CKB Logiscs - CKB Logistics


CKB Logiscs - CKB Logistics
A Publication of CKB Logistics - Sales & Marketing
Vol. V/2012
A commitment
for Excellence
A Publication of CKB Logistics - Sales & Marketing
Roni Setyawan
R. Imam Santoso
Denny Fikri
Editorial Team
Feisal Ardhi
Magvira Yuliani
Nurhasymi Fauziah
Betharia S, Noer Adhitya N, Indri Puspita Lestari,
Eka Rachmawaty, Fajar Ti an, External ODP
Published by
PT Cipta Krida Bahari
Gedung TMT 1, 7th Floor, Suite 701
Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1, Jakarta 12560
Phone : (021) 2997 6777/ 88
Fax : (021) 2997 6797/ 98
Email :
Connected is published by CKB Logis cs - Sales & Marke ng
Division for business partners and par es related with the
energy industry. Ar cles or excerpt may be produces with the
permission of the publishers. An electronic version of
Connected is available for CKB Logis cs’ employees
Vol. V/2012
A Commitment
for Excellence
Dear Readers,
This year CKB Logis cs marked its 15 years anniversary as
the integrated logis cs solu ons for the energy sector. Its
commitment to serve energy sector and become the leading
logis cs in the sector has been aimed since it was established
in year 1997. Today, CKB serves 40 branches across Indonesia,
including 100 ci es and area that difficult to be reached with
commercial transporta on.
Cer fied with ISO 9001:2008 and OSHAS 18001:2007, CKB
also earned the cer fica on from IATA as one of IATA agents
to promote, sell and handle interna onal air cargo transportaon.
In month of June, CKB was selected along with other twenty
leading companies Indonesia to receive an award as the
Indonesia Green Concern Company 2012 by SWA Magazine.
CKB Logis cs was chosen through its eco-friendly warehouse
hub concept that implemented in CKB’s major branches such
as Jakarta, Samarinda and Banjarmasin.
The implementa on of green logis cs is part of CKB’s commitment in delivering best services for energy sector, in addi on
to the world’s concern on the environment to the sector. CKB
has always been commi ed to deliver professional services to
its client now and in future.
Happy Ied Fitr to all readers and best wishes for everyone!
Connected Editor
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Y 2012
Hello Reader, 3
CKB Logis cs holds Kar ni’s Day
A commitment for excellence
CKB LDP Batch 2
Our People, 4
Budi Darmawan: Life is a learning experience,
only if you learn...
Cover Story, 6
ABM Fun Walk
CKB Futsal Compe on 2012:
Let’s enjoy the game!
Customer Corner, 14
Celebra ng the Excellence Services
CKB’s 15th Anniversary: What do they say about
News Update, 8
I Putu Bawa : Doing the best at this moment puts
you in the best place for the next moment
CKB Logis cs Buys Tug & Barges
Market Focus, 16
CKB Opens New Logis cs Warehouse in Banjarmasin
Integrated Logis cs Solu ons
The 36th IPA Conven on and Exhibi on
ABM’s 2011 Performance: Records Rp415.74 billion net
Corporate Ci zenship
CKB commits for be er future
Network News, 14
ABM visits CKB Kalimantan
Core Values, 20
Con nuous Development
People on People, 17
New assignment and employment
Quiz, 22
Take a tour on the quiz and win gi voucher
Par cipates in the 54 years of Kodam VI Mulawarman
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Budi Darmawan:
Life is a learning experience,
only if you learn...
> Budi Darmawan, CKB Senior Manager - Kalimantan Area
Budi Darmawan or namely BD was one of Senior Managers in CKB Logis cs posi oned as the Senior Manager for Kalimantan Area. He accomplished his degree at
Thames Business School Singapore, majoring Business
Management and started his career with Ardhia Segara
Shipping Company in Batam prior joining CKB Logis cs.
BD joined CKB Logis cs in 2002 as Technical Support
Supervisor based in Jakarta, his career boosted during
the development of CKB Logis cs, whereas he was
then entrusted to run the project logis cs and manage
the customs clearance services. In year 2006 he was
assigned as Opera on Manager for Kalimantan Area
and in year 2009 he was promoted as Senior Manager.
A father of Rafa (5.5) and Gadis (1.5) always says that
life is a learning experience, but only if you learn. “I’ve
been blessed with the opportunity given by the company. CKB’s growth had been significant since it was
established in 1997 and I strongly agreed that we are
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one of leading logis cs companies in Indonesia with strong
networks and capability,” explained BD.
In his ten years of services with CKB Logis cs, BD was once
awarded for the Service Year Award from the Tiara Marga
Trakindo (TMT) Group during his eight years of services in
2010. The Award was given to employees within the TMT
Group for their loyalty to the company for eight, sixteen
and thirty-two years of services.
BD was enthusias cally told us about his most interes ng
experience with the company. “It was 2003, when I was s ll
in Project Department handling the delivery of electrical
generator to Ambon. At that me the area was in a conflict
of SARA (ethnic, religious, racial, and inter-group interests).
