MOVIEGOERS 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The following research study, titled “Moviegoers: 2010,” is intended to provide film marketers with actionable insights into how to best reach movie consumers over the next decade. Nearly 4,000 moviegoers across all age groups participated, shedding light on the behaviors and habits that drive moviegoer awareness and decision-making. HOW IT WAS DONE: The project was led by Gordon Paddison, principal of Stradella Road. Marketing strategy consultant and former studio executive Linda S. Middleton worked with Stradella Road to design and execute the study. Nielsen NRG managed the research fieldwork. Questions were formed in part from thirty hours of interviews conducted with key executives in movie marketing, media and research. In-theater surveys were conducted with 1,547 moderate to heavy moviegoers over eight days between July 9 and July 26, with an additional 2,305 moderate to heavy moviegoers surveyed by phone or online during the month of July. This research was made possible by our Consortium partners: AOL, Facebook, Fandango, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! PRESENTATION NOTES Let’s start with a GOODBYE… In 1983, 106 million people, some 60% of all households in the US, tuned in at the same time to watch the last episode of M*A*S*H—a peak moment for mass market TV. The world, of course, has changed since then. We can all agree on that, right? And yet, when it comes to movie marketing, while we’ve made some incremental changes here and there… the truth is, we’re still largely following a mass-market approach… Too often, our marketing plan for our next picture is what we did for our last picture. Changes in media consumption and technology usage have reached an inflection point. PRESENTATION NOTES Why is this? Smart people at studios pore over research, tracking, post mortems. And, contrary to conventional wisdom, there are people who take risks and try new things. So why does our tracking and research so often surprise and disappoint us? The answer marketers gave us in conversations was this: We still don’t know our customers/audience as well as we should. Where do moviegoers really spend their time? What are the social dynamics of the decisionmaking process? How do we synthesize the sea changes taking place in order to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time in the right place? “We really don’t know the decision-making process of moviegoers as well as we should; how far in advance do they make a decision and what influences them on making that decision?” –Studio Marketing Exec PRESENTATION NOTES Before we dig into the data, a few words about what we did and where the information you are about to see came from… In our development, we spent time with studio colleagues who are heads of marketing, media and research. From over 30 hours of interviews, we synthesized questions to address the purchase funnel and how to best market to the consumer of the next decade. We took the questions from marketers and went out and spoke to moviegoers. A lot of moviegoers. We talked to them in theaters, we called them over the telephone, and we found them online. And what we discovered was change… THE MOVIEGOERS 2010 PROJECT We talked to moviegoers: We talked to them in theaters, we called them over the telephone, and we talked to them online. In-theater Qualitative Interviews In-theater Intercept Survey 1547 interviews with moderate to heavy moviegoers, completed nationwide over 8 days between July 9th and July 26th Phone/Online Quantitative 2305 interviews of moderate to heavy moviegoers, completed throughout July PRESENTATION NOTES To be honest, it feels like some of us are still in denial about the changes at hand. Or maybe moving from denial stage of the grief cycle into anger or depression. We acknowledge that something is going on with media consumption habits, but stop short of dealing with the magnitude of those changes. Make no mistake about it: For moviegoers, digital technologies have gone mainstream, with significant repercussions for our marketing efforts. Let’s look at some of the top line findings… Fact: Digital technologies have gone mainstream. PRESENTATION NOTES Mobile penetration has reached a near saturation level across moviegoers of all ages. The landline finding was a surprise, with 44% of 18-29s reporting they no longer use a landline. One 20-something we spoke to in a movie theater told us “What’s the point of getting a land line? You can’t take it out of the house with you.” Mobile phone penetration has reached 90%. 