rights catalogue
rights catalogue
RIGHTS CATALOGUE Frankfurt 2014 Workbook / NEW Wytwórnik kulinarny Culinary workbook Text and illustrations: Katarzyna Bogucka, Szymon Tomiło 29 x 41 cm, 24 pages, soft cover First edition: October, 2014 Age group 4+ Theme: food, cooking, spending time together Description: Each double page has an activity to be completed connected with food and cooking. You can plan your shopping, go to a market, have a picnic, organize an international feast, find out what a vegan could eat and learn how to make a brioche. All you need is anything to draw. Workbook / NEW Wytwórnik ekologiczny Eco activity workbook Text, illustrations and graphic design: Agnieszka Bałdyga, Edyta Marszałek (Baobaby Studio) 29 x 41 cm, 24 pages, soft cover First edition: Spring 2015 Age group 5+ Theme: ecology, fun and eco-education. Description: Each double page has an activity to be completed connected with an eco-idea. These are: water saving, alternative sources of electricity, healthy diet, bees preservation, garbage selection, consumption increase, green areas in cities. Workbook Wytwórnik domowy/ Home-made home Text, illustrations and graphic design: Agata Królak 29 x 41 cm, 24 pages, soft cover First edition: December 2013 Age group 3+ Theme: home design, drawing, creativity Description: Home decorating step by step and as you like it. There is plenty to imagine and draw: near-home garden, diner on a table in a dining-room, a fridge to load in a kitchen, water in a bathtub, and many more. RIGHTS SOLD TO CHINA. Fiction / NEW Mam prawo i nie zawaham się go użyć! I have the rights and I will not hesitate to use them! Text: Joanna Olech Illustrations and graphic design: Edgar Bąk 16,5 x 20,5 cm, 88 pages, hard cover First edition: May, 2014 Age group 5+ Theme: children’s rights, human rights Description: A whole palette of fairy tale characters in a full of action book about children’s rights. Their leader - a girl called Little Red Riding Hood is like a super-cop standing for those who are not aware of their rights. Nine short stories about respect, tolerance, freedom of speech, dignity, equal treatment. PICTURE BOOK / BACKLIST Kto ty jesteś? Who are you? Text: Joanna Olech Illustrations and graphic design: Edgar Bąk 23 x 28 cm, 52 pages, hard cover First edition: May 2013 Age group 5+ Theme: public spirit, civil society, patriotism. Description: The goal of this book is to present the idea of patriotism that is not beyond children’s capability and understanding. Its sense is local, civil and universal. It consists of a list of declarations like “I read a lot. I am a patriot”, “I do not waste water. I am a patriot.”, “I help. I am a patriot.” The graphic design has a form of posters expanding interpretation. PICTURE BOOK / NEW Co słychać? What do I hear here? Text: Anna Czerwińska-Rydel Illustrations and graphic design: Monika Hanulak and Małgorzata Gurowska 23 x 28 cm, 48 pages, hard cover First edition: Spring 2015 Age group 5+ Theme: educational, music, musical rhythm and dynamics Description: Here's The Allegri family. We could observe them in their everyday life. They have dinner, they plan holidays, they spend their time together. But they do things in their own way, in own rhythm. The author of the book found a smart way to explore and define Italian expressions like forte, legato, marcato, piano… and many more. PICTURE BOOK / BACKLIST Wszystko gra All tuned up Text: Anna Czerwińska-Rydel Illustrations: Marta Ignerska 23 X 28 cm, 36 pages, hard cover First edition: 2011 Age group 5+ Theme: music, philharmonic orchestra, tunes Description: The philharmonic orchestra tunes up before a concert. Each instrument shows its possibilities and explains its role in a group. Awards: 2014 Nominee for German Children’s Literature Award 2012 BolognaRagazzi Award Non Fiction category 2012 European Design Awards, Silver Medal The Book of the Year 2012 (IBBY) RIGHTS SOLD TO GERMANY (mixtvision) BRAZIL (Cosac Naive) KOREA (BIR Publishing) MEXICO (Petra Ediciones) PICTURE BOOK / BACKLIST Co tu jest grane? What is playing here? Text: Anna Czerwińska Illustrations: Katarzyna Bogucka Graphic design: Anna Niemierko 23 x 28 cm, 36 pages, hard cover First edition: 2012 Age group 5+ Theme: educational, music, musical forms, cooking. Description: The book introduces musical forms: fugue, sonata, variations, rondo and a few others. You are invited to a special bakery with musical forms as author of the book compares them to… cakes and pastries. PICTURE BOOK / BACKLIST: Ilustrowany elementarz dizajnu, czyli 100 rzeczy narysowanych przez 25 ilustratorów Ilustrated book of design. 