“I‘ve to make sure that the generator delivered on me and
safely, despite the challenges of limited resources and no
communica on line,” said BD proudly.
“When the project successfully completed, I was very grateful and happy to be able to contribute electricity for people in
He always strived to be a good leader said one of his subordinate, he believed in regenera on, crea ng future leaders
through trainings and mo va on. “Anything is possible, only if
we believe in it,” said BD with his smile.
Photo Cap on :
> Budi Darmawan with his team at Balikpapan Branch
> During a coordina on mee ng with customers representa ves - Thiess,Leighton,Fluidcon,PAMA, and Schlumberger
> Picturing with his wife, Wien Aulia and his children, Rafa
and Gadis
BD really enjoys living in Balikpapan with his wife and children.
Some me, playing golf during his free me and love culinary so
much; especially noodles. Somehow, we do understand why he
could be so big, just by seeing his appe te for delicious foods. “I
love noodle, but it is hard to find delicious noodle in Balikpapan
to Jakarta,” he laugh, we then also laughed hard.
A friendly and warmhearted guy, he is Budi Darmawan, whom
believed that anything is possible, only if we believe in it.
Date of Birth
Educa on
Budi Darmawan (BD)
23 October 1978
Wien Aulia Lusitania
Rafa Athallah (5.5), Gadis Amirah Sakhi (1.5),
Thames Business School Singapore,
Majoring Business Management
Senior Manager Kalimantan Area (2009 - Present)
Opera on Manager Kalimantan Area (2006 -2009)
Export Import Manager, CKB (2005 - 2006)
Project & Custom Affairs Manager, CKB (2004 - 2005)
Project Supervisor, CKB (2003-2004)
Technical Support Supervisor, CKB (2002- 2003)
Ardhia Segara Shipping, Batam (2000-2002)
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the Excellence
15 years ago, with limited resources and
facilities. Today, CKB Logistics serves leading
energy companies with more than 35
gateways across Indonesia
( R. Imam Santoso, Director CKB Logis cs)
Buys set of Tug & Barges; Kaili Moana
Warehouse Hub JKT, BDJ, SRI
Green Concern Company Award 2012
by SWA Magz
6 - connected
ng the anniversary with the orphana
, from blood dona on and celebra
versary, Roni
In its 15 years anni
t Director of
SSetyawan, Presiden
dly stated that
CKB Logis cs prou
own remarkably
the company has gr
n years and s ll
over the past fi ee
r excellence.
going on for furthe
and passion““We are commi ed
r vision, to be
ate to establish ou
sia integrated
the leading Indone
energy sector,”
ogis cs company in
said Roni.
was held in
A series of ac vi es
th anniversary,
celebra ng CKB’s 15
d art compe on
including music an
awing for kids,
such as singing, dr
d many others acphotos contest an
oment captured
vi es. See their m
on camera.
e rep
Special cak
core bu
We are
further hat CKB will
day C
Celebra ng the anniversary through
corporate citizenship,
fixing the community medical center
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CKB Logis cs Buys Tug & Barges
CKB Logis cs through its subsidiary, PT Baruna Dirga Dharma (BDD)
inves ng in a total of seven sets of tug boats and barges with a
capacity of 7,500 tons. A set of barges has been received by BDD in
September 2011, while six other sets of tug & barges to be handed
over in 2012.
In the first quarter of 2012, BDD has received two sets of tug
&barges, the Kaili & Moana I in February 2012, and Kaili & Moana
II in March 2012, whilst Kaili & Moana III were delivered in second
quarter of 2012, in month of May 2012.
Satrio Daru Sasongko, Director of BDD said that the tug & barges
were purchased to support CKB’s coal logis cs services. “Total
capital expenditure BDD for financial year 2012 amoun ng USD 26
million, for purchasing vessels and other suppor ng facili es,” said
The vessels were built at na onal shipyard in Batam, Riau Island
and cer fied by interna onal classifica on agencies and BKI (Bureau Classifica on Indonesia).
“This is our commitment give best solu ons for our clients in
energy sector, especially for the coal logis cs business, thus safety
and opera on excellence has always been our concern in running
the business,” said Roni Setyawan, President Director of CKB Logiscs during launch of Kaili Moana I in February.
Currently, the vessels operated by BDD to serve the logis cs needs
of the coal in the ABM Investama Group, PT Tunas In Abadi (TIA),
owner of the coal mining concession in South Kalimantan.
BDD provides services to the coal mining industry by providing an
efficient and flexible delivery for a variety of dry bulk cargoes, as
well as provide transshipment facility, agency services, and loading
and unloading.
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> Photo Cap on :
Roni Setyawan, President Director CKB Logis cs together
with Andy Indrajaya, Chartering Manager BDD during the
launch of Kaili Moana I in Q1 2012
CKB Opens New Logis cs
Warehouse in Banjarmasin
PT Cipta Krida Bahari or also known as CKB Logis cs strengthen its
posi on as an integrated logis cs company in the energy sector in
Kalimantan with the opening of a new warehouse in Banjarmasin.
