Contacts MIPIM 2014
Contacts MIPIM 2014
Contacts MIPIM 2014 About JLL JLL is a financial and professional services firm specialising in commercial real estate services and investment management. We create value for companies and institutions that invest in and use real estate. Our 48,000 people work across 1,000 locations in 70 countries to serve the global, regional and local needs of corporates, investors and developers. Our integrated services offering is grounded in expertise in all property types, a deep understanding of real estate markets and capital markets, and is coordinated and consistent across geographies. Current market conditions have created a greater need for anticipating change and recognising value within the market. Our unparalleled depth of knowledge and experience allow us to deliver comprehensive real estate advice and solutions to our clients. Our delegation at MIPIM 2014 represents our diverse range of expertise covering multiple markets and countries. To find out more about JLL and the services we provide, visit us at stand LR4.14 or contact one of our delegates listed in this guide. 4 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Marcel Abel Office Leasing Germany +49 173 666 76 18 Avi Alkaş Chairman Turkey +90 532 265 3103 Will Andrews Out of Town Retail & Leisure UK +44 7970 467505 Richard Angliss EMEA Property & Asset Management +44 7734 078944 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Jacques Bagge Agency France +33 6 09 65 12 67 Miroslav Barnáš Managing Director, Slovakia & Capital Markets – Slovakia +421 908 561 869 Richard Batten EMEA Management Board +44 7802 665752 Alexandre Behr Commercial Director – Tétris France +33 6 09 25 62 72 5 6 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Mike Bellhouse Capital Markets – Europe +44 7980 597419 James Berry Commercial Director – Tétris UK +44 7808 102179 Peter Birchinger Capital Markets Germany +49 151 1451 1414 Aurélien Blazy Commercial Director – Tétris France +33 6 69 51 00 07 JLL | MIPIM 2014 “We expect a strong start to the year with international investors, resurgent domestic capital and a huge pool of newly raised opportunistic money seeking to access real estate across the capital stack. In other words, it will become tougher to François Blin Capital Markets France +33 6 84 54 03 90 Richard Bloxam Capital Markets – Europe +44 7785 957908 buy. Whilst there are signs of life once more in occupier demand, it remains highly concentrated and broadly fragile. As investors are tempted to move up the risk curve we expect highly selective stock picking and a need for robust underwriting.” Richard Bloxam Capital Markets Group – Europe Natacha Boccara Capital Markets France +33 6 12 52 59 81 Charles Boudet Managing Director Russia & CIS +7 905 543 1162 7 8 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Fraser Bowen Capital Markets – Europe +44 7990 512916 Mark Bradford Chairman South Africa & Sub-Saharan Africa South Africa +27 81 018 0265 Jac Bressers Management Services Netherlands +31 6 50671132 Gemma Brown Capital Markets – Europe +44 7808 102418 JLL | MIPIM 2014 James Brown EMEA Research & Consultancy +44 7860 408863 Richard Brown Retail Capital Markets UK +44 7957 626566 Dan Burn Office Agency UK +44 7515 607011 Guillaume Canciani Project & Development Services France +33 6 85423759 9 10 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Carlos Cardoso Managing Director – Tétris Portugal +35 121 358 3219 Claudio Ceresa Commercial Director – Tétris Italy +39 393 5384 146 Dermot Charleson Valuation Advisory EMEA +44 7799 348670 Eric Chevassus Commercial Director – Tétris France +33 6 03 91 17 95 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Steve Collins President, US Capital Markets USA +1 202 256 3795 Damian Corbett Capital Markets UK +44 7793 577468 Ian Cornock Lead Director – Midlands Region UK +44 7800 731726 Vincent Crolard Capital Markets France +33 6 72 55 21 61 11 12 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Adrian Crooks Agency UK +44 7515 607592 Robert Dales Retail Capital Markets UK +44 7740 535395 Davide Dalmiglio Capital Markets