ULTIMA2 Brochure
ULTIMA2 Brochure
ULTIMA 2 The Ultimate in ICP-OES High Performance in ICP-OES High Quality Spectrometer Analyst Software Explore Explore the the future future | Process | Process | Medical | Medical | Semiconductor | Semiconductor | Scientific | Scientific Automotive Automotive Test Test Systems Systems & Environmental & Environmental Ultima ULTIMA 22 High performance in ICP-OES ULTIMA 2 ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer combines simplicity and high performance ULTIMA 2 is based on a versatile platform to match actual and future needs of your laboratory. The knowledge of HORIBA Scientific in manufacturing ICP-OES and high quality optics were combined to provide the highest performance in ICP-OES. ULTIMA 2 is the only instrument able to provide an analytical answer for almost any matrix. RESOLUTION The one meter focal length monochromator associated with the high density holographic grating and advanced PMT detection offers the best resolution achievable. Less than 5 picometers are achieved in the 160-320 nm range and less than 10 picometers in the 320800 nm range. Resolution shortens the time needed for method development, even for difficult matrices. Cd 228.802 nm & As 228.812 nm in soils Cd Cu 324.754 nm in Co 10 g/L Cd 228.802 nm in Co 10 g/L As Cu 228.791 228.802 228.813 228.823 Cd 324.711 324.732 324.754 324.776 324.797 228.756 228.779 228.802 228.825 228.840 The highest performance is offered with an easy to use instrument SENSITIVITY The total plasma view concept, using a vertical torch and radial viewing with the measurement of the whole Normal Analytical Zone allows running the most difficult matrices with the highest performance due to low matrix effects and enhanced sensitivity. Radial viewing reduces matrix effects, simplifying the analysis and improving detection limits in real samples. Detection limits in µg/L H He Li Be B 0.5 0.05 0.3 Na Mg 0.6 0.03 N C O F Ne Ar Al Si P S Cl 0.2 1.3 1.5 1.5 200 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br 1.5 0.03 0.09 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 2.6 2.5 1.2 1.1 100 Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I 1.5 3 1.1 0.6 0.1 1.4 1.3 1.5 2.2 10 Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Kr Xe Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo 6 0.03 0.2 0.3 0.9 0.2 Ta W Re 0.9 0.13 Os Ir Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 1.2 0.15 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.35 0.7 0.3 0.06 0.08 Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Cs Hf Ba 3.2* 0.04 Fr Ra 1 0.9 2 La Ce Pr Nd 0.6 1.5 1.7 0.9 Ac Th Pa 1.9 U 1.4 2 1.3 0.6 1.3 1 1.5 2.6 Rn * concentration in mg/L VERSATILITY ULTIMA 2 can be tailored to your specific needs. The Far UV kit allows measuring wavelengths down to 120 nm, offering halogens analysis capability and the use of alternative wavelengths for many elements. High resolution can be extended to 430 nm using the dual back-to-back gratings option. Upgrade with a polychromator is also available, providing simultaneous measurement for unattended productivity and performance. Nd in Pt 20 g/L Nd Cl 134.664nm in oil Cl 134.604 134.634 134.664 134.694 134.724 401.210 401.230 401.250 ULTIMA 2 High quality ICP-OES Spectrometer Excellence in ICP-OES design with attention on every component • Spacious sample introduction area with corrosion resistant sample tray for the analysis of all types of samples and for the use of a wide variety of sample introduction systems. •Quick release and quick mount torch design in a large plasma compartment with no adjustment required. Multi-user operation is thus facilitated, providing excellent reproducibility. • Vertical torch and Total Plasma View concept providing optimum sensitivity and reduced matrix effects, for both aqueous and organic matrices. The original sheath gas device and the large 3 mm i.d. injector tube gives unique high dissolved solids capability, up to 30% NaCl, with excellent long-term stability, minimized memory effects and with no compromise in performance. • High efficiency 40.68 MHz solid state generator enhancing ability to handle a large range of applications and improving the limits of detection. Water cooling ensures improved reliability, stability and a reduced warm-up time, usually less than 15 minutes. User oriented design for ease of use and high technology for unrivaled performance •The 2400 g/mm holographic grating used in the 1st and the 2nd orders offers constant spectral resolution and full wavelength coverage over the spectral range. The optical resolution is less than 5 pm in the 160-320 nm range and less than 10 pm in the 320-800 nm range. Using the optional dual back-to-back gratings (4320 g/mm and 2400 g/mm used in the 1st order) allows an optical resolution of less than 6 pm in the 160-430 nm range and less than 10 pm in the 430-800 nm range. • The dual PMT detection system offers optimum sensitivity according to the wavelength range. Optional Far UV detector allows reaching high sensitivity down to 120 nm. Unique PMT technology dedicated to ICP-OES High precision can be obtained using the true