32% of moviegoers no longer use a landline. PRESENTATION NOTES There’s a lot of talk about when DVRs will become a real issue. For moviegoers, that time is now. 52% of moviegoers have DVRs and use them exactly as you would expect — to time shift programs and fast forward through commercials, making our consumers more elusive to reach than ever. Are moviegoers seeing your spot? Well, maybe not… The research indicates that 71% of moviegoers regularly use their DVR to fast forward and 55% almost always fast forward through commercials. DVRs have changed how moviegoers watch TV: 52% of moviegoers have DVRs (peaking at 61% of 30s) 1 80% watch programs according to their own schedule 2 71% fast forward and skip past commercials 2 Only 17% primarily watch live TV Source: Phone/Online Survey 1 Base: Moviegoers who watch TV (95%) 2 Base: 2 Moviegoers who have a DVR PRESENTATION NOTES We asked our telephone respondents: Do you regularly access the Internet using either a computer or mobile device? We found that virtually all moviegoers are now online. Furthermore they are heavy Internet users. This is true ACROSS demographic segments, including 90% of moviegoers aged 40+. 86% of moviegoers go online via a computer or mobile device at least once a day. This is true ACROSS demo segments, including 40+, 50+. Moviegoers spend more time online than watching TV. 19.8 hours weekly online vs. 14.3 hours watching TV 54% of moviegoers indicate, “I spend more time doing things on the Internet than I do watching TV.” PRESENTATION NOTES For the record, being online means more than just emailing. For moviegoers, the Internet is a source of information, entertainment, and socialization. Moviegoers go online to gather knowledge. 78% use the Internet to check news and sports information. Social activities are also dominant, as moviegoers connect via chat, instant messaging, online forums, or social networks. 73% of the moviegoers have created their own social networking profile and 46% indicate they spend a lot of time socializing with friends over the Internet. Being online also means watching video content: 69% watch videos created by other people, 66% watch movie trailers, 57% watch news-related clips and 55% watch movie clips. Being online means more than just emailing. Moviegoer Online Activities: Use Email 94% Info Gathering 95% 75% Social Activities 72% Video Activity Blogging Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who access Internet 54% PRESENTATION NOTES As a result of the mainstreaming of digital technologies, we’re more distracted than ever—and your best customer, the heavy moviegoer, is the most distracted. Besides household chores, they are using the Internet, texting and social networking. Moviegoers are heavy multi-taskers. Activities Often Done Watching TV: *,"# '("# Using the Internet for general use *("# *("# Household chores School work, paper work, or job-related work $*"# $)"# Social networking on the Internet $'"# &("# $)"# &'"# Texting Total Moviegoers Reading Heavy Moviegoers Exercising Playing video games on another device Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who watch TV (95%) !,"# !%"# !%"# $$"# +%"# !!"# The road to box office dollars has evolved along with these changes. First Awareness Build Knowledge & Engagement Close the Deal PRESENTATION NOTES TV and in-theater are still where most moviegoers first hear about a new movie, though Internet and WOM are now at 44% and 46% respectively, ahead of billboards and newspaper ads. Consistently, throughout this project we heard from moviegoers how important the trailer is to building awareness and interest. 74% of moviegoers told us that trailers are a key source that influences their decision process. In-theater we found that 3 out of 4 moviegoers had previously seen a trailer for the movie they were attending. TV spots and in-theater trailers frequently drive first awareness. Word of mouth and the Internet also play a role. Often the First Place To Hear About a New Movie: 73% TV commercials 70% The in-theater movie trailer 46% From friends or family 44% Somewhere on the Internet 27% Movie posters and billboards Newspaper ads Source: Phone/Online Survey 16% Moviegoers see trailers in theaters and online. Before seeing a movie, 83% viewed a trailer for it in a theater and 45% viewed it online. Source: In-theater Intercept Survey Building knowledge and engagement now requires an integrated approach. PRESENTATION NOTES Moviegoers seek to understand a film’s key assets and to evaluate what they are seeing. They want to know what is unique about the movie. They want to know if it is any good and if it is worth seeing. This chart shows what information moviegoers often look for when deciding to see a film. The details of the movie, the scenes, the stars… all provide insights into a films quality and entertainment value. Once they hear about a movie, moviegoers seek more information to decide if they want to see it. 37% Details of what the movie is about Scenes / clips from the movie 34% The genre 32% The stars 38% 33% 26% Family and friends' opinions about the movie 14% The movie’s rating 13% Source: Phone/Online Survey 37% 24% Whether a movie is child friendly Other moviegoers' opinions about the movie 41% 9% 27% 30% 18% 20% Very Often Often PRESENTATION NOTES So where do moviegoers learn about their key decision factor, the story in the movie? They turn equally to the Internet and TV. The degree of influence varies somewhat by age. Young adults rely more on the Internet for