Italy +39 335 8473 054 Patrick Davidson Corporate Solutions UK +44 7703 608327 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Arnold de Bue Valuation Advisory Netherlands +31 6 50 671 148 Yannis de Francesco Agency Italy +39 334 6404199 Arthur de Haast CEO Corporate Finance & International Capital Group +44 7770 304335 Ignace de haut de Sigy Managing Director – Tétris Belux +324 955 825 52 13 14 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Joël de Lafond Corporate Solutions France +33 6 89 33 13 00 Marie-Laure de Sousa Agency & Online Markets France +33 6 16 35 17 18 Vincent Delattre Capital Markets France +33 6 89 88 91 46 Philippe Demont Technical Director – Tétris France +33 6 23 25 82 46 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Tom Devonshire-Griffin Capital Markets Russia & CIS +7 903 5494990 Gwenola Donet Hotels & Hospitality Group France +33 6 17 47 60 80 Benoît du Passage CEO Southern Europe France +33 6 85 67 00 87 David Dudley Head of MENA Regional Offices MENA +971 50 2358890 15 16 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Will Duffey Hotels & Hospitality Group UK +44 7973 353947 Colin Dyer President & CEO USA +1 312 286 1544 Franck Eburderie CEO EMEA – Tétris France +33 6 09 40 85 87 Jan Eckert CEO Switzerland +41 79 437 32 45 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Jeremy Eddy Capital Markets – Europe +44 7775 502823 Tim Edghill Corporate Finance – EMEA +44 7771 992125 Andrés Escarpenter Managing Director Spain +34 670 203 203 Rosemary Feenan Global Research +44 7771 542536 17 18 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Miguel Fernandez Managing Director – Tétris Morocco +212 349 178 77739 Fernando Ferreira Capital Markets Portugal +351 91 660 6670 Huw Forrest Student Housing UK +44 7967 702880 Jean-Marc Fritzinger Capital Markets France +33 6 13 58 21 63 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Andrew Frost Residential UK +44 7816 979079 Rob Gibson Capital Markets Europe & International Capital Group +44 7968 865198 Marie Gilmas Capital Markets France +33 6 32 64 74 86 Adrian Glatt Capital Markets Belgium +32 495 58 26 28 19 20 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Can Gün Gökkaya Offices & Logistics Turkey +90 530 961 9243 Chris Gore Capital Markets UK +44 7971 856763 Daniel Gorosch Managing Director Sweden, Head of Capital Markets +46 76 148 51 03 Julien-Walid Goudiard Project & Development Services France +33 6 61 84 76 32 JLL | MIPIM 2014 “We have a resurgence in confidence and occupier demand in the UK which offers real potential for regeneration and growth. These are exciting times but decision-making still needs to take into account of new trends in workplace, technology and demographics.” Guy Grainger UK Chief Executive Pierre-Olivier Gourbin Key Accounts – Tétris France +33 6 10 02 58 80 Guy Grainger CEO UK +44 7976 432367 David Green-Morgan Global Capital Markets Research Singapore +65 9297 7608 Andrew M. Groom Valuation & Transaction Advisory Germany +49 174 3351692 21 22 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Mathias Grossman Managing Director – Tétris France +33 6 11 42 27 13 Nicasio Gutierrez Managing Director – Tétris Spain +34 649 817 303 Cathrin Haake PA to CEO EMEA +49 151 16116217 Penny Hacking Capital Markets – Europe +44 7968 373240 JLL | MIPIM 2014 “Hotel transaction volumes across EMEA are exceeding 10 year averages again, driven by overall improving trading results and more institutional and global capital being attracted by the sector.” Christine Hager Shopping Center Management Germany +49 172 411 77 85 Phil Hall Chairman – Healthcare UK +44 7872 375784 Jeremy Handley Valuation Advisory UK +44 7775 824745 Christoph Härle CEO Hotels & Hospitality Group Christoph Härle CEO – Hotels & Hospitality Group Germany +49 174 3094167 23 24 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Richard Harris Managing Director – Tétris UK +44 7777 695195 Andrew Hawkins Capital Markets UK +44 7768 065579 Peter Hensby Capital Markets – Europe +44 7912 952239 Sophie Hérouard Capital Markets France +33 6 71 60 80 30 JLL | MIPIM 2014 “Student