online guide - Home Box Office
online guide - Home Box Office
ONLINE GUIDE MARCH 2011 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 28 MONDAY 1 6:00a HBO 6:45 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:15 MAX 9:30 MAX 10:15 HBO 11:15 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:20p MAX 1:45 HBO 3:30 HBO 4:00 MAX 5:45 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:30 MAX Music by Prudence Where the Wild Things Are Invictus Fighting MAX on Set Avatar Dead Zone The Sunset Limited Edge of Darkness Inkheart The Firm A Walk to Remember Cast Away Drag Me to Hell Our Family Wedding Couples Retreat Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Real Time With Bill Maher The Sunset Limited Edge of Darkness Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Ricky Gervais Show Alien Sex Files 3: Alien Babes Braveheart Drag Me to Hell Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Ricochet The Door in the Floor 6:00a HBO Masterclass 6:30 HBO E.T. 6:45 MAX Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:35 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:05a HBO 1:30 MAX 3:05 HBO 3:10 MAX 4:05 HBO 4:50 MAX TUESDAY The Secret of the Ooze 8:15 MAX Panic Room 8:30 HBO Alvin and the Chipmunks: 10:00 HBO 10:10 MAX 10:15 HBO 12:20p MAX 12:30 HBO 2:00 HBO 2:05 MAX 3:50 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:30 MAX 5:45 HBO 7:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:05a HBO 12:15 MAX 12:30 HBO 1:00 HBO 2:10 MAX 3:10 HBO 3:35 MAX 5:05 MAX 5:30 HBO The Squeakquel The Making of Robin Hood He’s Just Not That Into You State of Play 8 Seconds Date Night 12 Rounds The Three Musketeers Code of Silence Land of the Lost Funny People Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel The Last House on the Left Date Night Cocktail Making Mildred Pierce Big Love Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show Lingerie Feature Funny or Die Presents The Peacemaker Bruno Backdraft Private School Love Liza Transmission Test 2 6:35a MAX 7:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:30p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:35 MAX 4:00 HBO 4:30 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:30 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 12:30a MAX 1:45 HBO 2:15 HBO MAX 2:45 MAX 4:25 HBO 4:50 MAX WEDNESDAY Death Defying Acts Coraline The Mod Squad What to Watch Marley & Me Solaris Brave New Voices 2010 Pirate Radio Thurgood Black Rain Much Ado About Nothing Dragonball Evolution Flight of the Conchords Marley & Me Tales From the Crypt Presents Bordello of Blood Diary of a Wimpy Kid Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Thurgood Head of State Big Love Edge of Darkness Real Time With Bill Maher The Wolfman Co-Ed Confidential 4play Beverly Hills Cop II Funny or Die Presents Domino Life on Top The Best Man Shoot to Kill A Bridge Too Far F E B R U A R Y/ MARCH 2011 3 THURSDAY 6:15a HBO 7:45 HBO MAX 9:20 MAX 9:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 12:05p MAX 1:00 HBO 1:30 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:40 MAX 4:30 5:15 6:15 7:15 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:45 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:15a MAX 12:30 HBO 1:40 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:20 HBO 5:30 MAX Surf Ninjas Gasland Monsters vs. Aliens Avatar Black Dog My Sister’s Keeper Scooby-Doo The Losers Sneakers Cool Runnings I Could Never Be Your Woman The Addams Family Adaptation Addams Family Values Avatar Big Love The Losers Twelve Monkeys HBO First Look The Adjustment Bureau Taxicab Confessions Funny or Die Presents Naked Lust The Battle for Marjah The Informant! Ride With the Devil Kinsey One Hour Photo The Three Faces of Eve 4 6:00a HBO 7:05 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 11:00 HBO MAX 1:00p HBO MAX 2:30 HBO 2:45 MAX 4:35 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:00 6:05 6:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:15a MAX 12:30 HBO 12:45 MAX 1:00 HBO 1:30 HBO 2:10 MAX 3:05 HBO 3:45 MAX 4:05 HBO 5:20 MAX FRIDAY A Mighty Wind Nobody’s Fool Brown Sugar It’s Complicated Post Grad The Box Saturday Night Fever Malibu’s Most Wanted Beverly Hills Cop III State of Play The Time Traveler’s Wife Juwanna Mann The Making of Robin Hood Post Grad The Frighteners Catch Me If You Can It’s Complicated The Ricky Gervais Show Eastbound & Down Real Time With Bill Maher The People vs. Larry Flynt Real Time With Bill Maher Funny or Die Presents Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show Dark Fantasies Funny or Die Presents Old School Darkman Big Love Darkman II: The Return of Durant Road to Perdition Darkman III: Die, Darkman, Die 5 6:00a HBO 6:15 HBO 6:50 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:05 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:50p MAX 1:00 MAX 1:30 HBO 1:45 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:30 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:15a MAX 12:30 HBO 1:35 MAX 2:55 HBO 3:05 MAX 3:15 HBO 4:45 MAX SATURDAY The Making of Watchmen Land of the Lost I Spy Ocean’s Eleven Harry Potter/Half-Blood Prince Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Beverly Hills Cop Whip It MAX Final Cut Funny People A Perfect Getaway What to Watch The Losers Footloose Thurgood Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Making Mildred Pierce Ocean’s Eleven Coming to America Robin Hood Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Tooth Fairy HBO Boxing After Dark Alvarez vs. Hatton; Ponce de Leon vs. Broner Life on Top The Hills Have Thighs Robin Hood Miss March What to Watch Gothika Watchmen Tooth Fairy HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 9:00P THE SUNSET LIMITED HBO Films® DATE NIGHT 9:00P EDGE OF DARKNESS 10:00P TWELVE MONKEYS 10:00P 9:00P THE RICKY GERVAIS SHOW 10:30P HBO BOXING AFTER DARK® 6 SUNDAY 6:00a HBO Marley & Me 6:30 MAX Turner & Hooch 8:00 HBO Real Sports With Bryant 8:10 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:15 HBO 11:30 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:30 HBO 2:30 3:00 4:00 4:45 6:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 8:15 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:30a HBO MAX 1:00 HBO 2:00 HBO MAX 2:30 MAX 4:05 HBO 4:15 MAX Gumbel The Fourth Kind HBO Boxing After Dark Liberty Stands Still The Making of Robin Hood 12 Rounds Shallow Hal Flight of the Conchords Real Time With Bill Maher Bride of Chucky Date Night Whiteout Independence Day Our Family Wedding Robin Hood Wargames: The Dead Code Tooth Fairy Big Love Big Love Funny People Date Night The Ricky Gervais Show Lingerie Feature Real Time With Bill Maher Orphan Life on Top Psycho Collateral Damage Songcatcher HBO SUNDAY NIGHT BIG LOVE® 9:00P PROGRAM SCHEDULE 7 MONDAY 6:00a HBO North Shore 6:05 MAX MAX on Set Monsters vs. Aliens 6:30 MAX The Seven Year Itch 7:45 HBO The Making of Land of the Lost 8:00 HBO Dear God 8:15 MAX Tooth Fairy 10:00 HBO The Blind Side MAX Transamerica 11:45 MAX Avatar 12:15p HBO Adam 2:00 HBO The Soloist 2:30 MAX Coneheads 4:00 HBO Starsky & Hutch MAX He’s Just Not 5:45 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:20a MAX 1:30 HBO 1:45 HBO 3:05 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:35 MAX 5:10 MAX 5:20 HBO That Into You The Blind Side Head of State Real Time With Bill Maher The Color of Money She’s Out of My League Tooth Fairy HBO First Look Paul The Ricky Gervais Show HBO Boxing After Dark Lingerie Avatar The Making of Watchmen The Battle for Marjah Lingerie From Hell Myra Breckinridge Soldier of Fortune The UCLA Dynasty 8 TUESDAY 6:30a HBO 6:45 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 10:00 HBO MAX 11:45 HBO MAX 12:00 HBO 1:15p MAX 2:30 HBO 3:05 MAX 4:30 HBO 4:35 MAX 6:10 MAX 6:15 HBO 6:30 HBO 8:20 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:10a MAX 12:30 1:00 1:40 2:40 3:30 3:45 5:30 HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX Jingle All the Way Cats & Dogs Dante’s Peak The Bad News Bears Behind Enemy Lines Ghosts of Girlfriends Past HBO First Look The Adjustment Bureau Juwanna Mann Robin Hood The Chumscrubber Ocean’s Eleven Standing Still Coraline Deadly Impact Twelve Monkeys What to Watch The Ring Wayne’s World Robin Hood Wayne’s World 2 Big Love Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show Co-Ed Confidential 4play Feature Funny or Die Presents The Hangover Murderous Intent Taxicab Confessions Miller’s Crossing In the Name of the Father The Mistress of Spices 9 WEDNESDAY 6:00a HBO 7:05 MAX 7:45 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:30 HBO MAX 1:00p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:10 MAX 4:45 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 6:45 8:00 8:30 10:00 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:15a MAX 1:50 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:20 HBO 2:30 2:50 4:25 4:35 MAX HBO HBO MAX Mouse Hunt The Great Escape The Losers Whip It Miss March Date Night The Weight of Water The Box Bad Medicine Amelia Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Darkman III: Die, Darkman, Die Love Potion No. 9 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian The Losers The Time Traveler’s Wife Date Night Big Love Tooth Fairy Real Time With Bill Maher Co-Ed Confidential 4play Thurgood Code of Silence Funny or Die Presents Life on Top Cathouse: Come to the Party! Control New Best Friend Love and a Bullet What a Way to Go! MARCH 2011 10 THURSDAY 6:00a HBO Alvin and the Chipmunks: 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 11:15 HBO 12:15p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 4:00 HBO 4:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30a HBO 1:30 MAX 2:50 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:30 MAX 5:00 HBO The Squeakquel American Graffiti Marley & Me Edge of Darkness Land of the Lost Wargames: The Dead Code The Blind Side Hear No Evil The Lovely Bones Funny People 12 Rounds Turner & Hooch HBO First Look The Adjustment Bureau Land of the Lost Edge of Darkness Big Love Beverly Hills Cop The Blind Side Beverly Hills Cop II Real Sex 33: Stocks Down, Sex Up Beverly Hills Cop III Funny or Die Presents Watchmen Secret Lives Lingerie American Splendor Bound for Glory Away We Go 11 6:00a MAX 6:45 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:05 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 12:45 MAX 2:15 3:20 4:30 5:00 6:30 6:50 8:30 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 12:30a HBO MAX 1:00 HBO 1:30 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:20 HBO 4:00 MAX 4:20 HBO FRIDAY 12 SATURDAY 13 SUNDAY A Simple Wish The Addams Family Nuns on the Run Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Ocean’s Eleven Our Family Wedding Coraline Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Blues Brothers 2000 Gothika My Sister’s Keeper The Informant! Ocean’s Eleven A Perfect Getaway Making Mildred Pierce Dragonball Evolution The Ricky Gervais Show Eastbound & Down Real Time With Bill Maher Coming to America Real Time With Bill Maher Funny or Die Presents Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show The Erotic Traveler Feature Funny or Die Presents She’s Out of My League Whiteout Big Love Thunderbolt and Lightfoot Resident Evil 6:00a HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO The UCLA Dynasty The Poseidon Adventure Amelia Pirate Radio Date Night He’s Just Not That Into You I Can’t Do This But I Can Do That The Losers Twelve Monkeys HBO First Look The Adjustment Bureau Marmaduke Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cocktail What to Watch It’s Complicated Date Night The Box Head of State MacGruber Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Get