story insights, while the scale tips slightly toward TV for the 50+ moviegoer. Newspaper and magazines only register with the oldest moviegoers. Moviegoers learn details about a movie’s story from the Internet and TV equally. Where do you typically find, see, or hear… “Details of what the movie is about?" On the Internet 52% On TV 50% In-theater trailer/poster 34% From friends/family 32% Newspaper/magazine Some other place Source: Phone/Online Survey 21% 5% Base: Moviegoers who indicated knowing “Details of what movie is about” helps them decide to see movie (95%) PRESENTATION NOTES Moviegoers evaluate the key assets of a film and form an opinion based on those facts. The Internet is now a key to discovery and building engagement. The Internet is now the primary source for additional information about a movie. Where do you typically find, see, or hear… What other moviegoers think about the movie On the Internet What movie critics think about the movie 45% Background and behind-the-scenes information 53% 56% On TV 21% 36% Newspaper/magazine 16% 33% 18% In-theater trailer/poster 9% 11% 20% Some other place 8% 6% 6% 12% 14% From friends/family 51% 43% Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who indicated knowing respective information helps them decide to see movie (62%, 42%, 45%) PRESENTATION NOTES To drive moviegoers down the funnel from awareness to intent to purchase now requires a more connected, integrated approach. Nothing lives, or works, in isolation. Exposure to marketing messages, wherever they occur, can drive curiosity and a desire to learn more. Exposures that trigger online search include: Seeing a trailer (71%), seeing a TV spot (60%), someone telling you about a movie (58%)… Moviegoers hear about movies from multiple sources; to learn more, they turn to search. 93% use Internet search to find information about movies. PRESENTATION NOTES Moviegoers search online to find information that ultimately will impacts their desire to see a movie. They are looking for more than just showtimes and locations—they search for a AV assets, as well as story and cast information. Ultimately, they want to know what a movie is about and to determine if it is meant for them. They search for more than where the movie is playing. What Moviegoers Search For Online: 65% The trailer 62% Showtimes 54% Theater locations 51% Information about a particular movie’s story 49% Video clips from a movie or viral videos Information about the cast of a particular move 36% Photos from the movie 33% What people are saying about the movie 33% Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who use search for movie information PRESENTATION NOTES The influence of the local market reviewer, as well as the impact of the Sunday review ad, have been in decline for some time, but these numbers show that we’ve reached another tipping point. The Internet is now the dominant source for movie reviews for all age groups, with the exception of the 50+ moviegoer. They are the only demo that still also seeks out reviews in newspapers. Moviegoers mostly get review information online. Where Moviegoers Typically Get Review Information: 62% On the Internet 51% From friends and family 49% On TV 29% In a newspaper In a magazine 21% On the radio 19% Some place else 6% Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who read reviews before seeing movies in-theater PRESENTATION NOTES Many of the moviegoers we talked to felt that the critics are not in sync with their own personal opinions. They would rather have feedback from their own peer group. In social networks, face-to-face discussions, and by texting, moviegoers share their thoughts and opinions about movies. They seek insights and validations from others. In many cases, they become the marketing voice for the movie. Teens and younger adults are especially influenced by this consumer chatter. “I trust what my friends think about a movie more than I trust a critic.” 75% “I like to share my thoughts and opinions about movies with others.” 74% Source: Phone/Online Survey PRESENTATION NOTES Rather than relying on a singular critical voice, moviegoers look to their social networks and a variety of review aggregation sites for review feedback. 45% of heavy moviegoers have looked at aggregation sites, which has become their modern version of the Sunday review ad. Moviegoers find as much value in seeing an aggregated average score as they do in reading a full review. They are looking for the simple thumbs up or thumbs down. Most moviegoers place more value in friends’ opinions and consumer reviews than they do in professional critics. Review Information That Helps Moviegoers Decide If They Will Like a Movie: 72% Comments from friends and family 29% Comments posted on websites Comments posted on social networks 26% 41% Online reviews written by consumers or moviegoers 36% Average score / grade combining moviegoer opinions 32% Reviews written by professional movie critics Average score / grade combining professional reviews 28% Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who read reviews before seeing movies in-theater PRESENTATION NOTES So when your movie gets mostly positive reviews, what impact does that have on your boxoffice? Obviously, it helps, but more importantly, positive feedback from consumer reviews will have a greater influence on movie attendance than the critic's voice. The impact of positive reviews… From Professional Critics Made me MUCH more likely 29% Made me SLIGHTLY more likely 38% From Other Moviegoers 41% 39% Had NO effect on seeing film 33% Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who read reviews before seeing movies in-theater 20% PRESENTATION NOTES While positive reviews may be motivating, a negative review may have less damage. 