Housing, as an asset class in its own right, also benefits from an increased global institutional interest in ‘alternative investments’ – sectors not typically driven by the usual market dynamics but by structural and demographic changes e.g. the predicted dramatic growth in the number of international students, expected to reach over 263 million by 2025. There are many opportunities this emerging asset class brings to those that are willing to invest.” Philip Hillman Student Housing & Higher Education and Alternative Investments UK Chris Hiatt National Offices UK +44 7836 222323 Rob Hielscher Capital Markets USA +1 415 602 4258 Philip Hillman Student Housing UK +44 7831 744160 Simon Hodson Residential Land UK +44 7970 752077 25 26 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Martin Hofmann Real Estate Advisory Services Germany +49 160 93983605 “Debt markets have unfrozen with resurgent lenders, alternative debt managers and insurance based capital Christian Hohenthal Capital Markets Finland +358 40 737 5050 competing to deploy across Chris Holmes Corporate Finance – EMEA +44 7887 656084 strong sponsors with Zoe Hope Capital Markets – Europe +44 7740 414240 all parts of the riskreward spectrum. The new equilibrium became apparent in H2, 2013 and will reward favourable margins where there are clearly defined strategies.” Chris Holmes Debt Advisory UK JLL | MIPIM 2014 “According to a JLL survey this year, around 4 out of 5 funds expect to increase their exposure to areas such as student accommodation, healthcare, renewables and hotels over the next decade.” Cyril Hoyaux Debt Advisory France +33 6 47 99 88 69 Jonathan Hubbard CEO UK & Northern Europe, Hotels & Hospitality Group +44 7921 492681 Chris Ireland Chairman, Head of Capital Markets UK +44 7703 234299 Chris Ireland UK Chairman and Lead Director Capital Markets Graeme Jackson Capital Markets France +33 6 14 51 75 65 27 28 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Troy Javaher Capital Markets CEE +420 602 590 812 Stuart Jordan Capital Markets Czech Republic +420 725 878 538 Lauren Joselyn PR EMEA +44 7809 317269 Nejc Jus EMEA Research +44 7898 852035 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Christian Kadel Capital Markets Germany +49 174 3313417 Christina Kämpe Capital Markets Sweden +46 70 571 0204 Jeremy Kelly Global Research +44 7809 596768 Sabine Keulertz Shopping Center Investment Germany +49 174 3184629 29 30 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Martin Kienberger Managing Director – Tétris Russia & CIS +7 964 703 2302 Peter Kirk Capital Markets UK +44 7786 638228 Katie Kopec Development Consulting UK +44 7836 501142 Konstantin Kortmann Residential Capital Markets Germany +49 170 913 0833 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Jay Koster Capital Markets USA +1 212 380 6950 Alexander Kropf Capital Markets Germany +49 175 938 0903 Alexey Kuchvalsky Agency Russia & CIS +7 903 7222436 Pedro Lancastre Managing Director Portugal +351 91 972 5079 31 32 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Frans Landmeter Capital Markets Netherlands +316 50670481 Karine Lathuliere Marketing EMEA – Tétris France +33 6 13 59 83 02 Fabrice Léger CEO North Africa & Africa Francophone – Morocco +212 614 624 499 Christine Lenz PA to CEO Germany Germany +49 151 613 21122 JLL | MIPIM 2014 “Cost, technology and workplace will be the ‘strategic options’ for corporate occupiers in the coming year. Those that control and get on top of it will be winners.” Mats Lindholmer Capital Markets Sweden +46 73 561 6216 Neil Lipscomb Capital Markets – Europe +44 7771 764 893 Alexandra Lopes Project Manager – Tétris France +33 6 03 91 24 22 Vincent Lottefier Global Director & Chief Executive Officer, EMEA Corporate Solutions Vincent Lottefier Global Director & Chief Executive Officer, EMEA Corporate Solutions +33 607 26 06 09 33 34 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Marcus Lütgering Capital Markets Germany +49 160 909 818 20 Mark Marasciullo Capital Markets USA +1 917 520 1007 Yves Marchal Managing Director Southern Europe, Hotels & Hospitality Group – France +33 6 87 70 