Ring complexes in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Mexico and the
Ring complexes in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Mexico and the
Lithos 61 (2002) 187 – 208 www.elsevier.com/locate/lithos Ring complexes in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Mexico and the USA: magma plumbing systems in the middle and upper crust S.E. Johnson a,*, K.L. Schmidt b, M.C. Tate c b a Department of Geological Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5790, USA Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740, USA c Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia Received 15 November 2000; accepted 18 December 2001 Abstract Subvolcanic ring complexes are unusual in that they preserve a rapidly frozen record of intrusive events. This sequential history is generally lost or complicated in plutons owing to mixing and mingling in a dynamic state. Thus, subvolcanic ring complexes are more like erupted rocks in their preservation of instantaneous events, but the self-contained nature of the complexes allows detailed structural and chemical work to be conducted in environments where the relative timing between individual magmatic events is commonly well preserved. We suggest that development of subvolcanic ring complexes in the western Peninsular Ranges Batholith (PRB) involved the following three-stage generalized sequence: (1) fracturing of the roof above a buoyant or overpressured magma chamber, which resulted in moderately inward-dipping conical fractures that locally hosted cone sheets; (2) subsequent loss of magma from the chamber, combined with degassing of the melt, which facilitated collapse of the roof along near-vertical ring faults that locally hosted ring dikes; and (3) resurgence of the chamber, and/or intrusion of a broadly cogenetic nested pluton, which locally destroyed evidence for the earlier history of the system. This sequence has been repeated twice in one of the ring complexes that we have identified, which resulted in nested intrusive centers. Calderas, subvolcanic ring complexes and plutons may represent progressively deeper sections through linked magma plumbing systems, and the systematic occurrences of these features in the western PRB are consistent with progressively deeper along-strike exposures of the batholith from south to north over a distance greater than 250 km. In addition to subvolcanic complexes in the western PRB, deeper crustal levels exposed in the transition zone between eastern and western parts of the batholith preserve ring complexes emplaced at depths of up to 18 km. Occurrence of these deeper-level complexes suggests either that caldera subsidence can extend to mid-crustal levels or that other processes can produce ring complexes. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cone sheet; Magmatism; Peninsular Ranges; Pluton emplacement; Ring complex 1. Introduction * Corresponding author. E-mail address: johnsons@maine.edu (S.E. Johnson). The temporal and spatial evolution of magma plumbing systems remains one of the outstanding problems in our search for a better understanding of 0024-4937/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 4 - 4 9 3 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 7 9 - 8 188 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 how continents grow and evolve. However, magma chambers are extremely dynamic physical and chemical systems, and multiple processes such as mixing, mingling, convection and recharge can lead to considerable complexity in the resulting pluton. In contrast, and much like eruptive sequences, subvolcanic ring complexes preserve instantaneous magmatic events. They contain a wide variety of intrusive phases including cone sheets, ring dikes and massive central intrusions, and are potentially a rich source of information about the evolution of caldera/volcano root zones and the tops of upper-crustal magma chambers. The detailed intrusive relationships in these complexes, and the intimate timing relationships between the various intrusions and deformational structures, are preserved in part due to rapid quenching of some units, and in part due to the sequential series of intrusions that produce a magmatic stratigraphy. Thus, these complexes provide an unusual opportunity to evaluate the evolution of subvolcanic magmatic systems and upper-crustal magma-transfer zones in general. In this paper, we describe some of the ring complexes that occur in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith (PRB) of Baja California Norte, México, and southern California, USA (Fig. 1), and discuss their roles in middle- and upper-crustal magma plumbing systems. Although numerous ring-dike complexes occur in North America (e.g., Billings, 1943, 1945; Lipman, 1984; Clemens-Knott and Saleeby, 1999), the Baja California ring complexes are relatively unusual in that some are multiple-center, subvolcanic, conesheet-bearing complexes. In addition to these subvolcanic complexes, there are also younger ring complexes within 20 km to the east that formed f 10– 15 Ma later, f 10 km deeper in the crust, and during a different stage in the tectonic history of the batholith. Thus, both subvolcanic and mid-crustal ring complexes are preserved at the current exposure level. Our work to date has shown that some of the Baja California ring complexes are surrounded by ductile deformation aureoles that record substantial emplacement-related bulk shortening (Johnson et al., 1999a), Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Sierra San Pedro Martir block of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith (PRB). Intrusive bodies discussed in this paper are, from north to south: PVRC = Paloma Valley Ring Complex; RRD = Ramona ‘‘ring-dike’’; EP = El Pinal tonalite; CIC = Cerro de Costilla Intrusive Complex; BIC = Burro Intrusive Complex; ZIC = Zarza Intrusive Complex; RIC = Rinconada Intrusive Complex. Map and data assembled from Gastil et al. (1975, 1990, 1991), Gromet and Silver (1987), Johnson et al. (1999b), Silver et al. (1979), and Taylor and Silver (1978). S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 which makes them unusual in comparison to many previously described ring complexes (e.g., those in the British Tertiary Intrusive Province and New England Appalachians). The subvolcanic complexes provide insights into what are currently poorly understood mechanisms by which magma is transported from upper-crustal magma reservoirs to the surface, and the deformation processes that help to facilitate this magma transfer. In addition, the presence of ring complexes that formed at mid-crustal depths in the PRB underscore the possibility that: (a) volcanoplutonic subsidence systems can extend deep into the crust; or (b) some ring complexes may not form in association with volcanism, which leaves open the question of what other mechanisms may be responsible for their formation, and what role they play in magma plumbing systems. 