r classes - Worcester Art Museum


r classes - Worcester Art Museum
Worcester Art Museum
55 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
Permit # 2098
Worcester, MA
Non-Profit Org.
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CLASSES adult2
youth & teens
faculty profiles
registration form
Visit us online for the the latest news and events
Left [painting]: Claude Monet, French, 1840–1926, Waterlilies, 1908, oil on canvas, 1910.26
One of the oldest studio art programs in the country, the
Worcester Art Museum offers a wide range of art and
art history classes and workshops taught by experienced
educators and professional artists. With access to
WAM’s renowned collection of art, students get inspired
for exploration in the studios and for their own personal
enrichment. Studio art classes and workshops are
available for day, evening, and weekend sessions and for
all ages and abilities.
Become part of WAM’s rich history and sign up for a
class today! Our registration staff would be happy to help
you choose the right class for your interests and skill
level. Email us at transactions@worcesterart.org, call us
at 508.793.4333 (Saturday-Thursday, 10am-1pm), or visit
our online registration page at worcesterart.org/classes.
Unless noted, supply lists are available at the first class.
Important Dates
Fall Classes End: Monday, Nov. 23, 2015
Thanksgiving: Closed, Thursday, Nov. 26 – Sunday, Nov. 29
Workshops @ WAM Begin: Sunday, Nov. 15
Workshops @ WAM End: Thursday, Dec. 17
Holiday Break: Closed, Thursday, Dec. 24 – Sunday, Dec. 27
Youth Vacation Workshops: Monday, Dec. 28 – Thursday, Dec. 31
New Year’s Day: Closed, Friday, Jan. 1 – Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016
Winter Classes Begin: Monday, Jan. 11
Youth Classes Begin: Saturday, Jan. 23
President’s Day: Closed, Monday, Feb. 15
Feb Fun Vacation Workshops: Tuesday, Feb. 16 – Friday, Feb. 19
Winter Session Ends: Thursday, March 31
Spring Open House: Thursday, April 7
April Intensive Workshops: Monday, April 11 – Friday, April 15
Patriot’s Day: Closed, Monday April 18
April Art Vacation Workshops: Tuesday, April 19 – Friday, April 22
Spring Classes Begin: Monday, April 25
Youth Classes Begin: Saturday, April 30
Art History
12 to 1pm
Cyanotypes / 16WAHST328
Nancy Burns
In her lecture, curator Nancy Burns will
discuss the historical ups-and-downs of the
cyanotype from its beginnings in Britain to its
newfound popularity by contemporary artists.
Initially embraced by Anna Atkins, who used the
cyanotype process to make botanical
“photogenic drawings,” cyanotypes nearly
disappeared after World War I only to see an
unexpected resurgence in the 1970s. She will
place emphasis on works included in the first
major museum exhibition to trace the history of
the process, Cyanotype: Photography’s Blue
Period, which opens at WAM on Jan. 16, 2016.
Thursday 1 class: 2/11
Member $25 Nonmember $40
Capturing an Idea: Ink Painting and
Calligraphy in East Asian Art / 16WAHST362
Vivian Li
The arts of the brush comprising of calligraphy
and ink painting have been the cornerstone of
Chinese literati art and culture since the 10th
century. This two-part lecture will first discuss
the relationship between painting and
calligraphy and their development in China.
The second part will explore the regional spread
of ink painting and calligraphy to other countries
in East Asia, particularly Korea and Japan,
and how Chinese literati culture interacted with
the existing arts and cultures in these other
Thursday 2 classes: 3/24, 3/31
Member $45 Nonmember $60
12 to 1:30pm
European Masters in the Collection /
Jim Welu
This series of lectures by Director Emeritus
James Welu focuses on four European master
painters represented in the Museum’s
collection. Feb. 3, Thomas Gainsborough /
Feb. 10, Jean Baptiste Joseph Wicar /
Feb. 17, Paul Gauguin / Feb. 24, Lovis Corinth
Wednesday 4 classes: 2/3-2/24
Member $65 Nonmember $90
Adult Classes
Symbols: The Mysterious Language of Art /
Antonella Doucette
From ancient times, images of objects and
elements of the natural world have assumed a
deeper, hidden significance, capable of
conveying powerful messages. Unveil the
meaning of this mysterious language, from
Antiquity to Baroque, through a series of
PowerPoint presentations and Gallery visits.
Wednesday 5 classes: 3/2-3/30
Member $90 Nonmember $115
6 to 7pm
Severin Roesen and American
Still-Life Tradition / 16WAHST341
Betsy Athens
There is little in the historical record regarding
the German-born, American still-life painter
Severin Roesen (1816–1872?), aside from his
spectacularly lush paintings of flora. Through
a close study of the Worcester Art Museum’s
still life by Roesen, this lecture will consider
the potential influences that shaped his work,
including Dutch still life tradition, developments
in botanical science, and the emerging
middle-class market for painting in 19th-century
Thursday 1 class: 1/21
Member $25 Nonmember $40
1 to 4pm
A Taste of Calligraphy / 16WACAL301A
CJ Kennedy
Calligraphy is defined as the art of beautiful
writing. Using a broad-edge pen and ink,
students will create graceful and elegant letters
in Italic, a style of handwriting used in the 15th
and 16th centuries. We will look to the Museum
collection for inspiration and to reinforce
lessons. This five week class will give beginning
students an overview of lowercase and
simplified uppercase letters while engaging
continuing students with more in-depth topics
and an independent course of study.
Bring to the first class: a pad of graph paper,
a pencil, and a calligraphic marker. The
instructor will go over the materials list during
the first class. Continuing students bring your
usual supplies.
Thursday 5 classes: 3/3-3/31
Member $125 Nonmember $150
6 to 9pm
A Taste of Calligraphy / 16WACAL301B
CJ Kennedy
See description above.
Wednesday 5 classes: 3/2-3/30
Member $125 Nonmember $150
Computer Arts
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
9:30am to 12:30pm
Introduction to Photoshop / 16WACMP103
Richard Hoyer
Gain a firm foundation in Photoshop.
Learn retouching techniques used to enhance
photographic images, including restoration and
coloration. We will cover such topics as tone,
contrast, color, dust removal, repair, rebuilding.
Learn how to refine your images enhancing,
fixing and manipulating your digital photographs. Visit the Museum’s galleries to inspire
your work. Includes lab fee.
Monday 8 classes: 1/11-3/7
Member $210 Nonmember $235
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
Bring a sketchbook and a pencil to the
first class.
Drawing I & II / 16WADRW201A
Helen Downey
Begin or continue to learn the fundamentals of
drawing. Sharpen your powers of observation
and composition, as you use a variety of media
to translate what you see into drawings. Visit
the Museum for inspiration and practice drawing
from a model. Model fee is included.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/14-3/10
Member $210 Nonmember $235
Drawing All Levels / 16WADRW207
Patti Kelly
Begin or continue to learn the fundamentals
of drawing. This class will cover shading,
proportion, perspective, and composition. Visit
the WAM galleries to find underlying ideas to
sharpen your observation and composition, as
you use a variety of media to translate what you
see into drawings.
Sunday 5 classes: 2/28-3/27
Member $125 Nonmember $150
1 to 4pm
Sketch in the Museum / 16WADRW208
Rebecca Duffy
Improve your drawing skills by sketching.
Learn how to quickly grasp an image on paper.
This class will cover shading, proportion,
perspective, and composition. Visit the WAM
galleries to find underlying ideas to sharpen
your observation and composition.
