local 25 welcomes local 82 members


local 25 welcomes local 82 members
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In This Issue | Winter 2012
On Strike! CertainTeed
Workers Take Action
Against Corporate Greed
Secretary-Treasurer’s Report
Sharing Ideas: 150 Stewards
Attend Annual Seminar
Blood Bank
Local 25 Has Banner
Year Raising Funds for
Toys for Tots
Stewards Spotlight
In Memoriam
Retiree Chapter News
Mark A. Harrington
John A. Murphy
Vice President/
Business Agent
The store features a select number of
different items offered on a seasonal
basis: shirts, hats, jackets and sweatshirts. There will also be specialty
items available throughout the year.
Business Agent Reports
The “Left Lane” is the name of
the new Teamsters Local 25 Store,
which is housed in the Day Room at
the headquarters at 544 Main Street,
Charlestown, Massachusetts.
O’Brien Wins! Local 25
President Gets Most
Votes in the East
Left Lane
Mark D. Lessard
Recording Secretary/
Asst. Business Agent
Jackie Addison
The store will be open from 8 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday,
and one hour before and one
hour after the monthly meetings.
The store accepts cash,
credit card or debit card.
For more information call
(617) 241-9687
Sean M. O'Brien, President/Principal Officer
John Jay Manley
George Slicis
Business Agent
Robert Fabrizio
Business Agent
Steven J. South
Business Agent
Andrew P. Walsh
Tom Mari
Business Agent
David A. Pietroforte
Business Agent
Steven R. Sullivan
Statement of Ownership, Management & Circulation
Date of Filing:
January 7, 2008
Title of Publication:
The Spokesman
Frequency of Issue:
Location of Office:
544 Main Street
Boston, MA 02129
Total: 15,000
Editor & Managing
Editor: Sean M. O’Brien
Local 25 Teamsters Union
544 Main Street Boston,
MA 02129
Paid and/or requested
Circulation: None
Total Distribution:
Total # Copies: 15,000
Free Distribution
by Mail: 14,348
Copies not Distributed:
652 (office use..etc)
Free Distribution
Outside the Mail: 652
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Message from the
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
As we begin the New Year, I want to wish you and your family members a happy, healthful and prosperous 2012. We have another busy, exciting and challenging year ahead.
I want to start off by welcoming the nearly 700 members from Local 82 into Local 25. (Local 82
merged with Local 25 on January 1, 2012.) The merger of our two locals will give all members more
power moving forward. Our leadership team looks forward to providing our members from Local
82 with the strong representation they deserve. On pages 24-25, please see the steward spotlights featuring former Local 82 member/stewards.
“We need to
remain united
more than ever
and we all need to
fight to stand up
for our rights
as workers. “
We finished 2011 strong with a tremendously successful stewards conference on September 17,
2011. About 150 Local 25 stewards from numerous employers attended this informative conference.
As I’ve said many times, our stewards are our workplace leaders and we appreciate that. Stewards are
on the front lines every day fighting for worker justice and the rights of their co-workers. This conference was a great opportunity for our stewards to learn about important issues and to share their
success stories in the battles they face every day.
Another noteworthy success late in 2011 was our Toys for Tots effort, where once again our members’ generosity made a huge difference. We raised more than $25,000 and collected thousands of
toys for needy children. WCBV-TV’s Randy Price highlighted Local 25’s efforts on a segment that
aired December 12. Local 25 has been serving as a toy drop-off location for the past several years. We
all know times are tough for many Local 25 families, so we appreciate your donations to help put
smiles on children’s faces who otherwise may have gone without.
Of course there was the International Union election, where General President Jim Hoffa was re-elected to
another five-year term and Ken Hall was elected General Secretary-Treasurer, replacing Tom Keegel. I want
to thank you for helping me top the ticket in the East as International Union Vice President. I am honored
and proud to have this opportunity to serve in this new leadership position. Local 25 member turnout was
strong in the election and I thank you for participating. Exercising your right to vote is vital in having a
strong voice in your union. I urge everyone to continue to get involved in your Local 25 by attending membership meetings and taking part in other efforts.
It’s exciting to begin a new year, but I want to remind you of the challenges ahead. The 2012 elections will be very important for workers nationwide. We will need all hands on deck to re-elect
Barack Obama President and to elect Elizabeth Warren to the U.S. Senate.
Meanwhile, the War on Workers will continue as companies and employers try to take us on. We
need to remain united more than ever and we all need to fight to stand up for our rights as workers.
This is about defending what we have worked so hard to achieve in recent years. This is about protecting our futures. This is about protecting our families’ futures.
Sean M. O'Brien
President/Principal Officer
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Business Agent
Dedicated to Our Local Union Members
Vice-President and Business Agent
John Murphy
We are wrapping up contract negotiations at Cambridge Offset Printing.
We will work hard to maintain the
Teamster pension as well as a wage
increase. President O’Brien has given
me some new assignments. I will be
handling the Boston Globe, SAF Sales in Stoneham, and Gioioso
& Sons in Hyde Park.
In the Freight Division, a new ruling on restricting the use of
cellular phones while driving became effective January 3, 2012.
The new rule restricts a CMV driver from holding a mobile telephone to conduct a voice communication, dialing a mobile telephone by pressing more than a single button, or reaching for a
mobile phone in an unacceptable and unsafe manner. Only the
use of a hands-free phone located in close proximity to the driver
would be in compliance.
At DHL, we held a special meeting with our members from
DHL and AEI to ratify Local 25’s action regarding our contractual language on pension.
In the Airline Division, the United Airlines mechanics’ contract was ratified by 69 percent of our membership. The contract
provides for significant wage increases, maintenance of health
care benefits and enhanced job security for more than 5,000
members nationwide. Local 25 members voted to ratify by a 94percent margin, the highest in the country.
As always, don’t forget the Credit Union, run by Teamsters
for Teamsters.
Business Agent
George Slicis
I have recently ratified a new three-year
deal with Angelica Textiles Services in
Somerville, Massachusetts. I would like
to thank my steward, Jose Perez, for his
help in negotiating another good contract for the members.
I have also recently ratified a new contract for the North Reading DPW workers. It was a first Teamster contract for this group
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and I look forward representing them. I would like to thank the
committee members, Joe Pascucci and Chris Demming, for their
hard work and determination to get the group a good contract for
the next three years.
I have reached a tentative agreement with Cambridge Health
Alliance. This is also a first-time Teamster contract and negotiations were very difficult. I hope to bring it back to the new members to vote on it.
I have been in negotiations with Certainteed (Bird) for several months and the company submitted a best final offer to us
which the members voted down 68-2 and authorized us to strike
if necessary. We informed the company that it was voted down
and we were willing to go back to the table. However, the company was not willing to move on its last offer. The company
wants to take the members out of the Teamsters Health Care
plan and put them into a company health plan that has higher
co-pays, higher deductibles and substandard coverage for our
members. We put the members out on strike on December 19 at
3 p.m. and have had a 24-hour, daily picket line set up in front of
the plant. The courage of both the members employed there and
President Sean O’Brien has been huge during these tough times.
Nobody wants to strike but sometimes that’s what it takes to protect benefits you have enjoyed for years and to show that you are
willing to fight for them.
Happy New Year to all.
Business Agent
Tom Mari
I have ongoing negotiations with the
city of Woburn department heads
and have requested the Massachusetts Labor Board to assign a mediator due to the city’s unwillingness to
move on many issues. The members
in Woburn are committed to obtaining a fair contract that
will protect and improve their working conditions.
Also in 2012, as I have reported in the past we will be negotiating four out of five solid waste agreements where Local 25
inherited old Local 379 agreements that have numerous issues
that need to be addressed. I ask that all members who work in
the solid waste industry come together, stand strong and let the
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companies see that the Teamsters in Boston will not accept a
substandard agreement.
This spring I will also be negotiating the Boston Sand and
Gravel contract where we have 50 strong members who produce and deliver concrete throughout the Boston area. Boston
Sand is expecting to have a busy spring and summer due to
numerous construction projects that are kicking off.
