SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition


SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition
SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft
Business Edition
User Guide
SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition 8.00c.07.00
October 2011
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The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service:
User Guide
Preface .............................................................................................................9
Documentation ...............................................................................................10
Chapter 1:
Installation ................................................................................................... 11
System requirements ......................................................................................12
Downloading software and directories...........................................................14
Installing the software ....................................................................................16
Installing directories.......................................................................................18
Postal directories ............................................................................................20
Directory release schedule .............................................................................22
GeoCensus directories....................................................................................23
NCOALink directories ...................................................................................24
Installing fix packs via automatic updates .....................................................25
Preparing for printing .....................................................................................26
Chapter 2:
Getting started ............................................................................................. 27
Introduction ....................................................................................................28
Getting started ................................................................................................30
Creating a new job..........................................................................................32
DeskTop Mailer or Business Edition files .....................................................36
Options for viewing your data........................................................................37
Adding data to your file .................................................................................39
Document properties ......................................................................................40
Setting default paths for data files and other files .........................................42
Indexing your database...................................................................................43
Editing records ...............................................................................................45
Selecting records ............................................................................................48
Searching for records ....................................................................................49
Using criteria to search for, select, or un-select records ................................50
Deleting records .............................................................................................52
Settings Library ..............................................................................................53
Chapter 3:
Importing and exporting data.................................................................... 55
Introduction to importing and exporting ........................................................56
File formats for importing and exporting.......................................................57
Importing records ...........................................................................................59
Exporting records ...........................................................................................62
Chapter 4:
Address correction ...................................................................................... 67
Introduction ....................................................................................................68
Terms for address components ......................................................................69
What is address correction?............................................................................70
How address correction works....................................................................... 71
Standardized fields ........................................................................................ 72
Correction options.......................................................................................... 73
Suggestion lists ............................................................................................. 74
Delivery Point Validation .............................................................................. 75
Perform DPV processing ............................................................................... 76
DPV and LACSLink locking......................................................................... 77
LACSLink...................................................................................................... 79
Perform LACSLink processing ..................................................................... 80
SuiteLink........................................................................................................ 81
GeoCensus .................................................................................................... 83
Status and error codes ................................................................................... 84
Parse names and assign prefixes, gender codes, and greetings ..................... 85
Chapter 5:
Finding duplicate records .......................................................................... 87
Preparing for duplicate detection................................................................... 88
Searching for duplicate records ..................................................................... 89
Choosing the comparison method.................................................................. 90
Choosing the action(s) to perform on duplicate records................................ 91
Mapping input fields to output fields............................................................. 92
Judging undecided records............................................................................. 93
Acting on the duplicates found ...................................................................... 94
Customizing a rulebook ................................................................................. 95
Smart matching .............................................................................................. 98
Chapter 6:
Extended Services ....................................................................................... 99
Extended Services........................................................................................ 100
Preparing for Extended Services.................................................................. 101
Extended Services fields.............................................................................. 102
Email append processing ............................................................................. 106
Processing your data with Extended Services ............................................. 107
During Extended Services processing ......................................................... 111
Changing your Extended Services password............................................... 112
Extended Services reports............................................................................ 113
Chapter 7:
Move-update.............................................................................................. 115
Move-updating............................................................................................. 116
NCOALink export ....................................................................................... 117
ACS move-update........................................................................................ 121
What is ACSpeed? ....................................................................................... 124
ACSpeed fields ............................................................................................ 126
Prepare for an ACSpeed mailing ................................................................. 127
Merge your ACS file using ACSpeed.......................................................... 130
Behind the scenes of an ACS merge............................................................ 134
ACS: Combine spanned diskettes from USPS ............................................ 135
Mover ID introduction ................................................................................. 136
Fields............................................................................................................ 138
Becoming NCOALink certified................................................................... 139
NCOALink certification and audit procedures............................................ 140
Overview of NCOALink processing ........................................................... 142
User Guide
Install the NCOALink directories and files..................................................143
Prepare and back up your database ..............................................................144
Set up NCOALink defaults ..........................................................................145
NCOALink options ......................................................................................146
Limited service options ................................................................................148
Customer information options......................................................................152
Perform address correction, including NCOALink......................................153
NCOALink Mover ID Summary report .......................................................154
NCOALink PAF Information report ............................................................156
NCOALink log files .....................................................................................157
Chapter 8:
Presort ........................................................................................................ 159
Introduction to presorting.............................................................................160
The presort wizard........................................................................................162
Mail piece information .................................................................................163
Sorting information ......................................................................................165
Periodicals information ................................................................................167
Mailing information .....................................................................................168
Entry point details ........................................................................................171
Scheme details..............................................................................................175
Mailing fletters .............................................................................................184
Mixing simplified mail with non-simplified mail ........................................185
Walk sequencing ..........................................................................................187
Line-of-travel (LOT) sequencing .................................................................191
USPS Confirm program ...............................................................................192
Intelligent Mail.............................................................................................197
Presort posting and exporting.......................................................................203
Discarding Presort data ................................................................................205
Chapter 9:
Multiple entry points................................................................................. 207
Drop-shipping your mail ..............................................................................208
Selecting your facilities................................................................................209
Facility sequence ..........................................................................................211
Entry point details for multiple entry points ................................................212
Multiple entry point reports..........................................................................214
Chapter 10:
Mail.dat ...................................................................................................... 215
Understanding Mail.dat................................................................................216
Preparing for Mail.dat file generation ..........................................................218
Generating Mail.dat files..............................................................................221
Chapter 11:
Reports ....................................................................................................... 225
Choose printers for reports ..........................................................................226
Choose fonts for reports ...............................................................................227
Format reports ..............................................................................................228
Batch print ....................................................................................................229
Access report files ........................................................................................230
General reports .............................................................................................232
Address-correction reports........................................................................... 233
Merge/Purge reports .................................................................................... 237
Move-update report...................................................................................... 239
Presort reports .............................................................................................. 240
USPS Postage Statements............................................................................ 251
Multiple entry point reports ......................................................................... 257
Extended Services reports ........................................................................... 259
Chapter 12:
Design and print labels ............................................................................. 267
Print methods ............................................................................................... 268
Label Toolbox wizard.................................................................................. 269
Get started designing labels ......................................................................... 271
The Designer window.................................................................................. 274
Define your page settings ............................................................................ 276
Define your printer settings ......................................................................... 277
The Layout window ..................................................................................... 278
Lines............................................................................................................. 279
Objects ......................................................................................................... 280
Frames.......................................................................................................... 281
Fields............................................................................................................ 283
Barcodes....................................................................................................... 288
Break marks ................................................................................................. 289
Images.......................................................................................................... 291
Other miscellaneous objects ........................................................................ 292
Container labels ........................................................................................... 293
Verify labels................................................................................................. 294
Preview labels .............................................................................................. 295
Page templates ............................................................................................. 297
Layout templates.......................................................................................... 298
Printers ......................................................................................................... 299
Inkjet printers............................................................................................... 300
Generic Text driver...................................................................................... 302
Barcode printing with the Generic Text driver............................................ 305
Print labels ................................................................................................... 308
Print labels for selected presorted records ................................................... 309
Printing labels for firm packages ................................................................. 310
Expressions and filters ................................................................................. 311
Expression and Filter Builder ...................................................................... 313
Examples of value expressions and conditional filters................................ 315
Appendix A:
Fields ........................................................................................................... 317
Appendix B:
Index field attributes ................................................................................. 333
List of index field attributes......................................................................... 334
Appendix C:
Error and status codes ............................................................................. 339
Error codes .................................................................................................. 340
Status codes ................................................................................................. 344
User Guide
Appendix D:
Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions........................347
Operator words for combining functions .....................................................348
Other operators.............................................................................................349
List of functions ...........................................................................................350
Summary of functions by purpose ...............................................................357
Appendix E:
Predefined design files, templates, and printer files ...............................359
Design files...................................................................................................360
Page templates..............................................................................................362
Layout templates ..........................................................................................363
Printer files ...................................................................................................364
User Guide
About this software
This cost-effective mailing and database-management software solution offers
complete database management, combining address correction and
standardization, merge/purge processing, presorting, custom-printing options,
and other valuable features in one easy-to-use software solution. The software’s
address standardization engine (ACE) is CASS-certified, which means that it
meets USPS regulations for applying correct postal codes and standardizing
addresses, cities, and states. This gives you maximum postage discounts and fast,
accurate delivery of your mail.
Additional options are available to increase productivity, revenue, and cost
savings. See “SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition’s add-on
options” on page 28 for details.
License agreement
You can read the license agreement on-screen during installation, and you can
also access it after installing by choosing Help > License Agreement. The
license agreement explains the terms of owning the software.
This document adheres to the following documentation conventions:
Bold type is used for file names, paths, emphasis, and text that you
should type exactly as shown. For example, “Type cd\dirs.”
Italics are used for emphasis and text for which you should substitute your own data or values. For example, “Type a name for your
job, and the .job extension (jobname.job).”
Menu commands
Commands that you choose from menus are shown in the following
format: Menu Name > Command Name. For example, “Choose File
> New.”
This symbol serves to warn you about important information and
potential problems.
This symbol points out special cases that you should know about.
Your complete
documentation set
The complete documentation set for this software:
Access the latest
Online help
To access documents, choose Start > Programs > Postalsoft Business Edition.
Or go to, click SAP BusinessObjects, click All Products,
choose Postalsoft from the top drop-down list, and choose your product from the
lower drop-down list.
Online help contains detailed explanations of every software feature and step-bystep “how-to” instruction. While working in the software, you can access help
several different ways:
Related guides
User Guide
Click the “?” icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then click the
item you want to learn more about.
For help on a whole window, press F1.
Choose Help > Postalsoft Help Topics. Use the Contents, Index, and Search
tabs to find the topic you want to learn more about.
For essential mailing information from the USPS, see:
User Guide (this guide)
Release Notes
Online help, available within the software (see “Online help” on page 10)
USPS Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
USPS Quick Service Guide
Chapter 1:
This section describes:
System requirements
How to install the software
How to install the directories
Directories and their update schedule
How to prepare for printing
Chapter 1: Installation
System requirements
Before you install the software, make sure that your computer meets the
following system requirements.
User Guide
A DVD drive, properly installed for use with Windows, if you will install
directories from DVD. If you will install directories from downloaded files, a
DVD drive is not required.
A printer, properly installed for use with Windows. Make sure you have fully
configured and tested your printer with Windows. You won’t be able to print
with this software until you have properly set up your printer with the
Printers control panel, including choosing a port.
3 gigabytes (GB) of disk space or 63 GB if you own SAP BusinessObjects
Postalsoft Business Edition’s Mover ID NCOALink option and will copy the
NCOALink directories to your hard disk.
2 GB of memory, or at least 3 GB if you will run other programs while
running Postalsoft or if you will perform Mover ID NCOALink processing.
Mover ID NCOALink is available in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft
Business Edition as an add-on option.
Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
Full administrator rights are required in order to install the software.
A CD-ROM drive, properly installed for use with Windows, if you will
install the software from CD. If you will install software from downloaded
files, a CD-ROM drive is not required.
File sizes
A computer with a supported operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium,
Professional, or Ultimate; Windows Server 2003 or 2008; Windows Vista
Business; or Windows XP Professional.
.NET version 2.0, 3.0. or 3.5. .NET 4.0 is also available, and you can install
it. However, Postalsoft requires that version 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5 be installed.
Multiple versions can be installed on your computer (a newer version does
not overwrite an older version). To download .NET 3.5, visit the following
Internet connection required for software and directory downloads. Highspeed internet recommended.
Postalsoft software, data, and directory files require the following amounts of
disk space.
Software files
190 MB
Data files
1 MB per 4000 records
Diversified directories
850 MB
eLOT directory
525 MB
Delivery Point Validation (DPV) directories
675 MB
LACSLink directories
475 MB
SuiteLink directories
525 MB
NCOALink directories (available with SAP BusinessOb- 63 GB
jects Postalsoft Business Edition’s add-on option)
Chapter 1: Installation
Downloading software and directories
You can download software and directories from the SAP Service Marketplace. If
you’re installing from CD, you can skip this section.
software from SMP
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your S-User ID and password.
3. Near the top of the page, click Software Downloads.
4. Click Support Packages and Patches.
5. Click Browse Our Download Catalog.
6. Click SAP BusinessObjects portfolio.
7. Select your product twice (on two successive pages).
8. Click Comprised Software Component Versions.
9. Select your product again.
10. Select your operating system (Win32).
11. Scroll down to the Download section and select the product(s) to add to your
download basket.
12. Follow the instructions on screen to download your software.
directories from SMP
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your S-User ID and password.
3. In the Download Software & Directories section, click Address Directories &
Reference Data.
4. Click Installation and Upgrade.
Available directories are listed, with the exception of eLOT, which is
presented after you select the Diversified directories.
5. Click the item that you want to download (for example, SBOP ADDR DIR
US - DIVERSIFIED), and click it again.
6. Click Installation. Make sure that you download all corresponding .zip files
for the same month.
7. For each file that you want to download, click its checkbox so that a
checkmark appears, and then click Add to Download Basket.
8. If you haven’t already installed Download Manager, click Get Download
Manager to install it now. Download Manager is a Java-based utility that
allows you to download multiple products and schedule downloads for a later
time. When you click Get Download Manager, further instructions are
available to follow.
9. To add more directories, click Installation and Upgrade link near the top of
the page, and repeat steps 5-7 for each remaining directory.
10. Open SAP Download Manager on your computer and use it to complete the
User Guide
Tips for downloading
To make it easier to locate downloaded files, jot down the location on your
computer where you download files. Also, if you’re not using Download
Manager, change the numeric name of the downloaded file to something more
descriptive before downloading. Consider including the directory name, month,
and year in downloaded directory files.
If you’re using Internet Explorer, manually add the .zip extension to the file name
either when you save the file or after you download. If the extension is missing,
you may not be able to extract the files.
Chapter 1: Installation
Installing the software
You can install from downloaded files or from a CD if you ordered one. Before
you install software, close any open programs, especially antivirus programs,
which can interfere with installation. To install software, you need full
administrator rights.
Installing the
software from a
downloaded file
If you downloaded the software from the SAP Service Marketplace, follow these
steps to unzip the downloaded file and install the software.
1. Locate the downloaded file.
When you unzip the downloaded file (in the next step), be sure that the option
to retain folder names or paths is selected in your unzip utility. (In WinZip,
the option is called Use Folder Names.)
2. Double-click the file that you downloaded to unzip the downloaded files.
Unzip them to a new folder.
3. Go to the new folder and double-click setup.exe to install the software.
Installing the
software from a CD
that you ordered
License Manager
If you are installing from CD, follow these steps to install the software.
1. Insert the software CD in your CD-ROM drive. The installation program
should start automatically, in which case, you do not need to follow steps 2
and 3. If the installation program does not start, proceed to the next steps.
Access your Windows Start menu and choose Run.
In the Run window, type x:\setup (where x is the letter of your CD-ROM
drive) and click OK.
License Manager may open during installation if you are using SAP
BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition. If License Manager opens during
installation, type the keycode, also known as license key, for each add-on option
that you own when you are prompted to do so.
If you must enter or edit keycodes after installation, you can access License
Manager by choosing Start > Programs > Postalsoft Business Edition > License
Manager. You enter your keycodes just once, not each time you install an update.
To acquire keycodes, contact your local reseller or dealer.
Microsoft .NET is a software component that is used by many programs,
including SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer and Business Edition.
.NET is automatically installed on most Windows operating systems.
If your system does not have .NET version 2.0, 3.0. or 3.5 installed, the Postalsoft
installer prompts you to go to the Microsoft Download Center to download and
install .NET 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5. Follow this link to download .NET 3.5: http://
.NET 4.0 is also available, and you can install it. However, Postalsoft requires
that version 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5 also be installed. Multiple versions can be installed (a
new version does not overwrite an older version).
User Guide
Rebooting after
When installation is complete, the installation program restarts your computer.
Chapter 1: Installation
Installing directories
Choosing the
directories to install
Directories are available separately from your software. To install directories, you
need full administrator rights. Before you install directories, close any open
programs, especially antivirus programs, which can interfere with installation.
After you download directories from the SAP Service Marketplace or receive a
directories DVD, you must load (install) the directories so that Postalsoft can
access them.
If you load directories from DVD, your computer must have a DVD drive.
1. Open the software and choose File > Load Directories.
2. In the Load Directories window, select the directories that you want to install,
and click OK.
Loading the
These directories include ZIP4US.DIR and other directories needed for
presorting and address correction.
The eLOT directory is used when assigning Line-of-Travel codes for carrier-route discounts.
DPV directories are used during Delivery Point Validation processing.
DPV is required for CASS certification.
LACSLink directories are used to convert rural route addresses to street
addresses and other types of renaming. LACSLink is required for CASS
SuiteLink directories are used during SuiteLink processing, which adds
suite numbers to high-rise business addresses. SuiteLink is required for
CASS certification.
A Loading Options window appears for each directory that you chose to install
(File > Load Directories). When you finish loading one directory, the next
Loading Options window opens.
1. If you’re installing from DVD, insert the corresponding directory DVD as
needed. For example, when the Diversified Directory Loading Options
window appears, insert the Diversified Directory DVD.
2. In the Loading Options window, use the following options to load directories.
Repeat this step for each type of directory that you’re loading.
User Guide
Select the Location
of the .ZIP File
Type the path for this directory on your DVD drive or C:\ for
example. Or you can click Browse to search for the path.
Load Directories
Type the path where you want the directories copied. Or you can
click Browse to search for the path.
Copies the directories from and to the locations specified.
Opens a window where you can search for the location that you’re
loading from or to.
Advances to the next directory without loading this directory.
When you load the Diversified directories, the ZIP4US directory is installed to
the destination that you specify. Other smaller directories installed with ZIP4US
are automatically installed to your default directory installation folder.
Chapter 1: Installation
Postal directories
To correct addresses, assign codes, and presort your mail, the software uses
databases called postal directories. These directories are based on data from the
USPS. Because directory data changes and grows all the time, the USPS requires
directory updates at least every other month.
The USPS frequently updates labeling lists, and those updates are reflected in
these directories. To read about labeling-list changes, see the USPS Postal
Bulletins, available at
The following directories are available for use with the software. To make the
directories available for use within Postalsoft, you must load the directories. See
“Installing directories” on page 18.
The letter “x” that appears in the file name of some directories represents a
number that changes when the directory format changes.
File name
Delivery Point Val- dpv*.dir
idation (DPV)
DPV directories require 600MB of writable hard drive space. Do not rename the DPV
files. The DPV directories expire in 105 days and must be the same month as the National
ZIP+4 directory.
The eLOT directory is necessary only when you prepare carrier-route mailings for Periodicals and Standard Mail. The software searches the eLOT directory when you correct
addresses that contain the CRRT and LOT or LOT_Order fields.
LACSLink directories require 450MB of writable hard drive space. Do not rename any of
the files. LACSLink will not run if the file names are changed. The LACSLink directories
expire in 105 days and must be the same month as the National ZIP+4 directory.
SuiteLink directories contain suite information for business addresses.
Together, the following directories are the Diversified directories.
The City directory contains city names, states, and ZIP Codes, organized by state and city.
This directory contains one record per possible combination of city, state, and ZIP Code.
Delivery Statistics
The DSF directory is used for presorting to verify compliance with walk-sequence saturation and high density rate requirements.
Enhanced Street
The Enhanced Street Lookup directories improve the software’s street-name lookup process so that the software can find the matching street name in the directories even when it
can’t match the beginning portion of the street name. With these directories, the software
can compare the last letters of the street name to find a match.
The Facility directory contains information about USPS drop-ship facilities, such as dropsite keys, drop-site names, and drop-site delivery addresses.
Mail Direction
The Mail Direction directory contains information from FAST about where and when
mail pieces should be dropped in order to receive discounts based on class and shape.
User Guide
File name
Mail Direction
alternate directory
The USPS requires mailers who claim entry discounts to use FAST data to choose entry
points. However, in certain cases, the USPS allows exceptions. If your local facility is
granting exceptions, you may use an alternate facility directory (maildirect_def.dir) to
bypass the FAST data.
Do not use the maildirect_def.dir file if you are using SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft
Business Edition’s multiple entry point feature. Bypassing FAST data is allowed only
when dropping at a single entry point.
Mail Processing
The MPC directory is used to form and label containers and pallets. This file contains
information regarding the service areas (SCFs, ADCs, NDCs, and so on) and is used for
all mailings.
National ZIP+4
The National ZIP+4 directory contains street names, ranges of house numbers, and postal
and other codes, organized by ZIP Code. This directory is very large because it contains
one record per city block, building, or company.
Reverse ZIP+4
The Reverse ZIP+4 directory helps the software to assign more postal codes when the
address contains a unique ZIP and a valid ZIP+4.
ZIP City File
The ZCF directory contains city names, states, and ZIP Codes, organized by ZIP Code.
This directory contains one record per possible combination of city, state, and ZIP Code.
The Zone directory is used for presorting Periodicals and Package Services BPM mailings, to calculate postage based on the distance between entry and delivery offices.
Other directories
If you own SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition’s GeoCensus
option and/or the Mover ID NCOALink option, you also have GeoCensus and/or
NCOALink directories to install.
“GeoCensus directories” on page 23
“NCOALink directories” on page 24
Chapter 1: Installation
Directory release schedule
Because directory data changes and grows all the time, the USPS requires
directory updates at least every other month. Your directories are provided every
For a list of directory installation and expiration dates, see the
directoryinstall.html file, which is bundled with your directories.
Monthly updates
Your monthly update includes the following directories:
Facility and Mail
Direction directories
ZIP4US directory
DSF directory
MPC directory
Facility and Mail Direction directories
DPV directories
LACSLink directories
SuiteLink directories
Other directories
The facility.dir and maildirect.dir directories are included in your directory
download and are loaded appropriately during the directory installation process.
However, the USPS updates FAST data continually, and you may want access to
this updated data more frequently. Therefore, updated FAST directories are
posted on the second Thursday of each month. If the second Thursday falls on a
holiday, then the directories are available the day before.
1. Log in at
2. Click the Mail Direction Files for Data Quality / Postalsoft link.
3. Select the file to download.
4. When prompted, save the .zip file to a temporary area (for example, c:\temp\
dirs). The .zip file contains both facility.dir and maildirect.dir. The .zip file
also includes .upd files, which you can ignore.
5. After the file is downloaded, double-click the .zip file and unzip the
facility.dir and maildirect.dir files into the location where directories are
currently installed (by default, c:\Postalsoft\NatlDirs).
User Guide
GeoCensus directories
GeoCensus directories are available with purchase of SAP BusinessObjects
Postalsoft Business Edition’s GeoCensus option.
To assign GeoCensus codes, the software uses the U.S. Census Bureau’s TIGER
data during address correction. TIGER data is stored in 10 directory files that
total 3.5 gigabytes and cover a range of ZIP Codes.
Downloading and
unzipping the
GeoCensus directories
If you did not order your GeoCensus directories on DVD, you must download
them and then unzip the downloaded files. See “Downloading directories
from SMP” on page 14.
To unzip, locate the downloaded files, and double-click the .exe file to extract the
directories and other files that are compressed with the directories.
Installing GeoCensus
You don’t need to install all of the TIGER data. Install only the directories
with the ZIP Code ranges that you use. Refer to the readme.txt files that come
with your GeoCensus directories to learn which directories contain the ZIP
Code ranges that you need.
To install the directories, simply copy the directory that you want and paste it
onto your hard drive or server. You can install the files in any location. If you
install more than one directory, they do not need to reside in the same place.
For example, to install the TAgeo6.dir file into a folder named GeoDirs in:
1. Locate the TAgeo6.dir file either on the DVD or among your downloaded
and unzipped GeoCensus directory files.
2. Copy the TAgeo6.dir file.
3. Navigate to your software installation directory and create a new folder,
GeoDirs. Open this folder, and paste the TAgeo6.dir file into it.
Setting GeoCensus
directory locations
For each GeoCensus directory that you install, indicate its location by
following these steps:
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click File Locations under Address Correction, and click the GeoCensus
File Locations tab.
3. Click the Browse button, and navigate to the directory where you
installed the directory file. Click Open.
4. Click OK, and click Close.
Chapter 1: Installation
NCOALink directories
NCOALink directories are available with the purchase of SAP BusinessObjects
Postalsoft Business Edition’s Mover ID NCOALink option.
After you purchase NCOALink from the USPS and pass their certification test, the
USPS sends you the latest NCOALink directories every month (if you’re an end
user) or every week (if you’re a limited service provider). The NCOALink
directories come straight from the USPS.
The USPS requires that you use the latest NCOALink directories that they send to
you. NCOALink directories are valid for 45 days.
Before you can use the NCOALLinkink directories, which the USPS provides to
you on DVD, you must install them to your hard disk. The USPS recommends
that you have 60 GB of free disk space. To install the NCOALink directories:
1. Insert the NCOALink directories DVD into your DVD drive.
2. Run the DVD installer, located at \Postalsoft\NCOALink\DVDUtility\.
For further installation details, see the online help available within the installation
program (choose Help > Contents).
Related links:
“Mover ID introduction” on page 136
Specifying the
directories’ location
After installing the NCOALink directories for the first time, you must specify the
location of these files so that Postalsoft can access them while processing your
files. When you install updated directories later, you don’t need to specify this
location again.
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the File Locations button in the Address Correction section.
3. At the Additional USPS File Locations tab, specify the location where you
installed the NCOALink directories. Enter only the path, not the file names.
Click Browse to search for the location, if desired.
If you’re a service provider, or if you’re an end user performing a Stage I or II
test, you’ll also need to install the daily delete file. If the USPS sent you a daily
delete file in the test materials, use that daily delete file during testing rather than
downloading a new daily delete file.
User Guide
Installing fix packs via automatic updates
Fix packs are software updates for the version that you have installed, and they
are available to you by automatic download via the internet. Full administrator
rights are required in order to install fix packs through automatic updates.
Choosing how often
the software checks
for update
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. In the Options window, click the Software Updates button.
3. In the Software Update Options window, enter your S User ID, which is
necessary for verification of your account. If you entered your S User ID
during installation, the number is automatically filled in here for you.
4. Choose from the following automatic update options, and click OK.
Always Check Every time you open the software, the software checks if there is an
update available.
Prompt Before Every time you open the software, you are prompted to look for softChecking
ware updates. You can choose to check at that time or dismiss the
prompt without checking.
Never Check
Checking for updates
The software does not automatically check for software updates. You
can check for updates manually.
To manually check for software updates and messages, choose Help > Check for
The Available Updates window opens when you choose Help > Check for
Updates and when the software automatically checks for updates, if updates are
available. The Available Updates window shows any software updates that are
available to you and recent messages.
At the Messages tab, you can view announcements about your product.
At the Updates tab, you can see information about available software updates,
and you can choose to download or install the updates now.
Click Download to retrieve the software update from the server now (copying it to your hard disk) and install it from your hard disk later.
You will be prompted for a location in which to place the downloaded software. That is the location you access later when you install the update.
Click Install to install the updated software on your computer now.
Chapter 1: Installation
Preparing for printing
Before you can print with this software, you must connect printer cables, load
paper, and set controls on your printer. Refer to your printer’s manual for details.
You install a printer driver to enable communication between your computer and
your printer. If your printer’s manufacturer or Windows itself supplies the driver
for your printer, install that driver by following the instructions in your printer’s
manual or Windows manual.
If your printer’s manufacturer or Windows does not supply a driver, consult your
printer’s manual to see if the printer emulates another printer whose driver is
available. If so, install that driver. You may need to set some front-panel controls
on your printer to enable this emulation. See your printer’s documentation for
Some printers require a text-only printer driver. Label Toolbox offers a Generic
Text driver, which comes installed with your software (there is no need to do a
separate installation). To set up and use the Generic Text driver, see “Design and
print labels” on page 267.
User Guide
Chapter 2:
Getting started
Before you can perform any sort of data manipulation (address correction,
presorting, and so on), you must create a job and understand some basics about
how Postalsoft works:
Creating a job
File layout and fields
Simple editing tasks
Navigating your database
This section also provides a general overview of what you can accomplish with
Chapter 2: Getting started
SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer and Business Edition offer the
following features:
Correct addresses — Correct address data and assign codes for postal
automation, and data enrichment. The software standardizes address
according to USPS standards. Delivery Point Validation, LACSLink, and
SuiteLink are available as part of address correction processing.
Find duplicate records — You can find duplicate records in one file or in
multiple files.You define what constitutes a duplicate record, and you choose
what to do with any duplicates that are found. You can delete them, select
them, or copy them to another file, for example.
Import and export data — You can import from a variety of file formats and
export to a variety of file formats for easy data transfer.
Move-update — You can update addresses for people and companies that
have moved, using a variety of methods including NCOALink and ACS.
Presort — Use Postalsoft to sort mail and prepare it in containers so that it
can be transported through the postal system, saving you time and money.
Print labels and reports — Design and print labels, produce reports and
USPS-required forms.
Extended Services — Link to service providers for additional features such
as email and phone append, NCOALink move-updating, and DSF2
Related links:
“Importing and exporting data” on page 55
“Address correction” on page 67
“Finding duplicate records” on page 87
“Extended Services” on page 99
“Move-update” on page 115
“Presort” on page 159
“Reports” on page 225
“Design and print labels” on page 267
SAP BusinessObjects
Postalsoft Business
Edition’s add-on
The following add-on options are available for purchase with the SAP
BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition software:
User Guide
GeoCensus — With the GeoCensus option, during address correction the
software compares each record to a directory containing U.S. Census Bureau
TIGER data. Using this data, you can append latitude, longitude, FIPS codes,
and Census tract and BNA codes.
Mover ID (NCOALink) — With the Mover ID option, during address
correction the software looks in the NCOALink directories for move-updated
addresses for your records. This option is available for end users and limited
service providers after becoming certified with the USPS.
Drop ship — With this option, the software can presort your job to earn
postage discounts on drop-shipping to multiple entry points. This option is
combined with the pallets option.
Pallet preparation — With this option, the software can build pallets for
Standard Mail flats, letters, and parcels; Periodicals flats; Package Services
Bound Printed Matter machinable parcels and flats. This option is combined
with the drop ship option.
To purchase an add-on option, contact your dealer or local reseller.
Related links:
“GeoCensus” on page 83
“Mover ID introduction” on page 136
“Palletization” on page 194
“Multiple entry points” on page 207
Chapter 2: Getting started
Getting started
Starting the software
To open the software, access your operating system’s Start menu or button, and
locate the Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer or Postalsoft Business Edition folder. Then
click the Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer or Postalsoft Business Edition software icon
to start the software.
If you installed a desktop shortcut, you can double-click the desktop shortcut icon
to start the software.
Several ways to get
things done
In the software there are usually several ways of accomplishing a task:
Choose a command from the menus (such as File > New).
Click a button in the Tasks pane on the left side of the Main window (such as
Import Data).
Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate the menus without your mouse. (Alt-F-N
and Ctrl-N work the same as File > New.)
Click a link in the Start Here pane (such as “Create new job”).
Click the icons below the menu bar to perform the most common tasks.
In general, this document refers to the menu commands when describing how to
perform a task. As you become more familiar with the software, you are welcome
to explore and choose the methods that are most efficient and convenient for you.
Start Here pane
When you first open Postalsoft, the Start Here pane appears on the right side of
the Main window and shows the features that you’ll most likely want to start
with. You can:
Tasks pane
The Tasks pane appears on the left side of the Main window after you open a job.
The Tasks pane lists the most common tasks performed in Postalsoft. You can:
User Guide
Create a new job.
Access a job that you previously set up.
Install updated directories.
Access the help file to learn more about how to use Postalsoft.
Open one of the last files you worked on.
Jump to a summary of the most recent changes in Postalsoft.
Jump to the USPS Postal News web site.
Drag the Start Here title bar to move the Start Here pane to another location.
Choose View > Start Here to reopen Start Here (only if no job is open).
Import data from another source into Postalsoft.
Standardize addresses according to USPS requirements and your preferences.
Identify records that appear more than once in your database.
Presort your data, to qualify for postal discounts.
Export your Postalsoft database to another file.
Print or preview reports.
Design, print, or preview address labels, envelopes, or related items.
Drag the Tasks title bar to move the Tasks pane.
Click X to close the Tasks pane.
Choose View > Tasks to reopen the Tasks pane.
Creating and opening
When you first open Postalsoft, you are generally either creating a new job or
opening an existing job. Think of a “job” as the thing that holds your data and
your settings regarding what you want to do with that data.
Saving and closing
The software automatically saves the database file (.dbf) every time a record is
changed. The software saves the mailing description file (.mdf) in the following
Sample files
To create a new job, choose File > New.
To open an existing job, choose File > Open.
To open a recently used job, choose File > 1 (2, 3, 4, and so on).
When you save the active .mdf file (File > Save).
When you close the active .mdf file (File > Close).
When you close all open .mdf files and the software (File > Exit).
When you close all open .mdf files (Window > Close All).
The following sample files come with the software. Use these files to become
acquainted with the software, without having to use your own data. The sample
files are available in the Data folder, within the software installation directory.
Sample file
This file contains records for fictional people. Use this file for
learning how to use all of the software features.
This file contains two records. Use this file as a suppression list
with sample.mdf, if you want to test duplicate detection.
Sample_Pallets.mdf This file is available with SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition’s pallets option. The file contains enough records
that, when presorted, will generate enough pieces to produce
Chapter 2: Getting started
Creating a new job
Naming a new file and
setting permissions
To create a new job, the software first asks you to name the file(s) and determine
file permissions.
1. Choose File > New to create a new job.
2. Set options as needed for your new job.
Document name
Type the name of your new .mdf file.
Click Browse to change the path of your new .mdf
File name
A new data file name is automatically filled in,
based on the name of your .mdf file. If you will use
an existing .dbf file, type its file name instead.
Click Browse to search for an existing data file that
you want to use. If you’re creating a new .dbf file,
click Browse to change the path of the .dbf file.
Create new database file
Generates an empty .dbf file that you can add data
Use existing database file Accesses a .dbf file that already contains data.
Determines whether others can access the .dbf file
while you are using it.
Exclusive: Others may not view or change the .dbf file
while you are using it.
Read shared: Others can view the .dbf file while you
are using it, but they can’t change records in any way.
Write shared: Others can access and change the .dbf
file while you are using it.
Open as read only
Locks the .dbf file so that you can view but not
change it.
3. Click Next to advance to the next wizard window.
Related links:
“DeskTop Mailer or Business Edition files” on page 36
Choosing fields for
your database
When you are setting up a new job, you must specify the fields that make up the
layout. You can return to field setup later if you need to add a field, remove a
field, or change a field’s properties.
1. To set up fields for a new file, choose File > New, and click Next. To return
to field setup, choose File > Properties > Database.
2. Set up fields using the options below:
User Guide
Field name
Type a name for your field or use the default name that is provided.
Regardless of what name you have created for the field, the software uses the field kind to look for the information it needs
when assigning addresses, searching for duplicate records, and
so on.
Use the Normal field kind for data that is not specifically handled by the predefined fields.
Choose a type from the drop-down list. Most fields are charactertype.
Character: Contains any characters (letters, numbers, punctuation
Number: Contains a numeric quantity. Don't use for ZIP Codes,
social security numbers, or other numbers that aren't meant to be
calculated mathematically. May have 0 or more decimal places
Logical: Contains T, F, Y, N, (for true, false, yes, or no.). Logical
fields appear as a checkbox in Data Sheet View.
Date: Contains dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy. (You can import
dates in mm/dd/yyyy or yyyymmdd format also.)
Memo: May be present in the layout for compatibility with other
applications using FoxPro-compatible memos (.fpt file), but memo
fields are always hidden, and memo data cannot be accessed. We
recommend that you do not select this type. The software cannot
open or create files with dBase memo fields (.dbt file).
The default field length appears when you choose a field kind.
You can adjust the field length.
The number of decimal places in the field (often 0). This option
applies only if the field type is Number.
Select fields that you want to sort (index) on. You can view and
print records in order by indexed fields. For example, if the Last
Name field is indexed, then you can sort your list by last name.
Select fields that contain codes listed in a separate code profile
Select this option for any fields that you do not want displayed
on screen.
Click Before if you want to insert a new field or fields above the
currently selected field.
Click After if you want to insert a new field or fields below the
currently selected field.
Single Field
Adds a new field before or after the currently selected row. If no
row is selected, the new row is added after the last row.
Opens a window in which you can select a field or multiple
fields to add to the layout.
Delete Field
Removes the selected field and its contents from every record
from the database.
Chapter 2: Getting started
Move Up
Shifts the selected field up one position.
Move Down
Shifts the selected field down one position.
Opens a window where you can choose current default settings
or save current settings as default.
Copy Other
Duplicates the layout and the following settings from another open
.mdf file:
 print settings
 data form design settings
 data sheet view settings
 complex indexes
 database options
 CASS mailer information
 presort settings
3. Click Finish to save your settings and close the window.
Related links:
“Fields” on page 317
Adding multiple fields
to your layout
You can add multiple fields to your layout all at once rather than one at a time.
1. Choose File > Properties > Database.
2. In the grid at the top of the window, select the field before or after which you
want to insert new fields. Then click the Before or After button to indicate
whether you want to place the new fields before or after the selected field.
3. Click the Multiple Fields button.
4. Select the field(s) that you want to add. You can click fields one at a time, or
click a group heading to select the whole group. To deselect a field or a
group, click the field or group again.
5. If you need to add one or more Normal fields, choose or enter 1 (or more)
from the Normal Fields option. Normal fields are the only type of field that
can have more than one instance in your database.
Shortcut: If your database currently includes some fields in a group, and you
now want to add the remainder, you can select the whole group (by clicking
the heading). The software will add only those fields that your layout does
not already include. For example, the software will not add two State fields.
6. Then click OK to close the window, adding the selected fields to your
User Guide
A layout consists of a combination of fields in a record and the characteristics of
those fields. Fields are the components that make up your record. For example,
records may contain name, address, and other fields.
Choosing the right fields for your layout is important. Include in your layout all
fields that you might need, even if you don’t need them right away or only need
them for a few records. However, choosing a layout with unnecessary fields or
fields larger than necessary wastes disk space and slows performance.
The default layout
When you create a new database, the software automatically includes the
following common fields, which comprise the default layout originally supplied
by the software:
Related links:
“Fields” on page 317
Customizing the
default layout
Choose Tools > Options, Default Database Layout, to customize the default
layout. Add fields, remove fields, and edit field properties as needed. The new
default layout is used for any subsequent files you create, but you can add fields,
remove fields, and edit fields as needed in each job.
Related links:
“Fields” on page 317
Chapter 2: Getting started
DeskTop Mailer or Business Edition files
Every SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer or Business Edition job
has the following files associated with it:
Mailing description The mailing description file stores your settings and enables you to
file (.mdf)
access the database. Only one user can use an .mdf file at a time.
Database file (.dbf)
The database file contains data for every field in every record and
is dBase-compatible.
More than one .mdf file may be associated with a .dbf file. For
example, a database file called main.dbf could be associated with
customer.mdf and select.mdf.
Index file (.cdx)
The index file keeps track of which fields the data may be sorted
on. The index file is connected to the database file and is updated
each time you add or change data. The index file shares the .dbf
file’s root name.
Deleting a file
Choose File > Delete to delete an .mdf file and its associated work files. The file
that you want to delete must be closed.
Renaming a file
Choose File > Rename if you want to rename an .mdf or .dbf file. The file you
want to rename must be closed. In the window that opens, you choose the file you
want to rename and enter a new name for the file.
Backing up your
It is a good idea to back up your .dbf file before performing any type of operation
on your file (such as address correction). You may also want to regularly backup
your .dbf file if more than one person is modifying the file.
Choose File > Backup Database to back up your database file.
Restoring your
If your database has become corrupt, you can overwrite the current .dbf with your
backup (.dbk) file, if you have one.
1. Open the .mdf file associated with the .dbf file.
2. Choose File > Restore Database and choose the .dbk file associated with
this job.
Copying an .mdf file
Choose File > Save As to copy the active .mdf file to save the time of setting up a
new file. When you copy an .mdf file, you are creating a new file with the same
layout and settings as the current file. The following settings are saved with your
.mdf file:
User Guide
Printing options, including those for printers and printer fonts
Presort options
Display settings for Data Form view and Data Sheet view
Layout settings
CASS mailer information
Database input options (File > Properties > Document > Database Input)
Options for viewing your data
You can view your data one record at a time or many records at a time. Use the
View menu to change your viewing options.
Data Form view
Choose View > Data Form to view a single record at a time. In Data Form view,
you can:
Data Sheet view
Press the Tab key to advance to the next field, or simply click a field that you
want to edit.
Press the Page Up or Page Down key to go to the next or previous record.
Use the buttons along the bottom of the window to quickly navigate your
records, select or delete a record, or choose a different index.
Use the menus to access all tasks you can perform.
Right-click to access common tasks (address correction, for example).
Choose View > Data Sheet to see and work with your entire database in a
spreadsheet format. In Data Sheet view, you can:
View all of your database in a spreadsheet format.
Press the Tab key to advance to the next field, or simply click a field that you
want to edit.
Press the Page Up or Page Down key to scroll up or down to view your data.
Use the buttons along the bottom of the window to quickly navigate your
records, select or delete a record, or choose a different index.
Use the menus to access all tasks you can perform.
Right-click to access common tasks (address correction, for example).
See at a glance which records are selected (text appears red) and/or deleted
(background is gray).
Drag columns to a different location in the spreadsheet.
Resize columns and rows by dragging the dividing lines.
Changing the Data
Form view
View a single record.
Restore the original Data Sheet design by choosing Layout > Use Default
Field Locations.
You can change the arrangement of fields in Data Form view.
1. Choose View > Data Form Design.
2. Drag fields to the desired location.
3. Use the Layout menu to further customize the design.
Layout menu command
Use Default Field Locations
Restores the original design.
Chapter 2: Getting started
Layout menu command
Set Forward Tab Order
Customizes the order of fields activated when you press
the Tab key.
Set Backward Tab Order
Customizes the order of fields activated when you press
Show Titles to Left
Displays field titles left of the fields.
Show Titles Above
Displays field titles above the fields.
4. Choose View > Data Form to finish customizing the design and return to
viewing your data.
Other viewing options
User Guide
Use the following menu commands to control what is shown in Postalsoft:
Menu command
View > Toolbar
Shows shortcut buttons along the top of the
main window for quick access to common
View > Status Bar
Shows date, time, and helpful information
along the bottom of the main window.
View > Tasks
Shows the main tasks you can perform, as
buttons that you can click, along the left
side of the main window.
View > Selected + Non-selected Records
Shows all records (pending your selection
of deleted and non-deleted records).
View > Selected Records
Shows only those records that are selected.
View > Non-selected Records
Shows only those records that are not
View > Non-deleted Records
Shows only those records that are not
View > Deleted Records
Shows only deleted records.
View > Deleted + Non-deleted Records
Shows all records (pending your selection
of selected and non-selected records).
View > Start Here
Shows common tasks you can perform on
the right side of the main window by
default. This command is available only if
no files are open.
Window > Tile Horizontally
Displays the open files one on top of the
Window > Tile Vertically
Displays the open files side by side.
Window > Cascade
Overlaps the open files.
Window > 1, 2, 3, and so on
Brings the selected file to the front.
Adding data to your file
After creating a file or opening an existing file, you can begin entering data in the
file. You can enter data by importing or typing it. To enter data in your file by
typing it, simply place your cursor in a field, type data, and press the Tab key to
advance to the next field.
When entering address information, follow the guidelines in USPS Publication
28, Postal Addressing Standards.
Related links:
“Creating a new job” on page 32
“Importing and exporting data” on page 55
Adding a record
1. Choose Edit > Append Record to add a record to your file.
2. Type the data into the fields. Press the Tab key to go to the next field.
Entering data in coded
A coded field accepts only certain characters, which you define in a code profile.
You designate a field as coded during field setup (File > Properties > Database).
If you enter an invalid code in a coded field, the Choose Code for Field window
opens. You can choose from the valid choices, add a new code and meaning to the
list, or simply leave the field blank.
You can create a code profile yourself or let Postalsoft do it for you, while you
enter data in the software.
Creating a code
A code profile contains a list of valid codes and meanings for a given coded field.
1. Close the software before creating the code profile.
2. Using a text editor, open a new file. The text editor must be capable of
producing plain ASCII files.
3. Type a list of valid codes in the file, following these rules and guidelines:
The first line must be the exact name of the coded field, enclosed in
square brackets (for example, [AD]).
On lines below the field name, type valid codes and meanings for the
field in the format code=meaning.
You can define codes for more than one coded field in the same file.
Leave a blank line between each field’s list.
You can insert comment lines, which must start with a semicolon (;). The
software ignores comment lines; they are for your use.
4. Save the code profile using the exact name of your .mdf file, but with the
.cod extension. Save the file in the same directory as your .mdf file.
Example code profile
BYT=Byte magazine
;this is a comment line
Chapter 2: Getting started
Document properties
Saving notes about
your file and using a
different database
You can enter information about your current job (.mdf file) and also choose a
different .dbf file to use with this .mdf file, if needed.
1. Choose File > Properties > Document.
2. Click the File Information tab.
3. Change settings as needed.
Changing database
permissions for an
existing job
Shows the .dbf file currently associated with the active .mdf file.
Click Browse if you want to choose a different database file to load
into your current .mdf file. The new .dbf file must have exactly the
same fields as the previous .dbf file.
Type a short description of your file.
Type any information that you want to include with your file.
When multiple mailing description files are associated with one database file,
more than one user can access the database file at the same time. An advantage to
database sharing is that you can perform an operation without locking the whole
database file for long periods of time.
Database permissions control the access you and others have to the database file.
You set database permissions when you create a new file. Or you can change
permissions later by following these steps.
1. Choose File > Properties > Document.
2. Click the Database Permissions tab.
3. Set the permission level for other users in the Others’ Rights section:
Database permission
None (Exclusive mode)
Prevents others from accessing the database while you
have it open.
Operations that require Exclusive mode:
 Changing certain fields properties.
 Removing deleted records.
 Reindexing.
 Restoring the database file.
All operations on multiple records run faster in Exclusive mode, especially address correction, presorting,
printing address labels, and duplicate detection.
Read Only
Allows others to view the database file, but they cannot
change the data in any way.
Read and Write
Grants full access to the database file.
4. Set the permission level for yourself in the Your Rights section.
User Guide
Database permission
Read Only
Allows you to view the database file, but you cannot
change the data in any way.
Read and Write
Gives you full access to the database file.
Related links:
“Creating a new job” on page 32
Setting data input
You can set several options related to data entry and storage.
1. Choose File > Properties > Document.
2. Click the Database Input tab.
3. Change settings as needed.
Remove Leading
Deletes blank spaces at the beginning of fields during data
entry or import.
Update Date/Time
Updates the Datestamp and Timestamp fields, if present in
your layout, each time a record is modified.
Enable Two-Digit
It is recommended that you not select this option. With this
option un-selected, the software automatically uses full fourdigit years in date fields. If you want or need to use two-digit
years, you can select this option and enter the earliest year that
you’ll enter with a two-digit year.
Chapter 2: Getting started
Setting default paths for data files and other files
The software automatically stores your data files and other necessary files in a
specific path within your installation directory. You can change these paths, as
It is a good practice to keep your data files in a data directory that is separate from
the software installation directory. In this way, when you perform a backup of
your data files, they are all in one location.
1. Choose Tools > Options > Main File Locations.
2. Change the paths, as needed, or click Browse to search for a directory.
Path for printing forms used with the old print method.
Path for printing templates used with the old print method.
Path for rulebook files used during duplicate detection.
Path for your data files (.mdf,.dbf, and others)
Path where the software will first look for files when you
begin an import process.
Path for exported data files.
Confirm EMD Data
Path for the EMD file that the software generates and you
provide to the USPS.
Mail.dat Output (SAP
Path for Mail.dat files, generated as a result of presort proBusinessObjects Postal- cessing.
soft Business Edition
User Guide
Indexing your database
Indexes affect the order in which records are displayed. You can also export and
print non-presorted labels in order by an index. Two types of indexes are
available: simple and complex.
With a simple index, you can arrange your records in order by any field that
is indexed. For example, if the last-name field is indexed, you can arrange
your records by last name. A simple index is based on one field, such as last
name or ZIP Code.
With a complex index, you can sort your records by more than one field,
and by just specific parts of fields. For example, arrange your records by
last name within each ZIP Code. When you create a complex index, you are
joining expressions together.
To sort your records according to an index, select it from the Index drop-down list
or choose Records > Indexed By.
Creating a simple
To index a field:
1. Choose File > Properties > Database.
2. Select the Indexed option in the field’s row.
3. Click OK.
Editing indexes
You can create new indexes, and view, delete, and modify existing indexes in the
Edit Indexes window.
Before you create or edit a complex index, choose File > Properties >
Document, select the Database Permissions tab, switch to Exclusive Mode, and
click OK.
Choose File > Properties > Indexes to open the Edit Indexes window.
Creating a complex
Index list
The table shows the existing indexes that are already set up.
Insert Index
Adds a new index to the list.
Delete Index
Removes the selected index from the list.
Opens a window where you can set up a complex index.
Before you create a complex index, choose File > Properties > Document, select
the Database Permissions tab, switch to Exclusive Mode, and click OK.
To create a complex index:
1. Choose File > Properties > Indexes.
2. Click Insert Index to create a new index.
Chapter 2: Getting started
3. Enter a unique name for the new index in the Index Name column.
4. Click the Modify button to set up the index.
5. Use the following options to set up the index. Begin by selecting a field.
Shows the expressions that make up the current complex index.
Index Order
Select Ascending to use this index in forward order (a-z, 1-9)
or Descending to go in reverse order (z-a, 9-1)
Lists all of the fields in your layout. Choose the fields that
you want to include in your complex index one at a time.
Insert the fields in your index expression in the order you
want them arranged in your database.
Case Insensitive
Sorts on the field without considering casing.
Trim Spaces
Removes blank spaces (if any) that appear in this field in the
index only.
Date Extraction
Uses just the day, month, or year of a date field.
Partial String
Uses just a portion of the selected field in this expression. Use
the options in the Partial String Type box to specify which portion of the field to use.
Numeric to String
Converts a numeric field to a character field, right-aligns it and
includes any decimal points. Enter the size of the field in the
Length box. Enter the number of digits after the decimal your
field contains in the # decimals box. The field’s contents line
up like numbers, with the decimals aligned.
String to Numeric
Controls the ordering of fields by stripping any leading
spaces from the field and converting it from a character to a
numeric type field.
Insert Expression
Places the current field with the attributes you selected in
the Expressions box.
Delete Expression Removes the currently selected expression from the Expressions box.
Move Spaces to
Moves trailing spaces from the preceding portion of the
expression to the end of the expression.
6. Click Insert Expression.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all fields that you want to include in your complex
8. Click OK.
Re-indexing your file
When you open a file, the software checks to see if the file was properly closed in
the prior session, or if the data has been changed by another program. If so, the
software prompts you to re-index the file.
You can also rebuild the index file at any time if you suspect that it has become
corrupt. To re-index, choose Tools > Re-index.
User Guide
Editing records
Use the software’s Edit menu to perform basic editing commands on your
records. The Edit menu includes the familiar Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste
commands that are common in many Windows-based programs.
Menu command
Edit > Undo
Cancels the most recent change that was made. Some actions
cannot be undone.
Edit > Cut
Removes the selected text and stores it so that you can paste it
in the current file or another file.
Edit > Copy
Stores the selected text so you can paste it in the current file
or another file.
Edit > Paste
Places the stored text.
Edit > Paste Record(s)
Places the entire record or group of selected records that you
previously cut or copied.
Edit > Append Record
Adds a blank record to the end of the file.
Edit > Cut Record
Removes the current record and stores it so that you can paste
it into another record or file.
Edit > Copy Record
Stores the current record so that you can paste it into another
record or file.
Edit > Refresh
Updates the display of the current record(s).
Edit > Set Default Field Saves the displayed text in the current field for reuse.
Edit > Get Default
Places the saved default value for this field in the field.
Edit > Get All Default
Places the saved default values for all fields that have default
values saved.
Edit > Remove Default
Clears the default value for the selected field.
Related links:
“Deleting records” on page 52
Default data
Default data is data that you save for reuse in multiple records. If you need to
enter many records that have the same data for one or more fields (for example,
the same city, state, and ZIP Code), you can save a default value for these fields.
Then you can enter the saved values quickly, without having to retype them. You
can set one or more default fields and then recall them one at a time or all at once.
You can convert data in your records or just certain fields in your records to
UPPERCASE, lowercase, or Mixed Case.
You can also convert the capitalization during address correction. The following
steps are for changing capitalization without also performing address correction.
Chapter 2: Getting started
1. Choose Records > Change Case.
2. Use the options in the Change Case window to specify which fields should be
changed, in which records, and what casing should be used.
capitalization of
special words
Changes data to all capital letters.
Mixed Case
Changes the first letter of each word to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase, except for names starting with Mc, O',
and other words found in the mixed case table (mixcase.tbl).
Changes data to all lowercase letters.
Except in Fields
Excludes the selected fields from the capitalization change. In
other words, if you want a field’s data to be changed, leave
that field un-selected.
All Non-Deleted
Changes data in every record that is not marked as deleted.
Changes data in every record marked as selected.
Changes data in only the currently active record.
You may see occasional capitalization errors if you try to convert data to mixed
case, because mixed case is subject to exceptions. These include abbreviations
that should be all uppercase (firm names such as ABC Corp) and words that
include an internal capital letter (MacArthur).
To handle exceptions, the software uses the mixed case table (mixcase.tbl). You
can open this file with a text editor such as Notepad and add more exceptions, as
needed. The mixed case table file is stored in the same directory where your
software is installed.
If your uppercase data includes an exception that is not listed in the dictionary,
this software may not capitalize the word correctly. For example, if you input
MCA RECORDS and MCA is not listed in the mixed case table, the result would
be Mca Records.
Last names that start with Mc and O' do not appear in the mixed case table. The
software always capitalizes the next letter after Mc and O' assuming that you've
chosen to capitalize all fields and set capitalization style to Mixed.
Replacing text
You can replace text in a field in selected records. For example, you could replace
all occurrences of “Incorporated” with “Inc.” in a Company field.
Make a backup of your file before replacing text in fields, in case you change
something you didn’t intend to change. There is no “undo” for replacing text.
1. Choose Records > Replace.
2. Use the options in the Replace window to specify what you want to change.
User Guide
Lists all fields for you to choose from. Choose one to perform
the Replace function on.
Type the string of characters you want to insert in the field.
Entire Field
Replaces the whole field with the text entered in the Insert
Replaces part of the field with the text entered in the Insert
box. You define which part to replace by using the controls
below the Portion option.
From Character Number
If you’re deleting a portion, type the position in the field
where you want to start deleting.
If you don’t want to delete any text, type 1 in the From Character Number box and 0 in the Number of Characters box.
The text will be inserted at the beginning of the field.
Number of Characters
If you’re deleting a portion, type the number of characters to
If you don’t want to delete any text, type 1 in the From Character Number box and 0 in the Number of Characters box.
The text will be inserted at the beginning of the field.
But Only the Part That
Limits text to be replaced to only certain text in the selected
If the text entered in the But Only the Part That Contains/
Starts With text box occurs more than once in the field, it is
changed at every occurrence.
Replaces only the specified text from the selected field,
regardless of where it appears in the field.
Starts With
Replaces text that appears at the beginning of the field.
Case Sensitive
Deletes text only if it matches the exact capitalization that you
Whole Word
Deletes text only if it stands alone or is bordered by nonalphanumeric characters.
For example, if you choose to replace “Association” with
“Assoc.”, and you select the Whole Word option, the software
will not change “Associations.”
All Non-Deleted
Performs the text deletion and replacement on all records in
your file.
Performs the text deletion and replacement on only those
records that are marked as selected.
Performs the text deletion and replacement only the record
that is currently displayed.
Chapter 2: Getting started
Selecting records
If you want to perform an action (for example, address correction) on a subset of
your records, you must first identify the subset by selecting the desired records.
Use the Records > Select command to select records.
Likewise, you can un-select records to remove them from the group of selected
records. Use the Records > Un-select command to un-select records.
Menu command
Records > Select > Cur- Marks the current record as selected.
rent Record
Records > Select > All
Marks every record in the database as selected.
Records > Select > Nth
Record Sample
Opens a window where you can specify the number of
records that you want to select.
Records > Select > By
Opens a window where you define precisely which records
you want to select.
Records > Un-select >
Current Record
Marks the current record as un-selected.
Records > Un-select >
All Records
Marks every record in the database as un-selected.
Records > Un-select >
Nth Record Sample
Opens a window where you can specify the number of
records that you want to un-select.
Records > Un-select >
By Criteria
Opens a window where you define precisely which records
you want to un-select.
Related links:
“Using criteria to search for, select, or un-select records” on page 50
User Guide
Searching for records
Use the Search menu to find records in your database.
Detailed search
If you want to search by criteria, use the Search > Find command to set up the
criteria and then Search > Repeat Last Find to reuse the same search criteria.
Related links:
“Using criteria to search for, select, or un-select records” on page 50
Quick searches
Use the following Search menu commands to perform simpler searches:
Menu command
Search > Go To
Displays the first, last, next, previous, or specific record (by
number), depending on your choice.
Search > Quick Find
Opens a window where you can specify the search criteria
based on the currently selected index. If no index is selected,
Quick Find is unavailable.
Search > Jump to ZIP
Places your cursor in the ZIP Code field in the current record.
Chapter 2: Getting started
Using criteria to search for, select, or un-select records
You can set up criteria to use when searching for a group of records, or to select or
un-select records. For example, you may want to select all records in your
database with a certain ZIP Code if you are creating a targeted mailing.
To set up criteria, follow these steps.
1. Choose Search > Find if you are searching for records. Choose Records >
Select > By Criteria if you are selecting records. Choose Records > Unselect > By Criteria if you are un-selecting records.
2. Use the following options to specify the record(s) that you’re searching for.
Choose the field that you want to evaluate. Every field in your layout is shown, as well as a Record # and Distance (if you own SAP
BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition’s GeoCensus option).
Choose the type of match. For example, if you want all records
with a ZIP Code of 54601, you would set the ZIP Code field =
(equal) 54601.
Compare to Value
Type the value to compare to the chosen field. For example, if you
want all records with a ZIP Code of 54601, type 54601 in the Value
Compare to Field
Choose a field from this list to compare to the field you chose from
the other Field list.
Case Sensitive
Matches only if the casing of words matches. For example, Smith
will not match SMITH.
Whole Word
Excludes partial word matches. For example, Smith will not match
Before or After
Inserts the condition before or after the selected condition in the
Criteria box.
Insert Condition
Adds the specified condition to the list box.
Overwrite Condition
Replaces the selected condition with the current criteria.
And / Or
Inserts And or Or into your criteria. Use And if both conditions
must be met. Use Or if either condition must be met.
( )
Inserts a parenthesis into the criteria list box either before or after
the selected condition (depending on the Insert setting). You must
insert a right parenthesis to complete the equation.
Inserts a right parenthesis into the criteria list box either before or
after the selected condition (depending on the Insert setting). You
must insert a left parenthesis to complete the equation.
Removes the selected condition from the criteria.
Clear All
Removes all conditions from the criteria.
First / Last / Previ- Finds the first, last, previous, or next record that matches the criteous / Next
ria you set. If no match is found, the current record is displayed.
User Guide
Loads the last criteria you used.
Verify Criteria
Validates the syntax of the criteria.
Chapter 2: Getting started
Deleting records
You can delete records one at a time or in a group:
Deleted records
Choose Edit > Delete Record to delete the displayed record.
Choose Records > Delete Selected to delete the group of selected records.
Deleted records still reside in the database and are available to you if you need to
access them again (unless you have permanently purged them). If you want to
include deleted records in an operation, you must include deleted records in your
current view (View > Deleted Records, or View Non-Deleted and Deleted
You can un-delete deleted records and you can purge deleted records to truly
delete them from your database.