Thursday 5 classes: 2/25-3/24
Member $125 Nonmember $150
6 to 9pm
9:30am to 12:30pm
Drawing with Colored Pencils /
Sue Dion
Focus on texture effects, glazing, value, and
color theory as applied to this unique medium.
Specific exercises will develop and enhance
your mastery of drawing with color.
Monday 8 classes: 1/18-3/14
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Pastel Drawing / 16WADRW301
Ella Delyanis
From quick sketches to rich, painterly applications, experiment with pastels as you become
comfortable with this versatile medium. The last
class will include a session with a model.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/12-3/8
Member $210 Nonmember $235
Drawing I & II / 16WADRW201B
Ella Delyanis
Begin or continue to learn the fundamentals of
drawing. Sharpen your powers of observation
and composition, as you use a variety of media
to translate what you see into drawings. Visit
the Museum for inspiration and practice drawing
from a model. Model fee is included.
Monday 8 classes: 1/11-3/7
Member $210 Nonmember $235
Sketch Book Hacks / 16WADRW311
Jamie Buckmaster
A class completely dedicated to the sketchbook!
This five-week class will introduce you to keeping a sketchbook, finding the right tools for your
process, explore non-traditional materials and
techniques, like image transfer. These, along
with other easy exercises, will help you to find
your own unique sketching style.
Tuesday 5 classes: 2/23-3/22
Member $125 Nonmember $150
Members save on classes! Join today at worcesterart.org/join
Drawing & Painting
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
9:30am to 4pm
Color and Light Intensive / 16WADAP409
Bill Griffiths
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to
expand your knowledge of color and light with a
master colorist. This advanced class is open to
drawing and water-based paints.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/13-3/9
Member $435 Nonmember $450
1 to 4pm
Intro to Portrait Drawing and Painting /
Rebecca Duffy
Enhance your artistic skills and study the
portrait through both drawing and painting.
Enjoy visiting the Museum’s galleries, working
from a portrait model, and study how to render
images of your choosing. Put more expression
into your artwork and gain confidence in your
drawing and painting. Includes model fee.
Tuesday 5 classes: 2/23-3/22
Member $135 Nonmember $160
Explore Drawing into Painting /
Sue Dion
Begin the dialogue of sketching to drawing to
painting. From the spontaneous to the planned,
from black & white to color, use graphite, charcoal, crayons, inks, paints, etc. to expand your
skills. Bring drawing media, including graphite
and charcoal, to the first class. In this class
students will explore their own painting style.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/19-3/15
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Get your
Request at time
of registration.
Adult Classes
Landscape Drawing and Painting /
Ella Delyanis
Learn to capture this accessible subject in
the 2D medium of your choice. Working from
photographs, sketches, and the Museum
collection, develop ideas as you explore
perspective, color, light, and composition.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/13-3/9
Member $200 Nonmember $225
6 to 9pm
Color and Light / 16WADAP402
Bill Griffiths
Work in any color medium, including oils, pastels,
watercolors, acrylics, or colored pencils to create
rich color and the luminous feeling of light.
Monday 8 classes: 1/11-3/7
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Intensive Figurative Drawing/Painting /
Elaine Smollin
What is the relationship between the immediacy
of drawing the figure and the dynamics of color
as form for composition? This is an accelerated
course in drawing and painting in color. We will
consider each artist’s strengths in perception,
composition, color, and form working with life
models in each class. Casual discussions will
center around contemporary painting, its
imagery and use of materials and our response
to recent trends worldwide. Includes model fee.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/12-3/8
Member $225 Nonmember $240
The Post BFA/MFA Studio Project /
Elaine Smollin
Open studio with mentorship in materials, process and meaning. Includes open discussion,
review of current contemporary art worldwide,
professional development in exhibitions and
curatorial advice. Recommended for graduates
of BFA/MFA Programs who seek studio space
and exchange.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/13-3/9
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Mixed Media
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
9:30am to 12:30pm
9:30am to 12:30pm
Experimental Pastel with Collage /
Jill Pottle
This class will explore the direct color medium
of oil and dry pastel while using collage to build
up layers of colors, tones and values. Working
from still life and landscape as subject matter,
students will develop provocative compositions
based on a variety of materials. Students will
push this medium to its limits and work on small
artworks as well as large. All classes will include
historical references and critiques.
Sunday 8 classes: 1/17-3/13
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Beginning Painting / 16WAPNT102
Sue Dion
Start with the basic materials; add the right
tools and techniques. Let painting become a
lifelong passion. View paintings in the galleries
and then work with acrylics or oils on a still life,
landscape, and portrait. Continue with the next
session of the course (Painting I & II). Model fee
is included.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/19-3/15
Member $210 Nonmember $235
1 to 4pm
Needle Felted Art / 16WAMXD388
Lyn Slade
In this four week workshop we will focus on
needle felting in a painterly style. Using
colorful wool roving as our “paint” and wool
fabric as the “canvas” we’ll embed the wool with
a barbed felting needle. If you like color and
texture and working with fiber you will love this
medium. It is fun, fast and fairly forgiving.
Adults from novice to experienced are welcome.
All materials included.
Tuesday 4 classes: 1/19-2/9
Member $125 Nonmember $150
About Face / 16WAMXD342
Randy LeSage
Work from models and from the imagination to
create portraits in drawing, painting, and mixed
media. Students will explore a wide range of
portraiture, from traditional approaches that
emphasize achieving likeness, to interpretive
approaches. Model fee included.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/14-3/10
Member $210 Nonmember $235
Oil Stick Techniques / 16WAPNT431
Experience working with oil paint sticks, painting
directly onto a surface without brushes,
palettes, paint tubes or solvents! Hold color in
your hand and mix right on your artwork. Create
artwork with easy-to-use, non-toxic oil sticks
that do not fade.
Wednesday 5 classes: 3/2-3/30
Member $125 Nonmember $150
Painting in a Series / 16WAPNT425
One characteristic that separates professional
artists from art hobbyists is their eagerness
to create several works of art around a single
theme or idea. This series should have a
cohesive theme (subject) and style. Your
productivity will depend on size and style.
Thursday 5 classes: 3/3-3/31
Member $125 Nonmember $150
Acrylic and Oil / 16WAPNT401
Bill Griffiths
Work on paper or canvas and explore acrylic
or water-based oil painting media. Color
and design will be stressed through traditional
and experimental approaches. Bring your
acrylics or water-based oil paints and paper or
canvas grounds. Note: Class will be limited to
only 12 students.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Register online worcesterart.org/classes
9:30am to 4pm
Painting the Figure from Representational
to Abstract / 16WAPNT423
Randy LeSage
In the morning, we’ll work from a life model,
concentrating on a constructive approach to
observing and handling the figure in proportion,
value, and color approximation. In the afternoon,
the instructor will convey how this approach
may lead to simplifying toward abstraction and
appreciating the role of paint handling for its
own sake.
Friday 1 class: 3/11
Member $45 Nonmember $60
Pet Portrait Workshop / 16WAPNT352
Jill Pottle
If you are an animal lover and want to learn how
to paint a portrait of your pet–with personality–
this is the workshop for you! Whether you’re a
beginner or a seasoned painter, discover how
animals influence art today and learn how to
incorporate animals into your work.
Sunday 1 class: 3/20
Member $45 Nonmember $60
1 to 4pm
Painting in Large Scale: Acrylic and Oil /
Jill Pottle
Have you always loved the epic paintings at
the Museum and wondered what it took to do a
large painting? The challenge of a large painting
is exciting. It includes a lot of prep time, studying the subject matter, doing smaller painted
studies, designing the subject, deciding how to
lay in your preliminary drawing and choosing
how you want to go about building the painting.