2. Definitions and background Subvolcanic ring complexes have historically been viewed as integral parts of ‘‘volcano-plutonic subsidence systems’’, which is a general term encompassing the complete set of geological features found between, and including, a high-level caldera and its underlying magma chamber (definition after Shannon, 1988). More specifically, subvolcanic ring complexes have been interpreted as frozen magma pathways between upper-crustal magma chambers and surface calderas (e.g., Williams, 1941; Richey, 1948; Turner, 1963; Smith and Bailey, 1968; Oftedahl, 1978; Dodge, 1979; Lipman, 1984). The best-known ring complexes occur in the Tertiary plutonic districts of the British Isles, which include spectacular examples of multiplyintrusive, nested complexes (e.g., Richey, 1932, 1948; Walker, 1975). Other examples include those in the Younger Granite complexes of northern Nigeria (e.g., Jacobson et al., 1958; Turner, 1963; Bowden and Turner, 1985), the Peruvian Coastal Batholith (e.g., Cobbing and Spencer, 1972; Myers, 1975; Bussell et al., 1976), the Oslo region of Norway (e.g., Oftedahl, 1953, 1978), the White Mountains and Winnipesaukee batholiths in New Hampshire, USA (Billings, 1943, 1945), the Mediterranean island of Corsica (Bonin, 1986), the Georgetown Inlier of Queensland, Australia (Branch, 1966), and the western PRB in Baja California, México (Gastil et al., 1975; Gromet and Silver, 189 1977; Gastil, 1990; Delgado-Argote et al., 1995; Johnson et al., 1999a,b; Tate et al., 1999; this paper). Since the first documentation of a ring dike in relation to a collapsed cauldron at Glen Coe (Clough et al., 1909; the term ‘‘ring-dyke’’ was apparently first used by Bailey, 1914), nomenclature used to describe magmatic ring structures has become complex, with several terms being used loosely or interchangeably. Examples of these terms include ‘‘caldera’’, ‘‘cauldron’’, ‘‘ring structure’’, ‘‘ring complex’’, ‘‘ring zone’’, ‘‘ring dike’’, ‘‘ring-dike complex’’ and ‘‘cone sheet’’. Here we define some of the terms used in this paper, retaining as much consistency with historical usages as possible. A ‘‘caldera’’ is a large volcanic depression that is more or less circular, has a diameter many times that of included vents, and forms by roof collapse into an underlying magma chamber (Lipman, 2000). ‘‘Ring complex’’ is a general term used to describe an intrusive complex that contains cone sheets and/or ring dikes, although the term can be used loosely to describe any intrusive complex with circular, oval, polygonal or arcuate intrusions in plan view. A ‘‘cone sheet’’ is a discordant intrusion that can be circular, oval, polygonal or arcuate in plan and has gently to steeply inward-dipping contacts (Harker, 1904 was apparently the first to document cone sheets, but the term was apparently first used by Bailey et al., 1924). Sheet thicknesses are variable, but seldom reach more than a few tens of meters. Rock-types can be mafic, intermediate or felsic (less common), and commonly show quench textures. A ‘‘ring dike’’ is a discordant intrusion that can be circular, oval, polygonal or arcuate in plan and has near-vertical to steeply outward-dipping contacts. Dike thicknesses are variable, but can reach up to several kilometers. Rock-types are generally felsic and do not typically show quench textures. Implicit in the published use of some of the above terms is the notion that they describe different structural levels in volcano-plutonic subsidence systems; plutons lie below ring complexes, which lie below calderas (e.g., Richey, 1932, 1948; Williams, 1941; Billings, 1945; Reynolds, 1956; Jacobson et al., 1958; Smith and Bailey, 1968; Cobbing and Spencer, 1972; Bussell et al., 1976; Oftedahl, 1978; Bonin, 1986, 1996). Thus, the term ‘‘ring complex’’ is commonly reserved for relatively deeply eroded subsidence systems, even though cone sheets can be found relatively high in volcanic edifaces (e.g., Schirnick et al., 1999). 190 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 Such an inferred relationship between map pattern and position in the subsidence system may not be universally applicable. Overlaps or transitions between the different levels may occur (Lipman, 1984), and some workers have inferred that ‘‘underground cauldron subsidence’’ and associated ring-dike formation can take place without surface volcanism (e.g., Richey, 1932; Billings, 1943; Myers, 1975). Nevertheless, many studies are consistent with the general relationships between map pattern and position in the subsidence system that are illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows a small number of possible intrusive histories and geometries. Fig. 2 illustrates that there need be no strict correspondence between map pattern and absolute crustal depth. For example, maps 4, 5, 6 and 9 all come from approximately the same depth, but show very different map patterns. Thus, the different features of volcano-plutonic subsidence systems may lie above or below one another in a predictable sequence in individual systems, but the absolute crustal depth at which they occur is dependent on the specific intrusive history of each system. 