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0710TIPSpC1.qxd:0710TIPSpC1 7/12/10 9:04 AM Page C1 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:09 AM Page C2 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:07 AM Page 1 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 2 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:07 AM Page 2 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 3 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 4 ON READER SERVICE CARD 7/12/10 9:07 AM Page 3 0710TIPSp02,04p:0610TIPSp02,04 7/12/10 8:38 AM Page 4 Contents PRESIDENT/PUBLISHER Glen Hobson 205-733-1341 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Bart Beason 205-733-1342 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Hank Underwood 205-733-1343 CIRCULATION DIRECTOR/WEB DESIGN Jacklyn Hobson EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Jerry Kroetch - Scothcman Industries Gunter Glockner - Wila, USA Jim Reid - Great Lakes Air Michael Evanko – Spanco, Inc., Richard Ward – Wardjet , Inc. Paul Dailey – Solar World CREATIVE DIRECTOR Derek Gaylard 12 28 ART DIRECTOR David Todd ON THE COVER : A Wila Clamping and Tooling System retrofitted to a European Style press brake. Feature 6 ANNUAL Buyer’s GUIDE 2010 12 An Overview of Precision-ground Tooling This press brake tooling may be the best choice for precision fabricators IN EVERY ISSUE 4 22 Product Focus 32 Advertiser INDEX Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 Executive and Advertising Offices 2070 Valleydale Rd, Suite # 6 Hoover Al 35244 toll free: 866.981.4511 phone: 205-733-1341 fax: 205-733-1344 • Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions™ is published twelve times a year on a monthly basis by D&G Media Group, Inc., 2070 Valleydale Rd, Hoover Al 35244 USA. Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions™ is distributed free to qualified subscribers. Non-qualified subscription rates are $57.00 per year in the U.S. and Canada and $84.00 per year for foreign subscribers (surface mail). U.S. Postage paid at Birmingham, Alabama and additional mailing offices. Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions™is distributed to to qualified owners and managers in the industrial industry. Publisher is not liable for all content (including editorial and illustrations provided by advertisers) of advertisements published and does not accept responsibility for any claims made against the publisher. It is the advertiser’s or agency’s responsibility to obtain appropriate releases on any item or individuals pictured in an advertisement. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to D&G Media Group, Inc., P.O. Box 382315 Birmingham, Alabama 35238-2315 PRINTED IN THE USA 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:07 AM Page 5 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 5 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp06,08p:0710TIPSp06,08 7/12/10 8:58 AM Page 6 ANNUALBuyer’sGUIDE 2010 Material Handling Sponsored by Spanco Air Technical Warehouse Equipment Jesco Industries Cascade Corp. Remstar International Schmalz, Inc. Cat Lift Trucks Cecor Corporation Komatsu Forklift USA 419-951-5191 800-227-2233 800-CAT-LIFT 800-239-3434 800-639-5805 800-356-9042 888-463-1246 877-713-0880 888-696-1231 Comblift Munck Total Crane Systems 1877combl-56 Spanco, Inc. 800-869-2085 Strong Arm Industries 409-835-1330 Roura Iron Works 800-968-9070 Mitsubishi Forklift Trucks 800-mit-lift Rapid Rack 626-333-7225 Gorbel, Inc. 800-821-0086 Strong Hold 800-880-2625 Tractel Inc. 800-561-3229 Steel King 800-826-0203 www.826-0203 The W.C. Cardinal Company, Inc. 888-297-2132 6 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 6 ON READER SERVICE CARD 7/12/10 9:07 AM Page 7 0710TIPSp06,08p:0710TIPSp06,08 7/12/10 8:58 AM Page 8 ANNUALBuyer’sGUIDE 2010 Safety Sponsored by Robovent Accoustics First 888-765-2900 Great lakes Air Robovent American Technical Publishers 800-323-3471 ISB Ehlke Law Offices Pinnacle Systems 800-468-3464 888-ROBOVENT Tractel 800-421-0246 800-867-5787 800-569-7697 Welding Sponsored by American Technical Publishers Acorn Iron & Supply 610-287-3788 Denray 800-766-8263 American Technical Publishers Esab Bradford Derustit Corp. 877-899-5315 Impact Welding Cor- Met Messer M.G. Systems & Welding, Inc. 8 866-733-3272 Robo Vent 708-957-1100 800-848-2719 Red-D-Arc Welderentals 517-789-0098 262-255-5520 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 888-ROBOVENT 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:07 AM Page 9 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:07 AM Page 10 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 8 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 11 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 9 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp12,14,16,18p:0710TIPSp12,14,16,18 7/12/10 8:46 AM Page 12 FeatureSTORY An Overview of Precision-ground Tooling This press brake tooling may be the best choice for precision fabricators By Gunter Glocker, President Wila USA Planer-made press brake tooling has been in use for more than 100 years, continues to be widely used by many companies, and will likely be used for many years to come. However, with customers turning more and more to higher-precision, more flexible press brakes, precision-ground and segmented press brake tooling are gaining a greater market share to better complement these newer machines. Where planer-made tooling has an important place in the market, and will likely keep this place long-term, is for special combination tools, such as ▼ A Wila Clamping and Tooling System retrofitted to a European Style press