workshops,
ritual, entertainment
$170 per person
($10 discount for PASA, members)
Info and queries to Nan—8842 3603 A/H;
Or Deb 8842 1283 A/H
or email us at:
PASA members!!
These businesses have offered a
discount to PASA members – just
show your current membership
Please support them!
Magickal Crystal
Shop 5/55 Beach road, Christies Beach
Ph 8186 0277
10% off on presentation of your PASA members card
2 Plus Relationship Coaching
Helping real people with real feelings
and Helping you create
‘Amazing Relationships’
Darren Ramsey Ph.043 9977 555
12% of Hourly Consulting Rate to PASA Members
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
atur e
Nature Observances from the West
This may be the Imbolc edition, and there are rays of light in
the West, but wintry dark days are far from over. The ocean
has been so wild with engulfing waves practically reaching the
esplanade, I can feel the sea spray on my face. The sea breeze
or should I say gale force winds almost blow me away as I
admire the ferocity of Mother Ocean. It is glorious to behold.
Ah, refreshing, apart from slight frost bite. Sometimes my
Silver Wheel
The green has become very prominent surrounding my ritual space
Whist the bulbs stretch forth to reach for the sun within my sacred place
I am waiting for the spring to come & shower me with colour
To chase away the icy wind & show me all her splendor
I know I’m not the only one who is waiting for springs luck
For on my chimney seeking heat I have two wayward ducks
Blessed Be Kym
North Hills – Bibaringa
fingers feel like they could snap off like frozen peas. It amazes
me how resilient the jetty is, as it’s pounded relentlessly by
the energetic forces of nature. The roses in my front yard lay
dormant, waiting for the spring and Brigid’s light rays of Imbolc
to bring them back to bloom. The days are getting longer, and
we get sneak peaks of spring, but ah, I will enjoy this wintry
weather while it lasts. Nothing quite so invigorating, and I do
love the warm toasty open fires, homage to our Goddess Brigid
of Imbolc. She of the fires and rising flames. Cosy gatherings
around the fire are to be savoured, as the sun starts to peak
through more and more each day. It won’t be long until the
Sun Goddess embraces us again, and there is a full return to
Aphrodite Rose
Northern Suburbs - MacDonald Park
If I can find a beam of sunlight I can assume the Meer cat pose.
If I can hold it long enough it will warm me down to my toes.
The sun doth rise a little earlier now and warm me with its light
It does its best to thaw the frost that has settled during the night.
Not a lot has changed this month. The birds are enjoying the
weather and chortle at dawn – it is a beautiful sound to enjoy
as you snugly back down into bed. The kookaburras are still
having hysterics in and out of the trees. The gums are slowly
“bursting” into flower. The grass is just as green and growing
as you watch. Our ride on mower stopped working late last
month and we had to send off for a part. In the mean time,
the marsh mallow in the back grew so big we lost the dogs
and the grandchildren!!
This morning, after several days of lovely sun, the rain started
once again – and you can hear that damn grass growing
Imbolc at Kersbrook
Here we are still in the grip of Winter, but there are some
lovely flowers which bloom only during the coldest months.
One is the dark maroon Hellebore, which shows the flowers
amongst the dark green shiny leaves. The other is Daphne, a
plant that I have longed to grow – it is a bit delicate but once
you have established it the reward is the tiny pink buds which
open to white flowers and give out a beautiful fragrance.
The first early daffodils are just coming out – there are
different varieties in the garden. Some are later flowering,
but this one is always the first. To me, it heralds the
spring coming.
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
No : 5
Fires are burning, the air is crisp and clean, new growth
starting to spring up everywhere... Some of the weather
has been gorgeous also... The sun has been shining taking
the edge of Wyntre’s chill but the nights have still been
quite cold...
It seems though that Spring may come a little early this
year... I think all this sunshine has confused some plants
I love Wyntre but am looking forward to Spring’s return...
The two pear trees and the oak are still fast asleep. Bare of
all but a few gold/red leaves, they will only put out their new
growth later in the spring.
Southern Observances
We are now deep in the middle of Wyntre’s grasp...
Everything is green and wet... The trees are now
completely bare but starting to show the buds of new
growth... Bulbs are starting to sprout and flower all over
the place... Daffodils, jonquils, fruit trees blossoming and
the little white bells that remind me that Imbolc is almost
here... Also violets are everywhere...
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
Silver Wheel
nterview with
a Pagan
Name: Trevor Curnow (The reincarnation of King
George the courageous)
Occupation: Retired (And therefore busier that ever!).
What part of this great state do you live in?
Star Sign: Capricorn
Favourite Pagan Events:
Dead heat between two great events…..The English Ale
and the Australian Wiccan Conference. It’s important to
me to catch up with old friends at the conference, and
there’s always new things to see and learn.
Favourite Relevant Movie:
Star Wars (Should have changed the world!! Thankfully
there are still a few Jedi about the place).
Favourite Relevant Books:
Journey to Ixtlan
Psycho Cybernetics
Favourite Pagan Songs:
Woman of the Earth cd by Spiral Dance.
Favourite Season:
Winter. The Aussie Winter is quite different from the
traditional northern hemisphere Winter…here it’s a time
of bursting green life, and plenty of water to rejuvenate
the air, trees and earth (and the people too!).
Favourite Sabbat:
Mid-Winter (Yule). For me, the year begins when the
sun starts its return journey, and the start of a new
cycle is always exciting. I think of the archer and the
arrow. The arrow must be drawn back to become filled
with power which is only released as it starts its forward
journey. The same applies to the blacksmith’s hammer.