3. Geologic setting The Jura-Cretaceous PRB is one of the great batholiths of western North America. It extends some 1600 km from southern California, USA, to the tip of Baja California, México (Fig. 1), and is recognized as the plutonic roots of what was once a vast Andean-type arc system (Lipman, 1992). In northern Baja California alone, the batholith contains more than 400 discrete plutons of mainly tonalitic and granodioritic composition (Gastil et al., 1975), although gabbro comprises f 20% of the western PRB. Unlike the Sierra Nevada Batholith to the north, much of the metasedimentary and metavolcanogenic host rocks to the PRB are 191 preserved between plutons, similar to isolated plutons of the White –Inyo Ranges of eastern California (e.g., Bateman, 1992). The batholith is divisible into distinct western and eastern belts on the basis of geological, petrological, geophysical, geochemical and isotopic characteristics (Fig. 1, Todd and Shaw, 1985; Silver and Chappell, 1988; Todd et al., 1988; Gastil et al., 1990; Walawender et al., 1991; Magistrale and Sanders, 1995; Johnson et al., 1999b; Lewis et al., 2000, 2001). A transition zone occurs between the two belts and is defined by gradients or sharp breaks in these parameters; the width of this zone depends on the parameter being considered, and varies from sharp ( f 100 m) to perhaps 20 km. In northern Baja California, in the area shown in Fig. 1, the western PRB intruded Mesozoic volcanic-arc and basinal volcano-sedimentary assemblages that, combined, comprise the Alisitos arc. In contrast, the eastern part intruded Triassic to Cretaceous flysch and Proterozoic to Paleozoic passivemargin sedimentary rocks. The transition zone between these belts comprises flysch assemblage rocks and is a zone into which contractional deformation was focused during the development of much of the batholith. The origin of these west-to-east contrasts in the PRB has been attributed to a number of tectonic histories. Most previous workers considered the boundary between western and eastern belts in the PRB to be a suture between the North American craton and a fringing arc, which were previously separated by a back-arc basin (Gastil et al., 1978, 1981; Rangin, 1978; Phillips, 1993; Busby et al., 1998) or a basin of unspecified origin (Todd et al., 1988; Griffith and Hoobs, 1993). Alternatively, Walawender et al. (1991) and Thomson and Girty (1994) suggested that the batholith may have formed in situ across a pre-Triassic boundary between oceanic and continental crust. More recently, Johnson et al. (1999b) described a major Fig. 2. Set of diagrams illustrating a small number of possible intrusive histories in a volcano-plutonic subsidence system, and various map patterns that might be observed. The intrusive history starts with the diagram at the top center (A), which shows a set of conical fractures above a rising magma chamber. These fractures are stylized, and if present may be occupied by cone sheets. Diagrams B – D show different subsurface geometries and features that may develop during collapse along ring-faults to form a caldera, which is filled with syn-collapse volcanics. The ring-faults may host ring-dikes, although this is not necessary. Diagram D evolves to either E, F or G, which show resurgence, new cone-sheet development and a nested intrusion, respectively. Diagram F evolves to H, which shows a multiple-center ring complex with a central intrusion. Map patterns 1 – 9 were chosen as representative of what has been described in the literature and in this paper: 1 = caldera, 2 = cauldron, 3 = ring complex, 4 = ring complex with central intrusion, 5 = multiple-center ring complex with central intrusion, 6 = roots of a ring dike in a pluton, 7 = ring complex intruded by cogenetic intrusion, 8 = nested plutons, 9 = pluton cored by collapsed roof rocks, which may include earlier gabbro. The arcuate lines in maps 2 – 5 and 7 represent conical fractures that, if present, may host cone sheets. 192 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 ductile thrust (Main Mártir thrust) that they interpreted as part of a broader suture zone that formed at f 115 – 108 Ma between the eastern and western PRB. They suggested that the Alisitos arc originated as an island arc that collided with North America. The occurrence of ring complexes in different parts of the PRB provides an opportunity to compare and contrast complexes that formed at different times, different crustal levels and in different tectonic settings. 4. Ring complexes in the PRB 4.1. Introduction Below, we describe four ring complexes that we have mapped, namely the Zarza, Burro, Cerro de Costilla and Rinconada intrusive complexes. We also discuss three bodies described by Gastil (1990); the El Pinal tonalite, San Telmo pluton and Ramona ring dike. Finally, we discuss the Paloma Valley ring complex described by Morton and Baird (1976). The four ring complexes we have mapped can be divided into two distinct types formed at different times and crustal levels. One type (e.g., Zarza and Burro complexes) occurs in the Alisitos (western) arc, and formed f 113 to 117 Ma, prior to, and possibly during, juxtaposition of the Alisitos arc with the North American continental margin. These complexes are relatively small ( < 10 km2), and formed at depths of < 9 km (Al-in-hornblende barometry, see below; Johnson et al., 1999a; Tate et al., 1999; Tate and Johnson, 2000). The other type (Rinconada and Cerro de Costilla complexes) occurs in the strongly deformed transition zone between the western and eastern parts of the batholith, and formed in thickened crust at f 100 to 103 Ma, following arc collision. These complexes are relatively large ( >40 km2). The Rinconada complex formed at f 18 km depth (Al-in-hornblende barometry, see below), and although the Cerro de Costilla complex occurs in a similar structural position in the batholith, we currently have no reliable constraints on its emplacement depth. Thus, the PRB provides an opportunity to examine ring complexes formed at different crustal levels; upper-crustal complexes are preserved in the western zone of the PRB, whereas younger, mid-crustal complexes occur farther east in the PRB transition zone. 4.2. Western complexes 4.2.1. Zarza intrusive complex The f 115 Ma, 7 km2 Zarza complex (Johnson et al., 1999a; Tate et al., 1999) contains three nested intrusive centers, was emplaced at f 5- to 9-km depth (2.6 F 0.6 kbar, Al-in-hornblende barometry, Johnson et al., 1999a), and is elongate approximately parallel to the northwest–southeast regional structural trends in the batholith (Fig. 3a). The northern and central intrusive centers contain inward-dipping cone sheets overprinted by subvertical shear zones that we interpret as ductile