Samsung SGH-N700 service manual
SAMSUNG Anycall SGH-N700 SAMSUNG Anycall CONTENTS 1. Specification 2. Circuit Description 3. Exploded Views and Parts List 4. Electrical Parts List 5. Block Diagrams 6. PCB Diagrams 7. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting ⓒ Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. January. 2005 This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable Printed in Korea. International and/or domestic law. Code No.: GH68-06532A BASIC. 1. SGH-N700 Specification 1. GSM General Specification G SM 9 0 0 Ph a s e 1 EGS M 9 0 0 Ph a s e 2 DC S1 8 0 0 P h as e 1 F r eq . B a n d [M Hz ] Up l in k / Do w n li n k 8 9 0 ~9 1 5 9 3 5 ~9 6 0 8 8 0 ~9 1 5 9 2 5 ~9 6 0 1710~1785 1805~1880 A RF C N r a n g e 1 ~1 2 4 0 ~1 2 4 & 9 7 5 ~ 1 0 2 3 512~885 T x /R x s p ac in g 4 5 MH z 4 5 MH z 9 5 M Hz Mo d . B i t r at e/ Bi t Pe r i o d 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s 2 7 0 .8 3 3 k b p s 3 .6 9 2 u s Ti me Sl o t P er io d / F r am e P er i o d 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 . 6 1 5 ms 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 . 6 1 5 ms 5 7 6 .9 u s 4 .6 1 5 m s Mo d u l a ti o n 0 . 3 GMS K 0 . 3 GMS K 0 .3 GM SK M S P o we r 3 3 d B m~1 3 d B m 3 3 d B m~5 d B m 3 0 d B m~ 0 d B m Po w er C l as s 5 p cl ~ 1 5 p c l 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl Se n si t iv i t y - 1 0 2 d Bm - 1 0 2 d Bm -100dBm TDM A M u x 8 8 8 C el l Ra d iu s 35Km 35Km 2 Km 1-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Specification 2. GSM TX power class TX Power control level TX Power GSM900 control level DCS1800 5 33±2 dBm 0 30±2 dBm 6 31±2 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 7 29±2 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 8 27±2 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 9 25±2 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 10 23±2 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 11 21±2 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 12 19±2 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 13 17±2 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 14 15±2 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 15 13±2 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 16 11±3 dBm 11 8±4dBm 17 9±3dBm 12 6±4 dBm 18 7±3 dBm 13 4±4 dBm 19 5±3 dBm 14 2±5 dBm 15 0±5 dBm 1-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 2. SGH-N700 Circuit Description 1. SGH-N700 RF Circuit Description 1) RX PART 1. FEM(U402(SWITCHPLEXER+FILTER)) → Switching Tx, Rx path for E`GSM900, and DCS1800 by logic controlling. 2. FEM Control Logic (U402) → Truth Table VC1 VC2 DCS / PCS Tx Mode L H GSM Tx Mode H L GSM / DCS Rx Mode L L 3. FILTER To convert Electromagnetic Field Wave to Acoustic Wave and then pass the specific frequency band. - GSM FILTER (U402(SWITCHPLEXER+FILTER)) → For filtering the frequency band between 925 ~ 960 MHz - DCS FILTER(U402(SWITCHPLEXER+FILTER)) → For filtering the frequency band 1805 and 1880 MHz. 4. VC-TCXO (OSC401) To generate the 13MHz reference clock to drive the logic and RF. After additional process, the reference clock applies to the U900 Rx IQ demodulator and Tx IQ modulator. The oscillator for RX IQ demodulator and Tx modulator are controlled by serial data to select channel and use fast lock mode for GPRS high class operation. 5. SI 4205 (U404) This chip integrates two differential-input LNAs. The GSM input supports the E-GSM, DCS input supports the DCS1800. The LNA inputs are matched to the 200 ohm differential output SAW filters through eternal LC matching network. Image-reject mixer downconverts the RF signal to a 100 KHz intermediate frequency(IF) with the RFLO from frequency synthesizer. The RFLO frequency is between 1849.8~1879.9MHz. The Mixer output is amplified with an analog programmable gain amplifier(PGA), which is controlled by AGAIN. The quadrature IF signal is digitized with high resolution A/D converts (ADC). Also, this chip down-converts the ADC output to baseband with a digital 100 KHz quadrature LO signal. Digital decimation and IIR filters perform channel selection to remove blocking and reference interface signals. After channel selection, the digital output is scaled with a digital PGA, which is controlled with the DGAIN. DACs drive a differential analog signal onto the RXIP, RXIN, RXQP, RXQN pins to interface to standard analog-input baseband IC. 2-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description 2) TX PART Baseband IQ signal fed into