I have had many assignment changes effective January 1,
2012, and have been assigned the newly merged Trade Show
industry from Local 82. There are 28 contracts that all expire
on March 31, 2012. This is a tremendous challenge that I
proudly accept and I look forward to making the former Local
82 members proud to be members of the strongest local union
in the country—Local 25.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the members I have represented in the past and in the future for your continued support
and commitment to Teamsters Local 25.
Stop & Shop hired an engineering firm this past fall to evaluate the time standards in the warehouse in Freetown. The
company implemented the changes from this study in early
December. The Teamsters’ engineers will be at the distribution
center during the first week in February to validate the changes
that were implemented by the company.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and
every one of you who donated to the 2011 Toys-For-Tots campaign. Even during these trying times, we were able to raise
more this year than in previous years. I am extremely pleased to
announce that, because of you, we were able to take care of
every charity that reached out to us several times over, along
with taking care of all of our members who were in need this
year. I want to give a special thank you to each of our retirees,
Joe Conti, Billy Grubbs and Kevin Lally, for their tireless commitment year after year in making this Toys-For-Tots campaign
the success it is. They truly are our greatest asset.
I hope you all had a safe and happy 2012, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Business Agent
Robert Fabrizio
As of this writing, I am about to finish negotiations with Vocell Bus. This
is a newly organized group in
Malden, Massachusetts with 84 new
members. I am confident that I will
get a tentative agreement by January.
I am also currently in negotiations with the security guards
at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Brighton, Massachusetts, which is
also a newly organized group with 22 new members.
I am happy to announce that I was able to ratify a one-year
extension for the drivers and mechanics at Peter Pan Bus Lines
in Chelsea, Massachusetts. I was able to get them a 2-percent
wage increase along with an additional paid personal day. I was
also successful in reducing the health care costs of workers who
were paying at a higher rate.
I have two more contracts that are expiring this year. The
first one is the Norwell Custodians, whose contract expires in
July. The second one is Kuehne & Nagel in Franklin, Massachusetts. Their contract expires this coming August. I will be having proposal meetings with members of both of these companies in the next several months.
Business Agent
Dave Pietroforte
Since my last report I have completed contract talks with xpedx. We
agreed on a one-year deal and maintained pension and health benefits.
At East Boston Health Center we
were successful in negotiating a new
three-year deal with increased wages, and all contract language remained the same.
At Paul Revere Transportation in Chelsea, I have reached a
tentative agreement with the company on a new five-year deal
with additional vacation, sick days and increased wages. On
January 7, members ratified the contract.
At Ryerson Steel in Ayer, Massachusetts, we will resume
talks in early February. Also, at Sears, talks will begin on February 6, 7 and 8. I would like to thank my stewards for their
hard work on these negotiations.
Since my last report I have settled all the remaining arbitration issues. At East Boston Health, I was successful in
securing 14 hours of back pay for a bidding issue. At Air Gas
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Business Agent Reports
in Hingham I was able to settle an hourly wage issue and the
member was awarded nine months hourly back pay and also
resulted in the member receiving an hourly wage increase.
I have been assigned three additional companies to represent. They are Waldo Brothers in Roxbury, Angelica Textile
Services in Somerville and Veterans Taxi in Newton. I have
met with the stewards and members and look forward to representing them.
I hope you and your family had a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
Business Agent
Steve South
We have concluded the negotiations
in the town of Watertown on behalf
of the DPW members. We signed a
strong three-year contract that was
ratified unanimously and includes
many improvements in wages, benefits and working conditions. Thank you to the negotiating
committee who worked hard for more than a year to get the
deal done.
On January 1, the new South Shore Regional Emergency
Communication Center (SSRECC) opened in Hingham, Massachusetts. This new dispatch center employs 25 employees
from four different towns and has the most cutting-edge technology available to dispatchers. On January 9, we filed petitions
at the Massachusetts Division of Labor Relations to represent
all dispatchers, call takers and supervisors who work at the
SSRECC. We look forward to negotiating a Teamster contract
for our new and existing members that work there.
We just finished peak season at UPS and it was one of the
busiest on record. The stewards worked hard to enforce the
contract while working 12 to 18 hours per day. I thank them for
all of their efforts. We continue to have a significant amount of
payroll discrepancies in our members’ paychecks. Be sure to
keep track of your hours and contact me or one of the stewards
with any issues.
We had a credit union sign-up day on November 10 at
Chelmsford UPS with a very successful turnout. Thank you to
Carol and Jack who always do a great job helping our members
with their banking needs. Please keep in mind that the biennial
bid will begin in February and the vacation picks will begin in
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On January 1, we assumed Teamsters Local 82 and President O’Brien assigned me to represent the Moving and Storage
industry. I look forward to working with all of the stewards and
members who work in this industry to protect our work and
organize the nonunion companies in Massachusetts. I was also
assigned the city of Cambridge and also look forward to representing our brother and sister members working in the city.
Happy New Year to you and your families!
Recording Secretary,
Assistant Business Agent
Mark Lessard
I am currently in negotiations with
the town of Acton, Massachusetts on
behalf of the civilian 911 dispatchers.
I have several other 911 dispatch centers that I will begin to negotiate in
early 2012, including the towns of Brookline, Concord, Sudbury and Saugus.
It is going to be a busy year for me in regards to negotiating
contracts. I have several contracts that will expire during the
first six months of 2012 including DSM Neoresins, Americold
Logistics, UMass Boston (patrolmen and sergeants), UMass
Lowell (police and security officers), town of Winthrop (clerical) and First Student.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the
stewards that I work with at all of my current assignments and I
looked forward to working with them in 2012.
I have recently been assigned a few new groups that I will
begin to represent in 2012, which include Jet-A-Way, Melrose
School Administration, Mount Ida College (maintenance and
bus drivers) and the members at St. Michael’s Cemetery. I look
forward to meeting all of these members.
At Hertz/Logan, I continue to work on the members’ grievances and have been spending a lot of my time there getting to
know all the members and helping them with their concerns.
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CertainTeed Workers Take Action
Against Corporate Greed
Several hundred Teamsters
Local 25 members and supporters from Massachusetts
and southern New Hampshire descended on the
work site of CertainTeed on
Thursday, January 5, 2012,
to bring attention to the
company’s repeated attacks
on its employees.
Local 25 had been
negotiating with CertainTeed—a French-owned
maker of roofing products
Congressman Stephen Lynch (D-MA)
and asphalt shingles—until
and Sean M. O’Brien, President and
the contract expired at
Principal Officer
12:01 a.m. on December 19,
2011. Despite their best
efforts, negotiators from Local 25 were unable to make any progress
toward resolving any of the outstanding issues with CertainTeed and
the company left the union no option but to strike.
“The company has become the epitome of greed, treating its
workforce unfairly and without regard for health and welfare and job
security,” said Sean M. O’Brien, President and Principal Officer of
Teamsters Local 25. “CertainTeed is a prime example of what happens when a multimillion-dollar corporation buys out a local business. Shortly after the French company acquired the locally owned
Bird Corporation in 1998, workers have seen the stark differences
between a local company that cares about its employees and a conglomerate only concerned with the bottom line. With no local ties,
they are able to bully their workforce and enough is enough.”
The strike affects 90 members. CertainTeed wants to drastically
reduce the amount of health insurance they provide to workers and, in
return, give employees a one-time $1,000 bonus. These latest cuts come
on top of other concessions CertainTeed workers have made in the past.
“We know that homeowners have a choice in what roofing materials and shingles they buy and are asking the public not to purchase
CertainTeed products at this time,” O’Brien said.
CertainTeed, based in Valley Forge, Pa., is a subsidiary of SaintGobain, one of the top-100 industrial companies in the world. They
have approximately 7,000 employees and 70 facilities throughout the
United States and Canada.
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Teamsters Local 25’s annual Steward Seminar
was a huge success, with about 150 stewards
turning out to learn about issues important for
their jobs fighting for their co-workers.
