Global training expertise


Global training expertise
Interstandox 70
the world of vehicle refinishes
New car concepts
Materials for the car of the future
Global training expertise
Standox expands its worldwide network
Classic cars
Immaculate finishes for dazzling automotive gems
2 contents
title story
Global training expertise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A closely meshed network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
workshop management
Repair tips for Hot Magenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Repair guides for matt clearcoat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exclusive paintwork for special Smart model . . . . . . . . .
j o u r n a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Color Box for Add-on Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Ready-mixed Alubeam for liquid metal effects . . . . . . . . 10
A family matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A car for Indiana Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"And the winner is ..." . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Standothek makes lessons livelier . . . . .
Zeeman fleet resplendent in Standofleet .
Online marketing with Web 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Colour formulation updates for download . . . . . . . . . . . 14
guest article
Materials for the car of the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
g a l l e r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Standox provides a comprehensive
range of training seminars worldwide.
With its practical strategy of continual
education and a team of expert
instructors, it ensures that the same
high standards of quality are upheld
Page 4
The world of vehicle refinishes
Interstandox is intended solely for
internal use. We would be glad to
grant approval to requests for
Published by the
Interstandox Editorial Board
Standox GmbH, 42285 Wuppertal,
Responsible for content:
Hans W. Bach
Concept/copy editing:
K1 Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH,
Ulf Kartte, Cologne
Graphic design, image processing:
230Volt, Axel Helmus, Düsseldorf
Title picture: BMW Group
Standox® is a registered trademark.
Standox has developed a
professional solution to enable
bodyshops to repair
Mercedes’ sophisticated
Alubeam paintwork.
Page 10
Higher standards of car safety coupled
with ecological and economic demands
are encouraging the development of new
materials for automotive engineering.
Page 15
Interstandox 70
editorial 3
Taking an active
approach to challenges
Refinishers are faced with a wide range of challenges. New technologies,
growing competitive pressure and the increasing influence of insurance
companies are compelling businesses to be more resourceful. From now
on it’s a question of pushing one’s bodyshop to the limits of profitability
and making even more efficient use of existing business resources.
Standox helps you with its high-grade product systems that boost op-
Zvonimir Simunovic,
Brand Manager Standox GmbH.
erational efficiency – like our Standoflash UV system for MicroRepairs.
And our Standohyd waterborne paint system was launched in 1994 and
has met worldwide success ever since. In the past we always gave our
customers state-of-the-art products of superlative quality, and we aim
to do this in the future too. We are therefore constantly working on the
development of new, pioneering technologies that boost productivity
and always yield immaculate results regardless of working conditions,
climate and painting technique. In doing so, we are not concerned solely
with new paint systems, but also with the materials of cars of the future
– you can gain interesting insight into this subject in our guest article
on page 15.
On top of this, we also provide a whole series of strategies for boosting efficiency. With hypermodern electronic Color Tools like the Genius
spectrophotometer, for instance, we help refinishers find the right colour
quickly and reliably – over 3,000 Genius units are currently in successful
operation at customer sites all over the world. And with a comprehensive
product range for the painting of classic vehicles and with special colours
and effect paints for exclusive finishes, we help bodyshops to explore
new lines of business.
So that you can also make the best possible use of what we have to
offer, we support you with training geared to your specific needs. Our
experienced instructors supply you with the knowledge and skills to enable you to always achieve perfect results with our highly advanced paint
systems. So why not attend a course at your nearest Information Center
and experience The Art of Refinishing at first hand?
Zvonimir Simunovic
4 title story
training expertise
At its 45 Information Centers (ICs) in 35 countries, Standox organizes a wide-ranging
programme of training seminars. Thanks to its practical strategy of continual
education and a team of expert instructors, it ensures that the same high standards
of quality are upheld in initial and further training worldwide.