offset PLL, this function is included inside of U404 chip. SI4205 chip generates modulator signal which power level is about 1.5dBm and fed into Power Amplifier(U403). The PA output power and power ramping are well controlled by Auto Power Control circuit. We use offset PLL below Modulation Spectrum 200kHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth GSM -35dBc DCS -35dBc 400kHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth GSM -66dBc DCS -65dBc 600kHz ~ 1.8MHz offset 30 kHz bandwidth GSM -75dBc DCS -68dBc 2. Baseband Circuit description of SGH-N700 1) CSP2200B1 1. Power Management Seven low-dropout regulators designed specifically for GSM applications power the terminal and help ensure optimal system performance and long battery life. A programmable LDO provides support for 1.8V, 3.0V SIMs, while a self-resetting, electronically fused switch supplies power to external accessories. Ancillary support functions, such as two LED drivers and two call-alert drivers, aid in reducing both board area and system complexity. A four-wire serial interface unit(SIU) provides access to control and configuration registers. This interface gives a microprocessor full control of the CSP2200B1 and enables system designers to maximize both standby and talk times. Error reporting is provided via an interrupt signal and status register. Supervisory functions. including a reset generator, an input voltage monitor, and a thermal monitor, support reliable system design. These functions work together to ensure proper system behavior during start-up or in the event of a fault condition(low microprocessor voltage, insufficient battery energy, or excessive die temperature). 2. Battery Charge Management A battery charge management block, incorporating an internal PMOS switch, and an 8-bit ADC, provides fast, efficient charging of single-cell Li-Ion battery. Used in conjunction with a current-limited voltage source, this block safely conditions near-dead cells and provides the option of having fast-charge and top-off controlled internally or by the system's microprocessor. 3. Backlight LED Driver The backlight LED driver is a low-side, programmable current source designed to control the brightness of the keyboard illumination. LED1_DRV is controlled via LED1_[0:2] and can be programmed to sink from 15mA to 60mA in 7.5mA steps. LED2_DRV is controlled via LED2_[0:2] and can be programmed to sink from 5mA to 40mA in 5mA steps. 2-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description Both LED drivers are capable of sinking their maximum output current at a worst-case maximum output voltage of 0.6V. For efficient use, the LEDs is connected between the battery and the LED_DRV output. 4. Vibrator Motor Driver The vibrator motor driver is a independent voltage regulator to drive a small dc motor that silently alerts the user of an incoming call. The driver is a 3.0V constant source while sinking up to 180mA and controlled by enable signal of main chip. For efficient use and safety, the vibrator motor should be connected between the regulator output and the ground. 2). LCD LCD is consisted of main LCD(B/W STN LCD). Chip select signals of EMI part in the trident, LCD_CS, can enable main LCD. VDD_EL signal enables EL of main LCD. In sleep mode, EL are turned off. These two signals are from IO part of the DSP in the trident. RST signal from CSP2200B1 initiates the initial process of the LCD. 8-bit data lines(D(0)~D(7)) transfers data and commands to LCD . Data and commands use A(2) signal. If this signal is high, Inputs to LCD are commands. If it is low, Inputs to LCD are data. The signals which inform the input or output state to LCD, are required. But this system is not necessary for read enable signal. CP_WEN signal is only used to write data or commands to LCD. Power signal for operating LCD driver is VCCD. 3). JTAG Connector Trident has two JTAG ports which are for ARM core and DSP core(DSP16000). So this system has two port connector for these ports. Pins' initials for ARM core are 'CP_' and pins' initials for DSP core are 'DSP_'. CP_TDI and DSP_TDI signal are used for input of data. CP_TDO and DSP_TDO signals are used for the output of the data. CP_TCK and DSP_TCK signals are used for clock because JTAG communication is a synchronous. CP_TMS and DSP_TMS signals are test mode signals. The difference between these is the RESET_INT signal which is for ARM core RESET. 