At Mid-Winter the sun starts its forward journey and the
earth will “spring” as the power of the sun returns.
What do you do to celebrate the Sabbats and
Each member of our group takes a turn at organizing a
ritual. We decide early in January of each year who will
run which ritual, and they decide the format and place
of each ritual.
Who inspires you on your Path?
The Dalhi Llama
What else do you like to do in your spare time?
There aint much of this. I do Tarot and Palm reading
in the main street of Hahndorf on weekends and public
holidays, in Murray Bridge once a month and Meadows
once a fortnight. I teach a Tarot and Palm reading
course several times a year (with a bit of help) and
sometimes do readings from my cottage. Also, I’m the
co-ordinator of a Landcare group called Trees Please!
See some of the work we do at
au This involves removing woody weeds from remnant
native bush, collecting seed from local native trees and
shrubs, raising seedlings and then planting them. In my
opinion, this is an important part of being a Pagan.
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
What would people be surprised to hear about you:
I have formal qualifications in Marketing and spent
many years of my working life as a National Sales
Tree Planting Day
This year’s tree planting day at The Cedars (near
Hahndorf) will be held on Sunday 21st August at 2pm….
and you are invited. Pagans have attended all of the
previous thirteen planting days and it’s a pleasure to
see how all the new trees have grown.
Many people are unaware that Sir Hans Heysen
purchased most of the 150 acres of land called The
Cedars for the sole purpose of saving the trees form
being cut down, he was a real conservationist. Back
in 1913 he was a founding member of the SA Forest
League which was formed to save the trees. His religion
was nature, and his daughter (Nora) never went into a
church till she was twenty one years old. She wrote of
herself and her siblings as “a bunch of little pagans”.
No : 5
Manager and then as Marketing Manager. In spite of my
current physical appearance I played Australian Rules
Footy and competition tennis (surprising huh?).
I’m sure she had a different interpretation of Pagan
than we have, but you can still feel the spirit of the land
and trees as you walk around the property.
The Cedars is on Heysen Road (on the outskirts of
Hahndorf) and the tree planting day is a good way for
Pagans to connect with the earth in a lasting way. As
an additional bribe to come along and help us plant,
afternoon tea (including cakes and other goodies) will
be provided.
If you can find the time to check the web page, you’ll
see some “before and after” photos of the work Trees
Please volunteers do all year.
If you have any questions about the day, my phone
number and email address is at the top of the page.
Good Luck to us all!
Trevor Curnow
No : 5
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
Cor ner
We unite with Her
Revelry in creativity
We are blessed
By Aphrodite Rose
Many grey veils, wrapped up, a old wish woman, mother earth
in winterplumage.
this is the moment...
the sun rises, a sky in all the colours of cold and
silence. a flame of warmth breaks, cutes through fog and rags.
this is the moment...
unbreakable rare it pokes upwards, bud of snow and
spring green: the young bride. as for ever,
endless nourished by the first ray of the sun.
this is the moment...
I hear in the stable the birth bleating, weeping the
feast song on mother earth...
this is the moment
By Neeltje & Paul Hoftijzer
She of the high rising Flames
We celebrate Her at Imbolc
The coming of the light
Creativity alight
We call to each other
With her whistle in the night
We tend to our home and hearth
The home fires burning
Herbs stirring in the cauldron of life
Creative yearnings are rife
She who inspires us
Her fiery arrow
Hits the bulls eye
Rays of fire beaming
Forging our dreams
Our poetic visions
Crafted through wisdom
We make offerings at Her holy wells
Immersed in Her healing waters
In a glass
Of scryer’s black
Visions of life
Bring full impact
Wells pour out
Your sacred flame
Prophetic words
In wisdom’s name
The womb impregnated
With poetic rhyme
Birthed to life
In seasons time
In your healing light
Be with me on
This moonstruck night
by Lady Gueneva
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
...from Spiral Dance
Greetings all - what an amazing journey it’s been
for Spiral Dance over the last few months. Such
exciting events and concerts we ‘ve had here in
Adelaide and interstate including the English Ale,
an interstate tour with Damh the Bard, and our
Winter Solstice Gathering just to name a few. Our
spiral continues on as we plan our year ahead and
the next turn of the wheel will see us going into the
recording studio to begin the creative process of
our new album – a project that we are all looking
forward to, as it’s been nearly five years since
our last studio album! So I would like to say a big
‘thank you’ on behalf of Spiral Dance to the South
Australian Pagan Community – without you these
events would not happen!
Plans for next years English Ale have already
started!! The Ale Committee felt Damh the Bard
and Cerri Lee added so much to our celebrations
that plans are afoot to bring them back for the
2012 English Ale!
No : 5
Spiral Dance were the sponsors of Damh and Cerri
this trip, and very proud we were indeed to be able
to do this but it is an expensive undertaking and
due to our recording commitments we won’t be so
‘cashed up’ so to speak!! So we are looking for
sponsors to donate to our ‘Bring Damh and Cerri to
the English Ale in 2012’
We so far have 10 very generous sponsors and we
are looking for another 90 people to donate $50
each (sponsors are welcome to donate more it
they choose!). Sponsors will be invited to a special
‘Sponsors only’ night with Damh and Cerri, a night
of songs and stories, you will receive a CD of the
concert and special artwork by Cerri Lee. Workshops
will be announced once the final planning happens,
so if you’d like to be a Damh the Bard Sponsor
and help us bring this amazing couple back to our
Great Southern Land then drop me an email info@ or give me a call 0438 310 228
and I can give you more details. Or if you like to
donate directly you can do so by Paypal and the
details are and
make sure you leave your name and email address
so we can keep you up to date!