100 objects illustrated by 25 artists. Text: Ewa Solarz Layout: Anna Niemierko Illustrators: AROBAL Bartek Kociemba, Jan Bajtlik, Katarzyna Bogucka, Ada Buchholc, Agata Dudek, Emilia Dziubak, Joanna Gniady, Małgorzata Gurowska, Monika Hanulak, Marta Ignerska, Tymek Jezierski, Paweł Jońca, Karolina Kotowska, Tomasz Leśniak, Anna Niemierko, Ola Niepsuj, Agata ENDO Nowicka, Marianna Oklejak, Joanna Rusinek, Dawid Ryski, Marta Sławińska, Maria Strzelecka, Marta Szudyga, Dennis Wojda, Aleksandra Woldańska-Płocińska 21 x 19 cm, 112 pages, hard cover First edition: October 2012 Theme: design Description: Design is everywhere. Each thing should be designed before it is produced. Starting from small objects like a paperclip, a perfume bottle to big ones like an airplane. The author of the book has chosen 100 objects that we could observe and use in everyday life. Each object is described where it was created, by whom and when. The chosen objects are illustrated by 25 Polish well-known graphic designers and illustrators. Fiction / BACKLIST Pampilio Pampilio Text: Irena Tuwim Illustrations and graphic design: Monika Hanulak Format: 23 x 28 cm, 36 pages, hard cover First edition: 2010 Age group 5+ Theme: classic fairy tale Description: In the kingdom of animals there is a lack of food. Animals find a beautiful tree with fruit they do not know. They send messengers to the king Lion to find out its name and if it is good to eat. The Lion reveals the name Pampilio and allows animals to eat it. But neither the Rhino, the Goat and the Pig could not remember the Pampilio name. There is one unexpected hero who saves the kingdom. Awards: Honorary Mention The Best Designed Book from All Over the World 2012 Book of the Year 2010 IBBY RIGHTS SOLD TO FRANCE (Helium) PICTURE BOOK / BACKLIST O malarzu rudym jak cegła About a painter redhead like a brick Text and illustrations: Janusz Stanny 20 x 29 cm, 24 pages, hard cover Second edition: 2006 Age group 3+ Description: Reprint from 1961. Artistic credo of Janusz Stanny – a master of illustration of the 60. A poem about a painter who creates his world with his talent, imagination, a brush and paint. The book is simple and witty, perfectly composed as each double page forms clear visual story drawn by synthetic lines. The book was very modern 50 years ago and still remains the one. RIGHTS SOLD TO FRANCE (Editions MeMo) KOREA (Yeoyoudang) PICTURE BOOK / BACKLIST Baśń o królu Dardanelu A tale of the king Dardanel Text and illustrations: Janusz Stanny 28 x 27 cm, 24 pages, hard cover Third edition: 2005 Age group 3+ Theme: individuality Description: Reprint from 1971. The masterpiece of the famous illustrator and a poet, a children’s classic combining subtle humour of rhymed phrase with amazing graphics. A tale of the king who decides to completely change his royal habits. RIGHTS SOLD TO FRANCE (Editions MeMo) KOREA (Yeoyoudang) PICTURE BOOK / BACKLIST Tuwim. Wiersze dla dzieci Tuwim. Poems for children Text: Julian Tuwim Illustrations: Gosia Gurowska, Monika Hanulak, Marta Ignerska, Agnieszka Kucharska, Ania Niemierko, Gosia Urbańska, Justyna Wróblewska 28 x 20 cm, 144 pages, hardcover First edition: 2005 Age group 3+ Description: Humorous, world-class, classic poetry illustrated by the youngest generation of Polish graphic designers. The project is revolutionary as it presents the new, fresh and modern interpretation for widely known poems. Awards: BolognaRagazzi Award 2008 in Poetry category Honorary Mention Book of the Year 2008 IBBY Honorary Mention BIB Bratyslava 2008 RIGHTS SOLD TO ITALY (Oreccio Acerbo) Publisher: Magda Kłos-Podsiadło tel. +48 509 914 357 magdalenaklos@wytwornia.com Wytwórnia ul. Wełniana 31F 02-833 Warszawa Polska/Poland www.wytwornia.com Agent for Brazil: Patricia Siebel Seibel Publishing Services Ltd. patricia@seibelpublishingservices.com Agent for Italy: Anna Mioni AC2 literary agency via de Mandelo 14 I - 35142 Padova, Italy phone and fax +39.0498809768 cell +39.3479369019 anna@ac2.eu Agent for South Korea: Claire Moon Orange Agency #624 Suji Charmant B/D, 410 Poeundaero, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 448170 Korea Tel: 82 (0)31 262 8623 (Direct: 82 (0)70 7825 8462) / Fax: 82 (0)31 262 8624 http://www.orangeagency.co.kr moon@orangeagency.co.kr / clairemoonorange@gmail.com