equivalents of ring faults. Approximately 90% of the intrusive rocks in the complex are mafic to intermediate, including the basaltic andesite to andesite cone sheets. The remaining 10% is tonalite and trondhjemite that occurs in the southern center. The three centers intruded sequentially beginning with the northern center (map units G1, G2 and northern cone sheets, Fig. 3a). The central center (map units G3 and central cone sheets, Fig. 3a) intruded the solidified northern one, as illustrated by the sharp truncations of units G1, G2 and the northern cone sheets. Finally, the southern center (map units G4 and tonalite/trondhjemite, Fig. 3a) intruded the central one after it was solid, as shown by the sharp truncation of unit G3 and the central cone sheets. The northern and central centers had similar intrusive histories beginning with (1) concentric cone sheets followed by (2) central gabbros and ending with (3) the development of ductile shear zones near the outer margins of the centers. Magmatic foliations in the cone sheets and gabbros are concentric and dip moderately to steeply inward (Fig. 3b). In contrast, the ductile shear zones are approximately vertical, and shear-sense indicators consistently show that the centers moved down relative to the surrounding country rocks, which suggests that they are ductile equivalents of ring faults that accommodated collapse of the centers (Johnson et al., 1999a). In many documented ring-dike complexes, ring dikes are preceded by the development of ring faults and fractures, and we suggest that the ductile shear zones in the Zarza complex represent the early stages of ring-dike formation at intermediate to deep levels in a volcanoplutonic subsidence system. The southern center had a simpler history, with intrusion of unit G4 and the tonalite/trondhjemite. S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 The Zarza complex is surrounded by a f 300-mwide ductile strain aureole with bulk shortening of 38% perpendicular to its margins (Johnson et al., 1999a). 193 Shortening perpendicular to the margin of the complex ranges from 71% near the contact to 18% at the outer margin of the aureole. Bedding is inward-dipping and Fig. 3. (a) Geological map of the Zarza Intrusive Complex. Units labeled northern and central cone sheets are composed of cone sheets with intervening, hornfelsic, metavolcanogenic wall-rock screens. (b) Structural map of the complex, showing trend lines for structural fabrics and outlines of geological units. (c) Block-diagram section through the complex along the line shown in (a). 194 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 Fig. 3 (continued). S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 195 Fig. 3 (continued). inward-younging (relatively rare cross-bedded volcanogenic sandstones) around the entire complex, which is bounded on its western, northern and eastern sides by anticlines (Fig. 3b). Excellent preservation of the intrusive history allowed Johnson et al. (1999a) to evaluate the origin of the puzzling deformation aureole, which they concluded could not have formed solely by diapirism or lateral expansion during emplacement of the intrusive rocks, or by regional deformation. Instead, they favored models that require downward displacement of the complex, possibly at various stages in its history in association with collapse along the ductile shear zones. Thus, vertical material transfer processes dominated the intrusive and emplacement history. 4.2.2. Burro intrusive complex The f 114 Ma, 4.5 km2 Burro complex lies 5 km west –northwest of the Zarza complex, and is elongate approximately parallel to the northwest– southeast regional structural trends in the PRB (Fig. 4). Unlike the more mafic Zarza complex, approximately 54% of the Burro complex is composed of tonalite, of which there are two texturally distinct types. Geological and structural evidence suggest only one intrusive center, but relatively late intrusion of gabbro and tonalite has apparently destroyed much of the original complex, lea- ving only a small remnant of an outer zone (cf. Fig. 2, map 7) that bears a close resemblance to the Zarza cone sheets and intervening volcanogenic screens. Alternatively, the complex may have developed asymmetrically. This remnant outer zone includes hornfelsed country rock that was intruded by a network of narrow, centimeter-scale, locally quenched, cross-cutting sheets that attain widths of 50 cm or more. Where they can be measured, the country rocks and individual sheets all dip moderately to steeply inward, supporting a conesheet interpretation. Narrow, steeply dipping ductile shear zones like those found in the Zarza complex occur at several localities in this outer zone, and shearsense indicators always show that the complex moved down relative to the surrounding country rocks. On the basis of our work in the Zarza, we suggest that the Burro complex had a similar history that involved the emplacement of cone sheets, followed by intrusion of the gabbro and tonalite units with associated collapse of the complex along ductile shear zones. 4.3. Transition-zone complexes 4.3.1. Rinconada intrusive complex The f 101 Ma, 40 km2 Rinconada complex occurs approximately 50 km southeast of the Zarza complex, 196 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 Fig. 4. Simplified geological map and cross section of the Burro Intrusive Complex. Structural symbols are defined in Fig. 3b. immediately east of the Main Martir thrust that juxtaposes western and transitional belts in the PRB (Fig. 5). The complex is lithologically heterogeneous at the meter-scale and largely consists of hornblende gabbro and anorthositic gabbro with minor mafic tonalite. The northwest and southeast sides of the complex are partially ringed by arcuate, elongate hornblende tonalite bodies, and smaller ones occur on the southwestern side (Fig. 5). All these tonalite bodies dip inward, towards the center of the complex. Tonalite at the ends of these partial rings commonly shows intrusive and mingling relations with gabbro and anorthositic gabbro. A particularly intriguing feature of the Rinconada complex is the occurrence of multiple wall-rock screens within several km of the southern margins of the complex (Fig. 5). These hornfelsic metavolcanic and metasedimentary