56 65 Pierre Marin CEO Italy +39 335 5636 861 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Ashley Marks Corporate Finance – EMEA +44 7912 120523 Roger B Marks Managing Director Israel +44 7973908375 Philip Marsden Capital Markets UK +44 7703 234252 Camille Martel Events – Tétris France +33 1 73 01 28 90 35 36 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Marie Martins Valuation France +33 6 20 93 26 16 Kai Mende Corporate Finance Germany +49 173 65 02 296 Vivek Menon Marketing, Corporate Solutions EMEA +44 7841 802119 Eric Merlier Managing Director, Southern France – Tétris France +33 6 16 63 27 99 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Tim Millard Advisory Group Russia & CIS +7 903 2935012 John Moran Managing Director Ireland +353 86 2608783 Antonio Moura Agency France +33 6 80 92 63 92 Fadi Moussalli International Capital Group MENA +971 50 4258959 37 38 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Romain Muller Managing Director Luxembourg +352 691 165 694 Christophe Murciani Debt Advisory France +33 6 47 99 20 21 Jon Neale Research UK +44 7800 874733 Denisa Nebrenska Managing Director – Tétris Czech Republic +420 227 04 3180 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Zoe Nicholls Retail Marketing EMEA UK +44 7841 802114 Peter Nicoletti Capital Markets – Americas USA +1 212 812 5754 Juan Manuel Ortega Capital Markets Spain +34 670 963 945 Adrian Peachey Retail Capital Markets UK +44 7976 423253 39 40 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Benjamin Perez-Ellischewitz Capital Markets Hungary +36 70 333 1818 “2013 represented the year with the highest transaction volumes in Germany since the boom year of 2007, with total Dr Frank Pörschke CEO Germany +49 69 2003 1320 capital invested in German Dr Alexander Prokot Management Services Germany +49 (0) 170 2447353 real estate as an asset class Bill Prutting Capital Markets USA +1 202 437 6707 activity will remain high.” commercial property in the region of € 30.7 billion, marking a 21% increase yearon-year. The importance of will continue to increase as global investment needs of institutional investors are strong. The level of market Dr Frank Pörschke CEO Germany JLL | MIPIM 2014 Tomasz Puch Capital Markets Poland +48 602 323 990 Vincent H Querton CEO Benelux Belgium +32 495 582 600 Max Reilly Capital Markets Ireland +353 86 2987788 Luc Renaudin Business Development France +33 1 6 80 43 52 43 41 42 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Chelsea Restall Global Marketing +44 7872 822521 Matthew Richards International Capital Group – Europe +44 7734 078176 Jörg Ritter Retail Capital Markets Germany +49 171 7030014 Mark Roberts PR EMEA +44 7815 940891 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Alan Robertson CEO MENA +971 56 644 9229 Ferdinand Rock Agency Germany +49 160 8975220 Amélie Rousseau Process Manager EMEA – Tétris France +33 6 13 59 30 20 Tewfik Sabongui Managing Director Czech Republic +420 602 298 815 43 44 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Angélique Sabron Agency Luxembourg +352 621 210 790 Julian Sandbach Capital Markets UK +44 7979 276181 Jörg Schürmann Corporate Finance Germany +49 173 7067711 Gareth Sellars Valuation France +33 6 50 86 65 27 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Philippe Semidei Capital Markets France +33 6 50 86 65 67 Hubert Sevenig Retail Capital Markets Germany +49 172 887 1228 Jeremy Sheldon Managing Director Markets, Asia Pacific Hong Kong +852 92610908 Guy Showham Capital Markets Israel +972 525814919 45 46 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Andreas Siebert Retail Capital Markets Germany +49 173 9117329 Philippe Sourdois Managing Director – Tétris Italy +39 393 53 84 145 “It will be tougher to buy in 2014 compared to 2013. The ‘holy trinity’ of increasing global capital levels, resurgent core investors and a flood of supersized opportunity funds are all knocking on Europe’s door.” Robert Stassen Capital Markets Research EMEA +44 7713 306278 Chris Staveley Capital Markets – Europe +44 7921 406088 Robert Stassen Head of European Capital Markets Research