Undelete deleted
You can undelete deleted records to make them an active part of your database
again. To undelete a single record, choose Edit > Undelete Record. To undelete
all deleted records, follow these steps.
This process works only if you have not permanently removed deleted records yet
(Tools > Remove Deleted Records).
1. Choose View > Deleted Records.
2. Choose Records > Select > All Records (or use selection criteria).
3. Choose Records > Un-Delete Selected.
4. Choose View > Non-deleted Records.
5. Choose Records > Un-Select > All Records.
Removing deleted
The software does not automatically, permanently remove records that you delete
in case you need to access them again in the future. To permanently purge deleted
records from your database, you must remove them (Tools > Remove Deleted
When you remove deleted records, the software assigns each remaining record a
new record number.
Important: If you export to NCOALink or perform an ACS mailing, you must not
remove deleted records until you have merged the NCOALink or ACS data back
into your database.
User Guide
Settings Library
You can save and re-use components in the Settings Library. Components are
groups of settings. By using the Settings Library, you can save time by not having
to set up a particular area again.
You can save and load Settings Library components in any areas of the software
that include the Settings Library Save and Load buttons, including the following:
Address correction customer information
Import and export settings
Record layout settings
Record search/selection settings
Presort settings including mail piece, entry point or plan, Periodical,
Mail.dat, Intelligent Mail, presort schemes, and mailing information
1. In any window that includes Settings Library buttons, click the Save... or
Load... button to access the Settings Library window.
2. Use the following options in the Settings Library window to save, load, or
edit a component, as needed. Note that some buttons and options are
unavailable, depending on whether you are saving or loading a component.
Managing the Settings
Shows a list of components that were previously saved for
this area of the software.
Shows the name assigned to this component
Shows a brief description of this component.
Shows the settings that are saved as part of this component.
Uses the settings shown in this job.
Permanently removes the selected component.
Prints all information about this component.
Stores the component with the information as shown.
Change Name or
Opens a window where you can edit the component’s name
and description.
You can delete, rename, re-describe, import, and export Settings Library
1. Choose Tools > Options > Manage Settings Library.
2. Use the following options in the Manage Settings Library window, as needed.
Shows a list of components that have been saved.
Shows the name assigned to the selected component
Shows a brief description of the selected component.
Chapter 2: Getting started
Importing and
exporting Settings
Library components
Shows the settings that are saved as part of this component.
Change Name or
Opens a window where you can edit the component’s name
and description.
Select All
Marks each component in the component list as selected.
Un-select All
Marks each component in the component list as un-selected.
Deletes the selected component(s).
Opens a window where you can choose an .xml file containing Settings Library component(s) to bring into Postalsoft.
Opens a window where you can save the selected Settings
Library component(s) to an .xml file for use on another computer, for example.
If you run the software on more than one computer or if you update to a new
computer, you can transfer components from one computer to another by
exporting and importing the components. Importing and exporting components
between computers can save you a lot of setup time.
After you export component(s), you can transfer the saved .xml file to the new
computer. On the new computer, copy the .xml file into a directory that is easy for
you to access.
When you export component(s), a settings.xsl file is saved in the same location
as the .xml file. This file is there so that you can open the .xml file in your web
browser to view the component details.
If you want to open the .xml file on the new computer, you must transfer this
settings.xsl file along with your .xml file.
User Guide
Chapter 3:
Importing and exporting data
This section describes how to import data from external files into this software
and how to export your SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer or
Business Edition data to an external file.
Chapter 3: Importing and exporting data
Introduction to importing and exporting
Importing is the process of bringing data from a separate, external file into your
Postalsoft database so that you can work with or view the data in Postalsoft.
You can import whole files or just certain records from a file. You can import data
even if the incoming file’s layout differs. Postalsoft can handle a variety of
incoming data:
Different field names, sizes, or types
More or fewer fields than your data file
Fields in a different order
First and last names in one field
City, state, and ZIP Code in one field
ZIP Code and ZIP+4 extension in separate fields
Separate fields for each address component
Exporting is the process of generating a new database based on data from your
Postalsoft database so that you can use the data outside of Postalsoft. You can
export all or some records and all or some fields. You can even combine certain
fields (City, State, and ZIP Code, for example) into one field during exporting.
The software does not support the following:
User Guide
Importing or exporting files that contain foreign characters.
Importing or exporting files larger than 2 gigabytes (GB).
File formats for importing and exporting
You can import and/or export the following types of files.
Import Export
ASCII delimited or fixed-length (.txt or .csv)
dBase compatible (.dbf)
Data Interchange Format (.dif)
Microsoft Access 97/2000/2002/2007 (.mdb or .accdb) Yes
Access 2000/2002
Microsoft Excel 2000/2002/2003/2007 (.xls or .xlsx)
Microsoft Word mail-merge (.doc)
NCOALink export
The NCOALink export format is for use when sending data to Lorton Data for
NCOALink processing (not through Extended Services). See “NCOALink export”
on page 117 for details.
Using Microsoft
Access and Excel 2007
If Access or Excel 2007 is not installed on your computer, you must download
2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components before you can
import Access or Excel 2007 files. Download these components from http://
dBase files
To access data in a dBase file, you have two choices: either import the dBase file
(File > Import) or access it directly (File > New, choose the dBase file). Use the
following guidelines to help you decide which method to use.
Access the dBase file directly if you want to use all the records in the dBase file
or if you don’t want to append the data to an existing file.
Import the dBase file in the following situations:
Copying .dbf files
You want to append all or part of the dBase file to an existing file.
Your dBase file doesn’t have fields you’ll need for presorting (for example,
city, state, and ZIP Code information is all in a single field).
The file contains fields that you want parsed (for example, if first and last
name are in the same field, and you want them in separate fields).
The dBase file has memo fields using a FoxPro memo file (.fpt). If the file
uses memo fields and the .fpt file is not present, you won’t be able to import
the file.
If you want to use the software’s .dbf file in another program, make a copy of the
.dbf file to use in the other program. Some programs claiming to be dBasecompatible do not write files that are fully dBase-compatible. If another program
writes erroneous or incompatible data into the .dbf file, your entire database
could be corrupted or unreadable when you open it with this software.
Chapter 3: Importing and exporting data
Some field types in Microsoft Access don’t have a corresponding field type in the
Postalsoft. Follow the guidelines below when importing Access tables.
Microsoft Access
After you import an Access file, check your data to make sure that the fields were
imported as you expected. If there’s a problem, you may want to try importing
again after making field adjustments in the software.
When you import Access text and memo fields to character-type fields, data
will be truncated (lost) if it exceeds the target field length.
When you import date/time data, time data will be lost.
When you import Currency, AutoNumber, and Number data types to numbertype fields, imported data may not correctly reflect the original number or
Avoid importing fields that don’t have the same field type. Match non-text
type fields to <None> in the Associate Imported Fields window. When you
do this, those fields are not imported.
The table below shows non-text Access fields (and one text field type) and the
field types that you should match them to.
Microsoft Access field
Data type after import
Conversion results
AutoNumber (long integer) Num; 0 decimal places
Results are undefined if the value is too large for the target field.
The software won’t add numbers or verify uniqueness.
Num; 2 decimal places
Results are undefined if the value is too large for the target field.
Only the date portion is imported.
Data is truncated if it exceeds the target field length. This field can
only be imported to Char-type fields because displaying or editing
Memo fields is not supported in the software.
Number (long integer)
Num; 0 decimal places
Results are undefined if the value is too large for the target field
Number (double)
Num; 2 decimal places
Results are undefined if the value is too large for the target field or
if the value has decimal places other than 2.
Number (integer)
Num; 0 decimal places
Results are undefined if the value is too large for the target field.
Number (single)
Num; 2 decimal places
Results are undefined if the value is too large for the target field or
if the value has decimal places other than 2.
Data is truncated if it exceeds the targeted field length.
Imports with no problems.
Cannot import
Replication ID
Cannot import
OLE objects
Cannot import
Cannot import
User Guide
Importing records
1. Choose File > Import.
2. Choose the file to import.
3. In the Import File Format window, set options as needed.
Import format
Choose the format of the file you are importing.
Choose All Records if you want to import every record from the
selected file. Or choose a range of records if you want to import
only a subgroup.
Permanently delete
all records before
importing data
Removes all records from the current database file before
importing the new data file. You must have the database open
in exclusive mode.
Override input
mapping for naming and address
data in wrong fields
Moves data into the correct fields when your import file is not
formatted consistently or has multi-line fields.
This feature is available only in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft
Business Edition.
Save unidentifiable
data in the fields
Extra1, Extra2, and
Saves any data that could not be parsed during the import in
the Extra Import Data 1 - 3 fields. Add these fields to your
record layout before importing.
This feature is available only in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft
Business Edition.
4. Click Next to advance to the next step of the import process.
Related links:
“Settings Library” on page 53
Choosing ASCII
import options
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Import to start the import process.
After you complete information in the Import File Format window and click
Next, the Import From ASCII Text window opens if you’re importing from an
ASCII file.
1. In the Import From ASCII Text window, set options as needed.
Indicates that the fields in the file you’re importing are set off by the tab or
character of your choice.
Fixed size
Indicates that the fields in the file you’re importing are a set size in each
record. The size will be specified in a later window.
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the import process.
Chapter 3: Importing and exporting data
Setting field length of
imported fixed-length
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Import to start the import process.
After you complete information in the Import File Format window and the Import
From ASCII Text window, the Import Field Sizes window opens if you’re
importing from an ASCII fixed-length file.
1. In the Import Field Sizes window, set options as needed.
Field display area
Scroll through data to ensure that the software correctly recognized the
beginning and end of fields. As needed, drag or click the red arrows to
move them, add new markers, or delete markers.
Type the number of characters that make up the header, before the first
record in the file. If there is no header in the file, enter 0.
Type the number of characters per record.
End of
None: Records include no end-of-record character.
CR/LF: The end of each record is designated by a carriage return and
line feed.
LF: The end of each record is designated with a line feed.
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the import process.
Choosing the Access
or Excel table to
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Import to start the import process.
After you complete information in the Import File Format window and click
Next, the Choose Table to Import window opens if you’re importing from a
Microsoft Access or Excel file.
You can import one table at a time. If a file contains multiple tables that you want
to import, you will need to go through the import process multiple times. When
you import multiple tables from a file, any subsequent table imported will result
in additional records.
1. Choose the desired table from the list.
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the import process.
Mapping imported
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Import to start the import process.
After you complete information in the first window(s) of the import process, the
Associate Imported Fields window appears. This is the last window of the import
process, and this is where you map fields from the import file to your Postalsoft
Usually the software can correctly map the incoming fields to Postalsoft fields.
Use the options below if you need to make changes.
1. In the Associate Imported Fields window, set options as needed.
User Guide
Select a field in this list if you need to change its associated Postalsoft
Select a field in this list that corresponds to the field highlighted in
the Imported Fields list. For example, map “Maria” to FIRST.
Note the following special mapping situations:
 If you do not want to import a field, map it to <NONE>.
 If a field contains multiple components, map to the corresponding
combined field (for example, First + Last). The software will parse
the data into individual fields.
 If a field contains individual address-line components, map to the
corresponding component (for example, Primary Range, and so on),
and the software combines them into the address field during the
Next Sample
Shows the next record in the import file. Viewing additional data
may help you determine how to map the data.
Remove All
Clears all associations between the Imported Fields list and the Destination Fields list.
2. Click Finish to begin importing the data.
Related links:
“Terms for address components” on page 69
“Settings Library” on page 53\
Chapter 3: Importing and exporting data
Exporting records
1. Choose File > Export.
2. Choose the format in which you would like to export this file.
NCOALink exporting is a move-update process. See “Related links” below.
3. Click Next to advance to the next step of the import process.
Related links:
“Settings Library” on page 53
“NCOALink export” on page 117
Choosing ASCII
export options
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Export to start the export process.
After you complete information in the Export File Format window and click
Next, the Export to ASCII window opens if you’re exporting to an ASCII file.
1. In the Export to ASCII window, set options as needed.
Creates the export file using a tab or character of your choice to separate the fields.
Fixed size
Creates the export file with a set, constant size for each field. The field
sizes are set in a later window.
Include header Adds a header record in the exported ASCII file. The header record
includes the field names in the order they are exported and in the
same format of other records.
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the export process.
Choosing the records
to export
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Export to start the export process.
After you complete information in the first window(s) and click Next, the Group
Export window opens.
1. In the Group Export window, set options as needed.
All non-deleted records
Exports every record that is not marked for deletion.
Selected records
Exports records that are marked as selected.
Presorted records
Exports records that were included in the last presort.
Presorted container
label records
Exports container label data from the most recent presort.
The process for exporting presorted container label data is different from the
process followed when exporting other data. See “Exporting presorted
container information” on page 65 for more information.
User Guide
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the export process.
Exporting presorted
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Export to start the export process. If
you chose to export presorted records, then after you complete information in the
first few windows, the Export Presort Information window appears.
1. In the Export Presort Information window, set options as needed.
Export labels
Includes the records you choose in the export file.
Presorted: Pieces that qualified for the mailing.
Qualifying non-presorted: Pieces that fell to the single-piece rate.
Unqualified: Pieces that don’t have a ZIP Code or have a bad ZIP
Foreign: Pieces that are destined for locations outside of the United
States and its possessions. Pieces are detected as foreign only in Periodicals class and only if your layout contains the Country field with a
recognized country name in it.
Export optional
Includes the optional endorsement line (OEL) in the export file for
the specified pieces of each package: first only, first and last, or all
The OEL indicates the sortation level of a package. If the OEL is
required for all pieces within a particular level, the software will
override your setting of this option and automatically post the OEL
for each piece within that particular level.
Export ACS
keyline format
Specifies the spacing format of the ACS keyline in the export file.
Export package,
container or pallet number for...
Includes the package, container, or pallet number field in the export
file for the specified pieces of each package, container, or pallet: first
only, first and last, or all pieces.
Pallet information is available only in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition with the purchase of the pallets/drop-ship
Export sequence
for labels
Exports labels from first to last (normal order) or last to first (reverse
Export labels in
firm packages
Specifies whether labels should be exported for only the first
copy of a firm package or all copies.
Export break
marks for package/container/
Includes the specified break marks for the specified pieces of each
package, container, or pallet: first only, first and last, or all pieces.
Pallet information is available only in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition with the purchase of the pallets/drop-ship
Opens a window where you can change the character used for break
marks and also change the width of the break marks.
Opens a window where you can set or apply default settings for
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the export process.
Chapter 3: Importing and exporting data
Mapping exported
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Export to start the export process.
After you complete information in the first few windows, the Export Fields
window appears, where you map fields to be exported.
1. In the Export Fields window, set options as needed.
Postalsoft fields
Select a field in this list if you need to change its associated export
Export fields
Select a field in this list that corresponds to the field highlighted
in the Postalsoft Fields list. If you do not want to export a field,
map it to <NONE>.
Add Field
Appends a field to the Export Fields list.
Delete Field
Removes the selected field from the Export fields list.
New Field
Opens a window where you can set up a new, customized field to
export. This is useful if you want to combine multiple fields into one
field on export. For example, you could combine FIRST and LAST
into a name field.
Edit Field
Opens a window where you can change a customized field that
you previously set up.
Remove Field
Deletes the selected field from the Postalsoft Fields list. You can
remove customized fields only.
Suppress Blank
Export Fields
Removes blank lines in your output file. For example, if you
export fields to print on labels, when a Company or Address_2
field is blank, the data below is moved up.
Remove All
Clears all associations between the Postalsoft Fields list and the
Export Fields list.
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the export process.
3. If setup is complete, enter the file name and click Finish. The export is
Related links:
“Settings Library” on page 53
Setting field lengths
in the exported file
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Export to start the export process.
After you complete information in the first few windows, if you’re exporting an
ASCII fixed-length, dBase, of Microsoft Access file, the Export Field Sizes
window appears, where you set field lengths.
1. Change the field lengths in the Export Field Size column, as needed.
2. Select Right Justify for any fields that you want to be aligned on the right.
3. Click Next to advance to the next step of the export process.
4. Enter the file name and click Finish. The export is complete.
User Guide
Exporting presorted
container information
If you haven’t done so already, choose File > Export to start the export process. If
you chose to export presort container label information, then after you complete
information in the first few windows, the Export Presorted Container Information
window appears.
1. In the Export Presorted Container Information window, set options as
Abbreviate city name Abbreviates the city name of your destination line (City,
in destination line
State, and ZIP Code) in your exported container file.
Combine selected
optional presort
information fields
into one field
Groups every field that you select in Optional Presort Information into one field. For example, if you select Container
Number and Number of Packages in Container, when you
export, both fields are concatenated into one.
Optional presort
Choose any fields that you want included in the exported file.
Export sequence for
Specifies whether records should be exported in first-to-last
order (normal) or last-to-first order (reverse).
2. Click Next to advance to the next step of the export process.
3. In the Export Container Information window, choose the files that you want
to create (trays, sacks, and/or pallets) and enter a path and name for the files
you chose.
The pallet file is available in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business
Edition with the purchase of the pallets/drop-ship option.
4. Click Finish. The export is complete.
Related links:
“Settings Library” on page 53
Chapter 3: Importing and exporting data
User Guide
Chapter 4:
Address correction
The software can correct address data and assign codes for postal automation,
data enrichment, and other purposes. When the software corrects addresses, it is
standardizing them to USPS (United States Postal Service) standards.
This chapter explains address-correction features and options and how you can
apply them in common situations.
This chapter also explains Delivery Point Validation, LACSLink, SuiteLink, and
Geocensus (an add-on option for Business Edition).
Chapter 4: Address correction
CASS certification
The software’s address assignment engine, ACE, is certified by the USPS under
its Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) program. This recognition gives
you the highest possible confidence in the software’s address correction.
User Guide
USPS Publication 28, Postal Addressing Standards, lists most of the
guidelines that the software must follow when it corrects addresses.
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), the official source of USPS mailing rules,
lists rules regarding CASS certification, the 3553 form, and more.
Other helpful USPS publications. Ask your postmaster or USPS account
representative about them.
Terms for address components
When referring to the components that make up an address, we use same terms
that the USPS uses, with one exception:.We call the line that contains the name of
a company “Company;” the USPS calls it “Firm.”
See the following example for a listing of each address component.
Postal barcode
John Dough, President
North American Bakery Supply
PO Box 9175
2001 West Harbor Drive North Suite 152
Onalaska, WI 54650-4331
Dual address
Assigned address
Last line
Postal codes
54650-4331 01 9
ZIP+4 (ZIP Code and 4-digit add-on)
(Together, these four numbers are the basis for the postal barcode.
Usually, only the ZIP and ZIP4 are printed in numeric form.)
Address-line components
Secondary address
Primary address
2001 West Harbor Drive North Suite 152
Primary range
Primary name
Unit designator
Chapter 4: Address correction
What is address correction?
When the software corrects or standardizes an address, it gives you back a
corrected, complete form of that address. At the same time, you can receive
useful codes for postal automation and other purposes. To correct your addresses,
choose Tools > Correct Address.
Address hygiene
To ensure that address data is correct and complete, the software relies on USPS
address directories to:
Verify that the city, state, and ZIP Code agree with one another. If an address
includes only a city and state, the software can usually add the ZIP Code, and
vice versa.
Standardize the address line by correcting a misspelled street name, filling in
missing information, and deleting unnecessary punctuation.
Identify any undeliverable addresses.
Assign error and status codes to help you find out why addresses were not
assigned or how they had to be corrected.
Before standardization
After standardization
= 1390 valhalla
= deltona pines
= fl
= 32738
= 1390 Valhalla Street
= Deltona
= FL
= 32725-1732
Preparation for
You may want to perform duplicate detection (see “Finding duplicate records” on
page 87) after you standardize addresses. When comparing two addresses to see if
they match, it’s important to have standardized data—otherwise, the smallest
typographical error might keep you from finding matches you should find.
Data enrichment
During address correction, you can append many useful codes to your records,
such as the county number and congressional district number.
Before standardization
Postal automation
User Guide
1070 shorewood dr
la crose
After standardization
-------------------------Delivery Point Code
Carrier Route Number
LOT Number
LOT Order
1070 Shorewood Drive
La Crosse
During address correction, you can append postal automation codes, including
the carrier-route number, delivery-point code, and line-of-travel number.These
codes can help you qualify mailings for the lowest possible postage rates.
How address correction works
The address correction process works like this:
1. Input. One record is standardized at a time.
2. Parse. The address is broken down into its components: postal code, city,
state or province, house number, street name, and so on.
3. Pre-standardize. The parsed components are converted to match to the
patterns of the directories. The components are converted to full capitals, any
nonstandard abbreviations are corrected, and punctuation and extra spaces
are removed.
4. Match last line. The software searches for a match between the incoming
city, state, and postal code and data in the City and ZCF directories. If a
matching record is found, the address is called a last-line match.
5. Match address line. The software searches the National ZIP+4 directory,
looking for records that might match the input address line, secondary
address, and company.
The software evaluates all potential matches and assigns a confidence score
to each one. The software then selects the record with the highest confidence
score. To be chosen, a record must have a high confidence score, and score
distinctly higher than any other possible matches. If successful, the address is
called an address-line match.
When the software has chosen a matching record, it can finalize the postal
code and assign other codes.
6. Results. You can receive two types of resulting data:
Corrected data for the address-related fields in your records.
Additional codes and components generated during look-up.
Chapter 4: Address correction
Standardized fields
The fields listed below are the only fields affected when you standardize
addresses. Other fields, such as a phone number field or a last name field, remain
Note: You can select options to not standardize some of the fields listed
below, even if you are standardizing others.
See Appendix A for details about how these fields are updated.
Street address line 1
Street address line 2
City name
Congressional district code
County name
County code
Carrier-route code
Delivery-point 2-digit add-on code
Delivery-point check-digit
Status code (if the record is found) or error code (if the record
is not found)
Move update data from NCOALink that identifies the type of
address conversion
Line-of-travel number
Line-of-travel order
4-digit add-on to the ZIP Code (only use with ZIP5 field)
USPS record-type code
Two-character state abbreviation
PR Urbanization code is a place name that denotes a neighborhood or subdivision
5- or 9-digit ZIP Code (with a hyphen)
5-digit ZIP Code
5- or 9-digit ZIP Code with no hyphen
ZIP Move realignment indicator
ZIP+4 codes are assigned only to DPV-confirmed addresses — addresses
that have a DPV status of Y, S, or D (in the DPV Status field).
User Guide
Correction options
By default, address correction options are set so that your addresses will conform
with the USPS-preferred standardization style. However, you can change these
settings if you need to (Tools > Correct Address > Correction Settings).
Here’s an example of address standardization using the default settings:
Before standardization
After standardization
=1070 shorewood drive
=la crose
By default, all address components are corrected and convert to capital letters.
The 4-digit ZIP Code extension is added if the address is DPV-confirmed.
Change the settings to
meet your needs
You can set the correction options to meet your needs. For instance, you may
choose not to update some of the address components, or to convert the data to a
mix of upper and lowercase.
Producing the CASS
3553 form
If you want or need to produce the CASS 3553 form, be sure to select the
following options before performing address correction:
Use USPS Preferred Alias Address
Perform DPV Processing
Perform LACSLink Processing
Chapter 4: Address correction
Suggestion lists
When the software looks up an address in the directories, if the original address
data is good, it finds exactly one matching record. Sometimes it is impossible to
find just one matching record in the directory: several records may be close
matches. When multiple possible matches exist, the software presents these to
you as suggestions if you have suggestions enabled. To enable suggestions,
choose Tools > Correct Address > Correction Settings and select Suggest
Changes for Records Not Found.
For example, given the incomplete last line below, the software cannot reliably
choose one. If you choose one, then the software can finish address assignment.
Last line
Address =
Possible matches in the City/ZCF directories
1000 vine
La Crosse, WI 54601
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538
Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Reservation, WI 54806
Choosing from a
suggestion list
When presented with a suggestion list, you need some basis for selecting the
correct address. Perhaps you can come up with some additional or better data. Do
not guess. If you guess wrong, then your information for that record will be
incorrect and the mail piece may be misdelivered.
When to turn on
suggestion lists
Suggestion lists are useful tools when you’re processing one address at a time.
When you process large groups of records with suggestion lists enabled, the
process may be too slow to be useful (if many records bring up a suggestion list).
There’s a strong incentive to assign every possible address. The USPS requires
separation of the automation mail stream from other mail. So mailers have two
incentives to barcode every possible piece:
CASS rule
Postage discounts for barcoding.
Splitting the mail into automation and non-automation streams causes
inefficiency in mail preparation. To keep your operation running smoothly,
you should cut down the non-automated portion as much as you can.
The USPS does not permit the generation of a 3553 form when suggestion lists
are used in address correction. The USPS suspects that users may be tempted to
guess. Misrouted mail is expensive for the USPS to handle.
Therefore, you can produce a 3553 form only when you perform address
correction for groups of records without suggestion lists enabled.
If you need to use suggestion lists, you may want to perform address correction
with suggestion lists enabled and then perform address correction again with
suggestion lists disabled. The second time, to save time, perform just the bare
minimum of processing (updating the ZIP Code in order to generate the 3553
User Guide
Delivery Point Validation
What is DPV?
Delivery Point Validation (DPV) is a USPS technology that helps validate the
accuracy of address information. With DPV, you can identify addresses that are
Undeliverable As Addressed (UAA) and determine whether or not an address is a
Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA), a private business that acts as a
mail receiving agent. DPV uses data that the USPS provides to CASS vendors.
DPV can be useful in the following areas:
USPS goals and
Mailing: DPV assists in screening out undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA)
mail and cuts down on mailing costs.
Information quality: DPV’s ability to verify an address down to the
individual house, suite, or apartment rather than block face increases the
data's level of accuracy.
Increased assignment rate: DPV resolves ties when other tie-breaking
methods are not conclusive. This may increase assignment rates.
Preventing mail-order-fraud: DPV can assist merchants by verifying valid
delivery addresses and Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies (CMRA). This
can eliminate shipping of merchandise to individuals placing fraudulent
The USPS is trying to remove UAA mail from the system. It costs millions of
dollars every year to mail and handle UAA mail. Thus, the USPS requires DPV:
The CASS report will be produced only when you perform DPV and
LACSLink processing.
ZIP+4 codes will be assigned only for addresses in which the primary
address (for example, the house number) is DPV-confirmed. This means that
postage discounts will be possible only for those mail pieces with a DPVconfirmed primary address.
For more information about DPV’s effect on postage discounts and reducing
UAA mail, see:
DPV performance
DPV processing speed depends on your operating system, computer
configuration, and what other processes you are running at the same time.
If you are performing DPV processing for multiple records, you may load the
DPV directories to memory, which can significantly improve DPV performance.
Loading to memory requires at least 1.0 GB of memory, because the directories
require 550 MB of continuous free memory and your operating system and other
applications will use additional memory. Therefore, we strongly recommend that
you install at least 1.5 to 2.0 GB of memory, especially if you are running
LACSLink processing at the same time.
If you do not load the directories to memory, then only 35 MB of memory are
required to read the DPV directories. Make sure you have enough memory
available before performing DPV processing.
Chapter 4: Address correction
Perform DPV processing
Prepare your
If the DPV fields aren’t already in your layout, follow these steps to add them:
1. Choose File > Properties > Database.
2. In the Record Layout window, click Multiple Fields.
3. Select DPV (Select All).
4. Click OK.
Load the DPV
For details about the DPV directories and how to install them, see “Postal
directories” on page 20.
Perform DPV
processing as part of
address correction
1. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi-Record.
2. Select the Perform DPV Processing option.
3. Select the Load to Memory option to improve processing speed when you’re
processing a large database.
4. Select the Stop Assigning If Out of Memory option to quit address
assignment if your system doesn't have adequate memory. If you do not
select this option and your system doesn't have enough memory available,
processing will continue, but at a slower speed.
5. Enter information at the Customer Information tab.
6. Click OK.
View results
After processing, you may want to view the Summary Information report to see
DPV processing results. To print the Summary Information report:
1. Choose Print > Reports.
2. Select the Summary Information report.
3. Click Print.
User Guide
DPV and LACSLink locking
False positives
The USPS DPV and LACSLink directories contain valid mailing addresses and
some invalid addresses known as false positives. The USPS includes the false
positive addresses for security reasons. When you perform DPV or LACSLink
processing, if a false positive record is found, the record is marked as a false
positive, and no further DPV or LACSLink processing can be performed on that
file until an unlock code has been entered.
Unlock DPV or
Follow these instructions if you’ve encountered a lock while performing address
correction with LACSLink or DPV processing.
If you are a Business Edition NCOALink Limited Service provider, see “Unlock
instructions for NCOALink limited service providers” on page 78.
1. Go to
2. Click Retrieve USPS Unlock Code.
3. Choose your System (product installation).
4. Enter the Lock Code, which is listed in the .txt file:
What are you unlocking?
Location of this file, by default
5. Select LACSLink or DPV as the Lock Type.
6. Select BOJ-EIM-COM as the Component.
7. Enter the Locking Address. The locking address can be found in the .txt file
(see step 4).
If there is no locking address information, and the software still says
LACSLink or DPV is locked, you have encountered a false lock. If this is
the case, create a support message at and
choose Component BOJ-EIM-COM for assistance.
8. Attach the .log file:
What are you unlocking?
Location of this file
### is replaced with
the MDF file name
### is replaced with
the MDF file name
9. Click Submit. The unlock code is displayed.
Chapter 4: Address correction
If an unlock code could not be generated, a support message will be
created and will be processed during regular business hours.
10. Replace the entire contents of the .txt file with the unlock code provided in
step 9.
11. Remove the record that caused the lock from the database.
The unlock code can only be used one time. If the software detects another false
positive, a new unlock code will be needed.
Unlock instructions
for NCOALink limited
service providers
If you are a Postalsoft Business Edition NCOALink limited service provider, and
you encounter a DPV or LACSLink lock, follow these steps to contact the USPS
1. Send an email to the USPS at
Attach the .log file (see step 8 above) to the email.
Include a subject of LACSLink False Positive or DPV False Positive.
2. When the USPS releases the list containing the locked record, delete the .log
3. Remove the record that caused the lock from the database.
User Guide
What is LACSLink?
The USPS LACSLink product updates rural-route addresses to street-name
addresses. These “911” conversions make it easier for police, fire, ambulance,
and postal personnel to locate a rural address. LACSLink also converts addresses
when streets are renamed or post office boxes renumbered.
To obtain the new addresses, you must already have the old address data.
LACSLink replaces the USPS's Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS).
The CASS report is produced only when you perform DPV and LACSLink
LACSLink is an integrated part of address processing. It is not an extra step. If a
match is found in the LACSLink directories, the software updates the address in
your database with the LACSLink-converted address and provides other
LACSLink information.
Example of LACSLink
This example shows a LACSLink conversion of a rural-route address to a streetname addresses.
Original address
LACSLink-converted address
RR 2 BOX 204
DU BOIS PA 15801
DU BOIS PA 15801-6667
LACSLink locking
For more information about LACSLink locking caused by false positives and how
to unlock, see “DPV and LACSLink locking” on page 77.
LACSLink performance
LACSLink processing increases the time it takes to perform address correction.
Processing time varies with the LACSLink feature based on operating system,
system configuration, and other variables that are unique to your operating
If you are performing LACSLink processing for multiple records, you may load
the LACSLink directories to memory, which may make LACSLink processing
faster. Loading to memory takes several minutes and requires at least 150 MB of
free memory.
Chapter 4: Address correction
Perform LACSLink processing
Prepare your
If the LACSLink fields aren't already in your layout, follow these steps to add
them now:
1. Choose File > Properties > Database.
2. In the Record Layout window, click Multiple Fields.
3. Select LACSLink (Select All).
4. Click OK.
Load the LACSLink
For details about the LACSLink directories and how to install them, see “Postal
directories” on page 20.
Perform LACSLink
processing as part of
address correction
1. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi-Record.
2. Select the Perform LACSLink Processing option.
3. Select the Load to Memory option to improve processing speed when you’re
processing a large database.
4. Select the Stop Assigning If Out of Memory option to quit address
assignment if your system doesn't have adequate memory. If you do not
select this option and your system doesn't have enough memory available,
processing will continue, but at a slower speed.
5. Enter information at the Customer Information tab.
6. Click OK.
View results
The Summary Information report and the Qualitative Statistical Summary section
of the 3553 CASS form show LACSLink processing results. To print these reports:
1. Choose Print > Reports.
2. Select the report you want to print.
3. Click Print.
User Guide
With SuiteLink you can build more accurate and complete addresses by adding
suite numbers to business addresses. With the secondary address information
added to your addresses, fewer mail pieces are Undeliverable-As-Addressed
(UAA), and more mail pieces are sorted by delivery sequence and delivered with
accuracy and speed. The addition of secondary number information to your
addresses allows for the most efficient and cost-effective delivery sequencing and
postage discounts.
With CASS Cycle N, SuiteLink processing is required for CASS-certified jobs.
SuiteLink processing is required for mailers who want to produce the CASS Form
3553, which is needed for postal automation discounts.
The software attempts to match a company name, a known high-rise address, and
the CASS-certified ZIP+4 in your database to data in SuiteLink. When there is a
match, the software adds the suite number to your record.
You can perform SuiteLink processing with the software, as an integrated part of
address correction.
This example shows a record processed through SuiteLink:
Original record
SuiteLink directory
Updated record
Company name
High-rise address
CASS-certified ZIP+4
Secondary numbers
Unit designators
Suite number added
Poplar Auto
987 Main St
Poplar Medical Sales Ste 212
Poplar Auto Sales Ste 214
Poplar Computers Ste 216
Poplar Auto
987 Main St Ste 214
SuiteLink directory
You must use the SuiteLink directory with a ZIP+4 directory labeled for the same
month. You cannot use a SuiteLink directory that is more than 60 days past its
release date. See “Downloading software and directories” on page 14 for details
about loading the SuiteLink directory.
Set up SuiteLink
You can set up SuiteLink processing in the software by following these steps:
1. Choose File > Load Directories to load the SuiteLink directories. Repeat this
step each time you receive updated directories. See “Downloading software
and directories” on page 14.
2. Choose File > Properties > Database and add the SuiteLink Return Code
field to your record layout if desired. This field is optional. If you do not add
it, you can still perform SuiteLink processing but will not be able to see the
return codes. See below for details about this field. The Company field must
be present in your layout; SuiteLink processing requires company data.
3. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi Record. Select the Perform
SuiteLink Processing option and any other address correction options
necessary for this job.
4. Select the Load to Memory option to improve processing speed when you’re
processing a large database.
Chapter 4: Address correction
5. Select the Stop Assigning If Out of Memory option to quit address
assignment if your system doesn't have adequate memory. If you do not
select this option and your system doesn't have enough memory available,
processing will continue, but at a slower speed.
6. Click OK in the Correction Settings window to begin address correction.
Mover ID NCOALink
SuiteLink reporting
User Guide
SuiteLink reporting is required for all NCOALink service providers and end users
to be in compliance with CASS Cycle N. Currently, SuiteLink is already reported
in the Mover ID Summary Report (as well as LACSLink and DPV information).
GeoCensus processing compares address data to a directory containing
geographical data gathered by the U.S. Census Bureau, called TIGER®
(Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) data. Using
this data, you can append latitude, longitude, Federal Information Processing
Standards (FIPS) codes, and the U.S. Census tract and Block Number Area
(BNA) codes. GeoCensus can be run during address correction if you own the
GeoCensus option.
U.S. Census Bureau
web sites
For more information about the TIGER data, FIPS codes, U.S. Census tract and
BNA codes, see
To find the latitude and longitude of a specific location, enter a city and state at
Prepare your
See “Fields” on page 317 for details about these fields.
Required GeoCensus fields
Optional GeoCensus fields
Enable GeoCensus,
perform address
FIPS State Code
FIPS County Code
FIPS Place Name Code
U.S. Census Tract BNA
To perform address correction and GeoCensus processing:
1. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Correction Settings, and click either the
Single Record or Multi-Record tab.
2. Select the Assign GeoCensus Codes option.
3. Click OK.
4. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Current Record or Tools > Correct
Address > Multiple Records. Your addresses are corrected, and your
GeoCensus fields are populated.
Select records by
You can select or deselect records based on location. For example, you could
prepare a mailing to customers who live within 20 miles of latitude 43.827° and
longitude of -91.234°. To select these records:
1. Choose Records > Select > By Criteria.
2. Choose Distance from the Field list.
3. Choose <= less or equal from the Match list.
4. Type 20 in the Compare to field, and type the latitude and longitude values
in the appropriate fields.
5. Click Insert Condition.
6. Click OK.
Chapter 4: Address correction
Status and error codes
If your layout includes a field for error and status codes, the software assigns a
status code when it assigns an address, or an error code if it could not assign an
address. These codes can help you understand why the software couldn’t assign
an address or what it changed if it successfully assigned the address.
The field must have a field kind of Error or Status. If you accepted this field as
part of the default layout, and did not rename the field, the field’s name would be
See “Error and status codes” on page 339 for an explanation of what each error
and status code represents.
User Guide
Parse names and assign prefixes, gender codes, and
During address correction, you can parse names and assign prefixes, gender
codes, and greetings.
Define your settings by choosing Tools > Correct Address > Correction Settings,
and click the Name/Gender/Greeting tab. To run address correction and any of the
following processes, choose Tools > Correct Address > Current Record or MultiRecord.
Parse names
The software can parse (identify and isolate) name data. For example, the
software can break up name fields into individual parts (first, middle, last, and
suffix) and populate these fields in your database. You must add these separate
fields to your database before parsing.
The software can parse two full names per record. See “Field kinds” on page 86.
When you parse names, the address correction process will take longer, especially
for large files.
Assign gender codes
and prefixes
Knowing genders can help you more accurately target your marketing efforts to
the correct group of people. The software can assign a precise gender code to
each name when you add the Gender field kind to your record layout. The gender
codes represent:
Strong male, such as John or Robert
Weak male, such as Terry or Shawn
Strong female, such as Mary or Jane
Weak female, such as Robin or Kim
Ambiguous, such as Pat, Kelly, or an initial
Unassigned (a gender could not be determined based on the name data)
When the software assigns a strong gender code, it can also assign a prefix, Mr.,
Ms., or Mrs. This feature will help you address your mail pieces appropriately.
If you already have prefixes in your database, deselect the Assign Prefix option.
The software refers to the record’s prefix when assigning a gender code.
An inaccurate prefix can affect your results. For example, a record may contain
something similar to Mrr. John Smith. If you parse names, assign prefixes, and
select the Overwrite Existing Prefix option, your data ends up as Mr. John S Mrr.
Assign a greeting
If you want to personalize mail pieces, you can assign an overall greeting to each
record in a formal or casual style.
To assign a greeting to each record, you should parse your name data into
separate name fields. Then, the software knows which part of the name to use in
the greeting. You can parse names and assign a greeting during the same process.
To assign a greeting to each record:
1. Choose File > Properties > Database to make sure that you added the
Greeting field kind. See “Field kinds” on page 86 for details.
Chapter 4: Address correction
2. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Correction Settings, and click the
Name/Gender/Greeting tab.
3. Select the Assign Greeting option.
4. Leave the default initiator Dear, or enter your own.
5. Leave the default punctuation as a comma, or enter your own.
6. Choose the multiple-person connector, and or & from the drop-down list.
7. Choose both the single-person and multiple-person greeting style that you
Single person/Formal: This option uses the prefix and last name
whenever possible. If the gender is weak, ambiguous, or unassigned,
then the software uses the first name instead (Dear Robin, for example).
Single person/Casual: This option uses the first name. If no first name
exists, the software uses the prefix and last name (Dear Mr. Smith, for
Multiple person/Full: This option uses both names without any prefix,
for example Dear John and Mary Smith, or Dear John Smith and Mary
Multiple person/Short: This option is always Dear Sirs, Dear Madams,
or Dear Sirs and Madams.
8. Click OK when you finish.
Field kinds
Your layout should include the following fields before you parse or assign
genders and greetings. Choose File > Properties > Database to add fields. See
Appendix A for details about these fields.
User Guide
Prefix 1, Prefix 2
First name 1, First name 2
Middle name or initial 1, Middle name or initial 2
Last name 1, Last name 2
Suffix 1, Suffix 2
Title 1, Title 2
Gender 1, Gender 2
Chapter 5:
Finding duplicate records
You can find duplicate records in one file or in multiple files. You define what
constitutes a duplicate record, and you choose what to do with any duplicates that
are found. You can delete them, select them, or copy them to another file, for
Duplicate detection is also known as merge/purge or matching.
Chapter 5: Finding duplicate records
Preparing for duplicate detection
There are several important steps you must take before you perform a search for
duplicate records.
1. Choose File > Backup Database to save a copy of your database.
Depending on the options you choose, records may be deleted. Therefore, it
is recommended that you back up your files before using them in a duplicate
detection process.
2. Choose File > Properties > Database, and make any necessary layout
changes in all files that will be involved in duplicate detection.
If you want to compare a field other than name and address fields, assign
that field a Dupe-Compare field kind.
If you want to post dupe-group numbers to the Dupe_Group field, add
the Dupe_Group field to your layout. Dupe groups are groups of records
that the software judges to be duplicates.
3. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi Record to standardize addresses.
To ensure that duplicate detection is as effective as possible, perform address
correction before performing duplicate detection.
Related links:
“Address correction” on page 67
User Guide
Searching for duplicate records
1. Open all files in which you want to search for duplicate records.
If you want to write the duplicate records or unique records to an output file,
that file must also be open. As many as eight files can participate.
2. Select a reference file by clicking the window for that file.
The software writes the reports to the same directory where the reference file
is stored. In addition, the software saves your merge/purge settings with the
reference file for future use.
3. Choose Tools > Merge/Purge.
All files that are currently open are listed.
4. In the Merge/Purge - Participating Files (Step 1) window, choose how each
file is involved in duplicate detection, and click Next to advance to the next
step of the merge/purge wizard.
File usage
None: File is not included in duplicate detection.
Input: File is searched for duplicate records.
Output: File into which the processed records are copied, based on
options you select. For example, you can output duplicates or unique
records. Creating an output file is optional.
Suppression: Records that you do not want to include in your mailing.
Duplicates are never deleted from suppression lists. By matching against a
suppression list, you can identify records to exclude (or “suppress”) from a
Each normal file must be assigned a priority. Priority helps to determine
which duplicate records to keep. Suppression files have a priority of 0,
which cannot be changed.
Chapter 5: Finding duplicate records
Choosing the comparison method
In step 2 of the merge/purge wizard, you choose a rulebook, which determines
what constitutes a match. You can also restrict comparisons to smaller groups to
shorten processing time.
If you haven’t done so already, choose Tools > Merge/Purge to start the wizard.
In the Merge/Purge - Choose Comparison Method (Step 2) window, choose
options as needed and click Next.
User Guide
Specifies which record groups are compared. Limiting the comparison
group is less effective if the field compared is unstandardized or blank.
All: Every record is compared to every other record. This is the slowest
way to compare records.
Same 3-digit ZIP: Records are compared to each other only if the first 3
digits of their ZIP Codes match.
Same 5-digit ZIP: Records are compared to each other only if their 5-digit
ZIP Codes match. Some duplicates may be missed, for example, if a person
or company has both a street address and a post office box.
Same field kind: Records are compared if they match based on the field
you specify. Only fields that are indexed in all files compared may be used.
Determines what constitutes a match. Choose a rulebook and read its
description on screen to be sure the rulebook meets your needs. Some
 If your layout includes the Address_2 field, use a rulebook with
“Addr_2” in the name. If your layout does not include the Address_2
field, use a rulebook without “Addr_2” in the name.
 Exact, tight, medium, and loose refer to how closely fields must match in
order for the records to be considered a match. Exact is 100%. Tight is
90 to 95%. Medium is 80 to 90%. Loose is 75 to 90%.
 “Resident” rulebooks compare ZIP Codes and street addresses.
 “Co” (company) rulebooks compare ZIP Codes, street addresses, and
company names.
 “Co-individ” (company individual) rulebooks compare ZIP Codes, street
addresses, company names, last names, and first names.
 “Family” rulebooks compare ZIP Codes, street addresses, and last
 “Individual” rulebooks compare ZIP Codes, street addresses, last names,
and first names.
Opens a window where you can change the field matching setup. See “Customizing a rulebook” on page 95 for details.
Opens a window where you can create a new rulebook. See “Customizing a
rulebook” on page 95 for details.
Changes the file name of the selected rulebook.
Removes the selected rulebook.
Choosing the action(s) to perform on duplicate records
In step 3 of the merge/purge wizard, you decide what to do with the duplicate
records that are found. Your choices depend on the kind of file(s) you’re
processing: normal files, suppression files, and/or output files.
If you haven’t done so already, choose Tools > Merge/Purge to start the wizard.
In the Merge/Purge - Choose Actions to Perform (Step 3) window, choose options
as needed and click Next.
Input file(s)
Changes the input file(s) according to your selection.
Post dupe group numbers to
Writes a dupe group number to each record’s
Dupe_Group field, for records that are duplicates. A
dupe group is a group of duplicate records.
Output file
Updates the output file according to your selection.
Creates the Merge/Purge Summary report, which lists
your duplicate detection choices and the results.
Duplicate record listing
Creates the Merge/Purge Dupe List report, which lists
all duplicate records found.
Opens a window where you can change margins,
header text, and other options for the merge/purge
Show undecided pairs for
manual verdict
During duplicate detection, opens a window where you
can judge undecided records as duplicates or unique
Undecided pairs are records that, according to the
selected rulebook, qualify as neither duplicates nor
unique records.
This option is unavailable if you selected a rulebook with
an exact threshold; such rulebooks never designate a
record pair as undecided.
If you don’t select this option, the software judges all
undecided pairs to be unique records.
Show summary of dupes
found, with opportunity for
change, before performing
actions above
After all duplicates are found, opens a window where
you can view all dupe groups, change the action on the
dupes found, perform the previously selected action, or
cancel processing.
Chapter 5: Finding duplicate records
Mapping input fields to output fields
Step 4 of the merge/purge wizard appears only if you are posting to an output file.
In step 4, you map fields in the input file to fields in the output file.
If you haven’t done so already, choose Tools > Merge/Purge to start the wizard.
In the Merge/Purge - Associate Fields (Step 4) window, use the following options
to map fields, and then click Next.
User Guide
Map fields for normal
input file
If more than one file is listed, select each file, one at a time,
and map input fields to output fields for each input file that is
Input file fields
Output file fields
If you need to change a mapping, select the input file field
first, and then select the output file field that it should be
mapped to.
If an input field should not be included in the output file, map
it to <None>.
Judging undecided records
If you chose the Show undecided pairs for manual verdict option in Step 3 of
the merge/purge wizard, then, during duplicate detection, the Undecided Dupe
Comparison window opens, where you can judge records to be duplicates or
unique records.
If you haven’t done so already, choose Tools > Merge/Purge to start the wizard.
In the Undecided Dupe Comparison window, use the following options to mark
records as duplicates or unique records and continue processing.
Record display area
Shows undecided record pairs, including the fields compared
and their weighted score.
Click a row in the table to view the full contents of that record in
the display area below the table.
Marks the records as duplicates.
Not Dupe
Marks the records as unique records.
Don’t show any
more undecided
Continues processing without you having to rule on any more
undecided pairs. The remaining undecided pairs will be
treated as unique records.
Automatically judge
all remaining undecided pairs score __
% or more to be
Marks remaining undecided pairs as duplicates when they
score at the number you enter or higher. Remaining undecided pairs will not be displayed for you to judge.
The number you enter must fall within the range that currently,
according to the selected rulebook, makes records undecided.
Chapter 5: Finding duplicate records
Acting on the duplicates found
If you selected the Show summary of dupes found, with opportunity for
change, before performing actions above option in Step 3 of the merge/purge
wizard, then, at the end of duplicate detection processing, the Summary - Review
Duplicates Found window opens, where you can view the duplicates, and either
perform or change the actions that you had selected before.
If you haven’t done so already, choose Tools > Merge/Purge to start the wizard.
In the Summary - Review Duplicates Found window, use the following options to
perform or change actions.
Record display area
Shows duplicate records, one dupe group at a time, including
the fields compared and the weighted score.
Click a row in the table to view the full contents of that record
in the display area below the table.
Delete / Select / Output Depending on the actions you chose to perform on duplicate
records, you will see a Delete, Select, and/or Output checkbox
for each record. You can select or deselect these checkboxes to
change the actions for individual records.
User Guide
Previous group
Displays the previous dupe group.
Next group
Displays the next dupe group.
Perform Actions
Closes this window and completes processing the duplicate
records according to the actions you specified in the wizard.
No further dupe groups will be shown.
Customizing a rulebook
If the predefined rulebooks don’t meet your needs, you can create a new rulebook
or edit settings in an existing rulebook. Do so with caution, as these settings are
complex. As always, with the potential to delete records as part of duplicate
detection, back up your data before performing duplicate detection, especially
with a customized rulebook, until you are sure of its reliability.
1. Choose Tools > Merge/Purge. For details about what to choose in this
window, see “Searching for duplicate records” on page 89.
2. In the Merge/Purge - Choose Comparison Method (Step 2) window, choose
from the following options to edit a rulebook or create a new rulebook:
If you want to change an existing rulebook, select it and click Edit.
Predefined rulebooks are not editable.
If you want to copy an existing rulebook so that you can customize it,
select the rulebook, click Edit, and click Save As.
If you want to create a new rulebook, click New.
3. In the Edit Dupe-Detection Rules window, use the following options to
customize your rulebook.
Field kinds to
compare, in
Lists up to eight fields that may be compared. The software compares fields in the order that they are listed in the rulebook, using
their maximum no-dupe scores and minimum dupe scores. If two
records are considered a match based on the first field, then the other
fields are not compared.
Maximum no
Sets the highest score that could decide a record as a unique.
For example, if the maximum no dupe score for the last name field is
80, and two last names are less than 80 percent alike, then they are
not duplicates.
Set the maximum no-dupe score to -1 to force the software to compare other fields before deciding if the records are unique. For example, the software would view “Becky” and “Rebecca” as only 50
percent alike. With the maximum no dupe score for first names set at
50 or higher, the two records would be considered unique records
even if all other fields matched perfectly.
Minimum dupe
Sets the lowest score that could decide a record as duplicates.
For example, if the minimum dupe score for last names is 98, and
two last names are 98 percent alike, then they are duplicates.
Set the minimum dupe score to 101 to ensure that the software compares other fields before deciding if the records are duplicates.
Usually you wouldn’t want to judge records as duplicates based on
just one field. For example, just because two records have the same
ZIP Code, it doesn’t make them duplicates. In most cases, it’s good
to compare more than one field.
Chapter 5: Finding duplicate records
Overall weight
Sets the percentage of the overall weight you want the field to
contribute to the total score. The total for all fields must be 100.
For example, if a matching address line is more important than
matching last names, you would assign a higher overall weight % to
address line.
Opens a window where you can set more rules. See “Setting
advanced matching options” on page 96.
Overall weighted
results: Maximum no-dupe
Controls the highest score that a record pair can achieve and still
be considered unique records. This score is used if none of the
individual field rules could determine the records to be dupes or
Overall weighted Controls the lowest score that a record pair can achieve and still
results: Minibe considered duplicates. This score is used if none of the indimum dupe score vidual field rules could determine the record to be dupes or nondupes.
Setting advanced
matching options
User Guide
Describes the rulebook. The description appears when you select
the rulebook from the list of rulebooks in step 2 of the wizard.
File name
Sets the location and file name for the rulebook.
Saves the rulebook with the file name, path, and settings as shown.
Save as
Opens a window where you can save the new rulebook to a location
and file name that you specify.
1. In the Edit Dupe-Detection Rules window, click the Details button.
2. Use the following options to set advanced field-matching options.
If one field is
Controls scoring when the comparison is between a populated field
and a blank field.
Ignore rule: Skips this field’s rule and goes on to the next rule. The
blank field has no effect on the score. The software recalculates the
weight percents for the other fields compared because the blank field
contributes 0 percent, and all weight percents must total 100.
Score as: Applies the score that you enter for this field. A high score
might be appropriate if you’re matching on a first or middle name, for
example. A very low score (or 0) is advisable when dealing with
blank street address fields.
If both fields are
Controls scoring when the comparison is between two blank
Ignore rule: Skips this field’s rule and goes on to the next rule.
The blank fields have no effect on the score. The software recalculates the weight percents for the other fields compared because the
blank fields contribute 0 percent, and all weight percents total 100.
Score as: Applies the score that you enter for this field. A high
score might be appropriate if you’re matching on a first or middle
name, for example. A very low score (or 0) is advisable when dealing
with blank street address fields.
Testing your custom
Initials match
Considers initials and whole words a match. For example, Bob’s Bait
Shop and BBS would match. If you enable initials matching, enter a
match score. For example, enter a score of 100 if whole words and
their corresponding initials should be considered a perfect match.
If you select this option, the initials and the words that match are
scored according to your entry. If there are other words in the field
that are not shortened, they are scored the usual way.
Substring match
Considers compared fields duplicates when one field matches the first
portion the other field. For example, Bob’s Bait Shop and Bob’s
would match. If you enable substring matching, enter a match score.
To qualify as a substring match, the shorter string must exactly match
the first part of the longer string. For example, Bob’s Bait Shop and
Bait Shop do not match.
match score
Considers two fields duplicates when one contains a shortened form
of words that appear in the other field. For example, International
Health Providers and Intl Hlth Prov would match. If you enable
abbreviation matching, enter a match score.
In this case, abbreviation means:
 The first letter of the shortened word matches the first letter of the
full word.
 All letters in the shortened word appear in the full word in the
same order that they appear in the full word.
numeric match
scores 0
Ensures that fields containing numeric data are scored 0 when the
numbers don’t match.
For example, if you did not select this option for the street address
field, comparison of 4932 Main St and 4392 Main St would result in a
score of 95. If you select this option, the score is 0.
Your decision to select this option or not depends on what other fields
your rulebook is comparing and how those fields are weighted.
It is recommended that you back up your data and test your custom rulebook to
ensure that the rulebook functions how you intended it to. If you don’t get the
results you want, you can edit your rulebook.
When you test your rulebook, perform duplicate detection on a small sample of
your database if your database is large. And select the Show summary of dupes
found option in step 3 of the wizard before performing any action on them
(deleting them, for example).
Chapter 5: Finding duplicate records
Smart matching
The software automatically allows for the following differences in data, to ensure
that duplicates are found, even when data is slightly different.
User Guide
Special case
Transposed alphabetic
The software checks for transposition of alphabetic characters
when comparing fields. Transposed characters are two consecutive characters that are switched within a word (for example, Johsnon compared to Johnson). The software deducts
only half as much for transposed alphabetic characters as it
does for nonmatching characters.
Transposed numeric characters are controlled by the Nonexact numeric match scores 0 option. See “Setting
advanced matching options” on page 96.
Hyphenated names
When comparing a hyphenated last name to a nonhyphenated
last name, the software considers the two fields 100% matching if the nonhyphenated last name matches one part of the
hyphenated last name.
The software does not consider case when comparing records.
The software does not consider minor punctuation differences
when comparing records.
Chapter 6:
Extended Services
Chapter 6: Extended Services
Extended Services
With Extended Services, you can send your data via the internet to a vendor
(Lorton Data, Peachtree Data, or Authenticom) for various types of processing.
When you send your data to a vendor for processing, they process the data and
then send the updated data back to you seamlessly over the internet.
Processing options vary by vendor. For complete details about the options
available from each vendor, see “Choose a vendor and processing options” on
page 107. A summary of available options appears below:
Pricing and payments
Do Not Mail suppression
Deceased suppression
Prison suppression
Phone append
Email append
Extended Services vendors determine prices for the various processing options.
Check with your chosen vendor to learn about their pricing for these services.
When you choose Tools > Services > Extended Services, links are available for
you to click to access the vendors’ web sites to learn more about their pricing.
User Guide
Preparing for Extended Services
Before you perform
Extended Services
Before you can begin the Extended Services process, you must:
Establish an account
with a vendor
Establish an internet connection. If you do not already have internet access
on your computer, contact your IT department for help with this.
Establish an account with a vendor. See “Establish an account with a
vendor” on page 101.
Set up proxy settings. See “Set up proxy settings” on page 101.
Exclude foreign addresses from Extended Services processing. See
“Foreign addresses” on page 101.
Make sure your database has the necessary fields. See “Extended Services
fields” on page 102.
Before you can send records to a vendor, you must sign up with them to let them
know who you are and how you should be billed for this service. This is a onetime task: after signing up, you will not be asked for this information again.
To sign up for with a vendor:
1. Choose Tools > Services > Extended Services.
2. Select a vendor for this job.
3. Click the Sign up for service with <vendor> link in the Processing Options
window. This launches your web browser and takes you to the vendor’s web
4. Follow the instructions on the web site to enroll.
Set up proxy settings
If you have a direct internet connection, you do not need to set up proxy settings.
If your computer is behind an HTTP-proxy-based firewall, you must set proxy
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the Proxy Server Settings button.
If you have questions about these settings, contact your network
Foreign addresses
USPS data does not include foreign addresses. If your Extended Services
processing will include address processing and if you pay per record, you may
want to exclude foreign addresses from the data that you send to the vendor to
reduce the number of records sent and therefore the cost.
Chapter 6: Extended Services
Extended Services fields
Fields sent to
Extended Services
Certain fields must be present in your layout before you begin Extended Services
processing because they are used for lookup during processing. These fields are
listed as required in the table below.
Other fields are beneficial during lookup, but not absolutely required. For
example, the middle name and company fields are useful for NCOALink
processing. These fields are listed as optional in the table below.
If your database is missing any of the required fields listed below, you must add
the fields to your layout before you begin Extended Services processing. Choose
File > Properties > Database to add fields to your layout.
The following fields are required or recommended in order to perform Extended
Services processing. Requirements vary by the type of processing.
User Guide
Required or optional
First Name
Last Name
Middle Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
ZIP (any ZIP Code or postal code field)
Phone Number
required for Phone Append
(Authenticom only)
Email Address
required for Email Append
(Authenticom only)
Email Append Flag
required for Email Append
(Authenticom only)
Merge Key
required for Email Append
(Authenticom only)
Fields updated as a
result of Extended
Services processing
After the vendor updates your data, the updated data is merged back into your
database. The fields listed below are updated as a result of Extended Services
processing if the fields are in your layout and depending on the type of processing
performed. For example, DSF2 fields are updated only when you perform DSF2
processing and only if the DSF2 fields are in your layout.
If you want to see the processing results, you must add the fields to your layout
before you begin Extended Services processing.
If you want to save your original address, phone, and email data, add the Original
fields to your layout before you begin Extended Services processing. If the
Original fields are in your layout, data from the corresponding fields is copied to
the Original fields. For example, data from the City field is copied to the Original
City field during Extended Services ZIP+4, NCOALink, and DSF2 processing;
and the new city data goes into the City field. Note that you must choose the exact
corresponding field. For instance, if your database has the ZIP/ZIP+4 field,
choose Original ZIP/ZIP+4 for the "Original" field; do not choose Original ZIP 5Digit Part Only, for example.
Choose File > Properties > Database to add fields to your layout.
For information about the contents of these fields, see Appendix A.