The event was held on September 17, 2011,
at the Montvale Plaza in Stoneham. A big part
of the Teamsters is our stewards, who serve inside the operations day
in and day out. Our goal is to keep communication lines open at all
times and stewards have the most knowledge to fight for their coworkers. Local 25 got a lot accomplished at the seminar with arbitration role-playing, discussing DRIVE (our political action committee) and hazardous materials (HAZMAT) training.
“Our stewards are the heart and soul of Local 25,” said Sean M.
O’Brien, Local 25 President and Principal Officer. “Without smart,
creative and empowered stewards, Local 25 would not be as successful
as we are in the workplace. I know what a steward has to go through
on a day-to-day basis because I have served as steward myself.”
Local 25 was also privileged to have a special guest, U.S. Rep.
Ed Markey (D-Mass.), join us. Rep. Markey addressed the stewards on the importance of voting. He spoke about his leadership
in Congress and promised to continue to fight for the working families. It was great to see Rep. Markey with our Teamsters Local 25
steward shirt.
President O’Brien wrapped up the seminar with thanks and
appreciation for all the stewards’ efforts to keep our union strong.
“I feel it is important to gather all of our stewards together on a
yearly basis and share ideas and our vision for the future. It is quite an
impressive group of leaders and I thank them everyday for what they
do for us,” O’Brien said.
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LEFT: L to R: Stephanie
DiMauro, James Paige
and Flo Bailey from Hertz
RIGHT: L to R: President
Sean M. O’Brien with
Congressman Ed
Markey (D-MA)
RIGHT: L to R: Katie
MacDonald, Brenda
Dionne, Trish DiSilva,
and Jen Todd from the
Local 25 office staff
BELOW: President Sean
M. O’Brien, President and
Principal Officer, Local 25
ABOVE: Jimmy Donovan,
UPS Somerville
LEFT: L to R: Eric Morash,
Wayne Maquire, Brian Reaney,
Mike Lynch, Mike O’Brien, all
from Massport; Bobby O’Brien,
Saf Sales Handling Company;
and Bob Elliott, Massport
ABOVE: L to R: Ernie Cannon,
Mystic Island Transportation;
James “JT” Turner, Xpedx
Representatives Tim Dunn
and Tom Curtin with Local 25
Business Agent Steve South
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Ace in the Hole!
2011 Charity Golf Outing Raises Nearly $40,000
The Teamsters Local 25 Scholarship/Charity
Golf Outing was held Saturday, Sept. 24,
2011, and 128 golfers turned out to help
raise close to $40,000.
The golfers descended on the Windham Country Club in southern New
Hampshire for a day of golf and fun. This was our most successful tournament by raising close to $40,000. Each year we are
amazed by people’s generosity. The Golf Tournament supports the
Teamsters Local 25 scholarship program and charities.
The tournament was a 1 p.m. shotgun start with a
scramble/best ball style. Golfers had the chance to win a 2012 Ford
Fusion two-year lease or Sandals vacation with two hole-in-one
contests, as well as trying their swing at the longest drive, closest to
pin and 50/50 contests.
Congratulations to Secretary-Treasurer Mark Harrington and
his team for taking home first place in the tournament! We’d also
like to thank the many sponsors who continue to support the golf
tournament each year.
Admiral Metals
Allied Waste Services-Boston
All Bright Travel & Sandals
Arrow Paper Corporation
Boston Carmens Union Local 589
Boston Police Patrolmen's Assn. Inc.
Boston Sand & Gravel Company
Brady Realty Group
Charles P. Blouin, Inc.
D'Arrigo Bros. Company
Dave Does Windows Plus
8 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
Delta Dental / Denta Quest
DiSilva Transportation, Inc.
First Union Promo LLC
Greater Boston Labor Council
Halo Branded Solutions
IBEW, Local 103
Jim Stover
John Cerasuolo Co. Inc.
Loomis-Sayles & Company, LP
M.S. Walker, Inc.
Mail Handlers Union Local 301
Manfi Leasing Corp.
Martignetti Companies
Meketa Investment Group. Inc.
Michael W. Morrissey Committee
Michael A. Sullivan Committee
Melissa Hurley / MJH Communications
New England Millwork , Inc.
New Penn Motor Express, Inc.
Omni Ad Specialties
OPEIU Local 6
Raso's Grille - Medford, MA
S. Strock & Co., Inc.
Segal Roitman, LLP
Segreve & Hall Insurance Associates,
Sonet Electric Systems, LLC
Sullivan Plumbing Corp.
TeamstersCare Staff
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FAR LEFT: L to R: Local 25
Secretary-Treasurer Mark
Harrington; Brenda Dionne,
Local 25 Office Staff; and John
A. Murphy, VicePresident/Business Agent
MIDDLE: L to R: Dennis Murray,
George Kelly , Larry Davis, Mark
Harrington, Secretary-Treasurer
Local 25, Wayne Musgrove
RIGHT: L to R: Local 633 members
Tom Noonan,Larry Fluery, John
Nacos, Mike O’Toole
RIGHT: L to R: Jimmy WilliamsManfi/Stop & Shop, Bob
Mcauphuin-Manfi/Stop & Shop,
Marty Landry-Manfi/Stop &
Shop, John Coppper-Manfi/Stop
& Shop
FAR LEFT: L to R: John
Capadona, Scott Hastings, both
of UPS; George Slicis, Business
Agent Local 25; Dan Gookin, UPS
MIDDLE: L to R: John “Juice”
Juszkiewicz-UPS, Walter
Baciqalupo-UPS, Maurice
Richards-UPS,Ken Koutamas-UPS
RIGHT: L to R: Local 633 members Tom Noonan,Larry Fluery,
John Nacos, Mike O’Toole
Teamsters Joint Council 10
New England
Teamsters Local Union No. 79
Teamsters Local Union No. 82
Teamsters Local Union No. 127
Teamsters Local Union No. 170
Teamsters Local Union No. 191
Teamsters Local Union No. 210
Teamsters Local Union No. 259
Teamsters Local Union No. 404
Teamsters Local Union No. 443
Teamsters Local Union No. 493
Teamsters Local Union No. 633
Teamsters Local Union No. 641
Teamsters Local Union No. 671
Teamsters Local Union No. 701
Teamsters Local Union No. 1 50
Teamsters Local 804 I.B.T.
The Office Supply People, Inc.
Vertifi Software LLC
(Use to be Eascorp)
Waltham Lumber Company
ABS Investment Management
Blue Cross/Blue Sheild of
DBR Group, Inc.
Consolidated Service Corporation
Feinberg, Campbell & Zack
New England Teamsters FCU
Regan Associates, Chartered
Teamsters Local 25 Group Legal
The Stop & Shop Supermarket
Teamsterscare "Blood Pressure
Screening Benefit"
Teamsters Local Union No. 769
Teamsters Local 25
Capital Waster Services, Inc.
Davis Vision Inc.
JPD Management Trust, Inc.
JP Morgan Asset Management
Keches Law Group
Lord Abbett & Co., Inc.
National Retail Systems, Inc.
Paul Revere Transportation LLC
Petro. Oil
Rothschild Asset. Management
Shaughnessy & Ahern Co.
Sparta Asset Management
Sunrise Scavenger
Teamsters Local Union No. 42
Teamsters Local Union No. 251
Teamsters Local Union No. 299
Teamsters Local Union No. 707
Mark Lessard, Recording Secretary
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hanks to the generosity of members, Local
25 raised $25,487 in cash for Toys for Tots in
2011, up about $2,000 from 2010.
Local 25’s Toys for Tots campaign officially
began in 2000. Local 25 has been raising money for
the program since 2006 as a supplement to the toy
donations. Local 25 can boast a six-year cash total of
$135,700. The funding is used to buy toys and fulfill
the big-ticket requests like bicycles and highly
sought-after electronics and gift cards for disadvantaged families.