84% of moviegoers told us that when they make up their mind to see a movie, it doesn’t matter what the critics say about it. If they have bought into the idea of the movie, they plan on attending. Negative feedback from consumers, however, has greater potential for keeping them out of the theater. The impact of negative reviews… From Professional Critics Decided NOT to see 28% SLIGHTLY more hesitant but still went 34% Had NO effect on seeing film 38% From Other Moviegoers 40% 35% Source: Phone/Online Survey Base: Moviegoers who read reviews before seeing movies in-theater 25% PRESENTATION NOTES What we found in our in-theater interviews was that moviegoers generally have a short list of films they want to see. Sometimes they don’t see their first choice film. We found a good deal of negotiation and switching as moviegoers finalized their movie choice. Building a strong intensity and desire to see your film prior to arrival in the theater drives interest conversion. “People often make their final decision about what movie they’re going to see three hours before they go… but you’ve got to be on the consideration list well before that.” – Studio Marketing Exec PRESENTATION NOTES Wanting to see a movie and choosing to see that movie in a theater are two separate decisions. The left side of the following chart focuses on building moviegoer’s commitment to see a particular movie. For some consumers this occurs further out and for others it happens opening week. As moviegoers are exposed to marketing materials they gain perspective and hopefully develop definite interest. The second decision is when they decide to take action and go to the movies. Converting interest to box-office typically occurs within several days of going to the theater. There are multiple decision points in the purchase funnel. Decided they want to see a particular movie… Today 8% Decided to go to the theater… Today 36% 36% Last two days 10% Last two days Within the last week 11% Within the past week 20% Within the last week 20% Within the past month More than a month ago Source: In-theater Intercept Survey 23% 29% More than a week ago 8% PRESENTATION NOTES Moviegoing is an escape from day to day life, an entertainment you share with others, a social event. Typically, the decision to go to the movies is not made alone: It is made with friends, with dates, with parents, and with kids. It is made in groups. 46% of moviegoers we found in theaters were attending in groups of 3+. Key Finding: Moviegoers are highly influenced by group decision making. PRESENTATION NOTES In fact, having someone else want to see a movie was as motivating of a factor as the story in the movie itself. Group think is critical to the movie decision process. In choosing a movie, the fact that someone else wanted to see it was equally important to the story. Factors that were VERY IMPORTANT in wanting to see movie: 57% The story in the movie 55% Someone else wanted to see it The type or genre of movie 44% The cast in the movie 43% The advertising, trailers and promotions Heard good comments That it's a sequel Movie's rating Source: In-theater Intercept Survey 32% 26% 23% 19% PRESENTATION NOTES The moviegoing social group changes with age and lifestage. Teens, 13 to 17, graduate from going only with their family to going with a social group. The moviegoing trip becomes a major social outlet and teens like to go with a big group of friends. As moviegoers hit adulthood, they split their trips between friends and dates. Then as they move into their 30’s, if there are no children in the household, they go to the movies mostly as couples. Children change the mix and movie trips for parents become either family oriented or date nights. 60% of parents almost never attend movies with friends. When families go together, the child is frequently the initiator and the movie is typically a joint child/parent decision. Teens go in groups. 56% in 3+ groups; 33% in 4+ groups (INT) Adults without children living at home go in pairs. Most likely to be in pairs: 50% vs 37% parents Family trips dominate for parents. 