Updated as a result of which type of
Address Change Indicator
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Carrier Route
County Code
Delivery Point 2-digit add-on
Delivery Point Checkdigit
Deceased Flag
Deceased Suppression
Do Not Mail Flag
Do Not Mail Suppression
DPV Status
DPV No Stat
ZIP+4, NCOALink (Lorton Data only)
DPV Vacant Indicator
DSF2 Address Type
DSF2 Delivery Type Code
DSF2 Drop Count
DSF2 Drop Indicator
DSF2 Educational Indicator
DSF2 Score
Chapter 6: Extended Services
Updated as a result of which type of
DSF2 Seasonal Indicator
DSF2 Stats Indicator
DSF2 Throwback Indicator
Email Address
Email Append
Email Append Flag
Email Append
Email Match Source
Email Append
Email Match Type
Email Append
Error and Status Code
LACS-Required Flag
ZIP+4, NCOALink (Lorton Data only)
LACSLink Indicator
LACSLink Return Code
Line of Travel Code
Line of Travel Order
Merge Key
Email Append
Move Effective Date
NCOALink Delivery Code
NCOALink Move Type
NCOALink Return Code
Original City
Original Delivery Point 2-Digit Add-On ZIP+4, NCOALink, DSF2
User Guide
Original Email Address
Email Append
Original Phone Number
Phone Append
Original State Abbreviation
Original Street Address Line 1
Original Street Address Line 2
Original ZIP/ZIP+4
Original ZIP/ZIP+4 No Dash
Original ZIP 4-Digit Add-On Part
Original ZIP 5-Digit Part Only
Phone Append
Phone Append
Phone Append Flag
Phone Append
PR Urbanization Code
Prison Flag
Prison Suppression
Record Type
Updated as a result of which type of
SuiteLink Return Code
Walk Sequence
ZIP (any ZIP or postal code field)
Chapter 6: Extended Services
Email append processing
If you intend to send data for email append processing, carefully read this section.
The CAN-SPAM Act spells out the regulations surrounding commercial
email messages, including recipients’ rights to remove themselves from
companies’ email lists. The CAN-SPAM Act also identifies substantial
penalties for companies that send email messages to people who have opted
For more information about the CAN-SPAM Act, see
When you perform email append processing through Extended Services, the
Email Append Flag field identifies customers who have chosen to opt out:
these records have O in the Email Append Flag field. Do not send email to
any customer with an O value in the Email Append Flag field.
Time frame
Email append processing typically takes 7-10 days to complete because of the
CAN-SPAM Act. During the 7-10 days of email append processing, you can
continue working with your database as usual; the database is not locked.
However, it will be temporarily locked during other processing, such as
Subsequent email
append jobs
When you perform email append processing, the Email Append Flag field is
populated with a value that tells you the results of email append processing. Later,
when you perform email append processing a second or subsequent time, any
records that contain a value of F (final) or O (opt out) will retain the current email
address in the record. F means a final email address was sent to you last time you
performed email append processing; O means this customer opted out.
Records with a value of B (bounced), U (unmatched), or blank will be processed
in the email append job.
See Appendix A for complete information about the Email Append Flag field.
User Guide
Processing your data with Extended Services
Choose a vendor and
processing options
1. Choose Tools > Services > Extended Services to start the wizard.
2. To choose a vendor, click its logo.
3. Choose your desired address processing, suppression, and/or append
option(s). The table below shows options available from each vendor.
Processing options
ZIP+4 processing includes address correction and ZIP+4 assignment. The
USPS-required CASS form is returned
to you.
NCOALink move-updating replaces a
person’s or company’s old address with
their new one. You can choose to obtain
data for all moves that occurred in the
last 48 or 18 months. The USPSrequired CASS form is returned to you.
DSF2 is a USPS product that validates
addresses and adds delivery sequence
and address attribute information to
addresses. The USPS-required CASS
form is returned to you.
Do Not Mail suppression identifies
records that match the list of people who
requested not to receive unsolicited
Deceased suppression identifies
records that match the list of deceased
Prison suppression identifies records
that match the list of prison inmates.
Phone append adds and verifies telephone numbers
Email append adds email addresses
4. Click Next to continue.
Log in
1. In the login window, enter your user name and password.
The user name and password are initially assigned to you by your chosen
vendor, though you can change the password later. See “Changing your
Extended Services password” on page 112.
If you don’t want to be prompted for your user name and password the next
time you access this wizard, you can select the Save My User Name and
Password on This Computer option. If you select this option, you’ll be
Chapter 6: Extended Services
automatically logged in when you access the wizard. If you select this option
and later want to be prompted for user name and password, you can remove
the stored entry of your user name and password. See “Remove From This
Machine” on page 112.
2. Click Next to continue.
Enter processing
In the Processing Information window, you select various options for this job.
The options vary by the type of processing and the vendor you selected.
1. If your selected vendor is Lorton Data or Authenticom, set up payment
options. (Peachtree Data payment is set up in a later step.)
Payment Options Choose your desired payment method for this job.
(Lorton Data and
Lorton Data only — If you choose Other, Lorton Data will
Authenticom only) contact you. They will not begin processing until a payment
method has been established.
Authenticom only — Prepaid is the only payment option at
this time.
Purchase Order
(Lorton Data only)
If you chose Purchase Order from the Payment Options
drop-down list, then enter the purchase order number here.
Establish Payment Options
With <vendor>
(Lorton Data and
Authenticom only)
If you have not yet set up payment options or need to add an
additional payment option, click the “Establish payment
options with <vendor>” link and follow the instructions on
the screen.
2. If you’re performing NCOALink processing, set up NCOALink options.
User Guide
Class of Mail
Select the classes of mail that you will prepare using this list:
 First Class
 Periodicals
 Standard
 Package Services
Even if you are not preparing a mailing at this time, you must
select a class of mail.
List Sold To
If this list was processed for rent, sale, or lease, enter the
name of the company or individual who rented, bought, or
leased the list.
Entry Point ZIP
Enter the ZIP Code of the post office where the mail will be
submitted for mailing. If you don’t know the ZIP Code, you
can leave this box blank.
Name Match
Standard: All types of moves are processed. If your data
includes the Company field, matching is based on company
name rather than first and last name.
Individual: Only individual moves are processed. Family
and business moves are ignored.
Delete Records
Marked as Moved
Without Forwarding Address
As part of NCOALink processing, you can mark MLNA
records as deleted to exclude them from your list. MLNA
means “moved left no forwarding address.”
MLNA records show a value of D in the Change of Address
Indicator field or one of the following values in the Delivery
Code field: F, G, K, or P.
3. Click the Select button(s) to open a window where you can choose the correct
Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) for this job. PAF requirements vary
by vendor and the type of processing you selected:
Lorton Data requires a PAF for DSF2 and NCOALink processing.
Peachtree Data requires a PAF for all types of processing.
Authenticom requires a PAF for NCOALink processing.
After you click Select, the List/PAF Selection window opens. In this window,
you select or set up a Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF), which the
USPS requires for NCOALink and DSF2 processing. The PAF gives the
service provider permission from the list owner (in this case, you or a third
party whose list you’re working with) to perform NCOALink or DSF2
processing on the list or lists from that list owner.
4. In the List/PAF Selection window, select an existing PAF or create a new
List of PAFs
The list at the top of the window shows all PAFs that have
been sent to your vendor and accepted into their system.
You can select an appropriate PAF from this list.
View All
Shows all PAFs, even expired PAFs.
List Owner or List
Name Not Found
(Lorton Data and
Authenticom only)
Select this option if you’re performing NCOALink processing and you already submitted your PAF, but it does
not appear in the list yet. Selecting this option tells the
vendor that they received your PAF and should associate
it with the job you are about to submit. They will not
begin processing your job until they’ve approved your
PAF. You must also provide the list owner and list name.
List Owner or List
Name Not Found,
Create New PAF
(Peachtree Data only)
If you need to submit a new PAF, select this option, fill in
your name, email address, and list name, and then click
Create PAF. Follow the directions given on the web site
that opens to complete the PAF creation.
Submit a New PAF
(Lorton Data and
Authenticom only)
Click this link and follow the instructions on the web site
to create a new PAF.
Chapter 6: Extended Services
List Owner
(Lorton Data and
Authenticom only)
Provide the list owner’s name here only if you already
submitted your PAF, but it is not yet listed in the List/PAF
Selection window.
Enter the name of the company or individual who owns
the data that you’re about to send. This should be the
same list owner name that you entered on your PAF.
List Name
Lorton Data, Authenticom: Provide the list name here
only if you already submitted your PAF, but it is not yet
listed in the List/PAF Selection window. Enter a name for
the data that you’re about to send. This should match the
name that you entered on your PAF.
Peachtree Data: Enter a name for the data.
Your Name
If you are creating a new PAF, enter your name.
(Peachtree Data only)
Email Address
If you are creating a new PAF, enter your email address.
(Peachtree Data only)
Create PAF
After entering your name, email address, and list name,
(Peachtree Data only) click Create PAF to submit the information to Peachtree
Data and access their web site. Follow the instructions on
the web site to complete the process.
5. Click OK to return to the wizard.
6. Lorton Data or Authenticom — Click Process to send your data to the
vendor. Skip to “During Extended Services processing” on page 111.
Peachtree Data — Click Next to advance to the next wizard window.
Set up payment
(Peachtree only)
1. In the Payment Method window, click the Select Payment Method button to
access the Peachtree Data web site.
2. On the Peachtree Data web site, follow the instructions to set up your
payment method. A message tells you when you can return to Postalsoft to
complete setup.
3. In Postalsoft, click Process to begin processing.
User Guide
During Extended Services processing
The Job Status window shows what is happening with your job. During
processing, you cannot change the database in any way. The database is locked.
These steps occur within the
software. The Job Status
window must be open for
these steps to be completed.
Processing steps
Exporting records
Compressing records
Sending records
These steps occur at the
vendor’s site and can
occur with the Job Status
window open or hidden.
Job waiting to process at vendor
Job processing at vendor
Job complete at vendor
Receiving records and reports
Uncompressing records
Merging records
Cancel your job
Cancelling a job ends it with no option of restarting. To cancel the job, click the
Completely Cancel My Job button. Contact your vendor to learn their pricing
policy regarding canceled jobs.
Hide the Job Status
You can close the Job Status window by clicking the Hide This Screen for Now
button. After hiding the Job Status window, you can display it again by choosing
Tools > Services > Extended Services Job Status.
Forgotten jobs. If you hide the Job Status window, don’t forget to check the
job’s status again soon. After 30 days, the vendor will purge your job from
their server, and you will not be able to merge the move-updated data back
into your database. The vendor will charge you for updating your data, even
if 30 days have passed and the data was not merged back into your database.
Processing speed
The following factors contribute to processing speed:
The number of records.
Type of processing.
Your computer speed.
Your internet connection.
The quantity and size of other jobs that the vendor is currently processing.
If processing seems slow, check your email. The vendor may email you if they
have any questions or issues that are preventing them from expediting your job.
Chapter 6: Extended Services
Changing your Extended Services password
Change your
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the User and Password button.
3. Click the vendor’s tab.
4. Change your password, as needed (see below), and then click OK to close
the window.
User Guide
User Name
Your current identifier, as recognized by this vendor.
If this box is blank, then you didn’t choose to save your user
name and password on this computer when you went through
the Extended Services wizard.
For security, asterisks represent your current password.
If this box is blank, then you didn’t choose to save your user
name and password on this computer when you went through
the Extended Services wizard.
Remove From This
Erases your user name and password from this computer. The
next time you go through the wizard, you will have to enter
them again.
Change Password at
Changes the password associated with your account with this
Manage Your User
Name and Password
Accesses the vendor’s web site where you can request to have
your password emailed to you.
Extended Services reports
After performing Extended Services processing, you can view reports about the
processing. Your chosen Extended Services vendor provides these reports, with
the exception of the Extended Services History report, produced by Postalsoft.
Created as a result of
which type of processing?
Lorton Data
3553 CASS Form
Email Append Summary
Email Append
National Deliverability Index
NCOALink Processing Summary
NCOALink Match
Suppression Summary
all types
ZIP+4 Processing Summary
Extended Services History
all types
Phone Append Summary
Phone Append
DSF2 Delivery Sequence Invoice
For details about each report, see “Extended Services reports” on page 259.
Chapter 6: Extended Services
User Guide
Chapter 7:
Chapter 7: Move-update
Move-updating is the process of replacing a person’s or company’s old address
with their new one, after they have moved.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) requires that all Standard Mail letters,
flats, parcels, and Not Flat-Machinables, and all First Class automation-rate and
presort-rate mail be updated 95 days of the mailing date with a USPS-approved
move-update method. For more information about USPS requirements for moveupdating, see the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) and other USPS publications
about move-updating, ACS, or NCOALink.
Methods of moveupdating
The software offers several different methods of move-updating. Choose the one
that best meets your needs.
Extended Services, a quick internet service that sends your data to a service
provider for processing.
NCOALink export, through Lorton Data, a certified NCOALink service
ACS, the USPS Address Change Service.
Mover ID, Business Edition’s NCOALink add-on option.
See “Extended Services” on page 99.
See “NCOALink export” on page 117.
See “ACS move-update” on page 121.
See “Mover ID introduction” on page 136.
User Guide
NCOALink export
You can export data to a file and send the file to a licensed NCOALink service
provider. To participate in this type of NCOALink move-update through the
software, you must use Lorton Data. For more information, visit their web site at
Prepare for NCOALink
processing through
Lorton Data
The following is a brief summary of how you can use the software to prepare files
for NCOALink processing and how you can integrate the NCOALink moveupdated data back into the software:
1. Export your database in an NCOALink-readable format.
2. Send the file for NCOALink processing to Lorton Data with the appropriate
NCOALink forms.
3. Merge the updated data back into your file.
4. Perform address correction on your file.
The next pages describe these steps in greater detail.
Before the export
Before you export, you must do the following:
Export in NCOALink
Standardize your records before exporting them. Standardizing cleans up
addresses and increases the chance of your addresses matching with
NCOALink information. See Chapter 6 for more information about
standardizing addresses.
If any of the fields needed for NCOALink processing are defined as Normal
Field in your layout, you must change them to the appropriate field kind. For
example, if your first- and last-name data is combined into one Name field,
and that field is defined as a Normal Field, you must split the fields into First
and Last fields. (See Chapter 4 for information about associating fields. See
Chapter 3 for information about changing your layout.)
Caution: If you want to remove deleted records, do that before exporting
your records. After you export your data and send it for NCOALink
move-updating, you must not remove deletions until you receive the data
back and have merged it into your database.
When you export your file, the software writes pertinent information (record
number, prefix, first and last name, middle initial, suffix, company, address, city,
state, and ZIP Code) from each selected record in a special format. You can
export to a single file or to multiple disks.
Chapter 7: Move-update
NCOALink forms
There are two forms that you must send to Lorton Data, your NCOALink
NCOALink Processing
Order Form
NCOALink Processing Order Form: The software can create this form. You
must send it each time you send your data in for processing.
NCOALink Processing Acknowledgment Form: Complete, sign, and send
this form to your NCOALink processor once a year.
The NCOALink Processing Order Form must accompany your file when you send
it for NCOALink processing. This form includes customer and shipping
information, file name and type, output options, and USPS-required information
During the export process, the software displays the NCOA Order Form
Information window, where you enter information that will be printed on this
form. You can print the form at that time or choose to print it later (Print >
Complete the NCOA Order Form Information window completely to provide
your NCOALink processor with all the information they need to complete your
order. After printing the form, you must complete several sections of the form by
hand, including the billing information and authorization.
NCOALink Processing
Acknowledgment Form
When performing NCOALink processing with Lorton Data, you must fill out and
send a PAF to Lorton Data along with your order. By signing the form, you
acknowledge that you will use the NCOALink move-update information
according to USPS regulations.
Complete and sign the PAF, and send it to Lorton Data, your NCOALink
processor, each year. If the customer is not the list owner, a signed
acknowledgment form must be obtained from the list owner.
The software does not print this form. You can obtain the most up-to-date PAF
Mail or fax this form to Lorton Data. Lorton’s fax number is 612- 362-0299.
Send your data for
Send your data and the NCOALink Processing Order Form to Lorton Data when
you’re ready to have your list updated.
Refer to the NCOALink Processing Order Form for the address to which you can
send your data for processing.
Merge the NCOALink
move-updated data
When NCOALink processing is complete, you’ll receive two sets of media: your
original disks or file and the fulfillment media (based on the media you originally
used). The fulfillment media contains the updated data that you’ll merge with
your database.
If you sent floppy disks for processing, you may receive more fulfillment disks
than the number of disks you sent.
User Guide
Do not attempt to import or open the move-updated files you receive.
Instead, you will merge the updated data back into your file, using the
Tools > NCOA Merge command.
The NCOA fields in your database receive result codes, if applicable,
during the NCOA merge. (See table below.) If these fields are not in your
layout, you can add them now, before you perform the merge. See
Chapter 3 for information about changing the file layout.
Refer to the documentation that you received with your NCOALink move-updated
data for more information about these fields and the codes they contain.
Field name in the software
Corresponding NCOA field name
LACS Record Type
NCOA/LACS Delivery Code
Note: During the merge, the software updates each record according to the
record number. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you added records to your list
between the time you exported and merged the results. The new records will
not be updated with NCOALink results.
Caution: Don’t remove deleted records after you’ve exported to NCOALink
and before you’ve merged the NCOALink files back with the database.
Incomplete addresses
If you chose to update records that did not move, some of your standardized
records in your fulfillment file may not have a complete ZIP+4. This is normal
and means that the NCOALink data bank could not exactly match the format of
your address. This does not necessarily mean your address is wrong; it may just
not be in a form that matches the NCOALink data.
After merging, correct
We strongly suggest that you correct your addresses once you have merged the
NCOALink data with your database. Here’s why:
If you chose the option to standardize records that NCOALink says have not
moved (Tools > NCOA Merge), some of the records in the database may not
have a complete ZIP+4 (see Incomplete Addresses above for reason). When
you correct addresses after the merge, these addresses will be complete.
If you correct addresses after the NCOALink merge, you can use the
software’s CASS report (Form 3553) rather than the one from the NCOALink
processor. It is more convenient to use the software’s CASS report. If you use
the NCOA processor’s CASS report, you must choose the option to update
records that NCOA says have not moved (Tools > NCOA Merge), and you
can’t alter your file in any way after you have started the NCOALink process.
Chapter 7: Move-update
User Guide
If you have two address lines (Address_1 and Address_2) and you set address
correction to place the primary address in the second address line
(Address_2), the corrected NCOALink address will be placed in the first
address line (Address_1) when you merge the NCOALink file with your
database. Correcting your addresses after you merge the NCOALink file, in
this case, places the primary address back into the second address line. Then,
when you run a different procedure on your database (like merge/purge), and
set that procedure up to expect the primary address line in Address_2, you get
the results you expect.
ACS move-update
ACS (Address Change Service) is a USPS service for receiving address updates
for people who have moved. ACS notifies you after the mailing that certain
addresses were undeliverable as addressed. In most cases, the mail pieces are
forwarded automatically, and you receive a file (called the ACS file) of change
With this software, you can create an ACS (Address Change Service) keyline and
print it, along with your ACS participant code. You can also automatically merge
the ACS file with your databases as well as providing an easy way to merge
hardcopy notifications with your databases.
The ACS system is described in USPS Publication 8, Address Change Service.
You should obtain this publication and read it thoroughly before attempting to use
ACS information in your mailings. Call the USPS National Customer Support
Center at 800-331-5746 to order your copy of Publication 8.
How to apply for ACS
An application form is in USPS Publication 8, Address Change Service.
Complete the application and submit it to the USPS. Within 10 days you will
receive a letter from the USPS acknowledging your application, assigning your
participant code, and giving you instructions for your ACS mailings.
There is no application fee for becoming an ACS participant. You are charged
only for the updates you receive. For example, if 100 of your records have a
change of address out of a file of 100,000 records, you only pay for the 100
updates you receive back from ACS. You will need to register with the USPS and
obtain a participant code, which tells the USPS who should receive the addresscorrection data.
When you complete your application, there are some important choices you need
to make:
The length of your ACS keyline in number of characters
Whether your keyline is numeric or alphanumeric
The format in which you want to receive your automatic updates
How many participant codes you need
Chapter 7: Move-update
ACS keyline length
A keyline uniquely identifies your database and record number for the addressee.
The keyline is different for each record but the length must always be the same.
On the ACS application, you must specify that you will use an alphanumeric
keyline. You must state the length of the keyline (between 10 and 16 characters).
That length includes the check digit. We recommend using a 12-character
alphanumeric keyline.
Caution: If you place a keyline on your mailpieces that is shorter or longer
than what you applied for, you risk receiving all of your ACS updates in
hardcopy form, or not at all.
ACS media and
Choose between receiving your ACS automatic updates (ACS file) on tape,
cartridge, or diskette. Also indicate whether you want daily (electronic only),
semi-weekly, weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly interval updates.
ACS participant code
A participant code is seven alphabetic characters assigned by the USPS. You can
send different mailings using the same participant code. The rule, however, is that
you must apply for separate codes for each mail class you use and each
publication title that you send using Periodicals class. You can obtain additional
codes if you want, even if they are for the same mail class.
For example, if you only use First-Class Mail, you only need to obtain one
participant code. Once you have your First-Class Mail participant code, you can
send all of your First-Class Mail using that one participant code. If you mail First
Class, Standard Mail, and two different publications under Periodicals class, you
must obtain four participant codes.
Here is a sample envelope bearing an address with an ACS participant code and
ACS keyline.
This Company
LA CROSSE, WI 54601-4051
Participant Code (provided by the
ACS department of the USPS)
Keyline (created using ACSpeed)
User Guide
ACS checklist
Use the following checklist as a guide for ACS preparation. Start at least three to
four weeks before the target date of your first ACS mailing:
1. Order USPS Publication 8 from the USPS by calling the USPS National
Customer Support Center at 800-331-5746.
2. Complete and send the application to the USPS. Make sure you apply for all
of the participant codes you need for each mail class and publication title you
mail. Specify that you will use an alphanumeric keyline between 10 and 16
characters in length. We recommend using 12 characters.
3. Enter your ACS participant code into the software by selecting Tools > ACS
> Properties, ACSpeed Format tab.
4. Make sure the length of the participant code you receive from the USPS is
the same as the keyline length you chose in step 2 above. It takes about 10
days for the USPS to send you your participant code.
5. Prepare and print one complete sample mail piece and 25 to 50 sample labels
containing the participant code and keyline in the address. Mail the samples
to the ACS Department of the USPS, National Customer Support Center in
Memphis, for approval. (Directions are in Publication 8.)
6. Once you have received approval of your mail piece and sample labels from
the USPS, you must request in writing activation of your account.
Notification must be received by the USPS National Customer Support
Center no later than seven working days prior to your first ACS mailing.
7. Log your ACSpeed mailing in the software by choosing Tools > ACS >
Prepare for Mailing. Select ACSpeed and click the Log This Mailing button.
This step is necessary to enable automatic merging of the ACS file.
8. Print your labels with participant code, keyline, and appropriate endorsement
(see Publication 8). Deposit your mailing as usual.
9. Follow the ACSpeed rules on page 124 when maintaining your database after
mailing. This is critical!
Chapter 7: Move-update
What is ACSpeed?
ACSpeed saves you hours of manual ACS (Address Change Service) updates by
merging your ACS files automatically with your databases.
ACSpeed advantages
Here are just some of ACSpeed’s many advantages:
ACSpeed rules
Because the participant code and keyline uniquely identify the file and record
number to be updated, it is critical that you don’t do anything to your database
that would invalidate that association. To help prevent this from happening,
follow these guidelines:
User Guide
Automatically updates multiple databases from one ACS file
Uses a special ACS keyline format, unique to each record
Frees your layout of any ACS fields; use databases “as is”
Preserves your database’s integrity with ease
Maintains a log of ACS mailings
Merges manual, hardcopy updates
Request a new alphanumeric participant code using the correct size (typically
12) from the USPS for ACSpeed use only.
Don’t use the same participant code or keyline prefix on different computers.
If possible, do all ACS procedures on the same computer.
Don’t use the Tools > Remove Deleted Records command for a file that has
been used in an ACS mailing. Using this command renumbers your records.
Subsequent ACS file updates will match the original record numbers, not the
renumbered ones.
Don’t move or rename your .mdf or .dbf files that have been used in an ACS
Don’t replace your .dbf file with another file of the same name with different
Don’t replace a record in your database with data for a different person.
Correct addresses after an ACS file merge (Tools > Correct Address > Multi
Record). That way you can be sure that the address information is still
Back up your database files before each ACSpeed merge.
An illustration of the
ACSpeed process
The ACSpeed process starts when you enter your ACS participant code and
keyline makeup into the software. You then log your records from your database
files into the ACSpeed history log file, print your labels with the participant code
and ACSpeed keylines, and deliver your mail to the post office.
When you receive your ACS file from the USPS, you load it into your computer.
Then the software “reads” the participant codes and keylines from the ACS file
and searches the ACSpeed history log file for matches. When there is a match
between the ACS file and the ACSpeed history log file, the software
automatically opens each database that contains a record to be updated, and
updates the database with the new address information.
history log file
ACS file
ACSpeed menu
When you choose Tools > ACS, you’ll see the following (below). We’ll get into
greater detail later.
Properties: At the ACSpeed Format tab, you design your ACSpeed keyline
and enter your ACSpeed participant code. The Legacy Format tab is for
entering legacy keyline information and ACS participant code for Legacy
Prepare for Mailing: Here you’ll log your file in the ACS history log file
and indicate whether the software should print using the legacy makeup or
the new ACSpeed keyline makeup.
Merge Notification File: Here you’ll merge the ACS file with your
Merge Hardcopy Notification: Here you’ll merging hard-copy notices with
your database.
Chapter 7: Move-update
ACSpeed fields
If you are going to do an ACS mailing with your file, you may want to include
some ACSpeed fields with your layout. There are a variety of ACS fields that
hold information from the ACS file merge. You can add these fields anytime prior
to merging the ACS file. None of these fields are required in order to merge the
ACS file with your database. To add fields to your existing layout, select File >
Properties > Database.
When you merge your ACS file with your databases, these fields will be
populated with the corresponding information from the ACS file. If there is no
information, the field is left blank. Consult Appendix A for a complete list of
ACSpeed fields and ACSpeed export fields.
Export ACS fields
User Guide
If you are exporting the results of a presort in the software, two ACS-related
fields can be selected to be exported with the file (File > Export). They include
the ACS participant code and the keyline, both of which include the “#”
Field name
8 characters
The participant code including the leading # character.
18 characters
The keyline including the # characters (before and
after the keyline).
Prepare for an ACSpeed mailing
Design your ACSpeed
The ACSpeed keyline makeup is designed to distinguish ACSpeed from legacy
keylines. Legacy keylines are keylines you used in previous versions of the
software. Set your ACSpeed keyline makeup at Tools > ACS > Properties,
ACSpeed Format tab.
Here are the requirements for ACSpeed keylines:
The keyline must be alphanumeric (contains alphabetic and numeric
The keyline can be 10 to 16 characters long including the check digit (we
recommend 12).
The keyline must start with the letter Z. Keylines starting with any letter
other than Z are considered to be legacy keylines.
The next three characters after the letter Z must be alphabetic and are used to
uniquely identify a particular file on your computer. You can choose the
characters or let the software choose three unique characters that haven’t
been used before in any ACSpeed mailing. The software keeps track of the
prefixes that have been used before by checking the ACSpeed history log
The next five to eight characters are the record number within the file. You
can choose how many digits you want. However, five digits limit your
maximum file size to 99,999 records. The default is seven, which supports
files of less than 10 million records.
You can include an optional suffix that starts with any alphabetic character
and is up to 11 minus n characters long, where n is the number of digits you
chose for the record number (5 to 8). For example, if you chose to use the
first seven characters of the record number, you could choose an optional
suffix up to four characters long (11 – 7 = 4).
Note that the suffix is not used by ACSpeed, but may contain information
that is meaningful to you.
The final character is a required check digit, determined by the software
according to USPS rules.
Chapter 7: Move-update
Here’s a breakdown of an ACSpeed keyline:
The first character
is always Z.
ACS properties
The next three
uniquely identify
your file. You can
choose or let the
software choose
for you.
The next five to
eight characters (we
used seven) are the
first digits of the
record number. This
is record number
The last character is
a check digit computed automatically
by the software.
Caution: Your keyline must match the keyline size you chose when you
applied for your participant code. The keyline size can be between 10 and 16
characters (12 characters are recommended). If you apply for a keyline size of
12, for example, you cannot create and use a keyline size of anything but 12
characters long.
The Properties menu item opens up the ACSpeed Format and Legacy Format
Before you print your labels, you must complete the ACSpeed Format window.
This is where you type your ACSpeed participant code and design your ACSpeed
keyline. The information from this window gets logged in the ACS history log
file when you log your ACSpeed mailing.
Legacy keylines
Legacy keylines are keylines you used in previous versions of the software. We
have changed the makeup of ACSpeed keylines to differentiate them from the
legacy keylines. We have provided the Legacy Format window for the legacy
keylines because you may still receive ACS updates for the mailings you sent out
using legacy keylines.
The Legacy Format window is only for merging legacy keyline updates with the
currently active file. When you have a legacy update to merge with a file, you
must open that file and complete the Legacy Format window with the legacy
keyline information before you attempt to merge the records.
Note: We recommend that you do not create any legacy keylines. However, if
you want to use legacy keylines on your address labels, you must first
complete the Legacy Format window with your legacy keyline information
and then choose Legacy for the ACS Mailing Preparation. The software then
prints the legacy keyline on your address labels.
User Guide
Log your mailing
After you have designed your ACSpeed keyline, you must log your mailing into
the ACS history log file. The ACS history log file is a file that stores participant
code and keyline information from all of your files that contain an ACSpeed
keyline. The file is automatically created and maintained by the software.
If you don’t log your mailing, you won’t be able to automatically update your
databases with the ACS file information. That’s because the software compares
the contents of the ACS file from the USPS with what is logged in the ACS
history log file.
When you print your addresses for an ACSpeed mailing, it is critical that you log
your mailing in the ACSpeed history log file. When you log your mailing, you are
adding the participant code and keyline information in connection with the
database file into the history log file. If you don’t do this, the software cannot
match the information in the ACS file with your databases.
To log your mailing, choose Tools > ACS > Prepare for Mailing.
Chapter 7: Move-update
Merge your ACS file using ACSpeed
With ACSpeed, the software searches for and finds the databases and the records
What’s in an ACS file?
If you use more than one participant code, the ACS file you receive can contain
address notifications from a combination of codes. The notices can also be from
different database files and different mailings. The software figures all of this out
for you and automatically updates the records.
In order to understand how the ACSpeed merge process works, you should know
a little bit about the contents of an ACS file. Basically, an ACS fulfillment file
contains one record for each Change of Address (COA) detected during the time
intervals you specified. Each record contains the participant code, keyline, and
address deliverability information. The software places all possible deliverability
codes into one of four categories:
Moved: Records for people who have new addresses. The ACS notification
will include old address information but it may not match your mail piece
address exactly.
Gone: Records for people who have moved but have left no forwarding
Away: Records for people who are temporarily away with no forwarding
If the address has a Change of Address order filed with the USPS and it is still
valid, the ACS file contains the old name and address as it exists in the USPS
database (not necessarily as it appears on your mailpiece or in your database file).
If the record is in the Moved category, the ACS file contains the new address as it
exists in the USPS database.
User Guide
Decide what type of
You have three options for ACS file merging, depending on the keyline type
(ACSpeed or legacy) and notification type (file or hardcopy), for updating your
Merge the ACS file
with your databases
ACS files with ACSpeed keylines: For any change of address information
you receive in the form of an ACS file (tape, cartridge, or diskette), copy the
ACS file to your hard drive and choose Tools > ACS > Merge Notification
File. The software automatically finds the files that require updating and lists
the files with how many and what type of updates are in the ACS file.
ACS files with legacy keylines: When the ACS file contains a participant
code that does not follow the unique ACSpeed code makeup, the software
considers it to be a legacy keyline. Legacy updates can only be merged with
the current, active file.
ACS hardcopy notifications: When you receive a returned mailpiece that
contains ACS information, you have to manually type the address changes in
your file. The software can still find the file automatically.
When you start to receive your updates, you can merge the information with your
databases. When you receive your ACS file, merge it with your database.
If you receive your ACS file spanned across more than one diskette, see
“Combining spanned diskettes from USPS” on page 135.
ACS Notification File
Content window
When the software begins the merge process, the ACS Notification File Content
window appears. It’s important to note that at this point the ACS records are not
merged with your databases. The software displays the files that were found in
the ACS file. You choose what to do with those files in this window.
There is one row in the table for each target file to be updated. Each individual
file’s participant code and keyline prefix is listed. The Confirm Each Record
Before Merging checkbox acts as a safety feature by letting you choose whether
or not you want to interactively view and confirm each record before updating it.
You can also verify a few records and then change the processing options to
update the remaining records without displaying each one.
Chapter 7: Move-update
The Legacy Notifications section shows if there are any notifications with legacy
keylines in the ACS file. You can view these notifications by clicking Analyze
Legacy Notification.
No. Moved: Displays the number of
records in the particular .mdf file that
have a new address.
No. Other: Displays the number of
records in the file that fall into the Gone,
Away, or Nixie categories.
Name of the .mdf and .dbf
files that have records to be
All files that are to be
merged appear here. You
can choose to merge or
not by selecting the
checkbox in the Merge
File? column.
Select this option if you
want to see each record
before choosing to have
the software merge them.
Select different options for
processing the ACS file.
Summary of legacy updates
found in the ACS file.
User Guide
Click this button if you
want to perform all
ACSpeed merging.
Click this button if you
want to process legacy
ACS Merge Options
If you click the Processing Options button in the ACS Notification File Content
window, you can set up different processing options.
The options in the first part of this window, Verifications to Perform Before
Merging a Record, indicate how to handle certain situations.
For example, if the ZIP Code in your database differs from the old ZIP Code
listed in the ACS update, it may mean that something was done to your database
to change it in some way. Maybe someone changed the information in the
records, or removed deleted records from the file (which renumbers your
records). Anything like that will change your records so they no longer match the
file when it was initially mailed. The ACS file’s records are no longer properly
associated with the correct record and/or file in the database.
The ZIP verification options may also help detect if you already merged the ACS
file earlier.
Default selections in this window are:
Ask For Confirmation: This option lets you choose to merge records even
though the 5-digit ZIP Code in the database file is different than the ZIP Code
in the ACS file.
Ask for Confirmation: This option lets you interactively choose to merge
records even though the last name in the database differs from the last name
in the Change of Address (forwardable move) notification.
Update Address if Moved With Forwarding Address: This option
automatically updates all records that have a forwarding address, without
asking you to confirm each one.
Selections here control how
the software behaves when
merging the ACS file with
your databases.
You can select any combination of actions here for
Chapter 7: Move-update
Behind the scenes of an ACS merge
Up until this point, all of the ACSpeed option and choices you have made are just
part of the ACSpeed set up. To perform the merge, check the Perform ACSpeed
Updates button in the ACS Notification File Content screen. The software
automatically opens and updates each selected target file based on the options you
have chosen.
During an ACSpeed merge, the file and record number is located for each
notification in the ACS file. Once located, the merge operation is completed in
this order:
1. The software checks the verification options you chose and displays the ACS
Record Merge Confirmation window if you chose that option. If you chose to
skip the record and verification fails, no changes are made to the target
2. All ACS-specific fields present in your layout are updated.
3. If the notification is a move with a new
address, and you have any of the fields listed
at right in your layout, the fields are updated.
You must choose the option to Update
Address if Moved With Forwarding Address
in the ACS Merge Options window.
ZIP (or ZIP5/PLUS4 or ZIP9)
4. After posting the above fields, the remaining
postal fields (see right), if present in your layout, will be
cleared for Moved category notifications.
Because no new address information is provided for
notification categories other than Moved, no addressrelated fields will be changed for other categories.
5. If the notification category is not Moved, and you chose
to delete that category in the ACS Options window, then
the record will be deleted.
6. When the merge operation is completed (or terminated),
a brief summary will appear indicating what was done.
User Guide
ACS: Combine spanned diskettes from USPS
You may receive a notification file from the USPS for a large mailing that spans
multiple diskettes. These diskettes need to be recombined into a single file on
your hard disk before you can merge them with your databases.
For example, here is how you would merge two spanned diskettes, one containing
file PBnnnnnn.001 and the other containing file PBnnnnnn.002. (The file
names we used are for sample purposes. You would substitute your ACS file
names for the file names we used.)
1. Open a Windows command prompt and change to the desired directory on
your hard drive such as C:\Temp.
2. Insert the first diskette and type Copy a:\*.001 and press Enter.
3. Insert the second diskette and type Copy b:\*.002 and press Enter.
4. Type COPY PBnnnnnn.001 + PBnnnnnn.002 PBnnnnnn.ALL and press
Enter. This re-generates the complete file as PBnnnnnn.ALL.
5. Type DEL PBnnnnnn.001 and press Enter. This removes the temporary file
(the first of the original two files you copied into one).
6. Type DEL PBnnnnnn.002 and press Enter. This removes the temporary file
(the second of the original two files you copied into one).
7. Type REN PBnnnnnn.ALL PBnnnnnn.001 and press Enter. This renames
the .ALL file you created to have a .001 extension.
8. Type Exit. This returns you to Windows.
9. Proceed with merging the full PBnnnnnn.001 that you just created with your
Chapter 7: Move-update
Mover ID introduction
Postalsoft Business Edition provides access to the USPS’s NCOALink system
through Mover ID, an add-on option. You purchase an NCOALink license from
the USPS.
By using the Mover ID option, you’re updating the addresses in your database
with the latest move data, using a one-pass process. With Mover ID, you can:
Improve mail deliverability.
Reduce the cost and time needed to forward mail.
Meet the USPS move-updating requirement.
What is NCOALink
NCOALink is a USPS system that provides access to the latest NCOA (national
change-of-address) data. By using NCOALink through the Mover ID add-on
option, you’re updating the addresses in your database with the latest move data.
See “System requirements” on page 12.
Certification levels
The USPS offers three NCOALink certification levels: full service provider,
limited service provider, and end user. The software offers access to either the
limited service provider level or the end user level, depending on which one you
Mover ID is part of a
one-pass process
Mover ID move-updating fits seamlessly into regular address processing:
1. The software performs its normal processing on the address data. You cannot
perform Mover ID processing without the usual address correction
processing. NCOALink require parsed, standardized address data as input.
2. The software searches the NCOALink database for a record that matches your
parsed, standardized record.
3. The software receives the move information, including the new address, if
4. The software replaces the old address in your database with the new one.
5. The software produces the reports and log files that you will need for USPS
compliance. The number of move-updated records also appears in the Job
Summary report and in statistics files.
The USPS is concerned about preventing improper use of NCOALink data. Mover
ID provides the technical means for you to fulfill the USPS security and reporting
requirements to maintain your license status. The responsibility is yours to
comply with these requirements.
From the USPS, you can learn their rules on security, access control, permitted
and forbidden uses of move data, and so on. For details, see the Privacy Act of
1974, Title 39.
User Guide
According to USPS regulations, the NCOALink licensee must ensure that files
have 100 unique records. The software also checks this for you.
Technical support
When you acquire an NCOALink license, you are licensing a USPS product. The
USPS develops and maintains the NCOALink database. Therefore, contact the
USPS National Customer Support Center in Memphis at 800-589-5766 as your
first line of support for NCOALink issues.
Your processing speed depends on the computer running the software and the
percentage of input records affected by a move (more moves, slower
Chapter 7: Move-update
Mover ID fields
Include the following fields in your database, before performing Mover ID
processing. These fields help you see which records were affected by a move.
MV_FORWARD (Mover ID Forward)
MV_EFFDATE (Mover ID Effective Date)
MV_TYPE (Mover ID Move Type)
For details about what data these fields contain, see Appendix A.
Updated fields
The following fields are populated when the Mover ID option is turned on and a
move-updated address is available.
Name fields
Street address line 1
Street address line 2
PR Urbanization Code
State abbreviation or Province/Region
Line-of-Travel code
Line-of-Travel order
Delivery Point 2-digit add-on
Delivery Point check digit
Carrier Route
County code (empty)
Record Type (empty)
Congressional code (empty)
Country name (empty)
ZIP moved (empty)
LACS-Required flag (empty)
ZIP 4-digit add-on part
ZIP 5-digit part only
ZIP/ZIP+4 no dash (or PostalCode)
ZIP/ZIP+4 (or PostalCode)
NCOALink individual and family matching require that name data be stored in
discrete components, meaning that your First Name field contains first name data,
and your Last Name field contains last name data. First and last name data must
not be combined in a single field.
If your database is currently set up with first and last name data combined in a
single field and you want to perform NCOALink individual or family matching,
perform parsing before you perform NCOALink processing. See “Parse names
and assign prefixes, gender codes, and greetings” on page 85.
User Guide
Becoming NCOALink certified
You’ll find all the information you need to become NCOALink-certified in the
following USPS documents: “NCOALink Information Document,” “End User
Certification Procedures,” and “Service Provider Certification Procedures.” To
access these documents, go to the RIBBS website (, click
NCOALink on the left side of the page, and then scroll down the right side of the
page to find the documents that correspond to your provider type.
Steps to become
The following steps walk you through the NCOALink certification process. These
steps are described more fully in the USPS’s “End User Certification Procedures”
and the “Service Provider Certification Procedures” documents.
1. Complete the USPS’s NCOALink application and other required forms. After
you complete the application and forms, the USPS gives you an authorization
code, which you’ll need in step 2.
2. Purchase the Mover ID NCOALink option for this software. You must inform
SAP BusinessObjects of your authorization code (see step 1) and your
certification level (end user or limited service provider) in order to purchase
the NCOALink functionality.
3. Perform the NCOALink certification test. Coordinate with the USPS to
process their test file. See page 140 for details.
4. Complete the USPS’s NCOALink license agreement and pay your USPS
license fee.
When you complete
the Step 3 form
When you go through the process to become NCOALink-certified, indicate the
correct product names and versions on your Step 3: NCOALink Full and Limited
Service Provider Software Product Information form or your Step 3: NCOALink
End User Product Information form.
The Step 3 form asks for your...
You enter...
NCOALink Software Product Name
Mover ID.
NCOALink Software Product Version
The latest version of Mover ID that you have received. To see the current version
you have installed, open the software, choose Help > About, and then click the
About Mover ID button.
Address Matching ZIP+4 Product Name
Address Matching ZIP+4 Product Version The latest CASS-certified version of the software’s assignment engine that you
have received. To see what version you have installed, open the software and
choose Help > About, and then click the About Address Assignment button.
Delivery Point Validation Product Name
Delivery Point Validation Product Version The latest CASS-certified version of the software’s assignment engine that you
have received. To see the current version you have installed, open the software,
choose Help > About, and then click the About Address Assignment button.
LACSLink Product Name
LACSLink Product Version
The latest CASS-certified version of Postalsoft that you have received. To see the
current version you have installed, open Postalsoft, choose Help > About Postalsoft, and then click the About Address Assignment button.
Chapter 7: Move-update
NCOALink certification and audit procedures
As an NCOALink licensee, you must follow certain USPS procedures during your
initial certification and will be subjected to periodic USPS audits.
Refer to the USPS
If you have questions about certification or audit procedures, contact your USPS
account representative or the USPS National Customer Support Center in
Certification and audit
During certification, you must process a file from the USPS to prove that you
adhere to the requirements of your license agreement.
An audit involves processing a test file, which the USPS provides, and creating
an output file in a USPS-specified format. This output file is called the Test Client
Output File.
You send the Test Client Output File to the USPS for grading in Stage I and Stage
II testing and also during auditing.
The USPS will send you the input file and will determine the output file name.
The NCOALink Stage 1
or Stage 2 test
1. In the software, choose File > Open to open the Stage 1 or Stage 2 MDF file,
depending on which NCOALink test you’re performing at this time.
Stage1.mdf and stage2.mdf are installed to Postalsoft\NCOALink\Audit
by default. They are set up according to USPS specifications, so do not alter
them in any way, other than as instructed below.
2. Choose File > Import to import the corresponding Stage 1 or Stage 2 text file
that the USPS sent to you. Accept the default values as you go through the
import process. By importing this USPS text file, you’re adding the test
records to the database.
If you previously processed
this Stage file, there may
already be records in this
database. You must start
with a blank database.
Therefore, be sure to select
the Permanently Delete All
Records Before Importing
Data option.
3. If you haven’t already done so, install the NCOALink directories, specify
their location, and download the daily delete file. If the USPS sends you a
daily delete file in the test materials, use that daily delete file rather than
downloading a new daily delete file. See page 143 for details.
User Guide
4. If you haven’t already done so, set your NCOALink defaults. See page 145
for details.
5. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi-Record. Verify your NCOALink
settings (see page 145 for details). Then click OK to perform address
correction, including NCOALink processing.
6. After performing address correction, choose File > Export to export the
NCOALink-processed USPS test file database. Accept the defaults as you go
through the export process. The resulting file is named audit.txt.
7. Send the audit.txt file, the Mover ID Summary report, 3553 CASS Form,
and log files to the USPS, according to your USPS documentation. Service
providers should also provide a Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF).
information may be
An auditor may ask you to display results on your computer, and to copy all of the
reports and outputs back to the USPS tape or diskette. That tape or diskette
normally goes back to the NCSC in Memphis for evaluation.
The audit team may also want to observe how files are processed through
NCOALink. For complete information, read your license agreement and the
NCOALink technical documentation, or check with your USPS contracting
Chapter 7: Move-update
Overview of NCOALink processing
NCOALink processing involves the following basic steps (see the table below).
We’ll examine the details more closely on the following pages.
Basic steps
When you do this
Where you set this up
1. Install the NCOA
directories when you
receive them from the USPS.
As often as you receive directory updates.
See page 143 for details.
2. Specify the locations of NCOALink directories.
One-time setup (unless you
change the location).
Tools > Options. Click the File Locations
button in the Address Correction group.
See page 143 for details.
3. If you are a limited service provider, or if
you’re an NCOALink end user performing
a Stage I or II test, download the daily
delete file.
If you’re a limited service provider, download the daily delete
file every day that you do
NCOALink processing.
If you’re an end user, download
the daily delete file only when
performing a Stage I or II test.
See page 143 for details.
4. Set up your NCOALink defaults.
One-time setup (unless a default Tools > Options. Click the Default Setsetting needs to change).
tings button in the Address Correction
group. Then go to the NCOALink tab, the
NCOALink Limited Service tab, and the
Customer Information tab.
See page 145 for details.
5. Add move-related fields to your database
setup, as needed.
Do this for each file that you
File > Properties > Database.
See page 144 for details.
6. Back up your database before performing
NCOALink processing.
Do this for each file that you
File > Backup Database.
See page 144 for details.
Do this for each file that you
7. Enable NCOALink processing and select
the appropriate NCOALink options for your process.
current job.
8. Perform address correction, including
NCOALink processing.
User Guide
Do this for each file that you
Tools > Correct Address > Correction Settings. Click the NCOALink tab, the
NCOALink Limited Service tab, and the
Customer Information tab.
See page 145 for details.
Tools > Correct Address > Multi-Record.
See page 153.
Install the NCOALink directories and files
NCOALink directories
After you purchase NCOALink from the USPS and pass their certification test, the
USPS sends you the latest NCOALink directories every month (if you’re an end
user) or every week (if you’re a limited service provider). The NCOALink
directories come straight from the USPS.
The USPS requires that you use the latest NCOALink directories that they send to
you. NCOALink directories are valid for 45 days.
Before you can use the NCOALink directories, which the USPS provides to you
on DVD, you must install them to your hard disk. The USPS recommends that
you have 60 GB of free disk space. To install the NCOALink directories:
1. Insert the NCOALink directories DVD into your DVD drive.
2. Run the DVD installer, located at \Postalsoft\NCOALink\DVDUtility\.
For further installation details, see the online help available within the installation
program (choose Help > Contents).
Specify the
directories’ location
After you install the NCOALink directories for the first time, you must specify the
location of these files so that the software can access them while processing your
files. When you install updated directories later, you don’t need to specify this
location again.
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the File Locations button in the Address Correction section.
3. At the Additional USPS File Locations tab, specify the location where you
installed the NCOALink directories. Enter only the path, not the file names.
NCOALink daily delete
The daily delete file contains cancelled change-of-address (COA) records. For
example, if Jane Doe filed a change of address with the USPS and then didn’t
move, Jane’s record would be in the daily delete file. Because the COA is stored
in the NCOALink directories, and they are updated only weekly or monthly, the
daily delete file is needed in the interim, until the NCOALink directories are
updated again.
If you are a service provider, then every day when you perform NCOALink
processing, you must download the daily delete file. If you are an end user, you
need the daily delete file only when processing Stage I or II files. If the USPS
sends you a daily delete file in the test materials, use that daily delete file rather
than downloading a new daily delete file.
Download the daily delete file from the USPS’s electronic product fulfillment
website at Before you can access the file, you must
complete and submit the Electronic Product Fulfillment Web Access Request
Form (Form 5116) to the USPS. You can obtain Form 5116 from the same
When you download the file, be sure to place it in the same directory with your
other NCOALink directories.
Chapter 7: Move-update
Prepare and back up your database
Prepare your
database by adding
Mover ID fields
If you want to be able to see which records in your database are affected by a
move and how they were affected, then you’ll need to add Mover ID fields to
your database. For details about Mover ID fields, see page 138.
Add the fields
To add the Mover ID fields to your layout:
1. Choose File > Properties > Database.
2. Click the Multiple Fields button.
3. Scroll to the Mover ID section, click the Mover
ID heading, and click OK.
4. Click OK to close the Record Layout window.
Back up your
database before
NCOALink processing
During NCOALink processing, if a move record is found, it overwrites the old
address. If you want to be able to compare old records and new records, you’ll
need a backup.
To back up your database, choose File > Backup Database.
User Guide
Set up NCOALink defaults
Before you can perform NCOALink processing, you must set various NCOALink
options that will remain the same in most jobs. You set these options as defaults
to form the foundation for future NCOALink jobs that you’ll process. You can
change specific settings in individual jobs later as needed.
Several items that you set will remain the same for all NCOALink processing: the
licensee ID and name, and the log file path.
To access NCOALink defaults, choose Tools > Options > Default Settings
(Address Correction). Then go to the NCOALink tab, the NCOALink Limited
Service tab, and the Customer Information tab. The NCOALink Limited Service
tab is available only to limited service providers.
For more information, see:
“NCOALink options” on page 146
“Limited service options” on page 148
“Customer information options” on page 152
Chapter 7: Move-update
NCOALink options
These options are available to NCOALink end users and limited service providers.
To set these options as default options, choose Tools > Options and click the
Default Settings button in the Address Correction section, and select the
NCOALink tab.
To set these options for a specific job, choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi
Record, and select the NCOALink tab.
Turn on NCOALink in MultiRecord Address Assignment
Select this option to enable NCOALink processing.
Licensee ID
Licensee Name
The licensee performs NCOALink processing.
In the Licensee ID box, enter the USPS-assigned NCOALink licensee’s identification
number. It’s exactly four characters long.
In the Licensee Name box, enter the name of the NCOALink licensee.
The licensee information will appear in the PAF log and Mover ID Summary.
Both the licensee ID and name are available on the license agreement from the USPS.
Note: Licensee ID and Licensee Name must set as defaults.
List Owner NAICS
Enter the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, which identifies
what business the company engages in. For more information, see
Intelligent Mail Mailer ID
Enter your 6- or 9-digit Intelligent Mail mailer ID, which the USPS assigned to you based
on your annual mail volume. If you’re not using Intelligent Mail barcodes in this mailing,
you can leave this option blank.
List Name
Enter the name of this list. You can name the list whatever you like, up to 30 characters. If this list is a master house list or your only database, you might consider entering
your company name here. The name you enter here will appear in the log files.
Processing Frequency
Indicate how many times per year the list is processed with NCOALink. If the list owner
has other lists processed by the NCOALink licensee at different frequencies, enter 99.
Other Processes Used to Prepare List
The USPS requires information about all processes used in obtaining your final data
results. In particular, the USPS wants to know if you performed any USPS processes,
such as CASS, DPV, and NCOALink processing. If you performed these processes
through the software, then the software keeps track of this information for you in the
Mover ID Summary. If you performed any additional processes on this data, using different software, enter it here.
You can enter up to 512 characters. The text you enter here will appear in the Mover ID
Summary and the NCOALink log files.
Match Logic
Choose the types of moves that you want to process:
Standard. All types of moves will be processed.
 Business Only. Business moves only. This ignores family and personal moves.
 Individual Only. Personal moves only. This ignores family and business moves.
 Individual & Business. Personal and business only. This ignores family moves.
 Individual & Family. Personal and family only. This ignores business moves.
User Guide
COA. You’re processing this job to update it with the latest address data.
Ret. Codes. You’re processing this job for informational purposes. When you
choose Retcode (return code), and you included the MV_FORWARD field in your
database layout, you can see the return codes, which further explain if matching
records were found in the NCOALink directories, and why or why not. With this
option, you do not get move-updated addresses.
Stats. You’re processing this job to analyze statistics, such as the number of
records in your list that have updated addresses and the number of moves of each
type. When you choose Stats, you do not get move-updated addresses, and the
Mover ID fields are not populated. You can see the statistics in your NCOALink
Summary report.
Processing Category
Specify your reason for using NCOALink:
 Update List Prior to Mailing (Normal). You’re processing the database to
update it before a mailing.
 Employee Training. You’re processing this file as part of employee training.
 Internal Database Testing. You’re testing with a licensee-owned database.
 External Customer List Testing. You’re testing with external customer lists.
 System Testing. You’re processing this file as part of system testing, such as loading of USPS file updates.
 Stage I and Stage II. You’re testing the matching performance against a USPS test
file. The USPS scores the Stage II test file. Stage I and Stage II appear in the list
only if you are processing a USPS test file through Tools > Correct Address.
High Match Rate Description
The USPS wants to distinguish between files that have a legitimate reason for a high percentage of NCOALink matches and files that are fraudulently used to create mover lists.
Legitimate reasons for high match rate include processing a stage file or a return mail file.
 Stage file. If you’re performing Stage I or Stage II testing, set the processing category
to Stage also.
 Return mail file. A return mail file contains records for mail that was returned to
 None. Choose None if you do not expect a high match rate for this file.
Accepted COA Data Months
Use this setting to ignore change-of-address data older than the specified number of
months. For example, enter 12 to use change-of-address data that has a move-effective date within the last 12 months.
Processing Mail Class: 1C, STD, Select the options for those mail classes that you are processing (First Class, Standard,
Periodicals, and/or Package Services).
Print Return Code Descriptions
Return codes tell you if a record was affected by a move, how the NCOALink match was
made, or why a match could not be made.
Select this option to print longer, more detailed return code descriptions in the Mover ID
Summary report. Short descriptions of the return codes are always included on the report.
Chapter 7: Move-update
Limited service options
These options are available to limited service providers only. If you’re an
NCOALink end user, you can skip this section.
To set these options as default options, choose Tools > Options and click the
Default Settings button in the Address Correction section, and select the
NCOALink Limited Service tab.
To set these options for a specific job, choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi
Record, and select the NCOALink Limited Service tab.
Form (PAF)
PAFs are required for service providers only. If you’re an NCOALink end user,
you can skip this section.
What is a PAF?
The Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) gives the NCOALink service
provider (licensee) permission from the list owner to perform NCOALink
processing on the list or lists from that list owner.
The USPS requires that NCOALink service providers:
Have a completed PAF for a customer on file before performing NCOALink
processing on that customer’s data.
Keep a copy of the PAF on file for each customer.
Get updated PAFs from each customer at least once a year.
Assign a unique PAF ID for each list.
In addition, if a job involves both a broker and a list administrator, you must have
a paper PAF on file for both of them.
Each list must have its own PAF ID. You can itemize multiple lists and their PAF
IDs on the back of the paper form.
You can use the PAF installed in your NCOALink folder. Or obtain the latest
version of the PAF from the USPS at
PAF report and log file
The PAF information that you provide at the NCOALink Limited Service tab is
stored in the PAF Information report and in the PAF log file. The PAF
Information report helps you to fill out the paper PAF.
Buyer Company
If the list was processed for rent, sale, or lease, enter the name of the company or individual who bought the list.
Mailing ZIP
Enter the ZIP Code of the Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) or post office where the
mail will be submitted for mailing.
Output Returned
User Guide
Standard. All required NCOALink output was returned to the client.
Modify. The NCOALink output was returned to the client after other changes.
Both. The NCOALink output was returned to the client unchanged, and the required
output data was also returned.
Additional Notes
Ext. Request. The customer submitted a written request for an extension.
None. There was no request for extension.
Pre-Processes Performed
Indicate whether you processed or will process this data before performing NCOALink
Link processing.
 None. You will not have processed this data in any way before NCOA
 Yes, but with no data changes. Your pre-processing resulted in no data changes.
 Data changes from other sources. You will have processed this data before performing NCOALink processing and that processing included changes with non-postal data.
 Data changes from postal data only. You will have processed this data before performing NCOALink processing and that processing included changes with postal data.
 Data changes from postal and other sources. You will have processed this data
before performing NCOALink processing and that processing included changes with
postal and non-postal data.
Concurrent Processes Performed
Indicate whether you processed or will process this data in some other way while performing NCOALink processing:
Link processing.
 None. You will not process this data in some other way while NCOA
 Yes, but with no data changes. Your processing will not result in changes to the data.
 Data changes from other sources. You will process this data while performing
NCOALink processing and that processing includes changes with non-postal data.
 Data changes from postal data only. You will process this data while performing
NCOALink processing and that processing includes changes with postal data.
 Data changes from postal and other sources. You will process this data while performing NCOALink processing and that processing includes changes with postal and
non-postal data.
Post-Processes Performed
Indicate whether you will process this data after performing NCOALink processing:
 None. You will not process this data in some other way after NCOA
 Yes, but with no data changes. Your processing will not result in changes to the data.
 Data changes from other sources. You will process this data after performing NCOALink processing and that processing will include changes with non-postal data.
 Data changes from postal data only. You will process this data after performing
NCOALink processing and that processing will include changes with postal data.
 Data changes from postal and other sources. You will process this data after performing NCOALink processing and that processing will include changes with postal
and non-postal data.
Broker Involved
Select this option if a broker is involved in this job. A broker directs business to an
NCOALink service provider. If a broker is involved in this job, you must also click the
Broker Information button to enter information about them. This option cannot be set as
default; you must enter this information when you set up each job.
Broker Information
If a broker is involved in this job, click the Broker Information button to open a window
where you can enter information about the broker. See page 150 for details.
List Administrator Involved
Select this option if a list administrator is involved in this job. A list administrator stores
and maintains lists. If a list administrator is involved in this job, you must also click the
List Administrator Information button to enter information about them. This option cannot be set as default; you must enter this information when you set up each job.
List Administrator Information
If a list administrator is involved in this job, click List Administrator Information to open
a window where you can enter information about the list administrator. See page 150.
Chapter 7: Move-update
PAF Type
Specify the reason for completing your current PAF:
 Initial. This is the first PAF you’re completing to become authorized to process
addresses for this customer.
 Modified. You’re completing a new PAF because information on the old one changed.
 Renewal. You’re completing a new PAF because your old one is expiring.
Using Alternate PAF
Select this option if you have permission from the USPS to sign and submit an alternate
form of the PAF and you plan to use the alternate PAF for this job.
Date Signed by Customer
Enter the date when this customer signed the PAF.
Date Signed by Licensee
Enter the date when you, as licensee signed the PAF.
Person Signing PAF
Enter the name of the person signing this PAF.
Title of Person Signing
Enter the job title of the person signing this PAF.
Email of Person Signing
Enter the email address of the person who will sign the PAF or leave this blank.
Company Website
Enter the website of the company who owns this list or leave it blank.
Customer Parent Company
If the list owner’s company is owned by another company (a “parent company”), enter the
parent company’s name here.
Customer Alt. Company
If the list owner’s company is also known by another name, enter that alternate name.
List Received
Enter the date when the NCOALink licensee received the list. This option cannot be set as
default; you must enter this information when you set up each job.
List Returned
Enter the date when the list will be returned to the customer. This option cannot be set as
default; you must enter this information when you set up each job.
Broker and list
When a broker and/or list administrator is involved in your job, you must provide
information about them. The software allows up to 10 brokers and list
administrators in a job.
Click the Broker Information button or List Administrator Information button to
begin. See the table below for information about the available options.
Click the Add button to add a different broker or list administrator to the list. See page 151
for details about the window that opens.
Click the Delete button to delete the currently selected row from the list.
