Hamlet at Wind Watch - My Site
Hamlet at Wind Watch - My Site
december 2015 HOA Board of Directors Larry Kelter President Norman Schwartz Vice President Steve Abramson Treasurer Frank Danisi Director John Albanese Director Paula Rosenberg Director Stuart Rachlin Secretary Contact HOA HOA VOICE 631.273.8044 HOA FAX 631.273.8214 hamletatwindwatch.com Fairfield Management 631.499.6660 Ext. 261 or 205 The WINDWATCHER Letter from the President - Larry Kelter Happy Holidays, Hamletonians! Gonna keep it short and sweet this months because, like the rest of you, there’s plenty of shopping and cooking to take care of. So whether the season is filled with dreidels or candy canes, I hope you have a Very Merry and a Happy and Healthy. Well I guess the return of Verizon is our holiday present. They went back to it on November 1st and seem to be making solid progress. Several of you have asked for information on Verizon pricing and programs. It’s a little premature for that. Rest assured, you’ll all be notified when the time comes. No new news on the Holiday Towers Project this month, and there probably won’t be until just before they break ground in the spring. I’ve been asked if the complex is for low-‐income housing. The answer to that question is no, absolutely not. As always and as promised, we’ll keep you posted. Well here’s news. Mark Merlo is no longer with ClubCorp. I liked working with him and will miss him. I’ve been talking to Cathy Harbin in his absence, who advises that they’re actively looking for a replacement and will allow me to interview the final candidates once they’ve whittled the list down to the best two or three. Keep your fingers crossed. I wish you all health and happiness for the holidays and a Happy New Year! Important Telephone Numbers Committees HOA Office voice273.8044 fax273.8214 Clubhouse/Pro Shop 232.9850 Fairfield Property Office 499.6660 Gatehouse231.2869 Jet Sanitation234.7100 Season’s Grill 234.9898 Varello Landscaping 269.7438 Security Committee Board Liaison: John Albanese Chairperson: TBD Newspaper Committee Board Liaison: Stu Rachlin Chairperson: TBD Welcoming Committee Board Liaison: Paula Rosenberg Chairpersons: Sylvia Cooper & Lynn Goodman 851.9159 232.6404 630.5521 348.0550 398.8698 Beautification Committee Board Liaison: Norman Schwartz Chairperson: Arnold Bell Book Club by Sandy Lubin I am always asked how I read so much. I am always told “You must read very fast”. The truth is that I am a novel junkie. I am addicted to reading. It doesn’t matter what form it takes; hardcover, paperback or my beloved Kindle. This addiction can be traced back to when I was seven and I began reading Pippi Longstocking, Ramona, The Bobbsey Twins and my favorite, Nancy Drew. At ten, my mom handed me Agatha Christie mysteries and I was hooked. I am not the fastest reader. If the story compels me, I immerse myself into it and forget about the world around me. I use reading as my Zanex. Reading a book is like what watching TV is to most. I rarely read hours at a time, I find 30 minutes here and there in between laundry or cooking dinner, while waiting for a friend to pick me up, or waiting in a Dr.’s office. Early in the morning, while having my morning coffee, later in the day when I am in need of a nap or late at night when I need to read what happened next to the main character. I am addicted. As most of us, I have my favorite authors and watch when their new books will be released. I have grown old with some of my favorites like Mary Higgins Clark. I have grieved at the loss of my all time favorite Robert Ludlum. But, I keep finding happiness and relaxation with new favorites like Daniel Silva. My family has always seen me with a book. It is just part of me. Now, it seems that my granddaughter might be following in my footsteps. I buy her more books than toys. She loves anyone to read to her. She is on the brink of beginning to read herself and I am hoping that she will continue to find the passion in reading. Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com Social Committee Board Liaison: Paula Rosenberg Chairperson: Isabella Kelter Larry Kelter, President 630.0835 Norman Schwartz, Vice President 367.6440 Stephen Abramson, Treasurer342.1836 Frank Danisi, Director 348.3741 Stuart Rachlin, Secretary 348.0698 John Albanese, Director 630.5521 Paula Rosenberg, Director 232.9434 Robert Worhacz, President Manuel Malavet, Vice Pres. John Albanese, Secretary Carl Moschella, Treasurer Sharon Kushner, Manager Prime Moving Grounds Committee Board Liaison: Frank Danisi Chairperson: TBD Board Members Villa Board of Managers SAMONAS & Storage Inc. The Novel Junkie, Sandy Lubin 2 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication WEEKLY TRIPS TO FL, GA, NC, & SC SECIRE & SAFE STORAGE FACILITY FINE ART & ANTIQUES PACKING & CRATING GUARANTEED PICK UP DATES EXPERT PIANO MOVERS MOVING BOXES SOLD MODERN CLEAN “AIR RIDE” VANS Family Owned & Operated Since 1979! CARPET • WOOD • LAMINATES • VINYL • RUNNERS CUSTOM BINDING • HARDWOOD REFINISHING your community with Port Jeff Custom Proudlytheserving service you deserve! CARPET & FLOORING Family Owned & Operated! 