Him to the Greek HBO World Championship Boxing Live! Martinez vs. Dzinziruk; Lee vs. McEwan Life on Top Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Zane’s Sex Chronicles Feature MacGruber Get Him to the Greek The Making of The Blind Side Old School Dead Again 6:00a HBO 6:30 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 10:15 MAX 10:30 HBO 12:10p MAX 12:30 HBO 12:45 HBO Brown Sugar Three Men and a Baby Catch Me If You Can Crimson Tide Get Him to the Greek World Championship Boxing The People vs. Larry Flynt What to Watch Real Time With Bill Maher Robin Hood Murderous Intent HBO First Look Paul The Three Musketeers Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Catch Me If You Can Edge of Darkness Get Him to the Greek Big Love: End of Days Big Love Big Love Code of Silence Robin Hood Tales From the Crypt Presents Demon Knight Dark Fantasies The Ricky Gervais Show Real Time With Bill Maher Life on Top The Hangover Midnight Cowboy Half Baked Three Coins in the Fountain 11:00 HBO 12:15p MAX 12:45 HBO 1:00 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 4:00 HBO 4:15 MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:20 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30a HBO MAX 1:30 HBO 1:45 MAX 3:05 HBO 3:20 HBO 3:40 MAX HBO SATURDAY NIGHT TOOTH FAIRY 10:00P ROBIN HOOD 8:30P 8:00P THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE THE BLIND SIDE 9:00P 10:00P REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER 10:30P HBO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® LIVE! 1:45 HBO 2:20 MAX 4:15 HBO MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:45 MAX 1:20a MAX 1:25 HBO 1:55 HBO 2:45 2:55 3:15 4:35 5:10 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO SUNDAY NIGHT BIG LOVE® 9:00P PROGRAM SCHEDULE MARCH 2011 14 MONDAY 15 TUESDAY 16 WEDNESDAY 17 THURSDAY 18 FRIDAY 19 SATURDAY 20 SUNDAY 6:00a HBO 6:45 HBO 6:50 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:10 MAX Masterclass The Making of Amelia Stuart Little 2 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hollywood Ending 12 Rounds Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian The Lovely Bones Get Him to the Greek The Making of State of Play Big Love: End of Days Date Night Big Business Behind Enemy Lines The Betrayed State of Play Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Real Time With Bill Maher The Frighteners Date Night Get Him to the Greek Big Love: End of Days The Ricky Gervais Show World Championship Boxing The Hills Have Thighs Asylum Pavement Saturday Night Fever What to Watch The Peacemaker River’s Edge Big Love: End of Days 6:00a HBO 6:30 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:10 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:15 HBO 10:20 MAX 12:00 HBO MAX 1:45p MAX 2:00 HBO Pootie Tang I Could Never Be Your Woman Brave New Voices 2010 Black Rain Addams Family Values Land of the Lost A Perfect Getaway Marley & Me I Spy Avatar Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle The Making of The Blind Side What to Watch Amelia Tooth Fairy Liberty Stands Still HBO First Look Paul The Blind Side Adaptation MacGruber Avatar Making Mildred Pierce Big Love The Ricky Gervais Show Funny or Die Presents Life on Top Real Sex 33: Stocks Down, Sex Up Rush Unfaithful Prizzi’s Honor MacGruber Flight of the Conchords Transmission Test 6:00a HBO 7:00 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:00 HBO Shorts Casper Catch Me If You Can Play Misty for Me Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Get Him to the Greek Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs The Color of Money Starsky & Hutch Making Mildred Pierce Shallow Hal Independence Day Whiteout Catch Me If You Can Beverly Hills Cop III Big Love Monster’s Ball Big Love Big Love Get Him to the Greek Real Time With Bill Maher Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Co-Ed Confidential 4play The Last House on the Left Watchmen Life on Top Coming to America Funny or Die Presents 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag Lovely & Amazing 6:00a HBO 6:35 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:20 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:15p HBO 12:30 HBO 1:00 MAX 2:30 HBO MAX 4:10 MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 HBO The UCLA Dynasty Cold Comfort Farm Love Potion No.9 Dragonball Evolution The Making of Coraline Date Night Code of Silence Coraline Bride of Chucky HBO First Look Paul Ocean’s Eleven How I Got Into College The Skulls City of Industry The Time Traveler’s Wife Date Night Behind Enemy Lines The People vs. Larry Flynt Big Love The Fourth Kind The Hangover It’s Complicated HBO First Look Paul Katie Morgan’s Sex Tips: Questions, Anyone? The Best of Katie Morgan Funny or Die Presents Dark Fantasies Big Love: End of Days Thirteen Conversations About One Thing Panic Room Renegades Head of State Backdraft Shadrach 6:30a MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 1:00p HBO Gentlemen Broncos Marmaduke The Three Musketeers Amelia Body of Evidence Big Love: End of Days 12 Rounds Wayne’s World Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Wayne’s World 2 Marley & Me Edge of Darkness Thurgood Cocktail The Lovely Bones Wargames: The Dead Code Turner & Hooch HBO First Look Hop The Ricky Gervais Show Eastbound & Down Real Time With Bill Maher Edge of Darkness Real Time With Bill Maher Funny or Die Presents Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show Naked Lust Funny or Die Presents From Hell Beverly Hills Cop Big Love Night Falls on Manhattan Unknown Fiddler on the Roof 6:00a HBO 6:30 HBO 8:00 HBO 8:45 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 12:00 HBO Masterclass National Security Robin Hood Tooth Fairy Date Night The Best Man Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Juwanna Mann HBO First Look Paul Post Grad Deadly Impact Robin Hood Our Family Wedding Beverly Hills Cop II Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Cop Out The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway The Book of Eli Cop Out Life on Top Co-Ed Confidential 4play Feature She’s Out of My League The Book of Eli Orphan Kinsey Brave New Voices 2010 6:00a MAX 6:15 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:10 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:15 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:15p HBO 1:30 HBO 1:40 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:10 MAX 4:30 HBO 4:45 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:30 HBO MAX 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:10 HBO 11:15 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:50a HBO 1:15 MAX 1:20 HBO 2:20 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:15 MAX 4:05 HBO 5:15 MAX MAX on Set The Book of Eli Half Past Dead Flash Gordon Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Night at the Museum: Battle... Making of Land of the Lost The Blind Side The Book of Eli Coraline Darkman HBO First Look Hop Real Time With Bill Maher Darkman III: Die, Darkman, Die The Box Darkman II: Return of Durant Big Love: End of Days Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Blind Side Miss March The Book of Eli Big Love Series Finale A Perfect Getaway Big Love MacGruber Life on Top 3 Episodes! The Ricky Gervais Show Private School Real Time With Bill Maher Super Troopers Life on Top The Limits of Control Collateral Damage Wild River 10:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:45p HBO 1:00 HBO 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:40 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:20 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:15a MAX 1:30 HBO 2:50 MAX 3:05 HBO 3:20 HBO 4:50 MAX 5:25 HBO 3:45 HBO 4:00 HBO 4:30 HBO MAX 6:20 MAX 6:30 HBO 6:45 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:30a HBO 12:45 MAX 1:00 HBO 1:15 1:50 3:20 3:55 5:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 12:30p MAX 12:45 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 3:00 HBO 4:30 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 12:35a MAX 1:00 2:30 3:00 3:45 4:15 HBO MAX MAX HBO HBO 5:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 12:30a HBO 1:00 HBO 1:25 2:45 3:20 4:35 5:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 1:05 2:30 2:45 4:30 4:45 6:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 8:15 8:45 9:00 9:30 10:00 MAX HBO HBO HBO HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 12:30a HBO 12:35 MAX 1:00 HBO 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:35 HBO 3:45 MAX 4:35 HBO 5:40 MAX 12:30p MAX 1:45 HBO 2:00 HBO MAX 3:30 HBO 3:40 MAX 5:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30a MAX 1:20 2:00 3:10 4:00 5:15 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 7:00P RUNNIN’ REBELS OF UNLV MACGRUBER 9:00P 10:00P GET HIM TO THE GREEK IT’S COMPLICATED 10:00P 9:00P THE RICKY GERVAIS SHOW 10:00P THE PEE-WEE HERMAN SHOW ON BROADWAY HBO SUNDAY NIGHT 9:00P BIG LOVE® Series Finale PROGRAM SCHEDULE 21 MONDAY 6:00a HBO Masterclass 6:30 HBO Magic & Bird: 7:05 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:15p HBO 1:45 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:15 3:30 4:00 5:15 6:00 8:00 MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:45 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:15a HBO 1:20 MAX 1:50 HBO 2:35 3:50 4:25 5:35 HBO MAX HBO MAX A Courtship of Rivals Lady in Cement Whip It Avatar E.T. Twelve Monkeys Making of The Blind Side Land of the Lost Critters The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway The Book of Eli Making Mildred Pierce It Runs in the Family Avatar The American President Real Time With Bill Maher Coming to America Triangle: Remembering the Fire The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway The Book of Eli The Ricky Gervais Show Making Mildred Pierce Dark Fantasies Old School Funny People Real Sex 33: Stocks Down, Sex Up Auto Focus Beverly Hills Cop III Redline Control 22 TUESDAY 23 WEDNESDAY 6:00a HBO 7:40 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:15 MAX 10:15 HBO 10:30 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 12:50 MAX 2:00 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 4:30 HBO Independence Day Catch That Kid Starsky & Hutch City of Industry The Making of Amelia The Skulls The Informant! Diary of a Wimpy Kid Head of State Big Love: End of Days My Sister’s Keeper Get Him to the Greek Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights Dragonball Evolution HBO First Look Hop Independence Day Beverly Hills Cop The People vs. Larry Flynt Cop Out Get Him to the Greek Big Love: End of Days Big Love Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show Funny or Die Presents Tales From the Crypt Presents Bordello of Blood Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV One Hour Photo Lingerie Pirate Radio Cop Out Nobody’s Fool Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals 6:30a MAX 7:00 HBO 8:30 HBO 8:40 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:45 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:00 HBO MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:05a HBO 12:30 HBO MAX 1:00 HBO 2:00 HBO MAX 2:35 MAX 3:40 HBO 4:35 MAX 5:30 HBO 4:10 5:30 6:00 7:30 8:00 10:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 12:15a HBO 12:30 MAX 2:00 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 3:00 HBO MAX 4:25 HBO 4:35 MAX Sneakers Black Dog Flight of the Conchords The Book of Eli Robin Hood Cocktail State of Play Edge of Darkness The Blind Side Wargames: The Dead Code Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel The Three Musketeers 12 Rounds It’s Complicated Robin Hood Crimson Tide Big Love The