Love, magick and bright blessings
Spiral Dance
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
agan ism at
the Movies
A Very, Very Pagan Thing
Perhaps Avatar is old news by now, but it most certainly still
deserves to be discussed for its unique and special significance
to the present time. At a point when Hollywood is hard at work
demonising witches in a whole crop of new movies and potential
spinoff TV series, ranging from small to large budget, Avatar is
by far the highest grossing film of all time. Returns at the one
year mark indicated some US$2.73 billion in revenues (excluding
the first round standard DVD edition and other merchandise
sales). One year after its debut came the Director’s Cut, eight
minutes longer and, uniquely, returning to the big screen only
months after the first release concluded, and again playing in 3D.
This comes on the heels of the announcement of Avatars 2 and 3
in planning, and the planned release of the 3D edition on BluRay.
A further special DVD edition contained the two versions already
mentioned, plus a third edition with additional restored material
extending the movie again and establishing lost subplots, came
available in the same timeframe.
There must be few pagans who have seen Avatar who fail to make
a connection to the polarised opposites the film embodies. Jim
Cameron’s storytelling formula has usually followed the pattern
of individuals triumphing over organisations, and civilians saving
the day when the military has failed. The Terminator, Aliens,
The Abyss and Terminator 2, made within eight years of each
other, all followed this pattern to one degree or another and
Avatar mirrors it with renegades leading a revolution against an
organised, corporate military.
The film’s revolutionary nature can be judged from its two most
violent opponents. The first was the US political right which
denounced it as anti-war, anti-American, anti-white, spreading
subversive attitudes, and that it was of course counter-patriotic.
The second was the Vatican, which denounced it as pagan.
Silver Wheel
The first is easy enough to see, as a mainly white, Englishspeaking army of occupation takes by force the resources of an
alien world, a socially acceptable reconstruction of the European
invasion and exploitation of the Americas (though to be fair one
can also see the French, and later American, persecution of
the Montagnard tribes of the highlands of Vietnam). However,
it is not by chance that the Na’vi people bear an unmistakable
resemblance in dress, custom, attitude and world view to the First
Nations peoples, and despite all the vehement condemnation
from the right wing the commentary is just as plain that the
majority of the cinema-going public approves of the moral
position that to take by force is unjust.
The second is the real crux of the matter. We have a people in
tune with the life systems of their world, who have the ability
to commune physically with the organisms in that environment,
(Sahelu,the bonding), mirroring the synaptic root connections
between the trees which effectively creates a whole-planetary
organism, akin to the familiar Gaia hypothesis but in this instance
with a demonstrable mechanism which appeals to our left-brain
training. These people have a goddess which is tangibly real,
alive in the life systems around them, they can hear the minds
of the dead within that world-spanning information network,
and beyond these sophisticated spiritual concepts we find the
symbology of trees and respect for all life, whether animal or
The film has been criticised as being simplistic and a mere vehicle
for its own special effects. During last year’s Foundation Course
which I taught at Flinders University I heard an 18-year old
wannabe who could barely string a coherent sentence together
parotting back the opinions of critics that it was really without
a story. I had to shake my head in wonder at the conceit of the
isolated human soul that can seek to impress peers by dismissing
the biggest and most influential movie of its year, potentially of
its decade, from the perspective of adolescence and not much
else. I would contend that the movie may have a simple story
but one which desperately needs telling, over and over and over
until it is understood, recognised and acted upon. The message
is the environmental one, and that the human race must achieve
control over its own actions if it is to be welcome elsewhere in
the universe. If the promise of the centuries ahead is not to be
wasted in perhaps disastrous ways, this perspective must be
borne in mind.
That this message was told through the voice and face of
modern neopaganism may be a two-edged sword. The biosphere
as depicted, beautiful, terrifying, lethal but magnificent, is a
technicolour extrapolation of the life of Earth, and projecting the
issues into the future and removing them to another world makes
social criticism acceptable, if just barely and certainly not to all.
But to elect the pagan worldview as the correct one, to celebrate
reverence for life and a belief in a spirituality at doctrinal odds
with orthodoxy, both supports the neopagan movement and
draws it to the attention of those who fear and hate it.
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
The new wave of anti-witch films due for release in the next
two years (as discussed by Bettina Hamilton at the August 2010
Pagans in the Pub), some of them rushed into being swiftly by
the sounds of it, are perhaps a predictable reaction (if one allows
oneself to read any deliberate connection into events), and
movies are an influential means of communication sure to both
mis-educate and propagandise. It is also tribute to the sheer
scale of the Avatar phenomenon that it is able to rise above its
critics and proudly depict the pagan tribes of Pandora as the
victors over their mostly-white, all-American, colonial invaders.
No : 5
Vatican controversy (news posts from January and February, 2010):
Public review of politico-military controversy (same period):
Psychological reactions:
My personal perspective is that I am entirely delighted to have
paganism presented to the world as an ‘ism’ which offers a
means to solve our global issues: to have our ethos and values
recommended to the general public as remedial of the problems
of environment and political doctrine under a commerce-driven
society. Perhaps Avatar could not have come at a better time:
During the first few weeks of its release, in December 2009,
it was reported in the media that some viewers developed a
psychological condition associated with it. The overwhelming
reality created by the 3D experience served a ‘total immersion’
function and many particularly impressionable or otherwise
emotionally susceptible members of the audience found
themselves dislocated from reality, rejecting the real world and
pining for the bioluminescent jungles of Pandora. The disbelief
barrier had been so effectively overcome that people were
homesick for a place they could never touch, but only dream
of, as a world of idealisation and living perfection that spoke
to their souls as our damaged and mechanistic world simply
does not. These people will never forget that experience or the
message Avatar gave them, and in the generation to come, as
the challenges of repairing our damaged ecosystem become ever
more crucial and urgent, it will be young people such as these,
or certainly those who are aware of the substance to the “Avatar
blues,” who mature into the professionals and decision-makers
who will be responsible for turning around our problems ... or
failing to. If Jim Cameron’s science fictional criticism of American
social policies and the destructive effects of orthodoxy serves
to help mediate the future reclamation of our own world, then
it has achieved more than anyone could have ever consciously
hoped for.