Move Up
Move Down
Click the Move Up or Move Down button to move the currently selected row up or down
in the list. Brokers and list administrators must be listed in order of their proximity to you.
The contact from whom you received the list should be listed first and have a “Level” of 1.
For example, if you received the list from John Jones, and he received the list from Mary
Martin, then John Jones would be listed first at Level 1, and Mary Martin would be listed
next at Level 2.
Click the Edit button to change a contact’s information.
User Guide
Broker and list
administrator details
When you add a new broker or list administrator by clicking the Add button in the
Broker Information window or the List Administrator Information window, the
Broker Details window or the List Administrator Details window appears.
The information entered here is stored in a USPS-required log file, the broker
agents / list administrators log file. See page 157 for details about log files.
See the table below for details about the available options.
Enter a unique ID number for the broker or list administrator. You assign the ID number.
Enter the broker’s or list administrator’s North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) code, which identifies what business the company engages in. For more information, see
Plus 4
Enter the broker’s or list administrator’s contact information.
Date Signed PAF
Enter the date when this contact signed the PAF.
Chapter 7: Move-update
Customer information options
To set these options as defaults, choose Tools > Options and click the Default
Settings button in the Address Correction section, and select the Customer
Information tab.
To set these options for a specific job, choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi
Record, and select the Customer Information tab.
Some of the options at this tab are also required for DPV and LACSLink
The customer ID is a unique code for this client. The NCOALink licensee assigns the customer ID to uniquely identify the list owner and the list. The customer ID can contain letters and numbers.
Company Name
Enter the customer’s contact information. The customer is the person or company for
whom you are performing NCOALink processing.
The customer information that you provide appears in the Mover ID Summary and log
Log File Directory
Indicate where the log files should be produced. The files are named according to USPS
rules during processing. This directory must exist and must be writable.
It’s very important that you use the same path for all jobs. If you have multiple clients, use
the same log file directory for all clients so that the log files are combined.
This option must be set as a default; it cannot be set up for each individual job.
User Guide
Perform address correction, including NCOALink
After setting up all of your NCOALink defaults, you’re ready to begin address
correction. NCOALink is an integrated part of your address correction process.
1. Choose Tools > Correct Address > Multi-Record.
2. At the Multi-Record tab, adjust settings as needed for this job.
3. At the NCOALink tab, select the Turn on NCOALink in Multiple Record
Address Assignment option. Adjust other settings as needed. For more
information, see “NCOALink options” on page 146.
4. At the NCOALink Limited Service tab, adjust settings as needed. Be sure to
set the Broker Involved and List Admin. Involved options, if necessary,
and also set the List Received date and List Returned date. For more
information, see “Limited service options” on page 148.
5. At the Customer Information tab, adjust settings as needed. For more
information, see “Customer information options” on page 152.
6. Click OK to begin address correction and NCOALink processing.
Chapter 7: Move-update
NCOALink Mover ID Summary report
The software produces the Mover ID Summary report, which includes useful
NCOALink information, including your entries about the licensee, customer,
service provider, list owner, and so on. It also lists a summary of return codes.
The information presented in the Mover ID Summary varies according to your
licensee level. In other words, what appears on the Mover ID Summary is
different for end users and limited service providers.
You can access the Mover ID Summary report by choosing Print > Reports or by
going to the \Postalsoft\Data folder and looking for the file with the same base
name as the MDF file that you’re processing, and an .nco extension.
Job setup and input
file information
The first page of this report shows how you set up the job, information about the
input file, and statistics about your pre-move addresses.
Page 1
Mover ID Summary
NCOALink Processing Summary Report
Mover ID [version] - Postalsoft Business Edition [version]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Job Information --------------------------------------------------------------Job Name:
Job Description:
Job Owner:
Mover ID Auto-Update:
Match Logic:
S - Standard (Business, Individual, and Family)
Service Provider Type:
Directory Data Months:
Mode (Data Returned):
Accepted COA Months:
Broker/Agent Involved:
Standard Output:
High Match Rate Desc.:
NCOALink Processing Completed:
NCOALink Log File Path:
List Name:
Processes Used to Prepare List:
ANKLink Enabled:
Directory Data Format:
Processing Category:
Mail Classification:
List Admin Involved:
Concurrent Processes:
List Name Here
NCOALink, eLOT, and CASS
Customer & USPS Licensee Information
-----------------------------------------------------------Licensee ID:
Licensee Name:
PT Team
List Owner NAICS:
Customer ID:
Customer Company Name:
My Customer's Company
Customer PAF ID:
Date List Received:
Date List Returned:
Input File -------------------------------------------------------------------Input File Name:
Total Input Records:
Less Records Dropped by Delete Mark:
Less Records Dropped by Input Filter:
Less Records Up-To-Date Per Z4 Change:
Net Input Records to be Processed:
Total Number of NCOALink Matches:
Total Number of NCOALink Return Codes:
Total Moves not DPV confirmable:
NCOALink Match Percentage:
NCOALink Return Code Percentage:
User Guide
Statistics about moveupdated addresses
The second page of the Mover ID Summary shows information about the moveupdated addresses. This section is based on all input data.
Page 2
Mover ID Summary
NCOALink Processing Summary Report
Mover ID [version] - Postalsoft Business Edition [version]
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Statistics (based on pre-move addresses) ------------------------------------Address Type Summary
--------------------- ---------- -----Street
418 83.77
PO Box
High Rise
Rural Route
General Delivery
--------------------- ---------- -----Total Zip+4 Codes:
496 99.40
Statistics (based on move-updated addresses) --------------------------------Forwardable Moves
--------------------- ---------- -----Individual
306 61.32
--------------------- ---------- -----Total Moves:
339 67.94
Address Type Summary Records
-------------------- --------- -----Street
431 86.37
PO Box
High Rise
Rural Route
General Delivery
-------------------- --------- -----Total Zip+4 Codes:
496 99.40
Assignment Summary
-------------------- ---------- -----LACS Convertible
Addr Level Geo Codes
Centroid Geo Codes
TaxIQ Codes
RDI Matches
CASS Qualitative Statistical Summary (QSS)
------------------- ---------- -----High Rise Default
High Rise Exact
EWS Match
DPV Confirmed
Return code summary
of all input data
--------------------- ---------- -----Rural Route Default
Rural Route Exact
LACS Convertible
This section shows return code information for all of your data. Longer, more
detailed return code descriptions are included if you select the Print Return Code
Descriptions option.
Page 3
Mover ID Summary
NCOALink Processing Summary Report
Mover ID [version] - Postalsoft Business Edition [version]
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Return Code Summary
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- -----New Address Provided by NCOALink
A - COA Match
310 62.12
91 - COA Match: Secondary Number dropped from COA
92 - COA Match: Secondary Number Dropped from input address
condensed for illustration
Total Return Codes:
499 100.00
Chapter 7: Move-update
NCOALink PAF Information report
What is a PAF?
The NCOALink PAF (Processing Acknowledgement Form) is needed only by
NCOALink service providers. If you are certified as an NCOALink end user, you
can skip this section.
The PAF is a USPS form that gives the NCOALink service provider (licensee)
permission from the list owner to perform NCOALink processing on lists from
that list owner.
The software does not print the PAF. You can obtain a PAF to print from your \
Postalsoft\NCOALink folder or from the USPS at We
recommend checking the RIBBS site for the latest version of the PAF.
PAF report helps you
fill out the USPS PAF
The software produces a helpful report, the NCOALink PAF Information Report,
that includes much of the information that you’ll need when completing the PAF.
The report shows information that you’ve already entered (see page 148) about
the list owner, licensee, broker, and list administrator.
You can access the PAF Information report by choosing Print > Reports or by
going to the \Postalsoft\Data folder and looking for the file with the same base
name as the MDF file that you’re processing, and an .ncp extension.
The default font for the PAF report is Courier New 10 point. To change the font,
choose Tools > Options and then click the Default Fonts button.
Information for NCOALink Processing Acknowledgement Form
---------------------This Company
100 400 Main Pl
La Crosse, WI 54601-0000
Telephone: (555)123-4567
Postal ID: 123464
NAICS: 900099
Date signed PAF: December 28, 2004
-------------------Signer, Head
Date signed PAF: August 23, 2004
User Guide
--------Jimmy Smith
100 Miller St
Madison, WI 53701-3434
Telephone: (555) 123-4566
Date signed PAF: January 11, 2008
Contact level: 1
--------------------Timmy Jones
3239 Deer Pl
Milwaukee, WI 53201-2333
Telephone: (555) 123-4555
Date signed PAF: January 11, 2005
Contact level: 1
NCOALink log files
USPS-required log
The software produces the following NCOALink log files, which the USPS
Customer service log
PAF customer information log
Broker agent / list administrator log
The software automatically generates these log files in the location you specify
(see page 152) and names them according to USPS requirements. If you’re
certified as an NCOALink end user, the only log file that you need is the customer
service log.
With the start of each month, the software starts a new log file. Each log file
contains information about every NCOALink job processed that month, for every
The USPS requires that you save these log files for five years.
Required for...
Log file
Limited service
This log file contains one record per list that you process.
Each record details the results of change-of-address processing.
PAF customer information log
This log file contains the information that you provided for
the PAF.
The log file lists each unique PAF entry. If a list is processed with the same PAF information, the information
appears just once in the log file.
When contact information for the list administrator has
changed, then information for both the list administrator
and the corresponding broker are written to the PAF log
Broker agents /
list administrators log
This log file contains all of the contact information that you
entered for the broker or list administrator.
The log file lists information for each broker or list administrator just once.
The USPS requires the broker / list administrator log file
from service providers, even in jobs that do not involve a
broker or list administrator. The software produces this log
file for every job if you’re a certified service provider.
Customer service log
Log file names
The software follows the USPS file-naming scheme for the log files. The table
below describes the naming scheme. For example, P9999305.DAT is a PAF log
file generated in March 2005 for a licensee with the ID 9999.
Chapter 7: Move-update
User Guide
Character 1
Characters 2-5 Character 6
B Broker log
C Customer
service log
P PAF log
Licensee ID,
exactly four
characters long.
Characters 7-8
1 January
05 for 2005, for
2 February example
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
A October
B November
C December
Chapter 8:
Chapter 8: Presort
Introduction to presorting
Presorting is the task of sorting mail and preparing it in containers so that it can
be transported through the postal system. It’s called presorting because you sort
the mail before submitting it to the USPS, instead of having them sort it.
The software can save you money on postage when you send a high volume of
mail at once. The USPS grants a discount because you’re doing some of their
work for them, mainly presorting and barcoding the mail. Various levels of
discounts are available, depending on the kind and amount of mail you’re
sending, and how you address and sort the mail.
The software runs a computer model of the mailing that you’ll assemble
physically. Based on information from you—such as piece dimensions and
container type—and following USPS rules, the software determines how many
pieces will fit into each package and container.
The software follows USPS rules for First Class, Periodicals, and Standard Mail,
and for Business Edition customers, Package Services Bound Printed Matter as
The software presorts your mail by taking the information you give it about your
mailing and performing the following tasks for you:
Printing labels or envelopes in the correct sequence with delivery-point
barcodes for ZIP+4 addresses, to maximize your savings
Labeling each new package, sack, or tray
Printing the required container tags
Printing the required pallet placards (available with purchase of Business
Edition’s pallets/drop-ship feature)
Printing the required postal forms, fully completed and ready to be signed
Computing the various rates and total postage
The software uses postal directories to presort mail.
Related links:
“Postal directories” on page 20
USPS presorting
The following documents can help you gain a greater understanding of the USPS
regulations for presorting mail:
For USPS presorting regulations, see the USPS Domestic Mail Manual.
For corrections and additions to the DMM, refer to USPS Postal Bulletins.
PAVE certification
User Guide
The USPS also has free, informative booklets that explain requirements for
preparation of presorted mail.
For other useful information from the USPS, see
The software has USPS Presort Accuracy Verification and Evaluation (PAVE)
certification, which means that the USPS has approved the format and details in
the software’s presort reports. This gives you extra assurance that your presorting
reports will be accepted at the post office.
ZAP approval
The software is level 1 Zone Analysis Program (ZAP) approved. ZAP assists
publishers and postal personnel in verifying that zones are properly assigned to
Periodicals mail based on the USPS national zone chart matrix. This applies to
Periodicals only.
As proof that the software is ZAP-approved, the date of the zone data is printed
on the Postage Statement and Qualification Report. For the zone date to appear in
the reports, you must install the latest Zone directory (zone.dir).
For more information about ZAP, see
Related links:
“Postal directories” on page 20
Tips for successful
Ask your Postal Service Business Center for help. Its staff is very knowledgeable
and willing to help.
When planning your mail piece, don’t forget to get the bulk-mail permit imprint
printed, if you plan to use one. The text for the permit imprint depends on what
class and presort you will be using.
Take a sample of your mail piece, complete with label, bulk-mail-permit stamp or
meter imprint, and so on, to the post office for approval before you print all of
your labels or envelopes.
Become familiar with the DMM and the Postal Bulletin. Refer to them for
complete details about USPS rules and regulations.
Always use the latest version of the software, which incorporates the latest USPS
changes and the latest postal directories.
Submit the required USPS forms with your mailings. See “Reports” on page 225
for more information.
Chapter 8: Presort
The presort wizard
The software makes it easy to presort your mail by guiding you through the
presort wizard. In each step of the wizard, you supply information that is
necessary to correctly presort your mail:
Mail piece information
Sorting information
Periodicals information
Mailing information
Entry point details
To start the presort wizard, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings or click Sort
for Mailing on the Tasks pane.
When you complete the presort wizard and click Begin Presorting to perform
presorting, your settings are saved with the .mdf file. If you want to presort again
using the exact same settings, you can do so by choosing Tools > Presort > Sort.
You can also save your presort settings by going through the presort wizard and
then in the final step clicking Finish.
User Guide
Mail piece information
The software needs information from you about your mail piece. The information
that you supply determines how many pieces will fit into packages and containers
and what schemes to use.
Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings to set the following options.
Height and Width
Type the height and width of the mail piece. The dimension that the USPS calls length is
called width in the software.
Accurate size and weight information is critical. Measure your mail pieces carefully.
For automated letters and machinable letters, length is parallel to the address.
For flats and nonautomated letters, the height and width depend on physical packaging,
not the orientation of the address. For pieces with a bound or folded edge, the height is
parallel to that edge.
For Standard Mail or Periodicals fletters, if the height is 5.375 to 5.999 inches, enter that
value as the width to get the automated flat rate.
For more information about measuring, see the DMM.
Specify whether your mail piece is barcoded, and if so, what type of barcode. Barcoding
affects availability of processing categories, schemes, and discounts.
Piece is rigid
Select this option if your mail piece does not meet USPS flexibility requirements.
Rigid, flat-sized pieces must be mailed as parcels.
 Rigid, letter-sized pieces must be mailed as nonmachinable letters.
For more information, see “Testing the flexibility and droop of your flat-sized mail piece”
on page 164.
Piece includes a repositional note
Select this option if your mail pieces include repositionable notes (RPNs). Include the
RPN weight in the sample measurements.
RPNs are sticky notes affixed to the outside of the envelope. For complete rules regarding
RPNs, see DMM 705.22.
RPN information appears in different sections of the postage statement, depending on the
mail class, and also on the Presort Job Summary.
Sample measurements
Type the number of pieces in the mail sample. Type the thickness of the mail sample, in
inches. Type the weight of the mail sample, in ounces or pounds.
If your mailing includes repositionable notes, you must include the RPN weight in the
sample measurements.
For more information, see “Preparing and measuring a sample package or tray” on
page 163.
Participate in USPS Confirm®
Select this option if you are enrolled in the USPS Confirm program. See “USPS Confirm
program” on page 192.
Participate in USPS PostalOne!®
Select this option if you want to use the PostalOne program to submit Mail.dat files electronically. This feature is available only in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition.
Preparing and
measuring a sample
package or tray
The procedure for measuring samples depends on whether your mail will be
prepared loose in trays or in sacks of packages. Postalsoft needs weight and
thickness information to:
Chapter 8: Presort
Calculate how many pieces will fit into each package and container
Calculate postage rates
Verify that you have chosen an appropriate processing category
Create a sample of mail pieces and enter the measurements in the Sort for Mailing
- Piece Information window. The software uses your sample measurements to
calculate the thickness and weight of a single mail piece.
It’s very important that you accurately form and measure your sample.
Everything in your presort job depends on it.
If your mailing will be
bound in packages
1. Make a sample package of reasonable size (1 to 4 inches thick) and bind it.
2. Count the number of pieces in the sample package. Enter this number in the
Sample Size box.
3. Measure the package’s thickness. Enter this number (in inches) in the
Sample Thickness box.
4. Weigh the package. Enter this weight in the Sample Weight box and choose
Ounces or Pounds.
If your mailing will be
trayed loose
1. Weigh an empty tray.
2. Fill the tray with mail pieces
3. Count the number of pieces in the tray. Enter this number in the Sample Size
4. Band or sleeve the tray and tip it so that it stands on end. Without applying
pressure to the mail pieces, measure the distance from the first to last piece.
This is the thickness of your sample. Enter this number (in inches) in the
Sample Thickness box.
5. Weigh the filled tray. Subtract the weight of the empty tray. This is the weight
of your sample. Enter this weight in the Sample Weight box and choose
Ounces or Pounds.
Testing the flexibility
and droop of your flatsized mail piece
For a piece to be considered a flat, it must meet the flexibility requirements as
stated in DMM 301.1.3. If your mail piece is not flexible according to USPS
requirements, select the Piece Is Rigid option in the Sort for Mailing - Piece
Information window.
Furthermore, for a flat to qualify as an automation flat, it must pass the USPS
deflection test (see DMM 301.1.6), which tests how much the piece droops when
held over the edge of a hard surface. The USPS rules state that a mail piece is
automation-compatible if it meets the other automation requirements and passes
the deflection test.
User Guide
Sorting information
In the Sort for Mailing - Sorting Information window, you provide information
about the type of mail, mail class, and other necessary information about entry
points and Mail.dat (if you’re using Business Edition).
Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings and click Next to access the Sort for
Mailing - Sorting Information window where you can set the following options.
Select the type of mailing
Because there are certain restrictions on what can be sent in each mail class, consult the
DMM for more detailed descriptions of mail classes.
 First Class is more expensive than other classes and includes letters, postcards, and
 Periodicals class is for news material such as newspapers and magazines that is
issued to subscribers on a regular basis (no less than four times per year).
 Standard Mail is mail that doesn’t need (or qualify) to go First Class or mail that
doesn’t fit into the Periodicals class. Typically, advertising is Standard Mail material.
 Package Services Bound Printed Matter (Business Edition only) is for advertising, promotional, directory, or editorial material such as books or catalogs.
Select the rate
Select Regular unless you have USPS authorization to mail at another rate.
 Regular: Allowed for all mail classes.
 Nonprofit: Periodicals (Discounted Outside County) and Standard Mail only.
 Classroom: Periodicals only (Discounted Outside County).
 Agriculture: Periodicals only.
Content of Mail
Identifies the contents of your mail. This information is used to populate the Mail.dat .cpt
file (for Business Edition users) and also on Standard Mail and First Class postage statements.
 Reply Envelope or Card: Mailing contains pieces with reply envelopes or cards.
 Product Sample: Mailing contains product samples. This option does not apply to
First Class Mail.
 DVD or CD: The mailing contains pieces with media such as DVDs or CDs.
 DVD/CD Round Trip: The mailing contains DVDs or optical discs as round-trip
First-Class Mail letters or flats.
 Not Mailing as First Class Mail: The content of mail does not have to be mailed as
First Class. This option is for First Class Mail only.
Select the kind of piece being
Identifies the mail piece (letter, flat, postcard, or parcel) and category (see choices in the
drop-down list) for your mailing. If you’re not sure which category best describes your
mail piece, ask your postmaster or see the DMM.
The software offers choices that fit with the piece dimensions and mail class that you
Flat Is a Catalog
Indicates that your Standard Mail flat is a catalog. The catalog indicator is used by the
PostalOne system (if you are using Mail.dat files, Business Edition users only) and on
some postage statements. Catalogs must be at least 16 pages long and must be of uniform
thickness as described in DMM 301.1.9.
Meets Max Deflection
Indicates that your flat meets the maximum deflection standards as defined by the USPS
(see DMM 301.1.6 for details). See DMM 301.1.7 for pricing tables. This pricing structure, which applies to all mail classes, was announced in Postal Bulletin 22286 on June 3,
Chapter 8: Presort
Select the number of entry points
being used
Only show facilities with piece
count of at least ___ piece(s)
Select how to count pieces toward
the USPS minimum mailing
Enter Mail.dat information
User Guide
Single facility: Indicates that you’re dropping this mailing at one USPS entry point.
Multiple facilities: Indicates that you’re dropping this mailing at more than one
USPS entry point. For more information about Business Edition’s multiple entry point
add-on feature, see “Multiple entry points” on page 207.
Select this option and enter the minimum piece count if you want to limit your list of
potential entry points.
For example, type 100 if you want to display only those facilities with 100 or more pieces
of mail destined to its service area.
See also “Piece count statistics” on page 209.
Mailing: Select if you want each scheme at each entry point to meet the USPS minimum requirements.
 PVDS (Plant Verified Drop Shipment): Select if you want the mailing as a whole to
meet the USPS minimum requirements, allowing individual entry points to not meet
the minimums. The USPS allows mailings deposited at each entry point to contain less
than the minimum required, as long as the total pieces reported on the Consolidated
Postage Statement meet the minimum requirements for the overall mailing. See the
DMM for details.
See also “Piece count statistics” on page 209.
Production of Mail.dat files is available in Business Edition. If you are producing
Mail.dat files for this job, enter the following information:
 Weight source: Source of your mail piece weight information.
 Weight status: Status of your mail piece weight information.
 Postage payment: Type of postage payment method you plan to use for this mailing.
This information will be stored in a field in the Mail.dat header file.
 Repositionable note weight: If your mail piece includes a repositionable note, type
the weight of the repositionable note.
For details, see the IDEAlliance Mail.dat specification.
Periodicals information
If you’re mailing a Periodicals piece, you must provide information about the
publisher and the publication.
Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings, click Next, choose Periodicals, and
then click Next to access the following Periodicals options.
Publisher information
Type the name and phone number of the publisher. This information will be printed on
USPS Postage Statement 3541.
Subscriber information
Tells the software how to distinguish subscribers from non-subscribers in your database.
None: Assumes that none of the recipients are subscribers. Less than ten percent of the
total are eligible for the classroom and non-profit rates. All non-subscriber pieces under
ten percent can be mailed separate from the Periodicals mailing.
All: Assumes all of the recipients are subscribers.
Count under in subscriber field: Counts any non-subscribers as being under the ten
percent limit. All non-subscribers are reported on the same Postage Statement as subscribers.
Count over in subscriber field: Counts non-subscribers as being over the ten percent
limit. Non-subscriber pieces over ten percent cannot be mailed in a separate mailing.
They must be commingled and presorted with the subscriber or requester copies. If your
job is classroom or non-profit, the software prints all non-subscribers on a separate Postage Statement.
Subscriber field
Select the field used for tracking subscribers. If the specified field is empty or contains N
for a particular record, then that record is not considered a subscriber. If the field contains
anything else, then the record is considered a subscriber.
Publication information
Enter the name and basic information about the publication. This information will be
printed on USPS Postage Statement Form 3541. For the issue date, use the format mmddyyyy. For the frequency, enter monthly or weekly, for example.
Mail.dat information
Provide the following information if you are generating Mail.dat files (Business Edition
 Ad percentage status: If ad percentage is not applicable to this mailing, choose
None Given. If the ad percentage is not known at this time, choose Pending. If you
know the final ad percentage, choose Final.
 IDEAlliance frequency: Specify how often your periodical is published each year.
For example, if it’s monthly, enter 12.
 Incidental First Class: Enter the weight of any incidental First Class mail piece(s)
included in the periodical.
 Volume number: Enter your publication’s volume number, if applicable.
 Issue number: Enter your publication’s issue number, if applicable.
Advertising percentage
Specify the percentage of space devoted to advertising. This information will be printed
on USPS Postage Statement Form 3541.
According to DMM 707.2.1.5, nonprofit and classroom Periodicals mailings with 10 percent or less advertising can use 0 (zero) as the advertising percentage, which will result in
postage savings.
Authorized as newspaper
Designates your Periodicals mail piece as a Newspaper if the mailing piece meets the
USPS definition of a newspaper. For example, the publication is issued weekly or more
frequently, or if the publication was authorized before March 1, 1984.
The word NEWS will be added to the content line on your container tags.
Chapter 8: Presort
Mailing information
Mailing information is needed for several reports, including the Postage
Statement, which you present to the post office where you deposit your mail.
The software needs information about you (and, if applicable, your client) such as
name, address and phone. The software also needs information about how you
pay postage (for example, your permit number, and so on).
To find these options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings and then click
Next several times to advance to the Sort for Mailing - Mailing Information
Estimated mailing date
Date that you expect to submit your mailing at the postal facility. The mailing date is crucial in determining which facilities are valid for your mailing.
If you own the Business Edition drop-ship pallets feature and you are dropping mail at
multiple entry points, do not leave the Estimated Mailing Date blank. After you choose
the entry points, you can enter specific dates for each individual entry point in the Entry
Point Details window if needed.
If you’re mailing First Class or you’re dropping at a small facility (one that is not a NDC,
ASF, SCF, or ADC), your mailing is not eligible for destination discounts. Therefore, you
can leave the estimated mailing date blank.
The estimated mailing date is printed on the postage statement. If you do not enter an estimated mailing date in the software, then the date will not be printed on your postage statement, and you will need to fill it in by hand.
Payment method
Method you use to pay postage.
 Permit: For permit imprint mailings.
 Correct Meter: You’ll apply the exact rate on each piece (not recommended).
 Lowest Meter by Mailing: You’ll use a postage meter to apply the same amount of
postage to each piece in the mailing, and you want the program to choose the lowest
amount for you. Your postage meter must be able to print amounts in tenths of a cent
(for example 21.6 cents) to use this option.
 Lowest Meter by Job: You plan to meter all pieces at the lowest rate in the whole job.
 Precanceled Stamps: You’ll apply a precanceled stamp to every mail piece.
Permit number
If you pay postage by permit, enter your permit number.
Postage affixed
If your payment method is precanceled stamps, type the denomination, in cents.
Signer name and phone
Name and the phone number of the person signing the Postage Statement.
CAPS Cust. Ref. ID
CAPS Customer Reference ID, which will appear on your Postage Statement. CAPS
stands for Centralized Automated Payment System.
Mailing facility DUNS
Data Universal Numbering System number for your mailing facility. An entry in this field
is needed only if you use PostalOne (Business Edition only).
User Guide
Permit holder, Owner, and Mailing Agent information
Enter name and contact information.
If this mailing has a different owner and mailing agent, enter their contact information as
well. If the owner and/or mailing agent is the same as the permit holder, select the Same as
Permit Holder option and do not type contact information in the Owner and Mailing
Agent sections.
The contact information that you enter will be printed on Postage Statements.
 Permit holder: The person or company that owns the postage permit.
 Owner: The organization that owns the mailing.
 Mailing agent: The organization that is preparing the mailing.
Enter the 9-digit ID number associated with your Confirm mailing for this organization.
The DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number is issued by DUN & Bradstreet.
Enter the mail owner’s and mail preparer’s (agent’s) Customer Registration ID (CRID).
The USPS assigns this ID.
Nonprofit #
If this organization is authorized as a nonprofit agency, enter its nonprofit identification
An entry is required in this field if the job will be entered in PostalOne (Business Edition
only). Enter the mail owner’s FAST Scheduler ID if you participate in the FAST system or
fill this field with blanks.
See “Verifying entry points through the FAST web site” on page 172.
Move update method
Method you used to move-update your records. The method is printed on your Postage
Statement to show the USPS that you have the most up-to-date name and address information. This allows you to obtain discounted rates on your mail pieces.
Selecting a move-update method during presorting only indicates which method you’ve
used to perform move-updating — it does not perform move-updating.
 <None>: You have not performed move-updating.
 Ancillary Service Endorsement
 FASTforward
 NCOALink
 Alternative Method: Applies to First Class only and means that you consider your database to be at least 99 percent accurate.
 Simplified/Occupant/Excep. Address: Applies if you’re using simplified addresses or
similar, in which case no move-updating is necessary.
 Multiple: Indicates that you use more than one move-update method.
 OneCode ACS: Means you performed move-updating using OneCode ACS outside of
Postalsoft. OneCode ACS is for First Class and Standard Mail mailers that use the standardized Intelligent Mail barcode.
Move update date
Date that move-update processing was performed on this database if you are producing
Mail.dat files (Business Edition only).
Auto matching/coding date
Date that your list was last processed for ZIP+4 matching. If you have more than one list
with different dates, enter the oldest date.
CRRT matching/coding date
Date that your list was last processed for carrier-route matching. If you have more than
one list with different dates, enter the oldest date.
CRRT sequencing date
Date on which the database was most recently updated for walk sequencing.
Chapter 8: Presort
LOT database date
If you are using the Mail.dat option (Business Edition only), enter the date of your LOT
data. To determine what date to enter, see your 3553 form, which shows the month and
year of the LOT data. Use that month and year and 15 for the day. The date you enter populates the LOT Database Date field in the SEG Mail.dat files.
Simplified Address date
If you’re preparing a mailing using simplified address mail pieces, and you’re not using
the DSF (Delivery Statistics File), enter the date of your alternative method (CDS, for
example). The software populates this date on Periodicals (3541) and Standard Mail
(3602) postage statements in a field called “For pieces bearing a simplified address enter
date of delivery statistics file or alternative method” if:
 All schemes in your job have the Retain Walk Sequence option set to Simplified or
Mixed, and
 The CDS Simplified Walk Sequence Option is set to CDS Residential or CDS Business
and Residential.
In the Presort – Schemes window, click Walk Sequence Options to access the CDS
options, and click Details to access the Retain Walk Sequence option.
If you’re using the DSF, its date is populated automatically in the “For pieces bearing a
simplified address enter date of delivery statistics file or alternative method” field.
Federal agency code
If the mailer is a federal agency, type the agency’s cost code. The USPS will charge postage to that agency.
Setting up permit
number information
To add a company name and description for each permit number, and enter new
permit numbers, do the following:
1. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings, Presort Entry Point (Step 3),
choose Setup from the Mailer Permit # drop-down list.
2. In the Permit Number(s) window, click in a box and type, to enter a permit
number or description. It’s a good idea to enter the name of the company
associated with the permit number in the Description box.
3. If you need to delete a permit number from the list, select that row and then
click the Remove button.
4. To sort the list by permit number or description, double-click the column
heading that you want to sort by. You can also double-click the column
heading again to reverse the order of the sortation.
5. When you’ve finished entering the permit information, click the OK button
to close the window.
User Guide
Entry point details
This section describes setting up to enter mail at a single entry point. If you are
using Business Edition’s drop-ship/pallets add-on option to drop mail at multiple
entry points, see “Multiple entry points” on page 207.
The USPS mail-processing facility where you enter your mailing is called an
entry point. You must provide information about your entry point.
To find these options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings and then click
Next until you reach the Presort - Entry Point - Details window.
Entry Point Facility
Choose the facility type. If your facility is not a Sectional Center Facility (SCF), Area
Distribution Center (ADC), Network Distribution Center (NDC), or Auxiliary Service
Facility (ASF), choose Other post office, and enter the name and address of the post
Factility list
If you chose SCF, ADC, or NDC/ASF as the facility type, choose the facility from the list.
The Discounts box shows any discounts that this mailing is eligible for.
DADC: Area distribution center discount for qualifying Periodicals jobs.
DNDC: Network Distribution Center discount for qualifying jobs.
DSCF: Sectional center facility discount for qualifying jobs.
Facility information
If you chose an entry point from the Facility list, then the name, city, state, ZIP Code, and
drop-site key are filled in for you. If you chose Other post office, enter the facility information.
County code
If you are claiming the in-county discount, type the 3-digit FIPS county code for the
county where the periodical is published.
If you leave this blank, the county of publication is determined by looking at the state and
ZIP Code of the origin post office. If the periodical is published in a different county, it is
important that you enter the county code.
Refer to the county.txt file, installed with your directories, for a list of county codes. For
example, to look up the county code for La Crosse county in Wisconsin, scroll to the Wisconsin (WI) entries and locate WI063LA CROSSE. The county code is 063.
PER in-county rate
Claims the in-county discount for qualifying Periodicals jobs.
Caution: Postalsoft cannot determine if your mailing qualifies for the in-county discount.
Refer to your DMM for information about qualifying for in-county discounts.
Use USPS DDU data
Use USPS data to determine whether mail pieces are eligible for the DDU discount. In
some cases, the USPS data is not complete enough to ensure discounts on all eligible
mail. Select this option only if you are claiming DDU discounts for mail entered at and
delivered from an SCF or ASF.
5-Digit ZIP Ranges
Type the ZIP Code ranges that qualify for the DDU discount at the selected entry point.
You can contact your post office to learn which 5-digit ZIP Code ranges are eligible for
the DDU discount.
Deletes the selected ZIP Code range.
Restores the ZIP Code ranges to 00000-99999.
USPS Mail Options
Opens a window where you enter Confirm and/or Mail.dat settings, including FAST and
PostalOne information. (Mail.dat is available in Business Edition only.)
Chapter 8: Presort
Turning off an entry
point discount
Follow these steps to turn off a discount:
1. In the Presort - Entry Point - Details window, select SCF and choose your
post office (if available) from the list.
2. Select Other Post Office, disabling the SCF you just chose.
3. If your post office was available in the drop-down list, your post office
information is filled in for you. If your post office was not available, type the
name and address of your post office in the appropriate fields.
4. Type your 5-digit DDU ZIP Ranges, if applicable, in the From and To fields.
Contact your post office to learn which ZIP Code ranges are eligible for a
Verifying entry points
through the FAST web
When you claim destination discounts, the software uses USPS FAST data to
determine valid Network Distribution Centers (NDCs), Area Distribution Centers
(ADCs), and Sectional Center Facilities (SCFs) for your mailings based on the
mailing date and the mail piece’s shape and class. Some postal facilities accept
only certain mail classes and shapes, because of their sorting equipment.
When planning mailings, you can use the FAST web site to learn about the postal
facilities where you’d like to submit your mailing. You can also use the FAST
web site if you suspect an error in the data.
You must verify your entry points. It is your responsibility to ensure that the
facility where you want to drop your mail is indeed valid for your mailing.
Communicate with the acceptance clerk at the postal facility and check the
FAST site to learn if an entry point is new, has been deleted, or has been
To view the latest FAST data online:
1. Go to
2. Click the Facilities link.
3. Follow the instructions on screen to search for a facility.
4. When information for the specific facility that you’re interested in is
displayed on screen, review the information carefully to ensure that it is a
valid facility for your mailing.
5. Click the Additional Info link to see more about the selected facility. On this
screen, you can see what types of mail the facility accepts, whether they
accept pallets or not, what discount applies at that facility, what ZIP Code
ranges they accept for discounts, the dates that this information is valid, and
so on.
Drop site key
A drop site key is a unique identification code assigned to each entry point. You
can use this information when verifying your entry points. The drop site key is
listed in several places:
User Guide
FAST web site (
The software’s entry point setup windows.
The software’s Job Summary report.
Using a default entry
If you enter your mail at the same facility for all or most of your mailings,
consider setting up a default entry point.
The default entry point is used for all new .mdf files, though you can change it.
The default settings do not affect the file currently open, nor will the settings
affect any existing .mdf files. If you discard a presort in an existing file, the
default takes effect.
To choose a default entry point, do the following:
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the Default Entry Point button.
3. Use the following options to set up your default entry point.
Entry Point
Set up information
SCF, Other post
Choose the facility type that you want to use as your default entry
Name, City, State, If you choose NDC/ASF, ADC, or SCF, the name, address, and
ZIP, Drop-site
drop-site key fields are filled in for you.
If you choose Other Post Office, enter the name and address of the
facility you want to use. You can leave the drop-site key blank.
County code
If you are claiming the in-county discount, type the 3-digit FIPS
county code for the county where the periodical is published.
If you leave this blank, the county of publication is determined by
looking at the state and ZIP Code of the origin post office. If the
periodical is published in a different county, it is important that you
enter the county code.
Refer to the county.txt file, installed with your Diversified directories, for a list of county codes.
Chapter 8: Presort
A presort scheme is a set of rules for sorting mail pieces to receive a postage
discount, as described in the DMM. Schemes are categorized according to mail
class, mail piece, and whether or not the pieces bear barcodes.
The software uses the information that you supply about your mail class,
processing category, and rate category to determine which schemes are feasible
for this mailing job. Then the software selects the schemes that are best for your
mailing. However you can select different schemes, if available.
To maximize your postage savings and minimize labor, the software allows up to
five presort schemes per job. Pieces that don’t qualify for the first scheme will
drop to the second scheme, and so on.
The DMM is the best source for details about all presort schemes and preparation
requirements. The appropriate DMM citation is listed for each presort scheme in
the scheme drop-down lists in the Presort - Schemes window.
To access these options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings and click Next
until you reach the Presort - Schemes window.
Presort scheme(s)
Choose scheme(s) from the drop-down list(s).
The suggested schemes are always in order from the greatest
postage savings to least. If you decide to select your own
schemes, remember to list the schemes in that order as well.
An example of schemes in order of most postage savings to
least would be carrier-route letters, then automation letters,
then regular letter, and finally the single-piece scheme.
For each scheme level that you selected, click the Details button to select options for that scheme.
Walk Sequence Options Opens a window in which you can choose your Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) walk-sequence option (for
Periodical or Standard Mail).
Insert Scheme
Automation and
User Guide
Adds a new scheme in the first position. The last scheme
drops out.
“Automation” and “machinable” both mean that the mail piece qualifies for
processing on USPS sortation equipment. Automation mail is also barcoded.
Refer to the DMM for details about the requirements for automation, machinable,
and nonmachinable mail.
Scheme details
Postalsoft gives you many choices when it comes to preparing your mailing. For
example, you can decide how many pieces to place in packages and containers
(within USPS limitations, of course), and which sortation levels to include in
each scheme.
To access the following options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings. Click
Next to advance through the wizard. In the Presort - Schemes window, click the
Details button.
Options available to you vary depending on schemes you chose.
Scheme details options are grouped as follows in the following sections:
Scheme details:
Minimums and
“Scheme details: Minimums and maximums” on page 175
“Scheme details: Optional preparations” on page 177
“Scheme details: Other options” on page 180
Use the following minimum and maximum options to control the number of
pieces per container, the size of packages, and so on.
To access the following options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings. Click
Next to advance through the wizard. In the Presort - Schemes window, click the
Details button.
Package thickness
Set the maximum package thickness large enough to minimize the number of packages,
but small enough to stay within the limits of your equipment. If you form packages manually, consider the amount of mail your mail-room staff can grasp easily. Many mailers set
the maximum at four inches.
When you mail First Class flats, set the package thickness no greater than one half of the
maximum tray height. That’s because the USPS wants you to stack packages on top of
each other to fill the tray as much as possible (and still be able to close the lid).
For example, if you set the maximum tray height to 11 inches, and you set the maximum
package thickness at 6 inches, you would be able to fit just one level of packages in the
tub. The USPS wants you to pack tubs more efficiently than that, so set your maximum
package thickness with the maximum tray height in mind.
For Periodicals and Standard Mail flats mailings, the USPS has package thickness regulations that are determined by the type of paper you are using and method you use for securing your packages. See the DMM for details.
Package minimums and maximums
Enter the minimum number of pieces required for this kind of package.
Increasing the number of pieces per package reduces labor.
Reducing the number of pieces results in smaller packages; this increases deliverability.
However, it does not save postage and it requires more labor because there are more packages to band and, in Periodicals jobs, more containers to handle. It may also complicate
your mailing documentation. Few mailers choose to form small packages.
The software forms packages in two passes. First it forms all possible reduced-rate packages that have at least six pieces. In the second pass, the software forms small packages
that meet the minimum piece setting you enter at this option.
You can adjust the minimum number of pieces needed for carrier-route, 5-digit, and 3digit packages in Periodicals regular flats schemes. The advantage in setting the minimum
lower than 6 is that you can speed delivery time. However, these pieces mail at the basic
Chapter 8: Presort
Tray volume
You can set the minimum and maximum percentage to fill trays. The USPS has its own
definition of a full tray. They would like mailers to create fewer, fuller trays. A tray can be
between 85 percent and 100 percent to be considered full. The USPS requires that mailers
use as few trays as possible. When a mailer uses two one-foot trays, one full and one partially full, the USPS requires the mailer to submit one less-than-full, two-foot tray.
If you’re using both one- and two-foot trays in a mailing, the volume settings applies to
both tray types. The number of inches, and thus the number of mail pieces, that your volume setting yields depends on whether the tray is one foot or two feet long. For example,
if your mail piece is one-eighth of an inch thick, then full two-foot trays must contain at
least 126 pieces, and no more than 168 pieces.
Sack/tray piece minimums
You can change the minimum number of pieces required per sack or tray. For most of
these settings, you will probably want to leave the default values. In many cases, the
USPS has regulations on sack or tray minimums.
If you want quicker delivery, you could decrease the minimum number of pieces per sack
or tray. This has the disadvantage of increasing your labor.
If you want to have fewer—and more full—sacks and less labor, you could increase the
number of pieces per sack or tray.
With some of the tray-minimum options, rather than setting an exact numeric amount, you
can select the Full option. Select the Full option to minimize the number of trays you
must handle. With Full selected, the software will form these trays only when they are at
least 75 percent full. Usually, this will result in fewer trays of that kind (for example, 5digit carrier-route trays).
Sack weight and volume
You control the maximum size of your mailing sacks by weight or volume. Either the
weight or volume limit applies, not both. To determine which limit to apply, the software
uses the limit that results in the smaller number of pieces.
For example, if you’re mailing large, lightweight pieces, it may take only 10 pieces to fill
a sack by volume, but 300 pieces to fill a sack by weight. So your sacks would be limited
by volume. If you’re mailing printed matter, weight is usually the limiting factor. If you
raise the limits too high, you may end up lugging heavy, very full sacks. If you set them
too low, the software forms more sacks, and you may waste time by handling more sacks
than necessary.
Minimum/maximum height
You can set the minimum and maximum height of the mail in the flat tray (tub), in inches.
We suggest that you leave the minimum tray height set to 8 inches. At this setting, packages will reach at least up to the bottom of the hand holds, which the USPS recommends.
Do not set the maximum tray height greater than 11.25 inches. If you do, the packages
will extend above the top of the tub and you won’t be able to close the lid.
Minimum 5-digit DDU sack
Set this parameter to less than 10 if you are going to drop your mailing at a DDU.
Otherwise leave it at 10.
Maximum number of pieces to
drop - Automation to regular
Use this option to drop pieces from the automation scheme in order to qualify the regular
scheme. The Single Piece scheme in First Class allows you to presort both letters and flats
in a single piece scheme, which offers two potential benefits:
 Prevent pieces from mailing at the single-piece rate.
 Include the pieces in your documentation and prepare them in containers.
For example, you have 800 pieces in the automation scheme, and 450 pieces left over.
You need at least 500 pieces for a First Class mailing, so the regular scheme won’t qualify: 450 pieces are Qualified Nonpresort and mail at the single-piece rate. To prevent this,
use this option to force 50 pieces to drop from automation to the regular. Then the regular
scheme qualifies. You pay a little more postage on 50 pieces, and a lot less postage on 450
User Guide
Maximum mail weight
You control the maximum amount of mail per pallet with this and the Maximum
Pallet Volume option.
When setting this option, enter the weight of the mail pieces only; do not include the
weight of the pallet itself. The USPS allows you to form pallets that weigh up to 2200
pounds, including the weight of the pallet, therefore it's recommended that you never
set this parameter higher than 2100 pounds.
Palletization is part of the add-on drop-ship/pallets feature in Business Edition.
Maximum pallet volume
You control the maximum amount of mail per pallet with this and the Maximum Mail
Weight option. Enter the value as a percentage of total cubic inches.
Palletization is part of the add-on drop-ship/pallets feature in Business Edition.
Maximum pallet tray feet
Defines the maximum length to use to form pallets.
Each pallet may contain as few as 36 linear feet (three tiers). A pallet must be formed
when there are at least 72 linear feet (six tiers). No more than 144 linear feet (12 tiers) can
be on a pallet.
Palletization is part of the add-on drop-ship/pallets feature in Business Edition.
Scheme details:
Optional preparations
Use the following options to control whether optional packages, trays, sacks, and/
or pallets are formed. (Palletization is available in Business Edition as part of the
add-on drop-ship/pallets feature.)
When using optional sort levels, processing time may be slower and more
containers are formed. However, you will enjoy the following advantages:
Delivery speed is faster because more mail is routed closer to its destination.
In automated-letter schemes, making 5-digit packages and trays enables you
to get the 5-digit barcode discount.
If you’re preparing First Class carrier-route mail, making carrier-route trays
saves postage by making additional containers that receive the carrier-route
Making automation 5-digit scheme trays should help save postage and reduce
the number of trays because pieces from more than one ZIP Code can be used
to meet the minimum piece requirement.
Making carrier route 5-digit scheme sacks should help save postage and
reduce the number of sacks because pieces from more than one ZIP Code can
be used to meet the minimum piece requirement.
To access the following options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings. Click
Next to advance through the wizard. In the Presort - Schemes window, click the
Details button.
Create BPM ASF sacks
Use this option if you are entering mail at an ASF entry point and want to claim the
DNDC discount. Mailing Bound Printed Matter is available in Business Edition.
Chapter 8: Presort
Make 3-digit carrier-route trays
Making 3-digit carrier-route containers generally saves substantially on postage because
eligible pieces stay at the 3-digit carrier-route level rather than dropping to a lower level,
which mails at a higher rate.
If you choose to form 3-digit carrier-route trays, delivery time will be quicker because
more mail is routed closer to its ultimate destination. In addition, processing time may be
a little slower, and more containers will be formed.
Make 3-digit origin machinable
Uses overflow trays for the 5-digit, 3-digit, and ADC tray levels. (Overflow trays are not
allowed for non-machinable letters.)
Make 3-digit pallets
Creating 3-digit pallets could speed delivery. Palletization is available as part of Business
Edition’s drop-ship/pallets add-on option.
Make 3-digit/scheme trays
Select this option if you want to prepare letters at the 3-digit/scheme level. Making 3digit scheme packages results in fewer packages and containers, faster processing, and
postage savings.
Make 5-digit/scheme trays/sacks
Five-digit scheme trays contain mail for more than one 5-digit ZIP Code and still qualify
for the 5-digit rate. Making 5-digit scheme trays may help you save postage and reduce
the number of trays because pieces from more than one ZIP Code can be used to meet the
minimum piece requirement. With 5-digit scheme trays, delivery time is quicker because
more mail is routed closer to its ultimate destination. In addition, processing time may be
a little slower, and more trays may be formed.
Make 5-digit auto packages and
Creates automation flats at the 5-digit tray sortation level.
Make 5-digit pallets
Sorting at this level could speed delivery; however, this might produce a lot of small pallets unless you increase the weight for this level. Available in Business Edition with the
purchase of the pallets/drop-ship option.
Make 705.13 merged 5-digit/
scheme pallets
(available with the purchase of
Business Edition’s pallets/dropship option)
If you’re preparing irregular parcels, machinable parcels, or flats, do not select this
option. In most cases, by not selecting this option, your mailing will be less complex and
have fewer limitations for merged palletization. Also, if you do not select this option,
you can potentially improve deliverability because more mail is brought closer to its
delivery unit.
If you’re preparing automated flats, select this option. Automated flats can be prepared
on merged 5-digit or 5-digit-scheme pallets for certain ZIP Codes. Because the merged
5-digit and 5-digit-scheme pallet levels combine carrier-route and non-carrier-route mail,
you have a better chance of getting mail palletized at the 5-digit level. The advantage is
that the pallet does not need as much work by the USPS, so the delivery should be faster,
and you should receive better discounts for drop-shipped mailings.
Make AADC trays
Prepares letters at the AADC tray level. All sort levels above the Mixed AADC level
are optional for First-Class automation letters and Standard Mail automation and
machinable letters.
Make ADC trays on SCF pallets
(available with the purchase of
Business Edition’s pallets/dropship option)
Turning on this parameter in the STD Letter Trays on Pallets scheme places AADC and
ADC letter trays on SCF pallets when the 3-digit ZIP Code on the tray label is within the
SCF’s service area. AADC and ADC letter trays on SCF pallets are eligible for the
DNDC destination price.
If the No Sorting After option is set to SCF, the software still creates and places AADC
trays on SCF pallets.
Make firm packages
Firm packaging is a way to reduce postage by bundling nonautomated Periodicals pieces
that are destined for the same company or school. You can form carrier-route or regularrate firm packages.
Make machinable AADC trays
Prepares letters at the machinable AADC trays level.
User Guide
Make MADC packages/trays/
sacks on ASF/NDC pallets
(available with the purchase of
Business Edition’s pallets/dropship option)
Making mixed ADC pallets is optional, however it may reduce mail handling because
mail that wouldn't normally qualify for the other sortation levels may go into mixed
sacks and be placed on an MADC pallet.
While this preparation may be beneficial in certain circumstances, it may cause problems
in others. It is beneficial because it increases the number of mail pieces that go on the
pallets. However, sometimes the MADC and MAADC packages and containers are
small. These small packages (or bundles) slow down automated packing processes, and
may sometimes jam the machine. In addition, these small packages ultimately require
special handling for placement onto the ASF/NDC pallets.
Make mixed ADC pallets
(available with the purchase of
Business Edition’s pallets/dropship option)
Making mixed ADC pallets is optional, however it may reduce mail handling because
mail that wouldn't normally qualify for the other sortation levels may go into mixed
sacks and be placed on an MADC pallet.
While this preparation may be beneficial in certain circumstances, it may cause problems
in others. It is beneficial because it increases the number of mail pieces that go on the
pallets. However, sometimes the MADC and MAADC packages and containers are
small. These small packages (or bundles) slow down automated packing processes, and
may sometimes jam the machine. In addition, these small packages ultimately require
special handling for placement onto the ASF/NDC pallets.
Make mixed NDC pallets
(available with the purchase of
Business Edition’s pallets/dropship option)
Mixed-NDC pallets are optional in the schemes that include this option. Sorting at
this level could reduce mail handling. For example, if you choose to sort to the
Mixed-NDC pallet level, your entire job might be prepared on pallets.
Make non-auto 3DG scheme
(L008) packages
May decrease delivery time when you are bundling nonautomation (presorted) flats. If
you deselect this option you may increase delivery time.
Make non-auto 5DG scheme
(L007) packages
May decrease delivery time when you are bundling nonautomation (presorted) flats. If
you deselect this option you may increase delivery time.
Make origin entry 3-digit/scheme
Creates 3-digit underfilled containers. When you select this option, trays are made with
no minimums. The 3-digit origin tray sortation level is required for First Class machinable letters and cards. Also, in First-Class schemes, this option applies only to the letter
portion of the mailing.
Make overflow trays
In some schemes, you can control the creation of overflow trays. For more information
about the options and the advantages or disadvantages of using them, see “Overflow
trays” on page 182.
Make SCF containers
Routes mail a little closer to its ultimate destination. If you select this option, more containers will probably be formed.
Prepare 5-digit NFM packages
Creates NFM packages on pallets or in pallet boxes. You can also create 5-digit packages
by using a 5-piece minimum. Other NFM packaging is not permitted. Creation of 5-digit
packages is necessary in order to claim the 5-digit rate when palletizing NFM pieces.
The software places the 5-digit packages with the loose parcels on pallets. Pieces that are
not packaged on pallets are considered one large “virtual package,” even when the software creates the optional 5-digit packages.
Prepare 5-digit/scheme containers
Five-digit scheme trays differ from ordinary 5-digit trays because they contain mail for
more than one 5-digit ZIP Code.
Making 5-digit scheme trays should help you save postage and reduce the number of
trays that you handle because pieces from more than one ZIP Code can be used to meet
the minimum piece requirement.
If you choose to form 5-digit scheme trays, delivery time will be quicker because more
mail is routed closer to its ultimate destination. In addition, processing time may be a little slower, and more containers may be formed.
Chapter 8: Presort
Prepare ASF pallets
(available with the purchase of
Business Edition’s pallets/dropship option)
May speed delivery or reduce mail handling. If you drop-ship and claim the
destination NDC (DNDC) discount, select this option to ensure that you earn
discounts on all eligible mail.
Prepare automation rate packages/
Creates packages or trays for your automation-rate mailing. This option should not be
selected for Simplified Addressing in the Periodicals Flats scheme and Standard Flats
Prepare barcoded flats
This option is available in Business Edition’s Package Services Bound Printed Matter
scheme only. Select this option if you want to receive the barcode discount. You cannot select this option unless you use the Automated Flats processing category.
Prepare carrier-route rate packages Creates packages for your carrier-route mailing. Select only this option for simplified
addressing in the Periodicals Flats scheme and Standard Flats scheme.
Prepare co-packaged auto and reg.
Creates packages with both automated and non-automated pieces. In most cases, postage
is less when you co-package. This preparation saves the post office time and labor, and it
also speeds up delivery.
Prepare co-packaged barcoded and
regular pieces
This option is available in Business Edition’s Package Services Bound Printed Matter
scheme only. Creates packages with both barcoded and non-automated pieces. In most
cases, postage is less when you co-package. This preparation saves the post office time
and labor, and it also speeds up delivery.
Prepare ECR reg cart rate trays
(available with the purchase of
Business Edition’s pallets/dropship option)
Prepares enhanced carrier route trays on pallets. Selecting this option is advised. You
may choose to prepare any combination of carrier-route, automation-rate, and regularrate trays. If you choose to prepare more than one type, they’ll be placed together on pallets.
Prepare non-auto rate packages
Creates packages or trays for a regular-rate mailing. This option should not be selected
for simplified addressing in the Periodicals Flats scheme.
Prepare regular rate packages/trays Creates packages or trays for a regular-rate mailing. This option should not be selected
for simplified addressing in the Standard Flats scheme.
Scheme details: Other
To access the following options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings. Click
Next to advance through the wizard. In the Presort - Schemes window, click the
Details button.
Container Type
Choose the containers to use for this mailing.
Sack choices:
#1 - 4.5 cubic feet; 20-70 pounds
#2 - 3.0 cubic feet; 20-70 pounds
#3 - 1.5 cubic feet; 12-70 pounds
#1 clear sacks - 3.75 cubic feet; up to 70 pounds
#3 clear sacks - 2.5 cubic feet; up to 70 pounds.
For trayed mailings, the USPS requires you to prepare letters in both one-foot and twofoot trays in the same mailing. If you don’t have enough of one size tray or the other, you
can use just one tray size with USPS permission.
Use Extended Managed Mail (EMM) trays when your letter-sized mail piece is taller
than 4.625 inches or wider than 10 inches and will not fit in an MM (managed mail) tray
(1-foot or 2-foot).
User Guide
If unqualified
Specifies the action to take if a scheme doesn’t qualify (because it doesn’t meet the minimum weight requirement or not enough records have ZIP+4, for example).
 Continue: Choose to continue if you want to attempt a scheme, but you aren’t sure if it
will qualify. The software skips the unqualified scheme and goes to the next scheme in
the job file.
 Abort: Choose to abort if you think a scheme will qualify and you want to ensure that
it will. The software skips the unqualified scheme and any remaining schemes, but
continues other processing, such as reports.
 Abort all: Choose to abort all schemes if you want to halt and not save any work from
this session. For most users, Abort is a better choice than Abort All; if you choose to
abort, you can create reports to help you solve the problem.
Number of stacks
Indicate the number of mail stacks that you can fit into a flat tray (tub). The USPS wants
you to use the space in flat trays efficiently. So, if the size of the mail piece allows, place
multiple stacks in flat trays.
If there's room in the tray, you could tip a single package on its side and place it next to a
stack; then you'd set the Number of Stacks option to 1.5.
Note: Don’t confuse a stack with a package. A stack is a column of mail; it might contain
more than one package.
Optimize ECR basic to automation Helps you control the type of postage savings you want the software to attempt. In most
cases, you should select this option. You may want to de-select this option if you are
mailing cards that must be tabbed, if you’re mailing at automation rate. In some cases,
the cost of tabbing is greater than the postage savings.
Order of trays on pallets based on
weights (Business Edition only,
with purchase of the drop-ship/pallets option)
Descend: Outputs the heaviest trays on the pallet first.
Ascend: Outputs the lightest trays on the pallet first.
For Standard Mail trays on pallets, the USPS requires that the heaviest trays (the 2-foot
trays) be placed on the bottom of the pallet to avoid crushing the lighter trays (the 1-foot
When you print labels, the label printing flow (Print > Printing Options > Label
Printing Flow) must correspond to your setting of the Order of Trays option: If Order
of Trays is Descend, the printing flow must be forward order; if Order of Trays is
Ascend, your printing flow must be reverse order.
Preparation type
This option is available in First Class automated flats jobs. Choose from the following:
Regular: You are processing regular mail.
Automation: You are processing automated mail.
Combined: Create combined automated and non-automated packages and trays.
Retain walk sequence
Walk-sequencing means that pieces are sorted in the order that the carrier delivers the
mail. The USPS offers discounts for carrier-route walk-sequenced mailings.
The software cannot place your mailing list in walk sequence. To do that, you must submit your mailing list to your postmaster or to a service bureau licensed by the USPS.
 Yes: Walk-sequenced mailing using normal addresses. Select this option if your
records are already in walk-sequence. The software sorts the mailing according to the
value in the Walk_Seq field. If you select this option, but you have not set up the
Walk_Seq field, the software assumes that the records are physically in walksequence.
 No: The job is a carrier-route LOT mailing.
 Simplified: The entire job is simplified address pieces.
 Mixed: The job includes simplified and non-simplified addresses.
See “Walk sequencing” on page 187.
Chapter 8: Presort
Sort through
Select the level at which sortation should stop within this scheme. If you want to process
all sortation levels in this scheme, select Every.
Typically, you will want to process all sortation levels in a scheme. But in rare circumstances, you may want to process certain levels in one scheme and let the rest of the
pieces drop to another scheme.
Pieces that drop out of the selected level drop to the next scheme, if any, and then to the
qualified nonpresort group.
See “Sort through” on page 182.
Use ECR regular flat rates
Select this option if you are preparing ECR letter mailings that don’t meet the barcode or
automation-compatibility requirements. Your mail is charged the applicable flats rate.
Also, select this option if you are preparing simplified address mailings (and set the
Retain Walk-Sequence parameter to SIMP). Postalsoft doesn’t check for the DPBC or
automation-compatibility information.
Select the level at which sortation should stop within a scheme.
Sort through
For example, let’s say you’re preparing automated First-Class Mail with 1500
pieces. After presorting, the Job Summary shows that 450 pieces didn’t qualify
for the automated mailing. You need at least 500 pieces to qualify for another
mailing; so these 450 pieces drop to the qualified non-presort group, which mails
at the single-piece rate.
The Mail Sort Listing shows that there are 50 pieces at the ADC level. You could
add those 50 pieces to the other 450 pieces to create another mailing.
To do this, you would choose the First Class automated letter for scheme 1 and
the First Class regular letter for scheme 2. In scheme 1, set the Sort Through
option to 3-digit to process only those pieces that qualify for the 3-digit level and
Using this option this way may save you some postage. However, you should try
processing the presort both ways first and then check the postage (in the Job
Summary or Postage Statement) to determine which method grants the better
postage rates.
Overflow trays
Set the Make Overflow Trays option after carefully comparing the cost of
making more trays and the possible increase in postage. See DMM 245.7.5 for
When you choose to use reduced overflow trays, you must group the mail that is
going into the next tray level by destination and place it at the front of the tray.
Make Overflow
Trays options
Pieces drop to the next level where they’re charged a
higher rate.
May create fewer,
fuller trays.
May increase postage.
Extra pieces that don’t fit in the tray go into another
May decrease postage.