631-473-4124 longislandcarpetandfloor.com The Hamlet Book Club is my RA (Reading Anonymous). I have found women who share my love for the written word. Thanks for being there for me. If you have any questions about our next meeting and choice of book, email me at jsd3@optonline.net. COMMITTED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE COVERING 48 STATES! Free Estimates! Special Financing Available Sales • Quality Installation • Residential • Commercial 562 Jefferson Plaza (Rt. 112), Port Jefferson Station • Hours: M-Th 10-6pm, Fri 10-7pm, Sat 10-4pm The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 3 To All Residents: Don’t Replace Your Tile or Marble Floor Bring it Back to Brand New! Complaints have been voiced by neighbors in this community regarding failure of residents to comply with Windwatch regulations. Ignoring these regulations will result in a warning letter and a fine (for repeated infractions); unpaid fines result in interest charges being added. We Clean & Seal Your Grout and Tile • Please use the street and designated pet areas when walking your dog, and clean up after your dog(s); dogs are not Before pickup. • Please do not block our sidewalks, or have a car on your driveway extend into the roadway. • Please remember to drive slowly and obey stop signs in the community. • If you put up holiday decorations on the outside of your home: 1. they may be displayed no earlier than three weeks before the holiday 2. they must be removed no more than 14 days after the holiday. Welcome New Neighbors 130 Windwatch Dr – Bernie Sandler 71 Hamlet Dr. – Michelle & Al Krzmienski 147 Windwatch Dr. – Marcia & Howard Ottenstein 65 Hamlet – Edward & Lela Ruggiero & Sofia Skarpalezos 47 Wind Watch Dr. – Mr. & Mrs. Aziz 9 Wind Watch Dr. - Lisa Cassidy 63 Wind Watch Dr. - June McGrath 57 Hamlet – Koh family 24 Hamlet – Bob & Terri Skoff 167 Wind Watch – Mr. & Mrs. Ponzini 79 Wind Watch - Jim & Helen Dixon 180 Wind Watch – Joseph & Lynn Augugliaro 123 Wind Watch – Cavalier family 105 Wind Watch – Dennis Mayrose & Paulette Murphy 127 Wind Watch – Rina & Vlado Miletic 93 Wind Watch – Janet & Bob Kutin 34 Hamlet – Paula Hittner 194 Wind Watch – Janet & Bob Scheiner 83 Wind Watch – Victoria McCarthy 4 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com permitted on any grassy area at any time. • Please consult the garbage/recycling schedule - do not place any garbage at curbside before dusk of the night before FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED After After Kitchens,Bathrooms Marble,Stone or Tile Floors GROUT IS POROUS,DIRTY AND NEVER GETS CLEAN. OUR COLOR SEALANTS ABSORB, BOND AND HARDEN SO IT WILL NEVER STAIN,MOLD OR MILDEW AGAIN. 10% off any job not to be combined with other offers or sales Faucets/Toilets Drain Cleaning Handicap Fixtures Bath Remodeling Tubs/Showers Any & All Leaks A/C Repairs & Install Expert Heating Repair Boiler Repair & Install Water Heaters Tankless Hot Water Sewer Cleaning All Work Guaranteed Emergency Service Fully Licensed & Insured 631.689.3702 24 HR SERVICE Call for a FREE Estimate! Residential/Commercial Grout Line Solutions NY 516-454-2851 groutlinesolution.com Since 1996 Family Owned & Operated Nas Lic # H01060300 Suf.#51137-H Port Jefferson & Hicksville/Plainview (631)476-5300 (516)733-1800 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 5 Legal Eaze by Kenneth Mollins, Esq. Knitting I am an advanced knitter. I have been knitting most of my life. I would like to start an afternoon knitting group once a month. Unfortunately, most small knitting stores have closed and it is harder to get personal instruction. I get most of my patterns online. I can give others help in using the internet to find knitting patterns, getting instructions online and reading a pattern. Even with my experience, I have trouble changing the sizes in a pattern. There is always something we can learn from each other and at the same time relax together with our needles. Please let me know if you are interested at jsd3@optonline.net. Sandy our Comedy Night was a HIT! Give us a call and let’s get a Haft2Laugh Comedy Night on your calendar. aft2Laugh HComedy Productions Book Yours TodaY Your resIdenTs wIll love IT! 16 Woodsorrel Lane • East Northport, NY 11731 • www.Haft2Laugh.com 6 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 MOVEMENT “You made a lot of people laugh, there were a few who laughed so hard they were crying. It’s a great thing you guys do and it is worth every penny.” Laurie - The Vineyards at Mt. Sinai “Comedy Night was a fantastically successful event for us. Thanks very much for your delivery of good fun comedy. You had us rolling off our chairs with glee!” Maryann - Strathmore Terrace 516-924-3288 • info@haft2laugh.com The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication CENTRAL A/C 79 $ +Tax 10 Point Check Out Special Parts & Freon Additional Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com Dapper Dan owns a massage spa in an affluent area wherein he services men and women needing massage therapy. Dapper keeps the spa cold to save money and because the services he supplies are often times warming. Jovial Jane arrives for an appointment and advises Dapper that its cold in the salon and she feels she can get sick. Dapper suggests the spas special heat massage to warm her up and Jovial goes for it. The hot rocks are placed on Jovial’s spine. Now she complains that the room is too cold and the therapy too hot. Jovial has issues. After leaving the spa she sues Dapper and his spa for her catching a cold; the rocks leaving