4). Keypad This is consisted of key interface pins in the trident, KEY_ROW[0~4] and KEY_COL[0~4]. These signals compose the matrix. Result of matrix informs the key status to key interface in the trident. Some pins are connected to varistor for ESD protection. And power on/off key is seperated from the matrix. So power on/off signal is connected with CSP2200 to enable CSP2200. 2-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description 5) IF connetor It is 18-pin connector, and separated into two parts. One is a power supply part for main system. And the other is designed to use SDS, DEBUG, DLC-DETECT, JIG_ON, TA, VF, and GND. They connected to power supply IC, microprocessor and signal processor IC. 6) Audio AOUTAP, AOUTAN from CSP2200 is connected to the speaker via analog switch. MICIN and MICOUT are connected to the main MIC. YMU759 is a LSI for portable telephone that is capable of playing high quality music by utilizing FM synthesizer and ADPCM decorder that are included in this device. As a synthesis, YMU759 is equipped 16 voices with different tones. Since the device is capable of simultaneously generating up to synchronous with the play of the FM synthesizer, various sampled voices can be used as sound effects. Since the play data of YMU759 are interpreted at anytime through FIFO, the length of the data(playing period) is not limited, so the device can flexibly support application such as incoming call melody music distribution service. The hardware sequencer built in this device allows playing of the complex music without giving excessive load to the CPU of the portable telephones. Moreover, the registers of the FM synthesizer can be operated directly for real time sound generation, allowing, for example, utilization of various sound effects when using the game software installed in the portable telephone. YMU759 includes a speaker amplifier with high ripple removal rate whose maximum output is 550mW (SPVDD=3.6V). The device is also equipped with conventional function including a vibartor and a circuit for controlling LEDs synchornous with music. 7) Memory This system uses AMD's memory, S71JL064HA0BAW110. It is consisted of 64M bits flash memory and 16M bits PSRAM. It has 16 bit data line, D[0~15] which is connected to trident, LCD or CSP2200. It has 22 bit address lines, A[0~21]. They are also connected. CP_CSROMEN signal, chip select signal in the trident, enable flash memories. They use 2.8 volt supply voltage, VCCD. During wrting process, CP_WEN is low and it enables writing process to flash memory and PSRAM. During reading process, CP_OEN is low and it output information which is located at the address from the trident in the flash memory or PSRAM to data lines. Each chip select signals in the trident select flash memory or PSRAM. Reading or writing procedure is processed after CP_WEN or CP_OEN is enabled. Memories use RST. A[0] signal enables lower byte of PSRAM and UPPER_BYTE signal enables higher byte of PSRAM. 2-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description 8) Trident Trident is consisted of ARM core and DSP core. It has 20K*16bits RAM 144K*16bits ROM in the DSP. It has 4K*32bits ROM and 2K*32bits RAM in the ARM core. DSP is consisted of timer, one bit input/output unit(BIO), JTAG, EMI and HDS(Hardware Development System). ARM core is consisted of EMI, PIC(Programmable Interrupt Controller), reset/power/clock unit, DMA controller, TIC(Test Interface Controller), peripheral bridge, PPI, SSI(Synchronous Serial Interface), ACCs(Asynchronous communications controllers), timer, ADC, RTC(Real-Time Clock) and keyboard interface. DSP_AB[0~8], address lines of DSP core and DSP_DB[0~15], data lines of DSP core are connected to CSP2200. A[0~20], address lines of ARM core and D[0~15], data lines of ARM core are connected to memory, LCD and YMU762. ICP(Interprocessor Communication Port) controls the communication between ARM core and DSP core. CSROMEN, CSRAMEN and CS1N to CS4N in the ARM core are connected to each memory. WEN and OEN control the process of memory. External IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) signals from each units, such as, YMU, Ear-jack, Ear-mic and CSP1093, need the compatible process. Some PPI pins has many special functions. CP_KB[0~9] receive the status from key FPCB and are used for the communications using data link cable(DEBUG_DTR/RTS/TXD/RXD/CTS/DSR). And UP_CS/SCLK/SDI, control signals for CSP2200 are outputted through PPI pins. It has signal port for charging(CHG_DET), SIM_RESET and FLIP_SNS with which we knows open.closed status of folder. It has JTAG control pins(TDI/TDO/TCK) for ARM core and DSP core. It recieves 13MHz clock in CKI pin from external TCXO and receives 32.768KHz clock from X1RTC. ADC(Analog to Digital Convertor) part receives the status of temperature, battery type and battery voltage. And control signals(DSP_INT, DSP_IO and DSP_RWN) for DSP core are used. It enables main LCD with DSP IP pins. 8) X-TAL(13MHz) This system uses the 13MHz TCXO. AFC control signal form CSP1093 controls frequency from 13MHz x-tal. This clock is fed to CSP1093,Trident,YMU759 and Silab solution. 