TABLE OF CONTENTS - Leading Edge Academy


TABLE OF CONTENTS - Leading Edge Academy
Policy and Procedure
We will train a generation for excellence using a back-to-basics approach in an
environment where positive character traits are expected and modeled, through
fostering parental partnering in the education process.
Core Values:
Character above all else
Fiscal sustainability
Academic excellence
Staff fit and focus
Safe atmosphere
Whole child
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
10115 East University Drive
Mesa, AZ 85207
Principal: Chad Kobold
Administrative Assistant: Karla Boyd
Business Specialist: Crystal Mosca
7377 West Hunt Highway
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Principal: Nick Schuerman
Administrative Assistant: Christi LaRue
Business Specialist: Tanya Verbiesen
717 West Ray Road
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Elementary: 480.545.6646
Jr. High/High School: 480.545.8011
Principal: Gerald Slemmer
Assistant Principal, Athletic Director: Eric Gray
Dean of Elementary Students: Vicky Schildgen
Administrative Assistant: Sue Lampman
Business Specialist: Jen Garcia
633 East Ray Road, Suite #132
Gilbert, AZ 85296
Principal: Lori Anderson
Online Coordinator: Mindi Johnson
Administrative Assistant: Shelly Livengood
Business Specialist: Mindi Johnson
IT Manager: Alex Zamba
18700 North Porter Road
Maricopa, AZ 85138
Principal: Mat Reese
Assistant Principal: Rachele Reese
Administrative Assistant: Jenn Kos
Business Specialist: Christine Horvath
633 East Ray Road, Suite 132
Gilbert, AZ 85296
President: Delmer Geesey
Executive Director: Ron Body
Executive Team, Education Director: Mat Reese
Executive Team, Operations Director: Becki
Executive Team, Education Director: Lori
Accounting Assistant: Dianne Foster
Administrative Assistant: Marlis Fenton
HR Director/Facilities Director: Mark Earle
Operations Director Assistant: Crystal Mosca
4815 West Hunt Highway
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Principal: Steve Butcher
Administrative Assistant: Rhonda Puetz
Business Specialist: Tanya Verbiesen
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
LEA Gilbert Elementary
LEA Gilbert Early
College {Campus}
LEAD Charter [Charter]
Leading Edge Charter Network
(AZ Charter Solutions)
LEA East Mesa
LEAD Charter Schools
Leading Edge Online
Academy {Campus}
Leading Edge Academy
Queen Creek [Charter]
LEA Mountain View
LEA San Tan {Campus}
Leading Edge Academy
Maricopa (Non-profit)
Leading Edge Academy
Maricopa [Charter]
LEA Maricopa {Campus}
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
This employee handbook is provided to help you understand the policies and procedures of Leading Edge
Academy. However, it is only a guide to policy and is in no way inclusive of all policies. All policies are
subject to revision by the Governing Board at any time during the school year.
Because understanding and complying with School policies, procedures, and rules is so important, you will
be asked to sign an Employee Acknowledgement at the end of the Handbook. You will be given seven (7)
days to review this Handbook and have any questions answered before signing the Acknowledgement. By
signing the Acknowledgement and continuing to work for Leading Edge Academy after receiving this
Handbook, you are signaling your acceptance of all policies, procedures, rules, and other provisions
contained in this Handbook. A copy of the Acknowledgement is in this Handbook for your reference.
This Handbook does not alter the “at-will” nature of your employment. You have the right to terminate
your employment at any time, with or without cause or notice, and the school has the same right. You
should understand that Leading Edge Academy has the right to change the compensation, duties,
assignments, responsibilities, or geographic location of your job at any time, with or without cause. While
the school believes in the procedures and policies contained in this Handbook, they are for informational
purposes, and they do not constitute an express or implied employment contract. Furthermore, your status
as an “at-will” employee may not be changed, except in writing signed both by the employee and the
Director of Leading Edge Academy.
If you have any questions about your employment obligations, rights or benefits, speak to your supervisor.
Leading Edge Academy complies with all Federal, State and Local non-discrimination laws, including but not
limited to, race, color, national origin, religion, creed, veteran status or disability and does not deny benefits
of services, programs or activities or discriminate in employment on any protected basis. Leading Edge
Academy also prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace. Inquires or complaints regarding compliance
with any policy should be directed to the Leading Edge Academy Network office.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
GENERAL POLICIES & PROCEDURES ................................................................ 1
REGISTRATION PROCEDURES ............................................................................ 5
Parent Notification of Absences .................................................................................... 6
Ten (10) or More Consecutive Absences ....................................................................... 7
FINANCIAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ........................................................ 7
Registration Process ...................................................................................................... 5
Enrollment Process ........................................................................................................ 6
Withdrawal Process ....................................................................................................... 6
STUDENT ABSENCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 6
Communication.............................................................................................................. 1
Compilation and Maintenance of Student Records (Attendance and Grades) ............. 1
Absence/Personal Day Guidelines ................................................................................. 1
Substitute Procedure ..................................................................................................... 2
Dress Code ..................................................................................................................... 2
Conduct .......................................................................................................................... 3
Employee Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 4
Dismissal ........................................................................................................................ 4
Resignation Notice ......................................................................................................... 5
Tuition Reimbursement ................................................................................................. 7
Weekly Deposits Procedures ......................................................................................... 8
Purchase Orders............................................................................................................. 9
Reimbursement Policy ................................................................................................. 10
Petty Cash Procedures ................................................................................................. 10
Purchasing Policy/Ordering Supplies ........................................................................... 11
Field Trip Procedure ..................................................................................................... 11
Accounts Payable ......................................................................................................... 13
Local Travel Mileage Reimbursement ......................................................................... 14
Club Policy Procedures and Stipends........................................................................... 14
Credit Card Policy ......................................................................................................... 14
HUMAN RESOURCES PROCEDURES ............................................................... 18
Payroll Information ...................................................................................................... 18
Payroll Advance Policy ................................................................................................. 18
Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy ........................................................................................... 19
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Vendor Invoices .......................................................................................................... 20
New Hire Policy ............................................................................................................ 20
Employee Termination Policy ...................................................................................... 20
Fingerprint Clearance Requirement ............................................................................ 21
Personal Data Change/Document Requests ............................................................... 22
Workers’ Compensation .............................................................................................. 22
Insurance...................................................................................................................... 23
Leaves of Absence........................................................................................................ 23
CAMPUS SAFETY .................................................................................................. 24
Child Abuse Reporting ................................................................................................. 24
Harassment .................................................................................................................. 24
Discrimination and Harassment Reporting Violations ................................................ 25
Building Access and Key Policy .................................................................................... 25
Security and Visitors .................................................................................................... 25
Emergency Plans .......................................................................................................... 26
File Security .................................................................................................................. 26
VII. NETWORK POLICIES ........................................................................................... 27
Student Promotion and Retention Policy .................................................................... 27
Staff Badge Policy ........................................................................................................ 28
Student Discipline Procedures ..................................................................................... 28
Use of Electronic Mail and Instant Messaging............................................................. 29
Social Networking Policy .............................................................................................. 30
Health Office Guidelines .............................................................................................. 33
Technology Use Guidelines .......................................................................................... 33
YEAR END PROCEDURES ................................................................................. 35
EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Employee Copy) .............. 37
EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Network Copy) ................ 39
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
A. Communication
Clear communication between parents, staff and administration is a vital key for a smooth
running school. Leading Edge Academy Schools have procedures in place to make this possible.
Phones: Phone calls should be answered promptly and courteously. The Prospective Student
Contact Sheet is to be used to provide the necessary tracking of prospective students. Once the
general information on the form is collected, the Prospective Student Form is given to the
Administrative Assistant for follow up. Prospective Student Forms fall under FERPA and
therefore are to be filed according to FERPA guidelines concerning student information.
Campus Communications: All campus communications must be proofed by the Network Office
and the onsite Business Specialist at least 24 hours before they are distributed. These items
include but are not limited to school newsletters, calendars, letters home, school activity
schedules, etc.
B. Compilation and Maintenance of Student Records (Attendance and
Pursuant to A.R.S. 15-521 (2), each teacher shall “keep a school register, which the governing
board shall carefully preserve as one of the records of the school.” At Leading Edge Academy,
teachers are required to compile and maintain attendance and grading records on a regular
basis and in a timely manner through a paperless attendance system called SchoolMaster and
Attendance shall be taken for each student, and maintained at all levels, in order for the
Arizona Department of Education to be able to examine the school’s average daily attendance.
Each teacher shall take attendance twice daily (morning and afternoon), or at the beginning
of each class period, and indicate whether the student is either absent or present. According
to state law, Leading Edge Academy must maintain a sufficient audit trail of attendance
documentation to be able to validate the accuracy of the attendance information reported to
the Arizona Department of Education.
Teacher and Administrative attendance shall be taken and maintained by the Business
Specialist or Administrative Assistant. Teacher and Administrative attendance shall be recorded
daily and forwarded to the Payroll Department on a weekly basis.
C. Absence/Personal Day Guidelines
On campus hours vary by campus and are established by the Campus Principal. Generally,
teachers must be on campus 30 minutes prior to the start of school and remain on campus
until 30 minutes after dismissal. Other employees’ hours are as determined by the Campus
Principal or their assigned director.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Regular full-time teachers are assigned 190 work days per year, usually 180 instructional
school days and 10 professional development and/or work days. A calendar of the days will
be approved by the School Board and provided each school year.
Regular full-time Administrative personnel are required to work at minimum 220 days per
If teachers need to leave campus for any reason including during break times, they must
sign out at the office.
All hourly personnel must keep an accurate timesheet daily. Timesheets are kept in a
binder in the school office.
Teachers who will be absent because of illness or a family emergency must notify their
campus Principal as soon as possible so a substitute may be secured, if necessary. Teachers
should put the substitute’s name on the PTO Form that is submitted upon return.
D. Substitute Procedure
Only Substitute Teachers from the Leading Edge Academy Approved Substitute List may
substitute at any Leading Edge Academy Campus. Leading Edge Academy approves Substitutes
based on the following criteria:
 Must have a current Fingerprint Clearance Card (no exceptions). A copy of the
Fingerprint Clearance Card must be on file at the Network Office prior to the first day of
 Submit a resume and other documentation showing their experience, education
background and/or other qualifications. Minimum preferred qualifications include an
AA degree (or 60 credit hours) and one year teaching experience, or combination
 Submit completed appropriate tax forms based on their status.