Monday 8 classes: 1/11-3/7
Member $200 Nonmember $225
6 to 9pm
Acrylic Painting / 16WAPNT207
Rebecca Duffy
Visit the galleries to view different painting
styles and techniques. During this class
students will work from a variety of sources
for inspiration. Concentrate on color and
composition while developing your own
personal style with acrylic paint.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/26-3/22
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Adult Classes
Abstract Painting / 16WAPNT201
Patti Kelly
Explore how to use color, texture and gesture
to create expressive abstract paintings or mixed
media compositions through drawing and painting. Learn how to use acrylic gels, translucent
glazes, molding paste and much more.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/13-3/9
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Painting I & II / 16WAPNT312
Ella Delyanis
Strengthen your basic techniques through
painting projects that focus on still life,
landscape, the figure, and abstraction. Explore
painting mediums such as acrylics, water-based
oils, and pigment sticks. The class will cover
natural light, perspective, structure of forms, and
design and pattern to encourage individuality
and creativity. Visit the galleries for inspiration.
Model fee is included.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/14-3/10
Member $210 Nonmember $235
Asian Brush Painting
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
9:30am to 4pm
Winter Landscapes: Asian Style /
Sharon Smith Viles
Celebrate winter using Chinese Ink, color, and
Rice paper to create a landscape. View
traditional images, then use your imagination or
a photo as a basis for your painting. This is
a workshop for brush painters with some
experience. Bring your own supplies: brushes,
felt, ink, sized paper, and watercolors. Samples
of sized MA or Jen Ho paper will be available.
Sunday 1 class: 2/28
Member $45 Nonmember $60
Harbingers of Spring: Plum Blossom, Snow
Drops and Sparrows / 16WAORT304
Sharon Smith Viles
Paint the fourth Paragon, Plum Blossom, as
spring begins. The Plum symbolizes strength,
fortitude, wisdom and undying love. View traditional and modern images of this amazing tree
and paint from your imagination. This is a workshop for brush painters with some experience in
the art form. Bring your own supplies: brushes,
felt, ink, watercolors, and unsized rice paper.
Samples of unsized paper will be available.
Saturday 1 class: 3/19
Member $45 Nonmember $60
6 to 9pm
Asian Brush Painting / 16WAORT313
Bayda Asbridge
This eight week course is suitable for beginners,
as well as advanced. Beginners will study basic
strokes and paint the four gentlemen, while the
advanced students will experiment with painting
from marbling, pouring ink, wet on wet and
playful painting in the style of Cui Zifan.
In addition, we will be painting new themes
we haven’t attempted before, such as monkeys
and chickens.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/13-3/9
Member $200 Nonmember $225
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
Bring your camera and manual.
9:30am to 12:30pm
Photography and Photoshop / 16WAPHT382
Richard Hoyer
Learn how to use the basic functions in
Photoshop to enhance, fix and manipulate your
digital photographs. Focus on resolution,
controlling contrast and color, combining photos,
file size and sharpening. Lab fee included.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/13-3/9
Member $210 Nonmember $235
The Digital Print Technique and Critique /
Richard Hoyer
From shutter to print, discover what it takes to
create stunning digital photographs. There will
be ongoing discussions of individual student’s
work. Lab fee is included.
Saturday 3 classes: 1/16-1/30
Member $65 Nonmember $90
How to Make Great Photographs of Your
Family and Friends / 16WAPHT394
Norm Eggert
Inside and outside, use available light, reflectors
and electronic flash to create natural-looking
photographs of family and friends. In a portrait
studio, use electronic flash studio lights and
backgrounds to create studio-quality photographs. Lab fee included.
Sunday 8 classes: 1/17-3/13
Member $210 Nonmember $235
HDR-High Dynamic Range Photography /
Richard Hoyer
Dynamic range is the difference between the
lightest light and darkest dark you can capture in
a photo. Find out how to capture HDR images.
Lab fee included.
Saturday 1 class: 2/27
Member $35 Nonmember $50
1 to 4pm
Digital Photography I & II / 16WAPHT202
Richard Hoyer
Begin or continue to learn about digital
photography, including equipment, software,
imaging techniques, photo editing with Adobe
Photoshop, and uploading digital photography
from camera to computer. Lab fee included.
Monday 8 weeks: 1/11-3/7
Member $210 Nonmember $235
The Long View of History: Photography in
the Galleries / 16WAPHT562
Elaine Smollin
Since 2005, photographers have increasingly
used museums as a stage for series of photographic essays. Today, many photographers
explore their view of society by making
intimate shots of the visual and material culture
of societies, past and present, directly in
museum collections. We will develop a series
of photographs made directly in the galleries
together with assignments that increase our
focus on photography as a narrative medium.
Includes lab fee.
Wednesday 8 weeks: 1/13-3/9
Member $210 Nonmember $235
How to Store Your Digital Pictures /
Richard Hoyer
Learn how to store and share your digital photos
including burning CDs, organizing software,
photo-blogging, Web photo galleries, imagesharing sites, and more. Lab fee is included.
Saturday 1 class: 3/12
Member $35 Nonmember $50
Street Photography / 16WAPHT333
Richard Hoyer
Explore the wonders of street photography
during this creative, hands-on workshop.
This workshop will introduce you to snapping
people, traffic, and buildings under streetlights
and in low-light conditions. Lab fee is included.
Sunday 1 class: 3/20
Member $35 Nonmember $50
Members save on classes! Join today at worcesterart.org/join
6 to 9pm
9:30am to 4pm
How to Improve Your Photographic
Compositions / 16WAPHT300
Norm Eggert
Focus on improving your photographic
compositions. Discuss the basic principles in
class, study the compositional techniques used
in paintings and photographs in the Museum
galleries, and complete weekly photo assignments. We will discuss the importance of finding
great light, and you will learn how to improve
your photographs by using form, patterns,
texture, color, and perspective. There will be two
field trips, which will give you the opportunity to
work with the instructor. Lab fee is included.
Monday 8 weeks: 1/11-3/7
Member $210 Nonmember $235
Monotype Marathon Day / 16WAPRT352
Randy LeSage
Participate in a BIG MONOTYPE DAY, creating
exciting monotypes in the print studio. Select
morning, afternoon or evening, or two or all
three times. An instructor will guide you through
this fun way of creating unique prints in colored
inks on paper. Lab fee is included.
Sunday 1 class: 3/6
Member $45 Nonmember $60
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
9:30am to 12:30pm
Papermaking and Printmaking /
Randy LeSage
Have fun making handmade paper in the first
part of the course, then print your papers in
relief block and monotype in the second half of
the course. The instructor will guide students
throughout the process. Includes materials fee.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/12-3/8
Member $210 Nonmember $235
Lithography for a Day / 16WAPRT369
Randy LeSage
We’ll create on non-toxic polyester lithography
plates in waterproof media (Sharpie markers,
ballpoint pens, or acrylic brushwork) and/or with
copied photo imagery to create unique prints
in black and white or color. The instructor will
guide students through the process of creating,
inking, and printing plates to make a small
selection of prints. For beginners or experienced
Friday 1 class: 3/25
Member $45 Nonmember $60
Gelli Plate Monoprinting Workshops:
Landscape Painted Prints and Abstract
Textured Monprints/ 16WAPRT389
Nan Hass Feldman
Create on non-toxic polyester lithography plates
in waterproof media (Sharpies, pens or acrylic
brushwork). Working with copied imagery to
create unique prints in black and white or color.
