Ike Sturm John Clayton Ed Cherry Roseanna Vitro


Ike Sturm John Clayton Ed Cherry Roseanna Vitro
January 2016
Jazz at Kitano
Page 21
Page 25
The 9th Note
Roseanna Vitro
Ed Cherry
John Clayton
Ike Sturm
Page 10
Saint Peter's Church
Where To Go & Who To See Since 1982
Page 10
the spiritual impulse in music, two
bassists take very different routes to reli-
gion-based music on the albums comprising this Winning Spins. One is quite liturgical, the other more homespun and folksy,
but both are rooted in jazz.
John Clayton enlists the late pianist
Hank Jones for a duet session dominated
by traditional Negro Spirituals, while Ike
Sturm, director of music for the Jazz
Ministry at Saint Peter's Church in
Manhattan, presents his nonet, Evergreen,
in a program of mostly liturgically inspired
jazz originals.
Parlor Series Vol. II: The Negro
Spirituals Dialogue, John Clayton & Hank
Jones (ArtistShare), is pianist Jones' second foray into this repertoire, having
released Steal Away with the late bassist
Charlie Haden in the mid-1990s. This CD,
part of Clayton's series of home-recorded
duets with pianists, was recorded in 2008,
the year Jones turned 90 (he died in 2010).
It is a worthy companion piece to the
Haden duets, again demonstrating Jones'
effortless command of the spirit and substance of the material.
The album opens with a sumptuous,
contemplative rendition of "Amazing
Grace," the pianist's stately intoning of the
melody anchored by deep bass tones,
Clayton delivering his own chorus on
bowed bass, and Jones ending the tune
with a sprinkling of pianistic stardust.
Concluding the ten-track recital is an
in-the-pocket steady "Woke Up This
Morning," an old spiritual repositioned as
a Civil Rights freedom anthem in the
1960s, featuring the CD's only trading of
fours by piano and pizzicato bass.
Jones is at his lucid, elegant best
throughout the album; he does not play a
superfluous note or chord, each one flows
on to the next with deft logic. Clayton is a
perfect foil and partner to the pianist, his
basslines deepening and complementing
Jones, his leads, often bowed, enhancing
the minimalist ensemble feel of the music.
For a program based in a specific traditional repertoire, the two find a variety of
rhythmic and harmonic approaches. A gently rocking, get-down feel animates "Down
by the Riverside;" a similar jaunty tempo
informs "Wade in the Water." There is a
febrile intensity in "Sometimes I Feel Like
a Motherless Child," heightened by the
frisson of Clayton's bowed melody.
Other spirituals are given stately,
solemnly soulful interpretations. However,
the centerpiece of this album is not a tra-
Clayton cover photo by Fran Kaufman.
By George K anzler
tional spiritual at all, but Jerome Kern's
"Old Man River" from the Broadway musical Showboat. Jones fashions an improvised intro over a repeating high range
ostinato from Clayton's bass, easing into
the familiar melody in octaves and chords;
then the two weave improvised lines
around the tune in a fast repartee, each
soloing before returning for a more skeletal
rendering of the refrain. It is a jazz duo
performance that ranks among the very
best on record.
Shelter of Trees, Ike Sturm &
Evergreen (Kilde), is the latest from
Sturm's group, Evergreen. The ensemble
includes alto saxophonist Loren Stillman,
pianist Fabian Almazan, guitarist Jesse
Lewis, vibraphonist Chris Dingman,
drummer Jared Schonig, composer Sturm
on bass and three singers: Misty Ann
Sturm, Chanda Rule and Melissa
Stylianou. It follows a recent Jazz Mass
CD and continues in the vein of sacred
music, often celebratory or incantatory.
Two of the tracks are settings of texts frequently found in liturgical music:
"Sanctus" and "Psalm 23." And the opener,
"Rejoice," is a praise song of jubilation
extolling "the greatness of the Lord."
There's a pastoral mood to "River," with
waves of guitar, piano and vibes flowing
under alto sax lead to usher in lyrics in
harmony from the vocal trio. The feel is
evanescent on "Origins," with wordless cooing vocals mixing with vibes and bass solos.
Lewis plays acoustic, folksy guitar on
the round-like "Turning Point," voices
segueing in and out of vibes and piano
solos before ending with long, sighing
chords. The title song explores a jazz-rock
groove, albeit a mild one, the snare laying
down a backbeat and alto sax assertively
soloing over jangly, rock-like rhythms.
Other tracks continue the opaque, layered tones created by the blend of chordal
instruments, sax and voices, culminating
in "Sanctus." One impressive exception is
"Family," a powerfully simple celebration
of that concept as "my Northern star, my
guiding light" from singer Misty Ann
Sturm over spare acoustic guitar with cymbal accents.
John Clayton appears at the Jazz
Connect Conference Jan. 14-15, and
plays at a jam session at APAP’s
Yamaha Artists Services, on Jan. 16.
Ike Sturm & Evergreen play at Saint
Peter’s Church on Jan. 14 and 31.
Sign-up for our E-ALERT at www.hothousejazz.com and be the 1st to know
when the latest Hot House is available on line
Gwen Kelley (formerly Calvier)
COPY EDITOR: Yvonne Ervin
Karen Pica karen@hothousejazz.com
Ken Dryden, Yvonne Ervin, Ken Franckling,
Seton Hawkins, Eugene Holley Jr.,
Stephanie Jones, Nathan Kamal,
George Kanzler, Elzy Kolb, Brian Le Meur,
Ralph A. Miriello, Michael G. Nastos, Emelie Pons,
Cary Tone, Gary Walker, Eric Wendell
For advertising requests and
listing info contact Gwen Kelley
Toll Free Phone:
Hot House Jazz Magazine is published monthly and all
copyrights are the property of Gwen Kelley. All rights
reserved. No material may be reproduced without written
permission of the President. No unsolicited manuscripts
will be returned unless enclosed with a self addressed
stamped envelope. Domestic subscriptions areavailable for
$37 annually (sent first class). For Canada $39 and
international $50.
CO-FOUNDERS: Gene Kalbacher,
Lynn Taterka & Jeff Levenson
For press releases and CD revues send a copy to
Gwen Kelley: PO Box 20212 - New York, NY 10025
(Above 70th Street)
92Y: 1395 Lexington Av at 92nd St. 212-4155500. www.92y.org. Jan 13: 8pm Jazz
Combos; 27: 7:30pm Bucky Pizzarelli 90thB’day celebration feat Bucky Pizzarelli, John
Pizzarelli, Barbara Carroll, Russ Kassoff, Ken
Peplowski, Harry Allen, Aaron Weinstein,
Russell Malone, Jay Leonhart, Tony Tedesco.
(bet 7th & 8th Avs). 212-283-9701.
Sun&Wed-Thurs: 7:30pm-12am Jam.
ANNEX: Hargrave House. 111W 71st St (bet
Columbus & Amsterdam Avs). 212-580-0888.
Fri: 7-10:30pm $10 adm Open Mic w/Frank
BAR THALIA: At Symphony Space. 2537 Bway
at 95th St. 646-597-7340. http://barthalia.org/.
Thurs: 9-11pm John Lang Jazz series; Fri: 811pm $5 adm Experimental Jazz Party & Jam
w/Mimi Jones. Jan 3: 7-9pm Mostly Marcus
feat Marcus Goldhaber; 17&31: 7-10pm New
York Jazzharmonic Trio; 23: 9-11pm Tessa
BARAWINE HARLEM: 200 Malcolm X Blvd at
120th St. 646-756-4154. www.barawine.com.
Sun 6-9pm & Tues 7-10pm: free adm Jerome
Harris & Dave Baron.
BEACON BAR: 2130 Bway at W75th St. 212787-1100. www.beaconhotel.com. Tues: 710pm Benny Benack.
BEMELMANS: At Carlyle Hotel. 35E 76th St at
Madison. www.thecarlyle.com. 212-7441600.
BILL’S PLACE: 148W 133rd St (bet Lenox & 7th
Avs). www.billsplaceharlem.com. 212-2810777. Fri-Sat: 8&10pm $20 don Bill Saxton
Bebop Band.
LOUNGE: 271W 119th St (bet St. Nicholas
Av & Frederick Douglass Blvd). 212-2802248. www.billiesblack.com.
BISTRO TEN 18: 1018 Amsterdam Av at 110th
St. 212-662-7600. www.bistroten18.com.
Thurs: 9:30pm-12am Morningside Jazz
CAFÉ CARLYLE: At Carlyle Hotel. 35E 76th St
at Madison. www.thecarlyle.com. 212-7441600. Mon: except 01/4 8:45pm Woody Allen
& Eddy Davis New Orleans Jazz Band.
CAMPAGNOLA: 1382 1st Av at 74th St. 212861-1102. Fri-Sat: 8pm-12am Effie Jansen.
Av (bet 132nd & 133rd Sts). 917-435-2250.
www.cassandrasjazz.com. Sun: 4pm $20
don Janice Marie Robinson & friends; Mon:
8pm-12am Jam; Wed: 8&10pm $10 adm
Donald Smith & friends; Thurs: 8-11pm $5/1
drink min Jam w/Dr. Dwight Qrt; Fri-Sat:
except 01/15-16 9&11pm $10 Dr. Dwight Qrt
w/spec guests. Jan 15-16: 8&10pm $25
adm/$20 min Gary Bartz Qrt.
CHÉRI: 231 Lenox Av (bet 121st & 122nd Sts).
www.cheriharlem.com. 212-662-4374. Sets:
Sun 12-3pm, Fri-Sat 8-11pm. Sun: Brunch
feat Lady Leah; Fri: Débora Watts Brazilian
Jazz Trio; Sat: Parisianisme Serenade Lady
Leah Trio.
CHEZ LUCIENNE: 308 Lenox Av at 125th St.
212-289-5555. www.chezlucienne.com.
CLEOPATRA’S NEEDLE: 2485 Bway (bet
92nd & 93rd Sts). www.cleopatrasneedleny.
com. 212-769-6969. Sets: Early (E), Late (L).
Sun E 4-8pm, L 9pm-1am; Mon-Tues E 89pm, L 9:30pm-1am; Wed-Thurs E 7-11pm, L
11:30pm-2:30am; Fri-Sat E 8pm-12am, L
12:30-3am. Free adm/$10 min. Trios unless
otherwise noted. Sun&Tues-Sat L Jam.
Residencies: Sun E Open mic w/Keith
Ingham, L Kelly Green Duet; Mon L Jam &
Open Mic; Tues E Marc Devine; Wed E Open
mic w/Les Kurtz. Jan 1: Masami Ishikawa; 2:
Uri; 7: Marco di Gennaro; 8: Julia Martina; 9:
Denton Darien; 14: Michael Ritali; 15: Kuni
Mikami; 16: Sonelius Smith; 21: John Long
Duo; 22: Yaacov Mayman; 23: Justin Lees;
28: Lluis Capdevilla Duo; 29: Ben Paterson;
30: Kevin Hill.
www.cs.columbia.edu. 212-939-7000.
GIN FIZZ: 308 Lenox Av at 125th St. 2nd Fl. 212289-2220. www.ginfizzharlem.com. Sets:
Thurs 10:30pm, Fri 7&10:30pm. Thurs: The
Harlem Sessions by Marc Cary. Jan 15: Soul
Understated feat Mavis “Swan” Poole; 18:
APAP feat 7-7:30pm Matt Baker, 7:45-8:15pm
Igor Butman, 8:30-9pm Allan Harris, 9:159:45pm The Royal Bopsters, 10-10:30pm
Carlos Averhoff, 10:45-11:15pm Dave Weiss
& Point of Departure, 11:30pm-12am Sammy
Figueroa; 22: Camille Gainer Jones feat The
310 Lenox Av (bet 125th & 126th Sts).
www.ginnyssupperclub.com. 212-792-9001.
Sets: 7:30&9:30pm $15 adm unless otherwise noted. Jan 2: Poole & the Gang; 9:
Corey Harris Band; 10: 1:30pm $45 adm
Brunch w/Lea DeLaria; 15: Michael Mwenso
& the Shakes; 16: Etienne Charles; 18:
Milton Suggs; 21: Dezron Douglas & Black
Lion; 23: Revive Big Band by Igmar Thomas;
28: Riley Mulherkar.
Mount Morris Park West (bet 122nd & 123rd).
www.welcometoharlem.com. 212-662-7779.
Sets: 7-9pm. Jan 16: Craig Harris; 17: Bob
Stewart; 18: Joe Daley.
HOME SWEET HARLEM: 1528 Amsterdam Av
(bet 135th & 136th). 212-926-9616. Jan 7&21:
6:30-9:30pm Chris Johansen Trio feat
Fukushi Tainaka.
INDIAN ROAD CAFÉ: 600W 218th St (bet
Indian Rd & Seaman Av). 212-942-7451.
www.indianroadcafe.com. Jan 14: 7:309:30pm Judi Marie.
JARON EAMES: jaroneames@gmail.com. 646337-0620. Sun: 2-5pm $20 don incl BBQ,
wine & dessert Parlor Jazz feat JaRon
Eames & Emme Kemp.
LE CHÉILE: 839 181st St (bet Cabrini &
Pinehurst Blvds). www.lecheilenyc.com.
Wednesday Jazz Jam w/Louise Rogers &
Mark Kross.
LIME LEAF: 128W 72nd St (bet Columbus &
Amsterdam Avs). 212-501-7800. Mon-Thurs:
7-10pm. Mon: Michael Vitali; Tues: Martin
Reuter Band; Wed: Julie Grahm; Thurs:
Emma Larsson.
LONDEL’S SUPPER CLUB: 2620 Frederick
Douglass Blvd (bet 139th & 140th Sts). 212234-6114. www.londelsrestaurant.com. FriSat: 8-11pm. Free adm.
Claremont Av & 122nd St. 212-749-2802.
www.msmnyc.edu. Jan 28: 7:30pm Justin
DiCioccio & MSM Chamber Jazz Ens, Jim
McNeely & Gp Therapy.
MILLER THEATRE: At Columbia University. 2960
www.millertheatre.com. Jan 30: 8pm Stefon
Harris & Sonic Creed.
MINTON’S: 206W 118th St (bet St. Nicholas Av
& Adam Clayton Powell Blvd). 212-243-2222.
www.mintonsharlem.com. Sets: Sun Brunch
(B) 12-3pm, Evening (EV) 7&9pm; Fri-Sat
7:30&9:30pm. Adm at table: Sun EV $15, B
$10; Fri-Sat $25. Jan 2: Elevations Jazz Qnt;
3: B Chris Massey & the Nue Jazz Project,
EV Alyson Williams; 8: T.K. Blue; 9: Theo
Croker; 10: B Minton’s Players, EV Alyson
Williams; 15: Vanessa Rubin; 16: Bria
Skonberg; 17: B Marquis Hill Blacktet, EV C.
Anthony Bryant; 22: Akie Bermiss; 23:
James Francies; 24: B Emily Braden, EV
Darius Christian Jones; 29: Dion Parsons;
30: Carter Calvert; 31: B Bijan Taghav, EV
Mike Stephenson.
MIST HARLEM: 46W 116th St (bet Lenox & 5th
Av). www.mistharlem.com. 212-828-MIST.
1st Mon: 10am-12pm Open meeting by
Harlem Arts Alliance www.harlemaa.org 347735-4280.
Frederick Douglass Blvd at 127th St. 646370-4008. www.nabeunderground.com.
Mon: 7-11pm free adm/2 drink min Jam
w/Patience Higgins Trio feat Lady
58W 129th St at Malcolm X Blvd. 212-3488300. www.jmih.org. Tues: except 01/5 7pm
free adm Harlem Stride Celebration by Ethan
107W 130th St (bet Lenox & Adam Clayton
Powel Blvds). 212-510-8140.
NEW HARLEM BESAME: 2070 Adam Clayton
Powell Jr Blvd (bet 123rd & 124th Sts).
www.harlembesame.com. 646-863-2277.
PAPASITO: 223 Dyckman St. 212-544-0001.
Sat: 1-4pm Latin Jazz Brunch w/Paul Carlon
Latin Jazz Trio.
PARIS BLUES: 2021 Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
harlem.com. 212-222-9878. Sets: Early (E) 58pm,
Jam 9pm-1am. Free adm. Sun:
1st&3rd La Banda Ramirez, 2nd Lucious
Conway & Motown Review w/Terri Lowe, 4th
Guest Band, 5th Elliot Pinero &
Sumbaswing; Mon: E Niki Rubin & Warren G
Trio + John Cooksey & Spontaneous
Combustion; Tues: Al Black w/Annette
Bland McCoy & the Sultans of Soul; Wed:
Les Goodson & the Intergalatic Soul Jazz
Band; Thurs: E Patty Murry Mint Julip +
Tyrone Govan & Top Secret; Fri: Melvin
Vines & the Harlem Jazz Machine; Sat: alternate between The 69th Street Band/The
Antoine Dowdell Gp.
PARLOR ENTERTAINMENT: 555 Edgecombe Av at 160th St. #3F. 212-781-6595.
Sun: 3:30pm free adm w/Marjorie Eliot, Bob
Cunningham, Sedric Choukroun & spec
59W 137th St, #61 (bet Malcom X Blvd & 5th
Av). 212-283-2928. www.welcometoharlem
calendar.com. Tues: 12-1:45pm Harlem
Afternoon Jazz Series $15 adm w/Craig
RYAN’S DAUGHTER: 350E 85th St (bet 1st &
2nd Avs). www.ryansdaughternyc.com. 212628-2613. Thurs: 8-11pm Josh Marcum &
Gene Bertoncini.
SETTEPANI: 196 Lenox Av at 120th St. 917492-4806. www.settepani.com. Thurs: 710pm.
SHOWMAN’S: 375W 125th St at Morningside.
www.showmansjazzclub.com. 212-864-8941.
SHRINE: 2271 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
(bet 133rd & 134th Sts). 212-690-7807.
www.shrinenyc.com. Sets: 6-8pm unless
otherwise noted. Free adm. Residency (R):
Sun 5-8pm Jam w/Lu Reid. Jan 1: Harrington
Doty Shaich; 3: R, 8-11pm The Shrine Big
Band; 4: Iveta Gaile; 5: The Tom Blatt
Project; 6: Oskar Stenmark; 7: Donee
Middleton; 8: MinJin Seo Qnt; 9: Asako
Takasaki; 10: R; 11: Paulo Siqueira Band; 12:
Teodor Vanovski; 13: Lehcats Qnt; 14: Eric
Pierce Qnt; 15: Oneway; 16: Jocelyn
Shannon Qrt; 17: R; 18: Xinlu Chen; 19:
Maldataskull, 8-9pm Brad Myers; 20: David
Lovetet; 21: Mike Richards; 22: Andre
Carvalho; 23: The James Labrosse
Collective; 24: R; 25: Ben Charnley, 8-10pm
The Liberte Big Band; 26: Jun Miyake Trio;
27: The Erica Seguine/Shannon Baker Jazz
Orch, 8-9pm Dor Sagi Qrt; 28: Glenn White
Project; 29: Claudio Lima Qrt; 30: 9-10pm
Alexis Hightower.
SILVANA: 300W 116th St at Frederick
Douglass Blvd. www.silvana-nyc.com. 646692-4935. Sets: 6-8pm unless otherwise
noted. Free adm. Jan 2: Kadawa; 3: Oneway,
8-10pm Blu Cha Cha; 4: Sagi Kaufman Trio;
5: Nick Holtzman Trio; 6: Jaemin Lee; 7:
Weathervest; 8: Craig Yaremko Organ Trio;
9: Matt Panayides Gp; 10: Eric Qnt, 8-10pm
Trio Cachimbo; 11: Paul Bedal Qrt; 12: Steve
Picataggio; 14: Zocalo Brass, 8-9pm Tamuz
Nissim; 15: Yuto Kanazawa; 16: Pamela
Hamilton; 17: Andrea Caruso; 18: Sergej
Avanesov; 19: Andrew Schiller; 20: Stories
Listen; 21: Silver Spruce Trio; 22: Orange
Julius & The Big Beat; 23: 8-9pm Benji
Kaplan; 24: David Love Organ Trio; 26: Jeff
Mcgregor, 8-9pm Nick Kadajski Qnt; 27:
Maldataskull; 28: The Guindonian Hand; 29:
Jacob Varmus Spt; 30: Alex Hamburger.