A key role is played by the international instructor team
who covers the Middle East, and Evgeniy Khmelev, who
headed by Stephen Naylor, who is supported by his
serves the Russian Federation and neighbouring countries.
colleagues Jürgen Prange and Harald Klöckner. It is their
The same also applies to Africa, America, Asia and
job to ensure that the latest information on Standox
Australia. This pyramidal structure encourages the
products and applications reaches the instructors and
transfer of the latest information.
application technicians in the various regions without
delay so that they can keep their customers up-to-date
at all times. We talked to Harald Klöckner about his
Interstandox: How does your working day look?
Harald Klöckner: There’s no such thing as a typical
Interstandox: What are the focuses of your work?
Harald Klöckner: As international instructors, we mainly
train the instructors and application technicians in the
various national Standox organizations. Thanks to our
direct links with product management, we can always be
certain of being right up-to-date. We are supported in our
efforts by our regional instructor teams. You can say that
we bring knowledge to the regions. For this we keep in
close contact with regional instructors like Gerhard
Höglinger, responsible for Central Europe, Mike Rowse,
working day in the life of Harald Klöckner. I may spend
several days in succession at my office in Wuppertal,
preparing new training material, answering email inquiries
from the various countries or testing new products at our
IC in Wuppertal. After this I’m off again for a week of
national training in South Africa. And of course we
international instructors also regularly visit bodyshops
abroad so that we can gauge the market at first hand.
The exciting thing about my job is its diversity.
Interstandox: How important is training for bodyshops?
Harald Klöckner: It’s not without good reason that we’ve
chosen the slogan “Your key to quality” as the motto for
our training programme. The product systems are becoming
more and more complex and only those who
The international training team comprising Jürgen Prange, Stephen Naylor and
Harald Klöckner (from left to right)
Jürgen Prange in conversation with Evgeniy Khmelev
(left), the regional instructor for Eastern Europe
Regional instructor Gerhard Höglinger (2nd
from the left) on a training assignment in
Central Europe
title story 5
Harald Klöckner trains the regional training
teams and instructors in the national organizations, teaching them all about the latest Standox
products and applications.
have been properly trained can fully exploit the potential
– also get together for a week in Wuppertal. This is where
of our products. Regular further training is a cornerstone of
they report on their experience, try out the latest products
our customers’ success. What we offer gives them a solid
and fine-tune processes. The experience and feedback from
competitive edge. The seminars are also an opportunity for
abroad are ploughed back into product development so that
our customers to try out new materials and working meth-
we can always accurately meet the needs of our customers.
ods and even make mistakes. Back in everyday routine in
the bodyshop however, the principle in terms of results for
Interstandox: What the current themes and trends? Which
the customer must always be to get it right first time.
courses are in biggest demand?
Interstandox: How does Standox ensure the uniform high
Harald Klöckner: Along with new product systems, there’s
quality of its training worldwide?
demand for training on special colours like Ford Hot Magenta
and Alubeam from Mercedes. There’s also a trend towards
Harald Klöckner: Our goal is to offer all Standox cus-
matt finishes. In general, there’s growing interest in colour
tomers the best training on the vehicle refinish market.
matching and the use of electronic colour tools. Colours are
This is why we have been working internationally for a
becoming increasingly complex and no bodyshop today can
long time on the “train the trainer” principle. At regular
afford to waste time experimenting when searching for a
intervals, we train our instructors abroad in courses
specially designed for them. Twice a year, the Technical
Network – these are the regional instructors plus the
technicians and instructors from the various countries
You can find further information on Standox training, a video and
the Information Center Locator here:
Regional instructor Mike Rowse (right) with Harald Klöckner (centre) during training in the Middle East
Training in the Asia/Pacific region
The North American team of instructors on a visit to the IC in Wuppertal
6 title story
New Information Centers
A closely meshed network
With its targeted training, Standox aims to build on the
knowledge and practical skills of its customers so that they
can sustainably boost the productivity and efficiency of
their businesses. To this end, the company operates its
own Information Centers around the globe. All the centres
are equipped with the latest technology – which applies as testing of new products and systems. Special importance
much to the paint systems from Standox as to the associat- is attached to close linkage between theory and practice.
ed equipment for spray booths, preparation areas and safe- Along with training, there is also a pronounced focus on
ty equipment. The range of seminars is multi-faceted and the exchange of experience both between instructors and
extends from the processing of advanced, eco-compatible customers as well as between customers themselves.