The instructor will guide students through the
process of creating, inking and printing plates to
make a small selection of prints. For beginners
or experienced printmakers.
Saturday/Sunday 2 classes: 3/26, 3/27
Member $95 Nonmember $120
6 to 9pm
Win a
Free Membership!
Take our short online
Classes Survey at
Adult Classes
Printmaking Survey / 16WAPRT378
Randy LeSage
A chance to sample some of the printmaking
methods (including relief, monotype, etching
and pronto-plate lithography). Select a few or
all. For beginners to advance printmakers. Lab
fee is included.
Thursday 8 weeks: 1/14-3/10
Member $210 Nonmember $235
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
(No classes the week of February 15 – 21)
9:30am to 12:30pm
6 to 9pm
Watercolor I / 16WAWAT192
Bill Griffiths
This class focuses on basic watercolor skills
and how to add your own artistic vision to images from the world.
Monday 8 classes: 1/11-3/7
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Writers’ Workshop: On Water / 16WAWRT388
James Beschta
The thematic focus of this session centers
around the various aspects of water, so pervasive and encompassing in our worlds and lives.
A supportive workshop environment will buoy us
through the deep with the goal being a development and refinement of artistic writing style
through the exploration of skills and techniques.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/12-3/8
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Advanced Watercolor / 16WAWAT501
Bill Griffiths
Continue to explore watercolor as a medium for
self-expression while learning exciting new techniques. Receive individual instruction based on
your work. Each class will introduce you to new
things that will expand your range of watercolor
Thursday 8 classes: 1/14-3/10
Member $200 Nonmember $225
1:00 PM to 4:00pm
“Project” Watercolor / 16WAWAT348
Sue Dion
Discover the allure of watercolor through
project-based and independent work. Students
will work on two projects together for the first
half of the session. Then for the second half
of the session students will have the opportunity
to work independently with individual input to
complete a painting of their own design. Great
for beginners to advance.
Monday 8 classes: 2/1-3/28
Member $200 Nonmember $225
SloMo WriMo Writing Challenge /
Laurel King
Are you looking to make substantial progress
on a new or existing writing project? Do you
like the idea of NaNoWriMo (National Novel
Writing Month) but desire a saner pace that
translates into long-term commitment? SloMo
WriMo will help you meet your personal goals
through a daily writing commitment (500 words
a day recommended but not required). Classes
will include discussion of exemplary literature,
writing time in the classroom and galleries,
instruction in writing technique, tips on time
management, and a chance to share your
work. At the end of eight weeks you will receive
in-depth, written feedback from the instructor.
Short story writers, novelists, memoirists, and
NaNo WriMo dropouts are all welcome.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/13-3/9
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Watercolor and Light / 16WAWAT502
Bill Griffiths
Approach new watercolor techniques with
an emphasis on color and light to bring a fresh
dimension to your art.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/12-3/8
Member $200 Nonmember $225
Register online worcesterart.org/classes
Adult Classes Calendar
Afternoon: 1-4pm
Morning: 9:30am-12:30pm
Drawing with Colored Pencils
(pg 5)
Papermaking and
Printmaking (pg 10)
Color and Light Intensive (pg 6)
Watercolor I (pg 11)
B. Griffiths
Beginning Painting (pg 7)
Introduction to Photoshop
(pg 5)
Pastel Drawing (pg 5)
Photography and Photoshop
(pg 9)
Painting in Large Scale:
Acrylic or Oil (pg 8)
Explore Drawing
into Painting (pg 6)
“Project” Watercolor (pg 11)
Watercolor and Light
(pg 11)
B. Griffiths
Digital Photography I & II
(pg 9)
Needle Felting (pg 7)
Evening: 6-9pm
Intro to Portrait Painting
(pg 6)
Drawing I & II (pg 5)
Color and Light (pg 6)
How to Improve Your Photo
Compositions (pg 10)
Adult Classes
Acrylic Painting (pg 8)
Oil Stick (pg 7)
European Masters
in the Collection (pg 4)
2/3-2/24, 12-1:30pm
Symbols: The Mysterious
Language of Art (pg 4)
3/2-3/30, 12-1:30pm
The Long View of History:
Photography in the Galleries
(pg 9)
Landscape Drawing and Painting
(pg 6)
Abstract Art (pg 8)
Writer’s Workshop (pg 11)
SloMo WriMo: Writing Challenge
(pg 11)
Sketch Book Hacks (pg 5)
The Post BFA/MFA Studio Project
(pg 6)
Intensive Figure Painting/
Drawing (pg 6)
Asian Brush Painting (pg 9)
A Taste of Calligraphy (pg 5)
Afternoon: 1-4pm
Morning: 9:30am-12:30pm
Drawing I & II (pg 5)
Advanced Watercolor
(pg 11)
Painting in a Series
(pg 7)
About Face (pg 7)
Sketch in the Museum
(pg 5)
Calligraphy (pg 4)
Roesen & American
Still-Life Tradition (pg 4)
1/21, 12-1pm
B. Athens
Cyanotypes (pg 4)
2/11, 12-1pm
Painting the Figure
(pg 8)
3/11, 9:30am-4pm
Lithography for a
Day (pg 10)
3/25, 9:30am-4pm
Gelli Plate Monoprint
(pg 10)
Digital Print
Technique and
Critique (pg 9)
1/16, 1/23, 1/30
How to Make Great
Photographs of Your
Family and Friends
(pg 9)
Acrylic and Oil
(pg 7)
Experimental Pastel
with Collage Workshop
(pg 7)
HDR-High Dynamic
Range Photo (pg 9)
Drawing All Levels
(pg 5)
Harbingers of
Spring: Plum
Blossom, Snow
Drops and Sparrows
(pg 8)
3/19, 9:30-4
S.Smith Viles
Winter Landscapes:
Asian Style (pg 8)
2/28, 9:30am-4pm
S.Smith Viles
How to Store Your
Digital Photos (pg 9)
Monotype Marathon
(pg 10)
3/6, 9:30am-4pm
Pet Portrait Workshop
(pg 8)
3/20, 9:30am-4pm
Street Photography
(pg 9)
Evening: 6-9pm
Capturing an Idea (pg 4)
3/24, 3/31, 12-1pm
Printmaking Survey
(pg 10)
Painting I & II (pg 8)
Studio Classes
April 7, 2016
Learn more: worcesterart.org/classes
Register online worcesterart.org/classes
“Individual students make
up the dynamic of each
class. I want them to be open,
directed and able to do the
work they like.”
Faculty Spotlight
Randy LeSage
Breaking down barriers
One important reason accomplished printmaker Randy LeSage likes to teach art is that it keeps him
current and on his toes. “Teaching pushes me to broaden the vocabulary of art making. I try new
things. I want to keep it fresh and new for the students. Teaching is an ongoing correspondence
between making art and providing the facility so others can make their own art.” Taken as a whole,
he says, “It’s a very rich experience.”
An art teacher at WAM for 23 years, Randy teaches several adult classes at the Worcester Art
Museum each session, offering a range of classes that span the genres of two dimensional art and
the low relief work of printmaking.
“Printmaking can be considered an extension of drawing and painting and sculpture. Students want
to sample. Or they recognize qualities that are an extension or variation of drawing and painting.
This dialogue between the two mediums can extend your work as a painter,” he says.