Gross earnings:
Mike Adamson
Message Stick
Look here every edition for
important information for all
PASA members
1. Please ring Marcellina’s 8211 7560 to book in for dinner on July 5th 6.00 –
6.30 - make a booking with the
“Pagan Alliance” table.
2. PASA membership is due on July 1st
– no increase in fees for 2011 -2012. $30 single, $40 double.
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
Patricia Corner
Ordained High Priestess
& Founder of GAIA Inc
Focus is on Goddess, Natural Cycles
Goddess/Woman Archetypes & Powers
DATES: One Saturday per month
see for dates
COST: per session $55.00
VENUE: Rose Petal Temple @ Willaston
TIME: Saturdays 1.30pm ~ 4.30pm
CONTACT: Aphrodite Rose
OR PH: 0403 959 353
"Come Dance
with the Devils in Tassie"
Tassie’s gorgeous East Coast, near the seaside town of Swansea
16 , 17 and 18th September 2011
For More Details Visit:
Phone: Jess - 0408 486 809
(after 5:30pm, please!)
The AWC is held on the weekend closest to the Spring
Equinox, and is a camp where like-minded people gather for workshops, ritual, entertainment, feasting and
enjoying each other’s company. Pagans from all around
Australia attend, and we also have the odd international
visitor sometimes as well. The AWC is a joyful occasion
and is a friendly and relaxed environment, and is open
to all Wiccans, Pagans, Witches and pagan-type people.
Please come and share in the celebration of the Spring
Queen and her Consort
Silver Wheel
Pagan Dinner Out
On the Pagan social calendar is
the “Pagan Dinner Out”.
Held on the third Wednesday of
every month, 7pm at Cafe Primo Norwood
(in the Hoyts Cinema Complex), this is a
chance for Pagans to get together over a
good meal to chat and socialise.
Meals range from $10.90 to $15.90 (with
a free pancake for dessert). Undercover
parking is available, and if you validate
your ticket when you buy your meal you
get three hours free!
For more information, contact Sue on
0403 354 098 or
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
No : 5
igns from
Natur e
Ever since Lynne Sinclair Wood gave a talk in a past “Pagans
in the Pub” night,some years ago, about her status as “keeper
of the Callanaish stones” on the Isle of Skye. She was learning
to take over from the previous keeper, Geraldine some years
back. I have long been fascinated by the concept of what
can be perceived in nature, all around us, ever changing like
a sunset or dawn. Lynne was referring in her case, to how
she noticed during her initiation on Skye that the different
marks and weathering in the stones seem to change over
time and how they seemed to mirror what she observed in
nature and in the landscape. On one stone in particular, it
appeared that the image of a man had somehow “burned”
itself into the stone and of course there was a story behind
raised the hairs on the back
of my hand so enthralling it
was to hear.
So when I was learning
about the Runes some time
later, I was quite amazed
to find that the different
signs on the Runes actually
came from nature itself.
Upon further investigation
I became more “attuned”
to the sigils themselves
and began noticing them
occur naturally in various the Hagalaz
Rune suddenly turning up in my Silky Oak tree, somehow
carved there.... it could have been my son when he was
younger taking to the tree with a knife one day, or it could
have occurred naturally, but who cares? The most significant
aspect to me was that I had never really “noticed” it before
that day! It meant a lot to me at the time and a sign that
the freeze of winter would one day give way to the warmth
of spring and from then on I began being more “aware” of
signs that naturally occur in what we may often take for
granted and therefore fail to notice ordinarily.
Is it just our imagination, or is there something more to
these kinds of synchronistic images we find all around us?
Is there a message in them? I’m not professing to know the
answers, but suffice to say that the images in my garden
certainly give me positive affirmation that I’m on the right
track? It is like a secret series of coded messages...if we
look long and hard enough it is there for us all to take note
of and to learn from?
Why I even saw a little fairy wren in the base of the same
tree, right where I recently placed my old gnome who I
bought years ago from the St. Kilda markets in Melbourne
and for whom I had just placed some windows and a door
that a friend had given me,so he would feel more “at home”
in his new abode?
You know what they say....magick happens!
Imagine my amazement then, when one day last year I
looked up into my wonderful sprawling ghost gumtree in my
front yard, to notice what seemed to be an image of a foot?
And what’s more there seemed to be more above that one?
I am a Reflexologist and have been since 2003 and have a
home based part time practice but I can’t say I have ever
noticed this before? Is it a mere coincidence or a sign from
the universe? Or has it been there all along and only recently
took my attention and if so, why ?
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
Silver Wheel
with natural systems can inspire feelings of oneness and
belonging, and acceptance of responsibilities that come
with being part of a greater whole.”
Art Exhibition
“Wisdom begins in wonder.”
- Socrates
How do we maintain the balance between providing for
our own needs and being mindful of the preservation
of the natural world? This is one of the themes running
through the artwork of this year’s Waterhouse exhibition.