VOC-compliant products through to Coloristics and futuristic UV technology.
The inauguration of a new Information Center in Turkey is
scheduled for spring 2011. During planning, energy effici-
By opening new Information Centers in Italy, Poland ency is being given high priority. The region’s first directly
and Turkey, Standox is impressively demonstrating its fired spray booth will be a highlight of the new centre.
commitment to extending its global training activities. Occupying a total of 2,200 m2, the centre is packed with
The recently opened centre in Cavenago di Brianza in ultra-modern equipment. Separated by a glass partition,
northern Italy has been installed in an existing building. the training room offers a direct view of the adjacent spray
Replete with the latest technology, it offers outstanding booth and puts a strong emphasis on practical demonstraopportunities for practical technical training as well as tion. The new centre only 30 minutes from the city of Istanfor courses on economic and management subjects.
bul is excellent served by traffic links and is also available
to refinishers from neighbouring countries that do not yet
Standox has built the new training centre in Poland with have their own training centre.
the aim of making quality training an essential element of
its offering for customers. The centre situated in Warsaw Along with the centres mentioned above, a new training cenis designed for the latest teaching methods and includes tre is also planned for 2011 in the Czech Republic. Further
audiovisual aids and highly advanced equipment for the centres are in the pipeline for the United Arab Emirates
and Israel. The Information Center Locator on the Internet
at presents an overview of all
Standox Information Centers worldwide and the associated
training facilities.
The new training centre in Italy provides
space and equipment for state-of-theart technical seminars and training on
business economics.
The newly opened Information Center in
Warsaw (Poland) is designed for technical
training, combining knowledge with
Energy efficiency is a key feature of the
design of the new centre in Turkey (see
model above).
Interstandox 70
workshop management 7
Repair tips for
"Hot Magenta"
Image: Ford
This extravagant colour for the Fiesta is in big demand,
particularly among younger customers. Changing from purple through to blue, Hot Magenta was especially developed
for the popular Ford model. Characteristic of this colour is
its freshness and luminosity, and its brilliant colour effect To achieve the best possible colour accuracy when
can be attributed to the use of tinted clearcoat.
refinishing, basecoat application is followed by clearcoat
supplemented with Standox’s Ford Hot Magenta clearcoat
additive. Standox provides precise instructions for the
refinish which can be downloaded from
Detailed repair instructions can be found here:
Repair guides for matt clearcoat
The vehicle used for both repair guides is a Mercedes SLS
AMG sporting a shimmering “designo magno allanite grey”
matt finish. Damaged paintwork on the passenger door
There’s a trend towards matt finishes. However, when it comes posed an opportunity to repair the spectacular two-seater at the
to paintwork repairs, they’re quite a challenge as they can Training Centre in Wuppertal and capture the process in
be neither sanded nor polished. Standox’s 2K Special Matt, images. The workshop poster and video can be downloaded
a clearcoat matting additive, is the appropriate solution. A from the Standox homepage at
workshop poster and repair video describe the precise
Download the workshop poster and video directly here:
Image: Daimler
procedure step by step.
Exclusive paintwork for
special Smart model
The special Smart fortwo “greystyle” refinish
its brands of the Daimler corporation.
exclusive matt finish in dark grey com- Formulations are even available for
bined with a Tridion safety cell in repairs to brand-new models. The
glossy black. As a longstanding paint special dark grey colour can already
supplier, Standox formulates custom be retrieved from the Standox online com. Customers using Standowin will
colour database. Access is obtained automatically receive the formulation
via “Colour Search” at the national with their next update.
