ChemicalCorner101 -


ChemicalCorner101 -
Add an average of
2-1/2 times more lean
mass in a single dose
as compared to not
taking the supplement.
Interpretation of the independent pilot study
conducted at Ohio Research Group:
Placebo (workout only): “a 3.5% increase in
estimated lean mass of the arms.”
SuperPump250™ (workout + supplement):
“a 9% increase in estimated lean mass of
the arms.” In other words, when the same
subjects did the same exact workout (same
weights, sets, reps) but simply took 1 serving of SuperPump250™ 30 minutes beforehand, they gained 2 and a half times more
muscle in their arms. One subject even
gained 5 times more muscle! The study
also revealed a significant decrease in the
percentage of body fat in a single serving!
Effect of 1 dose of SuperPump250™
on lean (muscle) mass.
Effect of 1 dose of SuperPump250™
on percent body fat.
SizeOn™ – New Ground Breaking Research!
In an independent clinical study, SizeOn™ lays
waste to 2 major sports nutrition supplements –
AAKG (Arginine Alphaketoglutarate) and CEE (Creatine Ethyl Ester)!
Study conducted at Ohio Research Group
& presented at the 2006 International
Society of Sports Nutrition Conference in
Las Vegas, NV.
Interpretation of Study – of the 3 groups
tested over a 30 day period:
1) The AAKG (arginine alphaketoglutarate)
group, deemed the positive control group,
showed virtually no changes in body
weight, lean mass, or RTF (number of reps)
during resistance training over the course
of the study.
2) The CEE (creatine ethyl ester) group
showed modest positive effects on body
weight and lean mass, but not unlike those
of creatine monohydrate.
3) SizeOn significantly increased body weight, lean
mass, and RTF (reps) during resistance training. Most
notably, increases in lean mass and RTF (reps) were
3x higher in the SizeOn group than in the CEE group.
Novedex XT ®-is the undisputed #1 testosterone
boosting supplement on the market today. Get BIG,
get RIPPED, and get HARD with Novedex XT!
In yet another (the 3rd) independent clinical
research study, Novedex XT® shows why it is
rightfully known as the #1 Testosterone
Modulating Supplement of All Time and why it
is the #1 Selling Testosterone Modulating
Supplement... EVER! No other “supposed testosterone modulating” supplement has even one,
never mind THREE (3) independent clinical
research studies conducted on it to demonstrate
that it works and is safe like Novedex XT® does.
In this landmark 11 week independent clinical
trial conducted by Dr. Darryn Willoughby at
Baylor University, Novedex XT® did not cause
any significant changes in any Serum Clinical
Chemistry Markers (including liver studies and
cholesterol/HDL/LDL) or Urine Clinical Safety
Markers or even in PSA – a significant clinical
marker for prostate health! But Novedex XT® did
cause an average of 600%+ increase in free
testosterone! Even more importantly, all of the
clinical parameters checked, including LH/FSH
and GH, everything returned back to baseline
(normal) levels within 21 days of discontinuation
of Novedex XT® showing that even using
Novedex XT® for 60 days straight does not “shut
you down” when you come off of it.
Up to a 600% increase in free testosterone by
week 4. Returns to baseline within 3 weeks of
stopping Novedex XT.
Up to a 600% increase in testosterone
to estrogen ratio. Returns to baseline within
3 weeks of stopping Novedex XT.
There’s Only One True Hardcore Brand!
A brand with products so powerful and so effective that no
other brand on the market can touch it. That’s Gaspari Nutrition.
Other companies may spend more on advertising, but no one
produces more awe-inspiring and profound results than
Gaspari... no one! Ask any experienced bodybuilder what they
think about any Gaspari compound and you’ll get the same
answer again and again,”Nothing works like Gaspari!
When you take a Gaspari product, you really know you’re
on something!” Try them once and you will see and feel, once
and for all, what everyone else is talking about – Gaspari products get you, bigger, stronger, and leaner than anything else on
the market... period. We guarantee it!
Try the Triple Anabolic Arsenal ™ and experience
the kind of results you’ve been dreaming about. No
other synergy of products produces a more explosive,
lean muscle transformation
than this. Stop wasting time
and “experimenting” with
other products – get the job
done right. Get it done now!
SizeOn™ Is
Available In
Tablets or
Rich Gaspari,
1st Arnold
Classic Winne
“I’ve been training for over twenty years and
I have never found a group of products that
work as well as what has come to be
referred to as the Triple Anabolic Arsenal,
-not even close! I got into this business for
one reason... to make products far better
than any our industry has ever seen, with the
independent clinical research to back it up!
Each product in the Triple Anabolic Arsenal
has been clinically tested by an accredited
independent research laboratory to illicit
results far greater than any other product
ever tested in their respective categories.
Alone or in combination, these are the very
best products our industry has to offer. If
they weren’t that good, there’s no way I
would put my name on them. Use the Triple
Anabolic Arsenal and add pounds of lean
muscle to your frame fast. You’ll finally know
what it means to experience ”HARDCORE”
results. I stake my reputation on it.”
Rich Gaspari
Available In Lemon Ice,
Wild Berry Punch,
and Grape Blast
Available In Refreshing
Orange, Fruit Punch Blast,
Blue Raspberry Ice, Lemon
Burst , Tropical Punch and
Raspberry Lemonade
Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world.
Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition: 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
1st Arnold Classic Champion
Mr. Universe • Mr. World
IFBB Hall of Famer
Gaspari Nutrition ALetter From The President
Dear Friends and Fellow Athletes,
I would first like to take this opportunity to thank
you sincerely for your interest in this publication. With all of
the mixed messages and disinformation out there, I understand how difficult it can be to make a correct and informed
decision in regard to achieving the results you’ve been hoping
for. I give you my word that what you read in these pages is
true. From the beginning of my career and through the many
years I spent as a successful world-class bodybuilder, my scientific approach to diet and training naturally drew me headlong into the world of sports nutrition and supplementation.
I looked at the many flaws in the supplement industry and
thought that someday I might make a difference. Soon after
retiring from professional bodybuilding, I combined my
passion for the sport with years of experience and
knowledge in training and sports nutrition to
launch Gaspari Nutrition. Though novel
even by today’s standards, my decision to
try and make my living in this industry
fell on one sole objective, to make
products far better than any the
sports nutrition industry has ever
seen – and support them with unbiased, independent clinical research.
Though I’ve come to understand
this concept as quite foreign to
the vast majority of supplement
companies in our industry, call me
competitive, but I really don’t see
the point in coming out with a product unless its at the very pinnacle of
what science has to offer and, of course,
it absolutely smokes whatever’s been done
before. Why else would anybody do it,
right? And if the products weren’t that good,
how was I going to put my name on them?
Well, of course everybody called me crazy.
They said, “You’ll never survive in this industry
making products that good!” Well, I am happy
to say... they were wrong.
Yes, we may do things a little differently
around here, but because of this “novel” approach,
my dream is coming true. It’s really quite simple.
Instead of spending all of our money on high-priced athletes and advertising, Gaspari Nutrition has become a leader
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
Table of Contents
in the industry by, 1) actually putting our resources into the
formulas (there’s a new one!), 2) by funding the independent
clinical trials to back up what we say about them, 3) by word
of mouth, and 4) because once someone tries a Gaspari
Nutrition product, they buy them again and again. It’s that
second sale that has always meant the most to me!
So when you read about our products and what they
do, you can rest assured – we didn’t make this stuff up. They
ARE that good. To this end, we believe we have what
amounts to a new benchmark for how supplement companies
may someday conduct themselves. Though dragged in kicking and screaming as they may, they’re probably not going to
have much choice at some point. Hey, it’s a pretty safe bet if
you just let the science speak for itself.
If you already use Gaspari Nutrition products, a
heartfelt thanks for all of your support. I hope you like what
we’ve done so far and I hope you like where we’re going. For
those of you yet to try our products, I invite you to do so. Try
them once and I’m confident you will see and feel, once and
for all, what everyone else is talking about. Ask anyone who’s
taken Gaspari Nutrition products, and you’ll get the same
answer everytime, “They work better than anything else on
the market.” We’re proud of that – and we pledge to continue to be the innovative force behind the most powerful and
awe-inspiring supplements available. Together with a team of
what I believe to be undoubtedly the brightest scientific
minds in sports nutrition today, we continue to scour all pertinent science, both old and new, to develop the most innovative and effective sports nutrition products to enhance the way
you look, feel, and perform. No hype. No tall tales. No compromises. Just pure science and incredible results – everytime.
Bodybuilding and athletic excellence is in my heart and soul,
and doing the right thing by all of you keeps me motivated.
What can I say – “I love what I do.” In the meantime, we’ll
be here for you – with the very best of the best this industry
has to offer.
I’ll see you in the gym.
Rich Gaspari,
President and CEO,
Gaspari Nutrition
The Name You Trust. The Brand That Works.
A Letter From The President
About Rich Gaspari
Contest History
Chemical Corner 101: SuperPump250™
An Education In Nitric Oxide Booster Studies
Chemical Corner 101: SizeOn™
Best Performing Creatine Product Ever Developed
Chemical Corner 101: IntraPro™
Elite Competition Superfood For The Serious Athlete
Chemical Corner 101: Novedex XT®
Taking Novedex XT® For A TEST Drive
Chemical Corner 101: Halodrol Liquigels™
Introducing Halodrol Liquigels™
Chemical Corner 101: PlasmaJet™
Gaspari Nutrition’s New Arginine/NO Product
Rich Gaspari’s Advanced Training Program
Rich Gaspari’s Olympia Training Program
Chemical Corner 101: Cytolean™
Get “Wired In” To Your Weight Loss Plan
Fat Loss Facts 101: 8 Simple Facts To Lose Body Fat
Cathy Lefrancois Priest, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
Tanji Johnson, IFBB Pro Fitness Champion
Marzia Prince, 2007 Ms. Bikini Universe Champion
Lean & Fit Stack For Women
The Ultimate Lean Mass Stack: AM Training
The Ultimate Lean Mass Stack: PM Training
The Ultimate Mass Monster Stack: AM Training
The Ultimate Mass Monster Stack: PM Training
Gaspari Nutrition, Inc., 501 Prospect St., Suite 107
Lakewood, NJ USA • Ph 1.732.364.3777, Fax 1.732.364.5060 •
For Domestic Sales Inquires:
For International Sales Inquires:
Writers: R. Gaspari, B. Kneller, J. Babick, Dr. T. Ziegenfuss, Ph.D
Photographers: W. Ostarly, R. Balik, B. Dobbins, Weider Health
Rich Gaspari Contest History The Story Behind The IFBB Pro Hall of Famer and 1st Arnold Classic Champion
Rich Gaspari has been involved in bodybuilding and the fitness field for the past 20 years.
Throughout these years Rich has accomplished many
things. He started dabbling in weight lifting at the age
of 14 and excelled as a
top professional bodybuilder from the mid 80's
through the 90's.
Nicknamed the
“Dragon Slayer”, Rich
was both feared and
admired by his peers for
his groundbreaking conditioning and freakish muscularity. His success as a
competitor, attributed to his
scientific approach to diet
and training and notoriously
brutal work ethic, is a testament to a man who, though
not as genetically gifted as
many of his competitors,
toppled nearly every giant of
his day.
Some of Rich’s past
titles include the Mr. America – known now as the
NPC Nationals, Mr. Universe, Professional Mr. World,
1st Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic Champion, Three
Time runner up for the biggest and most coveted title
in professional bodybuilding, the "Mr. Olympia", and
many other professional bodybuilding competitions.
See all of Rich’s contest results on the opposing page.
These titles brought him popularity and notoriety worldwide. He has appeared countless times in
and on the covers of various publications such as
Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Iron Man, Muscular
Development, Muscle Media 2000, Muscle Mag
International and many others throughout the world.
Rich has also appeared in television commercials and
on various TV shows such as the Tonight Show,
Geraldo Rivera, and Regis and Kathy Lee.
Rich also holds a certification with the National Academy of
Sports Medicine. This has allowed
him to help hundreds of people to
achieve healthier lives by altering
body composition and improving
overall health and athletic performance through personal training and
Over the past 9 years, Rich
has developed his own line of supplements under his name Gaspari
Nutrition into one of the most formidable and best loved in the
world. His determination and love
of the sport of bodybuilding has
seen its’ successful transition
evident in his unyielding passion
for developing the most effective
sports nutrition and diet products
of our day.
• 1979 New Jersey Physique Teenager 6th
• 1980 New Jersey Physique Teenager 3rd
• 1981 New Jersey Physique 1st
• 1982 Jersey Classic 1st
• 1983 NPC Jr. Nationals 1st HW & Overall
• 1983 NPC Nationals HW 5th
• 1984 NPC Nationals LHW 1st
• 1984 World Amateur LHW 1st
• 1985 Night of Champions 2nd
• 1985 Mr. Olympia 3rd
• 1986 Los Angeles Pro 1st
• 1986 Mr. Olympia 2nd
• 1986 Pro World 1st
• 1987 Grand Prix Cannes France 1st
• 1987 Grand Prix Frankfurt Germany 1st
• 1987 Mr. Olympia 2nd
• 1988 Mr. Olympia 2nd
• 1988 Grand Prix Germany 1st
• 1988 Grand Prix Spain 1st
• 1988 Grand Prix France 1st
• 1988 Grand Prix Italy 1st
• 1989 Arnold Classic 1st
• 1989 Mr. Olympia 4th
• 1990 Mr. Olympia 5th
• 1991 Arnold Classic 7th
• 1991 Mr. Olympia 10th
• 1995 Canada Pro 5th
• 1996 Canada Pro 11th
• 1996 San Jose Pro 16th
• 1996 Florida Cup Pro 12th
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
A Must Read!
– Absolutely NOT
Your Kid Sister’s Pre-Workout
Nitric Oxide Product!
Look, here is the deal and we’re just being honest: Now we could try to “BS” you
with a long-winded, dynamic sales pitch about why you should use
SuperPump250™ instead of “the other guy's preworkout stimulant product” like so
many of our “would-be” competitors do, but at Gaspari Nutrition, we believe in
letting the facts speak for themselves. So maybe we're a little “anal retentive”
and “Joe Friday” like (the facts, just the facts!). But because we do not “speculate” about what a product can do and does do, because we leave nothing to
chance and because we are among a handful of supplement companies that fund
and then let independent clinical research tell you the truth, people tend to like our
products. Your physique, your performance, your body - should it be like playing
the damned lottery? Who wants to rely on a “maybe” or a “perhaps?” We sure
don't and we bet you do not either! SuperPump250™ is the only independently
tested pre-workout formula on the market today that we are aware of. Imagine
that? Nobody else is willing to spend the money to prove that their pre-workout
product does what they claim in their glossy ads! In what was a truly groundbreaking clinical trial, SuperPump250™ was correlated with an astronomical
increase in lean muscle mass after only a single workout and a single dose of
SuperPump250™ while body fat percentage simultaneously dropped! Have a look
at the pilot study conducted by The Ohio research Group. Look, we're not making
this up and we could not write it if it wasn’t true!
Let The Science Speak For Itself!
Add An Average of 2-1/2 Times More Lean
Mass In A Single Dose As Compared To
Not Taking The Supplement.
Placebo (workout only): “a 3.5% increase in estimated lean mass of the
SuperPump250™ (workout + supplement): “a 9% increase in estimated
lean mass of the arms.” In other words, when the same subjects did the
same exact workout (same weights, sets, reps) but simply took 1 serving of SuperPump250™ 30 minutes beforehand, they gained 2 and a half
times more muscle in their arms. One subject even gained 5 times more
muscle! The study also revealed a significant decrease in the percentage of body fat in a single serving!
SuperPump250™ –
The Genesis of Your Training
However that's not the end of the story here. There's another very good reason why
sales of SuperPump250™ have tripled over the last 12 months: Virtually everyone
who tries SuperPump250™ is an instant convert to it! Yeah, we know it is a cliché but
when it is true it is still true – Once you switch to SuperPump250™ you'll never go
back to any other pre-workout stimulant drink ever again. The reason for this is
elegantly simple: SuperPump250™ makes you feel unbelievably good as well as
highly motivated. SuperPump250™ is loaded up with explosive energy and mental
focus agents that act in synergy with its myotrophic catalyzing agents. This means
virtually everyone can train harder and longer than ever before while using
SuperPump250™. Ask any high level bodybuilder or athlete using SuperPump250™
and the response is pretty much to the effect of, “if you go to the gym intending to
train one or two body parts during a given session, you're undoubtedly going to
want to throw in a third….expect to set personal bests while using
SuperPump250™... I usually get an extra couple of reps per set using
SuperPump250!” SuperPump250™ is the 1st supplement ever in the sports nutrition
market to literally cause people to end their workouts as a conscious, intellectual
decision, and not as a result of physical limitation (for this reason we ask you to
please use SuperPump250™ responsibly and avoid the temptation to overtrain).
When We Say “Way Beyond
Nitric Oxide” -– We MEAN It!!!
Unlike like typical, ”nitric oxide“pre-workout products that seem to ”rapidly fade
and fizzle“ after you‘re using them for a week, the feedback regarding
SuperPump250™ is that its positive effects tend to increase over time with regular
use! As you have probably figured out by now, SuperPump250™ is not a pure ”nitric
oxide“ product but an intelligently designed, myotrophic stimulant cocktail originating from a well kept secret used most impressively by one of today's greatest bodybuilding trainers to turn out some of the highest ranking pro bodybuilders ever seen!
When we first learned how incredibly effective (and critical) this compound was in
the preparation of what have become some of the greatest physiques of all time,
we knew we had to elaborate on it and thus, SuperPump250™ was created.
At Gaspari Nutrition, we‘re not all that interested in ”temporarily swollen muscles.“
We believe in growing new muscle –fast, lean, and as permanent as possible, and
we want the athlete to know our intentions on the very first dose. It‘s true,
SuperPump250™ delivers instant skin tearing pumps and roadmap vascularity,
though its adjuvant nitric oxide matrix is used only in the peripheral support role in
talking about rapid and measurable changes in body composition, strength, and
stamina. It's the synergistic, unique ingredients found only in SuperPump250™ that‘s
documented and guaranteed to ”work“ like nothing you have ever tried before!
Gaspari Nutrition has built a well-deserved reputation for quality products that
utterly destroy whatever the competition (as if we have any real competition?) has
to offer you. And SuperPump250™ is no different in this regard either as it also
annihilates yet another category in sports nutrition. Once again; no hype, no tall
tales. Just pure science and incredible, repeatable results.
Effect of 1 dose of SuperPump250™
on lean (muscle) mass.
Effect of 1 dose of SuperPump250™
on percent body fat.
Look for results of the new 30-day independent clinical trial using SuperPump250™
coming soon (and look for Gaspari Nutrition to finally debunk the long-standing verdictontheeffectiveness–orsadlackthereof–ofArginineladen”nitricoxide“products in the coming months with a groundbreaking new product called
”PlasmaJet™“destined to totally redefine the entire nitric oxide segment of the market place!). Gaspari Nutrition – We Make Products That Work!
90-Minute Time Lapse Photos:
“That’s what I call motivation! This is, by far, the best I have ever felt in the gym.”
- Mike Termine
“I’m a pretty big skeptic when it comes to most supplements, but you guys definitely sold me on this one. I feel like I just broke through a plateau!” - Rob Coleman
In Clinical Trials
Increases Lean
Mass In One
Caused Rapid &
Measurable Full
Muscle Pumps!*
Reduces The
Percentage of
Body Fat!*
Promotes Intense
Mental Focus,
Maximum Energy
and Superior
Enhances Full Body
Now Available In
Fruit Punch Blast,
Refreshing Orange,
Blue Raspberry Ice,
Lemon Blast,
Tropical Punch
and Raspberry
Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world.
Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition: 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 SuperPump250
An Education In Nitric Oxide Booster Studies
By Dr. Tim Ziegenfuss, Ph.D
Nitric Oxide Boosters:
What Does Science Say?
Super Anti-Catabolic/
Myotrophic Stimulant Cocktail
• Independently Tested
• Significant Increases in Lean Mass &
• Causes Rapid and Measurable Full Body
• Stimulates Roadmap Vascularity
• Triggers Explosive Energy and Acute Mental
• Simultaneously Reduces Body Fat
• Effects Become Noticeably More Potent Over
Time With Regular Use
In the Pre-workout category, SuperPump250™
is the reigning King of dramatic effects.
Athletes who try SuperPump virtually never
go back to any other pre-workout supplement, and its effects are so profound that the
thought of training without it is simply out of
the question for most users. In the groundbreaking independent clinical trial, increases
in lean muscle mass nearly tripled in a single
workout with just 1 dose of SuperPump250™
as compared to not taking the supplement. If
that’s not enough, body fat percentages simultaneously dropped as opposed to no changes
in body fat recorded without the supplement.
Consider all this with the added effects of
explosive energy, mental focus and strength,
and you’re left with seemingly very little to
consider. Ask anyone who tries this super
anti-catabolic powerhouse and you’ll hear the
same answer over and over – you’re going to
look and feel incredible on SuperPump250!
Stack with: Novedex XT®, SizeOn™, Halodrol
Liquigels™, IntraPro™, PlasmaJet™ & Cytolean™.
Flavors: Fruit Punch, Refreshing Orange, Blue
Raspberry Ice, Lemon Burst, Tropical Punch
and Raspberry Lemonade.
Does “NO” mean “yes?” If only it
were that simple. In the supplement
world, anecdotes are powerful things.
They can make or break a product
quicker than a Roy Jones Jr. fight.
Nitric oxide (NO) boosters are a prime
example – they have enjoyed a relatively good reputation for beneficial
effects despite little direct, productspecific supportive science. In this
short treatise, I will dig into some of
the science behind NO boosters in the
hopes of determining whether or not
they have a place in your stable of
bodybuilding supplements. I’ll also
share some compelling new data on
Gaspari Nutrition’s SuperPump250™
that has other companies selling NO
boosters green with envy. And for the
record, this article is not meant to
endorse or slam any NO boosters, it’s
simply my interpretation of ongoing
clinical research.
Those readers that dig the science
like I do and are into the “nuts and
bolts” of NO boosters should read this
entire piece, head to Medline, and
pull down the full references. Those
that are late for the gym or are just
interested in the “bottom line” can
skip ahead to the NITRIC OXIDE
RESEARCH section.
Nitric Oxide Background
NO is a small, highly reactive gas molecule that impacts a host of biological
functions in muscle, including: force
production, autoregulation of blood
flow, myocyte differentiation, respiration, and glucose homeostasis.4 The
biosynthesis of NO requires l-arginine, oxygen, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), and
five cofactors (flavin adenine
nucleotide, flavin mononucleotide,
tetrahydrobiopterin, heme, and
calmodulin). The synthesis of NO in
muscle is mediated by a family of
enzymes called NO synthases, of
which there are three different forms
(isoforms). Type 1 NO synthase, also
referred to as neuronal (or nNOS), is
thought to be the predominate form in
skeletal muscle.4 nNOS is found in
high concentrations along the muscle
cell membranes of fast-twitch muscle
fibers, where motor neurons innervate the various muscle fibers (neuromuscular junctions), as well as the
myotendinous (muscle-tendon) junctions.2 As we will see shortly, these
are physiologically strategic positions
since they afford paracrine and
autocrine-like functions to NO.