Toys for Tots began in 1947 when Major Bill
Hendricks, the United States Marine Corps
Reserve and a group of Marine Reservists in Los
Angeles collected and distributed 5,000 toys to
needy children. The idea came from Hendricks’
wife, Diane. In the fall of 1947, Diane handcrafted
a Raggedy Ann doll and asked Bill to deliver the
doll to an organization, which would give it to a
needy child at Christmas. When Bill determined
that no agency existed, Diane told him that he
should start one. He did. The 1947 pilot project
was so successful that the Marine Corps adopted
Toys for Tots in 1948 and expanded it into a
nationwide campaign. That year, Marine Corps
Reserve units across the nation conducted Toys
for Tots campaigns in each community in which a
Marine Reserve Center was located. Marines have
conducted successful nationwide campaigns at
Christmas each year since 1948.
“Our Toys for Tots campaign continues to grow
every year. I am so proud of our members who give
their hard-earned money or come to our union hall
in droves to drop off toys for the needy,” said Sean
M. O’Brien, Local 25 President and Principal Officer.
Each year around Thanksgiving, Local 25 asks
its stewards to place a Toys for Tots box in the
workplace and the membership never hesitates to fill the boxes with toys. Many
times the boxes are filled two and
three times before Christmas.
Once the Toys for Tots boxes are
filled up, the Local 25 van shows
up with Retiree Chapter President
Joe Conti behind the wheel, along
with his elves Billy Grubbs and
Kevin Lally, and they load up the
van and bring the toys to the 40foot container that sits in the Local 25
parking lot.
The Teamsters Local 25 Toys for Tots Campaign
is spearheaded by Business Agents Robert E. Fabrizio
and David A. Pietroforte.
“We have a great Toys for Tots team in place at
Local 25,” said Fabrizio, a former Marine himself.
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“Everyone works so well together, from the stewards to the members to the retirees, to make this
program so successful. We get a great deal done in
just a few weeks.”
Over the 58 years of the U.S. Marine Corps
Reserve Toys for Tots Program, Marines have distributed more than 351 million toys for 166
million needy children. This charitable
endeavor has made the U.S. Marines
the unchallenged leaders in looking after needy children at Christmas. Over its 15-year lifespan, the
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
has supplemented local toy collections with more than 64.5 million
toys valued at more than $344
million. It has provided promotion and support materials valued
at more than $3.9 million.
“Local 25 is honored to be able to help the
needy in our community,” said Pietroforte, CoChair of the Teamsters Local 25 Toys for Tots Committee. “We have the most generous membership I
have ever seen. The money and the toys keep coming
regardless of how lousy the economy seems to be.”
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:14 A M P age 11
a has lves
u have eamsters
Teamsters Local 25 Has Banner Year Raising Funds for Toys for Tots
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 12
If you have a son or daughter
that is a high school senior and
plans to attend college – request
Request your
application today!
a scholarship application today!
The sons and daughters of Teamster members have
the opportunity to apply for the 2012 annual scholarships offered by Teamsters Local Union No. 25,
Joint Council 10 New England and the International
To request applications,
please contact the
Scholarship Department at
Brotherhood of Teamsters. High School Seniors
617-241-8825 ext. 280
that plan to attend an accredited college or univer-
or by e-mail at
sity are eligible to apply for the scholarships.
12 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 13
savee the da
l ffor A
8 pm to midnight
A special room rate of $215 is available through March 8, 2012 at the
Intercontinental Hotel at 1-877-747-Boston. Reference “Teamsters Local 25
Autism Gala” when making your reservation.
For more information about the custom chopper raffle and
Sean M. O’Brien, President/Principal Officer, Teamsters Local 25
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 14
14 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
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Local 25 President
and Principal Officer Sean M.
O’Brien was
elected Eastern
Region Vice President of the Teamsters as part of the
Jim Hoffa-Ken
Hall leadership team, and
O’Brien said he looks forward to serving all 1.4 million Teamsters in his new role.
General President Hoffa, his running mate for General Secretary-Treasurer, Ken Hall, and their entire slate were elected by a
wide margin this past fall. The Hoffa-Hall Slate defeated their two
challengers with 60 percent of the vote, according to unofficial
results provided by the Office of the Election Supervisor.
O’Brien received the most votes among nine Eastern Region
Vice Presidents, picking up 45,579 votes. In fact, he received more
votes than any other vice presidential candidate.
“I am honored and gratified to serve as International Union
Vice President, and I want to thank all the Local 25 members who
took the time out to vote,” O’Brien said. “Local 25 members
helped me receive the most votes among the nine Eastern Region
Vice Presidents, and I am grateful for the overwhelming support
locally and throughout the Eastern region.”
O’Brien said the union-wide position is an opportunity to
help 1.4 million Teamsters during the worst American economy
since the Great Depression.
“I will work closely with General President Hoffa, General Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall and the entire Executive Board to develop
and implement policies that will strengthen and assist our members
and their families,” O’Brien said. “This is a great opportunity for me
and I consider it an honor and privilege to serve.”
O’Brien said serving as International Union Vice President
will in no way diminish his role at Local 25.
“I am first and foremost your President and Principal Officer
and I will continue to take on this job 110 percent to make sure
Local 25 members’ interests are protected,” O’Brien said. “I am a
fourth-generation Teamster. I will never forget where I come from.”
O’Brien and the rest of the union’s leaders will be sworn in soon.
‘Members Have Spoken’
“The members have spoken,” Hoffa said. “This is not just our
slate’s victory but a victory for all working Americans who are
fighting to save America’s middle class. We traveled across this
country to mobilize our members to fight the right-wing attack
on workers. Teamster members responded because they know it is
not workers who are to blame for the crisis facing America, it is
the greed and corruption of big business and Wall Street and their
bought-and-paid-for puppets in Congress.
“Now that this election is completed we will intensify our
efforts in the fight for all working families,” Hoffa added. “The
Teamsters’ strength is in organizing the unorganized, fighting for
strong health care, good wages, secure retirement, and holding
employers and politicians accountable.”
Hall told supporters that he was humbled by the overwhelming support of the members and pledged to ramp up the campaign against corporate greed.
“We will never let up in the ongoing battle to provide good
wages, benefits and working conditions for our 1.4 million members across North America, and organize tens of thousands of
unrepresented workers. The right-wing corporate interests that
are trying to destroy America’s middle class will find an energized
and mobilized Teamsters Union that will fight to defend the principles that made this country great.”
The Hoffa-Hall Slate swept all five regions of the union; the
East, Central, South, West and Canada.
Hoffa first took office following his victory in December 1998
and was re-elected in 2001 and 2006 by substantial margins. By
winning this election, Hoffa is elected to another five-year term
that will begin in mid-March 2012.
Strong Legacy
Having held office for nearly 13 years, Hoffa is the third longest
serving General President in the 108-year history of the Teamsters
Union. Only Dan Tobin, who served for 47 years, and James R.
Hoffa, who served for 14 years, have held office longer.
The country’s most recognized labor leader, Hoffa has been
in the forefront in the fight to block anti-union legislation that
popped up in states across the country following the 2010 offyear elections. He dubbed the right-wing offensive the “War on
Workers” and has spent the last year leading rallies in Ohio, California, Wisconsin, Michigan and dozens of other states threatened by the anti-union forces.
Hoffa’s efforts culminated in the overwhelming victory for
union members in Ohio in November when Ohio voters defeated
an anti-union measure that would have severely weakened collective bargaining rights for more than 350,000 public employees.
“Ohio voters sent a wake-up call to American politicians: If
you try to blame workers for problems caused by Wall Street you
will pay a price. If you attack workers, you will lose. But if you
stand up and fight for the middle class, you can win,” Hoffa said.
Hoffa, Hall and their slate pledged to continue the progress the
Teamsters have made in national bargaining, organizing and
political action.
“This year will be a watershed year for Teamsters and for this
nation,” Hoffa said. “Under our leadership, the Teamsters Union
will continue to be a force for change and will lead our nation in
efforts to improve the lives of working families.”