(partial) tray of pieces at the same level. The pieces do
not drop to the next level, where they would be
charged a higher rate
User Guide
May create more trays,
and the trays may be
less full.
Make Overflow
Trays options
Places the “overflow” pieces from that level into the
tray for the next level, but keeps postage at the same
rate for those pieces.
Reduced trays are not available for Periodicals.
May decrease postage.
May create fewer,
fuller trays.
Chapter 8: Presort
Mailing fletters
A fletter is a Periodicals or Standard Mail piece whose dimensions qualify it as an
automated flat or a regular letter. The height of the piece is between 6 and 6.125
inches, and the width is not more than 11.5 inches.
If at first the mail piece doesn’t qualify as a fletter, the software switches the
width and height measurements that you entered to determine if the piece
qualifies as a fletter with reversed measurements.
For more information, see DMM 707.25.1.7.
When you presort fletters, you can save on postage by processing the pieces with
a 9-digit ZIP Code as automated flats and the remaining pieces as regular letters.
(The automated flats get a better postage rate.)
Preparing fletters as flats
You can choose to process all pieces as flats to save on production costs. If you
choose to process the entire mailing as flats, the non-automation pieces are
charged flat rates, resulting in higher postage rates but reducing production time
and labor costs. You decide where you can benefit the most.
When you presort fletters, you’re given the choice to prepare the non-automation
pieces as letters or flats. The scheme choices correspond to your earlier selection
of letters or flats.
Co-packaging fletters
User Guide
The USPS requires fletters to be co-bundled (co-packaged) when they are
prepared entirely in sacks. Select the Prepare Copackaged Auto and Reg Pieces
option in the scheme details window.
Mixing simplified mail with non-simplified mail
You can prepare simplified and non-simplified (normal) walk-sequenced carrierroute mail in the same Standard Mail letter or flat job. Preparing simplified and
non-simplified mail together in the same mailing can save time and costs.
Simplified mail does not contain specific name or address information.
Simplified mail pieces have “Current Resident,” for example, in place of a name.
These pieces are delivered to every address within a carrier’s route.
When you mix simplified and nonsimplified mail, you are processing a single
database that contains both simplified and non-simplified addresses as saturation
walk sequence.
For more information about simplified mail, see DMM 602.3.2.
The software does not generate simplified mail databases. You can obtain them
from an outside source.
Before you can mix simplified and non-simplified addresses in a walk-sequenced
mailing, the following fields must be present in your record layout:
Walk Sequence
Delivery Point add-on
When mixing simplified mail with non-simplified address carrier-route mail, the
software separates the simplified pieces and the non-simplified pieces into
separate trays for two reasons:
The contents line for simplified address mail is different from the contents
line for saturation carrier-route mail.
The simplified mail is not barcoded, while the saturation carrier-route mail
claiming letter rates is barcoded.
The software prepares simplified address pieces in separate bundles (packages)
from the non-simplified addressed mail. This is for the mail carrier’s convenience
in handling the simplified mail. The simplified mail bundles can be sacked with
the non-simplified mail bundles.
If you are own Business Edition’s pallets/drop-ship option, you can prepare
palletized mail as described below.
In DMM 602.3.2.3, the USPS states:
Mailers must prepare flat-size pieces [...] in carrier-route bundles [packages]
in sacks or directly on pallets. Bundles, sacks, or trays may be placed on 3digit, 5-digit or 5-digit scheme pallets under 705.8.10.
The software implements this rule for jobs in which the Retain Walk Sequence
option is set to Mixed or Simplified. When palletizing, the software puts
simplified mail on only 5-digit/scheme and 3-digit pallets. After the 3-digit pallet
level is met, simplified mail drops to the next scheme.
Chapter 8: Presort
Mixing simplified and
non-simplified mail in
a walk-sequenced
To mix simplified and non-simplified addresses in walk-sequenced mailing:
1. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings and set up your mailing as usual.
2. When you reach the Presort - Schemes window, click the Details button for
your Standard Mail letter or flats scheme, and set the Retain Walk Sequence
option to Mixed to indicate that you are mixing simplified and nonsimplified addresses in this mailing.
The following values are available for the Retain Walk Sequence option:
Indicates a walk-sequenced mailing using normal addresses.
Indicates that the job is a carrier-route LOT mailing.
Simplified Indicates that the entire job is composed of simplified address pieces.
Indicates that the job includes some simplified addresses and some
non-simplified addresses.
3. Select other scheme options as needed, and click OK to close the window.
4. In the Presort - Schemes window, click the Walk-Sequence Options button.
5. In the Presort Walk Sequence Options window, select the appropriate walk
sequence option for your simplified mail pieces.
The CDS simplified walk-sequence options apply to your simplified
addresses in the same way that the CDS walk-sequence options apply to your
non-simplified addresses.
Select this option if you want to use the DSF (Delivery Statistics File)
directory to determine qualification for the walk-sequence discount.
CDS Residential
Select this option only if you are using a Computerized Delivery
Sequence file and if your CDS file contains only residential
CDS Business and
Select this option only if you are using a Computerized Delivery
Sequence file and if your CDS file contains both residential and business addresses.
6. Finish setting up the presort, and process the job.
User Guide
Walk sequencing
Walk sequencing means that mail pieces are presented in the order that the carrier
walks or drives the route. When a database is in walk sequence, the mail pieces
can get saturation or high-density carrier-route rates.
Postalsoft does not place your file in walk sequence. Instead it retains the walk
sequence as coded by a CDS, DSF, or DSF2 service provider.
Walk sequence discounts are available for Standard Mail and Periodicals.
To qualify for saturation or high-density rates, CDS, DSF, or DSF2 processing
must be done no more than 90 days before mailing and you must submit proof of
CDS, DSF, or DSF2 processing to the USPS.
Postnet or IM barcodes are required on automation-compatible letters at the
saturation or high-density rate. Barcodes are not required on walk-sequenced
Refer to the USPS DMM to ensure that you understand all USPS rules regarding
walk-sequencing. To get started, see the following DMM sections:
CDS (Computerized
Delivery Sequence)
The CDS file is a five-digit ZIP Code-based computerized medium. It provides
and updates delivery sequence address information by carrier route for qualified
CDS option is a walk-sequence feature that may reduce your postage. To take
advantage of this method you must obtain a CDS file from the USPS (or licensed
provider) within 90 days before your mailing date.
Use CDS options to avoid
Some mailers who prepare carrier-route, walk-sequenced mailings have
encountered discrepancies between the CDS file that they receive from the USPS
and the Delivery Statistics File (dsf.dir) used by the software. The DSF’s
residential and total delivery counts for each carrier route usually do not match
the mailer's CDS file. One or the other is more up to date. Sometimes the
differences are large enough that walk-sequence discounts are not given to some
carrier routes that are eligible for the discount.
The software uses a delivery sequence file (dsf.dir) to determine which carrier
routes qualify for walk-sequence discounts. When the software uses dsf.dir, it
doesn't distinguish between residential and business addresses in determining
whether your mailing list covers at least 75 percent of the total active stops on a
route. Therefore, if your mailing list contains only residential addresses, it may
not qualify for the saturation rate on carrier routes that contain any business
To eliminate these problems, you can select CDS Residential or CDS Business
and Residential. When you select either of these options, the software does not
use dsf.dir to determine qualification for the walk-sequence discount. Instead the
software assumes that you're using a current CDS file, and the walk-sequence
Chapter 8: Presort
counts are generated from the input file. Every route qualifies for the walksequence at 100 percent regardless of actual route counts.
Setting up walksequenced mailings
Use the CDS options only if you are using a CDS file. If you use these
options, you are required to submit the CDS invoice when you submit your
Postalsoft doesn’t put your mailing in walk sequence, but it retains the walk
sequence data coded by your CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider.
The following is an overview of the steps you follow in Postalsoft to correctly set
up your walk-sequenced mailing.
1. Add walk-sequence-related fields to your database.
2. Perform Extended Services DSF2 processing; or import a file that’s been
processed by a CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider.
Important: Do not perform address correction on this file at this point. Your
CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider provides the CASS report.
3. Perform presort processing with the walk-sequence options set.
Fields needed for
If you will send your data to Lorton Data or Peachtree Data for DSF2 processing
via Postalsoft’s Extended Services, the fields listed below must be in your record
layout before you send the job for Extended Services processing.
If you are importing a file that has been processed by a CDS, DSF, or DSF2
provider, the fields listed below must be in your layout before you begin
To add fields, choose File > Properties > Database.
Carrier Route (CRRT)
This field is always required for walk-sequenced mailings.
5-digit ZIP Code
This field is always required for walk-sequenced mailings.
Walk Sequence (WALK_SEQ)
The Walk Sequence field, when present, must contain the sequence
number provided by the CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider. If the Walk
Sequence field is in your layout but is empty, your mail pieces will not
qualify for carrier-route rates.
If your CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider placed your records in walk
sequence order in the file, and you import them in that order, then the
Walk Sequence field is not required.
Delivery Point 2-Digit Add-On
Standard letter mailings that are not Simplified Address mailings and
that claim saturation or high-density rates must be barcoded. Therefore
in those jobs, theDP2 and 4-digit ZIP Code add-on are required and
must be populated.
Standard letter mailings that are not Simplified Address mailings and
that claim saturation or high-density rates must be barcoded. Therefore
in those jobs, theDP2 and 4-digit ZIP Code add-on are required and
must be populated.
User Guide
Address Type (DSF_AD_TYP)
Recommended The Address Type field indicates whether an address is business or residential. With the Address Type field, you have a better chance that more
of your mailing will qualify for the lowest postage rate (saturation).
There are two possible ways of achieving saturation rates:
 Your mailing covers 75 percent of all delivery points (residential or
business) on the carrier’s route.
 Your mailing covers 90 percent of the residential addresses on the
carrier’s route.
Your CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider provides address type (also known
as delivery type) for each record. By looking at address type, Postalsoft
can see if your mailing covers 90 percent of residential addresses. Without the Address Type field, Postalsoft can still see if your mailing covers 75 percent of all delivery points.
When you have the necessary walk-sequence-related fields in your record layout,
you can move on to the next step: getting the walk-sequence data you need from a
certified provider. There are two ways of doing this: either sending your data to a
vendor on your own or using Postalsoft’s Extended Services feature.
Extended Services DSF2
You can send your data for DSF2 Extended Services processing through Lorton
Data or Peachtree Data. When they perform DSF2 processing, they will populate
the walk-sequence-related fields. When Extended Services processing is
complete, the updated data is merged back into your Postalsoft database and is
ready for you to use in presorting.
To begin Extended Services processing, choose Tools > Extended Services.
For more information, see “Extended Services” on page 99.
Important: After Extended Services processing is complete, do not perform
address correction at this time.
Importing a data file from
a CDS, DSF, or DSF2
You can send your data file to a third-party CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider for
processing. When they return the data to you, import the file by choosing File >
Import. When you reach the Associate Imported Fields window, map all fields
that you want to import, including the walk-sequence-related fields.
For more information, see “Importing and exporting data” on page 55.
Important: After you import data from a CDS, DSF, or DSF2 provider, do not
perform address correction at this time.
Presorting a walksequenced mailing
When all required fields are in your layout, and you’ve either imported the walksequenced file or performed Extended Services DSF2 processing, you can set up
the presort. Do not perform address correction before presorting this file.
1. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings.
2. In the Sort for Mailing - Piece Information window, set options as needed. If
you are mailing Standard letters and want to claim saturation or high-density
rates, the piece must be barcoded. Click Next
3. In the Sort for Mailing - Sorting Information window, choose Periodical or
Standard, flat or automation letter, and click Next.
Chapter 8: Presort
4. Set up the next windows as needed.
5. When you reach the Presort - Schemes window, click the Details buttons for
each scheme that offers walk sequencing (see list below), and set the Retain
Walk Sequence option to Yes. Click OK to close the window and return to
the Presort - Schemes window. Repeat this step for each scheme that offers
walk sequencing.
Schemes that offer walk-sequencing:
STD Enhanced Carrier Route Letters
STD Automation Letters
1C/STD Regular Letters
STD Letter Trays on Pallets
PER Carrier Route Regular Letters scheme
PER Flats
6. In the Presort - Schemes window, click the Walk Sequence Options button.
Choose from the following options, and then click OK to close the window.
Use DSF.dir
The software uses the DSF (Delivery Statistics File) directory
to perform density checking, to verify the number of stops per
route, which determines qualification for walk-sequence discounts.
CDS Residential Select this option if a CDS service provider sequenced the list,
which covers 100 percent of the stops in each route, and your
database contains only residential addresses.
When you select this option, the software does not verify density or number of stops per route. If you select this option, you
must submit documentation to the USPS as proof of CDS processing.
CDS Business
and Residential
Select this option if a CDS service provider sequenced the list,
which covers 100 percent of the stops in each route, and your
database contains both residential and business addresses.
When you select this option, the software does not verify density or number of stops per route. If you select this option, you
must submit documentation to the USPS as proof of CDS processing.
7. Complete the remaining presort steps.
User Guide
Line-of-travel (LOT) sequencing
Sequencing by LOT is a method of sorting carrier-route mail based on a USPSassigned LOT number, which represents one side of a street for the distance of
one block. The order of the LOT numbers in a route represents the order the
carrier walks or drives the route. In most cases, LOT order mimics walk
sequence. In some cases LOT does not provide as fine a sort.
For example, in a high-rise apartment building that’s assigned a single deliverypoint code, LOT sequencing doesn’t provide a method of sorting stops within the
building. With LOT-sequence, the building is considered a single stop. But with
walk sequence, every stop within the building is mapped and sequenced. That’s
why the USPS offers a greater discount for walk sequencing.
LOT-required fields
The following fields are required for LOT sequencing:
Choose File > Properties > Database to add fields. See “Fields” on page 317 for
more information about these fields.
How LOT processing
To sequence pieces for the carrier’s line of travel, the software sorts pieces first
by LOT—which often means that pieces are sorted by block face. Then within
each LOT group (block face), the software sorts ZIP+4 and DPBC—in effect, on
the last two digits of the house number. The direction of this second sort is
indicated by LOT_Order (A for Ascending (0–9) or D for Descending (9–0)).
Records that have not yet been assigned a LOT code by the USPS (for example,
new housing developments) are assigned 0000. Records with 0000 in the LOT
field are dropped to the end of the carrier route and sorted in ascending ZIP+4
Chapter 8: Presort
USPS Confirm program
Get enhanced delivery information with the USPS Confirm production system.
For information, see
To participate in Confirm, you use the PLANET barcode or the Intelligent Mail
barcode to track your mail pieces. The barcode helps to track the “in home” date
(Destination Confirm), which is the estimated date of delivery, or print a barcode
on return envelopes to track incoming mail (Origin Confirm).
A shipment ID barcode that the software generates on the PS Form 3152-A
includes parts of the PLANET code. The USPS scans this barcode when the
shipment arrives at the delivery unit and tracks the processing time by using the
numbers in the barcode and the PLANET codes on the mail pieces.
Related links:
“Intelligent Mail” on page 197
PLANET fields
To participate in Confirm, your database must include two PLANET fields:
Prt_PLANET and PLANET. Choose File > Properties > Database and add these
Prt_PLANET field
The Prt_PLANET field shows which records participate in Confirm.To populate
this field, select the checkbox (Data Sheet view) or type T (Data Form view) in
this field for the records that participate in the Confirm program.
PLANET field
The PLANET field contains exactly 11 digits for the required PLANET barcode:
Digits 1-2
These digits identify the Confirm service you are using. For details, see
Digits 3-7
Your Confirm subscriber ID number.
Digits 8-11 Mail piece information that must be the same for every piece in the mailing. You define what numbers are to be used.
Electronic Mailing
Data file
The software generates the Electronic Mailing Data (EMD) file that you send
electronically to the USPS. EMD is a file that contains mailing information that
the USPS can use to track mail delivery, drop locations, and volumes.
The EMD file format is emd[DUNS number][date][serial number].txt:
User Guide
The mail owner DUNS number from the Sort for Mailing - Mailing Information window. If that field is blank, the permit holder DUNS number is
used. If that field is also blank, the mailing agent DUNS number is used.
The date when you processed the job, in the format MMDDYYYY.
The time of day when you generated the EMD file. The time is in seconds
and is left-padded with zeros.
Processing a Confirm
mailing and creating
an EMD file
You must supply information for the USPS about your Confirm mailing.
1. In the Sort for Mailing - Piece Information window, select Participate in
USPS Confirm program.
2. In the Sort for Mailing - Mailing Information window, enter the DUNS
3. In the Presort - Entry Point - Details window, click the USPS Mail Options
4. Enter your appointment number, and fill out the estimated drop date and time
information. Click OK.
5. Finish defining your presort settings, and click Begin Presorting.
6. When the Confirm EMD file window appears, make sure that the file path in
the Destination Directory is where you want the EMD file saved.
7. Enter the 8-digit Segment Shipment ID Start number. This number is used to
create the barcode on your Form 3125-A or 8125.
8. Enter a descriptive name for your mailing in the Mailing Name field.
9. Click OK.
Designing and
printing labels for a
Confirm mailing
Your address labels must contain the PLANET barcode to participate in Confirm.
This can only be accomplished using Label Toolbox. The older text-based
method of printing does not support printing the PLANET barcode.
To add a PLANET barcode your design file layout:
1. Choose Print > Labels.
2. In the Presorted Addresses section, click the Design button.
3. In the Label Toolbox preview window, choose a design file, and click Edit.
4. Click and drag a PLANET barcode object onto your layout.
5. Choose File > Save As to create a new design file based on the predefined
one. (Predefined design files are read-only.)
6. Choose File > Exit.
7. In the Label Toolbox preview window, click the Select button.
PLANET barcodes follow the same position and size requirements as the
POSTNET barcode. If your POSTNET barcode is at the top of your label, the
PLANET barcode must be at the bottom, and vice versa. Refer to the DMM
for more information.
Confirm report (USPS
form 3152a)
The software generates the USPS form 3152a and the barcode necessary for
submitting a Confirm mailing. You cannot print the USPS form 3152a with the
Confirm barcode using a text-based printer driver.
Related links:
“Reports” on page 225
Chapter 8: Presort
Palletization/drop-shipping is an add-on option in Business Edition.
Palletizing means preparing mail on shipping pallets destined and labeled for
USPS facilities. Palletizing makes it easier to transport mail within your plant,
and into and out of trucks. The sole reason to palletize is convenience; there is
generally no postage incentive.
The USPS does not require a special permit for palletizing. However, you must be
careful to follow all USPS rules regarding pallet preparation, materials, and
stacking. If the USPS decides that you prepare unsafe pallets, they could
withdraw your palletization privilege. You may need additional equipment to
shrink-wrap and move pallets.
You can palletize mail in the following mail classes and categories:
Mail class
Presort scheme
First Class
1C Letter Trays on Pallets
1C Flats Trays on Pallets
Machinable flats
Nonmachinable flats
Automated flats
Alternative auto flats
Per. Packages on pallets
Per. Sacks on pallets
Standard Mail
Automated flats
STD Packages on pallets
STD Sacks on pallets
STD Flats letter trays on pallets
(automated only)
STD Letter trays on pallets
Automated flats
PSVC Packages on pallets
Machinable parcels
PSVC Machinable parcels pallets
Machinable parcels
PSVC Machinable parcels pallets
Package Services
Bound Printed Matter
Sample of a palletized
To get started, look at the sample pallets job.
1. Choose File > Open, select Sample_pallets.mdf, and click OK.
2. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings to open the presort wizard.
This .mdf file is a Standard Mail automated flats mailing; however, you can
presort this mailing again as any other mail class or processing category. Go
through the presort wizard taking note of the settings in the various steps.
The presort wizard always gives you the recommended schemes in the order your
mailing should be sorted. If you are using pallets, the pallets scheme should
always be first.
Click the Details button next to any of the pallets schemes to view the parameters
related to pallets. As with all scheme parameters, we recommend using the
default settings or ranges (in the case of pallet minimums and maximums).
User Guide
Size limits for pallets
With some exceptions, pallets should contain at least 250 pounds of mail, unless
you make special arrangements with the USPS. The last pallet level must be made
when 250 pounds of mail is reached.
Single pallets are limited to 77 inches tall, and stacked pallets to 84 inches. This is
measured from the floor, so the height includes the pallet itself, not just the mail.
Setting pallet
You can create pallets weighing less than 250 pounds (for sack mailings) or
measuring fewer than 36 feet (for tray mailings). The USPS allows this (see
DMM 705.8.5 at
To adjust pallet minimums:
1. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings, and set up your presort as usual.
2. When you reach the Presort - Schemes window, click the Details button next
to the “... on Pallets” scheme.
The pallet minimum and maximum settings that appear in the details window
that opens are for all package levels in that scheme. If you adjust those
minimums and maximums, you are changing minimums and maximums for
all package levels.
3. If you want to override the default minimums and change pallet minimums
for specific package levels, click the Pallet Minimums button.
4. Enter new minimum values (in pounds or feet, depending on whether this is a
sack or tray mailing) for the levels that are active and that you want to
Pallet minimums that you set in the Pallet Minimums window override pallet
minimums set in the details window. Any pallet minimums left blank in the
Pallet Minimums window will use the default setting from the details
5. Click OK to close the Pallet Minimums window.
Now you can continue setting up your presort and run the job.
Standard Mail letter
trays on pallets
The minimum load for Standard letter trays on pallets can be measured either in
tiers or by linear feet. The software supports linear feet. If you are familiar with
using tiers, you can convert tiers to linear feet with the following formula: 1 tier =
12 linear feet.
You can set pallet limits both in terms of weight and volume and in terms of
number of linear. The software applies whichever limit is the more restrictive.
It is up to you to stack your trays in a safe, stable manner. USPS rules require that
the heaviest (fullest) trays are on the bottom, and the lightest trays on top.
Usually, you cannot stack pallets of trays. The top tier may be partial, so you
cannot count on having a flat surface on which to stack another pallet. Also,
stacking tends to crush letter trays, especially under-filled trays.
Standard Mail flats in
letter trays on pallets
Keep in mind the following important preparation requirements:
To be eligible for this sortation option, at least 90 percent of the mailing must
be automated or enhanced carrier route (ECR) rate flats. The remaining 10
Chapter 8: Presort
percent (or less) must be presorted rate flats. The software does not check for
this requirement.
Automated flats and ECR flats must meet the separate minimum of 200
pieces per mailing.
Automated, ECR, and presorted flats must meet their specific dimensions
stated in the DMM. All pieces must fit correctly in the trays. Pieces cannot
stick out of the tray or be jammed in the tray.
The flats must be packaged, except for flats in full five-digit trays and full
individual carrier route trays. These trays must then be palletized.
Sacks are not allowed when you prepare flats in letter trays except when there
are not enough pieces to fill a tray or enough trays to complete a pallet.
Each portion of the mailing must be labeled appropriately with tray, sack (if
applicable), and pallet labels.
All trays must be labeled following USPS standards. These standards include
listing the appropriate two-digit USPS processing code after the five-digit ZIP
code and the three-digit content identifier number (CIN). For more information
about the basic standards for tray labels, see the DMM.
User Guide
Intelligent Mail
Using the software and its Label Toolbox feature to print labels, you can create
Intelligent Mail barcodes and include them on your mail pieces. You can also
export the barcode digits and the encoded DATF characters.
Postalsoft can generate the components that make up the IM barcode for you, or
you can import the IM components that you’re generating and tracking outside of
According to the United States Postal Service:
The Intelligent Mail barcode, formerly referred to as the 4-State Customer
barcode, is a new Postal Service barcode used to sort and track letters and
flats. The Postal Service is promoting use of the Intelligent Mail barcode
because it expands the ability to track individual mailpieces and provide
customers with greater visibility into the mailstream.
The Intelligent Mail barcode combines the data of the existing POSTNET™
and the PLANET Code barcodes, as well as other data, into a single barcode.
The Intelligent Mail barcode is a type of height-modulated barcode, that uses
four distinct vertical bar types (Full, Tracker, Ascender and Descender).
To set Intelligent Mail barcode options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings .
The Intelligent Mail window appears at the end of the wizard.
Use Imported Mailer ID From
Select this option if you’re using mailer ID data that you’ve already imported into the
Imported Mailer ID field. When you select this option, most of the other options in this
window are disabled because they are not relevant when using imported IM data.
Mailer ID of Mail Owner
Enter the 6- or 9-digit ID that the USPS assigned to the mail owner, choose one from the
drop-down list, or click Setup to enter or edit mailer IDs. The mail owner’s mailer ID is
used in the IM barcode for each mail piece.
For Business Edition only, the mail owner’s mailer ID that you enter populates the following Mail.dat records:
 Mailer Postage Account (MPA) record, position 216-224
 Component (CPT) record, position 99-107
 Intelligent Mail Range (IMR) record, position 53-61
Mailer ID of Mail Preparer
Enter the 6- or 9-digit ID that the USPS assigned to you, choose one from the drop-down
list, or click Setup to enter or edit mailer IDs window. The mail preparer’s mailer ID is
used in the IM barcodes for trays, sacks, and pallets.
Chapter 8: Presort
Mail Owner Mail.dat By/For
(Business Edition only)
PostalOne uses the By/For relationship to identify who sends information to and receives
information from the USPS after presorting and generating Mail.dat files. The USPS
calls this Full Service Data Distribution. “By” represents the mail preparer and “For”
represents the mail owner.
Using the By/For options, you determine what to populate in the Mail.dat, which in turn
determines whether the USPS distributes information such as change-of-address to the
mail owner, mail preparer, or both.
For details, see the Postal Service Mail.dat Technical Specification.
Choose the ID to be entered for mail owner in your Mail.dat files:
 MID (mailer ID)
 CRID (customer registration ID)
 Both (both MID and CRID)
See “Generating Mail.dat files” on page 221 for information about setting the By/For
option for the mail preparer.
Service Type
Choose the description that corresponds to your mailing. This includes special services
that are requested on a mail piece (for example, change of address, Confirm, ACS, and so
on) and in some cases also the mail class.
For more information, see the Intelligent Mail Barcode Technical Resource Guide,
Appendix B.
Create for each mail piece
Choose The Same Serial Number if you want to use the same serial number in the
Intelligent Mail barcodes for all pieces in this mailing. Or choose Unique Serial Number if you want each mail piece in this mailing to have a unique serial number in its Intelligent Mail barcode.
You can choose to use unique serial numbers for each mail piece or to use the same serial
number on each mail piece, whether you’re using basic or full service Intelligent Mail.
For basic service, you are not required to use unique serial numbers for each mail piece.
However, you can use unique serial numbers if doing so is beneficial to your business.
For Business Edition only: For full service, unique serial numbers are required. However,
if you have USPS approval and you’re preparing a small mailing, you can choose to use
the same serial number on all pieces.
Piece Starting Serial Number
Enter the first number to use for the serial number that appears in the piece Intelligent
Mail barcode for each record.
Piece Maximum Serial Number
Enter the highest number to use for the serial number that appears in the piece Intelligent
Mail barcode for each record.
Tray/Sack Starting Serial Number
Enter the starting value for the serial number (up to 5 digits). These values are used when
generating output files and Mail.dat files (Business Edition only).
Pallet Starting Serial Number
(Business Edition only, if you own
the pallets/drop-ship option)
Enter the starting value for the serial number.The serial start number can be up to 12 digits long. However, when the mailer ID is 9 digits long, the pallet serial number can be
only 9 digits long. These values are used when generating output files and Mail.dat files.
Related links:
Two levels of service:
full or basic
User Guide
United States Postal Service RIBBS Intelligent Mail Barcode Resource Site
Intelligent Mail Barcode Technical Resource Guide
“Design and print labels” on page 267
The USPS offers two levels of Intelligent Mail service: full and basic.
Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer offers the basic option. Postalsoft Business Edition
offers both basic and full-service.
Barcode uniqueness
Service level
Basic service
With the basic-service option, the USPS requires IM barcodes on your
letter and flat mail pieces. The USPS also requires:
 CASS-certified delivery-point information.
 A USPS-assigned mailer ID, the class of mail indicated in a Service
Type ID field, and the optional endorsement line (OEL) information
in the Barcode ID field if an OEL is printed on a flat-sized mail
 Serial numbers that you choose (uniqueness not required).
Full service
With full service, the USPS requires you to include the following
 Use unique barcodes on letters and flats.
 Use unique serial numbers (mailer ID plus sequence number) on
letters and flats. Uniqueness is not required if a mailing has fewer
than 10,000 copies.
 A USPS-assigned mailer ID, the class of mail indicated in a Service
Type ID field, and the optional endorsement line (OEL) information
in the Barcode ID field if an OEL is printed on a flat-sized mail
 Use Intelligent Mail tray labels that have unique barcodes, on trays
and sacks.
 Business Edition only: Attach Intelligent Mail container placards,
containing unique barcodes, on the outside of pallets.
 Generate electronic postage statements and documentation, when
Full-service Intelligent Mail pieces in some mail classes and processing categories are eligible for discounts.
If you’re using unique serial numbers, the USPS requires that the serial numbers
be unique for 45 days from the day when the USPS receives the mail.
You are responsible for the uniqueness of the value you get from combining the
mailer ID and serial number. The length of the mailer ID plus the serial number
must be 15 digits in length. This combination should be unique for a period of 45
days for full service.
To ensure that you meet this requirement, the software keeps track of the serial
numbers you’ve used and warns you if the serial numbers you’re using are not
unique within a certain number of days (90 by default). You can adjust this setting
(Tools > Options, Intelligent Mail Options).
Postalsoft tracks serial numbers that are used in Postalsoft. If you’ve used serial
numbers outside of Postalsoft, those are not tracked within Postalsoft, and you
must ensure that the numbers you’re using in Postalsoft haven’t already been used
The software tracks serial numbers per computer. If you have the software
installed on multiple computers, make sure that you’re not reusing the same
numbers on each computer. For example, you could use serial numbers 1-9999 on
computer A and numbers 10000-19999 on computer B.
Chapter 8: Presort
You can monitor serial number usage with the Intelligent Mail Serial Number
History Report.
Mailer ID
Go to Tools > Presort > Sort Settings; choose a Intelligent Mail barcode type;
set up presort; click Begin Presort; in the Intelligent Mail Information window,
choose Setup from the Mailer ID drop-down list.
The USPS-assigned mailer ID is one component that makes up the Intelligent
Mail barcode. You enter mailer IDs in Postalsoft, and Postalsoft keeps track of
them for you so you don’t have to enter the same information repeatedly.
Tracking IDs is especially helpful if you prepare mailings for multiple customers
and therefore have multiple mailer IDs to keep track of.
In the Mailer ID(s) window, you can add and delete mailer IDs and enter a brief
description for your mailer IDs. The mailer ID is a 6- or 9-digit ID that the USPS
assigned to you.
In the Mailer ID(s) window, click in a box and type to enter a mailer ID number
or description. It’s a good idea to enter the name of the company associated with
the mailer ID in the Description box.
When you’ve finished entering the information, click the OK button to close the
If you need to delete an ID from the list, select that row and then click the
Remove button.
To sort the list by ID or description, double-click the column heading that you
want to sort by. You can double-click the column heading again to reverse the
order of the sortation.
Using imported IM
If you’re generating IM barcodes with Postalsoft-generated IM data, you can skip
this section.
If you want to generate IM barcodes with IM components that are generated and
tracked elsewhere, you must first import the IM components into the following
field(s). Use one or two of these fields, according to your needs:
If your IM barcode components are stored in separate fields, use the
Imported IM Serial Number and Imported IM Mailer ID fields.
If you’re importing a field that contains all of your IM barcode data, use the
Imported IM Barcode field.
See “Importing and exporting data” on page 55 and “Fields” on page 317 for
more information.
Set up the Intelligent
Mail barcode
To generate Intelligent Mail barcodes in the software:
1. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings.
2. In the Sort for Mailing - Piece Information window, select Full Service
Intelligent Mail or Basic Intelligent Mail in the Barcode drop-down list.
Continue setting up your presort as usual.
3. In the Presort - Congratulations window, click Begin presorting.
User Guide
4. In the Intelligent Mail Barcode window, enter settings as described in “To set
Intelligent Mail barcode options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings . The
Intelligent Mail window appears at the end of the wizard.” on page 197.
Tray and sack labels
The USPS accepting IM tray and sack labels with the 24-digit Intelligent Mail
barcode. To produce 24-digit IM barcoded tray or sack labels in Label Toolbox,
choose label designs and templates with “IM 24-digit” in the file name.
Discounts for fullservice Intelligent
Full-service Intelligent Mail pieces in the some mail classes and processing
categories are eligible for discounts. The full-service Intelligent Mail discount
applies to the piece rate.
Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer offers the basic-service option. If you want to use the
full-service option to take advantage of the full-service discounts, you can
upgrade to Business Edition.
Postalsoft Business Edition offers both basic and full-service. To benefit from the
full-service discounts described in this section, you must select full-service
Intelligent Mail barcodes.
To produce full-service Intelligent Mail barcodes, choose Full Service Intelligent
Mail from the Barcode drop-down menu in the Sort for Mailing - Piece
Information window.
For more information, see Intelligent Mail Guides and Technical Specifications.
The following types of mail receive IM discounts:
Type of mail
First Class
Full-service First-Class mail receives an IM discount of $0.003 for
pieces in the following processing categories:
 Automated letters
 Automated flats
 Automated cards
Periodicals letters and flats
Some full-service Periodicals letters and flats receive an IM discount of
These outside-county categories are eligible for an IM discount:
 Barcoded letters
 Barcoded machinable flats
 Barcoded nonmachinable flats (see DMM 707.26)
 Carrier route basic letters/flats
 Carrier route high density letters/flats
 Carrier route saturation letters/flats
These in-county categories are eligible for an IM discount:
 Automated letters
 Auto flats
 Carrier route basic letters/flats
 Carrier route high density letters/flats
 Carrier route saturation letters/flats
Chapter 8: Presort
User Guide
Type of mail
Standard Mail
regular and
non-profit letters
Full-service Standard Mail regular and non-profit letters receive an IM
discount of $0.001 for pieces in these processing categories:
 Automated letters
 Basic carrier-route letters
 High-density carrier-route letters
 Saturation carrier-route letters
Carrier-route letters that you pay for at a carrier-route flat rate are eligible for the discount only if a piece qualifies as an automation letter.
Standard Mail
regular and
non-profit flats
Full-service Standard Mail regular and non-profit flats receive an IM
discount of $0.001 in these processing categories:
 Automated flats
 Basic carrier-route flats
 High-density carrier-route flats
PSVC Bound
Printed Matter
(Business Edition only)
Although there is no DMM requirement saying that you need a barcode
on PSVC carrier-route flats and DDU presorted flats, the USPS is offering the full-service discount if you barcode these pieces with an Intelligent Mail barcode.
When preparing a full-service mailing, it is your responsibility to verify
that you are printing the IM barcode on these pieces.
Presort posting and exporting
When posting and exporting presort data, you use similar options.
“Presort posting” means populating presort-related fields in your record layout so
that you can see presorting results on screen, which may be useful if you need to
reprint a mail piece, for example.
Presort posting does not affect presorting, exporting, or printing. In other words,
you can presort, export your records (including presort-posting fields), and print
labels even if the presort-posting fields are not in your layout, or, if they are in the
layout, even if you choose to not post to them.
To choose whether you want to routinely perform presort posting, choose Tools >
Options, click Posting Options, and select the Automatic Posting After
Presort option. If you have presort-posting fields in your layout and the
automatic posting option turned on, the Presort Posting Options window will
open after you perform presorting. Then you can choose exactly what you want to
post, or you can skip posting.
To view a complete list of presort-posting fields, choose File > Properties >
Database, click Multiple Fields, and scroll to the Presort Posting section.
When exporting presort data, you can specify:
Which records to export
Which records to export optional endorsement lines and break marks for
What order to export the records in
Use the following options when posting or exporting:
Post Presort information for or
Export labels for
Presorted pieces: Exports presort fields to a file or posts presort fields to your database
(depending on the area of Postalsoft that you are in) for mail pieces that qualified for the
mailing. You'll normally want to leave this selected.
Qualifying non-presorted pieces: Exports presort fields to a file or posts presort fields
to your database (depending on the area of Postalsoft that you are in) for mail pieces that
fell to the single-piece rate (full-price mailing).
Unqualified pieces (bad ZIP): Exports presort fields to a file or posts presort fields to
your database (depending on the area of Postalsoft that you are in) for mail pieces that
don't have a ZIP Code or have a bad ZIP Code. Do not include unqualified pieces in your
mailing. You must mail such pieces separately at the single-piece rate. These pieces are
not included in postage calculations and are not counted in the number of pieces shown
on the Postage Statement. However, the Job Summary shows how many pieces are
Post/Export ACS keyline format
No space: Exports the ACS keyline field to a file or posts the ACS keyline field in your
database (depending on which area of Postalsoft you are in) without spaces. If posting,
you must have the appropriate field in your database.
With spaces: Exports the ACS keyline field to a file or posts the ACS keyline field in
your database (depending on which area of Postalsoft you are in) with spaces after every
four characters. If posting, you must have the appropriate field in your database.
Export sequence for labels
Normal: Exports the records in first to last order.
Reverse: Exports the records in last-to-first order.
Chapter 8: Presort
Post/Export optional endorsement
The OEL is a line above the address indicating the package type. It’s used instead of identification stickers to indicate the sortation level of a package.
If you are posting, the appropriate field must be in your database.
If the OEL is required for all pieces within a particular level, the software will override
your setting of this option and automatically post the OEL for each piece within that particular level.
First piece in package: Exports the optional endorsement (OEL) field to a file or posts
the optional endorsement field to your database (depending on which area of Postalsoft
you are in) for the first piece in each package.
First and last piece in package: Exports the optional endorsement (OEL) field to a file
or posts the optional endorsement field to your database (depending on which area of
Postalsoft you are in) for the first piece in each package.
All pieces in a package: Exports the optional endorsement (OEL) field to a file or posts
the OEL field to your database (depending on which area of Postalsoft you are in) for
every piece in each package.
Post/Export package, container or
pallet number for
First piece: Exports the package or container number field to a file or posts the package
or container number field to your database (depending on which area of Postalsoft you
are in) for the first piece of your mailing.
First and last piece: Exports the package or container number field to a file or posts the
package or container number field to your database (depending on which area of Postalsoft you are in) for the first and last piece of your mailing.
All pieces: Exports the package or container number field to a file or posts the package
or container number field to your database (depending on which area of Postalsoft you
are in).
If you are posting, the appropriate field must be in your database.
Posting and exporting of pallet numbers is available only in Business Edition and only if
you own the pallets/drop-ship option.
Export labels in firm packages
Top copy only in firm package: Exports address labels for only the top copy of firm
All copies in firm package: Exports address labels for every piece in a firm package.
Post/Export break marks for pack- First piece: Every record that is the first piece in a container.
age, container, pallet
Last piece: Every record that is the last piece in a container.
First and last pieces: Every record that is the first piece and the last piece in a container.
No break: No break mark is exported/posted for this level.
Posting and exporting of pallet numbers is available only in Business Edition and only if
you own the pallets/drop-ship option.
Modify button
Allows you choose any character you want for each level of your break mark from the
ANSI number set. You can also choose the width in characters of each level of your break
Automatic posting after presort
Opens the Presort Field Options window automatically after presorting if you have any
presort fields in your database.
User Guide
Discarding Presort data
Deleting data resets presorting options to their default settings and also saves disk
space. It’s a good idea to periodically clean up your Work and Output
subdirectories to rid them of work and report files that you no longer need.
To discard or delete Presort data, choose Tools > Presort > Discard. The
following options are available:
Presort reports only
Select this option to delete the reports for the current presort.
Presort reports and
work files only
Select this option to delete the work files and the reports for
the current presort.
Entire Presort
Select this option to delete the work files and reports for the
current presort and also to reset all options to the program's
default values.
Chapter 8: Presort
User Guide
Chapter 9:
Multiple entry points
Drop-shipping to multiple entry points is part of the drop-ship/pallets add-on
option in SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition. If you are using SAP
BusinessObjects Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer and would like to upgrade to
Business Edition, contact your dealer for more information.
Chapter 9: Multiple entry points
Drop-shipping your mail
Drop-shipping means trucking your mail to the entry points, instead of entering
all of your mail at your local post office. Because the USPS saves trucking costs,
it offers mailers destination-entry discounts for drop-shipping. Some mailers also
drop-ship to gain faster delivery.
You can receive postage discounts on Standard Mail, Periodicals, and Package
Services Bound Printed Matter. First-Class Mail does not receive destination
entry discounts.
Using SAP BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition, you can presort your
mail to multiple entry points. In each step of the presort wizard, you supply
information needed to correctly presort your mail.
To set up drop-shipping to multiple entry points:
Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings to start the presort wizard.
Select the Multiple Facilities option in the Sort for Mailing - Sorting
Information window.
Decide which facilities you will drop-ship to and choose the origin.
Assign the sequence of your entry points and define the entry point details.
In accordance with USPS regulations, the software divides your multiple entry
points job into separate mailings. For each entry point, the software automatically
prepares separate documentation.
See also:
User Guide
“Sorting information” on page 165
“Selecting your facilities” on page 209
“Multiple entry point reports” on page 214
Selecting your facilities
To set facility options, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings and then click
Depending on your mail class, all USPS facilities (SCF or larger) may be
displayed. If you chose to gather the piece count statistics, the software displays
only the facilities at or exceeding your desired piece count.
The USPS facilities are displayed based on parent-child hierarchy relations.
NDC/ASF (parent) facilities are always displayed in bold beneath its SCF (child)
facilities. Facilities without an associated NDC/ASF (orphans) are displayed at
the end of the list.
The following options are available:
Knowing the
geographic area for
Facilities list
Select the facilities you want to drop-ship to.
Some postal facilities only accept palletized mail, and other
facilities only accept non-palletized mail. Most facilities
accept both palletized and non-palletized. If a facility accepts
pallets only, it includes the word “Pallets” with the facility
name in this list. If a facility does not accept pallets, it
includes the words “Tray/Sack” with the facility name.
Other Post Office
You may type the name of a local USPS facility that you want
to drop-ship to. Local facilities are not displayed in the column at left.
Origin Post Office
The origin entry point is typically your local facility. It is the
facility where you validate your mailings.
When you select or type an entry point in this window, the
entry point is placed in the Origin drop-down list. Choose
your origin post office from this list.
Before determining which entry points you will drop-ship to, you need to know
the geographic area covered and the areas where addresses are dense or sparse in
your database(s).
If your geographic area is unfamiliar, use a road map to plan your entry points
and routes.
The National Five-Digit ZIP Code and Post Office Directory, available from the
USPS National Customer Service Center in Memphis (1-800-238-3150) or
through your local postmaster are also helpful.
Piece count statistics
You may not be sure whether you have enough mail to make an entry point
worthwhile. Will the money you save in postage offset the cost of trucking the
mail yourself or hiring a trucking company?
Use the Facility Count Statistics report to help you make these decisions. This
report displays your possible drop-shipping destinations and each destination’s
piece count. After reviewing the report, you can set up your entry points based on
this information. For more information about this report, see “Facility Count
Statistics report” on page 260.
Chapter 9: Multiple entry points
In the Sort for Mailing - Sorting Information window:
User Guide
Select Multiple Entry Points. Then select Collect Piece Count Statistics
Information, and specify your desired minimum piece count.
Select Mailing if you want each scheme at each entry point to meet the USPS
minimum requirements.
Select PVDS if you want the mailing as a whole to meet the USPS minimum
requirements, allowing individual entry points to not meet the minimums.
Facility sequence
After you select your facilities, the sequence of your entry points is critical. To
maximize entry discounts, the basic sequence must be:
1. Local delivery offices (except the origin)
2. SCFs
3. ADCs
4. NDCs
5. Origin (usually your local office)
You can arrange entry points however you like within each of these levels.
How mail pieces are
assigned to entry points
As the software reads each record, it compares the ZIP Code with the ZIP ranges
of your entry points. It starts at the first entry point and works its way down. It
stops the first time that it finds an entry point where the ZIP Code falls in the ZIP
range for the entry point. The record is then assigned to that entry point. The
process starts over again with the next record.
Entry point nesting
If you want, you can “nest” local offices within their serving SCF, and SCFs
within their serving NDC. However, you must follow the same basic sequence of
local offices, SCFs, ADCs (Periodicals), NDCs, and your origin. Given this rule,
you may not be able to arrange entry points by truck route or other considerations.
Chapter 9: Multiple entry points
Entry point details for multiple entry points
If your entry point is a local facility, you must define its name and location. For
Periodicals mailing, you must define your county code if you want to try for incounty discounts. You can get that from your local post office.
To change entry point settings, choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings, click
Next and then click the Edit button next to an entry point in the Presort - Multiple
Entry Points - Selected Facilities window.
Entry point ZIP Code
Every USPS facility serves a particular territory. The USPS defines these areas by
ZIP Code or range of ZIP Codes. The software automatically defines these ZIP
Code ranges for you.
For example, the territory served by the ASF in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is
defined by its ZIP Code ranges. This means that if you drop-ship to this ASF, you
will enter mail only destined within its ZIP Code ranges. And, because the USPS
does not have to truck the mail to another facility, you receive a destination-entry
For local facilities, however, you must define the ZIP Code range yourself and
select the checkbox if you are eligible for a DDU discount. Consult your DMM,
postmaster, or USPS account representative for this information.
Stretch ZIP Code
However, you might want to “stretch” the territory of an entry point. Some
mailers do this to shorten or simplify truck routes.
For example, imagine that you are a mailer in Dallas, sending a truck to the ASF
in Albuquerque. You don’t have enough mail destined for Arizona to justify
sending the truck to the Phoenix ASF. Therefore, you want to include the Arizona
mail in your Albuquerque entry. To do this, you simply edit the ZIP Code ranges
in the Entry Point Details window for Albuquerque.
This practice of “stretching” an entry point is perfectly legal. However, for
Standard Mail, there is a limit on how much extra mail you may include. In
Standard Mail jobs, when you claim destination-entry discounts, you must
comply with the “24/50 rule.” In any 24-hour period, at least 50 percent of the
total mail (by weight or pieces, whichever is greater) you enter must be destined
within the service area of the entry facility. In other words, the extra pieces that
you squeeze into an entry point may not amount to more than half the mail
entered there.
If you “stretch” the ZIP range of an entry point, it is your responsibility
to verify that you comply with the 24/50 rule.
For Periodicals class and Package Service BPM, there is no specific limit on how
much extra mail you may include. Your incentive for drop-shipping is not based
on USPS facilities but on zones. You save merely by trucking the mail closer to
its destination, not necessarily to a particular facility.
User Guide
Minimum pieces and
pounds to receive
discount for dropshipping
Specify the minimum
The USPS requires that for you to receive a destination-entry discount for dropshipping, the following minimum pieces or pounds must be met for its mail class.
pieces req.
pounds req.
Standard Mail
Package Services Bound Printed Matter
In the Entry Point Details window, you can specify a minimum amount of mail in
terms of pieces or pounds. The software will cancel the entry point if the actual
amount of mail is below your threshold.
Chapter 9: Multiple entry points
Multiple entry point reports
Each entry point results in a separate legal mailing, with separate documentation.
Though you set up each type of report only once, for the necessary presort
reports, the software automatically creates one set of reports for each entry point.
To produce reports, choose Print > Reports.
Use the following reports when drop-shipping:
Facility Count Statistics report
Postage Statement
Drop Shipment report (Form 8125)
Confirm report (Form 3152a)
Register of Mailings
Related links:
“Reports” on page 225
User Guide
Chapter 10:
The ability to produce Mail.dat files is a feature available in SAP
BusinessObjects Postalsoft Business Edition. If you are using SAP
BusinessObjects Postalsoft DeskTop Mailer and would like to upgrade to
Business Edition, contact your dealer for more information.
Chapter 10: Mail.dat
Understanding Mail.dat
Mail.dat is a data formatting standard and set of files (called records) that are
used for communicating details about a presorted mailing among publishers,
presort bureaus, printers, and the United States Postal Service (USPS). These
details include almost everything there is to know about a mailing except name
and address data.
With the software, you can generate Mail.dat files.
IDEAlliance sets the rules for the Mail.dat standard and updates the rules
periodically. IDEAlliance publishes the Mail.dat Specification, which explains
the Mail.dat standard and the record layout for Mail.dat files. To use Mail.dat,
you need the Mail.dat Specification and a provider code. To find IDEAlliance
contact information, go to
PostalOne is a USPS program that uses Mail.dat files to accept mailings
electronically. By using PostalOne, you can send your Mail.dat files to the USPS
for postal acceptance and payment.
To participate in PostalOne, you must apply with the USPS. For details about
PostalOne or to apply for a new PostalOne account, go to
With the software, you can generate PostalOne-compliant Mail.dat files.
Mail.dat files
Mail.dat includes required and optional files. The software automatically
produces the required files. You can choose to produce some of the optional files.
When the software generates the Mail.dat files, it adds the appropriate file
extension to the base file name that you choose during setup.
User Guide
Mail.dat files
File extension
3-Digit Container Quantity
Component Record
Container Summary
Mail Piece Unit Component Relationship Record
Mail Piece Unit Record
Mailer’s Postal Account File
Intelligent Mail Range
Package Quantity
Piece Barcode Record
Piece Detail Record
Walk Sequence Record
Fields in the Mail.dat
Information that you provide in the software is output to fields in Mail.dat files.
These fields are typically named the same or nearly the same as options in the
software, so it’s easy for you to match them up if you need to.
For example, the information you provide in the Sort for Mailing - Periodical
Information window, in the Issue Date box, is output to the Periodical Issue Date
field in the Mail.dat .cpt file.
Some field names do not closely match their counterparts in the software. Their
mappings are shown below for your reference.
Mail.dat field and file
Software option
Verification Facility Name Name in the Presort - Entry Point - Details window for single entry point mailings or Entry Point Details window for
field in the .seg file
multiple entry points
ZIP in the Presort - Entry Point - Details window for single
Verification Facility
ZIP+4 field in the .seg file entry point mailings or Entry Point Details window for
multiple entry points
For a complete list of all fields in all Mail.dat files, see the IDEAlliance Mail.dat
Specification at
Chapter 10: Mail.dat
Preparing for Mail.dat file generation
Before you generate Mail.dat files, perform the following tasks. Some of these
are optional.
Specifying the Mail.dat file location
Turning off automatic Mail.dat file generation (optional)
Setting up your presort for Mail.dat file generation
Setting up your presort for PostalOne-compliant Mail.dat file generation
Entering information for FAST/Confirm, Mail.dat, and PostalOne
See also “Generating Mail.dat files” on page 221.
Specifying the
Mail.dat file location
Follow these steps to set the default location where your Mail.dat files will be
generated and stored. If you do not assign a default directory, the default directory
for your Mail.dat files will be the directory where your current .dbf file is stored.
This is a one-time setup task.
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the Main File Locations button.
3. Type the directory for Mail.dat Output and click OK. For ease in locating
files, we recommend creating a separate Mail.dat folder.
4. Click OK to close the Options window.
Turning off automatic
Mail.dat file
generation (optional)
By default, the software prompts you to generate Mail.dat files immediately after
If you do not want the software to prompt you to create Mail.dat files right after
presorting, you can turn off the option to view the IDEAlliance Mail.dat window
automatically after each presort. If you turn off this option, you will need to
choose Tools > Presort > Mail.dat to create Mail.dat files.
This is an optional, one-time setup task.
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the Mail.dat button.
3. Deselect the Automatic Mail.dat After Presort option.
4. Click OK.
Setting up your
presort for Mail.dat
file generation
If you want to generate Mail.dat files, and they do not need to be PostalOnecompliant, follow these steps.
1. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings to begin setting up a presort job. Set
up the presort as needed for this job.
2. When you reach the Presort - Entry Point - Details window or the Entry Point
Details window, click the USPS Mail Options button.
3. In the USPS Mail Options window, set the Mail.dat options.
User Guide
4. Click OK to close the window and continue setting up your presort as usual.
5. If you’re generating Intelligent Mail barcodes, when you reach the Intelligent
Mail Information window, make a choice at the Mail Owner Mail.dat By/For
Option. See “Set up the Intelligent Mail barcode” on page 200 for more
At the end of the presort process, the IDEAlliance Mail.dat window appears.
Related links:
Setting up your
presort for PostalOnecompliant Mail.dat file
“Entering information for FAST/Confirm, Mail.dat, and PostalOne” on
page 219
“Setting IDEAlliance Mail.dat options” on page 221
To generate PostalOne-compliant Mail.dat files, follow these steps.
1. Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings to begin setting up a presort job. Set
up the presort as needed for this job.
2. Enter the following PostalOne-required information:
In the Sort for Mailing - Piece Information window, select the
Participate in USPS PostalOne Program option.
In the Sort for Mailing - Sorting Information, enter the Mail.dat
In the Sort for Mailing - Periodicals Information window (Periodicals
mailings only), enter the Number, Issue Date, and Advertising
In the Sort for Mailing - Mailing Information window, enter the Permit
Number, CAPS Cust Ref ID, Mailing Facility DUNS, Permit Holder ZIP,
and Mail Owner Identifier.
In the Presort - Entry Point - Details window or the Entry Point Details
window, enter the Name and ZIP Code of the entry point.
3. In the Presort - Entry Point - Details window or the Entry Point Details
window, click the USPS Mail Options button.
4. In the USPS Mail Options window, set the Mail.dat and PostalOne options.
5. Click OK to close the window and continue setting up your presort as usual.
At the end of the presort process, the IDEAlliance Mail.dat window appears.
See also:
Entering information
for FAST/Confirm,
Mail.dat, and
“Entering information for FAST/Confirm, Mail.dat, and PostalOne” on
page 219
“Setting IDEAlliance Mail.dat options” on page 221
You’ll need to enter information that is required for FAST/Confirm, Mail.dat, and
PostalOne in the USPS Mail Options window.
Choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings, advance through the presort as usual,
and when you reach the Presort - Entry Point - Details window or the Entry Point
Details window, click the USPS Mail Options button.
Chapter 10: Mail.dat
The following options are available:
Content ID
Type the content ID number of the mailing associated with the appointment. Content ID
is required for Mail.dat and PostalOne.
Scheduler ID
Type the pallet-level scheduler ID information for the USPS FAST system. The scheduler ID also appears in Box 4 of Postage Statement 8125. Scheduler ID is required for
Mail.dat and PostalOne.
Origin Sender CRID
Type the ID of the post office where your mail is verified and accepted. This option maps
to the eDoc Sender CRID field in the Mail.dat Segment record and is used to uniquely
identify the submitter of electronic documentation to the PostalOne system.
USPS Pick Up
Choose Yes if you are using PostalOne and you are using USPS transportation to deliver
mail to USPS plants.
Choose No if you are using PostalOne and you are not using USPS transportation to
deliver mail to USPS plants.
Choose (Leave Blank) if you are not participating in PostalOne.
USPS Pick Up is required for PostalOne.
Postage Statement Mailing Date
Enter the date on which the postage statement was finalized. This is a PostalOnerequired field.
Scheduled Ship Date
The date on which the mail is dispatched based upon your Customer Service Agreement
(CSA). This populates the Scheduled Ship Date field in the Container Summary Record
Scheduled Ship Time
The time at which the mail is dispatched based upon your CSA agreement. This populates the Scheduled Ship Time field in the CSM record.
The specific Customer Service Agreement ID for a segment. CSA IDs are assigned by
the USPS and are required for certain mailings. This populates the CSA Agreement ID
field in the Segment file.
An alphanumeric value that identifies DMU-verified, USPS-transported mail. This populates the CSA Trip ID field in CSM record.
For information about how to use FAST/Confirm, see “Processing a Confirm
mailing and creating an EMD file” on page 193.
User Guide
Generating Mail.dat files
You can generate Mail.dat files after presorting. You set the Mail.dat file
generation options in the Setting IDEAlliance Mail.dat options, which appears
after the presort is complete. Or, if you disabled Automatic Mail.dat After
Presort, you can choose Tools > Presort > Mail.dat to open the IDEAlliance
Mail.dat window.
To generate Mail.dat files:
1. Complete the information in the IDEAlliance Mail.dat window. If necessary,
choose Tools > Presort > Mail.dat to open the IDEAlliance Mail.dat
2. Click OK to close the IDEAlliance Mail.dat window and generate your
Mail.dat files.
“Turning off automatic Mail.dat file generation (optional)” on page 218
Setting IDEAlliance
Mail.dat options
You’ll set IDEAlliance Mail.dat options at the end of the presort process, when
presort processing is complete. You can also access these options by choosing
Tools > Presort > Mail.dat.
Output File Base Name
Type the base name of the Mail.dat files that will be generated. For example, if you type
Sample as the base name, the Mail.dat header file will be named Sample.hdr. All of the
Mail.dat files produced will have the same base name and a unique extension.
Destination Directory
Type the path or click Browse to change the destination directory for your generated
Mail.dat files.
Restore Default Directory
Click Restore Default Directory to change the location where Mail.dat files will be generated to the default directory you previously specified (Tools > Options, Main File
Locations, Mail.dat Output).
Mail.dat Version
Choose the appropriate Mail.dat standard. See the Mail.dat Specification for details.
Job Name/Title & Issue
Type the title of the publication, and the issue or campaign name or number.
Job Identifier
Type the job number that was assigned by the company that will enter the mailing. This
number can help you track your Mail.dat files.
If you also have a separate job number assigned by the company that processed the database(s), enter that number at the List Processor Job Number parameter.
List Processor Job Number
Type the job number that was assigned by the company that processed the mailing. This
number can help you track your Mail.dat files.
If you also have a separate job number assigned by the mailing company, enter that number at the Job Identifier parameter.
IDEAlliance Provider Code
Type the Provider Code that IDEAlliance assigned to your company. This number identifies your company for the recipient of the file. IDEAlliance requires that you supply the
provider code before you transmit files.
File Source
Type the name of the company supplying the database and Mail.dat files.
Contact Name
Type the name of the contact person at the list-processing company.
Contact Phone
Type the telephone number of the contact person at the list-processing company.
Chapter 10: Mail.dat
Licensed User’s Email
Type your e-mail address.
Segment File Creation Option
Choose to break either by job or mailing. Every job is broken into segment records. You
choose which criteria the software uses when it forms segment records.
Container Group Description
Choose Entry Point ID or Entry Point Name.
Header Record User Option
Use this field for any purpose. For example, you could use it to note any special aspects
of this job.
Segment Record User Option
Use this field for any purpose. For example, you could use it to note any special aspects
of this job.
Mail Preparer By/For Option
PostalOne uses the By/For relationship to identify who sends information to and receives
information from the USPS after presorting and generating Mail.dat files. The USPS
calls this Full Service Data Distribution. “By” represents the mail preparer and “For”
represents the mail owner.
Using the By/For options, you determine what to populate in the Mail.dat, which in turn
determines whether the USPS distributes information such as change-of-address to the
mail owner, mail preparer, or both.
For details, see the Postal Service Mail.dat Technical Specification.
Choose the ID to be entered for mail preparer in your Mail.dat files:
 MID (mailer ID)
 CRID (customer registration ID)
 Both (both MID and CRID)
See “Intelligent Mail” on page 197 for information about setting the By/For option for
the mail owner.
Mail Owner’s Local Permit Refer- Enter the mail owner’s permit reference number, up to 8 digits.
ence options — Number
Your entry is populated in the Mailer Postage Account record.
For details, see the Postal Service Mail.dat Technical Specification.
Mail Owner’s Local Permit Refer- Specify the type of permit being used by the mail owner:
ence options — Type
 Stamp (S)
 Meter (M)
 Permit (P)
 Govt Fed Use Permit (G)
 Virtual (V) — If you enter a ghost permit for the mail owner’s local permit reference
number, be sure to choose Virtual for the type.
 Govt Meter (H)
Your entry is populated in the Mailer Postage Account record using the letter shown in
parentheses above.
5-Digit Posting in CQT/PQT
Select this option if you want to force a 5-digit breakout (posting) in your 3-digit container quantity (.cqt) and package quantity (.pqt) files, regardless of the container or
package type. This will increase the number of records for certain jobs.