red marks on her back; and because she was forced to listen to music she despised. Seems everyone thinks that by suing you will automatically make a quick buck. As I’ve written in the past the only road to recovery is if someone did something wrong. For example if Dan's rocks were so hot as to cause permanent burns or scars. Jovial’s cold could have come from the new resident gathering where the house was freezing except for the hot food and gracious hosts, who did a fantastic job. (it wasn’t really cold but, I make things up) No one knows where Jovial caught cold so Dapper is not liable. Dapper and his massage spa are not at fault for Jovial’s cold as she was not forced to stay. The red marks on her back must be expected when hot rocks are used in a therapeutic massage. Those marks are temporary and Dapper is not liable for his hot rocks in that case either. The bad music sounds like a throw in to build up the claim. Sorry no place in this article for specious claims. No liability; No damages; No case!! Jovial had to go back on her meds. Her claims had no merit and Dapper’s facility continues to provide relief and pleasure to all who enter. To top it all off the salon is free from negligence and as such "all's well that ends well". FREE ESTIMATES OFF $500 OFF $400 Installation & Central A/C Installation & Replacements Replacements With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. Gas or Oil Furnace Gas or Oil Burner $50 OFF $25 OFF With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. Central Humidification Installation • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • GAS SERVICE Service Call Valid Monday-Friday 8am-5pm • POOL HEATERS • CONDENSERS ABSOLUTE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 631.320.0814 35 Years Experience A b s o l u t e H VAC L I . c o m 79256-1 HARMONIOUS MOVEMENT Tai-Chi & Qigong Classes currently being offered at: Retro Fitness estate planning: Accumulating, Preserving, and Passing Wealth Accumulating wealth is only half the job of full financial planning. Planning for the management, preservation, and ultimate distribution of that wealth is also important. Estate planning can help ensure your estate will pass to your heirs the way you want, when you want, in the most effective manner. some Benefits of estate planning include: Reduction or elimination of estate tax (671 Old Town Rd, Port Jefferson Station) Providing for the management of your assets in the event of incapacition Universalist Fellowship Hall at Stony Brook Planning for health care and medical treatment if decisions need to be made and you are unable to do so (380 Nicholls Rd) Available for group or private lessons at complex (or development) 631-928-4516 harmoniousmovementny.com Judith Budd-Walsh, Instructor The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Possible avoidance of probate, which can reduce costs and delays Planning for your property to pass to the people you want, when you want For more information or a copy of our free brochure, please call: eric neuwirth, cfp® Vice President/Investments (631) 360-5732 1393 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 214N | Hauppauge, New York 11788 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE | www.stifel.com Stifel does not provide legal or tax advice. Your should consult with an estate planning attoney and tax professional to discuss your particular situation. hamlet wind watch | december 2015 7 Chanukah History The festival commemorates events that took place in Judea more than 2,000 years ago, when the Syrian king Antiochus ordered the Jews to abandon the Torah and publicly worship the Greek gods. According to the Talmud, there was only enough consecrated oil to re-light the candelabra for one day, yet, miraculously, it remained lit for eight days. The central feature of the observance of Chanukah is the nightly lighting of the Chanukah, an eightbranched candelabra with a place for a ninth candle, the shammes, used to light the others. One candle is lit on the first night of Chanukah, and an additional candle is lit on each successive night, until, on the eighth night, the Chanukah is fully illuminated. The eight-day Jewish festival begins the evening of December 6 Sunday, 9AN9D UP $1. ES TIL Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com This act provoked a rebellion led by Judas Maccabeus, climaxed by the retaking of the Temple in Jerusalem, which had been desecrated by the Syrians. In an eight-day celebration, the Maccabees (as the rebels came to be known) cleansed and rededicated the Temple (Chanukah means "dedication"). ain cel r o P On Every Kitchen Purchase up to $45,000* * See Store For Details Marble & Granite Fireplaces Vanities Countertops Kitchen & Bath Remodeling A GR E NIT SFT UP $45 AANLLED D T INS All American Made Cabinets Visit our showroom... Sink Base Cabinet With Every Kitchen Stainless Steel Sink With Every Granite Purchase over $2000 MON-SAT 8AM-6PM SUNDAY 12PM-4PM Attorney Advertising We Help Sew Up All The Details In Your Annual Tax Appeal. Filing annual tax appeals can be a real chore for multi-family communities. Selecting the right law firm to handle your appeal is an essential Board responsibility. With our years of experience representing multi-family communities, we handle all the hard work on your behalf. We become an integral part of your Board and Owners meetings and talk to homeowners daily. Frequent communication, exceptional results and personal attention set Schroder & Strom apart from other firms handling tax appeals. We strive to make the Board’s decision to hire us, just one of its success stories. Which is why managing agents throughout the Metropolitan area like working with us and recommend our firm. Creative negotiation strategies and success as trial attorneys have made us trusted advocates and Boards that retain us look their very best. 114 Old Country Road • Suite 218 • Mineola, NY 11501 Accountability. Communication. Results. P:(516)742-7430 • F:(516)742-7433 • www.nytaxreview.com Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. 