(bet 105th & 106th Sts). 212-864-6662.
www.smokejazz.com. Sets: Early (E), Late
(L), Brunch (B); Sun B 11:30am,1&2:30pm, E
7,9&10:30pm, L 11:30pm; Mon E 7&9pm, L
10:30pm; Tues-Thurs E 7,9&10:30pm, L
11:30pm; Fri-Sat E 7,9&10:30pm, L 11:45pm
&12:45am; Adm/min vary. Residencies (R):
Sun B Annette St. John Trio, L Willerm
Delisfort Qrt; Mon E Captain Black Big Band,
L Smoke Jam; Tues E Mike LeDonne &
Groover Qrt, L Emmett Cohen Organ Trio;
Thurs L Nickel & Dime OPS; Fri L except
01/22 Patience Higgins & Sugar Hill Qrt,
01/22 John Farnsworth Qrt; Sat L Johnny
O’Neal & friends. Jan 1-3: E Wayne
Escoffery, L R; 4-5: R; 6-7: E Champian
Fulton Qnt, L 01/6 Camille Thurman Qrt, 01/7
R; 8-10: E Al Foster, L R; 11-12: R; 13-14: E
Tia Fuller Qrt, L 01/13 Lori Bell Qnt, 01/14 R;
15-17: E Billy Harper Qnt, L R; 18-19: R; 2021: E Carlos Averhoff, Jr. Qrt, L 01/20 Camille
Thurman Qrt, 01/21 R; 22-24: E Jimmy Cobb,
L R; 25-26: R; 27-28: E Giacomo Gates, L Lea
Delaria & House of David, 01/28 R; 29-31: E
Jacky Terrasson Qnt, L R.
SUGAR BAR: 254W 72nd St (bet Bway & West
End Av). 212-579-0222. www.sugarbarnyc.com.
Sets: 9pm/$10 adm unless otherwise noted.
Residencies: Wed JT Project/Project
Groove; Thurs Open Mic w/Andre Smith &
Sugar Bar All Star Band.
SYMPHONY SPACE: 2537 Bway at 95th St.
212-864-5400. www.symphonyspace.org.
Jan 10: 7pm New York Jazzharmonic; 30-31:
8pm Arturo O'Farrill & Afro-Latin Jazz Orch.
The UPTOWN LOUNGE: 1576 3rd Av (bet
88th & 89th Sts). www.uptownlounge
nyc.com. 212-828-1388. Tues: 7-10pm Justin
Lees Jazz Trio.
The WEST END LOUNGE: 955 West End Av
at 107th St. www.thewestendlounge.com.
212-531-4859. www.vtyjazz.com/917-8829539. Jan 17: 4-7pm $25 adm/1 drink min
Sunday Serenade series dedicated to Cedar
Walton feat Vincent Herring, David Hazeltine.
(Between 35th & 69th Street)
54 BELOW: 254W 54th St, Cellar (bet Bway &
8th Av). 646-476-3551. www.54below.com.
59E59 THEATERS: 59E 59th St (bet Park &
Madison Avs). www.59e59.org. 212-7535959. Jan 1-3: Sun 3:30&7:30pm, Fri 5:50&
8:30pm, Sat 2:30,5:30&8:30pm $25/17.50
adm The Anderson Brothers.
AACM: Association for the Advancement of
Sq on Columbus Av (bet 65th & 66th Sts).
www.folkartmuseum.org. 212-595-9533.
Free adm. Wed: 2-3pm Bill Wurtzel & Mike
Gari Duo w/Sharon Fisher.
42nd St (bet 7&8th Avs). 212-997-4144.
www.bbkingblues.com. Lucille’s Grill (LG).
Jan 1: 1:30pm LG Brunch feat Joey Morant &
Catfish Stew; 15: 7pm APAP feat Lizz Wright,
Dee Dee Bridgewater & Indra, 8pm LG
Svetlana & The Delancey Five feat Michela
Marino Lerman.
BIRDLAND: 315W 44th St (bet 8th & 9th Avs).
212-581-3080. www.birdlandjazz.com. Sets:
8:30&11pm, except Sun 6,9&11pm, Mon
7&9:30pm. Adm varies. Residencies: Sun (R)
6pm except 01/17&31 Birdland Jazz Party
w/Carole Bufford, 01/17 Karrin Allyson, 01/31
Linda Lavin, 9pm Arturo O’Farrill Afro-Latin
Jazz Orch; Mon (R) 9:30pm Jim Caruso Cast
Party; Wed 5:30-7pm David Ostwald & Louis
Armstrong Eternity Band; Fri 5:15-7pm
Birdland Big Band by Tommy Igoe; Sat 6pm
except 01/16 Barbara Carroll. Jan 1-2:
Birdland Big Band dir by Tommy Igoe; 3-4:
R; 5-9: Jeff Lorber Fusion; 10-11: R; 12:
Stacy Sullivan; 13-16: Kurt Elling; 14: 6pm
Oran Etkin; 16: 6pm Jane Monheit; 17-18: R;
19-23: Stacey Kent; 24-25: R; 26-30: Mack
Avenue SuperBand w/Gary Burton, Christian
McBride Trio, Tia Fuller & Sean Jones; 31: R.
51st St (bet 8th Av & Bway). 212-226-4565.
Sun-Mon 6:30-10:30pm & Sat 7:30-11:30pm:
Rick Bogart Trio.
CARNEGIE CLUB: At City Spire Centre. 156W
56th St. www.thecarnegieclub.net. 212-9579676. Fri: 9pm-12am free adm; Sat:
8:30&10:30pm $40 Sinatra tribute feat Steve
Maglio & Stan Rubin Orch.
CARNEGIE HALL: 57th St & 7th Av. 212-2477800. www.carnegiehall.org. Jan 17: 2pm
Lisa Hilton & friends.
CHEZ JOSEPHINE: 414W 42nd St (bet 9th &
Dyer Avs). www.chezjosephine.com. 212594-1925.
CLUB BONAFIDE: 212E 52nd St (bet 2nd &
3rd Avs). 3rd Fl. www.clubbonafide.com.
646-918-6189. Sets: unless otherwise noted
7:30&9:30pm. Jan 1: 8&10:30pm Richard
Bona Gp, L Casimir Liberski; 2: 8pm Janine
Alondres, 10:30pm Leni Stern Qrt; 3: David
Acker Trio + Brazilian Night w/Davi Vieira; 5:
Jon Regen, 10:30pm Open Jam by Bill Todd;
6: Zach Brock; 7-9: Azar Lawrence Qrt; 14:
Jamison Ross; 15-16: Richard Bona &
Mandekan Cubano; 17: Miguel Zenón Qrt;
21-23: Edmar Castañeda; 27: Calixto Oviedo;
29-30: Gabriel Alegría Afro-Peruvian Sxt.
CONCOURSE: Grand Central Terminal, Lower
Level. 89E 42nd St. www.grandcentraltermi
nal.com. 1st Thurs: 6-8pm Concourse in
Concert music series. Jan 7: The Ebony
MUSIC: 450W 37th St (bet 9th & 10th Av).
www.dimennacenter.org. 212-594-6100. Jan
28: 8-10pm $15 adm www.project142.org Bill
Crow & Flip Peters.
Lincoln Center. 10 Columbus Cr at 60th St.
5th Fl. www.jalc.org. 212-258-9800. Sets:
7:30&9:30pm; Late Night Sessions 11:30pm
Tues-Sat, hosted by Michael Mwenso
Thurs&Sat. Adm: unless otherwise noted
Sun&Tues-Wed $35, Mon $30, Thurs-Fri $40,
Sat $45, Student $25, Late Nights $5-20; $10
min. Jan 1-3: ELEW Trio; 4: $35 Mid-Atlantic
Collegiate Jazz Orch w/spec guest Ted
Nash; 5: $30 Jazz at Lincoln Center Youth
Orch; 6: $30 Caili O'Doherty; 7-10: Nicholas
Payton Trio; 11: Chantale Gagne Qrt feat
Steve Wilson; 12: $30 Evan Christopher &
Clarinet Road; 13: $30 Carlos Henriquez; 14:
$35 Ibrahim Maalouf; 15-17: Joey Alexander
Trio; 18: $35 New Century Jazz Qnt; 19: tba;
20: $30 Matthew Shipp Trio; 21-24: Rene
Marie; 25: Ramon Valle Trio; 26-27: $30
Emilio Solla & La Inestable de Brooklyn; 2831: Ken Peplowski Qnt. Late Night w/Jan 1-2:
Russell Hall & Big Love; 5-9: Tivon
Pennicott; 12-16: tba; 19-23: Sammy Miller
01/19-20&22 & the Congregation, 01/21&23 &
the Congregation Big Band; 26-30: Joe
DON’T TELL MAMA: 343W 46th St at
Restaurant Row. 212-757-0788. www.dont
FLÛTE MIDTOWN: 205W 54th St (bet Bway &
7th Av). 212-265-5169. www.flutebar.com.
Wed: 7-10pm. Jan 6: Tom Blatt; 13:
Stephanie Walker.
HILTON NEW YORK: 1335 Avenue of the
Americas at 54th St. www.hilton.com. 212586-7000. Jan 16-17: APAP feat 01/16 3pm
Taeko, 5pm Rebeca Vallejo Trio, 01/17
2:30pm Joelle Lurie, 3pm La Tanya Hall,
3:30pm Taeko + Andy Milne & La Tanya Hall
+ Clairdee, 4pm Dara Tucker + Rebeca
Vallejo Trio, 4:30pm Einstein, 5pm Ron
McCurdy & Langston Hughes Project,
5:30pm Laurence Hobgood, 6pm Barb
Jungr, 6:30pm Jacob Szekely, 7pm New
West, 7:30pm Rebeca Vallejo Trio + Ron
McCurdy & Langston Hughes Project, 8pm
Pauline Jean, 8:30pm West Coast Cool, 9pm
Sinne Eeg, 9:30pm Firey String Sistas, 10pm
Ebony Joann,10:30pm Peter Nero.
Bway. www.iguananyc.com. 212-765-5454.
Mon-Tues: 8-11pm Vince Giordano & The
IRIDIUM: 1650 Bway at 51st St. 212-582-2121.
www.theiridium.com. Sets & adm unless otherwise noted: 8&10pm, $27.50 adm/15 min,
student 1/2 price 2nd set Sun&Tues-Thurs.
Jan 8-9: $30 Ed Palermo Big Band feat
Napoleon Murphy Brock; 11-12: 8pm $30/40
Tim Reynolds; 22-23: Henry Butler; 27-28:
Buster Williams; 29-31: $35/45 Kenny
JAZZ AT KITANO: 66 Park Av at 38th St. 212885-7119. www.kitano.com. Sets & adm: Sun
11am-2pm, Mon 8-11:30pm, Tues 8-11pm,
Wed-Sat 8-9:15&10-11:15pm; Sun $40 buffet,
Mon-Tues free/$15 min, Wed-Thurs $15/20
min, Fri-Sat $30/20 min. Residencies (R):
Sun Jazz Brunch w/Tony Middleton Trio;
Mon Jam w/Iris Ornig; Tues: Logan Evan
Thomas Solo. Jan 1: no show; 2: Ted Nash
Qrt; 3-5: R; 6: Russ Nolan Qrt; 7: Brandon
Wright Qrt; 8-9: The Brazilian Trio w/spec
guest Maucha Adnet; 10-12: R; 13: Sinne
Eeg Qrt; 14: Jon Burr Qnt; 15: Kyoko Oyobe
Qrt w/spec guest Greg Osby; 16: Roseanna
Vitro/Pete Mc Guinness; 17-19: R; 20:
Deanna Witkowski Trio; 21: John Menegon
Qrt; 22: Gene Bertoncini/Mike Mainieri Trio;
23: Kevin Hays/Lionel Loueke Duo; 24-26: R;
27: Erika Matsuo Qrt; 28: Patrick Cornelius
Qrt; 29-30: Rufus Reid Trio; 31: R.
Cr at 60th St. 5th Fl. www.jalc.org. 212-2589800. Appel Room (AR), Rose Theater (RT).
Jan 15-16: 8pm RT Vincent Gardner & Jazz
at Lincoln Center Orch w/Wynton Marsalis;
28-30: 8pm RT Jazz at Lincoln Center Orch
w/Wynton Marsalis.
JUILLIARD SCHOOL: 60 Lincoln Center
Plaza. 212-799-5000. www.juilliard.edu.
L’YBANE: 709 8th Av (bet 44th & 45th Sts). 212582-2012. www.lybane.com. Tues&Fri 9pm12am: Rick Bogart Trio.
LA MEDITERRANEE: 947 2nd Av at 50th St.
212-755-4155. www.lamediterraneeny.com.
Sets: Mon 7-10pm, Thurs 6-9&9-11pm.
Thurs: Harold John.
The LAMBS CLUB: 132W 44th St (bet 6th Av
& Bway). www.thelambsclub.com. 212-9975262. Sun&Sat: 11am-3pm Jazz Brunch;
Tues-Wed: 8-11:30pm.
LE CIRQUE: One Beacon Ct, 151E 58th St (bet
3rd & Lexington Avs). 212-644-0202.
www.lecirquecafe.com. Mon: 7:30-10:30pm
Musical Mondays.
LEXINGTON HOTEL: 511 Lexington Av at
48th St. www.lexingtonhotelnyc.com. 212204-2318. Tues-Fri: 6-8pm The New York
Jazz Workshop.
LOCAL 802: Associated Musicians of Greater
New York Club Room. 322W 48th St (bet 8th
& 9th Sts). 212-245-4802. www.jazzfounda
tion.org/what-we-do/monday-night-jamseries. Mon: 7-9:30pm Monday Night Jam
presented by Jazz Foundation of America.
MATTS GRILL: 932 8th Av at 55th St. 212-3075109. www.mattsgrill.com. Sets: Sun 12:303pm, Tues-Wed 8:30pm-11am. Free adm.
Sun&Wed: Sarah Hayes; Tues: Danny Walsh
MICHIKO STUDIOS: 149W 46th St (bet 6th &
7th Avs). 3rd Fl. 212-302-4011. www. live.
michikostudios.com. Jan 14: 8:30pm $12
adm Kevin Hays & Bill Stewart.
MONKEY BAR: 60E 54th St (bet Madison &
Park Avs). www.monkeybarnewyork.com.
212-288-1010. Fri-Sat: 8-11pm Solo.
MORGAN LIBRARY: 225 Madison Av at 36th
St. www.themorgan.org/programs/sundayafternoon-jazz. 212-685-0008. Sun: 1-3pm
New School Jazz Sunday Jazz Brunch.
The NATIONAL: 557 Lexington Av at 50th St.
Sun: 6-10pm. Jan 3: Robert Whaley; 10:
Benny Benack III; 17: Emily Braden; 24: Amy
London; 31: C. Apicella & Iron City.
8th & Bway). www.natsuminyc.com. 212258-2988. Tues: 6-8pm Joe Cohn Organ Trio.
NYY STEAK: 7W 51st St (bet 5th&6th Avs).
646-307-7910. www.nyysteak.com. Sun: 123pm Rick Bogart Trio.
OPIA: At Renaissance New York Hotel: 130 E
57th St at Lexington Av. 212-688-3939.
www.opiarestaurant.com. Sat: 8:30-11:30pm
free adm.
Madison Av (bet 41st & 42nd Sts). 212-8786301. www.peranyc.com. Free adm. Sat:
(bet Amsterdam & Bway). 212-769-7406.
www.juilliard.edu. Jan 20: 7:30pm $20/10
adm Juilliard Jazz Orch cond by Jimmy
The PLAZA HOTEL: 768 5th Av at Central
Park S. 212-759-3000. www.theplaza.com.
Wed: 8:30-11:30pm free adm Kat Gang.
RAINBOW ROOM: 30 Rockefeller Plaza. 65th
Fl. www.rainbowroom.com. 212-632-5000.
ROBERT: 2 Columbus Cir. 9th Fl. 212-299-7730.
ROBERTO’S WINDS: 149W 46th St. 212-3911315. www.robertoswinds.com.
The RUM HOUSE: 228W 47th St (bet Bway &
8th Av). www.edisonrumhouse.com. 646490-6924. Sets: 9:30pm-12:30am, Mon 10pm2am. Sun: Candy Shop Boys; Mon: Terry
Waldo & Rum House Jass Band.
SAINT PETER’S CHURCH: 619 Lexington Av at
54th St. (Citicorp Bld). www.saintpeters.org.
212-935-2200. 1st Mon: 7:30pm $5 adm
International Women in Jazz Jam; Sun: 5pm
free adm Jazz Vespers; Wed: 1pm $10 don
Midtown Jazz at Midday. Jan 3: David Bixler
& Auction Project; 6: Rosanno Sportiello &
Nicki Parrott; 10: Vitor Gonçalves, Dan
Weiss, Chris Tordini & Todd Neufeld; 13: Art
Lillard & Heavenly Big Band; 14-15: Jazz
Connect feat 01/15 12:15-1:45pm Keynote
and Stories of Inspiration by Dee Dee
Bridgewater, Solo by Jimmy Greene, Joel
Harrison + Ike Sturm, 4:45pm Lage Lund
Solo; 17: Roosevelt Andre Credit & friends;
20: Eric Comstock & Barbara Fasano; 21:
7:30pm www.thedukeellingtonsociety.org
Duke Ellington Society feat Tad Hershorn;
24: Chris Dingman & Waking Dreams; 27:
Stacy Sullivan & Jon Weber; 31: Ike Sturm &
Evergreen w/Ingrid Jensen.
(bet Lexington & 3rd Avs). 212-832-0888.
www.sanmartinrestaurantny.com. 1st Tues:
6-8pm Ron Odrich Qrt.
STUDIO 100 BAR: At Marriott Residence Inn.
1033 6th Av (bet 38th & 39th St) 3rd Fl. 212768-0007. Free adm/no min. Thurs: 7-10pm
SWING 46: Jazz & Supper Club. 349W 46th St
(bet 8 & 9th Avs). www.swing46.com. 212262-9554. Sets: Sun&Wed 8pm, Mon-Tues&
Thurs 8:30pm, Fri-Sat 9:30pm. Residencies
(R): Mon except 01/18 Swingadelic; Tues
George Gee Orch; Wed Stan Rubin Orch
w/Joe Politi. Jan 1: George Gee Orch; 2:
Swingadelic; 3: Felix & The Cats; 4-6: R; 7:
Sarah Hayes; 8: Ron Sunshine Orch; 9:
Maulers; 10: Professor Cunningham; 11-13:
R; 14: Vanessa Trouble; 15: Donny Most Big
Band + George Gee Orch; 16: Swingadelic;
17: Svethiana & The Delancy Five; 18:
George Gee Orch; 19-20: R; 21: Professor
Cunningham; 22: Ron Sunshine Orch; 23:
Maulers; 24: Felix & The Cats; 25-27: R; 28:
Vanessa Trouble; 29: George Gee Orch; 30:
Swingadelic; 31: Felix & The Cats.
TAGINE: 221 W38th St (bet 7th & 8th Avs).
www.taginedining.com. 646-373-6265. Sets:
8pm $15 min. Jan 16: Lezane Jazz Music; 20:
Anna Elizabeth Kendrick; 21: Vivienne Aerts
TGI FRIDAY’S: 677 Lexington Av at 56th St.
212-339-8858. www.tgifridays.com. Sun: 69pm Marc Devine Trio.
TOMI JAZZ: 239E 53rd St (Bet 2nd & 3rd Avs).
Lower level. www.tomijazz.com. 646-4971254. Sets: Sun-Wed 8-11pm, Thurs 911:30pm, Fri 9pm-1am, Sat 8-10:30pm +
11pm-1:30am. Adm: Sun-Wed free/$5 min,
Thurs-Sat $10/10 min. Jan 1-3: closed; 4:
Kazuya Araki Trio; 5: Setsuko Hata; 6:
Michael Gallant Trio; 7: Vicki Burns Trio; 8:
Michi Fuji Trio; 9: E Linda Pregrave, L Craig
Brann Trio; 10: Akihiro Yamamoto Trio; 11:
closed; 12: Filipe Duarte Duo; 13: Hiroki
Honshuku Trio; 14: Kathryn Allyn Duo; 15:
Takenori Nishiuchi; 16: E Daniel Bennett Gp,
L Sein Oh Trio; 17: Ken Kobayashi; 18:
closed; 19: Patricia Wichmann; 20: Dorian
Devins Duo + Cristobal Gomez Duo; 21: Scot
Albertson Duo; 22: Kuni Mikami Trio; 23: E
The Standard Procedure, L Paul Lee Trio; 24:
Yoshiki Miura Trio; 25: Jyun Miyake Trio; 26:
Payton Kerkes & The Ord + Koji Yoneyama
Trio; 27: Yuki Shibata Trio; 28: Senri Oe; 29:
Takenori Nishiuchi; 30: E Yuko Ito Trio, L
Yusuke Seki; 31: Kengo Yamada.