JLL | MIPIM 2014 “The office investment market across Europe saw a 7% uplift in investment volumes in 2013, growth that was underpinned by a sustained interest in core product. Now investors are beginning to move up the risk curve and partnering in more equity and expertise joint ventures as capital targeting the sector remains competitive. With recovery in more peripheral markets a reality, the outlook for 2014 is positive.” Chris Staveley Capital Markets Group – Europe Patrik Stillhart Managing Director Switzerland +41 79 826 19 54 Valentin Stobetsky Agency & Corporate Solutions Russia & CIS +7 965 2444381 Noémie Terzian Marketing – Tétris France +33 1 40 55 49 66 Jane Thomas Marketing EMEA +44 7872 462443 47 48 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Rüdiger Thräne Regional Management Germany +49 173 2425556 “The Polish market continues to be perceived as a safe and key destination for real estate investment in Central and Ben Tooley Buildings & Construction UK +44 7818 422089 Eastern Europe. I believe Alexandra Tornow EMEA Logistics & Industrial Research Germany +49 160 5387145 with healthy real estate market Tomasz Trzósło investment opportunities.” Poland will further consolidate its leading regional position going forward due to a growing economy combined fundamentals and sustainable demand. A variety of good quality products across the country make multiple Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets Poland +48 600 303 785 Tomasz Trzósło Managing Director Poland JLL | MIPIM 2014 Timo Tschammler Office & Industrial Germany +49 151 61513000 Bernard Tyler COO EMEA – Tétris +44 7884 475051 Christian Ulbrich CEO EMEA +49 151 16116217 Tom Upton Residential Funding UK +44 7771 941497 49 50 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Tim Vallance Retail & Leisure UK +44 7976 424190 “A healthy high street should reflect a combination of current UK business strengths: there is no reason Laurent Vallas Agency France +33 6 60 17 07 12 why telecommunication, Vincent Van Brée Capital Markets Belgium & Luxembourg +32 473 71 05 43 and relevant areas.” Hans van den Bergh Capital Markets Netherlands +31 6 50671081 technology and media sectors shouldn’t combine with financial services, residential and retail to produce vibrant Tim Vallance UK Head of Retail & Leisure JLL | MIPIM 2014 Dré van Leeuwen Capital Markets Netherlands +316 50671093 Erik Verbruggen Agency Belgium +32 477 33 03 96 Marina Vidal Retail Development – Tétris France +33 6 12 40 15 21 Nicolas Vignau-Loustau Key Accounts France +33 6 08 58 29 61 51 52 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Christophe Volle Capital Markets France +33 6 07 35 26 19 Stephan von Barczy Capital Markets France +33 6 78 06 83 16 “The attractiveness of Paris as an investment destination is confirmed every day by either large domestic or foreign investors competing for core product, or new opportunistic investors looking for value-add investment opportunities.” Jean-Philip Vroninks Capital Markets Belgium & Luxembourg +32 478 40 28 80 Kate Waddilove Marketing EMEA +44 7809 596038 Stephan von Barczy Head of French Capital Markets Group JLL | MIPIM 2014 Angus Wade Hotels & Hospitality Group CEE +44 7730 091580 Tom Waite European Logistics & Industrial Capital Markets +44 7527 388 023 Willi Weis Industrial Capital Markets Germany +49 175 222 0538 Ingo Weiss Corporate Solutions EMEA +49 172 6629054 53 54 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Paul Welterveden Development UK +44 7734 883170 Diederick Willemsen Managing Director – Tétris Netherlands +31651 477 541 Mark Wilson Capital Markets UK +44 7958 427643 Richard Winter Agency Germany +49 151 61 62 00 62 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Alexandre Wodka Capital Markets France +33 6 74 92 87 25 Natalia Yakimenko Property Management Russia & CIS +7 903 1127671 Felicity Young PR UK +44 7976 323151 55 56 Jones Lang LaSalle | MIPIM 2014 Events at MIPIM Monday, 10 March // 20.00 // London First Drinks Reception (by invitation only) Speakers: Philip Dilley, Chairman, London First Guy Grainger, Chief Executive UK, JLL