Connecticut Yankees - fairfield yankees rfc


Connecticut Yankees - fairfield yankees rfc
Connecticut Yankees
Volume 1, Issue 11
November 16th, 2012
Rucks & Mauls
“It’s gonna be massive footy, mate.”
Yankees AGM
In this issue of
Rucks & Mauls
On Thursday November 8th, the Yankees hosted the AGM at our new friend, and
sponsor establishment, East Side Café (try the veal, it’s delicious).
 AGM Recap
Upon announcing that he is preggers, El Presidente, Giles Haysom, indicated
that he will be abdicating his seat. Rucks&Mauls would like to send a big
congratulations to Giles and Jenny...he’s gonna be a rugby player, he is, he
After some hotly contested and slanderous campaigns the following slate of
officers was elected for 2013:
President - Tom Campbell
Vice President - Michael Pappa
Treasurer - Pat Toole
Business Development - John Tublin
Match Secretary - Michael Tone
Recruitment Chair - Matt Slattery
Social Triumvirate - Eric Johnson, Kyle Schlatter, Michael Weiss
Legends Chair - Pablo Colon
Chairman - Randy Heller
Tour Chairperson - Melissa Clark
 Off-Season Weights
with Michael Pappa
 Scavenger Hunt
 Captain Planet
 Yankees Social
 Legend’s Corner
 A Thanks to our
A huge thank you to all of those officers who served in 2012, and also to those who, in addition to the above,
have agreed to step up and take the lead on the subcommittees. Like the game itself, the success of this
club will be determined by the collective efforts of its members.
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Rucks & Mauls
Off-Season Training
Gentleman, the off-season is upon us. Cold, dark days
mean hard training in the gym. Whatever you do, work
hard and rest hard. The purpose of training is to incite a
recovery stimulus in your body - in other words, you only
grow when you rest. Make sure that in addition to training
you're eating healthy and sleeping plenty. This will take
your results in the gym over the top.
If you've been following the yahoo group, I've suggested
two programs to form the basis of your training. The first
is from Joe DeFranco, a professional coach who has coached athletes ranging from high schoolers
who are 120 lbs soaking wet to professional athletes - this program works. The second is a classic
strength and size program from Bill Starr that has you work in the gym 3 days per week
conditioning and running can be done on the off-days.
The Joe DeFranco program can be found here in PDF form:
The program allows you to chose which exercises you do based on movement patterns, allowing for
variability and some sense of control over your training. Also, don't forget the assistance work. These
exercises after the main movement are very important for keeping you healthy and packing on good
size. Notice also the dynamic lower body day - jumps are kept to under 3 reps. This is purposeful
because dynamic training is not meant to fatigue your muscular or cardiovascular systems but train
your central nervous system. You shouldn't be breathing heavy from these or feel intense soreness.
There are also suggestions for adding in speed training.
The second program is from Bill Starr:
Note that it has you squatting 3x per week - this is good for
rugby players and strength athletes but can be difficult for
someone used to having one dedicated leg day per week and
three "bicep/tricep" days. If you're new to squatting this much,
make sure your form is correct, and start with lighter weights.
If you need help with squatting form, you can talk to me, a
personal trainer, or look up "Goblet Squats" by Dan John on
youtube. It's a great, quick, and easy way to start squatting
Be sure to stay mobile and flexible, and keep foam rolling!
It'll do you wonders.
I and the other team leaders are looking to have some regular
opportunities to play touch rugby and we may do a midoff season fitness or strength test so stay tuned. The Social
Triumvirate is also hard at work planning fun events.
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Connecticut Yankees
Rucks & Mauls
Pat Toole
Yankee Since: 2012
Nickname: Captain Planet
Position: Outside Center
Why Toole? While still a rookie, his athletic ability and commitment has already earned him a spot
among the starting XV. Additionally, his dedication to the club has seen him the newly appointed
treasurer. He is part of a foundation that will help make this team successful again.
Favorite Memory As A Yankee: “My favorite memory as a Yankee is scoring a try against
Danbury to tie the game on my old high school field.”