Standox website or at www.standox.
8 journal
Silver 25%
Black 22%
White 16%
Grey 13%
One car in four is silver
Blue 9%
Red 8%
Brown/Beige 4%
Green 1%
Silver is the No. 1 choice among mo- cent). Despite regional variations, there
Yellow/Gold 1%
torists worldwide, followed by black is astonishingly little difference between
Others 1%
with a market share of 22 per cent and motorists’ preferences for the top five
white at 16 per cent. Grey ranks fourth placings worldwide.
among the most popular car colours
with 13 per cent. Over 75 per cent of all
cars around the globe are “achromatic”,
states the Standox report on Global Car
Colour Trends for 2010. The only chromatic colour in the top 5 is blue (9 per
Colour fantasies in Arabesque Silver and Zanzibar Gold
Potential buyers are wooed not only by stunning technology and high comfort, but also by inspirational colours. Illustrious-sounding colour names underline the design and image of many models. Standox specialists have therefore
researched the origins of colour names and, neatly structured and illustrated in
the Color News Special, listed possible inspirations for about 250 colour names.
All the colours presented are available as mixing formulations from Standowin
and can be accurately recreated. The Color News Special can be downloaded at
You can find the Color News Special
for download here:
New approvals for Standox
No other paint brand can boast as Mazda Motor Europe (MME) has includ- preceded by comprehensive tests in
many approvals from the automotive ed Standox as a source of refinishes which all the listed Standox products
industry as Standox. The Wuppertal and services in its European workshop satisfied the car manufacturer’s strict
paint manufacturer recently received programme. The agreement covers not criteria.
the Europe-wide approval for its only the supply of products, but also
products for all repair work on vehicles training and technical consultations by
of the Opel and Vauxhall brand. Under experts of the paint maker. Aston Martin
this agreement, Standox will now Lagonda Ltd has included Standox as a
support the dealer and workshop net- preferred purveyor of refinishes and serwork in Europe in all technical matters. vices in its worldwide workshop pro-
Image: GM Corp.
gramme. The official green light was
Interstandox 70
journal 9
Perfect matt finishes
Matt finishes are in big demand from lovers of exclusive a Jeep refinished for Rüttchen, the biggest Dutch Mercedes
vehicles. Standox now has a new matt additive for clearcoats dealer. Application of Standoblue Basecoat was followed by
which can give an extra matt finish. An impressive example a spray pass of VOC Premium Clearcoat. After 45 minutes of
of a successful matt finish with Standox 2K Special Matt is drying at 60°C and light sanding, the matted clearcoat was
applied in two passes. The result is immaculate. The silk matt
surface reinforces the impact of the chunky but elegant SUV.
Colors of Elements
Standox has been bringing out a calendar every year for over 30 years. It gives
internationally renowned photographers a chance to present visual compositions
of extraordinary vehicles in aesthetic settings. The calendar is itself as exclusive as
many of the illustrated vehicles.
For the 2011 calendar, photographer Anatol Kotte has given us a preview of one of
his ideas. In Colors of Elements he juxtaposes Nature’s abundance of hues with the
similar colour diversity of Standox paints. In twelve exciting visual compositions,
the paint colour of a premium vehicle is perfectly set against the colour nuances of
the elements and seasons.
Award in Poland
At a celebration commemorating the 10th anniversary of the General Motors
Partners Association in Poland, Standox received a special commendation. The
organization brings together the dealers from General Motors (GM) and Chevrolet
Poland. Standox was honoured as a longstanding paint partner and national market leader. The award underlines the close relations between the GM and Standox
brands in Poland. An agreement was also reached with the Iberia Motor Company
Robert Wysocki, Country Business Manager Standox
Poland, expressing his thanks for the award
(IMC) for the SEAT brand.