Figure 1.
The biosynthesis of NO from arginine
produces citrulline.
At first glance, the biological effects
of NO seem dichotomous. On the one
hand, NO has effects that most body
builders would consider beneficial,
such as increases in skeletal muscle
blood flow, improved glucose transport, protection against reactive oxygen species (antioxidant effects), and
the stabilization of proteins that make
up the cytoskeleton of muscle cells.
On the other hand, NO also has
effects that many in the iron game
would consider negative, namely the
inhibition of acetylcholine release
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
from pre-synaptic terminals, the inhibition of calcium
release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, inhibition of glycolysis, decreases in ATP synthesis from phosphocreatine,
and decreases in mitochondrial respiration.2,4,6 Only when
viewed collectively does the overall role of NO become
clear: energy conservation. Put simply, NO helps match
energy consumption with energy demand.
Before deciding whether or not to use a NO booster, it is
important to examine all available data (however sparse)
on the effects of NO boosters in humans. After all, many of
the aforementioned effects have been observed in animals
and/or using in vitro models.
Nitric Oxide Research
To the best of my knowledge, despite a dozen or more NO
products on the market, only two studies have been performed on NO boosters.1,5 The first was done at Baylor
University by Dr. Rick Kreider’s group and presented at the
International Society of Sports Nutrition annual meeting. In
that study, 35 men took either 12 grams/day of the leading
NO booster or a placebo for eight weeks. All subjects were
placed on a standardized training program and were asked
not to change their dietary habits. Changes in body fat and
lean mass (assessed via dual energy x-ray absorptiometry),
upper body strength (via 1-repetition maximum bench
press), and lower body performance (via sprint cycling and
isokinetic endurance testing) were made before and after
four and eight weeks of training and supplementation.
Comprehensive blood chemistries were also examined for
changes in cholesterol levels, liver enzymes, white cell
counts, markers of catabolism, etc. The results of this comprehensive study were very interesting. For starters, supplementation with NO did not affect training-induced changes
in body weight, body fat, or lean mass. However, the NO
group did increase their bench press strength about 13
pounds more than the placebo group, and their peak sprint
power by 78 watts (for some reason, the placebo groups’
peak power on the bike went down during the post-test). In
contrast, two other indices of lower body sprint performance (time to peak power and rate to fatigue) were negatively affected by the current “quintessential” NO booster.
Lower body isokinetic muscle endurance and blood
chemistries were unaffected. In summary then, supplementation with the category-leading NO booster for eight weeks
had no effect on three variables (body weight, body fat, lean
mass), improved two (bench press strength, peak cycle
sprint power) and made two others worse (time to peak
power, rate of fatigue). On a positive note, NO boosting
appears to be completely safe, at least during an eight-week
period of supplementation in healthy males.
The second NO booster study I am aware of was performed on Gaspari Nutrition’s SuperPump250™. This study
is particularly unique because it attempted to document
acute changes in lean mass from a single dose of the product. The researchers reasoned that if SuperPump250™
boosted NO levels in muscle, the resulting vasodilation of
arterial blood vessels should cause an expansion in the
volume of lean tissue mass, particularly if supplementation was superimposed on a training session. Until the
study is presented at a scientific meeting I can not divulge
too many quantitative details, but here’s what I can say
with certainty: in contrast to the Baylor study that found no
change in lean mass over eight weeks of supplementation,
subjects that consumed SuperPump250™ thirty minutes
prior to training experienced a rapid, significant increase
in estimated lean mass after only one dose. Let’s get to
some details. In this pilot study, male subjects with at least
two years of weight training experience completed a standardized workout (i.e., 5 sets x 10 reps for the biceps alternated with 5 sets x 10 reps for the triceps) under two conditions: 1) SuperPump250™ and 2) placebo. Consistent with
good research design, diet and physical activity were tightly controlled (and duplicated) prior to each trial, and all
subjects completed the trials in random order. In addition,
all weights, reps and rest periods were kept exactly the
same from one trial to the next. As in the Baylor study,
changes in lean mass were measured with one of the most
sensitive body composition devices currently available,
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). After the statistical smoke cleared, the workout itself (i.e., the placebo trial)
resulted in a respectable 3.5% increase in estimated lean
mass of the arms. In contrast, during the SuperPump250™
trial, subjects experienced a 9% increase in estimated
lean mass of the arms. Although more data (including a
training study) are needed to verify these volume-induced
effects*, this two-and-a-half-fold increase in estimated
lean mass relative to the placebo indicates that
SuperPump250™ can markedly enhance the anabolic
effects of training, particularly since it is known that
increases in fluid volume cause increases in muscle protein
synthesis and decreases in muscle protein breakdown.3
1. Campbell, B, J. Baer, M. Roberts et al. Effects of arginine alpha-ketoglutarate supplementation
on body composition and training adaptations. Sports Nutrition Reviews 1(1):S14, 2004. Accessed
online November 11, 2004.
2. Kaminski, H.J. and F.H. Andrade. Nitric oxide: biologic effects on muscle and role in muscle diseases. Neuromuscular Disorders 11:517-254, 2001.
3. Haussinger, D., F. Lang, and W. Gerok W. Regulation of cell function by the cellular hydration
state. American Journal of Physiology 267, E343–E355, 1994.
4. Stamler, J.S., and G. Meissner. Physiology of nitric oxide in skeletal muscle. Physiological
Reviews 81(1):209-237, 2001.
5. Vacanti, T., B. Campbell, J. Baer et al. Effects of arginine alpha-ketoglutarate supplementation
on markers of catabolism and health status. Sports Nutrition Reviews 1(1):S15, 2004. Accessed
online November 11, 2004.
6. Zhang, J.S., W.E. Kraus, and G.A. Truskey. Stretch-induced nitric oxide modulates properties of
skeletal muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology 287:C292-C299, 2004.
* Look for the results of the new groundbreaking
independent clinical trial showing SuperPump250’s
effects on lean mass after only 30 days of use.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
New Research Concludes...
SizeOn Destroys Two Top
Groundbreaking Independent Clinical Trial Reveals SizeOn™ Lays
Waste To Both Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate and Creatine
Ethyl Ester For Increasing Both Lean Body Mass and Strength!
Let The Science Speak For Itself!
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects
of three purported anabolic dietary supplements (arginine alphaketoglutarate, AAKG; creatine ethyl ester, CEE; SizeOn", SO) on traininginduced changes in body composition and muscular performance.
Methods: Using a randomized, double-blind design, 30 healthy
men (mean ± SD age, height, weight, 1-RM bench press: 29.9 ± 6.8 y,
179.3 ± 6.4 cm, 84.8 ± 13.5 kg, 118.4 ± 21.5 kg) were matched for training experience and randomly assigned to ingest one serving per day
of AAKG (3 g + 31 g carbohydrate, N=10), CEE (3 g + 31 g carbohydrate, N=10), or SO (1 scoop) for one month. Verification of ingredient purity and potency by an external laboratory is pending. Body
composition (DEXA) and muscular performance (1-RM bench press
and repetitions to failure [RTF: 3 sets x baseline body weight, 60-sec
rest between sets]) were measured at baseline, day 7, and day 28.
Blood samples were obtained at baseline and after 4-weeks of supplementation and training. Subjects were required to maintain their
normal dietary and training patterns during the study. Data were analyzed via ANOVA and (where necessary) Newman-Keuls post-hoc
tests. An intent-to-treat approach was used and statistical significance was accepted at p≤0.05. Results: Body weight increased in
SO (+1.9%; 91.82 ± 16.99 [baseline] to 93.59 ± 17.30 kg [day 28],
p<0.0002), whereas no changes were observed in AAKG (-0.7%; 82.92
± 5.39 [baseline] to 82.33 ± 6.31 kg [day 28], p<0.25). Body weight tended to increase in CEE (+1.0%; 79.58 ± 13.31 [baseline] to 80.35 ± 12.9
kg [day 28], p<0.10). Similarly, lean mass increased in SO (+2.8%;
64.79 ± 3.84 [baseline] to 66.61 ± 3.55 kg [day 28], p<0.0001), did not
change in AAKG (+0.2%; 62.38 ± 5.22 [baseline] to 62.49 ± 4.92 kg [day
28], p<0.74), and tended to increase in CEE (1.0%; 61.50 ± 5.80 [baseline] to 62.05 ± 5.83 kg [day 28], p<0.10). No significant changes in %
fat or fat mass were noted between or within groups. All groups had
significant increases in 1-RM bench press from baseline to day 28,
however, no between-group changes were noted. RTF increased in
SO (+28.7%; 27.2 ± 12.2 [baseline] to 35.0 ± 17.0 reps [day 28],
p<0.0001), but did not change in CEE (+8.9%; 30.4 ± 13.4 [baseline] to
33.1 ± 15.9 reps [day 28], p<0.16), or AAKG (+3.7%; 21.6 ± 8.5 [baseline]
to 22.4 ± 8.1 reps [day 28], p<0.51). Conclusions: Within the framework
of the current experimental design, these preliminary data indicate
that four weeks of AAKG administration has no effect on adaptations
to resistance training (body weight, % fat, lean mass, or muscular
performance). In contrast, CEE may have modest effects on body
weight and lean mass, while SO significantly increases body weight,
lean mass, and RTF during resistance training. We are currently
examining the safety profile of each of these supplements, and plan
to confirm and refine these results in a larger sample size. Future
research is warranted to determine the mechanisms responsible for
the noted improvements in training adaptations for SO.
Ziegenfuss T.N., Mendel R.W., and Hofheins J.E. Comparison of
Purported Anabolic Supplements on Body Composition and
Muscular Performance. Ohio Research Group. Wadsworth, Ohio
44281, USA. - Presented at the ISSN Convention in June 2006, Las
Vegas, NV. Neither the research team or The Ohio Research Group
receive any financial compensation from Gaspari Nutrition, nor do
they endorse this, or any other Gaspari Nutrition product.
SizeOn™ increased muscle mass
180% more than CEE and
1,400% more than AAKG!
SizeOn™ increased over all body
size 90% more than CEE and
120% more than AAKG!
SizeOn™ increased strength
322% more than CEE and
776% more than AAKG!
Supplement Categories!
After This Clinical Trial, There Really Isn’t Much More To Say –
If You’re Serious About Putting Size On, You Need To Get SizeOn!
• Only Cell Volumizer With The
Patent Pending Designer
Carbohydrate OUTLAST™
• Only Cell Volumizer With
The Fastest Acting & Longest
Lasting Creatine Ever!
• Contains GLYCEROL
“The Bodybuilder’s Secret
Weapon” To Maximize
Muscle Belly Size As Fast
As Possible
• Contains DISODIUM ATP –
The Actual Fuel Your
Muscles Use To Contract
and Move Weight
• See and Feel The Effects
After Only ONE Dose!
• 3 GUARANTEED Incredible
Flavors – Arctic Lemon Ice,
Wild Berry Punch, Grape Blast
came out with SizeOn for one primary
– in all my years as a top professional
bodybuilder and IFBB hall of famer, I have
never used a nonhormonal product that puts on
size like this! This is truly the ultimate thinking
man’s tool for gaining unprecedented size,
strength and endurance. You’re going to look
and feel unbelievable with SizeOn™ – I stake my
reputation on it! You have to try it to believe it!
Powerful ™
New SizeOnw
Tablets No!
Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world.
Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition • 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rich Gaspa
1st Arnold ri, President
Classic Win
Chemical Corner 101 SizeOn
Best Performing Creatine Product Ever Developed
By Bruce Kneller
Best Performing Creatine
Ever Developed
The Intra & Post Workout
Phenomenon – Nothing Gets You
Bigger, Faster and Gives You More
Power and Energy
Creatine: Intra/Post-Workout
The Intelligent Choice For
Increasing Muscle Cell Volume,
Mass, Endurance & Performance
• Scientifically Proven Ingredients & Doses
• Maximize Muscle Cell Volume
• See and Feel Increases in Muscle Size and
Strength in 24-36 Hours
• Speeds Recuperation Time From Both
Aerobic & Anaerobic Training
• Endurance Athletes: Measurable Increases
in Endurance, Reduced Distance Times and
• Brings Athletic Performance to Its Ultimate
SizeOn™ -The Ultimate Mass Monster, is the only
serious nonhormonal product for packing on serious size while increasing endurance and performance. A product so powerful, users will see
and feel increases in muscle belly size and fiber
strength within 24-36 hours after the first dose! In
the recent 30-day independent clinical trial,
SizeOn™ absolutely destroyed Creatine Ethyl Ester
and Arginine Alpha-ketoglutarate (the leading
sellers in 2 major sports nutrition categories) in
lean muscle mass and strength increases. This
new intra/post workout formula is the only cell
volumizer containing Creatine Gluconate – the
fastest acting and longest lasting creatine ever,
along with the new patent pending designer carbohydrate Outlast™. Spike that with Glycerol
Monostearate – the bodybuilder’s secret ingredient for maximizing muscle belly size as fast as
possible, and PEAK ATP® (ATP disodium salt) –
the actual fuel your muscles use to contract and
move (and only the right stuff from patent holder
TSI), and you’ve got what is destined to become
the greatest strength, endurance, and mass gaining sports performance product in ever created.
Regardless of your sports endeavor, SizeOn™ IS
every athlete’s peak performance catalyst.
Stack with: Novedex XT®, SuperPump250™,
Halodrol Liquigels™, IntraPro™, PlasmaJet™, and
Flavors: Wild Berry Punch, Arctic Lemon Ice,
Grape Blast.
How do you like that for an advertisement
line? Well, initially, I was pretty blase’ and
skeptical about it too and then my friend and
business associate, Rich Gaspari said, “OK,
that’s how we’re going to advertise it Bruce,
now you get to build it!”
Say what?!? Come again?!? You’re pulling
my leg, right Rich? Usually you develop the
product first and THEN write the advertising
pitch, not the other way around buddy.
Someone, not gonna mention any names,
needs to go to a remedial, supplement developing course at community college!
This was going to be one of the more “challenging” supplements I have ever had to
engineer, that’s for sure. For starters, Rich
already had about the best pre-workout drink
on the market in SuperPump250™. How the
heck was I going to top this one, especially
with an intra or post work out concoction?
Oh and did I mention, Rich told me “it” has to
“taste awesome and not cause any type of
intestinal distress. Sure, and while we’re at it
Rich, why don’t we just throw in that it the
product will do your laundry, balance your
checkbook, mow your lawn, and change the
damn oil in your car?
Working with Rich Gaspari is probably a lot
like working with Donald Trump except Rich
hasn’t quite got the bank the Trumpster has
(yet) but he does have a better build and a
slightly (and I do mean “slightly”) more realistic opinion of himself.
There are a lot of great, peri-work out drinks
on the market now that work fantastically
well. So this was going to be a monster challenge for me to create something that blows
away the competition. Something that will
cause anyone who tries it, even one time, to
say, “hot damned, this really is the most
amazing creatine containing workout drink
there is!” It’s really hard to be the best when
there are so many exceptionally good
“bests” out there already. Why are we doing
this one again, Rich? Oh yeah, your amazing
quest to improve upon every market segment
of the supplement industry, that's right, how
could I forget - whatever is out there, Gaspari
can do it better even if it means trying to do
the unthinkable - improving on an existing
Gaspari product. Uh huh!
Iteration Number X - You’re Fired!
Ok, so it has to smoke every other creatine or
post workout product by a country mile, this I
know. It’s got to taste good and not make you
sick to your stomach and/or whatever other
abdominal irregularities are common to this
type of supplement. No problema, mi amigo,
senor Richardo! Now let’s get crackin’!
So I thought for a moment, “what would I
want in a intra or post workout drink aside
from the things Rich already mentioned?”
Well, I would want it to sustain the “pumped”
feeling I get from the gym after my workout
as long a humanly possible. I’d want it to
energize and fuel my muscle with all the
nutritional goodies needed to optimize a positive growth environment and minimize or
even eliminate a catabolic environment and
I’d want it to make me feel good overall with
a nice neurological enhancing effect.
The first recipe I concocted did hit the
proverbial “nail on the head” and all that but
the serving size was... uhm... shall we say ‘a
bit on the large size?’ My code name for this
was “the kitchen sink” because it literally
had every nutrient and vitamin you could
think of and then a whole lot more. But you
know it’s a little difficult to mix in 150 grams of
a powder into 16 ounces of juice or water
without a cement mixer. Rich, in his best
Trumpian voice of course said to me, “this
sucks, it clumps together like lumpy pancake
batter... you’re fired, hahahahah – just kidding, go back and try it again, the serving size
is too big and we can’t sell 44 pound bottles
of the new product.”
Recipe number two was really high tech – I
mean, I dug deep into the annals of research,
old and new and found some exotic and esoteric kick ass nutrients, many of them never
used before in our realm that would optimize
pre-workout energy, intra-workout stamina
and power, and of course post-workout muscle pump and positive growth environment.
One of these was arachidonic acid (AA)
which I wanted to desperately use and
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
license from Bill Llewellyn/Molecular Nutrition. Molecular sells AA in
a gel cap and the product works really well in packing on the pounds
of lean muscle mass. Unfortunately for “The Apprentice...” AA is an oil
and won’t mix well with a pre-workout drink based on water and carbohydrates. Additionally, when we tried to ‘spray it on a carbohydrate’
so it would become water soluble it ended up smelling pretty rank and
left an aftertaste that was... well, it would not cut it. I want to thank Bill
and the folks at Molecular for trying very hard to work with me on this
project. Sayeth the former Night of the Champions and Arnold Classic
winner (that’d be Gaspari), “this tastes pretty bad, what did I say about
how it had to taste again? Weren’t you paying attention? - you’re fired
again, hahahah! Just kidding, try it again, you’ll get it right, Bruce!” As
most of you know by now, we ended up finding a home for Molecular’s
material after all when we detonated a little neutron bomb called
Halodrol Liquigels™.
I don’t know how many iterations I went through but I did know that
Rich’s dreams about being like Trump and having me as some gopherlackey type a la “The Apprentice” was wearing thin on my nerves.
I had to find the solution, I had to concoct the ultimate intra/post workout drink, not so much to please Rich and justify my sky high design fee
and get my check but to shut him up before his ‘delusions of Donald’
really started to creep into other aspects of his life as well as annoy me
to the point where I’d just have to smack the guy in the head with a 25
pound dumbbell to knock his ass back to reality.
SizeOn™ – The Ultimate Intra-Workout Sustainer AS
WELL AS Post-Workout Rehydrating, Re-energizing &
Anabolic Matrix and Nighttime Growth Factor
Boy that’s a mouthful, ain’t it? But that’s pretty much what we’ve done
when creating this new product and I guarantee that NOTHING ELSE
found a solution to Gaspari’s advertising slogan - Best Intra and Post
Work Out Drink Ever; Nothing Gets You Bigger, Faster and Gives Your
More Power and Energy!!!
– AND EVEN EXCEEDED THIS, because truly SizeOn™ obliterates the
need for a separate post-workout drink too. I have to tell you, it was not
easy. Let’s look into some of what powers SizeOn™ into THE phenomenal product that it is.
Hit The After Burners –
This Creatine is Going In Fast and Hard!!!
Yes, SizeOn™ contains creatine. But SizeOn™ has two very special,
unique types of creatine in it (one of them that nobody else has thought
of or has used in a post work out/night time product until Gaspari
Nutrition came along). This is not to say other creatines are bad, many
of them are pretty damned sweet and most work very well. But the
unique creatine in SizeOn™ (it is called creatine gluconate) is really
high tech and ultra-cool. I can’t think of a creatine molecule that is
going to work better than this one and here is why: creatine is
“attached” to “something,” either as a salt (like in dicreatine malate,
creatine phosphate, creatine monohydrate) or as an ester (like in creatine ethyl ester). Now that salt or ester part of the molecule has pretty much only been used up until now as a “delivery system” to assist
the creatine to get inside the bloodstream as effectively as possible.
Once it is in there, the creatine splits off from the salt or ester and you
end up say... creatine plus water or creatine plus ethanol or whatever!
Most of these delivery systems, after they ‘deliver’ the creatine into the
bloodstream don’t do jack shit, really. Yeah, creatine hooked up to a
malate salt is somewhat useful because malic acid is a good Kreb’s
cycle intermediary (more on this later). However, in some cases, the
“delivery system” might even be... dare I say, “not exactly good for
you?!?” This is how creatine gluconate is totally different (and vastly
superior) to every other creatine on the market. When you split this
molecule you get creatine and GLUCOSE. So not only does the ‘gluconate’ part of the molecule help get the whole shebang into your
blood stream faster, when it splits apart, you get something that is useful - GLUCOSE - which stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas (like all simple carbohydrates tend to do) and serves as an additional fuel source for muscle cellular mitochondrial ATP synthesis.
And study after study has shown that in the presence of increased
amounts of insulin, creatine is FAR BETTER absorbed into muscle cells
where it can then do all of the cool things that creatine does. Creatine
gluconate is like a multi-staged rocket in that the two components
together help to insure that the most amount of creatine possible gets
absorbed into your blood stream and then when the molecule is “split”
you get the “after burner” effect of glucose (and not some non-useful
or even harmful by-product) stimulating an insulinogenic response to
help rocket that creatine into the muscle cells as fast as possible.
The other cool creatine found in SizeOn™ is called “creatine alphaketoglutaratate.” What is really ‘the bomb’ about this is that it is creatine attached to a form of glutamine. There are a plethora of studies
demonstrating how useful glutamine is for muscle growth but the sad
truth is that most glutamine products are useless -- the glutamine you
ingest orally never makes it to the bloodstream, it gets “stuck” in the
walls of the intestines where cells there use and degrade it. However,
when attached to a creatine molecule, glutamine (or the alpha-ketone
form of it) does make it to the bloodstream whereby it “can perform its
magic” and help to increase muscle growth.
Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate –
The Most Amazing Cellular Pre-Energizer Ever
As any physiologist ‘worth his salt’ will tell you, ATP is the energy
source that cells must have readily available to do work. It is the ‘energy storage unit’ of the human body. And after your workout, your body,
especially your muscle cells, are almost depleted of it. Now it’s not like
you’re going to run out of it - the mitochondria - the ‘power plant production’ apparatus of all cells are always making more and more ATP.
But the problem is this; it ain’t an instant process and those mitochondria need time (and glucose, did I mention that?) to make more power,
more ATP. Well... why not just help the mitochondria along by ingesting ATP, specifically the disodium salt, NA2ATP, licensed from the
patent holder, TSI to insure rapid and complete absorption into both
the body and then into the blood stream where it can be uptaken by
the liver and red blood cells? Uhm... dah! Seems pretty obvious that
you workout hard and use up all or most of the muscle cell energy supplies and it’s going to take time for the body to replace it that you could
‘help your body along’ by ingesting some of this cool stuff in a preworkout drink so you don’t run low on it while you’re training hard. I
mean, it’s about as obvious as the day is long so I guess I am really disappointed that most pre- and post-workout drinks don’t contain ATP or
any real quantity of it and if they do, it is not the cool, NA2ATP version
of it to maximize absorption. Score one for Gaspari Nutrition here
again! NA2ATP is the fastest way to prepower and repower your muscle cells before you hit the iron and then after a heavy, resistance training type workout, bar none. Additionally, NA2ATP clearly acts as an
insulinogenic it’s mechanism of action is well-established as it causes
a stimulation of insulin secretion following the interactions with pan-
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 SizeOn Best Intra & Post Workout Drink Ever Developed
creatic beta cell purine receptors. (Gaspari Nutrition is proud to use
only PEAK ATP® from TSI, the purest, most bioavailable form of ATP
licensed directly from the patent holder.) PEAK ATP® is a registered
trademark of TSI.