The Banjarmasin Warehouse Hub is the warehousing facility of CKB
Logis cs that is built in South Kalimantan as part of the company’s
commitment to provide op mum services for companies specifically
opera ng in the energy sector.
The inaugura on on February 29, 2012 was a ended by several
CKB’s clients that are leading players in the mining and petroleum
sectors, as well as local leaders and administra ons.
“CKB Logis cs will con nue to innovate and strive to provide the best
solu ons for our clients and our environment,” said Imam Santoso,
Director of CKB Logis cs.
Imam Santoso added that the Banjarmasin Warehouse Hub is the
second warehousing facility a er the Samarinda Warehouse Hub
that had been inaugurated at the end of 2011. With the eco-friendly
concept and supported by integrated IT systems and professional
personnel in the field, the Banjarmasin Warehouse Hub is hoped
to be the right partner for companies in South Kalimantan for their
needs of Integrated Logis cs Services and Warehouse Management.
The Banjarmasin Warehouse Hub is situated in an approximate 1.3
hectare area and is facilitated by 2,900 square meter covered warehouse, 3,000 square meter open yard area and 1,000 square meter
office facility with an investment of US$4 million.
“This expansion is a visualiza on of our commitment to be the right
partner for companies in the energy sector. In addi on, we also plan
to open a new 7-hectare warehouse in Jakarta this year, precisely in
Cakung,” said Imam Santoso.
In addi on to the eco-friendly concept, such as using electric forkli s
and automa c switchers; the Banjarmasin Warehouse Hub also emphasizes cost efficiency with the shared-user facility concept, where
warehouse facili es, personnel, and MHE (Material Handling Equipment) can be used op mally by several clients.
> Photo Cap on :
Cu ng the ribbon (le to right) : I Putu Bawa, Parts
Opera on & Distribu on Trakindo Utama; Imam Santoso,
Director CKB Logis cs; Syihaji, Vice of Sub-District Head
of Gambut; and Peter Docherty, GM of Southren Trakindo
“The loca on of the Banjarmasin warehouse is very strategic at only
10 km from the Syamsudin Noor airport and 13.5 km from the city
center,” said Imam Santoso.
The Banjarmasin Warehouse Hub is built with standards of logis cs
warehouse and equipped with facili es such as racking, shelving and
cabin as well as loading docks and a loading bay for easy loading and
unloading of goods.
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> Le to right :
Booth Assistance CKB, Ezzi and Hendro explaining CKB’s services to visitor from PetroChina;
Jero Wacik, Minister of ESDM and Evita H. Legowo, Director General of Oil & Gas during the opening of the event
The 36th IPA Conven on and Exhibi on
The 36th Conven on and Exhibi on of the Indonesian Petroleum Associa on (IPA) was held on May 23-25, 2012 con nued
a rac ng a great number of visitors, including CKB Logis cs whom par cipated in the event as one of exhibitors amongst
the oil & gas companies. Elisabeth Proust, the IPA President cited as much as 150 companies’ par cipated in the event and
it also a racted more than 8,000 visitors.
Most of the visitors and par cipants of the exhibi on showed their high enthusiasm and expecta on on the further development of the oil and gas industry in Indonesia. With these year theme, “Working Together to Meet Indonesia’s Energy
Needs,” it is hoped that the industry could collaborate to ensure the fulfilment of Indonesia’s energy needs in future.
CKB’s par cipa on in the event was part of the company’s annual agenda as well as its commitment towards the development of oil & gas industry. The event itself was marked by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jero Wacik and attended by important players from the oil & gas industry.
SWA, a monthly magazine focusing in business, management and
execu ve’s lifestyle has just recently launched the Indonesia Green
Company Achievement 2012 and par cipated by approximately 150
companies with their ‘green’ concept for Indonesia.
Indonesia Green Company
Astra International, BNI 46, Bio Farma,
Medco Energi
CKB Logis cs was among those companies whom compe ng to be
selected as the Indonesia Green Company 2012, and received the
nomina on as the Indonesia Green Concern Company 2012 along
with other twenty leading companies in Indonesia that were chosen
as company with ini a ve and strategy related with the environment
that emphasized on the consistent of triple bo om line; profit, people and planet. And, CKB Logis cs was chosen through its eco-friendly
warehouse hub concept that implemented in CKB’s major branches
such as Jakarta, Samarinda and Banjarmasin.
Indonesia Green Concern Company
Faber-Castell Indonesia, Antam, Arwana CitraMulia, Bakti Usaha, Bukit Asam, CKB Logistics,
Cocomosaic, Federal Izumi, Indocement, Inovasi
Berkah Abadi, JICT, Krakatau Tirta Industri, KSO
Summarecon, Nutrifood, PJB UP Cirata, PringSewu, Procter & Gamble, Sinarmas, Body Shop,
TNT Skypak International, Tupperware Indonesia
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“We are very proud with this achievement and to be in the list with
other leading companies with green concept,” said Denny Fikri, GM
Sales & Marke ng CKB Logis cs.