2-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Circuit Description 2-6 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 3. SGH-N700 Exploded Views and Parts List 1. Cellular phone Exploded View-1 QMW02 QFR01 QIF01 QKP01 QCR05 QSP01 QMO01 QLC01 QMP01 QME01 QMI01 QAN02 QAN05 QRE01 QRF01 QCR04 QBA21 3-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Exploded Views and Parts List 2. Cellular phone Parts list Location Description NO. SEC CODE QMW02 PMO-MAIN WINDOW GH72-13316A QFR01 MEC-FRONT COVER GH75-04537A QIF01 PMO-IF COVER GH72-16745A QKP01 MEC-KEYPAD ASSY GH75-04539A QSP01 SPEAKER 3001-001576 QMO01 MOTOR GH31-00047A QMP01 MIAN PBA GH92-01986A QLC01 LCD GH07-00623A QME01 UNIT METAL DOME GH59-01456A QMI01 MICROPHONE ASSY GH30-00125A QCR05 SCREW 6001-001478 QAN05 MEC-INTENA RUBBER GH75-05620A QRE01 REAR COVER GH75-04538A QCR04 SCREW-MACHINE 6001-001479 QRF01 MPR-R/F COVER GH74-08243A QBA21 BATTERY-820MAH GH43-01599A QAN02 INTENNA GH42-00444A 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Remark Exploded Views and Parts List 3. Test Jig (GH80-00865A) 3-1. RF Test Cable 3-2. Test Cable (GH39-00182A) 3-3. Serial Cable (GH39-00127A) 3-4. Power Supply Cable 3-5. DATA CABLE (GH39-00143B) 3-6. TA (GH44-00284A) 3-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Exploded Views and Parts List 3-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 4. SGH-N700 Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 0403 -001387 Z D629 1405 -001082 Z D608 0403 -001427 Z D628 1405 -001082 Z D609 0403 -001511 Z D301 1405 -001082 Z D610 0404 -001172 D501 1405 -001082 Z D611 0406 -001150 Z D501 1405 -001082 Z D612 0406 -001150 Z D502 1405 -001082 Z D613 0501 -000481 Q301 1405 -001082 Z D614 0504 -001113 Q102 1405 -001082 Z D615 0601 -001094 LED601 1405 -001082 Z D616 0601 -001094 LED602 1405 -001082 Z D617 0601 -001094 LED605 1405 -001082 Z D618 0601 -001094 LED606 1405 -001082 Z D619 0601 -001094 LED607 1405 -001082 Z D620 0601 -001094 LED608 1405 -001082 Z D621 0601 -001094 LED631 1405 -001082 Z D622 0601 -001094 LED632 1405 -001082 Z D623 0601 -001094 LED633 1405 -001082 Z D624 0601 -001094 LED634 2007 -000138 R103 0601 -001094 LED635 2007 -000138 R113 0601 -001094 LED636 2007 -000138 R424 0601 -001956 LED610 2007 -000140 R515 0801 -000796 U102 2007 -000140 R516 1001 -001261 U501 2007 -000140 R617 1003 -001395 U302 2007 -000140 R618 1109 -001309 U202 2007 -000140 R619 1201 -002177 U403 2007 -000140 R620 1203 -001917 U601 2007 -000140 R621 1203 -003109 U107 2007 -000140 R622 1203 -003304 U101 2007 -000140 R623 1204 -001811 U502 2007 -000140 R624 1205 -002433 U404 2007 -000140 R625 1209 -001219 U203 2007 -000140 R627 1405 -001082 Z D601 2007 -000140 R628 1405 -001082 Z D602 2007 -000140 R629 1405 -001082 Z D603 2007 -000141 R420 1405 -001082 Z D604 2007 -000148 R109 1405 -001082 Z D605 2007 -000148 R110 1405 -001082 Z D606 2007 -000148 R202 1405 -001082 Z D607 2007 -000148 R214 4-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 2007 -000148 R423 2007 -001217 R631 2007 -000148 R510 2007 -001217 R632 2007 -000148 R512 2007 -001217 R633 2007 -000157 R207 2007 -001217 R634 2007 -000157 R609 2007 -001217 R635 2007 -000157 R610 2007 -001217 R636 2007 -000162 R111 2007 -001292 R502 2007 -000162 R112 2007 -001292 R503 2007 -000162 R114 2007 -001319 R101 2007 -000162 R201 2007 -001325 R507 2007 -000162 R206 2007 -002797 R421 2007 -000162 R501 2007 -003001 R422 2007 -000162 R511 2007 -003025 R630 2007 -000162 R513 2007 -007100 R205 2007 -000164 R504 2007 -007138 R402 2007 -000171 R102 2007 -007142 R208 2007 -000171 R104 2007 -007308 R211 2007 -000171 R105 2007 -007308 R212 2007 -000171 R106 2007 -008117 R107 2007 -000171 R108 2203 -000189 C310 2007 -000171 R210 2203 -000189 C311 2007 -000171 R213 2203 -000189 C312 2007 -000171 R302 2203 -000189 C313 2007 -000171 R425 2203 -000189 C314 2007 -000171 R426 2203 -000233 C110 2007 -000171 R509 2203 -000233 C401 2007 -000171 R518 2203 -000233 C402 2007 -000171 R519 2203 -000233 C423 2007 -000171 R521 