Glycerol Monostearate – The ‘Ultimate Pump Maker’
Professional and high level amateur bodybuilders have a slick little
trick that they don't want you, the “average Joe,” to know about. Well
screw this “hidden knowledge BS” -- we are blowing the top off it.
Bodybuilders and their trainers know that the use of glycerol will
cause intense muscle pumps while giving a “dried out and tight look”
for that classic, razor skin thin, shrink wrapped look. Glycerol is what
is known as an “osmotic diuretic” and it helps to pull out extravascular water under the skin to “shrink wrap” your body while at the same
time pushing fluid into the cells (as in muscle cells) to give that insane,
pumped up look. Up until now, glycerol was a fluid and was inconvenient to use or incorporate into a powder supplement. However
with the advent of the monostearate ester, we now have a solid, sweet
tasting, powdered form of glycerol that can be used in a powder supplement. The secret that the highest level bodybuilders and the super
trainers have known about - and used for years - is now readily available to the “average Joe” in SizeOn™. Nothing is going to pump you up
faster and make you look better quicker than glycerol monostearate in
conjunction with creatine.
Malic Acid – Providing Energy For The Long Stretch
Malic acid is a Kreb’s cycle intermediary that is critical in the mitochondrial synthesis of ATP. So obviously, adding this useful stuff in
gram per serving amounts is going to have a very positive, noticeable
effect on the rate of ATP resynthesis from ADP and AMP by skeletal
muscle mitochondria as well as the sheer total amount of ATP formed.
Providing large amounts of malic acid is like filling up the gas tank of a
Lamborghini Murcielago with 94 octane super unleaded. The mitochondria are like the engine of the Lambo and the malic acid is like that
hi-test gasoline. Your body is like the rest of the car. If you want your
Lambo to have maximal torque and horsepower so you can drive it on
the Autobanh for hundreds of miles on end with no slow downs (if you
want your body to produce as much ATP as fast as possible so you can
exercise longer and harder) then having a “full tank of gas” (having
your bloodstream full of malic acid) is a good way to do it!
No, I Am Not Giving Up My Paycheck... Or My Mind!!!
Ever see that movie Paycheck starring Ben Affleck? It’s a pretty cool
sci-fi thriller, I suggest you check it out of the video store when you
have some time, but the essence of this movie is that Affleck is this
reverse engineering whiz-kid that companies pay a lot of money to in
order for Affleck to ‘reverse engineer’ competitor’s products and
improve upon them after which this cool device erases Ben’s memory
and he gets a mad, crazy paycheck. This kind of thing happened to me
here with SizeOn™ when we were developing and experimenting with
carbohydrates to use as a fuel source and delivery system for the
product. Rich tossed me a canister of a leading competitor’s product
and said, “OK Bruce, go to work...” I then went into a secret underground lab accessible by a hidden staircase at Gaspari’s HQ in
Lakewood, NJ and 6 weeks later... viola! Out I appeared with a revolutionary new carbohydrate matrix that we are patenting called
Outlast™ and Rich smacked me along the side of the head with a 45
pound plate (to erase my memory of course). OK, so it didn’t quite happen that way. What did happen is that I looked at the best carbohydrate matrix in the supplement industry, which anyone will tell you
hands down is Vitargo® (a patented mix of amylose and amylopectin)
and said to myself, “how can I duplicate the effects of Vitargo® and
maybe even improve upon it without violating the patents on this cool
carbo?” Well it wasn’t easy, that’s for sure! But I think Outlast™ is
going to give Vitargo® and every other carbohydrate out there a serious run for the money.
I spent many months working on a carbohydrate matrix that would
mimic and I think, improve upon the effects of Vitargo® without violating the patent concerning it because a good friend of mine is the individual who has the exclusive license in America to sell Vitargo® and
unlike other people, I don’t rip people off. So as much as I could have
used Vitargo® and this product would have been finished months ago,
I just could not see ripping off a friend of mine -- it is bad karma. So we
worked on our own matrix of carbohydrates and I’ll be damned if we
did not hit pay dirt. The Outlast™ (and now patent pending) carbohydrate matrix is really something special that has to be tried to be fully
appreciated. It contains exacting amounts of amylose, ribose, methyl
cellulose, and a bunch of proprietary short, medium and long chain
glucose oligosaccharides based on months of clinical research that
accomplish the following:
1) Induces an immediate and sustained insulinogenic response
to push more”fuel,” amino acids and nutrients into the muscle
cells for a longer period of time and with more intensity than any
other carbohydrate matrix.
2) Induces a gastrointestinal slowing effect which means the
product is fully digested and more is absorbed -- this means very
little or none of the ingredients in the product goes to waste ‘out
the back door.’
3) Induces a positive, deliberately designed, and sustained serotonergic neural effect increases mental acuity and ‘feeling of
well being.’
Best Pre-Workout Drink Ever? Or Best Before Bed Drink
Ever? Perhaps Best Intra-Training Drink Ever? Nope! How
About “Best Utility Performance Enhancing Drink Ever!”
There is a lot more I could say about SizeOn™ but I am running out
space (I could write about this stuff forever I think). There are a lot of
other useful and cool ingredients in this product that space did not permit me to discuss but I will tell you what: if you are looking for the ultimate intra-workout or post-training re-energizing drink (or creatine
product) than look no further because I’ll stack this puppy up with any
of the “big dogs” out there and I’ll guarantee you that SizeOn™ will beat
them all back with a stick every time. The other “stuff” we noticed with
SizeOn™ is that it is more aptly called a “unique utility solution”
because a lot of guys who got sample packs decided to try it WHILE
doing their workouts because Rich did just this by accident for a week
and gained about 6 pounds and felt (this is a quote) “like my training
session never had to come to an end.” Another employee at Gaspari
Nutrition swears that SizeOn™ is better suited as a “take before you go
to sleep -- wake up with an amazing, refreshed and re-energized feeling.” So it appears that no matter how you elect to use this wunderdrink, pre-workout, post-workout, before bed or while you’re training,
you’re gonna see some fantastic results. Try SizeOn™ for three workouts and if it’s not the best supplement you have purchased in a long
time then contact the man himself, Rich Gaspari at and we’ll gladly refund your money, no questions asked.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 IntraPro Elite Competition Superfood For The Serious Athlete
IntraPro – The Elite Competition Superfood
With Super Long Term Taste Satisfaction.
The only slow dispersion whey protein on the market with
the most remarkable long-term taste satisfaction on the
planet. Get big the easy way by actually looking forward to
downing your protein – every time with IntraPro™.
IntraPro™ draws its significant body composition altering capabilities from
the complex anabolic/anti-catabolic power of IntraPro AAC7™, a unique combination
of pure pharmaceutical grade cross flow micro and ultra-filtered whey protein isolates and high yield concentrates infused with an optimal ratio of branched chain
amino acids for creating a favorable anabolic condition while inhibiting muscle breakdown. IntraPro™ also utilizes precise amounts of L-glutamine and taurine for maximum muscle cell volumization, recovery, and improved immune function.
Whey Protein
Advanced Competition
• Anabolic/Anti-Catabolic Whey Protein
• Unbelievable Long Term Taste Satisfaction
• Medium Viscosity Slow Dispersion
• Near 100% Bioavailability
• Superior Nitrogen Retention to Aid in
Growing New Muscle
• Full RDI of Vitamins and Minerals for Use as
an MRP
• Super Low-Carb Formula w/ No Sugar Added
• And in Case You Missed it...
Unbelievable Long Term Taste Satisfaction
Engineered as a result of the outpouring of
request and inquiry from the competitive
bodybuilding community, IntraPro™ gives athletes what they want; a super high quality,
slow dispersion whey protein supplement
with ultra-long term taste satisfaction, engineered specifically for athletes with a desire
to achieve and maintain that full and shredded
look. The IntraPro™ Competition Advantage™
features all of the highest quality proven nutrition bodybuilders require for substantial muscle growth with a macronutrient profile
designed for promoting and maintaining significantly lower levels of body fat. If that
weren’t enough, IntraPro™ contains a full
spectrum vitamin and mineral complex
enabling it to be used as a low-carb meal
replacement as well.
Stack with: Novedex XT®, SuperPump250™,
SizeOn™, PlasmaJet™, Halodrol Liquigels™, and
IntraPro™ contains a highly effective protein dispersion complex designed to
sustain the release of notoriously fast absorbing whey proteins to help maintain positive nitrogen levels up to twice as long as the typical 2-hour window elicited when
ingesting whey proteins. Intelligent bodybuilders on normal 2 to 3 hour intervals
between meals can count on “no downtime” when feeding precious muscle tissue.
When going to every extreme to create the
most effective competitor’s protein supplement in
existence, you have to go to equal extremes when
developing the flavor. In medical terms it is referred
to as “compliance factor,” put simply – the better it
tastes, the more you will use it. The flavor technology behind this superfood formula ensures that you
will look forward to drinking IntraPro™ every time.
The wait is over, IntraPro™ by Gaspari
Nutrition, continuing to address the needs of the
competitive bodybuilder or serious athlete desiring
to achieve “peak condition” in any season.
IntraPro™ Double
Chocolate Pancakes
IntraPro™ mixes easily with
a spoon or in a shaker.
Makes 4-6 Pancakes
• 1/2 cup dry oatmeal (quick or whole oats)
• 2 scoops IntraPro™ Double Chocolate (yes, Vanilla and Strawberry IntraPro™ work great too!)
• 3 egg whites
• 1/2 cup of water (slightly more or less until you reach a smooth pancake consistency)
1) Mix dry ingredients (oats and IntraPro™) until evenly blended.
2) Blend egg whites in well with a fork.
3) Add water, blending in a little at a time until you reach pancake consistency.
4) Pre-heat a non-stick pan (medium heat) and spray with fat free cooking spray.
5) Pour in mix to desired pancake size. 1-2 minutes on each side until firm –
being careful not to burn them.
Options: Add anything you like to the mix... nuts, chocolate chips, bananas, shredded coconut, berries...
whatever floats your boat! Eat them straight or use a sugar-free syrup or any other topping you prefer.
Macronutrient Profile: Fat - 8g / Carbs - 36g / Fiber - 8g / Protein - 53g
Flavors: Delicious Vanilla, Double Chocolate,
Strawberries & Cream.
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
Chemical Corner 101 Novedex XT
Taking Novedex XT® For A TEST Drive
By Bruce Kneller
Taking Novedex XT For A
Testosterone Booster
Novedex XT
Undisputed #1 Testosterone
Boosting Supplement of All Time
• Tested in 3 Independent Clinical Trials
• Increased Natural (Free) Testosterone an
Average of 600%
• Gain Lean Mass, Strength & Endurance
• Dramatically Reduces Estradiol Levels
• Noticeably Reduces Body Fat Levels
• Increases Male Sexual Performance and
• Post Cycle Therapy Powerhouse
• Rock Solid Safety Data
In all 3 clinical trials, this amazing non-anabolic and non-androgenic supplement yielded
results far greater than any other product of its
kind in the history of the supplement industry.
Novedex XT® has been shown to significantly
increase natural testosterone production and
minimize the production of estradiol in every
male subject tested! In a landmark 11-week
clinical trial conducted at Baylor University,
Novedex XT® 1) increased free testosterone
an average of 600%, 2) showed virtually no
increase in estradiol, 3) didn't cause any significant changes in Serum Chemistry Markers
or Urine Clinical Safety Markers, and 4) all hormone levels/markers returned to baseline
after discontinuation of the product showing
no “shutdown” post use. Novedex XT® could
easily be the most effective natural vehicle to
trigger a potent anabolic response in order to
gain lean mass, strength and endurance, help
reduce body fat, and increase sexual performance and libido.
First things first. I have a confession to make:
when I patented the two unique anti-aromatase compounds found in Novedex XT®, I
knew this product would be really special.
But until very recently, I didn’t fully grasp the
scope of its potential in the supplement
industry (funding research and getting real
data on a product has a way of doing that).
That said, I’d like to thank Rich Gaspari for not
only talking the talk, but for walking the walk.
While his competitors hide behind their computers and use smoke-and-mirror tactics to
trick consumers into thinking their products
are best, Gaspari Nutrition proves the worth
of its products with hard science. Case in
point - Novedex XT®.
And one more thing, here’s a shout out to all
the haters who flamed this product and
Gaspari Nutrition on various bodybuilding
forums: it’s time to pay the piper. We have
data, and we’re ready to share it! In fact, we
invite everyone to compare this data (and
graphs) to other similar, but less impressive
data (and graphs) on our competitors’ products. In the end, the conclusion is simple:
Novedex XT® is the safest, most effective
testosterone boosting, estrogen inhibiting
product on the planet.
had them take the recommended dose of
Novedex XT® every night before they went to
bed. Subjects were required to maintain their
normal training and dietary habits during the
study, and weren’t allowed to take any other
supplements. Blood samples were taken
pre, and at weekly intervals (1, 2, 3, and 4
weeks) to document any changes in
androgens (total testosterone and
bioavailable testosterone, measured via
radioimmunoassay) and estrogen (estradiol, measured via immunochemiluminometric assay). Pre (week 0) and post
(week 4) blood samples were also taken
to measure changes in blood lipids (total
cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), liver
function (ALT, AST, bilirubin), and kidney
function (creatinine, BUN). All blood samples were analyzed in duplicate by one of
the largest independent clinical research
laboratories in the world, Laboratory
Corporation of America (LabCorp).
From the very first dose, things started to
happen quickly. Total and bioavailable
testosterone increased by over 50 and 100%,
respectively, after the first week. Even more
impressive was the greater than 50% reduction in circulating estradiol! As the weeks
passed, these differences were magnified,
and by the three-week mark, total testosterone had increased by more than 200%,
bioavailable testosterone increased by
almost 450%, and estradiol had decreased
by 67%! Take a look at the following graphs
for details regarding the hormonal changes
during the course of the study.
Gaspari Nutrition commissioned a wellknown, independent clinical research lab
located within a medical center to run a fourweek, open-label, proof-of-concept, pilot trial.
The purpose of the study was to determine the
effects of consuming Novedex XT® on basal
(resting) levels of testosterone and estrogen. A
secondary purpose was to ascertain the safety of Novedex XT® supplementation using
standard clinical markers of safety (i.e., comprehensive blood chemistry panels).
A 3.4 - fold increase in total T
Very simply, the researchers took a handful
of guys with normal testosterone levels and
A 6.3 - fold increase in bioavailable T
Stack with: SuperPump250 , SizeOn , Halodrol
Liquigels™, IntraPro™, PlasmaJet™ & Cytolean™.
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
Total Cholesterol (mg/dl)
LDL (mg/dl)
Triglycerides (mg/dl)
Bilirubin (mg/dl)
Creatinine (mg/dl)
BUN (mg/dl)
Pre (week 0)
Post (week 4)
Note: All safety variables remained within normal clinical limits for all
Results don’t get much easier to interpret than this. Novedex XT® has
the double-barrel effect of jacking total and bioavailable testosterone
while simultaneously crippling estradiol. And it does it right out of the
gate (i.e., within a few weeks). When was the last time you could get
these kind of effects from a safe, naturally occurring combination of
compounds? The answer is never.
Let’s put this in perspective with a quick comparison to what we know
about other legal testosterone boosters and anti-estrogens:
• Tribulis terrestris: increases total testosterone by 40-50% for a few
hours at best. No anti-aromatase activity.
• Eurycoma longifolia: increases free testosterone up to 60%, but
takes four weeks to do it. No anti-aromatase activity.
We’re glad you asked that question. Rather than rest on our collective
asses, Gaspari Nutrition has already agreed to take the next logical
step in the research process: fund a placebo-controlled, double-blind
study at one of the premier sports nutrition laboratories in the country.*
This independent university trial will document the effects of supplementing with Novedex XT® during an eight-week training period.
Subjects will consist of healthy, resistance-trained men between the
ages of 21-45 years. This time, we are pulling out all the stops to document the power and safety of Novedex XT®. Researchers will measure
anthropometric variables (total body weight, percent body fat, fat mass,
fat-free mass via DEXA), hemodynamic variables (heart rate, blood
pressure, rate pressure product), serum hormone variables (total and
free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, estrione, estrone, sex
hormone binding globulin, leutinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, IGF-1, cortisol) and serum and urinary clinical marker variables
(prostate specific antigen, glucose, total protein, blood urea nitrogen,
creatinine, BUN/creatinine ratio, uric acid, AST, ALT, CK, LDH, GGT,
albumin, globulin, sodium, chloride, calcium, carbon dioxide, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell counts, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW,
neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils).
Obviously, we’re serious about this. And you be should too. Once you
ditch all the marketing hype, the science speaks for itself. Novedex XT®
is clearly in a class by itself…
We at Gaspari Nutrition are so confident that Novedex XT® is the
most effective endogenous testosterone boosting, mass enhancing, strength reinforcing and estrogen squashing formula in the
supplement industry –BAR NONE, that we’re ready to put our
money where our mouth is by issuing this unprecedented challenge: We invite any supplement company in our industry to prove,
through legitimate, unbiased science, that there is another legal,
DSHEA 1994 compliant supplement on the market today that will
cause the mind boggling, spectacular effects that Novedex XT®
does. If any company can do this, we will happily go public with
the information for all to see. We are serious about this. We want
what’s best for YOU, and as always, Gaspari Nutrition is dedicated
to bringing you the very best in products and information for bodybuilders and athletes alike –period. Novedex XT® is for real. No
hype. No tall tales. No compromises. Just pure science and
incredible results –everytime!
Leave it to Gaspari Nutrition to crush everything else on the market...and we mean CRUSH it! We invite you to try Novedex XT®
and feel the power of this truly revolutionary compound. Gaspari
Nutrition. The brand you trust. The brand that works.
• Category leading anti-aromatase: increases total testosterone up to
188% and free testosterone up to 226% within three weeks. Little, if any,
anti-aromatase activity, based on blood measurements of estradiol.
Note: Bioavailable testosterone = free testosterone + weakly (albumin-bound) testosterone. The rapid
dissociation of “weakly bound” testosterone from albumin results in the availability of essentially all
albumin-bound testosterone for steroid receptor interaction. In contrast, bioavailable T does not
include SHBG-bound testosterone, because the SHBG-bound fraction is biologically inactive due to
the high binding affinity of SHBG for testosterone. See the following reference for details: Pardridge
WM. Transport of protein-bound hormones into tissues in vivo. Endocr Rev 1981 2(1):103-123.
• Novedex XT®: increases total testosterone by 211% and bioavailable
testosterone* (free T + weakly bound T) by 449% within three weeks.
Potent anti-aromatase activity, i.e., decreases circulating estradiol by
67% within two weeks.
*The findings of our monumental 3rd clinical trial are in! Turn the
page for results of this landmark study completed at Baylor University
and published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and
Exercise Metabolism.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
In yet another (the 3rd) independent clinical research study, Novedex
XT® shows why it is rightfully known as the #1 Testosterone
Modulating Supplement of All Time and why it is the #1
Selling Testosterone Modulating Supplement... EVER! No other “supposed testosterone modulating” supplement has even one, never
mind THREE (3)independent clinical research studies conducted on
it to demonstrate that it works and is safe like Novedex XT® does. If the
other guy’s supplements do not have any studies to show their product
works, how do they know it works? More importantly, how do
YOU know it works? Who wants to spend hard earned money
for a “maybe?” In this landmark 11 week independent clinical trial conducted by Dr. Darryn Willoughby at Baylor University, Novedex XT® did
not cause any significant changes in any Serum Clinical Chemistry
Markers (including liver studies and cholesterol/HDL/LDL) or Urine
Clinical Safety Markers or even in PSA – a significant clinical marker
for prostate health! But Novedex XT® did cause an average of
600%+ increase in free testosterone!This change is so dramatic that if you are a “tested athlete” we strongly suggest that you discuss use of Novedex XT® with your sanctioning body before using it.
With results this powerful, you might be wrongfully accused of “cheating.” Even more importantly, all of the clinical parameters checked,
including LH/FSH and GH, everything returned back to baseline (normal) levels within 21 days of discontinuation of Novedex XT® showing
that even using Novedex XT® for 60 days straight does not “shut you
down” when you come off of it.
You want to take control of your testosterone level? Do you need maximal testosterone effects legally for maximum results? Then you need
Novedex XT® now! Find out for yourself today why Novedex XT® is the
#1 selling testosterone modulating supplement of all time... tested
THREE times now by independent clinical research.
Up to an average 300% increase in
total testosterone levels by week 4! Returns to
baseline within 3 weeks of stopping Novedex XT.
Up to a 600% increase in free testosterone
by week 4. Returns to baseline within 3 weeks of
stopping Novedex XT.
Gaspari Nutrition – Clinically Tested Supplements
For The Educated Athlete!
Up to a 600% increase in testosterone
to estrogen ratio. Returns to baseline within
3 weeks of stopping Novedex XT.
Rich Gaspari, Pre inner
1st Arnold Classic
Willoughby D. S., & Wilborn C. Eight weeks of aromatase inhibition using the nutritional supplement
Novedex XT: Effects on serum steroid hormones, body composition, and clinical safety markers in
young, eugonadal males. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2007,
17, 92-108 © 2007 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Novedex XT® by Gaspari Nutrition has been clinically proven in an independent medical study
conducted by Dr. Darryn Willoughby at Baylor University to illicit an average rise in free testosterone of an astounding 600%! Since testosterone is the key to libido enhancement in men,
being #1 in testosterone boosting makes Novedex XT® by Gaspari Nutrition #1 in libido enhancement too! After all, the unprecedented rise in testosterone caused by Novedex XT® by Gaspari
Nutrition2 translates into a visible and pleasant “rise” in certain “other areas” too.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking to increase the amount of IRON you raise in
the gym or to increase the amount of WOOD you raise outside the gym, the most
effective choice for either goal is Novedex XT® by Gaspari Nutrition. Remember, most
women just love a guy with rock hard muscles as well as a guy with a “rock hard love
muscle” so why chance it?
Novedex XT® is sure to deliver
both each and every time.
Avoid disappointment in the
gym and in the bedroom with
the only supplement that can
insure both impressive types
of results - Novedex XT®.
Novedex XT®...
the only MUSCLE
that works on
THE TRUTH. Gaspari Nutrition
is one of a handful of companies in the supplement industry
that conducts clinical trials in
humans with its supplements
–before you purchase another
company’s testosterone boosting product, ask them where
their independent, unbiased
clinical trial in people was conducted and where you can view
the results. If they have not
sponsored a clinical study in
people with their testosterone
booster, then how do they know
it boosts anything at all and
where do some companies’
outlandish claims come from?
Good question. Novedex XT® –
clinically proven to deliver
incredible results in every single
man that uses it!
Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world.
Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition: 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 Halodrol Liquigels
Introducing Halodrol Liquigels
By Rich Gaspari
Complete Physique Augmentor
Halodrol Liquigels
Maximal Muscle Myotrophic
• Only Product Licensed To Carry 2 of Sports
Science’s Greatest Super Compounds
• Accelerates and Increases Muscle
Hypertrophy and Strength Modulation
• Decreases Fat Deposition
• Increases Male Sexual Function
Halodrol Liquigels™ is the next generation
multi-faceted approach to maximal muscle hyperplastic catalysm. Containing a
potent 1-2 punch (hormonal and non-hormonal) combination of ingredients with
patented compounds from two of the
brightest minds in sports nutrition today
including a muscle cell hypertrophic
agent and anti-aromatic moiety which
can only be obtained in combination in
Halodrol Liquigels™. This compound provides a unique, sports nutrition matrix
destined to be a “must have” item by any
serious athlete and bodybuilder. There
are no other products in the market like
Halodrol Liquigels™ nor will there ever be;
Halodrol Liquigels™ exist in a category
that this product and this product ONLY
defines. Halodrol Liquigels™ five, pharmaceutical grade ingredients provide the
most scientifically advanced synergistic
approach to physique and strength augmentation and puts this product literally
decades ahead of anything else remotely
resembling it in the supplement market. In
anecdotal studies, users reported 30-day
gains in lean mass averaging 8.7lbs. with
a simultaneous 2-4% drop in body fat.
Stack with: SuperPump250™, SizeOn™,
Novedex XT®, IntraPro™, PlasmaJet™, and
New Halodrol Liquigels –
The Best Mass and Strength
Builder You’re Going To Be Able
To Legally Find Anywhere In
The Supplement Industry!
Since I made the transition from elite level professional bodybuilder to president of a cutting
edge supplement company, I have learned
something that might come as an incredible
shock to anyone reading this. Being a professional bodybuilder is far easier than being at
the helm of and steering a successful, large
supplement company in the 21st century.
Making a living in the sports supplement industry is ultra-competitive, cut-throat, adversarial
and high pressured. The stress is really heavy
duty! There may be sweet rewards when you
manage to “get it all together” with a winner
product, but the back stabbing, the constant
dishonesty by many people, the theft of intellectual property and luring away of key
employees by rivals makes the supplement
market a business that is not well suited for the
faint of heart. As the leader of Gaspari
Nutrition, I have always tried to work in a collaborative and fair manner with other supplement companies. That whole “do unto others
thing.” Well, we practice what we preach here
at Gaspari Nutrition. It's rarely worked to our
benefit and favor though as virtually every
other company we've “collaborated” with to
“co-develop” a product has either out and out
stolen our ideas and claimed them as their own
or in some cases, have actually stolen raw
materials and product from us. It gets worse
than that! Some of our “alliances” have ended
when we've been informed by distributors and
wholesalers that our “co-developers” were
trash talking and completely lying about our
products and what we stand for as a company.
So when I was approached and asked to allow
three people who are undoubtedly the
absolute and undisputed best product formulators in this business but who essentially work
in opposite sides of the universe so to speak to
work together on a project, these people being
William Llewellyn, Bruce Kneller and now
Patrick Arnold, I was very leery and quite skeptical of what the outcome would be. Not only
was I afraid that this would be a “battle of the
egos,” but Bill owns Molecular Nutrition which
could almost certainly be viewed as a competitor of ours and it made me very nervous to
discuss our future project ideas with a guy who
could have, if he was anything less than honest
and a straight shooter, just ripped them off and
run away with them. I am quite glad to write
that Bill is not that kind of a guy so my fears
have been put to rest. Bill is also a columnist at
Muscular Development, publishes his own
magazine called Body of Science and is probably best known for his incredibly informative
and well thought out ‘Anabolics’ series of
books, universally known as the “go to encyclopedia for steroid knowledge”, updated and
published annually. Bill has done radio and television interviews and is widely regarded by
the lay public as “the go to guy” when it comes
to steroids, supplements and bodybuilding. Bill
knows his stuff. He's got several patents and
many more pending for very cool ideas and he
has developed some of the best supplements
the industry has ever seen. I’ve known Bruce
Kneller for a very long time now and he has
essentially taken over as the chief formulator
and scientific officer for Gaspari Nutrition
(even though he is technically not an employee). Say what you want about Bruce being a
hot head, antagonistic in nature or having a big
mouth, I think all of us know that every supplement Bruce has designed for Gaspari Nutrition
has been an absolute home run - his designs
sell well, people absolutely love them and he
delivers what he promises (even if it is in an
ostentatious, provocative manner sometimes).
Novedex XT® is the best selling testosterone
boosting supplement in the industry right now
for a reason - it works better than anything else
has or does at increasing endogenous testosterone levels! THREE independent clinical trials clearly conclude this as FACT! SizeOn™ as
an independent clinical study conducted with
thirty competitive, world class athletes has
demonstrated, is the most effective cell volumizing/creatine/recovery product the world
has ever seen (creatine gluconate, the “magic
in SizeOn™” was Bruce’s brainchild). Bruce has
close to a dozen pending patents on some of
the coolest and most useful things you will ever
see in our industry (and you will see more of
them very soon). Bruce has also been published in MuscleMag International, Muscular
Development, Muscle Media and a plethora of
other magazines. He has also formulated for
Biotest Laboratories and Nutrex Research,
cranking out some of the most cutting edge
supplements in history for those two companies. And Patrick Arnold, don’t get me started
on the brilliance and notoriety of this guy. So
the question I had to mull over was if I thought
that these three industry brainiac bigwigs
could do something together whether it be up
close or from a distance and long enough to
design a product that will be sold under the
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
Gaspari nameplate and will be so incredible that it will rapidly come to
dominate the marketplace as a “best in its class?” Or would their respective egos and ‘colorful personalities’ get in the way and cause this project to come crashing to the ground whole as they killed each other off?
red meat, or when some old-school bodybuilder tells you that red meat
was the “steroid before steroids”, it is AA they are unknowingly talking
about. And yet, by relying on food sources these people have only
brushed the surface of AA’s true potential.
So what do you get when you take the three absolute brightest, most creative formulators in the industry today and tell them to work as a team in
order to come up with the most effective and safe mass/strength building
product that can be sold to the mainstream?
That “what” Arachidonic Acid does probably doesn’t mean much without the “how” it does it. Here is the jist of it. AA gets stored in the outer
phospholipid layer of muscle cells. As we damage our muscles lifting
weights, AA gets released. Its release is followed by its conversion to a
number of important bioactive molecules, the most notable of which are
prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are responsible for a lot of the localized
changes in tissue physiology that will facilitate growth. By increasing the
local expression of receptors and anabolic hormones, AA/PG’s direct
repair to those tissues that need it. The three main anabolic hormones
that AA supports are androgens, IGF-1 (from growth hormone), and
insulin. We can start to see why synthetic forms of these very powerful
anabolic agents do little when they aren’t combined with training. If
Arachidonic acid release is not remodeling local gene expression patters
to sensitize damaged tissues and facilitate growth, the hormones never
get to fully do their jobs.
We’re dubbing this product, “Halodrol Liquigels™” and it has been created
to replace what was easily the greatest prohormone success story of all
time, that being Halodrol-50™ tablets. I’m going to allow Bill and Bruce to
tell you about this product and their respective roles in creating it. But I am
happy to say, after holding my breath for a long time hoping this did not
blow up in my face, I am 100% confident that Bill, Bruce and Patrick hit the
nail on the head and we’ve got another homerun product here at Gaspari
Nutrition. Let’s see what Halodrol Liquigels™ contain:
DSHEA Compliant Non-Hormonal Mediated
Myotrophy & Myogenesis
By William Llewellyn
Arachidonic Acid
I think the best way to describe Arachidonic Acid (AA) is to call it a hypertrophic catalyst actually. What I mean is this nutrient sits at the very center of the entire anabolic process. It is core to the body’s natural response
to resistance training - regulating those early changes in tissue physiology after exercise which facilitates muscle repair and growth. You couldn’t grow without AA, and likewise your sensitivity to growth is partly dictated by how much arachidonic acid you have in your muscles. At the risk
of sounding boastful, I will say that enhancing AA levels in the body is one
of the most exciting and effective new strategies for supporting muscle
growth. I should know. I patented the idea, and have been working more
closely with this nutrient than anyone else in the fitness industry for the
past several years (Please, don’t get up. I am already patting myself on
the back). This stuff works exceedingly well, and if you give me a few
minutes to explain, I think I’ll make a believer out of you too.
Before we go any further, let’s first go over the basics. Arachidonic Acid
is an Omega-6 essential fatty acid. We normally consume it in animal
products such as meat, eggs, and milk. Don’t let the label “essential fatty
acid” fool you though. Arachidonic Acid has a number of very significant
roles in the body, the least of which is not the regulation of muscle
growth. It is also now commonly added to baby formulas to aid in the neurological and muscular development of infants. It is without question one
powerful nutrient. Normally we consume only a couple of hundred milligrams of AA per day, which is enough to get what we need to function.
It is not, however, enough for an optimal anabolic response to weightlifting. Old-time bodybuilders, and many bodybuilders today, instinctively
know this. When you hear someone extolling the benefits of eating extra
I know all this is fine and good, but by now you are probably wondering
just how much of a difference supplementing Arachidonic acid in an anabolic formula like Halodrol Liquigels™ can really make for you. The answer
is, a big one - a very big one. Because AA is a central catalyst for the anabolic response cascade, intensifying its levels will have the effect of
essentially amplifying the whole cascade. When testosterone drops in to
visit the local muscle cells, for example, it will find more available
receptors to send its message. More messages will be sent, and more
tissue will be built. IGF-1 and insulin reap the benefits of enhanced local
sensitivity as well, which are two very powerful hormones involved in
nutrient partitioning, the shifting of protein synthesis and breakdown
rates, and the activation and strengthening of the satellite cell cycle.
These important anabolic events are all downstream from the release of
AA, and are all amplified or dampened depending on the amount of AA
available for release. Increased AA storage should only result in one
thing - more muscle size, more muscle strength, and better anaerobic
AA may be myotrophic, but is it safe? That is an obvious and important
question, as safety can often be an issue with powerful myotrophic
agents. Thankfully, in this case AA can be deemed extremely safe when
used by healthy exercising individuals. Many studies have been conducted on the safety of this nutrient, and all have concluded that there is
no danger with its use. For example, it has been shown that AA supplementation in doses even much higher than you will get with each serving
of Halodrol Liquigels™ will have no effect on such things as lipids (Lipids,
1997 Apr; 32(4):427-33), immune function (Lipids, 1997 Apr; 32(4):449-56), or
blood platelets/coagulation (Lipids, 1997 Apr;32(4):421-5). Furthermore, a
recent study my company, Molecular Nutrition, has funded on
Arachidonic acid with Baylor University again confirmed no changes in
general markers of health (presented at the International Society of
Sports Medicine conference, June 15, 2006). What is even more striking,
however, was the effect AA had on a key inflammatory marker (IL-6).
Arachidonic acid supplementation, when combined with resistance
training, caused a strong reduction in levels of IL-6. This represents a
potential protective benefit by lowering systemic inflammation. AA supplementation during resistance training is not only safe, dare I say it may
even turn out to be healthy!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 Halodrol Liquigels
I was very excited when Bruce Kneller and Gaspari Nutrition first contacted me about his potential reformulation of the original Halodrol-50™.
Bruce is a prolific colleague; a sharp guy with a good eye for tweaking
the various anabolic systems in the body. As our conversation turned to
potential ingredients and AA, I quickly began to see a great opportunity
for Gaspari Nutrition to harness the anabolic power of Arachidonic acid.
I know Bruce will be explaining the other final ingredients, so I will not
bother going into redundancy here. I just request that you take a minute
and look at exactly what Halodrol Liquigels™ represents - a truly multifaceted approach to augmenting the body’s core anabolic systems. The
attack comes at several levels, supporting hormone sensitivity on one
hand, and proliferation and action on the other. Together, we see a more
”unified” approach to myotrophic/strength augmentation. I am excited to
have been part of developing what I know will be deemed a revolutionary anabolic product.
DSHEA Compliant Hormonal Mediated
Myotrophy & Myogenesis
By Bruce Kneller
6-OXO® is the brand name for androst-4-ene-3,6,17-trione, a novel,
DSHEA compliant anti-aromatase found in beef and discovered by
Patrick Arnold is licensed exclusively for use with Arachidonic Acid in
Halodrol Liquigels™ to Gaspari Nutrition by Ergopharm/Proviant. Androst4-ene-3,6,17-trione was the subject of a recent study at Baylor University
which demonstrated that it can more than double free testosterone levels with short term (3 week) use. In another study presented by Thomas
Incledon, PhDc, RD, LD/LN, RPT, NSCA-CPT, CSCS at the American
College of Nutrition 44th Annual Meeting, oral ingestion of androst-4-ene3,6,17-trione did not lead to the increase of any clinical safety markers
tested over 21 days continuous use (these markers included - triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, albumin, glucose, BUN, creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide, calcium, total protein,
globulin, total bilirubin, ALP, ALT, AST, WBCs with differential, RBCs, MCV,
MCHC, hematocrit, and hemoglobin). There is a very high probability that
combining 6-OXO® with the other ingredients in Halodrol Liquigels™ will
provide an increased synergy between all the ingredients, increasing the
positive benefits of all the ingredients beyond what they can accomplish
individually. I cannot thank Patrick Arnold enough for his valuable input
and for allowing us to use 6-OXO® in this truly once in a lifetime product.
Now that we have maximized endogenously produced myogenic/trophic
steroidal compounds with Ergopharm/Proviant’s material, (and with the soon
to be noted addition below of DHEA and 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone), we have
to admit that we, and all other similar “knock-off products”, have a vexing
problem. Most steroidal compounds “float around” in the bloodstream
“stuck” to something. An example is the vast majority of testosterone in the
body is bound to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) – and if it is bound to
“something” it means it absolutely can not interact with a receptor (as in the
Anabolic Receptor) to stimulate the nuclei of muscle cells to go into hyperdrive to produce new muscle mass. So what to do about it? For a few years
now, we’ve all known that an herb called Stinging Nettle Root (Urtica dioica)
contained something called “lignans” that would competitively bind to SHBG,
thereby “bumping off” the sex hormones (e.g. - testosterone, whatever) so
they could interact with the Anabolic Receptor of the muscle cells. Good idea
Introducing Halodrol Liquigels
in theory but sometimes theories don’t pan out well in the real world (how
many times have cancers been cured in mice only to fail when the same compound was tested in man?). So what’s the problem with this herb, why does
it probably not work as claimed or as it could in most supplements? The reason is two fold. 1) There are six (6) separate lignans in Stinging Nettle Root
that have anywhere from ZERO effect on SHBG to a MAXIMAL effect on
SHBG. Of the six found in the herb, -(-)3,4-divanillytetrahydrofuran is CLEARLY the most effective (Plant Med, 1997, Dec(63)6:529-32) and 2) the VAST
majority of Stinging Nettle Root is extracted to contain a paltry 1% total lignan
content (not just the maximally effective one, 1% total for ALL six of them!)
with the occasional, and more expensive 10% extract used by some of the
better companies. My thoughts were, ‘well why not just have the pure, maximally effective -(-)3,4-divanillytetrahydrofuran made and use that instead
since it seems to be a “no brainer.” Duh! Well that is exactly what we did! My
brother-in-law over in China had his laboratory synthesize this pure lignan.
You may wonder why other companies choose not to do this (and perhaps by
the time you read this, some may indeed have followed our lead)? The reason is simple? M-O-N-E-Y. The good stuff ain’t cheap!
The 1% extract costs 1/70th the price per kg as does pure -(-) 3,4-divanillytetrahydrofuran! And that is not for a full 1% -(-)3,4-divanillytetrahydrofuran because there are five other less effective lignans in the extracted
version! To put this into perspective for you - a company using typical,
commercially available standardized Urtica dioica herbal extract at 1%
would need to use almost 1,500mg of the extract per dose (that’s over a
full gram folks!) in order to equal the lignan content of pure -(-)3,4-divanillytetrahydrofuran we put into each Halodrol Liquigel™ and again, it still
would not be equal because 1,500mg of “the other stuff” has those five
other, less effective, grossly inferior lignans in it. Ask yourself this question - Why would you buy a product that uses a less effective, lower
dosed version of something when ‘the good stuff” is readily available and
not much more money for the final product? Yeah, I was wondering the
same thing.
The easiest way for me to tell you what an ecdysterone does is with an
analogy. Ecdysterones are to insects what Testosterone or Dianabol are
to humans. There are many types of ecdysterone compounds, and
among them, the 20-hydroxy variant is clearly considered the most
potent. So why put this compound in a product for humans when it seems
to be meant for and found in insects? Good question.
The single most important factor in maximizing and maintaining muscle
enhancement is your physiological environment. Ecdysterones, especially the 20-hydroxy variant, appear to create a very positive, myotrophic environment in the body human and insect alike. Such conditions for
creating an ideal myotrophic environment include maintaining a positive
nitrogen balance and increasing protein synthesis along with a solid
work out plan and a proper diet high in quality protein. Arachidonic Acid
supplementation, as my astute colleague Bill Llewellyn has so eloquently pointed out is also a positive factor in creating a near-perfect physiological environment for muscle augmentation to develop.
Maintaining positive nitrogen balance and increasing protein synthesis
without also incurring hormone-like side effects was the challenge which
was why Eastern European and Soviet era scientists became so excited
about ecdysterones when in 1963 when a study found that certain ecdysterones enhanced the rate of protein synthesis in some animals other
than insects. This was the genesis of dozens of research trials demonstrating the positive myotrophic effect that (20-hydroxy) ecdysterone
could induce while simultaneously showing no clinical side effects.
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
Studies conducted in the former Soviet Union in 1980’s showed 20-hydroxyecdysterone helps "increase hepatic protein synthesis and subsequently promotes positive nitrogen balance!" How does this lead to more myotrophy?
Well, the more nitrogen your body maintains and the greater rate of protein
synthesis, the more muscle mass you can pack on, period! How, exactly,
does 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone do this? A talented scientist by the name of
Smetanin, who ran trials at the Smolenk State Medical Institute in Russia
concluded that 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone decreases urea concentration in the
body and increases hemoglobin levels by increasing a process called erythropoiesis. Erythropoiesis is the genesis of red blood cells. This leads to a
stimulation of the anabolic process in protein metabolism, which in turn leads
to a positive nitrogen balance in the body.
The most often cited study using 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone in humans was
published in Scientific Sports Bulletin by Simakin in 1988. The objective of
Simakin’s famous study was to determine the effect of 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone on muscle and fat mass, while checking all study subjects thoroughly
for any significant, negative hormonal changes. Simakin made sure that for
this study, that three cohorts were used: a placebo group, a protein only
group, and a 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone with protein group. The results were
significantly in favor of the third cohort. Of the close to 80 highly trained male
and female athletes in the “protein only group” they demonstrated only a
slight increase in muscle mass for the 10 day study duration. Those who used
a placebo lost a slight amount of lean muscle, while those subjects randomized to the protein plus 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone cohort demonstrated a 6-7%
increase in lean muscle tissue with nearly a 10% reduction in fat! Let me
reiterate this again: A 10% reduction in fat and a 7% increase in lean muscle
tissue in just 10 days! Safety testing was conducted during the same time
period which showed no real significant difference in hormone levels.
Because building muscle with estrogen, even small amounts of estrogenic
material is CLEARLY faster and easier than doing so without. The best anabolic steroids for gaining mad, crazy mass (testosterone, Dianabol, Anadrol-50) all
aromatize into some sort of estrogen. The goal here was to minimize the “bad
estrogen” with the AI (decrease or eliminate estradiol synthesis) and replace
it with a quasi-anabolic that has some very low estrogenic (minimal, but
enough to get the job done) cross over. Remember, without an estrogenic
effect of some sort, your blood lipid/cholesterol levels will go sky high (dangerous) and it is possible IGF-1 and GH levels will plummet into the grave. So while
6-OXO®, new AI helps to prevent your body from producing what we’ll call
“toxic estrogen” (estradiol - the potent estrogen responsible for the “bad
effects of some things” - like causing gynecomastia and testicular shrinkage),
we needed to replace a ‘bad estrogen’ with something that was or had the
potential to become very mildly estrogenic and yet myotrophic at the same
time. DHEA was the clear and obvious (and legal) choice. This is the reason
that while Halodrol Liquigels™ is a fantastic product for packing on the pounds
as fast as possible and faster than anything else I can think of that is DSHEA
compliant and legal; it is the most scientifically well thought out hormonal and
non-hormonal combination myotrophic and legal supplement EVER to be sold
in the supplement industry, but it is not suggested for post-cycle therapy
(Novedex XT® on the other hand, is ideally suited to pick up where Halodrol
Liquigels™ leaves off. In fact, the suggested and best/safest way to use Halodrol
Liquigels™ is for 40 days on and then start Novedex XT® for another 20 days. I
want to thank Bill Llewellyn for letting me “bounce” some of the ideas for the
hormonal side of this product off him, despite his primary responsibility being
the non-hormonal, AA side of things. Without Bill’s brilliant insights, this product might have looked quite different or may not have happened at all.
Another study conducted using over 100 athletes performed by B.G. Fadeev
in Russia demonstrated some amazing overall results. About 90% of those
who ingested 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone versus a placebo reported less
fatigue, greater performance, more motivation, greater speed, and improved
strength in less than 120 hours after the first dose with no side effects!
20-hydroxy-ecdysterone is a naturally occurring moiety found in the herbs
Rhaponticum/Leuzeae and Cyanotis vaga, has been on the market since the late
1980’s and is therefore completely DSHEA compliant. The problem is that most
products that contain or claim to contain 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone as extracted
from these herbs either really don’t or contain so little of this cool moiety as to be
essentially useless. This is where Rich Gaspari decided not to mess around.
Gaspari Nutrition is one of a handful (and we admit there are a few others, but
“few” is the key word) of American companies to have located a source for
clean and pure 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone manufactured to 97%+ purity through a
biochemical reactive synthesis. This insures that you’re getting TIP TOP - TOP
NOTCH stuff in Gaspari Nutrition’s product, the stuff you need to see the results
you want and not some 1.5% concentrated plant material that really only contains 1/100th the dose needed to see a tangible result and is on the label so the
company can say “well we put it in there too!”. The cheap-o, essentially useless and low percentaged extract is a few hundred bucks per kg. The clean,
pure chemical is closer to $25,000/kg. But the philosophy here is that paying
money, even a little bit for something that does essentially nothing is bad business. So we opted to make less profit on this product and went with the clean,
97%+ pure 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone. And we’re pretty confident you’ll notice the
difference and be happy we went this route.
DHEA is the “original” prohormone even if it is crude and several metabolic
steps away from being an effective myotrophic. Without the addition of an aromatase inhibitor while using a good dose of DHEA, there is a risk of aromatizaton of the material to various estrogens and in fact, some of the metabolites of
DHEA, in spite of the presence of a good anti-aromatase will cross react with
and loosely bind to the estrogen receptor (very slightly). So why put something
in a product that might have a potential ‘estrogen like effect’ (albeit very small)?