Some of the finest artists
from Australia and overseas
contributed to this prestigious
Waterhouse Natural History
Art Prize Exhibition. For nine
years this exhibition has
presented glorious works of
art that showcase the natural
world. This year’s display has
a stunning array of ceramics,
The majority of the artists
are from Australia and many
of these (including Janine
Mackintosh — a previous winner of the People’s Choice
award) are from South Australia. Janine creates large
mandala-like pieces of art from leaves, twigs, seedpods,
gumnuts and other objects found on her heritage bush
property This year her simple, circular pattern is made
from fan shells and it is called “The Greater Good”.
Sally Wickes, another South Australian, created a
dynamic display of ceramic water drops. She explained
that, “Water has an integrity that draws together many
drops to replenish rivers and oceans. There’s a perpetual
cycle of rhythm and flow. Realising we are interconnected
Veronica O’Leary’s drawing is of “Gulaga — A Sacred
Place”. She says, “Gulaga, symbolising the Mother, is
described by the Yuin people of the south coast of NSW as
the place of ancestral origin and is a basis for Aboriginal
spiritual identity.” Her artwork explores the power of this
birthing place.
The overall winner of this year’s prize was another South
Australian. Adelaide jewellery maker Julie Blyfield used
paper-thin silver to depict fragile and beautiful sponges
and sea urchins.
The main theme of this
exhibition seems to be about
biodiversity and its vulnerable
state in our modern world.
The artists show obvious
species and the loss of their
habitat. On a more positive
note, many of the artworks
explore the beauty of nature
and its creatures. It’s a visual
celebration of life on this
planet, with an overwhelming
sense of the sacredness
of life itself. There’s also a
whimsical aspect to this art
show. Alongside these spiritual representations of nature’s
gifts, there are pieces such as a metal wasp standing two
metres high, and sculptures of endangered animals sitting
in a canoe — emblazoned with the title “Up Shit Creek”.
philanthropic and decide
to purchase some of
this uplifting or thoughtprovoking art — or perhaps
one of the wacky pieces of
sculpture — be prepared
to dig deep as prices can
reach as high as $38,000
The exhibition runs until
4th September. It’s open
from 10am to 5pm daily
in the gallery of the SA
Museum. Make time to
explore this enchanting
and creative representation of parts of the natural world
that we often don’t see with our own eyes.
Entry: $8 per person ($5 concession)
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
with Or bs
No : 5
For those people who have taken a photo that was covered in Orbs, had you
been able to see them in motion, you would have been stunned.
I’ve been quite fascinated by the appearance of Orbs in digital still photos for
quite some time now.
But to see them appear on video is something else. My old mini Dv has an
Infra-red function. Quality isn’t fantastic as it’s only good for around 2.5
metres. One night quite some time ago now while I was trying it out I watched
an Orb appear from the floor and disappear after it rose a metre. I decided
to go hunting for an Infra-red light or another camera. I contemplated a
portable security camera but as it was motion activated I wasn’t sure that it
would do what I wanted. As luck would have it though, the universe provided.
In a local store was a camera on sale that had the IR feature I was after.
The IR capability of this still camera in video mode was excellent for what I
wanted it for.
Early on when I began doing IR video, I noticed my cat moving his head
around when Orbs were present. As he was looking in my direction I think
they must have been circling around me. So I believe that cats can see Orbs.
On recent a recent video I shot, one Orb in particular behaved in an unusual
way. It hit the floor and bounced back into the air as if it was hitting a solid
object. This surprised me as normally they just pass straight through the
floor. Another I’ve seen move along the floor then rise into the air.
The result is that whenever I get the camera out I can get video of Orbs.
Sometimes there are lots of Orbs; other times there are only a few to see.
From what I’ve observed, they are everywhere and can be seen via IR even
during daytime indoors. Yet to try and record Orbs outside during daylight I
would need to be in shade.
I’ve seen Orbs suddenly appear through walls or floor and using the camera
outside at night you can see them shooting out of the ground. Some move
fast, some move very slow. There is no set speed that they seem to travel.
So what are the Orbs?
I can say that they are definitely NOT dust on a lens.
They are a form of energy that I’ve found interact with me in that they come
towards me and seem to play by bouncing along the floor or bouncing off it.
I enjoy watching them and will continue to record them.
Sometimes it literally rains Orbs. Other times they come though the floor
in the same manner and they are moving very fast. Some are very faint,
others can be more defined. Some are tiny and others are around the size of
a tennis ball. Of late I’ve noticed a lot of them coming towards me instead of
going upwards as if they want to be seen.
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
agical, Mythical
For ten thousand years, spiritual seekers have made their
way to Glastonbury Tor and its nearby healing springs.
Modern day pilgrims are still drawn to these sacred
lands. I went there with only a small understanding of
what this place was about, but I soon discovered that it
lived up to its name: “The Heart of England”.
The small town of Glastonbury was once considered
to be the holiest ground in all of the United Kingdom.
Some say that the abbey is the burial place of Arthur
and Guinevere, others think that the Tor is an ancient
entrance to the world of the fairies. Despite the hype
and the rows of metaphysical shops (with names like
‘Cat and Cauldron’, ‘The Green Man’, and ‘The Psychic
Piglet’) which were cashing in on the mystique of this
legendary place, it retained a magical feeling that made
me believe that its reputation as a sacred site is still
highly relevant today.
Rising above Glastonbury is its famous Tor, capped
by the ruins of a church tower. Some think that
the sculptured terraces leading up the Tor were a
processional pathway built by monks hundreds of years
ago. Others feel that these carved paths formed an
ancient labyrinth associated with pagan worship of the
Earth Mother. Glastonbury Tor is 160 metres high, and
a series of cement steps now makes access quicker, but
not easier, than the terraced walk.