2203 -000233 C429 2007 -000690 R301 2203 -000233 C430 2007 -000775 R505 2203 -000233 C431 2007 -000775 R506 2203 -000233 C440 2007 -001119 R517 2203 -000233 C502 2007 -001217 R601 2203 -000233 C503 2007 -001217 R602 2203 -000233 C505 2007 -001217 R605 2203 -000233 C508 2007 -001217 R606 2203 -000254 C118 2007 -001217 R607 2203 -000254 C201 2007 -001217 R608 2203 -000254 C202 4-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC SEC CODE Design LOC 2203 -000254 C203 2203 -001598 C112 2203 -000254 C204 2203 -001598 C116 2203 -000254 C205 2203 -001652 C113 2203 -000254 C206 2203 -005061 C103 2203 -000254 C207 2203 -005061 C106 2203 -000254 C208 2203 -005061 C117 2203 -000254 C212 2203 -005061 C119 2203 -000254 C418 2203 -005061 C124 2203 -000254 C419 2203 -005061 C213 2203 -000254 C438 2203 -005061 C214 2203 -000254 C441 2203 -005061 C217 2203 -000254 C442 2203 -005061 C218 2203 -000254 C443 2203 -005061 C222 2203 -000254 C449 2203 -005061 C223 2203 -000278 C530 2203 -005061 C422 2203 -000425 C410 2203 -005061 C506 2203 -000425 C439 2203 -005061 C510 2203 -000438 C512 2203 -005061 C513 2203 -000628 C220 2203 -005061 C532 2203 -000628 C221 2203 -005065 C302 2203 -000628 C407 2203 -005065 C305 2203 -000628 C435 2203 -005065 C306 2203 -000654 C504 2203 -005065 C307 2203 -000679 C211 2203 -005065 C523 2203 -000812 C107 2203 -005065 C609 2203 -000812 C108 2203 -005065 C610 2203 -000812 C109 2203 -005288 C408 2203 -000812 C436 2203 -005288 C409 2203 -000870 C450 2203 -005288 C411 2203 -000885 C303 2203 -005288 C413 2203 -000995 C434 2203 -005480 C219 2203 -001072 C101 2203 -005482 C304 2203 -001072 C102 2203 -005482 C501 2203 -001072 C114 2203 -005496 C209 2203 -001072 C215 2203 -005496 C210 2203 -001072 C216 2203 -005509 C515 2203 -001383 C412 2203 -005509 C521 2203 -001405 C507 2203 -006093 C115 2203 -001598 C111 2203 -006093 C120 4-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC 2203 -006093 C315 2203 -006257 C121 2203 -006257 C122 2203 -006324 C104 2203 -006324 C105 2404 -001086 C511 2404 -001239 C602 2404 -001268 C123 2404 -001281 C417 2404 -001281 C433 2404 -001305 C529 2404 -001339 C509 2404 -001348 C406 2703 -001512 L401 2703 -001751 L405 2703 -002201 C451 2703 -002204 L402 2703 -002624 L301 2703 -002759 L403 2801 -003747 OSC201 2809 -001264 OSC401 2909 -001225 U402 3705 -001287 U401 3709 -001335 C N101 3710 -002017 C N601 4302 -001130 BAT101 GH09 -00029A U201 4-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 5. SGH-N700 Block Diagrams 1. RF Solution Block Diagram Si 42 05 (U404) LN A PGA ADC PGA ADC Channel Fi lt er DCS RX ( 1880 MHz ) Mi x e r EGSM RX (925~960 MHz) LN A PG A DAC I PG A DAC Q 10 0 kH z RF Cone ctor (U401) Fr ont En d Mod ule CS P 22 00 B1 (U402) RF PLL IF PLL (U101) VCT CXO (OSC401) SDATA DCS TX (1710 ~ 17 85 MHz) Dua l PA M SCLK SENB PDNB (U403) PD EGSM TX (880 ~ 91 5 MHz) LPF I Q Bryce Park 5-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Block Diagrams 2. Base Band Solution Block Diagram 5-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 6. SGH-N700 PCB Diagrams 1. Main PCB Top Diagram 6-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization PCB Diagrams 2. Main PCB Bottom Diagram 5-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 7. SGH-N700 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 1. Power On The set is not ' Power On ' Check the current consumption No Current consumption >=100mA Download again Yes Check the +VBATT Voltage No Voltage >= 3.3V Charge the Battery Yes Check the pin of U101 No Check U101 and C112 pin#J12 of U101 >= 2.8V Yes pin#A13 of U101 = 2.8V No No Yes pin#G11 = 1.8V Check U101 and C115 Yes Check the clock signal at pin#R6 Freq = 13MHz No Check the clock generation circuit (related to OSC401) Yes Check the initial operation END 7-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 2. Initial Initialization Failure Yes The pin#G11 of U101 = 1.8V and the pin#J12 of U101 ≒ 2.825V ? No Check the U101 (If it has some problem, adjust it.) Yes No Is the pin#K9 of U101 "Low -> High"? Check the U101 (If it has some problem, adjust it.) Yes No 32.768kHz wave forms at the C220 and C221 Check the U201 Yes No The Voltage is "High" at the C112 Check the U101 Yes No Check the LCD Part LCD display is O.K Yes No Sound is O.K Check the Audio Part Yes END 7-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting DSP_DB(0:15) D2 D3 E3 E2 F3 F2 F1 F4 G4 G3 H5 J6 J5 K3 K2 K1 K5 K7 M1 M2 N2 N1 L5 P1 K6 L3 L2 R3 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 AB8 AB7 AB6 AB5 AB4 AB3 