simultaneous measurement of an internal standard, only available with PMT detectors. This measurement can be done on a dedicated reference monochromator or on the optional polychromator. Cd from 0.001 to 1000 mg/L 1 000 000 000 10 000 000 Intensity (c/s) ULTIMA 2 is equipped with the patented High Dynamic Detection system, exclusively available from HORIBA Scientific. The dynamic range is enhanced, with up to 10 orders of magnitude. The adjustment of the gain is done within milliseconds without hysteresis, allowing full spectrum acquisition in less than 3 minutes. Measurement of trace and major elements is possible in a single run for qualitative and semiquantitative analysis purposes using optional Image Navigator. The use of PMT detection provides unique advantages such as UV sensitivity without any coating of the detector that can reduces lifetime. Detection of halogens and alternative lines in the Far UV has never been so easy. The high sensitivity of PMT detectors reduces analysis time by using short integration times, even for trace analysis. 100 000 1 000 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Concentration (mg/L) Saturation of high concentrations Classical PMT: To see the signal of a major element at high concentrations, gain is lower and trade concentration are non-detectable. Relative intensity Poor sensitivity, trace element non-detected Measurement of high concentration with no saturation Relative intensity Relative intensity Measurement of high concentrations Sensitivity for trace analysis Sensitivity for trace analysis HDD: Tailored sensitivity to the signal present, allowing the detection of trace and high concentrations in the same acquisition without saturation or loss of sensitivity Classical PMT: To see the signal of a trace concentration, gain is raised and high concentrations saturate. ULTIMA 2 offers productivity and unrivaled performance NaCI 30 % over 5 hours 1.10 1.06 Normalized Intensity The design of ULTIMA 2 allows reduced matrix effects, high sensitivity and enhanced stability, even with difficult matrices. To obtain this high level of performance, every component has been optimized to its best. The original sheath gas device, the 3 mm i.d. injector, the vertical torch with radial viewing and Total Plasma View concept, the size and quality of optical components and the detection system. Each component is integral to the high performance offered by the ULTIMA 2. Productivity is ensured by short integration time due to high sensitivity, by stability avoiding frequent periodic recalibrations and by high dynamic range avoiding dilution of the samples. 1.02 0.96 0.94 0.90 0 1 2 4 3 5 Time (hours) Al 167.020 Ca 393.366 Sr 407.771 V 292.402 K 766.49 M, 257.610 Si 251.611 Analyst Software ULTIMA 2 Analyst software extends instrument capability and ensures traceability •Analyst provides a data audit trail for users and instrument operation. 21 CFR Part 11 compliance is obtained through a powerful SQL Server database ensuring integrity of raw data and traceability of operations. • Enhanced productivity with automated analysis thanks to multiple methods sequence, programmable recalibration and automated QC checks with user defined actions, in combination with the autosampler. • User rights management is available for enhanced security and management of access levels for each analyst. •Import and export of data from LIMS with a large variety of report and exports formats for results. • Automatic start up and shutdown afford flexibility of use and reduces argon usage. • Semi-quantitative analysis using full spectrum acquisition and Image Navigator. •Statistical Process Control included for X, R, SD and histogram charts for user-selected samples. Multi-method sequences automate the analysis. Automatic tasks such as QC, recalibration, standard additions and blanck substraction can be inserted into the sequence with the click on a button. Advanced tools are provided by Analyst, Image Navigator and CLIP Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis with Image Navigator Image Navigator is used to display the full spectrum acquired on the ULTIMA 2 and offers unique features for high resolution ICP spectrometers thanks to its library containing over 25 000 lines. The display of spectra is possible, allowing careful visual inspection, line selection according to spectral interferences and comparison of the fingerprint between several samples. • Qualitative analysis based on the identification of the most sensitive lines for each element. •Semi-quantitative analysis using the library or a reference spectrum. As the full spectrum is stored in a file, retrospective analysis is always possible to confirm a result or to find the result for other elements. CLIP: Collection of Line Intensity Profiles Line selection is the crucial part of method development. As high resolution ICP-OES are often dedicated to the analysis of complex matrices with more risk of spectral interferences, this step can be difficult and time consuming. Using the CLIP will shorten the time needed for line selection and enhance the reliability of the resulting