screens rarely exceed a meter in width and extend up to 100 m in length. The screens also dip moderately to steeply inward, and occur in both gabbro and tonalite within the complex. The relatively fine scale (tens of meters) at which these screens occur suggests that much of the outer complex was constructed by emplacement of multiple, inwarddipping, arcuate magmatic sheets. However, contacts between individual sheets are cryptic at this scale. The inward-dipping tonalite sheets could be called cone sheets on the basis of their geometry. However, the term ‘‘cone sheet’’ has never been used to describe sheets occurring at such deep crustal levels, and all explanations for their formation have been related to upper-crustal processes such as upward extension of rocks above a subvolcanic magma chamber (e.g., Anderson, 1936; Phillips, 1974; Walker, 1975; Schirnick et al., 1999). Given the depth at which they were emplaced, we hesitate to refer to these sheets as ‘‘cone sheets’’. This hesitation reflects our uncertainty about how they formed, and what significance they may have for mid-crustal magma plumbing systems. Neverthe- S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 Fig. 5. Geological map of the Rinconada Complex. Structural symbols are defined in Fig. 3b. 197 198 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 less, we still consider the Rinconada complex to be a ring complex in the loose sense of the term (as defined above). The original geometry of the Rinconada complex has been modified by syn- to post-intrusive deformation. The complex intruded a f 6-km-thick mylonitic thrust sheet that forms the western flank of a midcrustal, doubly vergent fan structure preserved across the Sierra San Pedro Martir. The northwest and southeast tonalite shells in the complex yielded Al-inhornblende pressures of 5.4 and 5.8 kbar, respectively (C. Kopf, unpublished data, summarized in Schmidt, 2000), with approximate errors of F 1 kbar. These pressure estimates are consistent with mineral equilibrium studies in metamorphic wall rocks along the southeast and southern parts of the complex (Kopf and Whitney, 1999; Schmidt, 2000). Thrusting continued in wall rocks around the Rinconada complex following its emplacement. The eastern margin of the complex has been overthrust by its wall rocks on steeply- to gently-dipping shear zones, and more than 10 km of east-side-up throw is apparent across a narrow reverse shear zone along the western side of the complex (Fig. 5; Schmidt, 2000). The degree to which deformation developed within the complex is strongly dependent on rock type. Tonalite and much of the hornblende gabbro near its margins show penetrative solid-state fabrics that closely parallel mylonitic fabrics in the wall rocks. Anorthositic gabbro within the complex largely preserves magmatic foliations that show a weak tendency to dip inward. Near the sides of the pluton this gabbro is deformed by mylonitic reverse faults. 4.3.2. Cerro de Costilla intrusive complex We have mapped the southern third of the Cerro de Costilla complex (Fig. 6), but the northern two-thirds are known only in reconnaissance. Below, we briefly Fig. 6. Reconnaissance geological map of the Cerro de Costilla Intrusive Complex. Structural symbols are defined in Fig. 3b. S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 summarize our current knowledge. The f 103 Ma, 80 km2 complex lies approximately 20 km northeast of the Zarza complex, in a very similar structural setting to the Rinconada complex, just east of the Main Martir thrust. The complex contains a concentrically foliated, apparently complete, outer ring of tonalite. This outer ring surrounds a core composed largely of coarse-grained gabbro with a tonalite shell that may (from air photo examination) form a second, inner ring. Between the outer ring and inner core is a complex zone composed of strongly hornfelsed, deformed and partially melted metasedimentary and metaigneous rocks. In addition, there is a zone of variable width along the southern margin of the complex that is composed of mixed and mingled gabbro, diorite and tonalite. Unlike the Rinconada complex 60 km to the south, the original geometry of the Cerro de Costilla complex has not obviously been modified by syn- to postintrusive deformation. The emplacement depth of the complex is presently unknown; metamorphic wallrock assemblages between the outer ring and inner core record f 5-kbar pressures (C. Kopf, unpublished data), but we are uncertain as to whether these conditions reflect those at the time of emplacement. If the complex was emplaced at pressures of f 5 kbar, then the complex and host rocks must have been uplifted on a shear zone that would have to occur structurally below the Main Martir thrust because this thrust is cut by the outer tonalite of the complex (Fig. 6). Given the similarity of its age and structural position to the Rinconada complex, it is tempting to suggest that the Cerro de Costilla may have crystallized at pressures of 5 – 5.5 kbar, but further work is needed before we can reach a conclusion. The steeply dipping outer tonalite ring could be called a ring dike on the basis of its geometry. However, owing to the possibility of a mid-crustal emplacement depth, we are reticent to use the term for the same reasons that we preferred not to use the term ‘‘cone sheet’’ to describe the inward-dipping sheets in the Rinconada complex. We still consider the Cerro de Costilla complex to be a ring complex, but as with the Rinconada complex, we are uncertain about what controlled the geometry of the intrusions, and what significance they may have for mid- or upper-crustal magma plumbing systems. These intrusions may be part of a volcano-plutonic subsidence system, but 199 more work is required before we can reach such a conclusion. In particular, if the outer tonalite is a ring dike associated with caldera collapse, kinematic indicators on both sides of the tonalite should show that the inner part of the complex dropped down, as with the Zarza complex. The Cerro de Costilla complex has a ductile strain aureole around the outer tonalite ring; various kinematic indicators have been observed, but detailed mapping is required to determine their distribution and sense of displacement. 