AB2 AB1 AB0 I|O RWN RESETN_CSP VCCD (3.0V) C102 56PF C101 56PF VCCA RXTXQN C6 RXTXQP C7 RXTXIN D6 RXTXIP D7 RAREF1 B6 RAREF2 B5 (3.0V) DAIDO M6 DAIDIL6 DAIRN4 P DAICK R4 VREGN R14 VREGPM13 VXVCM R13 AUXOUTN L13 AUXOUTP K13 AUXINN L14 0 AUXINP M15 MICOUTN P15 MICOUTP N15 MICINN M14 MICINP N14 AOUTBN P12 AOUTBP R12 AOUTAN N12 AOUTAP P11 AGND 100NF C120 1UF 6.3V AGND DINTR P3 NC7 P5 MC R6 XOENAQ D1 RTC_CLK N4 R102 VCCD RESET_O K9 PSW1_BUF L7 PWR_SW1N C15 PWR_SW2 C14 (3.0V) C103 100NF TXP E7 AFC D9 AFC TXPOWER RXTXQN RXTXQP RXTXIN RXTXIP VIB_RNG_EN L9 INTRQL10 PWR_KEEP M9 MODEN10 VBAT C122 R109 C118 10NF R106 R105 3 2 R110 PWR_ON R112 100K C104 2.2UF 10V 10K 470nF 0 0 C105 2.2UF 10V SIMCLK SIMRST SIMDATA FL_LED BL_KEY_LED VIB_EN UP_CS UP_SCLK TP106 UP_SDI VREF C106 100NF C113 470NF (3.0V) VCCB KEY_ROW(0) RST KEY_COL(2) MELODY_VIB INTRQ PWR_KEEP RTCALARM 10K R111 100K 16V C116 2.2UF (3.0V) VCCA AGND JIG_ON TA_VEXT C108 33PF C114 56PF C109 33PF VRF TA_VEXT (3.0V) 16V C111 2.2UF CN101 5000-6P-2.2(L) 1 VCC 2 VCC 3 CLK 4 GND 5 VPP 6 I/O 7 NC 8 NC 9 NC 10 NC (1.8V) VCC_1.8A 6.3V C115 1UF C121 470nF 16V C123 10UF 10V C112 2.2UF (3.0V) VCCD (rf-5000-6P-2.2L) C107 33PF C117 100NF C124 100NF VBAT 2 1 Q102 DTC144EM D15 E10 A10 E9 H10 E14 E13 E11 F12 D14 K8 L8 N7 M7 K12 H11 G12 G13 F13 F15 C12 A14 C9 D10 B10 B11 A12 B12 A13 J12 G11 F14 N9 R10 P10 J11 K11 K14 VDD34 C11 VDD12 J13 UP_CLK UP_RST UP_IO SIM_IO SIM_RST SIM_CLK VSIM VRTC LED2_DRV LED1_DRV RING_DRV VIB_DRV VLDO_7 VLDO_6 VL5S_B VL5S_A VLDO_5 VL4S_B VL4S_A VLDO_4 VLDO_3 VLDO_2 VLDO_1 VACC CSN_PSC SCLK_PSC SDO_PSC SDI_PSC VEXT VBAT CH_BDRV CH_ISEN CH_RES B A 1 ADC_AUX2 ADC_AUX1 VREF CREF GND VCC 5 VBAT Y RTC_ALMN 0 4 U102 3 VRTC (3.0V) C110 100PF 2 POS 1 NEG DCS_TX_EN GSM_TX_EN R101 1.2K (3.0V) R115 NC (3.0V) VCCD R114 100K VCCD BAT101 RB414_IV02N _CHG 8 U107 MAX1508ETA 1 VL BATT 7 _EN 5 _ACOK 6 2 IN 3 GND G G GG 9 10 11 12 4 ISET R107 2.7K , 1% VBAT CHG_DET CHG_ON ICHRG SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice AGND U101 CSP2200B1 VDD5 VDD67 GNDQ GND_PSC1 GND_PSC2 GND_HCUR VDD1 VDD2 VDD3 VDD_IO1 VDD_IO2 VSS1 VSS2 VSS3 VSS4 VDDD GNDD VDDB GNDB VDDV GNDV VDD_OCTL GND_OCTL SERLE1 SERLE2 SERDA SERCK OCTL0 OCTL1 OCTL2 OCTL3 OCTL4 OCTL5 OCTL6 OCTL7 B1 A2 C1 C2 E6 C5 F5 E5 A4 G6 B3 A3 AUX_ADC3 D13 GNDS1 F7 GNDS2 F8 GNDS3 F9 GNDS4 F10 GNDS5 G7 GNDS6 G8 GNDS7 G9 GNDS8 G10 GNDS9 H6 GNDS10 H7 GNDS11 H8 GNDS12 H9 GNDS13 J7 GNDS14 J8 GNDS15 J9 GNDS16 J10 GNDS17 K10 NC5 1 NC6 2 100 100 DSP_DB(15) DSP_DB(14) DSP_DB(13) DSP_DB(12) DSP_DB(11) DSP_DB(10) DSP_DB(9) DSP_DB(8) DSP_DB(7) DSP_DB(6) DSP_DB(5) DSP_DB(4) DSP_DB(3) DSP_DB(2) DSP_DB(1) DSP_DB(0) DSP_AB(8) DSP_AB(7) DSP_AB(6) DSP_AB(5) DSP_AB(4) DSP_AB(3) DSP_AB(2) DSP_AB(1) DSP_AB(0) R113 R103 0 TC7S32FU This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization C10 B13 E8 B15 K15 F11 J3 M3 N6 N5 J4 G5 K4 R2 P6 N11 M10 A6 F6 L11 P13 C4 B4 DSP_AB(0:8) DSP_IO DSP_RWN FLASH_RESET XOENA TX_BAND_SEL SI_EN TX_EN SERLE SERDAT SERCLK R108 AGND 7-3 C119 AOUTAN AOUTAP MICOUTN MICOUTP MICINN MICINP R104 TP105 TP104 TP103 TP102 CLK32K DSP_INT CLK13M_MC Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 3. SIM Part "Insert SIM" is displayed on the LCD Yes No Are there any Signals at pin#N9, #R10, #P10 of U101? Check the U102 Yes No Are there any Signals at pin#K12, #K11, #K14, #J11 of CN101? Check the U101 Yes Check the SIM Card END 7-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 4. Charging Part Abnormal charging operation No The pin#17, #18 of CN601 is TA_VEXT ≒ 5V ? Replace TA or Check CN601 Yes No Check the U107 The pin#7 of U107 >=3.3V? Yes The ICHRG = 1.4V(during No charging) and ≒ 180mV(full Solder again or change R107 charging) ? Yes END 7-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SPK1P 10 NO1 V+ U402 MAX4684EU B NO2 1 2 3 4 5 V402 AVLC 5S 02 10 0 YMU_VIB_E N VBAT 1 2 3 IN OUT REF_BYP U403 GND EN MIC5205-3.0BM5/T R 5 4 C411 1UF C412 2.2UF 6.3V ZD401 UDZS5.1B C400 1UF SPEAKE R SBR125530P-CT01 2 2 1 1 ZD403 RSB6.8S-TE6 1 V410 VC040205X150R MIC- MIC+ V411 VC040205X150R C401 27PF MOT+ D(1) D(0) CP_WEN YMU_EN A(0) CP_OEN CLK13M_YMU YMU_LED YMU_IRQ RST VIB1 VIB2 AOUTBP AOUTBN 1 C410 NC C414 220PF V405 JACK_I N V406 33 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 C404 220NF C436 10UF 6.3V C437 10UF 6.3V G D1 D0 25 /WR /CS A0 /RD 1 24 2 R443 10 R442 10 IOVDD GG VC040205X150R 23 3 22 4 21 5 U401 20 C432 33PF R416 3.3K 6 YMU762C-QZE 2 C434 56PF 19 7 C424 1NF C435 56PF 18 17 8 V409 9 C415 100NF C422 4.7UF 10V V408 36 16 15 14 13 12 11 C407 