Installation Manual
Installation Manual
MICANAN SYSTEMS INC. INSTALLATION AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL: PRO-HHD 2 Model Feb 2009 YEARWARRANTY : Inslallation Date: wiring Diagram: 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE: VERIFICATION OF OPERATOR AND IIARDWARE 3 SPECIFICATIONS 4 SAFtrTY INSTRUCTIONS 5 INSTALLATION 6 LIMIT SWITCH ATruSTMNNT 9 CONNtrCTION O!'POWXR SIJPPLY AND CONTROL STATION l0 CONNtrCTION OF RE\TRSING EDGE DEVICE AND CONTROL ACCESSORIES 11 CI,UTCH A}.IUSTMENT 12 RRAKE AD.II]STMI]NT 12 EMERGENCY MANUAL OPf, RA.TION 13 OPXRATOR MAINTI]NANCE t4 MECIIANICAI, DRAWINCS AND PARTS LISTS 15 trLECTRICAL DIAGR-{MS t7 WARRANry t9 OPTIONS MP00046 MP0008l MW00024 460 Drive Chrin md Sntuckets Dorblc v-belt reduction Hieh Cvcle nodificalion PRO HHDW PRO.HHDX MP00007 W3irnronf m.rli6.rli.n corosion nrool'nodifi cation Ex.l6ion Droof modifi catio! 115 Volt controlcir@it MP0000l Fire rel@se mechanisn MP00028 MP00069 74 MX0000l Auxiliary lroll€v c/w t ack ) chair evei disc.nnccr in lieu ofchain kmer Fl..rI FOR ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING TI]E SAFETY OR OPERATION OF THIS OPERATOR PLEASE CONTACT MICANAN SYSTEMS AT 1.877-888-1II6 Upon delivery of your MICANAN SYSTEMS heary-dutyjackshaft door opemtor, please inspect the unit caretully for danage. Verily that opemtor honepower, voltage, phase and amperage conespond b available power supply and door applicatiotr. Check that along with your operator you have received the followitrg standard hardware. Ix OPFN/CLOSE/STOP 3 bufton conarol siation: Ix #50 Drive ohah package : a' (l.2flr) c/w #50 conllecrins I\ Dri\eSp'ockers0Bl2xl cq2.ersc,ewsand'i'rl-l4 li.l( leway t* (8^Z dH"t qsP 1x Drive Sprocket 50818 x l" o/w 2 set screws and %" x 1-1/4" kelnvay Note: SFocket size and bore nsy vary according to door.ize and rye. shafr ri/e dd dnm diameler Ix Chain keeper Ix Kelring 4 x 3/8" bolt, hex nut, lock washer ed flat washer @ @@% 1 x Ix pocket wheel hand chain (2 x door heighr less 4'(1.2m) Set ofwaming signs PRO-HHD heary-duryjackshaft opcrators are designed for commercial and industriai high Lift, verticallift, rolling dools and rolling gnllcs pmvided that dools are driven by a ddve shaft. Model PRO-HHD incorporates a chain hoisl for manual operation ofthe door. STANDARD OPtrRATOR WEICHTT 80-95 LBS MOTOR: Continuous dub/ 1725 RPM industrial t]"c mofor. Built in overload pmtection (3 phase) or separate tull overload protection (l-phase). - Horsepower: 1/3HP, l/2HP, 3/4HP, lHP l15V I 230V RTDUCTIONi Primary: (5L) V-beli Secondary: #4 ourPur $II jI-ISIEED: 1 230V 3-phase 460V 3-Phase 575V 3-phase phase l'phase and pulleys (2" lo 8" diameler) cbain atrd sprockets ,r0 RPM BRA.KE : Solenoid actuated drun ed brake shoe braking system to prevent coarring and mainL!in door posirion. WIRING T\?E (STAN'DARD): C-2 Wiring constani pressur€ on close, iromentary conlact on open and stop. Wired to accept reversing edge, radio control, photocells, loops and OPEN/CLOSE devices. NOTE: Ifmomentary contacl on close (B2) wirins is desied: Move'vhite" wire from tenninal #5 to teminal #3. TRA.NSFORMtrR: 24VAC control circuit, supplies power to drive conrrol relays wilh 15VA power available for cxien1al devices. LIMIT ADJUSTMENT:4 mjcro switches tully adjustable rcrev t)"e cams. thal control doortlavel. These Iinit switchcs de activated by EMERGENCY DISCONNtrCT: Floor l€vel cable discoDnect system wilh electrical cut-out feanle allows person to manually opente the door by chain hoist in case ofemergency. CLUTCH: Adiustable f.iction clutch to ninimize ohstnrclion o..urs damage ro door operator, door or vehicles whcn OPERATOR DIMENSIONS: !9AII, MOINT 