Judges for the awards are selected individual with their vast experience and liability; they are Prof. Dr. Emil Salim, SE, Darwina Sri Widjajan , Prof. Tjandra Se adi, Ph.D, DR-Eng. Eniya Lis ani Dewi, Dr. Ir.
Arif Budimanta, M.Sc, and Basuki Sambodo.
2011 Performance
Records Rp415.74 billion net profit
ABM recorded a net profit increase of 226% or Rp415.74 billion in FY2011. This net profit achievement is triple the FY2010
achievement of Rp 127.32 billion. The surge in profit growth is supported by a 47.70% increase in revenue or Rp 6.63 trillion
in FY2011, compared to the achievement at the same period in 2010 that amounted to Rp 4.49 trillion.
This achievement was a result of significant profit margin growth, which increased to 6.27% in December 2011 compared
to 2.84% in December 2010. ABM Cash and Cash equivalent grew 285.34% in 2011 or Rp 1.67 trillion compared to the 2010
achievement of Rp 433.04 billion. ABM Asset posi on in December 2011 significantly increased 102% to Rp 9.88 trillion
compared to Rp 4.89 trillion in December 2010.
“The subsidiary’s performance consolida on and higher contribu on from the coal mining segment has strengthened the
opera onal profit margin growth and the company’s net profit margin at a profitable level,” said ABM Finance Director Willy
“Corporate Debt Ra o, such as Debt to Equity Ra o, is recorded 2.27 mes as per December 2011, while Debt Ra o is 0.69
mes. The low debt ra o and strong reputa on of Tiara Marga Trakindo group as the holding company provides ABM the
flexibility in securing funding op ons, which encourages the company’s business expansion in the future.” (source: Official
Ci zenship
CKB Logis cs on April 2012 par cipated in the
automo ve social event organized by Trajet
Family Club Indonesia and Palang Merah Indonesia. The blood dona on campaign was held
at Pasar Fes val, Kuningan and a ended by approximately 15 Indonesian automo ve clubs,
whereas they successfully collected 250 blood
bags. CKB Logis cs was among other companies that supported the event.
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CKB commits for be er future
According to Mallen Baker, a writer, speaker and strategic
advisor on CSR, said that a Corporate Social Responsibility
is how companies could manage the business processes to
produce an overall posi ve impact on the society; managing
it through the triple bo om three concepts, they are People
(a social responsibility), Profit (an economic responsibility)
and Planet (an environment responsibility).
The Eco-Program will be soon launched in Q3 year 2012,
whilst the 100 Bridges plan to be realized in Q1 year 2013,
assuming the kick-off of CKB’s CSR Program in the Q3 this year.
For some cases, only few of many companies could really
commi ed with their social ac vi es and making a CSR
becoming CRS, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability,
while other companies concentrated on their philanthropy
ac vi es, CKB Logis cs tried to find a new meaning of CSR
through its program namely Eco Program and 100 Bridges
Across Indonesia.
It is hoped that the program could bring posi ve impact for
local communi es in par cular, and Indonesia in general.
CKB Logis cs is honored to have your voluntary movement for
the program and welcomed you all for more informa on regarding the Eco-Program or the 100 Bridges.
So, interested to join us?
The Eco-Program objec ve is aiming to bring the environmental message to employees by incorpora ng the environmental prac ces into the daily lives in the office. The
program was divided into two ac vi es, namely Office Reduce & Recycle and Green Logis cs.
100 Bridges Across Indonesia; or in Bahasa called 100 Jembatan Untuk Indonesia is a corporate program that aimed to
integrate the corporate core business into the community,
which is the infrastructure, where bridges plays importance
role in the logis cs sector as it connec ng the people with
CKB’s business in overall process.
The Best Logis cs Solu ons for Your Business
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ABM visits CKB
ABM Investama, holding company of CKB Logis cs on
13 March 2012 visited CKB’s branches Balikpapan and
Samarinda in Kalimantan. The visit was part of ABM’s
agenda to synergies its vision since the company was
listed into public company in end Q4 year 2011 and in
accordance with CKB’s quarterly town hall mee ng.
CKB Logis cs warmly welcomed top management of
ABM Investama, in addi on the visit has given the
employees a new perspec ve on CKB Logis cs as part
of a public-listed company, that they were mo vated
to work be er with a strong commitment and
Photo Cap on :
> Taking picture in front of CKB Office in Balikpapan. As
seen Andi Djajanegara, President Director ABM (center)
together with CKB Management and employees
Par cipates in the 54
years of Kodam VI
In accordance with the 54th anniversary of Kodam VI
Mulawarman and 62th anniversary of Banjar District,
CKB Logis cs par cipated in a social ac vity held by local
official by cleaning-up the environment together with
other personnel from the local society, police and military on Friday morning, June 2012.
Representa ve of Banjar District Office praised CKB
involvement that day and thanked for the support given
by CKB Logis cs.
Photo Cap on :
> CKB personnel with local society, police and military
cleaning-up the gu er in front of CKB Banjarmasin
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CKB Logis cs holds
Kar ni’s Day
On 27 April 2012, located at its Super Hub Facility Cakung, CKB Logis cs
celebrated Kar ni’s Day by holding a Kar ni & Kartono’s contest and par cipated by all departments within CKB Logis cs located in Jakarta by sending
their best couple to the contest of Make-Up in Pairs.