220NF VCCD R403 EAR_MIC_ P EAR_SPK_N JACK_IN_REF EAR_MIC_ N EAR_SPK_P C425 100NF V407 35 HPOUT-L/MONO 10 HPOUT-R EQ1 EQ2 EQ3 SPVDD G SPVSS VCCD R400 100K AOUTAN SPK1N SPK1P C439 18PF C420 33PF ZD402 RSB6.8S-TE61 C438 22PF C419 33PF VCCA 8 U404-1 LMC6035IBPX D4 VBAT R444 0 R402 10 SPK1N AUDIO_AMP_EN YMU_SPK1 N L401 27nH C416 GRP1555C1H330J L402 27nH R418 1.5K R421 0 3 4 MTR VDD V401 AVLC 5S 02 10 0 R401 10 COM2 IN1 C413 220NF C417 220NF R417 1.5K R424 1.5K VCCA R439 56K 2 R405 1.2K 6 2 5 4 1 3 0 C405 1.2NF CN401 7000-2.5G-DB1-A R404 6.8K VBAT C408 10UF 10V C406 100NF This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 9 8 NC1 VCCA R438 10K V404 AVLC 5S 02 100 C440 47PF R419 220 C426 33UF R423 1.5K C429 33PF EAR_SWITC H R441 1M SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice AOUTAP COM1 NC2 IN2 GND C409 NC C402 100NF R408 10K,1% R411 10K,1% C418 NC C427 NC C428 220NF C430 220NF VCCA 7 R440 56K 7-6 SPOUT 1 VREF 7 6 R407 68K,1% R415 68K,1% R422 30K,1% R425 10K,1% R429 10K,1% C431 NC 5 6 U404-2 LMC6035IBPX SPOUT 2 VSS YMU_SPK1P V403 AVLC 5S 02 10 0 MICOUTP MICINP MICINN MICOUTN AUXOUTN AUXINN AUXINP AUXOUTP R428 30K,1% R435 33K R437 56K /IRQ D(7) D7 PLLC D(4) D3 D(6) D6 NC D(3) D2 LED D(5) D5 /RST D(2) CLKI Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 5. Microphone Part Microphone does not work Yes No Is the assembled status of microphone O.K? Reassemble the microphone Yes Check the reference voltage on Mic path No Solder the microphone again or C529 > 2.5V Replace around Mic Circuit Yes No Is microphone ok ? Check U101 Yes END 7-7 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 6. Speaker Part There is no sound from Speaker No Is the terminal of Speaker O.K.? Replace the Speaker Yes The type of sound from the Speaker is Melody Yes Are there any signals at the pin#5 and pin#7 of U501? Yes The pin#4 of U501 is "Low" No No No Are there any signals at the pin#2 and pin#10 of U501? Yes Yes Yes Check U501 No The pin#4 of U501 is "High" No Check U101 Check U502 END 7-8 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting SPK1P 10 NO1 V+ U402 MAX4684EU B NO2 1 2 3 4 5 V402 AVLC 5S 02 10 0 YMU_VIB_E N VBAT 1 2 3 IN OUT REF_BYP U403 GND EN MIC5205-3.0BM5/T R 5 4 C411 1UF C412 2.2UF 6.3V ZD401 UDZS5.1B C400 1UF SPEAKE R SBR125530P-CT01 2 2 1 1 ZD403 RSB6.8S-TE6 1 V410 VC040205X150R MIC- MIC+ V411 VC040205X150R C401 27PF MOT+ D(1) D(0) CP_WEN YMU_EN A(0) CP_OEN CLK13M_YMU YMU_LED YMU_IRQ RST VIB1 VIB2 AOUTBP AOUTBN 1 C410 NC C414 220PF V405 JACK_I N V406 33 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 C404 220NF C436 10UF 6.3V C437 10UF 6.3V G D1 D0 25 /WR /CS A0 /RD 1 24 2 R443 10 R442 10 IOVDD GG VC040205X150R 23 3 22 4 21 5 U401 20 C432 33PF R416 3.3K 6 YMU762C-QZE 2 C434 56PF 19 7 C424 1NF C435 56PF 18 17 8 V409 9 C415 100NF C422 4.7UF 10V V408 36 16 15 14 13 12 11 C407 220NF VCCD R403 EAR_MIC_ P EAR_SPK_N JACK_IN_REF EAR_MIC_ N EAR_SPK_P C425 100NF V407 35 HPOUT-L/MONO 10 HPOUT-R EQ1 EQ2 EQ3 SPVDD G SPVSS VCCD R400 100K AOUTAN SPK1N SPK1P C439 18PF C420 33PF ZD402 RSB6.8S-TE61 C438 22PF C419 33PF VCCA 8 U404-1 LMC6035IBPX D4 VBAT R444 0 R402 10 SPK1N AUDIO_AMP_EN YMU_SPK1 N L401 27nH C416 GRP1555C1H330J L402 27nH R418 1.5K R421 0 3 4 MTR VDD V401 AVLC 5S 02 10 0 R401 10 COM2 IN1 C413 220NF C417 220NF R417 1.5K R424 1.5K VCCA R439 56K 2 R405 1.2K 6 2 5 4 1 3 0 C405 1.2NF CN401 7000-2.5G-DB1-A R404 6.8K VBAT C408 10UF 10V C406 100NF This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization 9 8 NC1 VCCA R438 10K V404 AVLC 5S 02 100 C440 47PF R419 220 C426 33UF R423 1.5K C429 33PF EAR_SWITC H R441 1M SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice AOUTAP COM1 NC2 IN2 GND C409 NC C402 100NF R408 10K,1% R411 10K,1% C418 NC C427 NC C428 220NF C430 220NF VCCA 7 R440 56K 7-9 SPOUT 1 VREF 7 6 R407 68K,1% R415 68K,1% R422 30K,1% R425 10K,1% R429 10K,1% C431 NC 5 6 U404-2 LMC6035IBPX SPOUT 2 VSS YMU_SPK1P V403 AVLC 5S 02 10 0 MICOUTP MICINP MICINN MICOUTN AUXOUTN AUXINN AUXINP AUXOUTP R428 30K,1% R435 33K R437 56K /IRQ D(7) D7 PLLC D(4) D3 D(6) D6 NC D(3) D2 LED D(5) D5 /RST D(2) CLKI Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 7. EGSM Reciever CONTINUOUS RX ON RF INPUT : 62CH AMP : -50dBm NO NORMAL CONDITION catch the channel? Check soldered status of R426,L402,C450 YES NO U402 CHECK pin#8 ≥ -65dBm ? YES NO U402 CHECK pin#2,3 ≥ -65dBm ? YES NO U404 CHECK pin#20,21 ≥ -65dBm ? U401 resolder or change U402 resolder or change C408,L401,C409 resolder or change YES U404 CHECK pin8 : 13MHz ? Vp-p : 860mV? NO OSC401 