 Reference/background checks.
 Long-term substitutes must be pre-approved by the Network HR department to
determine HQ statues and other qualifications.
E. Dress Code
It is the expectation of Leading Edge Academy that all staff members model proper dress and
attire for our students. All employees must dress professionally and modestly, keeping in mind
that our students wear uniforms and/or have a dress code. It is with this purpose in mind that
the following policies have been established:
 Shirts must cover the waistband or be tucked in to the waistband of pants/skirt with no
midriff or lower back exposed at any time. Shirts or blouses should not have low
necklines or low backs. No underclothing may show. Spaghetti strap, tank tops, and
strapless tops are not allowed.
 Shorts, leggings, and athletic wear are not permitted for staff members.
 Extremely tight pants or leggings (e.g. yoga pants, jeggings, etc.) are not permitted.
Absolutely no underclothing may show. Denim may be worn only on Fridays.
 The bottom hem of dresses or skirts must come to mid thigh when in a seated position.
Spaghetti strap or sundress-style dresses are not permitted.
 Shoes: Sandals and slides are allowed. Flip-flops, house slippers or any foot covering
that does not appear to be safe are not allowed.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Jewelry: Pierced jewelry may be seen only in the earlobes. Ear jewelry (cuffs, earrings,
etc.) may be worn only on the earlobe; no other visible pierced jewelry is allowed.
Earrings and all other jewelry should be moderate in size and in amount so as not to be
a distraction.
Tattoos should be covered at all times.
Hair should not be a distraction to others; appropriate grooming and hygiene standards
must be met. Hair should be neat and clean. Streaking, tipping and other hair coloring
treatments and styles may be considered out of dress code if administration deems
them distracting. Exceptions may be made for plays, parties, or spirit days.
Make-up should be modest and not be a distraction.
Friday is casual dress day. Jeans and denim capris are allowed.
Guage earrings are not allowed.
F. Conduct
1. Conduct with Students
All Network personnel will recognize and respect the rights of students, as established by
local, state, and federal law and are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and
appropriate manner at all times. Further, employees shall refrain from engaging in any
actions or conduct of a sexual nature (verbal or physical) directed toward a student,
including, but not limited to, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or sexually explicit
language or conversation. Employees shall not form inappropriate social or romantic
relationships with students, regardless of whether or not the student is 18 years old.
Relationships between staff and students that include “dating,” “courtship,” or “romantic
involvement” are strictly prohibited. Board Policy prohibits bullying of a student; bullying
may include hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money,
destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, name calling, rumor spreading, and
ostracism. All incidents of discrimination, harassment and/or bullying must be reported and
will be investigated according to school, local and state policy.
2. Drug & Alcohol Use
Leading Edge Academy is dedicated to maintaining a safe educational environment. Thus,
Leading Edge Academy has implemented a drug and alcohol free work environment policy.
It is the policy of Leading Edge Academy that all positions are deemed “Safety-Sensitive
Positions”, as the safety and health of children are involved. In accordance with House Bill
2541 and ARS §23-493, the employer does not have to tolerate lower job performance due
to use of prescription drugs.
No employee shall report to work while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. The
use, sale, transfer or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, hallucinogens, stimulants,
sedatives, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia on Leading Edge Academy property
is prohibited. This includes the misuse of prescription drugs, including medical marijuana,
or any mood altering substances while on Leading Edge Academy property, Leading Edge
Academy paid time (i.e. conferences, training sessions, sporting events), or in
circumstances the school believes will adversely affect Leading Edge Academy’s operation
or student safety.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
If there is a good faith of abuse or impairment, Leading Edge Academy can and will take
immediate action, up to and including drug testing, suspension of the employee, with or
without pay, termination of employment, or other adverse employment actions.
“Impairment” means symptoms suggesting that a prospective employee or employee,
while working, may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol that may decrease or lessen
the employee’s performance of the duties or tasks of the employee’s job position, including
symptoms of the employee’s speech, walking, standing, physical dexterity, agility,
coordination, actions, movement, demeanor, appearance, clothing, odor, irrational or
unusual behavior, negligence or carelessness in operating equipment, disregard for the
safety of the employee or others, involvement in an accident that results in serious damage
to property, any injury to the employee or others or other symptoms causing a reasonable
suspicion of the use of drugs or alcohol. Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary
action, up to and including termination of employment and/or notification of law
enforcement authorities. The transferring, offering, selling or arranging for sale of any
alcohol, narcotic, hallucinogen, stimulant, sedative, drug or prescription drug or any other
mood altering substance while on Leading Edge Academy property or Leading Edge
Academy’s time will lead to immediate termination.
3. Smoking
In keeping with Leading Edge Academy’s intent to provide a safe and healthy work
environment and in compliance with federal, state, and local laws, smoking, e-cigarettes
and vaping devices are prohibited on any Leading Edge Academy property and while
working in any capacity for the school or with any student of Leading Edge Academy. This
policy applies equally to all employees and visitors.
4. Weapons
Weapons are prohibited on school grounds. Weapon means a firearm, knife, destructive
device, and/or a dangerous weapon. Any employee who is aware that a student or
employee is carrying a weapon must report the infraction to their supervisor immediately.
G. Employee Evaluation
The purpose of the employee formal evaluation is to improve job performance. Instructors shall
be formally evaluated two times per year, usually mid-October and late April. Evaluations must
be signed by both the employee’s supervisor and the employee. The employee’s signature
indicates that the evaluation was reviewed with the employee. Evaluations shall be based on
job descriptions and made with the objective of providing the employee with positive feedback
and to assist employee in improving their work skills. This evaluation will also be a percentage
of the Performance Evaluation System used in awarding the Educator Prop 301-1012 bonuses.
H. Dismissal
Any employee may be dismissed at any time subject to provisions of the law. Dismissal of
personnel shall occur by recommendation of the immediate supervisor and/or the Leading
Edge Academy Network Office, subject to approval by the Executive Team.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Causes for immediate termination shall include, but are not limited to, continued poor work or
performance, dishonesty, negligence, unsafe work practices, insubordination, failure or inability
to perform assigned duties, immoral conduct, irregular attendance, consumption of alcoholic
beverages or illegal substances while on duty, abusing students in any form, physical or
otherwise, coming to work in an altered condition; and such other reasons deemed sufficient
by the authorizing Governing Board.
I. Resignation Notice
Employees intending to resign from Leading Edge Academy are asked to inform their supervisor
with as much advance notification as possible. Employees who resign are required to provide a
written letter of resignation. Submitting this letter two weeks in advance is considered
acceptable. The letter should include the intended resignation date and be submitted to the
Network Office.
Once a Prospective Student has indicated that they will be attending Leading Edge Academy the
following procedures are to be followed. A student file is started (unless the student is a returning
student, then the file will be taken from the withdrawn files).
A. Registration Process
The Enrollment Form is Dated and Initialed when received.
Birth Proof Type/Verified upon presentation of the child’s ORIGINAL CERTIFIED Birth
Certificate. NO COPIES are allowed to be presented as proof under Arizona Statute.
Enrollment Coordinator will make a copy for the files. If one is not available the parents or
guardians have 30 days in which to present proof of birth or the child will be withdrawn
(there are alternate options for rare exceptions).
Arizona Residency Form and required documentation verified.
Administrative Assistant requests Transcripts, dates and initials that records from previous
school have been requested. Print K if Kindergarten or HOME if previously homeschooled.
Homeschooled students enrolling in grades 10-12 require home school transcripts.
Administrative Assistant or Guidance Counselor dates and initials when complete records
from previous school arrive.
Business Specialist will initial and date when withdrawal form from the previous school is
received and verified (see *Note below).
Business Specialist will enter which grade the student is enrolled. For those campuses with
multiple grades and multiple classes, the Business Specialist and Administrative Assistant
will work together to assign classes.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
B. Enrollment Process
Business Specialist will enter the state Entry Code in the appropriate place on the student
file and enter the Entry Code in School Database.
Business Specialist will enter the Enrollment Date (first day student actually attended
verified by the rosters) in the student file and enter the same date into the School
Database. The student’s estimated first day can be entered on Enrollment Form by
Principal reviews the transcripts, dates and initials upon review of previous discipline
records and academic placement.
Health Assistant will initial and date that immunization and health records have been
checked and entered into the School Database.
Business Specialist will forward to Special Education any enrollment forms that have
indicated previous Special Education needs. The Special Education contractor will initial
following review of Enrollment Form. This does not indicate that Special Ed records are
complete, just that the file was reviewed for possible flags.
C. Withdrawal Process
Business Specialist or Administrative Assistant gives the parent/guardian a withdrawal
checklist. Upon completion of the Withdrawal Checklist, Business Specialist completes the
withdrawal form, “Official Notice of Pupil Withdrawal,” for the parent/guardian and
Principal to sign. Business Specialist initials student file when withdrawal form is complete,
correct, and entered into School Database.
Business Specialist enters state Exit Code (primary withdrawal type) upon completion of
withdrawal form into School Database. ELL and SpED student data must also be completed.
Business Specialist completes and initials this upon completion of Withdrawal Form, as
verified by Roster Attendance and into School Database. NOTE: The ‘Exit Date’ is the day
following the last day they were in attendance, while the ‘Last Day’ is the last day they
were in attendance.
*Note: Arizona State Law requires that a properly executed withdrawal form be presented to a
school if the student previously attended another school within the state of Arizona (A.R.S. 15827).
A. Parent Notification of Absences
According to House Bill 2368 – School pupils; admission; absences (Laws 2008, Chapter 267), a
School must notify parents of a pupil who is absent from school without an excuse within:
Two hours after the first missed class for pupils in kindergarten through 6th grade.
Two hours of the first missed class for pupils in seventh or eighth grade if the class is the
pupil’s first class of the day.
Five hours of the first missed class for pupils in seventh or eighth grade if the class is not
the pupil’s first class of the day.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
B. Ten (10) or More Consecutive Absences
According to Arizona State Law, if there are ten (10) or more consecutive absences due to
illness, the school shall require the student to furnish a doctor’s note allocating the student’s
illness, which shall remain in the student’s file for four (4) years.
A. Tuition Reimbursement
Leading Edge Academy will reimburse eligible employees for pre-approved tuition expenses
(not including fees, books or supplies) paid to accredited schools, colleges and universities, as
set forth in this policy. The purpose of the Tuition Reimbursement Policy is to provide
opportunities for employees to improve their skills through career development.
