Biology Trip - Hillcrest High School
Biology Trip - Hillcrest High School
Hillcrest High School Te Kura Tuarua o Tihipuke PO Box 11020 Hamilton ph 857 0297 MARCH 2013 Maadi Cup Rowing - 2 Gold - 1 Silver - 1 Bronze Outstanding NCEA and Scholarship Results 2012 2012 Results page 3 Caption Here School Camping trip 2013 Senior Student Leaders at Great Barrier Island Caption Here page 7 School Camping trip 2013 Year 9 Tauwhare Marae Trips Caption page 13Here School Camping trip 2013 Principal Points Dear Parents and Caregivers A warm welcome to students, parents and, in particular, to new members of the Hillcrest High School community. A number of successful events and activities, combined with our successful NCEA and Scholarship results, have contributed to a positive and settled Term One. Our March Ist roll stands at 1664 students (including 33 Foreign Fee Paying students) which is 85 students above the number the Ministry of Education figures projected for 2013. We have experienced a growth in our in zone Year 9 and 10 numbers in particular. A notable feature of our roll is the high retention rates of our students. Our Year 13 roll stands at 291 with our Year 9 intake at 320 students. It is pleasing that parents and students see the value of education and the qualifications required to gain employment or further tertiary education. Last year approximately 70% of our Year 13 students went to University to study in 2013. We are very pleased with our NCEA and Scholarship results for 2012. We are always endeavouring to provide programmes of learning to cater for our student’s needs and abilities and this has resulted in some very impressive results. Our students gained 48 Scholarships including 8 Outstanding. We also have programmes in place to ensure our consistently high levels of achievement in endorsements and Scholarship continue at the school. We are always endeavouring to ensure quality teaching takes place in every classroom and that every student is given the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability. I have just returned from the Secondary Principal’s Association of New Zealand (SPANZ) Conference in Queenstown. The conference confirmed my election to the Executive of SPANZ for 2013. I am looking forward to the opportunity of being involved in decision making and representing Secondary Principals in discussion with the Ministry of Education, NZQA, ERO and other stakeholder groups. We were addressed at conference by a number of speakers including Dr Graham Stoop (Chief Review Officer for ERO), Dr Karen Poutasi (Chief Executive of NZQA), Professor Peter Hughes (Secretary for Education) and Hon Hekia Parata (Minister of Education). Ms Parata stressed the importance of education as having a vital role to play in our nation’s future. Our young people must have the skills and abilities to make a contribution to their own and New Zealand’s economic future. The Minister noted that education represents 3 out of the 10 Better Public Service Targets the Government has established to create a public sector that can respond even more effectively to the needs and expectations of New Zealanders. The three Education Public Sector Targets are: • In 2016, 98% of children starting school will have participated in quality early childhood education In 2017, 85% of young people will have achieved NCEA level 2 or an equivalent qualification In 2017, 55% of 25-34 year olds will have a qualification at Level 4 (tertiary) or above. The English Department alone gained 12 Scholarships including 3 Outstanding. Since 2004 Hillcrest High School has averaged 46 Scholarships per year, placing us consistently amongst the top performing schools in the country. • We were delighted when Hao Jeng was awarded the Top Scholar in New Zealand in Mathematics with Calculus. Congratulations to Hao and also to Dr Ingrid Rinsma who mentored Hao throughout the year, along with the other Mathematics Scholarship winners. We look forward to another fulfilling and successful year at Hillcrest High School. The continued success of our school requires a commitment and desire to succeed from staff, students and parents, as we work in partnership to ensure the best education possible for all of our students. A distinctive feature of our results is the significant number of students that received endorsements in NCEA (students gaining Excellence and Merit certificates). Last year over 50% of all NCEA Level 1 to 3 students gained an endorsement. This is significantly above national and Decile 8 schools across the country and continues to be a hallmark of student achievement at Hillcrest High School. Kelvin S Whiting Principal Females have traditionally outperformed males in NCEA, and Hillcrest is no exception. However we are pleased with last year’s results for our boys. Our males achieved higher in NCEA Level 1 to 3, Literacy and Numeracy, University Entrance and endorsements than males nationally and comparable to males in boys’ schools. This reinforces our view that both males and females can perform with considerable success in a coeducational environment such as Hillcrest High School. Our School Charter and Annual Goals have been ratified by the Board of Trustees and sent to the Ministry of Education. These are detailed in the newsletter and also available on the school website. Our goals continue to focus on raising achievement and in particular supporting our priority learners (Maori, Pasifika , students with special needs and those students who are at risk of not achieving). 1 • IMPORTANT DATES & UPCOMING EVENTS TERM TWO 5 May – 7 June Boys Great Barrier Camp 7 May Term commences 17 May International Concert 21 May Rosehill Exchange 28 May Form Class photos 4 – 14 June Senior Exams 9 June – 12 July Girls Great Barrier Camp 18 June Team photos 27 June Cabaret 4 July Year 11 Parent Interviews 9 July Year 12 and Year 13 Parent Interviews 12 July End of Term 2 Board of Trustees news The Board would like to extend a warm welcome to all our students and their families and wish them success in their academic achievements and their extracurricular activities in 2013. We would also like to congratulate staff and acknowledge their continued hard work and commitment that resulted in the high success rate in NCEA and scholarships in 2012. The Hillcrest High Board is fortunate to be able to set the strategic direction in conjunction with an excellent senior leadership team led by the Principal Kelvin Whiting and to be assured that all staff will continue to set high standards and expect the best of all our students academically and in all the myriad of extracurricular activities that students have the opportunity to participate in at Hillcrest. The Board would also like to acknowledge the hard work and input of Hohipere Williams, Komiti Maori representative on the Board for 6 years who left to return to with her family to Northland. The current Board members are: Bernadette Simblett (Chairperson) Jennifer MacMillan (Deputy Chair) Michael Talbot Philip Morris Rodney Arnold Rachel Dillon Shannon Andrews (Staff Representative) Ramona Oliver (Student Representative) Finnesse Kairau (Co-opted Maori Representative) Kelvin Whiting (Principal) This year the triennial elections take place in May and the Board will need new parent members as only the Board Chair and Deputy are standing for reelection. The other Board members have worked hard and their input means that the Board runs smoothly with monthly meetings that are focused on the strategic goals and a small