54th St. 212-339-9995. www.yamaha.com.
Jan 16: APAP feat 1pm John Clayton,
1:30pm Andy Milne, 2pm Barb Jungr, 2:30
pm Helen Sung, 3pm Bill O’Connell & The
Latin Jazz All-Stars, 3:30pm Laurence
Hobgood, 4pm Caterina Zapponi, 4:30pm
Scott Tixier, 5pm Jen Shyu, 5:30pm Tillery.
(Below 34th Street)
5th St. www.5cculturalcenter.org. 212-4775993.
11TH STREET BAR: 510E 11th St (bet Av A &
B). www.11thstbar.com. 212-982-3929. Mon:
8-11pm Richard Clements & Murray Wall
Jazz Express.
55 BAR: 55 Christopher St (bet 6th & 7th Avs).
212-929-9883. www.55bar.com. Sets: Early
(E) 7-9pm except Sun&Fri-Sat 6-9pm, Late
(L) 10pm. 1st Mon: E Sean Wayland; 1st
Thurs: E Ami Cervini; 1st Sat: E Ayana lowe;
last Fri: E Kendra Shank. Jan 15: L Brian
Charette & the Mighty Grinders; 29: E Tessa
ABC NO RIO: 156 Rivington St (bet Clinton &
Suffolk Sts). www.abcnorio.org. 212-2543697. Sun: 7pm $5 don C.O.M.A. series 2
sets + open session. Jan 24: Walker Storz
Ens + Rocco John Iacovone Ens; 31: The
Beyond Gp + David Grollman & Sam
Church. 269 Bleecker St. 212-691-1770.
www.allthingsproject.net. 1st Fri: 8&9:30pm
free adm. Jan 8: Vitor Gonçalves Qrt.
St. www.ambrosebeerandlobster.com. 212480-0300. Wed: 7pm.
ANALOGUE: 19W 8th St (bet 5th Av &
McDougal St). www.analoguenyc.com. 212432-0200. Sets: 7:30-10:30pm free adm. Sun:
Stefano Doglioni Trio; Mon: Renaud Penand
ANTIBES BISTRO: 112 Suffolk St (bet
Delancey & Rivington Sts). 212-533-6088.
www.antibesbistro.com. Tues-Wed: 7:3010:30pm free adm/no min.
ANTIQUE GARAGE: 41 Mercer St. 212-2191019. www.antiquegaragesoho.com.
ARTHUR’S TAVERN: 57 Grove St. 212-6756879. www.arthurstavernnyc.com. Sets: 710pm. Sun: Creole Cooking; Mon: Grove
Street Stompers feat Joe Licari; Tues: Yuichi
Hirakawa; Wed: Eve Silber; Thurs-Sat: Eri
Yamamoto Trio.
ARTURO’S: 106W Houston St at Thompson St.
212-677-3820. www.arturosnyc.com.
B FLAT: Basement 277 Church St (bet Franklin
& White Sts). www.bflat.info. 212-219-2970.
Mon 8-11pm & Wed 8:30-11:30pm: Jordan
Young Trio.
BACK ROOM: 102 Norfolk St (bet Delancey &
Rivington Sts). www.backroomnyc.com.
212-228-5098. Mon: 9pm-12:30am feat
Svetlana & The Delancey Five.
BAR HUGO: 525 Greenwich St (bet Vandam &
Spring Sts). www.hotelhugony.com. 212608-4848. Mon: 6-8pm free adm Rooftop Jazz
feat Gracie Terzian w/New Dominion Trio.
BAR NEXT DOOR: 129 McDougal St. 212-5295945. www.lalanternacaffe.com. Sets: Sun
8&10pm, Mon-Thurs Early (E) 6:30-7:45pm,
Late (L) 8:30&10:30pm, Fri-Sat 7:30,9:30&
11:30pm. Adm: $12 all night + 1 drink min/set
except Fri-Sat $12/set + 1 drink min/set, E
free. Trios. Mon-Thurs: E Emerging Artists
series; Mon: L Vocal Mondays series.
Residencies (R): Sun Peter Mazza, Wed L
Jonathan Kreisberg. Jan 1: Nick Bello; 2: Ed
Cherry; 3: R; 4: E Paul Ju Bong Lee, L
Kendra Shank; 5: E Prawit Siriwait, L Daniel
Ori; 6: E Kevin Clark, L R; 7: E Flavio Silva, L
Marvin Dolly; 8: Joe Giglio; 9: John
Raymond; 10: R; 11: E Sagi Kaufman, L
Valentina Marino; 12: E Isaac Darche, L
Chase Baird; 13: E Arath Corral, L R; 14: E
Dave Juarez, L Daniel Eli Weiss; 15: Rotem
Sivan; 16: Alex Lore; 17: R; 18: E Kyle
Moffatt, L Marianne Solivan; 19: E Caroline
Davis, L Greg Skaff; 20: E Alicyn Yaffee, L R;
21: E Yuto Kanazawa, L Nick Brust; 22:
Sebastian Noelle; 23: Mike Rood; 24: R; 25:
E Paul Ju Bong Lee, L Deborah Latz; 26: E
Bobby Katz, L Michael Vitali; 27: E NanJo
Lee, L R; 28: E Gioel Severini, L Steve
Picataggio; 29: Alex Wintz; 30: Tom
Dempsey; 31: R.
The BITTER END: 147 Bleecker St (bet
Thompson & LaGuardia). 212-673-7030.
www.bitterend.com. Jan 15-16: Winter
Jazzfest www.winterjazzfest.com feat 01/15
7pm Makaya McCraven, 8:20pm Terrace
Martin, 9:40pm King, 11pm Slingbaum &
Ravel Reimagined, 12:20am Sarah Vaughan
& Clifford Brown Reimagined, 1:40am Mark
de Clive Lowe & Church, 01/16 7pm
Freelance, 8:20pm Maurice Brown, 9:40pm
Lakecia Benjamin, 11pm Al Strong, 12:20am
Ben Williams & Sound Effect, 1:40am Theo
BLUE NOTE JAZZ CLUB: 131W 3rd St at 6th
Av. 212-475-8592. www.bluenotejazz.com.
Sets: 8&10:30pm + Fri-Sat 12:30am Late
Night Groove series & Sun 11:30am&1:30pm
Sunday Brunch. Adm varies. Jan 1-10: Chris
Botti; 11: Gato Barbieri; 12-17: Maceo
Parker; 18-24: Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton;
25: Gato Barbieri; 26-27: Roy Haynes; 28-31:
David Benoit w/spec guest Jane Monheit.
Late Night Groove w/Jan 1: Aaron Bernard
Brim Jazz & Soul Experience; 8: Tyler
Blanton Electric Trio; 9: Lee Hogans; 22:
Emma Larson. Sunday Brunch w/Jan 3:
Johnny O'Neal; 10: Requinte Trio; 17: Allison
Adams Tucker feat Mike Moreno & spec
guest Chico Pinheiro; 24: Ralph Lalama &
NYU Ens; 31: Peter & Will Anderson Qrt.
CAFÉ LOUP: 105W 13th St (bet 6th & 7th Avs).
212-255-4746. www.cafeloupnyc.com. Sun:
12:30-3:30pm Jazz Brunch w/Steve LaSpina
Trio w/Ron Affif & Matthew Fries, 6:309:30pm Junior Mance, Hide Tanaka & Michi
Fuji Trio.
CAFE NOCTAMBULO: At Pangea. 178 2nd Av
(bet 11th & 12th Sts). 212-995-0900.
CAFFE VIVALDI: 32 Jones St (bet Bleecker &
4th St). www.caffevivaldi.com. 212-691-7538.
Free adm. Sun: 1-3pm Jazz Brunch, 9-11pm
John Lander Trio. Jan 24: 7:30-9pm The
Highliners Jazz Qnt.
CAPITAL GRILLE: 120 Bway (at Pine &
Nassau). www.thecapitalgrille.com. 212-3741811. Free adm. Fri: 6:30-10pm Richard
Russo Qrt.
The CAVE: At St. George’s. 209E 16th St at
Rutherford Pl. www.olmstedsalon.com. 2nd
Fri: 7:30&9:30pm $10 adm.
CITY WINERY: 155 Varick St (bet Spring &
Vandam Sts). www.citywinery.com. 212-6080555. Jan 1: 11am-1pm Paul Shapiro's Ribs
& Brisket Revue w/spec guest Frank
London; 8: 8-10:30pm Madeleine Peyroux
w/Lili Añel; 15: 8-10pm Bettye LaVette,
Catherine Russell & Davina & The
(bet Rivington & Delancey Sts). 212-2604080. www.csvcenter.org. Jan 4-24: Evolving
Festival feat 01/4 8pm Charles Gayle Trio,
9pm Laubrock/Rainey, 01/5 7pm Roland &
The Neo Urban Folk Project, 8pm James
Brandon Lewis Trio, 9pm Mazz Swift/
Tomeka Reid, 01/6 8pm Fay Victor, 9pm Yoni
Kretzmer & 2Bass Qrt, 01/7 8pm Chad Taylor
& James Brandon Lewis, 9pm Steve Swell
Trio, 01/8 7pm Gries & Hwang, 8pm Malaby &
Maneri & Levin, 9pm Jason Kao Hwang Trio,
01/9 8pm Tidepool Fauna, 9pm Andrew
Lamb Movin’, 01/11 7pm Karen Borca Band,
8pm Jemeel Moondoc Gp, 9pm Sound River
Trio, 01/12 7pm Patrick Brennan &
Transparency Kestra, 8pm Connie Crothers
Duo, 9pm Ellery Eskelin Solo, 01/13 7pm
Chris Pitsiokos Qrt, 8pm Jorge Sylvester Qrt
Imagination, 9pm Carletti & Levin &
Irabagon, 01/14 7pm Kirk Knuffke Qrt, 8pm
McPhee & Bisio, 9pm K.J. Holmes & Jeremy
Carlstedt, 01/15 8pm Hébert & Cellular
Levels, 9pm Farmers By Nature feat Bluiett,
01/16 7pm Nicholson & Parker, 8pm JD
Parran & Harlem Reunion, 9pm Michael
Foster The Ghost, 01/18 7pm 2Basses, 8pm
Henry Grimes Bass & Violin Duo, 01/19 7pm
Amigo & Deep Ecology Trio, 8pm Tomas
Fujiwara, 9pm Dickey & Knuffke, 01/20 7pm
Ana Isma Viel, 8pm Rob Brown Trio, 9pm
CENTO, 01/21 7pm Bisio & Lewis Dio, 8pm
Michael TA Thompson Duo, 9pm Lewis
Barnes Qrt, 01/22 7pm Ras’ Music Now! Unit,
8pm Tony Malaby & Apparitions Trio, 9pm
Angelica Sanchez Trio, 01/23 7pm Morris &
Azaiez, 8pm PNParker & Revolution
Resurrection Qnt, 9pm Jones Tenor Duets,
01/24 7pm NBB Collective, 8pm Warren
Smith Trio, 9pm William Parker & Little Huey
CLUB ROOM: At The Soho Grand Hotel. 310W
Bway. www.sohogrand.com. 212-965-3000.
Wed: 8pm-12am Chris Norton.
212-989-9319. www.corneliastreetcafe.com.
Sets unless otherwise noted: Sun&MonThurs 8:30pm, Fri-Sat 9&10:30pm. Adm
varies. Jan 2: Jacob Sacks Qnt; 6: Matt
Brewer Qnt; 7: Peter Brendler Qrt; 8: Matt
Pavolka & The Horns Band; 9: Tony Malaby
& Apparitions; 10: Thelma Yellin Big Band,
10pm Edan Ladin Gp; 11: Yotam Silberstein/
Gilad Hekselman, 9:30pm Gadi Lehavi Band;
12: Dida, 9:30pm Ziv Ravitz Trio; 13-15:
Jorge Reuder Duo; 16: Sam Newsome/
Andrew Cyrille; 17: Tom Guarna & Wishing
Stones Project, 10pm Stephan Crump &
Rhombal; 18: Paul Jones & Short History
Band, Jeremy Powell Qnt; 19-20: Jon
Irabagon; 21: Benoit Delebecq & The
Conversation, 9:30pm Thomas Morgan Trio;
22: Jen Shyu, 9:30pm Sara Serpa & André
Matos; 23: Aubrey Johnson Sxt, 10:30pm
Leala Cyr Gp; 24: Asaran Earth Trio, 10pm
Alice Ricciardi; 25: Julia Patinella & Andreas
Arnold; 26: The Westerlies, 9:30pm Dan
Rufolo Trio; 27: Jochen Rueckert Qrt feat
Mark Turner; 28: Jason Ennis, 9:30pm
Eduardo Belo Gp; 29: Rubens Salles Gp,
10:30pm Rogerio Boccato And After Bossa
Nova Project; 30: Billy Newman Qnt, 10:30pm
Livio Almeida Qnt; 31: Arthur Kampela.
The CUPPING ROOM CAFE: 359W Bway (bet
Broome & Grand Sts). 212-925-2898.
www.cuppingroomcafe.com. Sat 8pm-12am:
Mal Stein.
The CUTTING ROOM: 44E 32nd St (bet
Madison & Park Av). 212-691-1900. www.the
cuttingroomnyc.com. Jan 15: 7:45pm A New
Orleans Music Experience feat Zydekool,
Tonya Boyd-Cannon, Ella & Louie Tribute
Water St (Broad & Old Slip Sts). 646-4227906. www.deadrabbitnyc.com. Wed: 7:3011:30pm Terry Waldo Solo.
The DJANGO: At Roxy Hotel. 2 Av of the
Americas at Walker St. www.roxyhotelnyc.
com. 212-519-6600. Jan 7-9: 10pm-1am John
Marshall Trio; 13 8-11pm & 14 10pm-1am:
Larry Ham Trio; 15-16: Winter Jazzfest
www.winterjazzfest.com feat 01/15 6:20pm
Camila Meza, 7:40pm Nicole Henry, 9pm
Gilad Hekselman, 10:20pm Marika Hughes,
11:40pm Eli Degibri, 01/16 7pm Emile
Parisien Qrt, 8:20pm Véronique Hermann
Sambin, 9:40pm Thiefs, 11pm Samy
Daussat, 12:20am Sylvain Rifflet; 28-30:
10pm-1am Spike Wilner Trio.
DOMA NA ROHU: 17 Perry St at 7th Av. 212929-4339. www.domanyc.com. $10 min.
Wed: 7:30&9pm, Sat: 8&9:15pm. Jan 2: The
Scrubboard Serenaders; 6: Bedlam Swing;
9: The Hot Club of Flatbush; 13: Marija
Kovacevic Trio; 16: Sweet Megg & the
St (bet Market & Catherine Sts). 212-4730043.
Sun: 6pm In-Store shows.
The DRAWING CENTER: 35 Wooster St (bet
Broome & Grand Sts). 212-219-2166.
www.drawingcenter.org. Jan 29-30: 7:30pm
$10 adm Basement Performances series by
John Zorn feat 01/29 Okkyung Lee/Andrew
Lampert, 01/30 Raha Raissnia/Panagiotis
DROM: 85 Ave A (bet 5th & 6th Sts). 212-7771157. www.dromnyc.com. Jan 9: 8:15pm
Vladimir Cetkar Spt; 12: 7:30pm Silver Arrow
Band; 15-16: APAP feat 01/15 9:15pm
Septato Nacional, 01/16 8:15pm Los Crema
Orquesta, 12am Buyepongo; 18: 7:15pm
NYC South American Music Festival feat
Cyro Baptista & Banquet of the Spirits, Los
Crema Paraiso, Gregorio Uribe Big Band,
Juancho Herrera, Sofía Rei; 26: 7:30pm
Silver Arrow Band.
DUANE PARK CAFÉ: 157 Duane St (bet Hudson & W Bway). www.duaneparknyc.com.
212-732-5555. Fri: 9:30pm $95 adm incl dinner Plume Revue feat DP Jazz Qrt.
The EAR INN: 326 Spring St (bet Greenwich &
Washington Sts). www.earinn.com. 212-4319750. Sun: 8-11pm EarRegulars feat Jon-Erik
Kellso & friends.
FAT CAT: 75 Christopher St at 7th Av. 212-6756056. www.fatcatmusic.org. $3 adm/no min.
Sets unless otherwise noted: Early (E), Late
(L), Night (N); Sun E 6pm, L 9pm, N 1am;
Mon E 6pm, L 9pm, N 12:30am; Tues-Wed E
7pm, L 9pm, N 12:30am; Thurs&Sat E 7pm, L
10pm, N 1:30am; Fri E 6pm, L 9pm +
10:30pm, N 1:30am. Ev N: Jam. Residencies
(R): Sun E Terry Waldo & Gotham City Band,
N Brandon Lewis & Renee Cruz; Mon N Billy
Kaye; Tues E except 01/5 Saul Rubin Zebtet;
Wed E Raphael D'Lugoff Trio + 1, N Ned
Goold; Fri 9pm Gospel Queens; Sat N Greg
Glassman. Jan 1: E Mike King, L R + Jared
Gold/Dave Gibson, N Will Terrill; 2: E Oscar
Williams, L Raphael D'Lugo Qnt, N R; 3: E R,
8:30am Jade Synstelien & FCBB, N R; 4: E
Johnny O'Neal, L Willie Applewhite Qnt, N R;
5: E Carlos Cuevas, L tba, N Alexi David; 6: E
R, L Groover Trio, N R; 7: E Jordan Pettay
Qnt, L Saul Rubin Zebtet, N Tada Unno; 8: E
Dida Pelled Qrt, L R + Troy Roberts NuJive 5,
N Jared Gold; 9: E Tal Ronen, L Chris Beck,
N R; 10: E R, L Steve Kortyka Sxt, N R; 11: E
tba, L Ned Goold Qrt, N R; 12: E R, L Peter
Brainin & the Latin Jazz Workshop, N tba;
13: E R, L Harold Mabern Trio, N R; 14: E Ken
Fowser Qnt, L Greg Glassman Qnt, N tba; 15:
E tba, L R + tba, N tba; 16: E Adi Meyerson
Qnt, L Marquis Hill Qnt, N R; 17: E R, L Ark
Ovrutski, N R; 18: E tba, L George Braith, N
R; 19: E R, L-N tba; 20: E R, L Don Hahn/Mike
Camacho Band, N R; 21: E tba, L P.O.D, N
tba; 22: E tba, L R + tba, N tba; 23: E tba, L
Will Terrill, N R; 24: E R, L Asaf Yuria Qnt, N
R; 25: E-L tba, N R; 26: E R, L Itai Kriss &
Gato Gordo, N John Benitez & Latin Bop; 27:
E R, L Bruce Williams, N R; 28: E tba, L
Ugonna Okegwo Qrt, N tba; 29: E tba, L R +
tba, N tba; 30: E tba, L Staford Hunter Qnt, N
R; 31: E R, L Richie Vitale Nnt, N R.
The FLATIRON ROOM: 37W 26th St (bet 6th
Av & Bway). www.theflatironroom.com. 212725-3860.
GARAGE: 99 7th Av S (bet W 4th & Bleecker).
www.garagerest.com. 212-645-0600. Free
adm/no min. Jan 1: 12-4pm Fukushin Tainaka
Trio, 6:15-10:15pm Tom Tallitsch Trio,
10:45pm-2:45am James Stewart Trio; 2: 124pm Kayo Hiraki Trio, 6:15-10:15pm Joel Perry
Trio, 10:45pm-2:45am Akiko Tsuruga Trio; 3:
11:30am-4pm Marsha Heydt & the Project of
Love, 6:30-10:30pm David Coss Qrt Jam.
The GREENE SPACE: 44 Charlton St at Varick
St. www.thegreenespace.org. 646-829-4000.
Jan 15-16: Winter Jazzfest www.winterjaz
zfest.com feat 01/15 7pm Alicia Hall Moran
w/Brandon Ross, 8:20pm Dither, 9:40pm
Chargaux, 11pm The Ex, 01/16 7pm Kaki
King, 8:20pm Cyrus Chestnut & African
Reflections, 9:40pm Fabian Almazan
w/Rhizome, 11pm Dawn of Midi.