Maximum Reimbursement*
Tuition reimbursement is offered for up to six credits per semester and a maximum of 15
credits a year.
Leading Edge Academy will reimburse employees at the conclusion of a successfully completed
course, pursuant to the following schedule:
• For an "A" grade, Leading Edge Academy will reimburse 100% of the tuition cost;
• For a "B" grade, Leading Edge Academy will reimburse 100% of the tuition cost;
• For a "C" grade, Leading Edge Academy will reimburse 75% of the tuition cost;
No reimbursements will be made for grades lower than a "C" grade;
Leading Edge Academy will not reimburse employees for courses in which the employee can
receive a grade of only "PASS" or "FAIL," unless no other grade option is available for the
Reimbursement rates are not affected by grades that are accompanied by a plus sign (+) or a
minus sign (-). Thus, for example, an eligible employee who receives a “B+” will be reimbursed
at 100%. Likewise, an eligible employee who receives a “C-” will be reimbursed at 75%.
Numerical equivalents of a letter grade may be accepted in lieu of a letter grade, provided
Leading Edge Academy receives what it considers in its sole discretion to be adequate
assurances from the accredited institution that the numerical grade is equivalent to a letter
Currently, tuition for undergraduate and graduate courses will be reimbursed up to a
maximum of $1,200 per school year. Tuition reimbursement rates for successive years will be
set annually by the Board and located at each campus office.
To be eligible for tuition reimbursement an employee must:
 Be a full-time employee;
 Must receive pre-approval as described below;
 Be on the payroll when the course is completed;
 Must continue to work in the same or similar capacity for at least one year at Leading
Edge Academy.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
If an employee resigns from Leading Edge Academy, any reimbursed tuition will be
deducted from their final paycheck.
If Leading Edge Academy does not continue to offer employment for a one year period
or legally terminates employee at no fault or choice of employee, the employee will not
be liable to pay back cost of tuition (unless Board determines employee deliberately
got terminated to avoid this).
Courses and Programs Eligible for Reimbursement
Certificate, Associates, Bachelors and Masters Degree programs will be reimbursed if they are
business or job related. All courses, required and elective, which are related to an employee’s
work or which lead to a business-related or job-related degree may be eligible for
reimbursement. Leading Edge Academy will determine, in its sole discretion, whether a degree
program or course is business or job related.
Pre-Approval of Tuition Reimbursement
Employees must obtain pre-approval for tuition reimbursement before the start of the course
under this policy. To do so, employees must complete and return Tuition Reimbursement
Request form. This form must be approved and signed by the campus Principal. If and when the
course is pre-approved, this form will also serve as a payment request form at the conclusion of
the course.
Reimbursement upon Completion of Course
Upon completion of the pre-approved course, the employee must submit a copy of the Tuition
Reimbursement Request form to the Accounting Department, along with an official transcript
of grades and proof of payment. Again, the campus Principal must approve this request. Proof
of payment is established by a receipt from the school.
*Maximum Reimbursement Exceptions:
On occasion, there are specific grants, state and federal monies, available to be used
specifically for Tuition Reimbursement.
B. Weekly Deposits Procedures
Receptionist at each campus receives monies from various sources.
1. Upon receipt either from the teachers, parents or the mail, Receptionist shall collect
and document what has been received.
 All monies/checks must have a receipt ticket issued or a class list showing the
source of the funds (i.e. student name, date, amount). If a class list is
submitted, the teacher should sign and date the list.
 All collected monies must be deposited weekly. No exceptions. This includes
monies that teachers have received for field trips or various projects. Money
may not be left in the classroom and must be turned in to the Receptionist to
be deposited in a timely manner.
2. The Receptionist totals the monies received, runs a register tape, initials and dates the
register tape, and then turns the monies and tape into the campus Business Specialist
to be deposited.
3. The Receptionist sends or faxes the deposit total to the Accounting Assistant.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Campus Business Specialist shall prepare the weekly deposit and Income Sheet report.
1. Upon receipt of the deposit monies from the Receptionist, the Campus Business
Specialist prepares the Income Sheet Report. The Income Sheet Report will identify the
date, person submitting the money, description of what payment is for, the assigned
account, the assigned class and amount. Receptionist signs and dates the Income
Sheet verifying that the total submitted for deposit matches the deposit amount.
2. The Campus Business Specialist shall deposit the monies at least once a week, or more
often as needed. The person making the deposit signs and dates.
3. After the deposit is made, the Campus Business Specialist will email the deposit date
and amount to the Network Accounting Assistant, send the original verified deposit
ticket, the Income Sheet report and any other documentation to the Accounting
Assistant. The Campus Business Specialist will keep a copy for their records.
Assistant Business Manager will receive monies that arrive at the Network Office by mail,
courier, or other means.
1. The Assistant Business Manager shall prepare a weekly deposit and Income Sheet
report, sign and date.
2. The prepared deposit shall then be deposited weekly by the Network Administrative
Assistant, signed and dated.
Accounting Assistant matches the Receptionists tape with the received verified deposit ticket
and records the deposit(s) in the ledger according to the Income Sheet report.
C. Purchase Orders
To purchase materials or supplies the following procedures MUST be followed:
1. Teacher requests needed materials or supplies to the Business Specialist using the
“Supply Order Form”.
2. Business Specialist compiles the order and requests a Purchase Order from the
Accounting Assistant. The Accounting Assistant is responsible for reviewing requests to
verify that they are appropriate and that they are for additional
personnel/supplies/services that have not been paid out of local network funds in the
past. For grant expenditures, the Accounting Assistant or Business Manager will also
review requests to ensure that they are approved expenditures in the Title I grant (or
other grants) and verify there is enough money to pay for the expenditures.
3. The Business Specialist will forward the Purchase Order and documentation to the
Principal for approval. The Principal must sign off on ALL requests, whether a Purchase
Order is required or not (e.g.: Officemax, Staples, Quill).
4. Business Specialist will make the order for the teacher and ensure that the materials
and supplies arrive.
Any purchase made without an approved purchase order becomes the financial
responsibility of the person making the purchase.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
D. Reimbursement Policy
To be reimbursed for materials or supplies, the follow procedures MUST be followed:
1. Complete a Check Requisition Form or Petty Cash Request (Petty Cash Requests are
those reimbursements totaling $50 or less).
2. Submit the completed form with all pertinent invoices, receipts, and approved
purchase order attached (requests without documentation will not be processed) to
Campus Principal for approval. Reimbursements will only be made for expenses
incurred within the previous three months.
3. Campus Principal reviews the Requisition Form or Petty Cash Request and signs and
dates the form and then sends the form to the Business Specialist.
4. Business Specialist reviews and verifies that Check Requests or Petty Cash Request
match receipts, that totals are correct and approved by the Principal.
5. Requisition Form is submitted to the Accounting Assistant for processing or Petty Cash
Request is processed by the Business Specialist.
6. Complete Check Requisitions turned in to the Business Specialist with proper
documentation will be processed by the next available payroll date. All employee
reimbursements will be direct deposited into their designated bank account on the
same dates as payroll (the 7th or 22nd of each month).
E. Petty Cash Procedures
Petty Cash is a fund that is used only for expenditures of an incidental nature. Petty cash funds
are established for each campus and one for the Network Office under the care of the Business
Specialist. These will be fixed amounts up to $500 (depending on campus size) and will be
replenished in the exact amount expended. Therefore, each Petty Cash Fund cannot ever
exceed the original amount designated per campus.
Petty Cash Funds Withdrawal
1. The reimbursement method.
 Upon presentation of an original receipt or invoice of a pre-approved purchase,
the Business Specialist completely fills out a Petty Cash/Reimbursement
Request form (maximum withdrawal amount of $50).
 Business Specialist will make the proper entry in the Petty Cash Log.
 The individual will be reimbursed for the exact amount of the purchase.
2. The advance method.
 The Business Specialist may advance Petty Cash to an individual in anticipation
of a purchase (maximum withdrawal amount of $50). A Petty
Cash/Reimbursement Request form must be filled out by the Business
Specialist which shows who is given the advance and why the advance was
given. Since the exact amount will not be known the individual making the
request will be required to turn in documentation within two business days to
support the purchase.
 Upon receipt of documentation, Business Specialist will complete the Petty
Cash/Reimbursement Request Form and Petty Cash Log.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Petty Cash Replenishment
1. When the Petty Cash fund is close to depletion the Business Specialist shall send the
Petty Cash slips, supporting receipts, and Petty Cash log to the Accounting Assistant.
The total of the cash left in Petty Cash and what is requested should balance to the
amount originally funded.
2. Upon receipt of the Petty Cash documentation the Accounting Assistant shall verify the
amounts, the receipts and any other documentation.
3. Once verified the Accounting Assistant shall enter the Petty Cash reimbursement
request in Accounts Payable and process it as such.
4. Petty Cash checks can then be cashed by the Business Specialist to replenish the fund.
F. Purchasing Policy/Ordering Supplies
Basic classroom supplies shall be ordered regularly by the Business Specialist. Supply Request
Forms are due to the Business Specialist at least one day prior to the order date. As this date
may vary by campus, please see your Campus Business Specialist to find out the exact ordering
days for your campus. Since certain supplies may only be ordered bi-weekly, please plan ahead
for any special classroom projects. The completed Supply Order Forms should include a
complete description of the desired item and where it can be purchased (if known). The
campus Business Specialist will send all copies of the order to the Accounting Assistant for
payment processing.
To purchase materials or supplies the following procedures MUST be followed:
1. Teacher requests needed materials or supplies to Principal using “Supply Request
2. If Principal approves the order, the Principal will forward the Supply Request Form to
the Business Specialist.
3. Business Specialist then receives a Purchase Order (if necessary) from the Accounting
4. Business Specialist will make the order for the teacher and ensure that the materials
and supplies arrive and are distributed accordingly.
5. Business Specialist will forward all order information to the Network Accounting
Any purchase made without an approved purchase order becomes the financial responsibility
of the person making the purchase.
G. Field Trip Procedure
One-two months prior to field trip:
 Field Trip Request form submitted to school administration no later than the third
Wednesday of the month prior to field trip.
 Check requisition submitted with the Field Trip Request if a check will be needed.