Book of Eli Real Time With Bill Maher HBO First Look Paul Co-Ed Confidential 4play The Hangover Edge of Darkness Funny or Die Presents A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia: Going Down in the Valley Life on Top Half Baked Tales From the Crypt Presents Demon Knight Will Ferrell: You’re Welcome America. A Final Night With George W Bush Juwanna Mann MARCH 2011 24 THURSDAY 6:00a HBO Ferngully: The Last Rainforest 6:05 MAX Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron 7:15 HBO Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 7:30 MAX Love and Death 9:00 HBO Marmaduke MAX Harry Potter and the 10:30 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:35 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:15 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:30 HBO 4:45 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 9:05 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:10a MAX 12:30 HBO 2:00 HBO MAX 2:30 MAX 4:05 HBO 4:35 MAX 5:05 HBO Half-Blood Prince Big Love: End of Days Much Ado About Nothing Gothika Post Grad Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Brown Sugar A Perfect Getaway The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway Three Men and a Baby Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Our Family Wedding Big Love Whiteout Big Love: End of Days MacGruber He’s Just Not That Into You Real Sex 7 Funny or Die Presents Sin City Diaries Feature The Pee-Wee Herman Show... Waiting to Exhale Lingerie Black Rain Tracy Morgan: Black and Blue Monster’s Ball The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town 25 FRIDAY 6:30a MAX 6:45 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:20p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:05 MAX 4:30 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:15 HBO 6:30 HBO Broadway Danny Rose Shorts The Betrayed Diary of a Wimpy Kid Psycho My Sister’s Keeper Dead Again The Ring Tooth Fairy Catch Me If You Can Murderous Intent Behind Enemy Lines The Fourth Kind HBO First Look Paul Triangle: Remembering the Fire Beverly Hills Cop II Diary of a Wimpy Kid Miss March The Ricky Gervais Show Eastbound & Down Real Time With Bill Maher Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Real Time With Bill Maher Life on Top Funny or Die Presents Secret Lives The Ricky Gervais Show Funny or Die Presents The Peacemaker Twelve Monkeys Big Love Black Sheep Ghost in the Machine The Mod Squad 6:45 7:15 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:50 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:20a MAX 12:30 HBO 1:00 HBO 1:30 HBO 1:40 MAX 3:40 HBO 3:50 MAX 4:40 HBO 5:20 MAX 26 SATURDAY 6:15a HBO The Last Truck: Closing of a GM Plant 7:00 HBO Diary of a Wimpy Kid MAX Avatar 8:30 HBO Big Love: 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:30p HBO 12:45 HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:15 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:35a MAX 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:30 3:50 5:30 5:50 HBO MAX HBO MAX End of Days Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Get Him to the Greek Robin Hood The Informant! HBO First Look Hop The Blind Side Code of Silence The Lovely Bones Avatar Independence Day Get Him to the Greek Just Wright Saturday Night Fever HBO Boxing After Dark Gamboa vs. Solis; Remillard vs. Garcia Green Zone Just Wright Life on Top Dark Fantasies The Hangover The Frighteners The Making of The Blind Side Road to Perdition Green Zone Flight of the Conchords Altered States HBO SATURDAY NIGHT TRIANGLE: 9:00P REMEMBERING THE FIRE® HBO Documentary Films COP OUT 8:30P THE BOOK OF ELI 10:00P 10:00P HE’S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU 12:00A FUNNY OR DIE PRESENTS Season Finale 9:45P HBO BOXING AFTER DARK® 27 SUNDAY 6:00a HBO 7:30 HBO 7:35 MAX 9:05 MAX 9:15 HBO 9:45 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:00 HBO 1:00p HBO Marmaduke Starsky & Hutch Dragonball Evolution Panic Room Making Mildred Pierce HBO Boxing After Dark Green Zone The Making of Robin Hood Real Time With Bill Maher Triangle: Remembering the Fire Solaris Whip It Head of State The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway The Time Traveler’s Wife Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaurs Beverly Hills Cop III Just Wright Green Zone Mildred Pierce Part One and Part Two Beverly Hills Cop Cop Out Co-Ed Confidential Feature The Ricky Gervais Show Life on Top Mildred Pierce Parts 1 & 2 The Last House on the Left Real Time With Bill Maher The Color of Money Ghost in the Machine Coneheads MAX 1:45 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:20 5:15 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:00 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:50a HBO 1:15 MAX 1:20 HBO 1:50 MAX 3:20 HBO 3:45 MAX 4:20 HBO 5:45 MAX HBO SUNDAY NIGHT 9:00P MILDRED PIERCE Part One and Part Two PROGRAM SCHEDULE 28 MONDAY 6:05a HBO Adam Sandler’s 7:15 7:30 8:30 9:00 11:00 MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 1:00p MAX 1:30 HBO 3:00 HBO MAX 4:35 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:35 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 9:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 1:15a MAX 2:00 HBO 2:15 HBO 3:20 MAX 3:50 HBO 5:00 MAX 5:45 HBO Eight Crazy Nights Turner & Hooch Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Catch Me If You Can Adaptation Robin Hood Green Zone Crimson Tide Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Ocean’s Eleven Monsters vs. Aliens Rush Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Amelia Deadly Impact Real Time With Bill Maher Cocktail Robin Hood Green Zone The Ricky Gervais Show HBO Boxing After Dark Zane’s Sex Chronicles Feature Pirate Radio HBO First Look Paul MacGruber Wargames: The Dead Code Collateral Damage Hear No Evil HBO First Look Paul 29 TUESDAY 30 WEDNESDAY 6:00a HBO 6:45 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:45 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:30p MAX 12:45 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 4:00 HBO 4:20 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Shallow Hal It Runs in the Family Beverly Hills Cop II The American President The Book of Eli Just Wright The Best Man Love Potion No. 9 Post Grad Footloose Whip It Darkman The Box The Book of Eli Just Wright Edge of Darkness HBO First Look Hop Mildred Pierce Part One and Part Two Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince The Ricky Gervais Show Funny or Die Presents Life on Top Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV The Hills Have Thighs Resident Evil Edge of Darkness She’s Out of My League How I Got Into College Flight of the Conchords 6:00a MAX Big Business 6:05 HBO Sinbad: MAX 12:05a HBO 12:30 HBO 12:35 MAX 1:00 HBO 1:10 MAX 2:00 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:30 MAX 5:35 HBO 7:30 7:40 9:15 9:30 11:00 HBO MAX MAX HBO HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 2:10 MAX 2:15 HBO 2:30 HBO 4:00 HBO 4:20 MAX 6:00 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO MAX 12:30a MAX 2:05 HBO 2:10 MAX 2:35 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:05 HBO 4:55 HBO 5:30 MAX Legend of the Seven Seas The Skulls Asylum Avatar Pootie Tang The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway The People vs. Larry Flynt Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaurs He’s Just Not That Into You The Making of The Blind Side Marmaduke The Lovely Bones Darkman II: The Return of Durant Bride of Chucky The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway Funny People Cop Out Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Green Zone Real Time With Bill Maher Mildred Pierce Parts 1 & 2 Lingerie A Perfect Getaway Funny or Die Presents Life on Top The Best of Katie Morgan Avatar Cop Out Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel City of Industry MARCH/ APRIL 2011 31 THURSDAY 6:00a HBO HBO First Look Hop 6:15 HBO The Last Truck: 7:00 HBO 7:10 MAX 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:15p HBO 12:30 HBO 12:45 MAX 2:30 HBO 2:40 MAX 4:15 4:30 5:15 6:00 7:30 8:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30a HBO 1:30 HBO 1:50 MAX 3:30 MAX 3:40 HBO 4:50 MAX 5:25 HBO Closing of a GM Plant Independence Day Flash Gordon Get Him to the Greek The Ring Tooth Fairy Triangle: Remembering the Fire HBO First Look Hop Amelia Night Falls on Manhattan Starsky & Hutch Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Miss March The Blind Side Coming to America Making Mildred Pierce Mildred Pierce Parts 1 & 2 Get Him to the Greek Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Cathouse: Sex, Guys and Videotape A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia... Co-Ed Confidential Feature Funny or Die Presents Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel The Blind Side Liberty Stands Still Bruno Super Troopers The Three Musketeers Making Mildred Pierce 1 6:00a HBO 6:40 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:05 MAX 10:50 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:40p MAX 1:00 MAX 1:30 HBO 3:15 HBO 4:00 MAX 5:00 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:00 7:00 7:45 8:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:50 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:20a MAX 12:30 1:35 2:05 3:10 3:50 4:25 5:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX FRIDAY 2 Elizabeth: The Golden Age Day of the Jackal Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Mission: Impossible Down With Love Xchange Minority Report The Cycle Braveheart The Tuxedo 17 Again I Love You, Beth Cooper Fast & Furious MAX on Set Observe and Report Running Scared Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Spider-Man 2 Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Ricky Gervais Show Eastbound & Down Real Time With Bill Maher X-Men Origins: Wolverine Real Time With Bill Maher Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show Busty Coeds vs. Lusty Cheerleaders MacGruber First Blood Ninja Assassin Up in the Air Summer Heights High Frailty Consequence 6:10a HBO Gold Diggers: 6:40 7:45 8:00 9:15 9:30 11:30 SATURDAY MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:45 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:45 HBO 4:20 MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:50 MAX 12:20a MAX 12:35 HBO 1:45 MAX 3:05 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:05 HBO 5:15 MAX The Secret of Bear Mountain 9 Bride Wars Swimfan Sherlock Holmes Bad Boys II Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel All About Steve The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway The Last Samurai Leap Year Triangle: Remembering the Fire Judge Dredd Mildred Pierce Part One and Part Two Four Christmases Bride Wars Bad Boys II Sex and the City 2 Splice It’s Complicated Life on Top Lust at First Bite Sex and the City 2 Splice Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Chaos Factor Trapped Blue Steel HBO SATURDAY NIGHT GREEN ZONE 10:00P JUST WRIGHT 8:00P REAL SPORTS WITH 10:00P BRYANT GUMBEL 10:00P GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST 10:00P REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER 3 6:00a HBO 7:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:45p HBO 12:50 MAX 1:45 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:15 MAX 4:30 HBO 5:30 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 10:15 11:30 12:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 12:30a HBO MAX 1:00 MAX 1:30 MAX 1:40 HBO 2:40 HBO 3:30 MAX 5:20 MAX 5:10 HBO HBO SUNDAY NIGHT SEX AND THE CITY 2 8:00P SUNDAY Invictus Stargate Diary of a Wimpy Kid Couples Retreat Avatar Splice Real Time With Bill Maher Mr. Deeds Just Wright Jennifer’s Body Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Green Zone Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV Sex and the City 2 S.W.A.T. True Blood Splice Mildred Pierce Part Three The Final Destination Just Wright Life on Top The Ricky Gervais Show Life on Top Mildred Pierce Part Three Life on Top Life on Top S.W.A.T. Real Time With Bill Maher Funny People Semi-Tough Zorba the Greek Battle for Tobacco Road: Duke vs. Carolina 9:00P MILDRED PIERCE Part Three PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MARCH 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX A ADAM A man with Asperger’s Syndrome struggles to profess his feelings for a kind neighbor. Hugh Dancy, Rose Byrne. (AC, GL) PG13-1:39. HBO Mar.7 C5EH ADAM SANDLER’S EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS A mean-spirited drunk is kept out of jail during the Hanukkah season by a kind old man in this animated musical. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:16. HBO Mar.22,28 CSEH ADAPTATION. Spike Jonze' inventive film about a neurotic screenwriter's intense struggle to adapt a popular book. Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper. (AC,AL, V) R-1:55. MAX Mar.3,15,28 CDEH THE ADDAMS FAMILY America's First Family of Ghouls gets conned by an Uncle Fester impersonator in this comedy. Raul Julia, Anjelica Huston star. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:40. HBO Mar.3,11 CSEH ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES Sibling rivalry rears its ugly head with the arrival of a new addition to America's most ghoulish family. Raul Julia, Anjelica Huston star. (AC,MV) PG13-1:34. HBO Mar.3,15 CDEH ALTERED STATES Terrifying experiments in human behavior race out of control for scientist William Hurt in this sci-fi tale. (AL, GV,N) R-1:43. MAX Mar.26 CSEH ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKQUEL Alvin and the Chipmunks rock out more musical hits while going to school in this sequel. (MV) PG-1:29. HBO Mar.1,5,10,13,18,23,28 C5EH AMELIA Oscar®-winner Hilary Swank soars as intrepid aviatrix Amelia Earhart in this biographical drama. Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor. (AL,MV) PG-1:51. HBO Mar.9,12,15,18,28,31 C5EH AMERICAN GRAFFITI George Lucas' 1973 classic about a group of 1962 teens on their last night before college. (AC,AL,BN, MV) PG-1:52. MAX Mar.10 CSEH THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT A widowed U.S. President finds love with a lobbyist during a daunting election year. Michael Douglas and Annette Bening star. (AC,AL) PG13-1:53. HBO Mar.21,29 CSEH AMERICAN SPLENDOR HBO Original Movie The life of underground comic-book writer Harvey Pekar is chronicled in this film. Paul Giamatti, Hope Davis star. (AC, AL) R-1:41. HBO Mar.10 CDEH ASYLUM A college dorm turns out to be a hall of horror for a young girl haunted by the evil spirit of a demented doctor. (AC, GV) R-1:33. MAX Mar.14,30 CSEH AUTO FOCUS Greg Kinnear stars as TV actor Bob Crane in this darkly satirical film that details his fall into sexual addiction. Greg Kinnear, Willem Dafoe. (AC,AL,N,SC, V) R-1:46. HBO Mar.21 CDEH AVATAR James Cameron’s sci-fi smashhit about a paraplegic war vet who finds himself at the center of a war for a distant world. Sam Worthington. (MV) PG13-2:42. MAX Mar.3,7,15,21,26,30 CDEH AWAY WE GO A couple hits the road to find a place to put down roots while awaiting the birth of their first child. (AC,AL,BN) R-1:38. HBO Mar.10 C5EH B BACKDRAFT The rivalry between two firefighting Chicago brothers gets put on the backburner when an arsonist strikes. Kurt Russell, William Baldwin. (AC,BN,GL, V) R-2:17. HBO Mar.1,17 C5EH BAD MEDICINE Steve Guttenberg learns to be a doctor at a cockroach-ridden Central American med school in this comedy. (AC, AL) PG13-1:38. MAX Mar.9 CEH THE BAD NEWS BEARS Walter Matthau is a drunken pool cleaner who coaches the world's worst little league team into winners in this 1976 comedy classic. (AL) PG-1:42. MAX Mar.8 CSEH THE BATTLE FOR MARJAH HBO Documentary Films A look at a high-risk Marine operation to liberate a strategically vital town in Afghanistan. (AC,AL,V) TVMA/V, L-1:28. HBO Mar.3,7 C5EH BEHIND ENEMY LINES A Navy pilot shot down over enemy territory must rely on his rule-breaking commanding officer to save his life. Owen Wilson. (AC,AL,V) PG131:46. HBO Mar.8,14,17,25 CDEH THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS Sheriff Burt Reynolds tries to save Dolly Parton's bordello in this musical. (AL, N) R-1:54. MAX Mar.11 CSEH THE BEST MAN A novelist and his pals comically mull love, friendship and marriage while attending their friend's nuptials. Taye Diggs stars. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-2:00. MAX Mar.2,19,29 CDEH THE BEST OF KATIE MORGAN Adult-film star Katie Morgan looks back at some memorable moments. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-:26. HBO Mar.17,30 CSEH THE BETRAYED A kidnapped woman is forced to assist her captors in retrieving $40 million allegedly stolen by her husband. Melissa George. (AC,AL,V) TV14/ V,L,D-1:39. MAX Mar.14,25 CDEH BEVERLY HILLS COP Detroit cop Eddie Murphy takes L.A. by storm while tracking a killer in this action-comedy. (AC,AL,V) R-1:45. MAX Mar.5,10,18,22,27 CSH BEVERLY HILLS COP II The street-smart Detroit cop is back to help his pals on the force solve robberies. (AC,AL,BN,V) R1:43. MAX Mar.2,10,19,25,29 CSEH BEVERLY HILLS COP III Eddie Murphy's in top form in this sequel that finds him out to find his boss' killer. (AC,AL,V) R-1:44. MAX Mar.4,10,16,21,27 CSEH BIG BUSINESS Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin play two sets of mismatched twins who hail from opposite ends of the spectrum. (AC, AL) PG-1:38. MAX Mar.14,30 CSEH BIG LOVE All-new episodes–including the Series Finale–of HBO’s iconic drama series about a polygamist family in Utah. Bill Paxton stars. 50: Til Death Do Us Part (AC) TV14/D-:59. HBO Mar.1,2,3,4,16 C5EH; 51: The Noose Tightens (AC,V) TV14/V,D-:57. HBO Mar.6,8,9,10, 11,16 C5EH; 52: Exorcism (AC, AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.13,15,16,17, 18 C5EH; 53: When Men and Mountains Meet (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:03. HBO Mar.20,22,23,24,25 C5EH BIG LOVE: END OF DAYS A look back at HBO’s iconic drama series about a polygamist family in Utah. :25. HBO Mar. 13,14,17,18,20,22,24,26 CSEH BLACK DOG Patrick Swayze peels rubber as a trucker hauling illegal freight away from hijackers in this thriller. (AL,V) PG131:29. HBO Mar.3,23 C5EH BLACK RAIN Michael Douglas is a detective who brings his rule-breaking tactics into the Asian underworld. (AL,GV) R-2:05. MAX Mar.2,15,24 CDEH BLACK SHEEP Deadly mutant sheep go on a slaughter spree on a New Zealand farm in this horror satire. (AC,GL,GV,N) TVMA/ V,S,L-1:27. MAX Mar.25 CDEH THE BLIND SIDE Sandra Bullock won an Oscar® for her portrayal of a Southern mom whose family takes in a homeless young football prospect. (AC,MV) PG13-2:08. HBO Mar.7,10,15,20,23,26,31 C5EH BLUES BROTHERS 2000 The Blues Brothers Band reunites for another hilarious, songfilled comedy-adventure. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:04. HBO Mar.11 C5EH BODY OF EVIDENCE Madonna’s kinky bedroom behavior is put on trial when she’s fingered for murder in this thriller. (N, SC) R-1:41. MAX Mar.18 CSEH THE BOOK OF ELI Denzel Washington is a mysterious drifter who holds the last hope for mankind–a Bible–in a desolate future. With Gary Oldman. (AC,AL,RP,V) R-1:58. MAX Mar.19,20,21,23,29 CDEH BOUND FOR GLORY David Carradine was nominated for the 1977 Best Actor Oscar® for his performance in this film biography of American folk singer Woody Guthrie. (AC) PG-2:28. MAX Mar.10 CEH THE BOX The arrival of a mysterious box leads a struggling couple to consider a disturbing, but tempting offer. Cameron Diaz, James Marsden. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:56. HBO Mar.4,9,12,20,29 C5EH BOXING Sergio Martinez faces off against Sergiy Dzinziruk in the headline bout. Plus, Andy Lee vs. Craig McEwan. (AL) TVPG/ L-1:57. HBO Mar.12,13,14 CH BOXING AFTER DARK Saul Alvarez vs. Matthew Hatton. Plus, Daniel Ponce De Leon faces Adrien Broner. (AL) TVPG/ L-1:57. HBO Mar.5,6,7 CSEH BOXING AFTER DARK Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Jorge Solis. On the undercard, Miguel Garcia faces Matt Remillard. (AL) TVPG/ L-1:57. HBO Mar.26,27,28 CSH BRAVE NEW VOICES 2010 A look at the Brave New Voices 2010 National Slam team championships. (AC,AL) TV14/L, D-:55. HBO Mar.2,15,19 CDH BRIDE OF CHUCKY It’s murder and marriage for demonic doll Chucky in this fourth Child’s Play film. (AC,AL,GV) R1:29. MAX Mar.6,17,30 CDEH A BRIDGE TOO FAR A massive wave of Allied paratroopers are dropped behind German lines in 1944 in this World War II film. (V) PG-2:56. MAX Mar.2 CSEH BROADWAY DANNY ROSE Life isn't so boffo, but the laughs are, for a hapless agent in this Woody Allen comedy. (AC, AL) PG-1:25. MAX Mar.25 CEH BROWN SUGAR Two childhood pals with a mutual love for hip-hop music reconnect in this romantic comedy. Taye Diggs. (AC,AL) PG13-1:49. HBO Mar.4,12,24 CDEH BRUNO A flamboyant Austrian fashionista comes to L.A. to find stardom in this comedy. Sacha Baron Cohen. (AC,GL,N,V) R-1:21. MAX Mar.1,31 CDEH C CASPER Everyone’s favorite friendly ghost scares up some family fun in this liveaction film based on the beloved cartoon. (MV) PG-1:40. MAX Mar.16 CDEH CATCH ME IF YOU CAN Teenage con man Leonardo DiCaprio forges jobs, checks and identities while eluding the FBI in this hit. Tom Hanks co-stars. (AC,AL) PG13-2:21. HBO Mar.4,13,16,25,28 CDEH CATCH THAT KID A pre-teen robs a bank to pay for an expensive medical procedure to save her dad. Kristen Stewart. (AC,AL, V) PG-1:32. MAX Mar.22 CDEH CATHOUSE: SEX, GUYS AND VIDEOTAPE The girls of the Moonlite BunnyRanch are taking matters into their own hands–literally–by videotaping themselves in this edition. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S, L-:32. HBO Mar.9,31 CSEH CATS & DOGS Canine secret agents fight a nefarious plan by cats in this family comedy. Jeff Goldblum, Elizabeth Perkins. (MV) PG-1:27. MAX Mar.8 CDEH CHARLIE’S ANGELS: FULL THROTTLE The Angels are back in this electrifying sequel with Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Bernie Mac. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:46. HBO Mar.11,15,19,24 CDEH THE CHUMSCRUBBER A town’s selfinvolved residents find themselves messed up in each other’s peculiar lives. (AC,AL, V) R-1:47. MAX Mar.8 CDEH CITY OF INDUSTRY A man vows to avenge his brother’s death in this suspense-thriller. Harvey Keitel, Stephen Dorff. (AC,AL,V) R1:37. MAX Mar.17,22,30 CSEH CO-ED CONFIDENTIAL FEATURE A compilation from Season One of the erotic series about the sexy doings at a frat house. 01: The First Time (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:29. MAX Mar.27 CSH; 04: When Virgins Attack (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-2:02. MAX Mar.31 CSH CO-ED CONFIDENTIAL 4PLAY Season Four episodes of the sexy MAX After Dark series. 01: Staying Power (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:32. MAX Mar.2 CSH; 02: After Party Girl (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.9 CSH; 03: Finding Mr. Right Now (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:32. MAX Mar.16 CSH; 04: Hot For Teacher (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.23 CSH CO-ED CONFIDENTIAL 4PLAY FEATURE A compilation of episodes from the erotic series. 