method. CLIP stands for Collection of Line Intensity Profiles. The CLIP is dedicated to the PMTbased instruments of the ULTIMA 2 Family and can be used with older instruments. Using the proprietary ICP-based S3-base wavelength database, containing wavelengths and detection limits, allows the analyst to ensure that lines, sensitivity and relative intensities are really close to what will be observed on the instrument. Profiles of each line are calculated according to the instrument settings (focal length, slit combinations, grating(s), order used) and are displayed. As the display allows the analyst to look at each individual spectrum and also at the total spectrum, he can easily validate a line for the analysis. More-over, the display of the various slit combinations can validate the best combination that can be used. The CLIP, based on theoretical calculations of the profiles reduces the need to prepare various solutions and to perform many profiles. The benefits of CLIP are: `` Help for line selection This is an efficient tool to select lines for analysis in complex matrices and to select the optimum slit combination. `` Save time It reduces the time needed for method development due to reduced solutions preparation and reduced time for profiling lines. `` Allows you access to new markets The method development for new applications is easy and fast Zoom of lines list in green: validated in red: rejected Line proposition with CLIP Line zoom TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Options Generator Cooling system Exhaust Plasma Sample introduction • D ual back-to-back gratings (4320 g/mm and 2400 g/mm) used in the 1st order offering resolution < 6 pm for 160-430 nm and < 10 pm for 430-800 nm. • Far UV kit for sensitive measurement of wavelength down to 120 nm • AS-500 Autosampler with optional rinse station • Ar humidifier • Micro/high dissolved solids/inert material/iorganic nebulizers • Scott/HF resistant/cooled spray chambers • Ultrasonic nebulizer • CMA for simultaneous measurement of hydride forming elements and other elements • Oxygen kit for organic samples • Laser ablation system Optical system Wavelength range Detection Radio frequency, solid-state 40.68 MHz, water cooled GenCo water chiller for the generator and the coil Direct exhaust connection for plasma compartment Fully demountable torch, 3 mm i.d. injector, 12 L/min plasma gas, 0.2 L/min sheath gas Concentric glass nebulizer and glass c y clonic spray chamber, 3-channel peristaltic pump (4-channel optional) Thermo-regulated, 1 meter focal length, 2400 g/mm grating used in the 1st and 2nd order with optic resolution < 5 pm for 160-320 nm and < 10 pm for 320 - 800 nm. 160-800 nm (optional 120-800 nm with far UV kit) Dual PMT detection with High Dynamic Detection system (HDD®) PHYSICAL DATA Depth Width Height Weight Power Cooling water Argon Nitrogen Exhaust Environmental 698 mm (27.5 in) 1696 mm (66.8 in) 604 mm (23.8 in) 205 kg (452 lb) Single phase, 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 4 kVA 2 to 3 L/min, 2 bars 99.995% purity 160 to 190 nm, 99.999% purity 120 to 160 nm, 99.9995% purity 250 m3/h (150 cfm) 20 to 80% humidity, 18-24 ± 2°C www.horiba.com/scientific France: HORIBA Jobin Yvon S.A.S., 16-18 rue du Canal, 91165 Longjumeau cedex - Tel: +33 (0)1 69 74 72 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 69 09 07 21 - Email: info-sci.fr@horiba.com USA: HORIBA Instruments Inc., 3880 Park Avenue, Edison, NJ 08820-3012 - Toll-free: +1-866-562-4698 - Tel: +1 732 494 8660 - Fax: +1 732 549 5125 - Email: info-sci.us@horiba.com Japan: HORIBA Ltd., Tokyo Branch Office, 2-6, KandaAwaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0063, Japan - Tel: +81-(0)3 6206 4721 - Fax: +81 (0)3 6206 4730 - Email: info-sci.jp@horiba.com Germany: HORIBA Jobin Yvon GmbH, Hauptstrasse 1, 82008 Unterhaching - Tel: +49 (0)89 4623 17-0 - Fax: +49 (0)89 4623 17-99 - Email: info-sci.de@horiba.com Italy: HORIBA Jobin Yvon Srl., Via Cesare Pavese 21, 20090 Opera (Milano) - Tel: +39 2 5760 3050 - Fax: +39 2 5760 0876 - Email: info-sci.it@horiba.com UK: HORIBA UK Ltd., 2 Dalston Gardens, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 1BQ - Tel: +44 (0)20 8204 8142 - Fax: +44 (0)20 8204 6142 - Email: info-sci.uk@horiba.com China: HORIBA (China) Trading Co. Ltd., Unit D 1F, Bldg A, Srynnex International Park, No. 1068 West Tianshan Road, Shanghai 200335 - Tel: +86 (0)21 6289 6060 - Fax: +86 (0)21 6289 5553 Email: info-sci.cn@horiba.com Brazil: HORIBA Instruments do Brasil Ltda., Av. das Nações Unidas, 21.735, Bairro Jurubatuba, São Paulo CEP 04795-100 - Tel: +55 (0)11 5545 1500 - Fax: +55 (0)11 5545 1570 Email: infocientifica.br@horiba.com Other: Tel: +33 (0)1 69 74 72 00 - Email: info.sci@horiba.com Explore Explore the the future future | Process | Process | Medical | Medical | Semiconductor | Semiconductor | Scientific | Scientific Automotive Automotive Test Test Systems Systems & Environmental & Environmental This document is not contractually binding under any circumstances - Printed in France - ©HORIBA Jobin Yvon 02/2013 Refer to ULTIMA 2 Pre-installation Guide for more details.