 Administrative Assistant will mark the date on the calendar, return a copy of
approved form to teacher, and submit a copy of the approved form and the signed
check request to the Business Specialist.
 The Business Specialist will forward the Field Trip approval to the Network Lunch
Coordinator and the Check or Purchase Order Request to the Accounting Assistant.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Two weeks prior to field trip:
 Permission slips sent home with students.
 Teacher requests Purchase Order or Check (if necessary).
 If using parent/volunteer drivers, check the school’s approved driver list. If a willing
parent is not on the driver approved list, have them fill out and turn into the office a
Volunteer Driver Form with a copy of their Driver’s License and insurance card.
 Collect permission slips and, if required, any money due from students
 All monies are to be turned into the Receptionist on a daily basis. No monies are
to be kept in the classroom.
Two Days Prior to Field Trip:
 Teacher will call destination contact person to confirm trip or activity.
 If any students have opted out of the trip by their parents, alternate arrangements
must be made for their care.
 Teachers are to check with front office if any students have medications that are
normally administered through the school office and must be taken during the field
trip. If so, appropriate arrangements must be made for field trip day.
 Teachers prepare your Driver/Student List.
 Teachers make maps/driving instructions for your parent drivers.
 Teachers review appropriate field trip behavior, safety issues, snack food
arrangements, clothing, etc. and any last minute announcements regarding the trip
with your students.
Day of Field Trip:
 Teachers give the revised, final Driver/Student List to the school office before
 Teachers give each driver a map and a copy of the Driver/Student List.
 Teachers get any needed student medications from the health office.
 Teachers make sure that you have the first aid kit & permission slips with emergency
contact numbers.
 Teachers are to take role before leaving school and before returning to school
 Teacher must submit a roster of all students attending the field trip to the attendance
Following the Field Trip:
 Teachers return any student medications to office.
 Teachers fill out a Field Trip Follow-Up form and turn into the office.
Additional Information:
 If an accident (of any type) occurs during the field trip, the teacher must contact the
Network Office and the School Office immediately.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
H. Accounts Payable
1. Accounting Assistant receives invoices, check requests and receipts.
a. Approved check requests/receipts from campuses have been submitted by each
campus Principal after review by the Campus Business Specialist. All check requests
must be verified, assigned an account and class, initialed and dated by a Campus
Business Specialist before being submitted by fax or email to the Accounting Assistant.
b. Business Specialist stamp the original copies “faxed” and/or “sent” and keep on file at
the campus.
c. Invoices received via mail are sent directly to Accounting Assistant.
2. Assignment of Fund Accounts and Class to Invoices and Check Requests.
a. Check Requests: Accounting Assistant shall verify the amount and documentation and
verify/assign the account and class to the request.
b. Invoices: Accounting Assistant shall verify the amount, assign an account and class and
stamp the invoice for tracking purposes. The stamp shall record the date received, the
amount, the account charged, and the class and have signature lines for approval.
3. Verification (Review) of Invoices and Check Requests.
a. Business Manager examines the documents for the following:
o Proper receipt or Invoice
o Proper Account and Class
o Signatures
b. The Business Manager is responsible for approving Title I and other grant requests to
verify that they are appropriate and that they are for additional
personnel/supplies/services that have not been paid out of local network funds in the
past. The Business Manager will also review and approve requests to ensure that they
are approved expenditures in the Title I grant and verify there is enough money to pay
for the expenditures. The Business Manager will ensure that the purchased items are
appropriate to be paid out of the Title 1 grant*.
c. After review, the Business Manager verifies they are correct and returns the invoices
and check requests to the Accounting Assistant.
4. Processing of Invoices, Check Requests, and Check Amount Limitations/Approval
a. Accounting Assistant enters the invoices and check requests into Accounts Payable.
b. Accounting Assistant shall print a list of items which are due to be paid.
c. Business Manager will review the Accounts Payable list, determine which items to pay,
sign, date the list and return it to the Accounting Assistant.
d. Accounting Assistant will print the approved checks after receiving the Accounts
Payable list from the Business Manager.
e. The printed checks and documentation will then be sent to an authorized check signer
to be signed and returned to the Accounting Assistant. Authorized check signer(s) are
designated by the Corporate Board.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Single purchases over three percent of the annual budget require specific Board
approval. Singles purchase checks over one percent of the annual budget requires two
signatures, one of which is either the President or CFO. Annual limit amounts will be
designated by the Board, based on the annual budget, at the beginning of the Fiscal
g. Accounting Assistant will complete the Accounts Payable check process. This process
includes mailing and delivering the checks and filing the invoices and check stubs
5. Electronic, Online, and other type transactions
A. Where possible, use of electronic, online, and other type transactions would follow
the same procedures and controls as described in this document.
B. Specific controls include:
1. Electronic transfers of funds between accounts of the same company
within the same bank:
i. Accounting Assistant can initiate.
ii. Business Manager or approved check signer (D.5. above) must
iii. Transfers to different companies or different banks must follow full
Check Request controls
2. Electronic or online payments:
i. Same controls as Checks as described in D above
ii. Accounting Assistant can initiate
iii. Approved Check signer (D.5. above) must approve
3. Payroll related transactions and Employee Direct Deposits
i. Payroll processing and Employee Direct Deposit payments can be
by Accounting Assistant, after the payroll list is approved (Business
ii. Adding New Employees/Payees and changing employee payment
information must be by Business Manager
* Note: Title I funds shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, any other Federal, State, or local
education funds. We use Title I funds only to supplement and, to the extent practical, increase the
level of funds that would, in the absence of Title I funds, be made available from non-Federal
sources for the education of students participating in Title I programs. In no case may Title I funds be
used to supplant—i.e., take the place of—funds from non-Federal sources.
I. Local Travel Mileage Reimbursement
Many times travel is a necessary part of fulfilling an agreed upon job, which is even the case of
getting to and from your place of work. It is Leading Edge Academy’s desire to reduce any
financial inconvenience that regular, on-going job related travel may cause. Examples of
mileage that may be appropriate for reimbursement:
Between campus mileage (one-way) for Enrichment Teachers who teach at two campuses
on a regular, daily basis.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Between campus mileage (one-way if schedule permits) for Directors/Principals who have
responsibilities at/over more than one campus on a daily or regular basis.
Examples of mileage that might not be considered for reimbursed:
 Mileage from home to campus or back.
 Employee’s mileage to Network Office for employment-related business/issues (Human
resources, fingerprinting, etc.).
 Occasional mileage between campuses for training, meetings & work assignments.
 Typically mileage will be calculated from the requestor’s “main” campus. The “main”
campus is the primary place of employment.
 Employees must receive prior approval to request mileage reimbursement. There are
two options:
1. Employees may be added to a ‘pre-approved’ list (only mileage for the predefined trips for that employee are considered pre-approved).
2. Pre-approval may be given by the supervisor for a specific business trip/reason.
 For Campus to Campus mileage
1. ‘Occasional’ inter-campus trip mileage will normally not be reimbursed
2. Only mileage between campuses (usually one-way) would be considered
3. Intended for Enrichment Teachers (who travel daily) and Principals/Directors
(who travel regularly)
 To receive mileage reimbursement, fill out the Leading Edge Academy Mileage
Reimbursement Form. Leading Edge Academy will reimburse mileage expenses
incurred on official school business for those employees using personal vehicles. The
mileage reimbursement rate is determined annually by the School Board.
 A Mileage Reimbursement Request Form must be submitted, detailing date, start/stop
location, mileage (use of the pre-determined mileage for campus-to-campus is
sufficient), and trip reason.
 The teacher or club sponsor fills out a club request form and turns it into the Principal
for approval before the club begins.
 If approved, the principal signs the club request form and submits the form to the
campus Business Specialist to be turned into the Network Office.
 The Network office will verify that the club sponsor has a current fingerprint clearance
card, determine the amount of the stipend and complete an addendum or contract.
 Upon completion of the club, the sponsor will fill out a club follow-up report and turn it
into the principal to sign.
 Principal turns completed Follow-up Report into the campus Business Specialist.
 Campus Business Specialist sends completed follow-up form to the Network Office for
the stipend payment.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
 The corporate credit card cannot be used for cash advances, personal or non-business
related purchases or the purchase of alcohol.
 Card numbers should not be distributed beyond the cardholder’s designee and should
not be saved in online accounts to which others have access.
 The cardholder is responsible for ensuring the credit card purchases are within budget
and properly approved.
 Any receipts for meals or entertainment must clearly indicate the names of all persons
attending the meal and the business purpose of the meeting.
The preferred payment method for LEAD Charter Schools is through purchase orders, vendor
invoices and corporate checks. This method allows for budget compliance, financial control
compliance and, in some cases, ensures that the school gets certain discounts. However, in
some cases, this is not feasible for a variety of reasons. As such, select people are provided with
corporate credit cards.
Only personnel specifically authorized by the CEO, Executive Director or Operations Director
are provided with corporate credit cards.
Allowable Uses:
Corporate credit cards are for business purposes only of the entity for which the card is issued.
Corporate credit cards may not be used for cash advances for any reason. Under no
circumstances shall a school corporate credit card be used for the purchase of alcohol.
Corporate credit cards are not intended for purchases that can otherwise be paid for using
corporate checks. Instead they are intended for vendors that do not accept corporate checks,
purchases during travel or emergency purchases.
Card Number Security:
The person whose name appears on the corporate credit card is solely responsible for all
purchases on the card and ensuring that their credit card number is not used or compromised
by unauthorized personnel. As such, the cardholder shall NOT share their card number with
anyone other than the campus designee (usually the Business Specialist or Administrative
Assistant). In addition, the credit card number should not be stored in an online account that
anyone other than the cardholder and their designees have access to.
All purchases over $125 with corporate credit cards are required to be pre-approved by the
appropriate Network Personnel (i.e. CEO, Executive Director, Operations Director, Business
Manager). Verbal approval in emergency situations is allowable. No purchases shall be made
for amounts not included in the campus budget. There is a $300-$500 monthly limit
depending on the campus size. Capital purchases (i.e. furniture and equipment) should never
be charged to a corporate credit card.
Credit card statements are mailed directly to the Network Office.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Employee Agreement:
The employee must sign an agreement acknowledging that he/she has read and understands
the policies and procedures governing the use of a company credit card or charge account.
Restricted Use:
The use of a company credit card or charge account is subject to the following restrictions:
No personal or private expenditure shall be charged to the company account.