You may need a 5-digit breakout on pieces that already have a DDU (or Package Services mail) in order to claim the DDU discount through your postsort software.
Create Piece Detail Record
Select the Create Piece Detail Record option if you want to generate the .pdr file, which
contains information about every piece in the mailing, including Confirm and Intelligent
Mail barcode tracking information.
User Guide
Create Piece Barcode Record
The Piece Barcode Record is a smaller version of the PDR. It contains key pieces of
information about your Intelligent Mail barcode mailings. You can use this record
instead of the Intelligent Mail Record (.imr) or Piece Detail Record (.pdr). You must
include one of these three records if you are an Intelligent Mail full-service customer.
This option is available only for Mail.dat version 11-2 or later.
Create Intelligent Mail Range File
Creates an Intelligent Mail Range (.imr) file. This file provides piece range information
for containers.
If you are an Intelligent Mail full-service customer, you must create either the .imr file or
the .pdr file, but not both, for each Mail.dat
Containers Ready to Pay
Sets the CSM file’s Container Status field to R (ready to pay). This indicates that the containers are ready to be paid for.
If you leave this option unselected, the Container Status field will be left blank.
Additional Postage Information
Opens a window where you can enter postage information that PostalOne may require.
If your mailing uses metered postage or precanceled stamps, PostalOne validation
requires that you have a Mailer Postage Account (.mpa) file with information about the
permit to which the USPS should charge additional postage.
See “Additional Postage Information” on page 223.
Save as Default
Saves your settings and entries in this window for future use. The next time you set up a
job, these settings will automatically be shown, thus saving you the time of having to
enter this information again. You can, however, change any of the settings before you
generate the Mail.dat files.
Closes the IDEAlliance Mail.dat window without generating Mail.dat files. Your presort
processing is not affected.
Additional Postage
If your mailing uses metered postage or precanceled stamps, PostalOne validation
requires that you have a Mailer Postage Account (.mpa) file with information
about the permit to which the USPS should charge additional postage.
To set the postage information choose Tools > Presort > Sort Settings (the
IDEAlliance Mail.dat window appears after presorting) or choose Tools >
Presort > Mail.dat, click Additional Postage Information.
Payment Method
Choose an additional postage payment method if the Payment Method option (in the Sort
for Mailing - Mailing Information window) is set to Correct Meter, Lowest Meter by Job,
Lowest Meter by Mailing, or Precanceled Stamps.
If you choose None, no value will be populated in the Mail.dat .mpa file for this field.
Permit Number
Additional postage in the MPA record can have different permit information than the primary postage payment options.
Chapter 10: Mail.dat
User Guide
Chapter 11:
Chapter 11: Reports
Choose printers for reports
Default printers are used as a basis for any new jobs that you create. To set default
printers, choose Tools > Options and then click Default Printers.
You can also enter printer settings on a job-by-job basis. Choose Print > Printing
Options and then click the Printers tab.
Set default printers
To select a default printer for new .mdf files and any existing files that don’t have
a default printer assigned, follow these steps:
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the Default Printers button.
The Default Printers window shows which printer is selected by default for
every report and type of label. “Using factory setting” appears if you haven’t
selected a different printer.
3. To change a printer, select the label or report from the list and click the
Change Printer button.
Note: If you choose a different printer just before printing reports or labels,
software doesn’t “remember” to print to that printer the next time you print
reports. Instead, it will revert to the default printer or the printer you selected
at Print > Printing Options, Printers tab.
Set printers for the
active file
You can override printer settings for an individual file. Your current file settings
affect only the opened file, and not any other file that may be connected to the
same database file.
The Printers tab (Print > Printing Options) lists the label types and report types
with the corresponding default printers. The default printer is your system’s
default printer or the printer you set for all files in Tools > Options > Default
Printers button.
You can change the file’s default printer for any individual label or report listed
here. The printers you set here won’t affect the printers you have set for all of
your files (Tools > Options), just the printers for the current file. You can change
back to the default settings with the Defaults All button.
User Guide
Choose fonts for reports
Default fonts are used as a basis for any new jobs that you create. To set default
fonts, choose Tools > Options and then click Default Fonts.
You can also enter font and printer settings on a job-by-job basis. Choose Print >
Printing Options and then click the Printer Fonts tab.
You cannot change fonts for the NCOALink Order Form or address correction
Summary Information Report.
Set fonts for all of
your files
The Default Printer Fonts window lists reports with each corresponding font type
and size. You can change a default setting to a new setting of your choice. The
settings you make here become the settings for new files. To set default fonts,
choose Tools > Options > Default Fonts button. The software provides a Restore
All Factory Settings button to restore all settings to the default settings.
Note: If you change the font for reports, it’s a good idea to preview your
reports before printing. Then you can ensure that the formatting of the report
still appears correctly. (For example, if you select a large or proportional font
such as Times Roman, Postage Statements will not appear as they should.)
Set fonts for the
active file
You can override the default settings and set up fonts for individual files. These
settings apply to the active file and don’t affect the settings of other files that use
the same database. The settings remain with the database file even after you have
closed it. To set fonts for the active file, choose Print > Printing Options, Printer
Fonts tab.
The Printer Fonts tab lists reports with the corresponding default font type and
point size settings. You can change the file’s default printer font for any
individual report listed here. The settings you make here won’t affect what you
have set for all files, just the settings for the current file. Change back to your
default settings with the Restore All Defaults button.
Chapter 11: Reports
Format reports
Change the paper size
of a report
Reports are set up to print on certain paper sizes. You can change the paper size
on which a report prints in two ways:
Choose a different
orientation for your
Change the paper size for just one specific file. Any time you print the report
in that file, it prints on the new paper size. This setting won’t affect the
settings for that report in your other files, however, unless you specifically
went into the file and changed it.
Change the paper size for a certain report that affects all of your files. Setting
the paper size this way affects each time you print that report in all of your
Reports are set to print using the portrait orientation. Portrait orientation is when
the top of the report is the short edge of the paper.
You can change the paper orientation from portrait to landscape. Landscape is
when the top of the page is the long edge of the paper.
You have two options for changing the paper orientation for a report:
Adjust the margins on
your report
Change the paper orientation for the report you are printing in one specific
file. This setting affects only that particular report in one file. To change the
paper orientation for the current file, choose Print > Printing Options,
Printers tab, Change Printers button.
Change the paper orientation for the report you are printing in all of your
files. That way, the report prints using the chosen paper orientation in any file
from which you print. To change the paper orientation for all of your files,
choose Tools > Options > Default Printers button > Change Printers button.
You can adjust the margins on any selected report in the Report Options window.
The Report Options window provides for setting the page width and height in
number of characters and lines. You can also change the left, right, top, and
bottom margins of your report. To adjust the margins on a report, choose Print >
Reports. Select report to print and click Options.
Read about all of the selections in the Report Options window in the online help.
Simply open the Report options window and use the question mark icon to obtain
information on any option in the window.
User Guide
Batch print
To save time, you can select multiple reports to print all at once. You will find this
especially useful if you need to be away from your computer while the reports are
printing. To select batch printing, choose Print > Reports, enable batch printing
for the desired reports, then click Batch Print.
You can select any combination of reports in a batch. For example, you may want
to print all the merge/purge reports in a batch; or maybe you want to print only
one merge/purge report in combination with an address-correction report. The
choice is yours.
3553 CASS Form
Sample batch
Merge/Purge Summary
Merge/Purge Dupe List
File Information
Note: All reports in a batch printing must be set to print on the same printer.
Default number of
reports to print
When you print an individual report, you can specify the number of copies to
print. You can also set a default number of copies to print of each presort report
and the 3553 CASS Form. The default value is applied when you print that report
during batch printing and single-report printing.
Set the default number of
copies for the 3553 Form
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Click the 3553 CASS Form Options button.
3. Enter the number of copies of this report that you typically need to print.
4. Click OK to close the window.
Set the default number of
copies for presort reports
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. In the Presorting section, click the Default Report Options button.
3. For each report, enter the number of copies of this report that you typically
need to print. Go to each separate tab to enter the default number of copies
for each report.
4. Click OK to close the window.
Chapter 11: Reports
Access report files
You can view reports by choosing Print > Reports, selecting the report, and
clicking Preview, or by opening the report files using a text editor such as
Report files use the root name of your .mdf file and a unique extension.
Each time you generate report files, old report files are overwritten. If you want to
save the report files, you must rename them or move them to a different location.
Note: Presort report files are generated when you print or preview the reports
(Print > Reports).
Address correction reports
3553 CASS Form
Duplicate detection reports
Same directory as your .mdf
Same directory as your .mdf
Merge/Purge Dupe List
Same directory as your .mdf
Bundle Charge report
Output directory
Consolidated Postage Statement
Output directory
Container Charge report
Output directory
Drop Ship report
Output directory
Facility Count Statistics report
Output directory
Intelligent Mail Serial Number History report
Same directory as your .mdf
Job Summary
Output directory
Mail Sort Listing
Output directory
Postage Statement
Output directory
Register of Mailings
Output directory
USPS Qualification
Output directory
ZIP Code Listing
Output directory
Mover ID reports
User Guide
Merge/Purge Summary
Presort reports
NCOALink PAF Information report
Data directory
Customer Service Log
Same directory as Mover ID
Monthly Stats File (.dat)
NCOALink Summary
Data directory
Miscellaneous reports
Extension Location
Tech Support Information
Same directory as your .mdf
Extended Services reports
Extension Location
3553 CASS Form
DSF2 Delivery Sequence Invoice
Email Append Summary
Extended Services History
Same directory as your .mdf
National Deliverability Index
NCOALink Match
NCOALink Processing Summary
Phone Append Summary
Suppression Summary
ZIP+4 Processing Summary
Chapter 11: Reports
General reports
To access these reports, choose Print > Reports.
File Information
The File Information report shows the following information:
Tech Support
Information report
The .mdf file name and location
The .dbf file name and location
The description and notes that you entered (File > Properties > Document)
This report shows information about your software and system.
The version and date of your software
The name and location of the .mdf file and .dbf file you’re working with
Today’s date and time
The amount of memory and disk space on your computer
The layout of your database (the field names and further details)
Form and template information
The selected printers and fonts
Label Design File
Information report
The Label Design File Information report shows information about the design
files you used for labels and the location of the default design file directory.
NCOALink Processing
Order Form
If you export your data in the NCOALink output format, then the NCOALink
Processing Order Form must accompany your file when you send it for
NCOALink processing. This form includes customer and shipping information,
file name and type, output options, and USPS-required information
During the export process, the software displays the NCOALink Order Form
Information window, where you enter information that will be printed on this
form. You can print the form at that time or choose to print it later (Print >
Complete the NCOALink Order Form Information window completely to
provide your NCOALink processor with all the information they need to complete
your order. After printing the form, you must complete several sections of the
form by hand, including the billing information and authorization.
The NCOALink Processing Order Form can be selected for printing or previewing
only if you have already exported your data in the NCOALink output format.
User Guide
Address-correction reports
You can produce two address-correction reports: the CASS report and the
Summary Information report. For more information about Mover ID reports, see
“Move-update” on page 115.
USPS Form 3553
(CASS report)
The software’s address standardization engine (ACE) is USPS CASS-certified,
which means that it meets the CASS standards for accuracy of postal coding and
address correction. As a result, the software can produce USPS Form 3553, the
CASS Summary report. You will need a 3553 form to qualify mailings for
postage discounts.
In accordance with CASS rules, the software cannot produce the CASS 3553
Form if you performed address correction with suggestion lists enabled or with
DPV and LACSLink disabled.
For more information about CASS, call the USPS National Customer Support
Center (NCSC), CASS department, at 1-800-642-2914.
Note: If you received error codes E504 or E600, contact your local Address
Management System Office. Your local Post Office should have contact
information, or you can find it on the web at:
You can also find information about CASS in the USPS DMM.
Generate USPS Form
After assigning addresses for a group of records, the software prompts you to
print the CASS report (USPS Form 3553). You are required to present the CASS
report to your post office when you submit automation-compatible mailings.
Print the CASS report with
smooth lines
If you use a printer and font that supports the extended ASCII character set, you
can print a CASS report with smooth lines, as opposed to lines made with dashes
(-) and pipe symbols (|). To select the extended ASCII character set, select Print >
Reports, choose 3553 CASS Report, click Options, and choose to use the
extended ASCII character set.
If your CASS report has odd characters used for the lines and boxes, the font you
chose may not be supported by the extended ASCII character set. Consult your
printer driver documentation to see what you can do.
Chapter 11: Reports
Sample CASS report
PS FORM 3553
| A1. CASS
CASS Certified Company Name
Business Objects Americas
CASS Certified Software Name & Version
ACE 8.00.01.M
Z4Change Certified Company Name
Z4Change Software Name & Version
| S |
| O |
eLOT Certified Company Name
| F |
Business Objects Americas
| T |
eLOT Software Name & Version
| W |
ACE 8.00.01.M
| A |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| R | A2. MASS
| E |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
MASS Certified Company Name
MASS Certified Software Name & Version
MLOCR Serial Number
The List Processor | MASTER FILE: 03-Apr-2009| ZIP+4 FILE: 02/2009 |
| L |
| I |
| S |
| eLOT:
| eLOT:
| T |
| O |
| U |-------------------------------|-------------|--------------------------|
| T | C1. RECORDS ZIP4/DPV Confirmed|
554 | 04/03/2009 | 09/30/2009 |
0 |
621 | 04/03/2009 | 04/03/2010 |
0 |
0 |
| M |
| A | ----------------------------------|
| I | I certify that the mailing
| L | submitted with this form has been | D3. NAME & ADDRESS OF MAILER
| E | ZIP+4 coded (as indicated above) |
The Mailer
| R | using CASS certified software
123 Mailers St
| meeting all requirements of
Mailers City, XX 12345-6789
| Domestic Mail Manual 708.
| For Informational Purposes Only: QSS is solely made available for the |
| list processor's review and analysis. This information is not to be
| considered by the Postal Service personnel in determining rate
| Q | eligibility under any circumstances.
| S |------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| S | High Rise
| High Rise
| Rural Route | Rural Route | LACSLink
35 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| SuiteLink
0 |
0 |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Business Objects Americas (54601-4010) Form 3553, September 2008
User Guide
Notes on the report
You enter the name of the list processor and the name and address of the mailer.
Then the software automatically prints it on the report.
The software produces these statistics automatically:
The date the list was processed. This is the date you performed address
correction, based on your computer’s internal clock.
The date of ZIP+4 File. This is from a timestamp inside your ZIP+4
directory. It’s the date that the directory file was produced. It is not the file
timestamp provided by the operating system.
The number and percentages of records coded.
Sign and date the report before submitting it to the post office.
Chapter 11: Reports
Address Assignment
Summary Information
The Address Assignment Summary Information report is created after address
correction is performed. It summarizes address correction settings and results,
and is not required by the USPS.
Text file
After you perform address correction, an Address Assignment Summary
Information report is generated and saved in a .sum file. The name of the file
matches the name of your .mdf file (for example, mailing.mdf and
mailing.sum). Likewise, the .sum file is stored in the same location as your .mdf
For best results, print with software that supports page breaks, such as Wordpad
or Word. Before you print the .sum file, adjust your margins and font size as
needed to fit the report correctly on the page. Half-inch margins should work for
most software and most printers.
The following sample shows page one of the report.
Address Assignment Summary Information
Input - General Information
Start date time:
End date time:
Postalsoft ACE Version:
Total records in file:
Deleted records:
Processed records:
Current index:
List processor:
File Locations
---------------------------ZIP+4 directory:
ZIP+4 #2 directory:
City directory:
ZCF directory:
Reverse ZIP+4 directory:
eLOT directory:
DPV directories path:
LACSLink directories path:
SuiteLink directories path:
Address line directory:
Last line directory:
Capitalization directory:
Firm line directory:
Address Standardization Options
------------------------------------------Standardize street address:
Standardize unassigned address:
Combine secondary address:
Use USPS pref. alias addresses:
Use USPS street abbreviation:
Retain extra address data:
Last Line Standardization Options
------------------------------------------Standardize last line:
Update city/state:
Assign city by LL index:
Convert place names:
Update ZIP+4:
User Guide
Page 1
Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 11:12:31
Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 11:12:36
ACE 8.00.01.M
The List Processor
The Mailer
123 Mailers St
Mailers City, XX 12345-6789
General Input Options
------------------------------------------Suggest changes for records not found: No
Assign GeoCensus codes:
Capitalize fields:
Address fields
Capitalization style:
Input Information
NCOALink processing:
DPV processing:
LACSLink processing:
SuiteLink processing:
Dual address option:
Directional style:
Unit designator style:
Suffix style:
Append PMB:
Update county:
Use USPS city abbreviation:
Update carrier route:
Clear unfound postal fields: Yes
Merge/Purge reports
You can produce two reports related to the duplicate detection process: the
Merge/Purge Summary and the Merge/Purge Dupe List.
The Merge/Purge Summary lists everything about how you set up the merge/
purge job and a brief summary of the results. The report shows:
Files processed
Prequalifier used
Rulebook used
Input file posting
Output file posting
Reports generated
Interactive record comparison (by you)
Number of duplicates processed
Merge/Purge Summary Report (Page 1)
RoseMkt Oct 30 2005 02:44:00PM
Outline Of Choices For [path]RoseMkt.mdf
Suppression List Input Files
Normal Input Files
All 503 non-deleted records
Priority 1
Output File
Record Comparison Index File Prequalification
Only compare records with identical 5-digit ZIP
Rulebook For Record Comparison
[path]Individ Medium.mpr
Targets Individual person, Medium threshold.
4 Field rules
1. ZIP (first 5 digits)
99 Maximum no-dupe score
101 Minimum dupe score
20 Percent of overall weighted score
0 Score given if blank in one record
80 Maximum overall weighted non-dupe score
85 Minimum overall weighted dupe score
Input File Posting
Delete all but highest priority dupe in every dupe group
Do not post dupe group numbers
Output File Posting
Generate Summary Report
Generate Dupe List Report
Interactive Options
Display undecided comparison pairs for manual decision
Display summary of dupes found with manual override option
Summary of Results
8 Total Dupes Found
0 Undecided verdicts upgraded to be Dupes
4 Dupe groups
2 Dupes in largest Dupe group
125,184 Record comparisons performed
4 Records Deleted
4 Deleted in input file [path]RoseMkt.mdf
The merge/purge operation completed successfully.
Chapter 11: Reports
Merge/Purge Dupe
The Merge/Purge Dupe List shows each duplicate record and the file(s) that were
Merge/Purge Dupe List Report (Page 1)
RoseMkt Nov 29 2005 02:44:00PM
Normal input file #1 = [path]RoseMkt.mdf
User Guide
File Rec. Field/
No. No. Score
---- ---- -----1
187 n/a
188 Wt= 87
Rule 1
Rule 2
Address 1
----------------------1705 9TH ST S
1705 9TH ST S
Rule 3
Rule 4
2 n/a
501 Wt= 93 54601
494 n/a
502 Wt= 92 54601
Rob P.
412 n/a
430 Wt= 86 54601
Move-update report
For more information about Mover ID reports, see “Move-update” on page 115.
NCOALink Order Form
You can print an NCOALink Processing Order Form, which must accompany
your exported data when you send it for NCOALink processing.
When you print the NCOALink Order Form, a checklist is included. This
checklist helps you keep track of everything you must do when sending data for
NCOALink processing.
You can print this report when you export your data for NCOALink processing or
Chapter 11: Reports
Presort reports
PAVE certification
The software has USPS PAVE (Presort Accuracy Verification and Evaluation)
certification. PAVE certification means that the USPS has approved the format
and details in the presort reports. This gives you an extra assurance that your
reports will be accepted at the post office.
Required reports
The software generates all reports that you’ll need to submit to the USPS with a
mailing. The software also provides reports for your own management, for
clients, or for giving to other bureaus or vendors.
The table below shows you the presort reports that the software generates. You
are required to submit some of these reports with each mailing; other reports are
not required, but we recommend that you produce them to help you with each
Postage Statement.
Consolidated Postage Statement 3602-C for STD Mail only.
Confirm report, required only when participating in USPS Confirm
program. See “Confirm report (USPS form 3152a)” on page 193.
USPS Qualification Report.
ZIP Code Listing (in USPS format), required only with Periodicals
mailings and PSVC BPM mailings (add-on option).
Mixed-Zone Listing, required only for palletized PSVC BPM mailings.
Drop Shipment report, required only when drop-shipping to multiple entry points.
Register of Mailings, required only when drop-shipping to multiple
entry points.
Bundle Charge report.
Container Charge report.
Job Summary.
Mail Sort Listing (in Container or Package format).
Automatic reports for
each mailing
Most presorting jobs result in more than one mailing. To the USPS, each mailing
is a separate deposit, and each must be separately documented and paid. If there is
enough mail to qualify, you will have one mailing per scheme.
The software produces only one of the following reports, no matter how many
mailings your presort produces: Job Summary and ZIP Code Listing summary
User Guide
The information pointed out below is repeated at the top of every presort report
page. This does not apply to postage statements, whose format is dictated by the
Layout of presort
report headers
ZIP Code Listing
[b05] [OPT]
Page 1
Postalsoft Version xxxx
30-Apr-05 03:04:01pm
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mailing Information
Entry Point: (1) The Post Office, Mailing City, XX 12345-6789
(4) 1C/STD_A, Regular Letters REG
5-Digit Format
Report name.
Page number.
Software name and version number. You can suppress this information if
you don’t want it to appear on reports.
Optional header lines. You can enter up to three header lines for information
such as client name, address, phone number, or the project name. You can
also leave the header blank if you want. There are shortcuts you can use to
enter some commonly needed information in your header. They include
$job (generates the job name), $date (generates the date when the report file
is created), and $time (generates the time when the report file is created).
Mailing identification information: entry point and presort scheme. A
mailing identification section appears before each scheme section.
The report type, style, and portion.
Smooth report lines
If you use a printer and font that supports the extended ASCII character set, you
can print postage statements with smooth report lines. This allows you to create
more professional looking USPS facsimile forms.
Check your printer manual to see if your printer supports extended ASCII.
When the new Use
Enhanced Line Drawing
option is not selected,
postage statement lines
are drawn with dashes,
pipes, and other characters.
When the Use Enhanced
Line Drawing option is
selected, lines are drawn
By default, the Use Enhanced Line Drawing option is turned on, so your postage
statements are printed with smooth lines. To access the option, choose Print >
Reports, choose the desired postage statement, and then click the Options button.
You can also choose Tools > Options and then click the Default Reporting
Options in the Presort section to set values that will then be applied to all new
Chapter 11: Reports
Job Summary
The Job Summary shows how the job was set up, including the number of pieces
that qualified for each scheme and the total postage. Based on the information in
this report, you may decide to try different schemes or to exclude certain pieces
from the mailing.
We suggest you print and examine the Job Summary after running each presort,
before printing labels. If there’s something you’ll want to change, it’s better to
discover it before printing other reports and wasting time and money printing
The first page of a sample Job Summary appears on the next page. Additional
pages of the report include the following information, which is not included in the
sample report on the next page:
User Guide
Information about the postal directories, including the date, file name, and
Statistical information about the records in your file. For example, you can
see how many records are eligible for the mailing.
Information about the mail piece, entry point, and scheme options you
Statistical information per scheme: mail weight; number of mail pieces,
packages, sacks, and trays; and postage
Total postage for the whole mailing
Number of remaining pieces (pieces that didn’t make it into the mailing
because there were no qualifying entry points or schemes or because the
pieces failed ZIP verification)
Warnings, if any, about your job setup and potential mailings that were
canceled or didn’t qualify for a particular sort level. To suppress warnings
from the Job Summary, choose Print > Reports, select the Job Summary,
click Options, and select Suppress Warnings.
Postage savings. The software calculates postage savings differently
depending on the type of mail. For First-Class Mail, the software calculates
postage savings by subtracting actual postage from the single-piece rate. For
Standard mailings, the software determines savings by comparing the actual
postage with the postage that you would pay if the basic rate was applied to
all pieces. The Job Summary does not show postage savings for Periodicals
[B02] [OPT] PAGE 1
------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------JOB FILE:
04/30/2005 04:30:05PM
04/30/2005 04:30:13PM
GENERAL OUTPUT ---------------------------------------------------------------PALLET NO.:
MAILING INFORMATION-----------------------------------------------------------POSTAGE PAYMENT METHOD:
(999) 555-1234
Chapter 11: Reports
Produce a Mail Sort Listing for each mailing. It’s helpful in the mail room and at
the post office because it shows how the software places mail pieces in packages
and containers. The Mail Sort Listing is available in the following formats:
Mail Sort Listing
Container format shows one line of data per container (tray or sack).
Package format shows one line of data per package. Weight and volume
data are not shown.
Extended format shows one line of data per package; includes weight and
volume data.
The @ symbol on the Mail Sort Listing indicates that pieces are co-packaged.
All of the formats show totals per mailing at the end of the report.
Four sets of abbreviations appear on the Mail Sort Listing:
Rate levels
Sort levels
Tray size
Carrier-route rate
Regular presort rate; in barcode mailing, 3-digit barcode rate; in a numeric ZIP+4 mailing, the 3/5
Barcode 5-digit presort rate
Basic rate
3-digit scheme
Mixed AADC
3-digit unique
Mixed ADC
5-digit scheme
Network Distribution Center
Automated Area Distribution Center
Nonpresort (First Class only)
Area Distribution Center
Auxiliary Service Facility
Carrier-route 3-digit
Sectional Center Facility
Carrier-route 5-digit
Carrier-route direct
Carrier-route number
Rural-route number
Highway-contract number
General delivery
Post-office-box section
One-foot full tray
One-foot overflow tray
One-foot under-filled tray
Two-foot full tray
Two-foot overflow tray
Two foot under-filled tray
User Guide
Page one of the Mail Sort Listing, in package format, is shown below.
Mail Sort Listing
[OPT] Page 1
Postalsoft [version][date]: project1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Point: (1) LA CROSSE WI, LA CROSSE, WI 54601-3346
Package Format
(1) 1C, Automation Letters ATM (DMM 235.6)
Tray Preparation Legend:
P = Packaging (banding) required
S = Separator cards required
L = Loose (no separator cards or packaging required)
Pallet Prep Lvl
------ ---- --L
Mailing Totals:
Running Totals:
USPS Qualification
Destination Tray Size Pkgs Copies Notes Pkg Dest
----------- ---- ---- ----- ------ ----------------------5DG 46750
5DG 46750.....533
5DG 46750
2 2-O
5DG 46750.....172
5DG 46750.....173
5DG 46750.....169
5DG 46783
3 1-U
5DG 46783.....187
5DG 46952
5DG 46952.....533
5DG 46952
5 1-O
5DG 46952......35
5DG 46953
5DG 46953.....533
5DG 46953
7 1-O
5DG 46953.....131
5DG 46953.....131
5DG 46962
8 1-U
5DG 46962.....152
5DG 46962.....152
5DG 46992
5DG 46992.....533
5DG 46992
10 1-O
5DG 46992.....140
3DG 467
11 1-U
3DG 467.......159
3DG 467.......158
3DG 469
3DG 469.......533
3DG 469
13 1-O
3DG 469.......116
3DG 469.......116
MAAD 546
14 1-U
MAAD 546......160
MAAD 546......159
---------- -----14
----- -----21
You must submit the USPS Qualification Report to the USPS with all mailings.
The report contains the following:
Container type and level
Number of pieces in each container by 3-digit ZIP
Number of pieces per sort level
This report shows all containers. For large volume jobs, this report can be very
The Qualification Report follows USPS guidelines, although it doesn’t have the
formal look of a Postage Statement. Acceptance clerks will use this report to
ensure that your mailing was sorted correctly.
Chapter 11: Reports
USPS Qualification Report
Page 1
Mailer Name: The Mailer
Mail Id: 0001
Postalsoft [version][date]: Sample
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Point: (1) LA CROSSE WI, LA CROSSE, WI 54601-3346
(1) 1C, Automation Letters ATM (DMM 235.6)
Tray #
Group Dest
----- ---------54601
------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ----- ------All
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ----Mailing Total
Mailing Rate Summary
---------------------------------------Automation 5 Digit Barcode (5B)
Auto Mixed Area Distribution Center (MB)
Total Automation
The columns on the report are titled according to USPS regulations. The titles that
appear depend on the type of job.
Ver ID
Mail piece
High density
Walk sequence
Regular carrier route
Carrier-route barcoded
5-digit barcoded
3/5-digit barcoded
Basic barcoded
The Sack Level or Tray Level column displays abbreviations shown in this table.
User Guide
3-digit scheme
5-digit scheme
Automated Area Distribution Center
Area Distribution Center
3-digit carrier route
5-digit carrier route
Direct carrier route
Mixed AADC
Mixed ADC
Network Distribution Center
Qualified nonpresort
Sectional Center Facility
Unique 3DG City
Sack level for origin mixed ADC
The ZIP Code Listing shows your mail’s destination.
ZIP Code Listing
You can produce the ZIP Code Listing in a 3-digit ZIP, 5-digit ZIP, 5-digit ZIP
carrier route, or USPS format. You must submit the ZIP Code Listing in USPS
format with all of your Periodicals mailings and PSVC BPM (add-on option)
You must presort first in order to produce this report. For each mailing, the report
shows the number of pieces (but not weight) for each ZIP Code, broken down by
rate level.
The following styles are available for the ZIP Code Listing:
5-Digit Carrier Route style shows one line of data per carrier route.
5-Digit style shows one line of data per 5-digit ZIP Code.
3-Digit style shows one line of data per 3-digit ZIP Code.
USPS style is required by USPS for Periodicals mailings.
The first page of the ZIP Code Listing (5-digit style) is shown below.
ZIP Code Listing
[MFL] [OPT] Page 1
Postalsoft [version][date]: Sample
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Point: (1) LA CROSSE WI, LA CROSSE, WI 54601-3346
Mailing Information
(2) STD, Automation Letters ATM (DMM 245.7)
5-Digit Format
Presort Portion
Cart Barcode Barcode
Auto 5-Digit 3-Digit
------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------1
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------Mailing Totals:
Running Totals:
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------0
Mixed-Zone Listing
The USPS requires you to submit a Mixed-Zone Listing with any palletized
Package Services Bound Printed Matter mailing.
Both a Detail and Summary version of this report are available. The Summary
version is located at the end of the Detail version. Both versions list the number of
pieces going to each postal zone. The Detail version breaks down each pallet by
3-digit ZIP Code; the Summary version contains just one line per pallet.
Chapter 11: Reports
Pallet Mixed-Zone Listing
[OPT] Page 1
Postalsoft [version][date]: Sample
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Point: (1) LA CROSSE WI, LA CROSSE, WI 54601-3346
Detail Information
(1) PSVC, BPM Packages on Pallets BAR (DMM 705.8)
Mailing Date:
Mailpiece Name:
Permit Number:
The Mail Piece
1 & 2
Pallet Totals:
Mailing Totals:
The Mailer
123 Owner St.
Hercity, XX 12345-6789
----------3DG 469
Zones Destination
------ -----------4
5DGS 46901
5DGS 46952
5DG 46911
5DG 46919
5DG 46928
5DG 46933
5DG 46938
5DG 46940
5DG 46941
5DG 46962
5DG 46970
Report condensed for illustration purposes
Bundle and Container
The USPS requires you to present documentation showing the number of
packages and containers of each edition of an issue. The Bundle Charge report
and Container Charge report meet this requirement.
Note: The terms “bundle” and “package” are interchangeable. The USPS
uses “bundle.”
Sample Container Charge
USPS Container Report
Page 12
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Point: (1) 08040000 STILLWATER OK, STILLWATER, OK 74075-1660
(1) PER, Packages on Pallets CAR/ATM/REG
Pallet Lvl Zone Entry Chrg Destination
Pkgs Copies Pieces
------- --- ---- ------ ---- ----------- ------ ---- ------- ------- ------- ----------- -------------751 PS3 5
C ADC 740
752 PS3 M
C ADC 750
753 PS3 M
C ADC 760
report condensed for illustration purposes
Mailing Totals:
User Guide
------- ------- ------- ----------- -------------95277 1528576 1528576
20062.560 932431.360000
Sample Bundle Charge
USPS Bundle Report
Page 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry Point: (1) LEP 999, LITTLE FALLS , MN 56345-2287
(1) PER, Flats CAR/ATM/REG (DMM 705.10/705.11)
Bundle Notes Legend:
* = Package reallocated for SCF or NDC pallet protection
@ = Co-Package indicator
# = Copies/bundles NOT subject to Outside County bundle charge
(all others ARE subject to a charge)
Rate Category: A = Science of Ag, C = Classroom, N = Nonprofit, R = Regular
Cont. Container
N/A Level Destination Sack
N/A Level
------- ----- ----------- ------ ---- -----CR
60001 H786
60005 H786
Report condensed for illustration purposes
Intelligent Mail Serial
Number History
ApporZIP Code
Ver ID Notes
Copies tion
----------- ------ ------- ------- -----60001 H786
10 0.5000
60001 H786
5 0.2500
60005 H786
20 1.0000
The Intelligent Mail Serial Number History report shows mailer IDs for both mail
owners and mail preparers, without distinguishing between the two. This report
contains a list of serial numbers you’ve used, sorted by mailer ID.
1. Choose Print > Reports.
2. Choose the Intelligent Mail Serial Number History report.
3. Click the Options button.
4. In the Intelligent Mail History Report Options window, enter the number of
days that you want to include in the report.
5. If you want to include all mailer IDs in your report, select the Use All Mailer
ID(s) option. Or, if you want to limit the report to certain mailer IDs:
Deselect the Use All Mailer ID(s) option.
Select the desired mailer IDs in the Mailer ID(s) list and click Add to add
them to the Mailer ID(s) to Filter list.
If you need to remove an ID from the filter list, select it and click
You can select more than one ID at a time before you click Add or
6. Click OK to close the Intelligent Mail History Report Options window.
7. Click Print to print the report or click Preview to view it on screen.
Chapter 11: Reports
Intelligent Mail (R) Serial Number History Report
Page 1
(From 10/25/2008 to 10/31/2008)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Mailer ID 999999999
Piece Serial Numbers
Serial Number Start
Serial Number End
Serial Number End
Serial Number End
Tray/Sack Serial Numbers
Serial Number Start
Pallet Serial Numbers
Serial Number Start
User Guide
Mail Class
First Class
USPS Postage Statements
You must submit a Postage Statement to the USPS with all mailings. Separate
Postage Statements exist for each class of mail. The software generates the
correct report based on information you supply in the presort wizard.
Form 3600 for First Class
Form 3541 for Periodicals
Form 3602 for Standard Mail
Form 3605 for Package Services Bound Printed Matter
Postage Statements include information about your mailing, your company, and
your method of postage payment. You enter this information while setting up
your presort, or later by choosing Tools > Presort > Mailer Info. You can even
choose to save the information as the default so you only have to type it once.
Options for report
When you generate the report, you can choose one of the two types described
below. Check with your acceptance clerk to find out which type of Postage
Statement you should submit with your mailing.
By Mailing
Prints one statement for each mailing in the job. This is required when
you submit your mailing.
By Job
Prints a Consolidated Postage Statement, one statement summing up
the whole job.
In some cases, the USPS may allow you to submit one Consolidated
Postage Statement. Before submitting a Consolidated Postage Statement, you should verify that it will be accepted.
See also “Form 3602-C for Standard Mail Consolidated Postage Statement Supplement” on page 255.
By Entry Point Prints one statement for each entry point in your mailing. This is
required for multiple entry point jobs (add-on option).
Multiple-page Postage
You can produce two- or three-page Postage Statements. The choice is yours (for
certain Postage Statements) and will depend on your printer’s capabilities. To
select the two- or three-page Postage Statement:
1. Chose Print > Reports.
2. Choose the Postage Statement, and click the Options button.
3. If you want to print the two-page Postage Statement, select the Create
Minimum Number of Pages option.
This option is available for the following reports:
USPS Postage Statement Form 3600 (1C)
USPS Postage Statement Form 3541 (PER)
USPS Postage Statement Form 3602 (STD)
Chapter 11: Reports
Form 3600 for FirstClass Mail
Some areas of this form are filled in based on information about the mailing and
information you supply in the Mailing Information window. You must fill in other
areas by hand.
United States Postal Service
POSTAGE STATEMENT -- First-Class Mail & Priority Mail
| Post Office:
| Note Mail Arrival Date & Time
| Use this form for either First-Class or Priority Mail. They may not be combined.
| Entry Point: (1) SCF-CAPE COD, WAREHAM, MA 02571-9701
| Presort:
(1) 1C, Regular Letters MCH (DMM 235.5)
| Permit Holder's
| Telephone
| Name and Address of
| Telephone
| Name and Address of Individual or
| Name, Address and
| (999) 555-1234 | Mailing Agent (If
| Organization for Which Mailing is
| Email Address, If Any +-----------------| other than permit
+-----------------| Prepared (If other than permit
| The Permit Holder
| holder)
| holder)
| 123 Permitholder St.
| The Mailer
| Histown, XX 12345-6789
| 123 Owner St.
| Hercity, XX 12345-6789
| CAPS Cust.Ref.ID No.
| Customer No.
| Customer No.
| Customer No.
| Post Office of Mailing
| Mailing Date
| Fed. Agency Cost Code | Statement Sequence No.| No. and type of
| WAREHAM MA 02571-9701
| 12/26/2008
| 0001
| Containers
0 -Sacks
| Type of Postage
[X]Permit Imprint
[ ]Precanceled Stamps
[ ]Metered
0 -1' Ltr Trays |
0 -2' Ltr Trays |
| Processing Category [X] Letters
[ ] Flats | Total Pieces | Weight of a Single Piece | Total Weight |
12 -EMM Ltr Trays|
| [ ] Parcels
[ ] Automation Flats
5000 |
0.1563 pounds |
781.5000 |
12 -TTL Ltr Trays|
0 -Flat Trays
| Permit No.
| For Mail Enclosed Within Another Class
[ ]Periodicals
[ ]Standard Mail
0 -Pallets
| 123456
| [ ]Bound Printed Matter
[ ]Library Mail
[ ]Media Mail
[ ]Parcel Post
0 -Other
| Move Update method: [ ]Ancillary service endorsement [ ]FASTforward [X]NCOA Link [ ]ACS [ ]Alternative method [ ]Multiple |
| For Automation Price Pieces, Enter Date of Address Matching and Coding
/ /
| Parts Completed (Select all that apply) [ ]A [X]B [ ]C [ ]D [ ]S (Part C only) [ ]Retail [ ]Commercial
Total Postage (Add parts totals) | $
3220.00 |
| Price at Which Postage Affixed (Check one) |
pcs. x $
= Postage Affixed
| $
| [ ]Correct
[ ]Lowest
[ ]Neither |
Net Postage Due (Subtract postage affixed from total postage) | $
3220.0000 |
| For USPS Use Only: Additional Postage Payment (State reason)
| For postage affixed add additional payment to net postage due;
Total Adjusted Postage Affixed
| $
| for permit imprint add additional payment to total postage.
| Permit Imprint Only - Check One
[ ] AIC 121 (First-Class Mail)
Total Adjusted Postage Permit Imprint
| $
| PM: Report Total Postage in AIC: [ ] AIC 237 (Priority Mail)
Report condensed for illustration purposes
Form 3541 for
Periodicals mailings
Some areas of this form are filled in based on information about the mailing and
information you supply in the Mailing Information window. You must fill in other
areas by hand. Please note:
User Guide
Statement numbers are assigned automatically.
The software calculates the total postage for this mailing.
Fill out the Dun & Bradstreet No. by hand if applicable to your mailing.
United States Postal Service
Postage Statement -- Periodicals One Issue or One Edition
| Post Office:
| Note Mail Arrival Date & Time
| Entry Point: (1) SCF-CAPE COD, WAREHAM, MA 02571-9701
| Presort:
(1) PER, Packages on Pallets ATM/REG (DMM 705.8/705.11)
| Publication Title and Owner or News
| Mailing Agent's (Printer or Consolidator)
| Entry Post Office Name, State and
| Agent's Name
| Name, Address, Telephone No. and Email If
| ZIP+4
| The Publication
| Any
| WAREHAM MA 02571-9701
| Printer/Consolidator
| Customer No.
| Imprint Permit No.
| CAPS Cust Ref.ID
| Customer No.
| Applicable Parts Completed (select
| Statement for bundles/containers
| Combined Mailing
| Consolidated Postage
| all that apply) [ ]A [X]B - E [ ]F
| only (If Applicable)
[ ]
| [ ] Yes [X] No
| Statement [ ] Yes [X] No
| Price Category [X]Regular [ ]Nonprofit [ ]Classroom [ ]Science-of-Agriculture
| Number of Addressed Pieces
| Publication No. | Edition/Code
| Mailing Date | Statement Seq. No.| No. and Type of Containers(enter ttl no. of containers) |
| Standard
| 11/01/2008
| 0001
0 -1'MM Trays
0 -2'MM Trays
0 -2'EMM Trays
0 -TTL Ltr Trays
| Issue Date
| Issue Frequency | Processing Category
0 -Flat Trays
0 -Sacks
| Jan 2000
| Monthly
| [ ]Letter [X]Flats [ ]Parcels |
2 -Pallets
0 -Other
| Weight of Single | Weight per Copy for Issue (Round
| Advertising Percentage | Post Office Computed Weight per Copy (Round |
| Ride-Along piece | off to 4 decimal places if
| in This Issue
| off to 4 decimal places if necessary)
lb. | necessary)
pounds |
50.00% |
__ __.__ __ __ __ pounds |
| For Automation Price Pieces, Enter | For Carrier Route Price Pieces, Enter Date | For Carrier Route Price Pieces, Enter Date |
| Date of Address Matching and Coding | of Address Matching and Coding
| of Carrier Route Sequencing
/ /
/ /
/ /
| Part A - In-County Prices
| Postmaster: Report total Part A postage
Total Part A | $
| in AIC 224
| Part B - Outside County Pound Prices
Total Part B
| $
223.8230 |
Total Part C
| $
1127.0100 |
| Part C - Outside County Piece Prices
| Part D - Outside County Bundle Prices
Total Part D
| $
16.2260 |
| Part E - Outside County Sack/Tray/Pallet Prices|
Total Part E
| $
42.8210 |
| Outside County Postage
Subtotal Parts B, C, D, and E
| $
1409.8800 |
| Preferred Price Discount - Nonprofit, Classroom, Limited Circulation, Limited
| Circulation Science of Agriculture (Add line B16, and parts C, D, and E Totals)
| |
x .05 (all others enter zero)
| $
| Subtract the Preferred Price Discount from the Outside County Postage
= | $
1409.8800 |
| Part F - Outside County Ride-Along and Repositionable Notes
+ | $
| Total Outside County Postage (Postmaster report in AIC 135)
= |
| $
1409.88 |
| Add Total Outside County Postage and Total In-County Postage
| Total Postage | $
1409.88 |
Report condensed for illustration purposes
Chapter 11: Reports
Form 3602 for
Standard Mail
Some areas of this form are filled in based on information about the mailing and
information you provide in the software. You must fill in other areas by hand.
The first page of the Standard Mail non-profit postage statement contains more
information than any other postage statement. To ensure that the necessary
information fits on one page, font and printer settings for the Standard Mail nonprofit postage statement are separate from all other postage statements.
United States Postal Service
| Post Office:
| Note Mail Arrival Date & Time
| Entry Point: (1) SCF-CAPE COD, WAREHAM, MA 02571-9701
| Presort:
(2) STD, Automation Letters ATM (DMM 245.7)
| Permit Holder's Name
| Telephone
| Name and Address of
| Telephone
| Name and Address of Individual or
| and Address and
| (999) 555-1234 | Mailing Agent (If
| Organization for Which Mailing is
| Email Address, If Any +-----------------| other than permit
+-----------------| Prepared (if other than permit
| The Permit Holder
| holder)
| holder)
| 123 Permitholder St.
| The Mailer
| Histown, XX 12345-6789
| 123 Owner St.
| Hercity, XX 12345-6789
| CAPS Cust.Ref.No.
| Customer No.
| Customer No.
| Customer No.
| Post Office of Mailing
| Mailing Date
| Fed Agency Cost Code | Statement Sequence No.
| No. and Type of
| WAREHAM MA 02571-9701
| 12/26/2008
| 0001
| Containers
0 -Sacks
| Type of Postage
| Processing Category
| If Sacked, Based on | Total Pieces
5 -1' Ltr Trays |
| [X]Permit Imprint | [X]Letters
[ ]CMM
[ ]Flats
[ ]NFM
| [ ]125 pcs
4727 |
11 -2' Ltr Trays |
| [ ]Precanceled
| [ ]Parcels-Machinable [ ]Parcels-Irregular | [ ]15 lbs.
0 -EMM Ltr Trays|
| [ ]Letters-Paid as NFMs
| [ ]both
| Total Weight
16 -TTL Ltr Trays|
| [ ]Metered
| [ ]ECR Letters-Paid as ECR Flats
738.8301 |
0 -Flat Trays
0 -Pallets
| Permit No. 123456
| Weight of a Single Piece
0.1563 pounds
0 -Other
| For Mail Enclosed within Another Class [ ]Periodicals [ ]Bound Printed Matter [ ]Library Mail [ ]Media Mail [ ]Parcel Post
| For Automation Price Pieces, Enter | For Enhanced Carrier Route Price Pieces,
| For Enhanced Carrier Route Price Pieces,
| Date of Address Matching and Coding | Enter Date of Address Matching and Coding | Enter Date of Carrier Route Sequencing
/ /
/ /
/ /
| Move Update method: [ ]Ancillary service endorsement [ ]FASTforward [X]NCOA Link [ ]ACS [ ]Alternative method [ ]Multiple |
| Parts Completed (Select all that apply) [X]A [ ]B [ ]C [ ]D [ ]E [ ]F [ ]G [ ]H [ ]I [ ]J [ ]K [ ]L [ ]S
Total Postage (Add parts totals) | $
1078.21 |
| Price at Which Postage Affixed (Check one)
| [ ]Correct [ ]Lowest [ ]Neither
pcs. x $
= Postage Affixed | $
Net Postage Due (Subtract postage affixed from total postage) | $
1078.2140 |
| For USPS Use Only: Additional Postage Payment (State reason)
| $
| For postage affixed add additional payment to net postage due;
| for permit imprint add additional payment to total postage.
Total Adjusted Postage Affixed | $
| Postmaster: Report Total Postage in AIC 130 (Permit Imprint only)
Total Adjusted Postage Permit Imprint | $
Report condensed for illustration purposes
User Guide
Form 3605 for PSVC
Bound Printed Matter
A portion of the report is shown below.
United States Postal Service
Postage Statement - Package Services - BOUND PRINTED MATTER
Entry Point: (1) SCF-CAPE COD, WAREHAM, MA 02571-9701
(1) PSVC, BPM Packages on Pallets BAR (DMM 705.8)
| Post Office:
| Note Mail Arrival Date & Time
| Use this form for all Package Services. Only Library Mail and Media Mail may be combined.
| Permit Holder's Name
| Telephone
| Name and Address of
| Telephone
| Name and Address of Individual or
| and Address and Email | (999) 555-1234 | Mailing Agent (if other |
| Organization for Which Mailing is
| Address If Any
+-----------------| than permit holder)
+---------------- | Prepared (if other than permit holder) |
| The Permit Holder
| The Mailer
| 123 Permitholder St.
| 123 Owner St.
| Histown, XX 12345-6789
| Hercity, XX 12345-6789
| CAPS Cust. Ref. No.
| Customer No.
| Customer No.
| Customer No.
| Post Office of Mailing
| Mailing Date
| Fed Agency Cost Code | Statement Sequence No.
| No. and Type of
| WAREHAM MA 02571-9701
| 12/26/2008
| 0001
| Containers
| Type of Postage
[X]Permit Imprint [ ]Metered
| Weight of a Single Piece
| Total Pieces |
0 -Sacks
0.6000 pounds |
4437 |
-1' Ltr Trays |
| Processing Category
-2' Ltr Trays |
[ ]Parcels - Machinable
| If Sacked, Based on
| Total Weight |
-EMM Ltr Trays|
[ ]Parcels - Nonmachinable
| [X]Piece Count
[ ]20 Pounds |
4437.0000 |
-TTL Ltr Trays|
-Flat Trays
| Permit No.
| Packaging Based on
| For Barcoded Price Pieces, Enter Date of
5 -Pallets
| 123456
| [X]Piece Count [ ]Weight [ ]Both | Address Matching and Coding
/ /
| Parts Completed (Select all that apply) [X]A [ ]B [ ]C [ ]D & E [ ]S
Total Postage (Add parts totals) | $
6615.57 |
| Price at Which Postage Affixed (Check one)
| [ ]Correct
[ ]Lowest
[ ]Neither
pcs. x $
= Postage Affixed | $
Net Postage Due (Subtract postage affixed from total postage) | $
6615.5670 |
| For USPS Use Only: Additional Postage Payment (State reason)
| $
| (Add additional payment to net postage due and total in box for
| affixed or permit imprint - choose one only)
Total Adjusted Postage Affixed | $
| Postmaster:
AIC 131 |
Total Adjusted BPM Postage Permit Imprint | $
| Report Total
| Postage in
AIC 124 |
Total Adjusted Media Mail/Lib. Mail Postage Permit Imprint | $
| Applicable AIC
| (Permit imprint only) AIC 223 |
Total Adjusted Parcel Post/Select Postage Permit Imprint | $
Report condensed for illustration purposes
Form 3602-C for
Standard Mail
Consolidated Postage
If you drop-ship, but maintain permits at several local post offices or SCFs, and
have the mail verified and paid for at these facilities, all you need is the 3602
Postage Statement.
In addition, you’ll need Form 3602-C if:
You are not paying for the mail at the facility where it is entered.
You drop-ship and pay at one facility (local).
The software produces one Form 3602-C for the whole job. This form contains
one row for each qualified mailing.
Chapter 11: Reports
| Consolidated Postage Statement - Supplement Standard Mail and Nonprofit Standard Mail
| MAILER: This supplement must be used with the appropriate Form 3602. Enter the following information for each mailing
| represented in this consolidation (DMM 246/346/446). Enter entry discount (e.g., "DSCF") and presort level codes
| (e.g., "A7" or "B10") from the attached Form 3602. Do not round off postage until you have computed the total postage on the
| attached Form 3602. If more space is needed, attach additional Forms 3602-C.
Privacy Policy visit |
| Permit Holder's Name |Telephone
| Post Office of Mailing
| Attached Postage Statement:
| and Address, and
|PER HOLDER TELE | La Crosse, WI 54601-9998
| Email Address, If Any +----------------|--------------------------------------------|
| Mailing Date
[X] 3602-R
| Permit Number
[ ] 3602-N
| PN123456
| Statement Sequence No.
| Statement
| PO & ZIP
|Piece |Entry|Pst|
Number of
|Number| No. of | Total |
| Sequence No. | of Entry
|Weight|Disc.|Lvl| Rate
Pcs./Lbs. =
|Cntrs.| Pieces | Weight | Postage |
|0.0756|None |A1 | 0.200/pc x
752 =
| 546
|0.0756|None |A2 | 0.214/pc x
280 =
|0.0756|None |A3 | 0.223/pc x
300 =
|0.0756|None |A4 | 0.231/pc x
130 =
|0.0756|DSCF |A13| 0.173/pc x
1415 =
|0.0756|DSCF |A14| 0.187/pc x
310 =
|0.0756|None |E1 | 0.303/pc x
1890 =
274| 1086.0300|
| 546
|0.0756|None |E2 | 0.324/pc x
690 =
|0.0756|DSCF |E5 | 0.276/pc x
1050 =
Condensed for illustration purposes
| Total For Page
515| 1696.0450|
| Total Number of Statements
Total From Postage Attachments| $
|Postmaster: This total for mailer use only.
Total Postage (Add lines above) | $
1696.05 |
PS Form 3602-C, May 2008 Facsimile
PSN 7530-05-000-5027
Postal Explorer at
User Guide
Multiple entry point reports
When you drop mail at multiple entry points, using Business Edition’s multiple
entry point add-on feature, each entry point results in a separate legal mailing,
with separate documentation. Though you set up each type of report only once,
for the necessary presort reports, the software automatically creates one set of
reports for each entry point.
Use the following reports when drop-shipping:
Facility Count
Statistics report
Facility Count Statistics report
Postage Statement
Drop Shipment report (Form 8125)
Confirm report (Form 3152a)
Register of Mailings
The Facility Count Statistics report is not a required USPS report. It displays,
according to your database, your possible drop-shipping destinations and each
destination’s piece count. This information should assist you in determining your
entry points and understanding your database.
The Facility Count Statistics report can help you plan your entry points. To
produce the report, first you must perform presorting. If the results shown in the
report cause you to want to choose different entry points, you can re-presort after
viewing the report.
Postage Statement by
entry point
The software can automatically create a Postage Statement for each entry point.
To do this:
1. Choose Print > Reports.
2. Select the Postage Statement.
3. Choose by Entry Point from the type drop-down menu.
4. Click OK, and click Print.
Drop Shipment report
(Form 8125) and
Confirm report (Form
Form 3152a and Form 8125 are combined in the Report Options window. Select
this report and click Options to alter the information included on either report.
Form 3152a is required if you participate in the USPS Confirm program to track
your mail pieces. This report will only print (and its options will only be
available) if you select to participate in this program.
Form 8125 is required if you enter mail at several entry points, but pay postage at
one location. If you generate this report, the software creates one form for each
When your mail is verified at your origin, Form 8125 should be placed with its
appropriate mailing for transportation. At the destination-entry office, USPS staff
will use Form 8125 to verify that the mailing they are receiving is the same as the
mailing for which you paid.
Form 8125 has areas for which you must provide information, either by entering
it in the Report Options window or by writing it by hand. The software provides
the rest of the information automatically. Please note:
Chapter 11: Reports
Register of Mailings
The software takes the origin plant location and mail product name from your
entries in the Drop Ship Options window.
You can either write the total gross weight by hand or have the software
calculate and print it for you; indicate your choice in the Drop Ship Options
window. If you supply the tare weight of a single container, the software
calculates the total container weight for the mailing and add the weight of the
mail itself to calculate the total gross weight.
The Register of Mailings is required for all drop-shipment jobs verified at your
origin. The report shows the number of containers, weight, and postage for each
mailing. The USPS specifies the content of this report, but it is not a facsimile of
any USPS form.
Register of Mailings
Page 1
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of Statements: 1
Sequence Number Range: 0001 to 0001
Number Entry Post Office
------- ------------------- -----0001
La Crosse WI 54601
User Guide
Extended Services reports
After performing Extended Services processing, you can view reports about the
processing. Your chosen Extended Services vendor provides these reports, with
the exception of the Extended Services History report, produced by Postalsoft.
Because the reports are provided by the various vendors, the reports’ content and
layout may vary from one vendor to the next.
Email Append
The report shows the job name, processing date, number of records submitted,
and the number of email addresses added.
Job Name: sample9
Process Date: 1/27/2010 8:05:13 AM
Records Submitted: 1059
New Email Addresses Appended: 216
Extended Services
NCOALink Processing
The Extended Services NCOALink Processing Summary shows:
How you set up the job
Information about your data before and after move-updating
Summary of return codes
Summary of error codes
The USPS requires that you save this report and USPS Form 3553 (created during
address correction) to prove that you performed move-updating on your data.
Your Extended Services vendor (Lorton Data, Peachtree Data, or Authenticom)
provides the content of this report. This report is produced as a result of
NCOALink processing through Extended Services.
Chapter 11: Reports
Extended Services
NCOALink Match
The Extended Services NCOALink Match Report shows:
Every record affected by a move (name, address, and record number)
How the record was affected (for example, “INDIVIDUAL MOVE”)
When the move took place
Delivery codes
This report is produced as a result of NCOALink processing through Extended
Services with Lorton Data.
Lorton Data Job ID/Code: 208990 / SEI0099
---------------------------------------------------------------------------EMILIE BRICK
SALEM, NH 030792512
SALEM, NH 03079-2519
---------------------------------------------------------------------------CHRIS LOUGHTON
LACONIA, NH 032463251
---------------------------------------------------------------------------CHESTER NEWTON
PITTSFIELD, NH 032633300
---------------------------------------------------------------------------NATALIE CARSON
PO BOX 490
BERLIN, NH 035700056
Extended Services
National Deliverability
The National Deliverability Index shows the deliverability quality of the
databases that you process. For more information, read USPS Notice 41, National
Deliverability Index.
Your Extended Services vendor (Lorton Data, Peachtree Data, or Authenticom)
provides the content of this report. This report is produced as a result of
NCOALink or ZIP+4 processing through Extended Services.
User Guide
Extended Services
The Extended Services Statistics report shows statistical information about the
data you sent for Extended Services processing, including:
CASS certification information
NCOALink move statistics
Numbers of records by category of each type of move
Numbers of records affected by LACSLink conversions
Your Extended Services vendor (Lorton Data, Peachtree Data, or Authenticom)
provides the content of this report. This report is produced as a result of Extended
Services processing.
Executive Summary
Page 1
HomeStreet Bank
Job: D1000541
Processed on 18-Nov-2009 at 02:08:20pm
------------------------------------------------------------------------------NCOALink & DSF2 Processing
Input File --------------------------------------------------------------Input File Name:
Total Input Records
Less Records Dropped by Delete Mark
Less Records Dropped by Input Filter
Less Records up-to-date per Z4 Change
Net Input Records to be Processed
Statistics --------------------------------------------------------------Address Types
------------------------------------------ -------Street
PO Box
Rural Route
Assigned, No Delivery
Other Assigned Address Types
Other Unassigned Address Types
Addresses That Require LACS Conversion:
Input File After Processing ---------------------------------------------Postal Code Assignment:
No information available, the input file was not updated in this job.
Output File(s) ----------------------------------------------------------Postal Codes Assignment Percentages
----------------------- -------- ------- ------- ------ ----- ----- -----C:\...\pch_mast.dbf
89.07 91.16 89.07 89.07
File Name and Location
Chapter 11: Reports
Extended Services
History Report
The Extended Services History Report shows a history of the jobs you’ve sent for
Extended Services processing, including:
When the job was sent and returned.
Job ID, status, and file name.
Number of records processed.
Which processing options you selected.
Unlike other Extended Services reports, this report is not provided by the
Extended Services vendor but is produced by Postalsoft. This report is produced
as a result of Extended Services processing.
Before you print, choose the time span that you want shown on the report.
1. Choose Print > Reports.
2. Choose the Services History report.
3. Click the Options button.
4. In the Service History Report Options, choose the report history range:
Choose Current Month to view information about jobs run this month.
Choose Last Month to view information about jobs run in the previous
Choose All to view information about every Extended Services job
you’ve ever run. (This excludes any jobs that you’ve removed from the
history by clicking the Remove History button.)
Choose Range and enter the desired range if you want to view
information about jobs for a certain specific time period.
5. Click OK when you’ve finished setting up options.
Extended Services History Log Report
Page 1
(All history.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Job ID
MDF Name
User Guide
Date Time Started
------------------09/07/2005 10:57:21
09/06/2005 09:43:39
09/06/2005 08:01:43
Date Time Finished
------------------09/07/2005 11:00:12
09/06/2005 11:00:15
09/06/2005 09:00:43
# Records
Processing Options
-----------------------NCOALink 18 months w/DPV
NCOALink 18 months w/DPV
NCOALink 18 months w/DPV
Extended Services
3553 CASS Form
The 3553 CASS Form is provided by your Extended Services vendor as a result
of performing ZIP+4, NCOALink, or DSF2 processing on your data.
Note: Before submitting this form to the USPS, you must fill in the mailer
information by hand on the form.
For details about this report, see “USPS Form 3553 (CASS report)” on page 233.
When you perform NCOALink processing, the USPS requires that you save this
report and the NCOALink Processing Summary to prove that you performed
move-updating on your data.
Extended Services
ZIP+4 Processing
This report is provided by your Extended Services vendor as a result of ZIP+4 or
NCOALink processing. The report provides counts and percentages of address
types, records assigned, and other statistical information.