On our first morning at Glastonbury, we woke early and
decided to take a dawn walk to the summit. We thought
we’d beat the tourists to the top. We were wrong. Keen
walkers and New Agers had already made the climb and
were soaking up the atmosphere of a calm and misty
morning. But we were outnumbered by a long way by
the sheep. Hundreds of wary sheep were munching
their way across the slopes. At one stage while we
stood still, catching our breath and gazing at the tower,
Silver Wheel
something on the side of the hill spooked the sheep and
they came stampeding towards us and around us. It
was one of many memorable moments that we shared
in this picturesque town.
Paganism has a long association with Glastonbury. At
the main junction of roads running through the town,
there was once an elaborate construction that formed
the main meeting point for the villagers. “It was built
of hewn stone on an octagonal plan, having clustered
pillars ranged round a central column supporting the
roof.” And standing proud at its apex was a naked
statue of Bacchus, known locally as Jack Stagg. When
the structure began to crumble, the figure of Bacchus
was placed in the local museum, and a new column was
put in its place.
One of the many legends told about Glastonbury is that
the Holy Grail is buried under Chalice Hill. The natural
spring that runs through Chalice Well Gardens is rich
in iron and flows with a reddish hue. Over 100,000
litres a day runs through the gardens, accumulating in
various pools where people can sip a mouthful, or wade
in its curative waters. A
‘white’ spring flows at the
foot of the Tor, and this
is also widely acclaimed
for its healing powers.
Chalice Well is the female
aspect of divine healing,
whereas the white spring
is considered to be the
male version.
The well-head of the Red
Spring is covered with a
large plate made of oak.
This ‘Gateway from the
Otherworld’ is embossed
with a wrought iron image
of the Vesica Piscis, a symbol that is now inextricably
linked with Glastonbury. This Vesica symbol is crossed
by the shape of a sword, which represents, of course,
King Arthur’s Excalibur. In the lowest section of the
a vulvic-shaped series
of waterfalls and come
to rest in a pool that is
shaped, once again, like
the Vesica Piscis.
The term ‘vesica piscis’
is a Latin term with the
unfortunate interpretation
of ‘fish bladder’. This
symbol is made by linking
bringing the outside edge
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
of each to the midway
point of the other. The
almond-shaped centre
of the symbol is called
a mandorla, which is
Latin for almond. The
mandorla can be seen
as a grail or chalice, and
when the Vesica Piscis
is viewed horizontally,
the mandorla becomes
a pointed oval, like an
open vulva, another
symbol of the generative
forces of the Divine
Feminine surrounded by
the crescents of the waxing and waning moon.
The goddess Brigid was and is still worshipped in the areas
around Glastonbury. In her Christianised aspect she is
known as St Brigid, who
came to Glastonbury
from Ireland in the 5th
century. On the ruins
of the church tower on
top of the Tor, there is
a carved representation
of Brigid with her sacred
symbol, the cow.
occultist who had links
with the Hermetic Order
of the Golden Dawn
lived at the base of
the Tor for many years
and it is there that she
began the organisation
called The Society of
the Inner Light. In her book ‘Glastonbury, Avalon of
the Heart’, she describes the Tor in glowing terms.
‘There is such magic in the first glimpse of that strange
hill,’ she wrote, ‘that none who have the eye of vision
No : 5
can look upon it unmoved.’ In her book Dion Fortune
explored Glastonbury’s Arthurian connection, but she
also believed that it was a place that opened to the
Celtic spirit world.
Before the Somerset lowlands were drained,
Glastonbury Tor was surrounded by vast lakes and
floodwaters. With the Tor shrouded in mist and rising
above the marshland, it gave rise to the legend of the
Isle of Glass, a magical Summerland. The Lady of the
Lake would guide a worthy seeker’s boat to her Isle of
the Dead, and in her apple-scented garden, souls found
eternal rest. It is therefore fitting that Dion Fortune is
buried in the cemetery at Glastonbury.
Local tin miners from the last few centuries were well
aware of the presence of underworld beings. In the
mines there were cheeky spirits called ‘Knockers’ who
stole unattended food and tools. They were thought to
be well-meaning practical jokers, and their name came
from their habit of knocking on the timber supports to
warn miners that the walls were about to collapse. To
keep the Knockers happy, the miners left the last bites
of their Cornish Pasties as token offerings.
Seeing the Tor was exciting, and climbing to its summit
was exhilarating. As we gathered in the tower on this
sacred hill, the journey was made even more special
when our Druid guide did a drumming ceremony around
each of the people in our group as the wind rushed
around us. And even though the metaphysical shops
were a tempting distraction, I found myself being drawn
to the tranquil settings of the Chalice Well Gardens
again and again. When I think of words like ‘sanctuary’,
‘calmness’, and ‘spiritual peace’, I think of the paths
through these gardens. I picture the flowing springs,
the colourful flowers, and the many votive offerings
found around the statues and the sacred wells. If the
town of Glastonbury is the Heart of England, then these
gardens are the seat of its soul.
‘Glastonbury is a
Unseen. It has been
a holy place and a
and to this day it
sends its ancient
call into the heart of
the race it guards,
and still we answer
to the inner voice.’