No regular operating expense (i.e. monthly telephone bills, internet agreement, etc.) shall
be charged to a corporate credit card.
Each expense charged must be accompanied by the actual itemized receipt and brief
explanation. For example, if the expense is for meals or food, note on the receipt if it was
for a luncheon meeting and how many meals were included on the bill. In other words,
each expense should have the same type of documentation that you would include on a
request for reimbursement.
Travel expenses (i.e. airfare, hotel rooms, and conference registrations) should be
submitted for payment via a purchase order or expense reimbursement whenever
possible. In the exceptional case when a corporate credit card is used for such expenses,
the conference and travel expense should be pre-approved by the appropriate authority.
Documentation of each expense shall be submitted to the Network Accounting Office or
submitted to the campus Business Specialist as soon as possible, and no later than 10
days from the date of purchase. If requested, the Network Office will provide a monthly
spreadsheet to track expenses. If a receipt is accidentally lost, a written description of the
items and cost must be submitted by the campus Principal. Please understand that we
routinely are audited on our credit cards and thus it is especially important that all food
and large purchases are properly documented with the receipt.
No cash advances will be permitted on a corporate credit card.
Upon the termination of employment of a cardholder for any reason, all cards must be
cancelled and returned to the Network Office along with any other company owned items.
Policy Violations:
Violations of this policy may result in anything from a warning to cancellation of the card to
termination, depending on the severity of the violation. The following is the progression of
A cash advance, use of the card for non-business purposes, or use of a corporate credit
card for alcohol – Either cancellation of the card or termination, at the discretion of the
CEO and/or Executive or Operations Director.
Use of the card by an unauthorized person (or transaction) – Any instances will be
reported to the LEAD Charter Schools Executive Team along with the cardholder and may
result in termination.
First minor offense – If all receipts are not provided by the deadline a warning will be
Second minor offense within 6 months – If all receipts are not provided by the deadline a
second time, a second warning will be issued along with a reduction in the credit line.
Third minor offense within 6 months – If all receipts are not provided by the deadline a
third time within 6 months, the card will be cancelled.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
A. Payroll Information
Pay periods are the 1st-15th and the 16th - 31st of each month. Paychecks will be issued the 7th
(for the 16th – month end pay period) and the 22nd (for the 1st – 15th pay period) of each month.
Hourly employees must turn in their completed timesheets to their supervisor by 9 a.m. the
next business day following the end of the pay period. Your timesheet is the record of the time
you have worked each pay period. Your pay is based upon your timesheet.
 Record time worked each and every day. All employee timesheets are to be kept
in the school office in a Timesheet Binder.
 All time should be rounded up or down to the nearest quarter hour and converted
to decimal places.
 Hourly employees are required to take a 30 minute lunch break for full days. A
lunch break of 30 minutes must be taken and will be automatically recorded for
each day after six hours of work if one is not recorded on the time sheet. This
applies to all hourly employees, even those who may have more than one assigned
duty during the day (i.e. Teacher Aide in the morning and custodian in afternoon or
office assistant in the morning and teacher in the afternoon) and during
 Campus Business Specialist checks the totals and sign the timesheets and turn
them into the Supervisor for signatures.
 Campus Business Specialist turns the completed timesheets into the Accounting
Assistant for processing.
 You are required to sign your timesheet at the end of each pay period.
Overtime: Nonexempt employees are entitled to overtime pay under specific provisional
federal and state wage and hour laws. However, Leading Edge Academy policy is to not ask
or authorize overtime hours except in rare and/or emergency situations by the appropriate
supervisor. Any overtime must be specifically approved in advance.
All employees are required to have direct deposit of their paychecks.
B. Payroll Advance Policy
Eligible employees may request a Payroll Advance if the need arises. It is Leading Edge Academy
policy to grant no more than one emergency payroll advance per school year. The payroll
advance shall be requested using the Payroll Advance Request Form which is available through
Human Resources. It is up to the discretion of Leading Edge Academy to grant or deny the
Payroll Advance Request.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
C. Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy
Eligible full-time regular, exempt employees receive PTO days, adjusted for FTE and accrued
throughout the year. They cannot be “rolled over” to the next year. Teachers and
administrative employees must give as much notice as possible when planning to take a
personal day and complete a Personal Time Off (PTO) form.
Classroom performance has a proven tie to the Teacher being in attendance in the classroom.
As such, Teachers (regular, exempt, full-time only) qualify for Performance Bonus Pay on any
unused days at the end of the school year. The per day bonus pay is $125 per unused PTO day.
Employee accrued PTO (Paid Time Off) amounts are as follows:
 Year 1 to Year 5 employed: 5 PTO days
 6th year employed: 6 PTO days
 Years 7,8,9,10: Accrue a half day per year – e.g.:6.5 PTO days in 7th year, 8 PTO days in
10th year.
 11th Year employed: 9 PTO days total
 Does not apply to Seasonal Employees or employees under 25 hours weekly average.
Regular, non-exempt (usually hourly) employees who average 30 hours per week have PTO
days (pro-rated to hours worked) per school year based on actual hours worked. A “regular
employee” consists of all employees that are not independent contractors, temporary, or
seasonal employees. Normally, eight Holiday PTO days must be used while school is closed.
These days are generally: Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Years
Day, Civil Rights Day, Presidents Day, and Spring Holiday. All days are subject to calendar
approval and changes, as needed. The other PTO days (see above for accrued day amounts) are
to be used as either personal days, vacation days, or as sick time as needed. All hourly
employees should use their PTO time in its entirety before the end of the school year as this
time will not be paid out at the end of the year.
Exception: Year-round hourly employees (usually campus operations personnel) will receive
two (2) additional PTO days: Memorial Day and Independence Day. Year-round hourly
employees must use PTO time before the end of the fiscal year (June 30th).
Trading of PTO days between employees is not permitted. If extenuating circumstances exist
and an employee has cooperation from other employees to use PTO days from said other
employee(s), a petition must be presented to the School Board for permission to use another
employees PTO days. The School Board will either grant or deny the request.
Teachers and administrative employees must give as much notice as possible when planning to
take a personal day and complete a Personal Time Off (PTO) form. Teachers who will be absent
because of illness or a family emergency must notify their site Principal as soon as possible so a
substitute may be secured, if necessary.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
D. Vendor Invoices
Subcontractors must submit an acceptable invoice to receive payment OR they may use the
Leading Edge Academy approved invoice template. Invoices are to be completed and signed by
the subcontractor and turned into the Principal. Principals check and sign the invoices.
Subcontractor invoices are then routed to the Business Specialist for verification. The Business
Specialist verifies and signs the invoice and sends the invoice to the Accounting Assistant for
payment processing.
E. New Hire Policy
Definition: For this policy, New Hire includes all remunerated personnel, including Full-time,
Part-time, Salaried, Hourly, Permanent, Temporary, Employed, Non-Employed Contract
Personnel, Substitute Teachers, and any others. In the case of contracted personnel the term is
not intended to imply any type of employment relationship.
Procedure: All New Hires must be interviewed by the Network Human Resources Office and
complete the Network application and associated paperwork prior to an official offer and/or
their first day of assignment. Principals and Directors may take applications, interview
potential candidates, and check references of potential New Hires to determine if they are
recommendable. Principals/Directors may also ask New Hire about appropriate and allowable
documentation, identification, and credentials, however, the Network H.R. office will make
final verifications and determination of eligibility. Only the Network H.R. office can approve and
enter into any employment or contract relationship.
Substitute Teacher List: The Network H.R. office will create and maintain a Substitute Teacher
List. Only names on the list that show Verified-Yes may be used in any classroom or student
related situation.
In additional to all current H.R. verifications and processes, the potential New Hire’s
Employment Eligibility will be verified as required by state and federal laws.
F. Employee Termination Policy
All employees of Leading Edge are considered “At-Will.” However, the following procedures
are to be followed to allow for sufficient documentation and process.
 Only the Network Office can approve a Termination (President or Executive Team).
Principals and Directors can recommend Terminations.
 Either a written Resignation Letter, a Separation Agreement, or a signed rejection of an
At-Will Agreement offer is required.
 Sufficient performance evaluations, employee reprimands, employee corrective action
plans, and/or other documented information are normally required. The exception
being if the position and/or position funding no longer exists.
 If a current At-Will Agreement no longer exists with an employee, the
Principal/Director and the Network will determine if any final documentation is
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
G. Fingerprint Clearance Requirement
All Instructional Staff must have a valid Fingerprint Clearance Card (FCC) before they can begin
work at Leading Edge Academy. Administrative and other employees must clear a state
background check before they can begin work at Leading Edge Academy. In addition, all
employees must agree in writing to a criminal background check to determine if they have
been convicted of certain criminal or drug offenses.
If an employee is arrested or charged for any of the crimes in A.R.S. § 41-1758.03(B) in Arizona
or any other place, the charter school employee must notify the school. The crimes in A.R.S. §
41-1758.03 (B) are listed below.
A person is guilty of unprofessional conduct if they are employed by a charter school or are an
applicant for employment with a charter school, are arrested for or charged with an offense
listed in A.R.S. § 41-1758.03 (B) and do not immediately report the arrest or charge to their
supervisor or potential employer.
The employee who fails to report the arrest or charge of any non-appealable offense listed in
A.R.S. § 41-1758.03(B) will be immediately dismissed from employment with the charter school
or immediately excluded from potential employment.
An employee of a charter school who is convicted of a non-appealable offense in A.R.S. §411758.03(B) or an offense that amounts to unprofessional conduct under A.R.S. 15-550 to do the
following: 1) surrender any certificates issued by ADE; 2) notify their employer or potential
employer of the conviction; 3) notify DPS of the conviction; and 4) surrender their Fingerprint
Clearance Card.
A person who is subject to registration as a sex offender in this state or any other jurisdiction or
who is awaiting trial for, or who has been convicted of, committing or attempting, soliciting,
facilitating or conspiring to commit one or more of the following offenses in this state or the
same or similar offenses in another state or jurisdiction is precluded from receiving a
Fingerprint Clearance Card:
Sexual abuse of a vulnerable adult.
First or second degree murder.
Sexual assault.
Sexual exploitation of a minor.
Sexual exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
Commercial sexual exploitation of a minor.
Commercial sexual exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
Child prostitution as prescribed in section 13-3212.