4.4. Other ring-like intrusions in the PRB 4.4.1. El Pinal tonalite The 190 km2 El Pinal tonalite (Fig. 7) is located 35 km south of the international border, and contains three plutonic units that can be distinguished on the basis of texture and structure (Duffield, 1968). The core zone lacks a magmatic foliation, but elongate enclaves consistently define a concentric fabric that shallows towards the center of the body and defines a basinal shape (Fig. 7). In contrast, the vertical zone composed of granodiorite, and the contact zones within the pluton’s outer margins, contain a well-developed magmatic foliation defined by alignment of plagioclase, biotite and hornblende crystals. The vertical zone also contains a well-developed, down-dip lineation, which is only locally present in the contact zone (Duffield, 1968). Modal mineralogy indicates that the contactzone tonalite is slightly more quartzo-feldspathic than the core-zone tonalite. Duffield (1968) suggested that the granodiorite ring represents the roots of a ring dike (Figs. 2 (map 6) and 7). Although this remains a possibility, other interpretations are possible. 4.4.2. San Telmo pluton The 100 km2 San Telmo pluton (Fig. 1) appears as a reversely zoned pluton on the reconnaissance geological maps of Gastil et al. (1975), and Gastil (1990) referred to it as a zoned pluton with a plagiogranite rim and gabbro core. Gromet and Silver (1977) instead referred to this body as a ring complex and stated that the core contains prebatholithic volcanic rocks, and gabbro that is older than, and intruded by, more-felsic ring-shaped units. Similarly, on the basis of field relations and 40Ar/39Ar ages, Delgado-Argote et al. (1995) concluded that the core contains volcanic rocks, gabbro, and diorite that predate surrounding 200 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 Fig. 7. Geological map and cross section of the El Pinal tonalite, modified after Duffield (1968). Structural symbols are defined in Fig. 3b. monzodiorite, granodiorite and granite. They reached a similar conclusion to Gromet and Silver (1977), interpreting the pluton as a subcaldera magma chamber. On the basis of the above studies, it appears that the San Telmo pluton may have formed as part of a volcano-plutonic subsidence system. 4.4.3. Ramona ring dike The 50 km2 Ramona ‘‘ring dike’’ (Mirriam, 1941), located in San Diego County, USA, is a mediumgrained tonalite of uniform texture and composition, and is part of an intrusive complex that contains three contemporaneous tonalite units and a gabbro (Fig. 8a). Mirriam (1941) suggested that the Lakeview tonalite intruded as a ring dike around a subsiding boss of Green Valley tonalite (Fig. 8b). However, the geologic relationships also support an intrusive history in which the Green Valley tonalite intruded the Lakeview tonalite as a nested diapir (Figs. 2 (map 8) and 8c). Mirriam (1941) largely discounted this possibility on the basis that it would require large horizontal displacements, which should have concentrically foliated the Bonsall tonalite at its contact. However, if the Lakeview tonalite contained a moderate percentage of melt when the Green Valley tonalite was emplaced, material transfer could have been mainly vertical, as shown in Fig. 8c S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 201 Fig. 8. (a) Simplified geological map of the Ramona ‘‘ring-dike’’ and surrounding geology, modified after Mirriam (1941). Although no structural data are presented, Mirriam’s (1941) block diagram (b) shows the three-dimensional geometry. (b) Development of the Ramona ‘‘ringdike’’, as proposed by Mirriam (1941). The central plug of Green Valley tonalite subsides, allowing intrusion of the ring-shaped Lakeview tonalite around it. (c) Alternative intrusive history in which the Lakeview tonalite is emplaced first, and while still a crystal mush it is intruded by the Green Valley tonalite, which is accommodated by downward flow of the Lakeview tonalite. 202 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 (e.g., Paterson and Vernon, 1995). This intrusive history is consistent with the strong magmatic foliation in the Lakeview tonalite, and concentric foliation in the older basement rocks. The relative emplacement timing of the different tonalites is uncertain, and so the lack of margin-parallel foliation in the Bonsall tonalite may indicate that it postdated the Green Valley and Lakeview tonalites. More detailed work may be required before this body can be viewed as a ring dike. 4.4.4. Paloma Valley ring complex The f 75 km2 Paloma Valley ring complex, located in Riverside County, USA, was interpreted by Morton and Baird (1976) as containing an older, single ring dike locally greater than 3 km wide, and a younger set of arcuate ring dikes up to several meters wide that occur mainly inside the area bounded by the older ring dike (Fig. 9). The older dike is composed largely of quartz monzonite and granodiorite, has near-vertical contacts and intruded gabbro and minor metasedimentary rocks. The younger ring dikes, of which there are more than 200, are granitic pegmatites with dips varying progressively from flat-lying in the center of the complex to 50– 70j outward near the inner margin of the older ring dike (Fig. 9). Morton and Baird (1976) suggested that the older ring dike intruded the gabbroic and metasedimentary wall rocks along ring fractures. After emplacement of the older dike, the younger, inner dikes were emplaced in domal fracture sets formed by a rapidly Fig. 9. Geological map and cross-section of the Paloma Valley ring complex, modified after Morton and Baird (1976). S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 changing stress field that they related to cauldron subsidence. 