Printmaking is also a unique and rich reward for those exploring art. “It tends to break down barriers
between drawing, painting and uncertainty, even for experienced artists trying to open up to new
possibilities,” says Randy. “You are engaged in a primal art experience. You paint, roll ink, press
things into ink. It’s spontaneous and very direct. You print it and there’s always a fascination with
how it turns out. It’s kind of amazing no matter what level you’re at it.”
Teaching art at an art museum is also a gift. “The proximity to art allows us to visit the galleries and
see works directly related to the course — primary examples the students will enjoy. Having the real
thing there, there’s nothing like it. The scale, the physical texture — it’s a rich reward.”
“It’s thrilling to see them
really getting their ideas out
there and seeing them totally
invested in that expression.”
Faculty Spotlight
Ellen Donaldson
Helping the youngest art students express themselves
Painter and sculptor Ellen Donaldson teaches some of the youngest art students at WAM.
Her classes introduce children not just to a paintbrush, but to the concept of portraiture and
landscape and to the great works of art exhibited throughout WAM. And when the students are
very young, the discipline of art is especially present.
“It’s really fun to channel their energy,” Ellen says. “The experience is new for them, so there’s
always that excitement of, ‘Wow, I never knew this before.’ Little kids are interested in seeing
their ideas expressed very visually in a new medium. It’s new for them that something you put on
the page can represent something real.”
Helping children develop a comfort level with art is one of Ellen’s goals as a teacher. As they
practice art and explore the art at WAM, they are also learning about their own culture. “Children
are very invested in their cultural heritage,” says Ellen. “At WAM they experience their joint
cultural heritage. We’re all so lucky to have the collection at WAM.”
How do children make use of the galleries? “I tell them, ‘Let’s go see animals today.’ Whether it’s
The Peaceable Kingdom or lions guarding the door, I can say, ‘This is how somebody else did it.’
It’s different to see the real paint on a wood panel. It’s a visceral experience.”
Parents want their children to experience this comfort level with art, but they also expect that
their children will be encouraged to freely express their own new and burgeoning ideas. “It’s an
open-ended approach,” says Ellen. “Art is about ideas, basically. The child needs to be allowed
to express his or her individual ideas within the framework, say, of the landscape they’re working
on. And we can be pretty free at the art museum!”
“I see art as an expression
of the human soul at its
best. I always hoped that
I could communicate that
someday, somehow.”
Faculty Spotlight
Antonella Doucette
Her passion is art history
For Antonella Doucette, teaching art history at WAM is a transformative experience for both her
and her students.
“I am able to communicate on a deeper level, not just what I’m talking about but who I am.
Like an artist, you expose yourself and you express yourself. It’s a wonderful thing,” she says.
“I love to learn, and I love to share. It’s magical to share what I really love with people who care.”
One of the Museum’s most popular teachers, Antonella’s passion for her subject is palpable.
An honorary trustee and a member of the Collections Committee, Antonella’s impassioned and
enduring connection with WAM has something to do with her own background. She lived the first
28 years of her life in Italy, a student of the classics, art and law. She studied Greek and Latin
classic literature, philosophy, European history and art, Italian language, literature and art, and,
later, jurisprudence. When she talks about art, she speaks eloquently and with a delighted
enthusiasm that makes listening to her a genuine pleasure.
“I used to work with my husband in the family business,” Antonella says about her early
connection to WAM. “When I had a heavy week, when I needed an oasis of peace, I would roam
the Italian galleries and that brought me back home.” She says she experienced great joy,
during those moments of contemplation, in seeing other visitors respond to Italian art, art she
feels belongs to her and her heritage in some fundamental way.
WAM, says Antonella, has always been a warm and inviting museum for other reasons, as well.
“It’s an institution that is very human, not cold, not too big. People feel very comfortable here
because it generates a warmth, from senior management to the staff and teachers. The people at
WAM make it what it is — a community.”
Arms and Armor
Sundays: 10:30am-11:30am
1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/28, 3/6, 3/13,
3/20, 3/27
Saturdays & Sundays:
Sword Workshops
Make the most of your visit to WAM! Were
you inspired by our collection and Knights!
exhibition? WAM invites you to try our
interactive sword workshops. Experience great
educational demonstrations and workshops
focused on various weaponry and self-defense
through the ages and across the globe. Join us
Sundays, before WAM’s Arms + Armor program,
for an interactive hands-on workshop. These
exciting workshops allow participants to try out
different kinds of arms and stances used by
knights and more!
Join us for this fun interactive program,
and learn all about different kinds of arms
and armor used by knights and soldiers,
including Roman soldiers, Celtic warriors,
Medieval knights and beyond! Events held
in the Museum
Conference Room.
Members Free
Nonmembers Free with Paid Admission
Schedule subject to change; please check
WAM’s website for up-to-date information.
The Longsword/16WASWD110
Krista Baker
Students will explore the technology and
physicality of the longsword. How this weapon
works is rooted in the development and
interrelatedness of armor, engineering, and
fighting goals. More importantly, this workshop
will explore how to use a sword! This includes
learning the parts of the sword, how to hold a
sword and–the more exciting aspects –
offensive and defensive cuts and guards.
Members $10 Nonmembers $15
Schedule subject to change; please check our
calendar of events for up-to-date information.
This is a drop-in workshop but pre-registration is
preferred. Workshops are open to all levels, but
are best suited for students ages 8 and up.
WAM has a long history of introducing children of all ages
to the joy of art. Following our philosophy of valuing the
process of creating art, we provide an environment where
students can explore the Museum’s collection, try new
materials, learn about self-expression, and benefit from
working with professional artists and educators. All materials
are supplied for our youth and teen classes. Classes meet
and are dismissed from the Lancaster Street Lobby.
Only registered students are allowed in the studios and
class-related gallery visits.
Become part of WAM’s rich history and sign up for a class
today! Our registration staff would be happy to help you
choose the right class for your child’s interests and skill
level. Email us at transactions@worcesterart.org, call us at
508-793-4333 (Saturday-Thursday, 10am-1pm), or visit our
online registration page at worcesterart.org/classes.
Important Dates
Fall Classes End: Monday, Nov. 23, 2015
Thanksgiving: Closed, Thursday, Nov. 26 – Sunday, Nov. 29
Workshops @ WAM Begin: Sunday, Nov. 15
Workshops @ WAM End: Thursday, Dec. 17
Holiday Break: Closed, Thursday, Dec. 24 – Sunday, Dec. 27
Youth Vacation Workshops: Monday, Dec. 28 – Thursday, Dec. 31
New Year’s Day: Closed, Friday, Jan. 1 – Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016
Winter Classes Begin: Monday, Jan. 11
Youth Classes Begin: Saturday, Jan. 23
President’s Day: Closed, Monday, Feb. 15
Feb Fun Vacation Workshops: Tuesday, Feb. 16 – Friday, Feb. 19
Winter Session Ends: Thursday, March 31
Spring Open House: Thursday, April 7
April Intensive Workshops: Monday, April 11 – Friday, April 15
Patriot’s Day: Closed, Monday April 18
April Art Vacation Workshops: Tuesday, April 19 – Friday, April 22
Spring Classes Begin: Monday, April 25
Youth Classes Begin: Saturday, April 30
Youth & Teen Classes Info
Youth Classes
14-36 Months w/adult Share in the benefits of creative play with your toddler. These
workshops help toddlers explore, discover, and grow through new sensory experiences
with different art materials. Each session offers a different theme support your young
artist’s development. All materials safe and non-toxic. These classes require one adult
(guardian) per child enrolled.