What Other Sports Did You Play?: “I played football, baseball, basketball, and gymnastics, but I
was bad at all of them. I wrestled my freshman year of a high school, and our captain told me to join
the rugby team, so I did my junior year.”
Interesting Facts About Toole: “I like to read books, mostly about sports and television. I ran a
half marathon in an hour and a half. I eat Special K with Red Berry every morning for breakfast. I
am kind of a big Notre Dame football fan, oh wait you already knew that.”
Who Is Your Favorite Teammate To Go Slumming With? “I have to pick Matt “Twinkle Toes”
Gavigan because he seems to make worse decisions then I do, which is just amazing.”
When Did The Obsession With Taking Your Shirt Off At Parties First Start? “It started my
freshman year of college. I was at a party when a bunch of the guys were shirtless on the front porch
doing bicep curls. I also took my shirt off before passing out on a chair, but for some reason I was the
only one who continued to do it at parties. It kind of became my thing to the point that parties
weren’t considered good, until I took my shirt off.”
Favorite Quotes:
“It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.” - Mark Twain.
“The power is yours.” - Captain Planet
With Thanksgiving Next Week, What Are You Thankful For? “I’m thankful for God, my family,
my job, not having a girlfriend, and that I get to play the best the game on Earth with the best group
of guys I could ever hope for.”
Any Final Words Of Advice? “Keep you friends close, your enemies closer, and your girlfriends in
different time zones.”
Want to nominate a Yankee of the Month, or have a question you would like to ask of your favorite teammates? Let the editors at Rucks & Mauls know.
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Connecticut Yankees
Rucks & Mauls
Fall 15’s Results
The Fall season is well underway. So far the Yankees have faced some tight competition against
Lansdowne, and a solid Danbury team. The Yankees are looking to capitalize on their remaining
home games to draw out their loyal fans and bring in a few wins.
Every Tuesday/Thursday - Practice @ Andrews Field, 7:00pm
Man of the Match
Montreal Irish
Lansdowne RFC (NY)
Loss 27-25
Rory; Matt G.
Danbury RFC (CT)
Loss 38-19
Doug; Kyle S.
Rockaway RFC (NY)
Loss 34-26
Danbury RFC (CT)
Loss 38-12
Toole; Tone
Lansdowne RFC (NY)
Loss 31-6
Union RFC (NJ)
Loss 60-14
Mario; Matt G.
Rochester RFC (NY)
Loss 95-5
Social Schedule and Community Development
The Yankees are all about rugby, yes, but we also strive to have fun off the field, positively
impact our community, and promote rugby development in Fairfield County. For all of you social
side players here is a tentative schedule of upcoming social obligations to mark on your calendar:
Yankees Family Bowling Night - Stay tuned for more details
Yankees Winter Olympics - tests of strengthen, and skill, to keep our minds and bodies
sharp in the off-season
Yankees Holiday Party
The CT Rugby Development Organization LLC, is a non-profit organization that raises
funds money towards a scholarship for a rugby player and high
school senior, who needs financial aid for college. Last year,
the Yankees contributed a $1,500 scholarship to a graduating
senior. Through upcoming social events, the Yankees hope
increase their support of education and rugby.
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Connecticut Yankees
Rucks & Mauls
Rochester Trip Mayhem
This is the true story of First Annual Connecticut Yankee Rookie Scavenger Hunt as told by a rookie. These stories are all
true, or at least as close to the truth as my brain remembers. The names have been changed to protect the guilty…
After our final home game at Rochester, our beloved MegaTone got us a house on Colgate’s campus, which was about 2
hours away from Rochester. After stockpiling way too much booze, the Yankees got to the house for some debauchery and
tomfoolery, but there was a catch. The senior members of the team split the 6 rookies who came into teams of 2 to compete
in a scavenger hunt. This particular rook was placed with Geodude and Danamial with team captain Tubbs to form “Team
Gun Show”. Our competition was Iceberg, Mole (the Deer Hunter), and ManCampbell. Their team captain was Tom, so they
named themselves the highly original Team Campbell...points deduction for lack of originality.
To start the competition, we were read the various tasks need to complete the hunt and the arbitrary scoring system. They
included “parkour-ing” from watering hole to watering hole, capture the panty, and sucking face with 18 year old co-eds,
among other things not appropriate for publication.