5. Discussion We have described four ring complexes that occur at two distinct crustal levels across the PRB, and have reviewed several other plutons or intrusive complexes that have been related to volcano-plutonic subsidence systems by other workers. The four complexes we have mapped formed during two distinct time periods (113 – 117 and 100– 104 Ma), and in locations within the batholith that experienced very different tectonic and deformation histories. The two older ring complexes formed in the western zone of the PRB, as part of an island arc (the Alisitos arc) that collided with the North American margin f 110 Ma. In contrast, the two younger ring complexes we have described occur in the highly deformed transition zone between the eastern and western parts of the batholith. At least one of these two complexes was emplaced at relatively deep crustal levels following the collision between the Alisitos arc and North America, and was exhumed during continued thrusting in the transition zone. The formation of these four complexes at different depths and at different stages in the tectonic evolution of the composite arc allows us to speculate about magma plumbing at various crustal levels. 5.1. Subvolcanic levels in the Alisitos arc The intrusion/collapse cycles we have documented in the Zarza complex provide compelling evidence for how pulses of magma escape from some high-level chambers, and how pathways towards the surface are created. On the basis of our work, we propose a threestage generalized model for the evolution of volcanoplutonic subsidence systems that can be repeated in an individual complex. (1) An initial magma chamber is formed, which was mafic to intermediate in the Zarza example (Tate et al., 1999), but may vary in composition. The magma chamber becomes overpressured, and at some stage exerts enough upward force to fracture and disrupt the overlying crust. These fractures fill with magma that rapidly freezes to form cone sheets. We do not know how vertically extensive these sheets 203 were in the Zarza example, or whether they provided pathways for magma transport to the surface. Processes that may cause fracturing and cone-sheet emplacement could include one or all of the following: (a) positive magma buoyancy relative to surrounding country rocks; (b) volatile overpressure in the magma chamber; or (c) large magmastatic stress in the magma chamber owing to connectivity (e.g., through dikes) with a positively buoyant magma source at depth. (2) Disruption of the overlying crust during conesheet emplacement relaxes an important energy barrier to voluminous magma transport from the chamber. The resulting network of fractures and sheet contacts provides a vast array of potential magma pathways (e.g., Walker, 1986) through which the massive central intrusions later stope to form central conduits that may supply volcanic eruptions at the surface. Subsequent loss of magma from the chamber, combined with degassing of the melt, reduces magma pressure and facilitates collapse of the roof, commonly along near-vertical ring faults. These faults evolve with increasing depth into brittle/ductile kinematic zones that locally vary in width and amount of displacement, and provide conduits for the ascent of relatively felsic melts that form ring dikes. The depth to which these kinematic zones can transfer subsidence is unknown. (3) Resurgence of the chamber, and/or intrusion of a broadly cogenetic nested pluton, can partially or completely destroy evidence for the earlier history of the system through a range of exposure levels (e.g., Smith and Bailey, 1968; Lipman, 1984), which provides one possible explanation for why ring complexes are only rarely preserved in the geological record. This point was also made by Jacobson et al. (1958, p. 7) who said the following with regards to the Younger Granite complexes in northern Nigeria: ‘‘In several of the complexes, where the structural relationships of the component phases are clearly revealed, it is apparent that a difference of as little as 1000 ft in erosion level would profoundly modify the surface plan of the complex.’’ Thus, exposure of wellpreserved ring complexes like the Zarza appears to be somewhat fortuitous. They may have been more common in the PRB than preserved examples would suggest, but massive intrusions may have followed magma-transfer pathways between calderas and their 204 S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 linked chambers, possibly destroying the distinguishing features of other ring complexes that may have occurred in this area. 5.2. Deeper levels in the batholith transition zone Based on their map patterns, it is possible that the deeper-level complexes in the transition zone were linked to volcano-plutonic subsidence systems more than 10 km above them. The Cerro de Costilla complex appears to be a well-preserved ring-dike complex, but there is no clear evidence that it was tied to caldera processes at higher crustal levels. At present we can only loosely constrain the emplacement depth of this complex to V 18 km. However, the f 18-km-deep Rinconada complex also has strong geometrical affinities with shallower-level ring complexes. Only partial tonalite rings are preserved in the complex, but the intricate network of host-rock screens that occurs in its southern portion suggests that the complex formed, at least in part, by intrusion of arcuate-shaped pulses of mafic and felsic magma. The occurrence of such a deep ring complex raises the possibility that volcano-plutonic subsidence systems near the surface may in some instances link to magmatic systems at much deeper crustal levels. The classical view of caldera formation suggests that caldera floors subside into magma chambers near the surface, accommodated by the expulsion of magma. If subsidence continued to relatively deep levels in some instances, then vertically extensive ring faults or ductile shear zones would be required to transfer material downward, and thus provide a kinematic link between upper- and mid-crustal levels. Alternatively, ring complexes at mid-crustal levels may have simply provided arcuate, dike-like magma pathways that fed intrusions, be they plutons or ring complexes, at higher crustal levels. Connectivity to a deeper magma plumbing system through these ‘‘rings’’ could provide the high magmastatic head required by magma at shallower levels to intrude upward through country rock of equal or lesser density. As another alternative, deep ring complexes may indicate that mid-crustal plutons can be partly constructed by steeply dipping arcuate sheets. Concentration of these sheets and the wall-rock screens in the northwest and southeast parts of the Rinconada complex may indicate that they were dilational sites during east –west crustal contraction. In this interpretation, such complexes may represent magmatic systems that never reached upper-crustal levels, rather than systems that were linked to upper-crustal plutons, complexes or calderas. The various possibilities remain to be properly tested through detailed structural and petrological analyses. 