Child abuse.
Abuse of a vulnerable adult.
Sexual conduct with a minor.
Molestation of a child.
Molestation of a vulnerable adult.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
A dangerous crime against children as defined in section 13-705.
Exploitation of minors involving drug offenses.
Taking a child for the purposes of prostitution as prescribed in section 13-3206.
Neglect or abuse of a vulnerable adult.
Sex trafficking.
Sexual abuse.
Production, publication, sale, possession and presentation of obscene items as
prescribed in section 13-3502.
Furnishing harmful items to minors as prescribed in section 13-3506.
Furnishing harmful items to minors by internet activity as prescribed in section
Obscene or indecent telephone communications to minors for commercial
purposes as prescribed in section 13-3512.
Luring a minor for sexual exploitation.
Enticement of persons for purposes of prostitution.
Procurement by false pretenses of person for purposes of prostitution.
Procuring or placing persons in a house of prostitution.
Receiving earnings of a prostitute.
Causing one's spouse to become a prostitute.
Detention of persons in a house of prostitution for debt.
Keeping or residing in a house of prostitution or employment in prostitution.
Transporting persons for the purpose of prostitution, polygamy and
Portraying adult as a minor as prescribed in section 13-3555.
Admitting minors to public displays of sexual conduct as prescribed in section
H. Personal Data Change/Document Requests
It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the Network Office of any changes in employment
information. It is essential that timely information such as a change of address or phone
number, birth of a child, change of dependents or change in marital status be reported.
Request for documents: Any document requests submitted to Human Resources will be subject
to a two business day turnaround. Please make any documentation requests in writing and
submit to the Network Office.
I. Workers’ Compensation
If an accident happens while on duty, employees are protected under Workers’ Compensation
of Arizona. Leading Edge Academy will not duplicate any payment from Workers’
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
J. Insurance
Health Insurance: LEAD Charter School offers a group health insurance plan to you and your
eligible dependents. The cost of this program is shared by you and LEAD Charter Schools. You
are eligible to participate in the group health plan if you are appointed to work an average
schedule of 30 hours a week or more and are a regular employee. A "regular employee"
consists of all employees that are not independent contractors, temporary or seasonal
Eligible dependents include your lawful spouse and unmarried children from date of birth to 26
years of age. An unmarried child, who is a full-time student at an accredited college or
university, may be insured through the age of 26.
Life Insurance: Employees are eligible to receive a $20,000 Life Insurance Policy, good for as
long as they are employed at Leading Edge Academy. LEAD Charter Schools incurs the total cost
as a benefit to employees.
Vision and Dental Insurance: Full-time employees and eligible hourly employees shall have the
option of Vision and Dental Insurance. Employees shall pay the entire amount of Vision, Dental
and any other additional insurance.
Flexible Spending Account (FSA): LEAD Charter School offers regular employees a Flexible
Spending Account plan that allows the use of pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible health care
expenses which are not covered by insurance. Any monies remaining in the account after final
expenses for the year have been submitted will be forfeited.
This is intended only as a reference to the health insurance coverage, and does not supersede
any agreements which define the group health program. Specific questions and details relating
to the plan may be obtained in the Human Resources Department.
K. Leaves of Absence
Jury Duty: Leading Edge Academy, as an employer, shall not request that an employee be
excused from jury duty or be granted a deferment from jury duty, except in cases of genuine
emergency. An employee, however, may request exemption from jury duty for compelling
personal reasons on his or her own initiative. Court leave for jury duty shall be granted to an
eligible employee for absence during the employee's regularly scheduled hours, including
regularly scheduled overtime, to perform jury duty. An eligible employee who is under proper
summons from a court to serve on a jury shall be granted court leave without pay for the entire
period of such service. The period of court leave extends from the date on which the employee
is required to report to the court until the time he/she is discharged by the court. For an
employee to be granted court leave for jury duty, he or she must submit a subpoena which
requires attendance in court.
Family Illness Leave: Family illness is available in the event of illness in the eligible employee’s
immediate family or other dependents living in the same domicile as the employee. These days
will be deducted from the employees accumulated Personal Time-Off Days (PTO).
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Bereavement Leave: With approval, an eligible employee may be absent for up to five (5) days
with full pay that do not count against their PTO days, on the occasion of the death of a relative
or family member. With supervisor approval, eligible employees may be absent for up to five
(5) additional days with full pay taken from employee’s PTO (provided the employee has the
accumulated personal days available) on each occasion of death of a relative or family member.
For purposes of this policy, relative or family member includes: spouse, child, mother, father,
sister, brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparents, spouse’s grandparents, grandchild,
spouse’s grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and step-child.
A. Child Abuse Reporting
Arizona law requires school personnel, in addition to parents and a number of other
professionals, to report suspected child abuse to the police or to Child Protective Services (1888-SOS-CHILD) whenever there is a reasonable belief that a child has been abused, regardless
of who the perpetrator is. School personnel are defined as any individual who works for
Leading Edge Academy. A “reasonable belief” is when there are facts that cause an employee
to form the suspicion that a child is or has been the victim of abuse.
Employees are required to make a report “immediately” once it is believed that a child has
been the victim of abuse. Employees must inform a supervisor of suspected abuse; however,
this does not relieve the employee of the duty to report the abuse to the appropriate
authorities. Failure to report suspected child abuse can result in criminal and civil penalties.
Abuse can be inflicted on a child by a parent, relative, another adult, a school employee, and
even another child. If you believe the perpetrator is the child’s parent or guardian, report
suspected child abuse to Child Protective Services (1-888-SOS-CHILD). All other reports should
be made to the police. If you suspect that an adult is being abused (e.g., an 18 year-old student
or an adult student on an IEP), report the suspected abuse to Adult Protective Services (1-877SOS-ADULT). Follow up with a written report with any relevant information within seventy-two
(72) hours of the initial report.
B. Harassment
Harassment is defined as verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or
aversion towards an individual because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
disability, or pregnancy. Harassment may include conduct relating to an individual’s protected
class such as: epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, threats, intimidation, hostile acts,
unwelcome jokes, or hostile written or graphic material in the workplace.
Sexual harassment is defined as follows: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as uninvited touch or
sexually-related comments, when (1) submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; (2) submission to or rejection of
such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the person involved; or (3)
such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
No employee may be required to submit to sexual advances in order to retain or improve his or
her job. No one has the right to make the work environment intolerable because of unwanted
touching, insults, unwelcome jokes, etc.
If you feel you or another employee is being subjected to harassment by any employee,
customer, vender, or supplier, you must report it at once to your supervisor and/or the Director
of Leading Edge Academy. If the complaint involves someone in the employee’s direct line of
supervision, then the employee must immediately inform another supervisor or the Director of
the complaint. Sexual harassment can occur between members of opposite sexes or between
members of the same sex. Each incident of harassment will be investigated according to its own
unique circumstances. To the extent possible, investigations will be conducted in confidence;
however, please be advised that Leading Edge Academy is required by law to conduct a
thorough investigation, and absolute confidentially is not always possible. An employee found
to have harassed another individual will be subject to discipline, up to and including
No employee who in good faith reports harassment or participates in an investigation of such a
report will be subjected to any discipline or retaliation for lodging the report or participating in
the investigation.
C. Discrimination and Harassment Reporting Violations
Employees should report claims of discrimination or harassment to their immediate supervisor
and/or the Network Business Manager using the Alleged Discrimination/Mistreat Complaint
Form. Initiating a complaint of discrimination shall not adversely affect the complainant’s
employment, compensation, or work assignments.
D. Building Access and Key Policy
The school offices will remain locked during all non-school times. Some staff members will be
issued keys for building entry during non-school hours. Teachers needing access to the school
office during non-school times must be accompanied by their Administrator or the
Administrative Assistant.
Keys to Leading Edge Academy’s property or premises are issued to eligible employees for
official Leading Edge Academy business only and remain the property of Leading Edge
Academy. Employees are not to copy, loan or make keys available to any other person. Lost
keys should be reported immediately to the Principal.
E. Security and Visitors
In order to maintain security in our buildings, the following guidelines are required for all
visitors to our Leading Edge Academy:
 Visitors include parents, volunteers, landlords, vendors and any other guest.
 Visitors are required to check in to the office and sign in on the visitor log. They will be
issued a visitor badge and the badge number will be recorded on the visitor log by the
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Visitors need to check in an item (such as their car keys or driver’s license) which they
can retrieve when they return their badge and sign out.
Visitor badges allow access to campus common areas and classrooms. Visitors must
state on the sign-in sheet what department or person they are on campus to visit.
Visitors must schedule classroom visits with the teacher in advance.
Employees are responsible for any personal items brought on campus. Leading Edge Academy
will not be held responsible for any personal items belonging to employees that get damaged,
lost or stolen.
F. Emergency Plans
Each classroom is equipped with an “Emergency Plan Guide” that contains specific information
for school-wide emergencies. All staff members are responsible for reading the emergency plan
and becoming familiar with said plan.
Basic procedures include, but are not limited to:
 Fire Alarms: At the fire alarm signal, everyone is to leave the building in the manner
designated and perform their assigned duties. Only designated personnel are to
determine if there is a fire, a false alarm, or some other problem. Everyone is to remain
outside until the “All Clear” signal is given.
 Lock Downs: At the Lock-Down Signal, everyone is to remain in the room they are in
and secure all doors. Designated personnel will determine if there is a false alarm, or
some other problem. Everyone is to remain inside until the “All Clear” signal is given.
G. File Security
The following security system for student files is to be implemented:
1. Any file cabinet containing student files is to be locked except for when it is actually
being used. (Do not leave the key in the lock.)
2. A list of authorized users should be in each cabinet.
3. A log of any student files removed (from the office-area cabinet) must be kept.
4. Removed student files cannot be left “unattended’ or given to students, volunteers or
unauthorized persons, even for delivery.
5. Any and all other FERPA procedures are to be followed.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
A. Student Promotion and Retention Policy
Determination of a student’s promotion or retention will take place at the end of each school
year. Leading Edge Academy will advance students to the next grade level if the student has
mastered or is progressing rapidly toward mastery level of Arizona State Standards. Traditional
letter grades will be given to all students.