8 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 9 BRIAN’S Helene’s DOOR-TO-DOOR DRY CLEANERS Delivering Quality & Convenience One Door At A Time [BEFORE BAKING] Wheel of BRIE, (6” diagonal) (BJ’s) (or HALF the recipe using a large wedge of Brie, instead of an entire wheel!) 1-1/4 Cups PECANS broken into large bits (from Trader Joe’s) 1/2+ Rounded Cupful of RAISINS (“Dole” are best) 1/4 Cup Dried APRICOTS (snipped into quarters) ‘Mariani’ brand best from Stop ‘n’ Shop 1/2+ Cup “Sunsweet” California Chopped DATES (in a container) 1 Cup DRIED CRANBERRIES (from Trader Joe’s) 2 LARGE DELICIOUS APPLES ( ) LEAVE SKINS ON), plus… 2 LARGE GRANNY SMITH APPLES ( ) both cut into scant 1/2-inch cubes\pieces LEAVE SKINS ON 1 Stick SOFTENED BUTTER, plus… 2 Tablespoons (more) Soft Butter (for greasing casserole) 1/2 Cup LIGHT BROWN SUGAR, packed; Then toss together with… 1/2 Teaspoon CINNAMON in a small bowl. Set aside. [AFTER BAKING] Room temperature the Butter plus 2 Tbs. more; Pre-heat oven to 300°-degrees; Using the 1 Tbs. of softened butter, grease an ovenproof casserole (like Corning or Pyrex) that's roasting pan size, large enough to easily accommodate all the ingredients. Set aside; 1. 2. 3. In a large bowl, toss together ALL the dried fruits and nuts. Set aside. Note: Leftover dried fruits or nuts are best-stored in your FREEZER!!!! Wash apples well, then cube quickly so they don't turn brown: the sooner you toss the freshly-cut apples with the softened butter and the rest of the ingredients, the less chance of them turning brown. SOOooooo, A.S.A.P. after cutting the apples, toss all (NOT the Brie!) together in a large bowl, coating all bits-and-pieces with softened butter, sugar and cinnamon mixture. Set aside; 4. Slice Brie wheel in half crosswise (making 2 layers); 5. Put 1/3 fruit/nut mixture into bottom of the buttered pan in a flat-ish pile; 6. Place half of Brie (cut-side up ) on top of fruits and nuts; 7. Top with 1/3 more of fruit/nut mixture; 8. Place other half of Brie (cut-side up also ) on top of fruits and nuts; 9. Then top with remaining 1/3 of fruit-nut mixture, PLUS around the sides. 10. Bake at 300° for about 10-15 minutes, , so You want it that Brie DOESN’T TURN TO !!! 11. with plates, forks & napkins!!!! 10 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com Serving Nassau & Suffolk County ECO-LOGICAL PEST CONTROL METHODS SINCE 1957! • Cleaner $25 OFF YOUR DIRT Y CLOT HES Tailoring/Leather&Suede/WeddingGowns/Storage/ Rugs/Drapes/HouseholdItems Launderedshirts$1.25onhangerwith$17.50ormoreof incomingdrycleaning TUESDAY&FRIDAYPICKUPANDDELIVERYDAYS CELL: 631-375-4513 “whenyoulookgood,youfeelgood” www.burnerlaw.com Pest control with annual agreement • Greener (new customers only) • Smarter FREE Termite Inspection SENIOR DISCOUNTS! 599 Lake Ave. St. James NY 11780 SCIENTIFICEXT.COM 631-265-5252 (631) 941-3434 Join us as we discuss... Irrevocable v. Revocable Trusts December 2 at 5:30 PM Nancy Burner & Associates, P.C. Office 12 Research Way, E. Setauket Estate Planning and Medicaid Basics Breakfast December 9 at 9:00 AM Country Corner Café 55765 Route 25, Southold Gifting 101 December 15 at 5:30 PM Nancy Burner & Associates, P.C. Office 12 Research Way, E. Setauket Estate Planning and Medicaid Basics Breakfast December 16 at 9:00 AM Lake Grove Diner 2211 Nesconset Highway, Lake Grove RSVP at (631) 941-3434 or by e-mail at burnerlaw12@gmail.com The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 11 What a fall we have had. The weather has been unseasonably warm and the foliage more beautiful than I have ever seen on Long Island. The colors reflecting off the ponds were striking. the people who have moved in over the past year. If you could not make it on November 6th and have not yet received your welcome book, etc., please contact Lynn Goodman at 631 524-5405 or Sylvia Cooper at 631 439-1685. On October 25th, many families were delighted to give out goodies to the trick-or-treaters. In a community like ours where there are not usually many children trick-ortreating, it was refreshing to see so many kids and parents and grandparents in costumes. Families from Veteran’s Way joined in the fun. The holiday party was on November 21st. I will report on that next month. The Thanksgiving food drive came up a little short of last year, but we collected 1075 pounds of food nonetheless. Thank you to everyone who donated. Due to the generosity of our community, we are helping those in need have special Thanksgiving dinners. As in the past, Joy Ellentuck is to thank for making signs and orchestrating the collection. Kudos to Eileen Cohen, Anna D’Angio, Lynn