Barrow St (bet 7th Av S & W 4th St). 212-2424770. www.greenwichhouse.org. Jan 15-16:
Winter Jazzfest www.winterjazzfest.com feat
01/15 6:20pm Tom McDermott, 7:20pm
Christopher & Clarinet Road feat Hilary
Gardner, 10pm Jon-Erik Kellso & The
EarRegulars, 11:20pm Mike Davis & New
Wonders, 01/16 6:20pm Christian Sands,
7:20pm Michael Mwenso & Brianna Thomas,
8:40pm Rhythm Future Qrt, 10pm Tatiana
Eva-Marie & The Avalon Jazz Band, 11:20pm
Gordon Au & Grand St Stompers w/Tamar
Korn & Molly Ryan; 23: 8pm $15/12 Sound It
Out series feat Jesse Stacken Qrt.
HOTEL CHANTELLE: 92 Ludlow St (bet
Broome & Delancey Sts). 212-254-9100.
www.hotelchantelle.com. Sun Brunch 114pm: Martina & The Ladybugs; Tues 811:45pm & Sat Brunch 12-4pm: Dandy
Wellington Band.
JAZZ GALLERY: 1160 Bway at 27th St. 5th Fl.
www.jazzgallery.org. 646-494-3625. Sets:
7:30&9:30pm $15/10 adm, $22/12 Fri-Sat. Jan
7: Dayramir & Habana enTRANCé feat Jadele
McPherson; 8-9: Steve Wilson & Next
Generation of Jazz; 12-13: Miles Okazaki &
Trickster; 14: Kenneth Salters; 15: Jacques
Schwarz-Bart; 16: Brandon Ross/Tsutomu
Takeishi Duo + Myra Melford/Ben Goldberg
Duo; 21: Adam Larson Qnt; 22-23: Ben
Wendel Gp; 26: Tobias Meinhart & Natural
Perception feat Ingrid Jensen; 28: Rudy
Royston; 29-30: Darcy James Argue &
continued on page 24
head," says Roseanna Vitro. "I love
love other singers, love the progress
that we're making in jazz singing." Vitro
has been a big part of that progress, releasing over a dozen albums in the last three
decades, many of them adding to the jazz
vocal repertoire.
Vitro says there are a lot of conversations these days among singers about what
a jazz song actually is and what distinguishes a pop song from a jazz song. Such
pop singer-songwriters as Joni Mitchell
and Carol King are being embraced and
interpreted by jazz singers and Vitro has
been part of that exploration and adaptation of new material to jazz for most of her
"When I look at my book of albums and
projects," she said, "I didn't make the same
record every time. A lot of artists find
something that works as a solid identifier
to be pocketed and embraced, but I actually didn't do that. On my first album Listen
Here I did standards, but on my second A
Quiet Place it was all contemporary songs,
including some I wrote with pianist Fred
Hersch. So contemporary guys decided
they liked me and the more traditional jazz
fans were asking 'What did this girl do?'"
At about the same time, Vitro also
began work on her first composer tribute
project, The Time of My Life: The Songs of
Steve Allen. "Steve sent me about 2,000
songs and I went through them all to find
the 12 that ended up on the album," she
recalls. Before that CD was finally
released in 1999, Vitro had recorded others, with such themes as Brazilian music
and vocal versions of instrumental jazz
standards. She also continued doing tribute albums, including one to Ray Charles'
music and another bringing lyrics to
pianist Bill Evans' works.
Vitro links the Evans project to her latest one: "My catalogue has definite relatives and the Evans pairs with Clarity:
Music of Clare Fischer (Random Act). I see
a similarity in their beautiful composing of
melodies as well as their outrageously hip
changes. Fischer is a real challenge for
me," she says of the CD which equips a
half-dozen instrumentals with new lyrics,
two of them by her husband, recording
engineer Paul Wickliffe.
"I tend to be very careful when
approaching new music and a new composer, not like Betty Carter, for example, or
not like stretching out on a familiar standard as I might do as a jazz singer. Being
an educator over the last 16 years, I’ve
come to realize that when putting together
a new book, executing the melodies exactly
is very important, so brilliant young
singer-musicians who might discover the
book will really know the melodies."
But that wasn't always the case, as
Vitro recalls that before she was an educator—she was "drafted" by Ed Joffe to teach
jazz singing at New Jersey City State
University in the late 1990s—she was less
cognizant of melodies.
"On my first record, I didn't even sing
the melodies. I was a big Carmen McRae
freak at the time and on 'No More Blues' I
recorded a melody very similar to hers, not
even realizing she wasn't even singing the
written melody. But when I started teaching as opposed to being a singer on the
scene, I said 'Oh my God, I have to teach
them the real melodies.'"
Vitro's role as an educator also prompted her to talk to singers and composers
about their art and craft, which led to her
writing the Voices in Jazz column for jaz
ztimes.com. "I wanted to interview teachers who aren't famous as well as singers
who are, as they have all made an impact,"
she says.
The Clare Fischer album is the second
composer tribute she's made with the same
quartet, featuring pianist Mark Soskin
and violinist Sara Caswell. The other was
The Music of Randy Newman, a project her
husband urged her to do to reconnect with
her southern Texas roots. She's hoping to
do another project with them "exploring
my blues roots and contemporary pop
songs, but in jazz arrangements."
Also on a back burner is her Bebop to
Bombay project, stemming from her studies of Indian classical music in that country at the end of the 1990s. Currently,
she's teaming up with trombonist-vocalist
Pete McGuiness to develop a tribute to
Rosemary Clooney and Mel Tormé.
Roseanna Vitro and Pete McGuiness
bring their Clooney-Tormé tribute to
Jazz at Kitano, Jan. 16. The previous
afternoon, Jan. 15, Vitro chairs a Jazz
Songwriters: What Makes a Song a
Standard? at Saint Peter's Church, with
five jazz singer-songwriters: Cyrille
Aimée, Bob Dorough, Lorraine Feather,
Jazzmea Horn and Mark Winkler.
Vitro photo by Devon Cass.
A native New Yorker, trumpeter/flugelhornist John Marshall is influenced by greats
like Kenny Dorham, Fats Navarro and Dizzy Gillespie. Marshall's masterful solos are
known for their brevity and vast harmonic vocabulary, while his considerable gifts as a
composer and arranger have brought critical acclaim for his CDs. He worked in the
bands of Buddy Rich, Lionel Hampton and Mel Lewis, and from 1987 to 1991 he led the
Bopera House. Moving to Germany to join the WDR Big Band in 1992, Marshall also
recorded extensively for European and Japanese labels, often working with pianist
Tardo Hammer and bassist John Goldsby (also a WDR member). Marshall's Django gig
includes his quartet with Jeb Patton, David Wong and Phil Stewart, while Smalls features the same band plus Grant Stewart. KD
Since winning the Thelonious Monk International Piano Competition in 1999, ELEW
has been an evolving force of virtuosity and imagination. Unmatched facility and an
uncompromising devotion to artistic development have led him to challenge conventional concepts of genre and allowed him to collaborate with cross-generational music
icons from Wynton Marsalis to Lil Wayne. An interdisciplinary artist, ELEW recently
was named Artist in Residence at Complexions Contemporary Ballet and has been
building career momentum as a DJ, pushing the medium in unprecedented directions.
The breadth of his individualism as an artist extends beyond the studio and performance hall. His music has been featured on Donna Karan's iPhone app and he has
appeared at the Obama White House. ELEW’s trio features master players Reginald
Veal and Jeff "Tain" Watts. SJ
Trumpeter Wallace Roney's robust sonority carries the weight of a man hell-bent on
telling a story. With each note, Roney surveys the brevity of the human condition,
resulting in a wholly personal and nuanced tone. Such a tone has been met with critical acclaim with saxophonist Ornette Coleman and trumpeter Miles Davis either calling upon or shepherding his talent. From his debut as a leader on Verses in 1987,
Roney has displayed a style that is equal parts tribute to jazz's past and dedication to
its future. Roney's Home received accolades with The Guardian stating the songs "have
a concentrated power and moments of quite devastating boldness and originality."
Roney is joined by saxophonist Benjamin Solomon, pianist Anthony Wonsey, bassist
Rashaan Carter and drummer Lenny White. EW
An enduring aspect of great bass players like Dave Holland or Charlie Haden is their
quest for new and different approaches. Bassist John Hébert is a restless soul who
embellishes pure ability with a limitless imagination. Using his Cajun background
growing up in Baton Rouge, Hébert employs his southern roots as a springboard for an
expressive style. Rambling Confessions combines modern concepts and distinctive
counterpoint with a jazz rooted in history while reaching forward. Inspired by the legendary Carmen McRae and documented on their new Sunnyside CD of the same name,
Hébert interprets jazz standards, songs of Kurt Weill, and pop and rock tunes, stretching the lexicon of vocal interpretations through the multi-faceted talents of Jen Shyu.
The band features pianist Andy Milne and drummer Billy Drummond. MGN
To the broader world, Ira Hawkins is a versatile and respected actor with a varied
career both on stage and on screen. Within the jazz world, however, Hawkins stands as
a remarkable vocalist whose gifts deserve far more acclaim than they have received.
Brandishing a rich baritone, Hawkins brings a charismatic showmanship that pairs
well with his superb blues phrasing, recalling masters like Joe Williams. A particularly keen big band singer, Hawkins has formed a close rapport with the New York State
of the Art Jazz Ensemble, led by pianist (and Dizzy Gillespie alum) Mike Longo.
Frequent collaborators at the Baha’i Center’s Jazz Tuesdays series, the Hawkins/Longo
team returns this month for an evening that will prove a highlight for any fan of big
band repertoire. SH
By Ken Dryden, Ken Franckling, Seton Hawkins, Stephani
Marshall photo by Andreas Möltgen Fotografie, Roney by Charline Messa, Hebert by Juan Hitters, Wendel by Paul Rivera
Jazz flute players are in short supply and those who do not double on other woodwinds are
even rarer. Lori Bell has been plying her craft for decades on an instrument closely associated with romantic music, taken several steps further in her capable hands. These NYC
gigs celebrate the release of her ninth CD, Brooklyn Dreaming, while marking a homecoming for the Brooklyn native. Living and teaching in San Diego, Bell is classically
trained and her interest in jazz dovetails through expertise in chamber music and ethnic
folk. She has been nominated in several categories for Grammy Awards and is a two-time
Global Music Award winner. The quintet she showcases includes trombonist Dan Levine,
pianist Jason Yeager, bassist Danny Weller and drummer Robert Weiss. MGN
Saxophonist Jeremy Powell is at home in any musical genre, but he's an experimenter
whose playing is always deep, yet on the edge. While he studied at the New School as an
undergrad, he went home to earn his master's in jazz composition at the University of
South Florida. Bandleaders have taken notice since his fulltime move to the Big Apple
in 2014, earning him significant playing time in a variety of groups including pianist
Arturo O'Farrill's Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra. Powell's own quintet explores some of his
newest compositions blending contemporary harmonies over soulful rhythms intersecting gospel and hip-hop influences. The band includes his brother, Jonathan Powell,
trumpet; Vitor Conçalves, piano; Sam Trapchak, bass; and Allan Mednard, drums. KF
Responsive innovation is the hallmark of Ben Wendel's artistic expression. His career
is a reflection of intensive listening, harmonic exploration and risk-taking. The
Grammy-nominated saxophone player, composer and producer has toured the world
with influential figures from Tigran Hamasyan and Eric Harland, to Snoop Dogg and
Gerald Clayton, whose most recent Grammy nominated-album Wendel produced on the
Concord label. Wendel has released two records as a leader and co-written the score for
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, (IFC Films, 2009). A founding member of
Kneebody, he continues to reimagine enduring musical concepts in a unique and modern context. Following duos with Joshua Redman, Jeff Ballard, Mark Turner and
Julian Lage, Wendel's latest installment of his video project, The Seasons, features
pianist Aaron Parks. SJ
Ralph Alessi's trumpet exhibits the limpid, vibrato-spare tone of classical musicians,
but his phrasing and attack are firmly planted in the modern jazz sphere. A fixture on
the downtown scene for decades, Alessi has worked extensively with Steve Coleman
and Uri Caine. His playing can be trancelike or rhythmically compelling and his distinctive sound asserts itself whether he's playing open or Harmon-muted horn. Lately,
Alessi has been working as a single horn, both in duos with pianist Fred Hersch and
with his quartet, Baida, a name derived from his 2013 ECM album. Baida, with Gary
Versace on piano, Drew Gress, bass and Nasheet Waits, drums performs at the
Vanguard. David Virelles is the pianist when they play the Winter JazzFest ECM
showcase at the New School. GK
Undoubtedly one of the scene's most virtuosic trumpet forces, Sean Jones is a nonpareil
master at performing the high-energy jazz pioneered by legends like Roy Eldridge.
Always conjuring up dramatically rich and unpredictable phrasing while also demonstrating a thrilling dynamic control and an unerring sense of swing, Jones consistently
delivers some of the most exciting and breathtaking horn work in music today. A
recording artist for Mack Avenue Records, Jones will again take part in the label's Jazz
at the Philharmonic-styled collective, the Mack Avenue Superband, in which he joins
fellow luminaries Gary Burton, Tia Fuller, Christian Sands, Carl Allen, and Christian
McBride (the group's designated leader). This gathering of superb talents will give
Jones ample inspiration to deliver a set of truly remarkable performances. SH
ie Jones, George Kanzler, Michael G Nastos & Eric Wendell
a, Alessi by John Rogers ECM Records, Jones by Jimmy Katz.
LISTINGS... continued from page 20
Secret Society.
JAZZ STANDARD: 116E 27th St (bet Park &
Lexington Avs). www.jazzstandard.net. 212576-2232. Sets/adm unless otherwise noted:
7:30&9:30pm, Sun&Thurs $30, Mon-Wed
$25, Fri-Sat $35. Residencies: Sun 1-3pm
except 01/3 Jazz for Kids; Mon except 01/4
(R) Mingus Monday feat Mingus Big Band.
Jan 1-3: $35 Lou Donaldson Qrt; 4: closed;
5: John Hébert; 6: Matt Mitchell Qrt; 7-10:
$30 Ali Jackson Classic Qnts; 11: R; 12-17:
$35 except $40 01/15-16 Still Dreaming feat
Joshua Redman & Ron Miles; 18: R; 19-20:
Jaleel Shaw Qrt; 21-24: $30 John
Abercrombie Organ Qrt; 25: R; 26-28: $30
Billy Childs feat Becca Stevens & Alicia
Olatuja w/The Parker String Qrt; 29-31: $30
Jimmy Greene.
JOE’S PUB: At Public Theater. 425 Lafayette St
& Astor Pl. www.joespub.com. 212-967-7555.
Adm varies. Jan 5: 6:30pm Natalie Cressman
& Mike Bono; 12: 7:30pm Roman Diaz; 13:
9:30pm The Villalobos Brothers; 15: 7pm
Regina Carter; 18: 9:30pm Rudresh
Mahanthappa; 23: 9:30pm Holy Crow Jazz
Band feat Jessy Carolina + Sweet Megg &
the Wayfarers; 29: 11:30pm Gato Loco.
JUDSON CHURCH: 55 Washington Sq South
at Thompson St. www.judson.org. 212-4770351. Jan 15-16: Winter Jazzfest www.win
terjazzfest.com feat 01/15 6:40pm Quarktet
Burnt, 8pm Dayna Stephens & 3wi feat Sam
Yahel, 9:20pm Dr. Lonnie Smith & Evolution,
10:40pm Sarah Neufeld & Colin Stetson,
12am tba, 01/16 6:40pm Gregoire Maret &
The Inner Voices w/guest Jean Baylor, 8pm
No BS! Brass Band, 9:20pm Kris Bowers,
10:40pm Cory Henry... The Revival, 12am
Sun Ra Arkestra dir by Marshall Allen.
JULES BISTRO: 65 Saint Marks Pl (bet 1st & 2nd
Avs). 212-477-5560. www.julesbistro.com.
University Pl at 9th St. 212-228-8490.
www.knickerbockerbarandgrill.com. Fri-Sat:
9pm-2am. Jan 1-2: Jill McCarron/Paul Gill; 89: Rob Bargad, Ben Wolff & Danny
Sadownick; 15-16: Rob Silverman/Beldon
Bullock; 22-23: Cynthia Sayer/Conal
Fowkes; 29-30: Steve Ash/Paul Gill.
LE POISSON ROUGE: 158 Bleecker St at
Thompson St. www.lepoissonrouge.com.
212-796-0741. Adm varies. Jan 4: 7:30pm
Jenny Lin & Uri Caine; 13&15-17: Winter
Jazzfest www.winterjazzfest.com feat 01/13
8pm The Ex, Bill Laswell, Colin Stetson,
Happy Apple, 01/15 6:20pm Joey Arias,
7:40pm Sexmob @ 20, 9pm Red Baraat,
01/16 6:20pm Jose James, 7:40pm Takuya
Kuroda, 9pm GoGo Penguin, 01/17 6pm
Julian Lage, Rova w/Nels Cline; 23: 7pm
Emanuele Tozzi.
LE SINGE VERT: 160 7th Av (bet 19th & 20th
Sts). 212-366-4100. www.lesingevert.com.
LITTLE BRANCH: 20 Leroy St at 7th Av S.
METROPOLITAN ROOM: 34W 22nd St (bet.
5th & 6th Avs). www.metropolitanroom.com.
212-206-0440. Sets unless otherwise noted:
Early (E) 7pm, Late (L) 9:30pm. Residency
(R): Tues L Annie Ross. Jan 5: L R; 7: L Ken
Slavin; 12: L R; 13: L Molly Ryan; 14: E MJ
Territo & Ladies Day Jazz Ens; 15: L Oscar
Peñas, Uri Gurvich & Petr Cancura; 19: L R;
22: E Highlights in Jazz feat Steven Frieder,
Benny Benack III, Matt Baker, Devin Starks,
Kosta Galanopoulos; 23: L John Minnock;
26: L R; 30: 1pm Sandy Taylor.
MEZZROW: 163W 10th St (bet 7th Av &
Waverly Pl). www.mezzrow.com. 646-4764346. Sets/adm: Early (E) 7:30-9pm, free
except Tues 7:30-10:30pm, $20; Late (L)
9:30pm-12am except Tues 10:30pm12:30am, $20; Night (N) 12-1:30am
Mon&Wed, 12-1am Thurs, 12:30-2am Fri-Sat,
$10. Residencies: Mon E John Merrill
w/guests, N Sacha Perry; Tues L “Polite”
Jam; Wed E Lafayette Harris Solo, N Sarah
Slonim; Thurs E Spike Wilner Solo, N Theo
Hill; Fri E Jon Davis, N Johnny O'Neal; Sat E
Spike Wilner w/guests, N Anthony Wonsey.
Jan 1: E R, L Spike Wilner Trio, N R; 2: E R,
L Spike Wilner Trio, N R; 3: L John Chin; 4: E
R, L David Hazeltine, N R; 5: E Gillian
Margot, L R; 6-7: E R, L Uri Caine, N R; 8: E
R, L Joanne Brackeen, N R; 9: E R, L Joanne
Brackeen, N R; 10: L Joe Magnarelli; 11: E R,
L Eli Degibri, N R; 12: E Joris Teepe/Greg
Murphy, L R; 13: E R, L Will Vinson, N R; 14:
E R, L Gilad Hekselman/Aaron Parks, N R;
15-16: E R, L Bill Charlap, N R; 17: L Diego
Figueiredo; 18: E R, L Peter Bernstein, N R;
19: E Valerie Capers, L R; 20: E R, L Philippe
Leoge, N R; 21: E R, L Willerm Delisfort, N R;
22-23: E R, L Andy Bey, N R; 24: L Grant
Stewart; 25: E R, L Jeremy Manasia, N R; 26:
E Amos Hoffman, L R; 27: E R, L Mike Longo,
N R; 28: E R, L Ethan Iverson, N R; 29-30: E
R, L ELEW, N R; 31: L Tardo Hammer.
MILANO’S BAR: 51E Houston St (bet Mott &
Mulberry Sts). 212-226-8844. Thurs 2-5pm:
Carol & Company.