But there was only one challenge that I really cared about: stripping naked and running on the golf course behind the
house. As soon as they said go I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough as I ran outside did a dance on the golf course then
ran back inside. Points! The competition started off close as Mole one upped me by running naked, then jumping in a creek
next to the golf course! I could tell this was going to be a legendary night, with some fierce competition. Iceberg then puked
after shooting the boot for his try against the Aardvarks. Not to be outdone, Team Gun Show countered by scoring a try on
a nearby (undefended) rugby field, and learning a new rugby song.
We then set out to burn down the Colgate campus. We hit up MegaTone’s fraternity for some beer pong before getting
kicked out for a mixer. Team Gun Show went to the bars together, but then somehow ended up at a freshman party. And
by freshman party I mean it was as freshman as you could get. The boys were all in the kitchen discussing politics and
girls were dancing in the living room to a legit DJ. I started dancing near the chicks when my team captain came up with
the great idea for me to take my shirt off. I listened to my captain and before I knew it all of Team Gun Show had their
shirts off. I then commenced chatting up some 18 year old co-ed. She was a young, undecided freshman who just needed
some guidance, and let me tell you, as an experienced Junior, I was there to provide. We were about to part ways when she
kissed me on the cheek. I smoothly said “C’mon how about little more then that.” We then made out for approximately 3
seconds, and as I pulled my head back, I pointed my finger at Tubbs and yelled “Points!” There was one mission this night,
and it was to win the scavenger hunt...whatever it took.
I yelled “Team Gun Show out!” and we headed back to the bars, where I ordered a “tidalwave shot” for two very attractive
girls, missing the punch line of the shot, I took the water cup, and threw the water in the face of those college girls. At
which point, I yelled “Points!” and sprinted out of the bar.
Meanwhile, Iceberg countered by making out with two girls. He also took his new moniker to heart and began chopping his
teeth at girls on the dance for, and handing out stiff-arms to the face along the way. Cold as Ice.
I almost had the pièce de résistance by getting with a girl, a wing on the Colgate women’s rugby team no less, but I got
denied thanks to my teammates. Love you guys! Here’s what happened, Cheese just kept talking about his wife, and how
much he loves her. The girl loved it, but hearing a guy talk about his life long commitment to a woman isn’t going to make
you want to have a one-night stand with his friend. Then, Big Mar kept complaining about his foot and how much it hurt,
granted it was double its normal size, and ManCampbell managed to turn her away by not being able to stand properly, or
put three words together, and yelling uncontrollably. Needless to say, my wingmen helped me strike out, as all good
teammates would. I’ll console myself by saying that it wasn’t my fault, when in fact I really only have myself to blame.
Upon returning out our abode, Team Gun Show realized that all was not lost though, as ManCampbell and I did find
something to hump. It just happened to be a past-out Mole and an unwilling Danimal. Things got weird...we had to erase
the video evidence.
At of the end of the day, Team Gun Show won the competition handily, and most importantly I had a lot of fun...and we’re
all still dear friends. I also learned some valuable lessons this night...freshman girls won’t respond to your texts at 3 in the
morning if you sing a song about boobs in front of them.; stiff arming a girl in the face only works if you show her you really
mean it; The Colgate police are trying to fight the major problem of underage drinking; townies don’t like to dance to
German death metal; and most importantly, scavenger hunts rule!
If this story seemed incoherent and hastily pasted together, welcome to my night. See you gents on Rookie Night.
Peace and Rage!
Cpt. Planet
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Connecticut Yankees
Rucks & Mauls
Thank you to all of our 2012 sponsors!
The CT Yankees are looking for additional sponsors. Want to support the CT Yankees
and rugby development in Fairfield County??
Your Business Here!!
You Just Proved
These Signs Work!!
Mark Zuckerberg
will find
something to put
Legend’s Corner
“Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die”
Thanks to those Legends who have come out to play with the young bucks in the early weeks
of the season. The Yankees welcome back any Yankee Legend looking to get a run in,
or enjoy the game from the sideline!
Legends, stay tuned for upcoming Yankees social events
and opportunities to reconnect with the club.