There were 14 couples par cipa ng in the contest and rule of the game was
very simple, they were given seven minutes to dress and make up face and
hair of their partner. Evalua on was not only based on the make-up, but also
on the clothing they worn and how they act in the catwalk, but most importantly was to answer judges’ ques ons related with Kar ni and CKB Logis cs,
and the most wanted couples went to Tedy Supit and Magvira Yuliani from
Business Development Department as the first winner and followed by Ari
Hendriko Febianto and Parmelia Anggreswari from Sales Department.
Congratula ons!
CKB LDP Batch 2
As part of CKB Logis cs commitment on the
development of its human resources, this year
launched the 2nd Batch of Leadership Development Program (LDP). It is a comprehensive
program run by Learning & Development
Department of CKB Logis cs to prepare best
candidates to be placed in the corporate organiza ons structure through a comprehensive
curriculum, a combina on in-class training and
on-job training, including project assignment
before gradua on.
This year LDP comprised of six programs that
run simultaneously, they are: Officer Development Program (ODP) Batch 5, Graduate Trainee
Program (GTP) Warehouse Batch 2, Graduate
Trainee Program (GTP) Shore-Base Batch 1,
Officer Development Program (ODP) Internal
Batch 2 , Supervisor Development Program
(SDP) Batch 2, Middle Manager Development
Program (MMDP) Batch 2.
Held on April 2012 at TMT Building, Jakarta,
the opening ceremony of the 2nd Batch of LDP
went smoothly and marked by CKB President
Director, Roni Setyawan. The LDP is part of
company’s objec ves to produce a reliable
future leaders at all level and posi on.
Clockwise :
> Par cipants ready for the contest
> Make-up in Pairs
> A musical performance by the Logi’s Family Band
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> Roni Setyawan, CKB President Director receiving the annual
trophy, presented by Bari Hamami, TMT Group Director
ABM Fun Walk
A lively event for employees of ABM Investama was
held this year in month of June. It is a program that
aimed to synergies the whole ABM’s subsidiaries in a
team ac vity called Fun Walk.
Prior to the event, a series of sport compe on was
held, compe ng for the Annual ABM’s Trophy, from
Futsal, Billiard to Bowling whereas each of ABM’s
subsidiaries sent their best athletes to win the game.
> ABM Investama Management and Leaders of ABM’s subsidiaries
This year trophy went to CKB Logis cs with the highest winning scores in each of compe on. Congrats!
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CKB Futsal Compe
on 2012
Let’s enjoy the
On July 2012, CKB Jakarta held CKB Futsal Compe on at Sport Center Cilandak Town Square,
consis ng of 12 teams and compe ng for the
CKB Annual Trophy and other prizes. In addion to their unique names, such as the Voyage
Team or Pejantan Tangguh Team; they played
very well and emphasized on fairness game.
CKB Old School Team was placed as the first
winner, followed by A GO GO Team. Both, received medal and rewards from commi ee.
Congratula on and can’t wait to see who’s
gonna be the winner next year…
CKB’s 15th Anniversary:
What do they say about CKB?
Rina Tri Novianto
Commonwealth Indonesia
We’ve established a partnership with CKB Logis cs for almost two years. During that
me, CKB Logis cs always provide good services and did not disappoint us. We do hope
this can be maintained and enhanced for the future.
Congratula ons to CKB Logis cs on your 15th anniversary. We hope CKB Logis c become be er and improved in its services.
PT. Trakindo Utama Java Division
Being a CKB Logis cs’s partner is really helpful. We could improve our lead me in shipment and
reduce our shipping cost, thus our financial performance become more efficient.
CKB Logis cs really help us regarding heavy equipment movement and delivery lead me
improvement. This performance should be enhanced con nuously to ensure the
improvement of CKB’s support to our company.
We do hope that CKB Logis cs could grew more and provide excellent services to other
customers, so CKB could become more developed and advanced.
Congratula ons for the 15th anniversary, more advanced and successful!
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> I Putu Bawa, General Parts Manager Trakindo Utama
I Putu Bawa :
Doing the best at this moment puts you in the
best place for the next moment
Our encountered with Pak Putu that day has brought us
into a life learning experience. He is a hardworking and
dedicated person. “My mother passed away when I was 18
months old and my father passed away on August 1991.
My parent are not a rich family, they are only a farmer,
but they have a high commitment and fully support their
children to have a be er life,” said Putu.
Putu grew up in a decent family in Bali, he was challenged
to leave Bali and headed to Kalimantan in late 80s just to
earn some money and experiences, leaving his educa on
behind. He was an Agriculture student at Mahasaraswa
University, Denpasar. “I’m not coming from a rich family;
me, my brother and my sisters have to work for us to survive,” Putu said briefly.