Vote totals can be viewed at www.ibtvote.org.
www.teamsterslocal25.com | WINTER 2012 | The SPOKESMAN | 15
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 16
Board of Trustees
Teamsters Union 25
Health Services &
Insurance Plan
Manage Your Medications
Sean M. O’Brien
Union Co-Chairman
Mark A. Harrington
Union Trustee
John A. Murphy
Union Trustee
Thomas G. Mari
Union Trustee
Charles F. Arbing
Employer Co-Chairman
John Remillard
Employer Trustee
Tom J. Ventura
Employer Trustee
John D. O’Reilly
Employer Trustee
Research suggests that the older we get the
more medications we take. This is good news
as doctors have more options to treat a variety
of medical conditions. Unfortunately, this can
also make it harder to keep track of your
medicine and may increase the risk of drug
To help you manage your medications, keep a
list of everything you are taking, including
prescription and over-the-counter medicines,
and any vitamins, herbs, or other supplements.
This list should include the following:
• Name of the drug
• Dosage information (mg per pill; this is
usually on the medicine bottle)
• Schedule (day of the week and time of
day it is taken)
• Reason for taking it
• Doctor who prescribed it
Don’t forget the medicines you take every now and then or “as needed”; for instance, drugs for pain,
common cold, fever, itching, or sleep.
Keep a copy of this list in your wallet or purse so that it’s there for each medical provider and in case of
emergency. Update it each time a medicine gets added, taken away, or if a dose changes.
Source: American Cancer Society
Winter Weather Workouts for Your Health!
If you’re an outdoor lover, you may not want to take your workout routine inside when
the weather turns cold. To stay safe while exercising outside in winter:
• Take extra time to warm up properly. When it’s cold out, muscles may be at
greater risk of injury because they’re colder and tighter.
• Dress in layers that you can remove as soon as you start to sweat and put back on
as needed.
• If it’s dark, wear reflective clothing or tape. Wear footwear with enough traction
to prevent falls, especially if it’s icy.
• Wind chill extremes can make outdoor exercise unsafe. If it’s well below zero out
or the wind chill is extreme, you may want to choose an indoor activity until it
warms up a bit.
• Wear sunscreen on exposed skin. You can get sunburned even in winter.
Almost everyone can do some kind of exercise safely during cold weather. But if you
have health conditions, especially asthma or heart problems, ask your doctor first.
Source: American Cancer Society/Healthy Living
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 17
TeamstersCare News
TeamstersCare to Partner with Blue Cross Blue Shield to
provide Medical and Behavioral Health (mental health
and substance abuse) coverage Effective January 1, 2012
President O’Brien and the TeamstersCare Trustees are always searching for ways to manage
the rising cost of health care benefits. To that end, the Trustees have decided to partner
exclusively with Blue Cross Blue Shield for Medical and Behavioral Health (mental health and
substance abuse) services for Members and Early Retirees with TeamstersCare medical
coverage. The new TeamstersCare plan is called HMO Blue New England.
You should have received an informational letter and a Summary of Benefits booklet. ID
cards were mailed in late December. You will need to use your new ID card when receiving
any medical or behavioral health services as of January 1, 2012. If you have not received a
new ID card, contact Charlestown Member Services at 617-241-9220, ext. 2.
Based on the cost savings projected by our new relationship with Blue Cross Blue Shield, we
can continue to provide quality health care without increasing costs to our members.
If you have questions or concerns about this change, feel free to contact Charlestown
Member Services.
Important Changes to your TeamstersCare Mental Health Benefits for
Members and Retirees with TeamstersCare Medical Coverage Effective
January 1, 2012
Effective January 1, 2012, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts will provide behavioral
health (mental health and substance abuse) coverage for TeamstersCare members and their
families for outpatient therapy, medication management and inpatient hospitalizations. No
referral or pre-authorization is necessary; you simply make an appointment to see any
in-network provider and pay your copay when services are received. For more information or
to search for Blue Cross providers go online to www.bcbsma.com or call 1-800-444-2426.
TeamstersCare in Charlestown will continue to provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
benefits to our eligible members and families. Our licensed clinicians will meet with you to
discuss your concerns on a personal level. These confidential benefits are provided at no cost
or copay to you.
TeamstersCare Directory www.teamsterscare.com
Charlestown Office
16 Sever St.
Charlestown, MA 02129
Administration • Audiology
Dental • Member Services
Local Tel: 617-241-9220
Within MA: 800-442-9939
Out of State: 800-225-6135
Fax: 617-241-8168
Charlestown Pharmacy
552 Main St.
Charlestown, MA 02129
Local Tel: 617-241-9024
Toll Free: 800-235-0760
Fax: 617-241-5025
Stoughton Pharmacy
1214 Park St.
Stoughton, MA 02072
Tel: 781-297-9764
Fax: 781-297-9370
Stoughton Dental Office
1214 Park St.
Stoughton, MA 02072
Tel: 781-297-7360
Toll Free: 877-326-1999
Fax: 781-297-7830
Chelmsford Dental Office
4 Meeting House Rd.
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Tel: 978-256-9728
Toll Free: 800-258-2111
Fax: 978-256-9846
Employee Assistance
Program (EAP)
16 Sever St.
Charlestown, MA 02129
Toll Free:800-851-8326
Fax: 781-321-6501
If you have questions or concerns, call 1-800-851-8326 to speak directly with your
TeamstersCare EAP staff.
www.teamsterslocal25.com | WINTER 2012 | The SPOKESMAN | 17
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A Message from Mark Harrington
Local 25 Secretary-Treasurer
I hope that all my brothers and sisters and family members enjoyed a great
holiday season. Once again, Local 25 has had a very eventful year.
I, along with the rest of Local 25’s delegates, traveled to the Teamsters
Convention where it seemed that Local 25 was on constant display. I had
the pleasure of nominating Sean O’Brien for Eastern Region Vice President. I also had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand his election in Washington, D.C. in November. This is a great accomplishment for Sean and also
for this local.
This year, Local 25 again finished in the black. We continue to be
resourceful with your dues money while providing as many services as we do.
Your business agents and representatives work very hard on your behalf and
are greatly aware of the role they play in your work life ensuring that you are
properly represented. We continue to be challenged on all fronts. As of this
writing we are engaged in a fight with Bird CertainTeed Company. Another
multi-national company that believes that America is a third-world nation
where people should just be happy to have a job and take whatever they are
given. They must be shocked when they see the resolve of our members. The
workers at Bird are truly a melting pot of the new America, diverse in every
way. These workers literally hail from all over the world—Africa, Southeast
Asia, Eastern Europe and Southern Europe. They have all come together as
one to stand for what they believe in—quality health care, a Teamster benefit.
They will not accept the company’s inferior plan.
Local 25 is supporting them in every way. We have a constant presence
of officers and agents on the line. They are receiving a strike benefit from
the International Union and the local, as well as being provided meals. In
turn these members are showing up in droves and are standing tall. Seeing
them in action makes you realize what Teamster power is all about.
I want to thank all my stewards for their outstanding service this past
year. I have been given some new assignments which include the rigging
division. I look forward to that challenge and working with the stewards
and members in that group.
18 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 19
New England Teamsters Federal Credit Union
John A. Murphy
Sean O'Brien
1st Vice Chairman
Mark A. Harrington
Alice Riley-King
Ernest C. Sheehan, Jr.
Joseph Conti
Tom Mari
We Have the
in Town!
New and Used As Low as
% APR*
Steven J. South
Finance or Refinance your car or
truck with us and save thousands!
Apply Today, a Dependable
Safe New Ride tomorrow!
David Pietroforte
George Slicis
Robert E. Bayusik
Joseph J. Bairos
Richard Laughton
George Belanger
Call 1-800-343-7126 Option 7 for more details.
Apply Now by Phone or Online at www.netfcu.org!
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 20
Blood Bank
Paul Amoroso
Elizabeth Fula
Bill Asaro, Jr.
Catalano Bros.