monthly commitment in time for membership of the sub committees of Finance, Property and occasional Student Welfare committee attendances. If you would like more information or wish to observe a meeting please contact Kay Ralph (Board Secretary) at school and she will let you know times or she will contact the Board Chair to arrange for more information. This is a great opportunity to get involved to ensure that Hillcrest High continues to be so successful. This year the School will also be visited by the Education Review Office in Term 2. Bernadette Simblett (Chairperson) Top Scholar for 2012 Congratulations to Hao Jeng 2012 Top Scholar in New Zealand for Mathematics with Calculus. Hao achieved 3 Scholarships 2 School Goals The Board of Trustees ratified the following Goals for 2013: GOAL A: Improved Learning Outcomes • To move students up at least two curriculum sub-levels for a 12 month period, e.g. 4B to 4A, targeting 3P and below. • To raise the level of achievement of NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) Level 1, 2, 3 and University Entrance (UE) passes in comparison to the previous year (be aware of the impact of the change/ alignment of standards and possible effect on levels of achievement). • Implement the junior (Year 9 and 10) graduation programme and measure the impact on student achievement, behaviour and engagement. • To maintain high levels of success at NCEA Endorsements and Scholarship. GOAL B: Provide a positive learning community • Implement the Student Behaviour Management System and measure the impact on student behaviour and attendance. • Development of an annual staff Professional Development Plan which is aligned to the annual goals and support staff in achieving these goals. GOAL C: Maori Culture and Achievement • To identify those Maori students in Year 9 and 10 who are insufficiently engaged in learning and therefore underachieving. • To improve the outcomes of those Maori students identified as underachieving. • Continue to raise Maori achievement to those of the national Maori Achievement Levels NCEA Level 1 to 3. • Continue to strengthen our relationship with Tauwhare Marae. • Celebrate the success of Maori student achievement and increase the Maori tikanga within Hillcrest High School. GOAL D: Pasifika Education • To improve literacy and numeracy achievement of Year 9 and 10 Pasifika students. • To ensure that our Pasifika students leave school (Year 12 or 13) with a minimum of Level 2 NCEA, including literacy and numeracy. • Strengthening relationships with Pasifika families and community. GOAL E: Finance and Property • Continue to implement a new 5 Year Property Plan. Student Portal Parent and caregivers can access the student portal using their child’s ID number and their own password. Please phone or email the office ( if you do not have your password. The portal is accessed from the very top menu of the school’s website. What you can see on the portal: Details - check your personal details and use the Change Details function to email us with updates Timetable – your child’s current timetable Attendance – up to date attendance data NCEA Summary – a comprehensive NCEA summary for senior students Groups – any groups your child belongs to Reports – a copy of all your child’s reports (since 2009) Awards – previous year’s awards Fees – shows current fees owing and the facility to pay online (including NCEA fees) Careers – any careers information (if applicable) Outstanding Examination Results The 2012 scholarship results are once again outstanding with our students gaining 48 Scholarships, including 8 Outstanding Scholarships. Congratulations to the following students who gained Scholarships: 3 Scholarships: Hao Jeng Evon Jude Amy Martin Jason Yan Physics, Statistics and Modelling, Mathematics with Calculus (Outstanding) Chemistry, English, Statistics and Modelling English, Mathematics with Calculus, Statistics and Modelling (Outstanding) Biology, English, Physics 2 Scholarships: Tom Dench Lily Empson Kayla Grant Ben Hamilton Naomi Kumar Hannah Maxwell Jeff Mo Ria Nadakkavukaran Classical Studies, English Drama, English Classical Studies, English (Outstanding) Physical Education, English (Outstanding) Technology, Media Studies (Outstanding) Mathematics with Calculus, English (Outstanding) Chemistry, Physics Biology, English 1 Scholarship: Sophie Allen Nairn English Samuel McDowall Physics Alexander Arai-Swale Music Studies Victoria Mills Biology Luke Arnold Media Studies Awhina Milne Classical Studies (Outstanding) Jordan Cronin Statistics and Modelling Hayley Pfeffer Biology Joshua Cronin-LampeBiology Sean Rudman Physical Education Francis Garrity Music Studies (Outstanding) David Wang Mathematics with Calculus Karena Hall English Naomi Whalley Design Mia Henry-John Media Studies Ben Ye Geography Dhanya Herath English Lanqin Yuan Statistics and Modelling Sarah King Drama NCEA Results Results for 2012 are very pleasing with HHS students continuing to achieve at a high level in NCEA , with results demonstrating increases in achievement from 2011 in a number of areas and the consistently high numbers of students (over 50%) gaining Merit and Excellent endorsements. To gain a merit endorsement students have to gain at least 50 credits at Merit/Excellence level and to gain an excellence endorsement students have to gain a minimum of 50 credits at excellence level. Therefore students gaining an endorsement, and particularly at excellence level, have achieved at the very highest level in NCEA. Cambridge Results Students presenting for the Cambridge Advanced Subsidiary Examinations continue to achieve at very high levels. English 100% pass rate with more than half of the candidates receiving the top A grade. In Mathematics 80% pass rate with more than 20% of candidates receiving the top A grade. Students studying Cambridge English and Mathematics also study NCEA Level 2. Level 1 Certificate Number of Students Endorsed Excellence % Endorsed % National 78.9 - HHS 90.0 Level 2 Awards Literacy % Numeracy % 15.1 82.3 80.6 147 23.5 91.8 94.9 Level 2 Certificate % Number of Students Endorsed Endorsed Excellence % National 83.6 - 11.9 HHS 84.7 110 19.6 Level 3 Awards Level 3 Certificate % Number of Students Endorsed Endorsed Excellence % University Entrance National 76.0 - 8.3 67.3 HHS 78.3 98 18.7 78.3 Level 1 Awards 3 New Staff Nga Kaupapa Maori o Te Kura We were delighted to welcome our new staff to our school at our Powhiri at the start of the school year: We have also welcomed back former Head of Economics Mr Per Rorholt teaching Tourism and Social Studies on a part-time basis. Mr Rorholt is also coaching our school Ist XI Cricket team. Te Ropu Whakaruruhau – Is the new name given to our Maori Student Achievement Committee, which comprises a number of staff who work together on raising Maori student achievement and tikanga in the school. The committee work closely with Ms Carol Reid (HOD Maori) and Mr Matthew Bryant (Maori Student Achievement Co-ordinator). NCEA Results We are particularly pleased with our NCEA Level 1 results, including literacy and numeracy. Students have certainly benefitted from the programmes established to raise student achievement. Mr Jeremy Cronin Physical Education and Outdoor Education Ms Rosemary Gluyas Head of Technology (Fabrics) Ms Carol Reid Head of Te Reo Maori Ms Barabara Jones Food and Nutrition Department Mr John O’Brien Technology (Metal) Ms Sara Paris Head of Food and Nutrition Ms Christine Reymer Social Sciences Department Mr Daniel