Sir Edward Lister, Chief of Staff & Deputy Mayor for Planning, GLA Tuesday, 11 March // 17.00–18.30 // European Associations for Women In Real Estate Welcome Drinks (by invitation only) Speakers: Marcia Schless, Chairwoman, DWIRE (Dutch Women In Real Estate) Christine Hager, President of the German Female Partners Association Colin Dyer, President and CEO, JLL Tuesday, 11 March // 15.00–17.00 // CEEQA @ MIPIM Insight Summit: ‘The Digital Revolution in CEE Real Estate – Office and BPO, Retail and Logistics investment’ (Reed Midem event) Panelist: James Brown, EMEA Research & Consulting, JLL Wednesday, 12 March // 08.00–10.00 // ‘UK Central – how to secure the future of large UK developments’ (by invitation only) Speakers: Guy Grainger, UK CEO, JLL Duncan Sutherland, Non Exec Director, HS2 Sir Albert Bore, Leader, Birmingham City Council Cllr Ian Courts, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Sir Michael Bear, Chairman, UKTI RIO Jerome Frost, Project Director, Arup Wednesday, 12 March // 11.30-12.30 // Logistics & Transport Hub (Orange Room, Palais) (Reed Midem event) Speaker: Alexandra Tornow, EMEA Logistics & Industrial Research, JLL Jones Lang LaSalle | MIPIM 2014 57 Wednesday, 12 March // 13.00–14.00 // PropertyEU’s Student Housing roundtable with JLL’s Philip Hillman (by invitation only) Wednesday, 12 March // 16.00–18.00 // ‘Cities’ Global Research Roundtable & Drinks (by invitation only) Presenters: Rosemary Feenan, Head of Global Research, JLL Jeremy Kelly, Director Global Research, JLL Thursday, 13 March // 09.30–11.00 // BPF Breakfast Seminar: ‘Widening the investment net – are alternatives the new mainstream?’ (by invitation only) Speakers: Kenneth MacKenzie, Target Advisers Sebastian von Ribbentrop, Roundhill Capital David Marks, Brockton Capital and BPF President Bill Hughes, Legal & General and BPF Vice President Philip Hillman, JLL Jon Neale, JLL Liz Peace, British Property Federation Thursday, 13 March // 16.00–17.00 // ‘Shaping the future of the luxury hotel industry’ (Blue Room, Level 3, Palais) (Reed Midem event) Speaker: Christoph Härle, CEO Continental Europe, JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group Thursday, 13 March // 17.00–18.00 // ‘Office & historical buildings to hotels conversions : building the success’ with speaker Guillaume Canciani, Director, JLL (Reed Midem event) 58 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Index by country Belgium Belgium Belgium & Luxembourg Belgium Belgium & Luxembourg CEE CEE CEE – Czech Republic CEE – Czech Republic CEE – Hungary CEE – Poland CEE – Poland EMEA EMEA EMEA EMEA EMEA EMEA EMEA EMEA EMEA EMEA Vincent H Querton Adrian Glatt Vincent Van Brée Erik Verbruggen Jean-Philip Vroninks Angus Wade Troy Javaher Tewfik Sabongui Stuart Jordan Benjamin Perez-Ellischewitz Tomasz Puch Tomasz Trzósło Christian Ulbrich Richard Angliss Richard Batten James Brown Dermot Charleson Tim Edghill Cathrin Haake Chris Holmes Lauren Joselyn Nejc Jus CEO Benelux41 Capital Markets19 Capital Markets50 Agency51 Capital Markets52 Hotels & Hospitality Group53 Capital Markets28 Managing Director43 Capital Markets28 Capital Markets40 Capital Markets41 Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets48 CEO EMEA49 EMEA Property & Asset Management4 EMEA Management Board5 EMEA Research & Consultancy9 Valuation Advisory10 Corporate Finance EMEA17 PA to CEO EMEA22 Corporate Finance EMEA26 PR28 EMEA Research28 JLL | MIPIM 2014 EMEA Ashley Marks EMEA Vivek Menon EMEA Mark Roberts EMEA Robert Stassen EMEA Jane Thomas EMEA Kate Waddilove Europe Richard Bloxam Europe Mike Bellhouse Europe Fraser Bowen Europe Gemma Brown Europe Jeremy Eddy Europe Penny Hacking Europe Peter Hensby Europe Zoe Hope Europe Neil Lipscomb Europe Matthew Richards Europe Chris Staveley Europe Tom Waite Finland Christian Hohenthal France Benoît du Passage France Jacques Bagge France François Blin France Natacha Boccara 59 Corporate Finance EMEA35 Marketing, Corporate Solutions EMEA36 PR42 Capital Markets Research EMEA46 Marketing EMEA47 Marketing EMEA52 Capital Markets – Europe7 Capital Markets – Europe6 Capital Markets – Europe8 