David Gartland
Manfi-Leasing/ Stop & Shop
Irving P. Balkman
Gregg Gigg
New Penn
Jeffrey Bamford
New England Theatrical
Helen Giglio
City of Everett
Alice Bavaro
Edward Giglio
General Public
Mary Bewig
General Public
Robert Gregoire
Capital Waste
John Blanchard
Catalano Brothers
Natalie Griffin
General Public
Brendan Blanchard
General Public
Jason Hall
General Public
Warren Boisvert
John W. Hannon
Pamela Boyden
General Public
Bob Harty
Leo Breen
Don Haska
General Public
Karen Burns
General Public
Roger Hendrix
Manfi-Leasing/Stop & Shop
Bob Burns
Doug Henry
Manfi- Leasing/Stop & Shop
Brendan Butler
General Public
Kathy Hickey
General Public
Anthony Caggiano
Dennis Holland
New England Theatrical
Jo Chaffee
General Public
Richard Johnson
New Penn Motor Express
Katie Christianson
General Public
Charles Johnson
Margaret C. Clark
Laura Johnson
Robert Cook
Stop & Shop
Dan Kakleas
New Penn Motor Express
Kris Crawford
YRC, Inc.
William T. Kelley, Jr.
United Liquor (Local 653)
Eric Dawler
General Public
Gregory Kerwood
UPS- Somerville
Joe Destasio
James F. Kessler
Manfi-Leasing/Stop & Shop
John M. Dillon
Boston Globe
Jen Keyes
General Public
Ian J. Dillon
Boston Globe
Bill Kuttner
General Public
Janna Donohue
General Public
Paul Lacey
YRC, Inc.
Michael Downey
General Public
Kevin Lally
Stephen Drago
US Foodservice
Dave Langan
Jessica Drago
General Public
Joseph Lanza
Mike Erelli
YRC, Inc.
Joseph Laplante
G.D. Matthews & Sons. Corp.
Thomas D. Farnkoff
Patti Lapointe
Doug Francey
Atlantic Plant Maintenance
Kathryn E. MacDonald
General Public
Dick Frank
City of Cambridge -DPW
Bill MacDougall
General Public
20 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
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Jim MacInnis
Karen Salvato
Brian MacLeod
Shaughnessy & Ahern
Philip Savoy, Jr.
Coan, Inc.
Paul Mannix
Joint Venture
Patrick Scarry
General Public
E. Al Marcotte
Joe Sciuto
Bob McAllister
Manfi-Leasing/Stop & Shop
Anthony Scopa
Costa Fruit
Charlie McAskill
Paul Sharpe
Tom McGarty
New England Theatrical
T. Eddie Sheehan
Wanda McGarty
General Public
Drew Smith
General Public
Michael McGrath
US Foodservice
Dan Splaine
Richard McMurtry
UPS - Norwood
Ryan Sullivan
General Public
Gail Michalski
Alliance Express (Clerical)
F. Dan Sullivan
Aaron Miller
General Public
Tom Sullivan
Global- Chelsea
Robert Monteforte
UPS- Somerville
Thomas Sullivan
Ronnie Moran
Fred Sutera
General Public
Tom Moskaluk
Arlington Coal & Lumber
Annabelle Torino
General Public
John J. Murphy
Larry Tucker
Tommy Nasson
Global- Chelsea
Stephen Urguhart
Roger Newcomb, Jr.
M.S. Walker
Bobby Valdario
Maureen K. O'Brien
General Public
Charlie Vaughn
John O'Connor
Admiral Metals
Jack Ward
Michael Pagliaro
New Penn Motor Express
James W. Woods
Peter Pappas
Mallory Woods
General Public
Joe Peluso
Edmund E. Petit, Jr.
Edward Porter
Manfi-Leasing/Stop & Shop 9
Christine Quinn
General Public
John Quinn
General Public
David Radochia, Jr.
Boston Globe (Local 259)
Ron Raymond
Carol Rees
General Public
Peter Rodliff
Marr Rigging
Luis A. Rodriguez
Capitol Waste
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 22
Calendar of
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
January 15
General Membership Meeting 10:00 a.m.
Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129
January 16
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 28
Blood Bank 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129
February 12
Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14
Valentine’s Day
James Riddle Hoffa’s Birthday
February 19
General Membership Meeting 10:00 a.m.
Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129
February 20
President’s Day
February 22
George Washington’s Birthday
February 25
Blood Bank 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129
March 11
Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 17
St. Patrick’s Day
March 18
General Membership Meeting 10:00 a.m.
Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129
March 24
Blood Bank 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Union Hall, 544 Main Street Charlestown, MA 02129
22 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
5th Annual Light Up The Night
for Autism Gala – April 7, 2012
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 23
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 24
Mike Bates
ABC Moving Company,
Michael Bates has been working at ABC
Moving Company in Somerville, Mass.
since 1993. In July of 1994 Bates helped to
unionize ABC and since then he has been
a member of Teamsters Local 82. (On January 1, 2012 Local 82
merged into Local 25.)
Bates is the only steward for the 14 Teamsters on the list and
enjoys his role as steward. “I have a civil relationship with management and I am not afraid to confront them when they are wrong,”
Bates said. “I also have a good relationship with the members and
they understand when I tell them they are wrong and not the company in certain situations.”
Bates is really excited about becoming a member of Local 25.
“We now have solid representation with Local 25, under the
leadership of President O’Brien. I have known Sean my whole life
and I know with him in charge we will become much stronger in
the big buildings in Boston by stopping the nonunion companies
from taking our work.”
ABC Moving has been in business since 1982. It has contracts
with Verizon, Fidelity Investments, many law firms, bio-tech companies and the big hospitals in Boston.
“The company is doing well,” Bates said. “We are two years into a
six-year contract and we want the company to remain busy so we can
get an even share at the bargaining table in 2015.”
Bates hails from a long line of union members. His uncle Mark
Bates is the steward for Local 25 at Boston Sand and Gravel. His uncle
Billy Riley is a member of the Local 25 Movie Division. His uncle
Brian Bates is a member of Laborers Local 22 and his brother Shawn
Bates was a member of the NHL Players Association as a professional
hockey player for the Boston Bruins and New York Islanders.
Ralph Gaskell
Casey & Hayes Movers,
South Boston
Like his grandfather 50 years ago, Ralph
Gaskell is a Teamster at Casey & Hayes Movers
in South Boston, Massachusetts. He has been
the Local 82—and now Local 25—steward
since 2001 and has worked at Casey & Hayes for 24 years.
24 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
Gaskell says he deals with the usual issues as steward for his 22 coworkers. “It is never a perfect day as steward. I deal with seniority
problems, pay-discrepancy concerns, split-shifting and eight-hour
guarantee battles, but I usually resolve all problems before they make
it to the formal grievance procedure,” Gaskell said.
Casey & Hayes has been doing business since 1925 and keeps
the Teamsters Local 25 members very busy.
“We move everything from laboratories to library books,”
Gaskell said. “We are constantly in and out of commercial buildings, colleges and universities, law firms and museums. The largest
move I ever did was in 1988 at the law firm Ropes and Gray. We
moved 15 floors in 20 days.”
Gaskell is very pleased with his recent move into Local 25
from Local 82. “We now have more resources and the ability to
chase the nonunion movers out of Boston. The leadership of
Local 25, with President O’Brien at the helm, creates a better
atmosphere and restores pride in the Local 82 membership. I am
excited for the future.”
Kenneth Healy
Spry Moving and Storage
Company, Woburn
Ken Healy has been a Teamster since
1984 when he helped to unionize Global
Van Lines. In May of 1990, Healy moved
to Spry Moving and Storage Company,
where he has worked ever since.
Healy is in his third year as steward at Spry for his 16 fellow
“I like being steward. I feel good when I can solve a problem
for one of the guys,” Healy said. “I don’t like having to bang heads
with the ownership about an issue, but that is my role as steward
and I accept it, and the guys appreciate me fighting for them.”
Healy is thrilled about the merger of Local 82 into Local 25.
“I now feel empowered as a Teamster. We can finally stick up for
ourselves and know that the leadership of Local 25 has our
backs,” Healy said. “President O’Brien really impresses me with
his vision for the future. The forecast with Local 25 looks good
and promising.”
Spry Moving and Storage does mostly commercial work in
Boston, at the large hospitals like Mass General, and pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and others. Spry also has a household
division and archive division.
