Monte Alegre Formation
Monte Alegre Formation
Brazil Round 10 Amazonas Basin Geologists Andrei Dignart and Juliana Ribeiro Vieira Bid Areas Department Purus Arch Location Manaus Modified from Gonzaga et al., 2000 Basin area: 606,234 km2 Paleozoic Intracratonic basin Covered by Meso-Cenozoic strata Sedimentary Infill Modified from Gonzaga et al., 2000 Infrastructure Infrastructure Mauá Thermoeletric Plant Location: Manaus Power: 136 MW Manaus Infrastructure Investments Federal Government of Brazil will invest around US$ US$ 3.2 billion in the transportation sector (2007 - 2010 2010)) Exploration History Exploration History Petroleum exploration in the Amazonas Basin started in 1917 1917. It was carried out by the Brazilian Geological and Mineralogical Service (SGMB) - in this time the focus was coal exploration. In 1925 1925, the first oil and gas shows occurred near the Itaituba city. In 1953 1953,, Petrobras was created. The exploratoy efforts in Amazonas Basin can be divided into three phases: Phase 1 1953 - 1967 Phase 2 1971 - 1990 Phase 3 Since 1999 53 stratigraphic wells and 58 wildcat wells were drilled. Results: sub-commercial discoveries in the Nova Olinda reservoirs (1-NO-1, 1-NO-3 e 1-NO-4-AM) and some wells with oil/gas shows. Petrobras improved seismic method and 36 wells were drilled. Results: two discoveries: 1-LT-1-AM (Lago Tucunaré) and 1-ICA-1-AM (Igarapé Cuia). After the creation of the ANP, in 1999, Petrobras discovered gas in the well 1-RUT-1-AM which resulted in the fields nowadays under development, Azulão and Japiim. Exploratory Activities Exploratory Activities post-stack 2D Seismic postpre--stack 2D Seismic pre 212 wells: wells: 107 wildcats and 61 stratigraphics 36 specials 37,958 km of 2D seismic 2D and 210 km² of 3D seismic 934,537 km² of grav/ grav/mag Bouguer Gravimetric Map mGal 24.4 17.6 12.5 9.0 4.2 - 0.5 - 5.4 - 10.5 - 15.3 - 24.4 Magnetic Anomaly Map nT 23.8 13.2 4.3 - 4.4 -13.7 - 32.6 Aerogeophysical Project ANP/2007--2008 ANP/2007 Covered area area:: 591 591,,957. 957.7 km² Flight height height:: 1,400 - 1,800 m Flight spacing line : 6 km (E (E--W) Concluded Ongoing Seismic Reprocessing ANP/2005 Lot 3 Location: Northern Basin Sector reprocessed 2D 2D 2D seismic : 6,414 km 217,581 registers Seismic Reprocessing ANP/2005 1-RUT-1-AM Before After Seismic Reprocessing ANP/2005 Before After TectonoTectonoStratigraphic Evolution Tectono--Stratigraphic Tectono Evolution Cretaceous--Tertiary Magasequence Cretaceous Alter do Chão, Solimões and Uçá formations Sedimentation: continental (fluvial and lacustrine) Juruá tectonic event Magmatic event Gondwanide Orogeny (260 Ma) Carboniferous--Permian Megasequence Carboniferous Tapajós Group –Monte Alegre, Itaituba, Nova Olinda and Andirá Formations Sedimentation : continental and restrict marine Devonian--Carboniferous Devonian EohercynianMegasequence Orogeny (330 Ma) Urapadi and Curuá Groups– Groups–Maecuru, Maecuru, Ererê, Ererê, Curiri, Curiri, Oriximiná and Faro Formations Sedimentation : fluvialfluvial-deltaic, deltaic, neritic and glacial marine Caledonian Orogeny (400 Ma) Ordovician--Devonian Megasequence Ordovician Trombetas Group – AutásAutás-Mirim, Mirim, Nhamundá. Nhamundá. Pitinga and Manacapuru Formations Sedimentation : marine clastics PROTEROZOIC Purus Group – Prosperança and Acari Formation Petroleum System Petroleum System Source Rock DEVONIAN DEVONIAN (Frasnian Frasnian)) radioactive black shales (Barreirinha Formation) TOC: 2 to 5% (S2) ~ 15mgHC/gRock Organic Matter type II (anoxic marine environment) SILURIAN SILURIAN (Landoverian Landoverian--Wenlockian) Wenlockian) radioactive black shales (Pitinga Formation) TOC < 2% (S2) ~ 4 mgHC/gRock Organic Matter type II Schematic Stratigraphic Chart, P.R.C Cunha et al., 1993 (marine environment) Petroleum System Source Rock Isopach map of Barrerinha Formation Thickness in meters Contour Interval = 20 m Modified from Gonzaga et al., 2000 Source Rock: TOC Legenda COT(%) 0,4 1,8 3,0 4,2 0,6 2,0 3,2 4,4 0,8 2,2 3,4 4,6 1,0 2,4 3,6 4,8 1,2 2,6 3,8 5,0 1,4 2,8 4,0 5,2 1,6 Blocos Ofertados - Rodada 10 Campos em Desenvolvimento Source: Gomes, 2008 Source Rock: Hydrogen index Legend Hydrogen Index mgHC/gCOT 20 140 240 40 160 260 60 180 280 80 200 300 100 220 320 120 Blocos Ofertados - Rodada 10 Campos em Desenvolvimento Source: Gomes, 2008 Source Rock: Source Potencial Legend Source Potencial kg HC/t rocha 1 8 14 2 9 15 3 10 16 4 11 17 5 12 18 6 13 19 7 Blocos Ofertados - Rodada 10 Campos em Desenvolvimento Source: Gomes, 2008 Thermal Maturity Modified from Gonzaga et al., 2000 Maturity %Ro < 0.6 0.6 < %Ro %Ro < 1.35 %Ro < 1.35 %Ro > 1.35 The Ro data show that thermal evolution is mainly controlled by the burial history in the trough area Thermal effect of igneous intrusions played an important role only where dykes and sills are hosted on source rock The intrusions effect is dominant in the eastern Amazonas Basin Petroleum System CARBONIFEROUS Reservoirs CARBONIFEROUS RESERVOIRS (Nova Olinda Formation) Island bars/ bars/eolian Nova Olinda Formation Monte Alegre Formation CARBONIFEROUS RESERVOIRS (Monte Alegre Formation) DEVONIAN Eolian Curiri Formation DEVONIAN RESERVOIRS (Curiri Formation) Glacial/Marine Schematic Stratigraphic Chart, P.R.C Cunha et al., 1993 Nova Olinda Reservoirs 1-RUTRUT-00010001-AM Curiri and Monte Alegre Reservoirs CarboniferousEo lian Sandstones Devonian glacial/marine sandstones Modified from Gonzaga et al., 2000 Petroleum System DEVONIAN Seals Seals for Nova Olinda reservoirs = Nova Olinda Evaporites Nova Olinda Formation CARBONIFEROUS Itaituba Formation Curiri Formation Schematic Stratigraphic Chart, P.R.C Cunha et al., 1993 Seals for Monte Alegre reservoir = Carbonatos Fm. Itaituba Seals for Curiri reservoir = shales and diamictites Petroleum System Traps Structural Traps Asymmetric Anticlines Horst Structure Anticlines Related to Reverse Faults Shear Tectonic Reactivation Stratigraphic Traps Pinch-out Paleogeomorphic Source: Events Chart Tertiary Tectonics Cretaceous Uplift Magmatism Modified from Gonzaga et al., 2000 Fields under Development Location map JAPIIM AZULÃO Azulão Field (1999) Area: 21 km² 1-BRSABRSA-126 126--AM VGIP = 5 BCM Reservoirs: Nova Olinda sandstones (Carboniferous) Fluid: gas + condensate 1-RUTRUT-00010001-AM Depth: - 1,560 m Ø = 20 - 22% K = 300 mD Azulão Field 1-RUT-1-AM Top Paleozoic Sill Top Reservoir Top Monte Alegre Formation Top Barreirinha Formation (1999) Azulão Field: Nova Olinda Reservoirs Top Nova Olinda Reservoirs: time structural map Japiim Field (2001) 1-BRSABRSA-9898-AM VGIP = 661 MMCM 3-BRSA BRSA--170 170--AM Area: 12.2 km² Reservoirs: Nova Olinda sandstones (Carboniferous) Fluid: non non--associated gas Depth: - 1,470 m Ø = 19 - 22% K = 50 - 60 mD Japiim Field 1-BRSA BRSA--9898-AM 1-BRSABRSA-9898-AM Top Paleozoic Top Sill Base Sill Top Nova Olinda Reservoir Top Barreirinha Formation Linha 02540254-RL RL--155 Offered Sector Offered Blocks JAPIIM AZULÃO 7 blocks Total offered area: 13,338 km² Data Package Wells: 20 Seismic:: 3,973 km 2D public postSeismic post-stack 210 km² 3D public postpost-stack Exploratory Opportunity AM AM--T-63 Top Nova Olinda Reservoir Line 0105 0105--115 Exploratory Opportunity AM AM--T-85 Top Nova Olinda Reservoir Top Nova Olinda Reservoirs: time structural map Top Nova Olinda Reservoirs: time structural map Volume Estimation Variables for Volume Estimation: Estimation: Sw = 25% Ø = 20% Bg = 0.005 Lead Block AMAM-T-63 VGIP = 1,5 BCM Lead Block AMAM-T-62 VGIP = 17,1 BCM Lead Block AMAM-T-82 VGIP = 6,9 BCM Lead Block AMAM-T-83 e 84 VGIP = 35,4 BCM Lead Block AMAM-T-85 VGIP = 20,9 BCM Minimum Exploratory Program Sector SAM--O SAM Exploratory class New Frontier Number of blocks 7 Total bidding area 13,338 km² Exploration phase 6 years Exploratory periods Operator qualification 4 + 2 years B Minimum bonus R$ 83,750.00 to R$ 185,000.00 Minimum depth Monte Alegre Formation (Carboniferous) Final Remarks Final Remarks The gas pipeline Urucu Urucu--Coari Coari--Manaus is expected to start operation in September, 2009 2009.. The Manaus (capital of the Amazon State) electricity demand grows about 8% a year, mainly because of the industrial sector, which is responsible for 43 43% % of this necessity necessity.. In 2006 2006,, a treaty was signed between Eletrobrás, Eletronorte, Manaus Energy and Cigás to support new thermoelectric power plants and change the energy matrix from oil to natural gas. gas. Final Remarks 62% of the wells already drilled in the basin show 62% evidences of oil and/or gas gas.. The offered blocks are near Japiim and Azulão gas fields fields.. The main petroleum system Barreirinha - Nova Olinda is similar to Solimões Basin (Urucu Complex).. Complex) There are 11 possible exploratory opportunities already mapped in the Nova Olinda play. play. Final Remarks Considering the 11 opportunities already mapped, ANP estimates around 72 BCM of gas in the offered area Andrei Dignart Juliana Vieira www.brasil
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