61% of parents were attending in family groups No longer attend movies with friends Even kids have a voice… (Or there is no such thing as “nag vs drag”) 91% of parents with children 12 or younger see movies the child asked to see or child/parent equally wanted to see. PRESENTATION NOTES In many cases, moviegoers have a favorite theater or specific time window to see a movie. Not having the right location or time can cause moviegoers to select a different movie. Theater selection and showtimes also impact choice. Moviegoers will frequently have a short list of films and then choose based on theater and time. Thinking about your decision to come to the movies today, which of the following did your group decide on first? 58% The specific MOVIE you wanted to see 32% The particular THEATER you wanted to go to The TIME that you wanted to see the movie Source: In-theater Intercept Survey 10% PRESENTATION NOTES Overwhelmingly moviegoers turn to the Internet for showtimes. Typically, this may be the last piece of marketing information they see before heading to the theater. Moviegoers often find showtimes by… 71% Looking online using your computer Looking in a newspaper Looking at the theater's marquee or sign 27% 22% Calling the theater directly 20% Looking online using your cell phone 18% Calling a movie showtime service like Moviefone or your cell provider's 411 Information line 12% Source: Phone/Online Survey PRESENTATION NOTES If media consumption and technology usage patterns have evolved, so has the journey from awareness to ticket purchase. So, where does this leave our marketing? We all know that audiences have fragmented. And yet, when it comes to movie marketing, we’re still largely following a mass-market approach. The time has come to expand our targeting from the typical Four Quad or 18-34 approach to a more sophisticated segmentation taking into consideration both age and stage of life. Because as moviegoers move through their lives, from high school to college to parenthood and beyond, their moviegoing habits change. Teens to college students, entering single life and the workforce, parenthood (of kids, of teens), empty nesting… Their interest in seeing movies stays the same but their time and priorities change. Given what we know, is there a more effective and/or efficient way to segment moviegoers? PRESENTATION NOTES Teen life is focused around customization of their entertainment and maximizing socialization. Teens share everything, from their anticipation about movies and what they think after attending. The primary form of communication is text messaging, followed by social networking and instant messaging. Teens text & IM—they don’t talk on the phone, they text on the phone. They are more likely than total moviegoers to use Internet for social networking while watching TV, A/V materials (on & off-line) and friend’s opinions greatly influence their movie choice, and they typically go to the movies in groups. Moviegoers ages 13-17 Teen life is focused around customization of their entertainment and maximizing socialization. Defining characteristics: Short attention span Multi-processing!(watch TV, text, socialize online) all while doing homework More likely to text than have telephone conversations Social networking is a critical communication tool Moviegoing is a major social event; typically attend in groups Key attitudes: “I spend a lot of time socializing with my friends over the Internet” (67%) +21 “I hate it when my friends see a movie before I do and then spoil parts of it by telling me about the movie.” (71%) +9 “I like to see movies right away when they first open, so I can talk about them with my friends.” (57%) +9 PRESENTATION NOTES Marketers asked us: – What is the decision-making process for teens? ANSWER: Group Think – How do we break through that and reach them since they’re watching TV, IMing, texting, and on the computer? ANSWER: BE WHERE THEY ARE and in the areas that they spend time. – Are they going to a movie because of the movie, or just need something to do on Friday night? ANSWER: Either way, you have to be in their consideration set. How to reach Teens… Leverage the power of social networks online to control and participate in Group Think. Movie choice is influenced by A/V materials on/off-line and friends opinions. Create evangelists among groups (viral strategy). Factor in Parents, who can still influence the decision (trip segmentation includes family as well as friends). PRESENTATION NOTES Moviegoers 18-29 are Digital Natives that have grown up with technology, have free time and non-traditional media consumption habits. As a group they have broader and more formalized socialization than teens and they are enthusiastic and savvy in engaging with online content, especially video. They are more likely than all other moviegoers to go online for info about movies they are interested in and share what they thought about a movie via social networks. They use the Internet for every type of information and find Internet ads influential in their purchase decision. Moviegoers ages 18-29 Digital Natives have grown up with technology and have free time and non-traditional media consumption. Defining characteristics: First adopters to new tech Like teens, they are multi-processors (video gaming, socializing) A group