‘Glastonbury, Avalon
of the Heart’
No : 5
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
agans in the
Pizza bar
Imbolg Edition
Sacred Ritual and Honouring the Ancestors was our topic
in July. Evelina Rios was born in the mountains of Peru,
South America, but moved to Australia as a child. After
a while she realised that she was missing her connection
with Pachamama (Mother Earth) and through Medicine
Wheel ceremonies, she rediscovered her relationship to the
Mother Goddess, her ancestors, and to her culture. The
Medicine Wheel ritual is a time for self-awareness, healing
and an opportunity to sit in stillness. If you would like to
take part in a traditional Medicine Wheel ceremony, you
can contact Evelina through:
Medicine Wheel Correspondences
Guides us to make changes in our lives
Joy and love and connection with life
Future Topics
Sounds for Relaxation
and Meditation. Sounds
and music have an effect
on our physical, mental and
spiritual energy. Heather
Frahn works at Flinders
Medical Centre in Adelaide
in the Arts in Health team.
Using Sanskrit Mantras,
Tibetan Singing Bowls, and
‘sound baths’ from Chinese
Chao Gongs, she brings
relaxation and wellbeing to
patients on hospital wards. These ancient and pure sounds
allow a gentle nurturing of the body, a calming of the mind,
resonating chakras, and rejuvenation of the spirit. Heather
has a mighty voice and a music career spanning over 15
years. She has won several music awards including Most
Outstanding Female Vocalist of South Australia in both
2000 and 2004, and Young Citizen of the Year in 2006.
September 6: The Crone. Becoming a Crone is a
powerful process of acknowledgement of the journey of
life in all its rich and unexpected turns. It is a time of
becoming a Woman of Mystery, Wisdom and Power. Prue
Blackmore will tell us how you can dare to know, embrace,
and become — The Crone! Prue has been a Ceremonial
Leader with the Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society and
has walked the Shaman’s path for the past 15 years
October 4: Talismans and Amulets. Talismans are
any object considered to possess supernatural or magical
powers. They are objects on their own or marked with
symbols believed to bring to the owner special strengths
of purpose. Virtually every religion in human history has
offered its adherents decorative objects to wear, carry or
hang close by with purposes ranging from protection, to
healing, to success. Whether we subscribe to the ‘talisman’
or not, most of us use them in one form or another.
November 1: A Saga and its Symbolism. Tom Thomas
will recount The Battle of The Trees, and will explain its
symbolic meaning.
All are welcome to the Pagans in the Pub meetings. These
meetings start at 8 pm and they are free for members of
the Pagan Alliance. A gold coin donation is requested from
non-members. Contact Don ( if
you need more details, or if you would like to recommend
a potential guest speaker.
Please note that we have a new venue.
Our pub meetings are temporarily going to be held in a
function room at the back of Marcellina’s Pizza Bar at 273
Hindley Street.
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
No : 5
awler Pagans
The June meeting of Gawler Pagans
was our annual Yuletide Feast. The
dining annex was given a festive look with some Xmas
decorations, a small pine tree and lots of candles, and
it was great to see some faces we had missed over the
last few meetings. After our main courses, we shared
in the Yule Log, which was substantial and yummy, and
then some Elves distributed gifts to all comers. We all
joined together for a healing circle led by Nan, and after
grounding, prepared to toddle out into the cold evening
air and sprint for home and warmth again.
The Yuletide Feast
The shorter days, the longer nights,
The air is cold, a cold that bites.
Within the home, the hearth fire glows,
And scents of the feast enchant the nose.
We celebrate the waning year,
With Autumn harvest and Wyntre cheer.
Tomorrow starts the sun’s return,
The warmth and light for which we yearn.
For now we join, once work has ceased,
The Wyntre Solstice Yuletide Feast!
Coming Events
The Calendar of Gawler Pagans
discussions topics for this year is:
August 30: Pagan Trends & Influences.
September 27: Pagan Talents & Crystals.
October 25: Sacred Space & Home Altars.
November 29: Wheel of the Year in Photos.
December 27: Solstice Picnic.
No : 5
Imbolc 2011
“Wild West” Bash In July
It was a cold, rainy evening when Spiral Dance’s Winter
Solstice “Wild West” Bash took place, last Saturday
night, at the SA Folk Federation. After a short time
“queuing” outside the venue, the Yule Fire being lovingly
tended to by Neil, it wasn’t long til we broke through the
“fake” saloon doors and walked into one of the warmest
environments I’ve experienced in a long while.
The wonderful Rick Kearsley from Spirals was the
first to greet me when I entered, with open arms and
great conversation, grinning from ear to ear with his
Sombrero to match!
Silver Wheel
Rick! Various helpers were acknowledged by Adrienne in
an unconventional way, thanks to Kim carrying various
damsels onto the stage and threatening another with
his gun...all in jest of course!
All in all a great time was had by all, with the Yule Log
being burned outside in the fire as a finale, which gave
us all a great opportunity to huddle outside, sending
all our wishes off for the New Year into the ether....Hail
and Farewell..
After a bit more dancing and celebration, it was time
to say goodbye for another year. Nobody went home
disappointed. Looking forward to what they come up
with for next year.
Blessed Be
Jenny Allen (Stormwren)
That was followed by a steady stream of wonderful and
colourful characters all dressed in “wild west” style. The
guys looked especially awesome; with some in cowboy
attire and others dressed as “gringos” resplendent in
their sombreros! Guns in holsters were often cocked
and aimed at various unsuspecting “victims” adding to
the sense of fun and ambiance.
Of course the women also rose to the occasion wearing
a wide variety of different costumes ranging from
“the littlest whorehouse in Texas” style garb to “Annie
Oakley” type threads. I seem to recall an Indian squaw
as well, or was that Ange in disguise? The costumes
were matched well with the lively “craic” shared by our
tight knit and outgoing local Pagan community. Much
frivolity ensued and never a dull moment was had by
After around an hour or so, the first course of the night
was enjoyed in the form of a cold mexican soup, which
warmed the cockles of the heart on what was quite
a chilly evening. It had quite a bite to it and second
helpings were welcomed. Then the main course of a
Mexican dish with beef and dumplings arrived,followed
by a fruit cake....all yum!