10 p r o d u c t s / i n t e r n a t i o n a l
Color Box for Add-on Parts
The number of OEM colours is
growing from year to year. And
the same is true of the colours required in bodyshops for add-on
parts. When it comes to refinishes on
instrument panels, bumpers and
plastic parts in the interior or boot,
a colour match is no less important. However, because the colour
often isn’t marked and can’t be
Ready-mixed Alubeam
for liquid metal effects
identified via the vehicle model,
Liquid metal finishes, that envelope the car body like
Standox has introduced its Color
a coat of molten metal, make vehicles particularly al-
Box for Add-on Parts. It can be
luring. Having initially presented its exclusive Alubeam
used for all series and grades of
colour on just forty CL 65 AMG performance coupés,
Standox paint and comprises 1,485 colour chips (each
Mercedes is now making this extra-metallic silver
35 x 90 mm) that take much of the effort out of colour
available on its SLS AMG and, on customer request, on
identification. While the roughly 600 chips for bumpers
other models as well.
are sorted and updated according to manufacturer,
the swatches for engine, interior and boot colours are
To enable bodyshops to refinish this sophisticated
chromatically arranged and serve as a guide to the
colour, Standox has developed a professional solution
original paintwork. The Color Box, for which 1200
in the shape of its Standohyd MB 047 Alubeam repair
orders were received from Europe within the first month
package, ready-mixed in 0.5 litre cans. The product
of its publication, is supplied in the tried-and-trusted
package comprises ready-mixed Standohyd Basecoat, to
key-ring format where swatches can be conveniently
which 50 per cent Standohyd Special Effect Additive is
hung up by their rings for storage.
added immediately before application. New Standohyd
Special Effect Color Blend is necessary for blending-in.
The refinish is rounded off with Standocryl VOC Platinum Clearcoat. In view of the colour’s high cost and the
complexity of the refinishing process, Standox provides
detailed information for refinishing with Alubeam.
A family matter
Vehicles have been successfully repaired at family-run Keswick Crash Repairs in South Australia for over 30 years. The classic and prestigious cars
they mainly handle are restored to their original state with the very latest
refinishing methods.
The company founded by their father back in the late Seventies is run by Frank
and John Zullian. The wives of the two brothers are also involved, taking care of
the business’s paperwork. And John’s daughter is currently designing a professional
website for the firm.
Interstandox 70
Alois Samohyl proudly displays his 1907
Laurin & Klement. In the foreground is
one of the highlights of the Samohyl
collection, the Mercedes Benz Parsifal
dating back to 1902.
A car for
Indiana Jones
For many years he was the most successful Skoda salesman Parsival from 1902, of which only two now exist, a Laurin
in former Czechoslovakia before setting up his own business & Klement from 1907, an armoured Horch limousine, a blue
known as Samohyl Motor Zlin. Today, the now 81-year-old Alois Bugatti 35A and a legendary Ford Model T, the first car to
Samohyl and his two sons run a company empire employing come off an assembly-line.
an over 800-strong workforce. However, his chief passion remains classic cars.
Some of Alois Samohyl’s exhibits have even made it to the
movie screen. They can be seen in the Indiana Jones films as
1953 was the magic year in which he discovered his love for well as in the film version of Erich Maria Remarque’s classic
classic vehicles. This was when a six-day motorcycle race was “All Quiet on the Western Front”. Obviously, the automotive
held in connection with the World Motorcycling Champion- treasures in his possession call for special care. He has also
ships in Zlin in Czechoslovakia. During an evening of celebra- had many of them restored. When it comes to refinishing,
tion to mark the event, the British comedy film “Genevieve” Samohyl has been working with the Wuppertal paint manuabout a car in the London-to-Brighton Veteran Car Run was facturer for several years. “Standox offers the best paint qualpremiered. The young Alois Samohyl was captivated and de- ity,” he says with conviction, “and on classic cars this truly
cided to one day take part in this run. In 1964 his dream came excellent quality is still visible after many years.”
true when he drove a red two-cylinder Laurin & Klement built
in 1905 in this famous run.