Prior joining to Trakindo Utama in Kalimantan, he was
ac vely involved in youth society in his neighbourhood and
well-known for his handy-work and enthusiasm. He worked
in many places for the general electricity or contractor,
hotels and clothing industry. He was then established his
career in Trakindo Utama, star ng in year 1989 as operaon admin staff and gradually escalated to be the Parts
Opera on Sec on Head un l he was entrusted to be the
Branch Manager of Samarinda in 2006. He spent three
years at Balikpapan as Area Parts Manager, in 2010 was
assigned in Jakarta as Product Support Parts Manager Mining and in 2012 assigned as General Parts Manager
- POD of TrakindoUtama.
“Formal and informal educa on are very important in
building one’s character, I try to compete with the current
condi on by learning and reading many books,” said a
father of two children whom enjoy Asia and Western
culinary. So grateful that in Trakindo, he was given the
opportunity to learn and prac ce his skills to be of value
for the company.
In CKB’s 15 years anniversary this year, Putu praised CKB’s
services and commitment in giving best logis cs solu ons
to Trakindo, and hoped that CKB could con nually
exploring its capability for further excellence.
“Always do your best, so you can expect the best place for
the next moment and do not wait for miracle,” said Putu.
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Integrated Logis cs Solu ons
> Illustra on of Integrated Logis cs Solu ons
Indonesia is known for its archipelago and with significant mineral resources, especially in the oil and
gas resources. The condi on brought a challenge
as well as opportunity for logis cs provider such as
CKB Logis cs to meet the needs of logis cs services
that are required by the oil and gas companies; a
reliable partner to deliver best logis cs solu ons for
the upstream and downstream of oil and gas.
Since it was established in the 1997, CKB Logiscs focuses its posi on to be the leading logis cs
company in the energy related industry, thus CKB’s
commitment in safety and opera on excellence
has always been a priority and manifested through
the cer fica on of ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS
18001:2007 OSHAS.
Integrated Logis cs Services (ILS) provides customized end to
end logis cs transporta on in accordance with customer requirements, ranging from transporta on by land, sea and air,
scheduled truck rental services, customs clearance services,
and shipping services, including to remote areas that are difficult to be accessed by commercial transporta on.
Partnering with logis cs Services Company, such as CKB Logiscs would surely be of value for companies who are aiming for
effec ve and cost efficient logis cs requirements.
Call us now, or drop your email to for
further assistance.
The company con nually invested in its six service
por olios in order to provide best services for its clients and one of the investments were the building
of integrated warehouse hub located at Kalimantan
(Samarinda and Banjarmasin) and Jakarta (Cakung).
The warehouse hubs development is to support the
por olio of Integrated Logis cs Services (ILS).
connected - 19
Con nuous Development
“We cannot solve our problems with the
same level of thinking that created them”
Albert Enstein
by Betharia Simanjuntak
The skills needed by today’s and tomorrow’s employees
are broadening. We faces more complex problem every
day. Technology has change the world became ‘mobile’
world, not men oned demand of the market for new
product, efficient, unique, etc. These challenges urged
company to push their employees to move faster and
smarter. Par cular skills and con nuous development
are the answer.
New Employee orienta on designed to newly joined
Con nuous development could be seen from two perspec ves, both employer and employee who are engaged in con nuous development. The employee perspec ve reflects employees’ approaches to their own
learning and self-development. The employer perspecve reflects the mo va on of employer in promo ng
con nuous development opportuni es, thus through
engagement in courses, to their staff in order to improve
the organiza on’s effec veness.
Logis cs Academy designed as basic logis cs knowledge
for all employees
CKB Logis cs realizes that the source of compe ve advantage is an organiza on’s ability to learn, to promote
con nuous learning in its of employees, and to react
more quickly than its compe tors. Facilitated by Learning
& Development Department many trainings, workshops
and ac vi es are conducted to promote employee skills
and competencies. For example:
Leadership Development Program designed comprehensively to prepare CKB Logis cs future leader
Sales Academy designed to develop our sales team capabili es.
Other so skills and technical skills training
Moreover, CKB Logis cs also held 360 Degree Evalua on
for all leaders. The subordinate and co-worker are involved
as raters and give feedback to the leaders. The 360 Degree
report will help the leaders to iden fy areas in which they
need to develop - examining their strengths and weaknesses to develop the skills necessary for the future.
Con nuous development is the strength to build be er performance amongst the employees, as they would compete
in a posi ve ways through their working performance to
gain be er career and achievement from the company.
Almost every day we encountered new recruitment. They
are young, energe c and talented. Thus, we need to develop our competencies, skills, or capabili es con nuously.