But after imbibing our food, Spiral Dance took to the
stage, resplendent in their costumes, lighting up the
stage, as usual with their magick. Automatically the
dance floor became crowded with colour and dancing,
with some couples happy to show off their dancing
This year the Mummer’s play took the form of a “wild
west” shootout with all the usual suspects strutting their
stuff and entertaining us all as they always do so well.
Thanks to Rick, there were continuous Terence Hill, Bud
Spencer and John Wayne movies showing on a screen,
just to cement the wild west atmosphere....well done
Pics courtesy of
Peter Trapp
Pic of Ev courtesy of
Darren Bayley
Silver Wheel
Imbolc 2011
No : 5
hoto Gallery
Adelaide Pagans: e-group for Adelaide Pagans, discussing local
Pagan issues. Visit
Clare/Mid North Pagans: Contact Deb or Nan by email: dilali@ or or phone: 0408 895
965 (Deb) – 0400 742 692 (Nan).
Druidry and Celtic Ritual: contact Eamon for further information –
Email 0413164951.
Flinders University Pagan Association: meetings during term
time. All welcome. Contact:
Gawler Pagans in the Pub: meets last Tuesday each month 7.30pm
at Café Nova, Gawler. Contact Kerry on 8254 2721 or kerryh@chariot.; or Nan:
Adelaide Pagans in the Pub: 1st Tuesday each month, 8pm at
Marcellina’s Pizza Bar and Restaurant 273 Hindley St, Adelaide.
Workshops & discussions. Contact Don on 8270 4998.
Oak and Mistletoe:: Eclectic teaching coven with occasional open
sabbats for visitors. Contact Amethyst at amethyst@oakandmistletoe. for details.
Authorised Civil Marriage Celebrant: Liz Welling is available for
Handfastings, Baby Naming, Legal Weddings, Renewal of Vows, and
Funeral Services. Contact Liz on (08) 8376 9090 to discuss and book
your personalized ceremony.
Reiki Master/Teacher: Tarot, past life regression, Reiki
attunements & treatments. 10% discount for PASA Inc members. Nan
– 0888 423 603;
Data Entry/Typing/Formatting/Proofing: Excellent service,
very reasonable rates and always done with a smile. For more info:
Sandra 0439 634 813 or
Simply Magic! Ironing done promptly. $20/basket. Seaton - Ph:
0405 127 063; 8356 4199
Tarot or Rune Readings. 10% disc. PASA Inc members. Deb 0408
895 965;
Motherpeace Tarot/Oracle Readings by Appoint-ment with Blackthorn.
25% discount PASA members. Ph: 8538 5263.
Tarot and Palm reading in the main street of Hahndorf weekends
and public holidays, other times by appointment. Contact Trev on
83881011 or Classes also available.
Registered Marriage Celebrant: Your wedding, your way.
Specialising in Pagan rituals including legal weddings, handfastings,
vow renewals. Amethyst – 0409 296 711 or
Sacred Woman TEACHINGS: offered By Patricia Corner – Teacher
of the Goddess Tradition And Founder of GAIA Inc.
Contact Aphrodite Rose OR PH: 0403 959 353
Relationship Coach: Providing personal relationship coaching
& educational products and services to people in traditional &
alternative relationship styles. Contact Darren Ramsey for a free
30min consult Ph.0439977555; darren@2PlusRelationshipCoaching.
com; facebook
Reflexologist: Ear/Foot treatments available. (Cert 1V in Tactile
Therapies). Ear candling and detox footbath also available.
Reasonable rates. For more info Jenny on 0425 013 875 or
Graphic Design: The creative solution for those on a budget.
Anything from logos to websites, business cards to posters can be
designed and ready for print at inexpensive rates.
Kim: or
Secure your booking now – contact Deb or Nan At: Dilali@bigpond.
com or Three days of May mayhem,
workshops and group ritual.
The Druids of Oz will once again be holding their moot during The
English Ale in May. The moot will be from 12 until 2 pm in the Mylor
Hall, with our special guests this year “Damh the Bard” and Cerri Lee.
Any question contact Tom at
Scrying Mirrors - (black) mirrors in a range of sizes - photos
available. Deb 0408 895 965;
Improve Your Tarot skills. Free Tarot Book. Download today from:
Please note: inclusion in this section does not necessarily imply
approval by pagan alliance sa inc. Readers, please use your own
judgment when approaching groups or individuals – advertisements
published at the committee’s & editor’s discretion.
Pagan Groups & Associations – $20 for non-members
FREE TO PASA MEMBERS (4 line limit)
Pagan Courses - $20/listing - FREE TO PASA MEMBERS.
Pagan Services – FREE listing to PASA members (5 line
limit). Non members - $40 per annum.
¼ page – Members: one FREE in each edition;
additional ¼ page ads $10.
¼ page – Non members: $20.
½ page - $20/edition members/$40 non-members
Full page - $40/edition members/$80 non-members
Please make cheques payable to: PAGAN ALLIANCE SA,
and send to: PO Box 301, Goodwood, SA 5034
BOOKINGS WITH PASA EDITOR (See Page 2 for details).
Want to advertise in the Silver Wheel?
Just send the PASA treasurer a short list of your
services and contact details (there’s a four line limit –
check out the back page for a word count) – then you
can advertise FREE.