NELSON BLUE: 233-235 Front St. 212-3469090. www.nelsonblue.com. Sun: 1-4pm
Jazz Brunch feat Mark Lockett Trio.
NEW SCHOOL: 66W 12th St. 212-229-5600.
www.newschool.edu. Jan 15-16: Winter
Jazzfest www.winterjazzfest.com feat 01/15
6:20pm Roberta Gambarini, 7:40pm Roy
Hargrove, 9pm James “Blood” Ulmer,
10:20pm Christian McBride, 11:40pm Forro
in The Dark, 1am Nublu Orch, 01/16 6:20pm
Don Byron Qrt, 7:40pm Ibrahim Maalouf,
9pm Butler, Bernstein & The Hot 9, 10:20pm
OGJB Qrt, 11:40pm Monty Alexander & The
Harlem Kingston Express.
SPACE: Glass Box Theater. 55W 13th St. 212229-5488. www.newschool.edu. Jan 15-16:
Winter Jazzfest www.winterjazzfest.com feat
01/15 6:40pm James Carney Sxt, 8pm James
Francies & Kinetic, 9:20pm Naytronix,
10:40pm Dave King Trucking Company, 12am
Oscar Noriega Qrt, 01/16 6:40pm tba, 8pm
Sofia Rei, 9:20pm Dave King Vector Families,
10:40pm Rez Abbasi & Junction, 12am
Brandon Seabrook Power Plant.
St, 5th Fl. 212-229-5488. www.newschool.
edu. Jan 15-16: Winter Jazzfest www.winter
jazzfest.com feat 01/15 7pm Chris Morrissey
& Standard Candle, 8:20pm Chris Speed
Trio, 9:40pm Charenee Wade Gp, 11pm Marc
Cary & Indigenous People, 12:20am Sharel
Cassity & Elektra, 01/16 7pm Reid Anderson
w/Andrew D'Angelo & Bill McHenry, 8:20pm
Jim Black Trio, 9:40pm Will Calhoun, 11pm
Shai Maestro Trio, 12:20am Ohad Talmor
Large Ens.
NEW SCHOOL: Tishman Auditorium. 63 5th
Av. www.newschool.edu. 212-229-5630. Jan
15-16: Winter Jazzfest www.winterjazzfest.
com feat 01/15 6pm David Torn Solo, 7pm
Mark Turner Qrt, 8pm Craig Taborn Solo,
9pm Avishai Cohen Qrt, 10pm Ches Smith/
Craig Taborn/Mat Maneri, 11:20pm Vijay Iyer
Trio, 12:40am David Virelles Mboko, 01/16
6pm Michael Formanek Kolossus Ens,
7:20pm Theo Bleckmann Elegy, 8:40pm
Chris Potter Qrt, 10pm Tim Berne &
Sideshow, 11:20pm Ralph Alessi Qrt,
12:40am Ethan Iverson/Mark Turner.
continued on page 26
It's All Good
Brian LeMeur
melodic and blues-oriented approach to
improvising, guitarist Ed Cherry swings as
hard as any of his more garish contemporaries. Cherry's prolific career has put him
in a variety of star-studded settings with
Dizzy Gillespie, Henry Threadgill, Jon
Faddis and Paquito D'Rivera. In each situation, Cherry has brought a soulful and
clear voice as well as the often-overlooked,
but much needed, ability to listen and
respond to his bandmates.
Longtime guitarist for Dizzy Gillespie,
Cherry released his most-recent CD, It's
All Good, on Posi-Tone records in 2012,
with Pat Bianchi on organ and Byron
Landham on drums. The veteran guitarist
has another recording, Soultree, coming
out on the same label on Feb. 12, with Kyle
Koehler, organ and Adam Marshall, drums.
It's All Good confidently speaks to the
tradition: Cherry's blues-drenched style
and spacious tone serve as a beautiful
voice atop Bianchi's tasteful B-3 chording
and Landham's soulful, dancing swing.
The trio does a varied mix of standards:
from Don Raye and Gene De Paul's "You
Don't Know What Love Is" to Herbie
Hancock's thesis on modal jazz, "Maiden
Cherry was born in 1954 to musicallyinclined parents in New Haven CT. His
mom was a "part-time" pianist and his dad
was a jazz listener. Interested in playing
the saxophone, Cherry started on the clarinet. "At an early age, I was aware of
Charlie Parker, Miles Davis and Barry
Harris," Cherry says. He played in rock
groups in junior and senior high school.
However, young Cherry didn't pursue jazz
in earnest until his last year in high school
and, by then, he had switched to the guitar.
After graduation, he started coming
into New York City to study at Harlem’s
Jazzmobile, a jazz outreach organization
founded in 1964 by Daphne Anstein and
Dr. Billy Taylor. In 1978, Cherry moved to
NYC. "I worked a messenger service job
during the day and at night I was going out
to sessions and gigs."
Although Cherry says his time in the
classroom was helpful, he says he learned
the most on the bandstand, making mistakes in the heat of battle and then learning from them.
When asked to comment on how the
scene today differs from the one he came
up in, Cherry remarks that, in those days,
the music community felt more inclusive
and supportive than now. He linked the
competitive atmosphere to the large mass
of students studying jazz in the city. He
remembers hanging out with the masters—like Art Blakey, Andy Bey and
Pharoah Sanders—and having the chance
to play with them at sessions.
Asked about his career to date, Cherry
says he feels grateful to have had the
opportunities to play with some of the masters of the music. Shortly after he moved to
the city, Cherry met Dizzy Gillespie's guitarist, Rodney Jones, at a Gillespie concert. After getting to know one another,
Jones recommended Cherry to Gillespie as
his replacement in 1978.
Apart from a three-year break from
1983-1986, Cherry was Gillespie's guitarist from 1978 to the trumpeter's death
in 1993. Cherry remembers Gillespie fondly: "He was a great teacher, very patient.
He would play everything to you very slowly when you were learning it." Cherry
added that Gillespie had a fun-loving attitude toward life, while being serious about
music and particularly hard on drummers.
Gillespie didn't talk about his relationship with Charlie Parker too often, but
when he did, his memories were positive,
Cherry recalls. Gillespie said that Parker
was well-rounded; he could speak on any
topic with anyone; and he enjoyed going to
the movies and doing other things unrelated to music. Gillespie also recounted that
Parker didn't often have things written
down, except for a record date or performance. More often than not, Gillespie notated Parker's lines as he played them.
Cherry was particularly present in
Gillespie's life at the time of his death. In
fact, Cherry visited Gillespie on his last
day. When he was leaving, Cherry saw
Faddis and James Moody enter the hospital; Faddis and Moody did not see him
The guitarist plays regularly at Stop
Time in Brooklyn with New York's "Queen
of the B-3," Akiko Tsuruga. In February,
continued on page 38
LISTINGS... continued from page 24
St (bet Bway & University). 212-222-5159.
www.bahainyc.org. Tues: 8&9:30pm $10/15
adm. Jan 12: Mike Longo & New York State
of the Art Jazz Ens w/Ira Hawkins; 26: Dave
Chamberlain & Band of Bones w/guests
Steve Turre & Steve Davis.
www.nyu.edu. 212-998-4550.
NIGHTHAWKS: 679 Greenwich St at
Christopher St. www.nighthawksnyc.com.
646-329-6390. Sun: 8pm.
NORTH SQUARE: At Washington Square
Hotel. 103 Waverly Pl at McDougal.
www.northsquareny.com/about-jazz. 212254-1200. Sun: 12:30&2:15pm free adm Jazz
Brunch. Jan 3: Roz Corral w/Yotam
Silberstein & Boris Kozlov; 10: Jay Clayton
Trio; 17: Roz Corral w/Freddie Bryant & Paul
Gill; 24: Ed Laub/Gene Bertoncini Duo; 31:
Roz Corral w/Saul Rubin & Alex Gressel.
NUBLU: 62 Av C (bet 4th & 5th Sts). 212-3751500. www.nublu.net.
Avs B & C). www.nuyorican.org. 212-7809386/212-505-8183. Sets: 9:30pm. Tues: 9pm
Latin Jazz feat 1st Tues Chembo Corniel,
2nd Tues Bronx Conxión, 3rd Tues Hector
Martignon; 1st Wed: All That - Hip Hop
Poetry & Jazz; 1st Sat: $15 adm Puddin’ Jazz
series + Jam; last Sun: Bobby Sanabria &
New School Afro-Cuban Jazz Band.
Barrow St (bet 7th Av & W4th St). 212-2558649. www.oneifbyland.com. Sun 11:30am3pm, Tues&Thurs 6-11pm: Ryo Sasaki & Nial
Djuliarso Duo.
PEGU CLUB: 77W Houston St (bet W Bway &
Wooster St). 2nd Fl. www.peguclub.com.
212-473-PEGU. Sun: 6:30-9:30pm free adm
Glenn Crytzer & Pegu Club All Stars.
PIANOS: 158 Ludlow St at Stanton. 212-5053733. www.pianosnyc.com. Fri: 8-10pm
Cabinet Makers.
15 Rutherford Pl. 212-673-5750. Jan 14: 6pm
Disability Pride NYC w/Mike LeDonne feat
Wynton Marsalis, Benny Golson, Christian
McBride, Jimmy Cobb, Harold Mabern,
George Coleman, Buster Williams, Louis
Hayes, Bill Charlap, Monty Alexander.
RED ROOM: At KGB Bar. 85E 4th St (bet 2nd
Av & Bowery). www.redroomnyc.com. 212787-0155. Sat: 11pm-2am. Jan 2: Michelle
Zangara Gp; 28: 9pm-12am Michael
Arenella & Dreamland Orch.
Houston St. www.rockwoodmusichall.com.
212-477-4155. Jan 7: 7:30pm Hadar Noiberg
Trio; 18: 7pm Elsa Nilsson Gp; 31: Arthur
Vint & Associates.
ROXY HOTEL: 2 Av of the Americas at Walker
St. www.roxyhotelnyc.com. 212-519-6600.
www.rubinmuseum.org/harlem. 212-6205000X344. Jan 22: 7-8:30pm $20 adm Kavita
RUE B: 188 Ave B (bet 11th & 12th Sts). 212358-1700. www.ruebnyc.com. Sets: 8:30,
9:30&10:45pm. Sun: Brooks Hartell Trio;
Mon: Richie Vitale Trio; Tues: Jeff Loomis
Trio; Wed: Tim Regusis Trio; Thurs: Miriam
Waks; Fri: Frank Valdez Trio. Jan 2&30:
Curtis Graham Nowosad Funk Trio; 9,16&23:
Alex Levine Funk Trio.
SMALLS JAZZ CLUB: 183W 10th St at 7th Av.
212-252-5091. www.smallslive.com. Sets:
Afternoon (PM), Early (E), Late (L), Night (N);
Sun 1-3pm, PM 4:30-7pm, E 7:30-10pm, L
10:30pm-1am, N 1-4am; Mon E 7:30-10pm, L
10:30pm-1am, N 1-4am; Tues E 7:30-9pm, L
9:30pm-12am, N 12:30-4am, Wed-Thurs E
7:30-10pm, L 10:30pm-1am, N 1:30-4am; FriSat PM 4-7pm, E 7:30-10pm, L 10:30pm-1am,
N 1:30-4am. Jam following N. Adm varies.
Residencies (R): Sun 1pm Vocal masterclass
by Marion Cowings, E except 01/17 Johnny
O'Neal Trio, 01/17 Lezlie Harrison, N except
01/31 Hillel Salem, 01/31 Ned Goold Qrt; Mon
L except 01/18&25 Ari Hoenig, N 01/4&18
w/Jonathan Barber, 01/11&25 w/Jonathan
Michel; Tues E Spike Wilner Qrt, N 01/5&19
w/Kyle Poole, 01/12&26 w/Corey Wallace
DUBtet; Wed N except 01/20 Sanah Kadoura,
01/20 Aaron Seeber; Fri PM Jam 01/1,8&22
w/Ai Murakami, 01/15&29 w/Tuomo Uusitalo
Trio; Sat PM Jam 01/2,16&30 w/Ben Meigners,
01/9&23 w/Jonathan Thomas Trio. Jan 1: PM
R, E Charles Ruggiero Qrt, L John Marshall
Qnt, N Tivon Pennicott; 2: PM R, E Chuck
Redd Qrt, L John Marshall Qnt, N Philip
Harper Qnt; 3: 1pm R, PM tba, E R, L Bruce
Harris Qnt, N R; 4: E Asaf Yuria Qnt, L-N R; 5:
E R, L Theo Hill Trio, N R; 6: E Ben Allison Qrt,
L Sam Raderman Qrt, N R; 7: E Rob Bargad &
Reunion Spt, L Alex Hoffman Group, N tba; 8:
PM R, E Michael Cochrane & Lines Of Reason,
L Mike Moreno Qrt, N Joe Farnsworth; 9: PM
R, E Ralph Lalama & Bop-Juice, L Mike
Moreno Qrt, N Eric Wyatt Qrt; 10: 1pm R, PM
tba, E R, L Behn Gillece Qrt, N R; 11: E Randy
Ingram Qrt, L-N R; 12: E R, L Josh Evans Qnt,
N R; 13: E Sharel Cassity Qnt, L David Gibson
& BOOM, N R; 14: E Sharel Cassity Qnt, L
Roxy Coss Qnt, N tba; 15: PM R, E Tardo
Hammer Trio, L Billy Drummond & Freedom of
Ideas, N tba; 16: PM R, E Joey “G-Clef”
Cavaseno Qrt, L Billy Drummond & Freedom
of Ideas, N Brooklyn Circle; 17: 1pm R, E R, L
Alex Norris, N R; 18: E-L tba, N R; 19: E R, L
The Smalls Legacy Band, N R; 20: E Alex
LoRe Qrt, L Marquis Hill Qnt, N R; 21: E Alan
Ferber Nnt, L Marquis Hill Qnt, N tba; 22: PM
R, E David Schnitter Qrt, L J.D. Allen Gp, N
tba; 23: PM R, E Vic Juris Qrt, L J.D. Allen Gp,
N Philip Harper Qnt; 24: 1pm R, PM tba, E R, L
Grant Stewart Gp, N R; 25: E Greg Murphy
Trio, L tba, N R; 26: E R, L Lucas Pino Nnt, N
R; 27: E Amos Hoffman Gp, L Luke Sellick
Qnt, N R; 28: E Mark Soskin Trio, L Carlos
Abadie Qnt, N tba; 29: PM R, E Joe Strasser
Gp, L Michael Dease Gp, N Lawrence Leathers
Trio; 30: PM R, E Eliot Zigmund Qrt, L Michael
Dease Gp, N Brooklyn Circle; 31: 1pm R, PM
George Gee Swing Orch, E Michela Lerman
Tap dance show, L-N R.
SPECTRUM NYC: 121 Ludlow St 2nd Fl (bet
Delancey & Rivington Sts). 212-533-5470.
www.spectrumnyc.com. Jan 15: 8:3010:30pm James Haddad Qnt; 31: 7-8pm
Louise Rogers & Mark Kross.
Christopher St (bet Bleecker & W 4th Sts).
212-242-5737. www.stjohnsnyc.org. Jan 9: 78pm Aaron Irwin Qrt, 8:30-9:30pm
The STONE: 2nd St at Av C. www.thesto
nenyc. com. Adm varies. Tues-Sun: 8&10pm
weekly residencies. Jan 1-4: John Zorn; 611: Kenny Werner; 13-18: Charlie Looker; 2025: Vijay Iyer; 27-Feb 1: Basya Schechter.
SUBCULTURE: 45 Bleecker St at Lafayette St.
www.subculturenewyork.com. 212-533-5470.
Jan 15-16: Winter Jazzfest www.winterjazz
fest.com feat 01/15 6pm Matana Roberts Solo,
7pm Tierney Sutton, 8:20pm Yellowjackets,
9:40pm Mark Guiliana Jazz Qrt, 11pm Keyon
Harrold, 12:20am Jeff Lederer & Brooklyn
Blowhard, 01/16 7pm Mivos, 8:20pm Frank
Catalano, 9:40pm Amir ElSaffar & Two Rivers,
11pm Holler & Bam w/Toshi Reagon & Allison
Miller, 12:20am Julian Lage Trio.
St. www.nypl.org. 212-228-4747. Jan 16: 3pm
continued on page 28
By Elzy Kolb
Marsha Heydt, Garage
One door opens…
A lifelong appreciation for music usually begins with early exposure, and Marsha
Heydt is doing all she can to give youngsters a jumpstart. A teaching artist in New
York City for 20 years, this saxophonist,
composer and author saw that most children don't get a grassroots level of exposure to music in school and resolved to do
something about it.
"People don't know about music; they do
not know what a saxophone is. But children get excited when they see instruments and think they might want to play,"
Heydt points out. "People think music is
just for fun, for recess time. But teaching
someone to play music has a whole grab
bag of benefits; they get confident, discover
things, build joy, learn to work in community, socialize, work together. These are all
tools to being successful in life."
To present music basics to five- to eightyear-old readers, Heydt has written a new
book, The Adventures of Fredi and Her
Lilypad Band. Its colorfully illustrated
characters—all frogs—introduce musical
instruments and explain how each generates sound. The accompanying workbook,
Connect the Dots with Fredi, includes ageappropriate information about science, culture and related topics.
Since many schools don't devote much
time to music, Heydt designed the books to
work in other situations, like science and
math classes. "There's a layering of use, so
the book can cross over into other classes.
And it has classroom ideas for doing
rhythm exercises, body percussion, hand
percussion, playing recorder or other
instruments and improvising. You can use
it on many levels," Heydt explains. Lest
you think the adventures of Fredi and
friends are all work and no play, the book
includes puzzles, games and instructions
for dancing the cha cha.
The idea of creating the book has been
percolating in Heydt's mind for a while, so
much so that her most recent CD, Diggin'
the Day (BluJazz), includes an original
tune called "Fredi's Cha Cha," inspired by
the title character. Her goal is to produce a
series of publications for kids and, ultimately, a cartoon.
Heydt plans to play "Fredi's Cha Cha"
at an informal book release celebration at
the family-friendly brunch at Garage on
Jan. 3 where listeners can count on the
saxophonist to serve up some originals
along with standards by Thelonious Monk,
Horace Silver, Herbie Hancock and even
some Stevie Wonder.
As excited as she is about the release of
The Adventures of Fredi and Her Lilypad
Band, Heydt is saddened that Jan. 3 is also
the swan song for Garage, where she's
often performed over the past decade.
She's planning on incorporating the classic
"Blue Skies" into her set, keeping an optimistic eye on the future and sending best
wishes to everyone in Garage's extended
Joseph Daley, Harlem Parlor Jazz Festival
Man on wire
Bass clef maven/educator/composer
Joseph Daley earned more than one degree
at Manhattan School of Music, but playing
with saxophonist Sam Rivers was a major
part of his education. "Nothing was written, it was totally improvised, there was no
discussion. We wouldn't know what instrument Sam would start on, what register,
key or tone," recalls Daley, who put the
tuba in Rivers' Tuba Trio.
He likens the experience to a conversation that starts with basic greetings and
gets deeper, moving on to other topics,
with different ideas and emotions
expressed, levels of shared history revisited and new enthusiasms and ideas
Staying in the moment and listening
carefully were necessary tools for taking
part in the musical discussion, which could
sometimes extend for several hours at
continued on page 29
Daley photo by Scott Friedlander.
LISTINGS... continued from page 26
free adm Hilliard Greene Solo.
TURNMILL: 119E 27th St (bet Park &
Lexington Avs). www.turnmillnyc.com. 646524-6060. Wed: 11pm-2am Jam w/Rob
Duguay & Low Key Trio.
VILLAGE VANGUARD: 178 7th Av S at 11th
St. 212-255-4037. www.villagevanguard.com.
Sets: 8:30&10:30pm. Adm: Mon-Thurs $30/1
drink min. Residency (R): Mon Vanguard
Jazz Orch. Jan 1-3: The Bad Plus; 4: R; 5-10:
George Cables Trio; 11: R; 12-17: Enrico
Pieranunzi; 18: R; 19-24: Donny McCaslin;
25: R; 26-31: Ralph Alessi Baida Qrt.
The WAYLAND: 700 E 9th St at Av C. 212-7777022. www.thewaylandnyc.com. Sets: 911:30pm. Free adm. Wed: Grandpa
Musselman & Syncopators.
