Connolly Middle School Newsletter 2-18-16


Connolly Middle School Newsletter 2-18-16
February 18, 2016
The Annual Geek’s Night Out is March 3rd from 4:30pm - 7:00pm at Tempe
City Hall!
Spring Break is March 7th – 11th, NO SCHOOL
Report Cards go home on March 17th
Childsplay Production
Childsplay will be here for a performance of Rock the
Presidents on February 29th. This all-musical Rock The
Presidents brings our top executive office to life in this
high-energy, multi-media extravaganza! Gearing up
for the election season, this musical revue takes a
non-partisan look at what it means to be president.
From the rockin', Sons Of Washington, to the
groovy/psychedelic, I'm Not All Bad, to the twangy,
horse-riding, country-western style of Ronald Reagan,
there’s music and fun for all.
District Geography Bee
On February 10 , nineteen students represented their schools in the Tempe Sister
Cities Geography Bee. Students did a great job of representing their schools. After 8
rounds, 3 students progressed to the Championship round. In that final round, Tom
Reisslein from Connolly advanced to second place. Congratulations Tom!!
Regardless of the Bee results, all students who took the online test from National
Geographic have an opportunity to progress to the National Geographic State Bee
which will be held on April 1st at Arizona State University.
Career Day
The third annual Connolly Middle School
Career Day took place on February 12th.
Students saw presentations in the
morning from various speakers who
represented careers in law enforcement,
business, medicine, sports, education,
restaurant management, construction and
politics. In the afternoon, students were able
to speak to representatives from colleges and
local community groups, as well as, tour a fire
truck, a DPS mobile command center, police
vehicles, and a self-driving Tesla. Students
spent the afternoon completing a Career
Interest Survey and participating in other
careerrelated lessons. Connolly thanks the community for
their support and for making this day possible for our
Booster Club
Support the Booster Club and show
your Connolly spirit by buying a Spirit
Shirt! On sale now for $11.00! Spirit
shirts can be worn on Fridays. To
order, email the Booster Club at
The Booster Club needs YOUR help!
We are looking for a 2016-2017
Booster Club President, Vice President,
Treasurer/Acting Secretary, and
Secretary. If you are interested please contact the Booster Club at
March Madness 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
When: Starts February 22nd
How to sign up: Sign up by the green doors February 16th – 19th. Mr. Harris will
register teams between 8am and 8:15am. All team members must be present to sign
up. Team names must be appropriate and all teams must show respect, responsibility,
and safety on and off the court. Teams may have 3 or 4 members. Male and female
students are encouraged to compete and all grades may play.
The Tournament: The tournament begins on February 22nd with games starting at
8:00am. Games will continue until a winner is crowned.
The Rules: Teams will be disqualified if any member receives an office referral during
the tournament or if three players are not present by 7:55am. Teams showing
unsportsmanlike conduct to peers or teachers will be eliminated from the tournament.
Saturday School
Did you know that Saturday School tutoring for English Language Arts (ELA) is available
throughout the month of March? Stop by the office or speak with the Saturday School
teachers, Ms. Coplan and Ms. Olsen, for a permission slip. Receive specific skill
support to help you with ELA classes and the AzMERIT state assessments.
Reminder from Officer Baggs
Parents and students, please, do not cross Broadway Road at
Country Club Way when going to and from school at Connolly.
It is a very dangerous intersection for pedestrians and there
have been a few close calls with students and vehicles. The
proper place to cross Broadway is at River Drive, where there is
a traffic light and crosswalks. The Broadway and River
intersection is just a little bit east of Country Club Way. So
please, let’s all be SAFE!
Skateland Party
Student Council is also hosting a Connolly Skateland Party.
Join us during spring break on Friday, March 11th for a
school-wide skate fest. The party is from 6:00pm until
9:00pm. You must have your own transportation. Cost is
$6.00. This includes admission and skates.
Skateland is located at 7 East Southern, Mesa, Arizona. Join
your friends and possibly teachers for some skating fun!! All proceeds will go to
Connolly’s Exploration College Trip this summer!!
Student Council News
Student Council has opened a Connolly Student Store on campus. This
store will offer snacks that students may purchase before school and will be open
Monday and Tuesday mornings from 7:45am until 8:05am only.
All snacks meet the nutritional guidelines. Purchase popcorn, trail mix,
baked chips, beef jerky, or fruit chews for a morning, lunch, or afternoon
snack. No items are to be consumed in the classroom. Items range from 50¢
to $2.00.
Get into the HEART of it! Connolly’s Student Council is challenging all Crusaders to
support the American Heart Association. Student Council will be collecting online
donations during February.
You can WIN prizes. See the directions and some of the prizes below. Sign up NOW!!!
Just for signing up and donating you receive a Super Pup and a Ninja Star. You will
receive your prizes during school lunchtimes.
Our Goal is $1,000 to the American Heart
Association. Help Us Reach It!!
Ms. Shane’s and Mr. Haneman’s Social Studies Classes
In sixth grade social studies, we have recently been studying the geography, economy,
technology, social classes, and religious beliefs of ancient Egypt. Looking further at
what we are studying, we have been focusing on the process of mummification by
mummifying chicken gizzards. Regarding the process of mummification, we have been
looking at the scientific, as well as, the religious purposes for it. The class got to watch
a video on the process of mummification and then the students sequenced the steps
and accompanied them with illustrations.
In addition, we recently had career day here at Connolly, where students were able to
hear from different professionals about their careers and got the opportunity to talk
with them, and interact firsthand with some of the equipment and vehicles related to
their different jobs. The students then wrote thank-you letters to the speakers who
came to the school to share their careers.
Connolly Yearbook
Yearbook presales are underway. They may be purchased online at
or in person through Mrs. Vargas in room 211. The website accepts major credit cards.
In-person orders may be cash or check. Please make checks out to Connolly Middle
School. The current price of a yearbook is $25. Hurry on in!
District Spelling Bee
The Maricopa County Regional Spelling Bee will be held this
Saturday, February 20th at our Tempe School District Office at
9:30am. Our
Connolly Spelling Bee
winner, 7th grader, Riley
Rodriguez, will be
competing for the
Regional Championship along with students
from many other schools in the area. All are
welcome to come watch, and support the top
spellers at this exciting event.
Special Award!!
to Connolly’s Office Manager,
Gerrie Sferra. She received the prestigious Excellence Award. These
awards are given out annually to employees and community
members based on their dedication and commitment to the Tempe
Elementary School District.
Gerrie received accolades and flowers surrounded by her family and
Thank you Gerrie, for always helping to make things run smoothly in
the office and around campus. Gerrie is never too busy to help in a
classroom, at a dance or event, or in the cafeteria at lunch duty.
Geek’s Night Out
Join many Connolly students at the annual Geek’s
Night Out on Thursday, March 3rd in front of Tempe
City Hall. The event is from 4:30pm until 7:00pm.
Learn more about science, technology and
engineering from students’ project-based
Spring Break is fast approaching. No school the week of
March 7th –March 11th. Enjoy your time off.
Spoiler Alert
Connolly’s Annual Star Gazing Event is scheduled for March 22nd.
8th grade Science AIMS Assessment will be March 22nd.
The AZ Merit testing period is from March 28th through April 1st.