Shin Music Department Property Developments A number of building projects have proved a challenge for some teaching staff during this term but provide exciting future teaching opportunities. The old C Block hall has been converted into a black box theatre and toilets in C Block have been upgraded. All toilets for students in the school have now been upgraded and comply with the new building standards required by the Ministry of Education. The music block is currently being refurbished and a new performance room and practice rooms are being added on. This project will be complete at the start of term 2. The JL Gym is undergoing a refit and a reclad after suffering from leaky building syndrome and it will be back for our use at the start of term 2. The old gym has also been out of action this term due to a new floor being laid. The PE department have endured a tough 2 terms without their main teaching spaces and fortunately the weather has been fine with all PE classes being taught in the outdoors. The start of term 2 will see all these building projects complete and added facilities that will enhance our teaching environment. 4 Notifying of a student absence: Level 1 NCEA 80%, nationally 65.2% Literacy 90.9%, nationally 72.6% Numeracy 84.1%, nationally 72% Level 2 NCEA 71.9%, nationally 74.7% Level 3 NCEA 46.7%, nationally 65% University Entrance 40%, nationally 48.7% He Kakano We have continued our involvement in the He Kakano , a nationwide programme to raise Maori achievement. Mr Kelvin Whiting and Mr Lloyd Smith attended a national He Kakano Conference in Rotorua in term 1 with approximately 250 principals and teachers from throughout New Zealand. On May 16th – 17th, a He Kakano wananga will be held in Rotorua. The focus of this wanaga is on middle leadership in the school and Hillcrest will send a number of staff to attend. Kapahaka We are delighted with the number of students involved in regular kapahaka practice. Currently 17 boys and 12 girls attend kapahaka which is held weekly period 4 on Fridays. We look forward to our students performing publically in the near future. There are 3 ways to notify Hillcrest of a student absence. 1. Text 2. Email 3. Phone Health Clinic • Text hillcrest(space)[then your message] to 3255 Eg hillcrest John Smith 11AK sick today. We receive the text as an email and you will receive a text back acknowledging receipt. Note: normal text charge will apply. The health clinic has two school nurses who job share; they are here to see the students who are sick or injured at school. The clinic has a Dr who comes in on a Thursday morning from 9-12 to also see students who are unable to access a doctor outside of school hours. • Email • Phone 8570297, press 3 and record absence The clinic also has a physiotherapist who runs two clinics a week on Tuesday and Thursday from 1-3pm. He only sees students with ACC related injuries. We send out notifications every day as promptly as we can, for those students who are absent with no notification, so the earlier you can let us know the better. Important... E-mail address: Please ensure we have your correct email address. We have been, and will be, emailing account invoices and some school reports. Waka Ama We were pleased with the participation of a Girls U16 and Girls U19 crews at national waka ama championships at the Blue Lake, Rotorua. Thank you to Te Atatu Magner (coach/manager) who accompanied the team to Rotorua, along with staff members Ms Tauira Patterson and Mr Mathew Bryant . Thank you also to Ngaire Magner as coach and HOD Maori Ms Carol Reid for her assistance. The girls clearly had a great time and represented our school admirably. Hillcrest High school has a Health clinic for the use of students during school hours 9-3. Our school policy is to advise parents/ care givers of any major illness or injury that has happened at school, a head injury is considered serious and in this case the nurse will phone the Parent / care giver. We will not bother you for something we consider to be minor; however we expect that your child would advise you if they have been to see the school nurse. When students are unwell and need to go home the nurse will always contact a parent /caregiver to get permission for your child to go home. We want to provide a good service here at the health clinic, so if your child develops any medical conditions that we should be aware off, can you please let us know so we can keep the records up to date. If there are changes in contact details can the school please be updated as we often have incorrect phone numbers, making it extremely difficult to contact parents/ care givers. Sarah Wihongi, Louisa wihongi, Kenysha Kaukau, Jessica Pasens, Zarvana-Lee Cameron and Juanita Hapakuku Maori Student Council We are very keen on establishing a Maori Student Council. Ms Tauira Patterson and Mr Matthew Bryant will be discussing our thoughts and ideas with students to begin the formation of a council that will assist in strengthening the student voice in the school while also providing leadership skills and opportunities for our Maori students. If you have a child who has been vomiting within 24 hours of school or has an illness that is contagious, please keep them home as these bugs travel quickly. If students have on going medical conditions or who are sick for long periods of time we would expect that they are seen outside of school by the family GP. Wendy Prince - Registered Nurse Megan king - Registered Nurse Angela Fairweather - Doctor James Hemi – Physiotherapist National Race Unity Speech Naomi Kumar is the winner of the National Race Unity Speech competition 2013. The competition is sponsored by the New Zealand Police, Baha’i Community, the Human Rights Commission, and the Office of Ethnic Affairs. This years’ theme was entitled ‘My dream for Aotearoa’. Naomi was one of over 200 students who participated in the competition from across the country. 5 Great Barrier Senior Student Leaders Trip Behaviour Management A team of staff members reviewed our behaviour management system during last year and have derived a unique system that is being implemented during this year. The brief was to evaluate, reflect and create a system based on a school wide philosophy. The investigation unearthed a need to establish a clear set of principles which should form the basis of our behaviour management system and which have been identified by the staff and students. After lengthy input from all staff and all students, five clear values were identified which we now refer to as our core values. Last year our school houses were renamed after a process of ideas, consultation and refinement. A suggestion was made that the names of the house should be linked to our core values and it was quite uncanny to see exactly how well they fitted. After some research, each house is now also linked to a quote which gives further meaning to the core values and the famous people responsible for them. Together, the core values, famous New Zealanders as role models and the quotes, form the basic school philosophy which we wish our students will adopt. Posters of our core values and house names now appear in every classroom in the school. Hillcrest High School At the start of the term, the 14 senior leaders along with Mr Whiting, Mr Johl, our deans and some teachers went to Great Barrier Island. We departed from Leigh aboard the Lady Hillary for the 2 hour trip to Great Barrier. On the first night we settled into our cabins and began planning our journey that