WALKER’S: 16N Moore St at Varick. 212-9410142. www.walkerstribeca.com. Sun: 8-11pm
WEBSTER HALL: 125E 11th St (bet 3rd & 4th
Avs). 212-353-1600. www.websterhall.com.
Jan 14: Winter Jazzfest www.winterjaz
zfest.com feat Kamasi Washington & guests.
ZINC BAR: 82W 3rd St (bet Thompson &
Sullivan). 212-477-8337. www.zincbar.com.
Sets: Early (E) 7pm except Sat 8pm +
9,11pm&12:30am except Fri 8pm + Mon 2am.
Adm varies. Residencies: Sun: Tango Trio &
Milonga; Mon: 10pm-2am Ron Affif Trio;
Tues: 10pm Evolution Band + Jam w/Igmar
Thomas; Thurs: 12am Roman Diaz Midnight
Rumba; Sat: 8pm Misha Piatigorsky Trio +
Monika Oliveira & The Brasilians. Jan 1:
Jack Jeffers Big Band; 2: Livio Almeida Big
Band; 4: E Tony Hewitt & Alina Engibaryan +
VandoJam w/David Bixler; 6: Valery Ponomarev
Sxt; 8: Valery Ponomarev & Our Father Who
Art Blakey Big Band; 9: Misha Piatigorsky
Trio; 11: E Jackie Gage + Get Classica feat
Gloriosa Trio; 12: Cesar Orozco; 14:
Francisco Mora-Catlett & AfroHorn; 15-16:
Winter Jazzfest www.winterjazzfest.com feat
01/15 6:20pm Cyro Baptista Banquet of
Spirits, 7:40pm James Brandon Lewis, 9pm
Yosvany Terry Qnt, 10:20pm Rene Marie,
11:40pm Gregorio Uribe Big Band, 1am
Pedrito Martinez, 01/16 7:40pm Meklit, 9pm
Tongues in Trees, 10:20pm Jay Rodriguez
Evolutions, 11:40pm Chris Washburne &
Acid Mambo Project, 1am Late Night Jam
Session; 18: E Kenia, Camille Thurman,
Michelle Walker & Emily Braden + Craig
Handy; 20: Sheriff Bob Bluegrass Jam; 22:
Seth Weaver Big Band feat Svetlana; 25: E
Marcelino Feliciano; 27: Eddie Allen Big
Band; 30: Misha Piatigorsky Trio.
AN BEAL BOCHT CAFÉ: 445W 238th St. 718884-7127. www.lindasjazznights.com. 1st
Wed 8&9:30pm $15/25 adm Linda's Jazz
Nights. Jan 6: Vincent Herring Qrt.
G-BAR: 579 Grand Concourse at 149th St. 718402-6996. www.gbarnyc.com. 1st Thurs: 610pm Dakota Macleod.
Belmont Av. 2nd Fl. www.university
ofthestreets.org. 212-254-9300. Sat: 9pm12am $10 don Jam w/Rob Anderson Qrt.
65FEN: 65 Fenimore St. www.65fenmusic
series.tumblr.com. Mon: 9&10pm $10 don
65Fen Music series. Jan 4: Tomo Jacobson,
Leonid Galaganov & Charlie Rauh, 10pm
Triple Anaïs Maviel; 11: Sean Ali, Leila
Bordreuil & Joanna Mattrey; 18: Nathan
Pape/Patrick Breiner, 10pm Jean Rohe; 25:
10pm Tony Malaby & Carlo Costa.
440 GALLERY: 440 Sixth Av. 718-499-3844.
www.440gallery.com. 1st Sun: 4:40pm $5
don Me, Myself and Eye by Michel Gentile.
Jan 3: Brian Drye.
ALOR CAFÉ: 2110 Richmond Rd. Staten
Island. 718-351-1101. www.alorcafe.com. Fri:
8pm; Sun: 11am-1pm Brunch w/Rose
ANYWAY CAFÉ: 1602 Gravesend Neck Rd.
718-934-5988. www.anywaycafe.com..
ATLAS STEAKHOUSE: 943 Coney Island Av.
www.atlassteak.com. 646-494-7227. Sat: 710pm Marina Makarova Solo.
BAMCAFÉ: 30 Lafayette Av. 718-636-4100.
BAR CHORD: 1008 Cortelyou Rd. 347-2406033. www.barchordnyc.com. Sun: 9pm
Cortelyou Jam.
BAR LUNÀTICO: 486 Halsey St. 718-513-0339.
BAR TABAC: 128 Smith St at Dean St. Cobble
Hill. www.bartabacny.com. 718-923-0918.
Tues&Thurs: 7-10pm. Tues: Blue Vipers of
Brooklyn; Thurs: Stephane Wrembel.
BARBÈS: 376 9th St at 6th Av. Park Slope.
www.barbesbrooklyn.com. 718-965-9177.
Residencies: Sun 9pm Stephane Wrembel;
Mon 7pm Brain Cloud; Tues 9pm Slavic Soul
Party; Wed 10pm Mandingo Ambassadors.
Jan 1: 8pm Percy Jones & MJ-12; 3: 7pm
Ben Monder; 7: 7pm Erik Friedlander, 10pm
Gato Loco; 8: 8pm Park Stickney; 14: 8pm
Endangered Blood.
BROOKLYN LYCEUM: 227 Fourth Av (bet
President & Union Sts). Park Slope.
www.brooklynlyceum.com. 718-857-4816.
BROWNSTONE JAZZ: 107 Macon St at
Nostrand Av. www.sankofaaban.com. 917704-9237. Fri-Sat: 8:30m $30 adm incl 1 drink
Brownstone Jazz. Fri-Sat: 11pm-1am Open
Mic w/Eric Lemon & BJ Ens. Jan 17: 3-6pm
Lori Bell Trio.
Mother Gaston Blvd. www.brownsvill
eheritagehouse.org. 718-385-1111. 3rd Sat:
3-6pm free adm Wade Barnes Tribute Band.
CUBANA SOCIAL: 70 N 6th St. 718-782-3334.
www.cubanasocial.com. Thurs-Fri: 8pm12am Afro-Jazz.
The DRAWING ROOM: 56 Willoughby St #3.
www.drawingroommusic.com. $20 adm. Jan
16: 7&8:30pm Lori Bell; 24: 7pm Gene
FIREHOUSE SPACE: 246 Frost St. 917-7097799. www.thefirehousespace.org. 8pm sets
unless otherwise noted. Jan 7: Charlie Rauh
Trio; 9: Ras Moshe; 10: 5pm Quincy Chimich
& Gabriel Zucker; 15: Morton Feldman &
Electric Guitar; 21: João Lencastre Trio; 22:
Yoni Kretzmer Trio w/Herb Robertson +
Gordon Beeferman Gp; 29: Aimee Norwich &
FOR MY SWEET: 1103 Fulton St. 347-7704735. Mon: 7-11pm $10 adm Bill Jacobs Ens.
FREDDY’S BAR: 627 5th Av (bet 17th & 18th
Sts). www.freddysbar.com. 718-768-0131.
4th Tues: 8:30-11pm On the Way Out series.
Jan 2: 9pm Sunshine Nights; 3: 4-7pm Sasha
Dobson; 15: 8pm Naomi Moon Siegel; 17:
9pm Flea Circus + Jam.
GAMBRINUS: 3100 Ocean Pkwy. 718-2651009. www.gambrinusny.com. Thurs: 811pm Yaakov Mayman Qrt.
HOPE & ANCHOR: 347 Van Brunt St. 718-2370276. www.hopeandanchorredhook.com.
Wed: 7:30-10:30pm Jam w/Ray Scro Qrt.
continued on page 30
ANOTHER REASON... continued from page 27
Rivers' performance loft, Studio Rivbea,
playing what drummer Max Roach called
"dangerous music."
"It's like being on a tightrope with no
net; you're taking a chance you can fall on
your face," Daley explains. "With a structured tune, if things start to fall apart, you
can go to the bridge. With this kind of
music, you don't have a place to go; you
don't have a shout chorus to go to. It's a
dangerous undertaking, but when you
work with experienced musicians you find
a way to make it work."
Rivers' trio format gave Daley a chance
to stretch out and solo–an almost unheard
of opportunity for a tuba player in the
1970s. "I could play unaccompanied for
three minutes, six minutes. Sam would let
me go on till I'd worked out all I could on
an idea," he says. "After a while, I had the
strength, the wherewithal, the skills to
lead. It took years and years of learning
and mentorship until I felt confident
enough to set up the ideas and musical language to move the musicians in the direction I wanted without a written chart or
On Daley's new CD, The Tuba Trio
Chronicle (JoDa Locust Street Music), he
continues the conversation Rivers started,
recruiting longtime collaborator and original Tuba Trio member percussionist
Warren Smith and multi-instrumentalist
Scott Robinson. The recording pays tribute
to Rivers by following the trail he blazed,
rather than by performing his compositions, re-creating a significant gig or mimicking his playing.
"I wanted people who understood Sam's
major contribution to the art form, who
could bring that respect and intensity to
the music," Daley says. "I didn't put any
pressure on Scott to sound like Sam—no
one on the planet plays like him! When
someone like that leaves the planet, there's
a vacuum no one else can fill. I wanted
Scott to sound like Scott, but use the concepts Sam developed."
On Jan. 18, the trio will continue to
evoke the spirit with a CD release celebration at the Harlem Parlor Jazz Festival.
Daley is delighted that the festival's homey
brownstone setting will be similar to playing at Rivbea.
"It's an intimate space, good for children, you can go up and talk to the musicians. The place is not that big, there's
nothing to hide, no backstage. You can see
how we breathe; see how we converse.
That whole vibe is going to be important to
the music and to the understanding of
what we're doing."
The trio won't reproduce the compositions from the new CD. In keeping with the
Rivers tradition, "We're going to play some
music pretty much without a break. If we
exhaust our conversation, we'll stop. We'll
just see how it evolves. Each time we play,
it's unique to itself. It's not going to happen
All about the melody
What's a guy to do? Though slide trumpeter Steven Bernstein cites Louis
Armstrong and Duke Ellington as the
foundation of his music, he has a special
fondness for improvisational sounds à la
Ornette Coleman or the New York Art
Quartet with Roswell Rudd and John
Tchicai. During some of his early gigs he
noticed, "People have trouble listening to
the free rhythms and open structure that
I've always loved. I wanted to make it
something where everyone could enjoy
themselves, where I could look into the
audience and see people having a good
Bernstein found the solution in the ageold jazz tradition of incorporating familiar
pop tunes into the repertoire of his quartet,
Sexmob. "Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie
and Lester Young all played the pop music
of their eras and each played it with his
feeling. I play 'Macarena,' and play it with
my feeling. People say it's ironic, but it's
not ironic to me. An Abba song like
'Fernando' has a beautiful melody and I
enjoy playing it."
Steven Bernstein, Le Poisson Rouge
His strategy must be working. Sexmob
which includes bassist Tony Scherr, saxophonist Briggan Krauss and drummer
Kenny Wollesen, has been together since
the mid- '90s, when Michael Dorf asked
Bernstein to put together a band to play
late sets at the Knitting Factory. "If I had
known this band was going to last 20
years, I wouldn't have named it Sexmob,"
Bernstein declares. The moniker came up
as Bernstein and Dorf bantered over
increasingly outrageous naming possibilities, not because of any philosophical viewpoint. "I decided to take the slide trumpet
seriously, to really figure it out, that was
my only concept for the band. And when
you start playing at 11 at night, it's good to
be called Sexmob," he says, laughing.
In the past two decades, Sexmob has
given its special treatment to Ellington
and Count Basie standards, Prince hits,
themes from James Bond and Fellini films,
New Orleans music, originals, and a seem-
continued on pag 40
Bernstein photo by Michael Wientraub.
LISTINGS... continued from page 28
I-BEAM: 168 7th St. www.ibeambrooklyn.com.
Sets: 8:30pm $15 don.
JALOPY: 315 Columbia St. www.jalopy.biz.
JAZZ 966: 966 Fulton St. 917-593-9776.
www.jazz966.com. Fri: 8:15&10:15pm $15
(bet 19th & 20th Sts). 718-499-1199.
9&10:30pm $10 don/$10 min Konceptions
Music series by James Carney. Jan 5: Kenny
Warren, 10:30pm Kris Davis; 12: Jeff Davis
Qrt, 10:30pm Jason Robinson & Janus Qnt;
19: James Carney Qrt, 10:30pm Big Butter &
the Egg Men; 26: Mat Maneri, 10:30pm Ingrid
Laubrock & Trot A Mouse
LA CAYE RESTAURANT: 35 Lafayette Av.
www.lacayebk.com. 718-858-4160.
LITTLEFIELD: 622 Degraw St (bet 3rd & 4th
Avs). www.littlefieldnyc.com. 718-855-3388.
Jan 3: 1-3pm $25 adm ICE Fundraiser feat
Roy Nathanson & The Jazz Passengers
w/guest Marc Ribot.
CABARET: At Hilton Garden Inn. 1100
South Av at Lois Ln. Staten Island. 718-4772400X3222. www.lorenzosdining.com. Sun:
12-2&2-4pm, Fri-Sat 7-10pm. Sun: Jazz
Brunch. Jan 2,7-8,16&23: Greg Murphy Solo.
NATIONAL SAWDUST: 80N 6th St. 646-7798455. www.nationalsawdust.org. Jan 7:
9:30pm $25 adm Ljova & Dan Tepner; 29:
10pm $25 Jo Lawry.
PANE E VINO: 174 Smith St at Warren.
www.panevinony.com. 718-501-1010. Sun: 710pm Carl Thompson Gp w/Virginia Mayhew.
PROSPECT RANGE: 1228 Prospect Av.
www.prospectrange.com. 917-776-6834. Jan
8: 7:30pm David Cook Qnt & Brooklyn Jazz
Underground Ens.
ROULETTE: 509 Atlantic Av at 3rd Av.
www.roulette.org. Jan 6: 8pm Tomeka Reid
DeKalb Ave. www.rustiktavern.com. 347406-9700. 1st Tues: 8pm $5 adm Jam w/Eric
SAGE: 299 Graham Av. www.sageongraham.
com. 718-218-6644. Fri-Sat: 7pm. Fri: Ryo
Sasaki Trio w/Bill Crow.
718-9648763. Jan 24: 7-9pm Scot Albertson & Dan
Furman; 31: 7&8:30pm Lena Bloch Feathery.
SEEDS: 617 Vanderbilt Av. www.seedsbrook
www.shapeshifterlab.com. 646-820-9452.
Sets/adm unless otherwise noted: Early (E)
7pm, Late (L) 8:15pm, Night (N) 9:30pm; $10
adm. Residency (R): Wed 8:30pm Brooklyn
Raga Massive Jam Session. Jan 2: L
Palmslap w/spec guest Mallow; 3: E Dylan
McCarthy/Dan Davis Gp, L Shapes and
Sounds, Dave Savitsky, Tariq Allen, N Look
Up Qrt w/spec guest Terri Roiger; 4: L Jason
Robinson & Janus Ens; 6: R; 7: L Amit Heri;
10: E Hajime Yoshida Trio, L Satoshi Kataoka
Qrt; 12: 8pm Ken Thompson, Anna Webber,
Russ Johnson, Alan Ferber; 13: R; 14:
$15/20 L Sylvie Courvoisier Trio, N Mark
Feldman & Sylvie Courvoisier; 15: L $12
Anthony Smith Qnt + Jam feat Tyler Blanton,
Tom Beckham; 16: 8pm $12 Gene Lake &
Funk All Stars w/spec guests; 17: 6-7:30pm
$15 Kaoru Watanabe/Sumie Kaneko & On
Ensemble, L Andrew Rathbun, N Jessica
Ackerley Trio; 19: E Jeff Platz & Neu Cabal
w/spec guests Matt Lavelle & 12 Houses; 20:
R; 21: L Kalia Vandever Trio; 22: L $5 Mind
Open & spec guests; 24: $12 Ole Mathisen
Outlier Ens, Take Off Collective; 25: L $12
Annie Chan Spt, Rafal Sarnecki Sxt; 26: L
Winther/Åman/Mogensen; 27: R; 28: L Ty
Citerman + Gutbucket; 29: L The Victor; 30:
E Emilie Lesbros Solo, 8pm Dre Hocevar
Coding of Evidentiality, 9pm Charmaine Lee.
SISTAS’ PLACE: 456 Nostrand Av at Jefferson
Av. www.sistasplace.org. 718-398-1766. Sat:
9&10:30pm $30/25 adm. Jan 9: Reggie
Woods; 16: Buyu Ambroise; 23: Brandon
Sanders; 30: Cyril Greene.
THREES BREWING: 333 Douglass St. 718522-2110. www.threesbrewing.com. Jan 10:
7:30pm Three Concentric Sections X, 8pm
Mister Mozart, 9pm Marty Ehrlich Exaltation
Trio, 10pm Anna Webber Qrt.
Bedford Av. www.wmcjazz.org. 718-3841654. 10pm-2am. Fri: free adm/2 drink min
Jam w/Gerry Eastman Qnt & friends.
Bank St. Stamford. www.the9thnote.com.
203-504-8828. Sun&Tues-Sat. Jan 3: 8-11pm
Ed Cherry; 15: 9pm-12am Sheryl Bailey Trio.
Hartford. www.archstreettavern.com. 860246-7610. Mon: 8pm Hartford Jazz Orch.
TREE: 605 Main St.
Middletown. www.buttonwood.org. 860-3474957. Sat: 8-10pm. Jan 2: $8 adm Pete
LaMalfa & Washingtonians; 22: $10 Jump
Italiano, Matlock & Rhodes Duo, Zachary
CAFE NINE: 250 State St. New Haven. 203-7898281. www.cafenine.com. Sat: 4:30-7:30pm
CAVE À VIN: 975 State St. New Haven. 203777-6206. www.caveavinwinebar.com. Sat:
8-11pm free adm.
Old Kings Hwy North. Darien. 203-655-4995.
www.fujiofjapan.com. Thurs: 6:30-9pm
Music Thursdays series feat Nicole
Pasternak or Maria Tiscia.
The OUTER SPACE: 294 Treadwell St.
Hamden. www.theouterspace.net. 203-6401684. Sun: 5-7pm $5 adm The Outer Space
Jazz All Stars.
OWL SHOP: 268 College St. New Haven. 203624-3250. www.owlshopcigars.com. Wed:
9pm-12am free adm Hawkins Jazz
Bethel. www.pizzerialauretano.com. 203792-1500. Sun: 6-8pm $15 adm/10 min. Jan
3: Billy Cofrances Gp; 10: Ray Blue/Warren
Byrd Qrt; 17: Tony Purrone Trio; 24: Arthur
Lipner & Squill; 31: John Fumasoli Qnt.
Inn. 85 Lyme St. Old Lyme. 860-434-0886.
www.thesidedoorjazz.com. Sets: 8:30pm.
Jan 2: Wallace Roney Qnt; 8-9: Christian
Scott Qnt; 15: Ben Williams Sound Effect
Qnt; 16: Nick Finzer Sxt; 22: Oran Etkin; 23:
Allan Harris; 29-30: Bill Charlap Trio.
St. Stamford. www.scalive.org. 203-3254466. Jan 15: 8pm $35 adm John di Martino.
Westport. www.westportartscenter.org. 203222-7070. Jan 24: 3-5pm $10-30 adm New
WESTPORT CENTER FOR SENIOR ACTIVITIES: 21 Imperial Av. Westport. 203-341continued on page 36
The Musician-Writer's Corner
While the term "legendary" is an often
overused word in jazz biographies, every
now and again the term proves quite apt in
describing an artist. Bassist Bill Crow is
such a musician. Hailing from the West
Coast, Crow made his way to New York
City in 1950; after picking up the bass during a summer residency, within a few
months he was offering his low-end services to a variety of jazz stalwarts.
Soon, Crow amassed a musical résumé
that simply reads like an alphabetical list
of jazz's greats: Art Baron, Bob
Brookmeyer, Teddy Charles, Al Cohn,
Eddie Condon, Duke Ellington, Stan Getz,
Terry Gibbs, Dizzy Gillespie, Benny
Goodman, Al Haig, Lee Konitz, Dave
Lambert, Marian McPartland, Jimmy
McPartland, Gerry Mulligan, Zoot Sims,
Nina Simone, Clark Terry, Claude
Thornhill and Phil Woods have all called
upon Crow's exceptional talents.