Students must demonstrate that they are on pace to master 80% of all content to be promoted
to the next grade level. If one or more subjects fall below 80% mastery, a student may still be
promoted if 1) the grade below mastery is in the 70 to 79% range, 2) the student has
consistently turned in homework and has demonstrated an effort to improve, and 3) the
classroom Teacher recommends promotion. Students who do not meet the above promotion
criteria can only be promoted at the discretion of the Principal.
The following guidelines will be in place when considering a student for retention:
Retention decisions are made by the school and based on the criteria outlined above.
Retention will be considered if there is strong evidence that retention will benefit the
Parents will be informed of such a decision through advance notification in writing or
parental conferences.
Classroom Teacher, parent/guardian, and Principal are involved in the decision to
retain a student, with the final decision being made by the Principal.
If a student is retained, the student will be expected to repeat a full year of the grade
that he or she failed.
Retention Policy Timeline:
January: Principals create a list of students who face possible retention by consulting teachers
and reviewing available attendance, progress and quarterly data. List is submitted for approval
to Executive Director.
Mid February – Mid March: Retention Letter is sent home to parents of students who may
need to be retained. A meeting with the Principal, Teacher, Parent and Student Team is
scheduled to discuss and sign the Promotion Contract. Special Education Teachers, Child Study
Team, and ELL staff may be a part of team, if appropriate.
April/May: Follow-up letters are sent and meeting scheduled based on the Promotion
Contract. Decision is made by the team to promote or retain students on Promotion Contracts.
Mid May: Possible retained-student information is sent to the Executive Director for review
and approval. Final Decision Letter sent home to parents.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
B. Staff Badge Policy
The purpose of the Identification Badge Policy is to provide standards and requirements for
the display of identification, to provide a consistent method of identification, and to
provide additional means of establishing a safe community for staff and students. This
policy applies to all Leading Edge Employees including subs, volunteers, contractors/vendors,
and visitors while on property.
The guidelines for issuing, receiving, and displaying badges are as follows:
All Staff will be issued a picture identification badge by the Network Office upon being
All staff must wear their Leading Edge-issued badges on a lanyard around your neck
while in the building or on campus property. The badge must be fully visible and not be
obstructed by clothing. A personal lanyard or clip may be used if preferred.
Employees are encouraged to question all persons not displaying proper identification.
Visitors will be escorted to the office to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge.
Employees must return their identification badges to Human Resources upon
termination of employment.
Lost badges and lanyards will have a replacement cost of $10.00 each.
Temporary Staff Badges:
In the case that a staff member misplaces or forgets their ID Badge, a temporary badge
may be checked out from the Principal and logged on the Temporary Staff Badge Log.
The temporary badge must be returned and logged in at the end of the school day.
Temporary badges may be checked out up to three (3) times per school year. Upon the
need for a temporary badge the fourth time, it is required that a new badge is
purchased for $10.00.
C. Student Discipline Procedures
Completing Student Discipline Reports
All Arizona schools are required to report school violations to the Arizona Department of
Education through AZ Safe. The purpose of AZ SAFE is to provide the information educators
need to maintain and improve the safety of their schools. AZ SAFE provides a standardized
system for accurately tracking, managing and reporting school safety and disciplinary
incident data. Schools are also required to report any serious accidents (requiring
paramedics or a visit to a Doctor) that occur during the school day.
Incident: An event that occurs on school grounds or at a school-sponsored event that
disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom. Incidents that must be reported
to the state range from minor problem behaviors to criminal acts and typically result in
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
referral for disciplinary assessment. An incident is described by the violation(s) that
occurred, the people involved, and the date, time, and location of occurrence.
Violation: A violation is a crime or infringement of a law, policy, right, or expectation.
Please see AZ SAFE Definitions of Violations Matrix.
People: People who may be involved in an incident include an offender, victims, witnesses,
and bystanders. These people may be students attending the school, students attending
other schools, school staff, vendors, visitors, or others.
Offender: An individual that commits a violation. An offender can be a student or nonstudent and may or may not have a relationship with the school.
In order for Leading Edge to remain compliant with AZ Safe, Teachers and Principals need
to complete a report when an incident or accident has occurred. These complete reports
are turned in to the Business Specialist who will enter it into Schoolmaster and report it
through the AZ Safe system if necessary. Not all incidents or violations that occur will result
in a report to the state. In some instances the violation or accident will only be entered into
Schoolmaster via the Guidance or Health Modules. Please check the Student Handbook for
the discipline rubric for more detailed information.
Principals are responsible for coding the violation at the bottom of the student discipline
report by following the AZ Safe Violations guide.
D. Use of Electronic Mail and Instant Messaging
Leading Edge Academy provides e-mail and instant messaging to aid staff members in fulfilling
their duties and responsibilities, as well as an educational tool. The Network’s e-mail system,
and its constituent software, hardware, and data files, are owned and controlled by Leading
Edge Academy.
The Network reserves the right to access and disclose the contents of any account on its
system, without prior notice or permission from the account’s user. Unauthorized access by any
staff member to an e-mail or instant message account is prohibited. Each person should use the
same degree of care in drafting an electronic message as would be put into a written memo or
document. Great care should be taken in the composition of electronic messages and how such
messages might reflect on the name and reputation of Leading Edge Academy. Users will be
held personally responsible for the content of any and all electronic messages transmitted to
recipients. The use of the School’s electronic mail and messaging is a privilege, and any
inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of privileges.
The user is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of Internet etiquette. These
include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Be polite. Do not become verbally abusive in messages to others.
 Be careful of “joking” or other frivolous language use.
 Use appropriate language. Do not swear, or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate
 Do not reveal the personal addresses or telephone numbers of students or colleagues.
 Recognize that e-mail and messaging is not private. System operators have access to all
electronic mail and messaging.
 Do not use the Internet in any way that would be deemed disruptive to others.
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Consider ALL communication and information to be private property of Leading Edge
Employees should use their Leading Edge Academy issued e-mails instead of personal
e-mail accounts for school purposes. If an employee or school is challenged by a parent,
the employee’s personal e-mail account may become public record if it was used for
school purposes.
Any e-mail sent, whether using the LEAD Charter Schools account or a personal
account, must follow FERPA guidelines and becomes part of any student’s records if a
student is referred to in the e-mail.
Unless otherwise agreed upon, school e-mail accounts will no longer be accessible to previous
employees three weeks from the last day of employment.
1. E-mail Usage Directions
How to login:
1. Open your web browser to
2. Enter your e-mail address. Generally, your e-mail address is the first letter of your
first name and your last name For example: John
Brown’s e-mail address would be
3. Enter your password. Your initial password consists of the first four letters of your
last name and the last four digits of your Social Security Number. For example; John
Brown’s SSN is 123-45-6789. Therefore his password would be brow6789.
4. After your initial entry to the e-mail site change your password using the Settings
Tab. Choose “Settings,” then “Personal Settings,” then change password.
Accessing your e-mail: Your e-mail can be accessed from the web anywhere as described above.
2. Google Instant Messaging (Hangouts)
All employees are issued a school account for Instant Messaging (IM) which is the same
name as an employee’s e-mail. For example: John Brown is
It is important to use this G-Talk for all of your instant messaging correspondence with
other employees.
Do not create or use your own G-Talk as it hinders the ability of others to communicate
with you. Using a Leading Edge Academy IM also ensures you are the person using it as
the school owns the address.
E. Social Networking Policy
This social networking policy applies to all employees of Leading Edge Academy and its
State of Social Media
Social media, professional networking sites, rapid-fire communications, blog sites, and personal
Web sites are all useful technologies; Leading Edge Academy realizes this fact. Every employee
has an opportunity to express and communicate online in many ways, and Leading Edge
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Academy encourages an online presence. Above all else, everyone needs to use good judgment
on what material makes its way online. The following “best practice” guidelines are being
provided to help you effectively use these forums, protect your personal and professional
reputation and follow state and/or Network rules and policies.
Relevant Technologies
This policy includes, but is not limited to, the following specific technologies:
 Personal Blogs
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Instagram
 Tumblr
 LinkedIn
 Flickr
 Digg
 Personal Web sites
The personal use of social networking sites or blogs creates the risk of affecting your
professional career whether you want it to or not. To that end, it is vital that you conduct
yourself in such a way that it doesn’t adversely affect your position with Leading Edge
Academy. Below are suggested guidelines to follow when using social networking sites and/or
blogs for personal use:
If you participate in a social networking site for personal use, you may identify yourself as
an employee of Leading Edge Academy. If you do, you must state that you are expressing
your own opinion, not that of Leading Edge Academy.
o If you identify yourself as a Leading Edge Academy employee, remember, your
actions will reflect not only on you but on Leading Edge Academy as well.
o If you identify yourself as a Leading Edge Academy employee, readers will associate
you with Leading Edge Academy, even with the disclaimer that your views are your
Never pretend to be someone else and post information about Leading Edge Academy.
Tracking tools allow supposedly anonymous posts to be traced back to their authors.
Do not use the Leading Edge Academy logo or individual school logos, athletic logos,
mascots or other such graphic representation or images- including photographs- during
your personal online activities (Web site, blogs, etc) or on any personal sites without
If you post information or comments that are not related to Leading Edge Academy, your
activities may still result in professional and/or personal repercussions. Such actions
include, but are not limited to:
o Posting of photographs, regardless of the content, which could be considered
offensive to other parties and be a violation of state and/or Leading Edge Academy
rules and policies;
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
Posting of information that is considered to be proprietary, copyrighted,
defamatory, libelous or obscene (as defined by the courts) may be a violation of
state and/or Leading Edge Academy rules and policies.
You do not have control of what others may post on social networking sites; therefore, be
aware that your conduct in your private life may affect your professional life.
Be vigilant about what others post about you on your page and, if necessary, take steps to
remove comments that pose a risk to you or Leading Edge Academy.
It could be viewed as inappropriate for Leading Edge Academy employees (including
teachers) to communicate with current students enrolled in Leading Edge Academy on
any public social networking site (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc). This includes
becoming “friends” or allowing students to access your personal page to communicate.
o Employees should refrain from creating “personal” Web pages, etc. that permit
social interaction with current students enrolled in the Leading Edge Academy
Network of Schools. This does not include “professional” Web pages that may be
used for work-related reasons (homework blogs, school sports teams, etc). All
postings on work related Web pages that are related to Leading Edge Academy
business are public record and must be maintained as required by law. Employees
are encouraged to consult with the Leading Edge Academy Network Office before
creating any Web pages related to school activities.
o Employees should notify parents of their intention to use this media to
communicate with the student and the intended purpose of such communications.