By Rich Gaspari
Phew! Well the new Halodrol Liquigels™ are done, have been beta tested and
the results are pretty darn impressive. Gains of 10-15 pounds of lean muscle
mass, increased vascularity and muscle density, thickness and an unexpected benefit, a few pounds of fat loss, were parameters all clearly visible in every
member of our beta test group over 40 days use. That’s less than a month and
a half! As you know, I was skeptical about Bill and Bruce being able to work
together and agree on how to formulate this project without killing each other
but it seems my concerns ended up being a waste of time. In addition to that,
to have the dream of bringing the influence of a giant like Patrick Arnold into
the mix and have that become a reality as well is nothing short of miraculous.
These 3 guys, the current reigning “triple threat, best supplement formulators
in the industry and perhaps in all history,” have created what will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the greatest super supplements of all time. And
because of this, all of you who try this new and exciting supplement, destined
to be the absolute best non-hormone + hormone combinational mass building
supplement of the future are going to be very happy. Very, very happy.
Because Halodrol Liquigels™ absolutely falls within the Gaspari Nutrition
Company core value – We are the brand that works!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition: 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 PlasmaJet Gaspari Nutrition’s New Arginine/NO Product
Jump Ahead Exactly 20 Years
By Bruce Kneller
Nitric Oxide
Instant Myotrophic
Hyperexpansion Growth Kit
• Massive Muscle Pumps
• Increases Gains in Lean Muscle Mass,
Strength and Stamina
• Increased Vascularity
• Stimulates Glycogen Building in
Skeletal Muscle
• Maximum Vasodilation
• Increased Uptake of Amino Acids and
Other Nutrients
• Increased Male Sexual Performance
• Post Cycle Therapy Powerhouse
After almost 2 years in development,
the most intense and effective nitric
oxide boosting product ever seen or
sold in the sports supplement industry... and we mean EVER, is here. We
knew the last thing this industry needed was another “me too” NO product,
but when you come across something
so unique and so powerful that its
bound to obliterate an entire category,
what choice did we have. This is not
just about instant gratification…its
about big gains – now and down the
road. Sure PlasmaJet™ will increase
definition and vascularity, but also size,
strength and endurance on a level previously unattainable by ANY other
nitric oxide mediated sports supplement EVER! Finally, a Nitric Oxide product that will really take your physique
to new heights... and not just for a few
fleeting hours or a few days. Forget
your previous experience or preconceived notions about what NO products can or can’t do. You’ll be amazed
at what PlasmaJet™ will do for you!
Stack with: SuperPump250™, SizeOn™,
Halodrol Liquigels™, Novedex XT®,
IntraPro™, and Cytolean™.
Gaspari Nutrition’s New
Arginine/NO Product
And The Winner is... Gaspari SizeOn™
Very recently, an independent and very important
clinical research study was conducted under the
supervision of Dr. Tim Ziegenfuss at the prestigious Ohio Research Group. The study involved a
comparison of Gaspari SizeOn™ to Creatine Ethyl
Ester + 31g carbohydrate to Arginine alphaKetoglutarate + 31g of carbohydrate. There were
ten subjects in each cohort (30 total) and each
subject consumed a single serving per day of
whatever product they were randomized to. As
most people easily predicted the Arginine test
group came in dead last (by a HUGE margin) in
almost every testing parameter from size, LBM,
strength, fat loss, endurance, etc. It would seem
that the simple, daily ingestion of Arginine really is
not as effective as Creatine Ethyl Ester (and surely not SizeOn™). I have a secret to tell you that really is not a well kept secret by anyone with any
knowledge in this industry. We already knew this!
It is my opinion that almost every Arginine (nitric
oxide/NO) product currently in the sports nutrition
market does not really do much and is a waste of
money if used as directed. If Arginine works so
well on its own, why do so many companies need
to stuff their NO products with some type of
Creatine too? Why is it that a “pure” NO/Arginine
based product doesn’t “do much” and is there
anything that can be done to fix this? Allow me to
Big Heart... Big Penis
When I was but a wee lad of perhaps seven
years, I noticed my grandfather had to occasionally take these little white pills (nitroglycerine)
when he had something called “an angina
attack.” I had no idea what that meant other than
I thought grandpa might somehow turn into a
woman and acquire her sex organs. Hey, I was
seven years old, what do you want? But I did
make a very astute observation one day when
grandpa had an angina attack. Why not just take
those little white nitroglycerine pills all the time
instead of only when you have a vagina/angina
attack instead of waiting for the attack to happen? That’s a pretty slick observation for a kid of
only 7 years, eh? I mean why suffer, just take the
little white pill every 6 hours or whatever and
never have chest pain ever again?
When I was 27 years old and in the best shape of
my life, I was a replete misogynist who used my
physique and cunning to ‘score’ with as many hottie women as possible in the local nightclubs in
the Boston area. I was a pig, an ass, I objectified
women. I admit the mistakes of my misspent
youth! Every new one was merely a notch on my
bedpost. One woman I met, this hot little red head
that I had nothing in common with except we both
liked hot sex, was someone I kept on “the back
burner” – if the pickin’s were slim on Saturday
night, a quick call to her at 3AM to set up a booty
call would be in order. Did I mention my lil’ red
headed friend was bisexual too?
So it was late, the weather sucked at the end of
August 1995, and the women at the nightclub
were not looking any better despite a half dozen
“Irish Car Bombs”. What’s a guy to do? I called
the red head. Only she was “busy” with some hot
little brunette 102 pound ‘spinnerette’ and they
wanted no part of me that night. They did, however, want to know if I could get them some Viagra®
(which was brand new at the time) to “experiment
with.” I couldn’t but I did know that my late mentor, Dan Duchaine, probably could manage to
snag me some and mail them to me. This would
not get me laid tonight but perhaps I could negotiate a ménage au trios with these ladies the following weekend if I promised to grab some. Dan,
who I immediately called, was all too happy to
help provided I give him “play by play” details of
how the whole thing went (he was as much of a
demented pervert in the day as I was. So I got my
Viagra® and I got my ménage with two really
smokin’ babes. Now (and I am loathe to admit
this) I think I lasted about three minutes before ‘the
gun fired” if you catch my drift. I was so excited
but hey, I had taken 50mg of Viagra®. In less than
15 minutes I was ready to rock them both again.
This went on for almost a full day and every 6 or 7
hours I would pop another Viagra® to “keep on,
keepin’ on!” But about 18 hours into this marathon
session of debauchery, things went ghastly awry
and much to my horror I went totally limp. I mean
absolutely A-flat, no wood, limp!!! Nothing would
help. Not two women on me at the same time, not
another 50mg of Viagra®... NOTHING! This was...
err... ”not cool” in my book.
There is a very simple reason why my grandpa did
not take his nitroglycerine tablets every day to
prevent angina attacks and why the Viagra®
stopped working after about 18 hours of non-stop,
sweaty sex for me – both of them (like Arginine)
work via the NO system. And that system has a
couple of co-factors that are time dependent and
limited (those being NADH and NO synthetase
aka NOS). Quite simply, if grandpa (or anyone)
took nitroglycerine every day, within 2 days, he’d
have overstimulated the NO system so much he’d
be shit out of luck as he’d have used up all the
NADH and NOS. This would mean no more
vasodilation. And probably a heart attack to boot.
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
The same is exactly true regarding my Viagra® debacle. I simple ran out of
other co-factors not included in the Viagra® tab so the blood vessels in my
penis would no longer dilate. And if you take an Arginine product every day,
and I mean ANY Arginine product every day, my guess is that after 3 days it’s
gonna stop working until you lay off it for 2-3-4 days so your body can get it’s
NADH and NOS level’s back up.
This is a critical and keypoint. If you take a product containing a significant
(more than 3g) Arginine everyday you may be doing more harm to you your
physique/athletic performance than good.
So the question is, “How can we resolve this situation to use the NO mediated vasodilation system to our advantage and is it even possible?”
The flavanoid quercetin (relatively inexpensive and easily available) dramatically increases NOS activity/production so it needs to be in any NO product (J
Hypertens. 2006 Jan;24(1):75-84.) because it would make any supplement that
relies on an NO mediated system more effective. So why don’t we see all
these Arginine and NO products loaded with quercetin then like PlasmaJet™
contains? Additionally, red wine extract/polyphenols (FASEB J. 2005
Mar;19(3):455-7.) demonstrably increases the synthesis of NOS (which is
needed to make more NO!) via the redox-sensitive activation of the PI3kinase/Akt pathway in the vascular endothelial cells which, in turn, causes
phosphorylation of NOS, resulting in an increased formation of NO.
The answer to the latter part of that question is “yes, we can resolve this situation, in many ways, some easy, some a bit more complex, it is possible.”
Whether or not this will yield a massively noticeable effect in body composition is another matter (but I would argue that vasodilation and plasma expansion allows for more nutrients and oxygen to get to the muscle cells while
allowing more waste products like urea, BUN, creatinine and CO2 to be shuttled away from the muscle cells faster, yielding increases in recovery time as
well as the laying down of actin and myosin). So how the heck do ya do it, guy?
To have an effective NO mediated product you just can’t have Arginine! You
need to increase the amounts of NOS to make NO from Arginine as well as
NADH and other co-factors or else no matter how much Arginine... any type
of Arginine... you consume, it in will end up “petering out” when you run out
of NOS, NADH, etc., in the vascular endothelium! There is no way around it!
That’s just a fact of life! How much NADH do the other guys have in their NO
product? Do they have any at all? If not why not, the stuff is readily available. PlasmaJet™ has a whopper dose of this vital co-factor of NO production in the formula.
1st Key Point: It’s not so much ‘how’ but ‘when’ that is
important & critical
Most Arginine-type NO supplements suggest you take them everyday. This is a
bad idea in my opinion for reasons already discussed. The easiest solution to
resolving the Arginine/NO tolerance issue is NOT TO TAKE ARGININE in large
amounts everyday. We decided, that after testing PlasmaJet™ on some “big
guns” along the Jersey Shore that you should never mega-dose on Arginine
more that 3-4X per week and it best taken just prior or during workouts. This
allows for maximal stimulation of the NO system and peak vasodilation – it
means more nutrients and O2 gets to muscle, letting you do the extra reps, and
it means more garbage/waste products get ferreted away, including CO2, so the
muscles cells can start healing immediately with no delay. So even if you don’t
want to try PlasmaJet™ you can still use the other companies Arginine/NO products – just don’t use them everyday, only use them on 3-4X per week before you
hit the gym. See, I’m being pretty forthright here, even if you elect to use the
“other guy’s NO product” I just saved you 50% in the cost of your supplement
and surely helped to optimize your results from said product.
2nd Key Point: Are there any supplements that can
extend the effects of Arginine or the needed co-factors
(NADH and NOS) to maximize the time of vasodilation?
In a word – YES! There are plenty and some of them are dirt cheap. Let’s look
at what things we can throw into the mix to make Arginine work longer and
better, along with NADH and NOS. These are the “prime movers” of
PlasmaJet™ – it has other, secondary and critical ingredients but for the sake
of brevity, I can’t discuss each and everyone, just those that are absolutely of
most importance to the product -
Vitamin C (J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2002 Dec;40(6):890-7.) greatly enhances
NOS activity by increasing something called intracellular tetrahydrobiopterin.
This is a very inexpensive and highly efficacious way to extend the effects of
arginine/NO based vasodilation and I am stunned that no other company
before Gaspari Nutrition opted to add sufficiently effective amounts of Vitamin
C to their Arginine based, NO mediated supplements. For literally pennies
(Vitamin C is very inexpensive) a company can make any Arginine based NO
supplement from 29%-85%+ more effective at preventing decrease of vascular tone and attenuation. Yes you read that correctly, up to 85% more effective
just by adding a good dose of Vitamin C. Vitamin C seems to have a tangible,
beneficial effect on NO bioavailability induced by Arginine too (Heart. 2005
Oct;91(10):1319-23.). So it’s really stupid not to have substantial amounts of
Vitamin C with any Arginine based product!
The herb “Horny Goat Weed” (Epimedium sagittatum) has been used as a
male aphrodisiac in Chinese herbal medicine for hundreds of years. It’s been
somewhat effective in this role as a “natural version of Viagra®” most likely
because of a single flavanoid contained in the herb called Icariin. This is
another “why didn’t the other guys think to put this into their NO mediated supplement” type of chemical. Icariin seems to actually work at genetically
causing an increased capacity for the production of NO (Acta Pharmacol Sin.
2006 Mar;27(3):311-20). Additionally, when pure (98%) Icariin was given orally
to several test groups of rats (Asian J Androl. 2005 Dec;7(4):381-8) it also
caused a significant increase in the amount of NOS as well as increasing the
percent of smooth muscle found in the corpus cavernosum (penis) of the rats.
So this stuff seems to be a winner from many angles – it works at increasing
both NO and NOS and it increases the amount of muscle found in the blood
vessel... can you say bigger, harder erections? If you can’t, you can certainly
say ‘bigger, harder muscles” because an increase in vascular smooth muscle percentage, which is something Icariin causes, means potential increases in the dilation capacity of a blood vessel – this would make Icariin a critical ingredient to any NO mediated supplement in my opinion. Gaspari’s new
PlasmaJet™ contains one of the purest Icariin currently sold today and is
much more potent than the commercial Horny Goat Weed which is found in
our supplement market place today (Horny Goat Weed typically contains up
to 1-%10% Icariin by weight).
There is another Chinese herb (Jiaogulan which is also known as the “immortality herb” containing Gypenoside) that should also be in any NO mediated
supplement to radically increase the efficacy of the product. In a study done
in 1999 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Department of
Veterans Affairs Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee, Gypenoside extracted from
Gynostemma pentaphyllum was tested in a clinical study (Nitric Oxide. 1999
Oct;3(5):359-65) and reported to be effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases requiring vasodilation (like angina); the study clearly demonstrated Gypenoside caused vasorelaxation/dilation through the direct release of
endothelium-derived nitric oxide. Nitric oxide production in bovine aortic
endothelial cells grown under standard tissue culture conditions was quantitated using a chemiluminescence method. The scientists tested the effect of
Gypenoside and found that this causes a dose dependent vasorelaxation/dilation WHICH WAS REVERSIBLE by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(G)nitro-l-arginine methyl ester. These results demonstrate that Gypenoside
directly stimulates nitric oxide release from cells. The Gaspari product uses
the pure chemical (gypenoside) and not the herbal extract or dried herb.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 PlasmaJet Gaspari Nutrition’s New Arginine/NO Product
The next critical ingredient found in PlasmaJet and I might add, found exclusively in PlasmaJet™ (in an NO formula that is) is something really cool.
Adenosine 5’-TriPhosphate [(ATP) is the ONLY energy source that the human
body can truly utilize, irrespective of aerobic or anaerobic activity. Go on, read
the sentence again, you know you want to! ATP is responsible for virtually all
(100%) of metabolic processes in living organisms. It is responsible for regulating every physiological activity through its interactions with receptors. But
in addition to being the base fuel source for human life, ATP also has some
very interesting, if not unique NO/vasodilatory properties too. Because
Gaspari Nutrition has the utmost respect for intellectual property
rights/patents, we have engaged Dr. Eliot Rapaport of Harvard University
fame/TSI. Dr. Rapaport has spent more than 30 years studying the physiological actions of ATP and is the recognized expert on adenosine nucleotides. He
currently holds EIGHT issued patents regarding ATP use with many more
pending. Gaspari Nutrition has successfully agreed to license ATP (more
specifically, in the form of the disodium salt, NA2ATP – tradename is
PeakATP®) from Dr. Rapaport/TSI for use in an NO type product (PlasmaJet™).
So what will the unique, added PeakATP® found exclusively in PlasmaJet™
mean to you regarding NO/vasodilation? Read on!
ATP has been demonstrated to increase vasodilation by stimulating endogenous NO synthesis in STRIATED MUSCLE (the kind of muscle found in your
biceps and deltoids for example). ATP has been shown to enhance the delivery of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients to WORKING SKELETAL MUSCLES
(those biceps and shoulders again!). ATP “works” at “giving you a massive
pump” by increasing NO synthesis, NO independent prostacyclin dilation
(PG12) and NO independent EDHF synthesis among other things. A small
increase in blood ATP levels can cause an 8% increase in blood vessel diameter and a 17% increase in blood flow. That might not sound like a lot but if you
have say…18” arms or so, an 8% increase in the diameter of your arms would
mean your arms would measure around better than 21” (remember r2 from
math class now?)!!! Sound substantial yet?!? Let’s review the various mechanisms that ATP can increase “pump” as well as some other ways it will lead
to bigger, fuller muscles above and beyond the NO mechanisms (this is like
getting a “freebie” or “extra bonuses” here)?!?
• ATP stimulates glycogen building in skeletal muscle via GLUT4
insulin transport.
• ATP increases vasodilation via the ATP degenerated product
adenosine as a vasodilator.
• ATP increases oxygen flow and L-Arginine uptake through GLUT4
insulin transport which increases the uptake of amino acids and
other nutrients.
• ATP synergizes with CoQ10, an electron transport carrier, during
the process of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, increasing bioavailability with an increase of O2 flow.
ATP does all this (and more) with absolutely no adverse effect on heart rate or
blood pressure, it is not a stimulant and in clinical research studies (studies done
on real living people and not in a Petri dish somewhere) NO SIDE EFFECTS
HUMAN TEST SUBJECTS) IN OVER 30 DAYS OF TREATMENT! For more information about the safety and efficacy of ATP (specifically the PeakATP® that
Gaspari Nutrition licenses for use in our NO product PlasmaJet™) please see
MED SCI SPTS EXERC. 2004;983-990 – J RHEUMATOLOGY 2005; JUN;32(6):11141117 – PHARMACOEPIDEMIOL DRUG SAF 2005; DEC; 14(12): 861-867
Remember, Gaspari Nutrition’s new PlasmaJet™ NO product is the only company using ATP in an NO product due to our license with the patent holder, Dr.
Eliot Rapaport/TSI. You can only get ATP in an NO product by using PlasmaJet™
and I would imagine, due to its obvious effectiveness in helping to build muscle fast and its apparent high margin of safety when compared to other ingredients in other products, you’re going to want to use the PeakATP® for sure.
Remember this here: A good Arginine product is of the utmost importance
to anyone who has used any type of hormonal product for Post-Cycle
Therapy (PCT).
The treatment of low sperm count with L-arginine was first reported many
years ago. In one of these early studies, 178 men with low sperm count were
given 4 grams of L-arginine daily. Extremely low sperm count was diagnosed
in 93 of these subjects. Treatment ceased in subjects who showed no
improvement after two months. A 100% increase in sperm count was
achieved in 42 cases, resulting in 15 pregnancies. There was marked increase
in sperm number and motility in an additional 69 patients, resulting in another
13 pregnancies.
Subsequent studies have shown that L-arginine improves sperm count and
motility. A recent small study credited L-arginine with producing pregnancies,
but larger clinical trials are needed to confirm the efficacy seen in the early
work. If you are not using an Arginine based NO product during your PCT then
you’re really not maximizing your PCT therapy. In addition to possibly preventing catabolism of the muscle you just worked so hard to gain, Arginine is going
to “help the boys produce shooters that work again.”
I cite the following dozen medical studies conducted over the last decade to
justify my position that Arginine is useful and needed as a PCT agent (there are
something like 130 studies demonstrating this but I only had time to read a
dozen or so of them) –
Braz J Med Biol Res. 2006 May;39(5):581-8.
Cell Biol Int. 2005 Sep;29(9):785-91.
Arch Androl. 2004 May-Jun;50(3):173-9.
J Androl. 2004 Mar-Apr;25(2):245-9.
Urology. 2001 Jul;58(1):85-9.
Mol Hum Reprod. 1997 Sep;3(9):755-62.
Biol Reprod. 2006 May;74(5):954-8.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2004 Sep 24;1674(2):215-21.
Mol Hum Reprod. 2004 May;10(5):355-63. Epub 2004 Mar 2.
Ginecol Obstet Mex. 2003 Jun;71:297-303.
Biophys J. 1998 Sep;75(3):1522-8.
Mol Hum Reprod. 1996 Nov;2(11):873-8.
In conclusion, there can be NO DOUBTS as to the usefulness of Arginine/NO
for bodybuilders or any other resistance training athletes, especially those
that have dabbled in hormonal augmentation (legal or otherwise). Arginine
mediated NO synthesis will stop working in a matter of days and the usefulness of Arginine is dubious if it is used on a daily basis. We suggest using
an Arginine product no more than every other day at a maximum.
Additionally, there are several co-factors needed to insure a maximal
vasodilatory response to Arginine that many products on the market do not
incorporate into their formulas. This problem has been corrected with
Gaspari Nutrition’s PlasmaJet™ NO stimulating product. Why did we call it
PlasmaJet™? Because in the world of chemistry and physics, “plasma” is
the highest, most excited state of matter. The “hottest” thing. Run one
PlasmaJet™ Kit (or one oral dose for that matter!) and see what a true scientific approach to NO can do.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
A Word From Marzia
“I would really like to thank Gaspari
Nutrition for all of their support the last
three years. It has been very rewarding
to work with a company that truly
believes in integrity. Their products
have played a very important role in
my training and nutrition.”
Marzia Prince
Gaspari Nutrition would like to
send a warm congratulations to
team athlete and spokesmodel
Marzia Prince on winning the
2007 Ms. Bikini Universe.
Look for Marzia’s column “Dear
Marzia” in the Ladie’s Room on
our website and in future issues
of Planet Muscle magazine.
Photo by Walt Ostarly
Training Advanced Training Program For The Intermediate to Advanced Athlete
Rich Gaspari’s
This sample training regimen for the intermediate to
advanced athlete is a time-tested and true method for achieving substantial results fast, including marked increases in muscle mass, strength, and cardiovascular fitness. It is by training
in this fashion and the results thereafter that many advanced
athletes say was their “right of passage” into the true sport and
passion that is bodybuilding.