20 - connected
Deny Parulian Nainggolan
QHSSE Manager BP
Effec ve Date : 1 January 2012
Erwin Hadiatmono
SUB & East Indonesia Opera ons Manager
Effec ve Date : 1 February 2012
R. Imam Santoso
Director CKB Logis cs
Effec ve Date : 5 January 2012
Opera on Manager Kal m BPN
Effec ve Date : 1 February 2012
Andria Wijaksono
Pricing Manager
Joined Date : 23 January 2012
Abrar Yaser
Deby Yan
Key Account Execu ve
Joined Date : 15 February 2012
Sales Execu ve Mining
Joined Date : 2 April 2012
Givon Haris
Judhi Kurniawan
Warehouse Manager
Joined Date : 27 February 2012
Key Account Execu ve
Joined Date : 2 April 2012
Dewi Karmilawa
Key Account Execu ve
Joined Date : 1 March 2012
Aris Sugiyanto
Project Manager
Effec ve Date : 10 May 2012
Congrats and welcome aboard!
connected - 21
Take a tour on the quiz, win
gi voucher @Rp200,000
How to win the gi voucher:
Send your answer to
no later than 28 September 2012 with your
name, tle, company, telephone
number and email.
Winner of quiz zone will be announced in the
6th Edi on of Connected and could
collect the gi voucher at nearest
CKB Logis cs branches.
To find CKB Logis cs branches see the
Network Directory on page 23.
Congrats, winners of Connected
Quiz Vol. IV/ 2012
Fikry Ramadhani, Opera ons - CKB Tanjung Adaro
Rahmita P. Tumulo, ConocoPhillips Indonesia - JKT
Rangga Zaki Zamzani, HESS-Q Department - ATR
Please collect the gi voucher at your nearest CKB Logis cs
Find 11 words with key words as follows : Environment Management, Renewable
Energy, Waste Management System, Waste Material
CKB Vacancy
Join and be part of our team! For more detail log on to
Business Improvement Engineer
Warehouse Supervisor
Business Solu ons Manager
Male/ Female, max 30 years old; Bachelor’s
Degree (S1) preferably from Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or equivalent; Experience in areas of material handling
equipment, produc vity improvement, work
methods and standards, financial analysis
Knowledge of Project management, ISO
9000 process and implementa on, Business
process re-engineering, Balance Scorecard;
Excellent so ware skills (MS Office suite,
Visio, Auto CAD); Point of Hire: Cilandak,
Jakarta Selatan
Male/ Female, max 35 years old; Bachelor’s
Degree (S1) in Engineering, Economics or
equivalent; 3 years of working experience
Familiar with the Safety requirements Warehouse or Project Shipments (Loading and
Unloading, Distribu on); Point of Hire: Cakung
- Jakarta, Banjarmasin & Samarinda
Male/ Female, max 38 years old; Bachelor’s
Degree (S1) preferably from Industrial Engineering or Economic; 5 years of working experience
in the related field; Having knowledge about
Logis cs/ Supply Chain Management, Feasibility
study; Point of Hire: Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan
Business Solu ons Analyst
Male/ Female, max 30 years old
Bachelor’s Degree (S1) preferably from
Industrial Engineering, Economic; 3 years of
working experience in the related field; Having knowledge about Logis cs/ Supply Chain
Management, Feasibility study; Point of Hire:
Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan
22 - connected
Warehouse Leader
Male, max 30 years old; Bachelor’s Degree
(S1) in Engineering, Economics or equivalent;
2 years of working experience; Familiar with
the Safety requirements Warehouse or Project
Shipments (Loading and Unloading, Distribuon); Point of Hire: Cakung-Jakarta
Project Opera on Leader
Male, max 30 years old; Bachelor’s Degree
(S1) in Engineering, Economics or equivalent;
2 years of working experience; Able to communicate in English; Point of Hire: Banjarmasin,
Balikpapan, Makassar, Palembang
Email to :
CKB Logis cs Network Directory
Head Office
Gedung TMT 1, 7th Floor, Suite 701
Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1, Jakarta 12560
Phone : (021) 2997 6777/ 6788
: (021) 2997 6797/ 6798
CKB Jakarta Super Hub
Jl Raya Cakung Cilincing Pal II Block A1,
Kelurahan Sukapura, Kecamatan Cilincing
Jakarta Utara 14140
Phone : ( 021 ) 2945 4545
: ( 021 ) 2945 4546/47/48
CKB TNS Warehouse
Komplek Pergudangan Soewarna Unit E.9
Soewarna Business Park
Soekarno Ha a Interna onal Airport
Jakarta 19110
Phone : (021) 5591 1405
: (021) 5591 1406
Sumatera Area Branches