Ages 3-5 w/adult These classes introduce young children to art materials and new
experiences through studio activities, games, and stories. Required parent/guardian
participation reinforces communication skills and assists children in developing
motor skills. Shared and individual activities help children gain self-confidence as
adults model life-long learning habits. These classes require one adult (guardian)
per child enrolled.
Ages 5+ w/adult Students of varying ages and a parent/guardian learn together
about art through gallery visits and studio activities. Required parent/guardian
participation reinforces creative thinking, design, implementation and assists younger
students in developing these skills. These classes allow up to two children per one
adult (guardian) enrolled.
Ages 5-7 Students are exposed to a broad range of ideas and art forms
through medium-specific classes, such as sculpture and painting, as well as through
theme-based classes. Emphasis is on self-expression and experimentation.
Ages 8-10 & 11-13 Students strengthen creative confidence and technical abilities
through medium-specific courses. Projects focus on developing observational and
technical skills as well as furthering the student’s ability to think independently.
Teen Classes
Ages 14-17 Projects and critiques continue to help develop technical skills and support
the student’s ability to make personal decisions about expression, style, and content.
In compliance with regulations, only certified and CORI-checked Museum
personnel are allowed to accompany children ages 5-17 in any class program.
Youth & Teen Classes Info
14-36 Months with Adult
5+ Years with Adult
11am to 12pm
(No classes the week of February 15 - 21)
Discover Art: Great Start to Art /
A great first art class where your child can make
a fun mess! With an emphasis on sensory
experience, this class will introduce kids to color,
texture, and shape. Make a masterpiece and
discover surprising talents in this very special
art class. This class requires one adult per child
enrolled; please no additional siblings or infants.
Thursday 1 class: 2/25
Member $10 Nonmember $15
10am to 12pm
Discover Art: Movin’ in the Museum /
Let’s have some hands-on fun! Encourage your
preschooler’s self-expression and motor skills in
this art, movement, and music workshop. Get in
the mood to be creative as we stretch, wiggle,
create, and smile our way through gallery
activities and creative studio projects. This class
requires one adult per child enrolled; please no
additional siblings or infants.
Thursday 1 class: 3/10
Member $10 Nonmember $15
3-5 Years with Adult
(No classes the week of February 15 - 21)
10am to 12pm
Family Fun: Color in Motion / 16WYMXD256
Move and groove in this creative experience
for both you and your preschooler. Activities
will emphasize storytelling and self-expression
thought simple movement and hands-on art
projects. This class is designed for each student
to experience art making with a parent or other
adult. Each adult can attend with up to two
registered children.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $225 Nonmember $275
2:30 to 3:30pm
Family Fun: World Traveler’s Journal /
Explore the arts and cultures of North and
South America, Europe, and Asia as we learn
about unique artistic traditions. Listen to stories
and myths related to the artwork you see in the
Museum. In the studio, use a variety of
materials to create your own book that charts
your journey during this exciting weekly family
fun. This class is designed for each student to
experience art making with a parent or other
adult. Each adult can attend with up to two
registered children.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/27-3/23
Member $110 Nonmember $135
Art Together: A Painting is a Poem /
Priscilla Harvey
Young artists will utilize many different materials
as they paint. The paintings will be connected
to the student’s own words through simple
poems and stories. Visits through the Museum
collection will offer inspiration for both visual
and printed works. This class requires one adult
per child enrolled; please no additional siblings
or infants.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $225 Nonmember $250
Art Together: Art ABCs / 16WYMXD108
Learn about lines, shapes, colors, and forms
as you tour the galleries in search of these art
basics. Use crayon, paint, and clay to create
your own art works. This class requires one
adult per child enrolled; please no additional
siblings or infants.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/28-3/24
Member $225 Nonmember $250
Register online worcesterart.org/classes
5-7 Years
8-10 Years
(No classes the week of February 15 - 21)
(No classes the week of February 15 - 21)
10am to 12pm
10am to 12pm
Winter Blues / 16WYDAP314
Jenn Falcon
We will check out the Cyanotypes exhibition
then make our way through the Museum
focusing on individual colors, how to mix them,
and how to use them in all different media.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Sculpture FUNdamentals / 16WYSCL400
Haruo Shiga
Get inspired in the Museum by touring the
galleries to sketch 3D works. Then, explore
hand-building by creating 3D works with found
objects, paper, wood, wire, and clay.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
12:30 to 2:30pm
Horses Around the World / 16WYMXD429
Jessica Harris
In the galleries, study horses as they have been
portrayed in art over the centuries. Combine the
fundamentals of drawing and sculpting these
animals while focusing on shape, line, and
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Wings, Tails and Scales / 16WYMXD336
Jessica Harris
Discover creatures that creep, wiggle, and fly as
you explore the Museum and hear stories about
animals from around the world. Using a variety
of materials create your own real or imaginary
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
4 to 6pm
Sculpture for Small Hands / 16WYSCL302
Have fun with clay, papier-mâché, and recycled
materials as you create animals, people, and
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/26-3/22
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Painting Impressions / 16WYPNT348
Dots mark the spot when you experiment with
mixing colors and try different paint brush techniques. Visit WAM’s collection of Impressionist
paintings and try to count all the dots!
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/27-3/23
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Hear’s the Story / 16WYSCL377
Listen and create in this fun mixed-media class
that combines children’s literature, gallery visits,
and art making. Illustrate events, construct
characters, and develop your own stories.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/28-3/24
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Youth Classes
12:30 to 2:30pm
Drawing, Painting and Printing the “Isms” /
Priscilla Harvey
Often great artists from the past and present
are grouped into descriptive categories. Each
week in this mixed-media class, curious-minded
students will enjoy exploring the unique styles of
Realism, Impressionism, Cubism, Expressionism,
and so much more. They will learn how to make
informed observations about why a work from
the Museum collection is grouped into a particular style of art.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
4 to 6pm
Creative Play with Clay / 16WYSCL485
Elaine Smollin
Create stories with human and animal
characters in clay or experiment with building
techniques as vast as your imagination! Weekly
gallery visits are sure to inspire students.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/26-3/22
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Drawing and Painting Your World /
Cynthia Woehrle
Explore the drawn and painted landscape
throughout the galleries and learn how artists
used colors together to create different scenes.
Each week students will sketch and paint
different scenes from their own world using
watercolor and tempera paints.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/27-3/23
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Mixed Media: Ancient Art / 16WYMXD448
Helen Downey
Go back in time and learn about the cultures of
ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt as you tour
the galleries each week. In the studio, create
works of art inspired by what you learn using
paint, paper, clay, and more.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/28-3/24
Member $175 Nonmember $200
11-13 Years
(No classes the week of February 15 - 21)
10am to 12pm
In the Style of Great Artists / 16WYMXD575
Ellen Donaldson
Great artists from the past and present are
often grouped into movements of style or eras.
Explore the techniques of these artists and
make 2D and 3D works of art after a gallery tour
each week.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
4 to 6pm
Drawing from Fantasy / 16WYDRW530
Eric Donaldson
Learn fundamental drawing skills while creating
fantastic worlds of your own in this fun class
devoted to celebrating the imagination. In the
studio, students will create works on paper
using a variety of drawing materials, such as
pen, pencil, ink, and marker.