This report is three pages long. The first page is shown below.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDRESS TYPE SUMMARY
518 93.00
---------------------------------ZIP CODES
624 99.68
557 88.98
557 88.98
571 91.21
557 88.98
557 88.98
624 99.68
---------------------------------TOTAL ZIP+4 CODES:
557 100.00
-------------------------------------------------------------------HIGH RISE DEFAULT
492 78.59
Chapter 11: Reports
Extended Services
Suppression Summary
This report is provided by your Extended Services vendor (in this case, Lorton
Data) as a result of suppression processing. The report provides counts and
percentages of address types, records assigned, and other statistical information.
This report provides a summary of the suppression processing performed and
percentage suppressed for each option.
Suppression Services Report
Lorton Data Inc
Process date: 09/06/2007
: ExtendLD
Lorton Data Job ID/Code: 000000 / ABC00000
Total # of input records
Deceased matches
DMA do-not-mail matches
Prison suppress matches
Phone Append
% of Total
This report is provided by your Extended Services vendor (in this case,
Authenticom) as a result of phone append processing.
Job Name: sample9
Process Date: 1/27/2010 8:05:13 AM
Records Submitted: 1059
New Phone Numbers Appended: 216
Phone Numbers Verified: 101
DSF2 Delivery
Sequence Invoice
This report is provided by your Extended Services vendor (in this case, Peachtree
Data) as a result of DSF2 processing. The report provides statistics about your
DSF2 processing.
If you claim walk-sequence discounts on this job, you can use the DSF2 Delivery
Sequence Invoice report to satisfy the USPS’s documentation requirement: “The
mailer must maintain documentation to substantiate compliance with the
standards for carrier route sequencing.” See
User Guide
DSF2 Delivery Sequence Invoice
ACE 8.00c Page 1
HomeStreet Bank
Job: D1000575
Processed on 20-Nov-2009 at 01:28:24pm
Licensee Name:
Peachtree Data Inc
Site Location:
Duluth, MN
Processing Date: 11/20/2009
Output File:
%Actv. %Res. Discounts
Deliv. Deliv. A B C D
| 00627 | C001 |
1384 |
1149 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 00736 | C004 |
1213 |
1055 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 00738 | B008 |
43 |
29 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 | N N N N |
| 00791 | C006 |
1227 |
1103 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 00794 | C001 |
1080 |
825 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 00924 | C041 |
1128 |
1093 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 00926 | C052 |
830 |
821 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 46702 | R001 |
450 |
439 |
43 |
43 |
9 |
9 | Y N N N |
| 46702 | R002 |
292 |
290 |
25 |
24 |
8 |
8 | Y N N N |
| 46702 | R777 |
0 |
0 |
8 |
8 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 46713 | B002 |
29 |
18 |
2 |
2 |
6 |
11 | N N N N |
| 46750 | B001 |
80 |
42 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
9 | N N N N |
| 46750 | B003 |
33 |
17 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
5 | N N N N |
| 46750 | B004 |
71 |
43 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
4 | N N N N |
| 46750 | B005 |
19 |
14 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
7 | N N N N |
| 46750 | B006 |
33 |
7 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
14 | N N N N |
| 46750 | B009 |
50 |
40 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
7 | N N N N |
| 46750 | B010 |
19 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
10 |
0 | N N N N |
| 46750 | C002 |
547 |
541 |
18 |
18 |
3 |
3 | Y N N N |
| 46750 | C004 |
508 |
450 |
12 |
11 |
2 |
2 | Y N N N |
| 46750 | C005 |
647 |
631 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 46750 | C008 |
587 |
573 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 46750 | R001 |
504 |
483 |
3 |
3 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 46750 | R009 |
490 |
483 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 | N N N N |
| 46750 | R010 |
741 |
637 |
7 |
7 |
0 |
1 | N N N N |
Carrier Route Discount
125 Walk Sequence
90% Residential Saturation Discount
75% Total Active Saturation Discount
Chapter 11: Reports
User Guide
Chapter 12:
Design and print labels
This chapter explains how to design, preview, and print address labels, presorted
address labels, container (sack and tray) labels, pallet placards, and other custom
labels with Label Toolbox.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Print methods
Two different print methods are available: Label Toolbox and a text-based
method. This chapter guides you through printing labels with Label Toolbox, the
default method of printing.
Text-based method
To learn about printing labels using the older, text-based method, you need to
refer to the Text-Based Printing Guide located in the docs folder in your software
installation directory.
To use the text-based method of printing:
1. Open a .mdf file.
2. Choose Tools > Options.
3. Click the Printing Method button.
4. Select the Disable Label Toolbox option and click OK.
Label Toolbox
Label Toolbox is a label designing and printing tool. Using Label Toolbox, you
can drag and drop fields, barcodes, and other objects onto your label layout to
create the label design you want.
Label Toolbox provides power and flexibility in designing, previewing, and
printing your labels. Label Toolbox’s features, such as placing images on your
labels or using conditional filters, also allow you to be more creative with your
Label Toolbox is the print method selected by default.
Opening Label Toolbox
To open Label Toolbox, choose Print > Labels or click Print Labels on the Tasks
Next, you need to choose a design file. See “Label Toolbox wizard” on page 269.
User Guide
Label Toolbox wizard
Fast, easy labelmaking
With the Label Toolbox wizard, you can quickly and easily create a standard
label. Use the wizard to create labels for these items:
USPS address labels
USPS tray and sacks labels
USPS pallet placards
When creating address labels, you can use the wizard to create envelopes, return
addresses and indicia, break marks, optional endorsement lines, Postnet barcodes,
package numbers, and more.
Access the Label
Toolbox wizard
You can access the Label Toolbox wizard in the following ways:
Choose Print > Labels, click the Design button for the label you want to set
up, and then click the Wizard button in the preview window.
Choose File > New > Wizard from Label Toolbox.
The wizard guides you through the following setup windows:
Printer Setup
Paper Setup
Label Options
If you are creating envelopes, the Envelope Setup window and the Envelope
Options window also appear.
Printer Setup window
The first step is to specify what you’re printing—labels or envelopes, with or
without graphics.
What you’re printing determines which printers appear in the list on the right side
of the window. For example, if you indicate that you’re printing labels or
envelopes with graphics, then the printer list shows printers that can handle
Choose the printer that you want to print to, and then click Next to advance to the
next step.
Paper Setup window
The paper stock choices listed are appropriate for the selected printer and match
your previous selection of envelope or label.
Choose the desired paper stock from the list. Read the description and view the
preview to be sure that it is the stock you intend to use. Or click Create Label
Stock or Create Envelope Stock to set up your own stock.
Click the Next button to advance to the next step of the wizard.
Envelope Setup
In this window you can set the position and size of the address block. You can
also choose to include a return address or indicia. If you choose this option, you
will see an additional Envelope Options window (not shown) where you can type
up to six lines of text for the return address and an additional six lines for the
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Label Options window
In the Label Options window, you can include the optional endorsement line,
Postnet barcode, Intelligent Mail barcode, package numbers, and break marks. If
you choose to include break marks, you will see an additional Break Mark
Options window (not shown) where you can set the number, levels, type,
orientation and so on.
Summary window
The final window shows an example of your label appearance. You can choose to
make more changes, or if your design is complete, you can save it. To see your
data in the label format you created, click the Generate Preview button.
If your design has only one label per page, then only the design and its contents
will be displayed in the summary window.
Creating tray, sack,
and pallet labels
User Guide
You can also create tray, sack, and pallet labels. When creating tray, sack, and
pallet labels, you see only three wizard windows: Printer Setup, Paper Setup, and
Get started designing labels
Pick a design file
Design files (.ltd) contain details about your labels and the printer you will use.
Your job must have a design file assigned to it in order to print your labels. You
can edit design files in Label Toolbox.
Default design files
You can set a default label design file for each type of label. The software uses the
default label design file when you set up a new job and also with jobs that have no
design file associated with them. To save time, you can set the default design files
to what you use most often. You can always choose a different design file later, if
the default is not appropriate for a particular job.
To set default label design files:
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. In the Printing section, click the new Default Label Design Files button.
3. For each type of label or envelope, click the Browse button to open a label
selection window. Select the desired design file from the list and click the
Select button.
4. Click OK to close the window.
Which design file
should you use?
You can create your own design file by combining a page and layout template or
you can use one of the predefined design files installed with the software. These
predefined design files will need some customization to generate valid labels.
Choose or create a design file based on your label requirements and printer
Note: All predefined design files and their components (page and layout
templates) are read-only sample files. If you modify them, you need to
rename them in order to save your changes.
Assign a design file to
your job
Choose Print > Labels, and then click the Design button for the type of label that
you want to set up. In the Design File Preview window, you can select a design
file to use with your job, view the description of the design file, and see a preview
of the design file (the page and layout setup).
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Click Edit to make
changes to a
design file. See
the section “Edit a
design file” on the
next page.
Click Label Toolbox to design the label in Label Toolbox. Or click Wizard
to use steps to design the label. At the end of the Wizard, you have a
complete label, which you can edit later in Label Toolbox, if needed.
Edit a design file
Click Select to assign
the highlighted design
file to the current job.
When you first set up a job, you do not need to design a label from scratch.
Instead, you can pick a design file that is close to what you need, and then edit it
as appropriate. To do this:
1. Choose Print > Labels and click the Design button.
2. In the Design File Preview window, select a design file and click Edit.
The design file opens in Label Toolbox where you can make any necessary
adjustments to the page and layout setup.
3. Choose File > Save to save the design file or File > Save As to save the
design as a new file. You may also want to choose File > Design Settings to
edit the description of your design file.
If you save the design file with a new name, you must exit Label Toolbox (File >
Exit), choose the design file from the list and click Select. This process assigns
the design file to your job.
Create a new design
If you don’t use the wizard to create a new design file, you must first combine
existing page and layout templates. The following table defines these templates.
Page (.ltp)
This template contains attributes of the paper that you are printing on,
including the paper size, number of labels per page, and margins.
Layout (.ltl)
This template contains the layout of your labels, including the position of your fields, barcodes, and other objects.
To create a new design file:
1. Choose Print > Labels and then click the Design button.
User Guide
2. In the Design File Preview window, click Label Toolbox.
3. Choose a printer, printer class, and unit of measure. Click Next.
4. Choose a page template that matches closely to what you want, and click
5. Choose a layout template that matches closely to what you want, and click
Finish. Your new design file opens in Label Toolbox.
6. Choose File > Design Settings, enter a description of your design file, and
click OK.
7. Choose File > Save As to name your design file.
You can now make modifications to the setup of your design file.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
The Designer window
The design window offers everything you need to design your labels.
Layout window: This
window contains the
label design for the
current design file. You
can change the look of
the design by deleting
items from the label or
by dragging fields or
objects from the
Objects window and
dropping them onto
the label.
Objects window:
This window contains
all of the components
available to this
design file currently
shown. These include
fields, barcodes, and
other miscellaneous
You can switch this
window on and off in
the View menu.
Choose View from the
menu to display the
Ruler or Grid options.
Layer tabs: Every
design file has a base
layer. Windows and
Generic Text drivers
offer the ability to create banner page and
test label layers. You
cannot delete, move,
or rename these, but
you can add new layers
if you want.
Status window: This window shows all of the errors or
warnings that exist in the current design file and to
which component the errors are assigned.
You can switch this window on and off in the View menu.
Objects and Status
Status bar: This area
gives you the exact coordinates of your cursor on
the layout window, the
current units of measure,
and alerts you to any
errors or warnings that
may exist in your layout.
This feature is especially
helpful if the Status window is closed.
The Objects window and the Status window can be resized and “undocked” to
provide custom viewing of your design. There are two ways to undock a window:
Place the cursor over the docking bar of the window
you want to move. Click and drag it to the desired
Double-click the docking bar of the window.
Both the Objects and Status windows appear in the
default view of the design window. To remove either
window, choose View from the menu. Click either Objects or Status to control the
appearance of these windows.
You can also remove either of these windows by clicking the X in the upper right
Font Properties
With an object selected in your label design, choose Format > Font. In this
window, define a font for the selected object. For example, if you select a field
and change the font in this window, you will see the change on your layout. You
can also select a frame, change the font in this window, and then see the fonts for
all objects with font properties change in the frame.
Note: This feature is available for design files using Windows printer drivers.
User Guide
View options
Label Toolbox comes with several handy features to help you view your label
designs better. Choose View from the menubar to:
Preview your labels
Turn the Grid on/off
Turn the Ruler on/off
Turn print head lines on/off
See more/less toolbar options
Zoom the label design in/out.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Define your page settings
What are page
Your design file’s page settings define the properties of the paper you are printing
on. These properties include the paper size, the amount of labels per page, and the
page margins. In Label Toolbox, choose File > Page Setup to access your page
For more information about page templates, see “Page templates” on page 297.
Label Page
Click the Label Page tab, in this window, you can choose the size and layout of
the page that your labels will be printed on. Most of the sizes you will need are
listed in the Paper Size drop-down list. If you can't find the size you need, you can
enter your own custom page size and orientation.
Be sure to check your printer's documentation to find out if your printer supports
the desired page size.
Click Apply to assign any changes to the current design.
Label Page N-Up
Click the Label Page N-Up tab,
in this window, set up the total
number of labels per page. You
can either have Label Toolbox
automatically size them to fit
your page, or you can create
custom-sized labels.
You can also specify the amount
of white space that you need
between label columns and rows
For example, you can have your
labels only fill up a portion of
your page by entering specific
horizontal or vertical
measurements. In the image to
the right, the vertical area of the
page was altered.
Click Apply to assign any changes to the current design.
The Label Page N-Up tab is not available if you are using an inkjet printer.
User Guide
Define your printer settings
Each design file must have a printer associated with it. Label Toolbox saves these
settings within the design file and uses them every time you select that design file
for your job.
Assign a printer to
your design file
If you don't assign a printer, you can not print your labels.To assign a printer to
your design file:
1. In Label Toolbox, choose File > Design Settings.
2. Select a printer from the Printer Name drop-down list, and type a description
of your design file.
For Windows drivers, the printers available in the drop-down list are
determined by the printers defined on your system. For Generic Text and
Inkjet, the printers available are taken from Label Toolbox’s Printer Setup
window (Tools > Printer Setup).
3. Click OK.
Your printer is now assigned to the design file. This design file will use this
printer every time unless you change it.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
The Layout window
Placing the fields and objects you need onto your layout is as easy as dragging
and dropping from the Objects window. There are a few things, however, that you
first need to know when you are working in the Layout window.
Base layer vs. Label
White space at
the far right edge
of the label
represents space
between labels.
The lined
portion of the
layout is the base
layer. Your label
elements will not
print outside of
the base layer.
Insertion point cross
View hidden
information on your
Base layer (printable area)
between labels
Label area (size of the label)
When moving any line-based object, a red cross hair
appears in the upper left corner of the object to help you
accurately place the field.
Sometimes a layout contains so many fields or objects that the base layer or frame
cannot display everything. Information that may have been squeezed out of view
may still print on your label, depending on the size of the data in your fields or
objects and the line suppression of the layer or frame.
Label Toolbox signifies this
“hidden” information with an
arrow that points in the direction
of the missing information.
To resize your fields, see “Size
field objects in the layout” on
page 284.To view the hidden information on your base layer, you will need to
temporarily change the size of your labels. To do this:
1. Choose File > Page Setup and click the Label Page tab to increase the label
area, or click the Label Page N-up tab to decrease the number of horizontal
or vertical labels.
2. Click OK to save your changes.
3. Resize the base layer to view the hidden information.
4. Choose File > Page Setup to revert page settings to the original dimensions.
5. Choose View > Label Preview to ensure that your labels are set up as you
User Guide
When you drag and drop fields onto
your layout, you drop the fields into
lines. Lines on your label layout cannot
be “selected” or moved by clicking and
To insert or delete a line or to view a line’s properties:
1. Place the cursor on a line or any object on that line.
2. Right-click, and choose the appropriate action from the popup menu.
Line properties
In the Line Properties
window control your
line spacing options and
justification. You can
select the Permanent
option to exempt the
line from the effects of
blank line suppression.
When this option is selected, a blank line will not be removed when suppression
is turned on.
Generic Text drivers
Click the More button to access the line beginning and line ending escape code
options. These can be set to include an escape code at the beginning
and/or ending of a line. These settings are applied to the specific line and are not
affected by blank line suppression. This can be especially useful for creating
multiple N-up labels. For more information about adding escape codes to your
printer, see “Page templates” on page 297 for more information.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Objects are Label Toolbox elements that you can drag and drop from the Objects
window to the label layout. There are two categories of objects.
Object properties
Line-based objects: When you drop these objects onto a layout, they are
assigned to a line, and they move with that line, if you add lines to your
layout or use blank-line suppression. These objects include all fields,
including the Expression field and the Text field, and tabs.
Non-line-based objects: These objects exist independently from lines on a
layout. That is, when you drop one onto a layout, they are not assigned to a
line. They can span multiple lines, and they do not move if lines are added to
a layout or are affected by blank-line suppression. These objects included
break marks, images, barcodes, and frames.
Each object that you drop on your design has its own properties. To view the
properties of any object, select the object you want and do one of the following:
Choose Format > Properties.
Click the Properties button on the toolbar.
Right-click and choose Properties.
Double-click the object.
Depending on the type of object, in its Properties window you may be able to set
up a value expression or conditional filter, define leading or trailing characters, or
suppress clear zones. For more information about a specific object’s properties,
see the following object sections in this chapter.
User Guide
Frames can be used for many things: address verification, field placement on a
layout, printing an indicia, and so on. The base layer of a design file is considered
a frame, with most of the same properties as a frame that you drop onto your
Label Toolbox lets you have as many frames in your design file as you want, each
with its own properties, such as blank line suppression. Except for the base layer,
frames cannot be placed inside other frames.
USPS Address blocks
Address blocks are those that Label Toolbox recognizes as the frames that contain
fields in need of verification. Label Toolbox will not attempt to verify any address
information placed outside of a USPS address block.
Note: Most of the predefined design files in Label Toolbox already have
either the base layer or a frame designated as a USPS address block.
Making a frame a USPS
address block
To assign a frame as the USPS address block:
1. Drag a Frame object onto your label.
2. Select frame, and choose Format > Properties.
3. On the Miscellany tab, select the USPS Address Block option.
Set the position
Select a frame on your label design
and choose Format > Position from
the menubar in Label Toolbox. The
Position window opens. This is
true for all non-line based objects.
In the Position window you can
precisely position and size an
object on your label. Simply
clicking and dragging or stretching
your object might not be accurate
enough. For an example, see
“Indent objects” on page 282.
Text flow
You can set your text flow in the Position window. The text flow determines how
line-based objects wrap around non-line-based objects.
For example, if you drag a frame object onto your layout, you can set the text
flow to wrap around the image on either side (Left, Right, Largest Side), or you
can have no other objects on the same lines that the image occupies (Skip).
Blank line
You can delete blank lines from your final printed
label by choosing either Up or Down from the
Suppress Blank Lines drop-down list in the
Frame properties window (Miscellany tab).
Choosing Up moves the objects up with
blank lines below.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Choosing Down moves the objects down with blank lives above.
To exclude a non-line based object from being affected by blank line suppression:
1. Select the object on your design.
2. Choose Format > Position.
3. Select the Anchored option, and click OK.
Indent objects
Use frames to indent objects on your layout. For example, suppose you want to
indent a field 1 inch (or indent to column 6 for inkjet printers).
To do this:
1. Choose View > Rulers from the menu, if necessary.
2. From Miscellany in the Object window, drag a Frame object and drop it onto
your layout. Watch the red line on the ruler to determine the exact position of
the frame.
3. While the Frame is selected, choose Format > Position from the menu and
enter the exact position requirements, if necessary. Click OK.
4. Drag the object into your frame. You may need to resize your frame to view
the entire object.
User Guide
Label Toolbox groups fields as follows:
Field properties
My Database Fields
These are the fields available from your database. They are not
used for presorted label verification. For a complete list of these
fields, see Appendix A.
Other Fields
These fields are created during processing. See “Other fields” on
page 285.
To access a field’s properties, select the desired field in your label design and
choose Format > Properties.
In the Field Properties window control each specific field’s settings. You can
assign a filter, you can designate leading or trailing characters, or you can
designate truncation.
Leading and trailing
In the Field Properties window, you can set the number of characters that appear
before or after the specified data in the field. Spaces are considered characters.
You can use this feature to line up your fields in any way you want.
Note: If you have only one field on a line and the field is empty for a
particular record, Label Toolbox considers the field blank even if the field
contains a leading space. Label Toolbox suppresses the line in this case if you
have selected Blank line suppression. See “Blank line suppression” on
page 281.
You can also specify a maximum fill length for fields that you don’t want to
exceed a certain length. You may find this especially useful with your optional
endorsement line (OEL). The default length of the OEL is 30 characters.
The Field Properties window allows you to truncate a field if the output on a line
is too long to print on the label. Most fields are truncated from the right if the
Allow Truncation option is selected, and a minimum of four characters will
always remain. This feature handles two specific fields differently from others:
City: When you select the Allow Truncation option for this field, the
directional is reduced to one letter first, then vowels are removed from the
city name, from the right, until it fits, and then, if the field is still too long, the
field is truncated from the right. The minimum remaining length is 4
Dest_City: Only the city portion of this field will be truncated. The state
portion will be ignored, if it’s there. Label Toolbox ignores the destination
facility prefix (ADC, for example), and reduces the directional to one letter
first. The minimum remaining length is 12 characters.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Trim spaces
In the Field Properties window designate how (extra) spaces in the field should be
removed. You can choose to have spaces removed on the right, left, or both sides
of the data in the field.
The Trim Spaces option does not affect leading or trailing characters set in this
window. It only affects data from within the field.
Size field objects in
the layout
You can view the fields on your layout in a normal or collapsed state. When fields
are collapsed, you can fit more fields onto a line of your layout.
This does not affect your output. You cannot fit more data on your label than the
length of the label will allow. If the data in your fields is longer than the length of
your label, it will be cut off.
To ensure that you have enough room on your label for the fields you want,
choose View > Label Preview. See “Preview labels” on page 295.
To collapse or expand a field:
1. Select a field on your layout.
2. Right-click, and choose Collapse Field or Expand Field.
User Guide
A red arrow appears to the right of the first letter of a collapsed field.
If you aren’t sure what the collapsed field contains, place your cursor over
the collapsed field, and the name of the field appears.
Other fields
The following fields are available for printing on labels.
N = Non-presorted labels
P = Presorted label
C = Container labels
T = Pallet placards
S = Single label or envelope
The ACS participant code according to your settings in Tools > ACS >
N, P, S
The ACS keyline according to your settings in Tools > ACS > Properties
N, P, S
Number value of address label’s barcode
N, P, S
Number value of address’s checkdigit.
Carrier route endorsement
Container contents information
Number value of container’s barcode
This field equals Y when presort indicates the barcode is required or the
user has enabled the option to always print container barcodes in Tools
> Options > Default Container Label Options
Y indicates this is the first record in the container
Y indicates this is the first or last record in the container
Y indicates this is the last record in the container
Container sortation level.
3DGS 3-digit scheme
3DGU Unique 3-digit city
5DGS 5-digit Scheme
AADC Automated ADC
Area Distribution Center
Auxiliary Service Facility
5-digit carrier route
CR5S 5-digit Scheme CART
Direct carrier route
Multi-ZIP city
FRM Firm
Merged 5-digit
M5DS Merged 5-digit scheme
Network Distribution Center
Sectional Center Facility
First Class single piece
blank Nonpresort or unqualified
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
The container number
Container’s destination city
Container’s destination city and state, abbreviated
Container’s destination state
Container’s destination ZIP Code
Entry point city and state.
31-digit number for the Intelligent Mail barcode.
Carrier route code for the pieces in carrier route direct trays. For all
other trays, if the pieces within the tray are barcoded, the word
“AUTO” is output.
24-digit number for the tray Intelligent Mail barcode.
Digits for the pallet Intelligent Mail barcode.
The presort status of this piece
Mail processing code
Number of pieces in the container
Number of pieces in the package
Number of pieces in the pallet
If the current label is not qualified, this prints: “*DO NOT INCLUDE
If the current label is not qualified, this prints: “If desired, apply Single
Piece rate.”
If the current label is not qualified, this prints: “postage and mail separately.”
If the current label is not qualified, this prints some container information including the presort status, container type, container number, and
number of pieces in the container.
Optional endorsement
Origination line
The absolute sequence number. (1 for the first record printed, 2 for the
second record printed, and so forth.). Use this field when printing in
reverse or printing selected presorted pieces.
N, P, S
The mail piece’s mail category. For example, AB, AC, AT, EB, or RT.
Y indicates this is the first record in the package.
Y indicates this is the first or last record in the package.
Y indicates this is the last record in the package.
The package number
Postage rate applied
Y indicates this is the first record in the pallet.
User Guide
Y indicates this is the first record in the pallet.
Y indicates this is the first record in the pallet.
The number of pallets in your mailing. Note: If you place this field on a
tray label layout for a palletized mailing, the tray label displays the
number of the pallet that the tray should rest on.
Pallet weight in pounds. This applies only to the mail itself, not the pal- T
let or any wrapping materials. The field length of 9 characters includes
the decimal point and 4 decimal places (for example, 1234.6789).
Pallet volume in cubic feet. This applies only to the mail itself, not the
pallet or any wrapping materials. The field length of 7 characters
includes the decimal point and 4 decimal places (for example,
Presort information about this container: Container type, container
number, number of packages, number of pieces
The record number in the database (including records marked as
N, P, S
The sequence number. (1 for the first record printed, 2 for the second
record printed, and so forth.)
N, P, S
This field equals Y when the presort indicates the Zebra barcode is
required or the user has enabled the option to always print container
barcodes in Tools > Options > Default Container Label Options
Zone rating.
P, C, T
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Windows drivers can use any of the barcodes listed in the Objects window,
Intelligent Mail barcode
I 2 of 5
Code 128
3 of 9
Drag a barcode onto your layout. The Barcode Properties window automatically
opens. In this window you must define the barcode’s value expression. Barcodes
always require a value expression.
Set the position
Barcodes are considered non-line based objects because they do not follow the
properties of a line. For information about setting the barcode’s position on the
label, see “Set the position” on page 281.
Barcode clear zones
The USPS requires clear zones around your barcode. However, you may be able
to suppress some of these under the right circumstances.
Why suppress clear
Caution: You are ultimately responsible for complying with USPS
regulations. Refer to the DMM for clear-zone specifications.
The main reason for suppressing clear zones is for aligning fields. If you want to
line up the left side of your labels, you might suppress the left clear zone. Be
careful that the right edge of the barcode is not cut off by the end of the label.
Also, if you have a blank line above or below the barcode, you could suppress the
top or bottom clear zone to reduce the amount of white space on your label.
How to suppress barcode
clear zones
1. Drag a barcode onto your layout.
2. Choose Format > Properties.
3. Select the clear zone you want to suppress.
4. Click OK.
User Guide
Break marks
Break marks alert the person assembling the mailing that a package, container, or
pallet is starting or ending, for example.
Remember that only the highest level of break mark appears on a label. For
example, if the mail piece requires a package and container break, the software
prints only the container break indicator because a container break, by definition,
requires a package break (a package cannot span containers).
Many of the predefined design files come with a break mark placed in the layout.
There are two types of break marks: Clear Channel and Gated Scan. Which one of
these you use depends on what kind of machinery you might use to read your
break marks. These break marks can look exactly the same; however, the
placement of the break mark is different.
Clear Channel
A clear channel break mark is usually placed outside the
label area. This ensures that the reader for reading the
break mark has a “clear channel” for looking for the
break mark. No address information is above or below
the break mark.You must place the address information
into its own frame to accomplish this.
Gated Scan
A gated scan reader looks at a predetermined area on the label for the break mark.
This type of reader does not require a clear channel to read the break mark.
Note: If you do not use machinery to read break marks, it does not matter
what type of break mark you use.
Set up break marks
To set up break marks:
Select the number of levels you want. For example, do you only want to
break on the first record in a package (one level), or do you want to break on
the first record in a package and the first record in a container (two levels)?
Choose the characters you want to represent the break mark.
Assign a field to determine when a break mark is printed.
Create the look you want the break mark to have by selecting the orientation
and the width in characters.
For this example, we will create a simple break mark for the first record in each
package and the first record in each container.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
To create break marks:
1. Drag a break mark from the
Objects window onto your layout, if
there is not one there already.
2. Select the break mark and choose
Format > Properties.
3. In the Break Mark properties
window, select the Level 1 and
Level 2 options.
4. Choose the character you want for
each level. In this case we will use
the pound sign(#) for all levels.
5. For Level 1, choose Pkg_Brk_F from the Field drop-down list. For Level 2,
choose Ctn_Brk_F.
6. Select Horizontal for the Orientation and 3 for the Width in Characters.
At this point, the Break mark properties window should look like the one
7. Click OK.
Your break marks appear on your labels in the following forms:
First record of new package
First record of new container
Now that you have successfully set up a basic break mark, you can explore all of
the different ways to use break marks by trying new levels, fonts, characters, and
so on.
User Guide
You can add any number of images to any number of your labels (Windows
printer drivers only). For a complete list of all supported image file formats, see
the Label Toolbox help topic Image Formats.
How to add images to
your design
You must complete a few steps before your image will appear on the labels the
way you want it to:
Choose your image(s) from your Image Files folder (set up in Tools >
Options > File location tab).
Assign a value to the image(s).
Create a value expression for the image(s).
Create a conditional expression for the image (optional)
To help illustrate how to add images to your label, we have the following
scenario: A company is sending out a mailing to customers in Wisconsin and
Minnesota. To grab their attention, they are going to place an image on the
labels—a map of the state for Minnesota customers and a wheel of cheese for
Wisconsin customers.
To add these images to the appropriate labels:
1. From the Objects
window, under
Miscellany, drag the
Image icon onto your
layout. The Image
Properties window
appears (if not, choose
Format > Properties).
2. Next, enter or build the
value expression in
Expression Builder that
tells Label Toolbox
what field needs to be
populated to print the
necessary image.
Because we are
differentiating by state, we chose the field State.
3. Click the Add button in the Image Properties window to choose the image
you want.
4. Select the Minnesota image and enter the value MN. Then select the
Wisconsin image and give it a value of WI. These values tell Label Toolbox
that when the State field is populated with MN, print the minnesota.bmp
image. The same goes for WI; when WI appears in the State field, print the
cheese.bmp image.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Other miscellaneous objects
Drop a Text field onto a layout to add any text you want
onto your labels.
For example, you could type a greeting or a short message
right onto the label design. Be sure to preview your labels
before printing. Choose View > Label Preview from the
Label Toolbox menu.
Adding a tab to your layout can help you in designing your label. For example,
you can use it to make a field start at any position on a line. It can be used as a
right tab or a left tab.
With the Expression field you can do a number of things you cannot do with other
Label Toolbox fields and objects. For example, use the Expression field to:
Conditionally print text
Create printer codes for Windows printer designs
Combine data from multiple fields
Before you can print an Expression field, you must create a value expression. You
can also name your Expression field by typing the name you want into the Field
Name text box in the Field Properties window.
See “Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions” on page 347 for
more information about value expressions.
User Guide
Container labels
The software prints container labels according to strict USPS rules. Following
USPS rules, the software prints barcodes on container labels for automated
mailings. Refer to the DMM for details about these rules.
You can choose the font for container labels only if the label doesn’t include the
When to print
container labels
After you have presorted your records, you can print container labels.
Design files
Label Toolbox comes with a number of predefined design files for printing your
container labels.These design files are shown in the Design File Preview window
after you choose Print > Labels and then click the Design button in the Container
Tags section.
Choose options for
container labels
Caution: If you change data in any way between the time you presort and the
time that you want to print container labels, you will have to represort. This is
because any records that you changed or added might cause a change to the
container labels.
Caution: We recommend using predefined design files for printing your
container labels, because these design files meet the USPS’ strict
specifications for printing container labels and barcodes. If your labels do not
meet USPS standards, your mailing could be rejected.
After you select the design file to print your container labels, you can select other
options for your container labels.
You can choose to print:
Change printing options
for container labels
Container number on each container label
Number of packages on each container label
Number of pieces on each container label
Barcodes on container labels for nonautomated mailings. Doing so may
speed delivery of your mail.
1. Choose Print > Printing Options, and click Presort Container Tags tab.
2. Select the options you want for your container labels, and click OK.
Now you can preview or print your container labels.
Intelligent Mail
To produce Intelligent Mail tray or sack labels in Label Toolbox, choose label
designs and templates with “IM 24-digit” in the file name.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Verify labels
The USPS has specific rules about which elements you can print on your labels
and where they should be positioned. Label Toolbox checks your label layout for
you to ensure that it does not violate basic USPS rules.
Status window
Caution: Label Toolbox catches several obvious errors, but it does not
enforce all USPS rules on your label layout. Even if Label Toolbox finds
no errors in your layout, we can’t guarantee USPS acceptance. For details
on USPS rules, see the DMM.
The Status window (View > Status) shows the elements in your layout and their
status. If Label Toolbox finds something wrong with one of the elements of your
layout, it will display either an error or a warning related to the current design.
They are marked by the following symbols:
Error: This sign signifies that there is a severe problem. If the problem is
not corrected, your mailing could be rejected.
Warning: This is not usually as severe as an error; however, it is
recommended that you research the problem and attempt to fix it.
Fix your errors
By right-clicking an error or warning in the Status window, you may be able to:
View a help topic that gives you a description and possible solution to your
Go to the location of the problem in question.
Note: When you prepare labels that won’t be used for mailing purposes, you
may still get warning or error messages. Under these circumstances, it may
not be necessary to fix these problems.
User Guide
Preview labels
To view your labels before you print, choose Print > Labels > Preview. This
works if there is a design file assigned to the current .mdf file.
When you are in the Design window of Label Toolbox, you can preview your
labels by choosing View > Label Preview.
Tip: To preview your label changes instantly, resize the print preview
window and the design window to fit both on screen.
Toggle button
In the preview mode, there is a button in the lower left corner that
allows you to change between viewing a single label or an entire page
of labels.
You can search for any text on a label.
1. From the Print Preview window, choose the Find Text on Label
2. Type the text that you want to find; for example, Los Angeles.
3. Select matching options (the whole word or specific casing) and the find
direction. (Optional.)
4. Click Find Next.
The text you are searching for must be on a single line of data. For example, if
you type Main Street Hollywood in the Find box, and “Main Street” is on one
line and “Hollywood” is on the next line, then no match will be found. If the text
is on the same line, then a match will be found.
To search for a label, package, or container number, in the Print Preview window,
type the number that you want to find and then click the Go To button.
Show multiple output
The Preview window shows the appropriate breaks and accurately displays how
the labels will be printed in page mode. For example, let’s say that you are
printing 10 labels per page. If you have 101 labels in one output file and the first
100 labels fully complete 10 pages, then the 101st label will now appear alone on
the 11th page rather than having the first several labels of the next output file
included on the same page.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
After previewing the labels, you can print from the same window.
1. From the Print Preview window, click the Print button.
2. Set your options in the Print window and then click OK.
If you want to pause printing, you can click Pause in the Print Labels status
Preview banner pages
and test labels
User Guide
When you have information placed on the banner and test layers, you can preview
the layers as well as your address or container labels.
Page templates
When you create a new design file, you must pick a page template (.ltp) to use.
Page templates contain the physical information about the page of labels you are
using. This information includes the size of the page, the number of labels per
page, the size of the margins, and so on.
When working in Label Toolbox, you can create and save your own page
templates, as well as load existing page templates in the current design.
Create a new page
If you often use the same page setup but different label designs, then you may
want to create a page template. For example, if a lot of your printing is done on a
custom label or paper size, rather than modifying your page setup each time, you
could save your page settings as a page template. To do this:
1. In Label Toolbox, create
and save a design with
your desired page
2. Choose File > Page
Setup and click the
Page Template tab.
3. If necessary, click the
folder icon to navigate
to a different folder, and
click OK.
4. Choose Save New
Template from the list,
and enter a Name and
Description for the
5. Click Save, and Click OK.
After you have created and saved this page template, you can use it when creating
new design files or you can load it into an existing design file.
Assign a different
page template to the
design file
Perhaps you know that there already is a page template with the setting you want,
to assign a different page template to the current design:
1. Choose File > Page Setup and click the Page Template tab.
2. If necessary, click the folder icon to navigate to a different folder, and click
3. Choose a page template from the list, and click Load.
4. Click OK.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Layout templates
When you create a new design file, you must pick a layout template (.ltl). Layout
templates contain information about what fields, barcodes, break marks, or other
objects appear on your labels, banner pages, or test labels.
When working in Label Toolbox, you can create and save your own layout
templates, as well as load existing layout templates in the current design.
Create a new layout
If you often use the same label design but different page settings, you could create
different layout templates. Then, you wouldn’t have to change your label design
each time you create a new design. To do this:
1. Create and save (File > Save) your label design.
2. Choose File > Layout Template > Save.
3. If necessary, navigate to a different folder, and name your new layout
template. Click Save.
After you have created and saved this layout template, you can use it when
creating new design files or you can load it into an existing design file.
Assign a different
layout to the design
Perhaps you know that there is a layout template with the settings that you want.
To assign a different layout to the current design:
1. Choose File > Layout
Template > Load.
2. If necessary, click the folder
icon to navigate to a different
folder, and click OK.
3. Choose a layout template
from the list, and click Finish.
Banner pages and test
User Guide
If you often use a common setup for your banner pages or test labels, but not your
label design, you may want to create and save a layout template. This template
could contain your desired banner and/or test layer information but a blank base
layer. You could then use this layout template when creating a new design.
Your printer’s documentation is the best source of information about your printer.
Consult this documentation if you have any questions about your printer’s
You may have more than one printer, but the printer that will be used to print your
labels is controlled through the design file assigned to your mailing.
Default printer
When you first open a predefined design file, your default Windows
printer is assigned to the design file. You can view the default Windows
printer by choosing Start > Settings > Printers and seeing which printer
has a check mark by it.
To set a default printer for your inkjet or generic text printer, choose Tools >
Printer Setup, highlight the desired printer, and click Set Default.
Assign a new printer
to a design file
To change the printer in a design file:
1. Choose Print > Labels and then click the Design button.
2. Select your design file, and click Edit.
3. Choose File > Design Settings.
4. Select a new printer from the Printer Name drop-down list, and click OK.
5. Choose File > Save.
Set up Generic Text or
inkjet printers
For more information about setting up your inkjet printer drivers, see “Inkjet
printers” on page 300.
For more information about setting up your Generic Text printer drivers, see
“Generic Text driver” on page 302. Also, see the list of printer files available in
the section, “Printer files” on page 364.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Inkjet printers
The software supports the following inkjet printer drivers:
Cheshire VIP III-IV
Domino JetAddress
Scitex Admark III v8
Scitex Ektajet 5000
Videojet PrintPro
The features that are present in each driver vary from one driver to the other.
Consult your printer’s documentation for information about supported features.
Not supported: The software does not support messaging or bindery control
features for these inkjet printers.
Design files
To print labels with one of these inkjet printer drivers, choose the Inkjet design
How to modify printer
You can modify any inkjet printer’s settings at any time. You do not need to have
the printer assigned to your design file. To do this:
1. In Label Toolbox, choose Tools > Printer Setup to modify the settings of your
2. Select your printer, and click Modify.
3. In the Modify
Printer window,
define your
printer’s settings by
selecting a category
on the left. You can
edit the values that
appear on the right.
4. When you finish
editing your printer
settings, click OK.
User Guide
How to modify design
file settings
If you have a inkjet printer assigned to the current design file, you can modify the
printer’s settings just for use with the current design file. To do this:
1. In Label Toolbox, choose File > Design Settings, and click the More button
to access the printer settings for your design file.
Design-file printer
settings affect only
jobs that use that
particular design file,
and not the particular
The categories below
change based on the
printer chosen here.
This button toggles
between More and
Less. Clicking More
makes the design-file
printer settings
appear. Clicking Less
hides the design-file
printer settings.
2. Edit your settings as necessary for this design file, and click OK to close the
Tips for modifying
printer settings
Not all printer settings are available for design files. Some settings are
available only in the printer settings. If a setting is available in both places,
the design file setting overrides the printer setting.
If this symbol is next to a setting, you cannot edit that setting.
We have populated some of the settings with default values. Be sure to
consult your inkjet printer’s documentation for information about these
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Generic Text driver
The Generic Text driver can be set up for use with any printer
Printer files
Printer files (.ltr) are available to use with the Generic Text driver. These printer
files contain suggested POSTNET escape codes for a variety of printers, such as
the Tally, Rena, Okidata, and Genicom printers. See “Printer files” on page 364
for a list.
Generic Text design
Label Toolbox comes with several Generic Text design files installed for your
convenience. Choose a design file that corresponds to your printer model. Use
these design files as a basis for your text printer design files.
Choose your printer
Define your printer settings for any printer at any time in the Printer Setup
window. This window acts as a repository for all of the printers available. Here
you can access information about your printer and access the location where you
define the necessary settings to control your printer.
Create a new printer
You may have multiple printers that you want to use with the Generic Text driver.
You may also need to change the settings for a specific printer depending on the
job you are running. You can define different settings for the same printer, thus
saving future setup time.
For example, suppose you have a Taneum printer. With some designs, you want
to print at 6 LPI and with others you want to print at 8 LPI. You can set up a
printer instance for each and name the printer anything you want.
To set up an instance of your printer to print at 6 LPI:
1. Choose Tools > Printer Setup, and click New.
2. Select the Generic Text driver from the drop-down list, and enter a new name
for your printer, such as Taneum_6lpi.
3. Select OK.
4. In the Modify Printer window, select Settings.
5. Enter in the InitCode parameter the appropriate printer codes to print for 6
LPI printing, and click OK.
Go through the same steps to set up your printer for 8 LPI, changing the values
and names where appropriate. You now have two instances of the same printer,
but with different LPI settings.
Define your settings
The Modify Printer window contains options you need to set up for using the
Generic Text driver. To enter a value for any of the options, just click the field
next to the name of the option, and type the value or choose the value from the
drop-down list.
If you do not use one of the available printer files, your printer’s documentation
should contain most of the information you need about these options.
User Guide
The following table lists the various printer options you may set up, as well as a
description of each.
Use the DeviceName option when the output is sent directly to the
printer. Enter the name of a Windows printer driver here. The name
you type at the DeviceName option must match the name of your
printer exactly (spelling, case, and so on). We suggest copying and
For a network printer, you must also specify the path (for example,
\\server name or path\printer name).
This option determines how the driver treats end-of-line situations.
Set to True to pad each line with spaces to the width of the label
When you set PadLines to False, each line ends at the last character
or escape code.
You may find this setting useful if you are experiencing problems
with blank lines at the end of your label page. When the value is set
to False, these blank lines are removed.
If you want a printer initialization sequence, enter it here. The contents of this option are output at the beginning of the print run.
Use this option to set the printer reset sequence. The contents of this
option are output at the end of a print run.
Use this option to override the default line feed sequence. This
sequence will be output at the end of each line of text. Label Toolbox
has a default LineFeedCode of \x0d\x0a.
Use this option to send a page feed sequence. If setup, this sequence
will be output at the end of each page.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Escape codes
In Label Toolbox, you can easily enter, store, and use your escape codes to
control your printer. If you do not use one of the available printer files with the
POSTNET escape codes defined for you (see “Printer files” on page 364), your
printer’s documentation should list the escape codes available. You need to
transfer those codes into Label Toolbox.
To define your escape codes:
1. With a Generic Text driver design file open in Label Toolbox, choose Tools >
Printer setup.
2. Select your printer, and click Modify.
3. Select Escapes, and click the New button that appears at the bottom of the
4. Enter a name for your escape code in the Value Name field and a value for
the escape code in the Value field. For example, enter a name such as
BoldOn and a value of \027\nnn or \xlb\xnn where \nnn or \xnn represent
the values your printer uses to turn bold on. Click OK.
5. Click OK in the Modify Printer window, and click Close in the Printer Setup
These escape codes are now available as objects to drag and drop on your design
or use them to define the LineBeginning and LineEnding values in the Line
Properties window, see “Lines” on page 279.
Printer escape objects
After you define your printer escape codes, they appear in
the Objects window. You can drag and drop these onto your
layout to activate printer commands.
For example, let’s suppose you want to make the customer’s
name appear in bold text on your address labels. You would
create printer escape objects for turning the bold text on and
off and then drop them onto your layout in the appropriate positions.
1. From the Objects window, drag the BoldOn escape object to the position
before the Name field.
2. Drag the BoldOff escape object to the position immediately after the Name
If you do not include the BoldOff escape object, every field on every label after
the BoldOn object will have bolded text. You must send a command to the printer
to tell it to stop printing bolded text.
User Guide
Barcode printing with the Generic Text driver
You can generate barcodes in Label Toolbox with the Generic Text driver by
using the barcode object and printer escape objects.
Use the barcode
Label Toolbox provides barcode objects in the Objects window for use with the
Generic Text driver. We recommend using this method of printing your barcodes
for all address labels. To do this:
1. Drag the barcode object onto your layout. Choose the appropriate Value
Expression, and click OK.
2. Choose Tools > Printer setup, select the Generic Text printer, and click
3. Click the barcode, and enter the barcode settings information. Your printer’s
documentation will have the data for the start and stop codes. You will need
to determine whether you want Label Toolbox to generate the check digit for
you, and you must also determine the width of your barcodes (see the next
4. Click OK.
Check digit
If your printer does not automatically generate the check digit for the barcode, set
the Check Digit parameter to True in the Modify Printer window (Tools > Printer
Setup and select your printer). If your printer automatically generates the check
digit, set this parameter to False. Otherwise, your barcodes will not print or will
print incorrectly.
Convert digits to bars
If your printer requires digit conversion to
print the barcodes, set the
ConvertDigitsToBars parameter to True. You
must also enter the appropriate conversion
values for the TallTall, ShortShort, TallShort
and ShortTall parameters. These values are
entered in the same way as printer escapes
(for example,
\nnn or \xnn).
Note: If you set the ConvertDigitsToBars parameter to True, you should also
set the GenerateCheckDigit Feature to True.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Barcode widths
If you plan to use the barcode objects, you need to determine the width of the
barcode in characters, and enter this information into the appropriate parameters
within the barcode section of the Modify Printer window. To do this:
Set up your design file
and printer
1. In the Design File Preview window, select the Testing PLANET
or Testing POSTNET design file, and click Edit.
2. Choose Tools > Printer Setup, select your Generic Text printer, and click
3. Select Settings, and enter the necessary information for your printer, if you
haven’t already done so.
4. Select POSTNET or PLANET, and enter the Start and Stop codes for the
barcode. Your printer's documentation should provide this information.
5. Click OK, and click Close.
6. Choose File > Design Settings, and choose your Generic Text printer from
the drop-down list. Click OK.
Save your design file and
select it for your job
1. Choose File > Save As to save your design file with a different name. This
design file should only be used to determine barcode length; it should not be
used for production purposes.
2. Choose File > Exit. In the Design File Preview window, choose this design
file, and click Select.
3. Choose Print > Labels, and then click Print. You only need to print one
label; in the Label Print window, enter the Label Number From 1 to 1, and
click OK.
Your output should look something like this:
Count the number of
characters and enter the
1. Using the top row of numbers as a guide, count how many spaces
(characters) the barcode bars occupy. In the example given above, the
number of spaces for the 5-digit barcode is 16.
2. After you have determined the number of characters for your 5-, 9-, and 11digit POSTNET barcodes or 11- and 13-digit PLANET barcodes, enter the
values you found in the respective WidthXDigit fields in the Label Toolbox
Modify Printer window (Tools > Printer Setup).
Be sure to select a different design file for your job when you are ready to print
your labels.
User Guide
Use printer escape
We recommend using this method only if your printer handles the barcode
alignment by itself. You don’t have to define the barcode values in the Modify
Printer window if you are using escape code objects to generate your barcodes.
To use escape codes for printing your barcodes:
1. Define your printer escape codes.
2. Create two printer escape objects: one to turn on the printing of the barcode
and one to turn it off (for example, BarcodeOn and BarcodeOff).
3. Drag the BarcodeOn escape object onto your layout.
4. Drag the Adr_BC_Dgt field object to the right of the BarcodeOn escape
object. Click OK.
5. If necessary, drag the Adr_Chk_Digit field to the right of Adr_BC_Dgt.
6. Drag the BarcodeOff escape object to the right of the Adr_BC_Dgt (or
Adr_Chk_Dgt) field.
Caution: If you use escape codes to print your barcodes, and you use any
other escape codes that move the printer head horizontally (for example, a tab
escape code), the output will be incorrect. If you need to use a tab, use Label
Toolbox’s tab object, available from the objects window.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Print labels
After you have selected a design file and printer for your print job, you can print
your labels. To do this:
1. Choose Print > Labels and then click Print.
2. Select the options you want in the Label Print window.
3. Click OK.
Print Alignment Label
You can make sure that your paper and printer are in proper alignment. This
option prints mock labels that have the dimensions set in your page template.
These options control the working set of labels. By choosing how many test label
rows and the range of label numbers, you define the number of pages you will be
Print range
Using this feature in conjunction with the Paginate section allows you to print a
defined sub-set of records.
Print options
Print Banner Pages
Selecting this option allows you to print your banner pages before printing test or
real labels.
Print to File
This option allows you to save your print job as a file for use at a later time.
Print flow
To set up the flow of your printing job, choose Print > Printing Options > Label
Printing Flow.
Pause printing
Find the pause printing options by choosing Print > Printing Options > Presort
Printing options. At this time, you cannot view your pauses through Print Preview
in Label Toolbox.
Note: Pause printing is not supported if the label flow is set
to either of the following options shown at right.
User Guide
Print labels for selected presorted records
If you need to print only a few labels from your database, instead of an entire
page or job, you can now print labels for selected presorted pieces. This feature is
useful when you have spoilage during mail assembly.
Tip: You may want to add presort fields to your record layout before
presorting. Having a presort field in your database may help you determine
which labels you want to print. See Appendix A for a list of presort fields that
you can add to your record layout.
How to select and
print labels
After you presort your job (Tools > Presort Sort > Settings), you can print
selected labels:
1. Select your determined group of records either by choosing View > Data
Sheet and select each record yourself, or by choosing Records > Select > By
For example, if you print the presort sequence number on each label, and see
that you need to reprint pieces 3670 through 3690, you could search by the
Presort Sequence Number field.
2. Choose Print > Printing Options, and click the Presort Printing Options
3. Select the Print Labels For Selected Records Only option.
4. To print the labels, choose Print > Presorted Labels > Print, assuming that
you have a design file selected.
5. Click OK.
Pause printing
The Print Labels For Selected Records Only option is disabled if pause printing is
enabled. If you select the Print Labels For Selected Records Only option first, the
pause printing option is then disabled.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Printing labels for firm packages
Print top label only for
firm packages
When you print presorted address labels through Label Toolbox, you can choose
to print a label only for the top piece in firm packages.
1. Choose Print > Printing Options.
2. At the Presort Printing Options tab,
select the Top Copy Only in Firm
Package option if you want to print an
address label for only the top copy of
the firm package.
To select this option by default,
choose Tools > Options. Then in the
Presorting section, click the Printing
Options button. Then select the Top
Copy Only in Firm Package option.
3. When you reach step 4 of the Presort wizard, click the
Details button for each of the selected schemes. Select
the Make Firm Packages option for each scheme.
When you print presorted address labels, Label Toolbox
generates a label only for the top piece of the firm package.
User Guide
Expressions and filters
When you drop certain objects onto your layout, you may need to create a value
expression or conditional filter for that object. Label Toolbox provides a utility
for creating and editing your filters and expressions.
To access this utility, select the object and choose Format > Properties in
Label Toolbox. Click the Filter or Expression Browser button.
Value expressions
A value expression tells Label Toolbox to print the value of the specified field or
data. For example, PW, AP, and DB fields automatically contain a value
expression telling Label Toolbox to print the specified information.
When Label Toolbox looks at a record, it retrieves the data for this value
expression and applies it to the record. For example, a value expression,
alltrim(ap.adr_bc_dgt) + alltrim(ap.adr_chk_digit), would return the value of
ap.adr_bc_dgt + ap.adr_chk_digit for each record.
Barcodes always require a value expression.
Conditional filter
A conditional filter allows you to designate under what conditions an element of
your label or the data contained in the element will appear or not appear.
For example, a conditional filter, alltrim(pw.mail_type) = “ATM”, would return
a “T” or “F” for each record depending on the outcome of this function.
Objects that do not have a conditional filter assigned to them will always print.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
expressions and
Label Toolbox contains a number of predefined expressions and filters. These
cover some of the most fundamental expressions for the various elements of your
mailing. The table below gives descriptions of what they do and how they are
Note: If you change a predefined
filter or expression, you are
prompted to do one of three
things, shown at right.
Address BC Digits
Value expression for address label barcodes.
Used by the Postnet barcode in labels (not container labels).
Ctn BC Digits
Value expression for container label barcodes.
Used by sack or tray labels.
Ctn BC Required
Conditional filter for container label barcodes.
First in Pkg
Conditional filter indicating the label as the first
in a package.
Used as a condition of the package number
(Pkg_No) on presorted labels.
First in Pkg or CRRT
Conditional filter indicating the label as the first
in a package or as a carrier-route mailing.
Used as a condition of the Optional Endorsement
Line object (Opt_Endrs) on presorted labels.
Last in Pkg
Conditional filter indicating the label as the last
in a package.
Used only on presorted labels.
First or Last in Pkg
Conditional filter indicating the label as the first
or last in a package.
Used only on presorted labels.
First in Ctn
Conditional filter indicating the label as the first
in the container.
Used only on presorted labels.
Last in Ctn
Conditional filter indicating the label as the last
in the container.
Used only on presorted labels.
First or Last in Ctn
Conditional filter indicating the label as the first
or last in a container.
Used only on presorted labels.
Zebra BC Required
Conditional filter indicating whether the container label should have a barcode.
Sticker 5
Value expression defined as the number 5.
User Guide
Use for your 5-digit sortation level, pressuresensitive package labels.
Expression and Filter Builder
Label Toolbox contains a utility
that you can use for the creation,
verification, and selection of
filters and expressions.
If you click the Filter Browser
button, it opens the Filter
Browser window. From this
window, you can access Filter
Builder to edit or create new
Filter and Expression Browser buttons
If you click the Expression Browser button, it opens the Expression Browser
window. From this window, you can access Expression Builder to edit or create
new expressions.
Filter Browser window
The first window
you come to, after
clicking the Filter
Browser button, is
the Filter Browser
The Available Filters
box lists all of the
predefined filters
that came with Label
Toolbox and any of
your own filters.
The Filter Syntax
box contains the
syntax that makes up
the filter you select.
At this point, you can click Edit to change the filter, or you can click New to
create a new filter. Either way, you end up at the Filter Builder window.
Note: This is the only place where you may delete any existing filters or
expressions. To delete an item, right click on the one you want to delete and
click Delete in the pop-up menu.
Filter Builder window
In this window name and build your new filter.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
To create your new filter:
1. Type the name of your new filter in the Filter Name box. You must do this
before you build your filter.
2. In the Filter Building tools box, select which field, operator, or function you
want to include in the filter.
3. Click Add. Your choice appears in the Filter Syntax box.
You are now ready to begin building your filter.
Note: If you make a mistake, you can click the Clear button. This will empty
the Filter Syntax box. If you are editing an existing expression and decide you
want to revert back to the original filter, click the reset button.
User Guide
Examples of value expressions and conditional filters
To help illustrate the process of creating new expressions filters, this section
walks you through a few scenarios. Each one will have a brief description of what
you will accomplish and the steps necessary to do it.
Scenario #1: Printing
the current date and
Say you want to place the current time and date on every address label in our
mailing. For this scenario, you will need to do three things:
Drop an Expression field onto the layout
Create a value expression telling Label Toolbox to print the current time and
date in the field.
Once you have dropped your Expression field onto your layout, you will need to
create your value expression. To do this:
1. Select the Expression field on your layout and choose Format > Properties.
2. Click the Expression Browser button next to the Value Expression box. In
the Expression Browser window, click New.
3. In the Expression Name box, type an appropriate title, such as Date and
4. In the Functions box, choose time() and click Add. This appears in the
Expression Syntax box.
5. In the Operators box, choose the ampersand (&) symbol and click Add.
Your expression should look like this: time()&.
6. In the Functions box, choose dtoc(DATE) and click Add. Your expression
should look like this: time()&dtoc(DATE).
7. Place your cursor between the parentheses in dtoc(DATE) function and
delete the word DATE. Now choose date() from the Functions box and click
Add. Your expression is now complete and should look like this:
time()&dtoc(date()). If the expression differs from this, it will not work. You
can go into the Expression Syntax box and use your keyboard to correct any
8. Click OK until you reach your design window. Choose View > Label
Preview to see the date and time stamp on your labels.
Chapter 12: Design and print labels
Scenario #2: Printing
“Current Resident”
Say you have a database in which some records are missing information in the
first name field, last name field, or both. For the records missing any of this
information, you want to print the phrase “Current Resident” on the label.
Once you have dropped your Expression field (under Miscellany) onto your
layout, you need to set up your value expression to tell Label Toolbox to print
“Current Resident” in the field. To do this:
1. Select the Expression field and choose Format > Properties.
2. Click the Expression Browser button next to the Value Expression box. In
the Expression Browser window, click New. In the Expression Builder
window, type a name for your new value expression, such as Current
3. In the Expression Syntax box, type “Current Resident”.
4. Click OK until you reach the Field Properties window.
Now you need to set up your conditional filter for the Expression field that tells
Label Toolbox when to print “Current Resident.” To do this:
1. Click the Filter Builder button next to the Conditional Filter box. In the
Filter Browser window, click New. In the Filter Builder window, type a name
for your new conditional filter, such as Empty Name.
2. In the Filter Syntax box, type empty(DB.FIRST).OR.empty(DB.LAST).
For more practice, try building the filter by selecting and adding the
necessary fields, functions, and operators.
3. Click OK until you reach your design window.
You now have told Label Toolbox to print “Current Resident” in the Expression
field when either of the fields DB.FIRST or DB.LAST are empty. However, if
one field is empty, Current Resident will print and so will the other name field.
Because you do not want to have a name like “John Current Resident” on your
label, we need to tell Label Toolbox that, if one field is empty, it should not print
the other name field.
To do this, we need to set up two more conditional filters: one for the DB.FIRST
field and one for the DB.LAST field:
1. Select the DB.FIRST field. In the Field properties window, click the Filter
Builder button next the Conditional Filter box. In the Filter Browser window,
click New.
2. Type a name for your new conditional filter, such as First.
3. In the Filter Syntax box, type .Not.empty(DB.LAST).
4. Click OK.
Repeat the process for your DB.LAST field. Name your conditional filter Last
and in the Filter Syntax box, type .Not.empty(DB.FIRST).
User Guide
Appendix A:
All fields are listed alphabetically below. These fields handle a broad range of
your name, address, mailing, and other database needs.
Note: You can create your own fields, using the Normal field kind, to store
data that is not specifically handled by the predefined fields.
To set up fields, choose File > Properties > Database.
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
ACS Deliverability
Contains the deliverability status of the mailpiece that generated the notice.
Address Change
ACS Keyline
Address Change Service keyline includes pad, check digit,
and framing pound signs (#). Set up the number of spaces in
the Presort Field Options window.
ACS Keycode match Lists the keyline (including the check digit) that matched this
record during the merge.
Address Change
Date of merge
Represents the date when the record was merged into your
database file. This field is generated from the system clock,
not from the ACS notification file.
Address Change
ACS Move Type
ACS effective month
of move
The month and year of the move. The software converts the
date to the first day of the month.
Address Change
Participant Match
from ACS
Represents the participant code that matched this record during the merge.
Address Change
ACS Participant
Address Change Service participant code.
Address Change
Include this field in your layout if you’ll perform Extended
Services move-updating.