24' 16 3/A' 16-1/4', BIAGET MOUNT TO REDUCE THE R]SK OF INJTJRY OR DEATH: READ AND FOLLOW AIL INSTRUCTIONS Do not allow children to play with door. Before iistallation, be sule that opemtor is suited for t pe ofdoor and applicariotr Comecl Place a revening device to prevent entmpment if door is located near pedestrian trafEc codrol device within ctear sight ofthe door but at a minimum distaoce from tbe door so that l]ser camot rcach movins doo' pafs vhen operaring. Outdoor exteBal devices should have seouriry features to prevent unauthorized operation ofthe door. Never cross under Press the a moving door. "OPEN' device or use emergency disooDnecl mechanism if a person is trapped under tlrc Do trot use disconnect mechanism or manually opeEte door unless power has beetr electrically Keep doon properly rnaintained. Test door repaj,i'. An uh aintui ed ed service r€gularly. Have a qualified service penon male doot srsten couw cause injart ot death. The olilrer or usen must undemtand drc safeb' aIId operation of door system. lnsure that this installation manual be located close to the door svstem. Note: - lnstallation of operator musl be done by a qualified insialler' Door must be properly installed and working smoothly. Remove a[ door ]ocks prior to insiallation The PRO HHD operator has dual outpul shafts and may be mounled on left (standard) or right hand side ofdoor. lf handing of operator must be reversed, loosen sei screws, remove drive sprockei and ke). ay and install on opposile side of drive shaft LEFT HAND RIGI{T HAND SWTCHII{G HANDING - For PRO HHD operator which incoporate a chain hoist mechanism the handine of the operator must be slaled a! time oforder. Depcnding on installalion, jfhanding of chain hoist is not conect the hand chain may hang h door opening. Ifthis is the case, swing chain offto the side and hook it over lhe 1op of the door jamb. Do not attempt to reverse chain hoist on site. Ifflall codrol statjon away fton 5 ft (1.5 n) jlom ihe ground. 2 all noving door pans, within sight ofthe door and lnstall enhapment waming sign next to control station c"tl a ninimum of 'l 3 As a general rule, tbe door opcrator should be installed below the drive shafl and as close to the door as possible. The ideal distdce between the operalor drivc shaft and the door shaft is approxinalely 12" (30cm) to 15" (38cn). The operator may be wallAcnch nounted or bracket /shelf mounied. As sta'da.d, operalon are built for wall mounting applications. These two nounlins conllgurarions are shoM below: (30-3Bcm) (30-38cm) Nqjgi Bracket mounting applications should be specified ai rime of order. To convert opemlor to bncker mout application, inven frame feet towards interior. 4. Mount the operator 1o the wall, hood or bencb with 3/8" boks, nuls and washers provided or wilh lag bolis and shields ifinslallation .equies it. Make sure rhat operator is secured but do not tighlen 5. Placc door sprocket on door shaft and aljg. 6. If vith operator drive sprocket bul an oplional chain spreader has bccn ordered with your operaior, install as do .ot insert kelqay shom belov: \ tll -couri tr ={= __.t -7\ 4F | -couR suil"ble length and connect with conoecting link. '7_ lnstall drive chai. over sprockets, cui to 8. Lower or mise operator to adjust chain tension so Gat there h no more than %" chain slack between sprockels. Tighien operator mounling bolis. 