Goodman, David Ellentuck, Joe Moshe, Sharon Kushner, Annette Regan, and Sylvia Cooper for their hard work accumulating and dropping off the donations. The Halloween party was a blast! Traci Klein and Kevin Charley lent us their fantastic decorations…literally from heads to feet, to hands, and skeletons. Jenny Avgeris made up the place cards, and Traci, Annette Regan, and I decorated the room enhancing the mood of the holiday. Thank you Traci for painting teeth, making goodie bags, and running around to get prizes for the best costumes. We couldn’t have done it without you. Many of the costumes were funny, ingenious, or downright outrageous. The food was unbelievable too. Chef Anthony outdid himself this time. Thank you Miguel, Erin, Kim, John, waiters, waitresses, bartenders, and all involved. What can I say about the Newcomer Meet-and-Greet at the Regans house? –Or should I ask, “What can’t I say about it?” Annette should be in the catering business. She went above and beyond by making most of the individual appetizers and desserts from scratch. Her presentation was key. It was so nice to meet many of the newcomers. Newcomer Committee, Social Committee, and HOA board members mingled with The next Social Committee meeting is on Wednesday, December 9th at 7:30 at my home. There will NOT be a brunch with Santa on December 13th. A fun children’s lunch is being planned for January. Watch for details. The winter dine-around is at San Marco in Hauppauge. Please drop off your checks to Paula Rosenberg by January 10th. Look for the invitation included within. Buffets are being planned for February and St Patty’s Day. Stay tuned for details. “Shuffle Along” to Broadway on Wednesday, May 25th. The 50 tickets available sold out within a week and more had to be ordered. Details about transportation will be sent out in January. Yoga is usually on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the ballroom. Watch e-mails for the status of the class. There’s no better way to unwind. Classes are $15 per person per class. Zumba is hopping! Classes are on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the ballroom. Move at your own pace. Speed it up or slow it down if you wish. The cost is $10 per person per class. That’s all folks… Have a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com Social Activity By Isabella Kelter (nonni9090@gmail.com/630-0835) NEED EXTRA MONEY? We can provide a lump sum cash settlement in exchange for your unwanted life insurance policy. There are many reasons why an individual or business would want to sell an insurance policy: • Do you have a policy that no longer suits your needs? • Are you selling a business or retiring? • Have you had a change in health since your policy was issued? FIND OUT IF THIS IS RIGHT FOR YOU! CALL MICHAEL GILLER FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! 631-979-4600 MGBRETCOR@OPTIMUM.NET 12 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication PRECISION PILATES & WELLNESS Offering Private Pilates, Small Group Mat & Spring Board Classes, & Personal Fitness Training All available at my studio in Smithtown or at your home or clubhouse. AMY HIRSCH, BS, MA, RCEP CLINICAL REGISTERED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST, CERTIFIED AND INSURED 516-318-7467 New ClieNt SpeCial 3 Private Lessons $145 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 13 Boxing Day Traditional English holiday extends Christmas giving Licensed & Insured… 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE others who have helped them. Boxing Day is December 26, the day after Christmas, and is celebrated in Great Britain and in most areas settled by the English (the U.S. is the major exception), including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com Despite its name, Boxing Day, which is celebrated on December 26 in Great Britain, has nothing to do with pugilistic competition. Nor is it a day for people to return unwanted Christmas presents. While the exact origins of the holiday are obscure, it is likely that Boxing Day began in England during the Middle Ages. Some historians say the holiday developed because servants were required to work on Christmas Day, but took the following day off. As servants prepared to leave to visit their families, their employers would present them with gift boxes. Another theory is that the boxes placed in churches where parishioners deposited coins for the poor were opened and the contents distributed on December 26, which is also the Feast of St. Stephen. As time went by, Boxing Day gift giving expanded to include those who had rendered a service during the previous year. This tradition survives today as people give presents to tradesmen, mail carriers, doormen, porters, and UNMATCHED Inc. Light Housekeeping Medication Reminders Daily Health Reminders Transportation/Errands Post Surgery/Rehab Care Ambulation Assistance Meal Preparation Laundry Bonded & Insured Caregivers Available 24 Hours-a-Day Hospital Discharge Assistance/Transportation Customized Schedules Complimentary in Home Assessment Dear Gas Fireplace Owner…. Manufacturers recommend that your gas fireplace be serviced every year. Service ensures that your fireplace is safe and running at peak efficiency. Worn parts cause carbon monoxide, health risks and property damage. Joe Sapio & Pat Fass Residents get 25% OFF our already LOW PRICE MAY to SEPTEMBER RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE HONESTY 631.352.0022 www.rightathomeli.com Bonded & Insured MY GOAL IS TO ATTAIN THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR MY SELLERS! Why Pick Me To Sell Your Home? I never will use a lock box. I show every home by appointment only, and I respect your home as if it were mine. IN THE LAST MONTH I HAD 3 LISTINGS! ALL 3 ARE IN CONTRACT, AND 2 HAVE ACHIEVED NEW RECORD HIGH PRICES! ANYBODY CAN SELL A HOME... I ACHIEVE GREAT RESULTS! Call Gary Terrasi Licensed Salesperson RealtyConnect USA 631-433-3005 20cent@optonline.net SPECIALIZING IN MAINTENANCE FREE LIVING! 