CHEST – 1.5 to 2 minute rest in between all chest exercises
• Incline Dumbell or Barbell Press: 4 sets- 1X12, 1X10, 1X8, 1X15
(Pyramid up 1st sets heavy with a lighter final set for more reps)
• Incline Dumbell Fly: 3 sets of 10-12
• Flat Bench, Dumbell or Barbell: 3 sets of 6-8
• Dips: 4 sets to failure
TRICEPS – 30 second rest in between all triceps sets
• Cable Triceps Pushdowns: 1X12, 1X10, 1X8, 1X6
• Lying Tricep Skull Crushers or Close Grip Bench: 1X15, 1X12, 1X10, 1X8
• Over Head Triceps Extensions: 3 sets of 10-12
SHOULDERS/SHRUGS – 30-60 seconds rest in between sets
• Seated Front Barbell Press or Dumbell Press: 4-5 sets of 12,10,8,6,10
(Pyramid up 1st sets heavy with a lighter final set for more reps)
• Front lateral Raises with Dumbell or Barbell: 3 sets of 10-12
• Seated or Standing Side Laterals: 4 sets of 10
• Standing Upright Wide Grip Raises, Barbell or Dumbell: 3 sets of 10
or One Arm Side Laterals: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Bent Over Side Laterals: 3 sets of 10-12
• Shrugs with Dumbell or Barbell: 4 sets of 10-12
ABDOMINALS – 30 seconds rest in between sets
• Abs Crunches: 3 sets of 20-25 reps
• Knee Raises: 3 sets of 20-25
BICEPS – 30 seconds rest in between sets
• Standing Dumbell Curls: 3 sets of 10
• Seated Preacher Curls: 3 sets of 10
• 21’s Barbell Curl: Basically do 7 reps of partial curls from bottom to
mid-way than 7 reps of top to mid-way and 7 reps of full curls
• Reverse Barbell Curl: 3 sets of 12
ABDOMINALS – Repeat Abdominal workout from Day 1
LEGS – 1.5 to 2 minutes rest between all sets
• Leg Extensions: 4 sets of 15
• 45 Degree Leg Press: 4 sets of 15
• Hack Squats: 4 sets of 15
• Smith Machine Reverse Lunges: 3 sets of 15
• Lying Leg Curls: 4 sets of 15
• Stiff Legged Dead Lifts: 3 sets of 12
CALVES – 30 seconds rest in between sets
• Standing Calve Raises or Toe Raises on Incline Leg Press:
4 sets of 15-25
• Seated Calve Raises: 4 sets of 15-25
BACK – 1 to 1.5 seconds rest in between sets
• Front Pull Ups or Cable Lat Pull Downs: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
• Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets of 10
• Bend Over Barbell Rows: 3 sets of 10-12
• Deadlifts: 4 sets of 12-10-8-10 reps
CALVES – 30 seconds rest in between sets
• 45 Degree Leg Press Toe Raises: 4 sets of 15
• Seated Calve raises: 4 sets of 15
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Cardio should always be done after weight training to help burn fat
more efficiently.
You will want to use your stores of glycogen, the sugar that is stored in
muscle tissue, as fuel for your more anaerobic weight training. This
will deplete your glycogen stores so that when you do cardio after
training your body has no choice but to burn fat as its fuel source.
It is recommended to be at 65% over your resting heart rate to burn fat.
You can do this by either getting a heart rate monitor or by subtracting
your age from 220 and multiply it by 0.65. This is how many beats per
minute that you want your heart pumping out while you exercise for the
whole session (see page 43). For beginners, a good rule of thumb for
knowing you are burning fat efficiently is to perform cardio at a pace
which makes it slightly difficult to carry on a normal conversation.
Always start out with the least amount of cardio and slowly increase
week to week. Increase time for the first couple of plateaus rather than
the amount of days. For example:
Start with first 2 weeks:
3rd week:
4th week:
5th week:
6th week:
7th week:
8th week:
20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week.
30 minutes 3 times a week.
30 minutes 3 times a week.
40 minutes 3 times a week
40 minutes 4 times a week
40 minutes 5 times a week
50 minutes 5 times a week.
You should not have to go over 1 hour a day per session if you plateau.
For those who have a real hard time losing body fat, you can even do
two sessions of cardio a day and slowly increase.
• SuperPump250: I take 2 to 3 scoops mixed with 6 to 8 oz of water 2030 minutes before workout (If you are a first time user, take 1 scoop for
one week so as to acclimate your system to SuperPump250’s high
nutrient content, then increase to 2 scoops and up to 3 scoops after 2
to three weeks).
On Off-Training Days, I often take 1 to 2 scoops of SuperPump in the
morning to kick start my day.
• SizeOn: During my workout, I take one full scoop mixed with 20-25 oz
of water and sip throughout until finished by the end of the workout.
On Off-Training Days, I take 1 scoop of SizeOn™ at nighttime.
• IntraPro: I use 2 scoops of IntraPro™ two or three times a day depending on how busy my daily schedule is. It’s great in a pinch!
• Halodrol Liquigels: I take 3 Liquigels early in the day before meals for
40 days, then I begin Novedex XT®.
• Novedex XT: I take 2 capsules before bedtime (to see increases of up
to 600% in free testosterone, take 4 capsules at bedtime). Take
Novedex XT® for 4 to 6 weeks and then cycle off to Halodrol Liquigels™.
Halodrol Liquigels™/Novedex XT® cycle can then be repeated.
For best results and safety, the user must be in good physical condition before using this program.
Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
If you are unfamiliar with any of the exercises, ask the advice of an
experienced personal trainer for proper execution of each individual
It is highly recommended that you have a training partner or “spotter”
to assist you when using this or any weight training program. Without
a spotter, you may be putting your personal safety in jeopardy. If you
do not have access to a training partner or spotter, use slightly lighter
weights and go as close to positive failure as possible without risking
Thoroughly stretch and warm up before beginning any exercise session. This is crucial to reducing the chance of injury.
The program should be used by healthy, athletic adults ONLY. Not for
use by persons under the age of 18.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Training Olympia Training Program
The Training Routine Used by Rich Gaspari To Prepare For The IFBB Mr. Olympia
Rich Gaspari’s
As a top Olympia competitor I needed to push myself harder than any
of my competition due to my genetic limitations. The one thing I did
have was tenacity and persistence plus my analytical approach to
training. My pre-contest training routine consisted of many advanced
training methods which included drop sets, forced reps, supersets,
strict slow mo’ reps, and double split routines. My routines also
increased in intensity about 8 weeks out from a competition. This
means I would train my body parts twice a week and split my workout
twice a day. Basically I would train a larger body part in the morning
afterward practicing my posing and cardio, followed up by training a
smaller body part in the afternoon. Here is a typical week’s training 8
weeks out from the Olympia. This routine took 6 days straight with the
7th day for rest.
CALVE TRAINING: I would always train calves first in my workout
and also train them every other day. Calves need much higher reps
than other muscles plus they need to be trained more frequently. I
would actually train calves three times a week. Training them every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
• Lying Crunches: 4 sets of 50 reps
• Hanging Leg Raises: 4 sets of 50 reps
• Twisting Cable Crunches: 3 sets of 50 reps
Posing plays a big role in getting your body harder as well as giving
you much needed endurance on stage. I would basically do mandatory poses and hold for up to 60 seconds. This not only helped in posing
better but also pulled water from the skin and made me harder. The
one thing bodybuilders must know that if you can’t show your body
correctly all that hard work in the gym will go to waste. This was a critical part of my preparation!
ARMS TRAINING: Superset both Triceps and Biceps
• Tricep Cable Pushdowns Supersetted with Incline Dumbell Curls:
4 sets of 10-12 reps each.
• Lying Tricep Skull Crushers Supersetted with Seated Preacher
Bench with E-Z Curl Bar: 4 sets of 10-12 reps each.
• Seated Over Head French Curl Supersetted with Reverse Curls or
Dumbell Hammer Curls: 4 sets of 10-12 each
• Tricep Kickbacks Supersetted with Dumbell Concentration Curls:
3 sets of 10-12 each
• Donkey Calf Raises: I would actually have two people on my back
while using a dip belt with a 150lbs dumbbell attached. I would start
with the two people and perform 15 reps, then one person would get
off and do another 15 reps with the other person. He would get off and
I would finish off with another 15 reps with the dip belt attached. I
would do this for 5 sets total.
• Seated Calf Raises: 5 sets of 15 reps increasing the weight for each
set until the final set. The last set I would do a triple drop set doing 15
reps than drop weight for another 15 reps with the final drop of 15 reps.
• Incline Dumbbell Press: 5 sets of 8-12 reps. 1st set warm-up, 2nd set
12 reps, 3rd set 10 reps, 4th set 10 reps, and 5th set 8 reps to failure.
• Incline Flies: 4 set of 8-12 reps. 1st set 12 reps, 2nd set 10 reps, 3rd
set 10 reps and 4th set 8 reps to failure.
• Barbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-10 with last set using drop sets. 1st
set 10 reps, 2nd set 10 reps with an increase in weight, 3rd set 8 reps
with forced reps for the last two reps, and 4th set increase weights to
perform 6 reps and drop weights to do 8 reps with another drop in
weight to do 10 reps.
• Dumbbell Flies or Pec Dec: 4 sets of 10-12 reps
• Weighted Dips: 3 sets of 10 reps. Increase weights each set
• Cross Over Cable: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
• Weighted Chins: 5 sets of 12-15 reps. (try to continually increase
the weight you attach to the dip belt)
• Close Grip Front Pull Downs: 4 sets of 10 (Make sure you do slow mo’
reps on this one, keeping your back straight and with no swing)
• Seated Low Rows: 4 sets of 12 (I would do this with different handles
each workout)
• Bent Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 10 (Make sure this exercise is done
strict unlike others who believe in loading tons of weight and swinging
it up and jerking the weights)
• T-Bar Rows: 4 sets of 10 (This was a great exercise to work the
lower lats and build lower back thickness)
• Dead Lifts: 4 sets of 10 (Deadlifts can be performed with two dumbells or a barbell. I would change every so often not to get bored. Also,
this is an important exercise for lower back thickness and should be
performed very strict to prevent lower back injury.
Cardio also followed depending how many days a week I would do
cardio before a show. To get really shredded for some shows, I’d have
to do cardio 6 days straight where other shows I could actually do less
if my body was responding faster.
• Arnold Presses: This is an exercise that I loved to do because it
worked all heads of the shoulders. I would do the exercise seated and
start with the palms facing my body in a curled position and slowly
push the dumbbells up over my head as I turn my palms away. 5 sets
of 12, 10, 8, 6 and 10. This means increase weights til the 4th and heaviest set, then drop the weight in the last set to perform 10 reps.
• Seated or Standing Side Laterals: This I feel is the most important
exercise for increasing overall shoulder width. 5 sets of 10-12 reps. I
did drop sets for the last 2 sets. Drop set would be 12 reps, drop weight
and do 10 reps, drop weights and do another 10 reps, then another
drop for a final 12 reps. The very last set I would do strict slow mo reps
and hold the weight at the top for 10 seconds. If possible I would have
a partner hold my arms out to hold the weight.
• Standing Upright Dumbell Rows Supersetted with Two-Arm Cable
Side Laterals: 3 sets of 12 reps
• Standing Front Dumbell Laterals: 3 sets of 10
• Bent Over Dumbell Laterals: I would perform this on an incline bench
with my chest lying on the bench and arms to the side. 4 sets of 10-12
• Shrugs: I would do shrugs from a Power Rack and grab weight from
behind instead of lifting from the front. 5 sets of 10-12
• Leg Extensions: 5 sets of 12 to 15 reps. I would increase weights
each set and the last set have my partner do negatives by pushing on
my ankles as I’d I try not to let him push the weight down while I hold
the weight as long as I can.
• 45 Degree Leg Press: 5 sets of 15 reps with the last set doing two
drops with heaviest weight doing 12-15 reps for each drop set.
• Hack Squats SuperSetted with Sissy Squats: Basically, I would do
the hack squat and on the same machine lighten the weight and lift my
butt off the pad and perform a sissy squat. 5 sets of 15 reps.
• Walking Lunges or Reverse Lunges on a Smith Machine: Do at least
15 reps per leg or on walking lunges, do 15 steps per leg. 5 sets of 15
• Lying Leg Curls: 5 sets of 12-15 reps
• Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 4-5 sets of 15 reps
This workout was done in a 3-day rotation on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday with the whole workout repeated Thursday, Friday and
Saturday with Sunday as a day of rest.
Note: This workout was used by professional bodybuilder Rich Gaspari in preparation for the coveted Mr. Olympia title – the show that crowns the best bodybuilder on the planet and should not
be used as a training routine for the beginner or intermediate athlete or for persons under the age
of 18. Consult your physician or health care practitioner before beginning any weight training or
exercise program.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 Cytolean Get “Wired In” To Your Weight Loss Plan
the people taking these products for
non-weight loss purposes – to study, to
stay awake, whatever.
By Bruce Kneller
Cytolean – Get “Wired” In
To Your Weight Loss Plan
Fat Loss
Maximum Duration Adipose
Reducing Agent
• The Most Comprehensive & Powerful Fat
Loss Product to Come Out in Years
• Patent Pending Thermogenic Agent
• Crushes Appetite & Constant Cravings
• Long-Term Explosive Energy (No Crash!)
• Profound Sense of Well-Being & Mental
Cytolean™ has to be the most exciting news to
hit the fat burning market in many years.
Using a unique, patent pending formula exclusive to Gaspari Nutrition, this amazing product
promises to burn fat, reduce appetite,
increase energy levels and induce a unique
“feel good,” euphoric effect that is sure to
take the industry by storm. If you remember
the good old days of ephedra and phenylpropanolamine then you are going to love the
feel of Gaspari Cytolean™. Using a multitiered system that increases lipolysis, energy
levels, and ability to concentrate while
decreasing appetite and fat deposition,
Cytolean™ stands alone in the fat loss supplement marketplace as the only product that
really works without giving you the “shakes,
jitters or stomach discomfort.” If you are
using a fat loss supplement and its not
Cytolean™ you really are not maximizing your
fat loss potential.
Stack with: *SuperPump250™, SizeOn™,
PlasmaJet™, IntraPro™, Halodrol Liquigels™
(men only), Novedex XT® (men only).
*Both SuperPump250™ and Cytolean™ contain
stimulants. Do not take these products simultaneously.
There are already a lot of very good fat
loss/thermogenic/stimulant products in the
sports nutrition market place. On top of that,
“fat loss” has got to be the most competitive
segment of our industry as virtually every
company has a proprietary thermogenic/stimulant capsule or tablet that works fairly well
and is not too expensive. So when Rich
Gaspari asked me to reformulate Gaspari
Nutrition’s 3rd Degree Burn™ fat loss product
to make it “the greatest fat loss product” I had
to be a total straight shooter with the former
IFBB champion. Initially, I was very much
against this idea – 3rd Degree Burn™ is a great
product that never really took off the way we
expected it to because of a lack of advertising
or any clinical studies. I thought Rich was not
being fair about this or realistic. My salient
points to Rich were:
• You never really gave 3rd Degree
Burn™ the chance it deserved.
• The difference between a “very good”
product in this genre and a “truly great”
product in this genre is going to mean a
significant increase in the cost of materials to make it – and I am not sure most
consumers are willing to shell out the
bank for a product that might be 50%
better than the competition if the price is
100% higher.
• There are a wide variety of people who
use fat loss agents for a wide variety of
purposes. A product that would be very
effective for a 5’2”, 125 pound woman
looking to lose 15 pounds of fat is not
going to make a 6’2”, 275 pound guy
looking to lose his love handles even
crack a sweat. On the other hand, a
product that makes the 6’2”, 275 pound
guy get quite heated up might be dangerously overwhelming for a small
woman. And this does not even factor in
• The FDA has managed to put the
kabosh on a lot of compounds that our
industry formerly utilized in this arena
and coming up with competitive substitutions for these icons will be neither
cheap nor easy.
Rich Gaspari is a stubborn man. That’s all I am
going to say about that! Once he gets an idea
into his head to do something it’s essentially
futile to try to make him see “reason.” And
Rich’s idea now was to have me design a fat
loss type product that would absolutely tower
heads and shoulders above the competition.
This was a tall order indeed!
I’ll be honest. I shelved this idea for more than
a year. I threw out every excuse and type of
flack possible NOT to reformulate 3rd Degree
Burn™ and worked on Halodrol Liquigels™,
PlasmaJet™, Thermogenic Thyrotabs™ and a
whole host of other ideas. Finally, I did run out
of excuses and the “big man from Jersey” told
me point blank that “we gotta get this new fat
loss product done and it has to absolutely
destroy the competition to the point where the
people buying and using it compare it to the fat
loss products we had back in the 1980’s and
1990’s.” Rich always likes to make my life as
difficult as possible and set next to unreachable goals (and deadlines!). Thanks Rich. I
love you man... in a genially, brotherly, hetero
type of way of course!
Amphetamines –
The Best Fat Loss Product
and We All Know It!
I think that headline says it all. Look, I can sit
here and try to make a case for all these herbs
that are PPAR/vanilloid receptor modulators,
effectively interfere with lipogenesis or the
absorption of fats from the gut or even the
migration of fatty acids into fat cells from blood
until I am blue in the face. No doubt about it,
these type of things are really helpful and can
make some difference in weight loss. But like
it or not, the most effective fat loss agents
EVER are amphetamines or more precisely,
“sympathomimetic amines.” The best weight
loss “drugs” are things like phentermine
resins, benzphetamine, biphetamine, phen-
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
metrazine, and diethylpropion. All of these are quite effective for short
term weight reduction and everyone (including the medical profession
and pharmaceutical industry) absolutely knows this AND PROFITS
HUGELY from this fact. Yeah, sure some of them have “addiction” potential. I realize writing such may not make me “politically correct,” but I tell
it like it is – ever seen a fat methamphetamine addict? Of course not!
Even the sympathomimetic amines that used to be legal and available in
supplements, like phenylpropanoloamine/norsynepherine (PPA) and the
ever controversial ephedrine/ephedra typically “smoke” anything that
has come to the market since then. Who in their right mind would not
agree with this? And so far, no decent replacements for either one of
these ingredients has made its way into the supplement world. Until
now that is!
Meet Beta-Phenylethylamine –
The “Backbone” Of All Decent Fat Loss
Products - Legal, Prescription or Otherwise!
Beta-Phenylethylamine (B-PEA) is a naturally occurring compound (an
alkaloid) that is found in chocolate, salami and blue-green algae in trace
amounts (it is a trace amine). It is the chemical that in smaller doses causes the “feel good response” when people eat chocolate. In the human
brain, B-PEA tends to function as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter.
B-PEA can also be made in vivo from the amino acid phenylalanine and
possibly tyrosine by enzymatic decarboxylation. However, B-PEA is quickly metabolized by the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), preventing significant concentrations from reaching the brain and causing a “euphoric”
or “amphetamine-like” feel. Oh yeah, but “modifying” B-PEA, which just
happens to be the chemical “backbone” structure for a lot of interesting
“things” can compensate for this deactivating enzyme. What do I mean
by “interesting things?” Glad you asked! I refer to a cornucopia of stimulants, hallucinogens, entactogens, anorectics, bronchodilators, and antidepressants sold all over the planet. It also is readily apparent to anyone
versed in the art and science of chemistry that B-PEA can also be found
as part of more complex ring systems such as the ergoline system of LSD
or the morphinan system of morphine. Following is a table of “common
named” compounds and what their “B-PEA” revised nomenclature truly
is. It’s some heavy stuff to absorb but the key point is that I am not making
any of this stuff up. It’s the real deal, folks. B-PEA that has been structurally
modified with additional chemical functional groups at the phenyl ring, the
sidechain, or the amino group (see below) include: Stimulants like the
plant alkaloids ephedrine and cathinone and the synthetic drugs amphetamine (speed, benzedrine) and methylphenidate (Ritalin®); Hallucinogens
like the plant alkaloid mescaline; Empathogen-entactogens like MDMA
(ecstasy); Anorectics like phentermine, fenfluramine, and amphetamine;
Bronchodilators like salbutamol and ephedrine; and Antidepressants like
bupropion and even monoamine oxidase inhibitors phenelzine and tranylcypromine.
Structure of B-PEA
General structure of modified B-PEA analogs (see Table 1)
N-methyl-beta-keto- (alpha-methyl-phenethylamine)
Now that is some list! Not all of those compounds have a place in
weight loss but surely anyone with any knowledge about anything
knows that all of those compounds are “effective” at what they are
meant to do (even if the effects are quite different among them).
So... what would happen if we could somehow “interfere” with that
annoying and pesky monoamine oxidase enzyme that prevents our naturally occurring, fully DSHEA compliant and best of all, totally legal goodie, that being B-PEA from being “deactivated” before any significant
amount of it hits the brain after it is ingested? Yeah... well I was wondering the same thing myself actually!
This first thing I had to do was find a DSHEA compliant and effective way
to block that pesky enzyme that metabolizes B-PEA. This was not too difficult to accomplish. But the issue is that some of these naturally occurring enzyme blockers have some undesirable effects when you take
them at a dose high enough to “get them working.” Let’s take a look at
what I had to work with. Hordenine (which is also a derivative of B-PEA)
is a decent MAO enzyme blocker and is naturally occurring in grains,
sprouting barley, and certain grasses. It will work for what we want it to
do. The problem with hordenine is that in order for it to really work well,
you need to take a lot of it. And hordenine tends to make people go
“poopy pants” if you know what I mean. The “doo doo” side effect is
clearly noticed in horses given too much hordenine whereby said horses “defecated within 60 seconds” after administration of hordenine (see
Equine Vet J. 1990 Nov;22(6):437-41 for the full write up). So while I might
want to use some hordenine (and a lot of fat loss supplements contain
this anyhow for its adrenergic effects) I need to be careful not to make
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Chemical Corner 101 Cytolean Get “Wired In” To Your Weight Loss Plan
it my “only” enzyme blocker or else people might be “touching cloth”
after they use the product – catch my drift? Another interesting enzyme
blocker is found in the herb Evodia rutaecarpa. Evodiamine, which is a
PPAR modulator/Vanilloid receptor compound used in a cornucopia of
fat loss products is NOT the chemical that interests me here. There are
a ton of companies selling “Evodia” herb standardized for evodiamine
content for the PPAR/vanilloid effects – but since this is not what I was
working towards (because evodiamine is not an MAO inhibitor) locating
someone to provide samples and then kilograms of the herb standardized to contain the moiety that I did desire was a royal pain. The extract
of this herb I wanted to examine is called “1-methyl-2-undecyl-4(1H)quinolone” and it seems to work VERY well at inhibiting this pesky little
enzyme (see Chem Pharm Bull, 2003 Apr;51(4):409-11. for more information). However, it was and still is a pain in the neck to standardize Evodia
fruit and herb for this compound when everyone else wants ‘evodiamine’ as the prime constituent. Another herb that I am sure you are all
familiar with (but that you might not be aware of as useful in block MAO
enzyme) is Gingko biloba. Extracts from Gingko biloba are POTENT
inhibitors of MAO enzymes (see J Neurochem, 2005 Apr;93(1):94-104. for
more information) and are of course, quite easily attainable. So far, we
have three pretty good MAO inhibiting candidates to “play with” in conjunction with B-PEA. However, I was not content with this. I wanted
something unique and something as a back up. So I am going to introduce two relatively new herbs into the sports nutrition arena right now
that are indeed, exquisitely potent MAO inhibitors. Those being Uncaria
rhynchophylla and Sinofranchetia chinensis, which have been in the
health/nutrition market for a long time for other reasons anyhow.
Uncaria rhynchophylla –
The Ancient Chinese Secret!
Uncaria rhynchophylla is an herb that my wife (who is Chinese) actually
brought to my attention for reasons not germane to B-PEA and MAO
inhibition. This herb has been used in China for centuries as a “cognitive enhancer” as well as to treat strokes. While dredging up information about this herb, I noticed that some of its active ingredients seemed
to really interfere with the MAO enzymes quite well (see J
Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Aug 22;100(1-2):216-20 and Phytomedicine. 2003
Nov;10(8):650-6. for more information). This is probably how this herb
came to be known for it’s cognitive enhancing effects because suppressing MAO type B enzyme actually increases cognition (especially in
people suffering from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases!). Another
study actually demonstrates that this herb has a “calming effect” in
mammals (J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 May 26). The constituents of this
herb that I am interested in are probably the Hirsutine, Rhynchophylline,
Isorhynchophylline and Dihydrocorynantheine. This is just one of those
herbs that are really good for you anyhow. It has a slight relaxing effect
and a quick scan of the published, independent research shows this
herb is a fantastic free radical scavenger/antioxidant, it possesses significant neuroprotective effects and can actually lower blood pressure!