9 Caretully re-align sprockets, ifnecessary aIId secure keyway and set screws. a 8 10. lt. Install hand chain by $rapping jt through chain guard holes and pocket wheel. Allov chain to hang do\rn towards fioor. Cut chain and comcct so that chain is 2' to 3' from the floor. Iostall chajn keeper 1() wall near hand chain at approximately 4' fron floor. Run disconnect chai! through keyhole of chain keeper a.d cut excess chain links ifrequired Attach kc)ring b end of f 12. If an optional fl,oot level disconnect lever was ordered in Lieu of lhe chain keeper, mount to wall with suitable hardvare. Attach bolh chains together using kelring provided. AIow djscomect chain to be slightly slack whcn lever is in the up position. I,IMIT SWITCI{ ADJUS1MENT Adjustment of door travcl is done by moving the linil cans on ihe dreaded shaft. l he positiofl of the 4 limit swilches are faclory adiusted and should nol be alrered. The limil switches are: - "Open!' linit switch: End ofdoor travel in the tully open posjdon - "Closed" lirnit switch: End ofdoor travel in the tul1y closed pos;tion - "Advanc€d Op€n" limit switch: Used for open/close deviccs or timer 1() close feanres - "Advanc€d Closed" Limit sEitch: Used 10 prevent revening device from reversing door when door is alnost tullv closed. Ta 4diq!1 dsa!!4!el: 1. open cycl€: Daress can plate and spin "Open" limil cam away &on1 "open" limir sw;tch 10 increase door travel or spin "open" limit cam towards the "open" limit swilch to decrease door lravel. After each adjusLment ensue that cm plate fully engages in slols ofbolh limit 2. Adiust "Open" linit cam so that door stops at the desired tully openposilion. Close cycle: Depress cam plate and spin "Close" limil can as'ay from "Close" limil switch to increase doortravelor spin "Close" limi! cam lowards thc "Closc" limit swilch io decrease door travel. After each adjustmenl ensure tlal cam plate inlly ensages in slols ofboth limit 4. Adiust "Close" linil can1 so that door stops at the desired lu11y closedposilion. AOVANi:' *iwdvF R s3!€.4FrivE+i OLOSE L tu i S*irCH t0 CTTON OF POWER SUPPLY AND CONTROL STATION Refer to cleclrical diagrams inside conirol box cover or at thc end of this tna,ual prior to comeclion power supply or control station. of TO REDUCE THE RISK OF IN.IURY OR DEATH: AI-I- ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SIIOIJLD BE MADE BY AQUA]-IFIED SERVICI PERSON DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ELECTR]CAI CONNECTIONS TO OPI]RATOR TIIJLESS POWER SUPPI-Y HAS BEEN DISCONNECTED AT FUS!: BOX OPERATOR MUST BE CONNECTED IN ACCORDANCE TO LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES AND GROLTNDED TO GREEN GROUND LUG LOCATED INSIDE CONTROL BOX POWER WIRING: Use 1-1,'8" (2.85 cm) dianctcrholes for all power wiring. 1 Sinsb pbalq: Comect singte phase povcr supply lo tenninals L (linc) andN (neutral) on tl]ee-pole 2. porver teiminal strip. Three-phase: Connect tkee phase power supply lo teminals on three-pole po$ er teminal st ip. Ll, L2 and L3 3 BUTTON CONTROL STATION 3-PHASE CONTROL WIRD{G: Use 7/8" (2.22 cn) didncterholes for all controls'irirg. Note: Do not run contol wires and power sircs in same conduit. - lnstall contol station wilhir clear sighl oldoor bul away fton all movins pa!ts ofdoor or hddware. Install Entrapmen! s aming sign rexl to contol siation. Connecl l-butlon (openi close,/stop) push buiton station to temrinals 2, 3, 4 and 5. Refcr to eleclrical diagram 1br comection oI two 3-button slations. NOTf,r Afler electrical connections are madc. manually nove door to mid positioD and, using the contol slalio. press the "Open" bullon lbr several seconds and thet press tle "Stop" button. Ifdoor did nol move in conect direclion verifi wiring control slalion. Lo!l:p!4!c sp9lclq!. ifdoor still molcs in wrong dnecdon re!