DETACHED INDUSTRIAL/ WAREHOUSE UNIT WITH OFFICES FOR SALE / TO LET 7,765 sq ft [721.37 sq m] UNIT 1, NEWTON PARK, WEST PORTWAY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, ANDOVER, SP10 3SH MINIMUM EAVES HEIGHT OF 5M LARGE LOADING DOOR 2 STOREY OFFICE AND ANCILLARY ACCOMMODATION KITCHEN/CANTEEN FACILITIES 3 PHASE POWER Unit 1 Newton Park, West Portway Industrial Estate, Andover, SP10 3SH LOCATION Unit 1 Newton Park is situated on Hopkinson Way, West Portway Industrial Estate which is approached off the A343 Churchill Way and northern ring road. The estate lies on the western outskirts of Andover next to the A303 (M3 to Exeter) trunk road. The A303 dual carriageway offers direct access to the M3 (junction 8) with Basingstoke approximately 18 miles, London and the M25. The A34 dual carriage way 7 miles to the east links Southampton and the Midlands with Newbury approximately 17 miles and Winchester 15 miles. Andover has a main line railway station on the London (Waterloo) to Exeter line. Other occupiers on Newton Park include Plumb Centre, Floorpol Ltd and Newey & Eyre Ltd. Andover is an expanding town with a population in the region of 40,000 and is schedule for further growth over the next ten years. Major occupiers in the town include Stannah Lifts, Lloyds TSB, Twinings and Britax. DESCRIPTION The property comprises a detached industrial/warehouse unit constructed within a steel frame with block internal elevations and profile clad external elevations under a pitched lined profile steel clad roof. The unit benefits from a minimum eaves height of 5metres to the warehouse, loading door measuring 4.75m (h) x 3.38m (w), two storey offices and parking provision. The left bay of the warehouse measures 10.53m wide, the right bay 11.50m wide. ACCOMMODATION Warehouse 6,535 sq ft Offices/ancillary 1,230 sq ft Total Gross Internal Area 7,765 sq ft Floor areas have been provided to us. (607.10 sq m) (114.27 sq m) (721.37 sq m) LEASE The property is held under a ground lease from Test Valley Borough Council for a term of 125 years expiring 2108, with 5 yearly rent reviews. A full repairing and insuring underlease is available for a term to be agreed. RENT/PRICE Rental £38,850 + VAT per annum exclusive. The long leasehold is available at a price of £430,000 + VAT SERVICE CHARGE A service charge is payable of £1,080 for the current year. Buildings insurance is £1,687. All figures may be subject to VAT. BUSINESS RATES We understand the rateable value of the property is £40,500, with rates payable for the year 2012/2013 of £18,091.63 However interested parties are advised to contact the local authority (Test Valley 01264 368000) direct for confirmation of the business rates. LEGAL COSTS Each party to bear their own legal costs. VIEWING Strictly by appointment, through the joint sole agents:- JO KEENE LONDON CLANCY ℡ 01256 462222 KEITH ENTERS CARTER JONAS ℡ 01264 342300 Misrepresentation Act 1967 – London Clancy for themselves and for the vendors/lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: a) These particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers/lessees and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. b) All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchaser or lessee should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of teach of tem. c) We have not tested any of the service installations and any purchaser/lessee must satisfy themselves independently as to the state and condition of such items. d) No person in the employment of London Clancy has any authority to make or give any representations or warranties whatsoever in relation to this property. Finance Act 1989 – Unless otherwise stated, all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax. Any intending purchaser or lessee must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction W/055/A