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 25
“Spry is a family-owned business and they are generally fair to
us,” Healy said. “But there is always room for us to get along better.”
Ed Welch
Global Experience Specialists,
South Boston
Ed “Edso” Welch works at the Boston Convention Center for Global Experience Specialists. He has worked in the Teamsters
Trade Show Division since 1994 and has
been a steward since 2010.
“We have 24 Teamsters on the list, but when a big show comes to
town we can put on up to 200 Teamsters to work,” Welch said. “In
June 2011 we put 350 Teamsters to work at the National Association
of Chain Drug Store convention. It was by far our biggest show at the
new convention center.”
The Teamster Trade Show members work very hard when they
work a show. “We do it all, from setting up display booths, pipe and
drape, podiums and risers, and also lay carpet in the 650,000-squarefoot facility,” Welch said.
“Our contract is up in April 2012, and we are glad that Local 25 will
be representing us at the table. The merger has brought a new sense of
confidence to the Local 82 membership. Sean O’Brien is a great leader
and we are all excited to go to battle with him,” Welch said.
Kevin McNiff
Freeman Companies, Braintree
Kevin McNiff has been a Teamster since
1978. For 34 years, McNiff has worked in
the Teamsters Trade Show Division in
Boston at either the World Trade Center,
Hynes Auditorium, and recently at the
six-year-old MCCA Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in
South Boston. Kevin has 64 Teamsters on the full-time list, but
can have up to 400 members working at the same time when a big
show comes to town.
McNiff has served as steward since 2005 and truly likes the experience.
“I take pleasure in being steward because I like the gratification I
get when I can help one of our members with a workplace issue,” he
said. “Most of the time I am interpreting the contract, dealing with
seniority issues and fighting for maintenance of standards.”
McNiff has no problem taking on the companies that disregard
collective bargaining agreements. “I get irritated when I have to intervene when a company doesn’t respect the collective bargaining agreement that they signed,” McNiff said. “Some of these vendors come
into our convention centers and try to skirt the contracts we have in
place. My job is to protect our work and to stop them.”
McNiff is looking forward to vast changes that promise to come
with the merger of Local 82 into Local 25. “I am so excited to get the
respect back that we lost in the past. There seems to be a rebirth in
confidence in our membership as a result of the merger,” McNiff said.
“We have been through a lot for the past 15 months and we are
impressed with the direction that President O’Brien and Business
Agent Tom Mari are taking us.”
McNiff believes that there are many new organizing opportunities within the Trade Show Division that Local 25 could take
advantage of.
“The sky is the limit in organizing in this division. Many companies and vendors come into our convention halls and they don’t pay
their workers fairly. Our members interact with them and we plan to
help them join Teamsters Local 25,” McNiff said.
Robert “Bob” Irvine
Freeman Companies—Braintree
Bob Irvine is a 46-year, second-generation
Teamster who has worked in the
Tradeshow Division since the mid-1960s.
Irvine has seen the tradeshow industry
evolve into big business.
“I have witnessed the tradeshow industry really blossom from a
small seasonal industry into big business with all of the bells and
whistles,” Irvine said. “Back in the day we had to lug everything
around, now the technology has changed for the better where we are
able to use pallet trucks, scissor lifts and other ergonomic technology.
The shows themselves are highly automated and are really more of a
major production than just the pipe and drape shows of the past.”
Tradeshows are in Irvine’s bloodline. His father, Tom Irvine,
started in the Tradeshow Division in the 1940s and his brother Ron
Irvine served for 50 years as a Teamster in the tradeshow industry. His
son, Rob, is a member of the Local 25 Tradeshow Division as well.
“There is now light at the end of the tunnel,” Irvine said of the
recent merger of Local 82 into Local 25. “We were strong at one
point, then we lost power. We are looking forward to the new leadership under President O’Brien.”
www.teamsterslocal25.com | WINTER 2012 | The SPOKESMAN | 25
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Effective Date
Robert W. Carney
Paul J. Civetti
John H. Connarton
Brian G. Cox
Richard A. Curley
John M. Evans
Robert J. Fitzpatrick
Vericio V. Fontes
Giovanni Gagliotta
Ralph M. Giller
Walter T. Hinkley
Theodore W. Lampman
Ronald R. Masterson
Lawrence J. Milinazzo
Walter M. Mills
Ronald P. Mott
Kevin A. Satterthwaite
Tyrone C. Shauan Sr.
Edward A. Shaw
Peter Taslakian
Clarence A. Turner
Linvan C. Young
Ernest J. Arseneau
William E. Chambers
John A. Crosby
David M. Duggan
William P. Dwyer
Werner J. Fehmel
Richard B. Lang
Maureen A. McDonald
Albert P. McKenney
James P. O’Brien
Carl R. Palanzi
Kenneth J. Powers Sr.
Jose M. Ribeiro
Mary R. Rosati
Ernest L. Spring
Leslie L. Trotman
Luther L. Washington
Peter Yeanacopolis
Leo W. Callahan
Frank W. Colantonio
John A. Connolly
Robert D. Damigella
Mary E. Dunn
Ian R. Griffin
David P. Hammond
Ernie G. Karelas
Howard A. Kaufman
Paul E. Nardi, Jr.
Daniel J. Newhall
Robert A. Petit
Karl M. Rasmussen
Thomas A. Sarro
Dennis Sayers
William E. Stens
Athanase C. Valentin
Fred Ward, Jr.
Robert W. Zachko, Jr.
Aggregate Industries
Lechmere Inc.
J T Ryerson & Son Inc.
U S Foodservice Inc.
DHL Express
U S Foodservice Inc.
DHL Express (USA Inc.)
Stop & Shop Supermarket Co.
Costa Fruit & Produce Co.
Central Artery Tunnel Project
Nonantum Lumber
Alliance Energy Corp.
G A F Materials Corp.
Costa Fruit & Produce Co.
Logan 2000
Petroleum Heat & Power Co. Inc.
Marr Scaffolding Co.
Petroleum Heat & Power Co. Inc.
Sharp Air Freight Service Inc.
Harsco Infrastructure Americas
Signal Delivery Service Inc.
Purity Supreme Inc.
Eastern Metal Mill Prod. Co.
Consolidated Freightways Corp.
U S Foodservice Inc.
Special Movie Shows
U S Foodservice Inc.
Lily Truck Leasing Corp.
Petroleum Heat & Power Co. Inc.
DHL Express, (USA Inc.)
Browing-Ferris Ind. Inc.
Central Artery Tunnel Project
DHL Express, (USA Inc.)
DHL Express, (USA Inc.)
James Ferrera & Sons Inc.
Jordan Marsh Co.
U S Foodservice Inc.
United Parcel Serv. Inc.
Buckley & Scott Whetton Inc.
Sharp Air Freight Service Inc.
Americold Logistics
Millbrook Cold Storage Inc.
Local 380 Merger
The 357 Corp.
DHL Express (USA Inc.)
United Parcel Serv. Inc.
Bird & Son Inc.
DHL Express (USA Inc.)
United Parcel Serv. Inc.
Boston Sand & Gravel Co.
DHL Express (USA Inc.)
Manfi Leasing Corp.
United Parcel Serv. Inc.
DHL Express (USA Inc.)
BFI/Allied Wast Ind. Inc.
United Parcel Serv. Inc.
Morton Shoe Stores Inc.
A B F Freight System Inc.
U S Foodservice Inc.
Disability Pension
Statutory Pension
Special Regular Pension
Disability Pension
Disability Pension
Year Special Service Plan C
Disability Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Regular Pension
Statutory Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Regular Pension
Statutory Pension
Year Special Service Plan C
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Disability Pension
Statutory Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Disability Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Disability Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Statutory Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Statutory Pension
Regular Pension
Thirty Year Full Service
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Statutory Pension
Disability Pension
Regular Pension
Regular Pension
Disability Pension
Early Retirement Pension
Disability Pension
Disability Pension
Disability Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Statutory Pension
Disability Pension
26 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2012 | www.teamsterslocal25.com
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age 27
Neil Anderson
Consolidated Freightways
James F. Mason
Gate Gourmet, Inc.