5.3. Exposure levels along strike in the western PRB As mentioned earlier, particular map patterns in volcano-plutonic subsidence systems are indicators only of their relative position within the system, and not of their absolute crustal exposure depth. However, the distribution of map patterns throughout a large area might provide a qualitative means of evaluating exposure depth. Crustal levels exposed in the PRB vary from < 5-km depth in the west to >20 km in the east across a sharp crustal boundary in the transition zone; however, exposure levels in the western PRB may also vary systematically from shallow levels in the south to deeper levels in the north, parallel with the trend of the batholith. In the Turquesa area, approximately 60 km south of San Quintin (Fig. 1), calderas were described by Fackler-Adams (1997) and Fackler-Adams and Busby (1998). The Burra Caldera, which developed at the summit of a large stratovolcano, is partially bounded by regional normal faults, and includes an intra-caldera silicic ignimbrite sequence and resurgent intrusions. In contrast, approximately 100 km to the north, the Zarza and Burro complexes may represent the roots of calderas. The emplacement depths of some of these complexes is uncertain, but Al-in-hornblende barometry in the Zarza complex (Johnson et al., 1999a) indicates emplacement at 2.3 F 0.6 kbar ( f 5 – 9 km) and is consistent with greenschist – facies or lower regional metamorphism of surrounding country rocks. Farther north, no unequivocal ring complexes have been identified, but the El Pinal tonalite has been interpreted to contain the roots of a granodiorite ring dike within an otherwise relatively homogeneous tonalite pluton (Duffield, 1968; Fig. 7). Still farther north, in San Diego and Riverside Counties, much more extensive geological mapping has defined no unequivocal volcano-plutonic subsidence systems, although the Paloma Valley ring complex is a possible candidate. Thus, the following picture is beginning to emerge. From the Turquesa area north to San Diego County, S.E. Johnson et al. / Lithos 61 (2002) 187–208 205 over a distance of approximately 250 km, calderas in the south give way to massive intrusions in the north, with intermediate-level ring complexes and contemporaneous plutons in between. Calderas like those in the Turquesa area are commonly exposed at depths of 2 km or less (Fig. 3c in Lipman, 1984), whereas various studies in San Diego County indicate depths of between 7 and 14 km just west of the transition zone between western and eastern belts in the PRB (Todd et al., 1994, and references therein). Between these is the Zarza complex, which formed at 5- to 9km depth. Thus, it appears that a difference in exposure level of f 5 – 12 km may occur over a north – south strike-length of f 250 km. However, discontinuities such as major transpeninsular faults (e.g., the Agua Blanca fault) may disrupt an otherwise continuous variation in crustal level, or perhaps even separate markedly different arc components that formed at different time, and are exposed at different crustal levels (cf. Gastil et al., 1975, 1981; Schmidt et al., in press). PRB, but that their distinguishing features were typically destroyed by upward advance of the magma chambers that fed them. (4) Particular map patterns in volcano-plutonic subsidence systems are indicators only of their relative position within an individual system, and not of their absolute exposure depth. However, calderas, ring complexes and plutons may generally represent progressively deeper sections through volcano-plutonic subsidence systems, and the systematic occurrences of these features along strike in the western PRB are consistent with progressively deeper exposures of the batholith from south to north over a distance greater than 250 km. This section exposes calderas at the shallowest levels, plutons that fed them at deeper levels, and the frozen remains of magma pathways (ring complexes) between the two at intermediate levels. Preservation of these three magmatic elements in a single region is unusual, and provides an opportunity to determine if and how they linked together in three dimensions to ‘‘plumb’’ the upper crust. 6. Summary and conclusions Acknowledgements (1) Subvolcanic ring complexes that we have mapped in the western PRB apparently developed in a general, repeatable three-stage sequence of: (a) fracturing of the roof above a buoyant or overpressured magma chamber, which resulted in conical fractures that commonly hosted cone sheets; (b) subsequent loss of magma from the chamber, combined with degassing of the melt, which facilitated collapse of the roof along near-vertical ring faults locally hosting ring dikes; and (c) resurgence of the chamber, and/or intrusion of a broadly cogenetic nested pluton, which locally destroyed evidence for the earlier history of the system. (2) Ring complexes in the transition zone of the PRB represent deeper plutonic levels (as deep as 18 km). These deeper complexes raise the question of whether caldera/volcano-related processes can, in some instances, extend to mid-crustal levels. Alternatively, deeper-level complexes may be unrelated to volcano-plutonic subsidence systems; their mechanisms of formation are poorly understood. (3) Ring complexes are relatively rarely preserved at Earth’s surface. We suggest that they may have been more common at shallower levels in the western Our work in the PRB has been supported by: (1) the U.S. National Science Foundation, which provided grants EAR 0087661 (to S.E.J.) and EAR 9614682 (to S.R. Paterson); (2) the Australian Research Council, which provided Large Grant No. A39700451 (to S.E.J. and R.H. Vernon) and a Queen Elizabeth II Research Fellowship (to S.E.J.); and (3) Grant 4311PT from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT) of México (to S.E.J.). We thank R.H. Vernon for comments on an early version of the manuscript, and C.G. Barnes, R.V. Metcalf and S.R. Paterson for thorough and constructive reviews. References Anderson, E.M., 1936. 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