Early on, Alois Samohyl started collecting historic vehicles. His
collection in Zlin and elsewhere today comprises some 150
Information on Standox products and services for classic
vehicles and atmospheric pictures of restored
classics can be found here:
vehicles. These include such treasures as a Mercedes Benz
The Zullians’ multi-award-winning business is proud of always
being technologically right up-to-date. This explains why they
have already accomplished the switch from solvent-based
paints to Standohyd. Before the change, they previously used
products from other manufacturers. However, the reductions
in working time and material were powerful arguments in favour of Standohyd, the proven waterborne paint system from
Standox. After a few months of experience with Standohyd,
Probably dating back to 1956, it was one of only 13 prototypes
the Zullian brothers are very happy with their choice: “The
built for Le Mans. Today, it is the only surviving model, and
results are impressive, and colour searches and accuracy are
it has been restored and repainted at Keswick Crash Repairs.
very good,” explains Frank Zullian.
The outcome is certainly worth looking at. “Its aura is phenomenal. The car is absolutely exclusive and of course appro-
Without doubt one of the most challenging painting jobs ever
priately expensive,” John Zullian explains, adding: “The only
handled by the Zullians is a Mercedes-Benz 220 SL Roadster.
thing wrong with it is that it’s not mine.”
12 i n t e r n a t i o n a l
"And the winner is ..."
The Ferrari 375 America Coupé Vignale is a real gem. One of the only twelve “375” models built has now been fully
restored in Switzerland and went straight on to win the much-coveted Enzo Ferrari Award at the classic car event at
Pebble Beach.
The Ferrari 375 America Coupé Vignale was unveiled to the finish and the chassis pipes on the side were misted gently
public at the Turin Motor Show in 1954. No two of the twelve with yellow paint. The pictures of 1954 clearly showed that
built were exactly the same. Model No. 9 spent most of its life these parts had not been masked during spraying, and the
in the USA. There it was repainted green and the 300 hp V12 refinishers wanted to reproduce this detail as well.
Ferrari engine replaced with a Chevrolet V8. In 2007 it was
purchased by a Swiss collector with the intention of restoring The effort has paid off. At the Concurs d’élégance in Pebble
the unique vehicle as far as possible to its original state.
Beach (USA), the world’s most prestigious event for classic
vehicles, the Ferrari scored 99 out of 100 points and won the
The paintwork, which took almost three months, was entrust- hotly contested Enzo Ferrari Award for the most beautiful Fered to the Sahli bodyshop in Aesch near Zurich. The stated aim rari car. It also came first in the Class M2 (Ferrari Competition
was to achieve a finish resembling the original paintwork as & Granturismo) at Pebble Beach and won the Best of Show
closely as possible. The yellow colour for the body and the Award for the most beautiful Ferrari among almost 300 classic
beige for the roof were identified on the basis of tiny remnants vehicle entrants at the international meeting of the Ferrari
of paint in the grooves under the green paint and with the Club of America.
aid of old photographs and documents, and recreated with
The experts at Sahli had to pull out all the stops to produce
paintwork of virtually the same character as the original finish.
For instance, for the interior paintwork, a little matting agent
was added to the paint in order to render the gentle silk gloss
of an original nitrocellulose finish without polishing. On the
exterior, the entire clearcoat was flatted and sprayed to a high
gloss. The engine compartment was painted grey in order to
make the brush strokes visible like on the original. After final
assembly, the clean stabilizer at the front with its new black
Interstandox 70
i n t e r n a t i o n a l 13
Standothek makes lessons livelier
“The approved instruction books are attention to the Standothek series. He
often simply too theoretical.” Norbert was impressed. “The many pictures and
Meyer, technical instructor at the only practical examples are just right for lessfull-time vocational school in Luxem- ons.”
burg, knows what he’s talking about.
