bangun reka indonesia technologi
bangun reka indonesia technologi
COMPANY PROFILE SUMMARY Water Treatment & Purifier System Water Treatment & Purifier System CV.BANGUN REKA INDONESIA, was formed in March 2007 at Bandung, West Java to establish a General Trading Business, Contractor, and Manufacturing in Indonesia that offers total solutions and international quality, standards and practices. The goals of global market business challenging BANGUN REKA INDONESIA to promote an excellent service, flexible and responsible in every business competencies. A major strength of BANGUN REKA INDONESIA is its water purifier solution, we provide all kind of water purifier equipment and services, with a strong team, professional, and experienced BANGUN REKA INDONESIA has developed into a leading supplier of engineering support services to the industries based on a wide variety of experience. The office currently located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Akta Notaris C. Wowo Cahyadianto, SH, MH Nomor : 6 Tanggal 20 Maret 2007 Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) Nomor : 101135115397 NPWP Nomor : 21.107.757.3-429.000 SIUP Nomor : 510/2-0407-DISINDAG/2007 Surat Keterangan Terdaftar Nomor : PEM-008552ER/WPJ.09/KP.0303/2009 Water Treatment & Purifier System Air Craft Engineering Design Water Purifier Equipment Water Treatment Consultant & Technology Plastic Technology Renewable Energy General Trading - Engineering - Interinsulair - Export Import - Supplier, Leveransier, Grosser, Distributor Research ,Planning & Development - Contracting building, - Bridge, - Water pipes - Roads , - Etc. Water Treatment & Purifier System Design and manufacturing multi purpose light land vehicle for off road purpose Design and develop a non - metallic CNG and LPG tube for automotive purposes. Design and manufacturing metallic and non - metallic hydram pump (composite). Design and manufacturing water slider for some swimming pool in Indonesia. Design and manufacturing HUES ( helicopter underwater escape simulator ) for PERTAMINA pilots training Water Treatment & Purifier System Design and manufacture Fuel Saver - fuel reducer for motorcycle. Design and manufacture Polyurethane Cyclone for industrial needs. Design and manufacture Aluminums & stainless steel partition for water filling gallon and bottle. Design and manufacture water purifier module for home appliance and industrial needs. Design and manufacturing water heater machine and oil heater machine 2007 - PT. Mandom Indonesia Tbk (Tancho). STP (IPAL Domestic). STP Modification (Ammoniac Removal), capacity 100 MPD. 2008 – CV. Saesar Utama. IPAL Industry. New IPAL Industry capacity 50 MPD. 2009 - PT. SKF Indonesia (Astra Group). Reaktor Anaerob & Softener. 2010 - PT. Inti Ganda Perdana (Astra Group). IPAL Industry & Recycle System, capacity 240 MPD. 2010 - PT. Gemala Kempa Daya (Astra Group). IPAL Industry & Recycle System, capacity 240 MPD. 2010 - PT. SKF Indonesia (Astra Group). Dissolved Air Floatation System, capacity 30 MPD. 2010 - Menara Karya Building (Procon Group). STP (IPAL Domestic). STP Modification (Ammoniac Removal). 2011 - PT. SKF Indonesia (Astra group). STP (IPAL Domestic). STP Modification (Ammoniac Removal). 2011 - PT. Sinar Meadow International Indonesia (Sinar Mas Group dan Meadow Lea Group/Australia). STP, Piping Line Transfer & Polishing Treatment, capacity 20 MPD. 2011 – Hotel Lor Inn Sentul Piping Line Transfer & Polishing Treatment. 2011 – Rumah Sakit BAKTI TIMAH Pangkalpinang, STP, Piping Line Transfer & Polishing Treatment, capacity 60 MPD. 2012 – PT. Somerfield Sekupang Batam, Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO), capacity 60 MPH. 2012 – Jakarta Properti Waduk Pluit Penjaringan, Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO), capacity 120 MPH. 2013 – Air DAGO, Mineral Water, Ultra Filtration for High Grade Drinking Mineral Water, capacity 2.000 Galon per Day. 2014 – Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Banyumas for Customer Services Room, 2 unit RO Hexagonal Machine capacity 150 GPD. Water Treatment & Purifier System 2014 - Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Banyumas, Sand Filter Multi Media, capacity 5 Liter per Second. 2014 – Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Banyumas for Alun-Alun & GOR Satria Purwokerto, 2 unit RO High Grade Drinking Water Machine, capacity 300 GPD. 2014 – Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Banyumas, Multi Media Replacement, capacity 30 Liter per Second. 2014 – PT. Somerfield Bandung for PT. Indo Agri Jakarta Sungaililin Plant, 2 unit Ultra Filtration PVDF Water Clarification for Gambut Water, capacity 15 cubic meter per hour and 30 cubic meter per hour. 2014 – PT. Somerfield Bandung for PT. Indo Agri Jakarta Sungaililin Plant, 2 unit Fabric Reinforcement Plastic (FRP/Composite) Modular Tank, capacity 36 cubic meter and 100 cubic meter. 2014 – Mr. Bagus Buwantoro Teknik Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1 Set Mini AMDK Machine, capacity 200 Galon (=19 liter) per Hour. Water Treatment & Purifier System Productions & Installing Sand Filter Tanks Delivery & Positioning Sand Filter (On Site) Tangki Oksida Filter (Sand & Carbon Filter) Water Treatment & Purifier System UF-RO PACKAGE PLANT – PT DHARMA POLIMETAL Water Treatment & Purifier System Reverse Osmosis Plant Water Purification [NGK] Wwt Reclamation [Ionics] MBR [Kubota] EDR, boiler feed water [Eurodia] Treatment of 2nd eff. [Memcor] ED, org. acid prod. [Eurodia] Sugar Recovery [Eurodia] Whey Proc. [GEA] Bactocatch (cheese milk) [Tetra Pak] Hemodialysis [Guthrie] Water Treatment & Purifier System
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