Linn R. Aucoin
Purtiy Supreme
Louis R. McAllister
Transit Services, Inc.
Roland J. Austin
Signal Delivery Service, Inc.
Patrick J. McCue
Boston Sand & Gravel
Roy I. Baker
G. H. Harnum, Inc.
Hugh J. McDonald
Twin Trucking
Adele I. Bromberg
DHL Express
Thomas E. McLaughlin
Austin Hastings Co., Inc.
Charles H. Brooks, Jr.
Robbie Fuels, Inc.
Robert McLennon
United Parcel Service
Theresa Broussard
First National Stores
John M. McNamara
Allied Waste Services
Thomas W. Carleton
Heating Oil Partners
Jennie Mike
Champion International Corp.
Ethel E. Carr
First National Stores
Thomas R. Molloy
Airco Distribution Gases
Edwin R. Cassidy
Ferrera & Sons
Edward G. Murdock
Airco Distribution Gases
Henry E. Chandler
L & R Truck Leasing, Inc.
Paul J. Nevero
The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company
Harold Cleveland
Tyler Co.
Richard T. Nigro
Dudley Fuel Company
James F. Coppenrath
G.S.P Recycling
James M. O'Brien
Browning-Ferris, Inc.
Arthur Courchaine
Boston & Taunton Trans. Co.
Joseph Ognibeni
Northern Terminals, Inc.
Edward L. Cuddy
Berman's Motor Express, Inc.
Frances A. Penza
Hoerner-Waldorf Corporation
Edward F. Dillon
G.T. Rodes, Inc.
Dean S. Pevey
Brewer Petroleum Service, Inc.
James F. English
Harso Infastructure Americas
Robert E. Putnam
Westwood Cartage, Inc.
John A. Ferguson
Brinks, Inc.
Robert M. Qualtieri
YRC, Inc.
Robert Fitzgerald
G.A. Climo & Son
Samuel M. Ragusa
Browning- Ferris, Inc.
Vincent Giordano
C. Pappas Co., Inc.
Albert L. Riva
Federal Warehouse, Inc.
William J. Hartnett
Texaco Refining & Marketing , Inc.
Bertrand H. Roy
Warehouse Transport, Inc.
John R. Herbert
ABF Freight System, Inc.
Charles A. Rund
Coan, Inc.
Michael J. King
The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company
Robert James Sciarra
357 Corp.
Thomas J. Loomis
Lily Truck Leasing Corp.
Pasquale Serio
First National Stores
Peter J. Loughlin
DHL Express
Walter H. Songin
Keith Fulton & Sons, Inc.
Richard F. Lynch
Coan, Inc.
Richard L. Snow
Plymouth Rock Transportation
James J. Stevens
Atlas Personnel, Inc.
Francis F. Thomas
The Carter's Ink Company
Mildred R. Toomey
Martin Vitkausas
Bird, Inc.
Paul W. Walsh
Consolidated Freightways
Norman Willwerth
The Delivery Corporation
John Yailaian
Rush Delivery Service, Inc.
www.teamsterslocal25.com | WINTER 2012 | The SPOKESMAN | 27
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Chapter News
Local 25
Retiree Chapter
Joe Conti
Chuck Durfee
Retiree News
Note: There are three breakfast meetings a year
held on the second Thursday of January, April and
October. We had another rainy day for our breakfast meeting, but in spite of the weather, 150 members attended.
President Joe Conti introduced Local 25 President Sean O’Brien to say a few words. O’Brien
thanked the retirees for all their help and commitment while he was campaigning. He said that Toys
for Tots started slow but with the efforts of Conti,
we had a record collection. O’Brien also thanked
Conti, Bill Grubbs, Kevin Lally and all those who
helped. O’Brien said there is a lot going on in Local
25 today and thanked everyone in the audience for
making the local what it is today. “We have what we
have today—pensions, health and welfare, good
wages—because of our prior members,” he said.
He said Local 25 is growing and recently merged
with Local 82. He talked about the Day Room and
the Executive Board Room and that they will stay
the same. He needs and appreciates the help of the
Retiree Chapter.
Conti read the names of the deceased members
since the last meeting and held a moment of silence.
Chuck Durfee read the financial report. A
motion to accept was made by Paul Walsh and
seconded by Kenny Burgess.
Johnny B. thanked everyone for coming despite
the bad weather. He talked about Suffolk Downs
and said that the races will be on Monday, June 4.
The price for the tickets and the lunch will be the
same, $17.
Richie Reardon was introduced and we talked
about the credit union. He said that even with the
slow year we have had, we are making loans and we
have a great staff to handle your needs. Join the
credit union!
President Conti announced that we will have
the Autism Gala on Saturday, April 7, 2012, at the
InterContinental Hotel. Tickets cost $60 each.
There will be a live auction. There is a custom
build chopper being raffled and the tickets are
$100 each. There will be food stations all around
the room.
Retirees that want to run for positions on the
Executive Board can pick-up nomination papers at
the April meeting. Anyone can run but the nominee must be a member in good standing for two
full years running.
Scholarship applications are available. To be
eligible for grandchildren to receive retiree scholarship, you must up to date on dues.
The blood bank date is Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012.
Some of these people have given 180 pints. Jack
Murphy is one of them.
Conti thanked the rank and file for attending
and thanked Café Sorelli for an excellent breakfast.
He thanked the servers who served the breakfast: Frank Pagliaro, Tony Bruno, Tom Nasson, Bob
Ricciardi, Dick Allen, Lenny Hagen, Jerry Bolton,
Paul McNeiley and Paul Sharpe.
Thanks to Joe Evans and Billy Briggs for handling the 50-50 raffle.
The next breakfast meeting is April 12.
The Teamster clock was won by Dan DiGiacomo.
The four $25 prizes were won by: Mike Curley,
Charles Knecht, Bill Walsh and Tom Bullen.
John "Johnny B"
Vice President
The next breakfast meeting is April 12.
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:15 A M P age c3
a Big Loss
John Boulten
Richard Howe
We lost our good
friend Joe Cuggino. He
died 10 days before his
97th birthday. Roy
Herrick, Bobby Breau and Joe Cuggino started the
Retiree Chapter in 1985. Herrick was the first President and Cuggino was the first Secretary-Treasurer.
Cugino loved the Retiree Chapter and was a strong
advocate for us. He was there for all our events
through the years. He loved the Irish dinners and
made us laugh wearing the funny hats. We saw him
New Penn
William S. Falasar
Boston Herald
John P. Gibney
Stop and Shop
Clarence F. Hattuck Jr
357 Corp.
Louis LoGrippo
P. Tavilla
talking to everyone and making us smile. We looked
Ronald P. Mott
for him at all our breakfast meetings. He didn’t
Fras Clew Mor
make the last one. He will be greatly missed. Joe
Thomas V. Nasson
President O’Brien offered the Teamsters’ van for
the funeral at the family’s request. President Conti
drove the van and delivered the Bible to the family.
The van was the second vehicle behind the hearse.
The family was grateful to have the van in the procession. There was a sticker attached to his casket
that said, “Proud to be an American, Proud to be
a Teamster.”
Kevin Lally
Joseph E. Meoli
at Suffolk Downs “at the races,” and he would enjoy
Cuggino was truly a “Teamsters’ Teamster.”
Bill Burpee
Global Oil
John C. O’Reilly
Herb Andrews
Michael D. Rae
Theodore Salviti
Manfi/Stop and Shop
Craig B. Wilcox
Manfi/Stop and Shop
Dan Splaine
www.teamsterslocal25.com | WINTER 2012 | The SPOKESMAN | 29
S pokesm an Mag W inter 2012_layout 2/1/12 11:13 A M P age c4
The Spokesman
The Spokesman (USPS 613-400)
is published by
Teamsters Local 25,
International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, 544 Main Street,
Boston, MA 02129-1113.
Telephone (617) 241-8825.
Periodicals Class Postage Paid
at Boston, MA
Boston, MA

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