14 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 15 Donald J. McCormick The Hamlet at Wind Watch Social Committee cordially invites you to Our 2016 Winter Dine-A-Round SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 2016, 6-9PM San Marco Ristorante 658 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge PLEASE JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS FOR A FABULOUS 3-COURSE DINNER, INCLUDING SOFT DRINKS. $38.00pp (includes tax & tip) CASH BAR Please drop off checks (made out to Hamlet at Windwatch HOA) to: Paula Rosenberg at 202 Wind Watch Drive by January 10th ( Envelope on the door) Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com Ameriprise Private Wealth Advisor Take the guesswork out of your retirement plan Discover how our exclusive Confident Retirement® approach can help answer questions you may have about your retirement, like: When will I be able to retire? How do I make the most of the money I have? How can I leave a lasting legacy to my loved ones? Call me today to get started. Donald J. McCormick, CFP®, CRPC® Private Wealth Advisor CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner 640 Johnson Ave., Ste 201 • Bohemia NY 11716 13235 Main Road • Mattituck, NY 11952 631.582.9770 ext. 210 donald.j.mccormick@ampf.com donaldjmccormick.com CA Insurance #OH68525 The Confident Retirement approach is not a guarantee of future financial results. Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., a registered investment adviser. © 2014 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (7/14) 255 Executive Dr., Suite 208 Plainview, NY 11803 516-575-7500 ”The Number One Listing & Selling Office in New York” Proven Track Record - #1 Listing & Selling Agent at The Hamlet at Wind Watch. Full time, full service, individual marketing plans beyond your expectations. Benefit from my endless knowledge of HOA, Condo, Co-op, & Residential Real Estate. For All Your Real Estate Needs, Visit Us At: www.crrli.com Paula Rosenberg “Meeting Your Needs, Achieving Your Goals” Licensed RE Salesperson, Senior Real Estate Specialist, Certified Buyer’s Rep Any questions? Call 232-9434 Cell: 516-818-8688 Fax: 631-232-9435 prosenbergrealtor@gmail.com Don’t list with the rest, list with THE BEST! 16 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch| december 2015 17 TURN YOUR DECK INTO A December Birthdays Judy Bezack Binnie Feldman Thomas Marinacci Terry Jean Kautz Irving Rudewitz Frank Espinosa Danny Luongo Lu Llinares Ed Regan Richard Gabriele George Isserles Ivan Ensler Angela DeQuarto Stan Malaga Emilio Pineda Sharon Stemple Connie Korrow Joseph D’Amico Beate Michaels Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com 1 2 5 6 7 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 29 30 YEAR ROUND SUNROOM! 631-265-2902 WWW.SUNSCAPEPATIOROOMS.COM $200 OFF! Retractable Awnings • • • • 631-693-4368 Awnings Car Ports Door Hoods Enclosures • • • • Retractable Awnings Solar Shades Screen Rooms Sun Rooms MrRooter.com/Ronkonkoma Locally owned & independently operated franchise. License • Bonded • Insured 888 Lincoln Avenue • Bohemia Family Owned & Operated 18 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 19 Pet Corner by Karen Rachlin 1. Health & Safety Take your dog to the vet for appropriate up to date vaccinations and a health check. Vaccination records, health certificates and proof of rabies vaccination are required by certain airlines. Bring along a supply of his/her regular food, bottled water, medications, a sturdy leash and collar and an identification tag including your name, the dog's name, your address and phone number and a picture of your dog. Many people have a microchip placed subcutaneously in their dog for permanent identification purposes; bring the number of the microchip with you. 2. Car Travel Putting your dog in a crate is an excellent way to keep your pet safe in a car. You can avoid your dog's carsickness by having it travel on an empty stomach and keeping the car well-ventilated. If your dog is traveling outside of the crate, don't allow his/her head to stick out of an open window, since this may lead to eye injury. 3. Airline Travel Each airline has its own rules for pet travel. If your dog or cat is medium to large size, the pet and its crate will travel in a lower, pressurized cabin. The crate should be marked "Live Animal", arrows upright, with the owner's name, address and phone number on the crate. The in-cabin rules often include an extra fee, a specific number of animals allowed per flight, and size regulations dictated by the airlines for the pet carrier. The pet carrier must be small enough to be placed under the seat in front of the passenger. 