All ethical expectations for appropriate employee/student relationships should be
Employees should refrain from providing their personal e-mail address to students
currently enrolled in Leading Edge Academy
Employees should only provide their official Leading Edge Academy e-mail address as a way
to communicate with students or parents regarding Leading Edge Academy Network
and/or school related business.
During the work day, employees should refrain from participating on any social
networking Web site for personal reasons, even from personal devices (i.e. their own
Droid, Blackberry, iPhone, laptop, netbook, etc.)
o Employees should avoid posting personal comments, on their page or someone
else’s page, no matter whose equipment it is during their lunch time and/or prep
time since such activities will leave time-stamps that could be misinterpreted by
o Chronic use of social networking sites during the work day may result in disciplinary
The very nature of the Internet and social-networking sites are that they are ever-changing. The
above guidelines are intended to provide direction if you choose to use social networking sites
and/or blogs for either personal or professional reasons.
While the use of these sites is becoming commonplace, it is important that you remember to
conduct yourself in an appropriate manner to avoid any unintended situation that could
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
adversely affect your professional standing with Leading Edge Academy. These guidelines are
not intended to restrict your participation but rather provide some protection if you choose to
engage in online activities.
If you have any other questions or would like to report misuse or abuse of Leading Edge
Academy’s social networking policy, please contact the Network Office at 480.633.0414.
F. Health Office Guidelines
Here are a few guidelines that may help you in deciding whether or not to send a student to the
Health Office:
Minor injuries, fresh wounds that need cleaning or a dressing.
Cough syrup and cough drops are not available in the Health Office.
Sore throats can be treated with salt water gargle.
If a student complains of a headache, there can be many underlying causes such as hunger,
dehydration, fatigue, or illness. If it is close to lunch, encourage them to eat first and see if
that helps. The student could also be offered water, instead of Tylenol, depending on the
Asthmatic students may carry their inhaler with signed parental permission.
There is no specific treatment in the Health Office for stomachaches.
These students should be sent to the Health Office:
Asthma symptoms – wheezing, excessive coughing
Head injuries
Eye injuries
Dental injuries
Nosebleeds – have students pinch nostrils while walking to the Health Office
Student states they have a fever, appears flushed, pale or is acting ill
Serious Health Situations – SEND for Health Assistant – STAY with the student:
Loss of consciousness, fainting, seizure
Neck Injuries
Possible broken bones
Any severe injury
G. Technology Use Guidelines
Advanced technology is provided to Leading Edge Academy employees for use in the classroom
in order to enhance, enrich, and facilitate teaching and learning, administrative duties as well
as school communications. All technological equipment is to be used for school-related
business, curriculum enhancement, research, communications and other instructional
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
The following guidelines are provided to help manage the use of this equipment. These
guidelines apply to technology owned by Leading Edge Academy, including, but not limited to:
Computers, Mimios, Smart Boards, etc.
1. Equipment is for use by school personnel and remains the legal property of Leading
Edge Academy.
2. Before an employee is issued a piece of technological equipment, the employee must
sign the Leading Edge Academy Technology User Agreement. A signed acceptable use
agreement must be on file before the equipment is issued.
3. Only legally licensed software shall be installed onto network-owned equipment.
4. Do not download, store or record data that includes any personally identifiable
information such as: student/faculty/staff/ Name, Address, SSN, account number,
credit card number, etc. which if lost or stolen could be used for Identity theft. The user
is responsible for the security of all data stored on, or carried with, the equipment.
5. All computers should have appropriate and current virus protection software installed.
The user is responsible to make sure that virus protection updates, operating system
updates and virus scans are performed regularly.
6. Do not alter any system software or hardware configuration.
7. Additional application software should not be loaded onto the equipment unless
8. Safe guard the device and data by ensuring the equipment is “locked” or the user is
logged off when not in use.
9. IT repair requests shall be submitted to Leading Edge Academy’s Help Desk
( Direct support will only be provided while the
equipment is on campus.
10. Equipment should not be taken off premises without prior approval from a supervisor.
11. When equipment is taken off school or district premises, the employee must bring the
computer back each time they return to the school or office.
12. Employees who take equipment off school or district premises are fully responsible for
any damage to or loss of the equipment. The employee is responsible for the cost of
repair or the fair market value of the damaged or lost laptop regardless of the
13. It is the employee’s responsibility to keep their assigned equipment secure and
protected at all times. The following suggestions include:
a. Lock equipment in cabinets or desks where possible.
b. Use cable safety locks when necessary.
c. Secure the equipment if you are temporarily leaving it unattended in a classroom.
d. Be aware of extreme (hot or cold) temperatures in an enclosed vehicle that can
harm the electronics of said equipment.
e. Keep drinks, food, lotions and other harmful materials away from the equipment.
14. Damage, vandalism, loss or theft of equipment while being used on-site during the
course of a regular work day should be reported using the same procedures as with any
other district property. If necessary under this circumstance, replacement is the
responsibility of the school, except in the case of established employee negligence.
15. Immediately notify the School Principal and the Network Office of any damage to
16. Immediately notify the School Principal and the Network Office of any loss, theft, or
vandalism of equipment.
17. If the damage, vandalism, loss or theft of equipment occurs off-site while under the
direct responsibility of the employee or in cases of established employee negligence
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
while used on-site, Leading Edge Academy shall arrange to collect payment from the
employee to cover the cost of repair or the fair market value of the equipment;
whichever is less. Payment from the employee may be collected through a payroll
deduction process.
Ownership of the equipment will reside with Leading Edge Academy and must be
returned when employment ends.
If necessary, Leading Edge Academy will use a payroll deduction(s) to cover the cost of
repair or fair market value of the computer as stated in the guidelines.
All staff will receive a check out form that needs to be completed before being considered “done”
for the summer.
Teachers will make an appointment to complete the end of year check out with their site Principal.
Support staff may complete the end of year check out with the site Administrative Assistant or
Business Specialist.
The last paycheck for the year will not be direct deposited or distributed (depending on
circumstances) until all items on the check-out procedure list are checked off and accounted for.
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2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
This employee handbook has been prepared for your information and understanding of the policies,
philosophies and practices and benefits of Leading Edge Academy. Please read it carefully. Upon
completion of your review of this handbook, sign the statement below, and return it to your supervisor
within seven (7) days of receiving it.
I, __________________________, have read the Leading Edge Academy’s Employee Handbook which
outlines the goals, policies, benefits, procedures, and expectations of Leading Edge Academy, as well as my
responsibilities as an employee. By signing this Acknowledgement, I am declaring that I have read the
Handbook and agree to abide by the rules and policies set forth in it, including the anti-harassment policy.
I understand that the Handbook is a set of general guidelines concerning employment at Leading Edge
Academy. Leading Edge Academy may modify, revoke, or change any of the provisions of the Handbook at
any time, with or without advance notice to me. I understand that in the event of an apparent conflict with
the policies, Leading Edge Academy’s interpretation of the Handbook shall be followed. I also understand
this Handbook replaces any previous handbooks, manuals, or policy statements issued to me before today.
I acknowledge I have been given not less than seven (7) days to review this Handbook. By continuing to
work for Leading Edge Academy, I am signing my consent and agreement to the changes made in policy by
this Handbook and the School’s right to make amendments in the future.
I understand that the Leading Edge Academy Employee Handbook is not a contract of employment and
should not be deemed as such.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Handbook, I understand that my employment is “at-will,” which
means my employment may be terminated with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time
by me or by Leading Edge Academy and that my employment will continue only for as long as Leading Edge
Academy desires my services. I understand that Leading Edge Academy has the right to change the
compensation, duties, assignments, responsibilities, or geographic location of my job at any time, with or
without cause. While the School believes in the procedures and policies contained in this Handbook, they
are for informational purposes, and do not constitute an express or implied employment contract. I
understand that no employee or representative of Leading Edge Academy has any authority to make any
agreement to alter the “at-will” nature of my employment. I understand that only a written agreement
expressly detailing new terms of employment and signed by both me and the Director of Leading Edge
Academy can change my “at-will” employment status.
(To be retained by Employee)
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft
(Please remove and return this copy to the Network Office)
This employee handbook has been prepared for your information and understanding of the policies,
philosophies and practices and benefits of Leading Edge Academy. Please read it carefully. Upon
completion of your review of this handbook, sign the statement below, and return it to your supervisor
within seven (7) days of receiving it.
I, __________________________, have received and read a copy of the Leading Edge Academy’s Employee
Handbook which outlines the goals, policies, benefits, procedures, and expectations of Leading Edge
Academy, as well as my responsibilities as an employee. By signing this Acknowledgement, I am declaring
that I have read the Handbook and agree to abide by the rules and policies set forth in it, including the antiharassment policy.
I understand that the Handbook is a set of general guidelines concerning employment at Leading Edge
Academy. Leading Edge Academy may modify, revoke, or change any of the provisions of the Handbook at
any time, with or without advance notice to me. I understand that in the event of an apparent conflict with
the policies, Leading Edge Academy’s interpretation of the Handbook shall be followed. I also understand
this Handbook replaces any previous handbooks, manuals, or policy statements issued to me before today.
I acknowledge I have been given not less than seven (7) days to review this Handbook. By continuing to
work for Leading Edge Academy, I am signing my consent and agreement to the changes made in policy by
this Handbook and the School’s right to make amendments in the future.
I understand that the Leading Edge Academy Employee Handbook is not a contract of employment and
should not be deemed as such.
Notwithstanding any provision of the Handbook, I understand that my employment is “at-will,” which
means my employment may be terminated with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time
by me or by Leading Edge Academy and that my employment will continue only for as long as Leading Edge
Academy desires my services. I understand that Leading Edge Academy has the right to change the
compensation, duties, assignments, responsibilities, or geographic location of my job at any time, with or
without cause. While the School believes in the procedures and policies contained in this Handbook, they
are for informational purposes, and do not constitute an express or implied employment contract. I
understand that no employee or representative of Leading Edge Academy has any authority to make any
agreement to alter the “at-will” nature of my employment. I understand that only a written agreement
expressly detailing new terms of employment and signed by both me and the Director of Leading Edge
Academy can change my “at-will” employment status.
(Employee Signature)
(Date Signed)
2016-17 Leading Edge Academy Employee Policy & Procedure Handbook - Draft