My wife’s grandmother uses this stuff and has been for 3 decades. She
is close to 90 years old, blind with cataracts and stooped over with a
large hump from osteoporosis. She is also as sharp as a tack and I am
told she is as quick witted today as she was in decades past. While it
was fairly easy to obtain a small, personal amount of this herb from a
Chinese pharmacy, sourcing it in large amounts was going to be difficult
if I indeed, liked the effects I saw with this when combined with B-PEA.
Sinofranchetia chinensis –
Not-So-Ancient Chinese Secret!
Inhibition of MAO enzyme by the herb Sinofranchetia chinensis is currently being studied (and has been for about six years now) in Chinese
medicine at the State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,
Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry, Nanjing
University, China. Currently, it is believed that two alkaloids from this
herb, Aliquiritigenin and Isoliquiritigenin, are responsible for the MAO
enzyme inhibition effect (see Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2000 Oct;21(10):949-53.
for further information). There is not a lot of information published about
this herb but in speaking with a Chinese herbalist doctor who emigrated
from Shandong Province in China and now lives in Quincy,
Massachusetts about this herb, he told me that this plant is sometimes
used to treat gouty arthritis and that it works really well at this. That was
the link I needed because this herb is also an inhibitor of another enzyme
called xanthine oxidase. In humans, xanthine oxidase is normally found
in the liver and not free in the blood. During severe liver damage, xanthine oxidase is released into the blood, so a blood assay for this enzyme
is a way to determine if liver damage has happened. Additionally,
because xanthine oxidase provides a metabolic pathway for uric acid
formation, the xanthine oxidase inhibitors are indeed (e.g. allopurinol)
used in the treatment of gout. However, I am not interested in this for it’s
liver protective or gout treating effects. I am far more interested again,
in what it can do to stop the enzyme MAO.
Putting it Together –
The Cytolean™ Difference!
It took me a couple of tries with all of the MAO inhibiting herbs/compounds to get it right. I tried the “hordenine only” route at first (and
another company is using this idea in a fat loss product already) but in
order to get what I will call “the B-PEA effect” I had to use WAY too
much hordenine. Enough that is was distracting me from the effects of
B-PEA and enough that it made me have to hit the bathroom and crack
out the Charmin® a couple of times. While hordenine is an important
MAO inhibitor and should be used with B-PEA, it absolutely can’t be the
ONLY one used. Same for all the aforementioned compounds. When
used alone with B-PEA, all of them are “less than desirable/efficacious,”
but by using smaller amounts of each of the five of them, they each “chip
away, little by little” at the MAO enzyme until the effects of the enzyme
are so blunted that you end up with a very pure B-PEA type effect and
you do not notice the “undesirable side effects” each of the constituent
MAO blockers possess in high doses.
So what is it like? It would be totally irresponsible and probably illegal
for me to say that the five MAO inhibitors and a good dose of B-PEA
causes a “crystal meth” type effect. It’s also not quite true. The effect
on yours truly was more like a cross between a low dose of “MDMA”
(Ecstasy) with a good dose of “phentermine” (Ionamin®). It takes a good
30-45 minutes to hit you but when it does... WHOA! I mean, seriously, this
ain’t your momma’s ordinary fat loss supplement. First, this croaked, and
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
I mean totally destroyed my appetite for a good 6 hours. Second, it
allowed me this incredible sense of well being and focus... I could get
down to doing things I had procrastinated on and did not really want to
do without being distracted (think of how this will help people doing endless time for cardio on some stepper or treadmill!). I was absolutely
more alert and awake. There were the typical effects you see in all sympathetic amines – a slight increase in heart rate, blood pressure and I
was a little “hot” and “sweaty,” but nothing unpleasant. For the first 90120 minutes after using Cytolean™ I felt very euphoric and absolutely
happy. I would STRONGLY suggest not driving when you take
Cytolean™ until you are 100% comfortable with the feeling it evokes and
are absolutely sure that it will not impair your abilities. Yeah, it is some
strong stuff.
Just to make sure this was not some “placebo” effect, I sent samples to
Rich Gaspari and Mike LaManna in the office and to another guy
Zachary Adkins in Texas who is Gaspari Nutrition’s
online forum representative so they all could try this without me telling
them “what” my experience was. People who know Rich Gaspari will
tell you he is a man of few words and a lot of actions. But when he tried
this sample... I got stuck on the telephone with him for over 130 minutes!
Plus, he told me he had realized he “forgot to eat” for at least 4 hours.
Mike also described, independent of Rich or myself, effects quite similar.
And Zach, I almost killed him because he “forgot” to call me to report the
results for close to a full day – he was too busy, too focused on studying
for his finals that he “forgot” about me. Zach did mention this formula
killed his appetite to the point where it was actually difficult to eat – he
literally had to force himself to eat a small chicken breast. Jackpot!
Mission accomplished!
It’s been very difficult to find a suitable replacement for phenylpropanolamine and ephedra/ephedrine but I am telling you that B-PEA
with the correct mix of MAO inhibitors is exactly that. If you miss the “old
days of weight loss supplements that made you lose your appetite and
helped keep you really focused” then you will love Cytolean™ and I urge
you to consider trying it. We deliberately split up the dosing to several
pills at a time so we can accommodate the widest variety of people –
from the smallest woman (2 pill) to the largest male powerlifter (3 pills)
so do not be put off by the potential serving size – this was done to insure
maximal safety and addition to efficacy.
I am sure in time you’re going to see a bunch of “knock offs” to Cytolean™
once word gets out how well it works. Just remember, Gaspari is the
real pioneer here. We went the extra distance to bring this cool idea to
you first and we’re also sure that we’re doing it best! We have a patent
pending on B-PEA and some of the MAO inhibitors listed here for a variety of uses so be wary of people claiming to “having the same
effects/formula” as Cytolean™ because I assure you it is NOT happening!
I want to especially thank Nancy Aldave – she is the incredibly sexy and
THIN woman you see here and in our advertisements. Nancy used
Cytolean™ (she was one of our “beta testers”) and she lost a mind boggling 25 pounds and a little more than 12% bodyfat in only 6 weeks!
Week 1
Week 6
Cytolean™ beta-tester: Nancy Aldave lost 25 pounds in only 6 weeks!
Following a sensible diet and a solid workout plan, I would imagine these
types of gains - or are they “losses?” – would be absolutely within the
reach of anyone who wants to lose fat fast. And if you think that is
incredible, check out Mike Bade who owns the Fit Shoppe in Canada.
His results are... well... really incredible. Mike was also a beta-tester for
Cytolean™ and he lost SIXTY POUNDS in ninety days! That’s 20 pounds
per month for THREE STRAIGHT MONTHS FOLKS! Mike went from 305
pounds to 245 pounds using Cytolean™ – plus he looks and feels terrific
now. Mike has access to ANY fat loss sports nutrition product he could
ever want or you could ever imagine since he owns the Fit Shoppe – he
could have used ANY of the current crop of fat burners on the market,
but he chose to trust Gaspari Nutrition as he has been a long time fan of
our line as well as our president, Rich Gaspari. Looks like his trust in us
paid off for him. And for sure it can and will pay off for you too. If you
need to lose weight, especially “fatty weight” then you owe it to yourself
to try Cytolean™ as soon as possible.
This is going to be my last Chemical Corner and the last supplement I
design for awhile. The next project I am working on for our industry is a
“serious” book endeavor which is entitled ‘Codex Anabolikum’ – look for
it in the forthcoming 18-24 months. To all my loyal fans out there reading
this – thank you for all your support over the years and God bless! Thank
you Rich Gaspari and all the fine people at Gaspari Nutrition for dealing
with me fairly and honestly when so many others in this industry have
elected not to be fair or honest. And remember – Gaspari Nutrition
absolutely, without any doubt, makes THE products THAT work BEST!
Peace out!
Some folks I want to thank for helping me put this supplement together
– Matt Palada from Custom Nutrition Warehouse in Missouri for sending me some raw materials that were a pain to source in small amounts.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
In 2007,
the most exciting new fat
burning product surely has to be new
Cytolean™ from Gaspari Nutrition.
Using a unique, patent pending
formula exclusive to Gaspari Nutrition,
this amazing product promises to burn
fat, reduce appetite, increase energy
levels and induce a unique euphoric
“feel good” effect, that is sure to take
the industry by storm. If you remember
the good old days of ephedra and
phenylpropanolamine then you are
going to love the feel of Cytolean™.
Using a multi-tiered system that
increases lipolysis, energy levels, and
ability to concentrate while decreasing
appetite and fat deposition, Cytolean™
stands alone in the fat loss supplement
marketplace as the only product that
really works without giving you the
“shakes, jitters or stomach discomfort.” Start burning fat today!
Cytolean is the only serious choice in boosting
your metabolism and increasing energy levels,
while decreasing appetite!
Nothing works like Cytolean!
For a free
sample of Cytolean,
visit our website at
and enter your full
name, address and
email address.
Week 1
Week 6
Week 1
Week 12
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Along wr diet & exercise bs.
of prope ve lost over 25l of
that’ olean and
in 6 t, using Cyt
body fa lost over 60lbs. f
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Week 1
Week 12
Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world.
Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition • 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777
* Results not typical. Individual results may vary. Cytolean™ should be used with a program of proper diet and exercise. These statements
have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Fat Loss Facts 101 8 Simple Facts To Lose Body Fat A Simple How-To Guide
8 Simple Facts To Lose Body Fat
Losing fat is really a simple process. Along with a program of proper diet
and exercise, Cytolean™ makes it possible for you to achieve your fat loss
goals. Using a unique patent pending thermogenic formula, this amazing
product promises to burn fat, reduce appetite, increase energy levels
and induce a unique euphoric “feel good” effect that is sure to take the
industry by storm. The following is a list of tips that break down the basics
of burning fat. Use this is a guideline for your own program.
1. Eat 5-6 Small Meals Per Day
The traditional three meals a day simply won’t do it for burning fat. Every
time you eat, your metabolism kicks in to start burning what you’ve eaten
and you begin to break it down instantly, taking everything it has to offer,
from energy to nutritional content.
While eating only three meals a day, your metabolism has time between
is to keep your metabolism going and burning as much fat as possible.
This is done by spacing your food out to 5 or 6 smaller meals a day, or by
eating approximately every 2.5 - 3 hours. This is not to say eat like a horse
5 times a day, it means simply, to have your three meals, but to eat something small and extra in between. Even eating 4 small meals a day (1 every
3 hours) can make a significant difference over eating only 3 meals!
The advantage of this is two fold. First, it keeps your metabolism going,
and second it will allow you to be less hungry during your next meal, in
turn causing you to desire less food.
2. Drink Water
The importance of drinking water is often overlooked. Your body is 70 percent water, and so it should be treated that way. Give it what it needs.
Water is essential when dieting or losing weight. It helps you properly utilize all of the nutrients you take in through food, which is essential when
dieting. Your body should be utilizing every nutrient that you take in or
what’s the sense of eating?
How Much Water Do You Really Need?
Almost everyone agrees that water is good for you and that the
biggest problem with water intake is that most people don’t drink
enough. Learn why and find out the truth...
Water helps you transport nutrients efficiently into your cells and
helps determine how your cells use them. You need them to maintain
health and preserve quality muscle.
At the same time, it will help you efficiently eliminate wastes while
flushing all toxins out of your body to make you even healthier. Also,
it will help make your skin more elastic so that while you’re putting on
quality mass, you can avoid getting stretch marks all together. It will
improve your complexion. Also, water cushions joints. This is important because while losing body fat, you will also lose some of the fat
cushion that helps protect your joints. Drinking plenty of water will
help you avoid injury. Lastly, drinking generous amounts of water all
day will condition your body to expel excess water from under the
skin, giving you a slimmer, less bloated appearance.
3. Eating Before Bed
Eating before bed is not a wise decision. While you are sleeping, your
metabolism slows down. It is for this reason and this reason only that you
do not want to eat within 3 hours of going to bed. The food that you eat
will possibly be stored as fat because your body will not be able to burn
it off completely. Avoid it whenever you can and you won’t regret it!
4. High Protein
Keeping your metabolism going and burning fat efficiently while retaining
as much muscle as possible is dependent on taking in a high amount of
protein. Your body will burn carbohydrates first, because this is your main
energy source. Once it runs out of carbohydrates, it will begin to use your
fat as fuel. You don’t want your body dipping into your hard-earned muscle to use as energy. It is for this reason that it is of prime importance that
you eat as much protein as possible while losing body fat. It will keep your
metabolism moving! A good rule of thumb would be to consume approx.
1g of protein per lb. of your bodyweight a day – divided over 5-6 small
5. Lower Your Carbs
Without lowering your carbohydrates, your fat loss will be minimal at
best. Lowering your carbohydrates will keep your body burning mostly
fat all the time. Since your body burns carbohydrates first, then fat, it will
have no carbohydrates to burn and begin burning fat immediately. The
trick with carbohydrates is that you want to consume more of your day’s
carbs earlier in the day (primarily breakfast) and taper them off as the day
wears on. When eating breakfast, you want a combination of protein
AND carbohydrates to give your body a jump-start for the day. Also, this
will supply you with enough energy to get through most of the day.
6. Fats
The foods you eat should be relatively low in fats as foods with higher
amounts of fat can become a limiting factor when trying to lose weight.
People eating low fat diets may choose to add a few tablespoons of
essential fatty acids to their diet (flax, fish oil, evening primrose oil, hemp
oil, etc.) in order to remain healthy and aid in proper digestion.
7. Take A Multi-Vitamin
When dieting, taking a multi-vitamin will keep you strong and healthy.
Since you are changing your eating habits in one way or another while
dieting, you want to make sure you are getting in a good amount of your
essential vitamins and minerals.
8. Cardiovascular and Weight Training
Cardiovascular exercise is perhaps one of the most important keys to losing weight. Your diet could be the best in the world, but it will never reach
it’s fullest potential without cardio.
For best results, there a few key rules to remember that when applied, will
keep your cardiovascular exercise program burning fat for you for the
long hall. Remember that cardio most definitely works for dropping body
fat, but the same routine week in and week out will begin to have less
impact on body fat as your body gets used to a certain routine. The three
words to remember, in succession, for combating this are INTENSITY,
DURATION,andFREQUENCY.Let’s sayyouareabeginner.Firstchoosean
amount of time that you wish to perform cardiovascular exercise 3 times
per week – let’s say 20 minutes to start (though this can certainly vary). As
an easy guide, your proper INTENSITY level can be estimated as the pace
of exercise at which it becomes moderately difficult to carry on a normal
conversation while performing it.* This may take a week or two before
you are comfortable with this pace. Once comfortable with a good intensity level and after a few weeks or as much as a month of doing it, you are
ready to increase the DURATION of each exercise session. An increase
of 5 (or sometimes 10) minutes is typical. This will again stimulate and
heighten the fat burning process and can remain effective for weeks. The
final phase in keeping the fat burning process going strong is to increase
the FREQUENCY of cardiovascular exercise sessions per week (from 3
session to 4). This time tested procedure, when executed, will make a
tremendous difference in not only your pants size, but the overall way you
look and feel as well. For those who continue to perform cardio as part of
their lifestyle (and we hope you do), this process can be repeated until
reaching 5 or 6 sessions a week for 45-60 minutes per session.
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
Note: For those with difficulty finding time to do cardio, even 20 minutes
per session is enough to put your body in a cardiovascular state and help
to begin burning fat.
You he Cytolean
Enter Tmodel Contest
Spokes w Face of Cytolean
• Be The s Will Be Chosen
• 6 Winn ari Nutrition ners
o The W ore
• Free Gm
onus and
• Win A
Gaspari Nutrition is searching for our next Cytolean
spokesmodel to be featured in our mainstream American
media launch. You will be the face and body of Cytolean in
America... how is that for motivation?
Gaspari Nutrition is looking for women and men who have
taken Cytolean to lose weight or are interested in taking
Cytolean to lose weight. We are interested in the average
person who can document real weight loss with before and
after photos.
You may be featured in magazines, on TV and online. More
importantly, you’ll look good and feel great. If you have
pounds to lose, you have everything to gain!
We are looking for a woman and a man from each of 3
respective age categories... ages 21-30, ages 31-40, 40 and
over. Each of the 6 total winners will be rewarded with a
cash bonus and a supply of Gaspari Nutrition supplements.
The overall winner will be featured in our mainstream
American media launch.
To enter the Cytolean™ Spokesmodel Contest, visit our website at or email a short bio including
your name, age, address and phone number along with your
testimonial documenting the amount of weight loss with
before & after photographs to
Note: This contest is geared towards the average person who can document real weight
loss with before and after photos. Though experienced athletes are welcome, we are not
necessarily interested in bodybuilders who are already lean and looking to drop a few
excess pounds for a show. However, we appreciate your enthusiasm for the product and
the Gaspari Nutrition line, and encourage you to participate as well.
Many individuals will also choose to vary the type of exercise or type of
cardio equipment they use. There are many ways to get the job done,
such as jogging, swimming, bike riding, rowing, spinning, taking aerobics
classes, boxing, or by using a piece of equipment such as a treadmill, stationary bike, stairclimber, elliptical machine, rowing machine or whatever else can consistently get your heart pumping.
The best time to do cardio is when you first wake up in the morning,
before you eat anything. The reason for this is because when you wake
up, your glycogen stores are low, and thus can be depleted quickly so
that your body will have no choice but to use its fat stores as energy
rather than the extra calories acquired from an early meal.
*For those who want to more precisely reach their proper INTENSITY
level while exercising, this is for you. While doing your cardio, you want
to reach a target heart rate of 65% (most efficient fat burning zone) ofyour
maximum heart rate. To determine this, subtract your age from 220 and
multiply it by 0.65. This is how many beats per minute that you want your
heart pumping out while you exercise for the whole session. This is not
as complicated as it sounds. Here is an example. If you are 21 years old,
then you would subtract 21 from 220. The difference is 199. Now multiply
this number by 0.65. The answer would come to 129.35, rounded off to
129. This is the ideal number of beats per minute that you want when
doing your cardio. That means you want your heart to be beating 129
beats every minute during your exercise session.
This is the ideal fat burning zone for doing cardio. You can measure it by
stopping every now and then for a short 10 seconds only and count how
many beats during those ten seconds by taking your pulse (use a stop
watch) and multiply by 6. Then continue your cardio. You’ll get the hang
of it in no time!
It is also important to begin a proper weight training program. This will
also help you burn more body fat and increase muscle mass. While
weight training only moderately increases heart rate, it increases lean
muscle mass which in turn increases your metabolism into burning fat.
Even if you are not looking to build muscle like a bodybuilder, a circuit
training program of three to four times a week can give you tremendous
benefits in strength and increased metabolism. Consult your physician
before beginning any weight training activity.
• To prevent yourself from over eating and eating what you don’t really
need, wait 15 minutes after eating to see if you really want a second serving. Your body takes approximately 15 minutes to know that it’s full.
• Get plenty of sleep. Sleep will provide you with energy the next day,
which is vital while restricting your carbohydrates. Make sure to get at
least 8 hours of sleep a night. Try for 10 especially if you’re a teenager.
• Don’t be afraid to eat plenty of fruits or vegetables while trying to lose
weight. Just make sure that you are not ingesting large amounts of foods
with high amounts of starchy carbs such as potatoes, rice, pasta, and
other products containing processed flours. But certainly don’t hesitate
to have an apple or an orange with breakfast, or some green beans with
Cytolean™ should be used with a program of proper diet and exercise.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Team Gaspari Athlete Cathy Lefrancois IFBB Women’s Pro Bodybuilding Champion and Former Miss International
Cathy’s Training Routine
I have always gotten my best results by training instinctively which, for
me, seems to equate to one body part a day. I train really hard and listen to my body – and when I feel I need a rest, I take a day off so as
not to risk injury.
Monday – Back / Abs
Tuesday – Shoulders
Wednesday – Quads
Thursday – Biceps
Friday – Hamstrings & Calves
Saturday – Triceps
(I don’t train my chest)
Photo by
Bill Dobbins
Team Gaspari Athlete
Cathy Lefrancois
Hometown: born Amqui, Quebec, Canada – now El Monte, CA
Competition Weight: 135, Off-Season: 145-150, Height: 5’3”
Favorite Body Part: I like them all, but I’ll say calves
Favorite Exercise: Leg Press Machine
Favorite Cheat Food: Peanut M&M’s
Contest History:
2007 IFBB Sacramento Pro – 2nd (lightweight)
2007 IFBB Arnold Classic, Miss International – 10th
2006 IFBB Atlantic City Pro – 6th (after 3 mos. back in bodybuilding)
2003 IFBB Miss Olympia – 4th (lightweight)
2003 IFBB Arnold Classic, Miss International – 1st (lightweight)
2002 IFBB GNC Pro Classic – 2nd (lightweight)
2002 IFBB Arnold Classic, Miss International – 4th (lightweight)
2001 IFBB Arnold Classic, Miss International – 4th (lightweight)
2000 IFBB Miss Olympia – 4th (lightweight)
2000 IFBB Arnold Classic, Miss International – 3rd
1999 IFBB Women's Extravaganza – 5th
1999 IFBB Jan Tana Classic – 8th
1996 IFBB Arnold Classic, Miss International – 14th
1995 IFBB Jan Tana Classic – 12th
1995 CBBF Canada Cup III Amateur Bodybuilding Championship
– 1st (middleweight and overall winner, won pro card)
1994 CBBF Canadian Amateur Bodybuilding Championship
– 2nd (middleweight)
1993 CBBF Canadian Amateur Bodybuilding Championship
– 2nd (lightweight)
1991 CBBF Eastern Canadian Amateur Bodybuilding Championship
– 1st (lightweight)
1990 Quebec Metropolitan regional amateur bodybuilding
– 2nd (lightweight)
I usually get up at 5:30am drink 2 scoops of Gaspari IntraPro™ protein,
take 2 Cytolean™ (an outstanding fat burner!), and do 45 minutes of cardio. After cardio, I eat ½ dozen egg whites with cream of rice and blueberries, then go back to bed. After an hour or two of rest I start my day
– first by answering my fans’ emails and then my schedule for Gaspari
Nutrition. I weight train in the afternoon, then do more cardio at night
(2nd cardio session during pre-contest time only). I have a gym at my
house and with my busy schedule it makes it easy for me to train
whenever I want. I train like a Pro – I train hard, heavy and I am very
focused when I train. Leg day means high reps – 20 reps per set, sometimes I’ll do 50 reps for certain exercises. I really respond to this type
of leg training. Like Arnold, I believe in training old school with free
weights as opposed to machines. For cardio, exercises consist of
treadmill, stair master, and bike. I don’t do much if any cardio in the off
While dieting I eat fish, chicken breast, eggs, lean steak and usually 2
IntraPro™ shakes a day. For carbs, my 3 day split consists of brown rice
and/or sweet potatoes for the 1st two days, and broccoli or asparagus
only for the 3rd day. I cheat one day a week and eat whatever I want.