lay ahead for the next 3 days. The following morning after a good breakfast provided by the Orama community, we split into our groups. The next three days were spent by taking part in numerous challenging activities, some of these included, rock climbing, high ropes, sea kayaking, coasteer ing, snorkelling, sailing and fishing. Each member of our group was given a chance to lead an activity. We all learnt a lot about our leadership skills and felt that we left the island equipped ready for the year. The trip was a good chance to improve our relationships and bond with our teammates and teachers which was one of our goals for the camp. We really enjoyed this trip and we know that the lucky year tens will too. Amy Phillips and Marc Herrmann Te Kura Tuarua o Tihipuke The Year 10 Great Barrier Experience - 5 weeks We are excited to be once again, in term 2, to be delivering our 5 week Great Barrier Experience to 30 boys (5 May - 7 June), and 30 girls (9 June - 12 July). We would like to thank the Gallagher Group, OPC and the Bunn family for their very generous sponsorship support of some students. SCAT News - Jazz in the Quarry ICAS English Champion Senior Interschool Debating On 9th December 2102, Caitlin Mc Elligott was presented with her second ICAS medal for being top student in New Zealand. At a prestigious awards ceremony in the Auckland University School of Business Owen Glenn building, Caitlin joined medal winners from around the country who had scored the top mark in their ICAS subject for their year level. We have a number of Year 11-13 debaters who have now competed in two rounds of the Hamilton interschool competition. Our first team of Emily Scrimgeour, Calum Hughes and Olivia Maxwell have won one round as has the Year 11 girls team of Harriet Plant, Jessica Aw and Emma Row. Our Year 11 boys team- Eli Oliver, Khash Ghafouri and Shakti Krishnan are gaining valuable experience. We have a pool of interested Year 12 and Year 13 students who entered the first round of the competition and won. Caitlin was top equal Year 9 student in NZ for ICAS English in 2011 and followed this up last year for Year 10 when she was the sole recipient. Congratulations on a gold medal double! 6 On March 3rd HHS hosted a debating fixture against three teams from Kings College. Our first team (Emily, Calum and Olivia) won; Nathan Macleay and Naomi Kumar debated valiantly in an impromptu two man round and our junior team of Zara Olifent, Josh Wright and Eva Bonning battled competently against Year 11 Kings College students. Our first Scat concert for 2013 took place in the beautiful surrounds of the Waitakaruru Arboretum and Sculpture Park on a glorious autumn evening. Guests were able to enjoy the art installation on the short walk up to the picnic site and were then entertained by a varied programme including jazz and popular music. The 56 member Scat Choir, directed by Assistant Principal Mrs Radford, was in great voice and audience reaction included “A superb concert – the best yet!” and “Everything was impressive: the idea, the organising, the programme, the performance and the fat fish!” A special mention must go to soloists Phum Siritip, Amelia Hayes, Miriam May, Josh Nachowitz, Patrick Ward and Alexia Medland. Former Scat members Sarah Radford, Sophie Allen Nairn and Kahu Coyle-Puke also performed at the concert along with Albert Bannister and Ezra Donnelly. “Jazz in the Quarry” was a successful fundraiser for the Scat tour to Fiji planned for September. Thank you to Mrs Radford, Mr Cook, Mr Shin and Mr Ellery for their organization and enthusiasm, to Dorothy and John Wakeling for the use of their stunning venue and to all the school families and friends who supported our Scat concert. 7 Hillcrest Student attends Science Summer School Last year Claire Wang attended the Hill Laboratories Waikato Science Summer School, held at Waikato University. The week-long action-packed Summer School ran from 2-7 December at the University of Waikato, and gave 40 talented Year 12 students from around the central North Island the chance to get a taste for what it can be like to study science and engineering at a tertiary level. Interactive, hands-on field and lab work were the highlights for students attending. Claire Wang - 3rd from left Language Department Drama News New Zealand Association of Language Teachers Certificate of Excellence The following students are awarded this Certificate of Excellence for their achievement in their respective languages. Congratulations to our Arts Captains for 2013, Sarah King and Vincent Owen! These two students have consistently demonstrated a strong interest and involvement in The Arts and will work with the Art’s Coordinator, Heads of Department (Music, Drama and Art) and our new Arts Council in developing and promoting Arts-related activities and events to the wider school. To be eligible for this award, students need to gain 14 or more credits at Excellence level, and at least 3 credits at Excellence from externally and 3 credits at Excellence from internally assessed standards at NCEA Levels 1 and 2 (The same requirements as NZQA’s Course Endorsement at Excellence level). In 2012, gaining three excellences was the criteria at Level 3. French Japenese Spanish Sebastian Featherstone Holly Deng Phoebe Bardoul Ellen Garrity Jing Huang Kirshni Bhula Olivia Maxwell Leina Tucker-Masters Richard Hart Laura Melchert Naomi Kumar Tracy Liang Leina Tucker-Masters Prim Sadindum Grace Buckland Sophie Weren Alexander Arai-Swale Ania Roznawska Jessica Yang Haruka Kunishige Su-Ann Yee Chris Lin Emily Duke Darren Saw Jean-Philippe Jennings Aa-Young Shim Sophie Allen Nairn Rotary National Science and Technology Forum From the 12th to the 26th of January, 160 students from across the country travelled to Auckland to take part in the Rotary National Science and Technology forum, or ‘Geek Camp’. Topics we encountered included, but were not limited to: microbiology, psychology, biomedical science, biomedical engineering, biological sciences, robotics, geology and molecular biology. Robotics in particular was fascinating as we were able to program our own robots to ‘feel’ their way around an obstacle course - a personal favourite. I previously saw the forum as a way to decide what to study at university, but it was evident after the first day of lectures that this was certainly not the case - every new subject had me raving about career prospects in that field! To all year 12s who enjoy science, this forum is an opportunity not to miss. A huge thank you to Peter Best (the forum director) and Rotary for making the forum happen! Left - Emily Duke 8 • Junior Theatresports is already underway this term. The junior team has been selected and have played their first game. Congratulations to Zara Olifent, Eva Bonning, Georgia Strang, Kate Bizo, Sarah Endres and Sarah Lewis. Thank you to all the students who tried out we would still love to see people join in for lunchtime social games on Fridays, led by senior students, Ms Cash and Ms Terry. • Senior Theatresports Congratulations to the two senior teams who consist of Vincent Owen, Taylor Joynes, Richard Hart, Joseph Simblett, Giles Lusty, Michael Hockey, Calum Hughes, Lauren Paddy, Jacob Hall and Tycho Smith. • Our Theatresports Cheer Squad will also be going along to the games to support our teams. If you are interested in seeing some excellent improvisation and love to cheer on your peers please listen to the notices. • Junior Shakespeare Club Ms Pamment will be calling