Bill Crow
Along the way, Crow picked up a variety of additional assignments, including
serving as a member of the executive board
of Local 802, American Federation of
Musicians for nearly 30 years. Through
that, Crow found himself in demand as a
"When I was elected to the executive
board, the union president asked me if I
wanted to write a column," he recalls. "I
said 'sure.' And I knew that the type of column I wanted to write had the kind of stories that musicians would tell each other
on their breaks. I've been doing that column for over 30 years now. It's easy
because anything interesting that happens
in the music industry, I hear about right
away. So I've always been able to get a
By Seton Hawkins
monthly column out without ever having to
search too far for a story."
From there, Crow expanded his writing
and story collection. In addition to memoir
pieces like a now-famous (and tragically
hilarious) recollection of a 1962 Soviet
Union tour with Benny Goodman, as well
as some fiction writing, Crow signed a publishing deal with Oxford Press.
"Oxford had previously published anecdotes collections from literature and the
military, so they wanted one for jazz," he
recalls. "Some of the writers were familiar
with my column, so I was recommended to
do it. It took me about two years to collect
all the stories from different sources. When
I was done, I noticed that my personal recollections had a different color, so I kept
them out of the first book. After it was successful, I showed the editors that I had a
second book, and they agreed to publish
that, too."
The success of the resulting Jazz
Anecdotes collection led him to approach
the publisher with a series of his own stories, which was released in 1993 as From
Birdland to Broadway, a more autobiographical set of works that focuses on
delightful character sketches.
While music fueled Crow's writing, the
raconteur spirit infuses many of his performances. Indeed, this will be on full display as Crow joins guitarist Flip Peters in
a remarkable evening of music and storytelling at the DiMenna Center on Jan. 28.
Learn more at www.project142.org.
For more information on Bill Crow, his
music, and his writings, visit www.bill
Classes, Debuts, Festivals and
John Zorn opens 2016 with a series of
fundraiser concerts at The Stone, featuring
his remarkable collaborations between the
saxophonist and trailblazing artists like
Craig Taborn, Ikue Mori, Kenny
Wollesen, Chris Speed, George Lewis,
Cyro Baptista, and Sylvie Courvoisier.
Find a full schedule online at www.the
Jazz at Lincoln Center's Swing
University begins its winter term by opening with Licorice Stick Gumbo, a sevenclass session on New Orleans clarinet masters that will be taught by Crescent City
clarinetist Evan Christopher. Additional
classes, including the Jazz 101, 201 and
continued on page 32
Vint unveils his octet at Rockwood
Music Hall, releasing his first bandleader
effort, Through the Badlands. Titled after a
Marty Robbins lyric about escaping a cantina duel, Vint's album sketches a deft topography of American music, encompassing
Arizonan country, Afro-Cuban bembé and
New York modern jazz. "I play a bunch of
different styles as a freelance drummer, so
the music on the record reflects that," Vint
Badlands' frontline includes bass clarinetist Andrew Halchak, harmonicist
Yvonnick Prene, violinist Blanca Cecilia
Gonzalez and tenor veteran Rich Perry—
Vint's former teacher. "I became so familiar
with Perry's sound. He was the only saxophonist I could imagine playing my music."
It's a unique mix of instruments with a
reedy blend, showcased in the throughcomposed episode that concludes "Heyoka."
The rhythm section features pianist Jon
Cowherd, guitarist Tony Scherr and
bassist/co-composer Ian Stapp.
continued from page 31
301 curricula, as well as specialty classes
on Art Tatum, Third Stream and Ragtime.
The winter term also marks the final time
that jazz scholar Phil Schaap, the Dean of
Swing University, will teach his Jazz 301
course. Register at www.jazz.org/swingu.
Improvising cellist Tomeka Reid makes
her New York debut on Jan. 6 at Roulette,
backed by a remarkable quartet of Jason
Roebke, Tomas Fujiwara and Mary
www.roulette.org. Pianist Matthew Shipp,
whose recent trio album The Conduct of
Jazz made significant waves among critics'
picks as a top CD of 2015, will formally celebrate its release with a show at Dizzy's
Club Coca-Cola on Jan. 20. Learn more at
The annual Winter JazzFest has
become a perennial highlight of New York
City's music programming and this year's
series promises to be no less successful.
Taking place at multiple venues throughout the city Jan. 13-17, the festival will
highlight diverse artists including Bill
Laswell, Craig Taborn, James “Blood”
Ulmer, Lakecia Benjamin, Don Byron,
Kaki King, Pedrito Martinez, Roy
Hargrove and many more. Tickets are
available at www.winterjazzfest.com.
Vint photo by Tim McDonnell, Pizzarelli by John Herr.
By Nathan Kamal, student at The New School
Badlands will be released Jan. 29 on
Ropeadope Records, following a pre-release
party at his hometown Tucson Jazz
Festival on Jan. 17. "When I was in high
school, I discovered Ropeadope through
bands like Tin Hat Trio, Antibalas and Sex
Mob. Everything they put out was great!
Ten years later they're releasing my record
and I feel validated in a
way. All that
listening I did
paid off!"
Arthur Vint
& Associates'
Through the
B adlands
release concert is on
Jan. 31 at
Music Hall
Stage 2.
WBGO hosts Jazz on the Mountain at
the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz
Jan. 15-18. Hosted by Michael Bourne, the
concert series will feature stellar talents
including Helen Sung, Scott Robinson, Rob
Paparozzi and Antonio Hart. For a full
schedule or to make reservations, visit
The legendary Bucky Pizzarelli turns
90 and to celebrate, the 92nd Street Y will
fete the guitarist with a birthday party on
Jan. 27 featuring Barbara Carroll, Russ
Kassoff, Ken Peplowski, Harry Allen,
Russell Malone, Jay Leonhart, John
Pizzarelli and others. Further details can
be found at http://www.92y.org/.
Bucky Pizzarelli
Gary Walker, “Morning Jazz Host”, WBGO, 88.3 FM/wbgo.org
Not since Slide Hampton's World of Trombones have we been delighted by a trombone
ensemble in which it makes no difference where in musical history they land to have
a good time. Band of Bones, led by Dave Chamberlain, can swing a Jelly Roll Morton
classic like "King Porter Stomp," or make a Jobim nugget like "Chega de Saudade"
perspire. J.J. Johnson gems are saluted on their recordings and at annual performances in New York. On Band of Bones latest recording, Stomp (bandofbones.com),
Billy Strayhorn's "A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing" takes a Latin turn, making this
flora a fiesta, the ensemble and soloists making it their own. Expect new arrangements of "Just a Closer Walk with Thee," "Amazing Grace" and "Joshua Fit de Battle
of Jericho," featuring vocalist Antoinette Montague.
Saxophonist Ralph Bowen has made his mark on the New York jazz scene for more
than three decades with what he calls "casual perfectionism." Bowen's fire has been
felt on over 70 recordings, including those with Horace Silver, Kenny Garrett, Renee
Rosnes, Michel Camilo and Steve Wilson and he's shared stages with Ron Carter,
Kenny Barron and Gary Bartz. On his own recordings, Bowen can express a solar
romance, share a dream, burn brightly alongside a B-3 organ or scorch a standard, as
he showed on his latest recording, Standard Deviation (Posi-Tone). Technically proficient as he is artistically gifted, a Bowen treatment of a standard like "Yesterdays"
could be renamed "Todays," exploring all possibilities talent like this provides. This
quartet is sure to share powerful playing immersed in engaging reverence.
A good organ player can make you and the walls sweat. For more than 30 years,
Radam Schwartz has provided vitamin B-3 to the stages of Arthur and Red Prysock,
Eddie Lockjaw Davis and David Fathead Newman and jammed alongside Rhoda
Scott, Jimmy McGriff and George Benson. His bands at Crossroads, Peppermint
Lounge and Showman's are stories of great nights in the clubs; his Organized recording (Muse) is listed as a "must have" in the B-3 bible. Schwartz passes along his considerable knowledge as an instructor at Jazz House Kids and enjoys the youthful spirit with his Conspiracy for Positivity band. Whether a bluesy take on "Darn That
Dream" or reinventing pop tunes like "Crazy Love" or "I Believe I Can Fly," alongside
his originals, the Loft at SOPAC will take flight.
New Jersey based harmonica blower and singer Rob Paparozzi has been at it for
almost 50 years. He was a member of the original Blues Brothers band and played
with Blood, Sweat & Tears. He has shared stages with B.B. King, Bruce Springsteen
and Dr. John. He currently leads his own band, The Hudson River Rats, and gave the
spirit of the Butterfield Blues Band new life alongside Ed Palermo on their release
Electric Butter (ChromeBoy). Paparozzi's most-recent recording, Etruscan Soul
(Honeydripper), shows a versatility on harp and voice, evident on his inventive takes
on Allen Toussaint, Quincy Jones, The Beatles and "Body and Soul." Look to enjoy a
cool mix of blues, jazz, N'awlins and some Paparozzi surprises in a quartet including
bassist Sue Williams and drummer Andrea Valenti.
Band of Bones photo by Angel Rosado, Bowen by Joel W Henderson, Paparozzi by Morristown Green.
SOMERS POINT JAZZ SOCIETY: 609-9276677. www.spjazz.org.
GLEN ROCK INN: 222 Rock Rd. Glen Rock.
www.glenrockinn.com. 201-445-2362. Jan
14: 7pm Vic Cenicola & Ellen LaFurn.
HARVEST BISTRO: 252 Schraalenburgh Rd.
Closter. www.harvestbistro.com. 201-7509966. Jan 21: 8-11pm Joel Zelnik Trio.
Teaneck. www.puffinculturalforum.org. 201836-8923. Jan 22: 7pm Alon Nechushtan
Ens; 30: 7:30pm Hadar Noiberg.
SOLARI’S: 61 River St. Hackensack. 201-4871969. Ev 1st Tues: 8pm One More Once Big
MEDFORD MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER: 21 South Main St. Medford. 609-6542598. www.jazzandbluesshowcase.com.
Mount Laurel. www.tristatejazz.org. 856-7200232.
St. Newark. www.bethany-newark.org. 973623-8161. Jan 2: 6-7:30pm Jazz Vespers feat
Dave Chamberlain & Band of Bones feat
Antoinette Montague.
CODA KITCHEN & BAR: 177 Maplewood Av.
973-327-2247. Sun: 12-3pm Jazz Brunch feat
Lee Glantz.
DANA LIBRARY: Institute of Jazz Studies at
Rutgers University. 185 University Av.
Newark. http://newarkwww.rutgers.edu/IJS/.
DORTHAAN’S PLACE: At Nico Kitchen + Bar
in NJPAC. 1 Center St. Newark. 888-466-5722.
www.njpac.org. Jan 24: 12pm $45/15 adm
Jazz Brunch feat Rufus Reid Trio.
Newark. www.dukesnewark.com. 862-7635757. Fri-Sat: 7:30-11:30pm, Sun: 1-4pm. Jan
2: Mariella; 3: Carrie Jackson; 6: Open Mic
by Brick City Soul Collective; 8: Vince Ector;
9: Janet Van Kline; 10: Don Williams; 15: Pat
Van Dyke; 16: Jeff Hackworth; 17: tba; 22:
Matt Chertkoff; 23: Walter Christopher; 24:
Charlie Apicella; 29: Andrae Murchison; 30:
Craig Brann; 31: tba.
HAT CITY KITCHEN: 459 Valley St. Orange.
862-252-9147. Wed: 8pm Jam by Mike Lee.
JAZZ HOUSE KIDS: 14 S Park St. Montclair.
973-744-2258 www.jazzhousekids.org.
Northfield Av. West Orange. 862-252-7108.
www.mcloonesboathouse.com. Sun: 10am3pm Jazz Brunch feat Doug Clarke Duo.
NEW JERSEY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER: 1 Center St. Newark. 888-466-5722.
Montclair. www.palazzonj.com. 973-7466778. Fri-Sat: 7-10:30pm.
PAPILLON 25: 25 Valley St. South Orange.
973-761-5299. www.papillon25.com. Thurs:
8:30pm. Jan 7: Maurício de Souza & Bossa
Brasil® feat Audrey Welber.
Newark. 973-242-8012.
Prospect St. Maplewood. 973-763-2090.
www.prospectchurch.org. Jan 3: 2-5pm The
ChickenFat Ball feat Randy Reinhart, Ken
Peplowski, Mark Lopeman, Jim Fryer.
RICALTON’S: 19 Valley St. South Orange.
www.ricaltons.com. 973-763-1006. Tues:
7:30-10:30pm Greg Bufford Trio.
Studies. 185 University Av. Newark. www.rut
gers.edu. 973-353-5595.
SOPAC: 1 SOPAC Way. South Orange. 973-3132787. www.sopacnow.org. Jan 24: 7pm
Radam Schwartz.
SUZYQUE’S BBQ & BAR: 34 S Valley Rd.
West Orange. www.suzyques.com. 973-7367899. Free adm. Thurs: 8-11pm John Lee
Trio w/spec guests. Jan 11&25: 8-10pm
Glenn Franke's BigBand.
TRUMPETS: 6 Depot Square. Montclair. 973744-2600. www.trumpetsjazz.com. Sets:
unless otherwise noted 7:30&9pm, Fri-Sat
8&10pm, closed Mon-Tues. Adm varies.
WBGO: 54 Park Pl. Newark. www.wbgo.org.
Zapp Dr. Jersey City. 201-395-0300. www.lib
ertyhouserestaurant.com. Sun: 12am-3pm
Jazz Brunch.
LIGHT HORSE TAVERN: 199 Washington St.
Jersey City. www.lighthorsetavern.com. 201946-2028. Sun: 6-10pm.
MADAME CLAUDE: 364 1/2 4th St. Jersey City.
201-8768800. Thurs: 7:30pm Manouche Bag.
MAXWELL’S TAVERN: 1039 Washington St.
Hoboken. www.maxwellsnj.com. 201-6537777. Tues: 8pm free adm.
McGINLEY SQUARE PUB: 755 Montgomery
St. Jersey City. 347-408-5194. Tues: 7:3010pm: free adm Neil Johnson & Matt
Panayides Duo.
MOORE’S LOUNGE: 189 Monticello Av. Jersey
City. 201-332-4309. Fri: 8:30pm-12am free
adm/no min Jam by Winard Harper &
Rosalind Grant. 1st Sun: 6-10pm Winard
Harper, Jeli Posse & spec guests.
Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City. www.njcu.edu.
Trenton. www.candlelightevents.way.to. 609695-9612. Sat: 3:30-7:30pm free adm/$10
min. www.jazztrenton.com. Jan 2: Joe Ford;
9: Monnette Sudler; 16: Lynn Riley; 23: Lee
Hogans; 30: Mike Lee.
Rd. Pennington. Thurs-Fri: 6-9pm, Sun: 25pm. Free adm.
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Princeton. 609258-4241. www.princeton.edu/music.
Brunswick. www.deltasrestaurant.com. 732249-1515. 1st Sat: 6:30-10:30pm Dakota
DESTINATION DOGS: 101 Paterson St. New
Brunswick. www.destinationdogs.com. 732993-1016. Jan 22: 10pm-1am Ralph Bowen
ESQUINA LATINA: 25 Liberty St. New
Brunswick. www.esquinalatinarestaurant.
com. 732-543-1630. Free adm. Jan 6: 7-10pm
Vanessa Perea Gp.
St. New Brunswick. www.gsalehouse.com.
732-543-2408. Sets: 8-11pm + 9:30pm Jam.
Jan 12&26: 9:30pm Jam feat Emerging
HYATT HOTEL: 2 Albany St. New Brunswick.
732-8731234. Wed: 8-11pm. Jan 7: Alexis Morrast
Gp; 14: Nat Adderley Gp.
Bridge Tpk. South River. 732-238-2111.
www.latavolacucinanj.com. Thurs: 7:30pm
NOVITA: 25 New St. Metuchen. 732-549-5306.
Champian Fulton.
New Brunswick. www.rutgers.edu. 732-4454636.
STATE THEATRE: 15 Livingston Av. New
Brunswick. www.statetheatrenj.org. 732-2467469.
STEAKHOUSE 85: 85 Church St. New
Brunswick. www.steakhouse85.com. 732247-8585. Fri-Sat: 7-11pm.
TUMULTY’S: 361 George St. New Brunswick.
www.tumultys.com. 732-545-6205. Jan 5&19:
8pm + 9:30pm Jam feat Emerging Artists
GIAMANO’S: 301 Main St. Bradley Beach. 732775-4275. www.giamanos.com. Free adm/no
HOTEL TIDES: 408 7th Av. Asbury Park. 732897-7744. www.hoteltides.com. Sets: 710pm. Jan 10: Barbara King; 24: Lauren
BICKFORD THEATRE: 6 Normandy Heights
Rd. Morristown. 973-971-3706. Concerts 89:30pm. www.njjs.org. $15/18 adm. Jan 4:
Bucky Pizzarelli’s 90th B'day feat Ed Laub,
Frank Vignola & Martin Pizzarelli; 18: Geoff
Gallante w/spec guest Harry Allen.
Morristown. www.hibiscuscuisine.com. 973359-0200. Tues 6-9pm, Fri 7-10pm, Sun
Brunch 12-3pm.
NEW JERSEY JAZZ SOCIETY: 800-303NJJS. www.njjs.org.
Blvd. Chatham. www.sanctuaryconcerts.org.
973-376-4946. Jan 2: 8pm Frank and Friends
Reuniting the Les Paul Trio feat Frank
Vignola, Vinny Raniolo, Nicki Parrott & spec
SHANGHAI JAZZ: 24 Main St. Madison. 973822-2899. www.shanghaijazz.com. Free adm.
Sets: Tues 6:30-9pm, Wed-Thurs 7-9:30pm,
Fri 6:30&8:30pm, Sat 6:30&8:45pm, Sun 68:30pm. Closed Mon. Jan 1-6: closed; 7:
John Korba; 9: Russ Kassoff Trio; 15:
Grover Kemble & Jerry Vezza Jazz Jump
Trio; 16: SaRon Crenshaw Qt; 29: Rob
Paparozzi Qt.
Toms River. 732-255-0500. www.ocean.edu.
$18/22 adm. www.njjs.org. Concerts: 89:30pm. Jan 13: Midiri Brothers.
Pompton Rd. Wayne. www.wpunj.edu. 973720-2371.
Watchung. www.watchungarts.org. 908-7530190. Jan 16: Lauren Hooker & friends.
Prospect St. Westfield. 908-232-7320.
www.16prospect.com. Free adm/no min.
Thurs: 8-11pm Carrie Jackson & friends.
CROSSROADS: 78 North Av. Garwood. 908232-5666. www.xxroads.com. Tues: 9pm1am free adm Jam w/Crossroads All Stars.
MONDO: 426 Springfield Av. Summit. 908-3011285. www.mondosummit.com.
CENTER: 1601 Irving St. Rahway. 732-4998226. www.ucpac.org. Jan 17: 7pm Reut
Regev & Igal Foni.
VAN GOGH’S EAR CAFÉ: 1017 Stuyvesant
Av. Union. www.vangoghsearcafe.com. 908810-1844. Sun: 8-11pm $4 adm.
CHRIS’ JAZZ CAFE: 1421 Sansom St.
Philadelphia. www.chrisjazzcafe.com. 215568-3131. Sets: 8&10pm, Late (L) 11:30pm.
Jan 1: Chris Oatts, L Jordan Williams; 2:
Duane Eubanks, L James Santangelo; 4:
Jam w/Victor North Band; 5: George
Malpass; 6: Sean Bailey; 7: Forba & friends;
8: Jawanza Kobie, L Nick Salcido; 9: Chaise
Lounge, L James Santangelo; 12: Tonya
Lynette; 15: Mike Boone; 16: Ben Paterson;
22-23: Ari Hoenig; 29-30: Joey DeFrancesco.
DEER HEAD INN: 5 Main St. Delaware Water
Gap, PA. www.deerheadinn.com. 570-4242000. Sets: Thurs 8-11pm, Fri-Sat 7-11pm,
Sun 5-8pm. Adm varies. Residency (R):
Thurs Jam w/Bill Washer & friends. Jan 7: R;
8: Dan Wilkins Qrt; 9: Nancy Reed Trio; 10:
Billy Test Solo; 14: R; 15: Vinny Bianchi & La
Cuchina; 16: Alon Nechushtan Trio; 17:
Mitch Cheng; 21: R; 22: Davey Lantz Trio; 23:
The Jost Project feat Tony Miceli & Marko
Marcinko; 24: Marty Wilson Trio; 25: 7:3010:30pm Deer Head Inn Jazz Orch; 28: R; 29:
Spencer Reed; 30: Kate Baker & Vic Juris.