€rse any ttr'o oflhe tlree incomins power supply leads to conccl rolalion l1 1. Reve$ing trdge device (must be normally open cotrtact): Note: If the door is controlled by any device or wired in such a manner that the door is not External intedock Remove jumper between teminals I and 2 and wire interlock betwe€n these two 3. receivor to separate ndio st ip on side of oonhol box or 'adio to terminals 7, 8 and 9 on codrol leminal strip insid€ control box. Radio control rec€iver: Wire slandard @ 7 @ I l@lAla)l Single buttor open/close devic€: Wire to terminals 7 and 8 on cont'ol teminal strip. 5. Loop d€tectors, photocells and oth€r reversing deyices: Wire to teminals 3 and 6 on contol lerminal srip. a 5 6. 24 @ 4 a aa volt poweri Wire to ieminals 1 and 9 on conlrol terminal strip CONTROL IERYINAL STRIP @ @ @ 5 6 aaa @ I o 12 CLUTCII,ADJUSTUENT . 2. Rcmove cottcr pin lapped to pulley. Rolate clutch nut counlercloclwise (loosen) untilthere is insufiicient te.sion to pemit clurch L Gradually tighten clulch nul unlil the iension on b€llcville washers is sufiicienr ro pemit clutch to drive door smoothly but will allo$'clutch 1o sljp ifdoor is obsrructed. It should be possiblc 1() stop moving door by hand if clutch is properly adjusled. l ocl clurch nJr 'n pla-e by n5enng core-fi1. 1 L b drive The brake adjustment is factory set and should only requne mioor adjustnent after extensive usc. Verify bmke adjusLaent by manually holding in solenoid plunger. Wlen bra&e is properly adjusred, rhe brake shoe pads should make complete conlact with brake drum $.ith suffic;enl bmkc spring tensjo. to stop and naintain door when solenoid is de-energized. Wlen solenoid is energized, bralc shoes should release fton drum vith sufficient clearance to avoid conlacr b€twcen shoes and drum. 'l o adjust brale teffion, tighten (to inclease) or loosen (to decrcase) nylon lock nut on brake ofbrake. Brake spring lension musl be soletroid during eleclrical testins spnng bolr. Obscne adjusled so rhat solenoid should pull andrelease smoorhly and quielly. Too nuch or loo lilde rension o. bmke spriq may cause solenoid to bum out. To adjust individual brake shoes,loosen nut on brate shoe adjushent bolt and adjusr bolt. when properly adjusled, rhere should be a small cle&ance berween adjustmentboh and solenoidbracket when solenoid is de-energized. Whcn solenoid is energized, brake shoes should no1'e away ftom dnn $ ith sufilicieni clearance to avoid friction b€Meen bmke shoe p3d and drun. Aner adjustnent are made be sure 1o tiahten nuts on bmle shoe adjustnent bolts. BRAKE PLATE SOLENOID LEVER BRAKE SPRING BOLT SOLENOID BRAKE DRUM BRAKE SHOE ADJUSTI.,IENT BOLTS BRAKE SHOE ADJUSTI|ENT NUT BRAXE SHOE ENGAGE}lENT EXTENSION SPRING PIVOT BRACKET BRAKE PAD BRAKE SPRING t3 The PRO-HHD is equipped with an energency disconnect device with interlocked power culout srvitch to manually operate door in case of emergency. This feature should not be us€d ro manualy operate a malfimclioning door. 1. r operator is supplied with standard chain keeper: Pull the discomect chain tbrough the hole ofkeyhole and lock in place by inserting chain in slot ofkeyhole. 2. It operator 3. Operate door by pulling on hand chain. To rctum io electrioal opemtion Elease discomect chain and allow to retum 10 orjginal position. kck hand chain iD place (fo Chain Keeper or is supplied with optibtral floor level discomect lever: Pu[ discomec! lever downwards and look in place by bendins lever around bracket lip as shosa. ffi s) 14 lf Inspect manual tunction of tle door every 3 nodns. Make sule that door runs smoothly door does not manually open or close fteely, have a qualified seffice person naLe repairs- Do not aflempt to eleotrically operate a maltunctioning door. Every 3 aonths: 1. Verify fiat door area is kept clea!. Remove any obstructions that would prevent proper door operatior 2. Check for any excessive slaok in chains. lf chain adjustnent is rcqunod verify and adjusllimit switches, if rcoessary. 