for any junior students interested in acting out short scenes from Shakespeare’s plays. This has been a popular club, and students have the opportunity to take part in an evening performance next term and the Waikato junior Festival in Term 4. • Senior Shakespeare Club Students will be selecting their scenes for the studentdirected section of the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival in the next few weeks. New students are welcome to join. See Ms Pamment in drama room B4 and listens to notices for meetings. Students are currently working on the upcoming Shakespeare Production – Merchant of Venice. Lily Empson Hannah Maxwell Awhina Milne Asena Pouli Zuleka Bliss Good luck to two of our HHS students, Summer Maisey and Awhina Milne, who are continuing their French learning by studying in France for a year. Bonne chance! In addition to this delightful news of our language students, two of our former students of Japanese made their scholarship trip to Japan from the University of Waikato with the programme called Kizuna Project. They stayed in the tsunami affected areas and worked with the people there. They also presented their reports at the university to the public. The detailed story was in Waikato Times http://www. New Zealanders and especially the Hillcrest High School Community have a well-established culture of volunteering to assist with the administration of schools sport. We hope this approach will stay with us forever. 8 Cymbeline (Shakespeare Production): Our outstanding production of Cymbeline went very well after a few initial hitches. We performed in the new Te Kore Black Box Theatre which was an exciting new experience. Nerissa Bhula Volunteers Emily Duke • A few areas where we are seeking volunteers for 2013 include coaching, umpiring, refereeing, time-keeping, keeping stats, mentors, entering data on-line, and serving on various HHS sports club committees (or taking on a small task if you are unable to attend meetings). PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TO BE ASKED – VOLUNTEER – THE REWARDS ARE IMMENCE. Theatre trips this year include • Senior Drama Trip- Auckland Theatre Company- The Glass Menagerie- Tuesday 14 May (Term 2) • National Shakespeare Festival- Wellington- Thursday 30 May- Monday 3 May (Term 2) • Senior Drama Trip- Auckland Theatre Company- Anne Boleyn- Tuesday 18 June (Term 2) • Senior Drama Trip- Auckland Theatre Company- Lord of the Flies- Tuesday 10 Sept (Term 3) The ATC always provide polished and entertaining performances which the student’s enjoy and can be used for preparation for their external standards. We also have the Ugly Shakespeare Company visiting us again this year with their witty interpretation of the Bard Junior Drama- Ugly Shakespeare Company Visit- Monday 13 May (Term 2) Please check out our Arts Calendar for more upcoming eventsAny queries: Please ring the Drama dept. 8570297 Ext 864. Mrs Shiro Binks (HOD), Ms Merran Cash, Ms Elizabeth Pamment, Miss Claire Brougham, Miss Margie Spiller. 9 International Department Welcome back to our returning students and welcome to our new students settling into their studies at Hillcrest High School. We welcome students from Thailand, China, Korea, Chile, Vietnam, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Macau, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives & Taiwan. Pasifika News Our 2013 Cultural Captains, Elyse Phee and Phum Siritip, have exciting plans for this year. Plans are also underway for the International Concert, to be held on 24th May 2013, Week 3 of Term 2. Auditions will be held on 10th April and some groups are practicing already. As usual, we expect a sold out, spectacular show. International Camp Our International Camp, for all International Students and senior ESOL students, will be on the 18th & 19th April 2013, the last two days of Term One. We will stay in Papamoa, a small beach town in the Bay of Plenty. This annual camp is a time for International Students to make friends, learn more about the school community and see more of New Zealand in the company of the International and ESOL Departments. New International Student Shiori with her host mother & sister BBQ at Rukuhia New students and Homestay families had a lovely summer afternoon BBQ at my home. It was a pleasant afternoon in a rural area, complete with very friendly calves. Academic results: Great NCEA results for 2012, with all International students passing NCEA Level 1, 8/11 gaining Level 2 and 9/11 gaining Level 3 and University Entrance. 3 students gained Excellence Endorsement at L2 and 3 gained Merit endorsement at L3. Camp Mt Pirongia Forest Park Lodge was the location for the first ‘ever’ Pasifika students’ Camp. Eighteen Year 12 and Year 13 students went up to the Lodge on Monday morning to develop leadership capacity and to learn how to lead various outdoor activities such as Archery, Abseiling and Problem Solving. There were also opportunities to look at team building and developing a sound team approach to the group as a whole. A swim in the Mangakara River completed the outdoor activities… very refreshing ! On the second day a further 20 Year 9,10 and 11 students arrived at the site and, assisted by two instructors from the Lodge, the Senior leaders showed how to safely and successfully be part of the activities they themselves had trialled. A swim in the Koniwhaniwha Stream completed the days programme. The group returned to school on Wednesday having really appreciated the opportunity to bond as a group and to have some new experiences. Special thanks to Kate ,Dean and Paula at the Lodge and to Ms Dansiezen, Miss Wairepo, Miss Liz Selby, Miss Reymer, Mr Achary, Mr Pyne, and Mrs Radford. Also a huge thanks to all those who participated in the Harlem Shuffle rather late at night and who were so enthusiastic in their consumption of all food on offer (especially Lotima). Thanks to all of the parents who came to visit and thanks to the Lions, FIANZE, American Embassy and all of our sponsors who enabled us to keep our costs down for individual students. In the evening a number of parents came up to share in the evening meal and to hear the guest speaker ‘The MADD Messenger’ who spoke about the need to retain your own individuality and uniqueness. Congratulations to Kyohei Yamaji from Japan, representing HHS in the Waikato regional Athletics day. Leina Tucker-Masters, Olive Wilson, Ini Narara, Mere Puamau, Shurnir Tila Tupou Tila Inu Pouli, Kalina Filitonga, Mili Narara Erica feeding the calves Hillcrest’s Miss Teen NZ Kyohei Yamaji in the lead at Athletics Day Orientation Day, held in the International Centre, introduced many key school staff members to new students. Our Principal Mr Whiting, the school nurse, ESOL & International staff, the Head Boy & Girl, Sports Director, Cultural Captains and our Head of Music all spoke and answered questions. Many new friendships were formed and fun was had by all. On Saturday 16 March in Auckland, Hillcrest’s Yr 12, Hannah Moulden, won the Miss Teen NZ Beauty Pageant. Hannah was crowned Miss Teen Hamilton back in September and won entry to this national pageant. Competing against 21 girls from around the country Hannah was judged on her interview, daywear, swimwear, eveningwear, national costume, photogenic and charity fundraising, winning the Miss Swimwear section outright. To prepare for the pageant Hannah trained to get into shape, learnt her speeches and organised her wardrobe for the big night. Part of this involved a group dance