4. Train, Bus, Boat, Cruise Dogs are not permitted on Amtrak trains, Greyhound buses and other interstate train and companies. Local venues have their own policies. Most cruise lines do not permit dogs. It is interesting to note that Cunard's QE2 ship provides special lodging and free meals for your dog! 5. Hotels There are many hotel chains that permit dogs and other pets. These hotels often have size or breed restrictions, and require a non-refundable cleaning fee. Some hotels include: La Quinta Inns and Suites, Marriott Hotels and Resorts and Home Suites by Hilton. Please note that if you own a service animal or a therapy animal, it's a good idea to call ahead to your airline and hotel for special instructions. For more information, visit AKC.org. 20 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com There are many kennels, neighbors and friends who will care for your dog while you travel. Sometimes, you might want/ need to take your dog along with you while you travel. Here are some suggestions for your consideration: Relentlessly Protecting Your Identity. It’s All We Do. Protect your personal information and defend against attacks with 24/7, proactive identity theft protection from LifeLock. SPECIAL OFFER FOR ACTIVE LIVESTYLE 30 DAYS FREE* +10% OFF Promo Code: SENIOR2014 LifeLock.com • 1-800-LIFELOCK (543-3562) At the end of the 30-day trial period, your card will be billed automatically ($9.00 mo/$99.00 yr plus applicable sales tax for standard LifeLock identity theft protection or $22.50 mo/$247.50 yr plus applicable sales tax for LifeLock Ultimate) unless you cancel within the 30-day trial period. You can cancel anytime without penalty by calling 1-800-LifeLock. Offer is for new LifeLock members only. The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 21 Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com Keeping your loved ones independent. Our Home Care Services Companionship, Bathing, Grooming, Dressing, Laundry, Light Housekeeping, Medication Reminders, Meal Preparation and Planning, Assistance Returning Home from Hospital/Rehab and Relief to Caregiver Our Companions are Available on an Hourly and Live in Basis. Our Transportation Services We Transport and Accompany to Doctor Appointments, Medical Procedures, Personal Care Appointments, Hairdresser, Supermarket, Pharmacy, Errands, Social events and more! www.peaceofmindcompanions.com Claudia A. Geier - Owner 631-383-8566 LOOKING TO FIND, BUY AND SELL THE THINGS YOU LOVE? Visit the Active Lifestyle Marketplace Brought to you by the publishers of 5 Star Newsletters Our Marketplace is a safe and secure place for our readers to buy and sell with confidence. www.activelifestylemarketplace.com Powered by Curiousmarketplaces.com 22 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 23 The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree &Lanza, Futterman In 1931, the first tree was put up unofficially as something of a Depressionera fairy tale The first "official" tree went up in 1933 A publicist organized the first tree-lighting ceremony. A 50ft pine decorated with 700 lights stood in front of the RCA Building, then eight months old. The tree lighting ceremony was first televised in 1951 It made its debut on The Kate Smith Show hosted by the “first lady of radio” before moving to the iconic children’s program Howdy Doody. Now broadcast on NBC, the ceremony has featured the likes of Bob Hope, Barbara Walters, Liza Minnelli, Sheryl Crow, Bette Midler, Billy Crystal, and Mariah Carey. The current tree-topping star boasts 25,000 Swarovski crystals with one million facets It also has 720 LED bulbs, 44 circuit boards, and 3,000ft of wire, and it weighs 550lbs. Rockefeller Center won’t disclose its cost, but, it’s pricey (estimated value is 1.5 million). Unveiled in 2004, it’s the largest of a series of stars to have topped the tree. THE BRISTAL ASSISTED LIVING W H E R E E V E RY D AY M E A N S M O R E ® After 86 years, here’s what I know for sure… Life’s best moments come unexpected. I’ve always tried to live in the moment. And when you get to be my age, you realize many of life’s best moments are shared with friends. That’s what we do every day here at The Bristal... me and my buddies Bill and Steve. Whether we’re shooting pool or just shooting the breeze, taking a class or working out, attending a Men’s Club meeting, playing poker or simply trading tall tales. We take great joy in the lives we’ve lived…and in all we’ve yet to do. “PRESERVING AND PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY’S ASSETS” Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com A group of workers responsible for the early construction phases of Rockefeller Center raised the tree to celebrate the fact that, unlike most of America, they actually had a way to pay the bills. They decorated the 20ft balsam fir with cranberries, paper garlands, and a few tin cans. A clerk distributed their paychecks from the foot of the tree later that night. 