DELAWARE WATER GAP: www.cotajazz.org.
Hot House is not
responsible for any
errors in the listings
which may have
occured from late
changes or incorrect
information supplied to
us. Please call the venues or check websites
for up to date
Bill Crow's books " Jazz Anecdotes" and " From Birdland to Broadway" can be
found at your favorite bookstore, and at www.billcrowbass.com
along with many interesting photos and links.
When Vido Musso left the Woody Herman band, he was eventually replaced by Flip
Phillips. Flip's name originally was Filipella, the family name from Italy. Woody once asked
Flip if he spoke Italian. Flip said, "Sure… Vido Musso!"
Rick Stepton posted this story on Facebook: Joe Romano was playing a gig with a piano
player he didn't think much of. Slogging through a particularly dismal tune, Joe finally
stopped playing, pulled out a handkerchief and threw it on the piano and said, "Fifteen yard
penalty for illegal use of the hands!"
Vic Juris left this bit of philosophy on Facebook: "Man cannot live by provolone."
continued from page 30
5099. Jan 23: 1:30-2:30pm Scot Albertson &
Dr. Joe Utterback.
AMERICAN HOTEL: 49 Main St. Sag Harbor.
631-725-3535. www.theamericanhotel.com.
Fri-Sat: 6:30-10:30pm Lee Glantz.
BRIDGEHAMPTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY: 2539 Montauk Hwy. Bridgehampton.
631-537-1088. Jan 30: 7:30pm $25/15 adm
Parlor Jazz series feat Dallas Vietty.
PIERRE’S: 2468 Main St. Bridgehampton.
www.artofsong.org/jazz_at_pierres. 631537-5110. Tues&Sun: 6:30-9:30pm. 1st Tues:
Jody Carlson Trio.
Spring Harbor. www.trattoriagrasso.com.
631-367-6060. Jan 3: 6pm Jim Cammack &
Tadataka Unno.
76 HOUSE: 110 Main St. Tappan. 845-3595476. www.76house.com. Wed: 8-11pm free
adm Quintets w/Mark Hagan & feat artists +
DARYL’S HOUSE: 130 Rte 22. Pawling. 845289-0185. www.darylshouseclub.com. Sat:
12-3pm Jazz Brunch w/The Hudson Valley
Jazz Ens.
The DAUTAJ: 36 Oakland Ave. Warwick. 845986-3666. www.thedautaj.com. Free adm.
FALCON ARTS: 1348 Rte 9 West. Marlboro.
www.liveatthefalcon.com. 845-236-7970.
$20 don suggested. Sets: 7pm, if opening
act (Op) 8pm main act; Sun 10am-2pm
Brunch (B). Jan 3: Larry Moses & The Latin
Jazz Explosion; 7: Joe Louis Walker &
friends; 10: Op Bobby Paltauf; 17: JeanMichel Pilc Solo; 24: B Joe Carozza Trio; 31:
B La Familia.
PHILLIPSTOWN: 10 Academy St. Cold
Spring. www.presbychurchcoldspring.org.
845-265-3220. 3rd Sat: 5:30pm free adm Jazz
HOUSE: 1000
Mountain Rest Rd. New Paltz. 855-883-3798.
www.mohonk.com. Jan 15-18: Jazz on the
Mountain by WBGO w/Michael Bourne feat
01/15 9pm Mohonk All Stars feat Scott
Robinson, Helen Sung, Martin Wind, Dave
Stryker, 01/16 11am Guy Davis, 3pm Dave
Stryker, 9pm Duchess, 01/17 11am Helen
Sung, 3pm Ed Palermo & Rob Papparozzi,
9pm Antonio Hart, 01/18 11am Parlor Games
Jam w/Scott Robinson, Helen Sung, Dave
Stryker, Ed Palermo & Rob Papparozzi,
Antonio Hart.
QUINN’S: 330 Main St. Beacon. www.quinns
beacon.com. Sets: 9pm. Mon: 8pm free adm
Monday Night Jazz Sessions; Wed: Electric
Django w/Tony DePaolo & spec guests. Jan
4: Joe Fiedler Qnt; 8: Lara Hope & The
Arktones; 9: Daria Grace & Pre-War Ponies;
11: Vinnie Sparrazza Apocryphal; 12: Chris
continued on page 38
A Moment You Missed by
Fran Kaufman Hot House
Contributing Photographer
Reedman Scott Robinson seems to be
planning to join pianist Frank
Kimbrough at the piano as they sound
check for a performance on Jun. 4, 2010
at Jazz at Kitano. The room, on the mezzanine when this photo was made, has
now moved to a beautiful new space just
off the lobby of the hotel.
Tony Williams and Joe Henderson,
bassist Michael Formanek's other credits
include stints with Stan Getz, Freddie
Hubbard, Gerry Mulligan and Fred
Hersch. He plays a pivotal role on the NYC
and international jazz scene and is an
ECM recording artist.
Q. How did you end up playing with
Tony Williams and Joe Henderson as a
A. I got the gig with Tony based on a
demo tape by a band called Klaxon that
was sent to his management. It was a pretty heavy instrumental rock band and I
guess Tony thought I could play his music
at that time. He also hired the keyboard
player, Paul Potyen and when we started
rehearsing Allan Holdsworth was still on
guitar. I think I may have originally called
Joe Henderson, then he called me to come
to his house to rehearse, then he started
using me on gigs. Both Tony and Joe had
been living in the SF Bay Area at the time.
Q. Say a few words about the time you
spent with Freddie Hubbard and Stan
A. I first worked with Freddie in early
1986 when I was in Boston for another gig
and he needed a bass player. I played a few
nights with him at the Regattabar and
when we finished he asked me to go to
India with his band. That continued pretty
regularly until early 1990 then I played on
and off with him for the next few years. I
was recommended by Jim McNeely to play
some gigs with Stan Getz in '82 or '83 and
continued to work with him for a couple of
years. I learned an incredible amount on
both of these gigs mostly about music, but
also about life, human nature and the
music business as it was at that time.
Q. Do you have a recollection of a
favorite performance with any of these legendary artists?
A. I remember great moments with all
By Cary Tone
of them. I don't know why, but a gig with
Freddie Hubbard comes to mind, at Penn's
Landing in Philadelphia, I guess around
'87 or '88. I remember Freddie saying that
he hadn't picked up his horn for two weeks
and then just got up there and burned! I
think we may have started with "Spirits of
Trane," which we didn't really play very
often. It was really fast and he must have
played for 10 minutes straight, just killing
it. Ralph Moore, Larry Willis and Carl
Allen were also in the band. I think that
was the gig Christian McBride was at,
before anyone outside of Philadelphia
knew who he was, and he wrote about it
later as an inspirational gig. He ended up
replacing me when I started to take off to
do my own gigs around 1990 and the rest
is, as they say, history.
Q. How did your relationship with
Manfred Eicher and ECM come about?
A. I recorded The Rub and Spare
Change myself in 2009, it was taken to
Manfred and he apparently really liked it
and agreed to put it out. The first time I
actually met him was at a live interview
with Gary Giddens at NYU. This was the
day before we were scheduled to mix the
record and we've continued to work together since then.
"There's just so much
information out there
that young musicians
really need a lot of
Q. If you were starting out now would
you change anything?
A. So many of my choices were based in
the way things were then, so it's difficult to
say. I would study more music, theory and
composition and spend more time composing and learning to play piano well.
Q. You're heavily involved with jazz
education. What's your view on how the
academy is affecting the music?
A. I think that the music is benefiting
from much of what is being taught, but it's
also a little like jazz meets big data now.
There's just so much information out there
that young musicians really need a lot of
guidance to help put it all in perspective
and to stay focused on their own realistic
development. We also need to remember
continued on page 38
continued from page 25
Cherry's group goes to Europe for two
weeks, an annual trek that many musicians make now. When he returns, he goes
to San Francisco for two weeks to play
Feinstein's Nightclub at Hotel Nikko with
Paula West.
Ed Cherry plays with Kyle Koehler
and Anwar Marshall at The Bar Next
Door on Jan. 2 and at the newlyopened 9th Note Jazz and Supper
Club in Stamford CT on Jan. 3.
continued from page 37
that very few of the people that we study
and listen to from the last century are not
products of jazz education. They mostly
learned from recordings, live performances,
from bandleaders and from each other. All
of this information is fantastic, but in and
of itself it doesn't make people play better.
Only practicing and playing with people
will do that.
Q. What do you struggle with in your
creative life?
A. Having enough time to really BE creative! I'm someone who needs a lot of time
to think through and live with musical
problems. Long days in front of score paper,
the piano or the computer trying to work
through musical possibilities. That's one of
the things I love about improvising. It happens in real time, pretty much every time I
go somewhere to play. I find that being creative within the compositional process is
much more elusive.
Q. Is there anything you'd rather be
doing than making music?
A. No, but there have been times that I
may have thought so. There are other
things I really enjoy doing, but none that
have been nearly as fulfilling as making
music has been.
Q. What is something you've gotten into
and been excited about lately?
A. Stand-up comedy. Just watching it, of
course. I've always been fascinated about
what I perceive as parallels between jazz,
improvisation and comedy. I also like some
of the shows that have comedians just
hanging out with each talking about comedy or just trying to crack each other up.
That's even more similar to being a musician!
Q. If there's an afterlife, one piece of
music you heard here that you'll remember
A. Morton Feldman's "Rothko Chapel."
That sounds like a soundtrack to the afterlife...if there is one...which there probably
Michael Formanek is featured at the
Winter Jazzfest, performing at the
New School on Jan. 16.
continued from page 36
Speed Trio; 18: Ray Blue Trio; 22: Bobby
Previte & The Visitors; 25: James Brandon
Lewis Trio.
TURNING POINT CAFÉ: 468 Piermont Av.
Piermont. www.turningpointcafe.com. 845359-1089. Mon: 8-11:30pm $5 adm Monday
Jam by John Richmond.
Rock City Rd. Woodstock. 845-802-0029.
www.woodstockcommunitycenter.org. Jan
30: 7:30pm $35 adm Joey Alexander Trio.
ASTOR ROOM: 34-12 36th St. Astoria. 718255-1947.
11:30am-3pm, Fri-Sat: 7-11pm. Jan 23:
Dorian Devins Trio.
FLUSHING TOWN HALL: 137-35 Northern
Blvd. Flushing. www.flushingtownhall.org.
718-463-7700. 1st Wed: 6pm Clinic, 7pm
Jam. Jan 15: 7:30pm John Chin Qnt.
FRONT TOWARD ENEMY: 40-11 30th Av.
Astoria. www.fronttowardenemynyc.com.
JACKSON ROOM: 192-07 Linden Blvd. St
Albans. www.jacksonroom.com. 718-5252387. Last Sat: 8&10pm $15 adm incl
snacks/beverage feat Ed Jackson Qrt.
LOUIS ARMSTRONG HOUSE MUSEUM: 3456 107th St. Corona. 718-478-8274.
www.louisarmstronghouse.org. Sun&Sat
12-5pm, Tues-Fri 10am-5pm: $10 adm
Guided Tours of Louis Armstrong House.
PROPER CAFÉ: 21701 Linden Blvd. Cambria
Heights. 718-341-2233. Wed: 9-11:30pm
VITE VINOSTERIA: 31-05 34th St. Astoria.
718-278-8483. www.vitevinosteria.com. Sun:
1-4pm free adm Jazz Brunch.
ALVIN & FRIENDS: 14 Memorial Hwy. New
Rochelle. www.alvinandfriendsrestaurant.
com. 914-654-6549. Free adm/2 drink min
unless otherwise noted. Jan 16: 7:3011:30pm Leslie Pintchik; 22: 7-10:30pm
Victor LaGamma Trio.
BEANRUNNER CAFÉ: 201 S Division &
810:30pm $10 adm. Jan 2: Slide Attack feat
Alan Goidel & Howard Levy; 23: The
Voyagers; 29: Wali Ali Band; 30: Tony
Jefferson Band feat Derrick James.
ELEMENTS: 161 Mamaroneck Av. White
Plains. www.elementswhiteplains.com. 914358-4930.
Columbus Av at E Lincoln Av. Mount Vernon.
www.pjsjazz.org. 914-636-4977. 2nd Sun:
5:30-9pm $25 adm Second Sunday Jazz
series. Jan 10: Antonio Hart.
The GREEN GROWLER: 368 S Riverside Av.
Croton-On-Hudson. www.thegreengrowler.
com. 914-862-0961.
HUDSON ROOM: 23 South Division St.
Peekskill. www.hudsonroom.com. 914-788FOOD.
PETE'S SALOON: 8 West Main St. Elmsford.
www.petessaloon.com. 914-592-9849.
TARRYTOWN MUSIC HALL: 13 Main St. Tarrytown. www.tarrytownmusichall.org. 914631-1000. Jan 15: 8pm The Blind Boys of
Alabama & The Dirty Dozen Brass Band.
By Emilie Pons
ENEZUELAN-BORN PIANIST, PERcussionist, composer and arranger
Gonzalo Grau wants to expand the defini-
tion of Latin music: with his Grammy-nominated band La Clave Secreta, a 12-piece
salsa band, he wants to leave a legacy.
"Even though salsa isn't as popular as it
used to be, I think making good music
should always be in fashion," Grau says.
"My goal is to let people know that this
music can be something else and has potential for much more."
Grau, who has been living on the East
Coast for the last 20 years, describes La
Clave Secreta as "contemporary Latin." The
band features a mix of original repertoire
and classics of Latin music such as "El
Tibiri-Tabara," "Besito de Coco," "Lloraras"
or "Mujer Divina," historic songs that
became popular in the 1940s, '50s and '60s.
"I like to make these songs mine: make
them sound as the sound of the band," Grau
says. "It's like a rebirth of this music."
"Clave Secreta" stands for "secret password" or "secret key," and the clave is the
rhythmic heartbeat that unifies salsa
bands. "And most African-derived music
has some kind of clave," Grau adds.
Grau is proud of how diverse his band is.
He encourages its members' musical sensibilities. He is thrilled his Greek-born bass
player Panagiotis Andreou can add Greek
melodies to the 17-year-old La Clave
Secreta. The result is a hybrid style, a
"melting pot," Grau says. In this regard, he
identifies with pianist Brad Mehldau. "He's
going to take a 1920s standard and play it
his way," he says. "That's what I like to do."
La Clave Secreta isn't a typical salsa
band. It always aims at improving its
arrangements, Grau explains. "I also take a
lot from jazz harmonies," he says. And
Grau uses straight-ahead jazz instruments
such as the saxophone, which makes the
horn section sound a little mellower and
more jazzy, he adds.
Grau's other band, Plural, is a little closer to jazz. He started Plural in Caracas,
then took it to Boston, New York and
Barcelona, and he is about to release
Plural's second album, Pluralizate, which
means "pluralize yourselves," on the label
Gonzalo Grau performs at Subrosa
on Jan. 21 with his 12-piece salsa
band, La Clave Secreta.
With the contribution of Jeremiah Briley
LENOX SAPHIRE: 341 Lenox Av at 127th
Tues: 7-11pm free adm Mambo Jaambo.
PAPASITO: 223 Dyckman St. 212-544-0001.
Sat: 1-4pm Latin Jazz Brunch w/Paul Carlon
Latin Jazz Trio.
SILVANA: 300W 116th St at Frederick
Douglass Blvd. www.silvana-nyc.com. 646692-4935. See page 15.
(bet 105th & 106th Sts). 212-864-6662.
www.smokejazz.com. See page 15.
SYMPHONY SPACE: 2537 Bway at 95th St.
212-864-5400. www.symphonyspace.org.
See page 15.
BIRDLAND: 315W 44th St (bet 8th & 9th Avs).
continued on page 40
continued from page 39
212-581-3080. www.birdlandjazz.com. See
page 16.
CLUB BONAFIDE: 212E 52nd St (bet 2nd &
3rd Avs). 3rd Fl. www.clubbonafide.com.
646-918-6189. See page 16.
GUANTANAMERA: 939 8th Av. 212-262-5354.
www.guantanamerany.com. Free adm. Sets:
Sun 9pm, Mon-Wed 8:30pm, Thurs-Sat
9:30pm. Sun: Son Radical; Mon: Saul Noda y
Sus Invitados; Tues-Wed Ariacne Trujillo y
su banda; Thurs-Sat: Gerardo Contino y los
54th St. 212-339-9995. www.yamaha.com.
See page 18.
BLUE NOTE JAZZ CLUB: 131W 3rd St at 6th
Av. 212-475-8592. www.bluenotejazz.com.
See page 19.
DROM: 85 Ave A (bet 5th & 6th Sts). 212-7771157. www.dromnyc.com. See page 20.
FAT CAT: 75 Christopher St at 7th Av. 212-6756056. www.fatcatmusic.org. See page 20.
JOE’S PUB: At Public Theater. 425 Lafayette St
& Astor Pl. www.joespub.com. 212-967-7555.
See page 24.
Avs B & C). www.nuyorican.org. 212-7809386/212-505-8183. See page 26.
RUE B: 188 Ave B (bet 11th & 12th Sts). 212358-1700. www.ruebnyc.com. See page 26.
SOBS: 200 Varick St. www.sobs.com. 212-2434940. Sets: 8&10pm $10/15 adm. Sun: 12pm
Bossa Nova Brunch.
SUBROSA: 63 Gansevoort St (bet Washington
& Greenwich Sts). www.subrosanyc.com.
212-997-4555. Sets: unless otherwise noted
8&10pm. Adm varies. Jan 4: Pedrito Martinez
Gp; 9: 8:30pm Banda Magda w/Strings; 11:
Jorge Fernando; 17: 2pm Zemog El Gallo
Bueno, Spanlish fly & Ola Fresca; 18:
Ariacne Trujillo Qnt; 21: Gonzalo Grau y la
Clave Secreta; 25: Robby Ameen & The Days
in the Night Band; 28: Jose Pepito Gomez.
ZINC BAR: 82W 3rd St (bet Thompson &
Sullivan). 212-477-8337. www.zincbar.com.
See page 28.
Mosholu Pkwy S. www.schools.nyc.gov.
718-543-1000. Jan 6: 6pm Chris Washburne
ARTS: At Lehman College. 250 Bedford
Park Blvd W. 718-960-8833. www.lehman
center.org. Jan 17: 8pm Septeto Nacional de
WILLIE’S STEAKHOUSE: 1832 Westchester
Av. 718-822-9697. Wed: 8pm-12am.
BARBÈS: 376 9th St at 6th Av. Park Slope.
www.barbesbrooklyn.com. 718-965-9177.
See page 28.
CUBANA SOCIAL: 70 N 6th St. 718-782-3334.
www.cubanasocial.com. Sets: 8pm-12am.
Thurs-Fri: Afro Latin Jazz; Sat: Throwback
Afro-Latin Roots; 1st Sat: 10pm-4am Salsa &
Timba Band.
FALCON ARTS: 1348 Rte 9 West. Marlboro.
www.liveatthefalcon.com. 845-236-7970.
See page 36.
TERRAZA 7 TRAIN CAFÉ: 40-19 Gleane St.
Elmhurst. www.terrazacafe.com. 718-8039602. Sets: unless otherwise noted 9:30pm
$7 adm. Sun: $5 adm Jam.
continued from page 29
ingly endless mélange of other material.
"Everyone says they don't like jazz—till
you play it the right way for them,"
Bernstein says. "I love being able to indoctrinate people, draw them into the beauty
of live music and creating in the moment.
You can get away with sounding raucous
and wild if you play a melody people recognize, that they can hang on to if you give
them the rhythm. They feel safe, then you
can take them out."
Bernstein and his cohorts celebrate
Sexmob @ 20 at Le Poisson Rouge Jan.
15, part of the NYC Winter JazzFest
Marathon. "Being together 20 years is
enough of a reason to celebrate," the trumpeter says. "We still love playing music
together. Most bands play notes—we have
a musical language we've developed."
There's a good chance special guests will
show up to take part in the fun.
"From the time we started, there have
always been people jumping on stage with
us. I like a situation where we jump into
unknown territory with the potential that
something could happen. We've always had
a welcoming format—the music is very
open so it can be stretched depending on
who's around. We're all about call and
response. We're all about jazz."