“Of course, the official work contains The books are clearly structured and aball the key information, but the some- undantly illustrated. The range of subject
what stuffy presentation doesn’t really matter is broad and covers many imporinspire students.” During his search for tant fields of training. “The Standothek
supplementary material to the official books have now become indispensainstruction book for the training of ble for our lessons,” Meyer remarks. He
Luxemburg also sees an advantage in the fact that
Standox distributor Robin drew his they’re available in several languages.
“Owing to our particular situation in
Guy Henckes (Lycée Technique), Frank
Weiland, Marcel Glody (both from Robin)
and Norbert Meyer (Lycée Technique)
presenting the Standothek books (from
left to right)
Luxemburg, I use both the German and
French versions.” Marcel Glody, Director The Standothek guides are available
at Robin, makes sure that the school is from your Standox adviser or can be
always well stocked with books. “We’re downloaded at and
delighted that Standothek goes down so many national websites.
well with pupils. This confirms the high
practical benefit of the series.”
The Standothek series is an indispensable
guide for professional bodyshops:
Zeeman fleet resplendent in Standofleet
Since its launch in 2003, Standofleet, units and 70 trailers with RAL 1023 and Voortman Autoschade, who has been
the commercial vehicle paint system the “Zeeman” logo. Not only the removal working with Standofleet for six years
from Standox, has been very successful of the old advertising vinyls prove to be now, was suitably delighted. “Not only
– and is now in use in over 20 European a challenge, but also applying the yel- was the customer impressed by the colcountries. The Jan Voortman Autoschade low finish, as yellow doesn’t by nature our accuracy and high opacity, but the
bodyshop in the Netherlands has now cover well. The paint system developed quantities of material required are very
been awarded the prestigious order to jointly with Standox satisfied all of the low compared to other paint systems,
paint the vehicle fleet of Dutch discount customer’s expectations to perfection which in turn has a positive impact on
textiles chain Zeeman with Standofleet. and the Zeeman vehicles are now re- costs.”
The company has over 1,100 outlets in splendent in their bright yellow. Edwin
the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, van Egmont, Managing Director of Jan
France and Luxemburg.
Because Zeeman had changed its house
colour, all of the company’s blue vehicles had to be repainted yellow. Ten
employees at Jan Voortman Autoschade
were busy for a full eight months with
the repainting of 40 articulated tractor
14 o n l i n e
Online marketing with Web 2.0
The Internet has become a firmly established medium in body-
If you do opt for online activities with Web 2.0, you should
shops. Everyday operations are scarcely conceivable without
give the matter sufficient consideration. Nothing is worse than
communication by email, Web-supported colour formulation
registering with Facebook, for example, and then failing to
searches and electronically calculated estimates. Interactive
publish any more news due to overwork. Online marketing
Web 2.0 offers many ways of using the Internet to improve
should sensibly supplement rather than replace other mar-
marketing. Studies show that more and more people are com-
keting activities such as mailings and press articles. In its
municating, finding out about new products and also taking
Standothek series, Standox has brought out its own guide
purchase decisions via the Web. When buying cars, it has
to attracting and retaining customers which contains much
already become common practice to find the desired vehicle
useful advice for the planning of marketing activities. It can be
via dealer platforms on the Internet. The targeted vehicle can
obtained from your Standox adviser or downloaded at www.
be seen not only in still images but also in videos. and many national websites.
Bodyshops can also make use of these new media to publicize their own services and news and thus attract new customers and promote customer loyalty. Useful in this context is
a brief video graphically outlining the bodyshop’s services. An
example of a vehicle refinish or a spectacularly painted sports
The Standox online colour search is now available on
Web-compatible mobiles and Smartphones:
car is also ideal for showcasing in a short film. So that users
will actually find the video, it should be available not only on
your own website, but also on Internet platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Sevenload or Metacafe. A Facebook or Twitter
account makes it possible to address existing and potential
customers with news from your business and thus build up
Colour formulation
updates for download
personal ties.