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PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ALL LOCATIONS IN THE TRI-STATE AREA THE BRISTAL.COM R E S I D E N T O F T H E B R I S TA L 24 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 LICENSED BY THE DEPT OF HEALTH • ELIGIBLE FOR MOST LONG TERM CARE POLICIES EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY • QUALITY COMMUNITIES BY THE ENGEL BURMAN GROUP The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication hamlet wind watch | december 2015 25 Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne. CHORUS: For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll tak a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne! And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp, And surely I'll be mine, And we'll tak a cup o kindness yet, For auld lang syne! New Year’s Eve - is one of the favorite celebration days for many people. Parties aside, the impending New Year typically brings hope for a more prosperous and happy 365 days. There are also some fun facts and trivia associated with the celebration. • • • • We twa hae run about the braes, And pou'd the gowans fine, But we've wander'd monie a weary fit, Sin auld lang syne. • We twa hae paidl'd in the burn, Frae morning sun till dine, But seas between us braid hae roar'd Sin auld lang syne. • And there's a hand my trusty fiere, And gie's a hand o thine, And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught, For auld lang syne It’s time for a retirement party! New Year’s Eve • • • • • • The first New Year was celebrated 4,000 years by the ancient Babylonians. It’s tradition to ring in New Year’s with family and friends because the first people you see will either give you good luck or bad luck. So make sure to keep friends close and foes very far away More vehicles are stolen on New Year’s Day than any other holiday, according to statistics from the National Insurance Crime Bureau revealed. The top three places to celebrate New Year’s Eve are Las Vegas, Disney World and of course, New York City. Internationally, one of the biggest celebrations is in Sydney, Australia. More than 80,000 fireworks are set off from Sydney Harbor Bridge. Time Square New Year's Eve Ball was first dropped in 1907 after there was a fireworks ban. Back then, a 700-pound ball embellished with 25-watt bulbs made of iron and wood was dropped. Now, however, it weighs 11,875 pounds, is 12 feet in diameter and is adorned with 2,668 Waterford crystals. The tradition has continued in Times Square, except for in 1942 and 1943. The ball was not lowered because of wartime restrictions. In Italy, people wear red underwear on New Year’s Day to bring good luck all year long. In Colombia, Cuba and Puerto Rico, some families stuff a large doll, which is called Mr. Old Year, with memories from the past year. They also dress him in clothes from the outgoing year. At midnight, he is set ablaze, thus burning away the bad memories. It’s good luck to eat foods like black eyed peas, ham and cabbage because it is thought they bring prosperity. But if you want to have a happy new year, don’t eat lobster or chicken. Lobsters can move backward and chickens can scratch in reverse, so it is thought these foods could bring a reversal of fortune. The traditional New Year’s song, “Auld Lang Syne,” means, “times gone by.” The top 10 resolutions are usually to lose weight, eat more healthily, exercise more, stop smoking, stick to a budget, save money, get more organized, be more patient, find a better job and to just be a better person over all. Using a baby to signify the New Year began in ancient Greece around 600 B.C. Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / 5starnewsletters.com / sales@seniorlifestylemedia.com "Auld Lang Syne" Give your old inefficient heating system, central air system and water heater a send off and receive big bucks back! Receive over $4,000 in rebates from Sunray, Rheem, PSEG and National Grid!* *For qualifying equipment while funds last (offer valid until 1/15/15) Don’t neglect your heating system. Make sure it’s ready for the long cold winter ahead! GATED COMMUNITY SPECIAL Introductory Offer! Parts and Labor Heat/Cool Service Plan Only $195 Includes basic water heater coverage A Partial List of Our Services Furnace Replacements Boiler Replacements Water Heater Replacements Service upgrades Generator Installations Gas Conversions Heat Pump Service and Installation Humidifiers Air Cleaners 24 Hour Emergency Service Ask us about on-demand water heaters! Ask us about “Discounted Service Contracts” for Private Communities! 0% Financing Available • Limited time offer - pending lender approval 26 hamlet wind watch | december 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Suffolk - 631-231-5533 Call today for a free Nassau - 516-624-2233 in home evaluation and estimate! Comfort’s Just a Moment Away! www.sunrayservices.com hamlet wind watch | december 2015 27 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Senior Lifestyle Media, LLC 734 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 307 Melville, NY 11747 S PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID HUNT. ST., NY PERMIT. NO 10 December 2015 M T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 S 5 ?Yoga? 7:30pm Clubhouse 6 Zumba 7:30am Ballroom Hanukkah Begins 13 Zumba 7:30am Ballroom 20 Zumba 7:30am Ballroom 27 Zumba 7:30am Ballroom 7 8 ?Yoga? 7:30pm Clubhouse 14 15 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 Social Committee Meeting ?Yoga? 7:30pm Clubhouse 21 22 ?Yoga? 7:30pm Clubhouse 28 29 ?Yoga? 7:30pm Clubhouse Merry Christmas! 30 31 New Year’s Eve WATCH FOR E-MAILS ABOUT CHANGES OR CANCELLATIONS
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