Capital Markets – Europe8 Capital Markets – Europe17 Capital Markets – Europe22 Capital Markets – Europe24 Capital Markets – Europe26 Capital Markets – Europe33 International Capital Group – Europe42 Capital Markets – Europe46 European Logistics & Industrial Capital Markets53 Capital Markets26 CEO Southern Europe15 Agency5 Capital Markets7 Capital Markets7 60 JLL | MIPIM 2014 France Guillaume Canciani France Vincent Crolard France Joël de Lafond France Vincent Delattre France Marie-Laure de Sousa France Gwenola Donet France Jean-Marc Fritzinger France Marie Gilmas France Julien-Walid Goudiard France Sophie Hérouard France Cyril Hoyaux France Graeme Jackson France Yves Marchal France Marie Martins France Antonio Moura France Christophe Murciani France Luc Renaudin France Gareth Sellars France Philippe Semidei France Laurent Vallas France Nicolas Vignau-Loustau France Christophe Volle France Stephan von Barczy Project & Development Services9 Capital Markets11 Corporate Solutions14 Capital Markets14 Agency & Online Markets14 Hotels & Hospitality Group15 Capital Markets18 Capital Markets19 Project & Development Services20 Capital Markets24 Debt Advisory27 Capital Markets27 Managing Director Southern Europe, Hotels & Hospitality Group34 Valuation36 Agency37 Debt Advisory38 Business Development41 Valuation44 Capital Markets45 Agency50 Key Accounts51 Capital Markets52 Capital Markets52 JLL | MIPIM 2014 France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Alexandre Wodka Dr Frank Pörschke Marcel Abel Peter Birchinger Andrew M. Groom Christine Hager Christoph Härle Martin Hofmann Christian Kadel Sabine Keulertz Konstantin Kortmann Alexander Kropf Christine Lenz Marcus Lütgering Kai Mende Dr Alexander Prokot Jörg Ritter Ferdinand Rock Jörg Schürmann Hubert Sevenig Andreas Siebert Rüdiger Thräne Alexandra Tornow Timo Tschammler 61 Capital Markets55 CEO40 Office Leasing4 Capital Markets6 Valuation & Transaction Advisory21 Shopping Center Management23 CEO – Hotels & Hospitality Group23 Real Estate Advisory Services26 Capital Markets29 Shopping Center Investment29 Residential Capital Markets30 Capital Markets31 PA to CEO Germany32 Capital Markets34 Corporate Finance36 Management Services40 Retail Capital Markets42 Agency43 Corporate Finance44 Retail Capital Markets45 Retail Capital Markets46 Regional Management48 EMEA Logistics & Industrial Research48 Office & Industrial49 62 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Germany Willi Weis Germany Richard Winter Global Arthur de Haast Global Rosemary Feenan Global Rob Gibson Global Jeremy Kelly Global Vincent Lottefier Global Chelsea Restall Hong Kong Jeremy Sheldon Ireland John Moran Ireland Max Reilly Israel Roger B Marks Israel Guy Showham Italy Pierre Marin Italy Davide Dalmiglio Italy Yannis de Francesco Luxembourg Romain Muller Luxembourg Angélique Sabron MENA Alan Robertson MENA David Dudley Industrial Capital Markets53 Agency54 CEO Corporate Finance & International Capital Group13 Global Research17 Capital Markets Europe & International Capital Group19 Global Research29 Global Director & Chief Executive Officer, EMEA Corporate Solutions33 Global Marketing42 Managing Director Markets, Asia Pacific45 Managing Director37 Capital Markets41 Managing Director35 Capital Markets45 CEO34 Capital Markets12 Agency13 Managing Director38 Agency44 CEO43 Head of MENA Regional Offices15 JLL | MIPIM 2014 MENA Fadi Moussalli Morocco Fabrice Léger Netherlands Jac Bressers Netherlands Arnold de Bue Netherlands Frans Landmeter Netherlands Hans van den Bergh Netherlands Dré van Leeuwen Portugal Pedro Lancastre Portugal Fernando Ferreira Russia & CIS Charles Boudet Russia & CIS Tom Devonshire-Griffin Russia & CIS Alexey Kuchvalsky Russia & CIS Tim Millard Russia & CIS Valentin Stobetsky Russia & CIS Natalia Yakimenko Singapore David Green-Morgan Slovakia Miroslav Barnáš South Africa Mark Bradford Spain Andrés Escarpenter Spain Juan Manuel Ortega Sweden Daniel Gorosch 63 International Capital Group37 CEO North Africa & Africa Francophone32 Management Services8 Valuation Advisory13 Capital Markets32 Capital Markets50 Capital Markets51 