brake. GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 10 ON READER SERVICE CARD 12 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 13 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 11 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp12,14,16,18p:0710TIPSp12,14,16,18 7/12/10 8:46 AM Page 14 FeatureSTORY corrugation dies, channel dies, curling dies, and special-radius form tools. With these special combination tools, the part typically is formed by the shape of the tool combination in a bottoming process, and a precision-ground, hardened tool is not normally required. These combination tools also can be manufactured more cost-effectively and faster as a planer-made tool rather than as a hardened and precision-ground tool. For standard and modified press brake tooling, precision-ground, segmented, and hardened tooling has many advantages over planermade tooling. This is the case even for customers that are not forming tight-tolerance parts. The Tools Vertically loading a Wila punch segment for quick set-up using the hydraulic clamping system on the ram of the press brake. ▼ When used in a press brake that is in good condition, precisionground tooling will always produce higher-quality parts than planermade tooling. The accuracy of precision-ground tooling is within +/- 0.0008 in., and for some precision tooling lines, within +/- 0.0004 in. Planermade tooling normally has an accuracy range from +/- 0.002 in. to +/0.008 in. With precision-ground tooling you can be sure that all punches and GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 12 ON READER SERVICE CARD 14 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 15 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 13 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp12,14,16,18p:0710TIPSp12,14,16,18 7/12/10 8:46 AM Page 16 FeatureSTORY ▼ The critical center point in both the Tx and Ty axis which is very important to maintain over the length of the press brake in order to consistently produce quality parts. GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 14 ON READER SERVICE CARD 16 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 dies will load into the press brake in exactly the same position every time. This is very important because, in an average setup requiring 30 to 35 minutes with planer-made tooling, approximately half of this time can be spent getting the flange lengths correct. This is due to the constant shift in the tooling center along the Tx axis (backgauge origin) that occurs when changing from one die to another. It is extremely rare for two planer-made tools to share exactly the same centerline. Therefore, it is impossible to order a punch or die at a later date and be assured they will match. More often than not, the only guarantee that you will get from the manufacturer is that they will not match, unless you are willing to send back a section of the original tooling so that the new tool can be machined to match the original tool. Depending on the amount of wear on the original tool, even that may be impossible. This always requires you to order tooling 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 17 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 15 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp12,14,16,18p:0710TIPSp12,14,16,18 7/12/10 8:46 AM Page 18 FeatureSTORY in lengths long enough to bend your longest part. Usually, that is going to be the full length of the press brake, which can get very expensive, especially when you consider the additional costs associated with cutting individual pieces out of various punches and dies, and having to paint or color-code them so that you will know which sections were cut from the same tool. This may not work, either, as cutting a tool can relieve the residual stresses that are created during the manufacturing processes. When that happens, the individual sections may twist or bow enough so that they will no longer line up. With precisionground tooling, you can purchase just the length of punch and die sections that you need, and when additional tool lengths are needed, the new tools are guaranteed to match up to the original Precision-ground tools are also presegmented in a rational manner to facilitate making a tool combination quickly to form any length part. This also makes it easier to store the precision tooling in a small tool cabinet by the press brake versus having to hunt for tools in long tool racks. Most precision-ground tooling manufacturers mark their tooling with part number, tool length, radius, load capacity, and other critical information for easy identification and use. Obviously, handling short tool segments is also more ergonomic and safer for the press brake operator. Parts that have holes for insertion of hardware, or holes that are used for assembly to other components, are going to take more GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 16 ON READER SERVICE CARD 18 time to assemble if they’re made with planer-made tools. Also, inconsistencies in tooling heights along the Ty axis will result in angular errors that must be compensated for via die shimming or a crowning system. All of this represents lost time and productivity. Tool Hardening Tool hardening is critical. Tooling that is hardened at the wear areas, for example the punch tip radius and the shoulders of the V die, will retain its accuracy for the long-term. Some hardening processes are: flame hardening, nitriding, laser hardening, and induction hardening. Some of today’s precision-ground tooling is also available with safety buttons that allow for fast vertical loading and unloading, rather than sliding tools in from the end of the