Tuesday 8 classes: 1/26-3/22
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Color and Clay / 16WYSCL501
Elaine Smollin
Explore how color intensifies the appearance
of clay sculptures. Learn to use pure color and
learn to mix colors in this 3D experimental class.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/27-3/23
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Basic Design and Composition /
Cynthia Woehrle
Focus on your observation skills while learning
about composition. Work with the basic elements:
line, shape, and form in a variety of media
including pencil, water-based paint, and ink.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/28-3/24
Member $175 Nonmember $200
12:30am to 2:30pm
Imagination Lab / 16WYMXD586
Haruo Shiga
Discover what you can make from recycled
materials. Design and create multi-dimensional
collages, toys, and things to decorate your
room. Take a walk through the galleries for
ideas that may surprise you.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Advanced Color / 16WYMXD528
Jenn Falcon
Starting with the Cyanotypes exhibition we will
learn to appreciate all the varieties of each color, use them in drawing and painting, then see
how they can be manipulated on the computer.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $175 Nonmember $200
Register online worcesterart.org/classes
Teen 14-17 Years
WAM’s intensive classes provide enough time
to develop skills, create portfolio-appropriate
artwork, and critique with other like-minded
students. Teen classes include group critiques,
socializing, and a break time. This is a great
opportunity for college-bound artists, students
looking to build their portfolios, or a new artist
just looking to have some creative fun.
10am to 2:30pm
Art + Visual Culture / 16WYMXD689
Elaine Smollin
This class is often a required college course
nationally, as it introduces students to art globally.
It is designed to be experimental, touching upon
many different artists, materials, and movements. This studio class offers an overview of
first-year college studio art with conversations in
the galleries. All media welcomed.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $275 Nonmember $300
Digital Arts / 16WYCMP606
Jamie Buckmaster
This class focuses on designing digital games.
Gain an understanding of how to create
interesting and unique backgrounds and
characters. Students will see examples from
Gamemaker, Zbrush, and Maya 3D. No previous programming knowledge required.
Saturday 8 classes: 1/23-3/19
Member $275 Nonmember $300
5 to 8pm
Drawing and Painting Workshop /
Improve your drawing and painting skills while
using pencil and water-based paints. Explore
different methods of creating sketches and
detailed drawings.
Thursday 2 classes: 1/14, 1/21
Member $50 Nonmember $75
Drawing and Sculpting the Figure /
Study how to portray the human face and figure
in 2D and 3D. Work from a clothed model to
learn basic form, gesture and perspective. Use
charcoal, Conté crayon, and materials such as
clay and plaster.
Wednesday 8 classes: 1/27-3/23
Member $235 Nonmember $260
Teen Classes
Portfolio Prep / 16WYMXD642
Elaine Smollin
Examine the fundamentals of 2D and 3D art,
including line, form, space, balance, value,
and hue. Master basic skills and strengthen
problem-solving abilities. Returning students will
work on more advanced projects.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/28-3/24
Member $235 Nonmember $260
Sculpture: Miniature to Mammoth /
Nick Kantarelis
Examine the scale of things in this fun class
devoted to creating 3D artworks that range from
tiny to large. Visit the galleries to look at paintings and sculptures in the collection that speak
to size. Work in a variety of media to produce
sculptures of different sizes in the studio.
Thursday 8 classes: 1/28-3/24
Member $235 Nonmember $260
Family Programs
Art Time
3-13 Years with Adult
These classes are designed for each student
to experience art making with a parent or
other adult. Each adult can attend with up to
two registered children.
Member $10 Nonmember $15
1:30 to 2:30pm
Flower Power/ 16WYAT101
Flowers are blossoming! Explore blossoms
around the museum. In the studio, draw and
paint your own beautiful plants and flowers.
Sunday 1 class: 1/31
Stay after your family tour (starting time
10:30am), or drop-in for this fun
intergenerational time in the galleries.
Get inspired by our art and try making
something uniquely yours. Materials will
be provided. Come recover your childlike
sense of free spirited play!
Per Person/Project Fee:
Member $2 Nonmember $2
11 to 11:30am
Last Hurrah! Hats / 16WY0102
Saturday 1 class: 1/2
Snow Collage / 16WY0206
Saturday 1 class: 2/6
Dining in the Country / 16WY0305
Saturday 1 class: 3/5
Hearts Galore/ 16WYAT102
Create beautiful hearts and Valentine memories!
Enjoy heart-making activities using a variety of
Sunday 1 class: 2/14
Beautiful Baskets/ 16WYAT103
Make your own functional basket using a variety
of materials. Your basket could hold flowers,
fruit, or other springtime goodies!
Sunday 1 class: 3/20
3 to 4pm
Print Shop / 16WYAT104
Find out how to create your own printshop at home
as you learn to design and print your own art with
traditional print making techniques.
Thursday 1 class: 1/21
Monster Me / 16WYAT106
Use your imagination to build a life-sized
monster out of recycled material.
Thursday 1 class: 2/11
Green Art / 16WYAT105
Celebrate spring by adding art to your garden.
Create decorative yard ornaments to brighten
up any rainy day. Make your house one of the
most colorful in the neighborhood.
Thursday 1 class: 3/17
Register online worcesterart.org/classes
Youth & Teen Programs
All Day Workshops
For Kids + Young Adults
During Worcester Public School In-Service
Days (or Professional Development Days)
When school is not in sesion because of a
Teacher Professional Day, WAM is the place
for kids! Extended morning and afternoon and
lunch are offered each day.
Member $20 Nonmember $25
Monday, 1/18
10:00am to 12:00pm
Pharaohs and Queens 5-7 Years /
Imagine yourself as the ruler of ancient Egypt.
Sculptures, paintings, and stories in the Egyptian
gallery will inspire your creativity to make a
beautifully adorned headdress in the studio.
Sculpture Studio 8-10 Years / 16WYSCL478
Explore the process of working with recycled
materials. This workshop will focus on using
sketches as an important part in the creative
Cartooning 11-13 Years / 16WYDRW501
Bring characters and their stories to life with
pen, ink, pencils, and markers in a comic strip
or book format.
10:00am to 2:30pm
Figure Drawing 14-17 Years / 16WYDRW601
Work in charcoal from a live model,
focusing on a variety of drawing techniques.
This foundation class is both a good entry into
drawing and a chance for those with drawing
experience to continue to learn about gesture,
contour, composition, and proportion.
Member $40 Nonmember $50
12:30pm to 2:30pm
Future Art 5-7 Years / 16WYMXD378
Build rocket ships, robots, and space scenes as
you explore the art of tomorrow.
Youth & Teen Programs
Along the Nile 8-10 Years / 16WYSCL459
Embark on your trip to ancient Egypt. Sketch
your discoveries before returning to the studio
where you will create modern day mummy
cases, hieroglyph reliefs, and other Egyptian
inspired artifacts.
Print It 11-13 Years / 16WYPNT547
Get ideas in galleries and the make prints
using foam plates to experiment with your own
multiple images.
Tuesday, 1/19
10:00am to 12:00pm
Kinds of Lines 5-7 Years/ 16WYMXD246
Use your imagination as you hunt through our
galleries to find lines. Back in the studio, they’ll
use all kinds of materials to make art with lines.
Express Yourself! 8-10 Years/ 16WYMXD450
Get inspired in the Museum and let your
creativity loose. Experiment in sculpture, printmaking, paint, and other materials to develop
fun, colorful and, experimental projects.
Teeny Text 11-13 Years / 16WYMXD500
Learn how to construct tiny books and tell a
story through abstract drawings. Use paper,
newspaper, and recycled materials to put
together your masterpiece.
10:00am to 2:30pm
Printmaking 14-17 Years / 16WYPRT603
From the simplest methods to advanced
techniques, this class will focus on a variety of
printmaking techniques. Explore monotype and
relief techniques to find your favorite approach.