routine, while singing the national anthem in her NZ costume, which she designed herself. Kiana with Head Boy Marc Herrmann and Head Girl Amy Phillips 10 Her next step is to represent New Zealand in the Miss Teen World 2013 being held in Houston, Texas this June. We wish you all the very best of luck Hannah. Emma Baker, Samson Lasike Harry Wilkinson Scholarships This year we will be offering scholarships from the Pasifika Dept for students who play in sports teams and who are focussed on their work at school as well and who show leadership and positively participate in Pasifika activities. These grants will subsidise fees. If students wish to be ‘flagged’ as possible candidates for scholarships please see either Mrs P the Sports Co-ordinator or Mrs Radford. Congratulations to all Pasifika students who achieved excellent results in NCEA 2012 • Level 1 100 % of students passed and all of those eligible achieved their Literacy and Numeracy credits. • Level 2 50 % passed and at Level 3 75 % passed. Our school target goal is for all Pasifika students to leave Hillcrest High School at year 13 with at least Level Two so we are well on the way to achieving this goal. Harry Wilkinson, Ms Liz Selby & Mrs Fran Wairepo 11 Tourism Trip Trips to Tauwhare Marae In week 9 this term 44 excited Year 12 Tourism students arrived in Rotorua to investigate why New Zealand is such a popular tourist destination and what we have to offer our visitors. Term 1 will see all twelve Year 9 classes spending two days and a night at Tauwhare Marae, Ngāti Hauā iwi. Each panel has a story created by the students and when all 12 panels are complete we will be finding somewhere in the school to put them on permanent display. The second day starts with food preparation for the evening meal that whanau/families attend. This includes peeling a lot of vegetables, preparing Ngāti Hauā is the second largest iwi within the Waikato-Taine rohe, whose geographical boundaries extend from Matamata, Waharoa, Morrinsville, across to Cambridge, Tauwhare, Tamahere and parts of Hamilton on the eastern side of the Waikato River including Hillcrest. In the late 1800’s it was frequently used by Māori Chiefs throughout NZ who would stop at this marae as they made their way to ‘Te Kauwhanganui’, the 1st Maori Parliament, which was established by King Tawhiao. During that time the iwi referred to the marae as ‘Te Taunga mai o nga iwi’, the gathering place for all Māori. During the meat as well as making rewena bread and stuffing from scratch. With a focus on work roles in the tourism industry all the destinations we visited gave us a very imformative presentation about their role within the industry and the options available to students hoping to begin a career in Tourism. The highlight for most was the OGO when students (in groups Leah McCarthy, Jessica Broadhurst, Dan Li, Lulu Yao, Bow Trongjitraksa of 2 or 3) rolled down a hill in a ball filled with water, everyone Montana Campbell emerged soaked and giggling! All the students were aghast during our tour of the Novotel when were taken on a tour of the Royal Suite, they all began to work out how they can raise $2500 to spend a night there! Overall it was a brisk but valuable trip which our students the chance to not only experience tourism in New Zealand but to also gain some ‘behind the scenes’ knowledge. Ms Jodie Terry HOD Tourism Geography Trip As year 13 geography students we recently went to Waihi beach, accompanied by Mr Khan and Miss Patterson, to collect information and data about coastal processes for our upcoming internal and external at the end of the year. Mr Khan Mr Khan’s board The trip was amazing and filled with great memories and hilarity as the highlight was watching Mr Khan fall face first off a skim board and into the water fully clothed. We were lucky to have great weather throughout the trip, which meant that walking along the beach, and collecting our data was pleasurable for everyone and we were able to see for ourselves all of the coastal processes at work. By having these trips in the first term it is a great opportunity for form classes and their teachers to get to know each other outside the classroom. This helps to establish positive relationships right at the start of the school year. Year 10 Camps Biology Trip The 2013 year 10 camp programme has kicked off with stunning weather and a hugely enthusiastic group of staff and students. Based at Ngatuhoa Lodge in the Kaimai ranges the students have been hiking, abseiling, swimming, rafting, kayaking, breadmaking in Dutch ovens,riding flying fox, conquering commando courses together with a multitude of other exciting team building activities. Year 13 Biology students travelled to the Thames estuary on Tuesday 5th March for the annual Mangrove field trip. Students mapped the mangrove community, waded through the mud and began their experiments for the Level 3 Achievement Standard. A great day was had by all. Jack Prestidge-King, Tessa Mayall Jai Reddy, Bill Chai, Justin Wong time of Prime Minister Richard Seddon, Te iti o Hauā Marae was used for meetings between Māori and the Government. And during the early 1900’s a large rose and flower garden was established on the marae which became a well-known tourist attraction. Ngāti Hauā are also known as the Kingmakers. They have the responsibility of crowning each Māori King/Queen. At the time of writing this article, four classes have already been on the first two trips. Each trip is attended by approximately 45 year nine students, 15 student leaders, 8 school staff, members of the Tauwhare community and over 60 family members. There is a lot packed into the two days starting with a Powhiri (traditional welcome) on to the marae. This is usually followed by a kaumatua sharing some local history with the students. A range of Māori cultural activities occur over the two days including poi for girls, all students learning the school haka, making koauau (clay instruments), harakeke (flax) and kowhaiwhai. Thomas Hockey, Marc Herrmann, Cathy Zheng, Nick Bell, David Wang OE Kayak Trip Despite the dry conditions this summer the Hillcrest High year 12 outdoor education class enjoyed three days white water kayaking on the Mohaka river and found there was enough water to have a fantastic time in the rapids. This class is now gearing up for their first ever scuba diving experience. 12 Many of our year 12 and senior Māori students are also involved in these trips. They play a big leadership role on the trips by running many of the activities, encouraging student participation and supporting school staff. This gives senior students a chance to develop their leadership skills and it also helps to strengthen relationships between the junior and senior students in the school. Josh Tong This year each form class is completing a 180cm x 30cm panel painted with kowhaiwhai patterns. Students were guided by our awesome year 13 camp leaders, who have undertaken training and given up study time to support the younger students. Feedback from the students has been hugely positive and it has been very satisfying to be greeted by a tired but excited group of students at the end of each of the three camp cycles currently completed. I look forward to May when we have two more camp cycles to complete. A big thankyou to Mr Chibnal who has been instrumental in the coordination of camps this year. H. Uivel HOD Outdoor Education. 