Managing Director31 Capital Markets18 Managing Director7 Capital Markets15 Agency31 Advisory Group37 Agency & Corporate Solutions47 Property Management55 Global Capital Markets Research21 Managing Director, Slovakia & Capital Markets5 Chairman South Africa & Sub-Saharan Africa8 Managing Director17 Capital Markets39 Managing Director Sweden, Head of Capital Markets20 64 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Turkey Turkey UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK Christina Kämpe Mats Lindholmer Jan Eckert Patrik Stillhart Avi Alkaş Can Gün Gökkaya Guy Grainger Will Andrews Richard Brown Dan Burn Damian Corbett Ian Cornock Adrian Crooks Robert Dales Patrick Davidson Will Duffey Huw Forrest Andrew Frost Chris Gore Phil Hall Jeremy Handley Andrew Hawkins Chris Hiatt Philip Hillman Capital Markets29 Capital Markets33 CEO16 Managing Director47 Chairman4 Offices & Logistics20 Chief Executive21 Out of Town Retail & Leisure4 Retail Capital Markets9 Office Agency9 Capital Markets11 Lead Director – Midlands Region11 Agency12 Retail Capital Markets12 Corporate Solutions12 Hotels & Hospitality Group16 Student Housing18 Residential19 Capital Markets20 Healthcare23 Valuation Advisory23 Capital Markets24 National Offices25 Student Housing25 JLL | MIPIM 2014 UK Simon Hodson UK Jonathan Hubbard UK Chris Ireland UK Peter Kirk UK Katie Kopec UK Philip Marsden UK Jon Neale UK Zoe Nicholls UK Adrian Peachey UK Julian Sandbach UK Ben Tooley UK Tom Upton UK Tim Vallance UK Paul Welterveden UK Mark Wilson UK Felicity Young USA Colin Dyer USA Steve Collins USA Rob Hielscher USA Jay Koster USA Mark Marasciullo USA Peter Nicoletti USA Bill Prutting 65 Residential Land25 CEO UK & Northern Europe, Hotels & Hospitality Group27 Chairman, Head of Capital Markets27 Capital Markets30 Development Consulting30 Capital Markets35 Research38 Retail Marketing EMEA39 Retail Capital Markets39 Capital Markets44 Buildings & Construction48 Residential Funding49 Retail & Leisure50 Development54 Capital Markets54 PR55 President & CEO16 Capital Markets11 Capital Markets25 Capital Markets31 Capital Markets34 Capital Markets – Americas39 Capital Markets40 66 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Index – Tetris France Franck Eburderie Belux Ignace de haut de Sigy CEE – Czech Republic Denisa Nebrenska EMEA Bernard Tyler EMEA Ingo Weiss France Alexandre Behr France Aurélien Blazy France Eric Chevassus France Philippe Demont France Pierre-Olivier Gourbin France Mathias Grossman France Karine Lathuliere France Alexandra Lopes France Camille Martel France Eric Merlier France Amélie Rousseau France Noémie Terzian France Marina Vidal Italy Claudio Ceresa Italy Philippe Sourdois Morocco Miguel Fernandez CEO EMEA – Tétris16 Managing Director – Tétris13 Managing Director – Tétris38 COO EMEA – Tétris49 Corporate Solutions – EMEA53 Commercial Director – Tétris5 Commercial Director – Tétris6 Commercial Director – Tétris10 Technical Director – Tétris14 Key Accounts – Tétris21 Managing Director – Tétris22 Marketing EMEA – Tétris32 Project Manager – Tétris33 Events – Tétris35 Managing Director, Southern France – Tétris36 Process Manager EMEA – Tétris43 Marketing – Tétris47 Retail Development – Tétris51 Commercial Director – Tétris10 Managing Director – Tétris46 Managing Director – Tétris18 JLL | MIPIM 2014 Netherlands Portugal Russia & CIS Spain UK UK Diederick Willemsen Carlos Cardoso Martin Kienberger Nicasio Gutierrez James Berry Richard Harris 67 Managing Director – Tétris54 Managing Director – Tétris10 Managing Director – Tétris30 Managing Director – Tétris22 Commercial Director – Tétris6 Managing Director – Tétris24 EMEA Morocco UK India Belgium Netherlands Ukraine Indonesia Czech Republic Poland United Arab Emirates Japan Egypt Portugal Americas Korea Finland Romania Argentina Malaysia France Russia Brazil New Zealand Germany Serbia Canada Philippines Hungary Slovakia Chile Singapore Ireland South Africa Mexico Taiwan Israel Spain USA Thailand Italy Sweden Asia Pacific Vietnam Kazakhstan Switzerland Australia Luxembourg Turkey China
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