press brake. This saves time especially when you must add to or reduce tool lengths to form the inside of down flanges. Top and bottom hydraulic clamping systems are also available that will self-seat and automatically align precision-ground tooling in seconds. Planer-made tooling has an important role as a cost-effective solution for many special-application forming needs, but for flexibility, accuracy, and speed in consistently producing quality parts, precision-ground tooling is almost always the better choice. ❑ For more information, visit GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 17 ON READER SERVICE CARD Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 19 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 18 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 20 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 19 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 21 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 20 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp22-28p:0710TIPSp22-28 7/12/10 8:53 AM Page 22 ProductFOCUS CRITICAL COMPONENTS FEATURE MICRO-DRILLED HOLES Custom precision micro-drilled holes and orifices generated using lasers for fabricating critical aerospace, aviation, and similar components can be provided by Advanced Laser Technologies of Stoneham, Massachusetts. ALT Precision Micro-Drilled Holes can be produced as small as 0.010” dia. with ±0.0005” tolerance, in materials such as nickel alloys, inconel, and stainless steel, depending upon the material, thickness, and configuration. Superior to conventional hole drilling for fabricating critical components, lasers produce distortion- and stress-free holes with exact repeatability. Utilizing 5-axis, 400-700 Watt Nd:YAG pulsed lasers and 2,000 Watt CO2 lasers, ALT Precision Micro-Drilled Holes are approved by General Electric for laser cutting/drilling & airflow per P17TF2, P1TF78, P1TF10, ANSIZ136.1, S-422 and E50TF217. The firm is AS9100 Rev. B certified, NADCAP approved for laser cutting/drilling and has achieved Merit Supplier Status. ALT Precision Micro-Drilled Hole fabrication services are priced according to part configuration and quantity. Quotations are available upon request. For more information, visit: Advanced Laser Technologies FOR FREE INFO, GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 100 ON READER SERVICE CARD GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 21 ON READER SERVICE CARD 22 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 22 ON READER SERVICE CARD Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 23 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 23 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp22-28p:0710TIPSp22-28 7/12/10 8:53 AM Page 24 ProductFOCUS EAGLE BENDING MACHINES LAUNCHES CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED DIVISION Eagle Bending Machines would like to announce the launch of our Certified PreOwned Eagle division. Our primary focus is to provide factory reconditioned and certified Eagle machines to allow customers to purchase premier equipment at a substantial savings. We will thereby begin to allow existing customers the ability to trade in their Eagle machines and increase their rolling capacity by moving into a larger model at a trade-in enhanced cost. We will also consider the purchase of used machines kept in excellent condition. This is just another way that Eagle Bending Machines is dedicated to bringing our clients and future customers the highest quality roll/section benders on the market. In the world of roll bending there is Eagle, and there is everyone else. Choose Eagle for Quality, Features, Service and Lasting Value. Roll with the Confidence of a Limited Lifetime Warranty on the main frame. For more information, visit: or email Eagle Bending Machines FOR FREE INFO, GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 101 ON READER SERVICE CARD GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 24 ON READER SERVICE CARD 24 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSp22-28p:0710TIPSp22-28 7/12/10 8:53 AM Page 25 WILA INTRODUCES AMERICAN VINTAGE TOOLING Wila is pleased to present its new line of American Vintage Precision Press Brake Tooling. This new line of tooling is designed to give fabricators who have been purchasing planer made tooling a more precise, flexible and durable selection of punches and dies for use with their American style press brakes at affordable pricing. Wila American Vintage tooling is manufactured in traditional Imperial dimensioning using high quality tool steel. All punches and dies are available in solid 20” lengths, 18.5” sectionalized sets, and 8” sectionalized sets. This makes it possible for the fabricator to quickly make any needed tooling length from 3/4” up to machine length in 1/4” increments. American Vintage Punch lengths weighing 28 lbs or less come with Wila’s patented Safety-Clicks for vertical loading and unloading. The punches can be used in standard American ram clamps available on all press brakes designed for American tooling. The punch tangs are pre-machined with self-seating grooves for use with Wila American Style hydraulic clamping systems for fastest set-up times. All American Vintage tools are CNC-Hardened at the bending radii to minimum Rockwell HRC-52 to a minimum depth of 0.080” and precision ground to +/0.0008”. The CNC-Hardening process maintains tool accuracy 6 – 8 times longer than unhardened planer made tools. Tool segments are interchangeable and guaranteed to match up. The punches come in a standard working height of 4.750” and the single-V die have a common working height of 2.125”. Versatile