13 Sport PAC Department The P.A.C. began 2013 with six returning students and two new students, Jazz Simpson in Year 13 and Kamaile Rimaha in Year 9. Both girls have settled in very well and they are enjoying being part of Hillcrest High School. This year our immediate environment has been enhanced yet again with the installation of a heat pump/air con. unit in our Common Room. This is very much appreciated, especially during the intense summer we have had and the on-going warm autumn. Notable happenings in the P.A.C. so far this year include a Games Day here at Hillcrest High School, as an alternative to the school Athletic Sports at Porritt Stadium. Our day included indoor and outdoor games which were enjoyed by the students, as was the special lunch. Athletics Results Jazz Simpson, Jayden Lindsey, Austin Taylor, Kamaile Rimaha Recently the Taylor family (including Hamish, Year 12 and Austin, Year 10) have been involved in the promotion of Muscular Dystrophy Awareness. In addition Mr. Steve Taylor has prepared a funding application for six E-Readers for the use of P.A.C. students. We would like to formally acknowledge our appreciation of this. Hamish Taylor, Sue Cooper (staff), Murray Burton (staff), Oli Posa To conclude, we acknowledge the hard work and success of the students, the dedication of all staff who work with them and the wonderful support of parents. Melysa Cook, Kamaile Rimaha, Hamish Taylor Relay for Life Team This year a group of 11, Hillcrest High year 13 students took part in the 10th anniversary of The Cancer Society, Relay for Life. Our journey began in December when we got permission from the school to place a team in an event for such a great cause. The Relay meant we would walk 22 hours rotating shifts between all members of the team. Starting a 2pm on Saturday the 9th of march we walked all night long till mid-day on Sunday , walking a total of 204 laps as a team, as well as some members pushing themselves to run their roster slots. By the end of the event the group had bonded amazingly and felt a sense of achievement as we had collected $1601.90 together to contribute to the events final total of $280,000 which continues to still rise. We all found the experience fantastic and we’re all willing to take part again. However, we really hope a Hillcrest High team is created for a second year by next year’s senior students, so the school can continue to be a part of this outstanding community event for such a worthy cause. 14 Junior Girls: 100m Jade Henley-Smith1st 200m Jade Henley-Smith 2nd 4x100m relay Jessica Pasene, Jane Chow, Maia-Rose Williams, and Jade Henley-Smith 1st Junior Boys: 80m Hurdles 80m Hurdles Marlon George Teina Joseph 2nd 3rd Intermediate Boys: Triple jump Natch Sadindum 2nd Senior Boys: 110m Hurdles 300m Hurdles Shotput 3000m 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Tom Hockey Tom Hockey Jono Cook Richard Hart Hillcrest Athletics Championships At some stage during this year two P.A.C. students, Jayden Lindsey and Oli Posa, will be undergoing major surgery which will produce very positive outcomes for them. We wish them the very best during their time at Starship Hospital and during their subsequent recovery. We look forward to their being up and running again, and back at school. Elaine Fredericks (H.O.D.) Robyn Ninnes (Teacher) Central Zone Athletics Held at Tauranga Domain Saturday 16th March 2013 Junior Girls: 100m Jade Henley-Smith 2nd 200m Jade Henley-Smith 2nd 4x100m Relay Jessica Pasene, Jane Chow, Maia-Rose Williams and Jade Henley-Smith1st In mid-March Kamaile Rimaha attended the Kelston School for the Deaf Games Day at Kelston in Auckland. Congratulations to Kamaile on gaining first place in the Year 9 and 10 (combined) shot-put event. During the up-coming term holidays Oli Posa (Year 12) will be participating in the Independence Games in Timaru. These games are run by Parafed N.Z. in association with Sport Waikato. Oli has entered for a number of Track And Field events and we wish him the very best for participation and success. Oli is also involved in wheelchair basketball. He is a member of the Waikato Representative Team, and is looking forward his new wheelchair which will further facilitate his performance. Waikato BOP Championships Junior Boys: 31 1 Marlon George 2 Cameron Harcourt 21 3 Logan Vugler 14 4 Liam Du Plooy 10 Intermediate Boys: 1 Liam Newman 26 2 Natch Sadindum 18 3= 17 Cameron Mc Robie Shalom Peacock 3= 17 Senior Boys: 1 Jono Cook 26 2 Richard Hart 25 3 Thomas Hockey 22 4 Duncan Lang 21 Junior Girls: 1 Jade Henley-Smith 28 2 Jessica Pasene 24 3 Ella Young 17 4= Matilda Plant 14 4= Emmerson Houghton14 Intermediate Girls: 1 Tayla Christensen 33 2 Kristina Emson 22 21 3 Nicole Emslie 4 Shani Oed 19 Senior Girls: 1 Libby Phillips 2 Hannah Torrance 3 Emma Baker 4 Libby Bird 29 28 23 19 Junior Boys: 80m Hurdles 80m Hurdles Teina Joseph Marlon George 2nd 3rd Intermediate Girls: High Jump Tayla Christensen Shotput Kristina Emson 2nd 3rd Intermediate Boys: 800m Liam Newman 1500m Liam Newman Triple Jump Natch Sadindum 3rd 3rd 2nd Senior Girls: 800m 3000m Discus Javelin Libby Libby Libby Libby Bird Bird Phillips Phillips 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st Senior Boys: Shotput 3000m 110m Hurdles 300m hurdles Jono Cook Richard Hart Tom Hockey Tom Hockey 1st 3rd 3rd 3rd Hillcrest Swimming Championships Junior Boys: 1 Daniel Eyeington 53 49 2 Lachlan Sheriff 22 3 Hugo Molloy Intermediate Boys: 1 Sasha Wallbank 91 2 Jay Orman 64 3 Alex Wang 55 Senior Boys: 1 Marc Herrmann 91 2 Richard Hart 34 3 Thomas Hockey 34 Junior Girls: 1 Emmerson Houghton 95 2 Emma De Jong 51 3 Ella Groufsky 41 Intermediate Girls: 1. BraidyLidington 87 2= Jemma Mackay 77 2= Pieta Willoughby 77 Senior Girls: 1. Amy Phillips 95 2. Kelsi Mackay 85 3. Emma Baker 43 15 Cricket Football Equestrian The first XI Girls cricket team enjoyed a fantastic start to 2013. They won all of their games in the local Secondary Schools Competition. The highlight was the winning performance against Dio in their final game. All of the girls have improved enormously since the beginning of the year and plan to continue to work hard with the goal of qualifying for the national tournament in the future. Mr S Andrews (First IX Coach) Our Girls 1st XI Football team played a pre-season friendly match against the highly ranked New Plymouth Girls High 1st XI on Sunday 10th March. Both teams made the most of a fast-paced game with the final result a 1-1 draw. The Hillcrest team are pleased and will be looking forward to a great season ahead. Mr M Bryant Jay Phillips competed on one horse and two ponies. Jay and his pony “Guess Once More”did very well coming 4th in the Pony of the Year (1.35m) and 1st in the 1.25m class. From left to right: Courtney Curry, Sarah Sprout, Kaila Rys, Eden Healey, Greer Jackways, Maddi Potter-Scott, Samantha Nation, Anya Bliss Cycling Tom Medland,Victoria Ware and Joshua Murphy competed well at the WBOP Secondary Schools Team Triathlon event to win a silver medal. While Briar Keith placed 1st in the U15 individual time trial at the WBOP Cycling Club Champs. Back Row: 2nd Row: Front Row: Melissa Pfeffer, Jel Kallahar, Tayla Crawford, Braidy Lidington, Victoria Scott, Eden Marsters Claudia Hurford, Eden Healey, Kaila Rys, Samantha Nation, Emma Baker Nikita Chand, Alisha Corles, Emily Hanrahan, Tayla Christensen Volleyball - Term 1 2013 It has been a very busy term with approximately 50 students competing in a variety of competitions. The beach season ended early in the term with the indoor season quickly getting underway. We had 1 boys and 3 girls teams compete in the Waikato Secondary Schools competition as well as 1 beach and 2 indoor teams playing in social competitions run by Waikato Volleyball Association. Beach Junior Beach Volleyball pair Xanthe Garahy and Kristina Emson placed 5th at the recent NZ School Beach Volleyball Champs in Mount Maunganui. This was a fantastic result with the junior girls entries at an all-time high of 44 teams and also more than any other age group. The girls were unfortunate to come up against the eventual winners in the quarter final. Both girls are new to the sport this season so this was an awesome achievement for them. Motocross Tyler Cushion had some great results at Hauraki Plains Motocross. She earned 2 x 1sts and a 2nd to be placed 1st overall.Tyler was also awarded the “WOW FACTOR TROPHY”. Brother Brook Cushion was twice placed 2nd and 1 x 3rd. With 3 other riders competing, Hillcrest was placed 11th out of 22 schools. 