I always drink SuperPump250™ 30 minutes before my workouts, and
SizeOn™ Grape during my workout. Close to the show I use Cytolean™
and Thyrotabs to help me get lean, hard and in shape. I use nothing but
Gaspari Nutrition – I’ve used a lot of different products and truly
believe they are the best.
Best Bodybuilding Experience/Memory: My first show and my 2003
Arnold Classic win. After living in Canada, I decided to move to the United
States to further pursue my career in bodybuilding – I have a lot of fans
here who believe in me (thanks guys!). I work with Gaspari Nutrition
which has been a wonderful experience and opportunity, not to mention
their products are awesome. What can I say – I’m living my dream.
Future goals: My 1st goal is to obtain a better and thicker quality of muscle. After being in figure for 3 years, I was unable to train the way I wanted in order to achieve the physique I needed to have. Now it’s time for me
to get back to where I belong – as a champion bodybuilder. I use the
greatest products ever from Gaspari Nutrition; they’ve helped be get
back on track and better than ever for the 2008 contest season. Hard
training and Gaspari products have afforded me the best chance to date
for achieving my goals – to win both the Arnold Classic Miss International
and Miss Olympia titles. I’d like to win these for my fans. Thank you all for
your support!
Team Gaspari Athlete Tanji Johnson
IFBB Fitness Pro Champion
Tanji’s Training Routine
My training is unique and versatile because I train for professional fitness competitions and marathons year round. I compete in about 4 fitness shows and 2 marathons a year.
A fitness competition consists of 2 physique rounds where they judge
muscularity, symmetry and conditioning and also 2 fitness routines
that require strength and flexibility. A marathon is 26.2 miles and
requires endurance and conditioning in the legs to sustain the duration of the run.
My marathon training program is a fun combination of running, sprinting, hill work and cross training. My fitness training consists of regular
gymnastics and dance training.
My physique training is limited to my weaker body parts as I have
spent the last 10 years “bodybuilding” and I do not need to weight train
like I did in the past. My routine and gymnastics training allows me to
sustain my muscularity. I average about 2 hours of cardio pre-contest
with a combination of the below activities. The most important part
about my training is the recovery process. I have to make sure I get 8
hours of sleep each night, stretch and have tissue work done on my
muscles, and take my recovery supplements.
Supplements: I use SizeOn™ for post workout, BCAAs, Vitamin C,
Glutamine, B complex and Glucosamine. I also take 2 scoops of
IntraPro™ whey protein twice a day. It's great because it’s aspartame
free and tastes great!
Photo by Ro
Team Gaspari Athlete
Tanji Johnson
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Measurements: 33 - 26 - 34
Weight: 124, Off-Season: 130
Height: 5’3”
Favorite Body Part: Glutes
Favorite Exercise: Jump Squats
Favorite Cheat Food: Tuna Sashimi, Chocolate Cake
Contest History: 5 Pro Fitness Wins and Counting
2007 All Star Pro Fitness – 1st*
2007 Fitness International – 4th
2007 Europa Pro Fitness– 12nd
2006 Fitness Olympia – 4th
2006 Europa Pro Fitness – 1st*
2006 All Star Pro Fitness – 1st*
2006 Fitness International – 6th
2005 Sacramento Pro Fit – 3rd
2005 Fitness Olympia – 10th
2005 Emerald Cup – 1st*
2005 Fitness International – 9th
2004 Fitness Olympia – 8th
2004 Hungarian Pro – 3rd
2004 New York Pro – 4th
2004 Fitness International – 9th
2003 GNC Show of Strength – 7th
2003 Jan Tana Fitness – 4th
2002 GNC Show of Strength – 6th
2002 Fitness Olympia – 9th
2002 Pittsburgh Pro Fitness – 6th
2002 Jan Tana Fitness – 2nd
2002 Toronto Fitness Classic – 1st*
2002 Fitness International – 7th (Pro Debut)
I was born in Bamberg, Germany and grew up as an Army brat spending my
childhood in Germany and Korea. We returned to South Carolina where I ran
track & field and was the Captain of my dance team in high school. I went to college at the U.S. Air Force Academy, where I went through basic training, developed leadership skills and began to put my body through its first physical challenges. I was a varsity cheerleader and a member of the Cadet Honor Guard and
went through several intense military programs like survival training and Marine
Corps Officer training. Upon graduation, I earned my Bachelor of Science
Degree in Humanities and Commission as an Air Force Officer. I began competing in fitness in 1998 and have competed in different organizations such as the
Fitness America pageant, Women’s Tri-Fitness, and the NPC. Self taught in
dance and gymnastics, I later became a dance, gymnastics and cheer instructor. Today, I compete, train clients, choreograph, promote contests, judge and
stay involved through my SuperFITNESS clinics and I am honored to have won
my IFBB pro card. I love representing the industry as a fitness authority. If people change their life due to my influence, I will have been successful. God Bless.
Marathon Training:
Mon Base run (4-6 miles)
Tues TRACK workout
Wed Rest
Thurs Hills (or Hiking)
Fri Rest
Sat Long Run (more than 6 miles)
Fitness Training:
Mon Hip hop class
Tues Gymnastics/Routine
Wed Hip hop class
Thurs Gymnastics/Routine
Fri Private lessons
Physique Training:
Mon Back
Tues Plyometrics and High rep legs
Wed Chest
Thurs Delts
Fri Plyometrics and High rep legs
Learn more about Tanji’s
workshop dates and locations at
Team Gaspari Athlete Marzia Prince 2007 Ms. Bikini Universe Champion and 3rd place Model Universe
Marzia’s Training Routine
Since I’m training for a sprint triathlon, I had to change my workout
routine. A sprint triathlon consists of 350 meter swim, 13 mile bike, and
a 3 mile run to the finish line. My program consists of running, biking,
swimming, weight training, and extra stretching before I go to bed. I do
one to two workouts a day. I take one day off to rest and recover sometimes two if needed. I usually do my running/biking/swimming as my
cardio every other day and three days weight training. On the days that
I weight train I do a light 30-45 minutes of cardio in the morning on an
empty stomach to burn more fat. I always warm up before the work out
and stretch after to prevent injury. I’m a firm believer in stretching so
you don’t limit your own range of motion (and it feels great when you
are sore!).
Supplements: I take SuperPump250™ 45 minutes before my workouts.
I take one scoop of IntraPro™ Whey Protein after my work out with fruit
or mix one scoop with fat-free plain yogurt. YUM!
Training Routine Includes:
• Cardio: run/bike/swim for an hour
• Weights: Circuit training with plyometrics or jump rope in between
the circuits
• Stretching: Yoga or assisted rope stretching
alt Ostarly
Photo by W
Day 1: Two workouts
Morning cardio: 30-45 min on an empty stomach (elliptical)
Afternoon: weight training and plyometrics – back/chest/abs
Bedtime: stretch
Day 2: One workout
Cardio: bike for one hour (spin class or bike outside)
Bedtime: stretch
Team Gaspari Athlete
Marzia Prince
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Measurements: 36C - 26 - 36
Competition Weight: 130, Off-Season Weight: 135, Height: 5’9”
Favorite Body Part: Glutes
Favorite Exercise: Walking lunges and deadlifts
Favorite Cheat Food: Mexican (fajitas and margaritas)
Contest History: 2007 Ms. Bikini Universe Champion
2007 Model Universe – 3rd Place
Future goals: Since I love to stay active, I am going to do a sprint
triathalon in October. I am writing my first book and I hope to finish
it by the end of this year. Also, I hope to compete in more competitions next year to represent Gaspari Nutrition to the fullest!
I am a Cooper Certified personal trainer. I recently got my certification in Providing Dietary Guidance and I’m going for my Masters in
Physical Fitness Training. I completed the prerequisites for nursing
school which gave me the opportunity to look at the body from a
medical standpoint. I attend many seminars, classes and conferences each year in order to stay on top of the latest research and
training methods.
Other certifications include:
• Physical Fitness Specialist
• Pre/Postnatal Fitness Instructor
• Biomechanics of Resistance Training
• Fitness Specialist for Older Adults (65+)
• Coaching Healthy Behaviors
• CPR Certified
Day 3: Two workouts
Morning cardio: 30 to 45 minutes on empty stomach (elliptical)
Afternoon: weight training and plyometrics – legs/abs
Bedtime: stretch
Day 4: One workout
Cardio: run 4 to 6 miles (indoors or outdoors)
Bedtime: stretch
Day 5: Two workouts
Morning cardio: 30 to 45 minutes (elliptical)
Afternoon: weight training and plyometrics – arms/abs
Bedtime: stretch
Day 6: One workout
Cardio: swim laps for about one hour
Day 7: Rest and stretch
Look For Marzia’s Column
For Women Called
In The Ladie’s Room @
Stacking Lean &Fit Stack For Women
& FIT Stack
For Women
Who better to deliver the Lean & Fit Stack for women
than one of our own resident experts and 2007 Bikini
Universe Champion, Marzia Prince. This sample program is designed for women accustomed to exercise
who are interested in substantially reducing body fat
while maintaining beautiful, lean muscle tone. For the
ultimate in-shape and fit look, this stack has got it all!
6:00am GAME ON
Cytolean™ – 2 capsules
30-45 minutes, see cardio tips and options on page 43
8:00am MEAL 1
4 egg whites, one yolk
1 cup oatmeal with ½ c. berries
1 teaspoon ground flaxseeds
1 scoop Chocolate IntraPro™ whey protein with 1 medium banana, ½ cup
ice and 4 oz. water, blend
1:30pm GAME ON
Cytolean™ – 2 capsules
2:00pm MEAL 3
4 oz. grilled chicken breast (sub. turkey, fish, lean beef)
1 small sweet potato (sub. brown rice, white potato, whole grain bread)
1 cup broccoli (sub. any green leafy fibrous carb you like)
5:00pm MEAL 4
1 scoop IntraPro™ whey protein mixed with fat-free plain yogurt
SuperPump250™ – 1 scoop*
1) For lowering body fat, eating slightly higher amounts of carbs early in
the day followed by less and less carbs as the day goes on should keep
you energized and prevent you from taking excess or unused calories to
bed with you that may otherwise be stored as body fat. Pay close attention to your carb intake as every individual’s metabolism is different. You
may need slightly more or less than the next person or that is directed. Be
ready to make adjustments as you progress.
2) Women consuming generous amounts of protein should, in turn, consumegenerousamountsofwaterthroughouttheday.Thisisaveryhealthy
practice that will also do much to help slim you down quicker. About one
gallon or two to three 1.5 liter bottles a day is a good rule of thumb.
3) Training Once a Day:
a) If you can exercise only once, on days you do both cardio and
weights, always weight train first.
b) If you exercise only in the morning, take SuperPump250™ 30-45
minutes prior to exercise instead of Cytolean™ . Take 2 Cytolean™
approx. 5 hours later and 1 Cytolean™ 4 hours after that.
c) If you exercise only in the evening, take 2 Cytolean™ upon waking
and have your 1st meal shortly thereafter.
4) Non-Training Days: Take 2 Cytolean™ in the morning and 2 more in the
early afternoon.You may use IntraPro™ to suit your protein needs whenever you like. Some people prefer to take SuperPump250™ on non-training days as well, just remember not to take it within 5 hours of taking
Cytolean™ as both will give you plenty of energy on their own.
8:00pm MEAL 5
*Because of its long lasting effects, SuperPump250™ may keep some
individuals awake past their bedtime. To avoid this, you may choose to a)
reduce the evening dose, or b) take SuperPump250™ in the mid afternoon
rather than early evening.
Baked Tilapia (sub. chicken/turkey breast, lean beef, egg whites)
Large spinach salad with every veggie known to man on it
Olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dressing
IMPORTANT: Check with your physician or health care professional
before beginning this or any diet and exercise, and supplement plan.
45 minutes to an hour
11:00pm BEDTIME
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Stacking The Ultimate Lean Mass Stack AM Training Days: For Those Training In The Morning
The Ultimate
The Gaspari “Ultimate Lean Mass Stack” is for
the intermediate to advanced athlete interested in
adding lean muscle mass while simultaneously
reducing body fat. This time tested regimen
will not only get you big and lean, it is also a
great “rule of thumb” program for pre-contest
preparation. If you’re looking for that “total
package” look, you are going to love the
Ultimate Lean Mass Stack.
Stack For Men
For Those Training In The Morning
• SuperPump250™ 1-3 scoops
• PlasmaJet™ 1 serving (never use PlasmaJet™ more than
once a day or 4x per week, and never on
non-training days)
7:00pm MEAL 5
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 Liquigel
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Fibrous Carbs 10-30g depending on your individual
• Drink Water†
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
Weight training for 45-90 minutes + cardio (after weight training) 20-30
minutes – highly recommended! See cardio tips & options on page 43
• Novedex XT® 2-4 capsules before bed
9:00am MEAL 1
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 Liquigel
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex Carbs 25-50g depending on your individual
and/or Fruit metabolism
11:30am MEAL 2
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex Carbs 20-50g depending on your individual
• Drink Water†
12:00pm FAT BURNER
• Cytolean™ 2-3 capsules
2:00pm MEAL 3
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 Liquigel
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex and/or 20-50g depending on your individual
Fibrous Carbs metabolism**
• Cytolean™ 2 capsules
4:30pm MEAL 4
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex and/or 10-40g depending on your individual
Fibrous Carbs metabolism**
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
*Protein: Grams per meal = 1.5 x your bodyweight divided by 6 will give
you your protein requirement (grams of protein) per meal. (ex. 1.5 x 200lb.
= 300 ÷ 6 = 50g
**For lowering body fat, eating slightly higher amounts of carbs early in
the day followed by less and less carbs as the day goes on should keep
you energized and prevent you from taking excess or unused calories
to bed with you that may otherwise be stored as body fat. Pay close
attention to your carb intake as every individual’s metabolism is different. You may need slightly more or less than the next guy or that is directed. Be ready to make adjustments as you progress.
† Athletes consuming higher quantities of protein should consume generous amounts of water throughout the entire day. 1 gallon or 3-4 liters
minimum is a good rule of thumb.
‡ Taking SuperPump250™ in the late afternoon or evening: Because of
its long lasting effects, SuperPump250™ may keep some individuals
awake past their bedtime. To avoid this, you may choose to a) reduce
the evening dose, or b) take SuperPump250™ in the mid afternoon rather
than early evening.
Note: Some athletes may choose to use SizeOn™ with this program as
well. If so:
1 scoop w/16-20oz. water
Option #1
Begin drinking SizeOn™ as training begins and
finish approx. halfway thru training
Option #2
Drink SizeOn™ immediately after training
NOTE: Check with your physician or health care professional before
beginning this or any diet and exercise, and/or supplement plan.
Stacking The Ultimate Lean Mass Stack PM Training Days: For Those Training In The Evening
For Those Training In The Evening
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 Liquigel
• SuperPump250™ 1-2 scoops
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex Carbs 25-50g depending on your individual
and/or Fruit metabolism
10:30am MEAL 2
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex Carbs 20-50g depending on your individual
• Drink Water†
1:00pm MEAL 3
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex and/or 20-50g depending on your individual
Fibrous Carbs metabolism**
3:30pm MEAL 4
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 Liquigel
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex Carbs 10-40g depending on your individual
• Drink Water†
6:00pm MEAL 5
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex and/or 10-30g depending on your individual
Fibrous Carbs metabolism**
6:30pm GET IN GEAR
• SuperPump250™ 1-3 scoops ‡
• PlasmaJet™ 1 serving (never use PlasmaJet™ more than
once a day or 4x per week, and never on
non-training days)
Weight training for 45-90 minutes + cardio (after weight training) 20-30
minutes – highly recommended! See cardio tips & options on page 43
9:00pm MEAL 6
• Halodrol Liquigels™
• Lean Protein*
• Complex and/or
Fibrous Carbs
• Drink Water†
1 Liquigel
Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
0-30g depending on your individual
• Novedex XT® 2-4 capsules before bed
• Diet 6 meals per day at 2 ½ hour intervals;
same protein and carbs as training days.
Drink lots of water.
• SuperPump250™ 1-2 scoops once or twice a day (optional)
• IntraPro™ Use 1-3 times per day depending on your
protein requirement per meal
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 liquigel, 3 times per day with a meal ╪
• Novedex XT® 2-4 capsules before bed ╪
╪ Example Cycling Program for Halodrol Liquigels™ and Novedex XT®
2 Weeks Off
2 Weeks Off
Note: Some athletes may choose to use SizeOn™ with this
program as well. If so:
• SizeOn™ 1 scoop w/16-20oz. water
Option #1 Begin drinking SizeOn™ as training begins and
finish approx. halfway thru training
Option #2 Drink SizeOn™ immediately after training
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Stacking The Ultimate MASS Monster Stack AM Training Days: For Those Training In The Morning
The Ultimate
The Gaspari “Ultimate Mass Monster Stack” is for the
intermediate to advanced athlete interested in packing
on pounds of lean mass as well as making explosive
gains in strength – fast. Grow muscle belly size
and increase muscle fiber strength while
increasing performance, endurance and recovery. If you really want to get BIG, the Ultimate
Mass Monster Stack is a sure-fire way to do it.
Get the job done right – get it done now!
Stack For Men
4:30pm RELOAD
• Superpump-250™ 1-2 scoops for a super anti-catabolic
afternoon lift (optional)
• Drink Water†
For Those Training In The Morning
6:00am MEAL 1
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 Liquigel
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex Carbs 30-50g depending on your individual
and/or Fruit metabolism
• Superpump-250™ 1-3 scoops
• PlasmaJet™ 1 serving (never use PlasmaJet™ more than
once a day or 4x per week, and never on
non-training days)
7:00am TRAINING & SIZEON™ – Train For 45-90 Mins.
4:30pm MEAL 5
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex and/or 30-100g depending on your individual
Fibrous Carbs metabolism**
7:00pm MEAL 6
• Halodrol Liquigels™
• Lean Protein*
• Complex and/or
Fibrous Carbs
• Drink Water†
• SizeOn™ 1 scoop w/16-20oz. water
Option #1 Begin drinking SizeOn™ as training begins and
finish approx. halfway thru training
Option #2 Drink SizeOn™ immediately after training
9:00am MEAL 2
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex Carbs 30-100g depending on your individual
• Drink Water†
11:30am MEAL 3
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex Carbs 30-100g depending on your individual
2:00pm MEAL 4
• Halodrol Liquigels™
• Lean Protein*
• Complex and/or
Fibrous Carbs
1 Liquigel
Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
30-100g depending on your individual
1 Liquigel
Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
30-100g depending on your
individual metabolism**
For more information, call our product hotline at 1.888.742.7727 or visit us online at
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops
• Novedex XT® 2-4 capsules before bed
*Protein: Grams per meal = 1.5 x your bodyweight divided by 6 will
give you your protein requirement (grams of protein) per meal. (ex.
1.5 x 200lb. = 300 ÷ 6 = 50g
**Those consuming larger amounts of carbs may want to begin
lowering their carb intake as the day goes on to prevent taking
excess or unused calories to bed with them that may be stored as
body fat. For younger athletes with very fast metabolisms and those
really looking to gain maximum strength and weight, you may
choose to consume up to 150g or more per meal.
† Athletes consuming higher quantities of protein should consume
generous amounts of water throughout the entire day. 1 gallons or
3-4 liters minimum is a good rule of thumb.
‡ Taking SuperPump250™ in the late afternoon or early evening:
Because of its long lasting effects, SuperPump250™ may keep some
individuals awake past their bedtime. To avoid this, you may choose
to a) reduce the evening dose, or b) take SuperPump250™ in the mid
afternoon rather than early evening.
NOTE: Check with your physician or health care professional before
beginning this or any diet and exercise, and supplement plan.
Stacking The Ultimate MASS Monster Stack
PM Training Days: For Those Training In The Evening
For Those Training In The Evening
• Halodrol Liquigels 1 Liquigel
• SuperPump250™ 1-2 scoops
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex Carbs 30-100g depending on your individual
and/or Fruit metabolism
7:00pm TRAINING & SIZEON™ – Train For 45-90 Mins.
10:30am MEAL 2
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex Carbs 30-100g depending on your individual
• Drink Water†
1:00pm MEAL 3
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex Carbs 30-100g depending on your individual
3:30pm MEAL 4
• Halodrol Liquigels 1 Liquigel
• Lean Protein* Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
• Complex Carbs 30-100g depending on your individual
• Drink Water†
6:00pm MEAL 5
• IntraPro™ 1-3 scoops (depending on your protein
requirement per meal)*
• Complex and/or 30-50g depending on your individual
Fibrous Carbs metabolism**
6:30pm GET IN GEAR
• SuperPump250™ 1-3 scoops ‡
• PlasmaJet™ 1 serving (never use PlasmaJet™ more than
once a day or 4x per week, and never on
non-training days)
• SizeOn™ 1 scoop w/16-20oz. water
Option #1 Begin drinking SizeOn as training begins and
finish approx. halfway thru training
Option #2 Drink SizeOn immediately after training
9:00pm MEAL 6
• Halodrol Liquigels™
• Lean Protein*
• Complex and/or
Fibrous Carbs
• Drink Water†
1 Liquigel
Chicken/turkey brst, lean beef, fish, egg whites
30-100g depending on your individual
• IntraPro™ 1-2 scoops (optional at bedtime)
• Novedex XT® 2-4 capsules before bed
• Diet 6 meals per day at 2 ½ hour intervals;
same protein and carbs as training days.
Drink lots of water.
• SuperPump250™ 1-2 scoops once or twice a day (optional)
• SizeOn™ 1 scoop per day taken around the same time
you normally would on training days.
• IntraPro™ Use 1-3 times per day depending on your
protein requirement per meal
• Halodrol Liquigels™ 1 liquigel, 3 times per day with a meal ††
• Novedex XT® 2-4 capsules before bed ††
††Example Cycling Program for Halodrol Liquigels™ and Novedex XT®
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Repeat Cycle
Repeat Cycle
Gaspari Nutrition Delivers
To The Nitric Oxide Category.
Years in the making, light years ahead of the competition’s NO... Gaspari’s PlasmaJet™ is now the
absolute LAST WORD in nitric oxide – and so
much more! Consisting of the most advanced
nitric oxide inducing precursors/co-factors and a
unique delivery mechanism NEVER seen before
in the sports supplement industry that will not
only blow your mind, but will blow up your
muscles and the amount of iron you push and
pull – from the very 1st hour you use it! Come see
how PlasmaJet™ succeeds where so many others
have failed before it.
• Optimal Vasodilation for Massive Muscle
Pumps and Vascularity
• Substantial Gains in Lean Muscle Mass,
Strength and Stamina
• Stimulates Glycogen Building in Skeletal Muscle
• Increased Uptake of Amino Acids and Other
• Increase Performance in the Bedroom
• Effective Post Cycle Therapy Powerhouse
Available at health and vitamin stores, gyms and select retailers around the world.
Manufactured for Gaspari Nutrition: 501 Prospect St., Suite 107, Lakewood, NJ 08701 • Distributors Call 1.732.364.3777
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.