CKB Batam
Jl. Yos Sudarso
Batu Ampar Riau 9432 - Batam
Phone : (0778) 413 049
: (0778) 413 124
CKB Banda Aceh
Jln. Soekarno - Ha a
Banda Aceh
CKB Duri
Jl. Hangtuah No. 98, Duri 28884
Phone : (0765) 7029678 / 7053412
CKB Jambi
Jl. Pangeran Hidayat KM 6
Kotabaru, Jambi 36128
Phone : (0741) 445156
: (0741) 445157
CKB Medan
Jl. Tanjung Morawa KM 9.2
Kp. Timbang Deli Medan, Sumatera Utara
Phone : (061) 786 5737
: (061) 7862941
CKB Palembang
Jl. Kol. Haji Barlian KM.8.5 RT 33 RW 11
Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
Phone : (0711) 421 717
: (0711) 42 1716
CKB Padang
Jl. S. Parman No. 242
Ulak Karang, Padang
Phone : (0751) 7051633
: (0751) 7052505
CKB Pekanbaru
Jl. Soekarno Ha a No. 36, Pekan Baru
Phone : (0761) 7891149 / 7891150
: (0761) 7893151
CKB Bengkulu
Jl. Pangerang Natadirdja Km. 7,5
PO. BOX 30, Bengkulu 38225
Kalimantan Area Branches
Java & East Indonesia Area Branches
CKB Balikpapan
JL. Mulawarman RT 53 No.24
Kel. Manggar, Kec. Balikpapan Timur
Kalimantan Timur 76116
Phone : (0542) 7587515
: (0542) 7587505 / 7587511
CKB Banjarmasin Hub
Jl. Jend. A. Yani KM. 13.7, Desa Gambut
Kecamatan Gambut, Kabupaten Banjar
Banjarmasin - Kalimantan Selatan
Phone : (0511) 422 1616
: (0511) 422 1615/1488
CKB Batu Kajang
Jl. Raya Propinsi Kuaro - Bayu Kajang
KM 141 RT 8 No. 180
Desa Batu Kajang Kecamatan Batu Sopang
Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur
Phone : (0543) 5230298
: (0543) 5230298
CKB Batu Licin
Jl.Raya Batulicin RT.13/23
Batulicin - Tanah Bumbu
Kalimantan Selatan
Phone : (0518) 70 874
: (0518) 70 874
CKB Pangkalan Bun
Jl. Malijo No. 15 Pangkalan Bun
Kalimantan Tengah
Phone : (0532) 28944
: (0532) 28944
CKB Pon anak
Jl. Adisucipto KM 4.2
Pon anak
Phone : (0561) 585056
: (0561) 585 057
CKB Tanjung
Jl. Mabuun Raya Tanjung Tabalong
Kalimantan Selatan
Phone : (0526) 2027474
: (0526) 2027474
CKB Tanjung Redep
Jl. Durian III RT VII
Tanjung Redep, Berau
Phone : (0554) 21456
: (0554) 2027013
CKB Tarakan
Jl. Mulawarman RT 13 No. 1
Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur
Phone : (0551) 5505 324
: (0551) 512 20
CKB Samarinda Hub
Jl. Cipto Mangunkusumo RT. 14
Harapan Baru, Samarinda Seberang
Phone : (0541) 7268777
CKB Sanga a
Tango Delta Komplek KPC Mine Site M1
Sanga a Baru, Kalimantan Timur
Phone : (0549) 21152
: (0549) 21548
CKB Satui
Jl. Propinsi KM.60 Sungai Cuka RT 01/01
Satui Tanah Bumbu
Phone : (0512) 272 6277
CKB Senakin
Senakin Site Plant
Desa Manggis - Kota Baru
Kalimantan Selatan
CKB Ambon
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi LATTA , Ambon
Phone : (0911) 3288011
: (0911) 347604
CKB Batu Hijau
Concentrator Area-Desa Tongo Kec.Jereweh
Sumbawa Barat, NTB
Phone : (0370) 636 318 Ext. 47796
: (0370) 636 318 Ext. 47414
CKB Denpasar
Pertokoan Teras Bali No.2
Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai
Kuta, Bali 80361
Phone : (0361) 76 4450 / 76 4451
: (0361) 76 4377
CKB Mataram
Jl. Kenari I No.1
Wisma Sweta Indah, Mataram NTB
Phone : (0370) 673311
: (0370) 673322
CKB Makassar
Jl. Racing Center No. 2, Makassar
Sulawesi Selatan
Phone : (0411) 424340 / 436573 / 436792
: (0411) 424341
CKB Manado
Jl. AA. Maramis No. 288
Phone : (0431) 816127
: (0431) 816157
CKB Surabaya
Kawasan Pergudangan Tungya Perkasa
Jl. Margomulyo No.41
Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60293
Phone : (031) 748 4434
: (031) 748 0043
CKB Sorong
Jl. Basuki Rachmat KM 8
Remu Utara, Sorong
Papua - Indonesia
Phone : (0951) 325 296
: (0951) 324 467
CKB Soroako
PO BOX 102, Sorowako 9000
Sulawesi Selatan
Phone : (021) 524 9272 ext 204
: (021) 524 9568
CKB Ternate
Jl. Ade Irma Suryani Nasu on No. 7
Ternate, Maluku Utara 97721
Phone : (0921) 3121720
: (0921) 3122893
CKB Timika
Jl. Kuala Tembaga Lot E. No.3
Kuala Kencana, Papua 99920
Phone : (0901) 438 100 Ext. 109/153
: (0901) 438 153 / 302166
CKB Jayapura
Jl. Raya Entrop Kelapa 2 PTC
Papua - Irian Jaya
Phone : (0967) 536606
: (0967) 521463
connected - 23
The Best Logis cs Solu ons for Your Business
PT Cipta Krida Bahari
Gedung TMT 1, 7th Floor Suite 701
Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1
Jakarta, Indonesia 12560
Phone : +62 21 2997 6777
: +62 21 2997 6797
Email :
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