Member $40 Nonmember $50
12:30pm to 2:30pm
Way Back When 5-7 Years / 16WYMXD366
Tour the American galleries to see what kind
of clothes people wore and how they were
portrayed in the past. Then, using watercolors,
create a self-portrait imitating the clothing and
artistic style of a bygone era.
3D Creations 8-10 Years / 16WYMXD450
Get inspired in the Museum and let your
creativity loose. Experiment in sculpture, printmaking, paint and other materials to develop
fun, colorful, and experimental projects.
Pen and Ink 11-13 Years / 16WYDRW10
Illustration is used in comics, books, and
magazines. Learn basic drawing skills–focusing
on texture, line width, and shading to create a
pen-and-ink drawing based on an artwork
in the Museum, your imagination, or an image
from home.
Friday, 3/11
10am to 12pm
Paint in Motion 5-7 Years / 16WYPNT57I
Get moving and painting at the same time!
Bend, twirl, jump and swirl! Look at the movement of lines and shapes in paintings and
sculptures, and then paint a picture that dances.
Drawings Come to Life 8-10 Years /
Create a short story based on your own life or
an image you find in the Museum, and then
create a flipbook to tell the story through action!
Cartooning 11-13 Years / 16WYDRW501A
Bring characters and their stories to life with
pen, ink, pencils, and markers in a comic strip
or book format.
Friday, 3/25
10am to 12pm
Science and Art 5-7 Years / 16WYMXD357
Have fun exploring art and science! Learn about
the beauty of the physical world all around you.
Use all kinds of art materials to explore light,
color, plants, animals and recycling.
Places and Spaces 8-10 Years /
Tour the Museum to discover the architecture
of the Chapter House and look at paintings of
cathedrals and homes painted hundreds of
years ago in faraway lands. In the studio,
create your own places and spaces using
recycled materials!
Digital Postcards 11-13 Years / 16WYCMP502
Have you ever dreamed of climbing Mt. Everest,
walking through Monet’s garden, or exploring
the bottom of the ocean? With Photoshop you
can make it happen! Use photos of yourself
to seamlessly place yourself in many new and
exciting destinations.
10am to 2:30pm
Painting Intensive 14-17 Years / 16WYPNT600
Look at Dutch, French, British and American
paintings in the galleries and develop painting
skills while you create an advanced painting.
Member $40 Nonmember $50
Fashion Design 14-17 Years / 16WYFSH605
Designed for students interested in
incorporating fashion design or fabric arts into
their portfolios. Student will explore unique
fabric techniques and complete projects that will
expand your repertoire of artistic skills.
Member $40 Nonmember $50
12:30 to 2:30pm
12:30pm to 2:30pm
Wild Wooly 5-7 Years / 16WYMXD337
Get to know your fierce and friendly neighbors!
Become explorers and hunt the galleries for
wild animals. Make drawings of your findings,
and then head to the studio to create real and
imaginary animals using mixed materials.
Clay, Poke, Pinch, Pretend 5-7 Years /
Come explore the many possibilities of clay
sculpture. Discover how other materials can
be added to make your sculpture even more
playful. Travel through the ancient galleries for
inspiration, then create artifacts of your own.
10am to 2:30pm
Depth Defying Drawing 8-10 Years /
Learn how artists give depth to flat pictures
during our gallery visits, and apply these techniques in the studio using drawing and other
mediums. Create your own works of art using a
variety of materials.
Patterns in Nature 11-13 Years /
Use a variety of natural materials to make prints
and rubbings inspired by the repetitive patterns
found in nature and the Museum collection.
Color and Light 8-10 Years / 16WYDAP401
Learn fun painting techniques to express
yourself and strengthen your observational
skills while working directly from objects in the
All Shapes and Sizes 11-13 Years /
Take a look at the colorful shapes in abstract
work at WAM, and create your own abstract
creation. Create colorful compositions out of
shapes of all different sizes.
Members save on classes! Join today at worcesterart.org/join
Class Information
Please bring any appropriate supplies you already have to the first class. Instructors will go over
specific supply lists during the first class meeting. Spray paints, fixatives, and aerosols are prohibited
in adult and youth classes. We recommend the use of non-toxic, no-odor solvents; ask your instructor
for more information. The Worcester Art Museum is not responsible for materials left on the premises.
Studio Availability
Due to liability issues the Museum asks that students enter studios no more than 20 minutes prior
to the start of class or if the instructor is present in the studio. Only registered students are allowed
in the studios and galleries during class-related activities. Because studios are cleaned at the end
of each class meeting, students and instructors must vacate their studios 20 minutes after class has
ended. Our studios may only be used for art classes during established hours.
Schedule Changes & Inclement Weather Closings
In case of snow or inclement weather, please check facebook.com/worcesterart, www.whdh.com, or
call 508.793.4333. Please note that Museum classes may still be held when local schools are closed.
The Museum schedules make-up classes when possible.
Refund Policy - Important!
Classes and adult workshops: a 90% refund is given upon withdrawal in writing 5 or more business
days before first class meeting. Withdrawal must be in writing. Email withdrawal request to:
transactions@worcesterart.org. No credits or refunds are given on withdrawals less than 5 business
days before the first class meeting. When a class is canceled, students are issued a full refund.
Vacation week programs: supervised lunch, extended day and workshop fees are non-refundable.
Make-up classes are not offered if students are absent. Class tuition cannot be prorated
due to student absences.
Confirmations/Schedule Changes
The Worcester Art Museum reserves the right to cancel any under-enrolled course, restrict the
registration in a course, change instructors when necessary, and reschedule individual classes as
needed and appropriate. If the Museum finds it necessary to cancel courses or make schedule
changes, every effort will be made to notify registered students.
Professional Development Partnerships/Points
PDPs are available for all Adult Classes. Request by email: transactions@worcesterart.org.
Certificates are sent when the entire session has ended. For more information on how your
school district can join the Professional Development Partnership Program, call the Registration
Administrator at 508.793.4333 or email transactions@worcesterart.org.
From time to time our in-house photographers and members of the news media take pictures of
students participating in classes and programs, as well as their artwork, which may be reproduced
for promotional purposes. If you prefer that you or your child not be photographed, please inform
the photographer. If we have used a photo or video of you that you would prefer not be used, please
contact us by email transactions@worcesterart.org, request that we remove the image, and we will be
happy to take the photo or video down from our website and not use the photo in future print
publications. Please be sure to fully describe the page and image, so we can identify it correctly.
As a courtesy to other students and our faculty:
Out of consideration for other students, we ask that cell phones be turned off. If you must make a phone
call during class, please use the Lancaster Lobby to avoid disturbing others. Youth students are not
allowed to leave early from class without written parent release form filled with the Education desk.
Parents and guests must wait in the Lancaster Lobby or the Museum galleries during their child’s class.
DOB (Youth Only)
Check if you would like an email confirmation
Special Needs/Allergies
Telephone (Day)
Telephone (Evening)
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone
How did you hear about the Museum’s Classes?
❑ Museum Visit
❑ Word of Mouth
❑ Newpaper _________________
❑ School Flyer
❑ Worcesterart.org
❑ Radio _________________
Course Title
❑ Facebook
❑ Other _________________
Single / $60 - 1 adult / 1 child
Double / $80 - 2 adults / 2 children
Grand Total
Payment Information
Name on Card
Credit Card #
Please mail or fax this form to:
Worcester Art Museum Studio Class Program
55 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609-3196
Phone: 508.793.4333 | Fax: 508.793.4433
or register online