punch profiles allow the fabricator to form more parts with less tooling. Tools are available for air bending as well as bottom bending. For more information, visit: Wila FOR FREE INFO, GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 102 ON READER SERVICE CARD GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 25 ON READER SERVICE CARD GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 26 ON READER SERVICE CARD July 2010 • Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions 25 0710TIPSp22-28p:0710TIPSp22-28 7/12/10 8:54 AM Page 26 ProductFOCUS New PlastiKote Truck Bed Liner Gives You a Professional Look from the Palm of Your Hand Unique Aerosol Trigger Keeps Hands Clean, Bed Liner Finish Perfect PlastiKote’s new trigger on its aerosol Truck Bed Liner coating will keep your hands clean and give your truck bed maximum protection for a fraction of the cost of having the job done professionally. “The new trigger mechanism on PlastiKote’s aerosol truck bed liner is unique to aerosol paint in the automotive industry and makes application easier and cleaner for the user who wants to do it themselves but also wants a professional look,” said Lance S. Bunch, category manager of automotive aftermarkets and industrial distribution MRO for Valspar Corporation. “We have also designed new packaging that makes an instant impact so our PlastiKote Truck Bed Liner is easier for customers to find on the shelf. These new enhancements show once again why the new PlastiKote is the choice of those who want the best.” The features and benefits of the new Platsikote Truck Bed Liner Aerosol (264) include: Permanently bonds to the surface, resists abrasion and has textured, non-skid recycled rubber granules to help prevent slips and falls Flexible, textured surface minimizes cargo slippage, resists fading and withstands extreme hot or cold temperatures Provides a hard, non-skid surface that will not warp or crack and is gasoline resistant Helps prevent rust on your truck bed liner “We also offer our Truck Bed Liner Kit for those customers who don’t want to use an aerosol spray but still want ‘The Perfect Finish™’ from PlastiKote for their trucks,” continued Bunch. “Our Truck Bed Liner gallon is a quick-dry coating that will cover a fullsize pick-up. Whether you spray it on, brush it on or roll it on, the new PlastiKote bed liner is the answer if you want your truck to look like new.” The PlastiKote Bed Liner Kit (265GK) contains a gallon of Truck Bed Liner paint (265G), roller frame and cover, scuff pad, roller tray and brush. For more information on the new PlastiKote and its products, visit or call 866-222-8714. PlastiKote FOR FREE INFO, GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 103 ON READER SERVICE CARD GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 27 ON READER SERVICE CARD 26 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 27 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 28 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp22-28p1:0710TIPSp22-28 7/12/10 9:24 AM Page 28 ProductFOCUS Cool It Down! New Kaeser Cooling Air Units Announcing Kaeser Cooling Air (KCA) units! These dryers provide cold, dry compressed air for industrial processes including cooling molds, metal and glass production, maintaining inks at consistent temperatures, and more. With a capacity of 10 to 330 cfm, KCAs produce an outlet air temperature of 40°F in normal operation. These non-cycling refrigerated dryers have an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, a 3 micron KFS separator and a drain. Smaller models include a float-type drain and larger models include a capacitance-sensor operated Kaeser Eco-Drain. All units are easy to install and require little maintenance. For more information on how KCA units can provide the cold air you need for your application, please call 800-777-7873 or visit us at Kaeser FOR FREE INFO, GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 104 ON READER SERVICE CARD GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 29 ON READER SERVICE CARD 28 Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 29 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 30 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:08 AM Page 30 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 31 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:09 AM Page 31 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 32 ON READER SERVICE CARD 0710TIPSp32.qxd:0710TIPSp32 7/12/10 9:02 AM Page 32 AdvertiserINDEX Company Name PG# RS# Company Name PG# RS# Acorn Iron & Supply Acteck Mfg Advance Cutting System American Technical Publishers Bettenbender Bradford Derustit Corp. Carell Corporaton Controlled Automation Eagle Bending E-Z Meter Farmers Copper Formtek Gorbel High Quality Tools Hioki USA IMTS ISB LITE Jesco Industries 12 16 11 26 18 25 32 7 32 22 24 19 5 13 2 30 28 10 10 14 9 27 17 26 34 6 33 22 24 18 5 11 3 31 29 8 KMT Oil Region Alliance Phase- A- Matic Radan Ram Mount Ready Weld Red - D- Arc Robo Vent Setco ShopBot Tools SIC Marking Systems Solor World Spanco, Inc. Steelman Industries Tractel Unist Water Jet Technology Association Wila IBC 21 18 15 27 22 31 20 29 9 14 BC 1 25 17 IFC 23 3 35 20 16 13 28 21 32 19 30 7 12 36 2 25 15 1 23 4 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 33 ON READER SERVICE CARD 32 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 34 ON READER SERVICE CARD Today’s Industrial Products & Solutions • July 2010 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 35 ON READER SERVICE CARD 9:09 AM Page C3 0710TIPSpFPad:0710TIPSpFPads 7/12/10 9:09 AM Page C4 GO TO WWW.TIPSMAG.NET AND ENTER 36 ON READER SERVICE CARD