CHECK 13MHz ? Vp-p : 950mV? NO OSC401 CHECK clean 3V? YES YES OSC401 Resolder or Change? U404 CHECK pin#9 : clean 3V? NO U101 pin#39 check or resolder YES U404 pin#1,2,3,28 Vp-p : 100mV? NO U404 resolder or change YES CHECK U101 7-10 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 8. EGSM transmitter NO U402 pin#8 : about 2~3 dBm? U402 pin#1 : 3 V? NO U101 check & change CONTINUS TX ON CONDITION TX POWER DAC:500 CODE APPLIED CH:62 RBW : 100KHz VBW : 100KHz SPAN : 10MHz REF LEV. : 10dBm ATT. : 20dB YES YES U401, C407 check&change NO L405 ≒ 4~5dBm? YES U402 check & change NO BATTERY, U403 check & change C423 : 3.7 V? YES NO Between R402 & U403 : 1.2V? U101 check & change YES YES NO NO R402 check & change C434 : ≒ -5dBm ? YES U403 change NO U404 pin#32 : 3V ? YES U101 pin#C4 change or resolder NO U404 pin#8 : 13MHz? Vp-p: 950mV OSC401 pin#3 : 13MHz? Vp-p : 950mV YES NO OSC401 change or resolder YES NO U404 pin#9 : 3V? U101 check or change 0SC401 pin#4 : 3V ? NO U101 pin#C4 change or resolder YES U101 change or resolder YES NO U900 pin#4,5 : 1.7V ? YES U101 change U404 change or resolder 7-11 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 9. DCS Receiver CONTINUOUS RX ON RF INPUT : 698CH AMP : -50dBm NO NORMAL CONDITION catch the channel? Check soldered status of R426,L402,C450 YES NO U402 CHECK pin#8 ≥ -65dBm ? YES NO U402 CHECK pin#4,5 ≥ -65dBm ? YES NO U404 CHECK pin#18,19 ≥ -65dBm ? U401 resolder or change U402 resolder or change C411,L403,C413 resolder or change YES U404 CHECK pin#8 : 13MHz ? Vp-p : 860mV? NO OSC401 CHECK 13MHz ? Vp-p : 950mV? NO OSC401 CHECK clean 3V? YES YES OSC401 Resolder or Change? U404 CHECK pin#9 : clean 3V? NO U101 pin#39 check or resolder YES U404 pin#1,2,3,28 Vp-p : 100mV? NO U404 resolder or change YES CHECK U101 7-12 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 10. DCS transmitter U402 pin#8 : about 2~3 dBm? NO U402 pin#6 : 3 V? NO CONTINUOUS TX ON CONDITION U101 check & change CH : 698CH(DCS),660CH(PCS) TX POWER CODE: 350 CODE Aplied YES RBW : 100KHz VBW : 100KHz YES U401,C407 check&change SPAN : 10MHz C435: ≒ 4~5dBm? NO REF LEV. : 10dBm ATT. : 20dB YES U402 check & change NO BATTERY, U403 check & change C423 : 3.7 V? YES Between R402 & U403 : 1.2V? NO U101 check YES YES NO NO R402 check & change C436: ≒ -5dBm ? YES U403 change or resolder NO U404 pin#3 : 3V ? YES U101 pin#39 change or resolder U404 pin#8 : 13MHz? Vp-p : 950mV NO OSC401 13MHz? Vp-p : 950mV YES U404 pin#9 : 3V? NO OSC401 change or resolder YES NO U101 check or change OSC401 pin#4 : 3V ? NO U101 pin#39 change or resolder YES YES NO U101 change or resolder U404 pin#5 : 1.7V ? YES U101 change U404 change or resolder 7-13 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization R423 VBAT 10NF C441 81 1 13 15 16 C449 10NF C442 10NF R424 100 CLK13M_RF 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 RFOD OUT 3 GND 33PF 47PF GND RFIPP RFIPN RFIDP RFIDN RFIGP RFIGN 23 22 RFOG DCS_LNA_IN_P C436 C434 GSM_TX_OUT DCS_TX_OUT DIAG1 DCS_LNA_IN_N GSM_LNA_IN_P GSM_LNA_IN_N DPCS_PAM_IN GSM_PAM_IN TX_EN TX_BAND_SEL DCS_TX_OUT GSM_TX_OUT 24 14 25 C402 100PF DIAG2 VT VCC 4 CLK13M_YMU CLK13M_MC CLK13M_TR C412 0.5PF 26 27 C417 22UF 6.3V C401 100PF 28 13 11 _PDN SDO C429 100PF 12 C452 C451 10 NC XIN C430 100PF 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 35 36 1 IN 3 G1 G VRF (3.0V) GSM-RX GSM-RX DCS-RX DCS-RX 2 3 4 5 U402 LMSP54KA-249 C419 10NF C431 100PF TXQN TXQP TXIN TXIP RXIN RXIP RXQN GND U401 4 OUT G2 2 MS-156(02) C407 22PF 7 91 0 12 14 DCS-TX G G GG 29 30 31 32 33 34 9 8 33nH ANT 1 VC1 6 VC2 13 GSM-TX C418 10NF SI4205-BMR U404 XOUT 2 18PF 100PF 22PF 3.9nH XEN R422 12 C439 C440 C435 C437 NC L405 RXQP 1 17 6 7 10 14 (3.0V) 560 R421 VRF 2.2K R420 U403 TQM7M4022 23 GSM850/900IN GSM850/900OUT DCS/PCSIN DCS/PCSOUT VRAMP TX_EN BS VBATT OSC401 VC-TCXO-208C3 C433 22UF 6.3V 5 4 9 1 12 C422 100NF GSM_TX_EN DCS_TX_EN GND C443 10NF 10NF C438 C406 100UF 6.3V 27K,1% C410 18PF 10K C423 100PF R402 VCC GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND VDD GND GND GND AFC 13MHZ_SI TXPOWER DPCS_PAM_IN GSM_PAM_IN C404 NC 1PF C413 L402 22nH 7-14 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization SCLK _SEN SDI SERDAT SERCLK SERLE SI_EN CLK13M_RF RXTXQN RXTXQP RXTXIN RXTXIP 13MHZ_SI XOENA 1PF 1PF 1PF C411 C409 C408 C450 3PF 6.8nH L403 L401 27nH C453 NC R426 L404 NC DCS_LNA_IN_P DCS_LNA_IN_N GSM_LNA_IN_P GSM_LNA_IN_N 0 R425 0 ANT ANT2 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting VDD
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