3. veriry and adjust clutch and brake @o not lubricate). 4. I ubricare cbains, bearines d tinir sbafi. 5. Veriry that motor, sol€noid and operalor runs smoothly and quiedy. Evefl 6 months: 1. Veriry dghtness of all fastetrers and set screws. 2. Veriry that opentor is property secured. 3. Inspect manual discoDnect. 4. Veri8 tension ad condition of V-belt Everv I 2 morths: L Perfom a complet€ sereice check 2. Verity that irside of conaol box is clean and that grounding wires, tenninations and power lerminarions do nor rbow signs olcono.ion. 3. Ve.iry tightness ofall terminal srrip sffews ald electrical conoections. 4. Veriry power supply, voltage ofinput terminals duriog operation. 5. Veriry that curent coisumption ofoperato. conesponds to nameplate infomation U z FT z z 3 \ & o F n ina ti -l dr LLU 2& ;oi vO z \). ,)') =8: ''Jei {t l:] l6 Replacement parts list PRO-HHD trPEN I ."*r{+tr{ 1ql'l^")./ En c_5 tElx 1 I 0-6 -.-- E---- lBF/ - T;* l-alpail l nffl q E rceo FAM--_-] la tuc6rshd N& I l!\ rq€ REmvE, t"-"**,**,",t I I l-":;",**-"*, **."1 I dD eEoD G lm6E' I I I $FF,N tddrbEdrcrEt I AFFohAFuFP$F t-*r*,*,***",*t I t :'-::rvrl J r;;;;;;il) t:trTlT'*l1t ,] rT;;;*;;;**'-] la r6Pr'dxr I lF'!*.riE*LdFNrl I FE6E (EdmD FxdErr I MLEsiE RoN rEiHrir F. lMco{NEdrcd(Mtr IniE.oEdrdDo REb tj:rr*..1 I I I I i! ,J /-'--:-----______-\ I I ""*.re4/@,) I ui'xi lhNN.'N l lra".""**** I I tur.owM I -ffi HtuNo I I PFrq'F'<Fn rHE Dmr FD r.. cl la,.****-*."",clo* Gr nR,No | I - rsDreE nEr EHNE E I { rE$EFRME 'ir.E t__ f ru ^d I | I I I -:*.1r..s,*jl, ^,* -----) I nE E GFrnAxF{r I PRor.noN sYsrEHs wkEr M + / l- liq rer cMrreR,M F I lL u1 J\ G;;;;;;;;-l I -1-[ A I ." I EE6EDF6RFF D.NTF.i q I irm 1234567A9 oR 2$l2ro vrc, 1 PrlrsE s H, *.. MIGANAN E lFoMAr oN coxlA r! ED llE&El! ts pR o4 rAat ro i PassEssEljtlEll wR rrEN AurioRrsar or FRdM € LcaNAN sYsrEls rNc SH^LL ^N0 Nor tE SE!8!D!q!D 0R R hNUFACME *.M!!CL6ER ,*",-F r= n.o. x G,@i I =' _.* f4 o-#S.." I --l *---.+6-;i 6rm^l l:s -FND,l !!E t__ o **@/@ GD."*.****-. 6n r rcrmuv mulq o" ,A ffi I I --rr#rr Ifi Fre-E is. ErH i6s (rciEFo cdr^cn wnnc I L:r+ Tffi s tlmh ry 4 t)pt> i-----A I J. PHASE ......... REV. ....H1 F : e345 678 9 ING UIACRAII 0;!!1w lE:07.01-07 IICH...HEI 9aNADA;.1: 7l).99.9-!!r6... -3. MICAI{AN v IlC t-Fot!alt9! !!!l!DE! !E tt PRoPR ErMY ro I cAtrN srsrE!sl!!.4!D sjllLlqi 3E REPRoMED oR dscLosEt oR usEa !E!&ANY oEsrc[ oR !]ruF cruRE l and workmanship ae free from defects for a period of two ycars from the datc ofinvoice. Materials renrmed to Micanan deened defective afler exeination vill be retumed at the option ofMicanan with repaired, new or re-mdufactured pans. MICANAN SYSTEMS waranls thal materials MICANAN SYSTEMS will nol def€ctive materiai. This be responsible for any exlra charges incurred in the process of reluming be received pre-paid or il vill not be acceptod. All retumed malerial must vdatuy liabilily due is linited, and in lieu of all other warran4' cxpressed or in1plied. There is no expressed on the part of the seller. lIilG[]tAlr Commer.ial Door Openinq Devices MICANAN SYSTEMS INC. HtrAD OFFICE 1380 St-Regis DorYal, Quebec PHOENIX 1236 W. Southern Ave. Suite 104 Canada, H9P 2T5 usA 85282 TtrL: (514) 822-1116 TtrL: (480) ss7-0070 l-877-888-1116 (514) 822-11r8 FAX: (480) s57-8488 IAx: ATLANTA 28E5 N. Berkeley Lake Rd. Suite 7 CHICAGO 706 Remington Rd. Duluth, Ga Srlite D Schaumburg, usA 30096 usA 60173 Il TEL: (678) s84-2543 TEL.: (847) 839-8303 r-800-798-2s43 (678) s84-2s44 FAx: (847) 839-8308 1-888-81G8584 FA* 1-800-670-8303