01: Coming and Going (AC,AL,N, SC) TVMA/S,L-1:30. MAX Mar.8 CSH; 02: The Pleasure Principle (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:28. MAX Mar.19 CSH COCKTAIL Young hotshot bartender Tom Cruise takes the bar scene by storm in this intoxicating drama. (AC,AL) R-1:43. MAX Mar.1,12,18,23,28 CDEH CODE OF SILENCE Chuck Norris cuts a tough figure as a Chicago vice cop who battles drug mobs and his own department’s corruption. (AL,GV) R-1:41. MAX Mar.1,9,13,17,26 CEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MARCH 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX COLD COMFORT FARM Sophisticated Londonite Kate Beckinsale sets out to make over her rustic rural cousins. (AC, AL) PG-1:44. MAX Mar.17 CSEH COLLATERAL DAMAGE An L.A. fireman undertakes a mission of revenge against the terrorist who killed his wife and son. Arnold Schwarzenegger stars. (AC,AL,V) R-1:49. HBO Mar.6,20,28 CDEH THE COLOR OF MONEY Aging pool shark Paul Newman mentors hotshot Tom Cruise in this sequel to The Hustler. (AC,AL,MV, N) R-2:00. MAX Mar.7,16,27 CDEH COMING TO AMERICA Eddie Murphy stars in this hit comedy as a pampered African prince who comes to NYC seeking a woman to be his queen. (AL,N) R-1:57. MAX Mar.5,11,16,21,31 CDEH CONEHEADS Sweet and funny comedy about a family of aliens from the planet Remulak trying to fit in in Paramus, N.J. Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin star. (AC,AL) PG-1:27. MAX Mar.7,27 CDEH CONTROL The promising but tragic life of 1970s British singer Ian Curtis is depicted in this moving drama. (AC,BN,GL,MV) R-2:02. MAX Mar.9,21 CDEH COOL RUNNINGS John Candy plays a disgraced ex-bobsledder who coaches an Olympic bobsled team from Jamaica. (AL, MV) PG-1:38. HBO Mar.3 CSEH COP OUT Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan team up as a pair of inept cops in this buddy-cop comedy. (AC,GL,V) R-1:47. HBO Mar.19,22,27,30 C5EH CORALINE A secret doorway leads a little girl into a dazzling and dangerous alternate world in this animated tale. (MV) PG-1:40. HBO Mar.2,8,11,17,20 C5EH CRIMSON TIDE A submarine commander and his top lieutenant wind up in a mutinous standoff during a nuclear crisis. Gene Hackman, Denzel Washington. (AL,V) R-1:56. MAX Mar.13,23,28 CDEH CRITTERS An invading pack of outerspace furballs devour everything in their path in a small Kansas town in this playful sci-fi flick. Dee Wallace Stone. (AL,V) PG13-1:26. MAX Mar.21 CDH D DANTE’S PEAK A long-dormant volcano rumbles to life and threatens to incinerate an idyllic mountain town. (AC,AL,V) PG131:48. HBO Mar.8 C5EH DARK FANTASIES College students participating in a sleep experiment get more than they bargained in this arousing erotic thriller. (AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:21. MAX Mar.4,13,17,21,26 CSH DARKMAN Sam Raimi’s comic-book-style thriller about a maimed scientist who uses his talents to take revenge on the gangsters who injured him. (AC,AL,V) R1:35. MAX Mar.4,20,29 CDEH DARKMAN II: THE RETURN OF DURANT Darkman’s archenemy returns from the grave to create more havoc. (AC,AL,V) R1:33. MAX Mar.4,20,30 CSEH DARKMAN III: DIE, DARKMAN, DIE! Darkman is entrapped by a businessman’s sexy mistress who wants to use him in her own evil experiments. (AC,AL,V) R1:27. MAX Mar.4,9,20 CSEH DATE NIGHT A couple’s wild night out brings a much-needed spark–and some danger–into their marriage. Steve Carell, Tina Fey. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:28. HBO Mar.1,6,9,12,14,17,19 C5EH DEAD AGAIN Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson play dual roles: in the present, they're a P.I. and an beautiful amnesiac; in the '40s, a composer and his wife. (AC,V) R-1:48. MAX Mar.12,25 CSEH DEADLY IMPACT Eight years after suffering a horrible tragedy at the hands of a mad bomber, a burned-out cop gets his shot at revenge. (AC,AL,V) TVMA/V,L1:36. MAX Mar.8,19,28 CSEH DEAR GOD A small-time con man finds his inner good guy working for the U.S. Postal Service in this heartwarming comedy. (AC, AL) PG-1:52. HBO Mar.7 CSEH DEATH DEFYING ACTS Famous magician Harry Houdini conjures up a romance with an alleged psychic in 1920s Scotland in this drama. Guy Pearce, Catherine ZetaJones and Timothy Spall. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:37. MAX Mar.2 CDEH DIARY OF A WIMPY KID A sixth grader attempts to find his place in the gawky adolescent world of junior high in this funny family film. (MV) PG-1:33. HBO Mar.2,12,14,20,22,25,26 C5EH DOMINO Keira Knightley stars as Domino Harvey, the turbulent wild child became the sexiest bounty hunter in the world. Mickey Rourke, Edgar Ramirez, Delroy Lindo. (AC, AL,N,V) R-2:08. HBO Mar.2 CDEH DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION A martial-arts teen embarks on a quest to find seven legendary dragonballs in this sci-fi film based on the graphic novels. (AC,AL,V) PG1:25. MAX Mar.2,11,17,22,27 CDEH E E.T. A boy tries to help a stranded extraterrestrial return to its outer-space home in this Steven Spielberg masterpiece. (MV) PG-1:54. HBO Mar.1,21 CSEH EASTBOUND & DOWN Season Two episodes of HBO’s hit comedy series starring Danny McBride. 07: Chapter 7 (AC, AL,N) TVMA/S,L-:29. HBO Mar.4 C 5EH; 08: Chapter 8 (AC,AL,N, V) TVMA/V,S,L-:29. HBO Mar.11 C5 EH; 09: Chapter 9 (AC,AL,MV,N) TVMA/S,L-:28. HBO Mar.18 C5E H; 10: Chapter 10 (AC,AL,MV,N) TVMA/ S,L-:29. HBO Mar.25 C5EH EDGE OF DARKNESS Mel Gibson stars as a vengeful police Boston officer who sets out to find his daughter’s killer. Ray Winstone, Danny Huston. (AL,V) R-1:57. MAX Mar.2,10,13,18,23,29 CDEH 8 HEADS IN A DUFFEL BAG Joe Pesci stars as a hit man who loses track of the heads of eight late mobsters. (AC,AL, V) R-1:35. HBO Mar.16 CSEH 8 SECONDS The rise of bull rider Lane Frost to rodeo stardom is depicted in this film based on his life. Luke Perry. (AC,MV) PG13-1:44. MAX Mar.1 CSEH THE EROTIC TRAVELER FEATURE 02: Object of Desire A compilation of episodes from this adult series about a renowned photographer and her experiences with a gorgeous young protegee. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:43. MAX Mar.11 CSH F FERNGULLY: THE LAST RAINFOREST Woodland fairies try to stop a tree-eating machine whose pollutants bring strength to a vile old spirit in this animated musical. G-1:16. HBO Mar.24 CSEH FIDDLER ON THE ROOF The Oscar®-winner about a poor Jewish milkman in Russia who must find husbands for his daughters. G-2:59. MAX Mar.18 CSEH FLASH GORDON The indestructible, intergalactic hero fights to save planet Earth in this sci-fi adventure. (AC,MV) PG-1:51. MAX Mar.20,31 CSEH FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS HBO’s hit musical/comedy series about two New Zealand troubadours living in NYC. 15: The Tough Brets (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-:28. HBO Mar.2,6,29 C5EH; 16: Murray Takes It to the Next Level (AC,AL) TV14/ L,D-:27. HBO Mar.15,23 C5EH FOOTLOOSE New kid in town Kevin Bacon defies the local minister's ban on dancing in this high-spirited musical. (AC,AL,BN, MV) PG-1:47. MAX Mar.5,29 CDEH THE FOURTH KIND A psychologist in a remote Alaskan town fears a series of local disappearances could be the result of alien abductions. Milla Jovovich. (AC,AL,V) PG131:38. MAX Mar.6,17,25 CDEH THE FRIGHTENERS Michael J. Fox must stop an evil force that has invaded his town in this fright-filled spookfest. (AC,AL,V) R1:50. MAX Mar.4,14,26 CDEH FROM HELL Johnny Depp stars as an eccentric, drug-addled detective who tries to smoke out Jack the Ripper in foggy 19th-century London. (AC,AL,GV,N) R2:02. HBO Mar.7,18 CDEH FUNNY OR DIE PRESENTS All-new episodes–including the Season Finale–of HBO’s hit sketch-comedy series. 19: (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L-:25. HBO Mar.4, 8,9,10 C5H; 20: (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:26. HBO Mar.11,15,16,17 C5H; 21: (AC,AL,V) TVMA/V, L:27. HBO Mar.18,22,23,24 C5 H; 22: (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:26. HBO Mar.25,29,30,31 C5H FUNNY PEOPLE Adam Sandler plays a comedy star whose life takes a turn after he's diagnosed with a terminal illness in this Judd Apatow comedy. Seth Rogen, Leslie Mann co-star. (AC,GL,MV) R-2:26. MAX Mar.1,6,10,21,30 CDEH G GASLAND HBO Documentary Films A cross-country look at how corporate America’s ‘clean energy’ zeal may be poisoning the water we drink. (AC,AL) TVPG/L,D-1:43. HBO Mar.3 CSEH GENTLEMEN BRONCOS A nerdy teen scripts an adventure about a space cowboy, only to have his story hijacked by a professional author. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:29. MAX Mar.18 CDEH GET HIM TO THE GREEK Transporting a washed-up rock star to his comeback concert turns into an insane journey for a junior record executive. R-1:49. MAX Mar.12,13,14,16,22,26,31 CDEH GHOST IN THE MACHINE The spirit of a psychotic serial killer invades a computer mainframe in this edge-of-your-seat techno-thriller. Karen Allen stars. (AC,AL, V) R-1:35. HBO Mar.25,27 CDEH GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST A lifelong loverboy gets a glance at his romantic past, present and future from three beautiful ghosts in this comedy. Matthew McConaughey stars. (AC,AL) PG13-1:41. MAX Mar.2,8,12,20,31 CDEH GOTHIKA Psychiatrist Halle Berry awakens in a terrifying predicament that leads her down a dark, evil path. With Robert Downey Jr., Penelope Cruz. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:38. MAX Mar.5,11,24 CDEH THE GREAT ESCAPE An “escape-proof” Nazi prison camp is no match for Steve McQueen and a group of resourceful POWs in this classic WWII drama. (AC,V) TVPG/V,D-2:52. MAX Mar.9 CEH GREEN ZONE A rogue military officer unravels a deepening conspiracy in Baghdad at the outset of the Iraq war in this action-thriller. Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, Brendan Gleeson star. (AL,V) R1:55. MAX Mar.26,27,28,30 CDEH H HALF BAKED Three pot-smoking pals light up the laughs when they attempt to free their jailed friend. (AC,GL,MV,N) R1:22. HBO Mar.13,23 C5EH HALF PAST DEAD An agent’s undercover operation in the refurbished Alcatraz prison is compromised. Steven Seagal. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:39. HBO Mar.20 CDEH THE HANGOVER One night in Vegas proves to be more than four guys arriving for a bachelor party can handle in this riotously raunchy comedy. (AC,AL,BN,MV) R-1:40. HBO Mar.8,13,17,23,26 C5EH HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE Harry Potter prepares to fulfill his destiny as the “Chosen One” in this sixth film in the hit series. (AC,V) PG-2:33. MAX CDEH Mar.5,11,14,19,24,29 HBO FIRST LOOK A behind-the-scenes look at upcoming feature films. The Adjustment Bureau (MV) TVPG/V-:12. HBO Mar.3,8,10,12 CSH; Hop TVPG-:13. HBO Mar.18,20,22,26,29, 31 CSH; Paul TVPG-:13. HBO Mar.7,13,15,17,19,23,25,28 CSH HE’S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU An interlinked group of men and women shine a light on the complexities of coupling in this romantic comedy. (AC,AL) PG13-2:09. MAX Mar.1,7,12,24,30 CDEH HEAD OF STATE Chris Rock heads for the White House in this comedy about a black politician who is thrust into the presidential race. Bernie Mac. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:35. MAX Mar.2,7,12,17,22,27 CDEH HEAR NO EVIL A deaf woman unknowingly holds a valuable stolen coin that a corrupt cop wants back. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:37. MAX Mar.10,28 CSEH THE HILLS HAVE THIGHS A group of pals fear their friend may be held by sexy mountain man-eaters. (AC,N,SC) TVMA/ S-1:17. MAX Mar.5,14,29 CDH HOLLYWOOD ENDING Woody Allen's comedy in which he plays a fading filmmaker whose last shot at the big time is threatened by psychosomatic blindness. (AC,AL) PG13-1:52. MAX Mar.14 CEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MARCH 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS Four kids are accidentally shrunk to the size of bugs in this fun family adventure. Rick Moranis. (MV) PG-1:33. MAX Mar.9 CSEH HOW I GOT INTO COLLEGE A lovestruck slacker struggles to get into a top campus after he falls for the class president. (AL) PG13-1:27. MAX Mar.17,29 CSEH I I CAN’T DO THIS, BUT I CAN DO THAT HBO Family Documentary A portrait of kids who overcame learning disabilities by focusing on their individual talents. TVG-:30. HBO Mar.12 CSEH I COULD NEVER BE YOUR WOMAN Sparks fly between a divorced TV producer and a twenty-something actor in this romantic comedy starring Michelle Pfeiffer. (AC,AL) PG13-1:37. MAX Mar.3,15 CDEH I SPY Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson team up as the classic mismatched spy duo in this comical remake. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:37. MAX Mar.5,15 CDEH ICE AGE: DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS The prehistoric pals trade the permafrost for paradise in this third adventure in the Ice Age series. (MV) PG-1:34. HBO Mar.1,16,19,24,27,30 C5EH IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER Daniel DayLewis stars in this drama about an Irishman and his fight to overturn his wrongful conviction in an IRA bombing. (AC,AL, V) R-2:13. HBO Mar.8 C5EH INDEPENDENCE DAY When alien invaders lay waste to planet Earth, it's up to a select group of survivors to make a last-ditch stand in this sci-fi smash. (AL,V) PG132:25. HBO Mar.6,16,22,26,31 CDEH THE INFORMANT! Matt Damon plays an eccentric and delusional company VP who turns FBI informant to expose corporate fraud in this amusing film. (AL,MV) R1:48. MAX Mar.3,11,22,26 CDEH IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY A host of domestic issues come to a risible head for a multigenerational family. Michael Douglas, Kirk Douglas. (AC,AL,BN) PG131:49. HBO Mar.21,29 C5EH IT’S COMPLICATED Two divorcees rediscover a bit of their old bedroom spark in this comedy. Meryl Streep. (AC,AL,BN) R2:00. MAX Mar.4,12,17,23 CDEH J JINGLE ALL THE WAY Arnold Schwarzenegger desperately searches for a hard-tofind toy for his son in this holiday comedy. (MV) PG-1:30. HBO Mar.8 CDEH JUST WRIGHT Sparks fly in a surprising way for physical therapist Queen Latifah in this sweet romantic comedy. (AC,MV) PG1:41. HBO Mar.26,27,29 C5EH JUWANNA MANN A basketball star transforms himself into a female hoopster after he’s kicked out of the NBA. (AC,AL) PG131:31. MAX Mar.4,8,19,23 CDEH K KATIE MORGAN’S SEX TIPS: QUESTIONS, ANYONE? Katie Morgan answers a sultry series of sex questions. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:26. HBO Mar.17 CSEH KINSEY Liam Neeson stars in this drama that details Professor Alfred Kinsey’s groundbreaking work on human sexual behavior in the 1940s. (GL,MV,N,SC) R1:58. MAX Mar.3,19 CDEH L LADY IN CEMENT Wisecracking P.I. Frank Sinatra suspects rich playgirl Raquel Welch of murder in this 1968 thriller. (AC,AL,N, V) PG-1:34. MAX Mar.21 CEH LAND OF THE LOST Will Ferrell and three pals time warp back to the prehistoric age in this comical adventure based on the cult 1970s TV series. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:42. HBO Mar.1,5,10,15,21 C5EH THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT A couple seeks murderous revenge on the criminals who attacked their daughter in this remake of the 1972 cult classic. (AC,GL,GV,N,RP) R-1:50. MAX Mar.1,16,27 CDEH THE LAST TRUCK: CLOSING OF A GM PLANT HBO Documentary Films An emotional film about the workers of a GM plant from the announcement of its closure to its last day in operation. (AC,AL) TV14/ L,D-:41. HBO Mar.26,31 CSEH LIBERTY STANDS STILL A man who blames a large gun company for his child's death takes aim at the company's heiress in a park. Linda Fiorentino. (AC,AL,V) R1:36. MAX Mar.6,15,31 CDEH LIFE ON TOP The sexy series about a college grad who moves to NYC and discovers her sister is an erotic model. 20: Farmer and the Bella (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.20 CSH; 21: The Phucket List (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:27. MAX Mar.1,2,5,20 C SH; 22: The Ex-Files (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:28. MAX Mar.4,6,8,9,12,20 CSH; 23: Blackout (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:27. MAX Mar.11,13,15,16, 19 CSH; 24: Bad Luck Chuck (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar. 18,20,22,23,26 CSH; 25: The Angelina Effect (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L:28. MAX Mar.25,27,29,30 CSH THE LIMITS OF CONTROL A well-traveled espresso-drinker makes his way around Spain for a peculiar job in this Jim Jarmusch film. Isaach De Bankole. (AC, GL,N,V) R-1:56. MAX Mar.20 CDH LINGERIE The sexy MAX After Dark series about a former model who tries to launch her own lingerie line. 10: Double Double (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar. 30 CSH; 11: Model Girlfriends (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:33. MAX Mar.7 CSH; 12: Runway Ready (AC,AL, N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:28. MAX Mar.7 CS H; 13: Rags to Riches (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:35. MAX Mar.10,22 CS H; 24: Exotic Dancer (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:29. MAX Mar.24 CSH LINGERIE FEATURE A compilation from the sizzling late-night series about a former model who tries to launch her own lingerie line. 05: Sheer Delight (AC, AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:56. MAX Mar.1 C SH; 06: Model Mayhem (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:27. MAX Mar.6 CSH THE LOSERS A motley group of CIA operatives seek revenge against the unknown heels who set them up for death in this action-thriller. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:37. HBO Mar.3,5,9,12 C5EH LOVE AND A BULLET A contract killer reconsiders his deadly career after he falls in love with his latest target: his boss's girlfriend. Anthony “Treach” Criss. (AC,AL, BN,GV) R-1:26. HBO Mar.9 CDEH LOVE AND DEATH Woody Allen’s send-up of Russian novels, movie epics and intellectual double-talk. Diane Keaton plays a befuddled beauty in search of a real hero. (AC) PG-1:25. MAX Mar.24 CEH LOVE LIZA A recently widowed man struggles to come to terms with his wife’s suicide in this drama. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jack Kehler, Sarah Koskoff. (AC, AL,N) R-1:30. MAX Mar.1 CSEH LOVE POTION NO. 9 A gypsy’s love elixir transforms one nerdy scientist into an inexhaustible lover and another into a sexy siren. Sandra Bullock stars. (AC,AL) PG131:36. HBO Mar.9,17,29 CSEH LOVELY & AMAZING Four related and dysfunctional women contemplate their neurotic lives in this witty film with Catherine Keener, Brenda Blethyn, Emily Mortimer, Dermot Mulroney. (AC,GL,MV, N) R-1:31. MAX Mar.16 CDEH THE LOVELY BONES A murdered girl watches over her family as they struggle to solve her disappearance in this adaptation of the bestseller. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:16. HBO Mar.10,14,18,26,30 C5EH M MACGRUBER The mullet-loving character from Saturday Night Live fame brings his comical brawn and crafty brains to the big screen in this comedy. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:30. HBO Mar.12,15,20,24,28 C5EH MAGIC & BIRD: A COURTSHIP OF RIVALS HBO Sports Documentary An exploration of the fierce rivalry between NBA superstars Larry Bird and Magic Johnson during their decade of dominance. (AL) TVPG/ L-1:28. HBO Mar.21,22 CSEH MAKING MILDRED PIERCE A behind-thescenes look at this five-part HBO Miniseries Event based on the classic novel about a uniquely independent woman in Depression-era California. :30. HBO Mar.1,5,11,15,16,21,27,31 CSEH THE MAKING OF... A behind-the-scenes look at feature films. Amelia (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-:13. HBO Mar.14,22 C SEH; The Blind Side TVG-:13. HBO Mar.12,15,21,26,30 CSH; Coraline TVPG-:13. HBO Mar.17 C 5E H; Land of the Lost (AC, AL,MV) TVPG/V,L,D-:13. HBO Mar.7,20 CS EH; Robin Hood (AC,V) TVPG/V,D-:13. HBO Mar.1,4,6,27 C SEH; State of Play (AC,AL,MV) TVPG/V,L,D-:10. HBO Mar.14 C SEH; Watchmen (MV) TVPG/ V-:13. HBO Mar.5,7 C5H MALIBU’S MOST WANTED A political candidate hires “gangsters” to scare straight his embarrassing rapping son in this comedy with Jamie Kennedy. (AC,AL, V) PG13-1:26. HBO Mar.4 CDEH MARLEY & ME Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston star in this heartfelt family film about an adorable dog with a hilarious destructive streak. (AC,MV) PG-1:56. HBO Mar.2,6,10,15,18 C5EH MARMADUKE This hilarious live-action family film follows the tail-wagging adventures of the massive Great Dane on the West Coast. (MV) PG-1:28. HBO C5EH Mar.12,18,24,27,30 MASTERCLASS HBO Documentary Series A look at a program that gives students access to artists. 02: Liv Ullmann (AL) TV14/L-:37. HBO Mar.14 CSEH; 03: Edward Albee (AL) TV14/L-:27. HBO Mar.19 CSEH; 07: Bill T. Jones (AL) TV14/L-:30. HBO Mar.1,21 CSEH MAX FINAL CUT: FUNNY PEOPLE The stars of Funny People join writer/director Judd Apatow for a lively interview. (AC,GL) TVMA/L-:09. MAX Mar.5 CSH MAX ON SET Behind the scenes. The Book of Eli (V) TVPG/V-:13. MAX Mar.20 CSH; Monsters vs. Aliens (MV) TVPG/V-:22. MAX Mar.7 CDEH MIDNIGHT COWBOY A naive young Texan’s dreams of success are destroyed by the grim realities of life on New York’s streets in this 1969 classic. (AC,AL,BN) R-1:53. MAX Mar.13 CSEH A MIGHTY WIND Hilarious satire about a trio of 1960s folk music groups that reunites for a tribute concert. (AC) PG131:32. HBO Mar.4 CDEH MILDRED PIERCE HBO Miniseries Event HBO’s riveting miniseries about a uniquely independent woman who finds herself newly divorced during the Depression. Part One & Part Two : (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L2:01. HBO Mar.27,29,30,31 C5EH MILLER’S CROSSING The Coen Brothers turn their sights to the Prohibition-era mob wars between a gangland kingpin and an upstart rival. Gabriel Byrne stars. (AC, AL,GV) R-1:55. MAX Mar.8 CSH MISS MARCH A guy just out of a coma treks to the Playboy Mansion with his screwball pal to win back his centerfold ex in this comedy. (AC,GL,MV,N) R-1:30. MAX Mar.5,9,20,25,31 CDEH THE MISTRESS OF SPICES A young Indian woman’s magical talents with spices goes awry when she falls in love. (AC,AL) PG13-1:36. MAX Mar.8 CDEH THE MOD SQUAD Three delinquents escape conviction for their crimes by teaming with the LAPD in this thriller based on the classic ’60s TV series. (AC,AL,V) R1:34. MAX Mar.2,25 CSEH MONSTER’S BALL Halle Berry won the 2001 Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal of a black waitress who falls in love with a racist white prison guard. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:52. MAX Mar.16,24 CDEH MONSTERS VS. ALIENS A nearly 50-foot tall woman leads other 1950s throwback monsters into battle against an alien menace in this animated comedy. (MV) PG-1:34. MAX Mar.3,28 CDEH MOUSE HUNT Two wacky brothers battle a rascally rodent in their newly inherited home. Nathan Lane, Lee Evans star. (AC, V) PG-1:38. HBO Mar.9 CDEH MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Kenneth Branagh brings the Shakespeare play to life in this “spirited” (Variety) adaptation of the classic comedy. (AC,AL,BN) PG131:51. HBO Mar.2,24 CSEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MARCH 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX MURDEROUS INTENT A lovers’ romance takes a dark turn when they plot the murder of the man’s wife. (AC,MV) TV14/ V,D-1:49. MAX Mar.8,13,25 CDEH MY SISTER’S KEEPER A daughter battles her parents for ownership of her body in this heart-pulling drama. Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin star. (AC,AL) PG13-1:49. HBO Mar.3,11,22,25 C5EH MYRA BRECKINRIDGE Raquel Welch is a brazen transsexual who takes Hollywood by storm in this brash 1970 comedy. (AC,AL,N) R-1:34. MAX Mar.7 CEH N NAKED LUST Erotic encounters bring a much-needed spark for a sexy rock star with writer's block. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:23. MAX Mar.3,18 CSH NATIONAL SECURITY Two rival ex-cops begrudgingly unite as security guards to stop a group of smugglers. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:28. HBO Mar.19 CDEH NEW BEST FRIEND A shy young woman’s introduction into an ultra-popular college social circle ends in tragedy. (AC,AL,N, V) R-1:31. HBO Mar.9 CDEH NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: BATTLE OF THE SMITHSONIAN Ben Stiller and his verymuch-alive museum exhibit pals face a global threat from some historical hellraisers in this sequel. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:45. MAX Mar.5,9,14,20,25,31 CDEH NIGHT FALLS ON MANHATTAN A New York D.A. struggles with his conscience when a police corruption case points to his own father. Andy Garcia stars. (AC,AL,V) R-1:54. MAX Mar.18,31 CSEH NOBODY’S FOOL An aging construction worker comes to grips with his family. Paul Newman, Bruce Willis. (AC,AL,BN) R1:50. MAX Mar.4,22 CSEH NORTH SHORE Arizona’s top surfer rushes off to Oahu to ride the waves of Hawaii’s rugged North Shore. Matt Adler stars. (AL) PG-1:35. HBO Mar.7 CSEH NUNS ON THE RUN Two inept crooks go on the lam from the cops and their murderous comrades in this comedy. (AC,AL,N) PG13-1:32. MAX Mar.11 CSEH O OCEAN’S ELEVEN George Clooney stars as a recently paroled crook who plans to pull off the ultimate Las Vegas heist in this stylish remake. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:57. HBO Mar.5,8,11,17,28 CDEH OLD SCHOOL A yearning for their old party days prompts a trio of aging college grads to start their own frat in this comedy. Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn. (AC,AL, N) R-1:30. HBO Mar.4,12,21 CDEH ONE HOUR PHOTO Robin Williams stars as a photo-processing worker who develops an unhealthy obsession with a young family. With Connie Nielsen. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:36. HBO Mar.3,22 CDEH ORPHAN A family discovers that the sweet nine-year-old girl they adopted may have an evil side in this chilling tale. Vera Farmiga, Peter Sarsgaard. (AC,AL,BN,MV) R-2:03. HBO Mar.6,19 C5EH OUR FAMILY WEDDING Wedding plans result in a major culture clash between two families–one Mexican-American, the other African American. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:43. MAX Mar.6,11,19,24 CDEH P PANIC ROOM Intruders force single mother Jodie Foster and her daughter to hole up in their new home’s specially designed “panic room” in this thriller. (AC,AL,V) R1:52. MAX Mar.1,17,27 CDEH PAVEMENT Lauren Holly stars as a beautiful homicide detective who teams up with a wilderness expert to stop a shrewd serial killer. With Robert Patrick. (AC,AL, V) R-1:31. HBO Mar.14 CDEH THE PEACEMAKER A brash intelligence expert and a no-nonsense nuclear scientist must find a cache of doomsday bombs before a band of extremists do. (AL,V) R2:04. HBO Mar.1,14,25 CDEH THE PEE-WEE HERMAN SHOW ON BROADWAY Pee-wee Herman brings Puppetland to Broadway–and the Playhouse to life–in this all-ages adaptation of the sensational stage show. (AC) TVPG/D1:27. HBO Mar.19,21,24,27,30 CSH THE PEOPLE VS. LARRY FLYNT Woody Harrelson stars as the controversial publisher who took his First Amendment fight to the Supreme Court. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:10. MAX Mar.4,13,17,22,30 CDEH A PERFECT GETAWAY Whispers of an island murder bring chills to a Hawaiian paradise for a honeymooning pair in this scary thriller. (AC,GL,GV,N) R-1:37. MAX CDEH Mar.5,11,15,20,24,30 PIRATE RADIO Philip Seymour Hoffman stars in this comedy about a group of deejays who went off-shore to broadcast rock music to the British. (AC,BN,GL,MV) R-1:56. MAX Mar.2,12,22,28 CDEH PLAY MISTY FOR ME Clint Eastwood directed and stars in this classic 1971 thriller about a late-night deejay who is pursued by a psychotic fan. Jessica Walter. (AC,V) R-1:42. MAX Mar.16 CEH POOTIE TANG The outrageous character must rely on a bodacious hooker to help him regain his powerful belt. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:21. HBO Mar.15,30 CDEH THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE The 1972 disaster classic in which survivors desperately try to escape a capsized ocean liner. (AL,V) PG-1:57. MAX Mar.12 CSEH POST GRAD A college grad’s ambitious life plan takes a detour when she discovers the rocky realities of the modern job market. Alexis Bledel stars. (AC,AL) PG13-1:29. HBO Mar.4,19,24,29 C5EH PRIVATE SCHOOL Phoebe Cates is a gorgeous 'good' girl who’s in danger of losing her boyfriend to the school siren. Betsy Russell, Matthew Modine. (AC,AL, N) R-1:28. MAX Mar.1,20 CEH PRIZZI’S HONOR Mafia hit man Jack Nicholson sees his perfect match in pretty hit woman Kathleen Turner. (AL,BN,V) R-2:09. MAX Mar.15 CDEH THE PROMISE: THE MAKING OF DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN HBO Special Presentation A look at Bruce Springsteen's fight for creative control on the classic album Darkness on the Edge of Town. (AC,AL) TV14/L, D-1:27. HBO Mar.24 C5EH PSYCHO Vince Vaughn stars as motherobsessed maniac Norman Bates in Gus Van Sant’s slick shot-for-shot remake of Hitchcock’s classic. Julianne Moore. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:44. MAX Mar.6,25 CDEH R REAL SEX 7 A look at a Chinese septuagenarian lover, a porno-movie seminar, and a nude photo shoot in Manhattan. (AC, AL) TVMA/L-:48. HBO Mar.24 CSE REAL SEX 33: STOCKS DOWN, SEX UP This sizzling special focuses on some of the inventive ways men and women are enhancing their sex lives in today's lean economic times. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-:44. HBO Mar.10,15,21 CSEH A REAL SEX XTRA: PORNUCOPIA: GOING DOWN IN THE VALLEY HBO’s sexy series that looks at the adult entertainment industry. 03: ‘Same Sex’ Sex (AC,AL,N, SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. HBO Mar.23,31 CSE REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL An all-new edition of HBO’s acclaimed Emmy®-winning sports magazine hosted by Bryant Gumbel. 167: (AL) TVPG/L-:58. HBO Mar.6 CSEH; 168: (AL) TVPG/L-:58. HBO Mar.30,31 CSEH REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER HBO’s talk/comedy series hosted live by Bill Maher. 204: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.4,6,7,9 CSH; 205: (AC,AL) TVMA/ L-:57. HBO Mar.11,13,14,16 CSH; 206: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.18, 20,21,23 CSH; 207: (AC,AL) TVMA/ L-:57. HBO Mar.25,27,28,30 CSH REDLINE In the near future, a bionically resurrected man stalks his killer through the grim Moscow underworld. (AC,AL,GV, N) R-1:34. HBO Mar.21 CSEH RENEGADES An undercover cop and a Native American man form an unlikely partnership aimed at revenge. (AC,AL,V) R-1:45. HBO Mar.17 CSEH RESIDENT EVIL Milla Jovovich leads an elite police unit into a contaminated biotech operation where employees have been turned into flesh-eating zombies. With Michelle Rodriguez. (AC,AL,GV,N) R1:40. HBO Mar.11,29 CDEH THE RICKY GERVAIS SHOW All-new Season Two episodes of HBO’s hilarious hit animated comedy series based on the record-setting audio podcasts. 20: Night Club (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:24. HBO Mar. 4,6,7,8 C5EH; 21: Future (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:24. HBO Mar.11, 13,14,15 C5EH; 22: Natural History (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:24. HBO Mar. 18,20,21,22 C5EH; 23: Leg Rubber (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:24. HBO Mar.25,27,28,29 C5EH RIDE WITH THE DEVIL Four young Missouri rebels band together to battle the Union during the U.S. Civil War in this historical drama. Tobey Maguire. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-2:18. HBO Mar.3 C5EH THE RING A reporter desperately tries to unlock the dark secrets behind a videotape that kills anyone who watches it within a week. Naomi Watts stars. (AC,AL,V) PG131:55. HBO Mar.8,25,31 CDEH RIVER’S EDGE An alienated group of teenagers react with shocking indifference when confronted by a brutal murder in this gripping 1986 cult classic. Crispin Glover. (AL,N,V) R-1:40. MAX Mar.14 CEH ROAD TO PERDITION Tom Hanks stars as a mob hit man in 1930s Illinois who takes his son on the run after his wife and youngest boy are slain by his boss. (AC, AL,V) R-1:57. HBO Mar.4,26 CDEH ROBIN HOOD Gladiator director Ridley Scott and star Russell Crowe reteam in this revisionist take on the “Robin Hood” legend. Cate Blanchett co-stars as Maid Marion. (AC,MV) PG13-2:20. HBO Mar. 5,6,8,13,19,23,26,28 C5EH RUNNIN’ REBELS OF UNLV HBO Sports Documentary A look at the UNLV men's basketball team and their controversial coach Jerry Tarkanian from 1973 to 1992. (AC,AL) TVPG/L,D-:57. HBO Mar.12, 14,16,20,22,26,28,29,31 CSEH RUSH Two undercover narcotics cops step over the line of duty when they start abusing drugs in this drama. Jason Patric, Jennifer Jason Leigh. (AC,AL,GV, N) R2:00. MAX Mar.15,28 CSEH S SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER John Travolta ignites the screen as Brooklyn's Tony Manero, swirling and swaying to the Bee Gees' groovy soundtrack. (AC,AL,BN) R1:59. MAX Mar.4,14,26 CDEH SCOOBY-DOO Scooby and his mysteryloving pals investigate spooky doings at an amusement park. Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard star. (V) PG-1:26. MAX Mar.3 CDEH SECRET LIVES A lawyer is forced to keep secrets from his detective girlfriend in this steamy adult film. (AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V, S,L-1:19. MAX Mar.10,25 CSH THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH Marilyn Monroe is the irresistible temptress for love-starved 'summer bachelor' Tom Ewell in this 1955 classic. Also with Evelyn Keyes. (AC) TVPG/D-1:44. MAX Mar.7 CSEH SHADRACH A bigoted white family takes in both the rich boy next door and a 99-yearold former slave in this Depression-era tale. Harvey Keitel stars. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:28. MAX Mar.17 CSEH SHALLOW HAL A womanizer falls for an overweight girl after a spell is cast that forces him to see inner beauty. Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black star. (AC,AL) PG131:54. MAX Mar.6,16,29 CDEH SHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE An average guy and a perfect 10 try to make their unlikely romance work in this romantic comedy. Jay Baruchel. (AC,GL,V) R-1:45. HBO Mar.7,11,19,29 C5EH SHOOT TO KILL Suave FBI agent Sidney Poitier and rough backwoodsman Tom Berenger track a vicious killer across the woods of the Pacific Northwest. (AC,AL, V) R-1:50. HBO Mar.2 CSEH SHORTS A wish-granting rock falls into various hands resulting in small-town mayhem in this fun family tale. (MV) PG1:29. HBO Mar.16,25 C5EH A SIMPLE WISH Martin Short stars as a screwball fairy godmother who becomes the accident-prone answer to a little girl’s wish in this comedy. Mara Wilson. (AC) PG-1:29. MAX Mar.11 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MARCH 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX SIN CITY DIARIES FEATURE Vegas highrollers turn to a sexy concierge for their fantasies in this compilation from the erotic series. 02: Inside Out (AC,AL,MV,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:48. MAX Mar.24 CSH SINBAD: LEGEND OF THE SEVEN SEAS Sinbad the sailor must retrieve the stolen Book of Peace from a goddess with a penchant for chaos in this animated tale. (AC, AL,MV) PG-1:25. HBO Mar.30 CDEH THE SKULLS An Ivy League crew star gets the chance of a lifetime when he is invited to join the secretive Skulls society in this thriller. Joshua Jackson. (AC,AL,V) PG131:47. HBO Mar.17,22,30 C5EH SNEAKERS Robert Redford leads a highly skilled tech team against a top computer thief in this caper. With Dan Aykroyd, Ben Kingsley, Mary McDonnell. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:05. MAX Mar.3,23 CDEH SOLARIS Steven Soderbergh's cerebral remake of the 1972 sci-fi classic about a doctor who encounters his late wife on a space station. George Clooney. (AC,BN,V) PG13-1:38. MAX Mar.2,27 CDEH SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Clark Gable stars as a bold adventurer in this 1955 classic of exotic intrigue. Susan Hayward co-stars. TVG-1:36. MAX Mar.7 CSEH THE SOLOIST Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. star in this film about a newspaper columnist who discovers a violin virtuoso living on the streets of L.A. (AC, MV) PG13-1:57. HBO Mar.7 C5EH SONGCATCHER A frustrated musicologist fights to preserve the timeless music sung by locals of Appalachia. Janet McTeer. (AC, V) PG13-1:49. MAX Mar.6 CDEH SPIRIT: STALLION OF THE CIMARRON A wild horse yearns to be free after he is captured by a nasty U.S. colonel in this hit animated 2002 Oscar®-nominated film. G-1:23. MAX Mar.24 CSEH STANDING STILL Love, sex, laughs, confrontation and more ensue when a pack of old college friends reconnect for a wedding in this comedy-drama. (AC,AL) R-1:30. MAX Mar.8 CDEH STARSKY & HUTCH Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson reteam as plain-clothes buddy cops in this hilarious spoof of the hit 1970s TV crime series. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-1:41. HBO Mar.7,16,22,27,31 CDEH STATE OF PLAY The murder of a politician’s aide scratches the surface of a conspiracy and leads Russell Crowe on the hunt for the truth. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:07. HBO Mar.1,4,14,23 C5EH STUART LITTLE 2 Stuart the mouse is led by his heart on a series of spectacular adventures after he meets a pretty little bird in this fun-filled sequel. (AC,MV) PG-1:18. MAX Mar.14 CDEH SUPER TROOPERS Outrageous comedy about a pack of screwball state troopers who are trying to save their jobs. With Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme and Paul Soter. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:40. HBO Mar.20,31 CDEH SURF NINJAS Two surfing slackers get the gnarly news that they are the crown princes of a tiny island nation. Ernie Reyes Jr., Rob Schneider, Tone Loc. (AC,AL, MV) PG-1:27. HBO Mar.3 CSEH SWITCH A dead man is not allowed to enter Heaven unless he can go back as a female and find a woman on Earth who likes him. Ellen Barkin, Jimmy Smits. (AC,AL) R-1:43. MAX CDEH T TALES FROM THE CRYPT PRESENTS BORDELLO OF BLOOD Wisecracking private eye Dennis Miller tracks a missingpersons case back to a seedy bordello run by a vicious vampire madam. (AC,AL,GV, N) R-1:26. MAX Mar.2,22 CDEH TALES FROM THE CRYPT PRESENTS DEMON KNIGHT The battle between good and evil comes to a head at a boarding house where residents come under siege by bloodthirsty demons. (AC,GL,GV,N) R-1:32. MAX Mar.13,23 CDEH TAXICAB CONFESSIONS America Undercover Unaware that they’re being taped, New Yorkers share startling revelations with cab drivers. (AC,BN,GL) TVMA/L-1:02. HBO Mar.3,8 CSE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II: THE SECRET OF THE OOZE The half-shell heroes are back to battle the evil Shredder once again in this cool sequel. (AC,AL, V) PG-1:28. MAX Mar.1 CSH THIRTEEN CONVERSATIONS ABOUT ONE THING A group of intertwined characters come together in this story that contemplates the attainment of happiness. (AC, AL) R-1:44. HBO Mar.17 C5EH THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN Coins tossed in the Trevi Fountain in Rome lead to romance for three American women. (AC) TVPG/D-1:42. MAX Mar.13 CSEH THE THREE FACES OF EVE Joanne Woodward won a 1957 Best Actress Oscar® for her performance as a woman with three conflicting personalities. (AC) TVPG/D-1:31. MAX Mar.3 CH THREE MEN AND A BABY Three bachelors find a baby on their step and try to become responsible dads...with hysterical results! Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson. (AL) PG-1:42. MAX Mar.12,24 CDEH THE THREE MUSKETEERS The Musketeers are joined by a fourth man in their effort to stop Cardinal Richelieu from forming a dangerous alliance. (MV) PG1:45. MAX Mar.1,13,18,23,31 CDEH THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTFOOT Clint Eastwood is the leader of a safecracking team trying to pull off the same heist they engineered years before in this tale. (AC, AL,N,V) R-1:55. MAX Mar.11 CEH THURGOOD HBO Films Special Presentation Laurence Fishburne plays Thurgood Marshall, the first African American to serve on the Supreme Court. (AL) TV14/L1:45. HBO Mar.2,5,9,18 C5EH THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE A time traveler and his wife forge an unlikely love affair despite his uncontrolled jumps in time. Rachel McAdams. (MV) PG13-1:47. MAX Mar.4,9,17,27 CDEH TOOTH FAIRY Dwayne Johnson stars as a hockey-playing hellion who turns into a tutu-wearing Tooth Fairy in this funny family film. (MV) PG-1:41. MAX Mar.5,6,7,9,15,19,25,31 CDEH TRACY MORGAN: BLACK AND BLUE Tracy Morgan delivers his hilarious takes on race relations, politics, celebrity, flying and more in this stand-up special. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.24 CDH TRANSAMERICA Felicity Huffman stars in this comedy-drama as a pre-operative transsexual who reconnects with a recently discovered son on the road. (AC, GL,N,V) R-1:44. MAX Mar.7 CDEH TRIANGLE: REMEMBERING THE FIRE HBO Documentary Films A look at a catastrophic 1911 industrial fire in NYC and the reforms that came in its wake. (AC) TVPG/D:39. HBO Mar.21,25,27,31 C5EH TURNER & HOOCH Anal-retentive cop Tom Hanks shelters a murder witness—a giant, slobbering dog—in this charming and heartwarming comedy. (AL,V) PG-1:40. MAX Mar.6,10,18,28 CDEH TWELVE MONKEYS Bruce Willis is a convict from the future sent back in time to find a treatment for the deadly virus that decimated mankind. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:09. MAX Mar.3,8,12,21,25 CDEH U THE UCLA DYNASTY A look back at the UCLA Bruins and their remarkable reign as NCAA basketball champions during the 1960s and 1970s. (AL) TVPG/L-1:00. HBO Mar.7,12,17 CSEH UNFAITHFUL Diane Lane earned a 2002 ® Best Actress Oscar nomination for her role as a housewife who gets blown into a whirlwind affair. Richard Gere. (AC,AL,N, V) R-2:04. HBO Mar.15 CDEH UNKNOWN Five men awaken in a chemical plant warehouse with no memory of how they got there or why. Jim Caviezel, Greg Kinnear, Joe Pantoliano. (AC,AL,V) TVMA/ V,L-1:25. HBO Mar.18 C5EH W WAITING TO EXHALE Four young Phoenix women lean on each other for support while dealing with bad relationships. Whitney Houston, Angela Bassett. (AC,AL, N) R-2:03. HBO Mar.24 C5EH WARGAMES: THE DEAD CODE A techsavvy teen runs for his life after being fingered for possible terrorist activity in this cyberspace sequel. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:40. MAX Mar.6,10,18,23,28 CDEH WATCHMEN A group of retired super heroes reunite when the murder of one of their own points to a much-larger threat in this comic adaptation. (AC,AL,BN,RP,V) R-2:42. HBO Mar.5,10,16 C5EH WAYNE’S WORLD The blockbuster comedy with Mike Myers and Dana Carvey as a pair of Illinois nitwits who take their local cable TV show national. (AC,AL) PG13-1:34. MAX Mar.8,18 CDEH WAYNE’S WORLD 2 The spirit of a late rock legend prompts Wayne and Garth to launch their own music festival in this hilarious comedy sequel. (AC,AL) PG131:35. MAX Mar.8,18 CDEH THE WEIGHT OF WATER A photojournalist sets out for the New England coast to investigate a 100-year-old murder case. Catherine McCormack, Sean Penn. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:54. MAX Mar.9 CDEH WHAT A WAY TO GO! Shirley MacLaine finds a lot of good husbands...but they all keep kicking the bucket in this 1964 romp. Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum. (AC) TVPG/D-1:51. MAX Mar.9 CEH WHIP IT A rebellious small-town Texas girl comes of age in the bone-jarring world of women’s roller derby. Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden star. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:51. HBO Mar.5,9,21,27,29 C5EH WHITEOUT U.S. Marshal Kate Beckinsale is ensconced in murder and mystery at an isolated research outpost in frosty Antarctica in this chiller. (AC,GL,GV,N) R1:41. MAX Mar.6,11,16,24 CDEH WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? Magical live-action/animated film about a rascally rabbit who gets framed for murder and the grumpy detective who helps him. (AC,V) PG-1:44. MAX Mar.5,24 CDEH WILD RIVER Montgomery Clift finds backwoods violence and romance when he tries to persuade an old woman to sell her land in this 1960 film. Lee Remick costars. TVG-1:50. MAX Mar.20 CEH WILL FERRELL: YOU’RE WELCOME AMERICA. A FINAL NIGHT WITH GEORGE W BUSH Will Ferrell portrays President George W Bush in this special performance of his one-man Broadway show. (AC,AL, N) TVMA/S,L-1:32. HBO Mar.23 CDH THE WOLFMAN Benicio Del Toro is the cursed young gentleman who transforms into a bloodthirsty werewolf by the full moon in this scary remake. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:42. HBO Mar.2 C5EH Z ZANE’S SEX CHRONICLES FEATURE A compilation from the sexy series about five friends who enjoy the blog of erotic writer Zane. 02: Passion (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:15. MAX Mar.12,28 CSH PLEASE NOTE: We now use the following new TV Parental Guidelines. We hope that, used in conjunction with our usual content advisories, they will help you make more informed viewing decisions. TVY Appropriate for all children TVY7 Directed to older children TVG For General audiences TVPG Parental guidance suggested TV14 Parental guidance strongly suggested TVMA Mature audiences only Below is a detailed list of content advisories for our programs to help you make more informed viewing decisions for you and your family. They also appear on HBO at the start of each program. AC Adult content BN Brief nudity AL Adult language N Nudity GL Graphic language SC Strong sexual MV Mild violence content V Violence RP Rape GV Graphic Violence C indicates closed-captioned programs. Special decoder needed. s indicates programs in stereo, where available. d indicates programs with Dolby Surround Encoding, where available. Registered TM of Dolby Laboratories. Used with permission. E indica programas en español, donde fuesen disponibles. h indicates high definition (HD) version will air on HD feed, where available. In homes using HD feed, E function is not accessible. 5 indicates programs in Dolby Digital 5.1, where available. ©2011 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. Oscar and the Academy Award are registered trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Exclusive titles are exclusive on national pay cable to HBO during the term of their license. HBO reserves the right to make a schedule change or program substitution without notice. Flight of the ConchordsSM service mark and trademarks are used by Home Box Office, Inc. under license. © 2009 Warner Bros. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K. Rowling. HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. All rights reserved. Alvin and the Chipmunks and Characters TM & © 2009 Bagdasarian Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ICE AGE DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS TM & © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. COMING IN APRIL SERIES Premiere Sunday, APRIL 17, 9pm/8c SEX AND THE CITY 2 SPLICE ON HBO ON CINEMAX CINEMA VERITE ON HBO THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT ON CINEMAX