you will not easily find via traditional methods; 44% don’t own a land-line Put a high value in online consumer reviews and review aggregation sites Will not watch television on someone else’s schedule much longer; will never read a newspaper Key attitudes: “I get most of my entertainment news from the Internet.” (66%) +12 “The Internet is the best place to find out the truth about whether or not a movie is any good." (49%) +7 “I like to share my thoughts and opinions about movies with others.” (80%) +6 “If I see something that makes me curious about a movie, I will go online to learn more.” (72%) +5 PRESENTATION NOTES Marketers asked us: – How much of the Internet is a place you go to get more information after your initial exposure, whether it be a trailer or a TV spot? ANSWER: The Internet is the primary place that young adult moviegoers go for information about movies. – The only question I ask about the other mediums is, "Do I have to do this?” ANSWER: YES, to reach this audience, you have to be online. Young Adults Be in their world: The Internet dominates their journey from first awareness to building knowledge and engagement to key influential sources. Leverage engagement with content refreshing; these are heavy online content consumers, especially video. Word of mouth travels faster with this group than with older moviegoers, much of it online—don’t think you can hide playability. PRESENTATION NOTES Thirty-something moviegoers are heavy-duty multi-processors with financial resources but also limited time. Their weekdays are all about work and family, so this age group is your Weekend Warriors… with moviegoing being primarily a weekend event. This age group is technology enabled. Among all age groups, they have the highest incidence of Internet usage, broadband access, DVR ownership, and cell phone penetration. They have the highest number of hours spent online and use Internet for a wide variety of activities including search, news, video, and social networking. These 30-something moviegoers are also the most time constrained and have the highest incidence of using DVR to time shift and ad skipping. As the moviegoer moves from the 20s to the 30s, we see movie-going behaviors changing. We see a decline in the social group movie occasion – that is going with friends. Parenthood is hitting its peak and movie-going trips are now split between their family and their spouse, but without their children. Children are frequently pre-teen, requiring parents to attend with and orchestrate entertainment information and choice. Movie-going choices shows a higher incidence of animation and family movies (G + PG with limited PG-13). Moviegoers ages 30-39 The Weekend Warrior: Time constrained; parenthood dominates. Defining characteristics: Highest number of hours spent online and highest use of all technology: Internet, broadband, email, DVR (and ad skipping, at 63%), cell phone These moviegoers are the most time constrained; they use online for search, news, video and social networking Movie-going trips are split between those seen with child and those with spouse Key attitudes: “If I see something that makes me curious about a movie, I go online to learn more about that movie.” (71%) “I would go to the movies more often if I had more time.” (68%) PRESENTATION NOTES Marketers asked: “How do I get somebody like me… who uses a lot of entertainment but may not engage with the messaging?” ANSWER: A highly integrated approach is necessary to drive awareness with this group. What differentiates 30-somethings from younger moviegoers is the emergence of the family influence. When targeting this group, attention must be paid not just to your target but also to other members of the decision-making set in order to avoid rejection by co-attendees. Thirty-somethings Husband, wife and kids negotiate movie-going choices (a different type of Group Think) —Create some level of interest from secondary decision makers. Highest DVR penetration, most recorded TV viewing and highest incidence of always fast-forward through commercials (63% ) —Don’t count on live TV. Highest Internet penetration as a group —Engage them online with programs on news, sports, information and social networking sites. PRESENTATION NOTES Similar to the 30-somethings, moviegoers in their 40s and 50s show high Internet and email usage. However, this group still embraces traditional media such as newspapers and magazines. Television usage increases compared to that of younger moviegoers and peaks with the 50-somethings. These older moviegoers skip ads because they think there are just too many commercials on television. As moviegoers and families age, their movie attendance is dominated by the family moviegoing occasion. A greater percentage of the trips are with the family than just with a spouse or date. The children are older, often teens, and now strongly influence the decision process. Matinees grow more common. Moviegoers ages 40-59 Family Years are dominated by movie-going trips with teenagers. Empty Nesters reconnect to their