With Standox, refinishers are always right up to
date. As soon as a new model with the latest colour leaves the production line, Standox formulates
this colour for repairs and adds it to the online colour database. So that customers working with the
Standowin colour search program have access to
Tips for presenting your business on the Internet
the latest formulations even between updates, the
program has been extended. Since update 1/2010,
formulations can be downloaded from the colour
1.In Google Places, businesses can post their address
search page at or the national
details, business hours and even pictures. This makes
Standox website into the “Standox Import-Export”
it easier for potential customers to find them
folder or imported by pressing the “External Formu-
la” button in Standowin.
2.Bodyshops should always photograph successful and
unusual paint jobs and publish them on the Flickr
platform. This way they can build up photo galleries
that can be integrated in the bodyshop’s own website
3.Company portraits and brochures can be posted in PDF
format on platforms like Slideshare (www.slideshare.
Interstandox 70
Edgar Westermair, Head
of Fatigue Analysis and
Materials at the BMW
Group in Munich
g u e s t a r t i c l e 15
Materials for the car of the future
Tougher requirements concerning the car safety as well as environmental and economic factors
are encouraging the development of new materials for vehicle engineering. We talked to Edgar
Westermair, Head of Fatigue Analysis and Materials at the BMW Group in Munich.
interstandox: What materials will the car of the future be
methods. In this connection, the development and selection
made of?
of suitable materials systems will have a big effect on the
weight of future vehicle generations.
Edgar Westermair: The multitude of requirements that cars
have to meet for technical, economic and environmental
interstandox: What are the challenges facing bodyshops and
reasons call for customized materials systems for the specific
paintshops when repairing cars of the future?
application. Classic metal and plastics strategies will therefore
be found alongside novel and yet-to-be-developed ceramic,
Edgar Westermair: In connection with the introduction
composite and hybrid materials in structures and components
of new lightweight construction strategies in the BMW
for automotive engineering.
Group, new materials systems and joining technologies
for repair and maintenance are being tested and optimized
interstandox: What requirements do new innovative materials
in vehicle operation. An example of this is the weight-
in vehicle engineering have to meet?
reduced aluminium front end of the BMW 5 Series. This is
repaired with a combination of bonding and riveting. The
Edgar Westermair: Along with the satisfaction of established
close cooperation between our own materials development
requirements such as safety, weight reduction and acoustics,
department with the trading organizations, and the early
the focus will be increasingly on such sustainability issues as
clarification of the repair and painting strategy will ensure
customers’ growing environmental awareness, urbanization
the use of novel structural and surface materials.
and social responsibility in addition to tougher legal targets
concerning active and passive pedestrian protection and
emission guidelines.
interstandox: What effect will new drive technologies such as
electric drives have on the choice of materials?
Edgar Westermair: New drive technologies will have a major
impact on the existing architecture of vehicles in terms of the
body and drive train. The integration of alternative energy
sources such as lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen tanks is
associated with extra weight because of the energy density.
Image: BMW Group
This has to be offset with innovative lightweight construction
Design sketch for the Megacity Vehicle that BMW
plans to launch in 2013 as the first mass-produced
vehicle worldwide to have a passenger cell made of
carbon fibre
16 g a l l e r y
A passion for perfection
Classic automobiles are much more than simply the cars of yesteryear. As the
living expression of our past, they are part of our cultural heritage. And they
testify to the inventive spirit and innovative powers of an era in which machines were not yet conceived on the computer screen. Above all, however,
they fascinate us with their aesthetics, design and styling that, even today,
are still a source of awe and wonder.
All the same, without the dazzling gloss of an outstanding paint finish, even
the most enthralling vehicle would look dull and ordinary. Thanks to its decades of experience and unsurpassed mastery, Standox is capable of equipping
refinishers with a complete package of products and services for the visual
refurbishment of classic vehicles, covering everything from identification of
the original colour through to the matching paint system for a durable classic
car repair. Standox – The Art of Refinishing.
Interstandox 70