16 Indoor Tayla Christensen, Kristina and Xanthe were selected in the Youth Girls Talented players. Rowing Results NISS Championships Held at Lake Karapiro from 8th – 10th March 3 X Golds, 1 X Silver and 1 X Bronze medals Hillcrest entered eight crews into this three day competition. The crews all performed exceptionally well to reach the A finals in all of their events. Cameron McRobie in the U16 single rowed a very strong race to place 3rd and win Bronze. The Girls U17 four and quad of Ella Manson, Bayly Harris, Sara Law, Loveday Yeoman and coxswains Claire Wang (four) and Madison Marchioni (quad) placed 6th in the four and were unlucky not to hold out for third in the quad, finishing 4th by less than a second. Second place and the Silver medal went to Hillcrest’s Novice Girls coxed four of Sascha Arai-Swale, Paige Hallam, Eva Rossiter, Jasmine Oliver and coxswain Madison Marchioni, after a fast paced race looking to chase down a strong Waikato Diocesan novice girls crew. Eva Rossiter and Jasmine Oliver went on to place 7th in the Novice girls double. The Girls U15 quad sculls and U15 coxed four, crew, of Madison Wright, Paige Hallam, Zoe Smith, Sascha Arai-Swale with coxswain Madison Marchioni (quad) and Shania Brooks (four) continued their dominant performances leading into this regatta by winning Gold in both finals by 17 seconds and 14 seconds respectively. Once again, an unbeaten record for these crews. In the Girls U15 double, Madison Wright and Zoe Smith backed up their two Golds earlier, by winning a third Gold medal in the U15 Girls double. There were 85 schools and 1,821 competitors at the NISSC. Overall, Hillcrest placed 8th in the Derbyshire Shield for all competing North Island schools. Hillcrest High School Rowing has had wonderful parent support throughout the season, thank you to all those involved. Lacrosse Siobhan Quintal and Nicola Aldridge have been named in the U19 New Zealand team that is off to Perth in April to compete in the Australian U19 National Champs. These girls have been joined by Samantha Quintal in the Waikato Women’s team. 17 Rowing Senior Student Leaders 2013 MAADI Cup Regatta 2013 Held at Lake Karapiro from 18th – 23rd March 2 X Golds, 1 X Silver and 1 X Bronze medals Maadi week officially opened on Sunday with a parade of schools through the main street of Cambridge ending at Victoria Square. Hillcrest High School won the School Banner competition judged by Hamish Bond and he presented a NZ Rowing prize pack to our team. Hillcrest High School entered eleven events and reached six “A finals”, two “B finals” and three “C finals”. There were 120 schools and 2,025 competitors at Maadi. Nationally, against all competing schools, Hillcrest High School placed 8th in the Star Trophy for overall points, 6th in the Executive Trophy for sweep oars and 10th in the Presidents Sculls for sculling oars. Throughout the week of heats, repechages, quarter finals and semi finals, Hillcrest Crews competed in 30 races before the finals days. Many of our rowers had endured through all weather conditions during this time and had multiple races every day. Coach, Aimee Pink had a very busy week with races on every day. Her time spent with every crew before and after each race and her ability to get the best out of her rowers is evident in these successful results. The Girls U15 quad sculls quarter finals, after having been raced, were subject to a protest by an opposing school regarding the weather. This was upheld by the committee and the crews were forced to re- race their event again later the same evening. The Hillcrest crew didn’t waiver and finished first in their QF race, again. The senior girls U17 quad and four including Ella Manson, Bayly Harris, Sara Law, Loveday Yeoman and coxswains Claire Wang (four) and Madison Marchioni (quad) got into their work with a hard fought 3rd place in the four and later in the morning placing 5th in the “A final” of the quad. On Thursday, Bayly and Loveday also went on to finish a strong 2nd in the “C final” of the double and Sara, 3rd in the “C final” of the single. Cameron McRobie waited the longest for his final. He went on to finish a very creditable 6th in his favoured U16 singles “A final” against some very strong competitors. He also finished 4th in the U17 single in the “C final” on Thursday. It is often overlooked how important the senior rowers are in assisting the younger and less experienced rowers to develop and become champions. Through their time at trainings, camps, mentoring and leadership, this year’s senior Hillcrest rowers have supported the future of the club very well. Back Row: Thomas Hockey, Duncan Lang, Phum Siritip, Vincent Owen, Ramona Oliver Middle Row: Liza Tykhonova, Divya Sharma, Sarah King, Alexis Walsh, Naomi Kumar Front Row: Elyse Phee, Amy Phillips (Head Girl), Marc Herrmann (Head Boy) House Captains Friday and Saturday were finals day. All Hillcrest crews had made it through and the weather and lake conditions were very good. Mr. Whiting, Mr Johl and Mrs Priscott were also at the lake on Friday to cheer on our rowers. The Girls U15 quad sculls of Madison Wright, Paige Hallam, Zoe Smith, Sascha Arai-Swale with coxswain Madison Marchioni, rowed an amazing close final to win Gold and the Avonside/ Macleans Cup. The same crew with Shania Brooks as coxswain went on to win the U15 Girls coxed four in a powerful performance from the half way stage of the race, winning their second Gold and the Waikato Diocesan School for Girls Cup by 6 seconds. Hillcrest’s Girls U15 four and quad have remained unbeaten in over 18 races over the last three regattas. Back Row: Elliott Cooper Cody McIvor Front Row: Grace Buckland Tayla Crawford Jonathan Tobias Libby Phillips Dominic Wilshier Siobhan Quintal Satoshi Filitonga Helena McHugh Madison Wright and Zoe Smith were in action again on Saturday morning winning Bronze in their U15 Girls Double. Our novice rowers were in action on both finals days with Eva Rossiter and Jasmine Oliver placing 2nd in the “B final” of the novice girls double on Friday. This is a very good top 10 finish. On Saturday, the Novice Girls coxed four of Sascha Arai-Swale, Paige Hallam, Eva Rossiter, Jasmine Oliver and coxswain Madison Marchioni put in an excellent effort to take out the Silver medal (presented by Eric Murray). The girls kept pace with the competition early on and eventually pulled ahead enough to take out second place behind a very strong Waikato Diocesan novice crew. The same result as at the NISS. 18 Hillcrest High School would like to thank Fuji Xerox for assistance with the production of this newsletter 19