This field tells you whether or not this record was affected by
a move. After the move-update, the field contains one of the
following values:
Forwardable move.
Possible move.
No move.
Non-forwardable move.
Extended Services
Match with a COA order and new address information.
Address Change
Appendix A: Fields
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
Street address line 1
First line of the street address
Address correction,
NCOALink, or
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Street address line 2
Second line of the street address.
Address correction,
The USPS requires delivering mail to the address immediately NCOA , or
above the city and state line. The software considers that line Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
to be Address_2. During address correction, the software
or DSF2 processing
places the standardized address in Address_2.
Break Mark
Indicates a break (package, container, pallet). Set up the type
of break mark and character in the Presort Field Options window.
U.S. Census tract
U.S. Census tract and block-group number. The first 6 digits
are the tract number, and the final four digits are the blockgroup number within the tract. These codes are used for
matching to demographic-coding databases.
Address correction
with GeoCensus
City name.
Address correction,
NCOALink, or
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Company name
Company name.
The PLANET code and check digit.
Congressional code
Congressional district code
Address correction
Presort Copies
Use the Presort Copies field to generate multiple instances of a
record for the purpose of presorting and mailing. For example,
if you want to mail multiple copies of a periodical to a company, you can specify the number of copies that company
should receive in the Presort Copies field.
For records that should have multiple copies generated, enter
the number of copies that company should receive.
When the Presort Copies field is blank or contains 0 or 1, one
copy is generated for that record. Each non-deleted record in
the database is considered 1 copy.
Data entered in the Presort Copies field is meaningful for presorting purposes only. Mail.dat, presort reports, and postage
statements also reflect the copies information.
Country name
Country, such as USA or Canada. When present in your layout, the software can detect pieces destined for other countries. If the field contains any other value other than United
States, U.S., US, USA, etc., the software treats the record as
County name
County name.
Address correction
County code
County code.
Address correction
User Guide
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
Carrier route
Four-character carrier-route code, required for carrier-route
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Container Number
Container number within the job. This field is read-only.
Date of last change
Date of the last change to the record in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Turn Datestamp on in File > Properties > Document, Database
Input tab.
When any change is
made to the record
Deceased Flag
Deceased suppression status.
Record matched the deceased suppression list
Record doesn’t match deceased suppression list.
blank Suppression processing not performed.
Extended Services
deceased suppression
NCOALink Delivery Code
This field tells you more about the record’s move or why the
record is not forwardable.
Moved to foreign address
PO Box closed
Moved left no forwarding address (MLNA)
LACS conversion
Forwardable move
Moved; primary address cannot be confirmed
Forwardable move; secondary address cannot be confirmed
Extended Services
or Mover ID
Do Not Mail Flag
Do Not Mail suppression status.
Record matched the Do Not Mail suppression list
Record doesn’t match Do Not Mail suppression list.
Suppression processing not performed.
Extended Services
do-not-mail suppression
Delivery-point 2digit add-on
Two-digit code for delivery-point barcode. If you plan to print
barcodes and perform automated mailings, this field must be
in your layout. The software updates this field only in records
with full ZIP+4 data.
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Delivery Point check
Check-digit for delivery-point barcode. The software updates
this field only in records with full ZIP+4 data.
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Address is a valid Commercial Mail Receiving Agency.
Address is not a valid CMRA.
Address triggered DPV locking.
DPV mode is turned off, the input address cannot be
assigned, or DPV processing is locked.
Extended Services
NCOALink or
ZIP+4, or DPV processing
Field is blanked out
as a result of
Extended Services
DSF2 processing.
Appendix A: Fields
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
DPV No Stat
Indicates whether the address is a vacant property, it receives
mail as a part of a drop, or it does not have an established
delivery yet. The returned values are as follows:
Address is flagged as No Stat in DPV data.
Address is not No Stat.
Address was not looked up.
DPV processing;
Extended Services
ZIP+4 or NCOALink
(Lorton Data only)
DPV status
Address is a confirmed delivery point. The primary
range and secondary range (if present) are valid.
Address is not a valid delivery point.
Primary range is a valid delivery point, but the parsed
secondary range is not valid in the DPV directory.
Primary range is a valid delivery point, but the secondary range data is not available on input.
Address triggered DPV locking.
DPV is turned off, the input address cannot be assigned,
or DPV processing is locked.
Extended Services
NCOALink or
ZIP+4, or DPV processing
Field is blanked out
as a result of DSF2
Extended Services
NCOALink or
ZIP+4, or DPV processing
DPV Vacant Indicator
A vacant delivery point is any delivery point that was active in
the past but is currently not occupied and not receiving mail.
When an address is marked as vacant, it may receive mail in
the future. This is not an indicator of seasonal addresses.
Vacant address indicator.
Address is vacant.
Address is not vacant.
Address was not looked up.
Address Type
Address or delivery type, used when determining if your mail- Extended Services
ing covers 90 percent of residential addresses,which is used in DSF2
determining rates for walk-sequenced mailings.
A or R Residential address.
Business address.
Primary residential with business.
Primary business with residential.
General delivery.
DSF2 Delivery Type
Delivery type.
NDCBU (Neighborhood Delivery Centralized Box
Address was not looked up.
Extended Services
DSF2 Drop Count
If the DSF2 Drop Indicator field contains Y, then this field
contains a value from 000 to 999, indicating the number of
businesses or families served by this delivery point.
Extended Services
User Guide
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
DSF2 Drop Indicator
Drop indicator.
Delivery point serves multiple businesses or families. It
may be a CMRA (Commercial Mail Receiving
Delivery address is not a CMRA.
Address was not looked up.
Extended Services
DSF2 Educational
Educational indicator.
Address is an educational institution.
Address is not an educational institution.
Address was not looked up.
Extended Services
DSF2 Score
Address matched to the DSF2 file.
Address marked as a seasonal address.
Primary address matched the DSF2 file. However, the
secondary address did not match to the DSF2 file. This
address may or may not be deliverable.
Address did not match the DSF2 file. Primary information is missing or invalid and prevented a direct match
to the DSF2 file. Record may be undeliverable.
Address marked as being vacant for 90 or more days.
Address information is accurate but is undeliverable.
Address has serious problems that prevent a match to
DSF2 and ZIP+4 files. Address fields may be incomplete, or contain junk data.
Extended Services
DSF2 Seasonal Indicator
Seasonal address indicator.
Address is seasonally occupied.
Address is not seasonal.
Address was not looked up.
Extended Services
DSF2 Stats Indicator
USPS stats indicator.
Update may be needed within USPS delivery database.
No update needed within USPS delivery database.
Non-match to DSF²
Extended Services
DSF2 Throwback
Throwback indicator.
Extended Services
Customer with street address wants delivery at PO box. DSF
No throwback necessary.
Address was not looked up.
These are special fields you can use for duplicate detection.
You can use a Dupe-compare field to perform field comparisons for character-type fields within the same database file or
multiple files, or to compare fields containing the same information but different field names in two or more database files.
To be included in the duplicate detection process, this field
must be a character-type field. If you plan to use this field as a
prequalifier, it must be indexed.
Duplicate detection
Dupe group number
Contains the dupe-group number that the software assigns to
the record during duplicate detection. This field will be blank
if the record is not a duplicate.
Duplicate detection
Appendix A: Fields
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
E-mail Address
If you perform Email Append processing through Extended
Services, when your updated data is merged back into Postalsoft, your records’ old (original) email addresses are placed in
the Original Email Address field, and new email addresses
found during Email Append processing are placed in the
Email Address field.
Extended Services
email append
Email Append Flag
Extended Services
Status of email append processing for this record:
email append
Final (good) email populated in the Email Address
Bounced. An email address is available and populated
in the Email Address field. However, when Authenticom attempted to request permission to use this email
address from the recipient, the email bounced (could
not be delivered). This email address may or may not be
Remove or opt out. Email address was populated
in the Email Address field, but recipient does not !
want to receive emails, so you should not use this
email address. Warning: According to the CAN-SPAM
Act and state laws, there are substantial penalties for
sending email messages to people who have opted out.
Unmatched. No email address available.
Record already contains an email address, so no further
email append processing was performed.
Email Match Source
A number that represents the source of the new email address.
If you need more information about the source, contact
Extended Services
email append
Email Match Type
If a match was found, this field shows what type match it is:
Extended Services
email append
Endorsement Line
Optional Endorsement Line (OEL).
Set up which pieces should include the OEL in the Presort
Field Options window.
Entry Point Name
The name of the entry point for the piece.
Entry Point Number
The entry point number (1 to 15) for the piece.
Error or status
A six-character status code (if the record is found) or error
code (if the record is not found). See “Error and status codes”
on page 339 for a complete list of all codes.
Address correction
or Extended Services ZIP+4 or
NCOALink processing.
Field is blanked out
as a result of
Extended Services
DSF2 processing.
Extra 1
Extra 2
Extra 3
Import Extra 1
Import Extra 2
Import Extra 3
Unidentifiable data from the original file.
Enhanced import
User Guide
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
FIPS County Code
The FIPS County code
Address correction
with GeoCensus
FIPS Place Name
The FIPS Place code, which is a number assigned by the U.S.
government to each incorporated municipality (city, village,
town, and so on).
Address correction
with GeoCensus
FIPS State Code
The FIPS State code
Address correction
with GeoCensus
First name 1
First name 2
A first name such as John or Mary.
Gender 1
Gender 2
Gender code for First name 1 or First name 2.
Strong male
M? Weak male
Strong female
F? Weak female
Address correction
with Name/Gender/
Greeting turned on
The initiator with the corresponding name followed by the
punctuation. Specify your greeting style in Tools > Correct
Address > Correction Settings, and click the Name/Gender/
Greeting tab.
Address correction
with Name/Gender/
Greeting turned on
Intelligent Mail Barcode
The encoded barcode in all uppercase.
You can add this field to your database layout and the software
populates it with the barcode represented as DATF characters
when you perform presort posting. You can also export the
field for use when printing with other software. Note: The
field is available for exporting even if it’s not part of the layout.
Example IM_BAR field:
Intelligent Mail Barcode Alternating
The encoded barcode in mixed case, which some high-end
inkjet printers require. This field’s even characters (the 2nd,
4th, and so on) are lowercase to shorten the length of the barcode.
You can export the field for use when printing with other software. However, you cannot add this field to your database layout for posting.
Example IM_BAR_AC field:
Intelligent Mail
Mailer ID
The Intelligent Mail mailer ID number that you enter in the
Intelligent Mail Information window. After you perform presorting, this ID is populated in this field. This field is available for exporting even if it's not part of your layout.
Do not use this field for importing mailer IDs. If you do, your
mailer IDs will be overwritten by the Postalsoft-generated
mailer IDs when you perform presorting.
Appendix A: Fields
Field name
Field kind
Intelligent Mail
Serial Number
After you perform presorting, the generated serial number is
populated in this field. This field is available for exporting
even if it's not part of your layout.
Do not use this field for importing serial numbers. If you do,
your serial numbers will be overwritten by the Postalsoft-generated serial numbers when you perform presorting.
Import Error
A one-character error code.
The record has unidentifiable data that cannot be
imported into the software. The Extra 1-3 fields are
populated with the unidentifiable data.
More than three unidentifiable fields were found in the
original import file. Only the first three of those fields
are saved in the Extra 1-3 fields.
Importing was successful.
Imported IM Mailer
Map your incoming Intelligent Mail mailer ID to this field,
and use this field together with the Imported IM Serial Number field to generate Intelligent Mail barcodes.
Postalsoft generates the additional components that go into the
barcode (service type ID, barcode ID, and delivery point ZIP
Imported IM Serial
Map your incoming Intelligent Mail serial number to this
field, and use this field together with the Imported IM Mailer
ID field to generate Intelligent Mail barcodes.
Postalsoft generates the additional components that go into the
barcode (service type ID, barcode ID, and delivery point ZIP
Note: If your serial number is not the required length, Postalsoft left-pads the serial number with zeros (0) to the required
Imported IM Barcode
Map your incoming Intelligent Mail barcode to this field. The
software will verify the barcode length.
LACSLink Indicator
Locatable Address Conversion System conversion status:
Address converted by LACSLink.
Address looked up with LACSLink but not converted.
The address was a false-positive. See LACSLink locking.
A LACSLink conversion was made, but it was necessary
to drop the secondary information.
No LACSLink lookup attempted.
If you receive this data from an outside NCOALink processor,
you’ll find this data in their LAC_RECTYP field.
User Guide
When is this field
Enhanced import
Extended Services
NCOALink or
export, or LACSLink
Field is blanked out
as a result of
Extended Services
DSF2 processing.
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
LACSLink Return
This field shows the LACSLink match status:
LACSLink record match. A converted address is provided in the address fields.
No match and no converted address.
LACSLink matched an input address to an old address,
which is a high-rise default address. No new address is
Found LACSLink record, but couldn’t convert the data
to a deliverable address.
LACSLink record matched after dropping the secondary
number from input address
No LACSLink lookup attempted.
Extended Services
NCOALink or
ZIP+4, or LACSLink
Field is blanked out
as a result of
Extended Services
DSF2 processing.
LACS-Required flag
This field indicates if a record requires LACS (Locatable
Address Conversion System) conversion. After address correction, this field contains the following:
LACS conversion is needed.
No conversion needed.
Address was not assigned.
Address correction;
Extended Services
ZIP+4 or NCOALink
(Lorton Data only)
Last name 1
Last name 2
A last name such as Smith or Miller.
The latitude (degrees from the equator) associated with the
record’s address. North American latitude values are always
Locality 2
Locality 3
Locality 2
Locality 3
Optional for some countries, such as the UK. This is an official field name in the UK.
The longitude (degrees from the Greenwich Meridian) associ- Address correction
ated with the record’s address. North American longitude val- with GeoCensus
ues are always negative.
Line-of-travel code
Line-of-travel codes. LOT codes (in the LOT and LOT_Ord
fields) are required for non automated, carrier-route presorts in
Standard Mail, Enhanced Carrier Route Subclass. With LOT
codes, you can prepare mail in line-of-travel order.
In cases where the USPS (United States Postal Service) has
not yet assigned LOT codes for a particular address, the software correctly assigns 0000 in the LOT field.
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Line-of-travel order
Line-of-travel order. “A” for ascending or “D” for descending.
In cases where the USPS has not yet assigned LOT codes for a
particular address, the software correctly assigns D in the
LOT_Ord field.
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Merge Key
This hidden field enables merging the updated records back
into your database. Do not edit or remove this field.
Extended Services
Middle name or initial 1
Middle name or initial 2
Middle name or initial such as J or C
Address correction
with GeoCensus
Appendix A: Fields
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
or Mv_Type
NCOALink Move
or Mover ID Move
Type of move record:
Business (matched by company name).
Family (matched by last name).
Individual (matched by first and last name).
Extended Services
NCOALink, NCOALink export, or
Mover ID NCOALink
Extended Services processing through Lorton Data can yield
the following move type codes when the record is not a move:
LACSLink match.
SuiteLink match.
Move Effective
or Mover ID Effective Date
Effective date of the move record.
The date posted in this field is 8 digits in the format MM/
DD/YYYY. The day portion (DD) is always 01 because the
USPS provides only the year and month.
Extended Services
or Mover ID
NCOALink (add-on)
NCOALink Return
Include this field in your layout if you’ll perform Extended
Services move-updating.
After move-updating, this field will contain one of the following values:
Change of address (COA) match.
No match.
COA match, but it’s a foreign move.
COA match, but it’s MLNA (Moved Left No Address).
COA match, but it’s BCNO (Box Closed No Order).
No match, missing secondary information.
Found COA, but 11-digit DPBC is ambiguous.
Can’t match COA, middle name conflict.
Can’t match COA, gender conflict.
Can’t match COA, conflicting information.
Can’t match COA, high-rise default.
Can’t match COA, rural default.
Can’t match COA, insufficient name data.
Can’t match COA, middle name test failed.
Can’t match COA, gender test failed.
Found COA, but new address won’t convert.
Can’t match COA, insufficient individual name data.
Can’t match COA, secondary number discrepancy.
Can’t match COA, insufficient name data.
Can’t match COA, general delivery.
Found COA, but new address isn’t ZIP+4 coded.
Can’t match COA, conflicting directions.
Daily delete file record.
COA match, secondary number dropped from COA.
COA match, secondary number dropped from input.
Extended Services
NCOALink or
Mover ID
NCOALink (add-on)
Original Street
Address Line 1
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ Street
Address Line 1 field is moved to this field during Extended
Services ZIP+4, NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the
address data is not lost during the merge process.
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
User Guide
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
Original Street
Address Line 2
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ Street
Address Line 2 field is moved to this field during Extended
Services ZIP+4, NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the
address data is not lost during the merge process.
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
Original City
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ City field is
moved to this field during Extended Services ZIP+4,
NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the city data is not lost
during the merge process.
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
Original Delivery
Point 2-Digit AddOn
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ DP2 field is
moved to this field during Extended Services ZIP+4,
NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the DP2 data is not lost
during the merge process.
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
Original Email
If this field is in your layout, any email addresses in your
records’ Email Address field are moved to Original Email
Address during email append processing so that the email
address is not lost during the merge process.
Extended Services
email append
Original Phone Num- If this field is in your layout, any phone numbers in your
records’ Phone Number field are moved to Original Phone
Number during phone append processing so that the number is
not lost during the merge process.
Extended Services
phone append
Original State Abbre- If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ State field is
moved to this field during Extended Services ZIP+4, NCOALink
, or DSF2 processing so that the city data is not lost during
the merge process.
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
Original ZIP/ZIP+4
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ ZIP Code
Extended Services
field is moved to this field(s) during Extended Services ZIP+4, ZIP+4, NCOALink,
NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the ZIP Code data is
not lost during the merge process.
Original ZIP 4-Digit
Add-On Part
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ ZIP Code
Extended Services
field is moved to this field(s) during Extended Services ZIP+4, ZIP+4, NCOALink,
NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the ZIP Code data is
not lost during the merge process.
Original ZIP 5-Digit
Part Only
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ ZIP Code
Extended Services
field is moved to this field(s) during Extended Services ZIP+4, ZIP+4, NCOALink,
NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the ZIP Code data is
not lost during the merge process.
Original ZIP/ZIP+4
No Dash
If this field is in your layout, data in your records’ ZIP Code
Extended Services
field is moved to this field(s) during Extended Services ZIP+4, ZIP+4, NCOALink,
NCOALink, or DSF2 processing so that the ZIP Code data is
not lost during the merge process.
Phone Number
During Extended Services phone append processing, when
Extended Services
your updated data is merged back into Postalsoft, your
phone append
records’ old (original) phone numbers are placed in the Original Phone Number field, and new phone numbers are placed in
the Phone Number field.
Appendix A: Fields
Field name
Field kind
Phone Append Flag
The phone number in the record was verified as valid.
A phone number was appended to the data.
No processing was done and/or no phone number was
verified or appended.
When is this field
Extended Services
phone append
Package Number
Package number within the job. This field is read-only.
Pallet Number
Pallet number within the job. This field is read-only. Available
for pallets add-on option.
ZIP 4-digit add-on
4-digit add-on to the ZIP Code.
Address correction
This is a specific field kind used only for Canadian or international addresses. This field must be used in conjunction with
one of the existing US ZIP field kinds. It cannot be used with
any of the generic ZIP/Postalcode field kinds.
Prefix 1 (Mr, Ms, Dr,
Prefix 2 (Mr, Ms, Dr,
A name prefix such as Mr., Ms., or Mrs.
Prison Flag
Prison suppression status.
Record matched the Prison suppression list
Record doesn’t match Prison suppression list.
Suppression processing not performed.
Extended Services
prison suppression
Presort Sequence
The presorted piece number for the job. This field is a readonly, numeric field (you can index it).
User Guide
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
Record type
The USPS record-type code. It can be a one- or two-character
field. The second character may be a D, which stands for
default and means that the software detected that a finer level
of ZIP+4 assignment would be possible if more information
were available.
General delivery.
High rise or apartment.
Post office box.
Rural route or hwy. contract.
Unique ZIP Code.
FD Firm default. The software could assign a firm-level
ZIP+4 if given more or better firm information.
HD High-rise default. The software assigned a ZIP+4 for
the whole building. Assignment at the unit, floor, or
wing level is possible.
RD Rural route or highway contract default. The software
could assign a finer level ZIP+4 if given a box number.
SD Street default. Usually this means there’s no ZIP+4 for
the building.
UD Unique default. The owner of the unique ZIP hasn’t
provided ZIP+4 assignments or the address could not
be matched.
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing,
Contains an automatically generated record number for each
record in your database. You can add it to a label design, but
you cannot change, display, or delete it.
When records are
deleted and file is
This field is a specific field for Canadian or international
addresses. You can use the State abbreviation field kind only
in conjunction with this field kind.
The software checked this field (data sheet view) or populates
the field with a T (data form view) in the records that were
processed through the internet service, a service which is no
longer available.
State abbreviation
Two-character state abbreviation.
Address correction,
NCOALink, or
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
State abbreviation/
State abbreviation (US), Province (Canada), or Region (international).
Address correction
Suffix 1 (JR, SR, III,
Suffix 2 (JR, SR, III,
A name suffix such as Sr., Jr., II, or Ph.D.
Appendix A: Fields
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
SuiteLink Return
The result of SuiteLink processing.
Secondary information exists and was assigned to this
Lookup was attempted. No matching record found.
SuiteLink lookup was not attempted because the address
was not a highrise default according to CASS or
because the address did not contain a firm.
Extended Services
NCOALink or ZIP+4
Field is blanked out
as a result of
Extended Services
DSF2 processing.
Time of last change
Time of the last change to the record, in hh:mm:ss format.
Turn Timestamp on in File > Properties > Document, Database Input tab.
When any change is
made to the record
Title 1
Title 2
A professional name such as Attorney or President
PR Urbanization
A place name that denotes a neighborhood or subdivision in
Puerto Rico.
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
Walk-sequence number, needed for presorting in walk
sequence. To get walk-sequence numbers, submit your database to your postmaster or a service bureau licensed by the
When using the Walk_Seq field, the field must be populated
by a walk-sequence vendor. If the field is blank, your mailing
will not earn walk-sequence rates.
Extended Services
DSF2 processing
ZIP 5-digit part only
ZIP/ZIP+4 (987654321)
ZIP/ZIP+4 no dash
Either a 5-digit ZIP Code (for example 27619) or a 9-digit ZIP
Code (for example 27619-8343).
Address correction,
Extended Services
ZIP+4, NCOALink,
or DSF2 processing
ZIP moved flag
Address correction
ZIP realignment indicator. ZIP Move marks those addresses
that are affected when a post office opens or closes, or when
the USPS activates a new ZIP Code.
The address is affected by a USPS ZIP Code realignment. (The software assigned a new ZIP and, if applicable, a new city.)
The address is not affected by ZIP Code realignment.
ZIP/ZIP+4 or Postalcode
This is a generic field kind for US, Canadian, and international
Address correction
ZIP/ZIP+4 (no dash)
or Postalcode
This is a generic field kind for US, Canadian, and international
addresses. You cannot use this field with any other ZIP/Postalcode field kinds.
Address correction
User Guide
Field name
Field kind
When is this field
Presort Zone
The zone rating, available for Periodical or Package Services
ICD Incounty DDU.
IC Incounty.
1-2 Zone 1 & 2.
Zone 3.
Zone 4.
Zone 5.
Zone 6.
Zone 7.
Zone 8.
Appendix A: Fields
User Guide
Appendix B:
Index field attributes
This appendix describes the field attributes for complex index expressions in an
alphabetical list. Select field attributes for the field in the Field Attributes section
of the Edit Index Expression window (File > Properties > Indexes, Modify). The
software evaluates the fields in your expression according to the attributes you
choose. Then it concatenates the components into one index expression.
Note: Concatenate means to join fields together. A complex index
concatenates fields to determine index order based on the fields you have
chosen to include in your index. The software does this behind the scenes;
your fields are not actually concatenated, and you won’t see the fields joined.
Appendix B: Index field attributes
List of index field attributes
Case insensitive
The software considers the contents of a field in uppercase if you leave the Case
Insensitive option selected. Deselect the option if you want the software to index
the field using its present casing.
Example: If your records are set to mixed case, and you select Case Insensitive,
the software converts all of the first and last name fields to uppercase. Here is the
expression: UPPER(LAST) + UPPER(FIRST)
Note: Your fields aren’t actually converted to uppercase, and you won’t see
the fields in uppercase in your layout, unless you have converted the field to
uppercase using Records > Change Case.
If these fields are in mixed case, and you deselect Case Insensitive, the software
indexes using the first and last name fields as they are— in mixed case. Here is
the expression: LAST + FIRST.
Date extraction
Choose Date Extraction and indicate the part of the date you want to extract: Day,
Month, or Year. The field you choose for date extraction must be a date-type field.
Example: To prepare a list of customers whose subscription to your newsletter
expires in September, create a complex index using the date field. Choose Date
Extraction, and select Month for the Date Type. The complex index arranges your
database by month. If you choose ascending order, the dates start in January. In
data sheet view, scroll to find all the September dates.
Note: The software allows only one date expression per index, and only one
portion of the date extracted per index. For example, the software will not
allow you to create a complex index that indexes the date field first by day,
then by month. You could only create an index that arranges your records
only by day, or only by month in the same index.
Move spaces to end
The Move Spaces to End option controls how fields get concatenated by moving
trailing spaces from the preceding portion of the expression to the end. For
example, a complex index that includes both the LAST (16 characters) and
FIRST (12 characters) fields, without moving spaces to the end, looks like this:
SMITH – – – – – – – – – – – JANE– – – – – – – –
SMITHBERG – – – – – – – JOE– – – – – – – – –
This index places Smith, Jane before Smithberg, Joe.
User Guide
The same complex index with Move Spaces to End selected for the
UPPER(FIRST) portion of the index results in a different order.
SMITHBERGJOE – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
SMITHJANE – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Now the order is reversed, with Smithberg listed before Smith.
The minus sign in the expression represents the Move Spaces to End. It causes all
spaces in the Last name field to move to the end of the First name field before the
software indexes the file.
Numeric to string
Converts a numeric field to a character field, trims all spaces (right and left),
right-aligns it, and includes any decimal points. The field’s contents line up like
numbers, with the decimals aligned, but they are in dictionary-type order.
This example shows how the numbers are ordered in numeric order, then shows
how their order changes to dictionary-type order when arranged using Numeric to
String in the index.
Numeric order
Numeric to string order
Partial string
Lets you choose partial fields for indexing. There are two types of partial strings:
Appendix B: Index field attributes
Left: Select Left and enter the number of
characters of the field beginning at the left. The
software extracts the first x number of
characters beginning at the left of the field, and
uses those characters for indexing.
The illustration above, when used with the FIRST field, extracts the first
character of the first name. FIRST = PATRICIA returns the letter P.
LEFT(FIELD, # Character)
Sub-string: Index a part of a field using Sub-string.
Enter a starting position in the Start box, then enter
how many characters the software should use in the #
Characters box. The result is a specified part of the
When applied to a ZIP/ZIP+4 field, the example at right extracts the last four
digits, or the 4-digit add on, of a ZIP Code: 54601-6601.
String to numeric
Controls the ordering of fields by stripping any leading
spaces from the field and converting it from a character to
a numeric type field.
Example: A database contains a character type field named EMPLOYEE. The
field is included in a complex index expression and is set in ascending order. With
the String to Numeric option not selected, this is how two records are arranged
based on the character-type EMPLOYEE field:
The field with 110 comes first because the index is treating it
alphabetically (like a dictionary entry)—11 comes before 19.
With Convert String to Numeric selected, this is how the two records are arranged
based on the EMPLOYEE field:
Trim spaces
The field with 19 comes first because the index is treating it
numerically—19 comes before 110.
Select Trim Spaces if you want your complex index to trim any
extra spaces to the left, right or both sides of the field.
User Guide
Example: Choose Trim Spaces for a CITY field. When the CITY field contains
“– – –Philadelphia– – – – – –” (the dashes represent spaces before and after the
City), the following data is returned:
Trim Left
Trim Right
Trim Both
“Philadelphia– – – – – –”
“– – –Philadelphia”
Appendix B: Index field attributes
User Guide
Appendix C:
Error and status codes
When you perform address correction, if the Err_Stat field is in your layout, then
that field is updated with either an error code or a status code. The field receives
an error code if the software could not match the address to an address in the
directories. The field receives a status code if the software updated the record.
In this chapter, you’ll see references to the City, ZCF, ZIP4, and revzip4
The City directory contains city and default ZIP Code data.
The ZCF directory contains ZIP Code and city data.
The ZIP4 directory contains street address and ZIP+4 data.
The reverse ZIP+4 directory helps the software assign more address codes
when the input data includes a unique ZIP and valid ZIP+4.
Appendix C: Error and status codes
Error codes
Error codes begin with the letter “E” for “error.” Most error codes mean that
something is wrong in the record. Error codes do not mean that there was a
mistake in processing, just that it was unsuccessful.
A parsing error occurs while the software is trying to find certain address
components in your data. A look-up error occurs while trying to find a record in
the directories that matches the record’s address.
City-state-ZIP parse
City-state-ZIP look-up
User Guide
Error codes in the 1xx series indicate that a problem arose while parsing the citystate-ZIP data. Currently, there is only one code in this series.
Error number
Can’t find city, state, or ZIP data.
Error codes in the 2xx series indicate that a problem arose while matching the
record’s city-state-ZIP data to the postal directories. The software can’t proceed
with address-line look-up, because it can’t determine which USPS finance district
the address is in.
Error number
The record doesn’t include a recognizable city name, so look-up
in the City directory is impossible. The record does include a
ZIP Code, but no match for it can be found in the ZCF directory.
The record includes something that might be a city name, but no
match for it can be found in the City directory. The record
includes a valid state. The record doesn’t include a ZIP Code, so
no look-up in the ZCF directory is possible.
The record includes something that might be a city name, and
something that might be a ZIP Code. However, both of them are
invalid, because no match for either of them can be found in the
City and ZCF directories.
The record may or may not include a ZIP Code. If it contains a
ZIP Code, no match for it can be found in the ZCF directory.
When looking up the record’s city and state in the City directory, the software finds two or more matching cities in the state.
Because the ZIP Code is bad or missing, the software cannot
determine which city or ZIP Code to assign.
Address-line parse
Street name look-up
Primary range errors
Error codes in the 3xx series indicate that a problem arose while parsing the
address-line data. Currently, there is only one code in this series.
Error number
The software recognizes nothing in the record as a primary
address line.
Error codes in the 41x series indicate that a problem arose while matching the
street name data to the ZIP4 directory.
Error number
No match for the record’s street name can be found in the ZIP4
directory. Perhaps the street name is misspelled or badly abbreviated. If the address line contains garbage that might be interpreted as a part of the street name, this also can result in E412.
The ZIP4 directory contains two or more street names that
resemble the record’s street name. However, the resemblance
between potential matches is so close that the software cannot
choose one over another. For example, if the street is “Kings”
but the directory lists “King” and “Kins,” both of the possible
matches are equally similar to the street name.
The following errors indicate that the primary range (house or building number)
is either missing or bad.
Error number
The software finds nothing in the record’s address line that it
recognizes as a primary range. The primary range is either missing or cannot be recognized.
According to the ZIP4 directory, the record’s primary range is
invalid; it doesn’t fall within any of the ranges listed for that
street, route, or building.
Appendix C: Error and status codes
Address-line ties
If the software can find a good match for the record’s street name, and the
primary range is valid for that street, then that may be enough for assignment.
However, the software may have a list of possible matching records from the
ZIP4 directory. To select one match and make the assignment, the software
evaluates other components of the address line. Most of the error codes in this
series indicate that a tie among possible matches occurred.
Error number
The ZIP4 directory indicates that a predirectional is required to choose between possible
matches. However, either the record doesn’t include a predirectional, or its predirectional
is invalid (not listed for that street). For example, when the record shows “Elm” or
“North Elm,” but the directory lists only “East Elm” and “West Elm,” then the software
assigns E422.
The ZIP4 directory indicates that a suffix is needed to choose between possible matches.
However, either the record doesn’t include a suffix, or its suffix is invalid (not listed for
that street). For example, when the input is “Elm” or “Elm Road,” but the directory lists
only “Elm Street” and “Elm Avenue,” the software assigns E423.
The ZIP4 directory indicates that both a suffix and a directional are needed to choose
between possible matches. However, either the record doesn’t include a suffix and directional, or its suffix and directional are invalid (not among those listed for the street). For
example, the software assigns E425 when the input is “Elm” or “South Elm Road,” but
the directory lists: Elm Street, East Elm Street, and West North Elm Avenue.
The ZIP4 directory indicates that a post-directional is required to choose between possible matches. However, either the record doesn’t include a post-directional, or its postdirectional is invalid (not among those listed for the street). For example, the software
assigns E427 when the record has “Elm” or “Elm North,” but the directory lists only
“Elm East” and “Elm West.”
The record’s ZIP Code is missing or invalid. The City directory shows that the record’s
city/state covers two or more ZIP Codes. In the ZIP4 directory, the software can find
matches for the address line in at least two of those ZIP Codes. The software can’t use the
bad input ZIP to break the tie on the address line, or use the address line to choose a good
The record’s city name is missing or invalid. The ZCF directory shows that the record’s
ZIP Code applies to two or more city names. In the ZIP4 directory, the software can find
matches for the address line in at least two of those cities. The software can’t use the
record’s city to break the tie on the address line, nor use the address line to choose a city
The ZIP4 directory contains two or more address lines that resemble the input address
line. However, the resemblance between potential matches is so close that the software
cannot choose one over another.
The ZIP4 directory contains two or more address lines that resemble the input address
line. To choose, Puerto Rican urbanization is needed. However, either the record’s
address doesn’t include urbanization, or its urbanization is wrong.
User Guide
Other errors
Error number
E500 is a catch-all error code assigned when no more specific code can be assigned.
Usually it indicates that no potential match meets the minimum confidence level, or that
there is an unresolved tie between two or more potential matches.
The address is not within the domestic United States, territories, or possessions.
All address fields in the record are blank. There may be data in other fields that the software doesn’t process when assigning addresses.
The record’s address lies outside the area covered by the ZIP4 directory. This error usually occurs when a state or regional ZIP4 directory is being used.
E503 should not occur when using the ZIP4 directory. If it does, it may mean that you
have found a conflict between the City and ZCF directories and the national directory.
E503 indicates a flaw in the ZIP4 directory.
Report the error to the Address Management Systems Office by sending an email to
The address line matches at least two records in the ZIP4 directory. The ranges of those
ZIP+4 records overlap, and the software cannot break the tie.
E504 indicates a flaw in the ZIP4 directory.
Report the error to the Address Management Systems Office by sending an email to
Error number
The address does not exist in the USPS directories. This is an undeliverable address.
According to the USPS, no delivery to this address is possible. The address is listed in the
ZIP4 directory, but the record is tagged as undeliverable by the USPS. It might be a cemetery, parking ramp, or condemned building, for example.
E600 is unusual because it indicates a successful match to the ZIP4 directory. All other
error codes mean that the software didn’t find a match. Undeliverable addresses are
tagged as “errors” for the convenience of users who don’t want to send mail to unassigned and undeliverable addresses.
Some addresses that are valid may be marked incorrectly as undeliverable.
Report the error to the Address Management Systems Office by sending an email to
Not a valid delivery point. ZIP+4 removed.
Appendix C: Error and status codes
Status codes
A status code tells you how the software corrected or standardized an address.
Status code
1st character
2nd character
User Guide
Components that changed
No truncation
Truncation of address line
Truncation of both the address line and city name
Truncation of city name.
No change in ZIP+4, ZIP Code, city, or state
ZIP Code
City and ZIP Code
State and ZIP Code
City and state
City, state, and ZIP Code
ZIP+4 and ZIP Code
ZIP+4 and city
ZIP+4, ZIP Code, and city
ZIP+4 and state
ZIP+4, ZIP Code, and state
ZIP+4, city, and state
ZIP+4, ZIP Code, city, and state
Status code
3rd character
4th character
5th character
6th character
Components that changed
No change in predirectional, primary name, postdirectional, or suffix
Predirectional and suffix
Postdirectional and suffix
Predirectional and postdirectional
Predirectional, postdirectional, and suffix
Primary name
Primary name and suffix
Predirectional and primary name
Predirectional, primary name and suffix
Primary name and post-directional
Primary name, suffix, and postdirectional
Predirectional, primary name, and postdirectional
Predirectional, primary name, postdirectional, and suffix
No change in county, carrier route, delivery-point barcode, or unit designator
Unit designator
Delivery-point barcode
Delivery-point barcode and unit designator
Carrier route
Carrier route and unit designator
Carrier route and delivery-point barcode
Carrier route, delivery-point barcode, and unit designator
County code
County code and unit designator
County code and delivery-point barcode
County code, delivery-point barcode, and unit designator
County code and carrier route
County code, carrier route, and unit designator
County code, carrier route, and delivery-point barcode
County code, carrier route, delivery-point barcode, and unit designator
No change in LOT, LOT Order, and Urbanization code
LOT Order
LOT Order and LOT
Urbanization code
Urbanization code and LOT
Reserved for future use.
Appendix C: Error and status codes
User Guide
Appendix D:
Operators and functions for Label Toolbox
This appendix contains lists of all the available operators and functions you need
to write an expression for elements of your labels in Filter Builder, Label
Toolbox’s expression writing program. The expressions you write in Filter
Builder are similar to those you write for complex indices (See “Index field
attributes” on page 333). Filter Builder, however, contains a much wider variety,
giving you more power to create the expressions you need.
These lists contain descriptions of what the operators and function accomplish, as
well as examples of how to use them. “Summary of functions by purpose” on
page 357, is a quick reference for the large number of functions available.
This information is also available in Filter Builder’s online help. You can access
this help by pressing F1 when you are in Filter Builder.
Appendix D: Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions
Operator words for combining functions
There are three operators you can use to combine functions.
You can type these words in uppercase or lowercase. But don't forget the periods.
When you put two functions together with .AND., a record must pass both tests to
be included. This may reduce the number of records that pass the filter. For
example, the filter below would set both a minimum income and minimum age.
The income field must contain a number greater than or equal to $50,000, and the
year of birth must be 1957 or earlier.
db.income >= 50000 .AND. year(db.birth) <= 1957
When you put two tests together with .OR., a record is included if it passes either
test. This tends to allow more records to pass the filter. For example, the filter
below would include residents of both the Empire and Garden States.
pw.state = "NY" .OR. pw.state = "NJ"
The .NOT. operator reverses the truth or falsehood of the test that follows it. For
example, the filter below would exclude records in which the logical-type field
Bankrupt is set to true. Experienced database users may prefer the exclamation
mark (!) over .NOT., however .NOT. is easier to understand.
.NOT. db.bankrupt
User Guide
Other operators
Operators are punctuation marks or symbols for arithmetic or testing.
Division (no % modulus available; see mod function)
3 / 2 = 1.5
Less than
3 < 2 = .F.
Less than or equal to
3 <= 2 = .F.
Greater than
3 > 2 = .T.
Greater than or equal to
3 >= 2 = .T.
Not equal to
3 <> 2 = .T.
Is exactly equal to
3 = 2 = .F.
"a " = "ab" = .F.
"a " = "a" = .F.
Is contained in or is a subset of
"a" $ "ab" = .T.
"a " $ "ab" = .F.
Concatenate strings, removing
all leading and trailing spaces
from both
" a " & "b " = "a b"
Concatenate strings, leaving
leading and trailing blank spaces
where they are
"a " + "b " = "a b "
Concatenate strings, collecting
all trailing blank spaces at the
"a " - "b " = "ab
!.T. = .F.
Precedence (the order in which
operations are performed); use
String concatenation
Appendix D: Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions
List of functions
Functions are listed below in alphabetical order, and summarized at the end. Data
types are number, char (for character), date, log (for logical), or expr (expression)
when more than one type is valid. Expressions may be field names, constants in
double quotation marks, or another function.
Converts a numeric expression to its absolute value. Returns a positive number or
zero. For example, when the BALANCE field contains a lesser value (like 2000)
than the LIMIT field (containing 3000), the following expression would still
result in a positive number (1000):
abs(DB.Balance - DB.Limit)
abs(2000 – 3000) = 1000
Trims leading and trailing spaces from a character expression and returns the
remainder as a character string. For example:
When the PW field City contains "
"Philadelphia" is returned.
", the character string
Returns the ASCII value (a number between Ø and 255) of the leftmost character
in a character expression. Use it when you need to do arithmetic on the ASCII
value of a character. The subject character is case-sensitive. For example, the
following expression would result in the number 66:
at(char, char)
Searches for the first character expression within the second and, if it is found,
returns the starting character position as a number. For example, the following
would return the number 8 when DB.Name is "Roellig, Scott":
If the substring is not found, at returns "Ø". If all you need to know is whether or
not an expression is present, use the "$" operator (refer to the previous page).
Converts a date expression to a day-of-the-week name (DOW). Returns any of
the capitalized character strings, ("Sunday," "Monday," and so on.). The
following example converts "09/03/56" in the Anniv_Date field to "Monday".
chrtran(char1 , char2 ,
char3 )
Translates char1 using char2 and char3 as a search-and-replace table. Operates
only on individual characters. If any character in char1 is found in char2, then the
char1 character is replaced by the character from char3 that is in the same
position as the character found in char2. If there is no replacement character in
char3, then the character from char1 is simply dropped.
For example, suppose we’re processing a Name field in which a slash character
separates names from titles. We want to convert this to a blank space when
posting Name to an output file. The output posting would be:
User Guide
Copy(source,destination) = chrtran(DB.Name, "/", "
"), Name
If there is no replacement character in char3, then the character from char1 is
simply dropped. So you can use chrtran() to simply delete a character.
Note: If one of the characters that you want to remove is a double quotation
mark, then you must place it inside single quotation marks (apostrophes).
You may set up a more complex search-and-replace table by entering more than
one character in char2 and char3 .
Important: Remember that chrtran() works on individual characters only, so be
careful to count character positions within these two strings. For example, if you
have a field called DB.Keycode that contains numbers from 1–9, and you want to
replace those numbers with letters, your output posting would look like this:
Copy(source,destination) = chrtran(DB.Keycode, "123456789",
“ABCDEFGHI"), keycode
This would replace a Key Code number like "5183" with "EAHC".
Interprets the number as an ASCII value and returns the corresponding character.
Opposite action of the asc() function. For example, the following would post
carriage-return and line-feed characters:
Copy (source, destination) = chr(13) + chr(10), EOR
Converts a date to a month name. Returns any of the capitalized character strings
("January," "February," etc.). For example, the following would be converted to
"October" when the database field Anniv_Date contains "10/04/1986":
cmonth(DB. Anniv_Date)
Converts a character expression in the American format (mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/
yy) to a date value. For example, if DB. Anniv_Date is a character field, the
following returns the field’s contents as date-type data:
ctod(DB. Anniv_Date)
This would enable you to compare this date with other date-type data such as:
date() = ctod(DB.Anniv_Date)
Returns the current date (according to your computer’s time-of-day system) as a
date-type value. The function accepts no input (argument) from you, so do not
type anything between the parentheses.
Extracts the day of the month from a date expression, and returns it as an integer
numeric value. For example, the following will yield the number 17 when
Birth_Date contains "09/17/1957":
day(DB. Birth_Date)
This function is not available for use.
Appendix D: Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions
Extracts the day of the week from a date and returns it as an integer numeric value
from 1 to 7 (Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, Saturday = 7). The following example
takes the date January 1, 1994, from the computer’s time-of-day clock and
determines the day of the week (Saturday), and converts that day to the number 7.
Converts a date-type value to a character string in the American format (mm/dd/
yyyy). If the input date does not include the century, the current century is
assumed. Compare with dtos(). Opposite of ctod(). The following example
returns the character string "10/04/1986" when Anniv_Date contains "10/04/86".
Converts a date-type value to an 8-character string in the format yyyymmdd.
Compare with dtoc(). If the input date does not include the century, the twentieth
century is assumed. The following example returns the character string
"19861004" when Anniv_Date contains "10/04/86"
dtos(DB. Anniv_Date)
Returns a logical True (.T.) if the character expression (usually a field) is empty
or filled with spaces or tabs. Returns False (.F.) if it contains data. The following
example returns a logical True when the application field AP.Group_No is empty.
iif(logexpr, expr2,
If the logical expression is True, the second expression is returned; otherwise, the
third expression is returned. For example, suppose we want to post Occupant to
the Name field if that field is empty:
Copy (source, destination).. = iif(empty(DB.Name), "Occupant",
DB.Name), Name
The returned expressions may be of any data type, and they do not have to be
of the same data type.
Converts a numerical expression to an integer by truncating (not rounding) all
digits to the right of the decimal point. Compare with round(). For example, the
number 3 results from:
But the number 4 results from:
round(3.9, 0)
Returns a logical True (.T.) if the character expression begins with a letter (A to Z
or a to z). Returns a logical False (.F.) if it begins with any other character. The
following expression should be True:
User Guide
Returns a logical True (.T.) if the character expression begins with a number (Ø to
9). Returns a logical False (.F.) if it begins with any other character. For example,
the following filter might be used to exclude Canadian records:
+ Filter (to 512 chars)........ = isdigit(DB.Postcode)
Returns a logical True (.T.) if the character expression begins with a lower-case
letter (a to z). Returns a logical False (.F.) if it begins with any other character.
The following example would return a logical False (.F.) if DB.City is Madison
because the name begins with an uppercase letter.
Returns a logical True (.T.) if the character expression begins with an upper-case
letter (A to Z). Returns a logical False (.F.) if it begins with any other character.
The following example would return a logical True (.T.) if the city is Madison
because the name begins with an uppercase letter.
left(char, number)
Extracts from a character expression the leftmost number characters, and returns
this as a character string. The following example returns the first 13 characters of
the PW field City.
left(PW.City, 13)
Returns the length of a character expression as a numerical value. The following
example trims leading and trailing spaces before measuring the length of the city
name. When the PW field City contains "…Philadelphia…..", the number 12 is
Converts a character expression to lowercase and returns it as a character string.
The following example returns the character string "t. s. eliot".
lower("T. S. Eliot")
Trims leading spaces from a character expression and returns the remainder as a
character string. For example:
When the PW field City contains "…Philadelphia…..", the character string
"Philadelphia….." is returned.
max(number, number)
Compares two numeric expressions and returns the larger one as a numeric value.
Opposite of min(). The following example compares the numeric database field
Cred_Limit with the value 500, and returns whichever is the larger amount.
max(DB.Cred_Limit, 500.00)
Appendix D: Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions
min(number, number)
Compares two numeric expressions and returns the smaller one as a numeric
value. Opposite of max(). The following example compares the numeric database
field Balance with the value 0, and returns whichever is the smaller amount.
min(DB.Balance, 0.00)
mod(number, number)
Divides the first number by the second, and returns the remainder (modulus) as a
numeric value. The following example returns the number 2 (44 divided by 3 is
14, with a remainder of 2). Use this function to give you every x record number.
For instance, mod(recno(), 4) = 4 gives you every 4th record in a database.
Extracts the month from a date expression and returns it as an integer numeric
value from 1 to 12. Useful for staggering output files by months. The following
example would limit an output to those born in September.
month(DB.Birth_Date) = 9
Converts a character expression to mixed-case (also called initial capitals). For
example, the following returns "Micron Electronics Inc" when the PW field Firm
Note: This function does not handle acronyms or other capitalization
exceptions. All words are converted the same way. For example, proper()
returns "Ibm Corp" when the input is "IBM Corp".
Returns the current record number as an integer numeric value. Can be used to
post the input record number to an output file for trace-back. Also used to limit
input to a portion of the file. The following example could be used to confine an
output file to the second 1,000 records. Note that this filter is slower to process
than using the input range parameters.
+ Input Filter (to 512 chars)........ = recno() > 1000
recno() <= 2000
Repeats a character expression a specified number (number) of times and returns
it as a character string. The number must be an integer. For example, the
following function would insert 8 spaces in a designated field:
replicate(" ", 8)
right(char, number)
Extracts the rightmost number characters from a character expression, and returns
it as a character string. The number must be an integer.
Note: The right() function does not care about significant characters and will
be perfectly happy to extract trailing blanks, if any are present. Consider
doing an rtrim() first:
right(rtrim(DB.Suite), 3)
User Guide
round (number,
Rounds the first numeric expression to the number of decimal places specified in
the second. Returns a numeric value. Compare with int(), which truncates. For
example, the number 4 results from:
round(3.992385, 0)
But the number 3.99 results from
round(3.992385, 2)
The number must be an integer, but may be negative, to round before the decimal
point. For example, the number 120.0 results from
round(123.456, -1)
Trims trailing spaces from a character expression and returns the remainder as a
character string. For example:
When the PW field City contains "…Philadelphia…..", the character string
"…Philadelphia" is returned.
Returns a character string consisting of a number of blank spaces. For example,
the following function would yield 30 blank spaces:
span(char, char)
Returns, as a numeric value, the index of the last character in string 1 that is
present in string 2. The following example would return the number 3, because
the first three characters of string 1 are also present in string 2. The fourth
character of string 1 is the first one that does not exist in string 2. Note that this
function is case-sensitive.
str(number, [len,
[decimal ] ])
Converts a numeric expression to a character string that is left-aligned and
includes decimal digits, decimal point, and minus sign (if any). You can specify
the length of the returned string and the number of decimal places (both numeric).
If you omit the length, 10 characters is assumed.
If you specify length, but not decimal, the value is rounded to an integer. For
example, the following converts the numeric-type database field "12.85" to a
character string 8 characters long, with 5 significant digits, a decimal point, and 2
decimal places (the dots represent spaces).
str(DB.Number, 8, 2) returns "…12.85"
substr(char, start [,
length ])
Extracts a substring from the character expression, beginning at character
position start (a number) and continuing to the end, unless a numeric length is
also specified. Compare with left() and right(). For example, the following
extracts the exchange "788" from the 10-digit telephone number field
substr(DB.Phone, 4, 3)
Appendix D: Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions
Returns the current time (according to the computer’s time-of-day clock) as an 8character string in the format hh:mm:ss. Hours are in 24-hour format.
Converts a character expression to uppercase and returns it as a character string.
For example, the following returns "IBM CORP" when the PW field Firm
contains "IBM Corp".
Converts a character expression to a numeric value. Stops when it encounters a
second decimal point or a nonnumeric character. For example, the following
converts the character-type field AP.List_Cnt into numeric data.
val(AP.List_Cnt) + Output filter = val(AP.List_Cnt) <= 2
Extracts the year from a date expression and returns it as an integer numeric
value. For example, the following function extracts the year of graduation:
If the date format for DB.Grad_Date is mm/dd/yyyy the yyyy portion is returned.
User Guide
Summary of functions by purpose
Perform division and return the remainder
Convert data
ASCII value to character
Character mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy to date
Character string to lowercase
Character string to UPPERCASE
Character string to mixed-case
Character to ASCII value
Character to numeric
Date to character mm/dd/yyyy
Date to character yyyymmdd
Numeric decimal to integer by truncation
Numeric decimal to n decimal places (or integer) by rounding
Numeric to absolute value
Numeric to character string
Select the larger of two numbers
Select the smaller of two numbers
Character repeated n times
Current date from time-of-day clock
Current time from time-of-day clock
n spaces
Number of current record, from input file
Day of the week from date (Sunday, Monday, ... Saturday)
Day-of-the-month numeric from date (1, 2, ... 31)
Day-of-the-week numeric from date (1, 2, ... 7
Leftmost n characters from string
Month name from date (January, February, ... December)
Month numeric from date (1, 2, ... 12)
Range of characters from string
Rightmost n characters from string
Year numeric from date
Provide data
Appendix D: Operators and functions for Label Toolbox expressions
Fit and trim
Trim leading and trailing spaces from a character expression
Trim leading spaces from a character expression
Trim trailing spaces from a character expression
Measure the length of a character expression
Where is character expression 1 located within expression 2?
Search a string for one character and substitute another
How many characters in expression 1 are within expression 2?
Is character expression 1 located within expression 2 (True/False)?
Is the input record marked to be deleted?
Does expression contain any data other than spaces?
Test, if True, return expression 1; if False, return expression 2
Does expression begin with a letter (A–Z or a–z)?
Does expression begin with a number (0–9)?
Does expression begin with a lowercase letter (a–z)?
Does expression begin with a capital letter (A–Z)?
User Guide
Appendix E:
Predefined design files, templates, and
printer files
This appendix lists the predefined design files, page templates, layout templates,
and printer files that are provided with the software. The design files and
templates are samples and are read-only.
Appendix E: Predefined design files, templates, and printer files
Design files
The following design files are included with the software.
To see a description of a design file within Label Toolbox, simply select the
design file, and a description of it appears on the right.
Address design files
User Guide
Accufast text
Astrojet 300P
Astrojet 300P IM
Astrojet 500P
Astrojet 500P IM
Astrojet 1000P
Astrojet 1000P IM
Astrojet text
Bryce 26K
Bryce 26K IM
Bryce 30K
Bryce 30K IM
Bryce text
Cheshire text
DataTech text
Dot Avery 4143
Dot Avery 4144
Dot Avery 4146
Dot Avery 4146 IM
Dot Avery 4163
Dot Avery 4163 IM
Envelope 1
Envelope 1 IM
Envelope 2
Envelope 2 IM
Envelope 3
Envelope 3 IM
Envelope text
Hasler HJ300P
Hasler HJ300P IM
Hasler HJ500P
Hasler HJ500P IM
Hasler HJ600P
Hasler HJ700P
Hasler HJ700P IM
Laser 2-up 7-down
Laser 2-up 7-down IM
Laser Avery 5167-5267
Laser Avery 5261-8161
Laser Avery 5261-8161 IM
Neopost text
Rena Imager I IM
Rena Imager II IM
Rena Imager III IM
Rena Imager I text
Rena Imager II text
Rena Imager III text
Rena Imager III
Rena text
Rena XPS-90 text
Secap 26K
Secap 26K IM
Secap 30K
Secap 30K IM
Secap Jet 1 IM
Tally text 4-up
Taneum LB 4-up text
Testing PLANET width
Testing POSTNET width
Text 1-up
Text 2-up
Videojet JSII
Videojet TX2 no pause
Videojet TX2 with pause
Sack design files
Tray design files
Pallet design files
Eltron USPS sack
USPS sack 1-up
Eltron USPS Sack 2 Inch IM 24-digit
USPS Sack 2 Inch 1-up IM 24-digit
USPS Sack 2 Inch 2-up IM 24-digit
USPS Sack 2 Inch 4-up IM 24-digit
USPS Sack 2 Inch Laser 1 IM 24-digit
USPS Sack 2 Inch Laser 2 IM 24-digit
USPS sack 2-up
USPS sack 4-up
USPS sack laser 2-up 7-down
USPS sack laser 2-up 10-down
Whittier USPS sack
Eltron USPS tray
Eltron USPS Tray IM 24-digit
USPS tray 1-up
USPS tray 2-up
USPS tray 4-up
USPS tray laser 1
USPS tray laser 2
USPS Tray 1-up IM 24-digit
USPS Tray 2-up IM 24-digit
USPS Tray 4-up IM 24-digit
USPS Tray Laser 1 IM 24-digit
USPS Tray Laser 2 IM 24-digit
Whittier USPS tray
USPS Pallet Placard1 IM
USPS Pallet Placard 1
USPS Pallet Placard2 IM
USPS Pallet Placard 2
Appendix E: Predefined design files, templates, and printer files
Page templates
The following page templates are included with the software.
To see a description of a
template within Label
Toolbox, simply select the
template, and a description
of it appears (see right).
User Guide
Avery 2160
Avery 2162
Avery 2163
Avery 4013
Avery 4143
Avery 4144
Avery 4145
Avery 4146
Avery 4161
Avery 4163
Avery 5168
Avery 5260, 8160, 8250, 8660
Avery 5261, 8161
Avery 5262, 8162, 8662
Avery 5263, 8163, 8253, 8663
Avery 5264, 8164
Avery 5661
Avery 5662
Avery 5663
Avery 5664
Avery 8165
Bryce 30k
Cheshire 4-up
Envelope #10
Generic Label
Generic Letter Size With Margins
Generic Text Cheshire 4-up
Generic Text Continuous 1-up
Generic Text Label
Generic Text Label Page
Label 30 x 6
Label 40 x 8
Rena Envelope Imager III
Taneum 4-up
USPS Pallet Landscape
USPS Pallet Portrait
USPS Sack 1-up Continuous
USPS Sack 1-up Continuous Tall
USPS Sack 2-up Continuous
USPS Sack 4-up Continuous
USPS Sack Sheet Short
USPS Sack Sheet Tall
USPS Tray 1-up Continuous
USPS Tray 1-up Continuous Tall
USPS Tray 2-up Continuous
USPS Tray 4-up Continuous
USPS Tray 4-up Continuous Tall
USPS Tray Label
USPS Tray Sheet Short
USPS Tray Sheet Tall
Layout templates
The following layout
templates are included
with the software.
To see a description of a
template within Label
Toolbox, simply select
the template, and a
description of it appears
(see right).
Address label layout
Sack and tray label
layout templates
Pallet placard layout
Generic label layout
USPS Sack IM.ltl
USPS Tray IM.ltl
USPS Sack IM 24-digit.ltl
USPS Tray IM 24-digit.ltl
USPS Pallet Placard IM.ltl
Appendix E: Predefined design files, templates, and printer files
Printer files
The following sample printer files are included with the software. Assign one of
these files to your design in Label Toolbox (File > Design Settings).
Printer File
Printer Driver
Escape Codes
Generic Text.ltr
Generic Text
Videojet PrintPro.ltr
Videojet PrintPro
Scitex Admark III v8.ltr
Scitex Admark III v8
Scitex EktaJet 5000.ltr
Scitex EktaJet 5000
Domino JetAddress.ltr
Domino JetAddress
Cheshire VIP III-IV.ltr
Cheshire VIP III-IV
Generic Text
Dataproducts Line Matrix.ltr
Generic Text
Dataproducts LM
DataTech 1190.ltr
Generic Text
DataTech 1190
Fujitsu Band.ltr
Generic Text
Fujitsu Band
Fujitsu Band M304X.ltr
Generic Text
Fujitsu Band M304X
Genicom Linewriter.ltr
Generic Text
Genicom Linewriter
Genicom 3800-4400 Series.ltr
Generic Text
Genicom 3800 and 4400 Series
Genicom 4800-5100 Series.ltr
Generic Text
Genicom 4800 and 5100 Series
Mannesmann Tally MT 380 or 2045.ltr
Generic Text
Mannesmann Tally MT 380 and 2045 Yes
Mannesmann Tally MT 660.ltr
Generic Text
Mannesmann Tally MT 660
Mannesmann Tally MT 661 or 691.ltr
Generic Text
Mannesmann Tally MT 661 and 691
Okidata ML 320-520-590 Series.ltr
Generic Text
Okidata Microline 320, 520, and 590
Okidata Pacemark.ltr
Generic Text
Okidata Pacemark
Printronix LP Plus.ltr
Generic Text
Printronix LP Plus
Printronix IBM Compatible.ltr
Generic Text
Printronix (IBM Compatible)
Rena DA-300 Series.ltr
Generic Text
Rena DA-300 Series
Rena DA-590 or 595 or 600 Series.ltr
Generic Text
Rena DA-590, 595, and 600 Series
Rena Envelope Imager.ltr
Generic Text
Rena Envelope Imager
Rena Envelope Imager III.ltr
Generic Text
Rena Envelope Imager III
Generic Text
Tally T2060, T2155, and T2170
Taneum TCP 635-650 or 1000.ltr
Generic Text
Taneum TCP 635, 640, 650, 1000
Tally T6045-6215.ltr
Generic Text
Tally T6045, 6065, 6090, 6091, 6100, Yes
6101, 6140, 6141, 6180, 6215
Taneum TCP 620-625.ltr
Generic Text
Taneum TCP 620, 622, 625
Taneum TCP 630.ltr
Generic Text
Taneum TCP 630
User Guide