movie-going affinity. Defining characteristics: 40-49yr olds are similar to 30’s moviegoers and spend a lot of time online They have high technology use but also embrace traditional media habits (magazines and newspapers) Dominated by families and influenced by teens (Children are older and have a voice in the process) Choices come from the family group: More trips with family than with spouse 50-59yr olds Matinees more common Skip ads because they think there are too many commercials on television Numbers pop for newspaper, magazine and traditional media; slightly lower penetration of technology. Key attitudes: “Going to the movies is a good escape from everyday life.” (83%) PRESENTATION NOTES Traditional marketing methods, media, and professional critics may still influence them, but these older moviegoers also show heavy Internet and technology usage. They appear to adopt digital knowledge and acceptance from exposure from their children. Additionally, as their children age and become independent, these older moviegoers have more free time and resources. Older moviegoers begin to relate to movie-going like younger consumers. We see more going in pairs and a slight increase the social group movie occasion. There does appear to be a distinct opportunity to drive additional engagement with these consumers who have the time and opportunity—consumers who can reconnect with their movie-going affinity and, in many ways, mirror the affinity of consumers 30 years their junior. Forty-somethings Most likely to have teen children Often in a transitional period for technology usage, media consumption and moviegoing Fifty-pluses Become re-engaged with their movie-going habits Go to films with a partner, friends, adult children The heaviest TV-viewing demo Still influenced by traditional critics/reviews PRESENTATION NOTES We have reached an inflection point in technology and consumer media consumption habits have changed as a result. Increasing choice in media options and consumption means that moviegoers control message timing and delivery. As technology evolves and media patterns shift, the intricate road to box office success grows even more complex. Moviegoers have fully adopted digital technologies; an Internet connection is now a must-have for all demos. Increasing choice in media options and consumption means that moviegoers control message timing and, to a degree, delivery — via DVRs, Mobile devices, always-on broadband internet. There is no longer a single source or one-size-fits-all approach that works. PRESENTATION NOTES Marketing effectiveness requires integration of a media-connected campaign. Sources of information and influence are always shifting and evolving. There are multiple triggers. To maximize your marketing effectiveness, the pieces must work together. Today, moviegoers don’t have to wait for your message; search allows them to find the movie information (positive, negative and everything in between) that they want, when they want it. An effective campaign is an integrated, mediaconnected campaign. Sources of information and influence are always shifting and evolving. Whether they see your trailer or TV spot in-theaters, on a TV, on an iPhone, or on a PC, there are multiple triggers to generate their interest, which generally leads them online. The pieces must work together. Moviegoers don’t have to wait for your message; search allows them to find the movie information (positive, negative and everything in between) that they want, when they want it. PRESENTATION NOTES Segmentation must evolve with consumers. Life Stage and Group Think drive beyond age and can cross demographic segments, which can impact tracking. Through integrated planning, this is an opportunity for studio marketers to be relevant in the different channels of today’s moviegoers and build awareness, engagement and consideration. Segmentation must evolve with consumers. Life Stage may take consumers out of purely age-driven demographic segments. Moviegoers are highly influenced by group decision making and Group Think can cross demographic segments and throw off tracking. The roar of chatter can also cross neatly demarcated demos; pay heed to moviegoers use of social networks and tools. MOVIEGOERS 2010 This STRADELLA ROAD research initiative is supported by the following partners: PARTNER CONTACT INFORMATION AOL Karin Mihkels 310-285-4061 FACEBOOK Rob Lissner 415-902-7885 FANDANGO Allison Mellon 310-954-0278 ext 199 GOOGLE Adam Stewart 310-309-6853 MICROSOFT AD SOLUTIONS Lora Keltner 310-449-7485 MOVIETICKETS Beth Ledbetter(561) 322-3214 YAHOO! Michael Laur 310-907-2912 About Stradella Road Stradella Road is an independent marketing and consulting company that focuses on integration between traditional and new media and on pioneering unconventional media/message combinations for clients including RealD, Intuit and filmmaker Peter Jackson. Updates at: Gordon Paddison office: 424-832-3976 NOTE: Images used by Creative Commons license. Errors or omissions will gladly be corrected if brought to our attention. e-mail: